#New Year Snow in Manali
jannattravelguruhp · 8 months
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fangirlshrewt97 · 2 years
Dhruya - Manali Memories
A gift on the anniversary of the birth of a most spectacular individual, @burningsheepcrown. My dearest friend, may the coming year be filled with new adventures, more stories, and so much joy. 
This is for you, I hope you like it:
*For context, Manali is a beautiful township nestled in the picturesque Beas River valley. It is a rustic enclave known for its cool climate and snow-capped mountains, offering respite to tourists escaping scorching heat of the plains. The tourism industry in Manali started booming only in the early 20th century, mainly because of its natural bounties and salubrious climate.
(to read more, go here)
“I can hear your teeth chattering from inside the room.” Dhruva said as he slid the balcony door closed behind him to keep the warmth in. He was suitably dressed in thick pants and a soft sweater.
“That’s cause it’s f-f-freezing out h-here!” Daya replied. He was standing with his back to Dhruva, too enraptured by the view to look at his boyfriend. He had his arms wrapped around himself in a hug, rubbing up his arms to try and warm himself. He was notably not dressed for the weather in his beach shorts and sleeveless undershirt.
“I’m sure your clothing choices don’t help either.” Dhruva remarked dryly, letting the blanket in his arms tumble open before draping them around Daya’s shoulders, and closing them down his front his his arms in a hug.
Daya sighed in relief as he sank his weight back onto Dhruva, confident the other man would catch him. A serene smile had settled on his face, and when he opened his eyes to look at Dhruva from where he was resting on his shoulder, they were filled with joy. Dhruva’s own heart flipped in his chest, quickening its pace as his arms squeezed his partner tighter. He leaned forward to nip at the tip of Daya’s nose, chuckling when the man scrunched his face adorably. Dhruva sighed, resting his cheek on top of Daya’s head to take in the view.
It truly was spectacular. They had gotten a room at the back of the hotel, so instead of facing over the city of Manali, they had an uninterrupted view of the forests and mountains. With a temperature approximately 20 degrees below their usual, the chill rose up even though their wool socks.
The trip had been spontaneous, for all that the idea had been rattling around in his head since that one night in the beach. They had been on their nightly walk, just enjoying the sound of the waves against the shore as they let the tensions of the day ebb away. Dhruva couldn’t remember how they had ended up on that topic, but he had spoken about how his training and schooling had given him opportunities to see many different parts of the country. Daya had smiled sadly, kicking at the sand as he said with forced casualness that he had barely ventured outside the city, much less the state.
And suddenly, the questions in his head of what special thing he could do for Daya had been resolved. Of course, their luck being what it was, no sooner had Dhruva looked up ticket prices, did they get slammed with a huge case that had taken a couple months to fully wrap up. Between the undercover work, the coordinating with the different districts, and the spooked crew splitting in all four directions, they had barely had a chance to catch their breath, much less spend time with each other outside of the office. What time they did get mostly involved them coming home, and face planting on the bed until the alarm went off the next morning.
But the case was resolved, and they weren’t due to testify for another couple weeks. Dhruva had coordinated everything with Murthi-ji, and only once he was sure that nothing would pop up to interrupt their get away, he had booked the tickets the very next day. Keeping Daya in suspense was a task of itself, but worth it for the look on the older man’s face as they’d approached their destination. The flight from Vizag to Delhi had been uneventful outside of Daya being restless, and earning quite a few glares from their fellow passengers.
Daya had protested when Dhruva had hauled him away from the city taxis to the car rental stand, saying they weren’t staying in Delhi, and badgered him the whole trip, until the scenery started to change.
Once the winter landscapes of Manali came into view, he had fallen into a stunned bewitchment, mouth open as he swiveled his head from left to right to capture the whole view. As they exited the highway to start going up the mountainous roads, Dhruva also felt the enchantment starting to affect him. As they drove through the curving roads, each turn revealed more and more mountains, the tallest ones disappearing above the clouds, and capped in white. The trees were coniferous, and rose a hundred feet tall, towering over the canyons and valleys, seeming to compete with the rocks to touch to the sky as well. The road itself was mostly free, the occasional car passing them, or coming from the opposite direction.
Dhruva’s smile had been more demure, but his chest was filled with warmth. Reaching a hand out, Dhruva had squeezed Daya’s thigh, and left his free hand there for the rest of the drive to the hotel. It was a long drive despite setting out from Delhi in the early hours of the morning, taking them the better part of the day, and they switched driving every so often to avoid getting leg cramps.
By the time they’d reached the lodge, night had fallen The entire town was light up in the most picturesque fashion. Daya had inhaled his dinner in record speed before racing back up to their room’s balcony to enjoy the view.
It had taken longer than Dhruva had anticipated to drag his partner back in, assuring him that the view would be better when it wasn’t pitch black. Daya had been more obliging when he realized Dhruva had conveniently forgotten to pack night clothes.
“What do you think?” Dhruva asked as they gazed out at the luscious greenery and the great mountains that rose up beyond the clouds in the distance. The skies were the perfect blue, with great white clouds that begged to be touched.
“While I could never give up the sea, I understand why people stay near the mountains.” Daya said, surprising Dhruva.
“They are pretty incredible.”
“Never seen anything like this before.”
Dhruva ducked down to nip at Daya’s ear, “Well, now you have.”
He unwrapped his arms from Daya, letting the other man catch the ends of the blanket as he went back to the room to retrieve the coffee tray. Daya shifted to one of the balcony chairs, leaning against the back, pulling the blanket to drape over his legs and abdomen. Dhruva handed him his cup of coffee before settling in the other chair, tucking one foot beneath his opposite thigh. Dhruva hummed as the hot coffee trickled down his throat, leaning his head back with his eyes closed.
A sudden inhale from Daya had his opening his eyes as he surveyed their surroundings. Before he could speak though, Daya kicked him lightly, pointing with his neck at the far corner of the balcony. On the top railing, a small bird sat, shaking out its feathers before it started to preen itself. Dhruva went as quiet and as slow as possible to avoid startling the bird, pulling out his phone from his pocket to open his camera and snap a photo. The phone’s volume was on though, and at the sound of the shutter going off, the bird cawed and jumped away, spreading its wings to head straight for the mountains.
“Did you get it?” Daya asked, as Dhruva cursed the phone.
“Yeah.” Dhruva admitted grumpily. Luckily the picture had turned out well. He extended his phone to Daya, who grabbed it. Daya finished the last of his coffee, placing the cup back on the tray. He weaved his hands together and stretched, cracking his back. “So how long as we staying?”
“Murthi-ji assured me he can hold down the fort till Wednesday.”
Daya’s eyebrows rose. “5 days?”
Dhruva grinned. “If we were going to take a holiday, I wanted to enjoy it, not rush it over a weekend.”
Daya ducked his head, but Dhruva could make out the pleased smile anyways.
“What’s on the agenda then?”
“We are just going to take it easy. Look around the down, and a couple nearby attractions. I’ve booked us an all day hike tomorrow-”
Daya groaned. “Bangaram, you just said we are on holiday.”
Dhruva stared him down. “In Manali. This is my first time here too, and I’ve never hiked the Himalayas before. It’ll be fun.”
Daya squinted at him. “Do you remember that conversation where I explained to you how our ideas of fun differ…”
Dhruva rolled his eyes. “Let’s see if you still think this after the hike.”
Daya sighed. “And the rest of the time?”
“There’s a lot of activities. We can choose after the hike. There are some really famous hot springs that sound really good too.”
That perked Daya up. “Hot springs? Like from the movies? Those exist in India?”
Dhruva laughed. “Everything is there in India, you just have to know where to go.”
Daya hummed. “I’m surprised. We are here for 5 days, and you only have a proper plan for 2 of them.”
Dhruva shrugged, hoping his blush wasn’t obvious. “I didn’t want to overload our trip.”
Daya smirked, rising from his chair to cross over to Dhruva’s, looming over him. Dhruva swallowed, breath hitching as one of Daya’s hands came to rest at the top of his thigh. “Was that the only reason?”
Dhruva was saved from responding when Daya sealed them mouths in a kiss that stole the breath from his lungs.
They ended up barely making it in time for breakfast.
The city was beautiful, a different bustle and rhythm to Vizag that the two men enjoyed thoroughly. The trip into town was lovely, and their visits to the nearby Hadimba Devi temple and Tibetan monasteries were a very new experience for the pair.
The hike did result in Daya complaining about being dragged out of bed so early. The actual hike shut him up though, as they slowly but steadily made their way up the mountain in a walk that stole their breath away both literally and metaphorically. It was night by the time they returned to the hotel after a traditional dinner in town, and both had just enough energy to strip down to their underwear before crashing into bed.
Next day’s activity was primarily focused on a trip to the Vashist hot springs that had them wishing they never had to leave those incredible waters. It was easy to understand why the waters were said to have healing abilities, it seemed to have washed away not just all the muscle aches from the day before, but muscle tension from years on the job.
Their fourth day had involved river rafting, an experience Dhruva would treasure just for the way Daya had alternated from shouting with joy to freaking out and nearly overturning their boat. After a nice lunch, the pair had driven up to the Solang valley where Daya had lit up like a child at his first proper encounter with snow as they rode up the cable car. They had devolved to a snow fight quickly, ending up with the pain nearly collapsed on top of each other, laughing with tears streaming down their faces. The colorful paragliders that dotted the sky had captured Daya’s attention, and they had raced to the location, just barely getting squeezed into the last trips for the day. Viewing the sun set behind the mountains from up high had been a sight neither would forget for a long time.
Dhruva yawned as he woke up, blinking blearily as he focused on the alarm clock. 6:00 AM.
They didn’t have any solid plans for the day, just enjoying their last few hours before they set out for Delhi. Dhruva turned his head to see Daya snoring softly, one arm tucked under his face. When Dhruva tried to get out of bed, Daya made a protesting noise, tightening the leg he had thrown over Dhruva’s. Moving slowly, Dhruva had eased away to use the restroom. As he made his way back, his gaze got caught in the sliver of space where they’d not pulled the curtain, and his eyes widened.
He hurried back to Daya, shaking him until the man woke up, glaring at him. “What?”
Dhruva’s excited face had Daya blinking and repeating his question in a more curious tone. Dhruva urged him to get dressed in his winter clothes, and went to the balcony, dragging Daya with him. Daya’s sharp inhale was very loud.
Snow was fluttering lightly to the ground, seeming to coat the entire world in a layer of white.
“It’s beautiful.”
Dhruva reached out to grab Daya’s hand blindly, squeezing it tightly. The early morning chill was making itself felt, but neither felt the slightest inclination to move. Until Daya tugged on their entwined hands to drag Dhruva against his side, grabbing the back of his neck and kissing him in a clash of teeth. Dhruva clutched at Daya’s waist, molding himself against the man. When the kiss ended, they separated but an inch, leaning their foreheads together.
“Thank you.” Daya whispered, for once no jest or or hesitation in his voice. Just a sincerity and a confession wrapped in one.
Dhruva’s heart skipped a beat. “Happy anniversary, Bangaram.”
“That was a couple weeks ago.” Daya huffed.
Dhruva smiled sheepishly. “Couldn’t exactly wish you when I was in the middle of a drug bust.”
Daya’s hands squeezed him, pulling him back in for a kiss.
It was hard to say how long they stayed out there, but when their feet lost feeling, the pair was forced back to their bedroom.
The drive back to Delhi, and the subsequent flight back to Vizag were filled with a sense of wonder, both feeling like they had not only discovered a new layer to themselves, but also reveled in the beauty of sharing it with their lover.
Whatever happened next, this would be a trip they would remember till their dying day.
(I do feel like it is a bit rough, and spent way more time on the first half and cheated with the actual trip description but I was on a deadline. Hope you can understand... 😅
Also I have never been to Manali, but hey, I’m a writer and that job description is all about making stuff up about stuff you’ve never experienced so...)
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5 Best Place to visit in Christmas and New Year - Holiday Destination Tour
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India has vibrant celebrations during Christmas and New Year’s. Choose your Best travel destinations in India Here are five fantastic destinations to consider:
1. Goa, India
Attractions: Beach parties, vibrant nightlife, and Portuguese-style Christmas celebrations.
Highlights: Gala dinners, music festivals, and fireworks along the coastline.
2. Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Attractions: Snow-covered landscapes, adventure sports, and cozy vibes.
Highlights: Celebrate amidst snow-clad mountains and enjoy New Year’s Eve bonfires.
3. Kolkata, West Bengal
Attractions: Park Street festivities, cultural events, and Christmas markets.
Highlights: Revel in the festive spirit with colorful decorations and musical performances.
4. Pondicherry
Attractions: French-influenced architecture, beachside celebrations, and midnight mass.
Highlights: Candle-lit processions, beautiful churches, and a serene ambiance.
5. Delhi
Attractions: Magnificent decorations, markets, and street food.
Highlights: Join the grand celebrations at Connaught Place, attend church services, and enjoy the local cuisine.
These destinations offer diverse experiences, from beach parties to cultural celebrations, making them ideal for enjoying the holiday season in India. Each place has its unique charm and festivities to welcome Christmas and New Year’s. As for the best tour and travel agents in PCMC, get the best deals on festive seasons , contact Destination Holiday Tours and discover the treasures worth exploring.
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opheliaschamber · 2 years
"For every trial and sorrow that God makes us shoulder, He has a reason." ~Khaled Hosseini.
A year has surpassed, since my anxiety disorder.
But even now, as the sun sways on the clouds at evenings, I can feel the remnants of the disorder. The anxiety penetrating deep within the edges of my belly, and the waves of the new-found atheism.
My disbelief in my God, Madhav.
I went to a couple of people for my anxiety. From the pathologist, to the school teachers, to the school counsellor, to friends, and lastly, to my aunt.
"Do yoga. Go meditate, it's good for anxiety,"
"You worry alot, and you overthink stuff. Why do you want to add more?"
"Itna tension nahi leneka. Be happy."
Imagine you're walking in a tunnel with a herd of people walking like sheeps. You're screaming; full throated cries. Yet, nobody in the tunnel can hear you. Yes, it feels exactly like that.
When the anxiety started, at cold dusks,
I would be on the brink of death.
Thoughts would nuzzle around my mind, like a snake caging its prey with its tail.
My hands would tremble and my breathing would occur with labour.
The fear, the stress, would slowly creep down to the belly of my abdomen and I could do nothing.
I had foreseen a panic attack.
I saw it coming.
Gently, it walked towards me in March.
One flaming hot summer noon,
In a caged toilet, with warm wind gushing through the windows, the attack began.
I remember traces; I was banging on the locked toilet door, with palms turned into fists, and I could not speak.
Words wouldn't fumble out of my mouth and I would helplessly bang on the oak door.
When I was released out of the toilet, the attack raced with a deadly speed.
My cheekbones, my lips, and my mouth went entirely numb. I can remember the tears flowing out of my eyes, and being incapable in providing life to my numb mouth.
"WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE ALL OF THIS? OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO COULD SUFFER, WHY ME? WHY ME?" I didn't realise I was screeching until my mother ran her fingers over the temple of my head, her eyes packed with tears.
I healed at the end of may, and the beginning of June.
After gazing at the monuments in Delhi, to the organized streets in Chandigarh, to the snow-capped mountains in Manali, to the flower gardens in Dalhousie, to the temple in Amritsar and lastly, with the soldiers at Wagha border.
With people, with places, and with memories,
I realised that life is now.
Life is in the present. Life is in the moment that I live, life is now that I'm writing.
Life is this.
My aunt, in east Maharashtra, was a messenger sent by Madhav, which we both believe in.
"You have taken the steering wheel of your life from Madhav. Return it back, divya. Let him drive. Let him take care of the speed and destination. You sit beside him and enjoy the journey. And trust him again. He won't let the brakes fail."
"It doesn't matter how many times you water a mango seed, for it will only ever bear fruits in summers."
"The only two things that you should focus on are; what you want in life and what will you do to achieve it."
She healed me.
At the end of the summer, on the brink of an upcoming monsoon,
In the garden, I met Madhav again.
In my dreams, I dream of peacock feathers and summers.
I dream that I am sitting beside the driver's seat and am gazing at the buildings that I grew up with.
"What happened?" Madhav asked.
I grinned; all teeth.
"Winters are parting," I answered.
"What do you see, Divya?" He asked standing beside me.
"I see the dawn of a rising sun."
"I will never let this sun set." He promised.
Now, as the fear of academic pressure looms over me, as new books, new publications await me,
I smile.
"Let me live now." i mutter.
I can see Madhav's eyes cramming with tears for the first time in days and a smile beaming at the dawn.
Author: Divya A. Korde.
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newdelhicarrentals · 17 hours
Himachal Pradesh Tour
Exploring the Serene Beauty of Himachal Pradesh with New Delhi Car Rentals Himachal Pradesh, nestled in the lap of the mighty Himalayas, is a traveler’s paradise. Known for its pristine landscapes, snow-capped peaks, and lush valleys, this northern state of India is a must-visit for anyone seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Whether you’re an adventure enthusiast, a nature lover, or a history buff, Himachal Pradesh offers something for everyone. And the best way to explore this scenic wonderland? With New Delhi Car Rentals, you can embark on a seamless, hassle-free journey across the state's most famous and off-beat destinations.
In this blog, we’ll guide you through a memorable Himachal Pradesh tour and cover everything from must-visit places to frequently asked questions to make your trip planning easier.
Why Choose Himachal Pradesh for Your Next Vacation? Himachal Pradesh is often called the "Land of the Gods" because of its ancient temples, monasteries, and religious significance. But it’s not just spirituality that draws tourists here. It’s the incredible natural beauty. Imagine waking up to mist-covered mountains, wandering through deodar forests, crossing sparkling rivers, and enjoying the crisp mountain air.
Whether you’re exploring the vibrant town of Manali, the colonial charm of Shimla, or the spiritual serenity of Dharamshala, each corner of Himachal Pradesh has its unique allure. Additionally, for adventure lovers, the state offers trekking, river rafting, paragliding, skiing, and more.
Why Travel with New Delhi Car Rentals? Exploring the rugged terrains and scenic routes of Himachal Pradesh can be both challenging and exhilarating. With New Delhi Car Rentals, you can leave the logistical headaches behind and focus solely on enjoying your vacation. Here’s why traveling with us ensures a seamless experience:
Comfortable Vehicles: From small hatchbacks to spacious SUVs and luxury cars, we offer a wide variety of well-maintained vehicles that cater to your needs, whether you’re traveling solo, as a couple, or with a group. Experienced Drivers: Our drivers are not only experienced in navigating the hilly terrains of Himachal Pradesh but are also familiar with the best tourist spots, hidden gems, and local attractions. You’ll be in safe hands as you explore. Flexible Itineraries: We believe in making your trip as personalized as possible. Whether you want to take a detour to visit an off-the-beaten-path destination or spend extra time in one place, our itineraries are fully flexible to accommodate your travel preferences. Cost-Effective Travel: Traveling with New Delhi Car Rentals can save you from the high cost of booking multiple local taxis or using public transport. Our all-inclusive packages are designed to offer the best value for money. 24/7 Support: Our customer support team is always on hand to assist you, no matter where you are during your journey. From last-minute itinerary changes to on-road assistance, we’ve got you covered. Now, let’s explore some of the most popular destinations in Himachal Pradesh that you can visit with New Delhi Car Rentals.
Top Tourist Destinations in Himachal Pradesh
Shimla – The Queen of Hills Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh, is one of the most iconic hill stations in India. It boasts colonial-era architecture, scenic views, and pleasant weather year-round. The Mall Road is perfect for a leisurely stroll, while attractions like the Jakhoo Temple, Christ Church, and Viceregal Lodge take you back in time. If you’re looking for adventure, a short drive to Kufri offers activities like horse riding and skiing.
Manali – A Paradise for Adventure Lovers Manali is the ultimate destination for adrenaline junkies and honeymooners alike. The town is famous for its adventure sports, scenic landscapes, and rich history. You can explore Solang Valley for paragliding and skiing, visit the ancient Hidimba Temple, or take a day trip to the Rohtang Pass for breathtaking views of snow-covered peaks. The Manikaran Sahib Gurudwara in the nearby Parvati Valley is another must-visit for its hot springs and spiritual significance.
Dharamshala and McLeod Ganj – The Little Lhasa Dharamshala and McLeod Ganj are famous for their Tibetan culture and spiritual significance. Home to the Tibetan Government in Exile and the residence of the Dalai Lama, McLeod Ganj offers a peaceful retreat with attractions like Namgyal Monastery, Bhagsu Waterfall, and Triund Trek. Dharamshala, on the other hand, offers stunning views of the Dhauladhar mountain range.
Kullu – The Valley of Gods Known for its lush greenery, apple orchards, and temples, Kullu is often called the "Valley of Gods." The town is a gateway to several treks, including the Great Himalayan National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Bijli Mahadev Temple and Raghunath Temple are significant religious attractions in Kullu.
Dalhousie – A Colonial Charm Dalhousie is a quaint hill station with a distinctly colonial vibe. The town’s architecture and scenic beauty transport you back to the British era. Don’t miss Panchpula Waterfall, Khajjiar, often called “Mini Switzerland,” and Dainkund Peak for panoramic views.
Kasol – A Backpacker’s Haven Located in the Parvati Valley, Kasol is popular among backpackers for its vibrant culture and hippie vibe. Known as "Mini Israel of India," Kasol offers easy access to the Kheerganga Trek, Tosh Village, and Manikaran Hot Springs. It's the perfect place for camping, bonfires, and trekking.
Himachal Pradesh Tour Itinerary with New Delhi Car Rentals Here’s a sample itinerary to help you plan your Himachal Pradesh tour with New Delhi Car Rentals:
Day 1: Delhi to Shimla Start your journey from New Delhi with our comfortable car rental service. Reach Shimla by evening and check into your hotel. Spend the evening exploring the Mall Road and Ridge. Day 2: Shimla Sightseeing Visit Jakhoo Temple, Christ Church, and the Viceregal Lodge. Take a short trip to Kufri for some adventure sports. Day 3: Shimla to Manali After breakfast, head to Manali. En route, visit Kullu for sightseeing and rafting. Day 4: Manali Sightseeing Explore Solang Valley for paragliding and other adventure sports. Visit Hidimba Temple and stroll through Old Manali. Day 5: Rohtang Pass Excursion Take a day trip to Rohtang Pass and enjoy snow activities. Return to Manali by evening. Day 6: Manali to Dharamshala Drive to Dharamshala and visit the Dalai Lama Temple Complex. Day 7: Dharamshala Sightseeing Explore McLeod Ganj, visit Bhagsu Waterfall and Triund Trek. Day 8: Dharamshala to Dalhousie Drive to Dalhousie and relax for the evening. Day 9: Dalhousie to Khajjiar Explore Khajjiar and enjoy the scenic landscapes. Day 10: Return to Delhi Drive back to Delhi with fond memories of your Himachal Pradesh tour. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the best time to visit Himachal Pradesh?
Himachal Pradesh can be visited year-round. However, for snow lovers, December to February is the best time to visit. For pleasant weather and outdoor activities, March to June is ideal, while July to September offers lush greenery during the monsoon.
How far is Himachal Pradesh from Delhi?
The distance between New Delhi and Shimla is approximately 342 kilometers, which takes about 7-8 hours by road. Manali is about 550 kilometers away, taking around 12-14 hours by car.
What type of vehicles does New Delhi Car Rentals offer?
We offer a wide range of vehicles, from compact cars to luxury sedans and SUVs. Whether you’re traveling alone or with a group, we have a vehicle that suits your needs.
Is it safe to drive in Himachal Pradesh?
Yes, it is safe to drive in Himachal Pradesh, but the mountainous terrain requires experienced drivers. With New Delhi Car Rentals, you’ll have highly skilled drivers who are familiar with the region’s roads and conditions.
What are the popular activities to do in Himachal Pradesh?
Some popular activities include:
Trekking (Triund, Hampta Pass, Kheerganga) Paragliding (Solang Valley, Bir Billing) River Rafting (Kullu) Skiing (Solang, Kufri) Sightseeing at temples, monasteries, and scenic spots.
Can I customize my itinerary with New Delhi Car Rentals?
Yes, we offer fully customizable itineraries to suit your preferences. Whether you want to add more destinations or extend your stay at a particular place, we are flexible to accommodate your needs.
What are the accommodation options in Himachal Pradesh?
Himachal Pradesh offers a range of accommodations, from budget guesthouses to luxury resorts. Major tourist hubs like Shimla, Manali, and Dharamshala offer more variety, while offbeat places like Kasol and Tirthan Valley have charming homestays and hostels.
How can I book a car with New Delhi Car Rentals for my Himachal tour?
You can book our services online through our website or call our customer support for assistance. We offer easy booking options with transparent pricing.
Conclusion Himachal Pradesh is an unforgettable destination, offering a mix of adventure, spirituality, and natural beauty. With New Delhi Car Rentals, you can experience the best that this Himalayan state has to offer without the hassle of planning and driving. So pack your bags, hit the road, and let us take care of the rest as you explore the stunning landscapes and vibrant culture of Himachal Pradesh.
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inmanali · 1 month
A Complete Guide to Adventure Sports in Kullu Manali
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Kullu and Manali, nestled in the stunning Himalayas, are more than just serene hill stations. The adventure sports in Kullu Manali make them a hub for thrilling sports. That firstly attract thrill seekers from all over the world.
Whether you are a novice or an expert one, Kullu Manali offers various activities. That further satiate your appetite for thrill. From white water rafting to paragliding, here’s a guide to the top adventure sports. That, you can meanwhile experience in this stunning region.
1: White Water Rafting on the Beas River
One of the most famous adventure sports in Kullu Manali is white water rafting. The Beas River, stands out with its swift currents and rapids. It https://inmanali.com/category/adventure-activities offers an exciting experience for both freshers and expert rafters. The best time to indulge in this sport is during April to June.
At that time, the river is in full flow. Here, the rafting route mainly starts from Pirdi, near Kullu. It stretches further for about 14 kms. Enjoy the thrilling ride through Grade II and III rapids, among the stunning mountain views. Above all, it is an experience you won’t forget.
2: Paragliding in Solang Valley
For those who crave the thrill of flying, paragliding in Solang Valley is a must do. Situated about 14 kms from Manali, Solang Valley is famous for its ideal setting for paragliding.
The activity is available almost year round. But the best time is during the summer and autumn months. At that time, the skies are clear and the winds are ideal.
Tandem paragliding, where you fly with an expert, is available for freshers. On the other hand, solo flights can be opted for those having experience. The scenic views of the valley and the nearby snowy peaks from above are simply stunning.
3: Trekking in the Himalayan Trails
Kullu Manali is a trekker's heaven with trails that cater to all levels of difficulty. The Hampta Pass, Beas Kund, and Bhrigu Lake treks are some of the most famous routes. That meanwhile offer a mix of tricky terrains and stunning landscapes.
The trekking season mainly runs from May to October. Here, each trek further offers a unique experience.
That ranges from touring lush meadows and alpine forests to crossing high altitude passes and lakes. For a more offbeat adventure sports in Kullu Manali choose Chandrakhani Pass and Malana Village treks. They meanwhile provide a glimpse into the region’s rich culture and past.
4: Skiing and Snowboarding in Solang Valley
During the winter months, Solang Valley transforms into a winter wonderland. That further makes it a hotspot for skiing and snowboarding. The powdery snow and well set slopes are ideal for both freshers and advanced skiers.
Many operators offer training sessions for those new to the sport. They meanwhile ensure that all can enjoy the thrill of gliding down the slopes. January and February are the best months to visit for enjoying adventure in Kullu Manali. As the snowfall is at its peak, creating perfect conditions for skiing.
5: Zorbing in Solang Valley
Zorbing, though a relatively new addition to the adventures in Kullu Manali. But, it has quickly become a favorite among tourists. This activity include rolling down a gentle slope inside a large, transparent inflatable ball.
It’s a fun and unique way to enjoy the valley’s landscapes. That further offers the added thrill of tumbling around inside the zorb. The best time for zorbing is during the summer months. At that time, valley is lush and green, with a beautiful backdrop for it.
6: Rock Climbing and Rappelling
Kullu Manali’s rugged terrain offers ideal options for rock climbing and rappelling. The region is filled with natural rock formations. That challenge even the most skilled climbers. Whether you’re a fresher or an expert climber, there are various spots.
Few are for example the Vashisht and Aleo areas near Manali. There, you can meanwhile test your skills. Many adventure camps and tour operators provide equipment and guidance for it. That further makes sure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience.
7: Mountain Biking
Mountain biking through the winding trails of Kullu Manali is an exciting way. Through it, you can firstly explore the region’s natural beauty. The rugged terrains, steep slopes, and narrow paths offer a thrilling ride for biking lovers. This route from Manali to Solang Valley is a famous choice.
As it offers a mix of thrilling ascents and descents. That gets coupled with stunning views of the nearby mountains and valleys. The best time for mountain biking is during May to October. At that time, the weather is perfect for outdoor sports.
8: River Crossing
River crossing is one more adventure sports in Kullu Manali gaining fame in Kullu Manali. This activity contains crossing a river using a rope stretched across the banks. It firstly tests your balance, strength, and nerves.
It’s a thrill packed experience that’s suitable for all ages, making it a great family trip. The Beas River and its tributaries offer various spots for river crossing. Above all, there are safety measures in place to ensure a thrilling yet secure experience.
9: Camping
For those who prefer a mix of adventure and beauty, camping in Kullu Manali is ideal. The region offers various scenic camping sites, such as Tirthan Valley, Sethan, and Solang Valley. There, you can pitch a tent and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature.
Whether you’re camping by a riverside, in a dense forest, or on a hilltop. The experience is sure to be reviving. Adventure camps in the area also offer activities for example bonfires, night treks, and nature walks. They further makes your camping experience even more pleasant.
10: Bungee Jumping
For the ultimate thrill, try bungee jumping in Kullu Manali. Though not as widely available as other adventure sports in Kullu Manali. There are a few operators who firstly offer this thrilling activity in the region.
The jump sites are mainly set up over deep valleys or rivers. They meanwhile offers an exciting free fall experience. It’s an activity that’s sure to get your heart racing. Above all, it leave you with enjoyable moments.
Kullu Manali is a treasure trove of thrills that cater to each kind of thrill seeker. Whether you’re soaring through the skies, going through wild rapids or rugged trails.
The adventure sports in Kullu Manali further offers endless options for thrill seekers. A blend of natural beauty and thrilling sports makes Kullu Manali a must visit place. That is perfect for anyone looking to experience the thrill of the Himalayas.
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physicalhealth · 2 months
A Magical New Year Celebration in Himachal Pradesh
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As the New Year approaches, the allure of celebrating amidst the serene and picturesque landscapes of Himachal Pradesh becomes irresistible. Known for its snow-capped mountains, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality, Himachal Pradesh offers a unique blend of tranquility and festivity. If you’re looking to ring in the New Year in an unforgettable way, Himachal Pradesh is the perfect destination.
Why Himachal Pradesh?
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Himachal Pradesh, nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, is a haven for those who love nature, adventure, and a bit of magic in their celebrations. The state is dotted with charming hill stations like Manali, Shimla, Dharamshala, and Kasol, each offering its own unique vibe. The crisp mountain air, twinkling stars, and the gentle glow of bonfires make for a magical backdrop as you welcome the New Year.
Manali: The Party Hub
Manali is one of the top destinations for New Year celebrations in Himachal Pradesh. The town comes alive with music, dance, and laughter as both locals and tourists gather to celebrate. Bonfires are lit, and the sound of music fills the air, creating an atmosphere of pure joy. The Mall Road, the heart of Manali, becomes a hub of activity with parties hosted in various cafes, bars, and hotels. If you’re looking for a blend of adventure and celebration, consider starting your day with some snow activities in Solang Valley and ending it with a party under the stars.
Shimla: A Classic Celebration
Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh, offers a more classic New Year celebration. Known for its colonial charm and beautiful views, Shimla is perfect for those who want to celebrate in style. The Ridge and Mall Road are beautifully lit up, and the city hosts several cultural events and parties. Many luxury hotels in Shimla offer special New Year packages that include gourmet dinners, live music, and entertainment.
Kasol: A Hippie’s Delight
For a more offbeat celebration, head to Kasol, often referred to as the “Mini Israel of India.” This small village in the Parvati Valley is famous for its laid-back vibe and scenic beauty. The New Year parties in Kasol are more relaxed and often involve bonfires, music, and a lot of good vibes. It’s the perfect spot for those who want to celebrate in a more intimate and unconventional setting.
Dharamshala: A Spiritual Start to the Year
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If you’re looking for a more spiritual way to welcome the New Year, Dharamshala and McLeod Ganj are ideal choices. Home to the Dalai Lama and a large Tibetan community, these towns offer a peaceful and serene environment. You can spend your New Year’s Eve attending a meditation session, enjoying a quiet dinner at one of the many cozy cafes, or simply gazing at the stars. The calm and spiritual atmosphere makes it a perfect place to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the year ahead.
Practical Tips for Celebrating New Year in Himachal
Book Early: New Year is a peak season in Himachal Pradesh, so it’s essential to book your accommodation and travel in advance.
Pack Warm Clothes: The weather in Himachal can be freezing in December and January, especially at night. Make sure to pack plenty of warm clothes, including thermal wear, jackets, gloves, and scarves.
Stay Safe: If you’re planning to drive, be cautious as the roads can be slippery due to snow. It’s also advisable to check the weather forecast and road conditions before heading out.
Local Festivals: Check if there are any local festivals or events happening around New Year’s Eve in the area you’re visiting. These can add an extra layer of cultural experience to your celebration.
Celebrating New Year in Himachal Pradesh is an experience like no other. Whether you choose to party in Manali, enjoy the classic charm of Shimla, relax in Kasol, or find peace in Dharamshala, you’re sure to have a memorable start to the year. The combination of natural beauty, vibrant culture, and the warmth of the people makes Himachal Pradesh the perfect destination for a magical New Year celebration.
When it comes to exploring the majestic Himalayas, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are two states that often come to mind. Both are home to stunning landscapes, charming hill stations, and rich cultural experiences. However, choosing between the two can be challenging as each state has its own unique appeal. This guide compares the best of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand to help you decide which Himalayan haven is the perfect choice for your next getaway.
Scenic Beauty: A Battle of Landscapes
Himachal Pradesh: Known for its dramatic and varied landscapes, Himachal Pradesh offers everything from lush valleys and dense forests to snow-capped mountains and glistening rivers. Destinations like Manali, Spiti Valley, and Dalhousie are known for their breathtaking beauty and are perfect for both adventure seekers and those looking to relax.
Uttarakhand: Uttarakhand, often referred to as “Devbhoomi” or the “Land of the Gods,” is equally mesmerizing. The state is famous for its pristine rivers, sacred lakes, and snow-covered peaks. Nainital, Rishikesh, and Auli are some of the most popular destinations, each offering a unique experience. Whether you want to go trekking in the Garhwal Himalayas or seek spiritual solace in Haridwar, Uttarakhand has it all.
Adventure Activities: Thrills in the Hills
Himachal Pradesh: Himachal Pradesh is a haven for adventure enthusiasts. The state offers a wide range of activities such as paragliding in Bir Billing, skiing in Solang Valley, and river rafting in Kullu. The treks here, especially in regions like Spiti and Kinnaur, are both challenging and rewarding, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.
Uttarakhand: Uttarakhand is also a paradise for adventure lovers. The state is renowned for its treks, including the Valley of Flowers, Kedarkantha, and Roopkund treks. Rishikesh, known as the Yoga Capital of the World, is also famous for its river rafting and bungee jumping. Auli, on the other hand, is a popular destination for skiing during the winter months.
Spirituality and Wellness: A Journey Within
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Himachal Pradesh: While Himachal is more famous for its natural beauty and adventure activities, it also has its share of spiritual sites. Dharamshala and McLeod Ganj are known for their Buddhist monasteries and the presence of the Dalai Lama. The state is also home to ancient temples like the Hidimba Devi Temple in Manali and the Baijnath Temple near Kangra.
Uttarakhand: Uttarakhand takes the lead when it comes to spirituality and wellness. The state is home to several sacred sites, including the Char Dham (Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath, and Badrinath), which are among the most important pilgrimage sites in Hinduism. Rishikesh is not only a hub for yoga and meditation but also a gateway to the Himalayas for those seeking spiritual growth and inner peace.
Accessibility and Accommodation: Comfort in the Hills
Himachal Pradesh: Himachal Pradesh is well-connected by road and air, making it relatively easy to access. The state offers a wide range of accommodation options, from luxury resorts to budget hotels and cozy homestays. Popular tourist destinations like Manali, Shimla, and Dharamshala have plenty of options to suit every budget.
Uttarakhand: Uttarakhand is also easily accessible, with major cities like Dehradun and Haridwar well-connected by road, rail, and air. The state offers a variety of accommodation options, from high-end resorts to simple guesthouses and ashrams, especially in spiritual hubs like Rishikesh and Haridwar.
Conclusion: Which Should You Choose?
The choice between Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand ultimately depends on what you’re looking for in your Himalayan adventure. If you’re seeking a blend of adventure, natural beauty, and vibrant culture, Himachal Pradesh might be the better choice. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a spiritual journey, wellness retreats, and a connection to nature, Uttarakhand is the ideal destination.
Both states offer unique experiences that will leave you with unforgettable memories. Whether you choose Himachal or Uttarakhand, you’re sure to have an incredible time exploring the wonders of the Himalayas.
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genztourism · 3 months
Enjoy eco-friendly Himachal stay!
Eco-friendly & Fun Himachal stay!
Imparting the name "Land of Gods," Himachal Pradesh is a homeland of all ecological beauties that can be enjoyed there all at once, from snow-capped mountains to landscapes of green valleys and glittering rivers; it offers a perfectly sustainable and mindful stay.
The sustainable and mindful Himachal Pradesh, settled in the lap of majestic Himalayas, is an ideal location for people who search for peace and want to spend time in nature and love thrilling adventures throughout; we at genztourism.com completely understand it and have curated some fantastic sustainable packages for each mountain lover. Whether you are a mountain lover or a person who loves traveling, genztourism has it all for you!
Best Time to Visit Himachal Pradesh with genztourism
The world has a range of climate experiences from season to season, and each season brings weather conditions.The right time for the visit will depend on your needs and the sightseeing activities you want.
Spring blossoms and highland areas of Himachal Chhattisgarh at this time of the year offer mild temperatures and are perfect for all outdoor activities.The summertime is the most populous season with a mild atmosphere, and hiking and camping start making this season heavenly.
July-September monsoons are was when cloudy skies warm up to provide patchy rainfall that refreshes the view and waterfalls,rocking the water bodies into new shapes.It is a celebration unlike any other.
Autumn is a fine time to have family excursions or to see, observe sustainable landscapes, and participate in events and festivals. When the snow covers everything during winter in Himachal Pradesh, all you need is a bellowing cold, and it becomes the ideal winter destination for those who prefer winter sports.Still, winter could mean travel hindrances due to road barriers.
What to do in Himachal Pradesh:
1.The interesting terrain of Himachal Pradesh has various trekking routes,including Triund, Hampta Pass, and Kheerganga, that are important for hikers. Apart from just providing an adrenaline rush phenomenon, it also offers the best eco-friendly mountainscapes, which are pollution
2.Instead of conventional vacation experiences in the city, plan to stay in a farmhouse in the rural area of Himachal Pradesh.Please get to know the locals and their culture and support their livelihood indirectly.
Where to shop?
1. Local Markets:Roam in the crafty and wondrous markets of Himachal Pradesh, including Manali Market and the Mall Road in Shimla,for quaint and authentic wares and local food.Due to the development of local artisans and manufacturers,you become part of a region that can sustain itself.
2. Fair Trade Stores:For quality and sustainable products,look for fair trade stores that focus on ethical sourcing and working with disadvantaged groups.These stores provide a wide choice of sustainable products, including craft textiles, handmade jewelry, and sustainable souvenirs.
Food to Eat?
1.Local Cuisine:Taste Himachali food, the most delicious food in the whole of Himachal. It has aromatic avors from the local ingredients.Why not try new recipes and identify the local specialty dishes? Here is something like regional Dham (a multi-course meal), siddur (steamed bread), and chana madra (chickpea curry) prepared using locally available ingredients and traditional age-old recipes.
2.Farm-to-Table Restaurants:Support and visit eco-friendly restaurants that buy ingredients from local farmers and sell solutions for better agricultural practices.Taste nutritious meals harvested from nearby farms and realize the bene ts of a low carbon footprint. Listen to the given audio and summarize the key ideas in your own words.
What to wear?
1.Given the region's unexpected weather conditions, we recommend packing layers with cotton and linen fabrics, which are conveniently breathable. It would help if you also took a pair of reliable walking shoes that are not too heavy for hiking and navigating rocky areas.
2.We at genztourism suggest that although Himachal Pradesh has a liberal culture, visitors should remember to use modesty, especially while visiting the sacred places and countryside, to show the locals' customs and traditions more courteously.
Why choose genztourism for your traveling purpose?
genztourism.com offers travelers sustainable,authentic, and diverse experiences.It promotes community engagement, social impact, and innovation, allowing travelers to connect with local communities and make a positive impact.
How do I Book my package?
Join our genztourism Himachal trip for an unparalleled and sustainable travel experience.Our responsible travel ethos also assures that your experience will be sustainable and mindful.
Remember to check out our unique packages and have a happy and safe journey from the genztourism team!
Click here to learn more: https://www.genztourism.com/destinations/himachal-india
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swantourtravel · 3 months
What are the Must-Visit Destinations for Your Kullu Manali Tour Packages?
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Who doesn't love the hills right? For anyone who prefers an adventurous trip to the hills, they will always want to come back, no matter what. One such gem from the Himalayas that you should certainly visit is the Kullu- Manali stretch. 
Most people who are looking for amazing holiday packages in India often consider the Kullu Manali tour option. If you thought that it was only the serenity in this region that stood out, then you must be mistaken! The entire tour does have some adventure elements as well which are worth a try. 
Let us explore what you can expect in Kullu Manali tour packages and how you can make the most of your trip to this idyllic destination. 
Must Visit Places That You Should Include In Your Kullu Manali Tour Packages 
Are you also considering Kullu Manali tour packages? We are mentioning below some of the most important spots that you should choose to visit:
Rohtang Pass
You must have heard from people that when in Kullu Manali, one spot that you need to visit is the Rohtang Pass. This is indeed true. Rohtang Pass is often said to be the crown jewel of Kullu and it is a Beauty pass that connects mountains. 
What makes the experience so beautiful is the exotic journey that you get to witness. Expect to see some snow-capped glaciers while you are making your way towards the peak. After you have reached the summit, you will be greeted with a panoramic view of the entire range. The snow-capped mountains and the view will certainly be etched in your hearts forever. 
Solang Valley
The name Solang Valley has become exceptionally popular in the recent few years. Why so? This is indeed the ultimate paradise for those who love to try something new! Such is the beauty of Solang Valley which is often referred to as the “adventure center of Himachal Pradesh”.
During the winter months, Solang Valley does turn into an adventure paradise. Numerous people spend time here and ski their way. Even if you are visiting during the summer months, there is an amazing sport waiting for you. It is none other than paragliding! The views that you will get are indeed majestic. 
Kullu Valley 
When visiting the beautiful lands of Kullu and Manali, you must pay a visit to the exquisite Kullu Valley. This is indeed embedded with a rich history and culture. There are quite a few old temples and villages that add to the rustic feel of the valley. 
You can also choose to shop here as this is heaven for some handmade woolen shawls. If you are visiting the Kullu Valley, then you have to pay a visit to the much-revered Raghunath Temple. This is a 17th-century old temple and is known to be the ultimate architectural marvel. 
Manali Gompa
The ultimate beauty of the mountains always lies in visiting spots that are culturally and historically enriching. One such site that you should certainly visit is none other than the Manali Gompa. The Gompa is situated at the top of the mountain and it gives you a splendid understanding of Tibetan culture. 
There are also prayer wheels and colorful flags all around the Manali Gompa that add to your experience. If you visit during the early morning hours, you might also witness the resident monks performing their daily rituals. It is indeed a beautiful sight to behold! Don't forget to enjoy some hot momos right outside the Manali Gompa. 
Kullu Manali tour packages are indeed very popular among travelers in India and abroad. So, if you are someone who loves the snow, then visit Kullu and Manali in the winter season, from November till January. 
Wondering if you can plan the entire Kullu Manali tour alone? Well, it is better to take expert help. Let Swan Tours be your guiding force in curating the most personalized holiday packages in India. Contact us today and you will indeed have the ultimate time of your life. 
Swan Tours is one of the leading tour planners and they help you with complete assistance right from the planning, execution, and even during your tour! 
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shinykittenland · 3 months
Best Time to Visit Manali, Himachal Pradesh
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Manali is a beautiful mountain town in Himachal Pradesh. You can visit any time, but the best season depends on what you want to do there. Each time offers different experiences.
Summer (March to June)
The summer months are the most popular time to visit Manali. The weather is pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C. This is perfect for sightseeing, adventure sports like paragliding and river rafting, and enjoying the scenic beauty of Rohtang Pass and Solang Valley.
Monsoon (July to September)
Manali gets lots of rain during monsoon. This makes everything green and beautiful. But it can be hard to travel because of muddy roads and falling rocks. Only a few tourists come at this time. If you like quiet time in nature, visiting Manali is a good season.
Winter (October to February)
In winter, Manali becomes a snowy. It is cold, with temperatures between -1°C and 10°C. This season is great for people who love snow and exciting skiing and ice skating activities. Many tourists visit during Christmas and New Year to enjoy the winter fun.
Big groups going to Manali can rent a 40 Seater Bus. It is roomy and comfy, so you do not have to worry about driving. Everyone can sit back and enjoy the pretty views. 
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sr2kiadm · 4 months
Why is Manali the Best place for your summer vacation?
Manali, a well-liked hill station in North India, is sometimes referred to as the “resort town” of Himachal Pradesh. Manali’s tourist attractions are hidden away in the dense pine and deodar forests, far from the flashy outside world. It offers a beautiful view of the Himalayas adorned with shimmering streams of water, reminiscent of a scene from a fairy tale. A visit to some of Manali’s tourist attractions is a rejuvenating experience for the body and mind. The sights of verdant valleys and the scent of pines clinging to the chilly air at Manali’s tourist destinations will captivate your senses. The Manalsu River divides the town into New Manali and Old Manali.
Manali is situated in the Kullu valley, surrounded by the Pir Panjal mountain ranges. It is located in the Himalayas, at an elevation of 6260 feet above sea level. The beautiful green mountains and imposing cliffs draw tourists back time and time again to explore in summer.
The kullu manali in india map offers a variety of sports, such as rafting, kayaking, zorbing, paragliding, hiking, and snow-scooting. There are numerous tourist destinations in Manali, including the boat house, Solang Valley, Rohtang Pass, and the Vashisht Temple.
What are the things to do in Manali?
Manali is an amazing hill station that never lets its guests down. Though it is a popular tourist destination, unlike the other mainstream hill stations, it offers many unique experiences.
Tour Tibetan Monasteries & Ancient Temples: Notable temples include Hidimba Devi Temple, Bijli Mahadev Temple, Gauri Shankar Temple, and Manu Temple. If you’re still searching for tranquility and a glimpse of Tibetan culture, you can visit Tibetan monasteries like Manali Gompa, the Himalayan Nyingamapa Gompa, and Gadhan Thekchoking Gompa.
Trek to Jogini Falls: One of the most stunning waterfalls in the Himalayan areas is Jogini Falls, which you can visit as your next activity. This waterfall is a must-see location because of the route to get there, which is framed by mountains, verdant valleys, and cool air. This location also has a temple honoring Goddess Jogini, adding a religious element to the area.
Cycling around the town: Manali is a great place to go biking at a reasonable price. You may rent a bike in Manali for a fair fee and go for a ride at a number of different sites. The best aspect is that you may avoid the crowds and save a ton of money when visiting nearby tourist destinations.
Go Off-Road: Manali is home to a number of well-known locations. However, you can explore some off-the-beaten-path locations and save money by doing so. You would experience the joy that all travelers long for. Additionally, you can hike and trek in a variety of locations during the day or in the evening.
Bangalore to Kullu Manali Tour Packages
All year long, a lot of tourists from all over the nation reserve Manali packages from Bangalore or other locations. Shimla, commonly referred to as the Queen of the Hills, is in a similar situation. Travelers can enjoy unparalleled natural beauty, historical sites, and enjoyable activities in each of these hill stations. Manali, on the other hand, can offer you additional choices for lodging if you’re searching for something more affordable. The prices are significantly less than those for lodging and meals in Shimla.
Planning for Bangalore to Manali Tour Packages
Take a trip and discover the splendor of nature like never before! Bangalore to manali holiday packages are your best bet this season due to the stunning scenery that includes pinewood trees, snow-capped mountains, adventure sites, spiritual locations, cascading waterfalls, etc. One of the greatest spots for an exciting and enjoyable journey that will leave you with lifelong memories is Manali, the most gorgeous destination on earth.
Manali to Bangalore Holiday planning
Manali trip package from Bangalore can be fully covered in snow in three to four days. To plan your trip more effectively, consult the provided three-day itinerary for the Manali vacation package departing from Bangalore.
Day 1: Arrive at Manali via Delhi
Day 2: Visit and explore Hadimba Devi Temple, Vashisht Hot Springs, Van Vihar, Mall Road, and Tibetan Monastery
Day 3: Visit Solang Valley and Rohtang Pass
Day 4: Visit Naggar Castle and go for River Rafting
Day 5: Departure
It is now time to go forward, knowing what lies ahead in Kullu Manali. To guarantee a hassle-free and delightful vacation, reserve a travel package from Bangalore to Manali. To make sure that every tourist finds something that meets their needs, Kullu Manali Travel offers a variety of packages for the visitors at affordable prices.
A kullu manali tour package from bangalore to Manali is an exciting and enlightening experience, including touring sacred sites, engaging in adventurous activities, and finding stunning landscapes dotted with pinewood trees and tumbling waterfalls. So, look over the list of various packages, select the one that most interests you, and get ready to set out on an exciting adventure in summer.
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vaidhainshijindal · 4 months
Embracing the Chill: Exploring Ladakh in Winter
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Ladakh, often referred to as the "Land of High Passes," transforms into a tranquil and mystical wonderland during the winter months. From November to March, this high-altitude desert is blanketed in snow, offering a unique and serene experience for travelers. Visiting Ladakh in winter, particularly in December, provides a chance to witness its raw beauty, engage in unique adventures, and immerse oneself in the local culture. This article serves as a guide to exploring Ladakh in winter, with a special focus on December and the myriad of activities to do in Ladakh. 
Ladakh in Winter: A Serene Wonderland
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1. Breathtaking Landscapes:
Winter in Ladakh reveals a stunningly pristine landscape. The snow-covered mountains, frozen lakes, and clear blue skies create a picture-perfect scenery. The stark white of the snow contrasts beautifully with the deep blue of the sky and the rugged brown of the mountains, making it a paradise for photographers and nature lovers.
2. Tranquil Environment:
One of the most appealing aspects of visiting Ladakh in winter is the peace and tranquility. The region sees fewer tourists compared to the summer months, allowing for a more intimate and serene experience. The quiet, snow-clad monasteries and villages offer a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Guide to Ladakh in December
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1. Weather and Preparation:
December in Ladakh is characterized by extremely cold temperatures, often dropping below freezing. Proper preparation is essential to enjoy your trip comfortably. Pack heavy winter clothing, including thermal wear, down jackets, woolen sweaters, gloves, and warm hats. Good quality boots and socks are crucial for navigating the snowy terrain.
2. Travel Tips:
Accessibility: The road access to Ladakh via the Srinagar-Leh and Manali-Leh highways is usually closed due to snow. Therefore, the primary means of reaching Ladakh in winter is by air, with flights available from major cities like Delhi.
Accommodation: Many hotels and guesthouses in Ladakh close during the winter months. However, some remain open and provide adequate heating and warm bedding. Booking in advance is advisable.
Health Precautions: The high altitude and cold weather can pose health challenges. Acclimatization is crucial to prevent altitude sickness. Stay hydrated, avoid strenuous activities initially, and consult a doctor about carrying appropriate medications.
Things to Do in Ladakh
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1. Chadar Trek:
One of the most unique winter adventures in Ladakh is the Chadar Trek, where trekkers walk on the frozen Zanskar River. This challenging trek offers an unparalleled experience of trekking over ice, exploring frozen waterfalls, and camping in caves. The trek is a test of endurance and provides a glimpse into the harsh yet beautiful winter landscape of Ladakh.
2. Monastery Visits:
Ladakh is home to numerous ancient monasteries, each with its own unique charm. In winter, these monasteries, such as Hemis, Thiksey, and Diskit, offer a peaceful and spiritual retreat. The sight of monks performing their rituals in the serene, snow-covered surroundings is truly mesmerizing.
3. Wildlife Spotting:
Winter is the best time to spot the elusive snow leopard in Ladakh. Hemis National Park is renowned for its snow leopard population. Apart from snow leopards, you might also spot Tibetan wolves, blue sheep, and various bird species adapted to the cold climate.
4. Winter Festivals:
Ladakh's winter festivals, such as the Losar Festival (Tibetan New Year) and the Spituk Gustor, offer a vibrant cultural experience. These festivals are celebrated with traditional music, dance, and rituals, providing a deep insight into Ladakhi culture and traditions.
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Ladakh in winter is a magical experience, offering a blend of adventure, spirituality, and serene beauty. December, with its tranquil environment and unique winter activities, is an ideal time to explore this high-altitude wonderland. Whether it's trekking on a frozen river, visiting ancient monasteries, or experiencing local festivals, Ladakh in winter promises unforgettable memories. Prepare well, embrace the cold, and immerse yourself in the enchanting winter landscapes of Ladakh.
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onlinevisauk · 5 months
Best Places To Visit In The India
India is a well-known tourist hub and an exciting holiday destination for exploring the wild, admiring architectural wonders, undertaking religious pilgrimages, going on a shopping spree, trying new adventures, discovering age-old historic treasures and lots more. With so many places to see and experiences to try, choosing that one perfect tourist destination in India for your next holiday can be quite confusing. This is why we have curated a list of the best tourist places india that you can consider for your upcoming vacation and fulfill all your travel dreams! https://www.onlinevisa.uk/india-visa
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Srinagar is the largest city and the summer capital of the Indian-administered union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. It is situated in the Kashmir Valley and lies on the banks of the Jhelum River. Srinagar is known for its beautiful gardens, waterfronts, and houseboats floating on Dal Lake. The city has a rich cultural heritage, with influences from Kashmiri, Persian, and Mughal traditions evident in its architecture, cuisine, and arts and crafts. Tourism is a significant part of the local economy, attracting visitors from around the world to experience its scenic beauty and explore its historic sites, such as the Mughal gardens, Shankaracharya Temple, and the old city with its narrow lanes and bustling bazaars. However, the region has also faced political unrest and security challenges over the years. https://www.onlinevisa.uk/india-visa
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Leh ladakh
Ladakh is a region in the northern part of India, known for its stunning landscapes, high-altitude deserts, and Buddhist monasteries. It's located in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and is bordered by the Himalayas to the south and the Karakoram Range to the north. Ladakh is renowned for its unique culture, which is a blend of Tibetan and Indian influences. It's a popular destination for adventure seekers, offering activities like trekking, mountaineering, and river rafting amidst breathtaking scenery. https://www.onlinevisa.uk/india-visa
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Lakshadweep is a group of beautiful tropical islands located in the Arabian Sea, off the southwestern coast of India. It's known for its stunning coral reefs, clear blue waters, and sandy beaches. The islands are relatively small and remote, making them a perfect destination for those seeking a serene and secluded getaway. Fishing and coconut cultivation are among the main livelihoods of the locals, and tourism is also an important industry. The unique culture of Lakshadweep, influenced by various traditions including Arab and Indian, adds to the charm of these islands. https://www.onlinevisa.uk/india-visa
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Manali is a picturesque hill station nestled in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. It's renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, including lush greenery, snow-capped mountains, and meandering rivers. Popular among tourists and adventure enthusiasts, Manali offers a wide range of activities such as trekking, skiing, paragliding, and river rafting. The town itself has a vibrant atmosphere with bustling markets, cozy cafes, and stunning viewpoints like Solang Valley and Rohtang Pass. Whether you're seeking adventure or simply want to unwind amidst nature, Manali has something to offer for everyone. https://www.onlinevisa.uk/india-visa
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Agra is a city located in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh in India. It is famous worldwide for being the home of the iconic Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The city has a rich history, serving as the capital of the Mughal Empire during the 16th and 17th centuries. Besides the Taj Mahal, Agra is also known for its other historical monuments such as the Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri, which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Additionally, Agra is renowned for its vibrant culture, handicrafts, and delicious cuisine, making it a popular tourist destination. https://www.onlinevisa.uk/india-visa
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Secure your Indian eVisa hassle-free. Apply online for streamlined travel. Experience the simplicity of obtaining your visa from the comfort of your home. Start your journey effortlessly today. https://www.onlinevisa.uk/india-visa
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Exploring Himachal Pradesh Tour with Jupiter Travels | Get Up to 30 % Off
Brief overview of Himachal Pradesh's natural beauty and adventure opportunities .
Himachal Pradesh is among the most visited top mountain tourist places in North India, Himalayas region. It gifts you with memories that last for a lifetime. Valleys, mountains, ancient monasteries, historical sites, lakes, mountain passes! - The list never ends. The wanderlust in you will be compelled to stay here forever. Pick up any Himachal travel guide, chances are, you will be hooked on to its beauty within a few minutes. This state has so much to offer. Indeed, it’s a top tourist attraction in North India.
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Introduction to Jupiter Travels and their offer of up to 30% off on Himachal adventures .
Discover Best Himachal Pradesh Tour with Jupiter Travels! Enjoy 30% off on our tours. Ride in our comfy Urbania 17-seater with skilled drivers and new cars. Relax and soak in the beauty of the Himalayas. Book now and make memories with Jupiter Travels. Don't wait, reserve your spot today .
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Description of Himachal's picturesque landscapes, including mountains, valleys, and rivers. 
The Most Beautiful Valleys Of Himachal Pradesh is one of India’s most beautiful states, with snow-capped mountains and a rich green landscape. this place features magnificent rivers and a calm and relaxing environment. this place has Beautiful tiny hill towns, each with their own unique beauty and tradition. there are many tourist attractions in Himachal Pradesh. There are many places to visit if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and spend some time in nature and quiet, or if you want to go on a long-overdue buddy trip.
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Highlighting popular tourist destinations such as Shimla, Manali, Dharamshala, and more.
Shimla is visited by hordes of tourists for its unparallelly natural beauty. Known as one of the most popular hill stations of north, Shimla is also popularly called as “Queen of the Hills”. The name “Shimla” has been derived from the name of the Goddess “ Shymala Devi”, that is a form of Goddess Kali. Due to wonderful scenic terrains of Shimla, in the year 2005, MTB Himalaya biking Race has been started in Shimla. It is considered as one of the biggest events of South East Asia. Nestled among the lap of the nature, Shimla has a picture perfect look. The town is nestled among the snow-clad ranges of Himalaya and has many lakes and lush green plantation. The ambience created by this city is not found anywhere else in India.
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Located in the laps of Himalayas, Manali is surrounded with the snow clad mountains and the woody forest with pine trees and the magnificent Beas River that flows in the region is majorly the add on to its charm. The abundance of natural beauty and glamorous charm makes Manali the most loved tourist location of the country. With plenty of attractions in the area, Manali is just not an ideal destination for the people who are looking for a perfect place for their vacations but for the honeymooners who wish to spend some quality time with their beloved in the lap of the nature. For all the adventurous souls out there in the world, Manali is again a prominent place for them.
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Conclusion .
So why wait? Book your journey with Jupiter Travels today and create lasting memories amidst the breathtaking beauty of Himachal Pradesh Tour . Experience the magic of the mountains and embark on an adventure of a lifetime.
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 🌐-   Best Tour for Himanchal Pradesh 
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hellotravel12 · 8 months
Valentine's weekend getaway: travel guide to Manali and Shimla
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Valentine's Day is around the corner, and a weekend getaway surprise to Manali or Shimla could be a great gift for your partners. A vacation to a hill station will definitely add personal charm to your romantic Valentine's celebration. However, travelling to a hill station could be complex and ruin your plans for your loved ones.
To make it easy, you can take the help of travel packages such as Manali Hellotravel packages. So, here are some travel suggestions for a visit that you must know before travelling to Manali and Shimla.
Retro aesthetic cafes 
Explore the beauty of mountains with mouth-watering food, which is something that can make your Valentine more beautiful. Long heart-to-heart conversations, romantic vibes and jazz music in old Manali cafes will be the cherry on top of the plan. Moreover, spending quality time with your Valentine in aesthetic cafes will make your Valentine's Day memorable.
Some of the best cafes to explore are Cafe 1947, the seven sisters, The Southern Soul Cafe, and many more.
Spiritual stop
Gauri Shankar temple in Manali should be on your must-visit list. Gauri Shankar temple is situated right below the Naggar castle. Couples everywhere come here to seek the blessings of lord shiva and his wife, goddess Gauri. It's mythologically believed that lord shiva's love for goddess Gauri is eternal and ever-lasting.
Tara Devi temple in Shimla should make a space in your list while exploring Shimla. This small visit will be a surreal and spiritually shared experience.
Moreover, seeking a blessing together on Valentine's Day could be considered a spiritual yet romantic experience.
Adventuring together
Solan Valley in Manali is famous for its adventure sports. From paragliding to zipling could be a heartwarming experience that both of you can share.
Overcoming your fears with your partners during your Valentine's getaway could be heart-touching. Exploring new things about each other during these events will make your bond even more robust.
Apart from Solan Valley, Jakhoo Hill, Summer Hills, Bantony Hill, Observatory Hill, and Elysium Hill in Shimla are famous adventure hubs. During this Valentine's weekend, you can explore mountain climbing, river rafting, and much more with your loved ones.
Up to the hill
Snow line break in Shimla is the best way to explore more about each other during difficult times. Moreover, spending quality time in the woods would be a surreal experience you never had before.
Apart from the snow line trek, the ShaliTibba Trek and Shoghi Trek could be better options for travelling this Valentine's. With exquisite mountain views and green lashes, pathways will make you make the trek the most memorable time you spend together.
Furthermore, trekking in Manali is a lifetime experience you can have with your loved ones. Manali has some simple treks for beginners and some strenuous treks for experienced trek lovers.
Rontang passes to Snowline trek, Chandrakhani –Malana trek, and Beas Khund trek are some of the best treks to explore this Valentine. 
Art Exploration
Shimla is the house of some famous museums and art galleries. Every year, thousands of art lovers from all over the world visit Shimla for their love of art.
Shimla Heritage Museum, Image Art Gallery, and Army Heritage Museum are famous must-visit places for art lovers, so add these art hubs to your Hellotravel Shimla tour packages.
Moreover, the Nicholas Roerich Art Gallery is one of the famous museums in Manali. This art gallery turned museum and memorial. This memorial should be added to your Valentine's to-do list. 
Manali and Shimla are undoubtedly two of the best holiday destinations in India. Visiting Manali and Shimla is the best getaway for your Valentine's weekend. Love in the air and you with your partner in the lap of mountains are the best gifts you can give to your loved ones this Valentine's.
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luxurypropertiesworld · 9 months
30 Spectacular Destinations in India to Ring in New Year 2024
As the clock ticks down to welcome the dawn of a new year, India beckons with an array of breathtaking destinations to celebrate New Year's Eve in style. From vibrant cities to serene getaways, here's a curated list of 30 amazing places in India that promise an unforgettable start to 2024.
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Goa – Beachside Extravaganza
Goa tops the list with its electrifying beach parties, vibrant atmosphere, and unmatched energy that fills the air as the clock strikes midnight.
  Manali – Snowy Revelry
Nestled in the Himalayas, Manali offers a unique celebration amidst snow-capped mountains, making it a picturesque escape for the adventurous.
  Mumbai – Bollywood Bash
The city that never sleeps transforms into a dazzling spectacle with its glitzy parties, rooftop celebrations, and the iconic Marine Drive fireworks.
  Udaipur – Royal Retreat
Experience regal celebrations in the 'City of Lakes' as palaces and heritage hotels host exclusive events, creating a magical ambience.
  Kolkata – Cultural Carnival
Celebrate New Year's Eve with cultural performances, dance, and music in the cultural capital of India, Kolkata.
  Andaman Islands – Tropical Paradise
If you prefer a tranquil celebration, the Andaman Islands offer pristine beaches, coral reefs, and a serene atmosphere.
  Jaipur – Pink City Extravaganza
The royal city of Jaipur dazzles with its grandeur as heritage hotels and palaces host elegant events against a backdrop of historical architecture.
  Pondicherry – French Flair
Immerse yourself in the unique blend of Indian and French cultures as Pondicherry's beaches and boulevards come alive with festivities.
  Kochi – Backwaters Bliss
Celebrate amid the serene backwaters of Kochi, enjoying a blend of tradition and modernity in this picturesque coastal city.
  Rishikesh – Spiritual Serenity
For those seeking a spiritual start to the new year, Rishikesh offers yoga retreats, meditation, and a tranquil environment by the Ganges.
  Hyderabad – Nizami Grandeur
The 'City of Pearls' welcomes the new year with its regal Nizami charm, extravagant parties, and a culinary journey of delectable flavours.
  Shillong – Hills and Harmony
The capital of Meghalaya, Shillong, offers a serene escape with its lush hills, pleasant weather, and vibrant local music scene.
  Agra – Taj Mahal Magic
Celebrate amidst the iconic symbol of love – the Taj Mahal – as it becomes the backdrop for a magical New Year's Eve celebration.
  Chennai – Coastal Carnivals
Chennai's beaches come alive with cultural performances, music, and a festive spirit, making it an ideal destination for a coastal celebration.
  Leh-Ladakh – High-altitude Soiree
For an adventurous start to the year, Leh-Ladakh offers a unique blend of snow, mountains, and cultural festivities.
  Delhi – Historical Splendor
The capital city boasts grand celebrations at historic landmarks, with fireworks illuminating the night sky above India Gate.
  Varanasi – Spiritual Awakening
Witness the Ganga Aarti and experience the spiritual fervour as Varanasi welcomes the new year on the ghats of the Ganges.
  Darjeeling – Tea Gardens and Tranquility
Enjoy the crisp mountain air and stunning views of the Himalayas as you celebrate in the charming hill station of Darjeeling.
  Kochi – Cultural Mosaic
Kerala's cultural capital, Kochi, offers a mix of traditional dance, music, and a culinary feast to usher in the new year.
  Puri – Beachside Serenity
The coastal town of Puri invites you to welcome the new year with its pristine beaches, local traditions, and peaceful atmosphere.
  Auroville – Spiritual Community
Join the eco-friendly and spiritually inclined community of Auroville for a unique New Year's celebration with a focus on inner harmony.
  Rann of Kutch – Desert Gala
Experience the surreal beauty of the white desert as the Rann of Kutch hosts cultural programs, traditional crafts, and starlit celebrations.
  Kasol – Hippie Haven
Nestled in the Parvati Valley, Kasol offers a laid-back, bohemian celebration amidst the scenic beauty of the Himalayas.
  Hampi – Ruins and Revelry
Explore the ancient ruins of Hampi by day and join the lively celebrations as the night unfolds in this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  Jaisalmer – Desert Royalty
Step into the magical world of Jaisalmer's sand dunes, camel safaris, and royal hospitality for a New Year's celebration fit for kings.
  Rajkot – Vibrant Gujarat Fiesta
Gujarat's fourth-largest city, Rajkot, comes alive with traditional dance, music, and a festive atmosphere during New Year's Eve.
  Mysuru – Palatial Splendor
The 'City of Palaces' invites you to usher in the new year amidst royal grandeur, cultural performances, and a majestic ambience.
  Coorg – Coffee Plantation Getaway
Experience the tranquillity of Coorg's coffee plantations as you welcome the new year surrounded by lush greenery and cool mountain air.
  Dharamshala – Himalayan Heights
Embrace the serenity of the Himalayas in Dharamshala, where Buddhist monasteries and scenic landscapes set the stage for a peaceful celebration.
  Amritsar – Golden Temple Glow
Conclude your year with a visit to the Golden Temple in Amritsar, where the divine atmosphere and illuminated surroundings create a serene and spiritual New Year's Eve.
As you gear up to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, India's diverse landscapes and rich cultural tapestry offer a plethora of choices for an unforgettable New Year's celebration in 2024. Whether you seek a beachside bash, a mountain retreat, or a cultural extravaganza, these 30 amazing places promise to make your transition into the new year truly special. Cheers to new beginnings and memorable adventures!
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