#Marc-André Fleury story
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Marc-André Fleury/ F!OC
Cover by @newlibrary
Summery: A story where a world famous goaltender with a heart and soul of gold becomes a knight in shining silver for a female hockey player in the NHL who is trying to balance being a single mother and athlete after just being traded to the Vegas Golden Knights. Can Marc-André Fleury show Barlow Kane he can be the father her daughter never had, help her make a home and a life in Nevada and be the love of her life she never thought she would find?
Warnings: swearing, very very mild flash backs if you really look hard.
Word count: 7,568
As always follow my main account @callsign-denmark or main masterlist and my A03
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Barlow and Harper were starting to settle into their new life in Vegas. Barlow went to practice each morning, training hard next to her new team before grabbing a quick lunch with a few of the guys. Then she would spend the rest of her day with her daughter, taking her around town to see all the new shops and even the playground. Barlow was getting ready for the preseason start, being a center she was going to run on the 1st line to test out the waters. She was nervous to say the least, like a rookie on their first game in the NHL. Changing teams was never easy, but going to a team that made it to the Cup finals in their first year…. She had a lot to prove. She got Harper dressed and ready for breakfast before she had to go to practice. Barlow threw on a pair of black leggings, a blue and purple sports bra, a white muscle shirt and a pair of runners. She threw her hair up into a messy bun and went down to see if Harper was ready to eat. She sat the toddler down in her chair and grabbed her cereal bowl, sitting it down in front of her.
"Mommy, can I come to pwactice with you?" Harper asked. She couldn't really say her R's that well so they normally sounded like W's. It was really adorable. Barlow sat down and looked at her redhead daughter.
"You want to come and watch Mommy's practice?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Harper had come to a few practices over the years but got bored quickly just sitting there for a few hours. She watched the little girl take a bite of her food and nod her head. Barlow smiled softly and shook her head before replying "Well Kate is going to take you to get a new pair of shoes today, but how about I have her bring you to the rink earlier so you can see the last bit of practice and then we'll get lunch."
She smiled at daughter who hummed happily as she ate. She finished getting ready for practice, making sure everything was in her bag before kissing Harper goodbye when Kate showed up to watch her. She walked out the door, going to her Honda CR-V and throwing her bag into the trunk. She started her car and pulled out of her driveway, heading to the rink. She watched as the Nevada desert scenery went by her window, the city in all its glory flashing by. She thumped her fingers against the steering wheel in beat to the music she was listening to. Her phone started ringing as she was at a stoplight. She looked down to see her brother, Patrick was calling. With a smile she answered.
"Hey Patty."
"Hey Barlow. How are you and my favorite niece settling in?" Her brother's voice filled her car speakers. Barlow smiled and shook her head.
"Harper is your only niece dork." She chuckled. "But we have moved in and Harper seems to have adjusted well. I'm still trying to get my bearings with the team and all." She turned left to keep going to the rink. She heard her brother sigh on the phone.
"Have you tried making friends?" He asked.
"God, you sound like mom Patty."
His laugh filled her car as she chuckled.
"Seriously Bar, I know you don't try when it comes to making friends. Is there no one on the team you can… I don't know, hang out with for lunch and stuff?" He continued.
Barlow rolled her eyes and turned into the parking lot for team members and parked her car. "Does it count if Harper ate lunch with a teammate and I joined them?" She questioned.
"Wait…. Harper went with one of the guys to get food? Without you? She never does that."
"I know. But she really took to him. She calls him pretty a lot."
"Who is this lucky man?" Patrick asked.
"Fleury" was all she said as she grabbed her water bottle, phone and keys. She held the phone up to her ear so she could finish her conversation with her brother.
"Like the Goaltender Fleury?"
"Yes Patty, the very one. The only Fleury on my team dumb dumb." She sarcastically answered.
"Well damn Sis…. He is single and your daughter likes him. You better pay close attention to that man. It's about time you found someone to make you happy again." He said, trying to reason with her.
"I love you and all, but I'll worry about my own love life, thank you. Now I have to go. I'll text you later. Love ya." Barlow smiled as she got out of her car. She walked around to the back to grab her bags of gear.
"Yeah yeah, it's what older brothers are for. Love you too. Give Harper a kiss for me." Patrick said before hanging up the phone. Barlow sighed and shook her head, throwing her phone into her bag. She brushed some stray hairs off her face and made her way into the T-Mobile Arena. She took the long hallways down to the locker rooms, the gold, white and black walls leading the way. The gold knights and Shields, the team logo lining the vibrant walls. She made her way to the locker room door and pushed it open, going over to her cubby. She dropped her duffle bag and sat on her bench, taking out gear to start gearing up for practice. The first preseason game was in a week and she wanted to be as fit and ready as possible. She was told they were playing her on the first line to see how she does with the team and to see where she fit. She had been here three weeks now and was starting to feel more at ease in the locker room, finding her way around and learning how things were run around there.
Pulling the dark gray jersey with the shiny number 42 on its back over her head, the silky jersey sliding down over her pads. She laced up her skates and then stood up, grabbing her helmet and sticks before walking down the tunnel to the rink. Only three guys were out on the ice, Marc-André, Cody and DeBoer, who was having Cody work on his slap shots and shorthands against Flower. The young rookie was good, but needed a few tune ups here and there, and there was no one better to practice against than Flower for a slapshot or backhand. He was good at stopping those shots, so getting one past him was not something that happened often. Barlow slipped in her helmet, letting her sticks lean against the wall near the bench as she before stepping into the ice and doing some simple stretches to warm up her legs and core before really getting into harder and faster warm-ups. She put her left leg up on the wall at the bench and leaned over it, letting her muscles stretch out before doing it on her right leg. Then she did some twists, going into a toe touch and then bending side to side. Once she felt a bit warmed up and went out into the ice to do some drills to warm up more. She went down into the splits on the ice, bending over her legs, touching her hand to her toes before bending the other way and repeating that. Then she got up and started to skate around, letting her body get used to the ice before she took a puck on her stick blade and started to do patterns with it between her legs, letting the speed build up before she snapped it at the empty net. She did this a few more times before DeBoer called her name.
She snapped her head up upon hearing her name and skated over to the head coach.
"Hey I want you to show Cody what a real slapshot on Flower looks like. Playoff style." He said, giving her a wink. Barlow laughed and nodded her head, taking the puck near her skates and started moving it. She went down to the far end away from Marc-André and acted like she was just playing around. She saw Flower standing in the net, relaxed and not really ready for an attack. She smacked her stick down against the ice, earning Marc's attention. He snapped his helmet down, and smacked his stick against the bars of the net. She smiled and took off for him. She knew he was expecting what she did 3 weeks ago, to snow him out and then go bar down on the net, like she did in the playoffs. But she had other ideas. She raced for the blue line, pushing herself faster and faster. Flower got ready to block the shot, thinking she was going to pull the same trick as last time. But once Barlow hit the blue line she snapped her stick back like a golfer and hit the puck with all her strength. When her blade hit the puck it made a loud crack, the puck going flying through the air and right between Marc-André's right arm and right leg pad, smacking the back of the net with a loud snap.
Marc-André pushed his helmet up, staring at her wide-eyed before a smile took over his face. DeBoer and Cody were clapping as she skated over to Flower. She slid to a stop, spraying his pads with some snow with a chuckle.
"Well that was unexpected." He said, as he tapped her legs with his stick, making her laugh.
"That's the point!" Barlow answered back. DeBoar skated over to the netminder and the forward and patted Barlow's back with a smile. Cody gave her a fist bump and she smiled.
"And that is how teams make it to the playoffs… and win." DeBoer said to Cody. Barlow blushed and looked down at her skates. She hadn't won a cup yet, but she knew one day she would. It would just take time. "I've never seen someone hit from the blue line and go between the leg and bad before! That's Incredible!" Cody said. He was a bright young rookie who had a good future in the NHL, he just needed some training is all. Barlow smiled before leaning on the net, looking over at Marc-André only to find him already looking at her, a soft smile on his lips, and something in the back of his eyes she couldn't really pinpoint. She smiled lightly at him before ducking her head down a bit.
"I'm glad you are on this team and not playing against me anymore. You're a goalies nightmare with shots like that." Flower said with a chuckle, making Barlow tap his pads with her stick, a smile on her lips.
"Thanks Marc. Every girl wants to hear she is a nightmare, hahaha."
He shook his head before giving her a light shove, then taking off his mask and laying it on the crossbar. "Don't twist my words around BK." He joked. He leaned back against the net and looked between Barlow, Cody and DeBoar. Barlow started asking Cody about draft day, what he thought of Vegas, the team and then his family. The rookie seemed calm around her, his nerves seeming to melt away as he spoke to Barlow about draft night. Other members of the team slowly started to filter in, filling the rink with their soft chatter and laughing. Rookies and veterans alike warmed up, talked and joked as they skated around the ice, just happy to have hockey back up. Soon Barlow was back out on the ice, with Max and Mark as her wingers. They were facing off against Johnathan, Erik and Alex for practice. Barlow skated up to the dot where DeBoar had the puck waiting for a faceoff. She lined up against Johnathan, never looking at her opponent, her eyes never leaving the puck. She watched as it was tossed to the ice, and her stick snapped out to get it. She won the face off and snapped the puck back to Shea. The tall defensemen took off with the puck, before snapping it to Max. Barlow watched as Max took off with the puck towards Robin Lehner, the goalie in the other net. She took off after Max, protecting him from the side as he played the puck. She saw Erik coming from the side, so she quickly moved into position to keep him away from the puck, slowing her speed a bit to be able to get behind Max just a bit. Erik must not have seen that she moved slightly to defend Max and couldn't stop before it was too late. He slammed right into her from the side, his shoulder hitting her high on her shoulder/ neck sending her flying sideways as he went down to the ice. Her body smacked against the ice then slid into the boards, the wind knocked from her body. She laid there staring at the rafters. She knew she was still awake, so she started to do a body check, seeing what hurt and what didn't in her mind before even trying to move. Her left shoulder and her neck has some pain, her back felt fine, her arm kinda felt numb but that could be from the cold of the ice. She heard voices all around her but couldn't make them out. "Shit do I have a concussion?" She thought to herself. She groaned as she tried to push herself up, a strong pair of hands grabbing her arms, helping her sit up. She shook her head and blinked a few times before looking up to see everyone, literally everyone staring at her. Mark was holding her still, Erik, Max, Johnathan, and Alex kneeling close to her as the rest of the team looked on. The head trainer came running out, trying hard not to slip on the ice.
"I'm so sorry Kane." Erik said as he moved aside for the trainer to get to her. She shook her head at him, brushing it off.
"It happens in this sport. Don't worry about it." Barlow tried to reassure him. The trainer bent down and started to feel around her neck where the padding was not covering. He then lifted her arm and felt around seeing if anything was broken. She sat there, trying to sit still and keep a level head. She felt a bit dizzy but a fall like that would definitely make someone dizzy.
"Barlow, can you stand up? I want to take you back and do a concussion protocol on you to be sure all is fine." The trainer said after he checked on it her arms and shoulder around her padding.
"Alright doc." She simply replied, taking Max and Erik's hands to help pull her up. She leaned a bit on Max, feeling slightly dizzy upon standing up. She let her head hang a bit as Max and the trainer helped her off the ice, the boys tapping their sticks for her as she left. They took Barlow to the locker room where Max helped her down onto her cubby bunch before patting her helmet and going back out to the ice. The trainer, Dave as she learned his name was, was not the normal on ice trainer they had but he was covering today. He got to work helping her take off her upper body padding so he could better look at her shoulder. Once the top part of her jersey was gone she sat there, trying to block out the light. She knew she probably had a light concussion, she had some in the past and knew the signs. She waited till Dave checked her eyes, neck and head, making sure no bumps, bleeding or slow eyes were found before moving to her shoulder and arm. She winced a bit when he poked around her shoulder but kept it together. 15 minutes later she was leaning back against her cubby in a t-shirt with an ice pack strapped to her shoulder.
"Well good news is nothing is broken or dislocated and you don't have a concussion." Dave said after returning with some pain pills. "Bad news is you have some whiplash and a nice size bruise at the base of your collarbone. That will take about 3 or 4 days to feel good enough to play again. Nothing major, but you should rest it for a few days so you can play during preseason." He explained as he handed her the ibuprofen and some water. Nodding her thanks she took the pills and swallowed them with water before sitting the cup down.
"Thanks Doc. I appreciate it." Dave patted her shoulder before leaving the room. Barlow groaned softly as she pushed herself upright, leaning her good arm on her leg. She hated having injuries no matter how big or small. Not only did it impact her life at the rink but her home life as well. It meant she couldn't be as involved with Harper like she normally was and had to depend on Katie more to help out. With a sigh she started to pull off the rest of her gear, going slowly so she didn't get dizzy or pull anything. She stacked it all on her cubby bench to be put away once she stood up. She didn't realize time had gone by, or that she zoned out with her eyes closed, head back against the wall till she heard voices talking in the hallway. The high pitched child voice made it clear Harper had entered the hallways to the locker room, and knew her mother would more than likely be there or the rink and she was ready to find her. Around the corner came the little ball of energy, happily bubbling away as she walked with Katie and the assistant head coach.
"Hey baby!" Barlow said as she pushed herself up slowly from her bench. Her shoulder was sore and her head was kinda dizzy but nothing would stop her from holding her daughter. The toddler ran over to her mother, pure joy in her face. She picked Harper up on her good side, grunting lightly as she did so. Katie walked into the locker room and saw the look of discomfort on her friend's face.
"What happened to you?" She asked as she sat down Harper's bag in Barlow's cubby bunch.
"Took a bad hit during practice. Got a little whiplash but I'll be fine in a few days Doc says." Right after she spoke she heard the noise of skates mats and knew the boys were coming off the ice. She smiled at Katie who looked a bit uncomfortable. While Katie was her friend pretty much from the start of her career. They met through her brother who was at the time dating her sister but then broke up soon after that. They stayed best friends and after her fiance died Katie moved in with Barlow to make things easier on her while she played hockey. The move to Vegas was big, but Katie has gone through a bad relationship and wanted out of the city and a fresh start as well. So she came with Barlow and Harper to Vegas to remain as her nanny. Katie had been around hockey men for years but still felt weird about being in the locker room when they were in there. She only would come in when she knew Barlow was there because it meant they were at least covered where it counted. Barlow smiled at her friend before nodding towards the door, letting her know she was free to leave if she wanted to. Katie gave her a grateful smile before walking out of the room, just as the boys began to file in.
"Hey BK, you alright?" Erik asked as soon as he saw the forward. "Hi Harper." He waved at the small child who waved back shyly. Harper sat Harper down on her cubby seat before turning to face Erik. He still had a look of worries and guilt in his eyes and she felt bad, knowing he didn't mean it at all.
"I'm fine. I promise. Just some light whiplash and a sore shoulder. In a few days I'll be right as rain." She could see he still was worried but he didn't say anything, just nodded his head and patted her arm before going to undress from his gear. Barlow turned back to face her cubby and started to pull off her hockey pants when Harper began to squeal and darted off the bunch. Barlow looked up to see Marc with his arms opened wide as he sat on his knees, the little red headed toddler jumping into his arms.
"Bonjour ma petite fleur!" He said as he held Harper close, kissing her cheek. She giggled and grabbed his face, kissing his cheek before grabbing a fistful of his jersey.
"Bonjour Flower." She answered back. Her French had been getting much better with time and she was able to speak a small amount now with no problems. Harper could understand a lot more now then she could speak. Marc smiled at her before standing up, and walking to his cubby. Barlow smiled at the pair as she continued to take off the rest of her gear. Her shoulder was stiff and bending to take off her skates made her dizzy but she pulled through and got it done.
"How come you guys are done already?" She asked Marc as she stood back up. She felt slightly dizzy upon doing so but hoped she hid it enough. Marc looked up at her, after handing Harper his helmet to hold onto and look at.
"He said it was just a light skate today and he also had an appointment he needed to go to so we all just called it quits."
Barlow nodded her head as she looked into his deep brown eyes. The same eyes that seemed to make her lose her mind every time she saw them the last few weeks. She wasn't sure why or what power he suddenly had over her after she basically shut out all ideas of men from her life for years, and suddenly Marc-André had her feeling butterflies. Gigging pulled her from her thoughts and she looked pasted him to find Harper wearing his goalie helmet. It bobbled and slid around as she moved, being far too big for her tiny head, but she laughed and smiled nevertheless, making the others in the room smile as well. Barlow grinned at her daughter as she looked up at her, holding onto the helmet the best she could to stop it from sliding around.
"Look Mommy, I'm just like Flower!" The toddler laughed. Marc laughed and patted the helmet lightly, making the child laugh more. Max walked over with his helmet on and bent down to be eye level with Harper. "Put your head against my helmet Harper. We'll helmet hug each other like Flower does with the players on the ice." Harper leaned forward and bent her head slightly, letting Max tap his helmet against hers, making them both giggle as the helmet bobbled on her head. "Good job!" He said before standing up.
"Again! Again!" She laughed, clapping her hands. The guys all laughed before grabbing their helmets and putting them back on. Marc picked up Harper and helped her stand on the bunch seat so she was taller, holding onto her arms so she didn't fall. "Look Mommy! I do goalie hugs!"
Barlow smiled and grabbed her phone, clocking on the camera to take a video of all the players giving her daughter a helmet hug as the very attractive star goalie held her steady on the bench. All the players lightly tapped their helmets to hers, making her giggle with each one. Marc wore a big smile, helping her stay steady on the bench. He smiled up at Barlow and she felt her heart flutter, and her mind froze. It was like something out of a dream. She had always  wondered what a father would look like with Harper, doing something just like this, holding up their daughter as she giggled and laughed as their friends did something to make her happy, his smile lighting up the room as well. It was a dream that someone turned into reality, only Marc wasn't Adam, he wasn't her husband or Harper's father. It was like her heart begged for her to let it fall in love again, yet her mind was scared of being hurt once more. Her mind and heart warred with themselves over the scene in front of her eyes and she didn't know who to listen to.
After the last player tapped their helmet to hers, Marc pulled the helmet off Harper's head and sat it on his shelf, before picking up the child and nuzzling his nose into her soft curls. Harper wrapped her small arms around his neck, holding him close as she looked over at her mother. Barlow put her phone down on the bench and pulled the rest of her gear off. Down to just a sports bra and some athletic compression shorts she grabbed a Tshirt and slipped it on gingerly and then a pair of track shorts. Pulling on a pair of slip-on Docs, she let her hair fall loose down her back. Turning back to her daughter, she walked over to the pair and smiled. Poking Harper's cheek, making her giggle softly, Barlow gave Marc a soft smile to which he returned.
"Hey Little Bird, why don't we go get food?"
"I'll take you guys for lunch. My treat."
Barlow looked up into his cocoa eyes with wide eyes. Did he just say he wanted to treat them to lunch? "Oh no you don't have to Flower." She tried to keep her voice even, trying not to show that her heart was now racing. He just smiled and shook his head, shifting Harper in his arms to hold her better.
"Harper, tell your Mommy to stop being stubborn and let me take the two of you to lunch." He said in a singsong voice. "You want to go have lunch with me don't you Harper?" He then turned to look at Barlow with a mischievous smile.
"Mommy lunch with Flower!! Lunch with Flower, please Mommy!" Harper said, bouncing in his arms, clapping her hands. Marc gave her a bright smile, knowing full well she wouldn't say no to her daughter. Barlow shook her head, letting out a sigh and put her hands on her hips.
"So who's leaving their car here?" She asked with a defeated sigh. Marc grinned and kissed Harper's hair before answering her.
"I took an Uber today. My car is in the shop. I'll drive since you got hurt and then I'll drive you home, and Uber from there."
Barlow cocked her head to the side and gave him a knowing look. "I can drive my own ca-"
"Nope. You got whiplash and need to rest. Therefore I'm driving." Flower said, cutting Barlow off before she could finish what she was saying. With one last snuggle he passed off the toddler to her mother and grabbed his clothes. "I'll be right back. I'm leaving my gear here for the day." He said walking to the shower to change. Harper smiled up at her mother and Barlow shook her head.
"What did you get us into Little Bird?" She sighed before kissing her daughter's head. Harper giggled and played with her mother's hair, snuggling her face into the crook of her neck. Barlow rocked her gently, ignoring the chatter of the guys around her as she went to sit on her cubby bunch, feeling slightly dizzy again. She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh scent of Harper's shampoo as she held her daughter. After a few minutes she felt a tap on her shoulder and she looked up to find Marc smiling down at her and Harper with soft eyes.
"Come on, let's get you and this little flower some food." He said gently. He picked up Harper's backpack and Barlow's bag, following them out of the locker room, unaware of the pairs of eyes from the team watching them leave, all with knowing looks to each other. Barlow found Katie talking to Shea Theodore outside the locker room. Katie seemed deep into the conversation with the young defenseman and he seemed totally smitten with her. Barlow walked up to the pair and smiled at Katie.
"Marc is taking Harper and I out for lunch. So you can do whatever for the rest of the day." She told her. The blonde smiled softly at Barlow, giving her friend a knowing look before nodding her head.
"Shea asked me to lunch so this works perfectly." Katie said shyly as she smiled at the young player. Shea gave her a grin before Katie turned back to Barlow. "Have a good time."
Barlow followed Marc down the halls and out the players entrance to the parking lot. He walked to her SUV and waited for her to fish out her keys from her bag. Once she unlocked the doors he put their bags into the trunk of her car while she put Harper in her car seat. Once Harper was buckled up she shut the door and handed the keys to Flower.
"Don't wreck my car please." Said Barlow in a joking tone. Marc stuck his tongue out at her before leaning down and kissing her cheek without thought. Barlow was shocked, but didn't pull back as his warm lips brushed the skin of her cheek bone.
"Very funny you are. Now come on, off to feed you and the child!" He said once he pulled back, seeming unfazed by what happened. Barlow shook her head, a warm blush heating up her face as she rounded the car and got into the passenger side. Marc waited till she was buckled up before turning on the car and pulling out of the parking lot. "So pretty ladies, what are we hungry for?" He asked as he looked in the rear view mirror at Harper.
"Nuggets!" The toddler cried out with a clap of her hands. Marc smiled at her before nodding his head, giving her his best smile.
"Nuggets it is!"
Barlow softly chuckled at the two of them. Harper was so at ease with him, it made her heart happy to see her so close to someone that was like her father in ways. Marc spoke the same way, and had the same joy and laughter in his heart the way Adam once had. The way he spoke French or how his accent rolled off his lips made her heart race, and yet at the same time made her feel so calm. It was like finding home again, and it scared her. Here was this man next to her, someone that was so gentle and good hearted, and her mind was so scared to fall again, even though she knew her heart was ready. The way he smiled at her wasn't like most men, it was like how Adam had before they started dating. The same smile of a man who had already fallen hard, but was patient and willing to let it fall into place. Barlow was so lost in her thoughts, she never realized Marc had been talking to her till he placed his hand on top of hers, making her eyes dart up to meet his. He was looking at her with a little bit of concern.
"I'm sorry, I got lost in my one head, what did you say?" She looked down to see his hand still holding hers, so she gave it a light squeeze. Marc waited a few seconds before squeezing back, and turning back to look at the road.
"Is everything okay Barlow?"
"Yes I'm fine. Really. Just got lost in thought. What did you say to me?".
Marc side glanced her before answering "I asked how you like the team so far, and if you felt like you were setting into the city well?"
Barlow was till thrown off by the warm feeling of his hand covering hers but she didn't shake it off. She liked it a lot. She smiled and looked out the window of the car at the city around them.
"I like it here. This town is cool, and always something to see. The fans are already amazing and the pride for this team is great." She explained. "As for the team I feel like I'm starting to find my way. I have always gotten along with my team but being the only female in the league I still stand on the outside a bit, and that's okay really. I got used to it over the years."
Marc waited till he stopped at a red light and turned to look at her. "This team is lucky to have you and the guys talk highly of you. Plus we all love Harper. So don't worry about fitting in. You already do." He said before driving on when the light turned green. His works meant something to Barlow more than she realized they would. When she had been with the Oilers she had Adam and after she had Harper and lost Adam, the team helped her out when family couldn't be there, but she was still on the outside. Some of the older players didn't like the idea of a female player and didn't accept her like some of the younger guys did within the league and the team. She knew it would always be this way but to know she had this team's support meant something. It would make playing here easier on her and Harper in the long run. Soon Marc turned into a small little restaurant parking lot and shut off the car.
"This place has the best food and it will give Harper the nuggets she so much wants haha." He said before getting out of the car. The warmth of his hand was suddenly gone and it felt like an empty spot filled her soul all the sudden. Shaking her head, Barlow opened the car door and got out. Walking around the car she found Flower getting Harper out of her car seat. The toddler placed her small arms around his neck, and smiled at her mother once she saw her. Barlow tucked some of her red curls behind her ear before Marc led them into the restaurant. When they walked inside the restaurant crew all smiled and greeted them.
"Hello Marc! Good to see you again." A tall, Middle aged woman who was wearing black dress pants and the restaurant logoed T-Shirt said. She looked at the toddler in his arms and Barlow standing next to him and smiled brightly. "You didn't tell us you were married! Hello my name is Faith, my husband and I own this place." She said sticking out her hand to Barlow.
Barlow took her hand and shook it while saying. "Oh, we're not married. I'm his teammate Barlow Kane. This is my daughter Harper. We just moved here from Canada, where I played for the Oilers."
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you anyway Mrs. Kane."
"Ms Kane. I um… well… My fiance passed away a few years ago. Never married." Barlow said in a softer voice. "Kane is my maiden name. I'm Patrick Kane's younger sister."
Faith gave her a soft smile and placed her hand on Barlow's arm. The older woman felt for the young mother, but could see the look in Marc's eyes, how he cared for her and the girl already. "I'm sorry for your loss dear." She then pulled her hand away and grabbed some menus. "Let's get you guys some food!"
Barlow followed the group to a small booth in the back, tucked into a corner and away from most of the public eyes. She began to realize Marc was a regular here, and they kept him tucked away from the public eye so he could eat in peace. She thought it was nice of the store owners to do this for him. Sitting Harper down in the seat Marc then went to the other side of the booth so Barlow could be next to her daughter. Faith handed them some menus and pulled out a pen and table.
"I'm guessing you still want your regular coffee Marc?" She asked, hand ready above the table. He smiled up at her with a bright child-like smile, making the older woman laugh.
"You're too good to me Faith."
She turned to Barlow and Harper after writing down Marc's coffee order. "I'll have a raspberry lemonade please, and I'll get her an apple juice please." Faith nodded, writing it down and then telling them she'd be back in a bit to take their food orders before going off to grab their drinks. She was looking around the restaurant, looking at all the decor and out the windows, taking it all in. When her eyes met his it was like all the air from her lungs vanished. The soft look in Marc-André's dark chocolate eyes looked into her soul, like he knew every thought, every worry, every dream that ever came to her mind and heart. She blushed and ducked her head down, looking at Harper who was playing with the stuffed bunny Barlow had brought inside with them. When she looked back up he was still looking at her, a stupid, soft smile on his lips.
"What?" She asked shyly. He smiled a bit more and shook his head, leaning back against his seat a bit.
"Nothing." He said with a blush, rubbing the back of his neck. By this point Faith came back with their drinks and asked if they were ready to order their lunch. Barlow got Harper chicken nuggets and some apple sauce, and then got herself baked Mac and cheese with a small salad on the side. Marc went with the grilled salmon and some mashed potatoes. When Faith went to take the menu from Barlow she saw her right ring finger and smiled. "What a beautiful tattoo! I like that a lot." She told her before walking off to place their order. Marc raised an eyebrow at Barlow and reached across the table to take her hand. Turning so he could see the inside of her ring finger on the right hand he found a small tattoo there of the word "love" written in cursive handwriting and a small blue butterfly sitting on the letter E.
Barlow looked at their joined hands before looking up at him. "It's my late fiance's handwriting." She spoke softly. Marc moved his eyes up to meet hers, and he gave her a small smile.
"It's beautiful."
He let go of her hand and she rubbed the ink on her skin. She looked down at it, and sighed, before looking back up at him. "Adam was Canadian, but he spoke French like you. Actually, I believe you two might have been from the same area. Anyways he grew up in an old fashioned European house where they wear their rings on the right hand and not the left. But since I'm American, he wanted to use the left hands. So we agreed that to keep his family tradition, we would get matching tattoos on the right hand so when I couldn't wear my ring during games, I still had a ring of sorts on the right hand." Barlow explained to him. It was the first time she ever really spoke about Adam, and for once it didn't hurt. "I decided to still get something done, so I did the word love in his handwriting."
"And the butterfly?" Marc asked in such a soft tone. Barlow looked down at the small blue butterfly on her skin and smiled, a true smile as the memory came back to her.
"On our first date we went to the park. A small blue butterfly landed on his head and then flew and landed on my nose. He said it was the universe's way of telling him that he should kiss me. And then he did. It's one of my favorite memories." She said looking up at the men across from her. "Honestly it used to hurt to even think about him. But everyone said that coming here is a new start for me. That Adam wouldn't want me to be alone, for Harper to not have a father." She felt her cheeks heat up slightly as she looked up at him through her eyelashes. "Maybe they're all not wrong. Maybe it's time I find a new happiness."
Marc smiled at her and reached across the table to take her hand that was laying by her plate. His hands engulfed hers, but she loved the feel of his warm skin against hers. The look in his eyes was enough to drive her crazy, a look of wonder and… what seemed like love, shined in his eyes. "It's a beautiful memory, Barlow. Thank you for sharing it with me." His accent was thick and deep, making her stomach flutter. At this point Faith brought their food back and they began to eat, Harper chatting quietly to her Bunny as she ate, and a comfortable silence filled the air. It felt normal. It felt right.
After they finished eating and paid for their food, Faith handed Barlow a small take home box with 3 pieces of chocolate cake with a smile, telling her it was on the house. Barlow smiled and thanked the older woman for her kindness and followed Marc-André and Harper out the door. Once they got settled into the car Barlow punched in her address to the GPS and Flower started for home. Their drive was peaceful, Harper's light bubbling to her toys filling the air around them as they drove. A few minutes into the drive Marc reached across the center console and placed his hand on Barlow's knee. It took her by surprise, but she soon melted into the warm touch in her bare skin. His thumb slowly moved up and down over the skin of her knee as he drove.
"Thank you, for lunch." Barlow broke the silence after a short while. Marc smiled and glanced her way before his eyes found the road again. His hand gave her knee a slight squeeze.
"Of course. I love spending time with you and Harper. I'm glad you let me in, Barlow."
She smiled softly and placed her hand overtop of his. It felt right, and it felt safe. But before she knew it they were pulling into her driveway and he shut off the car. Barlow got out and walked to the back door to grab Harper from her car seat as Marc got their bags from the trunk, but left her hockey gear in there. Once they walked up to the front door it was being a teen again. Standing by the door after she unlocked it she turned to face him, unsure what the next step was. Marc seemed to sense her hesitation and placed the bags just inside the door. Barlow let Harper down and she took off running into the house, and into the living room to play with her toys. Turning to face him, he beat her to the chase.
"I already ordered an Uber, they'll be here in about five minutes."
"You don't want to stay a bit?" She asked.
He smiled and stepped a bit closer to her. Pushing a lock of her hair off her face and behind her ear he licked his lips before speaking. "I would, but I have to go pick up my car, and I promised my mother I'd call before supper. Otherwise I'd stay." His fingers still tickled the skin of her cheek, making her lean into his touch a bit more.
"I had a nice time Marc." Her voice was a bit more gravely as she spoke.
"Me too Barlow."
He leaned down and softly pressed his lips to her cheek, lingering there for a few beats before pulling back upon hearing a car pull up. He turned and saw his Uber had arrived and he turned back to face her with a smile. Her cheeks were red with blush, but a smile graced her lips. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. His arms snaked around her waist, and his face nuzzled into the crook of her neck. When Barlow pulled back she placed a quick kiss to his cheek, before stepping back and opening the door to her house.
"See you soon Flower." She said softly before stepping inside and shutting the door behind her. Marc smiled to himself before walking down to his Uber. He knew right then and there one day, he was going to make her his wife, and he was going to show her what it meant to find love all over again.
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3416 · 1 year
Inside the strange and secretive business of team-mandated NHL fines
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By Joshua Kloke | Mar 27, 2023 | The Athletic
Ryan Hartman walked into the Minnesota Wild practice facility with a sense of resolve. The nine-year NHL forward had been a healthy scratch the previous evening against the Philadelphia Flyers.
But righting a wrong was only one of the items on his to-do list.
“Today,” Hartman said, nodding while looking around the Wild dressing room, “is tax day.”
As he does once a month, Hartman will work his way around the Wild dressing room and collect money from his teammates.
The previous night, Hartman pored over a spreadsheet with updated tallies of who owes what. He sent out a flurry of text messages to teammates: “This is what you owe. I’m coming for you tomorrow.”
Call Hartman what you want: the taxman, the team treasurer, the fine master. Hartman has a volunteer position in charge of handling a consistently growing pot of money accrued from Wild players. Most teams require a player like Hartman because large amounts of money changing hands among teammates is a tradition in the NHL. That money is gathered in large part to encourage team building. Part of the money collected is because players voluntarily have put “money on board,” a practice of promising an amount of money before a game a player will owe should the team win, be it for playing in their hometown or, say, if they’re playing in a milestone game.
And then there’s another practice: getting fined for a variety of unconventional infractions.
“There’s so many things you get fined for,” Maple Leafs defenseman Mark Giordano said.
Not every team fines players. And many that do see it as a dwindling yet good-natured practice. It’s one some veterans believe has merit.
Welcome to the strange, almost-secretive world of team-mandated NHL fines.
Almost a generation ago, Marc-André Fleury was a reserved young goalie trying to man his way through the rules of his new life in the NHL: the unflappable importance of being on time for meetings and flights, the heightened dress codes compared to junior hockey — and, um, being well-mannered.
“There was a guy on Pittsburgh who would always pick his nose in the locker room,” Fleury said. The embarrassment of being caught wasn’t punishment enough. “So every time, guys would shout at him, ‘Hey, 10 bucks.’”
Early in Fleury’s rookie year, he got hit with his own first hefty fine.
“I couldn’t tie my tie,” Fleury said, recalling how then-veteran teammate Marc Bergevin would chirp him relentlessly. “So, I got fined because my tie looked terrible.”
A large percentage of team-directed fines remains contingent on wardrobe choices.
Leafs forward Zach Aston-Reese remembered a former teammate getting fined for wearing Cole Haan shoes. Even with the slowly shifting dress codes among NHL teams, teammates aren’t afraid to dole out fines if a player’s look starts to slip. That goes for accessories, too.
“At training camp, you get a (swag) bag with a bunch of stuff in it,” Maple Leafs defenseman Morgan Rielly said. A former teammate was using it as his travel bag. “We said if he showed up for the next flight with that bag, it’s a $500 fine.”
Most players surveyed for this story agree $500 is the de facto fine amount.
Flyers forward James van Riemsdyk said one of his teammates might get fined this season because “all of his clothes and all of his luggage are either team-issued or NHLPA-issued.”
“You’re in the NHL,” Rielly said. “You’re not supposed to be wearing the same shirt six days in a row. I always think that’s pretty funny.”
It’s always veterans who enforce these kinds of fines.
“This year, we had a younger guy who had a little incident with his wardrobe choice at a dinner,” Buffalo Sabres captain Kyle Okposo said. “Sweatpants on the road. That’s worth a fine. He’s learning.”
Fines don’t stop at wardrobe-related infractions.
“I’m a big believer in the common sense fine,” Columbus Blue Jackets defenseman Erik Gudbranson said. “A cheap one.”
Example: Should an NHL player get caught wearing white socks with dress shoes or leave their towel on the floor after coming out of the shower, these are fineable offenses according to Gudbranson, even if it’s just $50.
“Sometimes it can be funny,” Gudbranson said. “But it can also be a sign of respect.”
Not every team takes this approach, however.
New Jersey Devils defenseman Damon Severson was adamant that the Devils don’t have a strict dress code and, therefore, have barely had to fine any players this season.
“If you want to wear white shoes with dress socks, we don’t give a s— about any of that stuff here,” Severson said. “We believe just in being yourself. If you go back a few years, (former Devils general manager Lou Lamoriello) had rules with the dress code and shaving, but it’s kind of the opposite now — and that’s no disrespect to Lou. We want our personalities to be shown.”
Speaking of grooming habits, van Riemsdyk said if one of his Flyers teammates gets caught with a flashy new haircut, that’s a fine. He admits it’s a struggle for players like him who keep it tight up top. He said, almost quietly out of fear of getting found out by nearby teammates, that he got a haircut a few days prior.
“It almost works the other way: You get a haircut every two or three weeks, it doesn’t look like you’ve gotten a cut. Then you can steer clear of (a fine),” van Riemsdyk said.
Edmonton Oilers forward Derek Ryan knew he was going to get hit with a fine ahead of a game against the Arizona Coyotes on Dec. 7. While taking standard laps in warmup, Ryan bumped into a teammate and fell to the ice.
“My helmet went flying everywhere, stick on the ice,” Ryan said.
Wow, that’s embarrassing, Ryan thought to himself.
Equally embarrassing would be the shame of having to pay for the mistake afterward. Every team The Athletic surveyed agreed that when players fall on the ice during warmups, they’re on the hook for $500.
“I remember I knocked (then-teammate Brendan Shanahan) over in warmups,” Islanders forward Zach Parise recalled of the one season he spent alongside the Hall of Famer. “I wasn’t about to impose a fine for that.”
The rule has taken on different iterations league-wide. Fleury said the Wild charge double if a player loses his helmet. The Nashville Predators go the other way, according to defenseman Ryan McDonagh.
“If you fall on one knee, that’s only half the fine. But if it’s a full wipeout, that’s a full fine. You’ve got to be careful out there,” McDonagh said.
Then there’s the fine players are almost terrified of: being late for a team function, a meeting or a departing bus or flight.
“A team sin,” Severson said.
Driving through downtown Columbus en route to a team gala recently, Blue Jackets forward Sean Kuraly realized he was well behind schedule.
“The fine just stamps that you were late,” Kuraly said. “It’s embarrassing. It’s like you’re the guy who’s not following the things that help the team.”
Leafs forward Noel Acciari remembers during his time with the Florida Panthers that if a player was late for a meeting, they’d be on the hook for the next team dinner.
But that would easily be more expensive than a standard $500 fine, no?
“Especially when you know someone else is paying for dinner,” Acciari joked.
The list of fineable offenses doesn’t stop there: If a player, before puck drop, is taking part in a game of Sewer Ball — which players try to keep a soccer ball from hitting the ground in a circle to limber up — and you kick the ball to the ceiling, that’s a fine. Getting the ball stuck in the ceiling raises the fine even more.
If a cellphone starts ringing in a team meeting? One player said that’s a fineable offense on his Western Conference team.
Fleury recalled getting a $250 fine for breaking a stick.
“I was real mad after a game, and I swung my stick,” he said. “It was a wood stick, too, so it was only $60. So, they made a profit.”
Still, plenty of players surveyed by The Athletic insist they’ve avoided being fined throughout their entire NHL careers.
“You have to really screw up to get fined,” Rielly said.
OK, so you owe money for a fine, and it’s time to pay the piper. Sabres fine collector Zemgus Girgensons offers many payment options.
“I’ve got everything. Venmo, Square, check,” he said.
Every fine keeper throughout the NHL has their own manner of collecting fines, but most of them, like Predators fine keeper Colton Sissons, prefer payment electronically.
“We had to change with the times,” Sissons said, noting how he acquired a Square chip reader to accept payments. Sissons set up a separate bank account just for the team’s fine and money-on-the-board funds, and he owns a credit card for that account if he needs to make team-related purchases.
“It’s a business,” he said, only partly in jest. “I catch guys when we’re stuck on the plane together. They know I don’t take any s—.”
Hartman also uses a credit card swiper to collect fines.
“No excuses. If someone says, ‘I don’t have a check today,’ I’m like, ‘Well, hand me your wallet,’” he said.
There are other methods. Some teams such as the Blues and the Oilers take fines directly out of players’ paychecks.
“You didn’t even have to worry. Which is better, because you know it’s being taken care of,” Acciari said of his time with the Blues.
Some teams, like the Leafs, prefer to keep it old school and deal in cash only.
“It’s a hassle to go to the bank,” Leafs defenseman Justin Holl said.
To mitigate the hassle for Rielly, the Leafs collector, he had a safe built into his dressing-room stall at Scotiabank Arena. He’ll remind players of their dues on game days so he can quickly throw the money into his safe, though he openly admits “it’s hard to track guys down.”
It’s hard not to read Rielly’s efforts as him tiring of the process.
“I liked doing it (when he started),” Rielly said of being the fine keeper. “I don’t like doing it as much anymore.”
So why do it? What benefit is there for the fine keeper?
“Someone’s got to do it,” Girgensons said, shrugging his shoulders.
Multiple NHL players said for a player to be appointed the fine keeper, they only have to tick a few boxes: If you’re a well-liked and trusted veteran, this glamorous job may be yours for the taking.
“It’s actually a lot more work than anyone thinks,” Sissons said.
What about some slight interest in numbers? Perhaps balancing books for an NHL team’s fine fund is a precursor to a career after hockey in finance?
“I did like math class,” Sissons said. “But that’s not why I took the job. I guess people think I’m trustworthy.”
Modest as some of the fine keepers might be, there are perks to the job if you put the effort in. If you’re able to manage large sums of money and transfer them back and forth between a bank account and a credit card, you could be in for some sneaky benefits.
“I pay for things out of my own account, and I get all the points,” Sissons said.
Hartman agrees. After collecting payments from players, he uses a credit card to use that money to shell out for team events.
“The credit card is maxed out right now. We’ve had a few trips recently … with some big dinners,” Hartman said.
He’s not bothered though. The recently-engaged Hartman is thinking long-term: Stay on top of guys, and then use that money to pay for team functions, and those points will add up.
“Maybe I’ll get a honeymoon out of it,” he said, a smile creeping out from behind his thick beard.
Hartman’s plan isn’t devious by any means. Even for him, there is a team-building element to being the collector of the fines, and some NHL players informed of his process appeared slightly jealous. Every month, Hartman will buy three $500 Best Buy gift certificates and hand them out to his three Wild teammates who paid the most money that month into the team’s fund. It’s partly an incentive both for paying on time and for contributing to the team fund, but partly born out of Hartman’s own guilt.
“It’s a discount,” he said, modestly. “I feel bad. But we do spend it.”
And spend they do. Come the end of the season, there is always an effort to put the money back in the hands of the team.
For the Leafs, perhaps that means the team taking in an NFL game on the road. There are Super Bowl parties and Masters parties, too. And on Feb. 27, multiple Leafs took in a Bruce Springsteen concert in Seattle for some team-building and to help accelerate the bonding process for newcomers. The Leafs welcomed recently acquired teammates Sam Lafferty and Jake McCabe then.
“To get into an environment like that and get to know the guys is perfect,” McCabe said of the concert.
The year-end team party often sucks the most money out of the fine fund. The amount of money teams will spend on food, drinks, event space and the event itself varies, but multiple NHL players said somewhere in the range of $50,000 for a year-end party is a fair estimate.
Gudbranson noted how after the team’s head equipment manager, Jamie Healy, logged his 2,000th professional game on Jan. 29, the team dipped into the fund to purchase him a gift.
Ultimately, many NHL veterans view the money they can raise through the fine fund as less of a benefit to the team than the practice itself.
“Us veteran guys have to hold the young guys accountable more,” McDonagh said.
Gudbranson is adamant: The practice of good habits in the NHL has been “lost a little bit.”
The argument that fining young players heightens standards of professionalism league-wide is rooted in history. Gudbranson recalls his rookie duties while playing junior hockey for the Kingston Frontenacs: Unloading equipment from the team bus, mopping floors and helping out with laundry. These duties were not rituals to make players feel beyond uncomfortable, a practice that has no place in hockey. But, according to Gudbranson, understanding the benefits of working for the team is a concept that should be applied in the NHL. And if those concepts, such as respecting the dressing room, are forgotten, Gudbranson believes “the fine system can help with that.”
“You move away from home and your parents aren’t there to parent you anymore. Those little things, they teach you a lot,” Gudbranson said.
Of course, no young NHL player is going to be asked to mop the floor as a form of punishment.
But if fining young players for otherwise asinine offenses maintains a level of professionalism in the NHL, then veterans like Gudbranson aren’t going to be afraid to remind young players to have a credit card nearby at all times.
“You’re a professional athlete,” Gudbranson said. “You’ve got to act the part.”
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wyattjohnston · 1 year
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here we are! finally with the masterlist! all the thanks in the world to the 39 people who signed up for the exchange and the lovely D who came in as my saviour and wrote a pinch hitter fic without even being signed up
please read all the fics below, so much love and care was put into them and they all deserve your attention. a reblog if you can would also be incredible.
please respect all warnings at the beginning of fics. if a fic has been marked as smut or 18+ and you are younger than, do the right thing and do not read it.
keep your eye out for the winter fic exchange 2k24 sign up post. if you want me to let you know when it's happening you can click here.
the summer fic exchange 2k23 masterlist
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Buffalo Sabres
Jeff Skinner
gotta trust how you feel inside by @laurenairay for @ nhl-stories
Tyson Jost
i should've fought harder by @butgilinsky for @ typical-simplelove
a Devon Levi fic was written by @waysicouldhave for @ jackhues but they have since deactivated.
Carolina Hurricanes
Andrei Svechnikov
Every Summer Has a Story by @comphy-and-cozy for @teokka
HATE HATE HATE by @luvmmarner for @ comphy-and-cozy this is a multi-chaptered fic, so keep an eye on it!
How Long? by @lifeofpriya for @ luvmmarner
Colorado Avalanche
Cale Makar
all's well that end's well to end up with you by @fallinallincurls for @ ya-pucking-nerd
i've found love (and all that goes with it) by @huttons for @ fallinallincurls
Mikko Rantanen
Do That by @selfindulgentpoorlywritten for @ kurlyteuvo
Summer Baby by @typical-simplelove for @ buttercupjosh
Nathan MacKinnon
It Starts With a Cookie by @luvsherleafs for @ princessphilly
Dallas Stars
Jake Oettinger
taking on the world together by @laurenairay for @ jarmorie
Los Angeles Kings
Pierre-Luc Dubois
as the seasons change by @gravestrain for @ bqstqnbruin
never said a thing by @wyattjohnston for @ pcttymarleau
Minnesota Wild
Marc-André Fleury
Genève by @teokka for @ callsign-denmark
Montreal Canadiens
Juraj Slafkovsky
If I Say It, Will You Respond? by @puckmaidens for @ 2manytabsopen
Nashville Predators
Tyson Barrie
simple by @jxmieoleksiaks for @ laurenairay
New Jersey Devils
Dougie Hamilton
hydrangeas where your face should be by @nhl-stories for @ huttons
Jack Hughes
make it weird by @wyattjohnston for @ torontoflames
something in the way she moves by @miracleonice87 for @ wyattjohnston
Nico Hischier
See You Again by @bqstqnbruin for @ selfindulgentpoorlywritten
Underneath the Stars by @buttercupjosh for @ ilyasorokinn
Timo Meier
Sweet Like Cinnamon by @wildrangers for @ matthewtkachuk
New York Islanders
Ilya Sorokin
Polaroid Dreams by @kurlyteuvo for @ lifeofpriya
Mat Barzal
Alone With You by @cellythefloshie for @ miracleonice87
Disney Magic by @lam-ila for @ tinyhockey
tell me why by @torontoflames for @ luvsherleafs
where you lead i will follow by @ilyasorokinn for @prettytoxicrevolver
Pittsburgh Penguins
Sidney Crosby
Triple Axle Celly by @callsign-denmark for @ starshine-hockey-girl
Ryan Graves
a lake house story by @ya-pucking-nerd for @ thomasschabot
Seattle Kraken
Jamie Oleksiak
to the ends of the earth by @jarmorie for @ laurenairay
Tampa Bay Lightning
Brayden Point
one day all my love will come back to me by @matthewtkachuk for @ senditcolton
Toronto Maple Leafs
Matthew Knies
being a good man by @pcttymcrlecu for @ gravestrain
Vancouver Canucks
Anthony Beauvillier
Alone With You by @cellythefloshie for @ miracleonice87
The Invisible String by @starshine-hockey-girl for @ jarmorie
Quinn Hughes
i can still see it all by @ghostyjosty (jostystyles) for @ wildrangers
mango dragon refresher by @jackhues for @ lam-ila
saw you in a dream by @thomasschabot for @ puckmaidens
Surprise Party by @prettytoxicrevolver for @ ghostyjosty
Vegas Golden Knights
Nolan Patrick
Soothing Swedish Summers by @2manytabsopen for @ waysicouldhave
Winnipeg Jets
Adam Lowry
breakable heaven by @senditcolton for @ cellythefloshie
i am slowly making my own way through reading all the fics--if i haven't read yours and you want to make sure i don't forget, please send it to me.
if the person you wrote for hasn't read and reblogged your fic, please tell me.
78 notes · View notes
cellysbookshelf · 1 year
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A03 | @knightsofsliverandgoldstory | @the-slapshot-series
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Knights of Silver and Gold Marc-Andre Fleury x OC
A story where a world famous goaltender with a heart and soul of gold becomes a knight in shining silver for a female hockey player in the NHL who is trying to balance being a single mother and athlete after just being traded to the Vegas Golden Knights.
Can Marc-André Fleury show Barlow Kane he can be the father her daughter never had, help her make a home and a life in Nevada and be the love of her life she never thought she would find?
Archive of Our Own Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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Somebody's Today Mordan Reilly x F!Reader Summer Fic Exchange
Y/N and Morgan had grown up next door neighbors from the time they were babies. Best of friends until they both went off as teenagers to find their path, swearing they would find each other again someday as adults. Y/N's path lead her to to America, to study art and photography. Morgan's took him to Toronto to play NHL Hockey. But one day in Toronto they run into each other after years of not seeing each other, and soon see just how much they missed one another.... Someday just became today.
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Impact Mitch Marner x OC
Kodiak "Kody" Andersen is the younger half sister to Freddie Andersen of the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Team. She is a pro snowboarder for Canada and has been to the Olympics twice for her country. Her older brother basically raised her since she was 13 and she is forever greatful for the things he has done to let her life the life of her dreams. One night she is at the rink practicing some Hockey stuff with Freddie to make him happy when she takes a shot for the goal... and ends up hitting none other the Mitch Marner with her puck.
Mitch as no idea what kind of impact he is going to have on Kody's life, and Kody has no idea how she will impact his. Two kids, trying to prove they deserve to be where they are, trying to make a team and country proud, will impact each other in ways they never dreamed possible.
Archive of Our Own Tumblr Chapters: 1
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Garding her Heart Jake Gardiner x OC
Bailey Slavin had it all, an All Star Softball Pro career with the USSSA Pride, a wonderful family to support her, a college degree, 3 world series titles, 3 college titles, she felt like nothing could stop her.... Till it did. A freak accident durning a softball game put Bailey in the hospital and out of the 2020 World Championships. To help her recovery along she goes to spend time with her brother Jaccob Slavin in North Carolina and get her mind off the tragedy. With the possibility of never playing again, Bailey is left cold and bitter. But when she meets Jake Gardiner, one of her brothers teammates, he helps her slowly tear down her walls and find joy in her life again. Jake and Bailey soon find themselves falling in love, but Bailey will soon have to decide on if she stays in North Carolina with Jake and the chance to start a new life, or move back to Florida to remain in the Softball world. Only time will tell how long this defenseman can guard this broken softball players heart.
Archive of Our Own Tumblr Chapter: 1
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What We Had TJ Oshie x OC Winter Fic Exchange
Emerson or Emmy as she went by, never expected to be a single mother living on her own in Nova Scotia working as a social media detector. But for the last 6 years that's what she did, raising her daughter Ivory on her own. But when her dad tells her that his best friend who works for the Washington Capitals is in need of an assistant manager of Social Media and Networking for the team, it gives her a chance to move back home and work in a bigger and more exciting Field and to work around the sport she always loved.
The catch?
Her ex boyfriend and the father of her daughter is one of their star players: TJ Oshie. Is Emmy ready to face the past and tell TJ about their daughter? Will TJ be about to handle the truth, knowing he missed out on 6 years of his daughters life or will the past and the truth be the things that keep them from being a family once more?
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A Wish Upon Confetti Stars Erik Jonson x OC
"In the 2011 Entry Draft, the Los Angeles King are proud to select with our 3rd round pick, from the Seattle Thunderbirds, goaltender Avalon Redmoon."
She had it all, Two Stanley Cups, a Conn Smythe Trophy, a team that supported her as only the 2nd female goalie in NHL history. Everything was perfect.... Until it wasn't. The summer of 2020 Avalon got the news that she had been traded in a bombshell deal between LA and Colorado. Now she is moving back to her hometown, and has to face the fact that not even a superstar goalie is safe from a trade. Filled with anger and hurt that her old team would just pass her aside for the next hotshot to hit the ice, Avalon isn't quick to make new friends on her new team. That is till Erik Johnson or EJ as he goes by, decides to take the new star goalie under his wing, and show her how life can be just as good in Colorado as it was in LA. Avalon and EJ never planned on anything more then friendship over the next few years, but when the thoughts of retirement cross minds, risky plays put players on the line and the Stanley cup right within their reach, they need to hold on to each other more then ever to make it to the end goal.
"Sometimes the best wishes come from nothing more A Wish Upon Confetti Stars."
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Triple Axel Celly Sidney Crosby x OC Summer Fic Exchange
Sidney is tried of loosing year after year. After watching his close friend Nate lift the cup a year before and then missing the playoffs all together this season, he goes to Nate asking him to give him the name of his skating coach to try and help him oit next playoffs. Only Nate didn't tell him that Hunter Queen wasn't a Mr. Hunter and Sid bash heads like to bulls for weeks before they finally Nate finally tells Sid to make things right. So Sid goes to Hunter in hopes to finally make peace, but instead they end up in his bed for a wild night.
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Slapshot Series
That's Why God Made Airplanes Tyler Seguin x OC
Tyler Seguin thought he found the woman of his dreams. A perfect girl, a perfect engagement and the soon to be perfect wedding, he had everything down to a T.
Or so he thought.
Just a few short weeks before what was supposed to be the most perfect day of his life, turned into him booking a one way flight to Pittsburgh to spend the summer with his Best Friend and forget about his cheating ex fiancee. Wanting to shut out the world, his parents and most of his friends for the time being, Tyler find refuge with the only person who really seems to know the real him, Arabella Kerfoot, who plays for the Pittsburgh Penguins. While spending his summer hiding away, his best friend not so sneakily plays match maker with her childhood best friend, Quinn Canton.
Sparks soon begin to fly, and a whirlwind summer romance takes hold of these two burnt out hearts. But when hockey starts back up, and old partners come back to burn them to ashes, can they withstand the distance between them, or will it be to much for them to handle?
*** Loosely based around the song "God Made Airplanes" by Jason Aldean ***
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Hockey-Ella Morgan Rielly x OC
Arabella Kerfoot is the younger sister of Alex Kerfoot and she one of the only female hockey player in the league. Ella as she likes to go by is the wild child of the family and also of the Pittsburgh Penguins. With a reputation of the "Wild Cinderella" Ella is the media's #1 target. Her best friend is Tyler Seguin, who had a bad reputation in Boston before going to Texas, so he understands her better then her own family and is trying to help work through her rebellious reputation. After a wild and not so pretty night out on the town Ella is quickly not the favorite anymore in Pitt and is soon traded to Toronto who is looking for a power forward with the speed and risky skill set she brings to the table. The catch: they need to fix her tarnished reputation before the Toronto media tears her apart. The solution: have her fake a relationship with Morgan Rielly to show she is determined to settle down and leave her wild Cinderella life behind, and make a fairytale lifestyle in Toronto instead. Only Ella wasn't planning on falling for the red haired man who offered the solution to her problems. With the media and her brother breathing down her neck to fix her past, her best friend telling her that a fake relationship will only hurt her and the man she never new she needed in front of her, she is about to ether live out a Hockey-Ella fairytale or an ultimate disaster.
Coming Soon.
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Coming Soon
These Roots Lead Home - Mitch Marner x OC
The Goaltenders Ice Dance - Freddie Andersen x OC
Ruin Me Right - Martin Necas x OC
Sparks Fly - Marc- Andre Fleury x OC
Eye of the Storm - Teuvo Teräväinen x OC
From Oceans and Mountain and Anywhere Inbetween - Ross Colton x OC ** This masterlist was created for the lovely @callsign-denmark who is having some trouble with creating links from her blog.
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adamfanti11i · 10 months
who’s the ‘him’ you skipped in your pinned post?
ahh yes so that would be ivan provorov
short version of the story: basically last season when he was with the flyers he sat out warmups on pride night because he refused to wear their pride jersey, which on top of just being gross, made him one of the (i believe 7 if i remember right) players that sat out league wide which helped cause the ripple effect of the current stance the nhl's taken surrounding all special event/cause nights of banning special warmup jerseys on ice and the attempts at banning pride tape and special goalie masks which players (ex. travis dermott, marc-andré fleury, etc.) have been openly defying and not facing repercussions for because the nhl league office is at its core full of cowards. we traded for him in the offseason and i've been counting down the days until we hopefully send him somewhere else/let him hit ufa status ever since
so anyway i avoid posting him as much as possible but will occasionally vague post about him while liveblogging when he does things that annoy me!
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senditcolton · 1 year
“Showstopper” Sugar Cookies for you 1k celebration.
Marc-André Fleury.
I'm writing a story for him where he falls in love with my hockey OC Barlow (she plays for Vegas with him in 2019, played by teresa palmer) and her 3 year old daughter Harper (has red hair and brown eyes) the story is called Knights of Silver and Gold, and it's about Barlow losing her first love and being so afraid to love again till she meets her "white knight" in Marc-André and they learn what real and true loves actually means.
this was so interesting and so much fun to do! I hope I captured the image you have in your mind and did this beautiful story concept justice!
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vigilanteshit · 2 years
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Wired It Girl™️
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foegs · 2 years
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my best friend brendan “puppet music” baldwin formerly of monstercat music and the love of his life marc-andré “flower” fleury of thee nhl. a love story for the ages and puppet’s instagram story. (x)
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Marc-André Fleury/ F!OC
Cover by @newlibrary
Summery: A story where a world famous goaltender with a heart and soul of gold becomes a knight in shining silver for a female hockey player in the NHL who is trying to balance being a single mother and athlete after just being traded to the Vegas Golden Knights. Can Marc-André Fleury show Barlow Kane he can be the father her daughter never had, help her make a home and a life in Nevada and be the love of her life she never thought she would find?
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 2,949
As always follow my main account @callsign-denmark or main masterlist and my A03
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Barlow walked into the locker room the next morning ready to start on her workout. She popped open her cubby and throw her bag inside before pulling off her shirt, going down to her sports bra. She had on high waisted leggings and runners, her hair up in a messy bun. She shut the lid of her cubby and walked towards the training room. She popped in her earbuds and started up her music before going into some warmup stretches.
Marc-André got to the gym a few minutes later then normal. He quickly out his stuff away in the locker room before heading to the training area. He was looking down at his phone when he walked into the room. When he looked up he saw Barlow doing some lunges. He watched how he body moved, how her muscles rippled under her skin as she jumped into the next lunge, her balance never wavering. He felt a small smile creep onto his lips before ducking his head and walking over towards her. He sat down his water bottle and begin to do the splits near her.
Barlow saw Flower walk up out of the corner of her eye. She kept her balance steady as she held the lunge she had just did. The muscles in her legs stretched as she bent into it. She was more flexible then most hockey players, but she had taken ballet classes on top of hockey when she was younger to help give her an edge. She then sat with her legs straight out in front of her and bent forward, bending her body over top of her legs, her hands around her feet. She felt eyes burning into her skin, knowing full well that Marc-André was watching her like a hawk. She bent herself back up into a sitting position and smiled at him.
"You know it's rude to stare." She teased as she winked at the goalie. She watched as a small blush creeped over his face as he ducked his head. He bent to the right, over his leg stretching his back and core.
"Well forgive me for admiring how flexible you are. I've only really seen goalies move like that." He smiled cheekily at her. Barlow laughed and got up going to the treadmill. She stepped on before starting at a slow jog and working herself up to a brisk pace. She watched out of the corner of her eye as Marc-André grab a turtle shaped balancing disk and got on it. The top part was smooth but the bottom part was on a half ball, making it hard to balance if you were not fully stable. He stared to do squats on the disk, keeping his balance steady as he watched himself in the floor to ceiling mirror.
Barlow was impressed with how balanced and confident he looked, his body not wavering as he kept going. The muscles in his legs and core flexing with each squat, and Barlow couldn't help but admire them. She saw him catching her watching him from the mirror and she quickly turned her head away, focusing once again on her run. She felt her face heat up, but not from the workout. She was thankful when the gym started to fill up with more players, helping block out the destructions around her. She soon got off the treadmill after doing a 15 minute run and went to the floor ladder to do foot work maneuvers. She started doing fast pace footwork over the rope ladder that was spread out on the floor, moving her feet fast and swiftly to keep from tripping as she went from one square to another in the ladder. Her movements seemed effortless as she did the drill.
And it wasn't going unnoticed. Mark Stone was doing a rubber band arm pull exercise and Flower was standing by spotting him. Both men saw her moving swiftly across the floor, her steps never wavering, her pace fast and strong. She glided across the floor.
"Kane is something else that's for sure." Mark said as he pulled on the band. Flower nodded his head and watched the blonde. Mark looked at Marc-André and saw how his eyes never left her, how he seemed to be totally focused on the girl. "Oh you got it bad Flower." He laughed as he switched arms. Flower looked at Mark and felt his face heat up even tho he shook his head and tried to deny it.
"I have no idea what you are talking back Stone. And we really can't call her Kane now can we? She has her brother in the NHL. It could get confusing on who we are talking about to people if we reference to her as Kane." He glanced up and looked at her again from across the room. "Besides.... she has a pretty name." He said softer as he watched her. Her eyes met his and he felt a small smile spread across his lips as she smiled at him before going back to her drill. Marc-André felt Mark slap his arm and he glared at the Captain.
"You like her. I can see it on your face. The way you smile. So why not do something about it?" The Captain asked the goalie. Flower looked back up at Barlow and sighed.
"I think she has been hurt Mark. Just jumping at her, after she just moved, throwing something else at her is not the right move. For now I'm just gonna give her time." He pulsed for a moment before adding "Besides she has a daughter. She might now be looking for a relationship anymore." Saying the words out loud broke his own heart, but he had no idea how wrong he was.
The team worked out for another hour or so before calling it quites for lunch. Barlow wipped her face off with a towel and slowly walked to the showers. She stepped under the warm water and let it run down her shoulders and back, soothing her sore muscles. She sighed as she washed her hair and let the water run over her face for a moment before turning off the water. She dried off and pulled on a pair of sport shorts and a lose tshirt, letting her hair fall down in damp blonde waves. She stared to do a light makeup in the mirror, before starting to combing her hair
Marc-André was sitting on his bench, after just coming out of the shower and he only had on a pair of basketball shorts. He ran a hand through his dark hair that was still damp from his shower. He was looking at his phone when he heard a small squeal from the other side of the room. He looked up to see Harper running his way.
"Oh bonjour ma jolie petite!" He smiled as he picked up the toddler, pulling her to his lap. She smiled at him, her bright eyes shining. He kissed her soft strawberry blonde hair and hugged her close. "Comment vas-tu ma douce petite fille?" He said in French, not knowing if she would understand him. He say Haper think for a moment before replying.
"Je vais bien aujourd'hui!" She answered him in French. Flower laughed and tickled her side.
"So he speak French as well?! How wonderful Little One!" He beamed at the Toddler. He didnt hear Barlow walking up from the side.
"Her father spoke French as his first language. So I taught her." Her voice spoke in a soft tone as she approached the pair.
"Mama!" Harper squealed as she leaned against Marc-André. She smiled and made grabby hands at her mother, showing she wanted picked up. Barlow smiled and picked up her daughter, kissing her freckled nose. "I see you found your friend." Barlow nodded down at Flower. Harper smiled and nodded her head.
"Yes Mommy. I like Flower." She giggled as she turned to look at the man. She smiled and then pointed back at him. "I wanna sit with him!" She stated as she leaned in her mother's arms towards Marc-André. Barlow was still surprised at how fast Harper took to Marc-André, and how quickly she trusted him when she was so shy of men. She handed her child to the older man and smiled as the little girl wrapped her arms around his neck. Flower kissed her cheek and started to speak sweet nothing in French to her, making the Toddler coo in happiness.
Barlow heard her phone ding and she looked down to see a text from her nanny, Katie. She had to take her car to the shop to get a tire fixed so she let once she dropped Harper off with Marc-André.
"Barlow! Coach wants you in his office!" Mark called to her making her look up from her text. She glanced down at Harper in Flower's lap and groaned.
"Shit... her nanny had to take her car to the repair shop. She just left. She can't watch her for me now." She sighed. She went to grab Harper's bookbag on the foor by her cubby when Flower spoke up.
"I'll watch her for you."
Barlow turned around and raised an eyebrow at the goalie. "You want to watch Harper? For real?" She questioned as she placed her hand on her hip and cocked her head to the side.
"Don't look so surprised." He laughed out, his laughter like soft music. "I actually really like kids. I'd love to watch her for a bit for you. I dont have any plans once I leave here. I'll take her down to the food court and get her something to eat." He continued as he stood up, the toddler on his hip as she played with his soft dark hair. Barlow looked at the pair before stepping closer. Marc-André felt his heart flutter as her arm brushed his bar chest as she reached up to push back some of her daughter wild hair.
"You be good for Marc-André, okay? I'll be back soon." She told her child. Harper leaned her head against Flower's shoulder and nodded her head.
"Yes Mommy. Love you." She whispered as she smiled shyly.
Barlow smiled and kissed her nose before replying "Je t'aime aussi." She then smiled up at Marc-André and blushed lightly. "Thank you Marc-André." She said softly before looking down, realizing her hand was on his arm. She blushed hard and stepped back, handing the small backpack to Flower.
"Mommy will be back soon Little Bird. Behave now." She said before walking off to go upstairs to the coach's office.
Marc-André looked down at the Toddler on his hip and smiled. "Let's go get you some food Little Flower. I think there is a chocolate chip muffin in the lounge with our name on it." He told the child as he started to walk out of the locker room and down to the hangout spot for the team. He had throw on a tight black tshirt before they left the locker room and grabbed his hat as well, but Harper was currently wearing his hat, that was far to big for her head but she was happy none the less. He walked into the large room where TVs, sofas, chairs and bar and food buffet was laid out for the players to chill and the WIGs now and again for special occasions. He saw Mark, Shea and Zach sitting playing some video games and he waved at them.
"Look who I brought to hang out a bit!" He called out. He felt Harper nuzzle into his chest a bit tighter and pull his hat down over her face. "Oh it's okay Little One. I know you are shy but its safe. I promise you." He cooed to the 3 year old softly. He hugged her tight and walked to where the food was laid out for the team. "Here why dont you pick out a muffin?" He said bending down a bit so she could see the food. He smiled as she pushed the hat up her face a bit and then pointed to a large chocolate chip muffin on a plate. He chuckled and picked it up, placing it on a plate and then walked her to a sofa. He sat down and sat her on his lap, holding onto the plate. She leaned against his chest and took a small piece of muffin, eating it happily. He loved how comfortable the child was with him, how quickly she trusted him. He took a piece of muffin and popped it into his mouth as she took another small chunk. He looked down at her to find her already looking up at him, a smile on her lips as she ate.
"You're adorable Little One." Marc-André cooed as he nuzzled his nose into her soft curls. Harper giggled and leaned her head against his chest, resting her head under his chin. He sat the muffin down on the table beside the sofa and pulled her closer, feeling her breathing slowly grow calmer and soon she was asleep in his arms. Marc-André smiled down at her and laid his head on top of hers, breathing in her soft, sweet smelling hair. How he wished he had a daughter like this of his own. Someone to come home to, hold as she fell asleep each night after they ate. To wake up to a bright happy toddler face each morning as his lover laid beside him. He wanted a family of his own. He wrapped his arms around her tighter and closed his eyes, picturing a family in his mind. Two or three sweet little babies running around. A wife and a big house filled with love, a dog or two running around the yard. He could picture a life outside of hockey, with a family that would always support him.
"Well isn't this just a picture?" A soft sweet voice broke him from his daydream.
He opened his eyes to see Barlow smiling down at him and Harper on the sofa. He smiled up at her and hugged the little girl close. "She ate a bit and then passed right out." He informed her as he looked down at the sweet child tucked into his side and chest. "How did your meeting go?" Flower asked softly.
"It went will. Just some paperwork and stuff that needed filled and stuff. Nothing serious." Barlow looked down at her sleeping daughter and smiled. "Thanks for watching her. She really has grow to like you in such a short time. I got a picture of you two sleeping before I woke you up." She told him pulling up her phone to show him the picture of them cuddling together on the sofa, fast asleep. Flower smiled at the picture and then down at the child still in his arms.
"Can you send me that? I love it." Asked Marc-André softly. He stood up slowly and grabbed the bookbag on the floor. "I'll walk you guys to your car." He said.
Barlow was surprised at how gentle and kind this man was with her and her daughter. It made her miss being with someone. Miss having someone care for her and worry over her and want her to be at her best. She shook her head to clear her mind and smiled up at the tall goalie. "Thank you. That would be great." She said taking the backpack and picking up her own bag. She walked beside Marc-André as he carried Harper through the arena out to the parking lot. Barlow opened the car door and watched as Flower slowly sat Harper into her carseat and buckled her up before placing a soft kiss to her hair. He stood up and she closed the door softly.
"Thank you. For watching her for me." She said softly brushing some of her blonde hair off her face. She leaned against the car and felt her face heat up a bit realizing how close they were.
"Anytime Barlow. She is a sweet Angel and I love spending time with her."
Barlow felt her heart flutter for a moment. She hadn't felt this way in a long while. She started into his brown eyes and she felt her heart race.
"I'll see you tomorrow Barlow." He said in a deep, thick accent before pushing off the car and walking towards the Arena. He had wanted to kiss her right then and there. But he knew he had to take his time, and slowly get both girls to trust him before he made any moves. And going slow and study was something Flower could do. He opened his phone and looked down at the picture of him and sleeping Harper and smiled softly to himself. The way she curled into his chest, her little hands fisting his shirt, his chin in her soft ginger curls made his heart stop. She was as beautiful as her mother. How he wished they had an easier life, that this sweet child had a father. But then Barlow and Harper wouldn't have been in his life the way they were not. Hitting the small dots at the top of the picture, he set it as his home screen on his phone. Smiling one more time at the picture he clicked his phone back off and started walking back inside to grab his things before heading home. Someone he just knew, one day that picture would become an everyday reality.
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youhideastar · 3 years
I have a director’s commentary request (which I really hope has not been done yet): I’d love to hear you talk about the chapter of the TBSA shorts where Vero talks and gives aftercare to Sid after his scene with the shitty dom!
Hey, thanks for asking! Especially because I realized, going back to look at this, that I never responded to any of the comments on it, arrrgggh… I’m sorry, commenters! I will fix that! I’m going to include part of the author’s notes at the beginning of the commentary, because they set the scene. Let’s rock on!
Original A/N: Folks have asked about Vero and Sid in this universe, and I've always said that I just couldn't see that working out, since Vero is pretty much exclusively a sadist, but I gave it a try! Spinning off from the bad bar pickup, this little piece posits that Flower took Sid back to his own room instead of to Geno, starting giving Sid aftercare, and Sid kissed him.
The second Sid’s lips touch Flower’s, he yanks himself back, horrified. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry—”
“It’s okay, Sid,” Flower says gently. “It’s okay.”
“I wouldn’t—I know you’re Vero’s. I don’t know why I did that.”
“It’s really okay. Come here.”
Flower collects him close again, and kisses him on the forehead.
Forehead kisses are so tender.
“I’m going to call Vero, Sid.”
Sid wants to object, but he knows he has no right. He stares at the sheets, miserable.
Poor boy. He’s so sure he’s going to be yelled at. And after he’s already had such a terrible night!
“Hang on. And have some more water, mon trésor,” Flower says. He stands up to grab his phone from the desk and then lays right back down next to Sid.
When Vero picks up, she says something in French that makes Flower blush.
100% she thinks he’s calling for phone sex.
“Maitresse,” he says quietly, “I’m here with Sid. He had a bad scene tonight, and no aftercare, and he’s very upset. May I put you on speaker?”
She must say yes; Flower puts the phone on the bedside table, and Vero’s voice says, “Oh, Sid. I’m so sorry that happened, but I am very happy that you are with Marc-André now.” She sounds so warm and sympathetic, and it just makes the hollow feeling in Sid’s stomach worse.
Flower continues, “Like I said, Sid is very upset and not feeling like himself, and he kissed me. So I had to call. He apologized right away and said he knew he should not have kissed me because I’m yours.”
Marc-Andre Fleury, counsel for the defense. Look at him, marshaling all his exculpatory facts! Did he really need to? I think probably not, b/c Vero is a softie for Sid, but on the other hand, she’s very traditional and so might have felt a need to react strictly even if she wasn’t actually mad.
“Sid. My dear friend,” Vero says, before Sid can even start to apologize. “Of course you should not have done that, but I understand. We all do things that we know we should not do when we are in a bad headspace, and it sounds like you had every reason to reach out for any kind of comfort you could get. All right?”
Shocked, Sid stammers, “A-all right.”
“Good. But now, I want you to tell me what happened tonight. I am worried about you, Sid.”
Vero very nobly holds herself back from adding, “I am always worried about you, Sid!!”
Sid is desperately grateful to her for being so kind… but he doesn’t want to tell her what happened. He doesn’t want to tell anyone. Still, he knows he owes her.
Narrator: he doesn’t.
“Okay,” he mumbles.
“So. What happened?”
“I went home with this guy, and he um. He hit me.”
Vero asks, “And had you negotiated that he could hit you?”
Sid shakes his head. “We didn’t negotiate – he just—started hitting me as soon as we got to his place.”
“He did not negotiate anything? Not even a safeword?” She sounds horrified.
There’s a big difference in style between Vero’s aftercare here and Geno’s aftercare after exactly the same incident in the original story, and one thing I actually think Vero does better than Geno is clearly and explicitly communicate how absolutely unacceptable and outside the norm the bad dom’s actions were. She really hammers that home, over and over again, which is what Sid needs.
Sid’s voice comes out in a whisper. “No. I—I didn’t know how to get him to stop.”
Flower pulls him even closer and kisses his forehead again, as Vero murmurs, “Oh, Sid, that must have been so frightening. That is terrible. What happened to make him stop hitting you?”
This is a great example of how Vero excels as a communicator. She pauses to acknowledge and validate Sid’s feelings before moving on to get the next piece of information. I’ll admit that part of the reason communication is a bigger piece of her aftercare than Geno’s is, uh, she doesn’t have a lot of other options because she’s on the phone and can’t touch Sid. What jerk of an author did that to her? So limiting. SMH.
“I don’t know. Or—I asked him to stop hitting my face, like, I just said ‘stop.’ And he stopped that. But I don’t know why he stopped hitting me other places. I guess he just got bored.”
Note that it doesn’t even occur to Sid that the dom stopped because he was satisfied (which is actually the truth). Poor baby.
“I want to make sure I understand,” Vero says slowly. “This dom began by hitting your face; when you asked him to stop that, he hit you other places? Again without negotiating?”
“I guess we sort of negotiated,” Sid says. He doesn’t want to make it sound worse than it was. “I mean, I—I don’t know. I was confused. He was really mad that he couldn’t hit my face. That was what he really wanted. But he said I could make it up to him if I let him hit me other places.”
“Oh, Sid. You had nothing to make up to him, and he had no right to be angry about—about anything! You are the one who had the right to be angry.” Despite her words, her tone is gentle.
When Sid chances a look up at Flower, he nods, lips pressed tightly together.
Poor Sid is in such disbelief, he has to turn to Flower to be like, “really? I didn’t fuck up?”
Sid ducks his head. “I don’t know. I don’t—I don’t even know if he meant it.” He didn’t want to say this part, had been planning to leave it out – but suddenly he can’t. He feels compelled to lay it bare. Whispering again, Sid says, “When he stopped hitting me, I asked if I had made it up to him, and he—I don’t think he even remembered he said that.” He feels so, so small.
This little character note had been hovering in my head since I got my beta’s comments on the original To Be Seen Aright – one of my beta readers made the very astute observation, specifically in the context of the bad-bar-pick-up scene, that one of the worst things you could do to a sub like Sid would be to give them a task to perform and then not notice that they did the task. Super ouchy! I  liked that observation so much, so I was really glad to get to use it here.
“Worse and worse,” Vero says softly. “Where did he hit you, Sid, after he stopped hitting your face?”
“My chest. My back. My arms.”
Sounding alarmed, she says, “Marc-André, his lower back—”
“Nothing over the kidneys,” Flower says right away. “I checked.”
“Well done. Now, Sid, when this dom stopped hitting you, did you leave?”
Sid’s face burns. “No. I know I should have. I know it’s my fault that—”
In my dreams, all of my phone conversation scenes look like this bit – 95% dialogue, very minimal action/description/dialogue tags (dialogue tags are the “she says, Flower explains, Sid replies” bits). I love writing dialogue qua dialogue (i.e., the characters’ actual lines). It’s the rest of it that takes forever and makes me want to yank my hair out. My first drafts look mostly like scripts and I would looooove to keep them that way. But it makes the characters feel distant. Supposedly. Sometimes I wonder if I could get away with it anyway. Someday I’ll go through my ten favorite fics with a fine-tooth comb to check and see how much pure dialogue they include.
“None of this is your fault. Absolutely none of it,” Vero says, and now she sounds angry. “Of course you wanted to please him – and he gave you none of the tools you should have had to get yourself out of this situation in a way that would have felt natural and safe. I do not want you feeling responsible for this terrible excuse for a dom and the things he did. Not for any of them! To start hitting a sub before a word of negotiation – it is against everything. Everything. No excuse.”
Sid’s face is still hot – but for a different reason now. It feels good to hear her defend him. It feels good to hear her say it’s not his fault. “Um. Thank you,” he mumbles.
“It is just the truth. Marc-André, I hope you are holding him very sweetly.”
She’s the cutest.
Flower smiles at Sid across the pillow, with a look like he’s sharing a joke. “I am holding him,” he tells Vero. “The sweetness I can’t answer.”
“Hmm,” she says, dissatisfied. “What else did this dom do, Sid?”
Vero’s like, “Unacceptable, embrace must have maximum sweetness, I’m very disappointed in this lackadaisical attitude toward the sweetness level.” But she is too goal-oriented to dwell on it.
“He didn’t hurt me more after that. He—we had sex. He, um.” This sounds like such a kindergarten thing to say, but he can’t think of a different way of phrasing it: “He made fun of me.”
It’s a fine line with stuff like this, but the truth is, if you do it right, there’s very little that’s more powerful than using phrases that call back to that really formative and raw time in our lives: “someone made fun of me” or “you hurt my feelings” or “I don’t want to be friends with you anymore.” I think the key is to hang a lampshade on the fact that it is little-kid language, so it doesn’t come out of nowhere.
“And of course he did not negotiate for humiliation, either, I assume.”
Sid’s not an expert in humiliation or anything, but that still doesn’t strike him as right. “I don’t think it was… I don’t think that’s what it was. I think he was just… he didn’t like what I was doing.”
“What did he say, Sid?”
He agreed to tell her, and a part of him wants to tell her, to please her – but the words are stuck in his throat, and the thought of prying them out makes him feel sick. “Please, I don’t want to—do I have to say?” he asks, desperate.
“Would it be easier for you to tell Marc-André?”
“Yeah.” He doesn’t know why, but… it would. So he will.
Sid curls in toward Flower and explains into the small, quiet space between them how the dom had asked Sid what he needed, and when Sid had asked him to restrain Sid’s arms, the dom had mocked him as “Mr. Top-from-the-Bottom.” He hopes Flower won’t judge him.
Sometimes, when dialogue won’t write, it’s a sign that you shouldn’t be writing out the dialogue at all, but should describe it instead, like in this paragraph. Every time I tried writing out the dialogue, it felt awkward and repetitive, in part because Flower is going to reiterate it, like three lines further down the page. So: tell, don’t show! Works way better here.
He doesn’t seem to. He pulls Sid close again, tucking Sid’s head under his chin, and murmurs to him, little scraps of sorrow and comfort.
Ugh, the head-tucked-under-chin thing, part of the trifecta of tenderness along with forehead-kissing and hair-stroking. Too cute, I can’t take it. Sid gets all three in this ficlet!
“Marc-André?” Vero asks.
“More shitty domming,” Flower says bluntly. “He told Sid to express a preference and then, when Sid obeyed, accused him of being pushy.”
Flower manages to get the gist across without divulging any of the details that Sid finds humiliating, and he frames it in a way that makes clear what a shitty thing that guy did. Counsel for the prosecution, this time!
Vero makes a hurt noise. “Oh, my poor Sid – oh, how terrible that must have felt, to be manipulated like that, and after everything that had already happened. You must have felt so turned around, so… so like you could not depend on anything, I don’t know how to say it in English.”
Writing characters whose first language is not English is hard. But one of the unexpected benefits is that when you can’t find the right way to say something, your characters can just… say that! You can’t play that card all the time, but every so often, English lets you down and it’s okay to acknowledge that!
“It sucked,” Sid says, which is not adequate, but it’s all he can summon right now.
But Vero agrees, “It sucked,” in a solemn tone of voice, as if he’s said something profound. “Was it over then?”
Nothing is funnier than someone very seriously saying “It sucked” in a French accent.
“Yeah. He said I could stay for aftercare—”
Vero is so fun to write. SO fun.
“Uh, yeah. I didn’t think that was a good idea, either. So I left and came back here, and Flower found me and brought me back to his room.”
“He did not even clean Sid up,” Flower says, and Sid is startled to hear anger in his voice, too.
“Oh, infâme,” Vero mutters darkly. “I want to find him and crush him. Sid, I am so very sorry that all of that happened to you – it was wrong and terrible. And I can understand even better now how much you must have been craving affection, and comfort, and closeness. All the things you should have gotten from this wretched dom but did not. Of course you turned to Marc-André for those things. It makes perfect sense.”
I’m really sad that “infamous” in the sense of “shamefully malign” has gone out of common usage in English, because I absolutely love it and there’s not a great alternative nowadays. But fortunately in this instance, there’s a cognate I could use! It, uh, may not be in common usage in French either, but Vero is more likely to know uncommon words in her native tongue than in English, so it’s fine.
Sid doesn’t know what to say to that, but Vero does not seem to expect a response.
Instead, she continues, “Sid, I need to ask Marc-André some questions. While I do, I want you to close your eyes.”
Sid closes his eyes, and Vero says, “Very good,” warmly, as if she can see him.
“Now, we will talk in English, so you can understand us, and if Marc-André gets something wrong or you have something to add, please let me know. But if you lose track of what we’re saying or feel sleepy, that is all right. You don’t have to pay attention.”
Vero asks Flower if he gave Sid water, and food, and if he cleaned Sid up. Sid’s eyes slip shut as they talk – like Vero said, it doesn’t seem like they need anything from him.
Another tell-don’t-show narration in lieu of dialogue that would otherwise be boring and repetitive: “Did you give Sid water?” “Yes.” “Did you give him food?” “Yes.” “Did you clean him up?” “Yes.” You don’t want to read it and I don’t want to write it!
Next. she asks if Flower put anything on Sid’s bruises.
“Not yet,” he answers. “I have some bruise balm in my bag.”
“Ice packs?” she asks.
“I don’t have any,” Flower admits, “but I can get some from the trainers.”
“Good. That is good. Mm, Sid, I need your attention again. You can open your eyes.”
Sid does, blinking at Flower, who smiles and strokes his hair.
“Um. Hi,” he says, still a little slow and sleepy.
“Hi, Sid,” she says, amused – but not laughing at him. “Sid, Marc-André is going to get you some ice packs for your face, and I will stay with you while he’s away, so you won’t be alone, okay?”
This “amused but not laughing at him” thing is the kind of thing some writing instructors would be dicks about, like, “Is Sid a telepath? Can he read her mind? No? Then shouldn’t you describe what it is that he hears that leads him to believe she’s amused?”
The answer is: no, I should not. You can tell when someone is or isn’t amused! But if I asked you to describe what subtle visual and/or auditory cues led you to that conclusion, you couldn’t fucking describe it! Human interpretation of facial expression, posture, and tone of voice is crazy complex, and impossible to completely break down into its component parts. Never let someone bully you into believing that your character in close 3d person POV (or first person, or whatever) can’t describe other characters’ attitudes, emotions, and mental states. As with most things, it’s nuanced—like, it’s not a great idea to have lines like, e.g., “That’s interesting,” the doctor says, feeling suddenly inadequate about her own research, unless the doctor is your POV character, because that is too much insight, more than a normal person would have about a third party’s thought processes—but, you know, a little is fine.
“Okay. Thank you,” Sid says, a little shaky. He really did not want to be alone.
Businesslike, Vero says, “So let’s get ready for that: Marc-André, bring Sid another bottle of water and something to eat… something salty, this time. And Sid, I want you to make a little pile of pillows behind yourself, so you have something soft to lean on. Sid, is there anything else you want to eat, something Marc- André could get for you while he is out?”
“No, I’m fine with the chips. Thank you, though.”
Once Flower leaves, Vero asks, “Sid, do you have your little nest of pillows?”
“Pillow” is just an inherently cute and soft word. Anything will be cozy if you describe it using the word “pillow.” The “little” intensifies the effect.
“Good. Now, I want to be careful about something,” she says, voice low and soothing. “You need someone to take care of you tonight, Sid. It is a dangerous thing to have a bad scene like that and then not get the proper care. It can have very bad effects. I would like to be the person who takes care of you, Sid. But I know that you did not call me. You came to Marc-André, and he called me. And you have had more than enough of doms assuming they can treat you a certain way without asking. So I need to ask your permission before I do more to care for you. And if you say no, I will not be hurt. I am already so happy and proud that you came to Marc-André, that he has earned your trust in that way, and that is enough for me. Do you understand?”
Geno gets to skip a little speech like this in the main story because Sid did come to him intentionally and seek his help.
That hadn’t occurred to him, actually – that this was something he’s supposed to have a choice in. “Yes,” he says, and, “Thank you. Thank you for asking.”
“Of course, Sid.” There’s a little pause. “So. What do you think?”
Sid thinks about what she’s saying – what she’s asking. It’s tempting to just say yes, take care of me, because he does need someone to do it, and he does trust her. But there’s more to it than that. “Um. You like to hurt Flower,” he says, hesitantly.
“I do,” she replies.
“Would you… if you were taking care of me, would that mean hurting me, too?”
Completely fair question! It’s a huge step for him to be even asking, instead of being like, “Whatever she wants is fine.” Like, it seems a little out of left field at first glance—why would inflicting pain be part of aftercare?--but Sid is so inexperienced, he really doesn’t know what to expect.
Right away, she says, “No, my darling. If someday you wanted a different kind of taking care, and we negotiated it in advance, then that might be something I would do. But that would not be appropriate for this kind of taking care.”
“Okay.” Maybe there’s something else he should be asking, but nothing’s coming to him. He just really, really wants to be taken care of tonight. And he knows she would take it seriously – take him seriously. “Then yes. If it’s okay with you. I-I want that.”
“Thank you, Sid,” she says, with great weight. “It is more than okay. I—this may be difficult for you to believe after the night that you have had, but a good dom wants to care for a submissive in distress. A good dom is honored to have the chance to do that. And I am honored that you trust me for that.”
That hits Sid harder than he was expecting; he has to blink a few times to get the burn out of his eyes. Hoarsely, he says, “Thank you, again.”
“It is my pleasure. Now. Close your eyes, Sid, and lie down, if you are not already lying down. Pull up the blanket – are you nice and warm?”
“Nice and” anything is also inherently cozy.
“I’m warm.”
“Bon. I want you to know, Sid, how proud I am of you. Of the things you did earlier tonight.”
That’s the last thing he was expecting to hear. “Proud? I—I messed up, I should have—”
“No,” Vero says, with authority. “No. Do not think about any ‘should have.’ You did not have the tools that you ‘should have’ had, and you did so well with the tools you did have. I am proud of you for telling that dom to stop hitting your face. I know it was hard for you; you must have been confused, and frightened, and shocked, and you had no safeword and likely you were not sure he would stop, which would have been even more frightening. But you said ‘stop’ anyway. And I am very, very proud of you for that.”
It’s interesting to think of how it might have changed the main story if Geno had felt inclined to—and comfortable enough to—lay out expectations like this and the following paragraphs. Vero is doing an awesome job modeling clear communication, and also setting the expectation that setting boundaries, rather than being an interference with a partner’s dominance, is a good and even praiseworthy behavior. Would it have made a difference? Who can say?
“Thank you,” Sid croaks, shaking.
But she’s not done. “And I am proud of you for telling the dom what you wanted when he asked,” she says fiercely, “I know he was a piece of shit about it, but he was wrong. I’m sure he didn’t even think about how hard it must have been for you to say what you wanted, especially when he had shown he likely did not care what you wanted. But you stood up for yourself and your desires, and that also makes me very proud.”
“Vero…” Tears are running down his cheeks now.
“And I am also so proud of you for recognizing that you should not stay with that dom for aftercare. We drill into subs how important aftercare is, and I’m sure you had a little voice in your head telling you to stay because of that, but you were smart enough to know that this was an exception, and you did the right thing for yourself. So I’m very proud of you for that.”
This is so self-indulgent because I fucking love writing characters giving speeches. I really try to restrain the impulse because people don’t give speeches very much in casual conversation in real life! They get interrupted! Or they just don’t have their thoughts in order enough to make it work. But God, it is satisfying to write.
She’d said she wouldn’t hurt him, but fuck, this hurts, even though it feels so good at the same time. He feels horribly off-balance.
The sadism potential of praise is really underrated.
“Sid, I want you to wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug. I know it is not as good as when Marc-André hugs you, but it will help until he gets back. So do that now.”
Sid obeys, and he does feel a little better. More grounded.
“You are doing very well, Sid. When it feels right, I want you to drink the bottle of water and eat the chips Marc-André brought you. I think that will help as well.”
“Okay,” Sid says, in a small voice. “Thank you, Vero.”
After Flower gets back, he and Sid absolutely get it on very tenderly. I ran out of interest before writing that, but I promise it definitely happens. 😉
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leafsbabe · 5 years
♡ aesthetics  
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♡ masterlist
written aesthetics:
Andre Burakovsky Anthony Beauvillier Auston Matthews Brad Marchand Brendan Gallagher Brock Boeser Brock McGinn Carter Hart Charlie McAvoy Chris Kreider Colton Parayko David Pastrnak Dylan Larkin Elias Lindholm Evgeni Malkin Freddie Andersen Haydn Fleury Hilary Knight James Neal James van Riemsdyk Jeff Skinner Jesse Puljujarvi Kale Clague Kasperi Kapanen Leon Draisaitl Lias Anderson Marc-Andre Fleury Markus Nutivaara Mat Barzal Matthew Tkachuk Morgan Rielly Nico Hischier Nolan Patrick Oscar Klefbom Pierre-Luc Dubois Rich Clune Roland McKeown Roman Josi Sebastian Aho Sidney Crosby Teuvo Teravainen Travis Konecny Tyler Seguin Tyson Jost Valentin Zykov Victor Rask Warren Foegele William Nylander Zach Hyman
nsfw aesthetics:
Auston Matthews (with pictures) Charlie McAvoy (with pictures) Colton Sissons (with pictures) Frederik Andersen Mat Barzal Moritz Seider Nico Hischier
picture aesthetic/moodboards:
André Burakovsky • happy yellow Colton Parayko • soft Colton Parayko • soft but also a bit nsfw EJ • cozy autumn Elias Lindholm • plus size gf Elias Lindholm • plus size princess Freddie Andersen • summer Gustav Nyquist • Christmas James Neal • party Josh Anderson • chubby gf Josh Anderson • stretch marks Josh Morrissey • traveling Leon Draisaitl • lace lingerie Leon Draisaitl • soft Mitch Marner • baking cookies Morgan Rielly • nsfw plus size Morgan Rielly • winter NYR frat boys • coffee shop Rich Clune • cabin Sebastian Aho • Snufkin Tyson Barrie • plus size bae
story aesthetics
picture aesthetics
includes William Nylander, Tyler Seguin, Connor McDavid, Auston Matthews, Nico Hischier, Carter Hart, Travis Konecny, Nolan Patrick, Colton Sissons, Roman Josi, PK Subban, Mitch Marner, John Tavares, Leon Draisaitl, Anthony Beauvillier, Josh Morrissey, Pierre-Luc Dubois, Jeff Skinner, Jack Eichel, and Colton Parayko
last updated 11.11.2022
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littlemaatta · 7 years
Midnight - Olli Maatta x Reader
Anonymous said: Could you do an Olli Maatta one where your someone body sister on the team and he's dating you? Maybe like guentzel older sister?
A/N: I love Jake and Olli with my entire soul, that is all. focused a lot on Jake at the beginning to give the story. 
Warnings: none
Word Count: ~990
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When your little brother Jake started playing for the Penguins, you were living very far away, meaning you never got a chance to see him play. But when the Penguins made it to the playoffs, you knew you had to go support your brother. 
You were able to get a transfer to Pittsburgh for your job and made the trip. You decided not to tell Jake you were coming and to surprise him after the game.
You show up at PPG for the very first time, proudly wearing the Guentzel jersey Jake had mailed you when he became a Penguin. 
You find your seat and settle in to watch. 
Jake is the first one to score in the game and you are immediately on your feet cheering on your little brother. 
The game goes on, Jake scores another goal and gets two assists and the Penguins win 4-1. 
Afterwards you make your way down to the locker room with the other family members from the seats around you. You wait outside for the family to be allowed to enter and when you are, you walk in the room and immediately see Jake with his back to you, talking enthusiastically to Marc-André Fleury. 
You make your way over to your brother, ignoring the curious looks from other players that have never seen you before. One player in particular is staring intently at you, but you are too preoccupied with surprising your brother to notice. 
You reach Jake and reach up to tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and looks down at you, his jaw dropping. 
“Y/N!” he exclaims, wrapping his arms around your smaller frame and picking you up. You may be older, but your brother is definitely taller. 
You laugh as you embrace your brother who you haven’t seen for many months. 
When he puts you down, his hands remain on your shoulders and he stares at you in awe. “What are you doing here?” he questions. 
“I came to see my little brother win the first game of the playoffs, of course!” you laugh at his expression. “Jake, you were amazing tonight! Two goals! I’m so proud of you!” you say, your smile not leaving your face as you look up at your brother. 
Jake smiles wider, “I know, I’m pretty amazing.” You punch him in the arm and he laughs. “You wanna come out with me and the guys? Some of us are going for drinks.” 
“Uh, yeah sure, I mean, if it’s okay with everyone else.” you answer, putting your hands in your pockets as you look around the room at the many other hockey players surrounding you. 
“Yeah, it’ll be fine. I have to shower and then we can go. Wait for me in the hall?” he asks. You nod and turn to walk out of the room. “Hey, I like your jersey by the way!” he calls after you. You turn your head to smile at him and continue walking out of the room.
Jake exits the locker room and finds you immediately. He leads you out of the arena and to his car.
You catch up with him as he drives to the bar where you’ll be meeting some of the guys from the team. He tells you what it’s like being a Penguin and all about his life in Pittsburgh and you fill him in on your job transfer and moving to Pittsburgh, which he is very happy about. 
You arrive at the bar and many other players follow. You are introduced to all of them. You see one player sitting at the table, not talking to anyone and you move to the empty seat beside him.
“Hi, I’m Y/N Guentzel. Jake’s sister.” you stick out your hand to shake his. He gulps and then takes your hand, shaking it lightly.
“I’m Olli Maatta.”
“Nice to meet you, Olli.” you say with a smile and continue shaking the boy’s hand. 
You and Olli sit together and talk for the rest of the night, he slowly becomes more comfortable with you and less nervous. He tells you that he’s from Finland and you listen to him talk lovingly about his home. 
Everything about him just draws you in, his eyes, his accent, his personality. You could listen to him forever. 
“Sorry, you probably don’t want to hear me go on about Finland forever.” he says, his cheeks turning red. 
“No, please, I don’t mind at all. You can talk about it all you want, it’s your home.” you assure him, subconsciously reaching out and taking his hand.
You stare into his eyes and feel yourself almost being pulled towards him. 
Suddenly as you and Olli are leaning in to each other, you are interrupted. 
“OKAY. Back up there Maatta.” Jake says, coming to stand next to the two of you.
“Jake.” you sigh, looking up at your brother as Olli leans back and releases your hand, looking between you and Jake nervously. 
He crosses his arms, trying to look intimidating but all you can do is laugh. 
“You wanna get out of here?” you ask, turning back to Olli and making him stumble over his words so that all he can do is nod in response. Jake’s jaw drops but he gives up, knowing that you like Olli and aren’t going to listen to your younger brother. 
You grab Olli’s hand again, pulling him up and away from the table of hockey players. 
“Bye Jake, see ya later.” you call over your shoulder as you pull the blonde Finn out of the bar. “Do you like ice cream?” you ask once outside. 
“Ice cream?” Olli says, checking his watch. “It’s midnight...” he trails off.
“So? Ice cream?” 
Olli laughs, shaking his head. “Yeah, sure, we can get ice cream.” he then grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers as he pulls you away to his car to go get ice cream at midnight. 
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vigilanteshit · 6 years
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SPOTTED: Julie “The Cat” Gaffney in the Ducks lockerroom. Is she working on a comeback? If so, those NHLers (Marc-André Fleury who? Braden Holtby who? Henrik Lundqvist who? Matt Murray who? Frederik Andersen who? Tuukka Rask who?) better watch out! She has got one of the fastest gloves known to man. Not just anybody (especially goldberg) could have stopped Gunnar Stahl’s triple deke, glove side to win the championship game!
(Photo via colombedujour’s ig story)
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bamfas · 6 years
Brand:  NBC Sports Published Date:  Wednesday, March 28, 2018 – 09:24 Latest Content Flag:  Tags:  Press Releases Body:  Special Premieres Tuesday, April 3, on NBCSN Following Bruins-Lightning at 7:30 p.m. ET Features Interviews with Bill Foley, Marc-André Fleury & Deryk Engelland Program Explores Franchise’s Efforts to Heal a Grieving City Following Unspeakable Las Vegas Tragedy STAMFORD, Conn.…
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travelivery · 7 years
More than 10,000 hockey fans stormed the D Las Vegas in Fremont Street Experience to attend the first-ever Vegas Golden Knights FanFest celebration on Sunday, January 14.
Check out the Vegas Golden Knights FanFest Photo Gallery Below
VGK Winger James Neal Signs Autographs for Fans While Walking the Red Carpet
The electrifying event was held as part of the team’s exclusive downtown partnership with the D Las Vegas and offered hockey buffs the chance to see get up close and personal with their favorite players.
Vegas Golden Knights players were joined by Chairman and CEO Bill Foley, Head Coach Gerard Gallant, and Vegas Golden Knights President Kerry Bubolz as the group walked the red carpet, signed autographs and took photos with excited supporters. the D Las Vegas’ CEO Derek Stevens welcomed guests as the festivities commenced in front of the Third Street Stage. In a daring display, the team’s mascot, Chance, flew high above the crowd on the SlotZilla Zipline while excited spectators watched from below.
Addressing the crowd, Foley credited the team’s success to their loyal and growing fan base.
“This is so impressive,” Foley said. “The team feeds off all of you just as the town feeds off the team. I’m so proud of the team, and I’m so proud of Las Vegas for supporting this great franchise.”
The public party was hosted by the team’s play-by-play and color broadcasters on AT&T SportsNet, Dave Goucher and Shane Hnidy, who introduced the 2018 lineup as each player took the stage and tossed t-shirts as fans cheered. The event included appearances from the entire team, including: Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Ryan Carpenter, William Carrier, Cody Eakin, Erik Haula, William Karlsson, Brendan Leipsic, Oscar Lindberg, Jonathan Marchessault, James Neal, Tomas Nosek, David Perron, Reilly Smith, Alex Tuch, Deryk Engelland, Brad Hunt, Brayden McNabb, Jon Merrill, Colin Miller, Luca Sbisa, Nate Schmidt, Reid Duke, Shea Theodore, Oscar Dansk, Marc-Andre Fleury and Malcolm Subban.
Keeping the energy high through the event, the VGK promo team and ice crew passed out special league memorabilia to lucky fans in the audience. A large, inflatable team jersey stood near a truck where fans lined up to buy official gear and younger fans could play an inflatable shootout game.
Photo Credit: Tom Donoghue Photography
Coach Gallant Signs VGK Gear While Greeting Fans on the Red Carpet
The VGK Drumline Walks the Red Carpet to Welcome Excited Fans
Left Wing David Perron and Center Jonathan Marchessault pose with Derek Stevens at Fan Fest
VGK Team Mascot, Chance, Rides the Slotzilla Zipline in Downtown Las Vegas
Derek Stevens and Team President Kerry Bubolz Pose on the Fan Fest Red Carpet
Young Hockey-Lovers Line the Red Carpet to Get a Glimpse of Their Favorite Players
CEO of the D Las Vegas, Derek Stevens Poses with Goaltender Marc-André Fleury
VGK Team Mascot, Chance, Soars Above the Downtown Crowd at Fan Fest
Over 10k Fans Turn Out for the First-Ever VGK Fan Fest
Left Wing David Perron Poses with a Fan on Fremont Street
Emcee Shane Hnidy Introduces VGK Players As They Take the Stage
VGK Winger James Neal Signs Autographs for Fans While Walking the Red Carpet
Chance Pumps Up the Crowd During a Chant of ‘Go Knights Go!’
Goaltender Marc-André Fleury Poses with Team Mascot, Chance, While Celebrating at Fan Fest
Team President Kerry Bubolz Poses with the Vegas Golden Knights Promo Team and Ice Crew at Fan Fest
The Vegas Golden Knights are a National Hockey League franchise owned and operated by Black Knight Sports and Entertainment LLC. The Vegas Golden Knights were established by founding partners William Foley and his family and the Maloof family. For the latest news and information on the Golden Knights visit vegasgoldenknights.com. Fans can follow the team on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.
the D Las Vegas delivers the fresh, energetic attitude and fun atmosphere synonymous with downtown Las Vegas. The casino hotel boasts 629 remodeled rooms and suites and a unique two-level casino featuring modern and vintage floors. Cocktails, beer, and frozen beverages abound inside the casino at LONGBAR and on the Fremont Street Experience at D Bar. the D offers contemporary American fare at D Grill, Detroit’s legendary Coney Dogs at American Coney Island and premium steaks and authentic Italian dishes at Joe Vicari’s Andiamo Italian Steakhouse. The Showroom at the D Las Vegas features outstanding entertainment ranging from award-winning dinner theater and Broadway productions to music, comedy and more. Follow the D on Facebook and Twitter.
Fremont Street Experience, a five-block entertainment district located in historic downtown Las Vegas, is home to the original Las Vegas Strip and features an open-air promenade of world-class gaming, dining, entertainment, and shopping. Fremont Street Experience offers free live entertainment on three stages and features Viva Vision, the world’s largest single video screen – 1,500 feet long, 90 feet wide and suspended 90 feet above the urban pedestrian mall. Viva Vision features nightly spectacular light and sounds shows with 12.5 million LED lights and a 550,000-watt sound system. The one-of-a-kind venue is also home to SlotZilla, the world’s most successful zipline attraction featuring an 850-foot Zipline and 1,750-foot Zoomline, which launches riders from a 12-story slot-machine-themed platform to fly under the iconic Viva Vision canopy. The destination also houses the newest zombie-themed attraction in Downtown Las Vegas, “Fear the Walking Dead Survival,” a multi-sensory walk-through experience, inspired by AMC’s hit tv series “Fear the Walking Dead™.” With direct pedestrian access to eight of Fremont Street’s world-renowned casino hotels, more than 60 restaurants and specialty retail kiosks, Fremont Street Experience attracts more than 23 million annual visitors. For more information about Fremont Street Experience, please visit www.vegasexperience.com.
Vegas Golden Knights FanFest at the D Las Vegas More than 10,000 hockey fans stormed the D Las Vegas in Fremont Street Experience to attend the first-ever Vegas Golden Knights FanFest celebration on Sunday, January 14.
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Marc-André Fleury/ F!OC
Cover by @newlibrary ❤️
Summery: A story where a world famous goaltender with a heart and soul of gold becomes a knight in shining silver for a female hockey player in the NHL who is trying to balance being a single mother and athlete after just being traded to the Vegas Golden Knights. Can Marc-André Fleury show Barlow Kane he can be the father her daughter never had, help her make a home and a life in Nevada and be the love of her life she never thought she would find?
Warnings: maybe a swear word or two?
Word count: 2,318
Follow my main account @callsign-denmark or main masterlist to find other stories like this and read on my A03. Use my hashtag "KOSAGstory" when you reblog to find the series!
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"I got to go mom. First day of training with the team.... yes mama... I know. Yes.... I love you too. Bye!" After shoving her phone into her bag she throw her bag into the cubby. Running a hand over her dark dirty blonde hair, Barlow Kane pulled it back into a braid. She quickly pulled on her padding, pulling on her uniform before grabbing her #42 Golden Knights Jersey. She pulled on her skates and laced them tight before tucking her hair up onto her helmet. She grabbed a stick and speed walked out to the rink. The 28, soon to be 29 year old pushed off onto the ice as the cold air of the rink hit her face.
Barlow was the younger sister of Patrick Kane, she has been playing hockey almost as long as he had. She had recently been traded to the Vegas Golden Knights from the Edmonton Oilers. This was her first practice with the team since moving. She went to the corner behind the net and began to stretch. She was on of the first ones on the ice. Some of the men were standing around talking before going to get padding on, others just skating around for fun before going to get their gear on. She warmed up before starting speed drills.
Barlow took off like a bullet from a gun, shooting across the ice to the other side of the rink as fast as her legs could carry her. She was ranked the 2nd fastest skater in the NHL. The speed she brought to the ice was insane. She moved faster then most, took turns far sharper and was not afraid to crash. She was crazy in most eyes. But she lived for the Thrill. She pushed her legs faster, picking up more speed. She slid to a stop, snow spraying high on the glass before she was off again, racing for the other side of the rink. She moved with such ease you couldn't tell she was working hard. She smiled as she slid to a stop again at the net, snow flying over the net in a sheet. She took off once more racing for the other other. She slid to a stop and before she could turn to race to the other side she noticed two men standing at the bench watching her. One was taller, his hat backwards as he leaned on his stick. His dark eyes followed her as she moved. He had a strong jaw line and laugh lines around his eyes. He was handsome with tanned skin and cocoa colored eyes that seems to search your soul.
Barlow smiled slightly at him before going back to her speed drills. She raced fast on the ice, snow flying onto the glass as she slid to a stop before turning.
"Who is that out there?" The taller of the 2 men, Marc-André Fleury asked. He watched as she moved so smoothly on the ice, how fast and strong she was. Her blue eyes had seemed to take his breath away when she looked at him.
"That's Barlow Kane. Patrick Kane's little sister. She just got traded to here." The goalie coach standing next to Flower answered him. He looked up to see Flower's eyes never leaving the woman, his face filled with wonder as she moved. He laughed and slapped Marc-André on the back.
"Good luck man. She is not the easiest person to get to know. She typically keeps to herself from what I hear." He tried to tell the star goalie. But Flower was in his own world as he watched her move.
Barlow stopped her speed drills and took some pucks to start some patterns runs. She looked up to see the tall man still watching her. She knew he was, Marc-André Fleury. One of the best goalkeepers in the NHL. And she had been one of the lucky few to score on him inna dramatic way. She saw him disappear down the tunnel, probably to get into his gear. Other players started to come out into the ice and she watched them from her corner. She watched as they warmed up, trying to remember each player and their skills. She passed the puck around her feet, moving her blade fast back and forth. She was standing behind the one net, trying to stay away from the others as she was not ready to make friends yet.
Barlow was so focused on her passes she never heard the skater come up behind her till a voice brought her out of her daze.
"Hello." A soft, french accent said behind her. Barlow jumped and turned around to come face to face with Marc-André Fleury. His soft smile and his deep set dark eyes made her heart flutter. "I'm Marc-André Fleury. But people call me Flower. Welcome to the team." He spoke softly.
Barlow took his out reached hand after she took of her glove and shook his warm hand. She smiled lightly up at him. Her small 5'7 frame looked even shorter next to his 6'2.
"Barlow Kane. Alot of people call me BK or K-Low." She said softly back to him. She let go of his hand and pulled her glove back on. She leaned on her stick as he placed his helmet onto the net. He placed his water bottle into the pocket on the back of the net and he leaned against the crossbars as he looked at her.
"I like Barlow. Its different, like my name." He smiled brightly at her. Barlow shook her head with a smile and grabbed her stick standing up straight.
"I should get practicing." She said as she started to skate away. She felt his eyes on her as she started to do some zig zag drills with the puck. She moved fast. Her skating saying she was sure of her skills. She started to skate backwards with the puck when Peter DeBoar, the head coach came out onto the ice.
"Alright everyone. We are gonna work on shootouts and slapshots. But first I would like you all to welcome the newest Knight to the team, Barlow Kane." He said waving Barlow over to him. She skated over, sliding to a stop and giving a small wave. "Barlow is a Two Way Forward and brings alot od speed to the ice. She is going to really help us this year on our cup run boys." Peter said before patting Barlow on the shoulder.
"Why dont you show us some of your speed and take a shot at getting the puck past Flower?" He asked her. Barlow nodded and took a puck and went to the far side of the rink from Flower. She knew he didnt remember her, but she was going to make him remember. Last year she made a power play move that shocked the crowd. She single handedly took the puck from one side of the rink to the other, snowed out Flower, sending the puck over his head to bar down into the net, winning the Oilers the game and sending them into the Playoffs. So that's what she was going to do now. She was going to show them exactly who she was on the ice.
Barlow dropped the puck onto the ice and clicked her helmet strap together. She eyed up Flower who pulled his helmet down. She smiled and took off at top speed, racing across the rink like a bolt of lightning. The puck was in front of her, she moved it side to side so he couldn't tell which way she was going to shot it. She got closer, she saw him getting ready to go down to block it. Just what she wanted. She came within 10 feet of him before hitting the breaks, snow flying through the air and over him and the net. She saw him duck his head and she hit the puck, sending it over his head and into the net with a loud *Clink*.
Flower looked up, covered in snow and shook his body to shake it off. He stood up and Barlow stood there, and smacked her stick against the ice with a cocky grin on her face.
"Remember me?" She smirked. She saw his face light up, his lips curled into a smile as his eyes danced.
"You pulled that same stunt a year ago. You went to the playoffs then because of it." He laughed. Barlow smiled and took a bow as the other guys clapped or laughed. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Peter standing behind her.
"Nicely done. That gentleman... is how we will get to the Playoffs this year." He said before patting her shoulder again. "Welcome to the team Miss Kane!" He said before walking off. Barlow smiled before skating to the side of the rink as others worked on slapshots at Flower. She took a drink of water, feeling the cold liquid rin down her throat. They practiced for a good 3 hours before calling it quites. Barlow slowly made her way to the locker room, her legs on fire. She stripped of her padding and grabbed clothes for a shower. They had put in a shower separate from the guys for her. She let the hot water rush over her sore body and sighed at how good it felt. She knew she had to hurry, the babysitter was going to be dropping her 3 year old daughter off soon. She soon shut off the water and pulled on shorts and a shirt that hugged her curves before walking out to the locker room. What she saw surprised her.
Her daughter Harper was very shy around new people, especially men. Harper's father had died when she was 2 weeks old, so she never had a father figure on her life to help raise her. Barlow had raised her on her own in Canada with the help of her best friend who babysat her when she was at hockey.
She found her daughter sitting on Marc-André Fleury's lap as he tickled her belly, his nose nuzzled into her soft curly red hair. "Ain't you just the cutest thing." His accent was thick as he smiled at the child. Harper giggled and placed a hand on his face.
"You pretty." She said softly making him chuckle. Her daughter turned her head and saw Barlow standing at her cubby a few down from Flower's and she squealed, wiggling from his arms. "Mommy!" She cried running to her mother. Barlow smiled, bending down to pick up her baby. Harper was her heart and soul. She loved her child more then anything.
"Hey baby." She sighed as she held her daughter, hugging her tightly.
"Mommy I made pretty friend." Harper said pointing to Flower. Marc-André stood up and walked towards them as Harper smiled and waved at him. Barlow smiled, still in shock at how much she took to a stranger.
"She is beautiful. I didnt know you were married." He said as he poked Harper's side. Barlow felt her smile slip and she ducked her head a bit.
"I'm not married. My fiancee died 2 weeks after she was born." She said softly.
"My Daddy is a Angel now." Harper said.
Barlow watched as Flower's smile slipped away and he looked down at the ground before looking at Harper. "My Daddy is a Angel too Little One." He said softly. He looked up at Barlow and she saw companion in his eyes. "I'm sorry for your lose. But you have a beautiful little girl." He said, his accent thick and deep. She felt her heart flutter at the sound of his voice. She held Harper close to her, nuzzling her face into her soft curls.
"Thank you." She whispered. She looked down at Harper and kissed her nose. "Come on Little Bird. Let's go get lunch baby." She said as she shifter her on her hip so she could grab her bag.
"Harper! Oh there you are! I'm so sorry Barlow. I went to the bathroom and she ran out of the room." Katie Deck, Barlow's best friend said as she rushed into the room. Barlow smiled and shook her head.
"No worries. She made a new friend and he watched her while I was getting dressed." She said before flashing a smile at Flower. "See you around." She said before walking out of the locker room with Harper in her hip. Marc-André watched her leave, leaning against the wall. His heart fluttered. Something about the younger Kane made him want to get to know her, and get close to her, and possibly fall in love with her. With a shake of his head he went back to his seat and finished getting dressed, slipping a shirt over his head. Stone poked him in the ribs, making him jump slightly.
"I saw that."
"What did you see, Stoney?"
Mark raised his eyebrow at him and gave him a knowing looking. "Don't play stupid, Flower. I saw the way you looked at the younger Kane."
Trying to hide his smile, Marc looked down at his shoes, tying them tighter. "I was being nice. Her daughter was adorable and I wanted her to feel comfortable."
Mark wasn't fooled in the slightest. He shook his head and grabbed his bag as he stood up. "She is shy and not very talkative. And she has every right to be. Just be careful." He said with a pat to Marc's shoulder before walking out of the room. Flower leaned back against the wall of his bench and let out a sigh. Looking over at Barlow's bunch, he smiled slightly.
"I'll do whatever I can to make you feel welcome here." He thought softly to himself.
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