#Marty: I am a Disney princess and I love all animals
thornescratch · 6 months
Help this man is so fucking handsome and so fucking dumb.
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lighthouseas · 17 days
opinions on …. wonder woman (gal gadot, NOT ww1984), the lego movie, princess and the frog (disney), and the back to the future trilogy 🤸
hi wayli my beloved <3333 hmmm...i've never seen wonder woman, gonna be so honest i am Not well versed in superhero esque movies at all </3 as in i have watched exactly 0 of them .
THE LEGO MOVIE MY BELOVED. Favorite. literally in my top 10....top 5 even. a comfort movie of mine that i used to watch Obsessively as a kid. the animation in that movie is just!!!!!! so goddamn cool!!!!!!!!!!! also i love legos. i still have all of my sets sitting in a storage closet upstairs lol....
princess and the frog <3 great great great movie. i have not seen it in a hot minute but my god i love tiana. and naveen. and their love story. they make me a little bit insane. adore them
back to the future trilogy my beloveds....great movies. fantastic, even. marty mcfly the man that you are. i do love how like. ridiculous the movies are. like man yeah let's get in the car and go back in time. also love how this 17 year old kid is friends with an old man scientist. iconic af trilogy fr
ask me about a film
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shithead-123 · 1 year
KOTLc character and if they're a dog/cat person or other animals.
I can't pick 1 character to make posts art so I stay pathetic and do all of them. Stina's in this one now! neither can I stay on prompt so-
Sophie: I think she likes cats more, but dogs are the animal that actually bond and enjoy her company. Marty was the only exception. honestly there should be an AU where Marty joins Sophie and they have adventures together. ily Marty. But Marty hates sophies guts. But not really. we should do Marty POV. and the whole time he's complaining abt sophies stupidity(im sorry Sophie ily girl. Marty's just a meanie). Marty hates iggy too. and Silveny. Marty is filled with rage. Marty will hunt you down. For angst we can do something where Sophie's abt to die from like a stab wound or something. and it' stop deep for Elwin to fix so. she's just bleeding out. and Marty finally lets her pet him. and then he curls up on Sophies dead body and. ok Marty secretly loves Sophie.
Keefe: Bc he's an empath, and bc of his personality in general tbh, all animals like him a lot. He's an animal guy. Marty would love him. wait. Keefe as a horse boy. Stina horse girl. they should bond tbh. Keefe dex and Stina, committing crimes and lowering students confidence with well placed insults. Anyways, his animal, whether dog or cat would be primarily an emotional support animal. Bc He needs something happy in his life. Keefe obvi sneaks the dog/cat into Foxfire w him. bc he's Keefe. Aw the dog/cat sometimes aids in his pranks. Like painted paw prints on the roof of the school is included with one of Keefe's pranks, and no one ones how they got there. bc Marty is my newfound obsession im gonna say that Marty tolerates Keefe, and it's a surprise for him bc generally animals love him. Marty low-key bullies Keefe. idk how a cat would bully an elf. but Marty does it.
Fitz: He's the exact opposite of Sophie. He likes dogs, but cats love him. imagine with me, Marty see's fitz, runs to him, starts scratching shoppe when she tries to take him back from Fitz. Silveny may love Sophie (and Keefe). but sophies childhood pet and companion, the one who has been with her since birth, nah. Marty sneaks into sophies school bag to see Fitz. Marty is the real reason Sophie's so mad at Fitz in Unlocked. She's just jealous that Marty love him more. Also Fitz is a total Disney princess so alllll the woodland creatures congregate at his balcony when he like opens the window. Singing abt how much he loves the sunrise or some shit. And then birds land on his arms and sing in harmony w him. And then Biana socks him with a shoe.
Dex: I am honestly not sure. On one hand, he's super busy & can't take the time to properly give attention to a dog, and in that sense, would prefer a cat. But also he's a Dizznee, and dogs are arguably more hyper and active than cats, which is something he would like & be used to. Or maybe he would like an animal that's calm bc his family is so chaotic....girl idk. I think he's more into smaller animals actually, like guinea pigs, or tomples, or a gremlin. Now that I think abt it. Hasn't dex spent more time with Iggy than Sophie? Girl what if Iggy likes Dex more than Sophie. all her pets are abandoning her! Marty likes that Dex keeps re-dying iggy, bc he hates iggy. So he lets Dex pet him, everyone and a while.
Biana: U know those girls with like the rlly big dogs that they like tell to sit and everyone starts sweating bc for some reason telling a dog to sit is hot????? That's her. She is a dog person all the wayyyy. She goes on walks with her big ass dog and ppl look the other way bc she's Intimidating. She's also Disney princess core tho so, the birds love her too. she's just not annoying abt it like someone else. Marty likes fitz, so by proxy, he sadly has to put up with Biana. Of course, on Marty's long lists of things he hates, are big Dogs. So he kind of runs away from her. He doesn't hate her, but he does fear her.
Stina: I mean, this is redundant but like.....horse girl. Of course we're talking abt dogs and cats, and ik dogs r used to herd sheep and goats n stuff, so maybe dogs would be useful for herding horses/unicorns too? I mean by proxy of her horse girliness, she's a farm girl too. And generally, dog r more useful for that. So she would have a pretty active and veryyy Bark-ey dog. She has a dog whistle. Stina is mean, Marty is mean. They get along. they're chill.
Tam: I mean. W all know he's a cat boy. There's no argument. He would want a quieter animal so he could like read in peace. He doesn't actively look for cats, but like, cats like him, so he keeps a bowl of food outside Tiergan's house (forgot what it's called) and gives them all names. and pets them from time to time. But they're all stray cats, they're not actually his. And Tam is cool w that. So in this vein, Marty likes Tam. He might be Marty's third favorite person.
ok I'm too lazy to do the rest. also I might write a Marty AU now. or I should do Marty rankings.
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atomictiki · 6 years
What other Eighties cartoons were/are you into?
Well now that’s an interesting question. I’ll constrain myself to cartoons that were made in the 80s versus those that were shown ad nauseum in the 80s that I kinda loved (sorry Spider-Man ‘67). Obviously excluding The Mighty Orbots which I assume spawned this question.
Belle & Sebastian
Long before they were a hipster band the original story by Cécile Aubrywas brought to the small screenthrough the anime lens of TOHO animation,Keiji Hayakawa, as a kid I often got it confused with…
Heidi: Girl of the Alps
Again a Japanese produced European story brought to Canada via the Netherlands, I believe Hayao Miyazaki was involved with this one, shown on TVO in my formative years. This may explain my future love for Lupin and Urusei Yatsura.
Astro Boy
The 1980s Astro Boy (Mighty Atom) was legendary for many reasons, mainly because it looked amazing compared to most contemporary shows and also because it had a sort of quaint perspective to it (it was re-telling many of the 1960s plots) it was a very upbeat show but also still very cool. As Marty McFly noted all the best stuff comes from Japan and Astro Boy was one of those things.
If you were a boy in the 80s this was absolutely a show you would watch - it was a force to be reckoned with - nearly unbelievable that they could mess up the move so badly, I blame the movie for destroying the series. Speaking of movies that destroyed your childhood…
Transformers was absolutely massive in 1983/4 like you can’t comprehend how big it was, I kinda get Turtlemania that happened late in the 80s but man Transformers was the shit. It had a following before it had a cartoon, that’s sayin’ something for those days
Consequently Transformers the Movie was nightmare fuel for all us kids who saw every one of our faves destroyed systematically. At the tender age of 9 I gave it a pass because I think I fell in love with Arcee. If you are a giant Princess Leia lookin’ pink robot mom please call me I love u
The Raccoons
Canada struggled for many many years with an identity crisis mainly purported by Ottawa but one of the cartoons that was quintessentially Canadian but didn’t completely reek of the NFB was The Raccoons, On CBC every Sunday before The Magical World of Disney was a little show about a messy, hockey jersey wearing trashbear named Bert (and his friends)
Inspector Gadget
Inspector Gadget was a very trippy show when I think back on it, I mean nobody really questioned his gadgets or his goofy attitude. I wouldn’t understand the references to The Pink Panther or even know who Don Adams was (Get Smart) until much later in life. It was just a constant on Canadian TV especially the first season. Penny who was voiced by the incomparable Cree Summer was the brains behind the decidedly bumbling man. Dr. Claw was one of the most iconic villains ever but not enough is said about the hilarious henchmen “you could take the north      fork      road……. OR you could take the      south          fork         road…) augh good times!
Dennis the Menace
Dennis the Menace was one of those weird cartoons that was absolutely based on an American comic strip, but produced in Japan with an almost certainly European dub… I don’t remember much from that show other than watching it at every opportunity and being somewhat attracted to Alice Mitchell… I can’t explain it and I havne’t seen it on DVD ever after so … I dunno what i would think about it today. I vividly remember the intro sequence though.
Of course the 80s rolled on and things got kinda bleak for a while occasionally they would brighten up for short periods with the odd Garfield special (then later its own series) but then in 1987 the clouds parted and we were graced with…
Mighty Mouse the New Adventures
Now you can absolutely judge the likes of Ralph Bakshi and John K through the lens of history all you want but FINALLY a GOOD cartoon surfaced from the ashes of 80s garbage and was actually FUNNY??? Like honest to god your whole family would laugh at this shit hilarious?? I know plenty of people who gave this show a wide berth but goddamn it was hilarious in 1987 and it still holds up. You think Tiny Toons or Animaniacs was edgy for its time you have no idea. Heck there’s an episode where they take a dump on the crap animation that was bopping around at the same time.
And like everything else good it was cancelled for being too awesome (won’t talk about Pee-Wee’s Playhouse it wasn’t animated but it was around at the same time and given the boot for nonsensical reasons)
The 80s kinda wound down a bit, falling back into the same ol’ formulaic pablum. At this point the only real show was…
Garfield and Friends
It was edgy to the very limited degree it was allowed to be, making fun of mini-malls and disco still being dead but it worked in its very limited zone and at the time I loved it unironically however creeping in the very early hours of the day was…
The Super Mario Brothers Super Show
I used to get up at 6 AM to watch this shit and man it was super worth it, my sister would sneak into my room and we’d watch the show together on the ol’ rabbit ears at the lowest volume the dial would permit. Friday’s were special because that was Legend of Zelda day and despite not having played Zelda yet I totally fell in love with Link, Zelda, Sprite, Ganon and the rest, what a world it was back then. We didn’t get a NES until 1989 and man what a life changer that was. So many good times… eventually it lead into Captain N but that was the 90s. But what else was cookin’ at the time? Oh yeah a little cartoon by the name of …
I had seen the cable edit of Beetejuice on TV so I knew sorta what I was in for but the cartoon was just… really charming and fun. The relationship the characters had together was unforgettable and I still look back at that show with a lot of nostalgia.
Anyway this post is getting long and I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few things I absolutely loved (Wind in the Willows? The Real Ghostbusters? TMNT?) but I should stop before I fall into a coma or something. I highly recommend all these shows TBH
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#JustKeepWriting 1/13/17
Not 15 minutes ago I was planning to go to sleep. Between the ping pong game the medical “professionals” are playing regarding my mother’s well being and my own matters, I have been drained and exhausted. An unrelated note, the death of diets is mothers. I haven’t given up on eating less, but today certainly took a hit.
But no, as I went into my mother’s room to say good night, she read a question of her social media site of choice-Quora, a privately run question and answer site. A single question ignited me, and now I must write on a topic I have before, and likely will again.
“What is a Mary Sue and how do I avoid writing one?”
I sucked in my breath before answering. You see, in my dozen years of dabbling in social circles based on movies, games, and shows I have encountered this term. It has been used to terrify young women who really want to write a character who happens to be extraordinary. Most often it was used to refer to fan created characters who appeared in fan fiction or role play, frequently pairing off with a pre-existing character and potentially changing the course of canon.
I mean not that that it doesn’t make complete sense that a new character of substance could change the course of a history. Because you know what? It really does.
It was usually used as a shaming technique on female writers or writers who created female characters. Often called overpowered, too perfect, too happy, and too tragic and angsty all at the same time.
Over the years, the name calling of Mary Sue has moved to canonical characters, in other words, characters in the main narrative by the same writer as everyone else who do appear in the work. A fresh example was regarding Rey, in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Before that, I remember Xion who appeared in Kingdom Hearts Days. Technically there’s a number in that title, but it was confusing and false advertising so everyone calls it Days. Bella Swan from Twilight and the character that was once literally her in fanfiction, Anastasia Steele from 50 Shades of Grey have both been called it. (Yes, I read it. Will probably continue to for research to further tear it apart and write alternate reality fiction. Who knows, maybe I’ll knock off 50 to expose the dangers and conflict caused by the so called romance).
During the brief questioning regarding Rey, I wrote on my old blog comparing her to Anakin and Luke Skywalker as they appeared in the previous trilogies. Except I did it without identifying any of them until after their scores were in. My scoring methods were simple: did they follow the core components of Wikipedia’s definition, and how high did they score on the Universal Mary Sue Test.
[The mentioned Quiz is found here ]
[The full posts can be found here and here
Shockingly of the three leads, Rey scored the lowest on both counts. She was the most balanced of the characters. Anakin was inching onto the Sue scale. And Luke was no holds barred.
But you know what the funny thing I noticed in my own experiences are?
I have never once heard someone call a male character a Mary Sue. Now, there is a term for it-Gary or Marty Stu. But I have literally never heard it used.
(I mean, there are characters that are just really badly written, but this is about the Mary Sue stigma used to keep female characters demur, weak, and undeveloped.)
Now, the wikipedia intro blurb defines a Mary Sue as:
“An idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or  low rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish fulfillment.”
Author insert aside, because fuck you I have two characters that started that way but both of them and I have diverged and developed completely independent and because I write them well, no one could guess, and most enjoy writing against them in role play.
Idealized and seemingly perfection fictional character, often young or low rank who saves the day through unrealistic abilities.
Literally any and all Jedi could be shoved under this category.
Kingdom Hearts is literally full of lead characters and supporting cast fitting this classification-not to speak of Square Enix and Disney, the parent companies.
One could say Bella qualifies, given her unique resistance to vampire abilities, her teenage status, and how all the boys and girls lobe her.
The same cannot actually be said about her fanfiction counterpart, Ana Steele? I refuse to count 21 as young, she doesn’t save the day through unrealistic abilities, and she is not perfect.
But you know what? By that definite, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, is a Mary Sue. He was a kid from Brooklyn, barely old enough to be drafted, if he had ever qualified. He was poor as dirt, so also of low rank. He has no real character flaws of note, Civil War not withstanding because that’s a separate issue but the narrative still displays him as in the right. And suddenly through the power of science, he becomes a super human and saves the world time and time again.
Or hey kids, how about Batman? Little Bruce Wayne is orphaned, but over the years trains and uses the family fortune profits to run the company, improve Gotham City’s socioeconomic structure, win multiple hearts and minds, and oh yeah, create an arsenal of super advanced and cool tools and weapons with a bat theme, including a car, a super computer, a suit, and a secret lab.
Oh! Aragorn! You know, the Ranger, Strider, Aka, Aragorn, Son of Arathorn, Isulder’s heir from Lord of the Rings? His mother literally died dropping him on the doorstep of the elves in Rivendell. Thus he became a human raised among them, and oh yeah, he’s a Dunedin (not sure how that’s spelled) with super ranger tracking abilities and extra long life expectancy. Not like elf long, but easily topping dwarf or Hobbit. Wins the heart of Arwen, then Eowyn, basically the only two female characters that aren’t Galadirel. Who by the way is Arwen’s aunt so that would be weird. He unites the previously warring peoples of Elves, different nations of man, and even a few hobbits and a dwarf. And I mean like literally the day before he gave King Theodan a pep talk, Rohan was of the mind Gondor could go screw themselves. And the elves had been completely indifferent. Oh, and lets not forget the special chosen prince totally not Excaliber sword he used to summon the army of ghosts that wiped out the entire force attacking Minas Tirith.
Captain Kirk. Even before the reboot, he was mister Captain Perfect Hair. He could do no wrong, and generally had a different lover interest every episode. And oh yeah, he was born in Iowa, pre reboot, a good old country boy.
Lets see, Marvel, DC, Fantasy, Scifi…
I feel like I need anime and video game examples next.
Bleach. An old favorite though some of the final arc decisions-well, let me be honest, the final pairing decisions, left me put off. Anyway. Ichigo Kurosaki is the lead character. Spoilers ahead for anyone not familiar. It turns out he’s a half Shinigami on his father’s side, half Quincy on his mother’s side, and a pinch of Hollow because house Isshin met his mother. Which means all three main races, that DO NOT GET ALONG THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SERIES, he is part of. Even at the beginning of the show, he’s got the ability to see ghosts and spirits, and seems to be able to take on entire gangs on his own. He is a poor boy whose father runs an urgent care clinic, and is guilt stricken constantly about the death of his mother. Which later becomes a major plot point like twice over to give him angst. Once given Shinigami powers, or once his powers awaken, he is an instant bad ass, having more abundant spirit energy then anyone has ever seen. Literally every time a rule is explained in Bleach, you know its purpose is for Ichigo to break that rule. And oh yeah, with the exception of the lesbian and his sisters, literally every female character of note who encounters Ichigo has a a desire or longing for him of some form. Rangiku might be an exception, but I know Rukia, Orihime, Neliel, and Tatsuki all have a thing for him. And yes, he saves all of existence pretty regularly.
Video games are rife with examples of this blatancy. Cloud Strife comes to mind, a well known character from Final Fantasy VII. Multiple unlockable date scenes, boy from the country, tragic story. Low rank, still saves the world with the power of friendship. (TELL ME I’M WRONG). But I will also cite a much older known character.
Mario. Mario of Super Mario Brothers, Mario Party, and Mario Cart. Among many others. He is a plumber, who accidentally found up in the Mushroom Kingdom through the pipes. There he learns he can crush enemies by jumping on them, double in size if he eats the right mushroom, and develop a number of abilities such as pyrokinesis or growing a tail and being able to fly. And of course, he defeats the dragon and saves the princess. Remember: he is a plumber.
Now here’s my point. All of these characters would fulfill the qualifications of a Mary Sue. But none of them have ever been called one. Why not? I assume because they each have a penis. (Except maybe Cloud. I maintain Cloud is a gender fluid female).
There is literally an anime out about a dude who wins everything in one punch. If it was a chick I guarantee it would not have gotten past an episode.
The point I am making here is: most stories feature a hero that starts at a low point of some form, be it tragedy, rank, or age. They may develop a love interest, and eventually save the world through extraordinary means. This is actually a skeleton that can be applied to almost any movie, book, game, or show.
But that doesn’t mean they can’t be enjoyed. I encourage you to keep loving Batman and Captain America and Aragorn, and everyone else I highlighted. What I also encourage is to compare a female character if she wasn’t female to Batman, Superman, Captain America, or Aragorn. You may find Mary Sue falls apart. I know I have.
I have a friend. A chosen sister. We butt heads for a while because I got so paranoid about making overpowered characters, I didn’t like writing with them-even if they weren’t mine. I’ve now realized that’s not the point. If you write a character well, and let the reader or viewer understand that through the narrative, that’s all that matters. Male, female, power level, rank, and number of love interests just don’t matter.
Mary Sue doesn’t matter.
Perhaps I’ll bring back Mary Sue Monday...
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