#Man I need to draw ref sheets
artistwithnoplans · 2 years
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Casual thinking Thursday
Random fact
Zink’s obnoxious habit of raiding the nearest kitchen with available fridge will get him in an unpleasant situation, rightfully if a certain individual had the time to prepare himself a fair lunch for that important supplement. It wouldn’t be much of a trouble after all
I’m unsure If there’s a reason why I draw Barney with marshmallow peepers. Yeah
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employee052 · 4 months
ugh brainrot over this new design taking over, but i wanna save the ref sheet n most stuff for one big post (this one is gonna co-exist with my OG design Virgil, but theres def a major difference between them)
heres a teaser
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Virgil my bestie and Vergil my bastard /aff /lh
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soulbeastdragon · 2 months
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Remic Keeneye, aka the Krait Killer
Here's a character I've had for a while but hadn't made her ingame until fairly recently once I've got an outfit idea that worked for me.
This is my Tengu adjacent who was once a guard/escort of a merchant caravan that was like family to her. She lost her caravan mates to Krait in Caledon and so she kills them on sight. And she was very efficient in killing the snakes (which is fun cus she's based off my fav bird, the secretary bird).
She was befriended by Aurenthir and Ceara during the podtwins' sapling days. She would eventually join the Pact on the campaign to fight Zhaitan, then head out to fight Mordremoth. She'd be reunited with Aurenthir and continue her journey with him and Malyck later on.
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sunnymainecoonx · 1 year
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Drawing abs broke my arm-(not literally)
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croh3 · 1 year
i have a perfect Vibe for arthur's look but i can't decide on his facial features at all(
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pallases · 3 months
little brother unearthed one of my old main sketchbooks and. hoo boy
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keeps-ache · 3 months
oo just thought of a fun game :33
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theonlyadawong · 7 months
all that making fun of leons butt chin just for me to keep it in my redesign
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raeathnos · 1 year
#I need to kick my art block in the shins#I wanna do a new version of my sonas ref sheet so bad#buT IM SO TIRED ALL THE TIME D:<#also I never did a ref for one of my other main characters#and like I started a couple of months ago and have it mostly sketched out#and just lost motivation towards the end 🙃#I didn’t draw for like two years and I can feel it#and I know baby steps and that’s what I’ve been doing the last few months#but it’s such a struggle#wanna draw but don’t wanna draw#and either I have motivation but no inspiration or I have inspiration but no motivation#I’ve been trying to do studies and that’s helping at least#I finished one drawing a few months back that was a trade with a coworker#but otherwise the last one was in 2021 I think 🙃#I gots lots of wips at least#maybe I need to revisit those first and they’ll help me ease back in more#idk#it’s frustrating#that pride doodle tonight was refreshing and I’m def gonna refine and finish it#but man I feel rusty#I know I just gotta push through it buts it’s hard and I angry >:c#I did buy a little lap desk thing and that’s kinda helping#half the issue is I’m so achy after work I don’t want to sit at my desk I just want to lay around#so that’s kinda helping too at least#arrrggghhh#I miss when I was a teenager and just spend the summer busting out art#I think I get too hung up in things being perfect#making bad art is better than not making art at all#gotta just get back into scribbling shit and filling up notebooks with doodles
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postmail · 2 years
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monch monch motherfucker
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itsvanilles · 1 month
hey!! Do you have a murder drones oc, if so do you have a ref sheet, I would love to draw them >:) I'll send it when I'm done if so >:)
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I have 4 ocs but Y (purple drone) is my main one <3 I need to make better reference sheets man pfff
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dichromaticdyke · 5 months
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not gonna put this person on blast but oh my god. i'm.
so here's the thing, here's what didn't fucking happen: brendon did not fucking say pickles was written with the intention of being trans. i wasn't there, but my friend was, and he said that all brendon said was that the animators didn't draw a dick on him when they were making all the characters' ref sheets, but they did for the rest of dethklok. then he said that if my friend (A TRANS MAN WHO ASKED THIS QUESTION) wanted to claim pickles as his own, he could.
that's what fucking happened.
brendon did not make a definitive statement of "yes pickles is trans." he explained why he doesn't have a dick in the show's canon and then told a trans man that if he wanted to believe pickles is canonically trans, he could.
that's about as death of the author as you could fucking get. he didn't outright confirm this headcanon nor did he deny that it could be possible. he stated facts about what happened during the making of the show and then said that the show belongs to the people now and the people can do what they want with it.
and what the fuck you mean "these characters need to be cis men." why. why do they need to be. tell me you've never fucking spoken to more than like one trans man in your life because oh my god trans men have as much capacity for misogyny as cis men do, grow up.
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ennissg · 6 months
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Man in a constant state or bewilderment.
I started a ref sheet for A'mos a while ago mostly to figure out his outfits and sorta nail down how I'd draw his face.
This is his casual\rest\chosen of Bhaal lineup, all pre tadpole bc that's the version of him I think the most about. Though, he'd dress the same post tadpole minus his Bhaalist armor. As a paladin, he's a walking tank in it, not very agile but he doesn't need to run, if you see him, it's already too late.
Wish there were more war hammers in the game, I had to stick to a weaker one bc he just doesn't look right without it.😔🍑
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jsuika · 3 months
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Oh yea btw, if this video becomes copyrighted or taken down, I'll reupload a video with a DnB on the last segment if I can.
Such a pain in the ass "KICKBACK" was my first time experiencing copyright strike and now I'm dead soon. 💀 Not to worry, I'm hoping the next won't receive ever again the same like what happened.
(Click on "Keep reading" if you wish to see more..)
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Besides Chainsaw Man Speedpaint, I'll probably also be making a timelapse video ft. Z4BERFISH. I only drew him but not completely for the reference sheet yet.
Thumbnail sneak peak:
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Actually no need for reveal since I immediately uploaded this drawing. But keep an eye since I'll be making his whole ass complete ref. sheet (not right now pls).
ONCE AGAIN, can't wait for the CSM Movie soon.~
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johankasas · 5 months
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Art fight is incoming, so I need to do ref sheets for my hamster man, and upcoming next, I'll draw Maša :>
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timblum · 4 months
Ref Sheet for The Boss!
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(Lovely art by @tarphi! :D)
more under the cut :3
The Boss's appearance is like a living silhouette, and often shifts around. Usually has a pretty wide frame. Sometimes he's more solid (see ref. image), but he's usually just a shadow with pupilless white eyes. (Not like Peter Pan's or Dr. Facilier's shadow, he's just pich-black.)
His smile is similar to his eyes, but he only does it rarely to be menacing.
Voice is deep, mostly monotone, and a bit rough.
Never seen wearing anything but his overcoat, tie, fedora, dress pants, and dress shoes, all equally as shadowy as he is.
He disappears behind corners and into shadows, and appears behind shoulders. He enjoys spooking people like this, but he'd never admit that.
The Boss is the founder and owner of the Nork York Storage Company (a.k.a. The Warehouse), taking its name from the city it resides in. No, that isn't a typo.
No one knows for sure when or where he and the Warehouse came from, he's just... been here. About 50 years ago (maybe more) he appeared out of nowhere and built a sizable business almost overnight with assets of entirely untraceable origin. Anyone who tries to investigate it either quits or disappears (with one notable exception, Monroe, who became the Warehouse's archivist).
Buys, finds, (and steals) a menagerie of items for the Warehouse (notably animatronics), and is constantly seeking to grow his “collection.”
The Warehouse takes clients from all over; the general public, government offices, crime rings, probably demons too if they pay well.
Cold, but not rude or impersonable, just stoic. He's actually pretty charismatic when he wants to be, he is a businessman after all. Despite this, he usually regarded as a very intimidating man.
Knows way too much. He's not omniscient, but if you're talking to him, he knows your address.
Doesn't raise his voice, and almost always keeps his cool.
Does not take kindly to disrespect and will make that known.
Briefcase, tucked into coat.
Cigars and zippo lighter.
Large key ring for the Warehouse.
Modified Smith & Wesson Model 27 revolver loaded with .38 Special. Never seems to run out of ammo.
Being literally just a shadow, the Boss can be kinda weird to draw. Using white outlines for clarity or monochrome shading/lighting like in the ref. image is a good idea. Lighting his face is discouraged.
The vagueness of his form is a part of his design though! I'd recommend leaning into it :3.
Never uses contractions (Can not instead of can't; I will instead of I'll.)
Insists upon translating his name when speaking in another language. To that end, he knows dozens of languages.
Despite The Warehouse's shadiness, his employees are paid well and receive benefits. Not out of compassion, mind you, only to keep them loyal.
Most rumors about him are about his use of blackmail, bribery, and manipulation to get what he needs, but only because he's good at covering his tracks when he uses force.
bonus doodles by @tarphi and @spaghettiandeyeballs (feat. FTR)
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