#Antena 3
lgbtpopcult · 3 months
Hey Spanish viewers! Sueños de libertad, the new soap of Antena 3 has a lesbian couple brewing. They're Fina and Marta.
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viejospellejos · 5 months
Roban a una reportera de Antena 3 en directo esta mañana:
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andrewckeeper · 5 months
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ferranhumor · 6 months
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robvision · 1 year
For all the moon lovers enjoy ©robvision
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
Reminders: scores go from 1 to 7, and then a 10. Judges do not need to justify their scores.
I usually write this at the end of the post, but it needs to go in here. Before this gala, Jorge and Ana where 3 points ahead of Mariló. Mariló screwed (and not or the first time) her challenge (it was a dancing one like Jorge's and it was pretty noticeable. During her assessment, she cried to the jury, and she also cried when her scores where revealed and this made Santiago use his injustice button and add (he could have deduced, but as he said 'I feel bad abut you, and I don't want to be forced to use later, so I'm gonna use it now') 5 points. Mariló got a 14+5 (19), so Jorge and Anna need at least a 16 (all with the same score) or a 17 to move to the final.
Roberto: I ask for silence to the comrades who already got their scores because we need to settle the doubts, and see who is now out of the podium tonight (10.03.2023). Jorge Lorenzo, come with me
Boris: bravo, bravo (he actually says something like small bravos, but who cares).
Roberto: let's remember, dance over the treadmill. Walking machine, in this case nearly running machine (okay, this is another word pun. Treadmill in Spanish in 'Cinta de caminar' ("walking machine (I know it's not the correct word, but let's use this for now)), but due to the high speed Jorge was using, it was nearly running he says 'Cinta de correr" ("running machine (again, it's not the correct word)). I did my best with those words puns). Let's see how did the jury asses it.
Rosa: mother of God
Boris: ah! Very good, very good
Roberto: that's points that you add, and you have Juan's second highest score, eh?
Boris: yes?
Juan: well, I think it was, to sum it up quickly, we know I don't like to justify my scores, I thought it was a very difficult show/challenge, and very well done. Hence why my score.
Roberto: okay, Jorge? Did you see/are okay with it?
Jorge: no, no, I'm pretty upset (he already knows he is out of the final. Jorge has know his position, a rouge estimation of his scores and his competition scores the whole show, and I'm impressed with that), it's normal, no? As the contest went on, I become more fixed (he means the wanted to always be on top and deliver more) and taking it pretty seriously
Santiago: to me, Jorge,
Jorge: it is...
Santiago: I liked him/it (no sure if he means as a contestant or his challenge) (several times). I'm going to use to injustice button
Roberto: you can't
Boris: again? Yes, si please
Santiago: because I only had one, but if not, I'd give it to you because it's unfair (Waru's comment: this is so unnecessary. It's just rubbing salt on the injury and so tasteless) 4 as you said, you did very well
Jorge: as you said... selling it well (Waru's comment: this is literally what Mariló and Boris had been doing the whole show, sell their under performance and they sometimes ridiculous challenge Jorge is being a little shit with reason). Sell it well and be elegant when you are running blackguards
Santiago/Juan (not sure who): it's more complicated
Jorge: is very difficult. I'm happy
Boris: but you are (??? Not sure what he means. He literally just wants to get into Jorge's pants and be a little shit and an attention whore), you are
Jorge: with all due respect to the contestants, I only think that Jorge Blanco'd do better than me in this challenge precisely7
Boris: aja
Jorge: with all the respect
Boris: well Id' also did/do (not sure if he wants to say he'd do treadmill challenge well or if he means the apnea one)
Jorge: Mariló did an excellent job. I don't have anything against her, but this challenge was difficult and visually unfair, I think (he means that it looks easier than it is). But...
Roberto: well, it's normal, this needed to happen (he doesn't know that Jorge is talking in general with the show, not this gala in particular) and it's okay that they are exposed in here everything not only the ones in their minds, but also un their guts (he means that is okay for them to be rationals, but also passionals). The next one to know ...
This is the 9th gala scores
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And this is the scoring board after the gala
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As you see, the top 4, the ones who move to the final are Ana, Rosa, Laura and Mariló. Jorge got kicked by Mariló thanks to Santiago using the injustice button.
So what will happen in the final? The finalist are teaming up with the loser, meaning each one will do a challenge and the scores will be added in pairs. Contestants choose who they want.
Rosa chose Flo, Ana chose Jorge Blanco, Laura chose Jorge Lorenzo due to Boris insisting he wanted to be with Mariló. And Mariló was left with Boris (they did it in this order).
So next challenge for Jorge: extrem tightrope walking. His points will be added to Laura's one (not sure if the whole season scores or just that gala's).
More to add? Yes. The way it was done, people on Twitter started the rumour that Atresedia, the owner of Antena3 gave the order of wanting Mariló in the final, and the way that the jury scored and how Santiago used his injustice button and how he justify it (I'm using it now before anyone makes me use it) might add up.So this blog now wants Rosa to win the show. I still want Jorge to win the gala and have a good result, but I don't think Ana, Laura or Mariló deserves the win.
Also, Jorge was quiet after getting kicked not making into the final. This is all the rant he did
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dancerinthestorm · 2 years
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figurantesconfrase · 2 years
Lamarr se pone nostálgica y recuerda las series de verano que marcaron su infancia: los fines de semana viendo Los vigilantes de la playa, Hércules Sus viajes legendarios y Xena La princesa guerrera en TVE y los días de diario viendo la telenovela Pasión de gavilanes en Antena 3.
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naoedicoes · 6 months
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Colecção Mutatis-mutandis, #14
Inês Francisco Jacob, autora de SAIR DE CENA (2020), é a convidada desta semana de 'A minha geração', na Antena 3, à conversa com Diana Duarte.
Para ver/ouvir no youtube em https://youtu.be/2FDFjZz3ZAQ?si=HmBlFv8RbVw6JeA4 ou em RTP Play em https://www.rtp.pt/play/p9309/e731780/a-minha-geracao
/// do livro: https://livrosnaoedicoes.tumblr.com/post/620985096897495040/colecção-mutatis-mutandis-14-sair-de-cena
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peliydoritos · 11 months
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viejospellejos · 1 year
¿Batalla Pokemon, efecto espejo o viaje temporal?
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¿Quién entrevista a quién?
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tvthemesongs · 1 year
La casa de papel intro
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laonuba · 1 year
7 minutos de publicidad dijeron
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lauracbreezy · 1 year
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Roberto Leal #Pasapalabra
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dancerinthestorm · 2 years
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sr-roto · 2 years
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