#Massage in brugge
javedacrystals · 5 months
Ontdek de Wonderen van Yoga Massage, Cupping Massage en Gezichtsbehandelingen bij Javeda
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Ontdek de weldadige effecten van massage in brugge, cupping massage en facials op jouw lichaam en geest bij Javeda. Boek uw behandeling vandaag nog! Bij Javeda nodigen we je uit om de weldadige effecten van yoga massage, cupping massage en facials te ontdekken op zowel je lichaam als je geest. Onze uitgebreide behandelingen zijn ontworpen om je te helpen ontspannen, revitaliseren en je innerlijke balans te herstellen. Boek vandaag nog jouw behandeling en ervaar de helende kracht van Javeda.
Yoga Massage Verlicht Stress en Spanning
Yoga massage combineert de helende principes van traditionele yoga met de therapeutische voordelen van massage. Door middel van zachte stretches, diepe ademhalingstechnieken en gerichte drukpunten, helpt yoga massage om stress en spanning in het lichaam te verlichten. Het resultaat is een diepe staat van ontspanning, waarin je geest tot rust komt en je lichaam zich kan herstellen.
Cupping Massage Stimuleer de Doorbloeding en Verlicht Pijn
Cupping massage is een eeuwenoude techniek die helpt om de doorbloeding te stimuleren en de energiestroom in het lichaam te bevorderen. Door het plaatsen van speciale glazen of siliconen kopjes op de huid en ze vacuüm te trekken, worden spanningen en blokkades in de spieren losgemaakt. Dit kan helpen om pijn en stijfheid te verlichten, en het algemene welzijn te verbeteren.
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Facials: Verzorging voor de Huid en de Ziel
Onze facials zijn niet alleen gericht op het verbeteren van de gezondheid van je huid, maar ook op het voeden van je ziel. Met behulp van natuurlijke ingrediënten en geavanceerde technologieën, worden onzuiverheden verwijderd, de huid gehydrateerd en de teint opgefrist. Tegelijkertijd zorgen ontspannende massagebewegingen ervoor dat stress en spanning worden verminderd, waardoor je huid straalt en je geest zich ontspant.
De Voordelen van Javeda Behandelingen
De behandelingen van Javeda bieden tal van voordelen voor zowel lichaam als geest:
Stressverlichting: Onze behandelingen helpen om stress en spanning in het lichaam te verminderen, waardoor je je ontspannen en verfrist voelt.
Pijnverlichting: Door het stimuleren van de doorbloeding en het losmaken van spierspanningen, kunnen onze massages helpen om pijn en ongemak te verlichten.
Huidverbetering: Onze facials zijn gericht op het verbeteren van de gezondheid en uitstraling van je huid, zodat je kunt genieten van een stralende teint en een jeugdige uitstraling.
Innerlijke Balans: Door de combinatie van ontspannende massagebewegingen en helende technieken, helpen onze behandelingen om je innerlijke balans te herstellen en je algehele welzijn te bevorderen.
Boek Jouw Behandeling bij Javeda
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Klaar om de weldadige effecten van yoga massage, cupping massage en facials te ervaren? Boek vandaag nog jouw behandeling bij Javeda en laat ons je begeleiden op een reis naar ontspanning, herstel en vernieuwing.
Bezoek hier: - https://javedacrystals.com/classes
Adres: Witteleertouwersstraat 58, 8000 Brugge
Bel nu: 0485 52 77 66
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noladyme · 4 years
The Frog Princess. Chapter 9
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She had no wish to be bound down to anyone, but Y/N none the less found herself being dragged across the continent; to marry King Foltest of Temeria.  Instead of pomp and spectacle; she was accompanied by the witcher, Geralt of Rivia. Their travels would bring both monsters, lust, love; and heartache. All sound tracked by an endearing buffoon of a bard, named Jaskier.
TW: Violence, language, sexual themes. Rated M.
After a few days moving north – having followed Calanthes advice – we found ourselves; at Jaskier insistence; at a tavern in a village, by the river of Yaruga. We’d paid our way onto a boat the following morning; that would take us to Brugge; a vassal state north of Cintra.
Enjoying a meal and drinks; I was in a good mood. “The one who sings. So, you named your horse after me?”, Jaskier smiled. “That’s such an honor!”.
I laughed. “Actually, I named it for a young poet; who was hexed by a succubus”, I said.
Geralt chuckled next to me, and squeezed my hand. “That sounds like a story!”, Jaskier proclaimed, and pulled out his small notebook. “Tell me!”.
I bit my cheek from laughing. “He was cursed to walk the meadows; gathering flowers for her; and writing her songs”, I smiled. “He made lovely little frames with pressed flowers and plants”, Geralt grumbled with a smirk. Jaskier’s eyes lit up. “Oh, this is great! Tell me more…”.
Geralt stood up. “Storytime is over. Time to rest”, he grunted. Jaskier nodded and smiled. “Yes, I supposed you two need to go… rest; now”, he said, and wiggled his brows.
It was true. Having ridden for 3 days with the bard tagging along, Geralt and I had not had much time alone. A fact, I’d noted, that had made Geralt even more broody than usual.
With a hand on my lower back; the witcher led me towards one of the small rooms we’d rented for the night. “Right”, Jaskier called to our backs as we walked away. “I’ll just stay here… and drink… alone”. “Keep it dry, Jaskier”, I called back. “We don’t want to get chased out of town, with pitchforks to our backs”. Geralt stifled a laughter next to me.
Closing the door to the small room behind me; I suddenly found myself pushed against it – a very determined witcher attached to my lips. “I thought you’d never finish eating”, he growled; untying my jerkin on the sides; and pulling it over my head. He shoved his knee between my legs; and his hands found my breasts under my shirt – massaging them, and stroking his thumbs over my nipples. “I’ve missed these”, he growled against my neck.
I scratched my nails down his back – frustrated from the lack of access to his skin, through his clothes. “What else did you miss?”, I breathed. He took a hold of my ass; and squeezed it tightly – surely leaving marks. “This…”, he groaned; before moving his hands to my hips; “… and the way your face looks when I make you do this…”.
I gasped; as he pressed down on my hips – holding me firmly to his muscled thigh – moving me back and forth; so that I was riding it. The friction instantly sent sparks through my body; and I felt a blissful expression spread across my face. “There it is”, Geralt smirked; before he leant in to whisper in my ear. “I’m going to make you come like this, little frog. Then, I’m going to take your clothes of; so that I can look at you while I fuck you”. My breath hitched. Geralt groaned; and continued rubbing me back and forth on his thigh; making me completely lose my footing on the floor, from my legs shaking. “I’ve got you”, he chuckled. “You’re not going anywhere”.
I threw my arms around his neck; holding on to him, as my moaning began to turn in to mewls. “Geralt… I can’t…”, I tried. “Yes you can. Let go. I’ve got you”.
He rubbed me back and forth faster; pressing me down even harder. I felt a strange frustration towards the lack of skin to skin contact; but it was soon replaced by a state of utter ecstasy; as the building ball of fire from my core exploded, and I saw stars. I dug my face into Geralts shoulder; and cried out.
My legs gave in; and Geralt caught me in his arms; removing his thigh from between my legs. “Good girl”, he breathed as he held on to me; still hanging from his neck. “Can you stand?”. I nodded slightly; and removed my arms from his neck; allowing him to remove my shirt. He exhaled deeply from the sight of my bare chest. “Something caught your eye?”, I smiled; as I shakingly began unbuttoning my breeches, and sliding them down my legs; removing both them and my boots at once.
Standing naked in front of Geralt; his eyes became fierce – hungry. It was like I was a freshly cooked rabbit, and he hadn’t eaten in a week. It made me chuckle.
I walked up to him, and began playing with the fasteners on his jerkin; making it clear that I wanted it off. He rid himself of it and his shirt; allowing me the view of his broad chest. I looked at him through my lashes, and ran my fingertips down his torso; taking care to trace his nipples as I passed them. His eyes were fiery as he watched me with bated breath.
Letting one finger slide down his stomach; I stopped by the top of his breeches; hooking a finger into the waistband, and pulling him towards the bed. I sat down on the edge of the mattress, and kissed him just below his bellybutton; before I began unbuttoning his breeches; that had grown quite tight in the front “That much?”, I smirked, and put my hand to his hardness over the fabric. I kissed his stomach again, and began tugging at his breeches; putting my open lips on his member over his pants.
Suddenly; Geralt pushed me down on the mattress; and pulled his cock out of its confines. “No more teasing”, he growled, and lowered himself over me; licking once over my folds; before placing himself between my legs; and sinking in to me with a groan. “Fuck, woman”, he hissed. “Have you grown tighter?”. I moaned. “Maybe you’ve just grown larger from having waited so long”, I chuckled. He pushed into me again, with another loud groan.
A while later; I fell asleep draped across his chest – a satisfied smile on both our lips.
We were slowly waking in each other’s arms, when – to no surprise – there was a banging on the door.
Geralt groaned angrily. “And you said you didn’t want children”, I chuckled.
“Geralt, we’re late for the boat!”, Jaskier called. “Shit!”, Geralt snarled; and we both tumbled out of bed to get dressed – almost getting our shirts mixed up in the procedure.
The boat transporting us was even smaller than the one that had taken us from Skellige; but we managed to fit both horses onto it – with Geralt standing between them, sending Bayrd wary eyes. The horse whinnied softly. “Don’t. Even. Think about it”, the witcher snarled. “Be nice to Bayrd”, I said. “I will, when he stops looking at Roach like a bale of hay he wants to dig in to”. I chuckled, and walked up to stand next to my stallion. “Be a good boy, Bayrd”, I whispered; and patted his neck.
Within a short while, we made land just outside Dillingen. “Why didn’t we just take the bridge?” I asked Geralt. “Patrols”, he answered shortly.
We rode east of Dillingen; avoiding the city completely. “We need to avoid large groups of people from here on”, Geralt grumbled. “Zaba. Remember?”. I nodded behind his back. “Yes. But we’re out of the way of Lyria now; what should I say if anyone asks?”. He seemed to ponder my words. “The truth. As much as you can”, he answered. “You’re on your way to Vizima, with your brother, Jaskier; who is performing at the upcoming wedding between Foltest and the lady Y/N”. Jaskier looked at him sincerely. “I don’t think anyone is going to believe that; Geralt. The lady doesn’t look a thing like me”. “Her name is Zaba. And… fine, she’s your… fiancée”. “That’s going to cramp my style”, Jaskier mumbled.
Geralt sighed. “We need to re-saddle. For appearances sake”. He got of Roach, and helped me down. “Move”, he said to Jaskier; gesturing for him to move backwards in Bayrd’s saddle. With a swift move; Geralt lifted me by the waist, and put me in front of Jaskier; my back to his chest. Jaskier grunted slightly “Should have cleaned the pipes…”, he mumbled. “What’s that?”, Geralt snarled. “Nothing!”, Jaskier answered; voice pitched. Geralt saddled back up on Roach. “You know he has superhuman hearing, right?”, I whispered smilingly to the bard. “Shit”, he replied.
Geralt looked back at us. “Jaskier, hold on to her; or you’ll fall of”, he grumbled. “I know how to ride a horse, Geralt”, Jaskier sneered. “Not as well as she does”, the witcher replied.
“Horse or whores, Jaskier?”, I smirked. “Ha, ha. Aren’t you just funny”, Jaskier snorted, and put his hands on my waist; leaving me to hold the reins.
“Let’s go”, Geralt growled, and led us north.
We made good time through the countryside; getting further, faster than we had in the last days. I suspected it was because I was on now Bayrds back, and the one leading him forward, instead of Jaskier. I was most definitely a better rider than the bard – who was clambering on to my waist, like his life depended on it. We were riding hard.
“Can we slow down?”, the bard cried out behind me, as we were descending down a hill. “No”, Geralt replied shortly. “This isn’t a good place for a rest”. “Bollocks”, Jaskier complained behind me, before yelping. “Or, at this point, lack thereof…”.
I sighed. “Geralt, the horses need a rest”, I called to the witcher. “I need a rest”. Geralt slowed down, and let me ride up along side him. “This area isn’t safe”, he grumbled; scouting into the distance. I shook my head. “Brugge is a vasal of Cintra. Won’t it be safe enough to make camp; just a couple of hours?”. Geralt looked at me with sympathetic eyes. “We can rest in the village of Kernow”, he said. “It’s just a few hours northeast of here”. I frowned. “But you said…”. “It’s a small village. Just an inn and the occasional travelling merchant. It’ll be fine”. “An inn?”. Jaskier sounded elated. “Well I think we can make it a few more hours; Zaba, my love”. He patted my hip; but quickly moved his hand when he saw Geralts expression. “Right. Let’s go”, he croaked.
Kernow was as small as Geralt had said. A few tiny cottages were strewn about; clearly having been raised wherever it made sense for the inhabitants to build them. A plump peasant girl was milking a goat when we strode in to town; sending a leering look at Jaskier behind me. “Hello”, I heard him smile. I elbowed him in the ribs. “Darling!”, I cried out. “Yes, dear”, Jaskier coughed.
We hitched the horses under a half roof by the small inn. The air smelled like freshly roasted chicken and good ale; and my mouth was watering from the thought of it. Geralt seemed to want to reach for my hand; but remembered himself; and stepped in front of us, to enter the small building.
A few farmers were sat around tables by the walls. A man with a scar across his face; nodded knowingly at Geralt, and lifted his mug slightly in greeting. Geralt nodded back at the man. I looked at him questioningly. “Harpy”, Geralt muttered. “It was stealing his sheep”. “That’s how you know of this place. You had a contract here”, I said quietly. Geralt grunted. “Not exactly”, he said. “Contracts mean coin. He had none to give”. I gasped in jest. “Did the White Wolf actually do someone a favor, without asking anything in return?”, I jeered. He looked at me from the corner of his eye. “I did you four favors last night”. I smirked. “I seem to remember giving you a couple in return”. He stifled a grin.
We walked up to the table that was serving as a bar; and ordered drinks and food. The barman looked at Jaskier and his lute. “None of the people here have much coin to spare, good bard”, he said. “You’re welcome to sing; but don’t expect much pay”. Jaskier frowned. “I suppose my lute can rest for the night”, he said. “Suit yourself. No skin of my back”, the barman replied. “Dodged an arrow there”, Geralt muttered; and I bit my cheek not to laugh.
“Geralt of Rivia!”, someone called out. Turning to face the man; my face instantly lit up. Mousesack!
“The White Wolf! How are you, old friend?”, Mousesack cried out, taking the witchers hand, and patting his shoulder; before looking at me. “And…”. “Zaba!”, Jaskier interrupted him. “My… lovely fiancée”. Mousesack sent me a knowing look, before letting his eyes fall to the pendant hanging from my neck. “Well, bard; you’ve certainly played over the rim”, he said. “Ah, yes”, Jaskier smiled uncomfortably; and put his arm around my shoulder; pulling me in for an awkward half hug. ”She’s the bane of my existence, this one…”. I slapped his cheek in jest; and put my head on his shoulder. “Oh, Jasky…”, I chirped. Geralt looked ready to throttle the bard. “I’m sure she is”, the wizard mumbled. “Come, join me for a drink!”.
We sat down at a table in the darkest corner we could find. “How did you get here, Mousesack?”, Geralt asked. “Last we heard, you were on your way to Tigg”. Mousesack nodded, and took a swig of his ale. “And I arrived there shortly after you left, it seemed”, he said. “I found Jaskier here balls deep in one of Coodcoodlaks servant girls; and he told me you’d left that morning”.
“Why didn’t you tell us you’d seen him?”, I asked Jaskier, and punched his shoulder. “Ow!”, he said. “I didn’t know it was important!”. Mousesack smiled. “It’s not his fault. I didn’t tell him I needed to see you”. So Mirtha had been right. Mousesack had been searching for me.
Geralt groaned. “I knew your next move would be north; as east is crawling with Nilfgaardian patrols”, the wizard said. “Yes, but how did you get here so soon?”, Geralt asked. “You can’t fly…”. “I can make portals”, Mousesack answered. Geralt groaned, looking suddenly sick to his stomach.
I took a large swig at my own ale. “We went through Birxen”, I said with a low voice. “Met a butcher and his wife who said you were looking for me”. Mousesacks eyes were suddenly serious. “I was, my lady”. “Zaba”, Geralt corrected him. “Zaba, yes”, Mousesack smiled. He seemed deep in thought for a moment. “Ermion…”, I pleaded. “What is it you need to tell me”.
Mousesack sighed; pulling himself back into the moment. “First, tell me how much you know about your upcoming union, and how it came to be”. I clenched my jaw. “I’m supposed to marry Foltest; to make sure he supports Calanthes war against Nilfgaard”, I said, and took a bite of a chicken leg. I sucked my fingers; and looked up at the wizard. “Calanthe already told me I’ve become rough; you don’t have to remind me”.
Mousesack smiled softly. “You’ve always been rough around the edges, girl. Lucky for you, you’re also intelligent and strong”, he said. “You’ll make a good queen”. I rolled my eyes. “What else do you know?”, he asked.
I sighed. “I know that I’m supposed to be a good wife…”, I sneered. “And steer clear of anything that might seem too… witchy”. I sent a look towards Geralt who smirked back. Mousesack narrowed his eyes. “Eist told you to leave behind your vöelve training?”, he asked. “No”, I said, wiping my hands in a piece cloth serving as a napkin. “Thrude did”.
The wizards face contracted into an unreadable expression. “How is Thrude?” Geralt sent him a knowing look. It was almost sympathetic. “She was well a few weeks ago”, I answered. “Good”, Mousesack said quietly. “So, you know nothing else?”. I shook my head tiredly. “No. Just that Geralt is to bring me to Foltest”, I said, my voice hitching slightly.
Mousesack looked from me to the witcher, and back again. “Fucking Eist…”, he growled. “Always bloody secrets. You’d think he’d learnt something from the situation with his stepdaughter”. Geralt grunted. “Mousesack”, I demanded. “What’s going on?”.
He sighed. “Nilfgaard wants you”. I scoffed. “Yes, I know. They want to stop my marriage to Foltest, so he won’t support Cintra”. “It’s more than that, little one”, Mousesack said. “The Usurper wants you for himself. To marry”.
I laughed out loud. “Well, aren’t I the popular one…”. Mousesack looked at me poignantly. “You are”, he said. “Girl, you have not even begun to scratch the surface of what you can do as a sorceress”.
Geralts face dropped; and Jaskier choked on the sip he had just taken from his mug.
“I’m not a sorceress!”, I said. “No, you’re not. Thrude saw to that; at Eists bequest”. I was finding it difficult to breathe. “Thrude… has been there since my birth. She trained me as a vöelve…”.
“She was teaching you to control your powers”, the wizard interrupted. Geralts face was hard, and he wouldn’t meet my eyes. “You knew?”, I scoffed. “I didn’t know, little frog… but I suspected there was something”, he grunted. “I’ve told you as much”.
Mousesack took my hand. “Thrude saw your potential from the moment you opened your eyes, and looked at her”, he said. “She also saw that you’d need help to control that potential, as you would be…”. “Rash. Stubborn…”, Geralt said. “A pain in the arse”, Jaskier said. I kicked his shin under the table.
“You could be dangerous. To yourself and to others”, Mousesack said quietly. “Eist wanted to protect you. He didn’t want you in Aretuza. And he didn’t want you in the hands of someone even worse”.
“Nilfgaard”, I whispered. Mousesack nodded. “The Usurper wants you. Marrying you; he would potentially have a strong sorceress at his side. And – of course – through his blood bond to you, Eist would be forced to halt his support of his wife; and stay neutral in the war. Calanthe would lose both Temeria and Skellige”. The wizards eyes bore into mine. “Innocents would die; and you’d be forced into servitude of a man, who’s much more brute and evil than you can comprehend”.
“I could have just not married anyone”, I grumbled. Mousesack chuckled quietly. “That was never an option, my dear”, he said. “It is your destiny to become a queen; it was written in your stars… I’ve seen it myself”. I frowned. “To Hel with destiny”, I snarled. Geralt snorted. “I wish it was that easy”, Mousesack said. “I came to find you, to make sure you’d understand the importance of this union. You must be queen; but you can’t be queen of Nilfgaard. They would use you in ways, where you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself afterwards”.
Mousesack put a hand on my cheek, and looked down at my chest. “Thrudes mother gave her that on our wedding night”. My chin dropped. “What?”, I breathed. “Thrudes husband is dead…”. Mousesack smiled sadly. “No I’m not”, he said. “But…”. “But you left her”, I interrupted. “She loved you, and you left her”.
Mousesack let go of my hand, shaking his head. “No”, he said softly. “She loved me, and I loved her. But I had to leave for Ban Ard. I needed to learn how to control the chaos in me. So, I became a sorcerer”. My heart dropped. “Wizards halt their aging…”, I said quietly. “And vöelves don’t”, he half smiled. I frowned. “So you didn’t want her because she’d grow old?”. “I’d have her old; gray, deaf and blind”, he chuckled. “Those last two might actually make our relationship easier”. I heard Jaskier sniffle next to me.
Geralt took my hand under the table.
“Thrude told me to go to Ban Ard; and when I came back for her, she sent me away”. Mousesack looked down at his hands. “I loved her with every inch of my being; and I think I always will. But she saw a different future for me… and for herself”. He took my hand again, and looked at me.
Tears welled into my eyes. “Mousie and Tootie. I never knew”. He smiled. “Not many did”. He sent Geralt a look.
“Well!”, Jaskier said; wiping his eyes. “I think this calls for a ballad”. Geralt groaned loudly, as Jaskier walked out on the floor, and began playing.
“The fairer sex, they often call it; but her love’s as unfair as a crook. It steals all my reason; commits every treason, of logic, with naught but a look…”
Mousesack kissed my hand. “Y/N”, he whispered. “Queen of Temeria. I find it difficult to wish health upon your marriage; not because I don’t want you to be happy; but because Foltest is a miserable old cunt, and I hate his guts”. He sighed. “But I wish love and happiness upon your life; regardless…”. He stood up to leave us. “I’m off to the Capital”. I stood up myself, and he embraced me; kissing the top of my head. “Will I see you again?”, I sniffled into his shoulder. He pulled back from me, and held my face in his hands. “I’ll make sure of it, your majesty”, he smiled; before looking at Geralt. “You two are about to break each other’s hearts; I hope you realize that”. Geralt looked down.
Mousesack kissed my forehead and both my cheeks; before walking out the door; leaving us behind.
“But the story is this; she’ll destroy with her sweet kiss. Her sweet kiss…”.
There were no rooms for let in the inn; so, we set up camp a few miles outside Kernow. Jaskier was sleeping soundly next to his lute; mumbling in his sleep. I grabbed a blanket from Bayrds saddle; and draped it over the snoring buffoon.
“You’ll be a good mother”, Geralt said. He was sitting on large rock; working on some herbs for one of his draughts. I chuckled. “Everyone seems to agree that Foltest is sweaty, old, and all round disagreeable. I’m going to try to avoid his bed as much as possible”, I said. I sat down next to him. “Needs more celandine”, I said, nodding at his bowl. Geralt raised a brow at me. “What? I’ve been looking while you’ve made this before”, I smiled.
He handed me the bowl, and I gently continued crushing the herbs he’d been working on. He got some celandine from his satchel; and added it to the mixture; letting me continue the task. “I was right about you being more than you thought”, he said. “I suppose so”, I said. “You won’t have to worry about me dabbling in magic anymore”. He exhaled deeply. “You’re still a human. You haven’t had any real training”, he muttered. “I don’t want you to get hurt”.
I sighed, handing the bowl back to him. “Thrude was always trying to get me to focus on herbs and animals”, I said. “I’ve never been able to see the future or the past – or cast spells…”. “There’s more to magic than spells”, he grunted. “Sometimes it’s just two creatures meeting, and reacting”. He was using my own words back at me.
He went to add the herbs into the boiling water over the fire. “We need to move northeast. If we continue north we’ll get to close to Brookilon Forest”, he said. “I doubt the dryads will give us safe passage…”, I grumbled. Geralt grunted in response. “It will bring us close to the City of Brugge, but…”.
He was interrupted my an arrow landing at his feet.
Geralt ran towards me; kicking Jaskier while passing him. The bard woke with a start; and barely avoided an arrow, by rolling over.
Geralt sprang at me; pushing me down on the ground; and laying himself on top of me to shield me. “Are you hit?”, he demanded. I shook my head fervently.
“Geralt…”, Jaskier called. He was laying on the ground with a knife to his neck; held by a slim woman, dressed in browns and greens. The witcher sniffed the air. “What are you doing so far west; Filavandrel?”.
A blonde tall man – who I recognized as an elf – stepped up to the fire. “There’s a war, witcher”, the elf answered. “We go where we must to further our cause”. Geralt grunted. “Get off the girl; you’re crushing her”, Filivandrel said.
Geralt rolled of me; and the elf gave me his hand to help me stand. “Who are you?”, he asked; his voice neither cold nor warm. I looked at Geralt; who looked to the ground, and stood up himself. “My name is Zaba”, I said as calmly as I could. The elf tilted his head. “You don’t look like a frog”, he said.
I straightened my back. “And who are you?”, I asked. Geralt went to stand next to me. “This is Filivandrel. The king of the elves”.
Thanks for reading.
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- no lady
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sashatrr · 5 years
Breathe with me. Chapter 16b
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Chapter 16a here
Liam and Lina spent  few more days in Antwerp, mostly staying in their suite or visiting different pubs. 
Friday night they checked out and drove to Brugge. 
Next day Lina instantly fell in love with this city. She was charmed by everything. Neat streets, ancient buildings and bridges, white painted carriages pulled by horses, charming cafes all over the streets and small souvenir stores. 
She couldn't resist and bought a few laced tablecloths and napkins. In the end, Brugge was famous  for it. Endless chocolate stores that were selling chocolate in any form, including those that you wouldn't buy for  you kids. 
That part Lina found the most amusing. 
They bought all possible kinds of  chocolate candies, pralines, in Leonidas and some cute looking, but useless for both of them antique bells, ashtrays and candlestick on swap meet. 
Lina tried to stop Liam when he was buying a fifth candlestick but he shrugged it off. 
-We are just shopping for  home - He said adding three 18th century jewelry boxes to the bunch he already picked. 
They spent day in a park. Liam laid a blanket in the grass by the river in a trees shadow. A weather was hot and lots of people came out to get some chill by the water. They spent all day napping, reading books on their phones or lazily talking about everything and anything. 
Only now Liam fully accepted the fact that he was totally in love with Lina. He was terrified and happy at the same time. The connection they formed in New York, was growing stronger with each passing day. 
It was a new level of relationships. Before it was mostly physical attraction that grew only stronger, but at the same time, as they were learning more about each other, Liam was more and more attracted by her personality. 
She was so different from the women he used to be with. They always remembered who were they dating, except of Vivien. With them he always knew that he must give something in return, that they expect favors for their families, sooner or later they will try to take advantage. 
Vivien never asked for anything, never tried to use their relationships or persuade him into anything but also he never had a deep feelings for her. With Lina he always knew, he felt that she wants him for himself, she always saw a man in him, not the crown, money or influence. Now and then she was even snapping at him or treating him just like regular man. He would lie if he said that he isn't enjoying it. 
In a few more days they continued their trip and went to Gent. It was a less impressive city than Antwerp or Brugge. Brugge would always remain  Lina's favorite because of its special atmosphere but she enjoyed Gent as well. The city center was small and cozy. Two days were enough to explore it fully. 
They visited a medieval castle, Gravensteen. It was mostly empty inside so Lina had to use her imagination to picture everything that the voice in headphones was telling about each room and events that took place here during different times. It wasn't the usual boring historical lecture but a funny one. The last room was showing all kinds of executions and the voice was telling her about several examples of it that took place in this castle. Off course, there was also a story of a witch hunt. After visiting a castle, they ate Belgian waffles in the street cafe and returned to the hotel. 
-What do you say if we go to Amsterdam next?-Liam asked at the dinner. 
Lina winced and shook her head. 
-Liam, don't get me wrong, this trip is amazing, I never expected to come here at all but it's overwhelming. I am sure that if we visit one more city, It will all mix up in my head. Actually, it already did. 
-Then what do you say if we spend next two weeks on the beach? - Liam himself was a bit tired of constant change of places and flow of impressions. He already visited most of those places in the past but now, being here with Lina, seeing it with her eyes like for a first time, he felt just as overwhelmed as her. 
-As long as there won't be any tours, I am in. - Lina agreed. - I guess I'll go shopping for bikini tomorrow. 
-Doubt that you will find anything decent here. I suggest we stop in Paris for day or two.-Liam suggested. 
-Really, Liam? - Lina arched an eyebrow chuckling. - Shopping for bikini in Paris? I am sure that I can find something here. 
-I promise you, there will be no tours in Paris unless you will want to see some landmarks.
-You are to much-Lina said giving up. It must be nice to go to Paris for bikini shopping on a whim. That was his life.
Lina was so used to having Liam all for herself, to walking holding hands with him, to shopping together, to eating in street cafes and other things that normal couples enjoyed, that she kept forgetting most of the time who was he. It felt right and natural. Her feelings grew stronger every day but sometimes her inner angel would remind her that what they have is not real, she borrowed her time with him from another woman. The one that was his wife, the one who had to be here with him, the one he had to hold in his arms at nights.Lina was trying to to push those thoughts away but they would return to her more and more often with each passing day. She tried not to think about the future and the time when he would have to leave her behind. Lina wanted to live in this borrowed month forever. 
Day after that dinner, Liam and Lina boarded jet in Brussels Airport and very soon landed in Paris. A flight was really short. 
-Wow, that was fast. - Lina said getting up from her seat.- I didn't even have a time to freak out. 
-You did great-Liam tenderly caressed her cheek and placed a gentle kiss on her lips before to lead her out of the jet to the waiting car. 
Paris was bustling with activity, hordes of tourists on the streets and endless stream of cars.
Their car stopped by a fancy looking four floors building. Liam helped Lina to get out of the car and she stared at the building. 
-We are not staying in the hotel?-she asked surprised. 
-No-Liam replied and rushed her inside. - We should be careful here, I am afraid that even sunglasses won't save me if someone will spot me here. It's one of our family residencies. 
An elevator carried them to the third floor and Liam unlocked a door leading Lina inside. 
Despite a surrounding luxury, Lina found herself calm and not so impressed as she would be just some weeks ago. She was getting used to this lifestyle and it was scaring her. 
It was a two level apartments surrounded by terrace that was opening a breathtaking view on les Champs. Lina and Liam spent the night in another conversation learning more and more about each other, enjoying the view and  two bottles of Chateau Lafite. Nor Liam or Lina wanted to think about what will happen later. He knew that going back to his reality, Palace, Madeline and his duties will be a difficult process but he was pushing those thoughts aside. A life of ruler was demanding from him to sacrifice much of his heart desires but never in his life he felt so helpless  as in the moments when he thought about his life after this so called honeymoon. 
Next morning a car took them to Galeries Lafayette where Liam headed straight to Lafayette Coupole where, despite Lina's protests, they purchased much more than one bikini. 
-Baby, it's ridiculous  to come all the way to the Paris just for one bikini.
They went from one boutique to another leaving each with a few bags and boxes of clothes, shoes, lingerie or accessories. 
Lina felt helpless not wanting to cause a scene or to get into the fight, but decided that time has come for conversation with Liam. 
That night, sitting on the terrace, Lina tried to start it but either Liam didn't want to hear it or simply couldn't understand her feelings about it.
-Lin,there is nothing wrong with shopping. Everyone go shopping. 
Frustrated she stared at Liam. 
-There is a normal shopping and there is a Julia Roberts shopping, Liam. With only difference, I am not a prostitute you hired to escort you. 
Amazed Liam stared back at her. 
-What are you even talking about? I've got no idea and for God's sake, don't ever use that word again. 
-Pretty woman, that's what it is about. - she almost yelled at him. 
-Yes, you are a pretty woman indeed. Does it upset you? - Liam asked leading conversation away from the subject. 
-Unbelievable, you are taking a couch tonight. - Lina growled getting up from a chair. 
-Baby, not to upset you but there are three spare bedrooms here.-Liam chuckled.  
-But you are still sleeping on the couch. - she answered, headed inside and loudly smashed a door shut behind her. 
Thirty minutes later, Liam claimed his place in the bed again much to Lina's pleasure. Her anger faded away approximately five minutes after shutting a bedroom door. She already missed him. 
Following morning it was still dark outside when Liam and Lina woke up, had their morning coffee and headed to airport. It was a long thirteen hours flight, they landed late at night and a car drove them straight to the hotel. 
Liam picked Komandoo Maldives Island Resort
because of secluded villas where he could avoid running into someone he knew or someone who could recognize him. He refused the butler and a chief  services just to be sure that there won't be anyone to leak this information to the press. 
Their villa was facing ocean and straight from their veranda they could get to the private beach. Every night they would take long walks along the shore, sometimes swimming in the ocean and making love. Some days they spent by the pool or inviting spa masseurs for couple massage.
Two weeks flew by very fast. Never in her life Lina was happier than on this island but she felt as time slips through her fingers, every morning she was waking up xmarking one more day from her mental calendar and before any of them was ready, it was time to return to New York. 
The weather back in New York was matching Liam's sullen mood. From the airport they went straight to their new apartments. 
By the door they were met by muscular looking woman in a grey suit. 
Three of them headed to the living room where Liam introduced woman to Lina. 
-Lin, it's Mara. She came here from Cordonia two weeks ago and was studying the city to prepare for her service. 
Mara extended her hand to confused girl. 
Lina shook it and looked up at Liam. 
-A service? What kind of service?- she asked him. 
-Mara will be your driver and assist you with anything you might need but my priority is to make sure that you are safe. 
-Excuse me? - after receiving no further explanation from Liam, she looked at Mara apologetically and grabbed Liam's  wrist pulling him towards bedroom. 
She loudly shut the door behind them and snapped at Liam. 
-Is she going to spy on me? - she yelled at him. - What does it mean? What gives you a right to assign your personal spy to me? - Lina grabbed a pillow from couch and threw it in Liam's  direction.
Reflectively, Liam caught it and threw pillow back on the couch. 
-Whoa, calm down, Lin. Nobody is going to spy on you. I already explained that she is only here to help and protect you. - Liam tried to defend himself. Maybe that was a bad decision but he knew that he won't sleep at nights imagining her being thousands of kilometers away from him all by herself. 
-Protect me from what, Liam? I survived for twenty three years all by myself. I know how to cross the road and use a subway. Why all of sudden I need extra protection? Because I am your mistress? - she spat out a last word. - Did I fall asleep and suddenly woke up in fifty shades of grey? Where is your red room then? 
Liam was struggling to keep up with Lina, he heard that combination of words before but couldn't recall what was that about. 
-What Red room? Which shades? What are you talking about? - he asked trying to sound calm but not defensively. 
-It's a movie, Liam. A kincky billionare falls in love with a simple girl. Only he wasn't married and had more respect for her than you show for me.-Lina stopped herself in time before next words would leave her lips. 
Despite being angry, she knew that some words you could never take back. She didn't want to make any threats, especially since she knew that no power in this world can make her to leave him right now. 
She had no idea how to make him to listen, how to make him to ask her before to make a decision for both of them. For a third time he failed to keep his word and discuss his decisions with her. 
-How am I disrespecting you? I am taking care of you! We already discussed it and you were fine with it! - Liam snapped back. 
-I wasn't fine with it! And we didn't discuss it! You promised me not to decide anything without me before we flew to Europe but it's a second time you are doing it since then. - Lina grabbed a pillow from the couch again and began to beat it on his chest making him to step back with each hit. 
Liam teared a pillow from her hands, threw it on the couch and quickly moved behind Lina. He caught her hands with his, pressed them to her lower belly holding her tight against his body. 
-I apologised, baby. And I promise you that she is not here to spy on you. I will feel better all the way there knowing that you are not alone in New York. - He tried to make Lina to look at it from his point of view. 
-I am not alone, Liam. I have my family and Nicci. I'll be all right. I don't want your spies here with me. - she began to calm down a bit. 
-That's our first. - Liam chuckled into her hair. 
-First what? - Lina asked. 
-First fight, off course.-Liam beamed all proud of himself. 
-First of many if you won't stop this. I refuse to be followed by your spy, call her whatever you like. 
Liam felt that storm has passed and led Lina back to the living room. 
-Mara, from this moment on you will be taking orders only from Lina. You can not… spy on her-he shot Lina a look-and you can't give me any information without her consent. 
-Understood, sire. - Mara nodded. 
-You can go now.-Liam dismissed her and waited till she walked down the hall and disappeared from a view. 
-Are you feeling better now? - he asked Lina. 
-No, mister Grey. - she replied with sarcasm in her voice.-Bit it's a start. Just know now that if you misbehave, I will send Mara after you. - she chuckled. 
Rest of the day flew by like one second. Their fight was quickly forgotten. Both knew that it will be their last night together until Liam could find a time for another visit. 
Next morning after breakfast Liam changed from his jeans, that became his casual clothes during past month, into suit. Sad Lina was watching him, following his every move with her gaze. Her heart was bleeding. She couldn't imagine how can she live without his constant presence in her life now. The future looked grey, rainy and depressing without him. 
Liam kept a blank face but his emotions and thoughts were similar to Lina's. He only hoped that he can dive into the work to survive those first days until he learns to live without her again. He hoped that it will become easier with each passing day but deep inside he knew that it won't. 
Lina walked him to appartments door and rose on her tiptoes to give him a lingering kiss on the lips. 
-I am bad at saying good bye. I'll miss you. - she said swallowing back tears.
 -I will come as soon as I can, I promise. I'll miss you too, baby. Take care of yourself. I… - he stopped himself before he would add anything else and pulled her into tight embrace. After a few long minutes they parted and Liam walked out of the door. 
Next chapter
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annaclaireagency · 3 years
Finding Elite Brussels Companions
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If you're looking for an upscale escort in Brussels, it's possible to find one. The city is known for its high-class, independent escorts. These escorts can take you to museums, Sonian Forest, and more. Many of them have local knowledge, which means they can spend a great deal of time with you. These escorts are often referred to as VIPs.
The search bar on this site isn't very detailed, but it will give you the basics. The site lists over 250 escorts in Brussels. Although it isn't an escort directory, its descriptions of escorts in the city are comprehensive. These escorts are discreet and professional. Their rates range from EUR120 to EUR180 for 30 minutes of massage service.
Some elite Brussels escorts work for a reputable escort agency like https://annaclaire.net/brussels-escort, while others are independent. A few of these ladies work as independent escorts in strip clubs, brothels, and lap-dance bars. They can also be contacted for out-of-town services, but their profiles don't include rates. For an hour-long massage, the starting rate was EUR120-180. There are also many call girl services in Brussels. Some escorts will come to your hotel room, or you can arrange an appointment with them.
If you're looking for an escort in Brussels, you can find an elite escort by visiting a website that provides details on a number of escorts in the city. While it's not an escort directory, the website provides information on over 250 escorts in the city, including their prices and services. A few other websites also have direct contact numbers and reviews from punters.
Whether you're looking for an escort in Brussels, you can be assured that the experience will be a memorable one. By hiring an escort, you'll be given access to the city's most famous sites and attractions. In addition, the escorts are also able to show you the hidden gems in the city. With an escort, you're sure to enjoy a wonderful time in the heart of Belgium.
Having an escort with you is a great idea for those who are traveling on business. It's easy to make friends in the city with a renowned escort, and the escort will make you feel like royalty. They'll also show you the best places and landmarks in the city. You'll enjoy the time you spend with your escort in Brussels.
Elite Brussels escorts are a must for businessmen. Their gorgeous beauty and classy demeanor will ensure that your trip to Brussels is memorable. You'll be a celebrity and your escort will look like a rock star. In fact, you'll feel more comfortable and confident with your escort, and will be surprised at the end of your experience.
A Brussels escort can be a great addition to your trip. If you're traveling for business, it is essential to choose an escort who has years of experience. If you're traveling for pleasure, then you can choose the escort who has the right personality for you. If you're planning a trip to Brussels, you'll want to make sure that your escort is a true professional.
Your escort will show you the city's top attractions and hidden treasures. These escorts are experienced and will answer all of your questions in a professional manner. In addition, they'll be able to give you a tour of the city without you feeling embarrassed. While you're in Brussels, escort girls are available in Brussels to provide a high-class experience.
There are many options for booking an escort in Brussels. The most popular escort directory in Belgium is De Clic. You can book your escort online and even Skype chat with the girls to make the most of your time. There are over 600 models listed on this website. Select the one that suits your preferences and budget. You can also find a local escort if you're looking for a high-class, sophisticated escort.
You can find an escort in Brussels through an escort site. You can find a Brussels escort in Antwerp, Brugge, Kortrijk, and Liege. A good escort girl will make your trip an unforgettable experience. A Belgian escort will help you explore the city's many attractions in a comfortable manner.
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Hotel Globus in Milano Marittima, Italy (Europe). The best of Hotel Globus in Milano Marittima Hotel. Welcome to Hotel Globus in Milano Marittima, Italy (Europe). The best of Hotel Globus in Milano Marittima. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN General services in the accommodation include wifi available in all areas. table tennis and beach. In the bar section we will be able to enjoy kid meals, room service, restaurant, bar and breakfast options. For your rest the establishment includes swimming pool, spa and wellness centre, spa facilities, hammam, heated pool, pool/beach towels, indoor pool (seasonal), sauna, massage chair, kids' pool, outdoor pool, shallow end, fitness centre and private beach area. In relation to the transfer we will find airport shuttle and airport shuttle (additional charge). For the reception services we can find luggage storage and 24-hour front desk. Within the common areas you can enjoy sun terrace, outdoor furniture, garden and terrace and shared lounge/tv area. For family leisure we will have indoor play area and kids' outdoor play equipment. The cleaning of facilities include laundry. If you stay for business matters in the establishment, you will have meeting/banquet facilities. We can highlight other possibilities as non-smoking rooms, lift, soundproof rooms, air conditioning, heating and facilities for disabled guests [https://youtu.be/L0cezI8b-vo] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2ANKmmY You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2vnybYT We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hotel Globus Other hotels in Milano Marittima Hotel Torremaura https://youtu.be/PNl4dtq67I8 Palace Hotel https://youtu.be/D6psbt8VNe0 Hotel Premier & Suites - Premier Resort https://youtu.be/f4fjtgS3yWA Hotel Alexander https://youtu.be/mmg_CWFvQF0 Hotel Mazzanti https://youtu.be/bp9eGBrgi3w MarePineta Resort https://youtu.be/cnDjIa85N4c Hotel Waldorf- Premier Resort https://youtu.be/RXXUnQiv32Q Other hotels in this channel Vencia Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/TpUWZ_5JB_Y StayWell Hotels https://youtu.be/2ht5PJkQ33w Ferienresidence Vital https://youtu.be/CfZ4T0Sdkbw BYD Lofts Boutique Hotel & Serviced Apartments https://youtu.be/Y72ToU_dI18 Ananthaya Beach https://youtu.be/wztxvHlXtCY Le Medina Essaouira Hotel Thalassa sea & spa, MGallery collection https://youtu.be/C2uhqcI_bsk H4 Hotel München Messe https://youtu.be/0qwLJwTaJ7Q Universal Hotel Bikini https://youtu.be/SznB-K2BxT8 Swiss Diamond Hotel Prishtina https://youtu.be/GNnV6eOJNoY Hotel Nou Hostalet https://youtu.be/9N8dU_4py44 Caritas Oswald Cheung International House https://youtu.be/_SCgtZsqhpc Sanya Marriott Yalong Bay Resort & Spa https://youtu.be/5shzH2WP38g BSEA Cancun Plaza Hotel https://youtu.be/2sWq6CfUgb8 Graf Orlov Hotel https://youtu.be/N9SngbBoNQQ Brugge Parkhotel https://youtu.be/w-p5s8KI4dU In Milano Marittima we recommended to visit In the Italy you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Basilica San Vitale, Basilica di San Francesco, Ravenna, Mausoleo di Galla Placidia, Residence La Reunion, Color King Marte Village, Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Santa Maria Foris and Cioccolatitaliani. We also recommend that you do not miss Porto Canale, Tamo Museo del Mosaico, Battistero Neoniano (Battistero degli Ortodossi), Museo della Marineria, Piazza delle Conserve, Biblioteca Malatestiana, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hotel Globus and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Italy based in Hotel Globus Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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71- and what was ur fave thing about each of them? and for the us, can you do states??
71: Countries you’ve visited?
United States
PennsylvaniaI love the fact that in PA, you just can’t escape the trees. The forest is everywhere. Deal with it.
New YorkI’ve only been to New York a couple of times, and each of those times was to the Big Apple. My favorite thing about NYC I think is how no one bats an eye your way. No one asks questions, and it’s kind of great. (That’s the image I got anyway).
New JerseyNew Jersey is kind of one of those layover states for me- a place that I’m only passing through to get somewhere else. But I did have the chance to stay at my roommate’s house when we were getting ready to head to Newark to fly to London. She’s the granddaughter of some really rich dude- Her house is big enough to fit my entire village in, no lie. She took us to her local mall, and I was faced with the blooming reality that there are actually people out there that can spend $3785 on a single pair of shoes and not bat an eye. She is among those. But she also now knows how to thrift shop like a boss, and I think we really balanced each other out in that end.
MarylandI’ve only driven through Maryland, sadly. But as it stands now, my favorite part is probably that it’s the state where one of my homies lives. Oh! And the Baltimore Barnes and Noble! They had a kickass train set in their children’s section, and I spent a good portion of my afternoon there. Got a full set of Shakespeare there~
VirginiaI’ve been to Virginia once in my life, and that was for my high school senior class trip. We hit up Busch Gardens (where I rode my first upside down roller coaster ever), Virginia Beach (my first time seeing the ocean, where I decided to run as far in as physically possible while wearing jeans and all my outer layers), and Norfolk (where I and my best friend hopped aboard a wedding cruise, were mistaken as wedding guests, and basically completely avoided our classmates as we danced with the wedding party and shared stories under the stars with the bridesmaids.) For Virginia- it was the memories. Good, good memories. But mostly Busch Gardens. I love the way that park is set up; each section is based off another country. Highly recommend the pretzels in their Germany, by the way. And check out the Loch Ness Monster- it goes into a tower and- Yes. Terrifying. Love it.
United Kingdom
EnglandMy beautiful, precious England. Lived in the centre of Westminster for about six months, and I had never been happier. I did get to visit a few places outside of London- Rochester, Nottingham, Sherwood, Bath, Dover, Canterbury, Stonehenge- but not as many as I would have liked. For England as a whole, I adored how easy it was to travel around the country- the public transportation there is leagues beyond anything the US could hope to find within the next decade. As for London- I feel I’m a bit more of an expert on this from living there. London- Despite being one of the bigger cities in the world, it never felt crowded? I only was overwhelmed by the size in my first week (then I explored a bit and realised it’s honestly one of the easiest cities I’ve ever had to navigate), My favorite part about England was that, no matter where I was in the country, despite being completely different soil (sometimes brick red, sometimes white chalk), it always felt like I was home. I’ve never fallen in love with a human, but the emotions I feel in regards to London- I find it’s comparible. I didn’t want to leave. I’ve been stateside for over 2 years now, and every day my heart still pangs in longing for the Belgian waffles outside Baker Street station, the roasted chestnuts that are floating around between Tate Modern and the Millenium Bridge, the annoying voice of the lady at Charing Cross always reminding you to “mind the gap,” the houseboats of the Romani in Regent’s canal, Little Venice, the way the hot cocoa from Pret a Manger is so rich that it just melts in your mouth, the peppercorn sauce from Garfunkle’s, the secret gardens in Regent’s Park, the divine massages that come with every new hair style, the salt in the air, the brilliant colours alligning the Queen’s Walk (whether you’re heading towards Southwark or Victoria), and the constant, spontaneous hailstorms that go totally vertical if you’re on Westiminster Bridge.London- London was honestly a dream come true, and as the real world creeps ever closer, I’m becoming more resigned to never having the opportunity to go there again.
ScotlandI only got to spend a couple of days in Aberdeen. We three (my roommate, her boyfriend, and myself) were going to visit Edinborough, but after comparing costs, we realised it was way cheaper to rent an apartment in the coastal city than it was to rent individual beds in the latter. We explored the coast, found a mall, saw a film, I flirted with a cop, befriended a couple of cats, discovered an abandoned castle- Scotland was the most peaceful place I have ever been. I would be entirely content with a small flat somewhere in Aberdeen- The library was very much like one in one of our coal towns, the theatre is active, the shopping district is lively, Primark of course has wonderful selections, and there is a lovely deli/cafe hidden away that makes the best homemade lollis I have ever tasted.
I think I would have enjoyed France a lot more if I hadn’t gone in the spring. As it was, I visited Paris (and Versailles!) during my Easter Break, and for the first two days, I was extremely disappointed. Paris itself is amazing; the food at any pop-up stand is to die for (totally recommend the Croque Monsieur served at the open-air stands in Jardins de Tuileries!), you can buy really fucking good wine at any grocery store for less than 10 quid, and there are little secret nooks and crannies you would never expect. However, the city itself smells like shit, and the homeless population is almost overwhelming. It was by far not the cleanest city I toured while in Europe, but it was definitely the… There is gold in most of the buildings, and a certain romanticism that is purely French in itself. My third day, the sun was out, and I did most of my exploration then. If you abandon the Metro, you’ll find gold (literally). You just have to… Learn to ignore the negatives and appreciate the positives. Perhaps one day I’ll return, and give her another chance. When that happens, I’ll take someone with me.
Belgium was quiet, there were swans everywhere, I met at least four cats in each of the three cities I explored, and it’s the perfect blend of Germanic architecture and French linguistics to make my heart skip a beat. In Ypres, I found some really cool looking in-ground huts, and a giant wooden cat sculpture in the town square (all cobblestones, by the way). My afternoon was complete when I saw a tractor just roll on through the main streets like it was a normal thing. In Oostende, I was nearly blown into the sea by a squall and found the most romantic little park I’ve ever come across. In Brugge, I danced with an older gentleman playing an accordian, sampled more chocolate than should be tolerated, threw a bottle of beer at a party I wasn’t even invited to, and accidentally found a thrift store and befriended the elderly couple who managed it. I also purchased a watercolor from a local artist and his fiance, both of whom I’m still penpals with to this day. Belgium was quiet, peaceful, and perhaps the most genuinely friendly of countries I’ve wandered.
Another in which I went with my roomie and her boyfriend. We stayed in Amsterdam, and oooh boy there were some moments. At one store, I was mistaken for a local and had a gentleman start talking to me in Dutch. We toured the Jewish Historical Museum; it was the first time I had seen my roomie brought to tears simply by being in a room. There was a carnival in the Red Light District, and we bought a cotton candy that was bigger than our three heads combined. I loved Amsterdam because it was probably one of the most laid-back, cleanest places I have ever seen.
Spent my birthday in Rome, took a train to Venice. Rome is easily walkable, but be warned that it’s mostly cobblestones and there are a lot of hilly spots; don’t wear shoes you haven’t broken in yet, no matter how cute they are. Don’t take pictures with the guys dressed up; they’ll try to charge you about 5 quid per photo. If you’re craving pizza, there is a tiny, almost invisible pizzeria just across the road from the Spanish Steps. Buy yourself a whole pie; it’s worth the 8 quid. I liked Rome for the mere fact that it felt like a foreign city. It had distinctly contemporary aspects to it, but the orange trees, the heat, the dry air- that was all a new experience for me. I honestly wish I had been there for more than a day. As for Venice- we (my roomie’s bf and me- We scored a deal on Groupon for flights, hotes, train ride for Rome and Venice for two, and we met up with my roomie in Venice with her folks, who had taken her to Florence and Naples) splurged on 1 euro gelato, the best damn apples I have ever found, really bad films- That was just the first night. Our train ride had us sitting across two glorious lads from Brighton- I don’t think they actually had any luggage; their sacks were filled with at least five bottles of wine and half the breakfast buffet. The second day in Venice, we toured the city, moved from our hotel to a private apartment that my roomie’s parents rented, and I discovered the joys of premade toast with nutella, Italian bridal showers, and befriending the local fishermen. The food, the culture, the drinks- well, the wine. I will never do limoncello again in this lifetime. The absynthe in Paris was leagues better, and that’s saying something.- Venice is- There’s something almost mystical about the place. The water trickles all around you, and the wind whispers in old dusty walls. It’s a complete maze, and some corners you turn into have no ending, no life. And’s almost completely walking, which only adds to the whimsy. I- Venice was magical, and I hope I can return to explore on my own before she succumbs to the sea.
Vatican City
Stopped by while in Rome, and I was super disappointed by the hellishly long queue waiting to go into the Chapel. My traveling buddy and I instead opted to explore the mini city within the tiny nation. We found the ATM that has Latin as an option, and played a small round of catch with a young Swiss boy who was there with his grandparents. I feel bad as I don’t really have much feedback on Vatican City, but I can say at least the exterior architecture is ace.
Oh Spain. Where to begin? Barcelona houses the best gelato out of all the cities I toured (with a small exception to the Gelati Leche I found in Rome, but it still dominates in Vanilla and Chocolate.) The beach is wonderful, the waters were so blue it was almost like looking at the sky again. Our Irish buddy was with us, and it was the first time someone taunted me enough to swim out into the sea deep enough that I could no longer touch the bottom. Again, I always underestimate how much I like being in water, so I didn’t pack a change of clothes that first day. We did do some exploring and some shopping, but the best part after the hours spent on the beach was finding an Italian restaurant that was playing Spice Girls’ music videos in the background, while the owners spoke in French. Spain was the last trip I did while abroad, and the flight home was to Finals Week, and my last week in London. Our flight home brought with it the sunrise over France, knowledge that I was coming to a new chapter of my life, one I still haven’t written yet. But the greatest and most transformative moment came after we had returned.Traffic was fucking shite man. I didn’t get back to school until about halfway through my one history final, so late that I didn’t even go to my room. I hauled ass in with my big backpack, my notes in my free hand, panic written on my face, desperation in my words. Unofrtunately, the professor could not by contract allow me to take the exam. However, in a private meeting later, he asked me to confide what grade I needed to earn full credits back in the States. On account of my earlier performance, he gave me the grade, assured me that I “would have gotten an A anyway; I know you know your history,” and only gave me a brief chiding on poorly timed scheduling.Somehow though, I didn’t mind. I should have been more upset about missing an exam- a Final, no less!- but in comparison to everything I had done that weekend-Spain taught me that sometimes in life, there will be conflicting paths. Both will give you an opportunity, but it’s up to you to decide which one to take. I chose the path that gave me more stories to tell, gave me memories of soft sand and amazing french fries and complimenting strangers over breakfast, gave me a hat and a hand-painted fan that I couldn’t have found anywhere else. I chose to follow my heart, and while I may not have gained the A I wanted for that module, I earned something that can never be replaced.Spain taught me that life is short, and while there are goals you will want to reach, don’t push aside those chances to live a little.In The EndI miss traveling. I want to see more of the US, I want to visit friends and family in Ukraine, Phillipines, Louisiana, Madagascar, Russia, Germany, and Brazil. But for now, I’m here. For now, I’m bettering myself in the small ways. The world is so much bigger and far more wonderful than you could even begin to imagine. I may never see Nepal or Alaska, I might never get a chance to explore the Amazon or wander Kenya. But what I can do is keep collecting each memory, every moment, keep it all close to my heart. Because those little moments?
Those are what make the adventure truly amazing.
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fumbliesthots · 5 years
2019 - Year in Review
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Hello, tumblr journal, long time no see. While you were away I was having rendezvous with 2 other journals - Notion (for work thoughts) and my exercise book (for personal mundane reflections). But you probably already guessed it.
But you see, I always will come back to you because we made a pact to see each other at least twice a year, isn’t it? On June 19 and Dec 31.
So you would like to interview me about what I’ve been up to this year? Oh how kind! There are quite few people in this world is interested in little old me, hee.
1. What are your favourite memories this year?
Tele and phone calls from Jappu. Janchan and I have grown in our friendship this year surprisingly despite her being away for such a long time. I have learnt that long distance friendship is kinda fun (in fact when she was coming back home I was even a bit upset)!
Travelling with Jessi laoniang is always a treat. She is entertaining in her unassuming and authentic ways and I enjoy her cheerful company.
The monthly Kampung Sketching sessions. It’s really cool to see Lingsan overcome her fear of hosting events and now she is a pro. And to see people coming to the kampung for the first time and drawings of the kampung in so many different interesting angles.
2. What trips have you made this year and what were some highlights?
i) Prague work trip with Lulu and Claire - Snow sledding in the mountains, and going to a Czech police station to report a scam, hanging out with chor and gary after work.
ii) New Zealand with the family - Breathtaking mountain views, hiking in the rain in full gear, and skydiving over the glaciers.
iii) Beijing IXDC trip with Jess - The making of our fried chicken MV was so much fun! And eating 小龙虾,鸭脖 and beer at midnight at the hostel corridor.
iv) Boxmeer/Prague/Bruges - Business trip by myself for the first time was kinda liberating, and also getting to visit Eos in Brugge again.
v) BKK UX Savvy trip with the team - boring conference but awesome company. 5am clubbu gymmy and brekki with meowchan.
vi) JB with Lulu and Jan - making up silly animal stories, shiok Thai massage, being tickled at their new hair transformations, and interesting Grab/JB customs adventure to end it off.
3. What is the biggest change you noticed about yourself this year?
I noticed ever since taking on this role in Design Operations, I started to come out of my shell a bit more, wanting to take care of my colleagues and doing things to make sure they are happy at work. Despite being an introvert, I realised I enjoy socialising with people and making people feel comfortable. And i have also become a bit more assertive and confident in things that I believe are right to do.
4. What was the biggest challenge you had to face this year?
Politics at work busted my idealistic bubble. I was a bit upset when I heard stories of people fighting and competing with each other... just for promotion, raises and recognition. Isn’t it ridiculous? But perhaps to survive in the corporate world I have to just do my best and accept that this is normal but try not to get sucked into all the negativity.
Just stay on course, remember what you are here for - to help people solve their problems, and give it your all! Ego is the enemy.
I also learnt that sometimes my happy-go-lucky attitude doesn’t work well on everyone, and might even offend people who takes things very seriously. I need to be careful about that. But it is a tough habit to kick, because sometimes I can get slightly antsy when someone around me is in a bad mood and I don’t know why, and I would want to do something to neutralise that mood.
5. Read any good books?
Ever since I got Libby, I have been devouring new books every month, and I am learning so much! The most impactful to me this year is probably The Power Of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath. And the second one is also by the same author, Switch. These 2 books made me understand more about human psychology and how to motivate people to do things.
Other special mentions are Radical Candor (about how being brutally honest and caring personally is important) and Never Split The Difference (a book on negotiation). I learnt so much from these books that I even made nerdy ppt slides to share them with my friends, forcing them to sit through my presentations, heh. Poor things.
6. Any people you’d like to thank this year?
I can never thank my parents enough for all the things they provide me, so this top spot will always be saved for them. Although they always nag at me, and never emotionally expressive, the things they do for my siblings and I is really unconditional love.
As usual, my UX family whom I spend perhaps even more time than my actual family. This has been a year of experiments and emotional up and downs. But I feel we have learnt and grown a lot together as a team.
And all my friends. Who taught me so many things through their life stories and inspiring me to be better. Thanks to them, just a text, a call, or a meetup away, I am never lonely. (I sometimes do really wonder how that feels like!)
Ajahn Brahm. Hehe, this is a great monk that I have learnt a lot from and he probably has changed my life already. To be kindful, to be gentle, to be peaceful is to be happy.
7. What were some new things you tried this year?
5am club. Exercise regime. Brewing my own filter coffee. Getting more regular in short 15min sittings. Starting a work journal to reflect about things and people at work.
8. Name some of your favourite things of 2019
Ajahn Brahm’s dhamma talks - I always thought that I was a glass-half-full kind of girl but recently after getting hooked onto Ajahn Brahm’s stories on youtube, I became even more so. I also enjoyed repeating those stories to my friends, especially when I thought they could use some positivity to help them see their life difficulties from a different perspective. So much so that even my boss used one of the stories I told to tease me every time i made a very “evon” mistake. (Mmm... honey...)
Sodastream - I bought this for the family so that my brothers would stop buying unhealthy soft drinks. It worked! Mmm.. soda water.
Janchan’s morning challenges - thats how i started waking up early and getting productive in the mornings. But that girl does not follow through to her own challenges, tsk tsk.
Audrey’s life hack for bubble tea cup - use a silicone bag! I have amused many woobbee and each-a-cup aunties when i bring it to dabao my bubble tea.
9. What were your new year resolutions last year and how did you do?
Well well well. Let’s see.
1- Figure out how to be a leader: I am learning a lot just by observing the way boss does things. I hope he can be our leader in many years to come so I will always have the privilege to learn from him.
2 - Being more articulate and assertive: In some ways I realised I have subconsciously learned to do that in situations that requires me to do so. And the trick is just to do it with humble confidence.
3 - Plan more and be less slipshod about things: Hmm... as an operations lead I suppose I should feel guilty about not working on this more. But as I have learnt from a very wise monk, too much planning is futile sometimes, and may cause unnecessary stress on yourself and others, hehe. I kid. I will carry this rezzo forward to next year.
4 - Being more caring with my parents: Still working on it. And sometimes I will tend to fall into my old habits of silent avoidance, especially when they start nagging. But I think this year I have tried being more attentive to their needs, and talking more.
5 - Continue staying healthy: I think I’m doing pretty well in this, especially since starting to wake up super early. I have more time to workout physically with my simple exercise regime, as well as mentally through short meditation sittings and journal writing.
10. Rezzos for 2020 to start the year off of?
1 - Continue working on trying to care more for my parents, and take on more responsibilities regarding household stuff. Make them less worried that their kids can’t be independent without them.
2 - I want to try writing, and develop my own voice. As I learn more about leadership and being human, I thought should document this journey in someway so that perhaps it could help someone else one day on a similar path too.
3 - I’m surprised I didn’t mention anything about money in last year’s post. That is something I’ve always be clueless about. And today I made a ditch attempt to be more “adult” by getting a credit card, so that I can get more interests out of my bank... or something. Yeah, ok I will try to learn more about this finance thing in 2020!
4 - Find a new personal project that can give me a belly burning feeling, that is not work related. Ok la, maybe no need belly burn, just a mild tingle also can. Something that I would be excited to work on for at least a couple of months.
5 - What’s that thing about being less slipshod again? 🤔
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
Ahhh its my fave anon!!!! Thankies!!
the outdoors
overcast: do you think you’re an overachiever? what do you your friends think?
Tbh I can’t deny it. At academia at least, I defo do better than the average. It’s nbd though.clouds: is there anything someone has ever said to instantly make you sad?
Oh boy so many fucking things where to even start. Every comment ever that just confirms what my anxiety and self hatred says to me. Also people saying things that show you they obviously don’t trust you or whatever. It’s hard to explain some of them tbh. But yeah, it happens a lot where even just a single word can make my heart sink.gray skies: what calms you down?
Okay I have some very unhealthy coping mechanisms and they do. But also talking to my friends, scrolling mindlessly through tumblr and listening to music too.thunderstorm: how do you prefer to resolve tension in your life?
Get that shit out in the open bc lifes too short. I’d rather have to start the uncomfortable conversation and just get it over with than just live with a fuckton of tension.wind chill: what makes you feel cold inside?
I mean, the weather! Besides that idk, I’m not really sure how to interpret this? If it means like, emotionless and even indifferent to the pain of others, then I’d say thinking too much about the shit the human race does and the general injustice of life.
droplets: to you, is physical closeness more or less important than frequent communication?
I mean, I crave physical closeness but to me frequent communication usually keeps my anxiety at bay and makes me really happy in general tbh, so I’d say that’s more important to me.
puddle: what is your emotional outlet? why?
My personal blog. It’s literal life saver some days since I can say everything I want and not feel bad for dumping it on anyone.
morning fog: do you prefer waking up early or sleeping in? I prefer the longer days that come with waking up early but as someone that can’t remember the last time they had 8 hours sleep, I’d say I prefer sleeping in!
drizzle: what is something you would like to know more about / explore?
Omg everything!!!!! I just love information lmao. I’m particularly interested in diseases and psychology and conspiracy theories but seriously I love to hear what everything has to say about anything
the indoors
fairy lights: what makes your eyes light up?
Just little things like messages from friends or even just getting tagged in shitty memes lmao. I just like it when people remember I exist. Anything bigger than that is a bonus.
coffee shop: where is your favorite place to be?
I don’t know anymore. I honestly don’t. I had a favourite place near home, but it was out of a list of very limited places. There’s not really any place I can go and feel at peace or anything anymore. I mean, there are places I’ve visited that I want to go back to, like brugge or amsterdam, but idk its not the same.
windowpane: what music do you listen to the most?
It varies so much depending on my mood from chill indie or alternative stuff to cheesy pop to what is essentially people just screaming.teabag: do you prefer tea or coffee? how do you take it?
I can’t remember it’s been so long since I had either lmaocandlelight: what is your favorite scent? why?
Petrol and car fumes lmfao. It’s just a smell I grew up with tbh bc I spent so much time at car shows and race tracks etc.
throw pillows: what is your favorite type of relationship? do you have one like that?
Hoo boi, the kind I don’t have lmfao go figure
cozy: have you ever been in love? describe the feeling.
I haven’t honestly even dated much, but I do love so deeply I surprise myself so who knows lmao. Wouldn’t say I know the feeling well enough to describe it though.
bustle: do you enjoy being busy? why or why not?
If I’m busy doing things I love with no deadlines then sure, I’m a big fan. But if I’m busy out of necessity I really hate it and get low key stressed.
succulents: do you like taking care or things, people, and animals? which one do you enjoy the most/least? why?
Sure! It can be rewarding and I’m almost always happy to do it! Though I mean I don’t know, I find animals easier to take care of, I never really know what to do with people. But I don’t prefer one or the other, theyre just different.
chatter: what are your favorite things to talk about? with whom? why?
I love to talk about deep shit tbh, miss me with that small talk. Tell me about your life and your childhood and your dreams and space and life and death. I love that shit.
your body
baggy sweater: what keeps you warm? 
Absolutely nothing lmao
daze: do you meditate? why or why not?
Nope, I haven’t got time for any of that
damp: do you cry often? what makes you cry?
I low key tear up at tv shows and films all the time lmao, but actually crying doesn’t happen much. Sometimes I feel like I need to but I’ve forgotten how to.
umbrella: what makes you feel safe?
Knowing I could kick the shit out of someone if they tried anything lmfaoooo! Nah idk tbh, I rarely feel very safe I’m just used to it now.
gleam: what makes you feel the best about yourself?
The only thing I have that I ever do right is doing well academically so ig that
yawn: who takes care of you when you’re sick? who do you take care of when they’re sick? 
I take care of myself lmao I aint gonna go complaining. Though a few of my close friends are very good to me when my depression acts up. And I’ll take care of anyone that asks for or I can see needs help.
hum: besides music, what is your favorite sound?
I love thunderstorms so much!!! Also the lil pap pap pap when a pet is coming to greet you.
brush: do you enjoy having your hair played with? what about massages?
Hell yes and hell yes.
fuzzy socks: do you prefer warm or cold weather? why?
Warm weather by a mile!! I’m not built for the cold and I probably won’t feel warm enough again till May.
gloves: do you like working with your hands? why/how?
Yeah defo, I’m that one annoying person who always has to be fiddling with something (that sounds so wrong lmao). Idk why, I just,,, I like to do it, it helps me concentrate and I like building up a picture of things without even looking at them
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nodramatoday · 7 years
I know, de vakantie is al half weg. Maar misschien heb je al enorm veel leuke dingen gedaan de afgelopen maand en is jouw inspiratie op? Terwijl jullie dit lezen, ben ik waarschijnlijk al zenuwachtig voor mijn reis naar Santorini aanstaande maandag. Maar ik wil jullie niet zeggen dat jullie naar een ver land moeten gaan om een leuke vakantie te hebben. Integendeel, ik ga het hebben over dingen die je heel gemakkelijk bij jouw thuis kan doen!
1. Niets
Misschien wel de belangrijkste. Doe eens lekker niets. Verveel je maar een keer, je zal verbaasd zijn hoe aangenaam dat kan zijn. Of je hebt het druk gehad met school of je vakantiewerk. Of je hebt sinds kort een nieuwe puppy in huis die heel veel energie vraagt? Inderdaad, doe gewoon eens lekker niets!
2. Disneymarathon
Euhm hallo? Jullie lezen hier mijn blog en eigenlijk zouden jullie standaard moeten weten dat ik een enorme disneyfreak ben. Misschien zijn er disneyfilms die je nog nooit hebt gezien? Maak er een lijstje van en kijk ze allemaal tijdens een regenachtige namiddag, want het Belgische weer kan wel eens onvoorstelbaar zijn 😉
3. Lees een boek
Iets wat ik deze zomervakantie nog zeker moet doen, een boek lezen. Ik begin heel vaak aan boeken, maar vergeet het dan of heb uiteindelijk toch niet echt te tijd om verder te lezen. Maar ik heb een boek gekocht om mee te nemen op het vliegtuig en om (hopelijk) uit te lezen. Daarnaast mis ik het wel om mezelf helemaal te verliezen in een boek, om een nieuwe wereld te ontdekken.
4. Leer iets nieuw
Dit kan vanalles zijn. Van koken tot zingen tot de nieuwste hype, namelijk handletteren. Ik ben iemand die graag op papier bezig is, ook al is het alleen maar schrijven dus toen ik handletteren ontdekte, was ik meteen verkocht. Wat me trouwens ook ooit heel leuk lijkt, is om een nieuwe taal te leren. Mijn Frans is altijd verschrikkelijk geweest, maar ik eigenlijk vind ik het een hele mooie taal en zou ik het graag kunnen spreken.
5. Begin een oude hobby
Of als je niet meteen iets nieuws vindt om uit te proberen, waarom dan niet een oude hobby terug beginnen? Misschien heb je vroeger wel veel gefietst of gezwommen, maar is dat in het water gevallen (see what I did there?) en heb je nu eindelijk de tijd om nog eens een poging te wagen. Tijdens het maken van een examenopdracht, ontdekte ik dat ik het wel miste om te schilderen en dan vooral met waterverf. Dus dit probeer ik nu vaker te doen, ook al is het maar iets heel kleins.
6. Dierentuin
Er zijn mensen die niet zo’n fan zijn van het concept van een dierentuin waar ik uiteraard begrip voor heb. Misschien is een pretpark een alternatief? Maar als je net zoals ik, kan genieten om naar dieren te kijken dan vind ik Paira Daiza een echte aanrader. Ik ben al naar een aantal dierentuinen geweest in België en zelfs in Nederland, maar Paira Daiza is bij verre de mooiste dierentuin die er is! Alles is prachtig in thema en persoonlijk vind ik dat de dieren ruimte genoeg hebben. Of met andere woorden, ik heb de indruk dat de dieren daar gelukkig zijn.
7. Shoppen
Ja, deze kon natuurlijk ook niet ontbreken in dit lijstje. Ik houd er enorm van om een dagje in een stad rond te lopen. Daarom moet ik niet altijd iets gekocht te hebben. Bel een vriendin om mee te gaan of je mama of papa. Of ga eens naar een nieuwe stad? Als je niet zo’n fan bent van de drukte in de stad, kan ik het aanraden om in de voormiddag te gaan. Is dat zelfs te druk voor jou? Dan heb je nog altijd online shoppen 😉
8. Ga naar de kapper
Of ga naar de manicure, pedicure, massage … Je kan kiezen uit een hele lijst met manieren om jezelf te verwennen! Dit kan je uiteraard ook thuis doen met een fijn gezichtsmaskers of door gewoon simpel je nagels te lakken. Zelf vind ik het wel fijn om tijdens de zomer naar de kapper te gaan. Ik ben iemand die altijd te lang wacht waardoor ik eindig met iedere dag mijn haar in een knot te doen, maar als het terug kort is dan kan ik het weer los dragen zonder dat mijn nek oververhit geraakt door de warmte.
9. Eet iets nieuws
Als foodlover vind ik het enorm leuk om nieuwe dingen uit te proberen en vooral ook om nieuwe dingen te maken. Als koken niet echt jouw ding is, kan je natuurlijk altijd eens naar een restaurant gaan waar je nog nooit bent geweest of een categorie van eten uitproberen. Nog nooit Vietnamees of Japans gegeten? Zoek op google naar restaurants met goede recensies en je bent verzekerd dat je iets nieuws en lekkers ontdekt!
10. Ga toch op reis
Oké, ik zei dat je al deze dingen thuis kon doen zonder op reis te gaan. Maar toch moet ik deze laatste optie erbij zetten. Neen, ik zeg niet dat je een reis moet boeken naar Zuid-Afrika (tenzij je dit wilt). Toerist in eigen land is voor niets een begrip dat vaker wordt gebruikt of een hashtag die regelmatig terugkomt op Instagram. Mijn vriend en ik zijn nog niet zo lang geleden een namiddag naar Brugge geweest. Je ontdekt toch nieuwe winkels en bezienswaardigheden waardoor je toch een beetje dat “reisgevoel” hebt!
Zo, nu hoop ik dat jullie zich niet zullen vervelen tijdens de vakantie. Tenzij jullie natuurlijk de eerste optie doen van mijn lijst 😉 Ik hoop ook dat jullie al een leuke maand achter de rug hebben gehad en dat augustus zelfs nog beter wordt!
Tine ❤
10 DINGEN OM TE DOEN IN DE VAKANTIE I know, de vakantie is al half weg. Maar misschien heb je al enorm veel leuke dingen gedaan de afgelopen maand en is jouw inspiratie op?
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Hotel DER GREIL, Wein & Gourmet in Söll, Austria (Europe). Visit Hotel DER GREIL - Wein & Gourmet Hotel. Welcome to Hotel DER GREIL, Wein & Gourmet in Söll, Austria (Europe). Visit Hotel DER GREIL - Wein & Gourmet. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The general services available will be wifi available in all areas. , ski school, golf course (within 3 km), ski storage, skiing, , , , horse riding, , , hiking and cycling. In the section of bar we will be able to enjoy fruits, packed lunches, room service, kid meals, bar, breakfast in the room, kid-friendly buffet, bottle of water, special diet menus (on request), breakfast options, wine/champagne, restaurant and chocolate or cookies. To relax, the facilities have solarium, sauna, spa and wellness centre, spa facilities, steam room, spa/wellness packages, fitness/spa locker rooms, massage, indoor pool (all year), pool with view, spa lounge/relaxation area, sun loungers or beach chairs, swimming pool, foot bath, massage chair, pool/beach towels, sun umbrellas and hammam. With regard to the transfer we find bicycle rental (additional charge), public transport tickets, street parking, shuttle service, airport shuttle (additional charge), airport shuttle, secured parking and accessible parking. For the reception we can find concierge service, express check-in/check-out, luggage storage, private check-in/check-out, newspapers, tickets to attractions or shows, ticket service, safety deposit box and tour desk. Within the common areas we will be able to enjoy sun terrace, garden, games room, shared lounge/tv area, picnic area, terrace, outdoor fireplace and outdoor furniture. For family enjoyment we will have children television networks, books, dvds, music for children and indoor play area and board games/puzzles. Cleaning services will include daily maid service. If you stay for business reasons in the accommodation you will find fax/photocopying and meeting/banquet facilities. mini-market on site. We can highlight other services like allergy-free room, bridal suite, non-smoking rooms, lift, heating, family rooms, , , , vip room facilities and designated smoking area [https://youtu.be/3cOMyijcqJg] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2Ow6wNj You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2Ar2Edt We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hotel DER GREIL - Wein & Gourmet Other hotels in this channel Anassa Hotel https://youtu.be/HK2otV9tnis Belmond La Residencia https://youtu.be/psoOvWi8pyg https://youtu.be/a8rPIvDU7Zg Nexus Business Suite Hotel https://youtu.be/hdO9d8unrSs Hotel Palazzo Radomiri https://youtu.be/Z08xf_oXnf8 Dinler Hotels Urgup https://youtu.be/MeVB2f6H3sY Universal Hotel Haiti https://youtu.be/zOrjBMll4VY Grand Hotel Casselbergh Brugge https://youtu.be/pSfBL-CzQwk El Mercado https://youtu.be/ZNg9WmKS6So Badi'ah Hotel https://youtu.be/kuHj8eo6CDg Golden Ring Hotel https://youtu.be/giD94YlY3jc Hotel Granduca Houston https://youtu.be/9nruGEeI2vM Hotel Carasco https://youtu.be/EXf2LXQJyTw Lemala Kilivillas https://youtu.be/3CawHNxV9v8 El Faro Boutique Hotel & Spa by DON https://youtu.be/MVZ0X19iEAQ In Söll we recommended to visit In the Austria you can visit some of the most recommended places such as We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hotel DER GREIL - Wein & Gourmet and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Austria based in Hotel DER GREIL - Wein & Gourmet Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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thaimebrugg · 4 years
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Thai Massage Brugg | Thai Me | +41 76 530 50 89
 https://www.thai-massage-thaime.ch/booking/ #book #massage #BookingNow #traditional #therapy
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Onlyou Villas in Amed, Indonesia (Asia). The best of Onlyou Villas in Amed Hotel. Welcome to Onlyou Villas in Amed, Indonesia (Asia). The best of Onlyou Villas in Amed. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN Common services in the accommodation include: wifi available in all areas. beach, fishing, snorkelling, diving and water sport facilities (on site). In the section of food and drink we will enjoy: wine/champagne, chocolate or cookies, restaurant, fruits, breakfast in the room, bottle of water, breakfast options, room service, bbq facilities, special diet menus (on request) and kid meals. To relax, the establishment includes private beach area, sun loungers or beach chairs, pool with view, beachfront, massage chair, outdoor pool (all year), pool/beach towels, massage, spa and wellness centre, infinity pool, swimming pool and sun umbrellas. With regard to transportation we have shuttle service (additional charge), street parking, airport drop off, airport shuttle, airport shuttle (additional charge), bicycle rental (additional charge), airport pick up, car hire, shuttle service and secured parking. For the reception we can find express check-in/check-out, safety deposit box, luggage storage, currency exchange, tour desk, 24-hour front desk, lockers, ticket service, private check-in/check-out and concierge service. Within the related areas we will be able to enjoy terrace, sun terrace, outdoor furniture and garden. For family leisure we will have books, dvds, music for children and children television networks. The function of the cleaning services have included laundry and daily maid service and ironing service. mini-market on site. We can highlight other benefits like , air conditioning, allergy-free room, , family rooms and non-smoking rooms [https://youtu.be/1EPVmfwi7Mk] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2zYCH4O You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2uHaoTr We hope you have a pleasant stay in Onlyou Villas Other hotels in Amed Arya Amed Beach Resort and Dive Center https://youtu.be/DWoauxq3BMs Other hotels in this channel Hôtel Waldorf Trocadéro https://youtu.be/-rPxZNVrHRE Kimpton Hotel Monaco Portland https://youtu.be/WvFtELeG0FE Hotel Völserhof https://youtu.be/0Q0OyYFwRw0 Der Lärchenhof https://youtu.be/8uwUeruBuxA Scandic Bygholm Park https://youtu.be/Gestor de vídeos https://youtu.be/xo5bZto6Ux0 Ruidoso River Resort & Inn https://youtu.be/zIFezO7StlY Aguada Anchorage - The Villa Resort https://youtu.be/Ecif_aO3fQM Hotel Dukes'Palace Brugge https://youtu.be/xO6ytXCPSDc Best Western Premier - The Tides https://youtu.be/O5TFCFlg7Ts Hotel Agimi https://youtu.be/oDfKEarTM0Y Hotel Spiegel https://youtu.be/Ae7QZ00yFxI Mövenpick Resort & Spa Karon Beach Phuket https://youtu.be/sM6LDlLcAPs Holiday Inn Algarve https://youtu.be/V1hQ0QqaaY0 Hotel Mansingh, Jaipur https://youtu.be/0hg21Kuo4S0 In Amed we recommended to visit In the Indonesia you can visit some of the most recommended places such as revisa, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Onlyou Villas and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Indonesia based in Onlyou Villas Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Zazen Boutique Resort & Spa in Bophut, Thailand (Asia). The best of Zazen Boutique Resort & Spa Hotel. Welcome to Zazen Boutique Resort & Spa in Bophut, Thailand (Asia). The best of Zazen Boutique Resort & Spa. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The common services in the establishment are: wifi available in all areas. diving, snorkelling, billiards, cycling, golf course (within 3 km), water sport facilities (on site), beach and canoeing. In the section of bars we will be able to enjoy: snack bar, kid meals, breakfast in the room, restaurant, room service, bar, wine/champagne, special diet menus (on request) and bottle of water. For well-being the facilities have body wrap, waxing services, sun loungers or beach chairs, beachfront, steam room, beauty services, yoga classes, fitness/spa locker rooms, spa facilities, body scrub, pool/beach towels, facial treatments, massage, fitness centre, pedicure, solarium, hot tub/jacuzzi, spa and wellness centre, manicure, swimming pool, fitness, sauna, outdoor pool, body treatments, sun umbrellas, spa/wellness packages and spa lounge/relaxation area. With regard to transport, we will find airport shuttle (additional charge), shuttle service, shuttle service (additional charge), bikes available (free), secured parking and airport shuttle. For reception services we can find concierge service, tour desk, 24-hour front desk, newspapers, luggage storage and safety deposit box. Within the related areas we can enjoy library, terrace, garden and sun terrace. For the enjoyment of the family we will have babysitting/child services and board games/puzzles. Cleaning services include dry cleaning, ironing service and laundry. If you arrive by business in the premises you have business centre and fax/photocopying. shops (on site) and gift shop. We could highlight other possibilities as bridal suite, non-smoking rooms, air conditioning and vip room facilities [https://youtu.be/hVTE37gNWrE] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2JYy4Is You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2JLxX75 We hope you have a pleasant stay in Zazen Boutique Resort & Spa Other hotels in Bophut Peace Resort https://youtu.be/HpHqiZ6MEy8 Grand Villa La Perla https://youtu.be/V44-yS0tEjY Mantra Samui Resort https://youtu.be/bmjD4cQKHmI Celes Beachfront Resort - Koh Samui https://youtu.be/0vvUTKcWG1E Bandara Resort & Spa https://youtu.be/8xMoDHmkmUA Anantara Bophut Koh Samui Resort https://youtu.be/dCZSntD7tUY Other hotels in this channel Le Sen Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/IbE2tLSHMjE Hotel Alfons III https://youtu.be/LSznuwdncf4 The William IV https://youtu.be/H2CNN5Xya4M Liberty Hotels Oludeniz https://youtu.be/-2QVOSbu2f8 Hotel L'Estació https://youtu.be/16uTqu6Ae4o Mercure Lyon Centre Beaux-Arts https://youtu.be/B7mjLs3cXQc Hotel Mondin https://youtu.be/0Gwwu1-aSQU https://youtu.be/k83smc8REb0 Rosewood London https://youtu.be/vuXI4CHVR1s Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa https://youtu.be/cCKny8pBkaY Grand Hotel Casselbergh Brugge https://youtu.be/pSfBL-CzQwk Bristol République https://youtu.be/FZqsaI7YvPk Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace St. Petersburg https://youtu.be/O0gR4N5RXS4 Sol Caribe San Andrés All Inclusive https://youtu.be/d4Kvnrm555s Sofu Hotel https://youtu.be/fEX9Thfxl0c In Bophut we recommended to visit In the Thailand you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Chaweng Beach, Wat Plai Laem, Wat Phra Yai, Na Mueang-1 Waterfall, Ko Taen, Lamai Beach, Lamai Beach, Hin Ta Hin Yai and Laem Sor Pagoda. We also recommend that you do not miss Samui Aquarium & Tiger Zoo, Chaweng Noi Beach, Bophut Beach, Laem Yai, Island Safari, Bo Phut Beach, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Zazen Boutique Resort & Spa and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Thailand based in Zazen Boutique Resort & Spa Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort in Bang Tao Beach, Thailand (Asia) Hotel. Welcome to Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort in Bang Tao Beach, Thailand (Asia). Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The common services in the accommodation will be: wifi available in all areas. table tennis, tennis equipment, , , windsurfing, golf course (within 3 km), darts, diving, , beach, , badminton equipment, horse riding, , water sport facilities (on site), squash, cycling, canoeing and tennis court. In the section of food and drink we will be able to enjoy: bar, restaurant, room service, bottle of water, kid meals, fruits, bbq facilities, wine/champagne, restaurant (buffet), restaurant (à la carte) and breakfast options. For health facilities offer yoga classes, swimming pool, body scrub, sun loungers or beach chairs, fitness, couples massage, kids' pool, pool/beach towels, water slide, pool with view, spa lounge/relaxation area, head massage, back massage, outdoor pool (all year), massage, spa/wellness packages, body treatments, hand massage, full body massage, body wrap, neck massage, sun umbrellas, fitness/spa locker rooms, spa and wellness centre, foot massage, spa facilities, beauty services, fitness centre, beachfront and pool bar. As far as the transfer is concerned, we have car hire, secured parking, bicycle rental (additional charge) and accessible parking. For reception services we can find currency exchange, 24-hour front desk, tour desk, concierge service, lockers, luggage storage and tickets to attractions or shows. Within the related areas you can enjoy terrace, sun terrace, library, games room, garden and outdoor furniture. For the leisure of the family we have at disposal kids' outdoor play equipment, books, dvds, music for children, children television networks, board games/puzzles, evening entertainment, indoor play area, children's playground, entertainment staff, kids' club and babysitting/child services. The cleaning of facilities include laundry, ironing service, daily maid service and dry cleaning. If you stay for business reasons in the facilities available fax/photocopying, business centre and meeting/banquet facilities. gift shop and shops (on site). We can highlight other possibilities as , non-smoking rooms, , designated smoking area, air conditioning, , , lift and vip room facilities [https://youtu.be/MpEzGQ5SBOk] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2IzkH10 You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2rRvPQm We hope you have a pleasant stay in Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort Other hotels in Bang Tao Beach Mövenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket https://youtu.be/q6e9UfwChRE Baan Wanicha Bed and Breakfast Resort https://youtu.be/8L1Hm_9geHU Cassia Phuket https://youtu.be/tM9twMdhZ30 Laguna Holiday Club Phuket Resort https://youtu.be/BhpLw7uFuIs Angsana Villas Resort Phuket https://youtu.be/nNGyMoY60pk Best Western Premier Bangtao Beach Resort & Spa https://youtu.be/TWxtQMyTpN8 Other hotels in this channel NH Brugge https://youtu.be/LP5tJkEAz4Y Patio Hotel https://youtu.be/mnUSnhKWQ1k Tribe Perth https://youtu.be/uWYZEhjj8Bw Novotel Paris 14 Porte d'Orléans https://youtu.be/Uh-VU8_Pc0U Hotel Park https://youtu.be/vapnB4_akco Best Western Hotel Ohm by HappyCulture https://youtu.be/4rwxZ8O_dx0 Zhongtian Meijing Ramada Hotel Shenzhen https://youtu.be/sIvCl4IgBP0 Hotel Madrid Las Rozas https://youtu.be/wA5MEtuGpXU WEARE Cadaqués Bayahibe https://youtu.be/YVFW_waf_yo Hotel Warmbaderhof https://youtu.be/7Ub5iSuMxzg Hotel Italia Palace https://youtu.be/xRQ3ciiarwQ Hotel Aziza https://youtu.be/rfAJ2nULPGU BEST WESTERN PREMIER Ocean Hotel https://youtu.be/lWHhErewn08 Outrigger Guam Beach Resort https://youtu.be/k0CL4599kp8 Hotel Le Pera https://youtu.be/BdvHAsCW7s0 In Bang Tao Beach we recommended to visit In the Thailand you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Kamala Beach, Banyan Tree Phuket, Catch Beach Club, Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket, Twinpalms Phuket, , Green Leaf Restaurant, Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort and Sunprime Kamala Beach. We also recommend that you do not miss Phuket FantaSea, Surin Beach Resort, Surin Beach, Layan Villas, Cut Grill & Lounge, Ayara Hilltops Resort and Spa, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Thailand based in Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Novotel Ha Long Bay Hotel, Vietnam (Asia). The best of Novotel Ha Long Bay Hotel in Ha Long Hotel. Welcome to Novotel Ha Long Bay Hotel, Vietnam (Asia). The best of Novotel Ha Long Bay Hotel in Ha Long. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN In the section of food and drink we will be able to enjoy: on-site coffee house, room service, breakfast in the room, restaurant, bbq facilities, bar, restaurant (buffet), packed lunches, restaurant (à la carte) and snack bar. For wellness facilities offer fitness centre, massage, spa and wellness centre, swimming pool and outdoor pool. As far as transport is concerned, car hire and accessible parking. For the reception services we will be able to find concierge service, 24-hour front desk, tour desk, currency exchange, luggage storage and safety deposit box. Within the common spaces you can enjoy terrace, sun terrace, shared lounge/tv area and garden. For family leisure we will have karaoke, children television networks, evening entertainment and entertainment staff. Cleaning services will include laundry, dry cleaning, shoeshine, ironing service and daily maid service. If you stay for business reasons in the establishment you have business centre, meeting/banquet facilities and fax/photocopying. gift shop and shops (on site). We can highlight other services like designated smoking area, non-smoking rooms, facilities for disabled guests, heating, vip room facilities, air conditioning and lift [https://youtu.be/UX5lUyrkUBM] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2Gs0ubp You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2IqIT9w We hope you have a pleasant stay in Novotel Ha Long Bay Hotel Other hotels in Ha Long Vinpearl Ha Long Bay Resort https://youtu.be/9xl1EeOl-E8 Wyndham Legend Halong https://youtu.be/YDbInRXb104 La Paci Cruises https://youtu.be/9jz8G3IjADI Royal Halong Hotel https://youtu.be/yOYvAkmEiE0 Halong Plaza Hotel https://youtu.be/G9sv1AKfZ_k Muong Thanh Luxury Quang Ninh Hotel https://youtu.be/uvl8kwNWCd8 La Paz Resort Tuan Chau Ha Long https://youtu.be/T3Ju1snrTeA Ha Long DC Hotel https://youtu.be/z2_wveKR-wM Paradise Suites Hotel https://youtu.be/T-5edqSrn5g Halong Palace Hotel https://youtu.be/vk_feEva4qU Other hotels in this channel Hotel Florita https://youtu.be/Lr4De77vLjU Cabarete Maravilla Eco Lodge & Beach https://youtu.be/3M-CKuCtm4s TradeWinds Island Grand https://youtu.be/EzQz_KYjfgk Corales Punta Rusia https://youtu.be/SfJckHTvAqU Jávri Lodge https://youtu.be/ym9qAFAIjFE Evergreen Place by Urban Hospitality https://youtu.be/CbU4eNl5Nqc Hotel La Union https://youtu.be/6XudgJa98KI Newhotel Roblin https://youtu.be/LdqlGICfEHE Hotel Edelweiss https://youtu.be/j264vqvIuDM Radisson Blu Hotel, Addis Ababa https://youtu.be/SomMVu9eN5E The St David's Hotel https://youtu.be/Ou9AKWjY9ko Hotel Dukes'Palace Brugge https://youtu.be/xO6ytXCPSDc Muri Beach Hideaway https://youtu.be/UzxluS0qrkY Hotel Madrid Las Rozas https://youtu.be/wA5MEtuGpXU https://youtu.be/piW_THv81pI In Ha Long we recommended to visit In the Vietnam you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Halong Bay, Glory Legend Cruise - Day Tours, Cua Van Floating Village, Aphrodite Cruises, Oriental Sails - Day Cruise, Sung Sot Cave, Ha Long Royal Wings Cruise, Paradise Cruises and La Vela Cruise. We also recommend that you do not miss Indochina Junk, Paradise Luxury Cruise, Alisa Cruise, Ti Top Island, Huong Hai Sealife Day Cruise, Pelican Halong Cruises, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Novotel Ha Long Bay Hotel and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Vietnam All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Menlo Park Hotel in Galway, Ireland (Europe). The best of Menlo Park Hotel in Galway Hotel. Welcome to Menlo Park Hotel in Galway, Ireland (Europe). The best of Menlo Park Hotel in Galway. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN General services available include wifi available in all areas. golf course (within 3 km). In the section of restaurants we will enjoy restaurant (à la carte), breakfast options, packed lunches, room service, snack bar, special diet menus (on request), breakfast in the room, bar, restaurant and restaurant (buffet). For health the accommodation offers massage, back massage, head massage, neck massage and full body massage. In relation to transport we find electric vehicle charging station and accessible parking. For reception services we can find safety deposit box, express check-in/check-out, luggage storage, ticket service, 24-hour front desk and currency exchange and tickets to attractions or shows and newspapers. Within the common areas we can enjoy garden. For family leisure we can have babysitting/child services. Cleaning services will include dry cleaning, ironing service, trouser press and laundry. If you travel for business reasons in the establishment you have fax/photocopying and meeting/banquet facilities. We could highlight other possibilities as lift, , non-smoking throughout, , , non-smoking rooms, , bridal suite, facilities for disabled guests, heating, , , vip room facilities, family rooms and designated smoking area [https://youtu.be/oMqW-Vh3AxI] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2rLrezj You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2KvGoQb We hope you have a pleasant stay in Menlo Park Hotel Other hotels in Galway The G Hotel https://youtu.be/IbcDmS6nj_g Glenlo Abbey Hotel https://youtu.be/fPSIGzGA-DU Other hotels in this channel Bermondsey Square Hotel - A Bespoke Hotel https://youtu.be/cLlw0Md3ECM Hotel-Apartamentos Andorra https://youtu.be/IE1xKT9OJ2Q Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon https://youtu.be/uFLciWJ3CjY Palace Gate Hotel https://youtu.be/hW-eRx1fwm0 d'Garden Hotel Kuala Lumpur https://youtu.be/vgPr4PRWlJ8 Chateau La Cheneviere https://youtu.be/E-C5m_IJP54 Grand Hotel Principe Di Piemonte https://youtu.be/H7RqkFKp5Gc The Ritz-Carlton Jeddah https://youtu.be/GY8HrME3moQ Badhotel Sternhagen https://youtu.be/WbwirCcAUko Ocean vibes Guesthouse https://youtu.be/bTa4n1ap8bw Hotel Dukes'Palace Brugge https://youtu.be/xO6ytXCPSDc Cassa Hotel 45th Street New York https://youtu.be/Ssv204uT8F8 Nihal Hotel https://youtu.be/qxTZq9VLkKc The Red Hotel - Adults Only https://youtu.be/nTTw-Eln_uE Belmond Hotel Rio Sagrado https://youtu.be/pg09ET5piJ4 In Galway we recommended to visit In the Ireland you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Arco español de Galway, Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción y San Nicolás, Eyre Square, Galway City Museum, St. Nicholas' Collegiate Church, Lynch Memorial Window, Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe, James Mitchell Museum and Castillo de Dunguaire. We also recommend that you do not miss Lynch's Castle, Aran Island Ferries, Crucero por River Corrib, Hall of the Red Earl, Galway Atlantaquaria National Aquarium of Ireland, The Fisheries Watchtower Museum, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Menlo Park Hotel and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Ireland All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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