#Marta Velasco Martín
coochiequeens · 1 year
By Rachel May
Rachel May, English professor and author, came upon Elizabeth Wagner Reed’s book about a decade ago, on Reed’s daughter’s website.
Published April 22, 2023Updated April 24, 2023, 10:50 a.m. ET
This article is part of Overlooked, a series of obituaries about remarkable people whose deaths, beginning in 1851, went unreported in The Times.
In 1992, the geneticist Elizabeth Wagner Reed self-published “American Women in Science Before the Civil War,” a book highlighting 22 19th-century scientists. One of them was Eunice Newton Foote, who wrote a paper on her remarkable discovery about greenhouse gases, “a phenomenon which is of concern to us even now,” Reed wrote.
Foote was forgotten soon after the paper was read aloud by a male scientist at a conference in 1856 and published the following year. A male scientist was eventually credited with the discovery.
Like Foote, Reed herself fell into obscurity, a victim of the erasure of female scientists that the historian Margaret Rossiter coined the Matilda Effect — named for the sociologist Matilda Joslyn Gage, whose 1870 pamphlet, “Woman as Inventor,” condemned the idea that women did not have the skills to succeed in the field.
Reed, however, made significant contributions to the sciences.
She wrote a landmark study about intellectual disability genetics, helped found a field of population genetics and wrote many more papers on botany, the biology of women and sexism in science.
Reed persisted in her research even when she found herself a widow with a toddler during World War II. By the time of her death, in 1996, in spite of publishing more than 34 scholarly papers, public school curriculums and two books, the record didn’t bend in her favor. It wasn’t until 2020, when the scientist and scholar Marta Velasco Martín published a paper on Reed, that her legacy was resurrected.
Reed was born Elizabeth Wagner on Aug. 27, 1912, in Baguio, in what was then called the Philippine Islands, to Catherine (Cleland) and John Ovid Wagner. John was from Ohio and worked in construction there at the time; Catherine, from Northern Ireland, was working in the Philippines as a nurse.
The family later settled on a farm in Ohio, where Elizabeth grew up picking raspberries “from dawn to dusk,” her son William Reed said in a phone interview.
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“She learned how to work really hard,” he added. “I remember her saying how much she loved school, partly because it wasn’t doing farm work.”
At the end of one summer, he said, she used some of her earnings to buy a book about wildflowers in Ohio — “her first purchase was a scientific book.”
She would go on to cultivate wildflowers in her backyard as an adult, volunteer at a wildflower arboretum in Minnesota and write about botany in scientific articles and in educational materials for children. Reed’s daughter, Catherine Reed, told Martín that her mother “loved nature, especially plants, and, wanted to be a scientist from a very early age.”
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In 1933, Reed earned her bachelor’s degree at Ohio State University, where she also earned a master’s in 1934 and a Ph.D. in plant physiology in 1936. She put herself through school with a scholarship and by washing dishes and working in the cafeteria. In 1939 and 1940, she published her first two papers, one about the effects of insecticides on bean plants and the other about how various types of dusts affect the rate of water loss in yellow coleus plants by night and day.
In 1940, she married a fellow scientist, James Otis Beasley, and had a son, John, with him just after James left to fight in World War II in 1942. When her husband was killed in the war the next year, she supported herself and her son by teaching at five different universities. “The first part of her life,” William Reed said, “was sheer determination.”
She began working with the geneticist Sheldon C. Reed, whom she married in 1946, and together they helped found the field of Drosophila population genetics, which uses fruit flies as a simple and economical method of studying genetics in a laboratory while offering important insights into similar species.
Soon after, the couple moved to Minnesota, where Sheldon was hired as the director of the Dight Institute of Human Genetics at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Elizabeth was denied a job at the university, which cited rules against nepotism.
The Reeds went on to write a book about intellectual disabilities that analyzed data from 80,000 people and their families; the study, they said, was “one of the largest genetic investigations so far completed.”
They found that disabilities could be caused by genetic or environmental factors and could therefore be heritable. They also proposed — to controversy that still exists today — that such disabilities were preventable through education of the general public and voluntary sterilization or birth control of potential parents with low I.Q.s.
Though Elizabeth’s name was listed first as author, a letter of acknowledgment calling the couple’s work “truly magnificent” referred to them as “Dr. and Mrs. Reed.” 
Reed was quite aware that her husband was receiving more credit, her son William said, but she never let it embitter her. In 1950, however, she published a paper on sexism in the sciences based on her study of 70 women working in the field. It found that marriage and childbirth decreased their productivity and sometimes even dissuaded them from continuing their careers. It led her to mentor women in the field through the advocacy group Graduate Women in Science.
“She was a scientist before it was popular for women to become scientists,” Nancy Segal, a psychologist at California State University known for her study of twins, said in an interview, “and she was a great role model for so many of us women postdocs at the time.”
In writing “American Women in Science Before the Civil War,”Reed corresponded with archivists and scoured card catalogs, journals and proceedings of associations and societies. In addition to recognizing Eunice Foote’s work almost two decades before other scientists did, the book included biographies of, among others, the astronomer Maria Mitchell; Ellen Smith Tupper, who was known as the “Queen Bee of Iowa” for her study of that insect; and the entomologist Mary Townsend.
Reed wrote that it was a testimony to the strengths of these women that they pursued science despite the fact that they were “often denied entry to colleges and unable to attain professional status.”
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Reed also supported teaching children about science so that they would have the tools to solve what she called the “current crises of exploding populations and deteriorating environments.” She published papers about teaching proper scientific methods in schools and created curriculums with the University of Minnesota.
“Classrooms always house some living organisms,” she wrote, tongue-in-cheek, in the Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science in 1969. “In many, unfortunately, all are of a single species, Homo sapiens. The population consists of many immature species (children) and a few adults, usually female (teachers). This makes for a certain homogeneity, but it can be alleviated by introduction of other living species, animal or plant.”
The fact that Reed was, like so many of her predecessors, lost to history is indicative of the pervasive sexism of her era. But women today continue to face hurdles in entering scientific fields. A report from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this year found that “the underrepresentation of women in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields continues to persist,” with women making up only 28 percent of the STEM work force.
Like Reed, her daughter, Catherine, was a scientist, having earned a Ph.D. in ecology, but she ultimately became so disillusioned that she held a ceremonial burning of her degree and instead turned to artwork and championing her mother’s legacy. She published her mother’s book on American women in science on her website in about 2010. She died in 2021 at 73.
Elizabeth Wagner Reed died at 83 on July 14, 1996, most likely of cancer. She recognized her symptoms, but, knowing what the treatments would be like and, to her mind, the probable outcome, she never sought a diagnosis. (Sheldon Reed died in 2003.)
William Reed said there was no joy like taking a walk with his mother, who could describe every plant and animal they passed. She and Sheldon were avid bird-watchers (and occasional polka dancers), and the family spent many vacations at Lake Itasca, Minn., relaxing under old-growth Norway Pines.
Reed’s favorite flower was the showy lady’s slipper, the state flower of Minnesota, an orchid notoriously difficult to cultivate, like the careers of many of the women she wrote about. Its Latin name is Cypripedium reginae, with reginae meaning queen.
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goalhofer · 3 years
2020 Olympics Spain Roster
Daniel Castro (Madrid)
Inés De Velasco (Madrid)
Nicolás García (Madrid)
Alberto Martínez (Cartagena)
Hugo González (Palma De Mallorca)
J.L. Pons (Sóller)
Alisa Ozhogina (Moscow, Russia)
Iris Tió (Barcelona)
Ona Carbonell (Barcelona)
Berta Ferreras (Mataró)
Meritxell Mas (Granollers)
Paula Ramírez (Barcelona)
Sara Saldaña (Madrid)
Blanca Toledano (Madrid)
Mereira Belmonte (Badalona)
Marina García-Urzainqui (Barcelona)
Lidón Muñoz (Castellón De La Plana)
Jimena Pérez (Santander)
Paula Ruiz (Madrid)
Jessica Vall (Barcelona)
África Zamorano (Barcelona)
Pablo Sánchez-Valladares (Madrid)
Odei Jainaga (Eibar)
Óscar Husillos (Palencia)
Adrián Ben (Viveiro)
Saúl Ordóñez (Ponferrada)
Ignacio Fontes (Granada)
Jesús Gómez (Burgos)
Adel Mechaal (Tétouan, Morocco)
Mohamed Katir (Mula)
Carlos Mayo (Madrid)
Asier Martínez (Zizur Mayor)
Orlando Ortega (Ontinyent)
Sergio Fernández (Barañain)
Daniel Arce (Burgos)
Fernando Carro (Madrid)
Sebastián Martos (Huelma)
Javier Guerra (Segovia)
Ayad Lamdassem-El Mouhcine (Lleida)
Daniel Mateo (Soria)
Diego García (Madrid)
Miguel López (Murcia)
Álvaro Martín (Llerena)
Luis Corchete (Torrevieja)
Jesús García (Madrid)
Marc Tur (Santa Eulària Des Riu)
Bernat Erta (Lleida)
Samuel García (Santa Cruz De La Palma)
Eusebio Cáceres (Onil)
Pablo Torrijos (Castellón De La Plana)
L.M. Martínez (Castellón De La Palma)
Javier Cienfuegos (Montijo-Badajoz)
Jorge Ureña (Onil)
María Pérez (Madrid)
Jaël-Sakura Bestué (Barcelona)
Natalia Romero (Villajoysa)
Teresa Errandonea-Fernández (Irun)
Carolina Robles (Madrid)
Sara Gallego (Madrid)
Aauri Bokesa (Madrid)
Esther Guerrero (Banyoles)
Marta Pérez (Barcelona)
Lucía Rodríguez (Madrid)
Marta Galimany (Valls)
Elena Loyo (Vitoria)
Laura Méndez-Esquer (Valencia)
Laura García-Caro (Lepe)
Raquel González (Mataró)
María Pérez (Orce)
Laura Bueno (Granada)
Fátima Diame (Valencia)
Ana Peleteiro (Ribeira)
María Toimil (Murgardos)
Laura Redondo (Barcelona)
María Vicente (L’Hospitalet De Llobregat)
Pablo Abián (Calatayud)
Clara Azurmendi (Madrid)
Pau Gasol (Sant Boi De Llobregat)
Rodolfo Fernández (Palma De Mallorca)
Sergio Rodríguez (San Cristóbal De La Laguna)
Ricky Rubio (El Masnou)
Víctor Claver (Valencia)
Marc Gasol (Sant Boi De Llobregat)
Guillermo Hernangómez (Madrid)
D.U. Garuba (Azuqueca De Henares)
Alberto Abalde (A Coruña)
Alejandro Abrines (Palma)
Sergio Llull (Mahón)
Juan Hernangómez (Madrid)
Cristina Ouviña (Zaragoza)
Silvia Domínguez (Madrid)
Alba Torrens (Binissalem)
Laia Palau (Barcelona)
Leonor Rodríguez (Las Palmas)
Maite Cazorla (Barcelona)
Tamara Abalde (Vigo)
Raquel Carrera (Ourense)
Queralt Casas (Bescanó)
María Conde (Madrid)
Laura Gil (Murcia)
Astou Ndour-Barro (Las Palmas)
José Quiles (Murcia)
Gazimagomed Jalimov (Madrid)
Emmanuel Reyes (La Coruna)
Gabriel Escobar (Leganés)
Cayetano García (Madrid)
Pablo Martínez (Madrid)
Ander Elosegi (Irun)
David Llorente (Palazuelos De Eresma)
Carlos Arévalo (Betanzos)
Saúl Craviotto (Lleida)
Francisco Cubelos (Talavera De La Reina)
Íñigo Peña (Zumaia)
Rodrigo Germade (Cangas)
Marcus Walz (Mallorca)
Antía Jácome (Pontevedra)
Isabel Contreras (Madrid)
Núria Vilarrubla (La Seu d’Urgell)
Maialen Chourraut (Lasarte-Oria)
María Portela (Cangas)
Jofre Cullell (Santa Coloma De Farners)
Omar Fraile (Santurtzi)
Jesús Herrada (Mota Del Cuervo)
Gorka Izagirre (Ormeiztegi)
Ion Izagirre (Ormeiztegi)
Alejandro Valverde (Las Lumbreras)
Albert Torres (Ciutadella De Menorca)
Sebastián Mora (Villarreal)
David Valero (Baza)
Margarita García (Marratxí)
Ane Santesteban (Errenteria)
Rocío Del Alba-García (Villa Del Prado)
Alberto Arévalo (Madrid)
Nicolás García-Boissier (Las Palmas)
Francisco Gaviño (Seville)
José Garcia-Mena (Madrid)
Severo Jurado (Madrid)
Eduardo Álvarez (Madrid)
Beatriz Ferrer-Salat (Barcelona)
Carlos Llavador (Madrid)
Field Hockey
Alejandro Alonso (Valencia)
Marc Recasens (Madrid)
Llorenç Piera (Madrid)
José Basterra (Valencia)
Albert Béltran (Madrid)
Francisco Cortés (Terrassa)
Josep Romeu (Barcelona)
Ricardo Sánchez (Madrid)
Marc Sallés (Terrassa)
Miquel Delàs (Barcelona)
Enrique González (Madrid)
Álvaro Iglesias (Madrid)
David Alegre (Barcelona)
Roc Oliva (Barcelona)
Xavi Lleonart (Terrassa)
Viçens Ruiz (Terrassa)
Pau Quemada (Logroño)
Marc Boltó (Terrassa)
Laura Barrios (Madrid)
Candela Mejías (Madrid)
María Ruiz (Madrid)
Clara Ycart (Matadepera)
Carlota Petchamé (Barcelona)
María López-García (Madrid)
Berta Bonastre (Sabadell)
Belén Iglesias (Madrid)
Lola Riera (Valencia)
Julia Pons (Terrassa)
Begoña García (Zaragoza)
Beatriz Pérez (Madrid)
Georgina Oliva (Terrassa)
Alejandra Torres-Quevedo (Madrid)
Alicia Magaz (Madrid)
Lucía Jiménez (Madrid)
Unai Simón (Vitoria)
Óscar Mingueza (Santa Perpètua De Mogoda)
Marc Cucerella (Alella)
Pau Torres (Villarreal)
Jesús Vallejo (Zaragoza)
Martín Zubimendi (San Sebastián)
Marco Asensio (Palma)
Mikel Merino (Pamplona)
Rafa Mir (Murcia)
Dan Ceballos (Utrera)
Mikel Oyarzabal (Eibar)
Eric García (Martorell)
Álvaro Fernández (Arnedo)
Carlos Soler (Valencia)
Jon Moncayola (Garínoain)
Pedro González (Tegueste)
Javi Puado (Barcelona)
Óscar Gil (Elche)
Dan Olmo (Terrassa)
Juan Miranda (Olivares)
Bryan Gil (Barcelona)
Iván Villar (Aldán)
Adri Arnaus (Barcelona)
Jon Rahm (Scottsdale, Arizona)
Carlota Ciganda (Pamplona)
Azahara Muñoz (Ciudad Málaga)
Thierno Diallo (Madrid)
Nicolau Mir (Palma)
Joel Plata (Barcelona)
Néstor Abad (Madrid)
Miguel Zapata (Las Palmas)
Laura Bechdejú (Girona)
Marina González (Malgrat De Mar)
Alba Petisco (Villarina De Los Aires)
Roxi Popa (Madrid)
Gonzalo Pérez-De Vargas (Toledo)
Eduardo Gurbindo (Pamplona)
Jorge Maqueda (Toledo)
Ángel Fernández (El Astillero)
Valero Rivera (Barcelona)
Raúl Entrerríos (Gijón)
Alex Dujshebaev (Santander)
Daniel Sarmiento (Las Palmas)
Rodrigo Corrales (Cangas)
Julen Aguinagalde (Irun)
Ferran Solé (Sant Quirze)
Adrià Figueras (Barcelona)
Viran Morros (Barcelona)
Antonio García (La Llagosta)
Aleix Gómez (Sabadell)
Gedeón Guardiola (Petrer)
Marta López (Ciudad Málaga)
Carmen Martín (Almería)
Carmen Campos (Madrid)
Silvia Arderíus (Madrid)
Silvia Navarro (Valencia)
Mercedes Castellanos (Ciudad Real)
Jennifer Gutiérrez (Elche)
Nerea Pena (Pamplona)
Lara González (Sant Pola)
Soledad López (Ciudad Málaga)
Kaba Gassama (Granollers)
Alicia Fernández (Ferrol)
Almundena Rodríguez (Las Palmas)
Ainhoa Hernández (Barakaldo)
Lysa Tchaptchet (Yaoundé, Cameroon)
Mireya González (León)
Francisco Garrigós (Móstoles)
Alberto Gaitero (Tarragona)
Nikoloz Sherazadishvili (Madrid)
Cristina Cabaña (Ciudad Málaga)
Julia Figueroa (Ciudad Córdoba)
Ana Perez (Groesbeek, The Netherlands)
María Bernabéu (Alicante)
Damián Quintero (Torremolinos)
Sandra Sánchez (Talavera De La Reina)
Aleix Heredia (Madrid)
Jaime Canalejo (Seville)
Javier García (Seville)
Manel Balastegui (Banyoles)
Caetano Horta (Madrid)
Virginia Díaz (El Astillero)
Aina Cid (Amposta)
Ángel Granda-Roque (Las Palmas)
Joel Rodríguez (Ipa)
Juan Cardona (Madrid)
Nicolás Rodríguez (Vigo)
Florián Trittel (Sant Andreu De Llaveneres)
Jordi Xammar (Barcelona)
Diego Botín (Santander)
Iago López (Santander)
Cristina Pujol (Porto d’Aro)
Paula Barceló (Palma)
Blanca Manchón (Seville)
Patricia Cantero (Vilamoura)
Silvia Mas (Vilamoura)
Támara Echegoyen (Ourense)
Tara Pacheco (Arucas)
Alberto Fernández (Madrid)
Fátima Gálvez (Baena)
Danny León (Madrid)
Jaime Mateu (Mallorca)
Julia Benedetti (La Coruña)
Andrea Benítez (Madrid)
Alberto Ginés (Cáceres)
Table Tennis
Álvaro Robles (Huelva)
Galyna Dvorak (Barcelona)
María Xiao (Madeira, Portugal)
Adrián Vicente (Madrid)
Javier Pérez (San Fernando De Henares)
Raúl Martínez (Elche)
Adriana Cerezo (Madrid)
Pablo Andújar (Valencia)
Roberto Carballés (Ciudad Granada)
Pablo Carreño (Barcelona)
Alejandro Davidovich-Fokina (Fuengirola)
Paula Badosa (Begur)
Garbiñe Muguruza (Geneva, Switzerland)
Sara Sorribes (La Vall d’Uixó)
Carla Suárez (Barcelona)
Francisco Gómez (A Coruña)
Mario Mola (Palma)
Anna Godoy (Madrid)
Miriam Casillas (Badajoz)
Adrián Gavira (La Línea De La Concepción)
Pablo Herrera (Castelló De La Plana)
Elsa Baquerizo (Madrid)
Lili Fernández (Benidorm)
Water Polo
Álvaro Granados (Barcelona)
Miguel Del Toro (Seville)
Bernat Sanahuja (Terrassa)
Marc Larumbe (Barcelona)
Martin Faměra (Barcelona)
Alejandro Bustos (Madrid)
Unai Aguirre (Barcelona)
Daniel López (Barcelona)
Alberto Munárriz (Pamplona)
Francisco Fernández (Madrid)
Roger Tahull (Barcelona)
Felipe Perrone (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Blai Mallarach (Olot)
Laura Ester (Barcelona)
Marta Bach (Mataró)
Anni Espar (Barcelona)
Beatriz Ortiz (Terrassa)
Roser Tarragó (Barcelona)
Elena Ruiz (Rubí)
Clara Espar (Barcelona)
María Peña (Madrid)
Judith Forca (Sabadell)
Irene González (Barcelona)
María García (Barcelona)
Paula Leitón (Terrassa)
María Sánchez (Terrassa)
Marcos Ruiz (A Coruña)
David Sánchez (El Ejido)
Andrés Mata (Valencia, Venezuela)
Lidia Valentín (Ponferrada)
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kwebtv · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Gran Hotel  -  Antena 3 (Spain)  -  October 4, 2011 - June 25, 2013 / Sky One Arts  -  November 18, 2012 -
Historical Drama (39 episodes)
Running Time:  70 - 80 minutes
Adriana Ozores as Doña Teresa Aldecoa y Alarcón 
Amaia Salamanca as Alicia Alarcón de Olmedo 
Yon González as Julio Olmedo / Julio Espinosa / Julio Molins 
Eloy Azorín as Javier Alarcón Aldecoa 
Fele Martínez as Alfredo Marqués de Vergara 
Manuel de Blas as Benjamín 
Pep Antón Muñoz as Horacio Ayala 
Pedro Alonso as Diego Murquía / Adrián Vera Celande 
Luz Valdenebro as Sofía Alarcón de Marquéz de Vergara 
Marta Larralde as Belén Martín de Alarcón 
Llorenç González as Andrés Cernuda Alarcón Salinas / Andrés Cernuda Salinas 
Concha Velasco as Ángela Cernuda Salinas
Paula Prendes as Christina Olmedo
Ivan Morales as Sebastian
Alejandro Cano as Pascual
Antonio Reyes as Hernando
Dion Cordoba as Mateo
Raquel Sierra as Natalia
Megan Montaner as Maite
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montysworld · 3 years
KAWALA -- JESSE C’MON from Nadia Khairat Gómez on Vimeo.
KAWALA -- JESSE C’MON a music video directed by NYSU Produced by COMMON PEOPLE & GARAGE FILMS
Executive Producers - RAMY DANCE, FERMÍN VILANOVA Producers - JAKE RIVER PARKER, PATRICIA PUCHOL Production Manager - NATALIA GARCÍA RUF Director’s Assistant - ANA BELTRÁN
Commissioner - Connie Mead LasBandas - Andy Roberts EMI - Luke Smith Band Management - Hide Whone
UK Unit Exec Producer - Ramy Dance, Tony Roberts Producer - Heba Elgamal DOP - Thomas English AC - Kai Newton Gaffer - Amarjeet Singh Spark - Stanislaw Proszowski Runner - Kyra Morrison Art director - Soo Young Head Model build - Willie Nash
0 notes
unpensadoranonimo · 3 years
Opiniones sobre política española (23/5/2021)
10 años del 15M: los indignados ganaron varias partidas - Fernando Berlín
15M, el legado irreversible - Pilar Velasco
15-M y Podemos: hijos del 'régimen del 78' - Antonio Casado
Aniversario del 15-M, 10 años de nada - Javier Caraballo
Ante el inminente #Decretazo sobre copyright - Simona Levi
Antes mora que roja - Antonio Avendaño
Aquel 15M - Raquel Martos
Caballo regalado... ganancia de pescadores - Benito Arruñada
Cretinos - Pako Martí
Cuando éramos bonitos - Juan Pablo Colmenarejo
Deberes, ¿sólo para la izquierda? - Javier de Lucas
Del 15-M al 'fachaleco': la década prodigiosa de Pablo Iglesias - Alberto Pérez Giménez
Dónde están diez años después Democracia Real Ya, Juventud sin Futuro y la galaxia de colectivos que llenaron Sol - Álvaro Sánchez Castrillo
Echo en falta al Rey - Miquel Giménez
El 15-M celebra su 10º aniversario sin partidos y con la izquierda protestando por Palestina - Iván Gil
“El 15M mereció la pena”: logros y asignaturas pendientes del movimiento que lo cambió todo - Rubén Rozas
El 'carajal' - Graciano Palomo
El Congreso se traslada al Europarlamento - Graciano Palomo
El futuro verde ya está aquí - Florent Marcellesi
España se merecía a Napoleón, pero se tuvo que conformar con Espartero - Nicolás Bas Martín
Involución - Coral Bravo
Isa, Nacho o María, del 15M a las instituciones: "Las ideas de las plazas se discuten hoy en el Consejo de Ministros" - José Enrique Monrosi
Iván Redondo utiliza 'El País' para saciar su megalomanía - Rubén Arranz
Iván y los argonautas - Karina Sainz Borgo
La carga de los mamelucos - Graciano Palomo
La cultura del aplauso - Cristina Casabón
La cultura post 15M se convierte en un reflejo de las limitaciones del movimiento - Clara Morales
La democracia no es sólo el sufragio universal - Christine Lewis Carroll
La gran decepción - Iván Gil
La legislatura empieza ahora, y de qué manera - Pilar Velasco
La revolución de los malditos roedores - José Alejandro Vara
Las elecciones las pierden los gobiernos - Graciano Palomo
La libertad en campaña - José Luis Feito
Las primarias: una impostura democrática - Francesc de Carreras
Libertad de rebaño - Antoni Cisteró
Maridaje - Santiago Rodríguez
Mutis por el foro: El legado de diez años del 15-M - Ilya U. Topper
No son ‘menas’, son niños perdidos - Marta García Aller
¿Qué queda del 15-M? - El Confidencial digital
¿Qué queda hoy del 15M? - Rubén Rozas
¿Quedan brasas del 15-M? - Graciano Palomo
Saber dejarlo - Quique Peinado
Siendo facha se vive mejor - Miguel Sánchez-Romero
Solo hay un desafío para España 2030 - Juan Manuel López Zafra
"Todas las pulsiones que reivindicaba el 15-M han mutado en un berrinche" - Javier Bocanegra
Un fantasma recorre el mundo: L@s Indignad@s (Reflexión diez años después) - Juan José Tamayo
Una legislatura agotada - César Calderón
¡Viva la Guardia Civil! - Imma Lucas
¿Volverán los indignados? Así se gestaron hace 10 años de Túnez a Wall Street - Giulio Piantadosi
¿Y si invertimos en arte? - John Plassard
Ya no son necesarios - Luis Algorri
0 notes
katian5 · 4 years
Community of Madrid Championship AMCFF 2016 (results)
Results of the Madrid Community Championship AMCFF 2016 pullover muscles worked, an event held on October 16 at the IES Antonio Machado, as well as the Fidel Montero Regional Open .
Junior Fitness Bikini
1. Nerea Pons Guerrero (Free) (3)
2. Natalia Pérez Saldivar (Francisco del Yerro II) (5)
3. María Cinta Aparicio Pérez (Free) (2)
4. Tamara Jiménez Gómez (Totalactivity Team) (4)
5. Imelda Cuellar López (Free) (1)
Bikini Fitness Master
1. Lourdes Brito Laffont (US Fitness System) (7)
2. María Murillo Lorenzo (Be Strong Gym) (14)
3. María Inmaculada Moreno Peña (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (13)
4. Marta Guijarro Rojas (Axs Team) (9)
5. Gheorghita Bran Visan (Totalactivity Team) (10)
6. Irene Ibañez Martin (Abraham Gym) (12)
. Patricia Benítez Forte (Edgar Morilla) (8)
. María del Mar Castillo del Pliego (DM Team) (11)
 Bikini Fitness up to 158cm
1. Jessica Garcia Benavente (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (19)
2. Maria del Mar Amaya Campos (Maxfitnes) (17)
3. Amparo Jorge Alonso (Francisco del Yerro II) (16)
4. Laura Escobar Mascuñano (Totalactivity Team) (15)
5. Jeniffer Johana Peña Rueda (Axs Team) (18)
Bikini Fitness up to 163cm
1. Jessica Viviana Ramírez villa (Francisco del Yerro) (25)
2. Cristina Fraile Herrera (Francisco del Yerro) (23)
3. Elia Babin Contreras (FlexNutrition) (22)
4. Cintia Manzano Jimenez (Be Strong Gym) (20)
5. Jennifer Torres Castellanos (Totalactivity Team)
Bikini Fitness up to 169cm
1. Natalia Banaru Nikolaevna (Francisco del Yerro) (27)
2. Gema María Gómez Rodríguez (Totalactivity Team) (28)
3. Barbará Martín De Lucas (Totalactivity Team) (29)
Fitness bikini plus 169cm
1. Gemma Granados Aguirre (Thor Gym) (31)
2. Diana Alves Rodriguez (Cherokee Sports) (32)
3. Marina Lorenzo Martínez (FC Manuel Manchado) (30)
Absolute Champion Bikini Fitness
Jessica Garcia Benavente (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (19)
Men´s Physique Junior
1. Joel Nogal Fernández (Totalactivity Team) (35)
2. Julio Antonio López Corbacho (Free) (38)
3. Francisco Javier Puerto Mérida (Totalactivity Team) (43)
4. Salvador Reynaldo Hernández Bonilla (GTF (Global Top Fitness)) (36)
5. Erik Diez Gorrochategui (CDE Nova Alcobendas) (46)
6. David Carretero Velasco (Francisco del Yerro) (44)
. Héctor Dionisópulos Sacristán (Totalactivity Team) (37)
. Christian Andrés Brito Reinoso (Totalactivity Team) (39)
. Adrián Álvarez Muñoz (Totalactivity Team) (40)
. Angel of the Blond Lazarus (Free) (41)
. Daniel Bachura Campos (Francisco del Yerro) (42)
. Víctor Domínguez Burguillo (Free) (45)
. Tomas Lanzetti Tortorella (Free) (47)
Men´s Physique Master
1. Sergio Violero Bolaños (Maxfitnes) (52)
2. José Luis Casas Velasco (Francisco del Yerro) (59)
3. Sergio Velasco González (Free) (60)
4. Israel Rodríguez Martínez (Totalactivity Team) (57)
5. José Luis Rivas Rodero (Francisco del Yerro) (53)
6. Félix Carrión Jimeno (Free) (62)
. Dimas Jesús Calle González González (Attitude) (48)
. Juan Antonio Martínez García (Attitude) (49)
. Jean Marc Hurni Hurni (Ironshop Madrid) (50)
. David Gascueña García (Totalactivity Team) (51)
. Veselinov Ganchev Hook (Free) (54)
. Sebastian Jajuga (Essential Gym PSN Team) (55)
. Rafael Jiménez Jiménez (Life Sport Center) (56)
. Miguel Ángel Sanz Sánchez (Totalactivity Team) (58)
. Javier Gómez Francisco (Opera Gym) (61)
Men´s Physique up to 170cm
1. Santiago Hernando Cercadillo (Totalactivity Team) (70)
2. Yonder Javier Machado Padrón (Free) (66)
3. Frank Castellón Coneo (Totalactivity Team) (63)
4. Pablo Patarro Hernández (Attitude) (73)
5. Francisco José del Río Barbao (Free) (67)
6. Javier Domínguez Fernández (Totalactivity Team) (64)
. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Carrasco (Free) (68)
. Diego Marcelo Suárez Palaguachi (Totalactivity Team) (71)
. Rafael Fernández Moreno (Alkida) (72)
. Adrian Aguiar González (Totalactivity Team) (74)
Men´s Physique up to 178cm
1. Cristian Ledesma Ruiz (Life Sport Center) (78)
2. Iliyan Olegov Ivanov (Totalactivity Team) (76)
3. José Javier López Ortega (Francisco del Yerro) (83)
4. Happy Edodo Ogieva (Life Sport Center) (77)
5. Iván Bustos García (Totalactivity Team) (84)
6. Javier Torrijos Mediavilla (Free) (86)
. Manuel de la Morena Blasco (Free) (75)
. Angel Castellote Espinosa (Life Sport Center) (79)
. Ricardo Arenas Asenjo (Totalactivity Team) (80)
. Ernesto Garcia-Monteavaro Cobo (Francisco del Yerro) (81)
. Javier Ortiz Barquilla (Free) (82)
. Ruben Donoso Sanchez (Free) (85)
. Alberto Martin Barbero (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (87)
. Saulo Jorgge Mora (Totalactivity Team) (88)
. David Ramírez Villa (Francisco del Yerro) (89)
. Miguel Catalin Pisica Pisica (Attitude) (90)
Men´s Physique more 178cm
1. Alberto González Gómez (Free) (102)
2. Pablo Gutiérrez Arroyo (Totalactivity Team) (97)
3. José Olmedo Moreno (Free) (101)
4. Carlos García-Soldado Martos (US Fitness System) (99)
5. Terrense Ricardo Paul Vansluytman (Free) (103)
6. Alberto Gil Burgos (Totalactivity Team) (96)
. Manuel Moratinos Saro (Free) (91)
. Carlos Andrade Mancebo (Totalactivity Team) (92)
. David Meis Martín (Life Sport Center) (93)
. José Alberto Gómez Bello (Free) (94)
. David Morales Llopis (Totalactivity Team) (95)
. Fermín Díaz Rodríguez (Francisco del Yerro II) (98)
. Daniel Sánchez Oliva (Francisco del Yerro II) (100)
Absolute Champion Men´s Physique
Cristian Ledesma Ruiz (Life Sport Center) (78)
Men´s Short
1. David Ezequiel Pitton (Barbarian Team Madrid) (115)
2. José María Mete Bueriberi (Francisco del Yerro II) (111)
3. Arturo Mengotti López-Ballesteros (CDE Nova Alcobendas) (108)
4. José Manuel Gil Fernández (Francisco del Yerro) (109)
5. Joaquin Alterachs Sebe (Francisco del Yerro II) (110)
6. Ibán Sánchez Redondo (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid)
. Ángel Luis Moreno De Federico (107)
. Juan Carlos Castillo Algueda (Francisco del Yerro) (112)
. Christian Alberto Bautista Apunte (Francisco del Yerro II) (114)
Bodyfitness Master
1. Nuria Sanchez Martinez (Totalactivity Team) (116)
2. Laura Fernández de Frutos (Nufitness Center) (117)
3. Claudia María Arias Castro (Cherokee Sports) (118)
Bodyfitness up to 163cm
1. Verónica Gutiérrez Redondo (Maxfitnes) (123)
2. Mauri Karina Ramírez Pérez (Maxfitnes) (120)
3. Isabel Mendiola Torrón (Lata Team) (122)
4. Carol Modestita Arevillca Mendoza (Abraham Gym) (121)
5. Carmen María Rejón Ruiz (Francisco del Yerro) (119)
Bodyfitness over 163cm
1. María del Rocío Hernández Gómez (Cherokee Sports) (124)
2. Marina Navas Campaign (Free) (129)
3. Elena Cordero Carvajal (Axs Team) (127)
4. Silvia Tambo Arizcuren (CDE Nova Alcobendas) (125)
5. Esther Bueno Barranquero (Francisco del Yerro) (130)
6. Eva Garcia Martinez (US Fitness System) (126)
. Marión Belisario Serrano (Francisco del Yerro II) (128)
Absolute Bodyfitness Champion
Nuria Sanchez Martinez (Totalactivity Team) (116)
Women´s Physique
1. María Vegas Fernández (Free) (134)
2. Cristina Teigell Zapatero (FC Manuel Manchado) (133)
Classic Bodybuilding Junior
1. Abel García Vaillo (Be Strong Gym) (142)
2. Cristian Fernández Gómez (Alkida) (144)
3. Nahuel Ibañez Caruana (Free) (143)
Classic Bodybuilding Master
1. Eduardo Francisco Redruello Bollo (Lata Team) (141)
2. Miguel Angel Sánchez Escobar (Francisco del Yerro) (140)
3. Roberto Rujas Cimarra (Francisco del Yerro) (137)
4. Miguel Angel Gonzalo Gamero (Yunfit Sport) (136)
5. Jorge Ros Gonzalez (Cherokee Sports) (139)
6. Ignacio González Ruiz (CDE Nova Alcobendas) (135)
. Juan Pedro Cano Morlon (FC Manuel Manchado) (149)
Classic Bodybuilding up to 175cm
1. Héctor García González (Totalactivity Team) (146)
2. David García Sánchez (Francisco del Yerro II) (145)
3. Miguel Pichel Garcia (Yunfit Sport) (150)
4. Javier de Haro Chacón (Francisco del Yerro II) (147)
5. Oscar Alberto Martín Fernández (Free) (138)
6. Omali Daniel Reyes Bobilla (Francisco del Yerro II) (148)
. Carlos Arenas García (Alkida) (151)
. Alberto Esteban Perea (Free) (152)
Classic Bodybuilding up to 180cm
1. Alejandro Esteban Serrano (FlexNutrition) (156)
2. José Luis Lobo Bravo (Lata Team) (158)
3. Raúl Polished Lion Polished Lion (Alkida) (154)
4. Alejandro Martín Ortiz (Totalactivity Team) (155)
5. David Vigo Merino (Maxfitnes) (165)
6. José Ruiz De Nicolás (Lata Team) (157)
. Mario Morales Hurtado (Free) (153)
Classic Bodybuilding more 180cm
1. Víctor Muñoz Teixidó (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (160)
2. Francisco Güeto Pulido (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (161)
3. José Luis Fernández Jaime (Francisco del Yerro) (162)
4. Antonio Gómez Gómez (Free) (164)
5. Angel Fernandez-Mazarambroz Rodríguez-Izdo (CDE Strength and Health) (163)
6. Manuel Iñiguez Conde (Maxfitnes) (159)
Absolute Champion Classic Bodybuilding
Víctor Muñoz Teixidó (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (160)
Junior Bodybuilding
1. Carlos García Oquendo (Cherokee Sports) (171)
2. David López Arribas (Essential Gym PSN Team) (168)
3. Daniel Domínguez Arcas (Free) (169)
4. Carlos Lozano Sánchez (Alkida) (170)
Bodybuilding up to 75kg
1. Julián Prieto Santana (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (178)
2. David Gonzalez Caballero (Free) (173)
3. Ildefonso Barragan Romero (Lata Team) (174)
4. Alexander Christian Weigl Weigl (FlexNutrition) (172)
5. Jose Luis Legazpi Sanchez (Cherokee Sports) (172)
6. Jorge Navarro Bastante (US Fitness System) (179)
. David Sánchez Pintado (FC Manuel Manchado) (176)
. Álvaro Solanilla Araujo (Lata Team) (177)
Bodybuilding up to 85kg
1. Mario Alonso Carnicero (Francisco del Yerro) (186)
2. Antonio Pérez García (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (181)
3. Freddy Villarroel Morin (Free) (182)
4. Carlos Laborda Flores (Free) (180)
5. José Luis Álvaro Guerra (Edgar Morilla) (187)
6. Francisco Navarro Hernández (Free) (185)
. Jesús Pérez Cuesta (Francisco del Yerro II) (183)
. Fran Bohabonay Meha (Alkida) (184)
Bodybuilding plus 85kg
1. Sorin Sandor (Francisco del Yerro) (192)
2. Álvaro Ordoñez González (Maxfitnes) (188)
3. José María Fernández Madrigal (Francisco del Yerro) (193)
4. Mauricio Ruiz Palomo (Attitude) (190)
5. Francisco Moreno García Abadillo (CDE Nova Alcobendas) (191)
6. José Manuel Huete Álvarez (Thor Gym) (189)
. Javier Sánchez De Teresa (Edgar Morilla) (194)
Absolute Bodybuilding Champion
Mario Alonso Carnicero (Francisco del Yerro) (186)
Bikini Fitness
1. Jessica Garcia Benavente (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (19)
2. Jennifer Gómez (Free) (35)
3. Jessica Viviana Ramírez villa (Francisco del Yerro) (25)
4. Nerea Pons Guerrero (Free) (3)
5. Merxe Sanmartín Mogort (Francisco del Yerro) (36)
6. Lourdes Brito Laffont (US Fitness System) (7)
. Natalia Banaru Nikolaevna (Francisco del Yerro) (27)
. Gemma Granados Aguirre (Thor Gym) (31)
. Virginia Sánchez-Oro (CDE Nova Alcobendas) (37)
Men´s Physique
1. Cristian Ledesma Ruiz (Life Sport Center) (78)
2. Aitor Rodríguez Fernández (Axs Team) (34)
3. Joel Nogal Fernández (Totalactivity Team) (35)
4. Alberto González Gómez (Free) (102)
5. Santiago Hernando Cercadillo (Totalactivity Team) (70)
6. Sergio Violero Bolaños (Maxfitnes) (52)
Men´s Short
1. David Ezequiel Pitton (Barbarian Team Madrid) (115)
2. José María Mete Bueriberi (Francisco del Yerro II) (111)
3. Arturo Mengotti López-Ballesteros (CDE Nova Alcobendas) (108)
4. José Manuel Gil Fernández (Francisco del Yerro) (109)
5. Joaquin Alterachs Sebe (Francisco del Yerro II) (110)
6. Ibán Sánchez Redondo (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid)
. Ángel Luis Moreno De Federico (107)
. Juan Carlos Castillo Algueda (Francisco del Yerro) (112)
. Christian Alberto Bautista Apunte (Francisco del Yerro II) (114)
1. Nuria Sanchez Martinez (Totalactivity Team) (116)
2. Immaculate Pelegrin Hernandez (Francisco del Yerro) (38)
3. Purification López Garcinuño (Thor Gym) (39)
4. Verónica Gutiérrez Redondo (Maxfitnes) (123)
5. María del Rocío Hernández Gómez (Cherokee Sports) (124)
Women´s Physique
1. María Vegas Fernández (Free) (134)
2. Cristina Teigell Zapatero (FC Manuel Manchado) (133)
Classic Bodybuilding
1. Juan Fernando Castrejón Gómez (Francisco del Yerro II) (40)
2. Víctor Muñoz Teixidó (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (160)
3. Borja Serna Sierra (Francisco del Yerro) (42)
4. Agustín De Marcos Muñoz (DM Team) (43)
5. Ivan Marcos Sánchez (Lata Team) (41)
6. Eduardo Francisco Redruello Bollo (Lata Team) (141)
. Abel García Vaillo (Be Strong Gym) (142)
. Héctor García González (Totalactivity Team) (146)
. Alejandro Esteban Serrano (FlexNutrition) (156)
1. Mario Alonso Carnicero (Francisco del Yerro) (186)
2. Sorin Sandor (Francisco del Yerro) (192)
3. Luis García Martínez (Francisco del Yerro) (45)
4. Carlos García Oquendo (Cherokee Sports) (171)
5. Julián Prieto Santana (Barbarian Team Madrid Madrid) (178)
0 notes
foroelgrancapitan · 7 years
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FULL STORY=> http://ift.tt/2Dbm0RC Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar. Vol. 6, Núm. 12 (2017) Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar. Vol. 6, Núm. 12 (2017) Arquitectura e instituciones militares: política, cultura y sociedad Las instituciones y la arquitectura militares nunca han constituido realidades al margen de su entorno, sino más bien todo lo contrario: unas veces han sido expresiones de un determinado statu quo y otras veces han contribuido a transformar sociedades, culturas y sistemas políticos. Así pues, las instituciones y la arquitectura militares son un reflejo de ese entorno en que surgen, de la interacción producida por los conflictos entre diferentes comunidades humanas y, por supuesto, de la evolución en los modos de hacer la guerra, a la vez que ponen de manifiesto los esfueroz de los estados y las comunidades por adaptarse a los retos cambiantes de cada época. Tabla de contenidos Dossier Presentación: Arquitectura e instituciones militares. Política, cultura y sociedad Centro de Estudios de la Guerra RUHM PDF Las murallas de Babilonia. Nueva interpretación de una maravilla del mundo antiguo. Juan-Luis Montero Fenollós PDF Sobrevivir en la frontera de la guerra santa: expansión política, cruzadas, explotación ambiental y el asentamiento medieval de colonización de Biała Góra, norte de Polonia Zbigniew Sawicki, Aleksander Pluskowski, Alexander Brown, Monika Badura, Daniel Makowiecki, Lisa-Marie Shillito, Mirosława Zabilska-Kunek, Krish Seetah PDF La instrucción de la oficialidad de infantería y caballería. Las academias militares en los reinados de Fernando VI y Carlos III David A. Abián Cubillo PDF Referencias culturales en la prensa interna de la Academia General Militar durante la Transición (1976-1978) José-Miguel Palacios PDF Estudios Obsessio montis Badonici. Britania ante las invasiones bárbaras: ¿pervivencia o abandono de los modelos del ejército romano tardío? Miguel Pablo Sancho Gómez PDF “Comer caldo aguado con cuchillo…” Organización y logística del Ejército del Midi en la prefectura de Jerez (1810-1812) Jean-Marc Lafon PDF La fuerza militar española en defensa de Pío IX (1848- 1850) Sergio Cañas Díez PDF La participación del régimen franquista en la exposición internacional anticomunista Le bolchevisme contre l´Europe (1942) Antonio César Moreno Cantano PDF Aportación de la experiencia bélica israelí a la teoría estratégica del poder aéreo, 1967-2014 Javier Jordán PDF Traducciones Reconstruyendo el “frente” y la “retaguardia”: experiencias de género y memoria de las guerras alemanas contra Napoleón – Un caso de estudio Karen Hagemann PDF Ensayos bibliográficos Las cruzadas bálticas y del Norte de Europa (1100-1562): la expansión de la Latinitas Antonio Contreras Martín PDF Reseñas David KONSTAN & Peter MEINECK (eds.): Combat trauma and the ancient Greeks, Nueva York, The New Antiquity, 2014, 310 pp., ISBN 978‐1137398857 Adrià Muñoz de la Luz PDF Jeremy ARMSTRONG: War and society in Early Rome: From Warlords to Generals, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016, 332 pp., ISBN: 978‐1107093570 Joan Oller Guzmán PDF Marta COCCOLUTO: Panis Ad milites. L’approvvigionamento dell’esercito romano in Numidia da Augusto ai Severi, Ancona, Edizioni Affinità Elettive, 2014, 193 pp., ISBN: 978‐88‐7326‐7 Pedro Pérez Frutos PDF Ermelindo PORTELA SILVA: El báculo y la ballesta. Diego Gelmírez (c. 1065‐ 1140), Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2017, 380 pp., ISBN: 978‐8415963974 Francisco Javier Pérez Rodriguez PDF Christopher TYERMAN: Cómo organizar una cruzada, Barcelona, Crítica, 2016, 624 pp., ISBN: 9788416771257 Oliver Vergés Pons PDF Richard W. KAEUPER: Medieval Chivalry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016, 447 pp., ISBN: 9780521137959 David Porrinas PDF María LÓPEZ DÍAZ (ed.): Galicia y la instauración de la Monarquía borbónica. Poder, élites y dinámica política, editorial Sílex, Madrid, 2016, 377 pp., ISBN: 978‐84‐7737‐655‐2. Ruben Castro Redondo PDF Leonardo CANCIANI: Frontera, militarización y política armada. La Guardia Nacional de la Provincia de Buenos Aires durante la construcción del Estado Nacional (1852‐1880), La Plata, Asociación Amigos Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, 2017 Jorge Nahuel Vassallo PDF Antoinette BURTON: The Trouble With Empire: Challenges to Modern British Imperialism, Nueva York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 336 pp., ISBN: 978‐0199936601 María Gajate Bajo PDF Brian MURDOCH: German Literature and the First World War: The Anti-War Tradition. Collected Essays by Brian Murdoch, Farnham, 2015, 309 pp., ISBN 9781472452894 Axel Weipert PDF Adam TOOZE: El diluvio. La Gran Guerra y la reconstrucción del orden mundial (1916‐1931), Critica, Barcelona, 2016, 844 pp., ISBN: 978‐ 8498928747 Miguel Ángel Collado Aguilar PDF Miguel Ángel DIONISIO VIVAS: Por Dios y la Patria. El cardenal Gomá y la construcción de la España Nacional, Toledo, Instituto Teológico San Ildefonso, 2015, 440 páginas. ISBN: 978‐84‐15669‐37‐1 Marisa Tezanos Gandarillas PDF Raz SEGAL: Genocide in the Carpathians. War, Social Breakdown, and Mass Violence 1914‐1945, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2016, 211 pp., ISBN: 978‐0‐8047‐9666‐8 Anna Hamling PDF Samuel H. YAMASHITA: Daily Life in Wartime Japan, 1940‐1945, Lawrence, University of Kansas Press, 2015, 256 pp., ISBN: 9780700624621 Aaron William Moore PDF Christian G. DE VITO, Ralf FUTSELAAR, Helen GREVERS (eds.): Incarceration and Regime Change: European Prisons during and after the Second World War, New York, Berghahn Books, 2017, 178 pp., ISBN 978‐1‐78533‐265‐4 Javier Rodrigo PDF Daniele GANSER: Los ejércitos secretos de la OTAN. La operación Gladio y el terrorismo en Europa occidental, Mataró, El Viejo Topo, 2010, 388 pp., ISBN: 978- 8492616527 Javier Lion Bustillo PDF Pierre RAZOUX: The Iran‐Iraq War, Cambridge, Belknap Press, 2015, 688 pp., ISBN: 978‐0674088634 James Bowden PDF Ignacio ÁLVAREZ‐OSSORIO: Siria. Revolución, sectarismo y yihad, Madrid, Los Libros de la Catarata, 2016, 192pp., ISBN: 978‐84‐9097‐235‐9 Rocío Velasco de Castro
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kwebtv · 4 years
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Velvet -  Antena 3  -  February 17, 2014 - December 21, 2016
Drama (55 episodes)
Running Time:  70 episodes
Paula Echevarría as Ana Ribera López de Márquez 
Miguel Ángel Silvestre as Alberto Márquez Navarro 
Aitana Sánchez-Gijón as Blanca Soto Fernández 
Manuela Velasco as Cristina Otegui Mendoza 
Javier Rey as Mateo Ruiz Lagasca 
Marta Hazas as Clara Montesinos Martín de Ruiz 
Cecilia Freire as Margarita "Rita" Montesinos Martín de Infantes
Adrián Lastra as Pedro Infantes
Miriam Giovanelli as Patricia Márquez Campos vda. de Alcocer 
José Sacristán as Emilio López 
Asier Etxeandía as Raúl de la Riva 
Diego Martín as Enrique Otegui Mendoza 
Amaia Salamanca as Barbara de Senilliosa de Otegui 
Peter Vives as Carlos Álvarez 
Llorenç González as Jonás Infantes 
Pastora Vega as Carmen Alcocer vda. de Alcocer 
Francesco Testi as Marco Cafiero 
Concha Velasco as Petra Alcalde Vargas 
Aitor Luna as Humberto Santamaría
4 notes · View notes
unpensadoranonimo · 7 years
Opiniones sobre en caso Canal Isabel II (25/4/2017)
Aguirre se va mintiendo - Buzón de voz (Jesús Maraña)
Aguirre no sabía nada y los niños vienen de París - Escolar.net (Ignacio Escolar)
Aguirre, una ‘fan’ del desmantelamiento del Estado del Bienestar - Enric Sopena
Aguirre y la Tangentópolis española - Mirada Ciudadana (Begoña Villacís)
Corruptos protegidos desde el Gobierno - Escolar.net (Ignacio Escolar)
El día que Ignacio González dejó de salir a cenar - El chivato
El juez Velasco y los “jueces del pueblo” - Jesús Cacho
El triste y solitario final de la 'lideresa' que quiso reinar - Jose Alejandro Vara
Esperanza Aguirre, apoteosis de la mentira - Matacán (Javier Caraballo)
Esperanza Aguirre: la 'Dama de Hierro' cañí quebrada por la corrupción de sus delfines - Ángel Calleja
Esperanza Aguirre, la rubia tonta - Notebook (José Antonio Zarzalejos)
¿Hay alguien honrado ahí? - Nacido en los 50 (José Miguel Moinzón, El Gran Wyoming)
Hoy quiero hablar bien de Esperanza Aguirre - Isaac Rosa
Indra, la extravagancia militar de la ‘Operación Lezo’ - Un paso al frente (Luis Gonzalo Segura)
La dimisión de Esperanza Aguirre decreta el fin de una época en el PP - Andres Gil
La han empujado - Javier Fumero
La falsa, oportunista y tramposa culpa 'in vigilando' de Esperanza Aguirre - Marta Peirano
La 'lideresa' se va - Pilar Santos y Patricia Martín
La semana negra de Nieto, el elegido de Cospedal para ganar en Andalucía - Isabel Morillo
Los hombres de confianza de Esperanza Aguirre: Granados, González, López Viejo... - El Confidencial
Madrid es una cloaca de corrupción - Economista ciudadano (Alejandro Inurrieta)
Por la boca… Dimisiones retardadas - Félix Gallardo
Señora Aguirre, o no tenía luces o no las quería encender ISRA ÁLVAREZ 
Sobre la corrupción - Guillem Martínez
Toc-Toc - Crónicas desde el frente viral (Pablo Pombo)
Un PP en ruinas - Ignacio Aguado
0 notes