sport365days · 3 years
We tell you what business can be added to the Sport365days catalog in the areas of Sport, Medicine / Wellness, Beauty, Healthy food, Sports goods and Accommodation. https://sport365days.com/sign
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vitruviopao · 5 years
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#award #work #products #marketing_plan
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How to Use your Instagram to Make Money
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Instagram is one of the social media pages that can help you grow your business within a short time. However, it is not easy to do so if you do not do some considerations beforehand. First, you have to understand your product and services for you to identify your target market. Also, you have to be a person who loves going online if you want to make it. However, you have to consider that you will be selling your company’s image to the public.  You, therefore, have to be prepared to be truthful in everything that you do. Your products and services must also be genuine. Learn more on creating your instagram for business page here.
Consequently, selling your business means that you have to be the best in what you do.  You should, therefore, not post anything without first making considerations. First, know how many times you will be required to post for your Instagram to be popular. Also, know what to post before you log into your account. Doing that will be smart because everything that you choose to post will be well thought of. It will also make sense to your target market since you will have prepared the content. If you do that, many people will learn about you; thus, you will get many referrals.
Additionally, It is essential to be patient because you cannot build your Instagram account overnight. For that reason, it is necessary to talk to many people that have established their businesses through Instagram. Ask them what they did and how long it took them. Knowing that will help you know that you will also make it in business even if it takes time. Moreover, the information will help you get tips on how to make money using Instagram. It will also prepare you psychologically; hence you will not be in a rush. Get more tips on how to grow your instagram page now.
Lastly, it is vital to have all the facts written down before you can start on your business. The reason being, if you do not prepare well, enough your competitors might be on the limelight. Beating and outdoing your competitors should always be vital when you are in business. It is therefore, advisable to visit a few of these Instagram accounts for you to learn a thing or two. However, it is advisable not to copy-paste anything if you do not want to end up being embarrassed on online sites. Remember, being unique will take you a long way. Read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing_plan.
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Advantages of Marketing a Restaurant
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Digital marketing does not only work for the common businesses there are in the market because even in the hotel industry, but it is also needed to influence the quality of services. Therefore, the most reliable way of promoting your business operations is getting it known all over the market and especially on the social media platforms because this is where potential customers are found. Marketing is a wide branch in every business irrespective of the magnitude, and so many of them prefer hiring a relevant company for that operation. An online advertisement for your restaurant is, therefore, a crucial aspect to think about and for sure you will boost your sales to the letter and in return make money. The article herein demonstrates the reasons why restaurant marketing is crucial.
Firstly, a restaurant is a facility that offers recurrent services to the public such that on visiting it for a meal, you might need to do so again shortly. Therefore, the essence of promoting your restaurant in the market is to ensure you create your identity and instil it in the minds of the customers by proving to them that you can make a perfect meal for them. This will boost their loyalty and therefore will be buying from you, and you will enjoy higher sales and profits every day. This sets you free of competition because your consumers are decided and directed on the restaurant to visit.
Secondly, you need to update the customers on everything that happens with your restaurant so that if it is some quality of services you want to add, they will know. You should keep improving the restaurant’s activities so that you can make everything favourable for the customers and all will be well. This is one of the ways you will build a good reputation in the market since the customers will be confident in the services you offer as they know the entire process you followed. Click here for more: https://www.targetable.com/.
Finally, in business, all you need is popularity, to ensure that the people know you and your operations and digital marketing is the best tool for that. Therefore, you need to promote your restaurant perfectly through social media marketing and for sure many other people will about it because of the referrals made by friends and relatives on these platforms. The quality of customer care services should also be up there so that you can boast of great success in the hotel industry. Learn more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing_plan.
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orangeitsolutions · 4 years
CALL:  8931832563WHATSAPP: 7618033205
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credencetutors-blog · 5 years
E- Marketing Plan
The comany chosen for the E marketing plan is MUSTAFA CENTRE , SINGAPORE. go through the official mustafa site for more info
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hocvienminhanh-blog · 6 years
pr marketing - học viện Minh Anh
Học viện Quản lý và Phát triển Minh Anh
Địa chỉ: 85 Nguyễn Hữu Cầu, Phường Tân Định, Quận 1, TP.HCM
Số điện thoại: (028) 225.397.11 – (028) 225.397.12
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RiOxhHLAHOXq0hFqb0gPb8Uwwyr5H4lp?marketing-can-ban
Website: marketing học ở đâu-Học viện Minh Anh
Google Sites: https://sites.google.com/site/imaeduvn1/marketing-la-gi?marketing-la-gi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/i/moments/1024562904413028352?marketing-thuong-hieu
quản trị marketing sẽ là “nguồn sống” duy nhất của 1 Công Ty, đòi hỏi người học phải luôn cải tiến và phát minh không ngừng. nhất là trong thời kì kinh tế nhân loại càng ngày càng phát triển mạnh khỏe như thời nay thì ngành kinh doanh lại càng phải đa chủng loại và bùng nổ hơn hết. mặc dù vậy, những bạn khi chọn ngành học vẫn luôn do dự có nên học quản lý sale hay không? thời cơ công việc tại ngành sale như vậy nào?
tài chính nhân loại ngày càng phát triển cùng sự bùng nổ của công nghệ sẽ khởi tạo ra nhiều thách thức và đối đầu và cạnh tranh gay gắt. cộng thêm, ngày này sản phẩm được chế tạo hàng loạt, Chi phí, chất lượng dường như không có khoảng cách quá to. nhất là lúc các Doanh Nghiệp lớn thường hay có những chiến lược sở hữu Thị Trường
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How To Build a Marketing Plan. How to Raise Conversion Rates.
This is the sequel to our benchmark marketing strategy and tactics post: 21 Marketing PR and Branding Strategies.
Gavin, my best friend from college drove a big Yukon. I liked it. It was plush, had an immersive stereo system, and it was my favorite color: black. 
I loved the thing. But there was a day when he hated it. Or he thought he hated it.
We had just left a Taco Tuesday Night in Del Mar, CA with the requisite Cadillac margarita pumping through our blood stream. We walked back toward his Yukon. A couple blocks down, we stop in front of a beautiful black Yukon. It sparkled. In Del Mar, you can still see the stars and on that day, on that car, you could as well.
He pushed the unlock button on the key. We both tugged on the door handle. Nothing. He tried again. We tried again. Nothing. He looked puzzled and irritated. He used another approach. He used the old fashion technique of inserting the key into the lock. The key wouldn't turn. He repeated this process. The same process. And each time, he got more and more irritated.
We both stood outside of his car well after our expensive buzzes wore off. We just couldn't get in.
Why Your Conversion Rates Suck: How to Raise Your Conversion Rates
In desperation, he called a locksmith.
Just as he hung up, three gorgeous girls walked up to us and asked us what we were doing. They sounded concerned. We explained. One of the girls, a brunette wearing a floral print summer dress pulled out a key. Pushed a button and the doors opened. 
"Maybe that one behind us is yours?" She said.
Gavin and I looked one car back. There it was, a dirtier, less sparkley version of the same Yukon we just couldn't get into.
Ivy League MBAs with Fortune backgrounds make this same mistake when launching their own ventures. They try everything that was successful in their corporate position and apply the same formula to their new endeavor to lose their shirt. Then they stand there scratching their heads -- topless.
And they just can't figure it out. Why did their marketing for their new company fail? They selected the best team. Unlike the mothership, they were agile. They had better technology. They worked harder. They even figured in the loss of scale-of-economy. And they still failed. Why?
For the same reason Gavin couldn't get into "his car," brilliant and experienced executives can't break into their market.
From his perspective, for all intents and purposes, that Yukon that gave him an anyeurism, was his. From the perspective of the Yukon, that just wasn't the case. 
The most simple yet fatal mistake brilliant executives make is launching their marketing campaign under the assumption that the market already belongs to them
The most simple yet fatal mistake brilliant executives make is launching their marketing campaign under the assumption that the market already belongs to them. 
This can be a complex issue to describe but the definition of ownership is simple. It's like that movie with Liam Neeson in it where he and his wife get into a car accident, get separated, then when he finds her, she doesn't recognize him. The same thing is happening here on a macro public sense.
The opposite situation creates a clear relative framework. After decades and generations of building trust and familiarity with the world, if Coke decides to just show that girl from the new Transformers movie drinking Coke slowly, very slowly, it will drive sales.
If you were a Coke executive and started a competing brand and tried the same marketing strategy (which isn't even a strategy) and the same messaging, you'd sell nothing.
Coke has already proven itself to the masses. Coke has already proven it's taste. Coke has already proven it's user experience consistency. Coke has already proven it's accessibility. The only thing left for Coke to do was just to remind you that Coke=pleasure.
All the ground-work was laid by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in 1886 when he first formulated Coke.
For your marketing to work, you must market to a market you own. 
To own a market, you must estabilish Brand. Establishing brand is simply doing two things. And these two things require precise, intense, and voluminous messaging. You must brand your brand into the minds of your market BEFORE marketing to them. 
this is called cold calling or junk mailing
If you launch a marketing campaign before your market already feels like they know you... this is called cold calling or junk mailing. 
If you market to people who don't know you, no matter how well you know them, Liam Neeson's on-screen wife is going to scream rape when he tries to take her to bed.
So here's the one million dollar question, "how do you build a relationship with your target market" rapidly and without having to start in 1886?
"how do you build a relationship with your target market" rapidly and without having to start in 1886?
There are two subcomponents to making your public feel like they "know you." And making them feel like they know you is critical if you want your marketing to produce any kind of conversion rate. I've got to reinforce this: Marketing to a cold audience is like trying to "get lucky" in a dive bar where nobody knows you. You must be percieved as someone your potential customer feel they know in order to produce a single digit conversion rate. 
So, the two subcomponents to making your public feel like they "know you," are:
1. Rapport
2. Credibility
Rapport is built by delivering a consistent, chronic, and quality interaction experience. 
This means that not only must your messaging be strong, it must be regular over time. Not only must your messaging be regular, it must also reinforce the same emotional odor.
Credibility is earned by demonstrating expertise. 
You've got to create a mental epiphany in the minds of your viewer. You've got to get them to see the same problem from a different light. You've got to show that your thinking and perspective is superior to anyone else they consider working with. 
This is why you won't buy from a scientist (with tons of credibility) if he has an abrasive personality (rapport). This is also why you won't buy that no-name hair follicle stimulator from your neighbor. He may have built up a lot of rapport with you but from a dermatological standpoint, he probably has little credibility. You must have both.
This is why you won't buy from a scientist (with tons of credibility) if he has an abrasive personality (rapport)
If you can build both credibility and rapport in the minds of your target market, the moment these two conditions as met, your market will feel like they know you. After and only after this moment should you ask for the sale. Any earlier and you've destroyed your brand good-will building.
The mechanics of building credibility and rapport online are far beyond the scope of this blog post. It involves everything from rich media like Youtube messaging, Twitter and Facebook post style, frequency, tone, content, and much more. To talk more about the granular tactics of building a relationship with your target market... fill in http://sparkah.com/marketing.php or call 310 598 1606 in LA and NYC and everywhere in between.
How to Raise Your Conversion Rates (since they aren't abysmal any more)
Finally, now that we've established why so many brilliant executives fail at converting their contacts into customers, let's tackle how to raise your conversion rates.
To raise your conversion rates, identify your points of resistance. Every point of contact is a point of resistance. THIS is a list of most of these points of web resistance in Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. Identify, then make every point of resistance variable. 
In otherwords, if your point of first contact with your potential customer is Google, then since your potential customer will read your page title and description tag right out of the Google search results page, change it up. Measure the change in CTR.
Once you've established the highest CTR, then change up your landing page design. Measure the change in bounce-out rates. 
Same goes for tweets, Facebook messages, Youtube video titles, Youtube video lengths, and every single thing that your potential customer will come into contact with. Make them all variable. Tune, tune, tune.
You'll have the most efficient and high volume sales production marketing machine if you do. As you can see, you'll need help. For that help (if I've established both credibility and rapport with you), call 310 598 1606 or contact us online via http://sparkah.com/marketing.php ... We want to help you build a strong relationship with your market. And we are good at making you take off. We carry rocket fuel.
Posted via email from Social Media Marketing Strategies for the Closet Revolutionary | Comment »
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