#Matthew Mondanile
fuckyeahmotorik · 6 years
Egyptian Sports Network - Leo in Cyan
“Interstitial Luxor”, 2013
wonky tronics 
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 years
JULIA HOLTER - I SHALL LOVE 2 [7.17] And we shall reciproc8.
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Nearly a decade ago, Julia Holter released an album of quotidian but surprisingly intimate field recordings, one of which was an interpretation of a score by Michael Pisarov--vthe greatest composer of the 21st century, and someone who Holter studied under while attending CalArts. While she has collaborated with him on his records, Holter has never recorded music that felt obviously aligned with the post-Cagean philosophy and aesthetics of the Wandelweiser collective. She has, however, elucidated the importance of Pisaro's lessons and experimental music workshops in providing a space for "listening and focus." Holter described hber upcoming album, Aviary, as a reflection on "how one responds to [the cacophony they experience daily] as a person -- how one behaves, how one looks for love, for solace." This song accomplishes exactly that through language reminiscent of classical texts and a delivery that demands listeners to consider its utility. The song is simply prefaced: "That is all, that is all. There is nothing else." A matter-of-fact decree that renders the following statement as irrefutable truth: "I am in love." Appropriately, the song spends most of its runtime in a calming trance-like meditation. There's a thoughtfulness to the arrangement -- the soft bed of synth pads, the otherworldly vocoder harmony, the soothing string section -- and it helps to capture the subtle flutter and comforting security of finding a partner. The song eventually swells into a beautiful wall of noise that finds the titular line transforming in meaning and tone. "In all the humans there is something true/But do the angels say, do the angels say/I shall love?" she sings. What begins as an elevation of self beyond that of celestial beings becomes a therapeutic mantra of self-assurance -- not "I shall love?" but "I shall love." I'm drawn to Holter's music because her compositions and voice are always conduits for intentional listening. The result is deep contemplation, an invitation for listeners to see how the material used can lead to a better understanding of the material itself, or even one's self. More than simple platitudes, "I Shall Love 2" calls for people to truly understand that they deserve love, even if it requires constant reminding. She models how to do just that, but gives another piece of sound advice: "Who cares what people say." [7]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Julia Holter's music often feels like it holds you at a distance, intentionally breaking from expectations and forms to artificialize its sound. On "I Shall Love 2," she takes a simple concept -- the overwhelming and universal nature of love -- and treats it in a way that almost feels like an alien's view of the concept, talking and singing through these questions and declarations of love as if it the first time she is handling them. But as the baroque-ish instrumentation of "I Shall Love 2" builds from a simple, almost-childlike ambient soundscape to a full, crashing chant of a song, Holter's inhuman facade begins to melt away, leaving the song feeling like a personal revelation of a sort. [7]
Kat Stevens: I've got a lot of admiration for Julia's queasy strings but, with one or two exceptions, I've always found her songs hard to love. "I Shall Love 2" doesn't have the immediate menace of "Horns Surrounding Me" or the feeling of stumbling around a maze where everyone is dressed as a Versailles courtier of "Feel You." What it does conjure up is this image: a woman has escaped to a secluded forest glade for some peace and quiet, when a bird sets alight on her shoulder to tweet a little. Fine, she says. You can stay. But then a steady stream of bunnies and baby deer and pixies arrive to bother her with flowers and schmaltz until the woman finally cracks, crams her hands over her ears and tells them all to either shut up or fuck off. I sympathise, Julia, but I ain't getting involved with your Bambi beef. [6]
Alfred Soto: As a sonic experience, "I Shall Love 2" is a trip: a string arrangement accumulating power, cello, backup vocals shouting from a mountain peak to the heavens. I wish Julia Holter had chosen a less discreet vocal approach in the first minute, but she knows her track has surprises. [7]
Tim de Reuse: Delightfully off-kilter, a little out of tune, unpredictable -- It's delighful to see an ocean of reverb put to use actually meshing together points of interest rather than filling space in its own right! A chant as direct like "I Shall Love" just wouldn't have worked under a totally clean delivery; here, the finale achieves cathartic impact through the sweeping force of an awkward clutter. [7]
Josh Love: Holter is a brilliant pop composer and it's great to have the focus be on her music again after she bravely went public last year with the abuse she suffered while dating former Real Estate guitarist Matthew Mondanile. Admittedly, it's hard not to hear elliptical lines like "I'm in love / What can I do...Who cares what people say?" without reflecting on Holter's personal traumas but in the end what buoys this song are its wonderfully unorthodox orchestral melodies and the Velvet Underground-esque sense of spiritual deliverance embedded in the closing refrain, "I shall love." [7]
Vikram Joseph: The magical realist dreamscapes of Julia Holter's songs are always compellingly strange. "I Shall Love 2" feels like waking up on a tropical shore, surrounded by fallen fruit and parakeets, but with the colour of the sky just odd enough to make you wonder if you might, in fact, still be dreaming. It's a fitting space for a love song, delivered without irony or trepidation; maybe this is what it's meant to feel like? Julia, dazed and blinded by the sun, wonders "what do the angels say?" and is answered by a celestial chorus; the song builds to a Deserter's Songs-ish climax of swirling, entwining vocal parts, strings and brass, strands of the entire galaxy uniting in imperfect synchrony to celebrate her newfound love. I mean, sorry Julia, there's no way this isn't a dream. [8]
Ramzi Awn: Listening to "I Shall Love 2" is a bit like discovering a new painting. Julia Holter pairs humor with sincerity in a dizzying arrangement that employs instruments as brushstrokes on a fresh canvas, ripe with possibility. Holter plays with the idea of voice as conductor, threading the different elements together with short, deliberate phrases and just the right timing. [7]
Edward Okulicz: After listening to this on a loop, I really enjoy the "that is all, that is all" spoken intro as an outro before the song repeats. In fact, I might just edit the audio to make that change. Otherwise, "I Shall Love 2" is so meticulously arranged that I feel like there's something wrong with me that it can't hold my attention the whole of its running time, but the layering of vocals and strings -- which are lovely but less involving by themselves at first -- in the second half is impressive. [6]
Ryo Miyauchi: Julia Holter's left looking pale upon facing the song's central epiphany, and what really pushes "I Shall Love 2" is her follow-up question: "what do I do?" It peels back how truly daunting it can be to get hit by the feeling when you least expect it, and how you're never prepared to respond to love's arrival. The creaking music, too, sighs and crashes on its knees as powerless as Holter. The final swirling of voices that declare her breakthrough to choose love despite its known terror, then, echoes with bravery. [7]
Cédric Le Merrer: They sound like falling in love, these thousand voices pulling and pushing chaotically towards the same direction. The stomach dwelling butterflies. The social pressure of a million amatonormative songs and films and friends. Your feelings going so much faster than your thoughts. Your will drowned out. Your self tractor beamed like a cow by a flying saucer. [8]
Rebecca A. Gowns: One layer isn't enough, but as the song builds, it becomes more and more satisfying, like piling on thin sheets of butter and baking it until it becomes a croissant. What seems thin and threadbare at the beginning becomes transcendent. (Again, like a fresh croissant.) [9]
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musicalhitchhiker · 7 years
Ducktails - Map to the Stars
Real Estate grubu üyeleri, Alex Bleeker, Martin Courtney ve Matthew Mondanile solo projeleriyle de öne çıkıyorlar. Grubun gitaristi Matthew Mondanile, Ducktails adı altında 2015′te yayınladığı St. Catherine albümünün ardından 6 Ekimde Jersey Devil adlı 6. uzunçalar albümünü piyasaya sürecek. Albümden duyurulan ilk kayıt ise Map to the Stars oldu.
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tinymixtapes · 7 years
Ducktails releases 2nd sexy comp. of unreleased tracks, asks his favorite pals at TMT to tell you all about it
Not to BRAG or anything, but, like…the other day, Matt Mondanile (c’mon, you know him) — he, like totally hits-up TMT on Facetime and is all-like: “guys, I have another sweet archival comp. of unreleased shit that I just put out, and I really want you dudes to tell the cyber-world about it…if you’re into that kinda thing…maybe?” So…we’re all-like, trying to play it real chill, and we respond: “okay, kewl,” (yeah, pronounced as if it was spelled that way!!) “but, like, what’s the BIG DIFF between this one and that last one you just put out not too long ago??” But Mondanile’s playin’ it soooo cooooool at this point; like total POKER FACE and shit. There’s a pause. And then? He’s just like, “YO, TWO THINGS:” 1. “Recorded, Written and Produced by Saint Matthew 2013 - 2016 in Los Angeles.” 2. “This is a collection of songs, some with words and most without. Some are finished, some are not, and some never will be.” NEEDLESS to friggin’ say, our metaphorical jaws are hitting the metaphorical floor by now. But somehow, we are STILL PLAYING IT SUPER COOL! And we’re just like: “well, that’s kewl. We guess we could throw out a few deets about it at some point? Maybe along the lines of…” 1. “It’s out now via New Images Ltd. (as opposed to New Images Ltd; although, he might have hit THEM up about this too before he called US, who the heck even knows right?!?).” 2. “You can order your copy here after you’ve sampled side B’s opener, ‘Car Delivered,’ down below.” SO, Matt calmly says he’d be “down with all that.” Then he just casually mentions a few live shows he’s got coming up, hits us w/ that patented Mondanile-Smile and signs off! AT WHICH POINT, we’re basically all looking around the room at one another like…!!!!!!! Hummingbird Babysitter tracklisting: Side A 01. Light Upon The Hill 02. Tomorrow 03. Martin Kippenberger 04. Exotica 05. G F Bass 06. Two-Way Mirror 07. Comfort 08. Slow Wit Side B 01. Car Delivered 02. Saturday 03. Living In The Dark 04. I Don’t Mind 05. Nov 17th 06. Convertible 07. Flying in Neutral Like a Magic Carpet Ride live dates n’ shit: 06.29 San Francisco, CA - The Independent 06.30 Los Angeles, CA - The Hi-Hat 07.03 San Diego, CA - Blonde Bar 07.07 Jersey City, NJ - Monty Hall http://j.mp/2sWVJUF
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giradiscosmkii · 7 years
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Miércoles 24 de Mayo a las 21h en Moby Dick Club, Madrid. Anticipada: €12 en wegow, El Almacen de discos, Bajo El Volcan, La Integral y Molar; Taquilla: €15
Matt Mondanile presentará en solitario las canciones de St. Catherine, último disco de Ducktails, dentro de una gira muy especial junto a James Ferraro, pionero del vaporwave y a Typhonian Highlife, una de las figuras más singulares dentro de la vanguardia musical.
Ducktails Domino, USA 
audio video web
Ducktails es el alias bajo el que compone Matthew Mondanile, productor asentado en Brooklyn y que comenzaba su andadura en 2008, siendo aún estudiante de la Universidad de Hampshire. Desde ese momento publica una serie de álbumes muy aclamados con artworks de artistas como Jan Anderzen. Su proyecto se mueve en torno a canciones de pop flotantes que uno podría encontrarse en rebuscando en una tienda de segunda mano o en una de las cubetas de discos de una colección privada de los setenta. Su sonido, difícil de clasificar, está cercano al pop ambient y una despreocupación sofisticada. Mondanile deriva entre numerosos modos cuando actúa, apareciendo entre montones de instrumentos o junto a una banda completa y cantantes invitados. Después de que Domino publicara su quinto LP, "St. Catherine", Mondanile ha girado en el extranjero y ha actuado en el Whitney Museum of American Art y en el MoMA PS1. En esta ocasión, presentará un nuevo set de material en solitario para guitarras electrónicas. Este último álbum, "St Catherine", es una colección de canciones de pop barrocas de calado melódico en cascada, del que Mondanile ha hecho su firma tanto en Ducktails como Real Estate, para darle un espectro dinámico y un nuevo giro emocional. Escrito y grabado en 2014 y principios de 2015 es el tiempo más largo en el que ha estado grabando un disco entre dormitorios mientras giraba como Real Estate y estudios al este de LA y Glendale.
James Ferraro Aguirre, USA 
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James Ferraro es un músico, compositor y productor electrónico nacido en Rochester, Nueva York. Ferraro ha publicado una gran candidad de material de diferentes estilos y bajo una amplia variedad de alias, comenzando por sus inicios en el proyecto avant-garde The Skaters, a principios de los 2000s del que también Spencer Clark formaba parte. Su álbum "Far Side Virtual", publicado en 2011, fue uno de los precursores del vaporwave haciendo definitiva la consolidación de un género. Fue escogido álbum del año por The Wire.
Typhonian Highlife Pacific Sound Visions, USA 
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Spencer Clark, el tentáculo detrás de Typhonian Highlife, fue un miembro del duo de noise seminal The Skaters (junto a James Ferraro), y ha grabado bajo los alias Tarzana, Fourth World Magazine y Monopoly Child Star Searchers, cuyo álbum, Bamboo For Two fue muy aclamado por la crítica. Su nuevo disco, "The World of Shells" para Kraak Records, supone el amanecer de la "Demon Classical Aquatic Fusion" como un estilo, ya que invita a la naturaleza, la ciencia ficción y fantasía y melodías romanticas orientales que se yuxtaponen a una asombrosa visión del mundo de Australia. Miles Bowe de Fact Magazine ha dicho esto de "The World of Shells": "Mientras que sus contemporáneos que música generadora de mundos como James Ferraro y Oneohtrix Point Never suelen intentar reflejar algo de nuestro propio mundo, la música de Clark parece exóticamente cercana a los mundos de Lovecraft, construyendo mitologías y creando lugares que parecen lejos de cualquier punto de referencia. Escuchas profundas permiten entrever retazos de un reino imposible, haciéndonos entrar en "el mundo de las conchas", la culminación de un viaje tanto físico como psíquico. Viajando de California a Austria pasando por Sicilia y revisando mil referencias, desde la conspiración reptiliana hasta la escultura renacentista, formaciones de rock y las películas de Peter Weir".
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madeinpop · 7 years
Made In PoP™ > eventi Rock in Veneto dal 21 al 27 Settembre > stagione 15
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, stagione quindici, alcune novità molte ritrovate certezze CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► evento Made In PoP ◄ Ω SABATO 23 Settembre Ω Ж ASTO LAND Festival Ж presso ASTRO CLUB via Puccini 141 FONTANAFREDDA (Pn) dalle 18 festival un po' all'aperto e un po' al chiuso per uno dei locali più "illuminati" dal sacro verbo del rock'n'roll del TriVeneto per inaugurare al meglio la terza stagione. sul palco si susseguiranno HEROIN/VANCOUVER wavegoth CHARLES WALLACE alt/country/folk SEUSS garagepunk BLAK SAAGAN space/sci-fi DIPLOMATICS (Shyrec) rock'n'roll/soulpunk e PLASTIC MAN acid/psych/pop + i djset per Daniel VALENT e CHECcO MERDeZ (Made In PoP/Shyrec/Three Blackbirds). Vietato Mancare!!! https://www.facebook.com/events/1727760897528128/ ► FESTIVAL ◄ Ɣ DESCANTÀRSE Festival parco Milcovich via Rubaltelli PADOVA Venerdì 22 e Sabato 23 primo festival organizato dal circolo CATAI con musica, dibattiti e cibo, tra i protagonisti lo spettacolo per Wu Ming 2, Signor K, concerto grande per paino solo, programma https://www.facebook.com/events/228666404326809/ Ɣ TREVISO COMIC BOOK Festival TREVISO dal 21 al 24 Settembre mostre - workshop - ospiti - eventi, incontri, performance, vetrine in varie location della città, ci saranno anche molti live, il programma nella sua interezza qui http://www.trevisocomicbookfestival.it/2017/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 21 Settembre ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte Cultura via SS.Fabiano e Sebastiano 13 PADOVA grande evento al femminile, sul palco due bravissime cantautrici, la patavina Debora PETRINA e l'americana AMY KOHN, StraConsigliato. ᴥ OUTSIDER Pub via San Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) si uniranno sul palco per dar vita ad un duo acustico tra folke world music GIATAMUTA GIATÀ e MISERABLE MAN. ► VENERDÌ 22 Settembre ᴥ La BASE Live factory via Da Vinci 124 S.MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) sano punkrock con gli ANDEAD capitanati da AndreaRock di Virgin Radio a supporto GRINDERS. ᴥ SINÈ Live corso Risorgimento 21 PORTO VIRO (Ro) festeggiano i cinque anni d'attività con un live festaiolo i SIXTEENS AGAIN band rodigina funnycore. ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO sonorità soul jazz per l'organic trio guidato da Michele POLGA e con il grande Giulio Campagnolo. ᴥ La STAZIONETTA borgo Pieve 109 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) elettro-acustico per Elisa ERIN Bonomo in coppia con Davide Eulogi. ᴥ HOME Rock Bar via Fonderia 73 TREVISO saranno qui stasera l'ex-boyband FINLEY. ᴥ ARG016 Arci Club via delle Industrie 27 MARGHERA (Ve) serata Voci dal Porto dalle 21 con il Coro degli IMPERFETTI, EMINCANTO Trio, DISINCANTO, DON CICCIO Philamonic Orchestra, MDM e udita udite il ritorno di Daniele REALE con il suo djset. ᴥ ARINO HAZARD piazza Don Gazzotti DOLO (Ve) all'interno della sagra di Arino, presso lo spazio giovani, live in levare per POMATA esilarante ska-core. ᴥ VIAROMA17 via Roma 17 DUEVILLE (Vi) in giro a presentare il loro nuovo e fresco disco, da Firenze gli ottimi PLASTIC MAN sixties psych beat. ᴥ IL BRUCO Circolo Operaio via Cristoforo 69 MAGRÈ di Schio (Vi) ore 21:30 riparte la stagione dei concerti con del furioso rock'n'roll delle ottima band The BROKENDOLLS (Vr) e TYTUS (Ts). ᴥ CENTRO STABILE di CULTURA via Leogra 4 San VITO di Leguzzano (Vi) tornano la stagione dei live anche al CSC con ospite il raffinato PAOLO ANGELI e la sua chitarra sarda preparata, che presenterà il suo nuovo disco tra tradizione ed innovazione. ᴥ Cà BOTTONA via I° Maggio 18 COSTERMANO sul Garda (Vr) tremoli e riverberi per i surfisti veronesi The FAT TONES. ᴥ IL TRENTA feelgood bar via XXX Maggio 21 PESCHIERA del Garda (Vr) saliranno sul palco i REGINA MAB con il loro teatro-canzone pop rock. ᴥ COHEN music Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA presentazione del libro "Scritti Urbani" di Nicola Saccomani e concerto per Luca ZEVIO (Farabrutto). ᴥ MASTRO MATTO Birreria via Silvestrini 18 VERONA raffinato sound per The HOT TEAPOTS tra ragtine, jazz, calypso e stomp&jug. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) proseguono i live sill'onda vagamente retrò, stasera VITTORIA & i Gorilla soul, r&b, funk, rocksteady. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) serata Pablo Rock con ospiti gli boogie/hard/rockers romagnoli SMALL JACKETS e il supporto dei locals ROMERO. ► SABATO 23 Settembre ᴥ QUADRATO METICCIO piazza Caduti per la Resistenza PADOVA dalle 16 amichevole tra la quadrato Meticcio e la S.Precario, a seguire presentazione libro e live dei YANG ATTITUDE e GUERILLA CLICK ᴥ SOUTHERN CROSS Pub via Isola 46 ISOLA MANTEGNA di Piazzola sul Brenta (Pd) serata con tre band arternative rock della zona, PORNOCIRCUITO + L'AMOR VIOLENTO + L'ENTRATA di CRISTO a BRUXELLES. ᴥ ECLIPSE live bar viale Da Vinci SANT'ANGELO di Piove di Sacco (Pd) serata Autumn Slaughters col le band CHRONIC HATE, MANO ARMATA, RAPIST. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciaio 4 TREVISO ufficialmente ripartita la stagione live, questa sera ci saranno The LEGENDARY KID COMBO, folk cock'a'billy, che presenteranno il loro nuovo disco. ᴥ CHINASKI music Pub via Cadorna 1 STRETTI di Eraclea (Ve) sarà una punkrock night ad inaugurare la nuova stagione dei concerti, sul palco DOUBLE SWINDLE (Tv) e RIKY & the KIDS (Ve) in collaborazione con RocKonnection. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) le sonorità desertiche la faranno da padrone con le band THUNDER GODZILLA stoner e INVIDIA stoner/doom, in collaborazione con RocKonnection. ᴥ SOTTOTONI via Roma CONCORDIA Sagittaria (Ve) ore 20:30 5° edizione di questa rassegna musicale dedicata al cantautorato italiano, ospite della serata chitatta e voce EUGENIO FINARDI. ᴥ NOVAK Club via Castellana 59 SCORZÈ (Ve) serata remember Magic Bus Club con live per gli ANANDA MIDA (prog/stoner GoDown records), prima del tour europeo, e a seguire gli storici dj del locale. ᴥ VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) inaugurazione stagionale delle serata dark NightBreeze con live dei giovani belgi WHISPERING SONS postpunk + djset Emy, Whipping Boy e Moreno 101. ᴥ GOODBYE SUMMER Fest piazza del Donatore TAVERNELLE di Sovizzo (Vi) la Vicenza Magnagati Crew vi aspetta dalle 16 per salutare l'estate con i live di EDWARD in VENICE Pu-punk/HC UMBERTO EMO Vr/Na-HC FAREWELL Vi-metalcore RISING OVER Pd-PopPunk JUNK STREET Vi-Alt ORANGEWIG Vi-skatepunk RAVINE Pd-metalcore DECAY Vi-HC. ᴥ Bar dei SALBANELLI via Porta di Sotto SCHIO (Vi) Rainy Valley Sessions jam session di polistrumentisti che triangolano Londra, Berlino e Schio. ᴥ TERZO PONTE via della Ceramica 7 BASSANO del Grappa (Vi) con oltre due ore di concerto saranno protagonista questa sera LE ORME celebre band prog-rock. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) a presentare il proprio nuovo album saranno qui i romagnoli CIRCUS NEBULA heavy r'n'r. ᴥ COHEN music Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA acoustic folk/blues con l'italo-inglese BEN ALES, che presenterà il disco "The Fool" suo recente esordio. ᴥ La FABBRICA degli ARTISTI via Libertà 58 CEREA (Vr) Click Park organizza una serata di pura energia dalle 19 con le band PLETYPUS punk'n'roll SVANZICA death/metal SIYLIT groove/metal AVELION prog/metal The BROKENDOLLS furious r'n'r e ARTHEMIS metal. ► DOMENICA 24 Settembre ᴥ PIC NIC sui COLLI BERICI dalle 12:00 con la regia dell'Associazione VOYAGER ci sarà un picnic e il concerto acustico del bravissimo Lorenzo The GIANT UNDERTOW (InTheBottle/Shyrec), per partecipare [email protected] . ᴥ BLACK SPHYNX via Vecellio 169 PADOVA nel pomeriggio inaugurazione di questo tattoo studio con expo fotografica di Max Griggio, Paolo Crivellin e altri, all'aperitivo live per BLACK BEAT trio apocalyptic pop. ᴥ LAZY SUNDAY via del Parco THIENE (Vi) presso lo studio fotografico Andrea Maino dalle 17 mercatino vintage/modernariato e live dei figoni PHILL REYNOLDS e MOTHER ISLAND. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave 108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) dalle 17 conclusione del contest Tokket organizzato da La Sotterraneo, suoneranno le band Le METONIMIE, L'ENTRATA di CRISTO a BRUXELLES, in serata The SEABROOK e MACCHIAVELLI. ᴥ La BOTTIGLIA piazzetta S.Marco MARSANGO di Campo San Martino (Pd) aperivintage con live dei rockabillt POSITIVA più djset vinilico. ᴥ RADIO GOLDEN Bar piazza San Martino 13 CONEGLIANO (Tv) per inaugurare al meglio la stagione dei live, ad orario aperitivo ospite il noto Giulio ESTREMO Casale, già leader degli ESTRA, scrittore cantautore attore. ᴥ GROOVE via Martiri della Libertà (Vi) aperitivo acoustic sunday con ospite la cantautrice soul londinese LILITH AI accompagnata in apertura da NICOLA HOGG ᴥ AL CASTELLO Ostaria via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) ad orario aperitivo, in collaborazione con Red Eyes Dischi, concerto del trio LOMAX postpunk/HC dalla bassa modenese. ᴥ BENICIO Live Gigs via Porcu 63 GIAVERA del Montello (Tv) questa sera a Santi Angeli approderà il celeberrimo JOEY CAPE cantastorie punkrock a capo dei LAGWAGON e accopagnato da una superband. ► LUNEDÌ 25 Settembre ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) evento speciale, dalla Fuzz Club records arrivano qui 10000 RUSSOS neo psychedelica dal Portogallo + New Candys djset. ► MARTEDÌ 26 Settembre ᴥ fate qualcosa per voi stessi.
► MERCOLEDÌ 27 Settembre ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA evento PULSE #248 unica data italiana a nove giorni dalla pubblicazione del nuovo disco per DUCKTAILS (US/Domino Records) ovvero Matthew Mondanile ex Real Estate, drone-psych.
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kokomeong · 8 years
In Mind
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Tahun lalu, saya merasa sangat was-was setelah Real Estate mengeluarkan rilis pernyataan resmi tentang keputusan Matthew Mondanile untuk memilih fokus kepada Ducktails. Sebagai penggantinya sekaligus untuk memulai rekaman album baru mereka, dipilih Julian Lynch. Pergantian ini bagi saya signifikan, tidak seperti ketika Etienne Duguay digantikan Jackson Pollis sebelum Days rilis, atau ketika Matt Kalman datang mengisi posisi Jonah Mauer yang cuma seumur jagung sewaktu Atlas akan direkam. Bagaimanapun, Real Estate adalah Martin Courtney, Matthew Mondanile dan Alex Bleeker.
Berbeda dari pendahulunya, In Mind diklaim oleh Real Estate sebagai rekaman terbaik mereka. Pernyataan yang sangat berbeda dibandingkan kegalauan yang mereka nyatakan secara gamblang dalam video di balik layar pembuatan Atlas. Atlas disebut sebagai rekaman transisional, dan proses rekamannya memberikan visi yang lebih kabur bagi Real Estate dibandingkan dengan semangat mereka di Days tentang bagaimana mereka akan mengerjakan karya selanjutnya. 
Saya merasa bersyukur bahwa Atlas dirilis tepat ketika kami akan berangkat melanjutkan sekolah di Australia. Di kamar kos di Pedurenan dan di trotoar-trotoar lebar sepanjang Kuningan, saya pertama kali memutar Navigator berulang kali sambil mengingat-ingat bagaimana lima belas tahun sebelumnya bersama Yanto dan Dian, kami menjelajahi saluran air yang digali dan secara sembrono tak ditutup oleh pekerjanya. Dari bawah, kami bisa melihat roda sepeda, knalpot motor dan kaki kuda Andong yang melintas pelan-pelan. Untuk pertama kalinya, saya juga menyadari penjelajahan gorong-gorong adalah saat saya merasa bahwa saya terlalu gampang khawatir dan berpikir terlampau jauh. Atlas adalah album yang sedih namun kaya dan mendalam. Ada hal-hal tertentu yang membuat saya merasa yakin bahwa rilisan Real Estate berikutnya akan berisi rengekan Courtney yang cengeng dan tengah memiliki fase hidup yang mirip dengan yang saya alami. Mendengarkan Atlas yang mendung pas dengan kepindahan ke Adelaide yang lesu tapi disisi lain ia juga terasa menyatu dengan hingar bingar kawasan-kawasan bekas industri yang berubah wajah di sekujur bagian pinggir Melbourne. Tapi, tidak pernah terbersit bahwa menonton Real Estate di akhir musim panas di Richmond adalah kesempatan langka untuk menyaksikan Mondanile tampil untuk saat-saat terakhirnya bersama mereka.
Atlas bukanlah Days yang terasa lebih cocok dimainkan di pemutar musik sambil menikmati hari-hari musim panas Sydney dengan selonjor beralas rumput entah itu di Royal Botanic Garden ataupun menonton pergantian hari di Observatory Hill. Atlas adalah April’s Song, yang meleburkan melodi-melodi tak berbatas waktu gubahan Courtney dan Mondanile yang harmonis, yang aku adalah kamu dan kamu adalah aku, pada pagi-pagi di Sakai yang basah dan abu-abu sehabis hujan di musim gugur.
Sekarang, In Mind diisi dengan lirik-lirik yang menekankan untuk merasa teguh meninggalkan yang lalu, burung kutilang yang bertengger di rumah baru Courtney bersama istrinya yang kembali ke daerah pinggiran dan meninggalkan Brooklyn dan hal-hal tentang atau pulang ke rumah. In Mind tak senatural Atlas, tapi keberadaan Alex dan Martin masih membuat saya lega seperti fakta bahwa Yoshikazulah yang membuatkan sushi untuk inspektor Michelin di restoran Jiro, dan Real Estate sepeninggal Mondanile tidak menjadi Sore setelah Mondo Gascaro mundur, Lagani setelah Paul atau Nanamia setelah Andre.
Mondanile masih disana dan meninggalkan warisan yang fundamental, dan rohnya terasa sangat subtil di White Light, Same Sun dan track penutup Saturday. Dan di umur duapuluhan akhir, saya pun bertanya: apakah saya berusaha menyangkal usia dengan menulis hal-hal semacam ini?
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brawmusic · 8 years
Braw Gigs & NEHH: Ducktails / James Ferraro / Typhonian Highlife @ Summerhall, 10th May!
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Ducktails is the solo side project of Matthew Mondanile, a member of Ridgewood, New Jersey-based indie beach bums Real Estate. While not too dissimilar in tone from the sun-kissed pop of his main squeeze, Mondanile's work as Ducktails presents a more fragmented, mercurial version of the Garden State of mind. More synthetic, too, than Real Estate, Ducktails is all burbling analog synths, bedroom processing, and sunburnt soundscapes. The end effect acts as a sort of bleary aural Polaroid taken at a backyard party Real Estate just finished playing. James Ferraro is one half of The Skaters, one half of Lamborghini Crystal and the contemporary underground’s favourite alchemist. He was born in Rochester, New York and is currently living in Venice Beach, California U.S.A. Underground musician/composer/virtual atmospherist producing small runs of releases on, but not limited to: cassette, CD-R, and VHS with a wide variety of styles all representing different dreams of a demonic mind tower spanning from freak flesh bodybuilder atmospheres to ambient modern world/psych. It appears Ferraro draws influence from many different places but best summed up by the quote, “I am Flintstones.” Typhonian Highlife is the new moniker of Spencer Clark, the other half of The Skaters with Ferraro. Clark is the ultimate shape shifter, a trickster continuously mutating from a sci-fi hero, into a mystic guru or into a speculative visionary. As Typhonian Highlife he assimilates juxtapositions of the natural world and fantastic technology to reanimate the manieristic tradition. His compositions envision possible futures and speculative pasts. They imagine a new vision upon mankind, as a mythical underwater creature who creates meaning through a prosaic mysticism.
10th May, 8pm doors.
Dissection Room, Summarhall.
Tickets available from the Summerhall Box Office.
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waxandwanemusic · 8 years
The 12 Most Anticipated Albums Of 2017 & Some Notable Exclusions
Back in 2013, Phosphorescent released the gorgeous and elegiac Muchacho, which may have been the year's best record. Then, after a two year break, Matthew Hock, the mastermind behind Phosphorescent issued the stunning Live At Music Hall, which focused primarily on the beautiful tunes found on Muchacho and 2010's Here's To Taking It Easy. 2017 seems to be the year that we'll be treated to more new music from Hock and company. As yet, there is no concrete release info, but Hock has shared myriad images on social media to tease fans with photos of recording sessions and studio setups to build anticipation for the follow up to Muchacho. If Phosphorescent's last three releases are guide, the next LP is sure to figure highly in our 2017 listening plans.
It's been nearly 14 years since Grandaddy released the beautiful concept LP Sumday. In 2012 there were a few reunion shows to excite fans. A few more European shows last year re-energized the rumor mill amongst the Grandaddy faithful. On March 3rd, the wait is finally over as Last Place will be released on 30th Century Records. If the lead off single "Way We Won't" (watch the video below) is any indication, Last Place ought to be an exercise in pure joy.
Sure, Port Of Morrow from 2012 was hit or miss. But, it's impossible to deny James Mercer's penchant for melodic hooks and catchy choruses. The last few years have seen lineup changes and a renewed focus on the simplicity of song-craft that point in the direction of an exciting new Shins record. For his part, Mercer mentioned over this past summer that the new record was in the can. The expected lead single and video - the bouncy "Dead Alive" - will have to sate our appetites until official release info is released.
English shoegazers RIDE made a triumphant return in 2014 and toured throughout the world for the last couple years. Of course, after this return run the band became dogged by the question of whether or not there would be any new music. Via social media, RIDE have answered that question with a resounding yes. The as yet untitled record is slated for a release sometime this Summer and of course we hope there will be a tour in support. Granted, it's impossible to know what level of record to expect since RIDE have released nothing new in more than 20 years. Fingers crossed they're back with a bang.
In all honesty, Spoon's last release They Want My Soul from 2014 was a bit of a letdown. That said, a slightly disappointing new record from Spoonis almost certain to be better than 90% of the stuff that you'll find in the new release bin. This particular Spoon record - which is slated for a March release - has the added benefit of production by studio auteur Dave Fridmann. Singer Britt Daniel has stated that he feels the band are "covering some new ground" on this record. New ground or not, new Spoon is worth paying attention to.
Much like the aforementioned Spoon, Arcade Fire's most recent release Reflektor was a letdown. Sure, there were moments of brilliance, but the mammoth length and fixation with disco tendencies just left a feeling of heaviness and boredom. Arcade Fire's fifth LP could figure to be a critical point in the legacy of the band. Up through The Suburbs, it appeared the Montreal outfit could do little wrong. The band have teased progress on the new album, much of which was recorded in Paris, but have made no formal announcements on release dates titles. Let's hope that whatever it's called and whenever we can get our hands on it,it's a return to form.
Unlike the last two bands we mentioned, Vampire Weekend did more than deliver with their last release, 2013's Modern Vampires Of The City. That record, the third of their career was their best and most fully realized record thus far. While that momentum bodes well for the fourth Vampire Weekend LP, the departure of Rostam Batmanglij from full time service within the band could create a dynamic shift and/or a sonic hole in the band's recorded output. Let's mark this one up as cautious optimism.
The Reid brothers - Jim and William - have achieved an almost cult-like status amongst a certain sort of indie music lover. Their chaotic, cacophonous and bare brand of rock and roll has been a hallmark of the English pop scene for more than thirty years. However, 2017's Damage and Joy marks the bands first new LP since 1998. Warner Music will release the new album on March 24th, so we have just a scant three months to wait for what figures to be the triumphant return of the Jesus & Mary Chain. "Amputation", Damage and Joy's first single/video is below. It sounds like just like The Jesus & Mary Chain. Isn't that we hoped for?
The Boss didn't release any new music in 2016 and still managed to create enormous buzz. His revelatory Autobiography opened a remarkable window into Springsteen's depression, his manic work ethic and his doubts about his own success and worth. Now, in 2017, he appears poised to hold our attention again with an expected full length of brand new music. Like many aging icons, Springsteen's latter day work has been inconsistent, but his voice remains relevant. Can't you just imagine how Springsteen's characters might fit into the narrative of Trump's America?
Here is another entry for the cautious optimism file. 2014's Atlas from Real Estate was a highlight of the year. The quiet simplicity of Real Estate's brand of pop feels much like your favorite blanket on a cold winter's evening. Until recently, a new LP from Real Estate would have come with hearty dose of unbridled enthusiasm, but in May, 2016 the band announced that guitarist and original member Matt Mondanile had left the band and would be replaced by Julian Lynch. While the songs will still be penned mostly by singer/guitarist Martin Courtney, it's hard to imagine that Mondanile's effortless guitar hooks won't be missed to some degree. Let's hope that the new lineup can swing it.
Sure, it's easy to bag on an act like Depeche Mode at this point. They haven't made a great record in a quarter century and to a large degree they have continued to churn out serviceable techno pop built on a very old model that made them international superstars. But to do that, would be to miss greater point; DM have managed to release a handful of very good songs in their last few albums and simply seeing them continue to do quality work is, in itself, enough to bring many of us a noticeable amount of joy. It would be jumping the gun a bit to expect their new effort, Spirit to be in the running for record of the year, but based on past experience and the teaser for the LP they have released, it seems a pretty sure bet there will be a song or two worth digging into when the record hits shelves this Spring.
New Jersey's The Feelies are almost certainly, the least known band on our list of 2017's most anticipated albums. The band formed in 1976 and then called it quits in 1991. But the band reformed in 2008 for a string of shows and then released a record of new songs in 2011 called Here Before. Now, The Feelies have announced they'll release another full length called In Between on February 24. Here's hoping this new slate of songs will bring some acclaim and attention to a band whose charm and quirkiness have to this point been under-appreciated.
Some other records we have our eye on in 2017 include: Ty Segall - Ty Segall Magnetic Fields - 50 Song Memoir Surfer Blood - Snowdonia The Sadies - Northern Passages Son Volt - Notes Of Blue Blondie - TBA LCD Soundsystem - TBA Spiritualized - TBA
Here are some forthcoming albums you're sure to hear about a shitload, and here is why we aren't that pumped about them: Father John Misty - This is a band/dude we just can't seem to get excited about. Frankly, I have no idea what all the fuss is about. Misty's records have all of the energy of Iron & Wine on quaaludes and enough of a hipster quotient to make a Mumford & Sons fan recoil. Okay, that's a bit harsh, but we just aren't feeling it. Fleet Foxes - While we have a slightly higher opinion of Fleet Foxes than Father John, many of the companies are the same. Helplessness Blues was a solid enough effort, but we'll leave the breathless anticipation for the folks at NPR. You know they're already peeing their pants over this one. The Flaming Lips - This is a band that hasn't made anything nearing a good record since Yoshimi, and it feels like every record since then is just a blemish on an otherwise solid legacy. Maybe this is the one where we get proven wrong. Let's wait for that moment to surprise us instead of expecting it to be fact and being disappointed . . . again. U2 - The band has promised their new LP Songs of Experience sometime in 2017. Let's hope that "Experience" sees that they have learned the lesson of shoving a record down everyone's throats via iTunes before wondering who might actually want it. Ryan Adams - There is always a $64,000 when Ryan Adams puts out a record; which Ryan Adams are we going to get? On 2017's Prisoner, we will be left again to wonder if we'll get the guy who can write a heartbreaking hook better than almost anyone making records today, or the guy who can't seem to get out of his own way. Let's hope we get a more measured and mature Adams this time around.  
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tapehissorchid · 9 years
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musicalhitchhiker · 9 years
Martin Courtney - Airport Bar
Real Estate grubu üyeleri Matthew Mondanile ve Alex Bleeker’ın yan projelerini sürdürmesinin ardından, Martin Courtney de solo çalışmalarını paylaşıp, kendi yan projesine başlamış oldu.
İlk solo albümü Many Moons’u 30 Ekimde piyasaya sürecek olan Courtney, Vestiges ve Northern Highway kayıtlarının ardından Airport kaydını duyurdu. 
Real Estate’i hatırlatan bu şarkı, birini mecburi olarak bir yerde beklerken özlemek hakkında.
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lamusiquealoreille · 9 years
Matthew Mondanile, guitariste de Real Estate, vient de publier un nouvel album, St. Catherine, avec son autre groupe Ducktails.
Un bel opus de pop-folk à écouter en rêvassant sous le soleil d’été...
Bonne écoute. :)
Ducktails - St. Catherine http://www.deezer.com/album/10803922
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smallgrandfather · 10 years
Ducktails Perform "Under Cover" - Live at LPR
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werewolfshades · 11 years
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Matthew Mondanile- Ducktails/ guitarist for Real Estate 
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When I see you / my heart turns blue / I act so shy / always around you
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alpinehaze · 11 years
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Ducktails @ MoMA Sculpture Garden 07/25
(photos published by CMJ.com here)
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