#Marble Honing NYC
johnnystonework · 1 year
Restoring Elegance with Johnnystonework- Marble Repair NY and NYC Specialists
Marble, a symbol of opulence and refinement, graces many prestigious properties in New York and New York City. Yet, the hustle and bustle of urban life can sometimes take a toll on these exquisite surfaces. If you're in search of professional Marble Repair Ny and NYC services, you've found the solution. At Johnnystonework, we specialize in the meticulous repair and restoration of marble, ensuring your spaces in the Empire State and the Big Apple retain our timeless beauty. In this article, we'll explore the importance of marble repair and how Johnnystonework can rejuvenate your cherished marble surfaces. 
Marble Repair NY and NYC: 
New York and New York City boast some of the most impressive architectural marvels, many of which feature marble in our design. However, the ever-changing weather conditions, foot traffic, and daily wear and tear can result in damage to these stunning marble surfaces. Marble repair is essential to preserve and extend the life of these luxurious materials. 
When it comes to Marble Repair Nyc and NY, Johnnystonework is your trusted partner. With a wealth of experience serving clients across the state and the city, our team has honed our skills in the art of marble restoration. We understand the unique challenges posed by the urban environment and are well-equipped to address them efficiently. 
Our Commitment to Excellence: 
At Johnnystonework, we are dedicated to providing superior marble repair services that cater to the unique needs of our clients in New York and New York City. We believe that every piece of marble has its own story to tell, and our mission is to help it tell that story beautifully. 
Our expert technicians use state-of-the-art techniques and equipment to carefully assess the condition of your marble surfaces. From minor repairs to extensive restorations, we tailor our services to meet your specific requirements and budget. Our goal is to bring your marble back to life while preserving its authenticity and character. 
Why Invest in Marble Repair? 
Marble surfaces, when repaired and maintained properly, can continue to radiate luxury and elegance. Timely marble repair prevents further damage, which can lead to costly replacements down the road. 
Moreover, repairing marble surfaces enhances our functionality, making them easier to clean and maintain. Whether you have chipped countertops, cracked floors, or weathered sculptures, investing in professional marble repair can significantly elevate the overall aesthetics of your space. 
In the heart of the city that never sleeps, your marble surfaces deserve the finest care available. Trust Johnnystonework, your local Marble Repair NY and NYC specialists, to breathe new life into your beloved marble features. Contact us today for a consultation, and let us restore the timeless beauty of your marble surfaces. Don't compromise on quality—choose Johnnystonework for unparalleled marble repair services in New York and New York City. 
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l4verq · 3 years
fight back | b.b
bucky barnes x enhanced!reader
in which bucky won’t lay a hand on you no matter what :(
tags : a little brawl, fluff cause icanthelpmyself, mentions of blood, john walker (idk if we're supposed to like him now ??) bucky is a cat lady okk
fic : one shot
a/n : inspired by that scene in the final ep of tfatws when karli is screaming at sam to fight back lol😳
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|| gif by @unearthlydust ||
one world, one people.
you repeat it in your head one more time, when he comes into view, vibranium gleaming onyx with loops of gold.
you know that he knows you’re here, back to the wall a few feet away, peeking at him.
he doesn’t know that you let him know.
doesn’t know that you laid out a trap and just like the foolish mouse, he walked right into the lion’s den.
although you’re not sure who the fool actually is, when you meet his eyes, knees almost buckling at the sight just cause of how long it’s been without them.
“y/n.” he breathes out, almost in disbelief.
it’s been fourteen months since he woke up to an empty bed and a handwritten goodbye letter folded in a clean white envelope, tucked under a pillow still marked by the soft indentation of your head.
fourteen months since you took off in the dead of night, pulling your- his hood over your head, the cold wind nipping at your skin, almost like it was punishing you.
maybe, it saw what you did.
oh, but fred definitely saw what you did, that damn cat always followed you two around even though it’s owner was the blonde next door. her name wasn’t even fred, bucky came up with it after the third time it snuck into the apartment.
he swore he hated it but always seemed to have a treat lying around in case it did come.
and it did, a lot. neglected by it’s owner, it chose to seek comfort in the couple next door, and sometimes a meal or two.
“sorry, no treat today bub.”
fred scowled - honestly, you wouldn’t be surprised if an actual human was living in it - mewling as it came up to you for the usual chin rubs and cooes.
you sighed, caving into it’s antics, squatting to pet it.
cradling it’s head into your palm, she was purring, a very uncommon sight. fred doesn’t purr, she scratches and hisses at anything and everything that moves.
“you’re particularly nice today.” you commented, getting up. it mewled even louder this time but you turned on your heels and headed for the stairs.
you were already late.
your legs picked up pace quickly, easily crossing multiple blocks over in a few long strides owing to the blue serum coursing through your veins.
though your mind remained stationary, fixated on a single face, how it’d crumble at the sight of the letter, how he’d probably end up hating you.
“took you long enough.”
her auburn locks were tied into a loose braid that curved around her neck, the tip sat just below her collarbone, a piss poor job held together by a thin maroon colored band.
it was quintessentially her, the lack of utter patience to spend two minutes looping three knots of hair one over the other.
you jogged over to the other side of the black suv, noticing a stark white rectangle where a liscence plate should be.
“he’s knocked out cold,” you asked as soon as you grabbed the door handle open, “how?”
it came in the mail in a brown package, no return address. bucky wasn’t home, he had a scheduled therapy session down the block.
just a pinch is enough.
the text from the unknown number read.
it had no odour, a clean, white colour to it that blended in seamlessly with the flour.
“you baked without me?” bucky gasped, dramatically, hand covering his gaping mouth. his other hand carried two plastic bags, filled to the brim, a purple razor was poking out the top.
he even had to drop the poor bags on the floor, just to emphasize the utter shock he felt.
“i got bored.” you giggled, wiping the countertop with a wet cloth, remnants of flour on the sleek marble turning goopy under it.
“it’s just cupcakes.”
“still a cake.”
you sighed, “you’re a five year old.”
he huffed, trudging towards the living room, shoulders hunched to really hone in on just how devastating this was for him.
“don’t i get a hug?” you held your arms out, making grabby hands, following him.
apparently, the devastation was to the point where he had to bring out the big guns, the sad baby blues.
the act lasted for another minute? at best. hours later, he was happily munching away.
“i know why it tastes so good.” he moaned, smacking his lips.
your smile faltered a little, did he kn- no, there’s no way he could have known. you burned that little plastic bag as soon as you dumped a pinch in.
he grinned, popping the last bit left in “it was made with your love.”
“how did it work?” your voice rose several octaves higher, amplified further by the cool, silent night.
drugs and sedatives don’t work on supersoldiers yet a certain blue eyed one was back home, unmoving even if you screamed right into his ears.
“dr wilfred, he invented it. the power broker wanted something to balance out our,” she flared her hands at both of you, “super-soldierness, so that we don’t have an upper hand when all’s said and done.”
would the either of you even be alive when all was said and done?
“look, i know you didn’t want to do this but james, he won’t understand. he’s not one o-..”
“yea, can we jus- let’s just get out of here.” you get in beside her, whipping the seatbelt over your torso.
the car was stuffy, felt like a choke around your neck that only seemed to tighten more and more.
“if we go now, there’s no coming back.” she glances at you, hand curled over the gearstick ready to position it in place.
she was giving you an out, one last chance. karli was a lot of things and having a heart inside that cold, bitchy exterior was one.
“i know.”
you sunk deeper into your seat, the hoodie had a faint smell of burnt toast and that cologne which was on sale, almost half off if you cut out the taxes.
it smelled like him, too much like him.
until it didn’t after a few days. but you still slept with it, just outright refusing to wash it despite karli’s snarky remarks about hygiene.
hygiene could go fuck herself, for all you know.
compared to the motels and basements you guys shifted around in, that hoodie was a doctor’s scrubs.
when the moon hung low on the black sky, you tried not to think about him too much. the silence didn’t help, you needed something to drown out your thoughts. that’s when the ‘socialising’ with the other flag smashers started. they were nice.
nice cause you were the leader’s little sister. but also a huge fucking liability because of a certain supersoldier hot on their heels in search of you, ruining every goddamn plan so their niceness was.. limited.
karli was a natural when it came to it, all of it. the talking, rallying of supporters - fuck, she just had a way with words. she could make you believe she hung up the stars in the sky.
probably how she convinced you that holding a room chock full of council members hostage right smack in the middle of nyc was a good idea.
the only idea, more precisely.
you guys had the upper hand, more than a handful supersoldiers at your disposal, capable of taking down the entire military force if you so pleased.
the only playing card they had was one supersoldier, who was better off distracted, kept off the field.
so who better to send to do the deed than the love of his life.
“fred had a baby. multiple babies, spawn of the devil if you ask me. always running around, thrashing the place up.” he takes small steps towards you, slow and calculated, as if a lion stalking around a prey.
“you shouldn’t be here.” you lie through your teeth, a tiny white compared to the ones that’ve rolled off your tongue before.
“i think the neighbours call me a cat lady now,” his eyes shift around and he leans in to whisper, “they haven’t even seen my knitting skills yet.”
“stop.” you think you said it or much rather whispered it, your voice was failing you. he’s getting close, too close for your liking so why aren’t you backing away from him?
“fred misses you, you know. she wonders where you went.” he smiles but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
the hairs on your neck shoot up, a slight twitch of your brow. the way bucky’s ear perk up, you realise it’s not just you and him here anymore.
someone else has arrived.
“i’ve got it handled, john.” bucky turns around, plants him directly infront of you, blocking john’s view of you.
sure enough, it’s john limping in, a nasty gash across his chest.
your blood runs cold because this isn’t how it’s supposed to go.
john isn’t supposed to be here, he’s supposed to be fighting.. oh god. you notice the various splatters of blood on his cowl, on his boot, on his shield.
it’s too much blood from a guy who’s barely bleeding.
“really? i was thinking you should do more than just talk.” he spits on the ground and wipes his mouth.
you notice, the spit’s all blood too.
“i’m giving you a chance to walk away, right now.”
john snorts, leaning sideways to get a view of you, neck craned out.
“and leave this prize all to yourself?” he grins, “i’d be an idiot.”
“you have a death wish then.” you lift your chin a little higher, praying your quickening heartbeat doesn’t give away your calm exterior.
john whistles, grimacing as he straightens, “so, she does talk.”
you scowl, crossing your arms.
he’s in bad shape. he has no chance, not that he ever did even in his best shape. he knows that too yet he’s still here. that sends a chill up your spine.
“go, i got this.” bucky tips his head, glancing at you.
“i don’t need you to save me.” you hiss at him, which comes out a little harsher than you intended. an apology dies in your throat as he flinches just the slightest.
“trouble in paradise?” john’s barely finished saying it before he’s reached behind his back and swinging the vibranium
you hear it before you see it stopped mid air by a gloved hand. then you charge.
it’s all a hazy mix of blue and red until your fist connects with his jaw, sound of something breaking ringing in your ear.
something pulls your waist back, a grip far too strong to be just flesh.
“go, i’ll ta-..” bucky’s barely said anything before an upward cut from john connects to his neck, violent coughs ensuing.
you grip john’s arm before he’s even retracted it back, jump up his back, settling around his neck and twist until you hear a crack and a bloodcurling scream following suit.
he whips his head back right into your stomach, seizes that moment when the wind knocks out of you to pull you by your hair off him.
“i told you to go.” bucky growls, kicking john right in the shin that makes him kneel and you almost fall off but you keep your fingers tightly looped around john’s hair, pulling as hard you can.
but he’s relentless.
your head hits something hard and you realise you’re on the ground now, legs loosely around john’s shoulders, him also on the ground.
it’s like the both of you realise at the same time but you’re quicker. your legs tighten around his neck, against the spot where a thick neck muscle throbs. he claws desperately around, straining for oxygen
soon, his hands lull down, the dull thud on the ground confirming his unconsciousness.
“are you hurt?” bucky’s hovering over you, seemingly unfazed by john’s neck in a chokehold by your legs right now.
you reject his hand he extends and push yourself off the gravelly concrete on to your feet.
“this was a mistake.” you trail off, saying it more to your own self.
you weren’t the lion, you were the stupid fox who thought it was.
stupid enough to believe you were over bucky and that everything wouldn’t come rushing back as soon as you laid eyes on him.
he whips you around by your hand and before you know it, he’s already caught your other fist heading for his sternum. you barely feel the grip, it’s soft, just so incredibly soft and fits so right.
you hate it.
rage bubbles inside you, mostly at yourself. partly at him because he’s not screaming at you or slamming you against the wall or jus- anything.
you wrench your hand away, land a swing which he does nothing to block. his grip on your other hand loosens and he still does nothing when another hit to the jaw leaves him staggering,
instead, he looks at you softly as if resigning himself to your anger, to let it simmer off.
“fight back!” you scream, outstretched palms pushing him back.
he stumbles a few steps back, hands reaching out to yours resting on his chest, fingers intertwining yours tightly.
“stop.” it’s a soft plead, tears spiking the corners of his eyes.
“hit me!” you’re practically begging at this point, thrashing your arms around.
his hands grapple at your shoulders, bringing you to his chest, “it’s okay.”
he smells so sweet, just so sweet that you almost believe him.
“i drugged you and i left you and i-,” you inhale sharply, “i killed so many people, bucky.”
the last fourteen months had escalated quickly from doing what’s right to doing what’s needed, lines blurred between moral ethics and survival.
“it’s okay.” he repeats, hand patting your hair, gentle and soothing. your body betrays you, sinking into his touch, his warmth.
“you should hate me.” you whimper.
you wouldn’t blame him if he did. you doubt he could hate you more than you already did yourself.
he pulls back, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “i couldn’t if i tried.”
god, why does he have to be so.. bucky?
frustated, you spit out, “this? this was a distraction to separate you and sam.”
you don’t say it but it’s understood, understood that you wouldn’t have met him if not for it.
the inner corners of his brows angle up slightly, a ghost of a smile on his lips, “i know.”
your breath hitches, if he knows then wh-
“then, why..?”
you finally look up at him, vision blurry because of the stupid tears pooling at your eyes.
his thumb wipes away a tear dribbling down your cheek, the coldness of the metal a clear contrast to the warm moisture, “you know why.”
a/n : this one’s been sitting pretty, collecting cobwebs in my drafts so thought i’d take it out lol, also haven’t been posting fics in a whileeee cause im dumb and i’ve been working on multiple things all at once lol yea this is me rambling and also i just wanna say that i. love. folklore. sm. that whole album has me crying and sad and just :((
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jancydroogs · 3 years
A little free write...
George and Nick break up. Ned sells The Claw back to George and opens a vintage auto restoration and “specialty repairs” shop. He buys a craftsman mansion near downtown and turns it into a boy's home.  
With seed money from Nick and Ryan, George opens a cafe, a pizza parlor and buys Johnny Mac's bar (re-naming it Buddy's) in addition to the Claw. Her sister’s help run what will become their family’s burgeoning hospitality empire. There is tension between George and Jesse who isn't interested in business and wants to go to the JC in hopes of becoming a marine biologist. George buys the Breaker Hotel later in her life. All of her establishments are notoriously (and conveniently) "haunted". Trip advisor stickers on the door and mentions on lonely planet-all the things. George becomes a rags to riches business marketing wonderkind about town. George struggles to be taken seriously by the old money investors and conservative business owners she must rub elbows with now. In the end she'll expand to Boston and NY and get into real estate and have enough money to throw in all their faces for the rest of time just like Nick whom she may reconnect with at some point.
Ryan struggles with alcoholism again, gets a DUI and enters rehab where he becomes interested in art. He gets involved in collecting and patronizing and when he falls in love with an artist he is inspired to become the Cathrine the Great of Horseshoe Bay: investing in culture, the arts and championing the environment and the education of young women in particular.  He gets his pilots license and flying in his vintage plane (restored by Nick of course) becomes a favorite hobby of his. He turns the Lilac Inn into the local girl's home.  He opens what becomes a renowned museum in honor of the the forgotten historical figures of New England in Boston. With the help of Carson he lobbies NYU to create a journalism scholarship in Lucy’s name.  He dies before he turns 60 in a landing accident while returning from a half hour flight he took to observe the bay on a particularly nice day.  
Bess acquires a student visa by becoming a cosmetology student at the local JC but doesn’t fit in and becomes an “illegal” resident again when she drops out of beauty school.  She’s a part time secretary for Nick and waitress at the claw again. She bungles Nick’s flow and he has to let her go at which point she finds a job in a bookshop after bonding with the manager over a mutual love of AJ Crane novels. She hones an affinity and strong sales numbers for the antique/rare book section and she uses her Newley sharpened expert eye to forge her papers all while angling for an apprenticeship with the mysterious owner which will allow her to begin building clientele amongst the wealthy collectors of Horseshoe Bay and get out of the counterfeit game she's been running on the side to get by. She fully embraces the dark-intellectual trope and pursues her PHD. at a historic, prestigious and secretive private school in Horseshoe Bay. She buys a dope ass queen-anne with a turret that she restores and lives in. She eventually becomes an art dealer (specializing in "rare objects" of course), chief buyer for the Hudson family trust and patron of the historical society.  After her eventual death at a ripe old age she gets a statue in her likeness, her house becomes a historic landmark and she becomes a legend in horseshoe bay for being it’s favorite Rich Auntie Supreme. Rumor has it her spirit still walks the town. Local legend says if you happen to see her ghost it’s an omen of good luck to come.
Nancy and Ace briefly open their own PI detective agency in Nick's building downtown. They begin to build a respectable reputation despite their youth. They assist Horseshoe Bay PD on "strange" cases, accept work from the town’s folk, and PI work from Carson. Nancy gets into Columbia and makes the tough choice to leave town for her education.  Grant moves in to fill her place at the agency. Things go well for a while but end up sideways when Ace suffers from an opioid addiction. Grant does his best to cover his brother’s tracks for a while but Nancy briefly must return from Columbia at his panicked behest to help him track down Ace when he goes missing on New Years Eve.  After a short stint in a detox center Ace decides to join the army on a whim without consulting anybody. He becomes a field medic first and an Army Ranger after that.
With the PI agency dissolved Grant joins the NYPD police academy (like his father *winkwinkwink*) after Ace goes to bootcamp and begins pursuing an advanced degree studying criminal psychology at NYU in hopes of someday working for the FBI as a profiler.  He naturally joins the nypd and becomes a rising star in his precinct. He and Nancy develop a close friendship while both living as students in the city and bond over their concern for Ace. Frant often lends her an assist, a quote, a clue or feeds her information for her stories.
Nancy shows up in the city at Columbia quickly becomes the darling of the journalism school and lands an internship at the school paper but after a promising freshman year is kicked out for breaking the school’s code of ethics whilst pursuing evidence that a cult is running a human trafficking ring fronting as a powerful and infamous secret society on campus that has been laundering it's profits through a fraternity's alumni donations by blackmailing a member of their executive board. After her expulsion she continues to pursue the story with encouragement from her friends and family  (in particular from Ace whom she maintains regular contact with via WRITTEN letters before he joins RRC. It’s romantic af but everything remains plutonic on the surface as is cannon, of course)  She publishes the story online. It goes viral and she's able to enter the workforce as a freelancer without her degree. She takes all kinds of assignments and has become celebrated for her thought pieces on buzzfeed, bellingcat, jezebel etc... but her bread and butter is working the crime beat in NYC.
Her sudden notoriety and reputation for being young, talented, and tenacious mean her colleagues are intimidated by her brilliance and they make her work especially hard for their respect. Despite her commercial success she's a loner and mostly isolated in the field.  She's thrilled when Bess shows up to the city looking to lay low for a while after the death of her mentor and burning some bridges in order to get out of the forgery game. She finds that she fits into city life and likes being close with Nancy and Grant after Ace's departure and George and Nick's breakup. She decides to move and she and Nancy become roommates. Bess gets a job as a bartender at Nancy’s favorite spot (a real dime store detective novel dive bar that's open in the middle of the day with low light and brick walls; maybe live music on the weekends but no marble countertops and tapas and shit) while attending Hunter college for her degree in cultural anthropology. Nancy eventually writes a true crime novel that becomes an infamous cult classic based on her experience uncovering her mother's murder and another based on her experiences with Gomber.
Bess’ graduation coincides with Ace’s homecoming and Ryan’s wedding to a renowned local artist. The crew returns to Horseshoe Bay for a couple of weeks before the ceremony for the subsequent reunions/celebrations.  While in town, the disappearance of a local girl proves to be the work of a serial killer when her body along with another girl's are found stuffed in a tree in the Gorham Woods. Nancy is hesitant to run down the story even at the behest of her editor’s pleas but decides to stay and investigate at George’s request when an arsonist burns down The Claw the night of Ryan’s reception. 
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#GorgeousOldHomes Repost from @circahouses • Love a grand home with a proper name: welcome to Westways 😍⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ($2,890,000 / Sea Cliff, NY)⁠⁠ -⁠⁠ From the listing with [email protected]: Built in 1913, Westways is a magical oasis 25 miles east of NYC. Nestled into 1.6 sloping acres overlooking the Sound and surrounded by old growth trees and luscious landscaping, the estate invites you into a state of tranquility and private luxury. An expansive flagstone patio and grand staircase lead to a sparkling gunite saltwater pool with a cabana, outdoor kitchen, and bluestone surround. For nature lovers, the singing birds, and soft breeze from the Sound whispering in the majestic pines will delight and inspire one hour from the city, yet a world apart.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ No expense was spared in the steel, cement, stone and terra-cotta block construction of Westways. Throughout its history, this estate has been meticulously maintained and thoughtfully updated. This is a unique opportunity to move right into the elegance and glamour of the Gold Coast, with all the comforts of today.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ The magnificent entry welcomes with original oak paneling, a grand double height staircase, a fireplace and polished hardwood floors throughout the home. Oriented to the magnificent sunsets in the west, the homes floorplan is designed to capture light and breeze from each beautifully scaled room. The chefs kitchen will make any serious home cook happy with Sub-zero appliances, a Lacanche range, multiple copper sinks, custom-crafted cabinetry, a walk-in pantry, butlers station, baking station, Pietra Cardosa-honed counter tops and radiant-heat Italian-tile floor.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Ascend the staircase to discover a true primary suite. A sanctuary, replete with a private sitting/dressing room, a spacious home office, working fireplace and a spa-like primary bath. Carrera marble, double vanity, a soaking tub, rainfall shower and radiant heat floors.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ This is a home that keeps giving. Seven bedrooms, nine bathrooms, a guest apartment, an attached garage currently being used as a yoga studio with radiant-heat cement flooring, three working fireplaces and natural gas and hot water heating.⁠⁠ -⁠⁠ https://www.instagram.com/p/CT7sE6JgAVBf9kEOmLsVUzCXcqgb3UIqVh4Gnk0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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samuelmmarcus · 4 years
Charlotte Custom Home
  How do you imagine your dream home? Is it a large Modern Farmhouse with plenty of land and nature surrounding it? Perhaps, it’s a beach house steps away from the ocean. Or how about a villa in Tuscany or the South of France? It could be a mountain home hidden in the woods or maybe a penthouse in Manhattan. For me, a dream home goes beyond its walls and location. I feel that a house only becomes a home if it’s shared with the people we love, where lives and memories are created and dreams – or goals – are achieved.
Recently built by Grande Custom Builders (I absolutely love their work!), this Charlotte, North Carolina, custom home exudes elegance. The interiors feature a warm color scheme that feels timeless and perfect for any season of the year. In fact, if you’re tired of all-white interiors, this home should be what you’ve been waiting for. Here, you will find interiors that perfectly balance beautiful architecture with rich textures and decor.
Find a comfy spot, grab a cup of tea or coffee and have a relaxing time. I hope you enjoy seeing this Charlotte home!
  See other popular House Tours by Grande Custom Builders on Home Bunch:
– North Carolina Lake House Tour.
– Inspiring Charlotte Home Tour.
  Charlotte Custom Home
This home feels very unique and authentic. The exterior is a combination of stucco and brick.
Roof: Clay Tile.
Exterior Paint Color
The exterior paint color is Benjamin Moore OC-28 Collingwood.
Custom arched metal doors open into a stunning home with inspiring interiors. Paint color is Benjamin Moore Gray Owl.
Bench: Gabby Home.
Round Dining Table: Available through the Designer – Others: here, here, here & here.
Rug: Jaipur – Other Neutral Rugs: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Great Room
Custom black metal windows bring plenty of natural light and architectural interest to the Great Room.
Fall-Winter Earthy Living Room Decor Ideas:
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Paint Color
Living Room Paint Color: Paper White OC-55 by Benjamin Moore.
Fireplace: Stucco with Reclaimed Beam Mantle.
Vintage Doors
A pair of vintage reclaimed Egyptian doors, hung with barn door hardware, flank the fireplace and lead to a beautiful Library.
Featuring French doors and vaulted ceiling, this Library feels cozy and elegant. Paint color is Chelsea Gray by Benjamin Moore (The color is looking a little different due the amount of natural light/filter).
Desk:  here & here – similar.
Desk Chair: here – similar.
Accent Chairs: here & here – similar.
Beautiful Large Mirrors: here, here, here & here.
Layered Rugs: Jute & Cowhide.
Dining Room
I am loving this casual and warm space. There’s nothing sterile nor boring about this room. Paint color is Benjamin Moore HC-168 Chelsea Gray.
Dining Table: Hooker Furniture – similar here – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Chairs: Darby Home – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Lighting: Available through the designer – Other Beautiful Lighting: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Beautiful Photography Artwork: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Cozy & Comfortable Dining Room Ideas:
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Sitting Area
The Kitchen features an inviting Sitting Area that can be seen when you enter the house.
Hardwood Flooring: Custom 5″ White Oak Hardwood Floors in Loba White finish – similar here – Others: here & here.
Take a close look at this beautiful kitchen and you will find many inspiring design ideas! This space truly feels innovative and authentic. The Kitchen Island features exposed hinges with ice box latches. Walls are in Benjamin Moore Gray Owl.
Island Hardware: Top Knobs, Polished Nickel.
Counterstools: Available through the designer – similar here – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Custom metal legs add an industrial look to this black-stained kitchen island.
Kitchen Countertop: Antique White Quartzite, Honed.
Faucet: Rohl.
Kitchen Island & Custom Sideboard Cabinet Paint Color: Black stain with “Gray Glaze”.
Perimeter Cabinet
Kitchen Perimeter Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore OC-55 Paper White.
Range: 48″ Wolf – Others: here, here & here.
Cabinet Hardware: Rejuvenation Pulls & Knobs.
Backsplash: 2×2 Mosaic Tile from Mosaic House NYC – similar here – Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
A wall of custom black windows and a two-sided cabinet divides the Kitchen area from the Scullery.
Island Lighting: Rejuvenation.
A bar sink and faucet can be found on the other side of the black stained cabinet. Remaining cabinets are in Paper White by Benjamin Moore.
Barn Door: Custom – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop: Antique White Quartzite, Honed.
Backsplash: 2×2 Mosaic Tile.
Faucet: Kohler Gentleman Faucet.
Staircase Tile: Handmade Mosaic Tile, custom cut from Mosaic House – Other Popular Staircase Tiles: here, here, here & here.
Staircase Paint Color
Paint Color: Gray Owl OC-52 by Benjamin Moore.
Staircase Spindles & Balusters: Metal, Custom.
Chandelier: Arteriors.
Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom Paint Color: Benjamin Moore OC-52 Gray Owl.
Bed: Noir Furniture, in Weathered.
Get your Bedroom ready for the New Season:
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Master Bathroom
The Master Bathroom features a stunning White Oak vanity and marble tile. The grey wall paint color is Benjamin Moore OC-52 Gray Owl.
Floor Tile: 1×2 Polished Marble Mosaic Tile – similar here. Grout: TEC Silverado.
Bathroom Cabinetry: White Oak in Natural/Graywash finish with chunky Calacatta Cervaiole Marble countertop.
Sconces : RH – Other Affordable Options: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Mirror: Custom – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Hardware: Rejuvenation.
Faucets: Rohl.
Shower & Tub
Shower Tile: Porcelain Euromarmo Tile – similar here.
Tub Faucet: Rohl.
Tub: here – similar.
Chandelier: RH – similar: here.
Back Porch Stain Color
Posts Stain Color: Sherwin Williams Charwood.
Porch Posts: Cedar.
Deck Pavement: Peacock Pavers – Oyster.
Outdoor Chairs: Summer Classics.
Rattan Chair: Noir Furniture.
This is a wonderful layout for pools in a backyard with detached garage.
What a gorgeous L-shaped pool!
This dreamy backyard also features a hot tub/spa and several lounging areas.
Who would you share this pool with?
    Many thanks to the builder for sharing the details above.
Builder: Grande Custom Builders (Instagram)
Via QC Exclusive Magazine.
Photography: Dustin Peck.
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Wayfair: Home Decor and Furniture Sale.
Serena & Lily: Summer Tent Furniture and Decor Sale.
Pottery Barn: Flash Sale Up to 70% off!
Joss & Main: Large Rugs for under $200.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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gramercydesign-blog · 7 years
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walnut cabinets with @nanzhardware pulls, brass strapping, band of honed white marble, 12” plank ebonized oak floor, 14” painted crowns #interiors #design #livingroom #architecture #planning (at Flatiron District, NYC)
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juliandmouton30 · 7 years
ODA creates stepped terraces at corner of Brooklyn condo building
Cascading balconies top this Brooklyn apartment block by American studio ODA, which is shown in a movie starring the design team throwing footballs, catching flowers and passing balloons between the terraces.
Photographer and filmmaker Miguel de Guzmán of Imagen Subliminal shot the film to showcase the "optimistic atmosphere of the life in the terraces", which ODA created on the upper corner of the 215 1st building.
As the movie shows, the cutaways allow for interaction between the residents that the New York-based studio hopes will foster a community in the building.
The setbacks also provide the residences on the upper floors with outdoor space and views of the Manhattan skyline.
"Standing higher than the neighbouring buildings permits sweeping views of Manhattan, both through expansive windows and from wide outdoor gardens, while still maintaining the feel of a small town community," said ODA founder Eran Chen.
The architects  designed the massing of the 80,000-square-foot (7,7432 square metres) block in response to the prominent corner location in Brooklyn's Park Slope neighbourhood.
The balconies step backwards and upwards to face 1st Street – a tree-lined stretch of brownstone residences – while a closed facade is oriented to the busy 4th Avenue.
"With its formal enclosed face along 4th Avenue giving way to a highly fragmented facade along 1st street, the building also introduces an alternative for residential corner buildings to engage with both the commercial avenue and residential street," said Chen.
According to the architects, who created a similarly playful facade for a condo building in Queens, this Jekyll-and-Hyde exterior demonstrates the changing identity of Brooklyn from a largely residential area to a commercial district.
"In this interaction between disparate exterior elements, 251 1st also references an abstract undercurrent – the generational and cultural shift, as Brooklyn, a once sleepy, largely residential outer borough, continues its transformation into one of NYC's great cultural epicentres," the studio said.
"In other words, both legs of Brooklyn's changing identity receive expression on the exterior of 251 1st."
ODA tasked Madrid and New York-based photography studio Imagen Subliminal to shoot a film highlighting the building's strong geometry and playful features. The movie features a mix of timelapse and hyperlapse – which involves changing the position of the camera between exposures – imagery, and panning of high-resolution stills.
"The twisted geometry of the corner reflects the tension between the residential street and the large scale of the main avenue," de Guzmán told Dezeen. "We wanted to highlight the dynamism of the design and also communicate the optimistic atmosphere of the life in the terraces."
"Most of the film was made using timelapse and hyperlapse techniques to create a playful look and a strong rhythm," he added.
Some of the scenes combine still images with videos to create different speeds in the same sequence of images, which also feature ODA's team drinking wine, dancing, observing the view and playing football.
The film was shot before the building's completion so that the team could have access to all of the apartments, and focuses on the exterior of the building to hide the unfinished interiors.
Internal renderings show soft finishes intended as a contrast to the geometric exterior. In the lobby, a mix of various woods, concrete and metal, provides a backdrop for a green wall.
Each of the apartments features a tall ceiling, full-height glass windows and doors, and a neutral palette, including white oak floor boards. Italian marble, imported porcelain, and white-honed marble will dress the bathrooms.
Other amenities include a pair of courtyards, a landscaped terrace, a library, stroller valet, as well as a fitness and yoga room, and a grooming station for resident's pets grooming station.
ODA has designed several other residential projects around New York City, including a two-block housing development meant to resemble a European village and a trio of towers massed to maximise views.
Imagen Subliminal is led by Miguel de Guzmán and Rocío Romero, and has created a series of unusual architectural movies.
Others include a sci-fi photoshoot for half-sunken house in Madrid, a horror movie set in kiosks of a temporary street market and a day-in-the-life film that follows the resident of an apartment with moving walls and secret furniture.
Related story
ODA completes "pixelated" luxury condo building in Queens
The post ODA creates stepped terraces at corner of Brooklyn condo building appeared first on Dezeen.
from ifttt-furniture https://www.dezeen.com/2017/07/20/251-1st-street-oda-brooklyn-apartment-block-hyperlapse-movie-new-york-usa/
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mylinlondon · 7 years
Stonehenge aliens, being a London tourist 101, and the Parents Federinko
I don’t remember my first transatlantic trip - I only have glimpses of what the 4 year old me held precious, like the Cathay Pacific backpack filled with coloring books and a Captain’s pin to ease the 16 hr journey, and vague impressions of my Aunt Lily’s wooded NJ house. I remember reading somewhere that you don’t form permanent memories until after the age of 6, and everything you recall before this is constructed from what other people tell you happened.
Luckily I was spared of any stress trying to get to our destination - Mum and Dad Federinko had no such luck.  The five months of careful planning was unseated right at the start when their flight from Pittsburgh was delayed just enough to miss their layover in NYC, spend the night in JFK’s terminal 3, and miss an entire day’s worth of itinerary.  Alex was devastated, tossing throughout that night right along with them.
It must have filled the quota of inevitable bad luck, because the rest of the trip could not have gone more smoothly.
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It’s about time I wrote up London, right?
After months of visitors, we’ve got a pretty solid itinerary to hit the essentials in London.  To be honest, we did very little work to hone this trail - most of our guests were much more prepared for what they wanted to see than we were, and none more prepared than Mum and Dad.  Here are some vetted recommendations.
London Tours
They’re tacky, yes, but honestly they’re wonderful ways to get London from another perspective.  It’s a packed city with narrow streets, and there’s nothing better than getting some historical background and actually having the space and time to look around rather than dodging throngs of people. Especially because this city is an actual labyrinth of cobblestone.
There are a slew of big bus tours you can take in and around London - one of the key departure points for all of them is just across the river at the Tower of London - from there, it’s as easy as buying tickets from any of the vendors hawking maps, and getting on the next bus that comes (they’re usually 10-15 mins apart).  You can, of course, pre-book them online. We spotted at least 6 different big bus companies, and the one Mum and Dad picked was the Original Bus Tour, which we highly recommend.  It took approximately 1.5-2 hrs to do a full loop around the heart of London, stopping once at Victoria Station to change drivers. (As usual, with these bus tours, you’re at the mercy of having an enthusiastic and entertaining narrator, neither of which is guaranteed.  One of our emcees were better than the other, but it was a pleasant experience nonetheless, and I definitely learned a few things.)
My sister did a Harry Potter walking tour, which she booked in advance.  We weren’t able to join, but she said it was brilliant - you get to see quite a few scenes from the books and the movies, though the emphasis is more on the movies. You do take the tube in addition to walking, as the sights are all around the city, so you have to come equipped with an Oyster or contactless card.
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In front of Buckingham Palace
Our usual walking loop includes
Starting at our flat in Shad Thames, walk on the Queen’s Walk along the south bank of the Thames all the way down to Westminster Bridge. Along here, you’ll see Tower Bridge, City Hall, London Bridge, Borough Market, Shakespeare’s Globe Theater, the Tate, the Millennium Bridge, the National Theater, Waterloo Bridge, and the London Eye.  Definitely grab coffee and a bite to eat before or during, especially if you’re going to swing by Borough Market. That’s a separate post all in itself.
Cross Westminster bridge and pass Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, then head right to go north on Whitehall Road to pass 10 Downing Street, the Churchill War Rooms and Trafalgar Square
Make a left at Trafalgar Square through the “Mall”, stroll through St James Park to Buckingham Palace. Once you’re done there, head straight north through Green Park, and once you hit the main road (Picadilly) make a right until you hit Piccadilly Circus.
If you do this right, starting with an early breakfast, you’ll be in the perfect location for a long lunch in Covent Garden or Leicester Square after a 6-7ish mile walk. There’s much more to see of London, but if you have a limited time (only 1-2 days) this is a great way to cover a lot of ground.
As with all European cities, be prepared to walk quite a bit, and have thicker-soled sneaks so you don’t beat your feet and ankles up on the cobblestone.
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Windsor, Bath, and Stonehenge
We booked the Golden Tours trek for this one - they offer a bunch of itineraries, but we chose the most loaded one to make the most of the day.  The bus departs around 8am, and returns around 8:20pm depending on traffic.  Stonehenge in itself is 3 hrs away, so if you’re going to spend that much time on the road, might as well make a few pit stops, right?
Windsor itself was underwhelming - if you’ve never seen a castle before, this is a cool one to start, as it is one of the oldest seats in the London area to the British Monarchy.  It’s not enormous, but it’s sizable and features a moat, several large gardens and a series of really well preserved Georgian and Baroque sitting rooms.  The best view, from the front gardens, is inaccessible.  It’s not a bad place to stop, and Windsor the town is pretty cute. There’s a huge queue of tourists who are on the exact same itinerary before the castle gates even open, so you get the impression from the get-go this is a well trod stop to Stonehenge.  When the Queen is in for a summer weekend, they close down the castle, naturally.
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Bath - as literal a name as you can get.  But it is remarkable when you think about the Roman empire, over 2000 years ago, spread its mark so far that even England carries traces of its influences even to this day.  Pumped from deep hot springs and set in one of the prettiest cities of the UK, this Roman Bath is incredibly well preserved except for the fact that it is missing a ceiling, thus allowing critters and algae to form in the marble pools below.  You can drink the water from one of the direct sources still, and Mum swears it healed her dry skin! Unfortunately I can’t say the same for my eczema. You can also grab a quick bite or gelato here, if the cheese sandwich lunch that comes with the bus tour wasn’t enough. Bath is also one of Jane Austen’s many homes, and she’s written a few novels here. It is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Cities. 
Which leads me to a recurring thought as we galavant through Europe - what will still be standing in 2,000 years that was made today? Certainly not football stadiums, and hopefully not corporate offices.  What will they find, and what will it tell them about us?  Will there even be anything left? Who is the “them”?
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Stonehenge carries this thought even further - over 5,500 years ago, and then over the course of the next 3 millennia, some people moved these 30 ton stones HUNDREDS of miles, aligned them perfectly to the sun’s movements, shaped and dug and set them deep into the ground, and we have no idea WHY. The precision, the massive work to move such heavy objects so far, all in the Paleolithic age, before metal tools were around to create straight edges or measure perfect angles.
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I can’t say who or why, and I’m not ruling anything out, but I’m not buying the alien theory.
There was a suspicious moment when we were walking around the perimeter (which, to our delight, was trailed with funfetti sheep) where suddenly dad dropped his audio guide - and when he picked it up, the battery was gone.  He and Alex spent a good 15 minutes searching the ground around us, but it was nowhere to be found.  Here they are sharing an audio guide after the alien battery abduction.
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Alex is keener on the alien idea than I am.
They say you leave Stonehenge either completely disappointed or completely in awe.  I’m definitely in the latter group.
We returned to work that week, and mum and dad took a quick trip to Edinburgh (see post here for our experience last year!). It’s an easy trip to make for 2-3 days, especially if you don’t want to get through the hassle of an airport.
I’d talk more about our travel around London, visiting the sights and eating great food, but honestly it felt just a relief to have them there. There’s something about being around parents to feel comforted and at ease and at home, no matter where or how old you are. The most memorable moments for me was just hanging out, figuring out how to work AppleTV, ordering food and spending time together. It’s the biggest and most important ingredient missing while living here.
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The last few days was spent doing just that- taking in the city, having drinks at pubs (one of which would be made famous a few weeks later during the London Bridge incident as a site of refuge), and trying not to think about them going home. Our last evening we opened a bottle of champagne by Potters Field Park next to the Tower Bridge that Alex and I frequently lay out at - and the one I’m in as we speak, 2 months later, typing up this post.
There are a few places I know will define our experience living here in London - this is one of them. We walk past this little park every day to get to work, to get to the grocery store, and on weekends, it’s our backyard, where we sip watermelon drinks, eat sandwiches from our favorite coffeeshop and read The Economist. All set to the backdrop of the Tower Bridge, which we can see from the street we live on.
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With mum and dad there, it felt like our concept of London as home was complete, if only just for a little bit.  
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homesearchtv · 7 years
16 Warren Street Tribeca NY | Wendy Maitland | NYC Real Estate | HomeSearchTV | 203 987 3404 NYC Real Estate | http://ift.tt/2szxECZ This exquisite TriBeCa Triplex Penthouse features three separate outdoor spaces on three levels, including its own private roof deck, where a summer kitchen, fireplace, and hot tub are framed by views that extend from historic Tribeca to Brooklyn Bridge and the river beyond. 16 Warren Street reimagines penthouse living with its own elevator servicing all levels, including the roof deck. With three bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms, the property is turnkey and impeccable, and is perched atop an exclusive, green condominium. http://ift.tt/2t2CJjR The apartment has benefited from state-of-the-art upgrades to nearly all its fixtures and finishes, executed with meticulous detail by Leopoldo Rosati Design. Generous proportions, soaring double-height ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows allow light to flood the space, offering magnificent views of downtown Manhattan and beyond. Custom European walnut floors by CP Parquet are juxtaposed with European Walnut and European Oak millwork. Exquisite details throughout the penthouse, such as light fixtures by Guzzini, Artemide and Flos, stone-honed black granite, white Carrara marble, plus Biancone di Vicenza and white Corian countertops, complement the sleek design of its Italian-artisan, hand-crafted construction. Unparalleled in its quality and functionality, the kitchen is fully appointed with Bulthaup cabinets and counters, two Miele ovens, a Miele cooktop, a Miele dishwasher, a Subzero refrigerator/freezer and Gaggenau wine fridge. The chef’s kitchen opens to an expansive dining room with a planted terrace. The living room is accessed immediately upon entry to the apartment via private keylock elevator, and it features double-height ceilings, a remote-controlled Montigo gas fireplace, and a separate balcony. The first floor houses two bedrooms, one with a balcony, two bathrooms featuring top-of-the-line plumbing fixtures by Duravit, Fantini, Koehler, and Graff, and a separate laundry room. The full-floor master suite is the epitome of luxury, with remarkable Manhattan views in three directions and extensive closet space. The spacious master bathroom features a double vanity, deep soaking tub and steam shower. The penthouse’s private roof deck is the ultimate New York City amenity. With a working fireplace and hot tub, as well as spectacular views, this outdoor oasis is both remarkable and exclusive. 16 Warren redefines modern living with the most high-tech telecommunications, intercom and security systems, Low-E windows with Argon gas, energy/water-conserving toilets/shower heads, motion/light-sensitive lighting, and roof solar panels that facilitate hot water. Residents enjoy private locked basement storage, a private wine cellar, bike room, superintendent and cyber-doorman. The vibrant location sits amid chic shops, diverse parks, restaurants, transportation, and Whole Foods. The penthouse has the added benefit of being adjacent to historic City Hall Park, which now surrounds the breathtaking buildings of New York City’s original downtown centerpiece. With more than a dozen monuments just outside 16 Warren’s front door, this Penthouse represents a modern jewel in the midst of the historic anchor of New York City. Included in photos are renderings of the living room terrace converted to a glass-enclosed extension of interior living space. All plans must be independently verified by an architect for feasibility. Please Subscribe to the Channel homesearchtv
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Ghent, NY
1547 County Route 21, Ghent, NY
Price: $229400
All the old house charm with modern conveniences. 2 wood burning fireplaces, wide board floors, exposed beams, dutch doors, front and back enclosed porches all give you a glimpse of the past. Then the fantastic new kitchen with beautiful cabinets, granite counters, new appliances, newer roof, vinyl siding, whole house generator give you a more comfortable modern day home. 4 bedrooms, large eat in kitchen, formal dining room, over sized living room and a family room with vaulted ceiling and 3 walls of windows. Detached garage with loads of space for a work shop or garden shed and a 1 acr e lot with old perennial gardens waiting to be brought back to life. A generational home that has been in the family over 40 years. It sounds and feels like a home with a story, you can be it’s next chapter.
1336 County Route 21, Ghent, NY
Price: $195000
Spacious one floor living. Very large Living room, dining area with wood burning fireplace. Brand new, never been used kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Huge backyard. Mechanicals are updated. Ready to move in.
3 Roxbury Rd, Ghent, NY
Price: $267000
Easy Fun Chatham Living !!! Perfectly maintained sprawling ranch off a seldom traveled side street. New roof, hardy board siding, trex decks, new appliances, updated utilities , central air, large 3 car detached garage ,gazebo , hot tub, big yard & paved driveway. Short walk to Chatham school, Ball field, MacHayden Theater & stores. Just move your furniture in! 40 minutes to Capital Region, 30 minutes to Gt. Barrington , 20 minutes to Hudson, a few minutes to TSP.
197 Carpenter Rd, Ghent, NY
Price: $249000
Enchanted and whimsical brick home on 4 acres of land. Walk the grounds and find all the magical ways to landscape around this beautiful home. As you enter, the large windows bring the outside in while you spend time sitting in front of your brick fireplace enjoying some classical music. Updated kitchen, hardwood floors in dining and living rooms. Two bedrooms on main floor and two bedrooms upstairs. Two car garage with small studio. This home just offers . peace.
19 Metz Rd, Ghent, NY
Price: $245000
Beautiful Views from the lovely home nestled on one acre on a quiet country road, with many out-buildings. The main level boasts a new living room with a vaulted ceiling, a formal dining room, a new kitchen with a center island, and new appliances, a master bedroom en suite, and two guest bedrooms, and a bathroom. Downstairs has a family room, and two bedrooms. Many upgrades include a new leach field five years ago, new wiring in 2012, and the home was NYSERDA rated in 2012, A great opportunity – Chatham Schools, minutes to Hawthorne Valley School, and half way between Chatham and Hudson
14 Town Hall Pl, Ghent, NY
Price: $85000
Keep it simple! This newly renovated two bedroom bungalow is just the place for a full time residence or a great weekend get away! Located in the Hamlet of Ghent walking distance to The Bartlett House, Ghent Playhouse and the Seigel-Kline Kill Conservation Area. Bike to Art Omi or Chatham Village. 20 minutes from Hudson.Just the place to hang your hat! (Agent is related to seller)
99 Hudson Ave, Ghent, NY
Price: $185000
Live in chatham village. Walk to shopping, movies and all other amenities. 2 family home with income opportunity. Large back yard, new water heater, oil tank & burner. Additional possible living space on 3rd floor attic w/ large windows.
2268 Rt 66, Ghent, NY
Price: $171000
Great village colonial with 3 car detached garage, walking distance to play ground, restaurants, ball field, tennis courts and post office. Easy commute to Chatham, Hudson and the Berkshires.
226 Schnackenberg Rd, Ghent, NY
Price: $220500
A quiet road location just minutes from the Taconic Parkway. Stunning modern interior w/great room, cathedral ceiling, stone fireplace, new kitchen with granite counters. Updated and in excellent condition. Delightful patio in back of house overlooking 3.54 acres of beautiful grounds. Detached garage and shed. A lovely package for the price.
4 Lower Post Rd, Ghent, NY
Price: $209900
Nice country farmhouse on nearly 19 acres with large unfinished addition with separate access that could be used as inlaw apartment or guest quarters. Catskill Mt. views, convenient location, easy commute to Hudson, Chatham and the Berkshires. There are 2 Bill Boards that generate a modest annual income for the property.
99 Hudson Ave, Ghent, NY
Price: $185000
Live in chatham village. Walk to shopping, movies and all other amenities. 2 family home with income opportunity. Large back yard, new water heater, oil tank & burner. Additional possible living space on 3rd floor attic w/ large windows.
Stockport Rd, Ghent, NY
Price: $89900
Great value. Privacy w/southern exposure. Nice mixture of open and wooded areas for building or farming. Small stream at back of lot. ICC schools and only 8 miles to Hudson Amtrak; 10 miles to I-90; 30 minutes to Albany/Pittsfield. Lots of wildlife. Property is priced significantly below assessed value!
76 Water St, Ghent, NY
Price: $1300000
Perfectly sited on a private hilltop within it’s own naturalist’s paradise, this freshly renovated contemporary simply nails it! The moment you cross the threshold you exhale – open space, lofty ceilings, abundant natural light & sweeping views envelope your senses while tasteful, elegant design choices provoke an immediate lasting calm. From there it only gets better as you realize you could live effortlessly with its sea of amenities including, a 2 story stone fireplace, Malm gas stove, gorgeous whitewashed oak floors, Aga kitchen w/ honed granite and walnut butcher block, radiant hea t bathroom floors with marble tiles, 3 master suites, & a deep soaking tub. The 26 acre property offers a saline pool, 3 stables, a swim pond and trails throughout, as well as, a detached workshop, attached garage, a fenced vegetable garden, & the joy of many bluebirds. Relax at home or drive 10 minutes to all that Hudson has to offer. Close to the Berkshires, 2 hrs from NYC. Simple, Peaceful, Done.
148 Hudson, Ghent, NY
Price: $375000
Wonderful 1930 grand Hudson Ave home, set back, from a time when trains ruled in Chatham. Center staircase colonial, with 2 additional rental units behind. Main House has open eat-in Kitchen, with Dining Room, Den, Living Room. All with new flooring. Upstairs there are 2 bedrooms. Plus a studio with separate entrance, now open to the main house, but easily changed back. Pine floors in the Living Room & Dining Room, Tile in the Kitchen, a small BR/office down, and a nice Family Room completes the main floor. 2 Bedrooms up the renovated staircase gives plenty of living space & family priv acy. A great Front Porch is calling out to you on Summer Evenings.
164 Fern Hill Rd, Ghent, NY
Price: $339900
Acres on acres of land at the end of a private road, opens up to the perfect retreat. TWO contemporary style homes with over 2,000 sqft of living space EACH!! Also features humungous garage with indoor basketball court and wood burning stove. Main house master suite features a fireplace and master bath with his and hers sinks. You’ll lose track of how many wood burning stoves and fireplaces there are throughout just waiting to warm up this cozy getaway. Needs updates and personal touches to create the perfect luxurious country escape. Go see for yourself! You don’t want to miss out on t his buy one get 3 deal!!
148 Hudson Ave, Ghent, NY
Price: $375000
Wonderful 1930 grand Hudson Ave home, set back, from a time when trains ruled in Chatham. Center staircase colonial, with 2 additional rental units behind. Main House has open eat-in Kitchen, with Dining Room, Den, Living Room. All with new flooring. Upstairs there are 2 bedrooms. Plus a studio with separate entrance, now open to the main house, but easily changed back. Pine floors in the Living Room & Dining Room, Tile in the Kitchen, a small BR/office down, and a nice Family Room completes the main floor. 2 Bedrooms up the renovated staircase gives plenty of living space & family priv acy. A great Front Porch is calling out to you on Summer Evenings. Two 1 Bedroom rentals in back, also a garage and storage.
26 Valley View Ln, Ghent, NY
Price: $309000
Super sunny and bright colonial home on 3+ acres with long mt. and valley views from inside and out. Great location just 10 minutes from Hudson or Chatham. Rear deck with Sunsetter awning for enjoying the views. Greenhouse attached to house for the gardener in you! Central vacuum, pantry closet in kitchen, radiant heat in FR, generator, and invisible fence for the dog.
52 Nelson Ave, Ghent, NY
Price: $190800
1975 Split level is situated on almost 1.5 acres! The home offers 3 bed, 1 bath, with just under 1350 square feet of living space, and an attached garage. There is a lot of potential in this home. The finished lower level can be a second living area or rec room. Some of the other features include comfortably sized bedrooms, an eat in kitchen, and good natural light. Add a personal touch and turn this into your dream home!
1 German Church Rd, Ghent, NY
Price: $250000
Currently being farmed, this property offers expansive Berkshire views with a meandering brook and both open and wooded spaces.
1700 Route 66, Ghent, NY
Price: $160000
Only 9 miles to Hudson Amtrak, 5 to Main Street Chatham, and multi-use zoning offer perfect conditions for the growing entrepreneur. Enjoy an at-home business, rent out rooms or the entire lower level to offset mortgage. Complete with kitchenette, living room, bedroom, bathroom and private entrance, the separate space is ideal for income or in-laws. Easy year-round access w/large paved driveway surrounded by 5.4 acres. Renovations within the past 10 years include roof, electric, septic, furnace, plumbing, bathrooms and floors. A touch of cosmetic sprucing could make the interior shine. Centrally-located, income generating, and a $160,000 asking, let’s make this happen.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-ghent-ny-2/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158093715550
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gramercydesign-blog · 7 years
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#kitchen detail of a recently completed project. metal-wrapped cabinets w/ honed #marble and #walnut & #brass accents, integrated lighting #kitchendesign #interiordesign #kitchenremodel #interiors 📷 by @emily___andrews (at Flatiron District, NYC)
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Little Silver, NJ
22 Whitesands Way
Price: $389000
Ideally located Townhome within a quick walk to the LS train station. Lovely, warm hardwood floors throughout the 1st floor. Updated kitchen features maple cabinets, granite countertops, and stainless appliances. Deck overlooking wooded area. Spacious master bedroom with large walk-in closet, generous sized bath and sliders to deck. Unit offers excellent storage, direct entry garage, and abundant guest parking. Pets allowed.
7 Mayfair Ct
Price: $395000
Ideal location in the heart of town! Convenient walk to the Little Silver train station from this 3 bedroom town home. Just minutes to Red Bank, great restaurants, and beaches. This light and bright home offers newer hardwood floors in the LR, DR and kitchen.The welcoming deck off the DR offers pretty outdoor space for reading and grilling! Updates include windows, furnace, kitchen counter top and back splash, refrigerator and dishwasher. Direct entry garage with private driveway. Convenient guest parking.
22 Maple Ave
Price: $484900
This lovely home has been enjoyed by the same family for many years; now it’s your turn to add your own touch! This smart floor plan provides lots of space and options for growing families. The main floor can remain or can easily be updated to an open concept, while the cozy family room with brick hearth and french doors provides the perfect escape. Uncover the beautifully preserved wood flooring in the bedrooms and living and dining room for an instant update. There’s a large mudroom that leads to the laundry room and even a full basement which would be a great playroom. There’s space for everyone and all set on a quiet street in a great town. Close to beaches and a short distance to the train.what’s not to love?
22 Mitchell Pl
Price: $839000
Fantastic open floor plan is warmed by hardwood floors throughout this spacious ranch. Living Room with wood burning fireplace opens to Sun Room with walls of windows and sliding door to terrace. Den is stunning with beautiful paneling and handsome builtins. Gracious Dining Room overlooks large, private property. Generous bedrooms are eclipsed by 23×17 Master with multi closets and His and Hers Baths. Situated in Estate Area, this property entices also by its proximity to shopping, excellent schools, trains and Commuter ferry to NYC.
200 Seven Bridges Rd
Price: $1990000
Riverfront Estate! Situated on 3+ riverfront acres, you will find this 5 BR, 6BA private sanctuary nestled in a park-like oasis where you will experience absorbing river views and grand presence. Boasts marble foyer, detailed finish, striking gourmet kitchen w/ windows surrounding breakfast area overlooking peaceful grounds. With multiple suites, offers Multi-Generational Living at its best. Pool, cabana and 3-car garage complete the picture.
9 Holly Tree Ln
Price: $1279000
This is the one you have been waiting for! Rare opportunity to live on one of Little Silver’s most coveted streets. Better than new! Timeless architectural detail superior quality craftsmanship with stunning finishes throughout. This picture perfect colonial offers it all! Sun drenched grand foyer with two story windows will delight and invite! Chef’s kitchen is a dream for entertaining! Park like yard and blue stone patio will entice barbecue’s with friends and family. Walk to town and award winning schools. This is not to be missed! You can have it all in Monmouth County with beautifu l beaches, exceptional restaurants in downtown Red Bank and Sea bright and close proximity to Manhattan with the high speed ferry. Live the life you deserve!
32 Peach Tree Ln
Price: $744900
Location is everything and this Alderbrook home has it all! The two story entry foyer welcomes family and friends. Warm yourself by the fire in the formal living room, the sun room is just a few steps away thru the French doors. The kitchen with custom cabinetry, and top of the line appliances, is sure to be enjoyed by the family cook. Breakfast nook with high ceiling and wall of windows is the perfect spot for morning coffee. First level master suite with walk in closet and full bath opens to private deck. 2nd floor loft, 2 bedrooms, full bath is perfect for overnight guests. Newer; ro of, furnace, central air, sump pump and whole house generator. Community pool and tennis court for seasonal enjoyment.
51 Bernard Ter
Price: $690000
Large Sprawling 9 Room Ranch On A Large Corner Lot In One Of Little Silvers Desired Neighbor Hoods Newer Homes From 1.2 Million & Up.. Asking Price $ 690.000.00
4 Lisa Ct
Price: $849000
Stunning shore colonial built in 1983 boasts commanding curb appeal on one of Little Silver’s quietest streets . Beautiful bright and light foyer with gleaming hardwood floors lead to a chef’s kitchen that opens onto a breakfast area and den. The flowing open floor plan will entice entertaining and encourage friends to come back. Custom Millwork through out and plenty of space across all levels, with 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, a full finished basement and two car garage. Plenty of storage through out! Spectacular pool and yard on quiet cul-de-sac street is a dream for families. Amenities include new hardy board siding, pool resurfaced and retiled, removable top of the line pool safety fence, new doors and built ins and a newer roof. A rare find in Little Silver.
39 Essex Dr
Price: $369900
Fantastic ”move-in ready” Navesink model townhome Perfect for the commuter; just a short stroll to Little Silver train station. This classic townhome has many enticing features: private driveway, direct-entry garage, beautiful deck overlooking well manicured grounds setting, newer HVAC unit & hot water heater. Second floor offers 2 bedrooms including a master suite with master bath, walk-in closet & private balcony. SOPHISTICATED STYLE IN A SMART LOCATION!
560 Branch Ave
Price: $575000
Impeccably maintained 4 bedroom, 3 bath split-level in the heart of Little Silver. Move-in ready with spacious newly remodeled kitchen with granite counter and new appliances. Wood floors throughout. Beautiful natural light. Fully renovated en-suite master bath has two sinks, designer vanity, and Carrara marble. Upper-level open floor plan is ideal for entertaining. Lower-level includes family room which walks out to yard, small kitchen, bedroom, and full bath. Gorgeous new patio, fully fenced-in yard, and professional landscaping create the perfect outdoor setting. Ideal location withi n walking distance to NYC train, schools, and town. Short drive to ferry. Not to be missed.
5 Mayfair Ct
Price: $414000
Attention commuters!! Walk to train from this very desirable 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home in popular LIttle Silver Townhomes complex. Many special features in this spacious home include covered front entry porch opening to 2 story entryway with upgraded hardwood floors throughout entire 1st floor. Woodburning fireplace with custom mantle has gas hook-up. Sliders from dining area open to wooded yard. Upstairs has large master suite with walk-in closet and bath. 2nd bedroom has bonus of private screened balcony. 3rd bedroom ideal for guests or den/office. Laundry conveniently located in hallw ay This home has been beautifully maintained with many newer features! Only 3 bedroom available in the complex!
15 S Sunnycrest Dr
Price: $369000
Elegant cottage in desirable Sunnycrest! Offering 2 bedrooms, updated eat-in kitchen, new bath, beautiful hardwood floors, large living room with wood-burning fireplace and screened in porch. Excellent schools! Close to train,town center, high speed ferry to NY.
429 Branch Ave
Price: $425000
This Single-Family Home is located at 429 Branch Avenue, Little Silver, NJ. 429 Branch Ave is in the 07739 ZIP code in Little Silver, NJ. The average listing price for ZIP code 07739 is $961,823. 429 Branch Ave has 3 beds, 2 baths, and was built in 1952
587 Branch Ave
Price: $579000
Lovely curb appeal & towering trees welcome you to this 3,884 sf Colonial set on a deep, fenced property. This spacious home offers 5 BR, 3 BA & an ideal floor plan for entertaining friends and family featuring updated eat-in kitchen w/granite counters, tumbled stone back splash & pantry, huge great room w/high ceilings, stone fireplace, & French doors leading to outside covered deck (Brazilian harwood) overlooking rear yard. Master bedroom w/fireplace, vaulted ceilings, walk-in closet. Master bath w/heated floor & sandstone tile. Both the master bedroom & 2nd floor office open to 2nd s tory balcony (fiberglass). Hardwood floors, skylights, decorative moldings, recessed lights & so many other amenities too numerous to list. Ideal location walking distance to NYC train.
12 Laurie Ln
Price: $759000
A SoHo-chic loft in the heart of Little Silver! Absolutely STUNNING & renovated to PERFECTION offering a fabulous loft-like open floor plan w/ soaring vaulted ceilings, wide-plank hardwood flooring & gorgeous natural light. New gourmet kitchen w/ custom cabinetry, prof. grade appl, marble ctps & center isl w/ seating opens to dining area & expansive great room. Luxurious updated bath w/ honed marble tile & designer vanity w/ dual sinks & marble top. Retreat-like master w/ en-suite bath and walk-in closet + 3 add’l BR’s w/ generous sized closets w/ built-ins. Family room w/ distressed wo od-style flooring & access to rear yard, patio & in-ground POOL! Too many upgrades to list, including NEW windows, HVAC, HWH & more. Set on nearly ½ acre of park-like prop, mins to NY Ferry, walk to town!
461 Branch Ave
Price: $459000
THIS ONE WONT LAST! Youll love this charming 3 bedroom, 2 bath cape with an open floor plan for todays discerning buyers. Located just blocks from school, shopping and train. This home is move in condition offering a custom kitchen with corian countertops, stainless steel appliances including a Liebherr refrigerator and beautiful high end custom cabinetry. Layout includes living rm, family rm and dining rm. 1st floor bath beautiful! Enjoy soaking in the newly remodeled claw foot tub in your carrera marble bathroom. 2nd floor bath just as breath-taking, out of a magazine! Gleaming hardwo od floors. One car garage, beautifully landscaped and fenced yard complete this pkg. This property is only available to the buyer who acts now! Stop reading and start calling!!
182 Pinckney Rd
Price: $514900
THIS IS THE ONE YOUVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Spectacular Colonial w/ commanding curb appeal. Home exudes character with all the modern amenities of 2017! Beautifully updated designer kitchen with rich furniture-like cabinetry, cathedral ceiling, stainless steel appliances granite counters. Large family room w/ elegant archways, gas fireplace, and hardwood floors. Luxurious master w/ expansive his her closets – a rare find! Two beautifully renovated baths PLUS finished basement 2 car detached garage! Deep lot offers unlimited privacy plus open front porch rear patio -All of this set on one of Little Silvers prettiest streets! Walk to Red Bank, close to train easy access to GSP!
30 Winfield Dr
Price: $769000
Built in 2012, this 4 bedroom, 3 ½ bath home offers an open floor plan. 9 ft. ceilings on the 1st floor and hardwood floors throughout. Living and dining rooms open to kitchen and family room. Family room has a wood burning fireplace and built-ins. Kitchen has center island, stainless steel appliances and granite counters. Laundry and mud room off of kitchen. The master bedroom suite has 2 large closets and en-suite, marble bath. 3 more spacious bedrooms with ample closets and hall bath complete the package. Fully finished lower level with high ceilings and full bath. Back yard featur es brick patio, detached garage, shed and swing set! Quiet neighborhood, excellent schools, close to town, beaches and transportation.
25 Orchard Pl
Price: $375000
CALLING ALL INVESTORS, BUILDERS, & BUYERS looking to own a 3 bedroom Cape Cod on a nice size property in a GREAT Little Silver location. Imagination and a little renovation is all it takes.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-little-silver-nj/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157971140105
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Ghent, NY
All the old house charm with modern conveniences. 2 wood burning fireplaces, wide board floors, exposed beams, dutch doors, front and back enclosed porches all give you a glimpse of the past. Then the fantastic new kitchen with beautiful cabinets, granite counters, new appliances, newer roof, vinyl siding, whole house generator give you a more comfortable modern day home. 4 bedrooms, large eat in kitchen, formal dining room, over sized living room and a family room with vaulted ceiling and 3 walls of windows. Detached garage with loads of space for a work shop or garden shed and a 1 acr e lot with old perennial gardens waiting to be brought back to life. A generational home that has been in the family over 40 years. It sounds and feels like a home with a story, you can be it’s next chapter.
Spacious one floor living. Very large Living room, dining area with wood burning fireplace. Brand new, never been used kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Huge backyard. Mechanicals are updated. Ready to move in.
Easy Fun Chatham Living !!! Perfectly maintained sprawling ranch off a seldom traveled side street. New roof, hardy board siding, trex decks, new appliances, updated utilities , central air, large 3 car detached garage ,gazebo , hot tub, big yard & paved driveway. Short walk to Chatham school, Ball field, MacHayden Theater & stores. Just move your furniture in! 40 minutes to Capital Region, 30 minutes to Gt. Barrington , 20 minutes to Hudson, a few minutes to TSP.
Enchanted and whimsical brick home on 4 acres of land. Walk the grounds and find all the magical ways to landscape around this beautiful home. As you enter, the large windows bring the outside in while you spend time sitting in front of your brick fireplace enjoying some classical music. Updated kitchen, hardwood floors in dining and living rooms. Two bedrooms on main floor and two bedrooms upstairs. Two car garage with small studio. This home just offers . peace.
Beautiful Views from the lovely home nestled on one acre on a quiet country road, with many out-buildings. The main level boasts a new living room with a vaulted ceiling, a formal dining room, a new kitchen with a center island, and new appliances, a master bedroom en suite, and two guest bedrooms, and a bathroom. Downstairs has a family room, and two bedrooms. Many upgrades include a new leach field five years ago, new wiring in 2012, and the home was NYSERDA rated in 2012, A great opportunity – Chatham Schools, minutes to Hawthorne Valley School, and half way between Chatham and Hudson
Keep it simple! This newly renovated two bedroom bungalow is just the place for a full time residence or a great weekend get away! Located in the Hamlet of Ghent walking distance to The Bartlett House, Ghent Playhouse and the Seigel-Kline Kill Conservation Area. Bike to Art Omi or Chatham Village. 20 minutes from Hudson.Just the place to hang your hat! (Agent is related to seller)
Live in chatham village. Walk to shopping, movies and all other amenities. 2 family home with income opportunity. Large back yard, new water heater, oil tank & burner. Additional possible living space on 3rd floor attic w/ large windows.
Great village colonial with 3 car detached garage, walking distance to play ground, restaurants, ball field, tennis courts and post office. Easy commute to Chatham, Hudson and the Berkshires.
A quiet road location just minutes from the Taconic Parkway. Stunning modern interior w/great room, cathedral ceiling, stone fireplace, new kitchen with granite counters. Updated and in excellent condition. Delightful patio in back of house overlooking 3.54 acres of beautiful grounds. Detached garage and shed. A lovely package for the price.
Nice country farmhouse on nearly 19 acres with large unfinished addition with separate access that could be used as inlaw apartment or guest quarters. Catskill Mt. views, convenient location, easy commute to Hudson, Chatham and the Berkshires. There are 2 Bill Boards that generate a modest annual income for the property.
Live in chatham village. Walk to shopping, movies and all other amenities. 2 family home with income opportunity. Large back yard, new water heater, oil tank & burner. Additional possible living space on 3rd floor attic w/ large windows.
Great value. Privacy w/southern exposure. Nice mixture of open and wooded areas for building or farming. Small stream at back of lot. ICC schools and only 8 miles to Hudson Amtrak; 10 miles to I-90; 30 minutes to Albany/Pittsfield. Lots of wildlife. Property is priced significantly below assessed value!
Perfectly sited on a private hilltop within it’s own naturalist’s paradise, this freshly renovated contemporary simply nails it! The moment you cross the threshold you exhale – open space, lofty ceilings, abundant natural light & sweeping views envelope your senses while tasteful, elegant design choices provoke an immediate lasting calm. From there it only gets better as you realize you could live effortlessly with its sea of amenities including, a 2 story stone fireplace, Malm gas stove, gorgeous whitewashed oak floors, Aga kitchen w/ honed granite and walnut butcher block, radiant hea t bathroom floors with marble tiles, 3 master suites, & a deep soaking tub. The 26 acre property offers a saline pool, 3 stables, a swim pond and trails throughout, as well as, a detached workshop, attached garage, a fenced vegetable garden, & the joy of many bluebirds. Relax at home or drive 10 minutes to all that Hudson has to offer. Close to the Berkshires, 2 hrs from NYC. Simple, Peaceful, Done.
Wonderful 1930 grand Hudson Ave home, set back, from a time when trains ruled in Chatham. Center staircase colonial, with 2 additional rental units behind. Main House has open eat-in Kitchen, with Dining Room, Den, Living Room. All with new flooring. Upstairs there are 2 bedrooms. Plus a studio with separate entrance, now open to the main house, but easily changed back. Pine floors in the Living Room & Dining Room, Tile in the Kitchen, a small BR/office down, and a nice Family Room completes the main floor. 2 Bedrooms up the renovated staircase gives plenty of living space & family priv acy. A great Front Porch is calling out to you on Summer Evenings.
Acres on acres of land at the end of a private road, opens up to the perfect retreat. TWO contemporary style homes with over 2,000 sqft of living space EACH!! Also features humungous garage with indoor basketball court and wood burning stove. Main house master suite features a fireplace and master bath with his and hers sinks. You’ll lose track of how many wood burning stoves and fireplaces there are throughout just waiting to warm up this cozy getaway. Needs updates and personal touches to create the perfect luxurious country escape. Go see for yourself! You don’t want to miss out on t his buy one get 3 deal!!
Wonderful 1930 grand Hudson Ave home, set back, from a time when trains ruled in Chatham. Center staircase colonial, with 2 additional rental units behind. Main House has open eat-in Kitchen, with Dining Room, Den, Living Room. All with new flooring. Upstairs there are 2 bedrooms. Plus a studio with separate entrance, now open to the main house, but easily changed back. Pine floors in the Living Room & Dining Room, Tile in the Kitchen, a small BR/office down, and a nice Family Room completes the main floor. 2 Bedrooms up the renovated staircase gives plenty of living space & family priv acy. A great Front Porch is calling out to you on Summer Evenings. Two 1 Bedroom rentals in back, also a garage and storage.
Super sunny and bright colonial home on 3+ acres with long mt. and valley views from inside and out. Great location just 10 minutes from Hudson or Chatham. Rear deck with Sunsetter awning for enjoying the views. Greenhouse attached to house for the gardener in you! Central vacuum, pantry closet in kitchen, radiant heat in FR, generator, and invisible fence for the dog.
1975 Split level is situated on almost 1.5 acres! The home offers 3 bed, 1 bath, with just under 1350 square feet of living space, and an attached garage. There is a lot of potential in this home. The finished lower level can be a second living area or rec room. Some of the other features include comfortably sized bedrooms, an eat in kitchen, and good natural light. Add a personal touch and turn this into your dream home!
Currently being farmed, this property offers expansive Berkshire views with a meandering brook and both open and wooded spaces.
Only 9 miles to Hudson Amtrak, 5 to Main Street Chatham, and multi-use zoning offer perfect conditions for the growing entrepreneur. Enjoy an at-home business, rent out rooms or the entire lower level to offset mortgage. Complete with kitchenette, living room, bedroom, bathroom and private entrance, the separate space is ideal for income or in-laws. Easy year-round access w/large paved driveway surrounded by 5.4 acres. Renovations within the past 10 years include roof, electric, septic, furnace, plumbing, bathrooms and floors. A touch of cosmetic sprucing could make the interior shine. Centrally-located, income generating, and a $160,000 asking, let’s make this happen.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-ghent-ny-2/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157923527980
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