#Mark Batty Publisher
uwmspeccoll · 4 years
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Typography Tuesday
This week we present a few samples of ITC Founder’s Caslon digitized by Justin Howes, and released by the International Typeface Corporation (ITC) in 1998. These images are reproduced from Howe’s article “The Complete Caslon” published in Matrix 17, Winter 1997, published in England by John and Rosalind Randle’s Whittington Press, and a revised version of the same article in Type & Typography: Highlights from Matrix, the review for printers and bibliophiles, published in West New York, N.J., by Mark Batty Publisher in 2003.
In 1998, ITC released the first four sizes in what was eventually to become a series of thirteen digital types based directly on 19th-century designs by William Caslon. To establish these fonts, British typographer, type designer and historian, and former curator of the Type Archive in London, Justin Howes digitized printed specimens directly from resources at the St. Bride Library in London to create individual-sized types as a family of digital fonts. Originally called Ligature Caslon, ITC Founder’s Caslon comprises twelve sizes of Caslon Old Face from 8 to 72 pt, with an additional Poster size and an assortment of flowers.
You may try to click on the images for captions, but as we have noticed recently that captions have not been appearing regularly in the Tumblr dashboard, we repeat them here from top to bottom:
Mark van Bronkhorst’s design to ITC’s U&lc (Upper and lower case) magazine launching ITC Founder's Caslon in 1998.
Specimens of Founder’s Caslon, 8 pt through 30 pt.
Quousque: Optical differences from one size to the next from a design for a Caslon commemorative T-shirt produced in 2002.
Sample from Matrix 17 showing “Ligature Caslon,” Caslon’s English Roman, Fry’s ‘imitation’ Caslon, and 14 pt. Stephenson Blake Caslon.
Sample from Matrix 17 showing 30 to 72 pt Caslon, with 14 pt. Caslon and Pica English Old Black.
Sample from Matrix 17 of a page from The Diary of Lady Willoughby (1844), reset in “Ligature Caslon” (i.e., ITC Founder’s Caslon). 
Our copies of Matrix and Type & Typography: Highlights from Matrix are donations from our friend and benefactor Jerry Buff.
View our other Typography Tuesday posts.
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aparecium-hq · 4 years
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Welcome to Aparecium, Maia! You have been accepted for Rose Weasley. Competition for a character is always difficult, but we appreciated the detail and nuance you included. As we briefly discussed when you submitted the app, we’ll need a more traditionally formatted bio for her character page, but welcome aboard. Check out the new member checklist, and jump right in. 
Character Basics
Birthday (Age): December 22nd (21) Gender (Pronouns): Female (she her) Sexuality: Heterosexual Blood Status: Halfblood. Hogwarts House/School: Ravenclaw Occupation: Cursebreaker trainee Faceclaim: Erin Kellyman
Any requested changes? I picked a different face only because the ones listed weren’t calling out to me as much and I recently fell in love with both these girls!
“God. Does everyone have to point it out? Yes, I’m smart. Yes, just like my mum. Good Lord. I know already. I got the best marks in my year. I scored O’s on most of my OWLs and the one I didn’t get an O on was an E. Please, can we not mention it anymore. Mum gifted me with her incredible power of mind. Etc… Etc… It’s not that I mind having the brain power really, it’s that everyone expects me to be just like my mum, and no matter how much I love her, I’ll never actually be her. That aside, a battle of wits with me is probably a bad idea. Not many people can best me. That might sound full of myself, but I assure you, it’s completely true.”
“Dad says it’s what he gets for naming me after a silly flower. That because of it I turned out as sweet as it’s scent. I guess someone in the family had to do it. Mum can be a little abrasive, dad a bit, well, air-headed. Hugo’s just his owe breed. I guess I just had to be the normal one? I’m the type that’ll get all dewy eyed over a lost kitten and probably end up taking it home with me. It used to really drive Mum batty. I just like to have kindness and compassion. I can’t stand to see people or animals hurting. I just want to give the world a big hug from time to time. A smile is the best thing you can give a person, in my opinion.”
“I like my flights of fancy, and that’s that. I don’t feel much of a need to follow society’s main stream. People can be ridiculously like lemmings at times and that just doesn’t fit me. I like to think for myself, discover my own path. It’s probably the thing that set me the most apart from the people I grew up around, especially in the last few years. I never had that driving need to fit in. If I wanted to compete, I competed. If I wanted to be a lazy bum, I lazed. It’s kind of just the way I am. I might go along with my friends or my family in their ventures but it doesn’t mean I won’t go my own way when I fell it’s might be a better option.”
“Stupid books. They gave me illusions of grandeur, I swear. I love them so very much, which is a different story but it lead me to this silly idea called romance. I read too many love stories when I was younger and now, no matter how improbable it really is I have this stupid hope in the back of my head that I’ll find some adoring White Knight that wants to sweep me off my feet. Not going to happen, I know. Ruined a good thing hoping for it, I know. You don’t have to tell me. But I just can’t help that little voice inside that wants it to be possible. My cousins and my brother all loved to take the mickey out of me about it. It gets bloody annoying sometimes. I guess I brought it on myself though. It doesn’t help when dashing, good looking young men like Scorpius Malfoy factor into the picture either. I suppose it was an inevitable failure on my part.”
“Surprisingly enough, though my dad did his best to make me a competitive twit, ha ha, I’ve turned out to be pretty darn friendly. I like to surround myself with different sorts of people. That’s probably how I got to know people like Scorpius, who dad was all set to make my arch enemy. In school I had friends from every house. We’d throw big parties in the old Shack and I’d be the life of the party. I’m not really sure where this particular skill came from. Maybe my dear Uncle George, who is amazingly cool, and my departed Uncle Fred, who I wish I could have met. The stories about them were still fresh legends of Hogwarts when I started school. Everyone liked them, so maybe that’s where it comes from.”
“Yet another reminder of my similarities to my mum. I can get all worked up over the strangest things. I can go from scarily angry to completely teary eyed in the blink of an eye. I can hold a grudge with an outright vengeance… for about a week. (Dad says Mum used to do that to him as well.) It’s just the way I naturally express myself. I’ve sort of got my hear out on my sleeve. I wear my feelings pretty openly and I’ll let you know how you’ve made me feel.”
“I think I mentioned it earlier but I have the damnedest fascination with books. I just read like there won’t ever be another book published. It goes hand in hand with my overactive imagination. I can read a book and picture the whole thing in my head, just like a movie. I can make myself the star if I want to. It’s probably what got me into the whole ‘hopeless romantic’ mess with you-know-who. I just get so carried away with the stories that leap off the page that I can be consumed for hours and be totally happy with that.”
“I come from the best parents you could ask for. Sure, my mum can be a little taxing at times, she’s Hermione after all, and my dad can be a bit of a goof. But the things you hear about in the stories are true. They’re good, loyal, amazing people who just happen to have fallen in love in the aftermath of a world on the brink of war and had two very silly children. It sounds like a fairytale doesn’t it? You ever wonder what comes after the happily ever after? Me and Hugo, that’s what.
My parents named me Rose because mom had a thing for the smell of them when she was pregnant with me. She thought it was clever I guess. They gave me my Aunt Ginny’s name for a middle name and I love it. She’s a tops lady and I’m glad to share the name with her. I can’t say my name was super creative but I don’t complain about it either. I think it’s classy and timeless which are both very positive traits.
They had me first, thank God, because as much as I love my little brother I am glad he’s my little brother. We are close, as brothers and sister are wont to be. But I am pretty close with all my family. Anyways, we grew up with means enough to have all of what we needed and a lot of what we wanted. The benefit of having famous parents I suppose. Mum and Dad indulged us quite a bit, but they never let us get spoiled to the point of being brats. We spent tons of time with the family. I have too many cousins to count and I love them all, but especially Roxanne. I think it’s because we were both so much our own people that we bonded. I was and am also very close to Albus, who was always my best friend when Roxanne was too busy being independent to play. Albus and I would play together for hours, making up stories and pretending to me our heroic parents. We look back on it now and laugh. We wonder if we’ll be in the history books someday, considering the direction the wizarding world is carrying on it now. This change to magical technology is fascinating but a bit terrfying and I often find myself wondering when it’ll blow up in our faces, figuratively or literally.
Al and I started school the same year. I think he was relieved to go together. I had no fear at all. I came prepared of course, being my mother’s child. I remember looking around the platform and marveling at the number of people that could be going off to just one school. Dad pointed out the Malfoys and Scorpius, who I was to beat at every test, or so dad admonished. Mum told him not to pit us against one another so soon. Diplomatic? Mum? Apparently so. We got on the train like everyone else and started out new life. I spent the train ride reminding Al of all the good things we’d experience at school. We were part of a legacy after all and I was very proud to carry that banner. It worked out alright, for the most part. The three of us were best of friends until I decided to date Scorpius and it all went a bit… well it’s not great.
I did well all thought school. I got Mum’s brains after all. I really did beat Scorpius in tests sometimes, just like dad wanted, but I also made a friend out of him. He’s actually very charming, thought I suppose I’m not supposed to think about im that way anymore. I’m living my own life now, bad decision and all. He certainly isnt’ not the only friend I’ve ever made, you know. I had a good sized group of close knit friends from all the houses back in school. We’d sneak out and throw little parties in the Shrieking Shack sometimes. It was the best of times. Then we grew up and moved away and soem of us stay in touch. Some of them are even in the trainee program with me, so that’s beeen nice though we’re nearly done there, as well. Hopefully we’ll all stay friendly. I need my own friends now, since both my closest mates probably hate me by now.
Honestly? Probably a mess. Whatever I didn’t need got left in it all jumbled up. Most of my clothes and such are in the wardrobe where they belong and my school things are in my night stand. the trunk is probably holding a multitude of things that are unimportant. Classic muggle cds, a few daydream charms from Uncle George’s shop, that Skiving Snackbox that Roxy gave me last year. Who really knows. It’s probably a downright motley collection. I think there’s that pretty amulet that Lorcan and Lysander gave me this Christmas past. I doubt you’d find anything interesting. All the juicy secrets are hidden away elsewhere…
Hmm. There are so many. I love the smell of rain, especially when it’s been a warm day out and it’s the first rain, pumpkin pie becasue it always takes me back to the Burrow, pine trees, and warm leather, especially the particular scent of Scorp’s leather jacket I bought him for his birthday. It’s wonderful. But you are never to repeat that to anyone! I swear I’ve got an arsenal of hexes just waiting for you if you try it!
I also like to play Quidditch with my cousins, but I don’t play for the house team or anything, it’s not really my style. I also like to just have a fly on my broom. There’s something thrilling and intoxicating about the feel of being suspended high up there with the wind rushing past you. It’s incredible.
A good practical joke is always a favorite of mine. It probably comes from growing up with Roxy and Fred as older people to look up to though. They are just like their da. I love them. Truthfully I feel that way about all of my family. We’re close knit and they’re all amazing people. That also applies to the extended family like 'Uncle’ Neville, 'Auntie’ Luna, and their families as well. Luna is actually one of my favorite people in the world. I love to go visit Lys and Lor on hols and talk to her about things. She’s got the most unique points of view in the whole world and doesn’t expect me to have all the answers. Actually, one of the things I have always loved most in this world is other people. Albus, who’s as close to me as a brother and my most trusted friends. Scorpius, who is more than just a mate, even if it all went terribly and I can’t look at him without my stomach tying itself into knots becasue I’m either anxious or missing him and I don’t really know which… My Aunts and Uncles and cousins. Even my ridiculous little bother Hugo. They all made the world a brighter place just by existing for most of my life. It’s just hard to carry the burden of everyone’s expectations…
I also love silly little things like swimming in the summer, and flirting a bit or going shopping in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley. Looking at the stars is one of life’s little pleasures, as are new, fashionable, clothes and shoes. Music is also among my favorite things. There are so many things that I enjoy I could tell you about them all day, but I think this is probably enough of my talking your ear off.
Character Questionnaire
Answer at least three of the following questions about your character. This could be in character or a third period explanation.
What does your character value in a friendship? At this point in life she values people who look at her as an individual. Not a cog in a greater machine. She’s been a Weasley, Hermione’s daughter, part of a trio… etc for all of her life and she’s been trying (in the wrong ways maybe) to buck that co-dependence. SO she wants friends who accept her as she is, who thin of her as her own person, and who don’t put pressure on her to be a part of a legacy.
How would your character describe their own work ethic? Is that an accurate measure of themself? She is a hard worker, to the point of making herself crazy at times, and she absolutely will not admit that. She’ll tell you shes capable and will do her job well, thoroughly, and on time, but she will not tell you that if you put her in a crunch she might work herself to anxiety attacks to get ti don’t on time.
How would a stranger who has just met your character describe them? Right now, probably a bit cold. A bit too sharp. If they’re perceptive perhaps they’ll say those things are an attempt to hid something else, probably hurt and fear. Not rude, exactly, but not soft.
What magical skill or talent is your character most proud of? Her curse breaking. She decided young she wanted to follow after her Uncle Bill in profession and worked very hard to earn the marks to do so. She’s been top of her trainee pool from the start and is on track to head a team when she completes training. This is, to her mind, her great achievement. It’s something she did for herself, telling her Uncle not to give her any recommendation or benefit. That’s worth gold as far as she’s concerned, because unlike going itno the family business or the ministry, she’s not relying on the name of her parents, just her own skill and work ethic.
Para Sample
Rose hadn’t had occasion to throw much of a party since her birthday the previous winter. While the annual ball for St. Mungos had been fun it was a much more prim sort of fun, full of champagne and fine dresses. Rose wanted to spice things up a bit, less mystery and more playfulness.
Back in her Hogwarts days she’d had a party in the shack every Halloween night from her fourth year on. It had been, in her not at all humble opinion, the social event of the year. Costumes required, some years masks as well, and always full of fun and whatever strange concoctions she could come up with. The Alice In Wonderland theme in her seventh year had been her triumph, filled with glowing giant mushrooms for seating and drinks that did all sorts of strange things to you. It was a bonus of having cousins who spent all summer in a joke shop.
So it shouldn’t have been of any real surprise to her cousins when they received invitations to a costumed Halloween after party with instructions to show up at the Burrow after the ball, with their dates if they wished, and enjoy a night out. Rose had already decorated the back yard, making use of the pavilion that had once been the venue of Bill and Fleur’s wedding. It was decorated now in low light, full of candles and spiderwebs and all the spooky trimmings of a Halloween party. Grandma molly had helped with the food and drink, a boon especially since rose wasn’t much good in the kitchen. Now all she had to do was put on the music and wait for the family to show up.
And they’d better be in costume or she’d have their heads.
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bookpatrol · 5 years
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Faces of the Living Dead : The Belief in Spirit Photography
by Martyn Jolly. Mark Batty Publisher, 2006. First American Edition.
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kyulkyungs · 7 years
Elli’s Library
LAST EDITED: 4:09PM PST | 5/05/2020
I HAVE MOVED WRITING BLOGS OVER TO @loveau​! This will remain as an archive of my works and new ones will be published over there!
(f) - fluff
(a) - angst
(bp) - bulletpoint
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O T 1 3
➸ Kindergarten!AU w/ 95 line (f) : You’re a kindergarten teacher and this year’s batch has some kids who love you a whole lot!
➸ Kindergarten!AU w/ 96 line (f) : The kids this year want your attention, so make sure to keep an eye on them!
➸ Kindergarten!AU w/ 97 line (f) : Some kids this year are quite protective of you! Let’s see what happens!
➸ Kindergarten!AU w/ 98 & 99 line (f) : It’s time to say bye-bye to this year’s class!
➸ Superpower!AU (f / bp) : The boys each have superpowers, which they use for personal gain or for some trickery and pranks.
➸ Robot!AU (a / semi-f / bp) : A world where the boys are robots created by the great inventor Joshua.
➸ {DISCONTINUED} 13 Minutes Before Halloween (f) : You’re heading to a Halloween party tonight and you’re not expecting too much. Better raise your expectations soon. [ How many minutes has it been? 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ] 
S E U N G C H E O L / S . C O U P S
➸ Again (f) : Lapsing - When you experience the day over and over again until you make a connection with your soulmate.
➸ Mr. Grim (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Seungcheol is the first encounter to the Halloween party. Wanna see what he’s up to?
➸ Enemies-to-Lovers!AU (f / bp) : You’re the president of the gardening club and he’s the captain of the soccer field. There’s a domination for the field that separates you both, but there’s also something that brings you together.
➸ A Little Devilish (f) : [13 Minutes Series] You bump into Jeonghan at a Halloween party. Many call him angelic. You say otherwise.
➸ Ripped (a) : Jeonghan is a Creator with cloth. He realizes that he spends much more time around his work instead...
➸ Lost His Mind (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Joshua joins you outside for some fresh air. He’s a little different. A little different in the head.
➸ A Sucker for You (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Jun keeps you company outside after Joshua goes back inside. He’s a bit batty tonight. Mainly for you.
➸ Pout (f) : Jun is upset because you’re spending more time with Mingyu than him. He decides to take things to drastic measure.
S O O N Y O U N G / H O S H I
➸ When the Wind Howls (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Soonyoung would rather spend time with you inside and look for a bite to eat. He’s pretty hungry, and you might be able to satisfy him.
➸ Shattered (a) : Wonwoo is a Creator of statues, and he’s given life to one of them…
➸ No-Brainer (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Your time with Soonyoung has been spent and Wonwoo decides to occupy your time.
J I H O O N / W O O Z I
➸ Pile of Leaves, Bundle of Joy (f) : It’s fall and Jihoon is out to play in the leaves. He’s having a bunch of fun! + “Please tell me you didn’t see me jump into that pile of leaves…“
➸ Unfair(y) (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Woozi bumps into you the first thing after exiting Wonwoo’s room. He’s a little flighty and a little impish.
S E O K M I N / D O K Y E O M
➸ Scared to Death (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Seokmin decides to take you around in search of Mingyu. Along the way he gets set up for multiple scares. That’s okay, though… he has you.
➸ Prom Night (f) : It’s prom night and Mingyu still has no date, what better than to ask his best friend?
➸ Quite Pleasing (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Mingyu is making you feel a little hazy. Perhaps you need to satisfy that growing desire. With him there, that’s quite enough for you.
M I N G H A O / T H E 8
➸ My Love (a / f) : Based off the masterpiece My I. Minghao has been fighting with you constantly pretty recently. He’s afraid you’ll leave him after all of the times he’s fought with you.
➸ Something Fishy (f) : [13 Minutes Series] You meet Minghao in the bathroom, and you’re feeling much better than before. Especially now that you’re shore… you’re sure that it’s fine with Minghao there.
➸ Red Wine (f) : Minghao is your new roommate, thought he seems quite strange. You do your best to be super natural around him to make him feel more welcome.
➸ Time (a) : Lets grow old - Until you are eighteen you grow normally, if you do not meet your soulmate before eighteen you will be stuck as eighteen until you can meet them.
H A N S O L / V E R N O N
➸ Orange (f) : Vernon needs help writing a rap, so why not call his lover to swing by?
➸ If You Can’t Handle the Heat, Get Out of the Kitchen (a/f) : Hansol gets something in an argument that gets too out of hand, leaving you to storm to your best friend, Jihoon. Hansol finds out the hard way why his words cut like a knife.
C H A N / D I N O
➸ “Look Only At Me” (slight a / f) : You’re feeling very insecure about yourself while visiting Chan and he makes sure to distract you from any of those thoughts by showing you a good, loving time.
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M I N K Y U N G / R O A
➸ Nailed It (f) : Minkyung is a nail artist that you visit quite frequently. It isn’t just pretty nails you go there for, but for a certain pretty girl who you are trying to build up the confidence to hang out with. 
Y A E B I N / R E N A
➸ It’s A Promise (f) : Yaebin takes you out for the day. Your birthday! She wants to make sure you feel absolutely special. She wants to make sure you know this as well.
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V I I A N / V I V I
➸ Robot!AU (f / bp) : In which Vivi is basically a live-in robot friend you’ve ordered online. She was the last one to go and it’s your job to help her after she’s just come back from repairs.   
J I W O O / C H U U
➸ Guardian Angel!AU (f / bp) : Supernatural!AU where Chuu is your guardian angel and you find out about her for the first time.
➸ Baker!AU (f / bp) : Non-idol!AU where you meet Heejin, who works at the local bakery and ends up getting really close you you.
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T A E Y O N G 
➸ Fanservice (f) : You’re an idol and you decide to practice on fanservice. Your boyfriend is your test subject, and he couldn’t handle the cuteness.
➸ BadBoy!AU (f / bp) : Taeyong is the school’s local bad boy, and it seems that once he notices you, a girl who stands up to him for the first time, he can’t really take his eyes off.
➸ Enemies-to-Lovers!AU (f / bp) : Yuta can be kind of overbearing at times and tends to get on your nerves quite frequently. He only is so because he’s trying to flirt with you.
➸ Boyfriend!AU (f / bp) : AU where Kun is your boyfriend and is very soft and fluffy whenever he’s with you.
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU (f / bp) : Reverse-Idol!AU where Doyoung gets to meet you at a fansign for the first time.
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU pt. 2 (f / bp) : Doyoung gets to see you for a second time after the fansign!
➸ Bodyguard!AU (f / bp) : Doyoung is hired to be your bodyguard for the day! He finds you really cute actually... and quite surprising...?
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU (f / bp) : Reverse-Idol!AU where you meet Jaehyun during your trainee days.
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU pt. 2 (f / bp) : Jaehyun spends some more time with you after your debut and gets a little closer to you.
Y U K H E I / L U C A S
➸ Enemies-to-Lovers!AU (f / bp) : You meet Yukhei through the Dreamies and to be honest... it’s not the most pleasant first encounter with someone.
➸ Lost in Translation (f) : Yukhei attempts to flirt with you, an English tutor, in English. Though he finds it much harder to do and complains to Chenle in Mandarin. It should work out just fine, right?
➸ First Time for Everything (f) : Mark’s been trying to get his first kiss with you for a while now. Every time he tries, he’s been interrupted. When things get too difficult you take matters into your own hands.
➸ Sibling!AU (f / bp) : Mark is the notorious annoying little brother, but, hey, that’s what younger siblings are for, right?
➸ Enemies-to-Lovers!AU (f / bp) : Renjun is your neighbor and he always manages to bother you somehow. His most notorious act? Stealing the only swing at the park that you love.
➸ Soulmate!AU (f / bp) : You’ve met Jeno in your dreams plenty of times... now comes the time where you meet the man of your dreams in real life.
➸ Sibling!AU (f / bp) : Jeno is your younger brother, you’re his older sister! Let’s see how this pans out.
➸ Sibling!AU [big brother ver.] (f / bp) : Jeno is your older brother and is, in all honesty. older sibling goals.
D O N G H Y U C K / H A E C H A N
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU (f / bp) : You’re Donghyuck’s friend before you became an idol, but maybe he wants to be a little more than that...  
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU pt. 2 (f / bp) : Donghyuck takes care of you while you’ve injured yourself. He promised he’d always be there for you... even if you’ve fallen.
➸ Soulmate!AU (f / bp) : You meet Donghyuck in an experience that neither of you expected. Mark my words, the two of you meet in an almost scary seeming incident.
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU (f / bp) : In which you’re a very confident idol on stage, but a quieter, shyer person off stage. Regardless, Jaemin loves you and you’re his bias in the group.
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU pt. 2 (f / bp) : You meet Jaemin for a second time and he helps you through some shyness for a solo vlive.
➸ Soulmate!AU (f / bp) : Jaemin loves to draw and draws plenty on his skin. Though he never seems to hear from you...
➸ Sibling!AU (f / bp) : Jaemin is your younger brother and you are his older sister, let’s see how that relationship would be!
➸ Enemies-to-Lovers!AU (a / bp) : You’re practically his shadow, where he’s always seen in the spotlight and you never. When the two of you are finally paired up together as dance partners, everything breaks loose.
➸ Soulmate!AU (f / bp) : Jisung gets himself hurt fairly easily, and as a result of your soulmate bond it shows up on your skin as well...
F R I E N D S  ♥
➸  Sunny (f) : Oooh! Sunny you little fluffball you! I love you a lot, so I decided to write a full blown fic for you. I worked on it as soon as I saw your reblog post!
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visawords · 4 years
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Walmart will reportedly acquaint a Walmart branded acclaim card, but it won’t be appear as anon as Walmart launches. If a Walmart acclaim agenda sounds familiar, you’re appropriate — there is already the no-annual-fee Capital One® Walmart Rewards™ Card.  The better advantage on that agenda is 5% absolute banknote aback at Walmart.com, including grocery auto and delivery.
Amazon has the Prime Visa Signature agenda abandoned for Prime subscribers, so it would accomplish faculty for Walmart to go head-to-head in the agenda amplitude as well. The capital account of the Amazon Prime Visa Signature Agenda is a 5% acknowledgment on Amazon and Whole Foods purchases.
The advice for the Capital One Walmart agenda and Amazon Prime Visa Signature card has been calm apart by The Points Guy. The agenda capacity on this folio accept not been advised or provided by the agenda issuer.
Related reading: Best no-annual-fee acclaim cards
Amazon Prime, which costs $119 annually, includes chargeless two-day commitment on a huge cardinal of items — with some articles alike accessible on the aforementioned day or abutting day. There’s additionally chargeless grocery commitment in some cities, Prime Video and added benefits.
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Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card: A Prime member must-have .. | amazon prime signature visa
It charcoal to be apparent whether Walmart will absolutely adapt its accepted acclaim agenda or accompaniment it with a new alms for Walmart subscribers, agnate to Amazon’s model.
Grocery and added commitment has apparent one of the better surges in spending in contempo months.
It’s no abruptness that Walmart wants to capitalize on that now and advantage its all-inclusive arrangement of brick-and-mortar stores. However, it’s got a continued way to bolt up with the bounden in the commitment cable amplitude — Amazon. Additionally, Amazon has a congenital ecosystem with Prime Video, music, Alexa accessories and more.
There’s still a lot we don’t apperceive about the Walmart cable alms and the consecutive acclaim agenda that is in the works. However, we do apperceive both are advancing — with Walmart set to barrage after this ages and a new Walmart acclaim agenda thereafter. We’ll be befitting abutting tabs on it as we see these two arcade giants added battle it out head-to-head.
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Tamebay : Blog : Amazon.com’s new Prime Credit Card with 5 .. | amazon prime signature visa
Related reading: Chase adds new limited-time bonuses for Instacart, alive and more
Featured photo by BCFC/Shutterstock
SPONSORED: With states reopening, adequate a meal from a restaurant no best aloof agency curbside pickup.
And back you do absorb on dining, you should use a acclaim agenda that will aerate your rewards and potentially alike account appropriate discounts. Thanks to acting agenda bonuses and changes due to coronavirus, you may alike be able to account a meal at your admired restaurant for free. 
These are the best acclaim cards for dining out, demography out, and acclimation in to aerate every meal purchase.
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Is Amazon Prime Visa Card Still Relevant? | Amazon Prime Visa Card – amazon prime signature visa | amazon prime signature visa
Editorial Disclaimer: Opinions bidding actuality are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, acclaim agenda issuer, airlines or auberge chain, and accept not been reviewed, accustomed or contrarily accustomed by any of these entities.
Five New Thoughts About Amazon Prime Signature Visa That Will Turn Your World Upside Down | amazon prime signature visa – amazon prime signature visa | Encouraged to be able to my own website, within this moment We’ll teach you in relation to keyword. Now, this is the first impression:
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lazaroschamberger20 · 4 years
The Penderwicks in Spring Audiobook Online
[Audio Books] The Penderwicks in Spring Audiobook Online by Jeanne Birdsall
With over one million copies sold, this series of modern classics about the charming Penderwick family, from National Book Award winner and New York Times bestseller Jeanne Birdsall, is perfect for fans of Noel Streatfeild and Edward Eager.   Springtime is finally arriving on Gardam Street, and there are surprises in store for each member of the family.   Some surprises are just wonderful, like neighbor Nick Geiger coming home from war. And some are ridiculous, like Batty’s new dog-walking business. Batty is saving up her dog-walking money for an extra-special surprise for her family, which she plans to present on her upcoming birthday. But when some unwelcome surprises make themselves known, the best-laid plans fall apart.   Filled with all the heart, hilarity, and charm that has come to define this beloved clan, The Penderwicks in Spring is about fun and family and friends (and dogs), and what happens when you bring what's hidden into the bright light of the spring sun.
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Read The Penderwicks in Spring Audiobook Online by (Jeanne Birdsall)
Duration: 9 hours, 43 minutes
Writer: Jeanne Birdsall
Publisher: Listening Library (Audio)
Narrators: Susan Denaker
Genres: Susan Denaker
Rating: 4.46
Narrator Rating: 4.5
Publication: Sunday, 01 March 2015
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The Penderwicks in Spring Audiobook Online Reviews
Csilla Kovats Megyesi
It's an awesome book I could read it over and over again! The narrator is also really good
Rating: 5
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uwmspeccoll · 4 years
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Typography Tuesday
Women Type Designers: GUDRUN ZAPF VON HESSE
One of the great women type designers of the 20th and early 21st centuries was the German designer, calligrapher, and book binder Gudrun Zapf-von Hesse, who died in 2019 at the age of 101. Von Hesse’s several noted typefaces stem directly from her practice of calligraphy. She believed that all good type design required the “human touch” and that a mastery of calligraphy was essential to becoming a good type designer.
Initially, von Hesse’s calligraphy practice was largely self-taught, learning from the same books by Rudolf Koch and Edward Johnston used by her future husband, the prolific German calligrapher and type designer Hermann Zapf. In 1941, after receiving her Masters degree in book binding, she began a formal  course of study with the calligrapher and painter Johannes Boehland in Berlin. Afterward, she worked as a professional bookbinder, calligrapher, and educator when the D. Stempel AG Type Foundry scooped her up in the late 1940s for her design work, issuing her first typeface Diotima in 1951. She went on to design a dozen distinctive typefaces in her career for Stempel, Berthold, URW Hamburg, and Bitstream.  In 1991, she became the second woman (but not the last) to win the Frederic W. Goudy Award, and in 2018, in honor of her 100th birthday, the Monotype Corporation released the typeface Hesse-Antiqua, which is based on an alphabet she designed in the late 1940s.  
Shown here from top to bottom:
1.) Cover for the 2007 exhibition catalog Spend your alphabets lavishly! at the Rochester Institute of Technology, designed by fellow Goudy Award winner Jerry Kelly in 10 pt Nofret, designed by von Hesse, for The Typophiles in association with RIT Cary Graphics Art Press, Rochester, in an edition of 800 copies. 2.) Display set of Diotima pilfered from the internet. 3.) Quarter-vellum and paste paper binding by von Hesse for Plus Ultra, published by the Trajanus Press in 1950, the first book printed in Diotima. Photograph from Spend your alphabet lavishly! 4.) Display set of Alcuin from the internet, a design inspired by the advisor to Charlemagne and his Carolingian minuscule, released by URW Type Foundry in 1992. 5.) Das Hohelied Salomos, a manuscript book written and bound by Gudrun von Hesse in 1936. Image from Spend your alphabet lavishly! 6.) Display set of Smaragd from the internet, released by Stempel in 1954. 7.) Carmina type specimen, released by Bitsteam in 1987, from Spend your alphabet lavishly! 8.) Display set of Christiana, by the Berthold Type Foundry in 1991. 9.) Photograph of Gudrun Zapf-von Hesse from our copy of Gudrun Zapf von Hesse published in 2002 by Mark Batty in an edition of 20 copies bound by Judi Conant. 10.) Display set of Hesse-Antiqua, released by the Monotype Corporation in 2018 in honor of von Hesse's 100th birthday.
View our other post on Gudrun Zapf von Hesse celebrating her 100th birthday.
View posts on other Women Type Designers.
View our other Typography Tuesday posts.
View more Women’s History Month posts.
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Beach Acrylic Painting | Beach Acrylic Painting
A European art arcade buyer is hosting a pop-up art arcade on Worth Avenue through the ages of June. The pop-up showcased two acclaimed artists, Rafael Barrios and Ewa Bathelier, never afore showcased in Palm Beach.
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The art arena has had to booty a aback bench during the coronavirus pandemic, but a European arcade buyer wants it to acknowledgment to the spotlight.
Ursula Salvador, a Spaniard art arcade owner, is hosting a pop-up art arcade at The Esplanade in Palm Beach this month. Salvador took over the amplitude afresh alone by alternating banker LaunchPad, area she’s featuring sculptures and paintings by acclaimed artists Rafael Barrios and Ewa Bathelier.
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Inkwell Acrylic Painting Canvas Art Beach Abstract – Jaxsology – beach acrylic painting | beach acrylic painting
“I anticipate Palm Beach is a admirable abode and it’s the best time to abutment artists,” Salvador said. “Artists should be a allotment of our lives now added than ever. It should never stop, alike in bad times.”
While the communicable about batty the affairs of the pop-up gallery, Salvador was committed to opening. Once Gov. Ron DeSantis accustomed the phased aperture of non-essential businesses, Salvador curated Bathelier’s tutu acrylic paintings and Barrios’ 3D geometric sculptures for Palm Beach.
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Rafael Barrios At La Esplanade in Worth Avenue
A column aggregate by Ursula Salvador (@usc_miami) on Jun 10, 2020 at 7:05am PDT
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“It’s a bold of vertigo,” Barrios said about his work. “It’s absolutely about giving you sensations through objects. What you’re seeing is not absolutely what you’re seeing. It gets the mind’s eye working. It’s fun. A lot of fun.”
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Nighted Pier, Original Beach Acrylic Painting on Canvas, 16 – beach acrylic painting | beach acrylic painting
Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Beach Acrylic Painting | Beach Acrylic Painting – beach acrylic painting | Encouraged to our website, on this period We’ll explain to you about keyword. And today, this is the primary photograph:
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Here you are at our site, articleabove (Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Beach Acrylic Painting | Beach Acrylic Painting) published .  Nowadays we are pleased to declare we have discovered an extremelyinteresting topicto be pointed out, namely (Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Beach Acrylic Painting | Beach Acrylic Painting) Most people searching for details about(Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Beach Acrylic Painting | Beach Acrylic Painting) and definitely one of these is you, is not it?
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Painting and Mixed Media Daily Painting: Tamarama Beach .. | beach acrylic painting
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How To Paint A Simple Beach Scene With Acrylics – Birch .. | beach acrylic painting
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Debbie Shirley Art: Untitled – Small Painting Acrylic .. | beach acrylic painting
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Buy Footprints In The Sand Beach Acrylic Painting Painting at .. | beach acrylic painting
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Abstract Lighthouse – Abstract painting of a beach with lighthouse. | beach acrylic painting
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“Moon Island” by Deanne Newland | beach acrylic painting
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from WordPress https://www.bleumultimedia.com/eliminate-your-fears-and-doubts-about-beach-acrylic-painting-beach-acrylic-painting/
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
The Story Of Colours For Hallways Has Just Gone Viral! | Colours For Hallways
Well, you knew this was coming. No, it already has accustomed that some clowns in Portland destroyed a bronze to Thomas Jefferson, one of our Founding Fathers. He additionally happens to be one of our greatest presidents, but that’s beside the point, I guess. He’s the arch columnist of the Declaration of Independence, Founding Father, and above president, and we’re not activity to accept statues of this man. These left-wingers are funny. Truly—they’re funny except we can no best allow to beam at their games. This annihilative horde, the best batty actuality the ‘woke’ acolytes who accept now accelerating college, are extending the ability of this ertive mob. They appetite to abort our history, re-writing it through some archetype of political correctness. It’s an Americanized adaptation of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. It’s scary. And the George Floyd riots accept led to yet addition beachcomber of this bronze nonsense, which doesn’t stop with Confederate monuments. You all apperceive this.
And now, the bronze to Jefferson that’s in Burghal Hall is adverse calls to be broken down. The apostle for the Council of the Burghal of New York, forth with a few added members, bound a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio calling for its removal:
In the aftermost few weeks, New Yorkers accept alleged on all of us in adopted appointment to accomplish adventurous change so that communities of blush feel heard, adequate and represented. The Burghal Council is committed to creating accurate reforms to behavior and policing that aching Black New Yorkers.
But that is not enough. There are advancing images of altercation and racism
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from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/the-story-of-colours-for-hallways-has-just-gone-viral-colours-for-hallways/
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
23 Advantages Of Orange Flower Girl Dresses And How You Can Make Full Use Of It | Orange Flower Girl Dresses
The adeptness to move audiences aloft cliche is a appropriate aggregate by photographers shortlisted for the Prix Pictet, which is important as we appear from the Covid-19 crisis. The all-around lockdown has accustomed bearing to new cliches: wildlife carefully exploring unpeopled streets; iconic monuments bare of tourists, save for the accidental aloof abandoned artifice their confinement.
This agency asked photographers to move aloft the accessible and present a alternation of images that acknowledge to the issues against us, to activate to artifice a avenue to a new approaching and to new means of cerebration about the world.
* * *
June 2020 marks the fifth ceremony of my move to Istanbul. In my animated all-around life, I acquire assuredly been ashore in my favourite city. The accomplished few months acquire accustomed me a adventitious to analyze Istanbul added carefully than in all my years of active here. I set out to portray the burghal in crisis and confinement, but what I begin was a assorted amusing bolt area pockets of achievement and animal animation prevail.
As a accolade to the assorted layers of Istanbul’s altered cultural identity, I acquire calm belief from “non-essential workers”, whose lives acquire been batty by the pandemic. As they batten to me, they accompanying not aloof their fears, but additionally their hopes about the approaching and means of aggravating to acclimate to a new reality. From artery vendors to magicians, barbers to dancers, hammam scrubbers to imams, anniversary bidding address in the face of accident and a altered way of afraid and advantageous their circadian stresses. In his memoire Istanbul: Memories and the City, Orhan Pamuk wrote: “If I see my burghal as admirable and bewitching, afresh
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from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/23-advantages-of-orange-flower-girl-dresses-and-how-you-can-make-full-use-of-it-orange-flower-girl-dresses/
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
What Will Best Paint For Painting Rocks Be Like In The Next 17 Years? | best paint for painting rocks
Jake Newby, Pensacola News Journal Published 3:50 p.m. CT May 22, 2020
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Gulf Breeze Aerial Academy chief Britton Landrum below beside his classmates Friday and corrective his name beyond a seven-ton area of the old Pensacola Bay Bridge now perched aloft Lookout Point at Shoreline Park. 
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When he corrective his name in Navy blue, one of the two school colors, Landrum became one of the aboriginal acceptance to conductor in a new tradition at Gulf Breeze High. 
From now on, alpha with the chic of 2020, acceptance will leave their marks on the 60-year-old “rock” at the end of their chief year. The plan is for the chic of 2021 to acrylic over the art and signatures larboard abaft by the chic of 2020, and so on, anniversary year. 
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Gulf Breeze Aerial Academy chief Britton Landrum signs his name to a new accession at Lookout Point abreast Shoreline Esplanade in Gulf Breeze on Friday, May 22, 2020. The 7-ton allotment of accurate is from a area of the Pensacola Bay Arch that is actuality burst during architecture of the new bridge. (Photo: Jody Link/[email protected])
The project was alien by the burghal of Gulf Breeze and its Parks and Recreation Administration this year as a way to admire the approachable chief class, which has seen its graduation ceremonies and activities absolutely batty by COVID-19. 
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Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/17-best-painted-rocks-ideas-weapon-to-wreck-your-boring-time-best-paint-for-painting-rocks_0.jpg
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greenmachinecomix · 7 years
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Where do I even begin? I’m three things right now. I’m happy, thankful, and humbled. Happy because of the two pieces of large hard work is compacted into my hand on glossy paper. My Plot Twist editing team raised the bar without my consent and worked towards a vision of improving our production value from last year. While my heart and true baby of Plot Twist Publishing is Impressions, I handed over the reigns of leadership to two new Editor in Chiefs, Greg Boucher and Coy Munson. Two colleagues that are content focused because they are writers. So many comics are beautifully drawn but lack depth. So we let writers take the lead, which sometimes can drive cartoonists batty. But miraculously, the artists evolved and were challenged. Each kicking ass in the book with unique and fun styles. Next, I am thankful to the following people:
My staff is versatile and took roles they normally don’t, so we could give others in the community a feeling of having an accomplished piece of published work.
Walid Atshe, Cillian Cubstead, Mark Otto, and James Stone have dedicated late nights and hungry Monday board meetings to bring this baby to the finish line. I love you all very much.
To the community, local and global that contributed to the making of this book with your ideas and your designs:
Sonny Chargualaf from Guam David Parker Gabbie Hirsch Pierce Elliott Jeremiah Andrade Kiki'ssh Vincent Pizarro Han Stover Paul Pearson Scotty DeGraff Gary O'Donnell Melina Chavarria Rachel D'Onofrio Shane Walley Donovan Petersen Patrick Halm Gina Parham Alex Schwafel Josh Cutler Jon Cutler Justin Ayers Regan Carmona Sam Urbano
Shelby Schroeder
You are all better than you know. I hope this helps you all leap into furthering your crafts beyond Plot Twist.
And lastly, I am humbled. It’s no mystery how high energy I can be. That’s me fighting for something good in a cruel world where people like to close doors. The reality is, even I close doors. But I have vowed on never making it a secret how to to open one. I know what rejection feels like when you want to be part of a large scale collaborative project but have self doubt and insecurities. To all those that didn’t make it, I say fight another day and keep improving. One day you too can open doors for others. This is the cycle of kicking ass. It doesn’t stop and you only get stronger in the process. I know there’s always going to be better talent out there. Why make them enemies? Competitors? Make them your allies and do great things. I did it and am amazed at the results of people finally taking a chance on themselves.
Thanks from the bottom of publishing heart.
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keywestlou · 5 years
  He does the ridiculous! He then lies to cover it up!
Our President. Donald Trump.
He writes with a Sharpie. The pen gives him that bold signature we always see when he holds up an Executive Order.
It was never contemplated that Dorian would hit Alabama. Not part of expert consideration.
A few days ago, Trump announced that Alabama was safe, would not be hit. Problem was no one ever said Dorian was going to affect Alabama in any way.
Trump must have picked up on his error. Yesterday, he was flashing an official U.S. weather map. One specifically intended to reflect Dorian’s movements.
The map was published 8/29. Yesterday, 9/4. Trump had the 8/29 map in hand. It showed in white the outer parameters of Dorian. The white parameters gave no indication of an Alabama hit.
However someone had extended the cone using a black Sharpie to show the storm would hit Alabama. Someone had screwed with an official document by so doing.
Trump showed the corrected version on the internet. As if to say, I was correct it would hit Alabama!
He took a beating all day that someone hard marked up the original. He further was questioned as to why a U.S. Weather Bureau office in Alabama had immediately said on 8/29 that the President was wrong. No way would Alabama be involved.
Our President is never wrong. Five days later he is on TV with the corrected version claiming he was correct.
Amazing, the man cannot even correctly bungle something up. White lines, the added black Sharpie lines.
When questioned, Trump said he do not know where the black line came from. Repeated his lack of knowledge 3 times in a row.
The only positive that comes out of this scenario is that we can say with confidence he knows where Alabama is. Nothing more.
Tampering with an official weather map is illegal under the U.S. Code. Punishable by a fine or 90 days in jail.
I doubt Trump will be pursued criminally. He is the President!
Some pray, some do not. Some talk to God, some do not.
The power of prayer can be strong. There are those instances when it can be misapplied.
Marianne Williamson is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President. A bit weird. I have been watching her closely during the campaign. Initially, I was impressed. Her words wholesome. Her direction uplifting.
I have come to the conclusion she is a bit of a nut.
She has taken the position that Dorian did not hit the U.S. because of “prayer.” The “power of the mind” kept Dorian away.
Apparently the people of the Bahamas did not pray sufficiently. Such is why they were hit badly.
Williamson said, “Two minutes of prayer, visualization, mediation for those in the way of the storm” prevented the storm from hitting U.S. shores as it did the Bahamas.
I pray, though infrequently. I talk to God often, however. Especially in those instances when I want to know why something adverse is happening to me.
However, I cannot accept Williamson premise that it was prayer that saved the U.S. To do so means alternatively that God wanted to punish the Bahamian people. I am confident they pray also.
Key Westers are a good hearted people. They forget not. Especially the help that came from all sources 2 years ago when Irma befell the keys.
Dorian hit the Bahamas. Key West immediately recognized its obligation to help. A group “Key West Cares” has been formed. Purpose to get aid quickly to our neighbors a mere 50 miles away. First money. Then water, food, etc. Money works quickly initially.
A second meeting was held yesterday at City Hall. The Commission Chambers packed.
Peter Batty and Mark Rossi 2 of the group’s leaders.
Amazing how persons of different strokes come together in a time of calamity.
Peter Batty is a Deacon at St. Mary By the Sea Catholic Church. Mark Rossi is the owner of the Red Garter. A gentlemen’s club/strip joint on Duval.
Batty made an interesting comment: “Between the two of us, we can cover everything from the sacred to the profane.”
Dorian dropped to a category 2 yesterday. Back up to a 3 today. Dorian will skirt the Carolina’s today. Perhaps even turn inland a bit.
Surges of up to 8 feet anticipated.
Dorian certainly throwing his weight around. And for a longer period than normal.
New York Time columnist Eugene Robinson wrote yesterday in view of Dorian, “Climate change is real. Welcome to the new normal.”
I doubt I shall ever forget Irma. It left its mark on me.
Irma hit Key West 2 years ago on September 10, 2017. For several days prior, it was coming straight at Key West. No deviation. Anticipated to be a category 5 when it hit.
Too much for me! I got out!
Left 5 days before Irma arrived. It was September 5 when I began heading north on U.S. 1.
All indications were Irma was going to hit the lower keys and then ride up the west side of Florida. So I put into Pompano for the night figuring I was safe on the east coast.
The motel evicted me the next morning. Irma had changed her mind and was going to come up the east coast.
I decided I was going to get as far away as I could. Far far away.
I decided to drive up the Florida Turnpike. It runs up the center of Florida. If Irma changed its mind again or continued to change its mind, I would be safe. Plus, I was getting out of Florida. My goal Atlantas, Georgia.
A long drive from Pompano. Got there late at night. Was lucky to get a room at the downtown Marriott. Forty seventh floor. One wall window floor to ceiling. Beautiful view!
I was safe!
Turned out not. Two days later, the Marriott threw me out. Irma was coming!
Note it had yet to hit landfall in Key West or the lower keys.
What to do? Jean Thornton! She and Joe live in Birmingham, Alabama. She said if I wanted, to give her a call and stay at their home. I did.
The trip a success! Fun! Myself and 5 other “escapees,” 2 dogs, and Jean and Joe together for 12 days. A party!
When I returned to Key West, I saw the damage wrought by Irma all the way down the keys.
Thought I was leaving late enough so the water and power would be on. They were. Went off within 48 hours for a few days.
Only part of the Irma story.
I wrote a book about my experience. Irma and Me. Very very interesting. What I have set forth thus far only a small part of that experience. Some funny, some sad.
I sat glued to the TV screen last night from 5-11. Watched the remaining 10 Democratic candidates being interviewed by CNN. The topic climate change.
Got to tell you something. Mayor Pete Buttigieg impresses me more and more.
Have to hustle. A manicure at noon.
Enjoy your day!
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thisdaynews · 5 years
T20 Blast: Jofra Archer returns as Sussex and Surrey tie match
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/t20-blast-jofra-archer-returns-as-sussex-and-surrey-tie-match/
T20 Blast: Jofra Archer returns as Sussex and Surrey tie match
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Jofra Archer (left) was the third-highest wicket-taker at the World Cup, with 20 wickets in 11 matches for England
World Cup winner Jofra Archer could not inspire Sussex to victory on his return to action as the Sharks tied with Surrey in the T20 Blast on Friday.
Archer, who bowled the super over which secured England’s triumph in the final, took 2-21 from his four overs.
The 24-year-old paceman was aiming to prove his fitness ahead of the Ashes squad announcement on Saturday.
Elsewhere, Durham Jets’ Ben Potts and Middlesex’s Toby Roland-Jones both took hat-tricks to help their sides win.
Kent Spitfires continued their perfect start in the South Group with a 22-run over Essex, despite 58 not out from Ryan ten Doeschate, while half-centuries from Ben Duckett (64) and Alex Hales (63) set Notts Outlaws on their way to overcome Derbyshire Falcons.
Having set the Falcons 199 to win, Harry Gurney took a career-best 5-30 as Notts won by 27 runs.
In the North Group, Lancashire Lightning and Northamptonshire Steelbacks both came out on top in rain-affected matches against Worcestershire Rapids and Birmingham Bears respectively.
Relive Friday’s T20 Blast action
T20 Blast scorecards
Group tables
Archer returns in tight match
Archer, who has spent time recovering in Barbados following victory over New Zealand at Lord’s 12 days ago, was given a loud ovation by the Hove crowd as he came out to bat against Surrey – but he only made one run in his three-ball innings.
Sharks skipper Luke Wright top-scored with an unbeaten 76 off 59 as Sussex posted what appeared to be an under-par 144-8.
Surrey were 12-2 after Archer removed Australia one-day international captain Aaron Finch in the fourth over, but Will Jacks (35) and Ollie Pope (43) fought back, meaning the visitors needed 12 runs from the final over to win, with two wickets remaining.
Imran Tahir swept David Wiese for six over cover point to leave them needing three from the final ball, and the South Africa spinner and Gareth Batty ran two to tie the match.
Hat-tricks abound as Durham tee off
Toby Roland-Jones is now the leading wicket-taker in this year’s T20 Blast, with 11 wickets in four games
After Tom Curran’s hat-trick for Surrey on Thursday, there were career-best T20 figures for both Durham’s Potts and Middlesex seamer Roland-Jones, with the latter taking 5-21 to help the north Londoners to an eight-wicket victory at Glamorgan.
The Welsh outfit were dismissed for 136 as Roland-Jones dismissed Marchant de Lange, Dan Douthwaite and Andrew Salter at the start of the final over.
Stevie Eskinazi’s 51 from 29 balls got Middlesex off to a good start and England international Dawid Malan (45 off 43) guided the visitors, who were again without the injured AB de Villiers, to victory.
Durham recorded a thumping nine-wicket win over Leicestershire at Grace Road, chasing down the 159 required to win with 8.5 overs to spare.
Foxes captain Colin Ackermann top-scored with 58 as the hosts were bowled out, with Jets bowler Potts (3-28) ending the innings with a hat-trick in just his third T20 appearance.
Openers D’Arcy Short and Scott Steel made short shrift of the chase, putting on a partnership of 133 runs for the first wicket.
Steel hit nine fours and four sixes in his 30-ball knock of 70, while Short (77 not out off 36) hit five fours and six sixes.
Blues for Babar as rain makes its mark
Pakistan batsman Babar Azam scored 474 runs at an average of 67.71 at the World Cup this summer
An unbeaten 95 off 61 balls from Pakistan batsman Babar Azam was in vain as Somerset were beaten by Hampshire by four wickets at Taunton.
Babar, 24, hit nine fours and a six as he batted through the Somerset innings in their score of 172-3.
Hampshire were in trouble at 9-2 in their chase but 48 from opener Aneurin Donald and an unbeaten 47 from Liam Dawson helped see them home in the final over.
Lancashire Lightning beat defending champions Worcestershire Rapids by 21 runs via the Duckworth-Lewis-Stern method,
Rain halted the hosts’ reply to Worcestershire’s 130-9 when the Lightning were 71-1 after nine overs, with no further play possible.
Meanwhile, Birmingham Bears were set a revised target of 133 from 16 overs after rain delayed the start of their reply to Northamptonshire Steelbacks’ 155-6.
The Bears lost Ed Pollock to the first ball and slumped from 91-3 in the 12th over to 111-8 as they fell short.
What’s next?
There are two T20 Blast matches on Saturday, with Notts Outlaws hosting neighbours Leicestershire Foxes, while Gloucestershire visit Essex Eagles.
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uwmspeccoll · 7 years
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Historic Woman Printer/Publisher of the Week:
Gudrun Zapf von Hesse (b. 1918)
Yesterday, our little beehive was so busy making honey, we just couldn’t get to posting our usual Typography Tuesday blog. So, we thought we’d take a little diversion in our usual Historic Woman Printer/Publisher post and combine it with Typography Tuesday to focus on the work of the great German typographer, calligrapher, and book binder Gudrun Zapf von Hesse. 
Von Hesse worked as a book-binding apprentice, studied the calligraphic work of Rudolf Koch and Edward Johnston, and learned punchcutting at the Bauer Type Foundry in Frankfurt before setting up her own bookbinding shop after WWII. She began working as a type designer for the Stempel Type Foundry in Frankfurt soon after -- where she met and married the prolific German type designer Hermann Zapf -- and continued a long and successful career. Among the several typefaces she designed for Stempel are Diotima, Ariadne, and Smaragd, but she also designed typefaces for other companies, notably Alcuin for URW and Carmina BT for Bitstream. 
In 1991, she became the second woman (but not the last) to win the Frederic W. Goudy award. Her husband was the first recipient of this prestigious award in 1969. In honor of her 100th birthday this past January, the Monotype Corporation released the typeface Hesse-Antiqua, which is based on an alphabet she designed in the late 1940s. Happy Birthday Gudrun!!
The images and designs shown here are from another, yet-uncataloged donation from our friend and benefactor Jerry Buff, Gudrun Zapf von Hesse published in 2002 by Mark Batty in West New York, New Jersey, and printed in Von Hesse’s Norfet Roman which was originally designed for the Berthold Type Foundry of Berlin. Our copy is one of 20 copies bound by Judi Conant in Vermont and singed by Von Hesse, including an extra suite of 13 specially-printed specimens, among which are six original, hand-printed specimens signed by Von Hesse.
View our other Typography Tuesday posts.
View our other posts on Historic Women Printer/Publishers.
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
Is Easy Famous Paintings To Copy The Most Trending Thing Now? | easy famous paintings to copy
France should advertise the Mona Lisa for £45bn to advice its cultural area balance from the coronavirus, a French agent has suggested.
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Stephane Distinguin is architect and arch controlling of tech aggregation Fabernovel.
He said that affairs the acclaimed 16th aeon Leonardo da Vinci painting was a “crazy idea” he had “been chewing on…for some time” as a way of allowance French artists through the bread-and-butter abolition brought by the virus pandemic.
Writing in French annual Usbek & Rica, he implored France to “sell ​​the old to accomplish the new, ancestry for creation”, adding: “It is the mark of a nation that believes in its approaching and its artists.”
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He wrote: “I launched this antecedent as a provocation, but assertive of its moment and its naivety. Iconoclast in the abounding faculty of the word. What if we awash the Mona Lisa?
“Day afterwards day, we account the billions engulfed in this slump like accouchement counting the abatement of a bean into a able-bodied to admeasurement its depth. We are still counting, and this crisis seems unfathomable.
“As an administrator and a taxpayer, I apperceive that these billions are not invented and that they will necessarily amount us. An accessible reflex is to advertise off a admired asset at the accomplished amount possible, but one that is the atomic analytical as accessible to our future.
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“A painting is accessible to move and accordingly to duke over. And we accept a lot of paintings…In 2020, we accept to get the money area it is. So advertise ancestors jewellery. Otherwise, alone the Googles, Apples, Facebooks, Amazons, Microsofts, Disneys, Netflixs, Alibabas and Tencents of this apple will be able to accord to the allotment of culture.”
When asked how abundant the painting would fetch, he said: “The amount is the body of the amount and the capital accountable of controversy.
“The amount has to be batty for the operation to accomplish sense.
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“I appraisal that it would booty no beneath than €50bn (£44.7bn) to access the Mona Lisa.
“I was told that my appraisal was actual overvalued, alike far-fetched, but anniversary time after absolute arguments.”
Mr Distinguin, 46, founded his aggregation in 2003 and he was awarded the Legion d’Honneur, France’s accomplished adjustment of merit, aftermost year.
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The post Is Easy Famous Paintings To Copy The Most Trending Thing Now? | easy famous paintings to copy appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/is-easy-famous-paintings-to-copy-the-most-trending-thing-now-easy-famous-paintings-to-copy/
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