99quotes · 5 years
We will see if the situation with the Affordable Care Act ever rights itself or is improved upon. —Matt Mead
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thisisboice · 6 years
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NEW SHOW....."Talk Music Talk" Podcast Interview 158 with Matt Meade 🔊🔊🔊LISTEN: http://bit.ly/TMTmattmeade or with profile link. /////Brooklyn singer-songwriter Matt Meade's jazz background only spells part of the story of his musical career. The Texan-transplant's talent is broad enough to span the indie-chamber of his prior band Friend Roulette to the mongrel sounds of his new Spritzer solo project. With Spritzer, Matt sings lead vocals instead of handing the duty over to Julia Tepper, but his ingenious songwriting remains the common denominator. [This episode features the previously unreleased "Astronaut Bird" in its entirety.] #mattmeade #spritzer #friendroulette #indie #singer #singersongwriter #music #musician #texas #texan #newyork #brooklyn #vocals #guitar #jazz #performer #songwriter #talkmusictalk #tmt #boice #podcast #interview #discussion #conversation
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yuriwangfingermedia · 6 years
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美國懷俄明州長拜會林佳龍 肯定綠川治理 【記者張世昌/台中報導】 美國公布《台灣旅行法》後,美方官方高層持續訪台交流。美國懷俄明(Wyoming)州長米麥特(MattMead)日前率團訪台,宣布在台灣成立亞太商務辦事處,也拜會蔡英文總統及國內各大機關企業。他昨(4)日抵達台中市政府拜會市長林佳龍,雙方並針對舊城區整治、綠色能源、都市人口遷移等議題進行廣泛交流,相談甚歡,希望促進日後雙方更多交流。 懷俄明州長米麥特前年10月即訪問過台中,此行他率團11人再度前來拜訪,受到林佳龍熱烈歡迎,經發局長呂曜志、農業局長王俊雄、市府顧問蕭景燈、交通局主秘郭志文等局處代表也共同出席,分享交流意見。 米麥特表示,懷俄明州人口較少,也因此保留許多完整的自然地景風貌,包括成立世界第一個國家公園「黃石國家公園」,每年吸引成千上萬的旅客到訪。他聽說台中綠柳川整治相當成功,對於市府治理城市,迅速發展各項軟硬體設備時,仍能兼顧自然河川景色,他很肯定。 林佳龍指出,8年前台中升格直轄市,轉型邁向大都會,在中央政府的支持下,陸續舉辦許多國際大型活動,包括今年即將開幕的台中花博,都令人感到振奮,尤其台中市民平均年齡僅35歲,更讓這座城市充滿了活力。 懷俄明州主要產業為採礦業、農業及製造業,近年也積極投入研發潔淨煤炭技術,此次州長米麥特到訪台中,也前往台中火力發電廠參觀,就「碳捕捉」與「潔淨能源技術」等專業與台電交流。 對此,林佳龍表示,空汙成為社會最關注議題之一,市府已促使中火減少燃煤用量,並推動機組汙染防制設備改善,盼讓汙染降至最低。 林佳龍也強調,為減少燃煤發電,市府積極尋求綠色能源發展,像是今年10月位於外埔的綠能生態園區即將試運轉,對台中能源轉型將是一大利多,也有很好的示範作用。 游勝鈞;游胜钧;指動傳播科技;指动传播科技;指傳媒;指传媒;華民通訊社;华民通讯社;民生新聞網;民生新闻网,臺中市政府,資料來源:臺中市政府全球資訊網 - 市政新聞
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montanalocal · 10 years
Gazette opinion: Montana leaves kids behind by skipping preschool | montana.allembru.com
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colocal · 10 years
Jeffrey Daniel Stromberger | colorado.allembru.com
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mattmead · 11 years
Updated reel!
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thisisboice · 6 years
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NEW SHOW....."Talk Music Talk" Podcast Interview 158 with Matt Meade 🔊🔊🔊LISTEN: http://bit.ly/TMTmattmeade or with profile link. /////Brooklyn singer-songwriter Matt Meade's jazz background only spells part of the story of his musical career. The Texan-transplant's talent is broad enough to span the indie-chamber of his prior band Friend Roulette to the mongrel sounds of his new Spritzer solo project. With Spritzer, Matt sings lead vocals instead of handing the duty over to Julia Tepper, but his ingenious songwriting remains the common denominator. [This episode features the previously unreleased "Astronaut Bird" in its entirety.] #mattmeade #spritzer #friendroulette #indie #singer #singersongwriter #music #musician #texas #texan #newyork #brooklyn #vocals #guitar #jazz #performer #songwriter #talkmusictalk #tmt #boice #podcast #interview #discussion #conversation
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montanalocal · 10 years
Special master rules against Montana water claims | montana.allembru.com
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colocal · 10 years
Govs. Hickenlooper, Herbert Appoint Mead To Governors Group Position | colorado.allembru.com
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