#Mammon is adorable and I wanna tease him constantly
misc-obeyme · 25 days
mammon vs solomon. not in a magic or physical way but in a "who wins the title of down bad white haired idiot" way
That is a tough choice, anon!
I feel like if we polled the fandom, Mammon would win.
But I dunno, they feel pretty equally down bad & dumb about it to me lol. They just react differently to it.
Mammon has his tsundere thing and I always felt like most of this was about him wanting to keep his image as a cool guy in tact. He wants people think he's cool, so he can't exactly talk about feelings, you know? But apart from that, I kinda think he's also just unaware of his own feelings a lot of the time. He's good at figuring out how other people are feeling, but when it comes to himself he's far more clueless. Just doesn't wanna deal with the implications.
Solomon on the other hand does something different about his down badness. He knows he's hopelessly in love with MC and he lets himself indulge in that feeling sometimes. Especially when it comes to protecting MC or helping them out with something or whatever. But Solomon's big issue is that he believes that MC is going to choose someone else over him every time, specifically the brothers. And that's what holds him back.
And I kinda think both of them are so in love it makes them a little stupid. Mammon will say stuff like of course you're in love with the Great Mammon!! Like over the top about it lol. Solomon will go out of his way to do things for MC, almost to an obsessive degree. This guy followed them to the past, after all. He's also stepped into the face of danger to protect them. They both kinda lose the sense of their own self preservation.
Anyway, I love them both! I guess I have a thing for white haired down bad idiots? Huh. Things I didn't know about myself.
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pro-mammonologist · 8 months
Mc in a Poly Relationship with Lucifer and Mammon!!!
- kings of possessiveness and jealously
- as long as they keep their sins in check it’s not overwhelming just a little annoying
- luckily, mammon loves and adores and admires Lucifer and Lucifer loves and adores and admires mammon, they’d much rather share their mc with each other than anyone else
- Lucifer wanted to split mc time in half during the week but since he wanted the 4th day, mammon was unbelievably pissed
- it actually took a third fourth fifth sixth party (diavolo, Asmo, Simeon, and Barbatos [who was going batshit]) to get Mammon and Lucifer straight
- now they let mc choose when they want them however mc often wants both of their attention at once
- mc usually lays on one of them facing up while the other lays on top of their chest and stomach. No blanket needed.
- Lucifer and Mammon actually get along better when dating mc at the same time because they’re constantly forced to confront each other
- mammon has less opportunities for mischief now poor baby
- sex was initially the easiest thing to deal with the both of them, they’ve shared partners in the past no biggie
- but what happens when the most sexually pent up stressed demon daddy and the horniest greediest most hyper demon daddy have to share one human? Yeah they learned a lot about human sexual health. No breeding for them.
- Lucifer and Mammon very very very rarely fuck mc together because they’re so different in the way that they fuck. (At least that’s what they think, just take away their personalities and boom same approach)
- Lucifer likes to have mc sleep in his room but mammon prefers it when he sleeps in mc’s but they all sleep in Lucifer’s together when mc wants it
- mammon was very distraught by Lucifer’s toy collection (he thought he was busy all the time)
- Lucifer was appalled by mammons (this is where all your Grimm goes?)
- mc enjoys both collections.
- both demons help each other with aftercare. Lucifer just finished an impact scene? Mammon drops off waters outside the door and runs a bath while they’re getting themselves straight. Mammon and Mc had some rough overstimulation? Lucifer has breathing practices and massage techniques listed out on a note he slipped under the door.
- Lucifer likes to tease mammon with photos of their outings but one thing he’s always sure to do is make sure his face isn’t in it no money for mammon
- mammon doesn’t tease Lucifer too much when it’s just him and Mc but he does send messages like “hey. Look at them. They’re so happy. I wanna squeeze em.” And Lucifer just sends a thumbs up like a dad would.
- Lucifer responds very differently to Mc, instead he sends entire paragraphs. “That food looks delicious. You look amazing, mammon should be grateful I’m allowing this. Next time I will go with you and I will do everything you’d like, so long as afterwards I can really taste what’s actually delicious.” He’s corny but it’s precious.
- mc lowkey has to schedule when they have sex because they really really both want it 24/7. Must record for them to watch when they’re extra desperate later on but mc isn’t feeling it.
- they’d never admit it but they love when they all get to sleep together
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anenbylittlepotato · 3 years
What are the reactions of the demon brothers to MC's pet bunny who gives bunny kisses to the brothers?
Aww, this is so cute! 🥺
The Demon Bros with MC's Pet Bunny
When he first sees MC's bunny he just groans. He has to take care of a human and a bunny now?! Why doesn't Diavolo tell him these things?!
He just sighs and takes a moment to make peace with the fact that he'll just have to buy bunny food for the next year... Right...?
NOPE. Turns out taking care of a bunny is much more work than it seems, as MC explains to him. Great...
So uh... Yeah, safe to say that he has nothing but burning hatred for this bunny at first. Stop causing him so much more work dammit.
But honestly, who could conceivably stay mad at a bunny for long? They're so round and soft and fluffy and adorable. Even Lucifer, the almighty himself, isn't immune to a bunny's charms.
Eventually, the tiny little thing grows on him. He never lets any of his brothers see, but he'll occasionally slip the bunny a little treat or two, and sometimes he'll set the bunny on his desk while he works so he can reach over and pet her occasionally. And one time when he was sitting on the couch while his brothers were away and he was so stressed out to the point that he was almost tempted to bash his head against a wall, the little thing came up to him and just??? Puts her tiny little paws on his foot??? And looked up at him with those big round eyes, nose twitching and ears perked??? Almost like she was concerned for him??? Oh, he's in love. Now every time he's stressed out like that, he seeks out your bunny for comfort.
But then??? One day??? The bunny??? Gives him little bunny kisses??? Oh, he melts. This man is fucking putty. He's weak.
Please, this man loves your bunny. But of course, he never shows it around his brothers. And he rarely shows it around you. It's just a him and the bunny thing. No one else needs to know.
The moment this man sees your bunny for the first time he's in love. Love at first sight is real, my dudes.
But she's just so??? Small??? And round??? And fluffy??? And cute??? How could you NOT love such a thing, honestly?
He still complains when he has to take care of you, but he's still really excited about your bunny.
This man,,, spoils the hell out of your bunny. He's constantly smothering her with love, and he constantly gives her little treats and gives her carrots and lettuce and any little snacks that she likes. And he lets her up on the couch and he holds her in his lap. He's adopted your bunny. That's his bunny now.
And when the bunny gives him little bunny kisses? He's dead. His heart spontaneously combusts right then and there. He didn't think he could love this bunny any more than he did, but then it happened. Please, bunny, you're going to be the death of him.
He definitely doesn't let his brothers see how much he loves this bunny though. He knows they would endlessly hound on him for it.
Honestly? He's definitely not very fond of your bunny when he first sees her. Sorry, but he's much more privy to reptilian and aquatic animals. Land mammals aren't really his thing.
They're just so... Weird to him, honestly. Those big weird eyes, the fact that they're completely covered in fuzz as if they're a moldy piece of food, their weird nails and their weird little noses. They freak him out.
So yeah, definitely not a fan of the bunny. He avoids her at all costs. Every time the bunny comes near him or touches him in any way, he's immediately in his demon form and leaps to the other side of the room, moving faster than anyone's ever seen him move in his life. Get that thing away from him-
His brothers find this so damn amusing. Especially Mammon. Mammon constantly pulls pranks on Levi that involve the bunny (though, of course, bunny-safe pranks, he doesn't want it getting hurt-) and teases him relentlessly about it.
One day you go over to Levi and gently try to convince Levi to at least try to bond with your bunny. It takes a lot of convincing and bribing, but he finally agrees. So you take him over to the bunny and sit down in front of her with him. Levi is shaking like a fucking leaf as you grab his arm and hold it out to the bunny. He jumps and lets out a small yelp as the bunny steps forward to sniff his hand. And he's whimpering and shaking when the bunny moves even closer to him and???? Climbs into his lap??? He's he is frozen with fear at this point. He doesn't know what to do, MC, help him. When you tell him the bunny likes him, he just really shook. It likes him??? A yucky, gross otaku like him???
And then, when it gives him bunny kisses???? MC has to explain what it's doing but when he understands he's just??? In shock.
There's no way he could hate the bunny after that. He finds solidarity with the bunny after that.
Satan is a cat person, through and through. However, this absolutely does not mean he'll stick up his nose to other furry, four-legged friends. Quite the contrary, he likes them too. Make no mistake, cats are and always will be his go-to, but that he still likes other animals too. He's flexible with his love.
So, safe to say, when he sees your bunny, he gets quite excited. Are you gonna help him annoy Lucifer, little girl? Are you?
He's also really excited to use all of his reading knowledge to help take care of the bunny. He knows exactly what the bunny needs and helps you pick out the things that would be best for her.
Sometimes, when he's reading, your bunny will walk up to him and, without looking up from his book, he'll reach over and gently stroke her ears. Though he has to keep the bunny out of his room because she loves to nibble the books.
He doesn't really care about letting his brothers know he likes the bunny. He's not embarrassed by his love of animals.
He adores your bunny. She's just so cute! Though don't put her on him, it'll get hair on his new outfit!
This man takes so many Devilgram pics of and with this bunny. His fans love her! And he even gets cute little outfits for her! And he grooms her soft fur and gives her cute little bows! One day he tried to give her a bath, not knowing the dangers. Luckily, MC and Satan managed to stop him before it was too late. Please don't bathe your bunnies in water unless your vet tells you to, it's very bad for them
Seriously tho, this man gives your bunny some little bunny spa days. He pampers your bunny. Asmo, please, she doesn't need her nails painted, she's a bunny. And did... Did you seriously put cucumbers on her eyes??? She's gonna eat them-
But when she gives him bunny kisses? Oh, she's so cute, oh my goodness! He absolutely has to get as many pictures of this moment as he can! It's just too precious not to post all over Devilgram! His fans are going to adore this!! And he was right, too, as it ends up being one of his most popular posts.
And he's never been shy about showing his affections toward you around others why would he be shy about showing affection to your bunny?
When he first saw her, he may or may not have thought about eating her-
But don't worry, he managed to resist.
Honestly, he doesn't really mind the bunny too much aside from the occasional thought about eating her. He never really pays much attention to her at first except when he's really hungry.
But as he gets closer to you and starts spending more time with her in turn, and he comes to like her. She's really cute. Just like you!
Sometimes she'll come up to him while he's eating and he'll drop her the occasional leaf or carrot piece. And she really likes to crawl into his lap and just peek out at everyone. And he really likes to touch her soft fur. Sometimes the bunny follows him around. I think she feels safest with him out of all of the brothers. Which... Fair enough, honestly.
And when she gave him bunny kisses? Oh, the little large pure boi was so happy and excited. MC, look, she likes him!! Are you looking, MC?
He's never been the most secretive when it comes to his feelings, so he doesn't really mind showing affection to the bunny around his brothers.
Haha, he's in the attic what are you talking about-
Nah, nah, jk, he still sees your bunny after he's out of the attic.
And honestly, he's chill with her. He literally doesn't care that much.
Though he does like how soft her fur is... Do you wanna be one of his nap buddies, little bunny?
Apparently, the answer is yes because whenever Belphie is taking a nap, she hops over and makes herself comfortable beside him. Hey, he's not complaining one bit. She's soft and that's all that matters. Actually, whenever the bunny wants to sleep, she wanders over to Belphie and settles down beside him. She seems to see him as just as much of a good nap buddy as he does to her.
And when she gives him little bunny kisses? Honestly, he's more surprised than anything. He does think it's cute, sure, but he kinda just blinks at her a few times in surprise. Then he chuckles a little and pets her head.
And this man couldn't possibly care less about showing affection towards the bunny around his brothers. He gives zero fucks.
That took way longer to write than it should have. It probably would have been done faster if I had the ability to not procrastinate 😔
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katsukis-angel · 3 years
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NSFW Alphabet - Beelzebub
❥ Warnings ~ NSFW / Smut
❥ A / N ~ Ahh this is my first time writing anything like this 😳 I hope I did okay 🥺
❥ Fanart ~ Pinterest, Lotus Kaetzchen 💗
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
❥ This baby is so gentle with you afterwards, he makes sure that you’re all cleaned up, getting you a drink and a snack, constantly checking you’re okay, especially considering how big demons are against humans
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
❥ Beels favourite body part are thighs and breasts, like chicken ha, he doesn’t care how big or small they are he just loves them! As for you your body part on him would be either his thighs or his arms, his arms are just so strong and warm and his thighs are just huge! This boy has some serious muscle 😳
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
❥ He makes quite a lot, so he doesn’t mind where he does it as long as you’re comfortable with it, personally though he likes cumming inside
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
❥ He’s always wanted you to lick cream off of his dick - he just thought you’d look cute doing it
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
❥ He’s actually decently experienced, but most of the girls he was with didn’t really want him because they loved him they used him for his status and body 😖, so he’s a little nervous about going straight into it again - however once he’s comfortable with you he will be amazing!
❥ Hes very good with his tongue
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
❥ Either classic missionary or with you say on his lap, he likes being in control but he doesn’t mind - either way he loves being able to see you
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
❥ Hes unintentionally goofy, like sometimes he’ll say something that makes you giggle and he gets a little confused but smiles with you, however he’s also a little clumsy too because he’s just so big so you’ve had your fair share of broken beds and banged heads
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
❥ Well it depends, he doesn’t always bother shaving but sometimes he does it, he will work with whatever you want tbh, but overall he tends to have trimmed himself well
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
❥ Hes so sweet and romantic 🥺 he likes to praise you and make sure you’re feeling okay, constantly checking that you’re enjoying yourself and that your comfortable - sometimes he sets up a bath with scented candles or he puts rose petals on the bed, this boy can be so romantic sometimes
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
❥ He doesn’t actually do it that much - occasionally he feels the need, and he did it a lot more before he met you. He had a lot of self control though.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
❥ His top two are his size kink and breeding kink, he’s very protective of you and they play into his kinks, because he’s around (I say this idk if it’s cannon) 7,0 tall anyone is smaller than him but still he likes the difference in size he finds it adorable and gives him an ego boost - also he can carry you - and breeding kink is simply from his demonic nature he just feels the need to claim what’s his, kind of thing. As for other kinks probably pet play or food play.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
❥ He’s a simple guy - he mostly likes doing it in either his room or yours, yours being his preferred space so that his brother isn’t around (not that Mammon doesn’t barge into yours all the time anyway). He would also like doing it either in the kitchen / dining room or at the gym
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
❥ He has this one thing that really gets him going and it’s whenever you feed him - he finds it adorable and he feels so loved it spreads all over his body. As well as that whenever you’re close up against him, whether that’s being cramped in a hallway or on a bus (if they even have busses in Devildom lmao), the thought of being so close but yet so far excites him
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
❥ Anything that really hurts you - so he wouldn’t mind spanking but stuff that is painful for you and doesn’t provide you any pleasure
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
❥ He likes giving - after all eating is his favourite thing to do - he could spend hours eating you out. However he loves it when you give because his size kink really comes out to play
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
❥ He is fast and a little rough but only if you want him to be. On more romantic nights he will be a lot of sensual and slow, really he only cares as long as you’re feeling okay with it
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
❥ Loves them! He thinks they’re great! It means he can do it and then go get some food then come back again and just keep repeating this process till you’re tired
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
❥ Tbh he doesn’t mind experimenting, whatever you wanna do he down for! He’s not letting you peg him though so don’t even think about it - I can see you thinking about it - not without a food bribe anyway
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
❥ SO MANY OMG - like you haven’t even found out how many times this boy can go, he just keeps going and is just down for whatever whenever, good luck thinking you can outlast him or tire him out - it’s not happening
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
❥ Reallu this one is up to you - he doesn’t mind you using toys but he prefers it to just be him that helps you get off but whatever keeps you happy keeps him happy
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
❥ Sometimes he loves teasing you, it’s in his nature he is a demon afterall. He likes teasing you by intentionally forgetting his shirt around the house, soemtimes if you have food on your face he lick it off and he can get a little grabby at times
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
❥ Hes not particularly loud, he groans a lot though and likes to whisper small praises against your ear and moan into your ears
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
❥ Hes always wanted to be sucked off under a table as he eats his favourite food - it would be his idea of heaven
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
❥ 10 ... 10 whole inches - honestly it’s scary - I mean it’s really pretty but it’s just so big 😳 hence why he is constantly making sure that you’re okay ...
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
❥ Decently high - tbh he’s down to do it whenever you’re interested however when he wants it he gets very needy and cute
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
❥ Awww this little cutie falls asleep so quickly, he gets grouchy if he hasn’t had enough sleep, but he feels happy to sleep though because he’s got you snuggled against him and a full stomach of snacks
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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boydiisaster · 3 years
Hi! If requests are open could i request something for the teen mc?🥺👉🏻👈🏻for Simeon and Luke specifically?
Simeon literally adopts the MC, the second he saw them he was like "ah yes, my new child" and the MC adores him and sees him as a parental figure. Like, they'd be at rad chatting with their classmates and when they see him in the hallway they run up to him yelling "mom!" and tackle him into a hug, or when they walk around the campus they want to hold his hand or tug at his coat thingy and they're affectionate towards him in general so it's pretty common to see MC randomly hugging him while he's doing something or talking to someone. Luke sees them as his sibling and they hang out constantly, they're basically attached to the hip (i can also see them bonding over the fact that they're the youngest in the exchange program) and the MC loves to spoil him with gifts and affection. 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
Bonus if people mistake them for a family when they go at reastaurants or something and Simeon goes "oh yes, my children will both have the kids with the toys included thank you very much!(✿^‿^)".
The brothers are super jealous lmao-
simeon and luke with a teen MC
reader: gender neutral, they/them pronouns
tw/cw: none !!
author's note: HELL YES KEEP SENDING IN THESE TEEN MC ASKS OMG- they're also a huge comfort to me, as well! like i just wanna be friends w/ everyone there so badly. i'm a huge simp for mams, but dammit i just wanna be his and everyone else's bff
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Fathership ended with your dad, now Simeon's your new father.
After Simeon first saw you, he took it upon himself to be your protector. Everyone, even Lucifer thought you'd be a little older than you were, but there was a... mistake in your paperwork, and in reality you were just a young human, a teenager.
A teenager, surrounded by powerful demons who could swallow you whole if they wanted.
Simeon couldn't have that.
This angel is so sweet and caring towards you. He really lives up to his status. If you come to him with a problem, Simeon will do his best to fix it.
"I don't mean to get political, but what the fuck is oatmeal?" you joked once.
Simeon then explained what oatmeal was to you for 10 minutes. You could had just said it was a joke and stopped him, but Simeon was trying his hardest to tell you what oatmeal was, and you didn't want to crush his spirits or make him embarrassed.
Simeon is like your light academia, scholar, master degree having friend who is a genius, only not so much with jokes and emotions. He tries for you and Luke, though.
Simeon is always accidentally spoiling you. You can just look at something or say this thing is cool and suddenly BAM! You now have 5 different copies of a manga you like, or a fucking sword.
"Are you sure you should have given them a sword, Simeon?" Barbatos asked once after seeing you threaten Belphie with it.
"Not at all," Simeon replied, smiling happily. "But MC seems to like it, so I'm supportive of them."
Simeon to be my new dad 2021
You and Luke are the kids shouting "McDonald's, McDonald's, McDonald's!" in that one meme template.
Simeon is the one who takes you to McDonald's, because Simeon's a good dad and loves his problem children very much.
You and Luke will fist fight demons on sight, Luke being prejudice against demons and you just not taking shit from anyone.
You're Luke's big sibling, which means you will snap the spines of anyone who dares harm your "brother."
"Hey, chihuahua!" Mammon greeted Luke once.
Big mistake, because then you started barking at him.
Mammon has since stopped calling Luke a chihuahua.
Luke isn't good at showing emotions, so instead he asks you to bake with him!
If Luke asks you to bake with him, know he now trusts and loves you. Luke would die for you.
You're not biological siblings, of course, but damn do the two of you tease each other like you are. But only you can tease Luke, hence why you nearly bit Levi's finger off when he pointed at Luke and laughed when Luke fell on his butt.
"I think we need to start calling MC the chihuahua," he grumbles, holding his finger as he tells his brothers what you did.
"Why are they so fond of Luke?! It's not fair!" Asmo whines. "I wanna be their friend!"
"And how Simeon treats them?" Satan crosses his arms and huffs. "I could get MC a dozen swords, plus some cursed trinkets and thousands of books."
"Well I could get MC limited edition Vocaloid figures, plushies, and a new gaming set up!" Levi counters.
An argument then ensues of which brother could spoil you the most, but you weren't there to hear it, because you were spending the night over at Purgatory Hall, cuddled up with Simeon and Luke, watching a movie.
Almost like a family.
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Love Bites
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Word Count: 2.1K
A/N: I love this demon so much,,, I wanna touch the horns (and tiddies)(*´﹃`*)
Mammon loves his brothers. How could he not? They’re his cute, lovable little brothers and then there’s Lucifer, the big brother who he absolutely adores. Who he quite literally followed him into the depths of hell. Of course, he’ll never say it out loud unless he was forced to but he does- the love and admiration for them is and will always be there. 
But even he has his limits. 
They're all so close to you, constantly nuzzling into your side and holding your hand, dragging you away for a cuddle-slash-nap session. It’s insulting to him. More than usual. He’s your first- he gets to have the say on who and how you spend your time with. He’s Mammon. Second most powerful of the brothers and the Avatar of Greed. And here he is, arms empty because Asmo quite literally snatched you out of his arms and carried you off to his room while he ignored the cries of protest from him.
He’s had a long week and all he wanted to do was spend the last day of the weekend with you but he can’t even do that. He just wants you. That’s all he wanted- to take your time and have it for himself.
He can feel his greed take over, his hands curling and pupils dilated with want and take.
His steps are quick and he doesn’t bother to knock when he enters, door bouncing off the wdor stopper and he can hear the hiss of an insult and a threat to tell Lucifer. Azure eyes darken as they glance over you: Asmo is above you, straddling you and his hand cups your face while the other rests next to an opened makeup palette. 
“Ugh! You already had your time with them! Plus I want to doll them up a bit,” the younger brother huffs, champagne colored hair delicately framing his face while he pouts.
His little brother can throw his fit, can beg and fight as if he were a child all over again, but the only thing in Mammon’s mind right now is his greed, the avaricious feeling inside of him that’s threatening to take form as he plops you over his shoulder and stalks his way to your room where he tosses you on the bed.
You yelp first and then giggle, straightening out your hair that was ruffled in the process. “Mammon,” you giggle out his name, sitting up on the bed. You look at him where he has his back turned to you, a hand clamped over his face and the aura around him darkens, magic bursting and bubbling and the hair on your arms stand on end. “Mammon dear, you all right?”
“You’re always so close to them.” His words are muffled through his hand but you can hear the bitterness in his voice.
“I don’t mean to be.” You throw your legs over the edge of your bed and watch him with careful eyes. “Are you mad at me?” You raise yourself on your forearms and watch him.
“‘Course not.” His reply is curt and he rolls his shoulders, loud popping sounds fill the room and a part of you trembles in fear while the other in excitement. 
“Then?” You lay back on the bed and you’re thankful that you wore a skirt, legs parting open.
“You forgot who I am.”
“I could never Mammon.” You lose your breath with the simple sentence, desire taking over and when he stiffens his shoulders, you’re certain that he smells it too. You let your head fall back and you sigh. 
He can smell your lust, and when he turns around, his horns protrude from his crown and his wings flutter and they spread wide, ruffling themselves and slowly, they come to a close behind him. 
His legs hit the bed, and tongue peeks out to lick his lips. Watching you, he bends over, his hands toying with the bottom of your shirt. You squirm under his touch and he smiles softly. In a quick motion, your shirt is lifted and stuffed into your mouth. Your back arches and you whine,  words muffled through the fabric that darkens with your spittle.
Warm hands run up your torso, washing over your belly and his fingers hook into the cups of your bra; long, nimble fingers peek inside and white painted nails ghost over your hardening nipples. You bend towards his touch, your eyes half lidded, glazed over with want and he pulls his hands away from you, dipping them towards the middle of you and mutters an apology. In a quick movement your bra is torn off of your body, ripped threads are tossed to the side and your brows furrow in anger. 
“Tch. I’ll get you a new one.” His teeth peek behind his grin, sharp canines that could break your skin make you twitch in anticipation. “Think of it as payback for letting Asmo take you.” Your breasts bob, nipples pebbled and goosebumps trail across your skin.
Your skirt is pulled down, the fabric scratching and pulling at your skin as it falls to the floor. He kicks it off the side and his hand covers your heat, fingers drumming along the entrance and you breath deeply, your arms bent and creating a mock halo around your head.
“Mammon, don’t tease,” you plead, words garbled and broken.
“You really don’t have any authority right now,” he says quietly, his fingers hooking into the side of your underwear and stretching it to watch your sex that drips with arousal. “‘S a real nice pussy.” You squirm with his words and your face burns with his bold words. He’s never been shy to tell you what he thought while fucking you but even now you still aren’t used to it.  “You’re gonna take my cock, right?” You nod your head. “Yeah, I know you are.”
He grabs himself, and presses the tip of his cock on your clit, swiping it up and down, eliciting a shuddering breath from you. His warmth leaves you and a whine sounds in the back of your throat that’s overshadowed by a loud spit sound.
“Did you-”
“Spit on your pussy?” His eyes widen and he bats his eyelashes in a mock innocent fashion. “Yeah.” He gives you a smug grin and with a breath, he presses himself inside of you. 
His length stretches your walls. His tip is enough to make you cover your mouth through your shirt, a gargle cry when he pushes himself inside, the base bulging out, a sharp sting where you kick your legs out and breath harshly through your nose.
“Work through it baby.” He starts moving slowly, his face flushes and the cocky grin remains. “Remember how god it feels. How you’re being stretched out and fucked.” His thumbs circles your clit, pushing the bundle of nerves around. “Just like that baby.” He glances down and meets your eyes. “Fuck doll, I’m gonna cum inside of you.” Your hips jerk upwards. “Is that what you want?” He breathes sharply through gritted teeth. “Want me to fill up your pussy? Breed you like the bitch you are? Huh?” His pace quickens and he bites his bottom lip. “Fuck,” he spits out.
His hand pushes through your shirt and it drags against your teeth as it’s pulled out. A hand is wrapped around your throat, palm pressing down and fingers pressing deep on the sides of your neck. You make a choking sound, and your face grows a deep hue, tears springing in your eyes while you tighten around him.
“Fuck,” he hisses through clenched teeth, rutting against you. “Would ya look at that? Fuckin’ tight. You’re gonna swallow me whole aren’t ya? You fuckin’ slut.”
His words make you whine, your cunt squeezing him with every word and noise that slips past his lips. He thrusts inside of you, his thickness twitching with every movement in your gummy walls. His grip is tight and your body seizes around him, holding him tight while black spots fill your vision and the little air that you have left depletes, and you claw at him, begging for air, choked gasps leaving your mouth.
His head lowers to your shoulder and his grip on you loosens, sweet air filling your lungs again and you gasp for it, greedily taking it in. You rasp his name, croaking it out only to cry when his teeth pierce through your skin, his own moans muffled into your shoulder. He laps at the wounds, tongue swirling and when he rises again to look at you, a drop of scarlet stains his lips. You quiver underneath him and he gives you a smug grin before dipping his head back down his teeth marking your neck with love bites.
“Bend your legs,” he whispers against your ear, placing a wet kiss on your neck. He gives you an appreciative bite when you do as you're told. You whimper at the angle, he hits at your cervix, little cries that are muted when his lips mesh into yours. 
His wings expand, the ends twitching and a shiver runs up his spine and spreads throughout his wings. Your hands shake as they reach up and grab at his horns. Your curls your fists around, thumbs brushing against the twirls and he purrs at feeling.  
You cry his name and he urges you to continue. His name leaving your lips is music to his ears. A heavenly grace that he has experienced in such a long time and he wants to melt into your touch, to coo and purr into your neck, to feel the warmth that you emit. But when he smells a scent that isn't from qhim nor you, he growls and slams his hips into you. Your breasts bounce and hands leave his horns and slide down his face and onto his chest. You cup his chest, fingers pressing into him and grazing over the white tattoos that adorn him.
A sharp sting rings through your clit and makes you jerk, crying out a mess of his name. He huffs and his wings move towards you, the bat-like wing fluttering and ghosting over your leg, curling inward when they make contact with your skin.
“Fucking demons getting near you,” his teeth are bared, teeth glistening and deadly, “you’re mine. All mine and if I have to put you in a collar and leash, I fuckin’ will.” His words are rushed, spitting out as he moves inside of your velvety walls. “Maybe then they’d all learn their place and stay the fuck away.”
You mewl at his words, eyes misty as he gives another slap to your sensitive pearl. He’s pitiless with his slaps, making sure that you cry, every slap increasing in intensity and making your toes curl while he edges closer to his high.
His hands slip between yours and he pinches hardly at your nipples, twisting them in hand as you arch your back and loll out your tongue. You clench tighter around him, pulling taut on his cock and you beg for release from him.
“Gonna fill you with my cum babe. Let all those demons fuckin’ smell me on you. Your tits are gonna be full of milk and fuck, every” he pushes himself deeper in you, “last demon,” he breaths hot air onto your collarbone, spit dribbling past his mouth and coating you, “is gonna know you belong to me.” He pushes himself deep in you and his cock twitches and jerks. He keeps his head down, feeling your orgasm wash over him and spill out of you; his own cock squirting his seed into you, his shaft plunged deep as to not let a single drop go to waste. He whispers out your name, and slowly, he pulls back, hissing at the sensitivity and your hands fall from his chest and rest over yours that bloom a shade deeper due to his previous abuse. When his seed threatens to spill, he plunges his digits inside and pats at your hips when you tense and close your legs. He wipes the excess of his load on your inner thighs and gives a chaste kiss to your twitching pearl.
With a shaky hand, you touch your neck and whine at the contact. “Mammon, you left marks.”
“Maybe it’ll make everyone back off.” He tosses you a grin and with a pop of his neck, his horns and wings disappear. “They make you look cute anyways.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m glad you enjoy them at least.”
He gives your thigh a sharp slap. “Damn right I do.”
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i lost the post i had that gave all of caragan’s info, so i’ll just post it again here. first pic is caragan after they die, because only obey me could drive me to design a character post-death 
i did design the sigils myself. then i added the sin marks from the cards, put that little pact symbol on it, and i took the original symbols from the actual demons and simplified/altered them. because i didn’t think it was a good idea to use the actual symbols. don’t wanna manifest something ya know lmao 
very long info dump under the cut. (info dump is copied from the post i lost) and yeah, caragan is a generic super powerful protagonist. so prepare for cheese 
likes: drawing, reading, gaming, and staying at home. they are drawn to dark things; horror, dark colours, literally most things dark.
home/family: they live alone, but near their parents, and they visit almost daily. they have a cat and three snakes (while caragan is away, the fur and scale babies are taken care of, don’t worry) 
age: 27 yrs old, born Jan 7th 
gender: nonbinary, they/them 
height: 4′10 / 147 cm
occupation: part time job, they also make bits and bobs to sell; art, crochet, etc. they went back to college too (and how they signed up for a certain exchange program; in my headcanon, they signed up for it and expected something mundane) then, after their first visit to the devildom, they start learning about the peace that diavolo proposed in their own time, and volunteer for the human organizations involved 
the design after they die: neither angel or demon, appearance shows physical attributes of both. (i also have a lot of post-death info, but… this is already so much, so i will leave it out) the ref i made is below: (worth noting that before their “fall,” using the term very, very loosely, everything on them that is red was white)
they wear all black with small, brightly coloured accessories 
brightly coloured accessories are normally bracelets, scarves, or pins. socks are also always nauseatingly bright 
casual outside attire: black hoodie, black t shirts, black ripped jeans, and converse 
casual around the house attire: grey sweatpants, obnoxious socks, a tank top, and sometimes a sweater or jacket they’ve stolen from the brothers 
formal attire: usually a suit, but asmo can convince them to wear a dress by finding amazing ones and wearing a dress too 
school uniform: jacket sleeves rolled up, or while in classrooms, off completely. no tie, ever. dress pants, wears black flats instead of dress shoes. during their first year, they kept their hair in a ponytail in class 
always wearing their favourite necklace 
first year piercings:
left ear - bar piercing in top, three normal piercings on bottom
right ear - three normal piercings on bottom 
second visit piercings:
left ear - same
right ear - three normal piercings on bottom, and two new normal piercings on top 
they wear binders to their classes and almost always when they go out for less active shenanigans 
rarely wears a binder in the house of lamentation; the first thing they take off when they get home 
hair is greying on both sides of their head, also some greys on top
always, always has dark circles and bags under their eyes 
brothers + romance: they are absolutely smitten with all of them, and they are very blunt and obvious about it. their favourite, though, is beel. this is kept as plainly obvious as their feelings for the others. since they love all of the brothers, they don’t hide their attraction to anyone. for the most part, it works out. 
pact mark locations:  (see first ref pic) 
lucifer - throat 
mammon - upper back 
leviathan - lower back 
satan - left inner thigh 
asmo - right inner thigh 
beel - right inner wrist 
belphie - left inner wrist 
overall, they’re very shy and awkward, and they like to joke around to cover it up. generally quiet, even around those they’re comfortable with. (they don’t talk a lot unless they’re having a ‘moment’ - a day where they’re hyperactive) they have crippling anxiety and depression, but the medication they take eases it. gets irritable around loud noises/people. they make an attempt in having a decent sleep schedule, but most nights they’re awake for hours longer than they intend to be. sleep schedule is more erratic when in the devildom. (probably belphie’s fault.) 
everything below is uh… like, how they act/react to the other characters.  
lucifer:  they mirror what lucifer offers them; if he’s being soft, they will be soft in turn. if he is upset with them, they will apologize and attempt to do better, and they expect the same if the roles are reversed. stuff like that. they don’t openly flirt with lucifer the same way they do some others, instead they focus on gentle interactions. they kept close to lucifer when they first arrived in the devildom (when mammon ditched them) because they deemed him more trustworthy than anyone else. 
mammon:  when with mammon, every filter caragan has is demolished instantly. given mammon never tried to kill or charm them, they grew to respect him very quickly. they also don’t treat mammon like an idiot; they’ve dealt with that themselves enough. yes, they tell him off for doing things that will very clearly come back to bite him in the ass, but they never target his intelligence because they know he’s smarter than he lets on. they openly flirt with mammon because they like to make him blush. they both get into trouble often, but they have each others’ backs throughout. 
leviathan:  they don’t spend as much time with leviathan, but they do enjoy his company. they usually lock away their info dumping and interests, but not with leviathan. he gets to gush about the things he loves, and they match his energy. he tries to offer the same courtesy. they also like to flirt with leviathan to make him blush, but they don’t do it as heavily or as often because his rejections/self deprecating comments make them feel bad. they are also thankful that they can talk to him about their anxiety and he understands it. they rarely call him “levi.” 
satan:  they also don’t spend as much time with satan, but less so than leviathan. they can’t help but feel stupid when they’re with him, so they don’t socialize with him often. buuut any time he offers to socialize, they don’t turn him down. in fact, caragan gets excited. he’s also where they turn to when they’re struggling with their studies or curious about something demon related. they do attempt to joke around and flirt with him, but it’s like a game of chicken, and caragan always ducks out. fairly quickly, too. 
asmodeus:  caragan adores asmo, but they can’t really place why. they also consider him as much a work of art as he does himself. they are very soft with asmo and they rarely flirt with him in a conventional way. even though they reject most sexual advances, they are as handsy as asmo is. asmo is their official cuddle buddy and they love to shower him in gentle affection. if asmo is in sight, they can often be caught staring. at first, they’re very embarrassed by this, and the brothers poke fun. eventually, though, they’re utterly shameless and just widen their smile if asmo catches them. 
beelzebub:  they love beel more than life itself, and that is absolutely not an exaggeration. at first, they were very avoidant and anxious when it came to beel, but when they started to hang out with him, they found him very easy to be around. the attraction started then, but then became way too strong when beel went into full demon mode over his custard. (mood) they started following him around everywhere. they continued that trend well into the year and the following visit. they’re very affectionate and clingy, sitting his lap and hugging him constantly. they carry around as many snacks as their pockets can hold for beel and beel only. 
belphegor:  they knew from the start that belphie was lying to them in the attic and probably meant them harm, but they never held it against him. they never really held their death against him either. they’re quiet around belphie for the most part, even when they started to like him. they often nap with him (against their better judgement) too. the two of them talk a lot about their ideal “me and you and beel” future. more than is healthy. their conversations outside of that are often filled with snark and a weird tension that caragan doesn’t understand. it usually melts away after a cuddle and a nap, though. 
diavolo:  they instantly liked diavolo. they’re very cautious and anxious around him, but they try to be warm in their interactions with him. they do call him “lord diavolo,” and treat him with due respect. he usually throws them for a loop with most things he does, but they try to keep up and be understanding. they have a strong need to get closer to him, for reasons that they don’t understand or even try to understand. they don’t do much about it either. his demon form causes them to become flustered. very flustered. the not-oblivious brothers tease them for it. they have such a huge crush on him. 
barbatos:  they don’t interact with him that much, or try to interact with him outside of things that are necessary. they have nothing against him, they just don’t feel the need to. they’re very polite to him, as polite as they are to diavolo. while they’re curious about him, they don’t go out of their way to interact with him. there’s really not much there besides mild curiosity. 
solomon:  they think he gives off a copious amount of mischievous vibes and it puts them off. at first. they are kind and polite towards him, and they would consider him a friend. the friendship is essentially that “we have no friends in this class so we will become friends to fill the void. but only in this class. we will never speak to each other outside of this place.” it’s not nearly as specific, but that’s the flavour of friendship they have in the beginning. eventually, he grows on caragan and they end up looking forward to seeing him. they just find him very fun. 
simeon:  they think simeon is beautiful and has been caught staring almost as much as when they stare at asmo. with simeon though, they will never be shameless about their staring. they continue to be embarrassed about it forever. forever. they’re polite and kind to simeon, but they feel he keeps himself closed off from them. during their second visit to the devildom, with the play and all, they become a little scared of simeon. it doesn’t change the way they interact with him, but it does put them off for a bit. and after some overthinking, they end up being more drawn to him. 
luke:  they were very anxious around luke, at first. they don’t like kids, and generally become twice as awkward around them. eventually, they found him adorable. when they speak to him, they will focus on child logic, but they do speak to him the way they would speak to anyone. never patronising. happily helps him with studies if they can, gives him affirmation and reassurances whenever needed, and is protective. they have even been known to stand up to lesser demons when they target luke. (when simeon isn’t around; it’s rare) even though caragan is scared shitless the whole time, they try anyway. seeing as they’re only 4′10, they never make short jokes or anything of the like. when the brothers make short jokes, they shoot disapproving looks and will express disappointment if it drags on too long. 
the end of their life time:  they go on to live for a while, dedicating themselves entirely to diavolo on the human side of things, even becoming a public speaker for it. sharing their experiences n all that. which is something they’d never do for anything else. 
at a certain point though, about 50 yrs old or so, they do stop visiting the demon brothers because they’re getting old. they die shortly after in an accident. brothers don’t find out because caragan was already avoiding them. (though, there is general unease because of the bonds they have with caragan. they know something’s very, very wrong but not what. they fear the worst, and they’re right to.) 
but for all the things they did for “the cause,” they were to be judged in the celestial realm. (and… i see it as… in a horrible, horrible way, the big guy upstairs knew everything that would happen with lilith, and deemed her and her brothers an acceptable loss in exchange for peace. it was all orchestrated. i also think that diavolo knew the plan, for the most part. he has his own reasons for wanting the peace, but he does know what the plan was.) 
but they’re escorted to The Big Guy by simeon and luke (a cute reunion with hugs) and he straight up asks caragan what they want. like they can stay here, go to the devildom, or remain in the human realm. 
in any case, they’ll be given all the attributes needed to thrive in all three realms, but only if they continue in their trying to maintain peace. obviously, caragan is all for continuing. and of course, they choose to make their home with the brothers. god’s all like, “you will retain your angelic status, but you do have to fall to achieve the status of demon. are you sure?” they have to have demon attributes to ensure survival and comfort living among demons, so that’s why. 
and caragan straight up says, without missing a beat, “even heaven is hell without them.” everybody knows who they’re talking about. simeon is torn between “that’s so rude” and “that’s so sweet” and luke is horrified. god just laughs. 
they all talk a bit longer so caragan knows exactly what they’re getting into. they will have a lot of power as both angel and demon, but they have to keep their humanity in exchange for that power. which means, inevitably, their long life will become a curse. no human is built to live for a millennia, so it’ll take a toll on their mind and at the end of it all, they won’t be themselves anymore. 
caragan basically says, “yah, worth it. lezgo.” god hands them paperwork, some explaining what caragan is and why, as well as a peace treaty thing to give to diavolo when they get home. i was thinking it’d be something cheesy like “the treaty of the last fallen angel.” no more fallen angels after caragan, they fell so no one else has to again. idk, symbolism or something. but even the future angel/demon hybrids won’t have to fall. 
cue caragan yeeting themselves from the celestial realm. 
diavolo knows caragan’s about to fall (barbatos n all that) and gathers the brothers to the place it’ll be. caragan is just a ball of blue flames, then a crater, the brothers are baffled. 
falling hurts a shit ton (even without losing wings and all that), so caragan ends up crying, but they cry blood. (for angel reasons. i dunno why i think angels cry blood.) which drips from their face and onto the white fabric of the thing they’re wearing, and then everything white fades into a red, even the white of their eyes. (i want to try very roughly animating that one day.) 
then there’s another heart warming reunion, but also with a shit ton of heart break because not only did caragan die, they also just fell. the brothers are angy.
before the brothers can get all “let’s fight god,” caragan hands diavolo the paperwork, all of which he reads out loud for the brothers. 
uh. roll credits. 
just tidbits:
caragan is an angel of perseverance and a demon of despair. 
they have six wings and six eyes on each wing. 
their halo was a tangible ring of golden light, but when they fell, it became horns. but like… still in a ring shape. still a halo. just different. 
they are barefoot in their angel/demon form because they have talons and also just… hate shoes. 
when all the white turned red, all the gold turned silver. 
they look as they did during their second visit to the devildom when they enter their “afterlife.”  
their human form is also just… them. hoodie, ripped jeans, everything, they’re just themselves. 
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