#Manu Rishi
jannattravelguruhp · 8 months
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mysterioushimachal · 1 year
Discovering the Mesmerizing History of Manali: Legends and Tranquility Explored
Manali, a captivating town nestled in the Himalayas of Himachal Pradesh, holds a history as enchanting as its scenic beauty. Legend has it that according to Hindu mythology, Manali was the cherished abode of the Brahmin law enforcer Manu. The town derived its name from him, as he was deeply captivated by the serene beauty while wandering through the valleys of this Himalayan paradise.…
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clearholidaysindia · 3 months
Manu Rishi Temple is a revered ancient temple situated in the picturesque state of Himachal Pradesh, India. Dedicated to Sage Manu, believed to be the first man on Earth according to Hindu mythology, this temple draws visitors seeking spiritual peace and a connection to ancient traditions. The temple, surrounded by serene natural beauty, offers a tranquil atmosphere perfect for meditation and reflection. Offbeat places near Manu Rishi Temple include charming spots like Kogi Mata Temple and Mashobra Greens Camp, which provide a blend of cultural significance and scenic beauty that captivates travelers.
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When exploring the area, there are several places to visit near Manu Rishi Temple that offer a rich variety of experiences. Just a short distance away, you can find the beautiful village of Chalogi, known for its friendly locals and picturesque settings. Another must-visit is the stunning Great Himalayan National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site that boasts diverse flora and fauna. This park is a haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers, offering activities such as trekking, bird-watching, and camping. For a peaceful retreat, the tranquil village of Mungla, nestled among lush greenery, is an ideal spot to relax and unwind.
Other interesting places to visit near Manu Rishi Temple include the serene Tirthan Valley, famous for its crystal-clear river and beautiful landscapes. Here, you can indulge in fishing, river crossing, or simply enjoy a leisurely walk along the riverbanks. The nearby town of Banjar, with its quaint charm and vibrant local culture, is also worth a visit. Additionally, the confluence of the Tirthan and Flachan rivers provides a breathtaking sight that nature enthusiasts will surely appreciate. Whether you're seeking adventure, tranquility, or a glimpse into local life, the areas surrounding Manu Rishi Temple in Himachal Pradesh offer something for every traveler.
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akultalkies · 1 year
Ayushmann Khurrana, Ananya Panday, Paresh Rawal, Annu Kapoor, Govardhan Asrani, Vishal Handa, Rajpal Naurang Yadav, Manoj Joshi, Abhishek Banerjee, Naveen Singh, Shivangi Bhardwaj, Sudesh Lehri, Manu Rishi Chadha, Seema Pahwa,
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Hiranyagarbha Talon Abraxas
Hiranyagarbha (हिरण्यगर्भः) literally means the ‘Golden Womb' or ‘Golden Egg‘ or ‘Universal Womb' is the Source of the Creation of Universe or the Manifested Cosmos in Vedic Philosophy, as well as an Avatar of Vishnu in the Bhagavata Purana. According to Matsya Purana gives an account of initial creation. After Mahapralaya (the Great Dissolution of the Universe) there was Darkness Everywhere. Everything was in a State of sleep. There was nothing, either Moving or Static. Then Svayambhu (Self-Manifested) being Arose, which is a Form Beyond Senses. It Created the Primordial Waters First and Established the Seed of Creation into it. The seed turned into a Golden Womb, Hiranyagarbha. Then Svayambhu Entered in the Egg.
It details also finds mention in one Hymn of the Rigveda, Known as the Hiranyagarbha Sukta, suggesting a Single Creator Deity (Verse 8: yo deveṣv adhi deva eka asit means "He is the God of Gods, and None Beside Him.", identified in the hymn as Prajapati.
The concept of the “Golden Womb" is first mentioned in the Vishvakarma Sukta (RigVeda) which picturized the “Primeval Womb" as being Rested Set upon the Navel of Vishvakarman the Supreme Cosmic Creator, that One wherein abide all things existing. This imagery was later transferred to Vishnu.
The Upanishad calls it the Soul of the Universe or Brahman and Elaborates that Hiranyagarbha floated around in Emptiness and the Darkness of the Non-Existence for about a year and then Broke into Two Halves which formed the Svarga and the Prithvi.
In classical Puranic Hinduism, Hiranyagarbha is the term used in the Vedanta for the “Creator". Hiranyagarbha is also so called Brahma because it is said He was Born from a Golden Egg (Manu Smrti), while the Mahabharata calls it the Manifest.
Some Classical Yoga traditions consider Hiranyagarbha as the Originator of Yoga, though this may also be a name for Rishi Kapila.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
What is Power of Raam Naam
As we all know Rama is a two letter mantra derived out of the ashtakshara (Aum Na mo Na ra ya na ya) and Panchakshara (Na ma Shi va ya).
Once Goddess Parvathi asked Lord Shiva how can a lay man achieve the benefits of reciting Vishnu sahasranama which is basically read by learned schlors.
For which Lord Shiva answered: "Keno Payena lakuna vishnoor naama sahasrakam - Patyathe pandithair nithyam srothumicchyaamyaham Prabho". "Just by reciting rama rama rama. Rama nama has the essence of Vishnu sahasranama or 1000 names of Lord Vishnu".
This is told in the sloka "sri rama rama ramethi rame rame manorame sahasranama thathulyam rama nama varanane"
Rama nama is so sweet as a nectar. It gives happiness to the mind.
Whatever comes in our way as an obstacle, Rama namam will protect us.
What we desire to have, we get it,that is the prowess of the nama.
The celestial s too sing the pride of this taraka mantra and it installs bravery in one's heart
The power of Rama nama is depicted by Lord Hanuman (Ever living - chiranjeevi). He crossed the ocean by chanting the Rama nama. Rama built a bridge across the ocean to reach Lanka, but hanuman just like that crossed the Ocean by just chanting Rama nama. So this means, Rama nama is mightier than Lord Rama himself.
Let us all chant, Hari and Shiva who are one and Rama nama gives happiness both in this birth and in the next birth. It erases the difficulties of the devotees, cures the illness. Let us all chant the nectar like Rama nama daily and get his blessings.
Every other mantra in our scriptures have their own names. Rama Nama is the only Mantra that is called ‘Taraka Mantra’. The word ‘taraka’ means the one that helps us cross. It helps us cross the ocean of ‘samsara’. It helps us cross the cycles of birth and death. If it is chanted as ‘Rama’, then it is a Nama.
If it is chanted ‘Ram’, then it is a Mantra.
Our ancient Sages and Rishis have glorified the Rama Nama.
Rama Nama gets exactly the same importance in Saguna Upasana (worshipping the Absolute Truth as a Being with a form) as does the Pranava (‘Om’) Mantra in Nirguna Upasana (worshipping the Absolute Truth as formless).
Rishi Manu shows that the Rama Nama has links to all the other mantras that ever exist.
In Syavana Smriti (Syavana is the name of a rishi), Syavana says that the Rama Nama is the essence of all the Vedas, Shastras, Itihasas and Puranas.
Sage Vasishta meditated on the Rama Nama for quite a long time. Hence he wanted to name the Almighty with the same Mantra that he had chanted.
In the philosophy of the Yoga, ‘Ra’ is considered the ‘Mooladhara’ (the point of origin of the power of Kundalini) and ‘Ma’ is the ‘Sahasrara’ (the destination). Hence, when the Rama Nama is chanted in the right tone and manner, the serpent power rises and hits the head or the ‘kapala’ Thus, by merely chanting the Rama Nama, one can become a Yogi.
In Vishnu Sahasranamam, Lord Siva asks Parvati to chant the Rama Nama all the time. A good teacher is the one who practices what he preaches. It is obvious that Siva, being the Supreme Guru, (Jagadguru) Himself chants the Rama Nama. When parents do something noble, would not the son follow the same? Muruga and Ganesha chant the Rama Nama always. That is verily their ‘Kula Mantra’.
Sage Vishwamitra took Sri Rama and Lakshmana to the forests for ‘yagna samrakshana’ (protecting their fire austerities from the demons). Out of the boundless love for Sri Rama, Viswamnitra wanted to gift Him something. A sage that he was, he had no worldly possessions, nevertheless, he had performed an abundance of austerities. He had penanced for a very long time on crores of ‘Devatas’ with mantras for each of them. He initiated Sri Rama with these Mantras.
As soon as the Mantras were initiated to Sri Rama, the ‘devatas’ appeared before them! Viswamitra was jealous of the fact that those devatas who could be invoked by him only after severe penances, now appeared the instant Sri Rama chanted their Mantras!
In our Shastras it is prescribed that when the devatas are invited, they can be installed in one of the three — water (that is the reason we install ‘kalas’ – pots of water for japa, kumbabhishekam and the like), fire (that is the reason we perform homam) and the third being, installing them into one’s own body (during Sandhyavandanam, Goddess Gayathri is installed thus). Here, when the devatas were invoked, they refused to go back to their abodes. Hence Sri Rama invited one and all of them into his body. Thus, by merely chanting the Rama Nama, one gets the benefit of invoking all the 33 crores of devatas as well.
Ramayana is filled with instances where merely the Name ‘Rama’ has solved so many miseries and disentangled so many situations.
Generally, people can be divided into two broad categories: the Shaivites, who worship Lord Shiva as the supreme, and the Vaishnavites, who worship Lord Vishnu and His forms as the Supreme Being. The most significant Mantra for any Vaishnavite is the ‘Ashtakshari’ (it contains eight letters in Sanskrit) mantra ‘Om Namo Narayana’.
The chief among the Mantras for the Shaivites is the Panchakshari (5 lettered) mantra, ‘Om Nama Shivaya’. Without the letter ‘ra’, ‘Narayana’ would read as ‘Nayana’ that means one without a way (‘gati’); without the letter, ‘ma’, ‘Namasivaya’ would read as ‘Nasivaya’ that means inauspicious.
So the jiva akshara (life-giving letters) ‘Ra’ and ‘Ma’ of these two Mantras are put together to form the Rama Nama! Anyone chanting this Divine Name thus worships both Shiva and Vishnu at the same time.
Also, Here its is 
One very famous and old true incident of 15th century!
Once there was a very wealthy Seth (businessman) in the current Uttar Pradesh. He was suffering from leprosy disease (vitiligo as we say white spots) for long time and therefore he plans to end his life by taking Samadhi in Ganga Ji.
He along with his family members and friends came to Ganga river and they saw Kamaal. (son of Kabiradas Ji)
Kamaal inquired about everything and smiled.
Kamaal: Seth! What if I remove this leprosy completely from your body?
Seth: I will give half of my wealth to you Maharaj instantly.
Kamaal: Keep your wealth with you. I don't want anything. Just chant Ram once from the bottom of your heart and take a dip in Ganga.
Seth did what Kamaal told, but nothing happened.
Kamaal: You didn't chant Ram from your whole heart. Do it one more time and take a dip.
Again! Nothing happened.
Now Kamaal asked him to say Ram for the third time and while Seth was taking a dip, Kamaal hit his head with a wodden stick.
Seth was horrified and terrified due to this sudden attack and he cried out Ram naam from the bottom of his heart finally.
And magic happened!
His leprosy disease vanished completely.
Kamaal was very happy seeing this and he hurriedly came to Kabiradas Ji and told him everything.
Kabiradas Ji was very sad hearing this that Kamaal had to take Ram naam for 3 times to cure a disease.
Saying Ram for 3 times for such a small purpose made Kabiradas Ji very angry.
He sent Kamaal to Tulsidas Ji who was Param Ram Bhakt with a letter.
Tulsidas Ji read the letter when Kamaal came to him and it was written:
“Dooba Vansh Kabir Ka Upje Poot Kamaal”
“Teen Ram Ke Naam Se Kodi Kiyo Bahaal”
My lineage has drowned when son like Kamaal born who had to take 3 Ram nam for curing a leprosy disease.
Tulsidas Ji smiled and ordered that whoever wants to cure leprosy disease gather at my ashram.
Around 1k patient of leprosy disease gathered from many villages.
Tulsidas Ji came and chant Ram naam only once on the water in his hands and then sprinkled that water on those patients.
And again magic happened!
Every single patient became disease free. Leprosy was vanished from each and everyone's body.
Kamaal returned home and told the incident as it is to Kabiradas Ji.
Kabirdas Ji was not satisfied even after that.
He sent Kamaal to Soordas Ji who was Param Krishna Bhakt.
Soordas Ji was laying on Raman Reti and his eyes were full of tears of love of Govind. He was in dhyan avastha.
Kamaal went to Soordas Ji and told him both the incidents briefly to Soordas Ji.
Soordas Ji: Look at the Yamuna river Kamaal. There is a dead body flowing in it.
Kamaal: Yes! There is a dead body. You doesn't look blind to me at all!
Soordas Ji: (smiling) Take that body out from the river and bring it to me.
Kamaal took the body out and took it before Soordas Ji.
Then Soordas Ji with his heart full of love amd bhakti of Govind, chanted Ra only out of complete Ram and suddenly the dead body became alive and that man stood in front of everybody like he's waken up from a long sleep.
Again magic happened!
Saying half of Ram naam can make a dead into alive!
Valmiki became like a God by chanting Ram naam backwards.
Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj control Shri Ram himself by continuously chanting Ram naam.
Shri Mahadev took the Halaahal poison and it became an ornament for him because of continous Ram naam jaap.
Lord Rama is the Supreme Lord himself and any paraphernalia associated with him has his qualities invested in them, then what to speak of his holy name!
In Bhagavad Gita (10.25), Lord Krishna says as follows:
maharṣīṇāṁ bhṛgur ahaṁ girām asmy ekam akṣaram yajñānāṁ japa-yajño ’smi sthāvarāṇāṁ himālayaḥ
Of the great sages I am Bhṛgu; of vibrations I am the transcendental oṁ. Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa], and of immovable things I am the Himālayas.
From this, we can understand that the chanting of the holy names of the lord hold the highest position amongst all other forms of sacrifice.
Why is that? you may ask
It is explained in the scriptures that the Lord has invested all his energies and glories into his holy name.
There are some practical examples where it has been shown that the holy names of the Lord are very powerful, and in some cases, even more powerful that the lord himself!
Evidence from Scripture In the phala sruti of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama, it is said as follows: sri rAma rAma rAmeti rame rAme manorame sahasra nAma tat tulyam rAma nAma varAnane As stated by Lord Siva to PArvati - if you just chant the name "Rama",it is equivalent to chanting the 1000 names of Sri MahA Vishnu"
The Transformation of Valmiki There lived a dacoit in the treta yuga who was quite proud of his profession. One day he happened to come across a few sages. Even though he knew they would not have anything of much value to him, he decided to try his luck by approaching the sages with the intent of robbing them. The sages asked him if he was aware of the amount of negative karma his actions would bring him, to which he replied that he only had his family’s best interest in mind. The sages then advised him to ask his family members if they would be willing to share the results of his impious acts. When he asked his family members this question, they laughed and thought he was stupid to even ask such a ridiculous question. This made him realise the worth of his actions, after which he apologised to the sages. The sages gave him to chant the holy names of Lord Rama, following which he was completely transformed into the saint whom we now know as Valmiki.
The incident with Lord Shiva When Lord Brahma recited the Ramayana, it comprised of 100 crore stanzas. Due to concerns of ownership of the scripture, Lord Vishnu divided the Ramayana into 3 sections - 1/3rd was given to MahaLaxmi, 1/3rd to Garuda and 1/3rd to Shesha. At the end of the division remained 2 words: Ra and Ma. These were given to Lord Shiva. These words became the object of meditation of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva also promises to give Rama Nama to his devotees in Kashi to grant them liberation.
The incident with Hanuman Once upon a time, Lord Rama was meeting with sages in Ayodhya. As the sages left Ayodhya, Hanuman offered his obeisances to all sages except Vishwamitra. Vishwamitra was furious at this and demanded that Lord Rama execute the offender. Lord Rama being a noble and just king, obliged. Hanuman took shelter of the holy name of Lord Rama. When Lord Rama shot his arrows at Hanuman, the arrows had no effect on Hanuman. (Please keep in mind that this Lila was plotted by Narada to demonstrate the power of the holy name of Lord Rama)
The incident with the Vanaras If you have heard the story of the Ramayana you would be familiar with how the monkeys accomplished the mighty task of building a bridge from Rameshwaram to Lanka by inscribing Lord Rama’s name on rocks and plunging them in water. Due to the strength of the Holy name, the rocks floated on water.
The story of Vibhishana When Vibhishana left Lanka with his attendants, his associates were wondering how Lord Rama was able to build the bridge across to Lanka. Vibhishana explained to them that it was merely the power of the Holy name. The attendant was skeptical and Vibhishana decided that a demonstration was in order. He handed the attendant a folded up leaf with Rama’s name on it and told him to cross the ocean. The attendant may have been skeptical about Rama’s name but he had faith in Vibhishana’s words. He took the leaf and started crossing the ocean which, to his surprise was only knee deep for him. He kept walking until he reached the midway point. Then out of curiosity, he opened the leaf and read Rama’s name. His skepticism returned. How can such a simple name be so powerful as to make the ocean knee deep? Unfortunately for him, the moment he doubted the power of Rama’s name, the ocean swallowed him up. (Taken from Holy name story: Vibhishana and leaf with name Rama!)
The story of Mother Sita When Hanuman saw Mother Sita in the Ashoka Vatika, she was unkempt and chanting the holy names of Lord Rama. She states to Hanuman that only due to the power of the holy name has she been able to survive in Lanka.
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lallulalnews · 3 months
#lallulal #lallulalnews @lallulalnews Mirzapur Season 3 Review: तीसरे सीजन में निकल गया मिर्जापुर का सारा गुमान, पंकज त्रिपाठी की इमेज को बड़ा झटका #mirzapurseason3update  #mirzapurseason3trailer #mirzapurseason3releasedate  #mirzapur #mirzapur2 #mirzapur2trailer #mirzapurdialouge #mirzapurvlogger #mirzapuri_kajari #mirzapur2dialogue #mirzapurseason3releasedate #mirzapurshorts #mirzapurbarakhadi #Mirzapur3 #Mirzapur3Review #MirzapurSeason3 mirzapur season 3,mirzapur season 3 review,mirzapur season 3 trailer,mirzapur 3,mirzapur 3 review,mirzapur 3 trailer,mirzapur season 3 release date,mirzapur,mirzapur season 3 update,mirzapur season 3 trailer review,mirzapur season 3 cast,mirzapur 3 release date,mirzapur season 3 kab aayega,mirzapur season 3 official trailer,mirzapur season 3 teaser,mirzapur season 3 all episodes review,mirzapur season 3 shooting,mirzapur season 3 release date update Mirzapur Season 3 Review By Deeksha Sharma. Mirzapur Season 3 Streaming on Amazon Prime Featuring Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal, Shweta Tripathi, Rasika Dugal is the Biggest OTT Show comeback after 4 years with Munna Bhaiya vs Guddu Bhaiya vs Kaleen Bhaiya 3 way race to Power reaching to its conclusion. Mirzapur 3 is back with Suspense Twist & Mind bending Climax with Surprise New characters challenging the old masters for the Ultimate Throne. Mirzapur 3 Full Web Series Story Outline Explained & Positives Negatives would be shared in this Video. Mirzapur 3 - The Biggest Indian Web Series ever or Kalki 2898 AD Prabhas Movie will steal all the headlines? Do leave your Public Review in the Comments below. Prime Video India Presents Mirzapur Season 3 Official Trailer Starring Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal, Shweta Tripathi Sharma, Rasika Dugal, Vijay Varma, Isha Talwar, Anjumm Shharma, Priyanshu Painyuli, Harshita Shekhar Gaur, Rajesh Tailang, Sheeba Chadha, Pramod Pathak, Shernavaz Jijina, Meghna Malik, Manu Rishi Chadha, Neha Sargam, Liliput Faroqui, Alka Amin, Anangsha Biswas, Shahnawaz Pradhan, Rohit Tiwari, Prashansa Sharma, Anil George Directed by Gurmmeet Singh and Anand Iyer Produced by Excel Media & Entertainment Written by Apurva Dhar Badgaiyan, Avinash Singh Tomar, Avinash Singh and Vijay Narayan Verma Official Release Date July 5, 2024 on Prime Video India. Lallu Lal (लल्लू लाल)- हे भैया सच्ची खबर तो लल्लू लाल ही देंगे..भारत के हर कोने से चुनी गई खबरों का संग्रह। भारत के राजनैतिक, सामाजिक और आर्थिक मुद्दों पर गहराई से जानकारी देना हमारा लक्ष्य है। हम यहाँ पर हर विषय को गहराई से देखते हैं, ताकि भारत के करोड़ों Online User के पास सही खबर मिले।
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movienized-com · 4 months
Shehar Lakhot
Shehar Lakhot (Serie 2023) #PriyanshuPainyuli #ShruthyMenon #ChandanRoySanyal #KubbraSait #ManuRishiChadha #SanjayShivNarayan Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- Genre: Drama / Thriller Hauptrollen: Priyanshu Painyuli, Shruthy Menon, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Kubbra Sait, Manu Rishi Chadha, Sanjay Shiv Narayan, Chandan Roy, Shruti Jolly, Gyan Prakash, Abhilash Thapliyal, Vikas Bhakri, Rishi Mehta, Navdeep Singh Tomar … Serienbeschreibung: Ein Mann kehrt widerwillig in seine Heimatstadt zurück, wo er gezwungen ist, sich seiner Vergangenheit…
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kasturimann · 6 months
pret aayega
kitab se nikal le jaayega prempatr
giddh use pahad par noch noch khayega
chor aayega to prempatr churayega
juari prempatr par hi danw lagayega
rishi aayenge to daan mein mangenge prempatr
barish aayegi to
prempatr hi galayegi
aag aayegi to jalayegi prempatr
bandishen prempatr par hi lagai jayengi
sanp aayega to dansega prempatr
jhingur ayenge to chatenge prempatr
kide prempatr hi katenge
prlay ke dinon mein
saptarshai, machhli aur manu
sab ved bachayenge
koi nahin bachayega prempatr
koi rom bachayega
koi madina
koi chandi bachayega, koi sona
main nipat akela
kaise bachaunga tumhara prempatr
badri narayan
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444names · 10 months
Names generated from hypocorisms and theophoric names
Abdie Abdubay Abduluc Abduluck Abdulucky Abraelly Abritanor Ahhom Ahmony Akhet Akhnuel Albijack Aldollie Amendy Amikey Amillah Amunakht Andoted Anichutz Annie Anollis Anoraell Anuelsie Arcus Aureenny Aurie Averry Avincelie...
Bareno Baress Baret Bartiff Beermore Bennie Benné Beternew Bielya Bigie Bobale Bobet Bobetep Bogdandy Bogdate Bogdavie Bogie Bogieudy Bogig Bogovan Bozsia Bozzie Brammy Braxavić Brick Bricki Buferrie Burick Buritt Cadotha Camen Camennie Cammans Camunael Chales Channy Chatio Chilly Chritz Chriusy Chuath Chubaddy Chubay Cianuele Clacky Clawie Clibb Clieuel Clilly Coren Corewt Daanuel Daathef Dance Dandy Danicky Danory Danoughip Daníbadie Datty Davenicky Davicky Dedia Derbig Derie Dernie Dessy Deudi Deuel Devaddy Deverritz Domik Dontu Dorael Dorantjie Doreg Dorrie Dorritz Dorry Dorty Dorua Dottlex Douiel Dulucky Eggilly Emert Ezekhotty Fedisen Ferryret Florri Fraddy Frammy Frandy Frano Franíbay Fraphalt Fraxankat Fraxaviv Fredy Frete Frich Frick Fricky Frisep Gabdie Gabdudy Gabduluck Gabijame Gargie Garnewt Garrewt Gennick Genty Gillarry Gilliddy Gillie Gomie Goteppedy Govickna Greuel Gusettayd Hadenny Hadia Hally Handessy Handy Hangee Hanné Hanuel Haretede Haritan Hasdrudi Hennichie Heofan Heoph Heophaddy Heophas Hepperrie Horre Hotenie Hothael Huckey Ikevieud Imano Immaddy Immais Imman Immie Immin Inoshuc Irsty Izzie Jaatun Jacel Jacky Jacquarry Jandy Janel Jeddy Jeffy Jerdy Jockitty Jocky Joddy Jodon Johamike Joharie Johaste Johathet Jonnie Jonny Jontjim Joodorrie Joony Joosetty Judave Judio Judorus Judya Jurit Kamen Kattah Kemag Kenie Kherny Kimicky Kirdiony Kirlie Koldotheb Kotev Kotey Kwalf Lackna Laddi Laddy Lahhory Lance Lannie Larenc Larettan Leoph Liblenc Liffan Lille Loroldony Loronis Lorricky Lotepes Lougie Lucke Madez Madia Madie Magdahhor Magdath Maggy Maisal Malby Mambie Mamenjy Mamun Mande Mangeruel Manie Mankhaell Mankimmie Manovally Mantu Manus Maníbalby Marcuse Marie Marlie Marnie Marry Mashea Mashie Maste Masteness Maxas Menka Menni Mennic Menny Mentu Mentunc Michi Micia Miciah Micky Mikentu Millac Mindy Misch Moldia Mophael Morie Moset Moshuball Nadiah Nadie Naelly Namenie Nammi Nanuelsi Natis Nedie Neferv Neffi Nessi Nieus Noredi Nornish Ofrik Ollarry Oshanose Oshubaz Oslaury Ovivey Ozsie Padeny Pateddya Patia Peddy Peggić Pertim Petepe Prame Pramell Prandes Priussie Prubas Pruel Ptammy Ptans Ptitz Ramentu Ranijayd Reggarnie Reudie Richarrie Rishi Riuss Robennie Rodor Rodorrick Rodote Rollillie Ronis Rooddy Rotenny Roter Rotheo Rotheoph Rothep Rotty Sambie Samimmy Sangenny Serch Sheope Shutz Smeny Smerry Sobby Sobeb Sobelly Soldia Solphi Spenuel Spethote Stady Staki Stamern Stedully Steffy Stepharie Stessius Steverie Suele Susele Tadia Tanuel Tedeb Thandorry Thashet Thattle Theben Thelie Thenka Theoddy Theoddya Theodie Theofred Theoph Theophan Theophie Thomic Thuatef Tiammy Tiffy Tingi Tionnie Tionny Tomet Tomosh Tonible Toonnie Toony Tooph Toosh Trichat Triel Trielie Trikey Tritz Ubalgie Ubarnie Ulladany Ullodor Vadank Vadavi Vandeb Venny Viciah Vicoxy Vivennis Vivey Vivicky Vlarrie Walby Walgive Wence Wesetnof Willie Wojoberry Wojod Wojoel Wojoslahi Xanus Xasam Yehorandy Yehorry Yehotep Zackna Zacorentu Zacorry Zacque Zanemos Zanickie Zanny Zanoronny Zanuel Zekheff Zekie Đokarstam
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mariepascaleremy · 1 year
Complexité et émerveillement face au monde
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Comment l'humanité a-t-elle transité vers la nouvelle ère après les inondations de l'Atlantide ? Qui est Manu et qui sont les 7 Saints Rishis ? Il y avait dans l'ancienne Atlantide des hommes qui étaient en réalité des Archanges (portant un Archange incarné dans leur corps physique et éthérique). Si un tel homme avait été vu par quelqu'un doté de clairvoyance, ce dernier aurait vu un homme physique et derrière lui une figure énorme, s'élever haut au-dessus de lui, et se perdre dans des régions indéfinies - la figure de l'Archange inspirant l'être. Une telle personnalité était d'une double nature, comme si derrière l'homme physique se trouvait l'Archange inspirant. Quand de tels hommes sont morts, le corps physique qui avait été naturellement occupé par l'Archange, s'est dissous, mais pas le corps éthérique. Il existe une économie spirituelle qui exige des exceptions aux vérités générales exposées par l'anthroposophie. Nous disons - et en général c'est correct - que lorsqu'un homme meurt, il abandonne son corps physique et après un certain temps aussi son corps éthérique, qui se dissout à l'exception d'un extrait. Mais c'est un cas général. Il y a une énorme différence entre un corps éthérique comme celui des Initiés des Oracles Atlantéens, qui était imprégné par un Archange, et un corps éthérique ordinaire. Un corps éthérique si précieux est préservé dans le monde spirituel. Dans un 1er temps, le grand chef des Oracles Atlantes a conservé les 7 corps éthériques les plus importants des 7 grands initiateurs de ces Oracles. Ces corps éthériques ont été construits à l'origine par le fait d'être habités par des archanges qui, à leur mort, sont naturellement retournés dans les mondes supérieurs. L'Initié atlante de l'Oracle Soleil n'est autre que Manu, qui a souvent été mentionné, et qui a guidé les vestiges de la nation atlante en Asie pour établir la nouvelle civilisation post-atlante. Il a emmené sa petite poignée de gens avec lui et les a conduits en Asie. Il a formé le peuple à travers des générations, et quand les 7 plus adaptables ont été élevés et éduqués suffisamment, il a tissé dans leur corps éthériques individuel la substance des 7 corps éthériques préservés, tissés par Archanges dans l'ancienne Atlantide. Ces 7 étaient les 7 saints Rishis de l'Inde ancienne ; ils portaient dans leur vêtement éthérique, les corps éthériques des grands chefs atlantéens, qui avaient eux-mêmes acquis ces corps à travers les Archanges. Ainsi le passé, le présent et le futur ont agi en harmonie. Ces 7 hommes qui sont appelés les saints Rishis vous seraient apparus comme des gens simples, car avec leur corps astral et leur personnalité, ils n'avaient pas atteint le niveau de leur corps éthérique. Tout ce dont ils étaient capables était entrelacé avec leur corps éthérique. Il y a eu certaines heures pendant lesquelles l'inspiration agissait au sein de leur corps éthérique, puis ils parlaient de choses qu'ils n'auraient jamais pu connaître. Puis de leurs lèvres coulait ce qui avait été inspiré dans leur corps éthérique. Ainsi, ils étaient des gens simples et simples quand ils étaient laissés à leur propre entendement ; mais pendant leurs heures d'inspiration, quand le corps éthérique était actif, ils parlaient des plus grands mystères de notre système solaire et de l'univers tout entier. - Rudolf Steiner GA 110 Les hiérarchies spirituelles et leur réflexion dans le monde physique (Conférence 7) https://rsarchive.org/.../English/APC1928/19090416p01.html
Art : L'avatara de poisson de Vishnu sauve Manu pendant le grand déluge
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indiejones · 1 year
This post is to h/l the false & warped William Jones & Max Mueller translations of Manusmriti, doing rounds for past many centuries, giving liberals an opportunity to bash up India's ancient Hindu codes/laws of living, elucidating on Hindu rights-duties-ideals-virtues & laws..said to emerge from discourses given by sages Manu & Bhrigu, to saints congregated at a place somewhere btwn today's Haryana & Rajasthan ~ 10,000 yrs ago.
The metrical Sanskrit reproduction of text of this carried forward teaching from ~10,000 yrs back, is said to have been written somewhere btwn 200 BC-300AD ie ~1700-2200 yrs back.
And THAT text, nowhere mentions the varna by birth concept, so defamed thru later translated manipulations. Infact it echoes exactly what the Shrutis of ancient saptarishis (first 7 sons of Brahma, creator of universe, also endowed with boon of endless life or life till so desire) & other subsequent great Maharishis spoke of, namely, that- We are all born Shudras (of natural service) (Infact in this context, let it be pointed out, that Shudra has been clearly laid out to be the service community of society in general, a vast majority as one would imagine, that led very well-to-do lives, this varna being most actively engaged in culture & it's propagation, with 90% society over past 10,000s of yrs, being a ~90% middle-class society), but we can all become Brahmins ie the "humans reborn during the same lifetime, or the twice born, called Dvija in Sanskrit, by virtue of acquiring divine knowledge & consequently wisdom", & also that all the denominated 4 divisions of society are essentially states of being, that can transform to any of the other states during same lifetime, via acquiring the essential skill sets.
Wanna know how flexible & lenient Manusmriti was towards women & women remarriage & adultery?
A. Woman, if faced living with wife-beater or if having left her, was permitted to accept another man of her choice, marry & start living in his house. With full inheritance rights thereafter. This process was called punarbhu.
& Ofcourse with right to remarry anyone of her choice upon husband's death, but even further, husband himself, in specific cases eg of not being able to bear child,was allowed,with permission of specified people,at specified place,allow his wife to sleep with man of choice, to bear husband's child. This was called niyog pratha.
However, this last proviso, though widely accepted in earliest centuries, came into dispute by later centuries, causing law-makers with power to amend the Manusmriti after specified number of centuries, use this clause, to delete the controversial proviso.
Do you know it was strictest of all on the Brahman occupation, the same Brahmans it was propagandized as being most baised in favor of? Requiring them to not wear gold, not wear beautiful clothes, bathe atleast 4-5 times a day, eat very sparingly, & have sex not more than 3-4 times/month with their wife.
Oh what terrible bias!
In scenario where laborer with load on his head is crossing the road, everyone, including the King too, if passing through, must stop, & allow the laborer first right of passage.
6 Different Types of Marriages permitted-
1. Brahma Vivah- Within scholarly community or Brahman varna(profession),where girl married off based on groom's educational prowess.
2. Dev Vivah-Within ruler community or Kshatriya varna,where girl married off per skill or physical prowess,usually judged in a competition/swayamvar.
3. Arsh Vivah-Btwn Brahman & Kshatriyas,where girl (royal,rich)married off to son of rishi/scholar on nominal cow donation.
4. Prajapatya vivah-Most common of marriage forms today, across all varnas, with just requirement of the ceremonial fire promise in leading life together,assisting each other towards higher goals & values.
5. Asur Vivah-Reverse Dowry Marriage!-Where boy pays a decided sum to girl's family,for her hand in marriage, generally to compensate for his or his family's perceived inferiority to girl or girl's family.
6. Gandharva vivah-Mutual mental acknowledgement,no witness needed.
7. Aside this, Lok prathas like Draupadi pratha ie girl married off to more than one brother in same family,also accepted.
8+9. The 2 Banned marriages per Manusmriti were Rakshas pratha & Pishach pratha ie groom marrying girl by force,by killing girl's family or harming girl.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6caB1p-mkI 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhvkQCwwY9w 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkcQ5bliVcM
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chaitanyavijnanam · 2 years
శ్రీ లలితా చైతన్య విజ్ఞానము - 442 / Sri Lalitha Chaitanya Vijnanam - 442
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🌹. శ్రీ లలితా చైతన్య విజ్ఞానము - 442 / Sri Lalitha Chaitanya Vijnanam - 442 🌹 🌻. లలితా సహస్ర నామముల తత్వ విచారణ 🌻 ✍️. సద్గురు శ్రీ కంభంపాటి పార్వతీ కుమార్ సేకరణ : ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ 🍁. మూల మంత్రము : ఓం ఐం హ్రీం శ్రీం శ్రీమాత్రే నమః 🍁 🍀 94. కుమార గణనాథాంబా, తుష్టిః, పుష్టి, ర్మతి, ర్ధృతిః । శాంతిః, స్వస్తిమతీ, కాంతి, ర్నందినీ, విఘ్ననాశినీ ॥ 94 ॥ 🍀 🌻 442. 'పుష్టి' 🌻
పుష్టి గూర్చునది శ్రీమాత అని అర్ధము. 'పుష్టి' అనగా పరిపూర్ణత, విద్యయే పరిపూర్ణతను కలిగించును. అన్ని విద్యలకు మూలము బ్రహ్మమే. అట్టి బ్రహ్మవిద్యను కూడ శ్రీమాత అనుగ్రహమున పొందవచ్చును. అట్టివారే బ్రహ్మర్షులు. వారిది తరుగని పుష్టి. వారు సతత సంతుష్టులు. వారియందు ప్రకృతి పురుషుల సాన్నిధ్యము పరిపూర్ణముగ నుండును. వశిష్ఠుడు, అగస్త్యుడు, గౌతముడు అట్టి బ్రహ్మర్షులు. సనక సనంద నాది కుమారులు, నారదుడు, సప్త ఋషులు, మనువులు అట్టివారే. గణపతి, కపిలుడు, దత్తాత్రేయుడు, హనుమంతుడు దేవతలలో అట్టివారు అని ���ెలియవలెను. ఆకారములలో కుంభము, రంగులలో నీలము, అక్షరములలో ఓంకారము, అంకెలలో పదియవ అంకె- ఇట్టి పూర్ణత్వమును, పుష్టిని సూచించును. వృక్షములలో దేవదారు వృక్షము, జంతువులలో ఏనుగు, లోహములలో బంగారము, పక్షులలో గరుత్మంతుడు, పర్వతములలో కైలాస పర్వతము, జలములలో గంగాజలము యిట్టివి.
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🌹 Sri Lalitha Chaitanya Vijnanam - 442 🌹 Contemplation of 1000 Names of Sri Lalitha Devi ✍️ Prasad Bharadwaj 🌻 94. Kumara gananadhanba tushtih pushtirmati dhrutih Shanti spastimati mantirnandini vignanashini ॥ 94 ॥ 🌻 🌻 442. 'Pushti' 🌻
Pushti means strength. It means Srimata grants strength. 'Pushti' also means perfection. Knowledge brings perfection and Brahman is the source of all knowledge. Such knowledge of the Brahman can also be obtained by the grace of Srimata. Brahmarshis are such people. Theirs is inexhaustible strength. They are eternally satisfied. The grace of nature and consciousness is complete with them. Vashishtha, Agastya and Gautama are Brahmarshis. Sanaka Sananda, Narada, Sapta Rishis and Manus are such blessed people. It should be known that Ganapati, Kapila, Dattatreya and Hanuman are such among the gods. Pot in shapes, blue in colors, Omkara in letters, tenth digit in numbers - they represents completeness and prosperity. Among the trees is the cedar tree, among the animals is the elephant, among the metals is gold, among the birds is the Garutman( eagle), among the mountains is the Kailasa mountain, and among the waters is the Ganga are such.
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travelworlddigital · 2 years
Best places to visit in April in India
Are You Planning a Trip to April? This is our list of top places to visit in India during April.
When April arrives, the scent of spring slowly transforms into the ethereal mood of vacations. This month is marked by the faint fluttering and heat of summer, along with dry, cheerful air. Families are ready to head off on vacations to cooler climes. The cooler temperatures make South Indian locations in the hills and near the coast, as well as the Himalayan and northern destinations, highly sought-after. Some of the best places to visit in India in April include Manali, Darjeeling and Sonamarg as well as Trivandrum, Trivandrum, Coonoor and Trivandrum. Continue reading to discover more gems like these, and how they did in April for all.
Darjeeling lies in the Himalayan Range, a paradise of tea gardens, hills, valleys, and mountains. Darjeeling, a part of the state of West Bengal is a romantic hilly escape in India. It blooms with beautiful, touristy things to see and do in summer. April is a great month to visit Darjeeling. It has temperatures between 11 and 19 degrees Celsius. You should bring light woolen to protect yourself from hail and showers.
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Things to Do:
Begin with the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. This 78-km long toy train is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. To see Mt. To see rare Himalayan animals such as snow leopard, red panda and the Himalayan Wolf, head to Tiger Hill. You can also visit Mirik to get fresh oranges straight from its orchards. There is also Lake Sumandu and holy places like Devi Stan, Bokar Monastery, and Devi Stan. You can enjoy a cable car ride in Rangeet Valley. It takes you to the village of Darjeeling, where there are rivers running, tea gardens freshly pruned and green meadows. A tea estate is another great tourist attraction in Darjeeling, which is known primarily for its black tea. Nehru Road and Mall road are great places to shop for woolens, handicrafts and souvenirs of the toy train.
Manali is situated within Himachal Pradesh, specifically, in the Kullu district, which is also known as the Valley of Gods. The town that was made famous in the film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani lately has always been a top choice for travelers seeking a hill station getaway, as well as authentic adventure. It has a charming old-world charm and is among the most sought-after tourism destinations within Himachal Pradesh; especially in April when the temperature stays between 10degC and 25degC. A pleasant day and cool night’s luxurious hotels and resorts with mountains to take on. The perfect summer getaway.
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Things to Do:
Start by taking a tour of the Tibetan monasteries, such as Gadhan Thekchoking Gompa Himalayan Nyingamapa Gompa (it has the largest sculpture of Sakyamuni i.e. Lord Buddha) and Panden Ngari Gompa. Also, make sure to visit Lord Buddha) and Panden Ngari Temple. Manu Rishi Temple, Vashishtha Temple, and Hadimba Devi Temple. Take a stroll through the apple orchards in Manali as you stroll through the streets to experience an old-fashioned beauty, and then visit the tiny town in Vashisth over Beas to soak in a hot sulfur spring. For those seeking adventure, Himachal Pradesh Tourism regularly organises programs in rock climbing, ski and mountaineering. Do make sure to snap a photo by one of the horses who are roaming on the mountain tops here. It makes for an amazing an holiday photo!
Mussoorie can be described as a hill station located in the newly created state of Uttarakhand located just 35 kilometers from the capital of the state Dehradun. It is located at an altitude of 6,170 feet, and the hill station has a wealth of nature and wildlife. Mussoorie is also famous for having an established beer brewery around 1850. The month of April marks the start of the peak season of tourism in the city, with the thawing of winters and a mild swell through the summer. The temperatures remain between 10 and 30 degrees Celsius.
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Things to Do:
The town is situated on Mussoorie Lake and it is obligatory to visit to the lake. The other attractions worth a visit are the waterfalls that are located in the region that range beginning from Kempty Falls to Jharipani falls and Bhatta Falls. It is also possible to hire boats and ride on the shores of Lake Mist or spend a peaceful, tranquil morning in Lal Tibba. The region that is Dhanaulti can be popular as a tourist destination mostly due to its blooming areas with Rhododendron flowering, Deodars along with oak trees. It is also possible to explore Happy Valley, and Gun Hill and enjoy the town's market, which is known as Mall Road. This area is charming and is home to English benches as well as lamp posts along with a cobbled street. For more information visit airobizz travels.
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akultalkies · 1 year
Satendra Soni, Sparsh Suman, Vinay Pathak, Masumeh Makhija, Shrikant Verma, Manu Rishi Chadha, Mahesh Sharma, Sawan Tank, Krishna Singh Bisht, Alka Chatwal, Vicky Madhawan, Sahil Sharma
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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The Cosmic Egg and Evolution of Man
There is a great mystery hidden behind the universe and one’s own life and until this mystery is unravelled our life can have no real meaning and we cannot be at peace, wrote Taimni in his preface to “Man, God, And the Universe.” The vast majority of people are not even vaguely aware of this mystery and are so completely assimilated with their environment and the current of life in which they find themselves that the deeper problems of life do not trouble them at all. But these deeper problems of life do not cease to exist because they are ignored. They appear in the form of other problems, generally more serious and sometimes deadly, he added. Here I am trying to delve into the mystery of the universe from what I understood from the teachings of Navajyoti Sri Karunakara Guru, the Founder of Santhigiri Ashram at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Some of us may wonder about life and its perfect processes. Let us take for example the process of procreation among humans. A woman and a man desire to come together stirred by the primal fire of Kama and the man deposits his egg in the womb of the woman. This egg develops into a human undergoing nine or ten months of evolution. This process was not invented by scientists, but it is the microscopic replication of the method evolved by God to create the universe. Rigveda (10.121) mentions Hiranyagarbha, the Golden Egg as the source of the creation of the universe. It is said that God, wishing to create the world, produced an egg as big as the cosmos. God meditated for a thousand years sitting inside the egg and when the egg burst, the Lord himself was born out of the egg as the Progenitor of the universe (“He made Himself by Himself.”, Taitiriya Upanishad: 2.7.1). The Rishis called the Egg Brahmanda (the Cosmic Egg), and the Progenitor Manu. Rig Veda acknowledges Manu as the progenitor of mankind and refers to him as ‘The Father Manu’ (Verses 1:80:16, 1:124.2, 11:33-16). Also read this section dealing with death in Chandogya Upanishad, which refers to the world as Manu’s creation:
“He (the soul of the dead person) proceeds from the sun to the moon, from the moon to lightning. Some superhuman being coming from the world of Hiranya Garbha leads those who arrive there to Brahman. This is the path of the gods; this is the path to Brahman. Those who attain by proceeding along this path, do not return to this cycle of birth and death, to this creation of Manu.” (Chandogya Upanishad 4.15.5).
Scientists have discovered that the universe has an oval shape. Like the nine months of the evolution of the human egg, the Cosmic Egg also undergoes nine stages of evolution before it gets dissolved during what we call ‘Maha Pralaya’. What is the Cosmic Egg like? The Puranas mention that Brahmanda has 14 biospheres, seven nether and seven upper inhabited by different types of souls. If we count from the human world, there are ten dimensions of consciousness. Rishis called these astral biospheres Mandalas/Lokas with different wavelengths and colours. Sri Karunakara Guru referred to them as Avasthas, or spiritual stages]. The Buddhists and Hindu esoteric sects such as the Theosophical Society explain these levels of the Absolute in terms of Physical plane, Astral plane, Mental plane, Buddhic plane, Atmic plane, Anupadaka plane, Adi plane and Shiv and Shakti. These Avasthas are related to the expanding consciousness reaching up to the core of the Cosmic Egg, the Paramatma. Like a spider which creates a web around it sitting in the centre, and withdraws it in the end, Paramatma creates and withdraws webbed multi-dimensional universes. Nobody can say when it started and when it will end as it is a beginningless and endless process.
Parabrahman (the Absolute) is ‘Shubra Jyotis’- ‘White Light’, says Mundaka Upanishad. The example of the prism is given by Taimni. “When passed through a prism, the Pure White Light gets dispersed to form a spectrum of different colours and frequencies. What has happened is that the beam of white light has been dispersed or differentiated by the prism and all the vibrations, visible and invisible have been separated from each other, according to their wavelengths, forming a continuous spectrum. By putting another inverted prism in the path of the emergent rays it is possible to recombine or integrate them again into the original beam of white light. So, the whole process is reversible.” That is how the Absolute Brahman self-manifests and disperses into various astral biospheres with the potential to remain unaffected by what is created. One must evolve through these astral biospheres one by one to merge with the Absolute. Then only there is Mukthi. Following are roughly the ten Lokas beginning from the human world:
1. Bhuloka (abode of man). 2. Bhuta loka (abode of earth spirits) 3. Pitru loka and Bhuvar Loka (abode of ancestral souls, 4. Bhuvar Loka (abode of Yakshas, Kinnaras, Devi-Devas, angels, etc.) 5. Swarga Loka (Heaven, the abode of Trimurti (Brahma,Vishnu and Mahesh) and other spiritual powers in heaven. Indra is the lord of heaven) 6. Rishi Loka (The abode of transcendental Rishis above heaven) 7. Parashakti Mandala (the sphere of the feminine principle) 8. Ishwara Mandala (The abode of supramental souls such as Sri Krishna) 9. Brahm-Mandala (the Cosmic Mind in creative mode) 10. Parabrahma Mandala (the ultimate seat of Parabrahm, God Almighty)
The abode of human beings is Bhuloka which is perceptible through the sense organs, mind, and intellect. When the soul (sookshma sharira) departs from the body it reaches various atmospheres in the Brahmanda according to its karma and evolution of consciousness. Gross souls with sinful actions remain in the atmosphere as earth spirits. Lighter souls with some virtues are transported to Pitru Loka. Those who are yet more radiant attain to Bhuvar Loka and then to Swarga Loka to reap the result of their virtuous actions. Swarga or Heaven is a place of super-sensuous enjoyments, inhabited by devas and other angelic beings. Indra is the Lord of Hindu heaven.
Similarly, there can be different lords in the heavens for Christians and Muslims, whom they call the ‘One God’ who sits in heaven and delivers judgment. The Swarga of Indra exists between the sixth and seventh spiritual sky. A man cannot attain Mukti in heaven because it is a world for the enjoyment of karma, and there is an end to it. Many people mistakenly think that their destination is heaven. But “Greater than the earth, greater than the sky, greater than heaven, greater than all these worlds (is Brahman)”, declares Chandogya Upanishad (3:9:28:7).
The transcendental experience begins from the seventh spiritual sky identifiable with the Rishi Loka. There are no physical limitations in this sphere because the souls can exist here as pure radiance. What we see as millions of stars in the Brahmanda are such evolved souls. They can take a body at their will when descending into the world. They are called Avatars, meaning the ones who descend from the Nakshatra Loka, the star world. Sri Krishna was the only Mahatma who had transcended the seventh spiritual sky and attained the status of Ishwara in the eighth spiritual sky by birth itself.
Christianity and Islam are heaven-centric religions promising enjoyments in heaven. That means the spiritual stature of Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad is related to the spiritual skies equivalent to the Swarga of Hindus. The final Judgement by God is related to the theory of karma, which is not acknowledged in the dogma of Abrahamic religions. You reap the result of your karma in heaven or hell in an organic way. There is nobody to judge you. You touch fire you get burnt. Why should be there someone to judge? Even if there is a judge, what difference does it make? When the merit or demerit of karma is exhausted in heaven or hell, the souls are reborn on the earth plane. They must resume the journey of evolution all over again to reach the Absolute. The goal of man is not heaven. A soul must transcend heaven too, forsaking the desire for pleasures to reach the presence of Paramatma. That is why the Ishavasya Upanishad said that the face of Truth is hidden by a golden disk. One must remove this lid to see the truth of God. Only the one who achieves this feat can become a Rishi and inhabit the blissful Rishi Loka.
This soul-travel through the above astral planes is not an easy feat. It requires tremendous will- power and self-sacrifices, and most importantly the help of a spiritual master who himself has transcended these spiritual abodes. The journey up to heaven is not as difficult as the journey beyond. The powers in heaven such as the Devi-Devas and other angelic beings can be pleased with a certain amount of spiritual regimen and devotion. They may grant your wishes, and even the power to perform Siddhi (miracles). But once you try to cross their territory, the problems start. There will be tests and resistance from the fallen souls known as Yogabhrashta, Satan, and Jinn. These are powerful souls with tremendous Siddhis. They are fallen from the path in the middle of their journey because of their egoism and thus failed to achieve Mukthi.
These jealous souls intimidate the genuine seekers with the lure of Siddhi or may trap them in sexual scandals or some other issues that create public outrage against them. This is done to stop them on their path of evolution to higher regions above heaven. The persecution becomes unbearable in this stage, and most of them fall prey to these evil powers. Even great souls like Sri Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, and innumerable other souls were intimidated by these fallen souls. The persecution of Sri Krishna by demonic powers, the death of Buddha by consuming rotten meat, the sufferings undergone by Mahavir, and Moses, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the sickness that led to the death of Prophet Muhammad after partaking of the poisoned food offered by a Jewish woman, all these are a few examples of such persecution.
Trimurti of Hinduism also exists below the seventh sky, the Rishi Loka. Vishnu is one of the Trimurti gods. The pundits made Sri Krishna an avatar of Vishnu. That is not right. Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma are called Devas. But Sri Krishna was not a Deva. He was a Kalanthara Guru, the spiritual authority of Dwapara Yuga. Sri Krishna called himself Ishwara, not a Deva. There is no evidence that Sri Krishna was an Avatar of Vishnu. That is the sectarian view of Vaishnava Puranas. Different sects appropriated great Mahatmas to promote their sects. Sri Krishna stood at a higher pedestal than all other gods and prophets. There was no parallel to him. He is known to have subdued even Brahma and Indra. After Sri Krishna, only Sri Karunakara Guru could transcend all the spiritual abodes and become the true image and instrument of God in this Kali Yuga. When the Guru transcended all the spiritual levels, Sri Krishna himself appeared in a vision and revealed to the devotees that they should follow only Guru from now on. But this is understood only by the followers of the Guru, the rest of the people are living like the proverbial frog in the well (koopa mandukas) who know nothing of the sea.
Evolution is supposed to be ending with man, considered the most perfect among all created living beings. One cannot calculate when exactly man originated in the world. We can perhaps discover it in relation to the present Manvantara. The British geneticist and evolutionary biologist JBS Haldane held that the ten Avatars or incarnations (Dashavatara) of God are a true sequential depiction of the great unfolding of the evolution of life, in the present Manvantara. The first Avatar Matsya was fish. The initial forms of life were aquatic during the Cambrian period (the earliest three geologic eras roughly 542 to 251 million years ago). The second Avatar Kurma belongs to the group of reptiles when the aquatic life gets evolved into amphibians. The third Avatar was Varaha or boar when the amphibian evolved into land-dwelling animals. The Avatar Narasimha or man-lion can be compared to primitive uncivilized humans. The fifth Avatar Vamana the sward-man may be related to the first man who originated during the Pliocene era (the period that extends from 5.332 million to 2.588 million years before the present), and Parashurama the sixth Avatar with the first man originated during the quaternary period (the most recent of geologic time scale spanning 2.588 million years ago), the weapon-wielding iron age. Rama, Krishna, and Buddha indicate advanced states of physical and mental evolution of man. The transition to the next stage is inevitable.
The present civilisational crisis can be overcome only when the orthodoxy in all religious traditions including Hinduism comes out of its shells and make possible the transition to the next stage of the supramental evolution of consciousness instead of going on proving and justifying their dogmas that are irrelevant now. The age of superhuman beings and supramental spirituality is coming. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh had predicted it, and Sri Karunakara Guru has put the cornerstone for such a civilisational change. --Mukundan P.R.
The Cosmic Egg by Talon Abraxas
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