#Maurice Compte characters
artemiseamoon · 2 years
3 am
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Mayans: Kj x Wife! f reader (Kevin Jimenez)
Words: 1,337
Warnings: ⚠️ angst, almost dying, marriage issues, a hit
gif credit to gif owners
💫 Arte releases a draft from the void 💫
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Under different circumstances, this would be a beautiful setting. You always loved this cabin and the lush green landscape surrounding it. You and KJ made so many memories here.
This cabin on the lake was a paradise whenever KJ had a break or took some time off work. The two of you would come here and unplug from your lives and the world.
Sitting in front of the fire now, you glance at your phone and stare at the last text he sent you.
On my way
That was today at 6:14pm. Now it's 30 after midnight. It doesn't take long to get from Santo Padre to here; something is wrong.
When you arrived, your first red flag was seeing no one else was there. Why would he tell you to meet him here and not show up?
The first hours of waiting were filled with anger and annoyance. A few times, you contemplated going back home. Plans falling through came with the territory, though it was never on purpose.
A case, his boss, a lead; there were so many times you and KJ had to cancel plans suddenly. But the difference between then and now is the lack of communication. Now, there's nothing, no text, no call, no "I'm so sorry baby."
It's worrisome.
Even with the fear something was wrong, you remained upset. Things between you and KJ aren’t good. Though you’ve ridden rocky waves before, this one appears to be the worst. Things got so bad you moved out of your shared home four days ago.
You tried to remain compassionate and understanding. But watching the man you love, the man you married, waste away, become rage-filled, and an asshole all because of his job and inner demons got to be too much. You needed a break and some space.
You were worried about this very thing for years. KJ has had hard jobs in the past, but this one is taking a toll on him.
This current job is eating him alive, you could see it with your own eyes, and most nights, when he did come home, you barely recognized him.
This is his 3rd year under his current assignment of taking down the Galindo Cartel. You love his passion and his desire to make a difference and hate the effect this job is having on him.
You understood KJ couldn't talk to you about most things, it's part of his work, but over the last four months, he's shut you out and become so distant you don't even know how to talk to him anymore. You can see him hurting, but can't help.
KJ tried so hard to not be like his old man, but he’s struggling now and picking up a bunch of old bad habits, including drinking. It's one of the many issues driving you two apart.
With all of this going on, you didn't know what to expect when he asked you to come here. Bad news? A divorce? Was he going to beg for you to come back?
Maybe something went terribly wrong at work and now he needs to leave town? Maybe he was taken off the case due to an outburst, or maybe your life was now in danger too?
You don't know how you made it through the last number of hours. It's nearly 3 am now, and any attempts to contact KJ fail.
"That's it, I'm looking for him."
You head to the bedroom and gather your bag. Yes, you're mad at him, yes he's been a pain in the ass. But you love him and if anything has happened to him, you will scorch the earth to find him and get revenge.
Setting the bag in the hall, you sit on the bench and put your shoes back on. Just as you slide your second boot on, you hear a car in the driveway.
You jump to your feet and rush to a window. You don’t recognize the car. A different kind of panic rushes through your body as you retrieve the pistol from your handbag.
KJ set up the cabin in a specific way. If there ever was an intruder you’d have the vantage point and numerous places to hide. You utilize one of those very spots with the gun in your hands, trying your best to keep your aim steady when the door opens.
Then it comes, his voice.
A wave of relief washes over you as you follow the sound of your name and find KJ standing in the living room.
Letting your head fall back, you let out a huge sigh and drop your shoulders. Uttering a curse under your breath, you click safely back on and place the gun on the nearest surface.
"I almost shot you!"
“Sorry I scared you, baby,” he says softly.
He’s exhausted, it's written all over his face, and he also looks disheveled. With each step closer you take to him, you notice something else. Something harder to read in his brown eyes.
By the time you reach him, KJ pulls you into his arms, holding you close in a tight hug. A moment passes like this, the two of you holding on to each other. Both needed it more than the other knew.
With your head against his chest, KJ starts to speak but stops, seemingly struggling with his words. You rest your palms against his back and look up at him, finding his eyes already on you.
“Are you okay? I was worried….” you study him, “are you injured?”
“I’m okay,” he tries to assure you, you know it's a lie.
KJ softly kisses your forehead and takes you by the hand, guiding you to the couch. His hand is shaky in yours, and you can smell the liquor on his breath.
You start, “KJ - if you were late because you were out drinking - "
“I - I fucked up baby, “ his brown eyes are sad and heavy. “I’ve got a hit out on me. An old contact gave me a heads-up. I had to hide out for a few hours before making the drive. I'm sorry."
“A hit? Who? Galindo?” You move closer to him and hold his hand tighter.
He shakes his head, “not exactly- we don't have a lot of time. I need you to come with me, so I can get you somewhere safe first.”
“Then what, you go dark?”
He nods.
“No, I’m not leaving you. If you need to go under the radar, we do it together.”
Your words surprised him, he was so convinced you were over and done. He didn't even expect you to still have your wedding ring on, “Really?”
“You drive me mad sometimes. But I love you. And if a price is on your head, that means I have one on mine too. Say you vanish, then what? I may have a week, a month, a few months then someone rolls up on me and shoots me to send a message to you? No, fuck that, we disappear together.”
KJ pulls you close and rests his forehead against yours. “Are you sure about this?” He asks again.
“Yes,” you confirm.
He raises your hand to his lips and then kisses it, “you know what you're signing up for?”
“I had an idea when I picked you, I’m not stupid. I knew the stakes were raised by taking this job.”
“I don’t deserve you” he holds your face then kisses you, “I love you. I’m sorry I wasn’t - stronger.”
“Don’t do that, all of this is a lot. We’ll go somewhere else. Start new. I’ll get the old KJ back, yeah?”
He nods, “we need to get the go bags. I have a friend, he's gonna help us get out of Cali, but we need to hurry.”
“You and me. We got this, okay?” You stare deep into his eyes and caress the side of his face.
“You and me.”
KJ forces a smile, kisses you again, then stands. "Let's go."
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He needs a hug 😩
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Masterlist (Mayans )
I don’t have a lot of Maurice, but find some narcos /Carrillo here
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skarface · 2 years
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¡Habla, perra!
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goodnitedrdead · 2 years
Dr. Dead's Masterlist
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i promise to make it look nicer, but this will do for now.
↳ Colonel Horacio Carrillo
winter falls (Carrillo x reader)
god only knows (Carrillo x reader)
christmas headcanons (Carrillo x reader)
miscalculated steps (Carrillo x reader)
↳ Javier Peña
despite the situation (Javier Peña x reader)
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🐝 Bee's Masterlist 🐝
Welcome, welcome! This is the archival equivalent of a Table of Contents or a Directory, if you will, to all of my works posted on tumblr. Everyone is invited to stroll through this archive and read any stories that are appealing to you!
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Please be advised that my fics are created first and foremost for my enjoyment and are mostly NSFW content so please, if you are a minor (under the age of 18), do not interact with me or these stories. And there is no RPF (Real People Fiction).
Kinktober 2021 | my first kinktober ever! In the spirit of it, I will not be making it look better lol
Kinktober 2022 | my latest kinktober, please note the improvement in quality and nod at your phone and/or computer screen in acknowledgement and/or praise (/joking)
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Joseph Quinn (plays Eddie Munson, GOT Koner, Tom Grant etc)
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Joe Keery (plays Steve Harrington, Walter Keys McKeys, Kurt Kunkle etc)
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Joel Kinnaman (plays Takeshi Kovacs, Rick Flag, Stephen Holder etc)
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Maurice Compte (plays Colonel Carrillo, Diego Jimenez, Benny Borracho etc)
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Alex Brightman (plays Beetlejuice, Dewey Finn, Ralph [Blue Bloods] etc)
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Just The Girls (archive for female character fics that did not warrant their own masterlists)
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Just The Boys (archive of male character fics that did not warrant their own masterlists)
I’M ON ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN TOO! [link incoming]
All of my fics will be posted and archived here! Engagement vis-a-vís comments and reblogs, hell anon messages even, are strongly encouraged! They help me get excited about new works and fuel me to complete projects to share more ❤
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cheesybadgers · 2 years
I think there's actually more of Maurice in the Making Of video than there is in the short film (he's only in the first scene of the film as 'Dr X', but there are specs and a hat, wahey!) 😂
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-Chicago Hope, s03e19, 1997
Let me tell you a little story: Chicago Hope is not on any streaming platform (in the USA at least). Apparently 20th Century Fox doesn't want to pay every time Mandy Patinkin would sing along to a show tune while operating on someone. Guess who owns the whole series now on an external hard drive I bought from Etsy? It's me. And now I can watch the entire series at my leisure, so I'm coming out on top really.
For those of you that weren't around in the 1990s - before there was Chicago Med, there was Chicago Hope. It was like E.R. but with more broadway songs and less Noah Wyle. My dad was a fan - it was a dad show.
The Episode The Son Also Rises is split in three(!) storylines. All having to do with fathers and sons.
Storyline A - I don't know single character's name except for the one Maurice played and it's Lead Gang Kid. He's the one in the baseball cap. So Hector Elizondo's character is driving and a kid jumps in front of his car and hits him. When he gets out to check on the kid, the other gang members jump him and steal his car. How Maurice is 'lead gang kid' is a real head scratcher because there's like 3 other gang members that seem like they are vying for that. Blah blah blah, Elizondo ends up at his estranged son's apartment to call for help. He ends up going back with his son and taking the injured kid to the hospital. The son and the dad seem to make up at the end. And if you couldn't tell from the lack of gifs here, Maurice doesn't show up again lol I watched til the end, but no. He lives though (I'm assuming).
Storyline B: Alan Arkin shows up at Chicago Hope to introduce himself to doctor son Adam Arkin (real life father and son here). They end up getting drunk together in his office.
Storyline C: This fucking bonkers storyline. Christine Lahti's character has a doctor for a patient. TURNS OUT it's actually like a 9 year old who is a doctor and he's dying. If you've ever seen Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift - it's that white kid. His dad is like...scared of him?? because he's so smart and Christine has to like convince him to go spend time with his dying son?!!?!
And that's the episode.
When I was screen grabbing the episode, I felt like someone trying to get a photo of sasquatch.
Anyways I'm weird and love doing this and writing these dumb little recaps so thanks for indulging me.
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bobafetts-princess · 27 days
Maurice Compte Characters Masterlist
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Good Luck Charms: Months 1-6, Months 7-12
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mariamariquinha · 2 months
My personal thanks
Since finishing Versos de Placer, I feel that I have not only closed the page on a story, but rather begun a personal victory. Writing has always been a hobby and a profession for me, and what I always decided for myself was that writing fictional stories would never be more than a chance to disconnect from my routine (which isn't always good) while writing for characters and creating new worlds.
What happened in this story, for me, was transformative. I often joke that I would kill Carrillo if he actually existed, that I would hate him - I would, believe me. The thing is: at this point, it's redundant to say that the work that Maurice Compte did on Narcos was as ambiguous and open to interpretation as the script forced us to believe, and today Carrillo is someone with whom I want to explore. I think it's even subversive, right? Layering so many layers and corrupting the incorruptible so much, taking it out of its comfort zone, exposing it, adjusting it and misadjusting it again.
All of this (my willpower in writing and my courage in leaving my comfort zone to create a story in another language) came with a small support network, but one that becomes large in its merit, which is rare around here lately.
@cheesybadgers, with her constant cheering and long discussions about Carrillo, who has a passionate heart to this character and wrote one of my favorite stories against plagiarism and veiled (or not) homophobia. @thoroughlymodernminutia, who became a great friend and someone who's always supporting me, joyning the road of this story with kind words. @seaweeden always with a heads up, always commenting and always having a funny thing to add. I'm very thankful to all of you! To every comment, reblog and like.
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I'm Brazilian, okay? And we are well known as somewhat intense people, but in dark times, sharing some good feelings isn't so bad after all.
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mysoulisasunflower · 2 years
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For some time I like to review series that I used to watch during my childhood (fuck I feel old to say that while I’m 19 years old…).
And so for two weeks, every time I get bored, I watch an episode of Monk. I still like this show that remained very funny and that, I find, hasn't aged at all.
And I had learned that Maurice Compte had a role in the show so I was looking forward to his appearance. And finally during the last season at episode 12 here he's. I’m going to quickly summarize the episode because I want and I do what I want: He plays Luke Johnson who robbed an armored van and killed one of the guards with his cousin. In order to clear all the evidence that links them to the murder/robbery, they’re looking for shell casings and the last one is being held by one of the kids that Monk’s camping with. Everything ends well for the kids less for Luke and his cousin who end up in prison (of course).
That’s it for this very looooong post but I wanted to talk about this appearance in one of my comfort series of my childhood. And also to show all the gifs of this beautiful man I have in my possession.
Oh and btw the episode is called "Monk goes camping" for those who want to go see the episode (no need to see a single episode of the series to understand, you will just have no presentation of the characters and the beginning will not make much sense but it’s viewable)
(Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes, English is not my native language, but I was really excited to share this post)
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
After Dusk
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Makena (Hunter/half vampire demon) x Brasa (crossroad demon/high level demon)
Words: 1,027
Warnings: dead vampire, demon portals, a bloody fight
About: When The Order calls a worldwide Hunters meeting, Makena know something dangerous is on the horizon. What she doesn’t know is her new assignment puts her face to face with an a demon she made a deal with over 30 years ago.
Top Gif: The search tool on here is a complete nightmare. I had this gif saved bc I can’t find it via gif search. Credit to the creature, here is the original post.
💫 Arte releases a draft into the void 💫 | A03
(new process note: since this was already whole, I’m posting it as such)
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When The Order called a meeting, Makena knew a huge threat must be on the horizon. Unlike the old days, they barely called meetings. All hunters have regional managers; they handle correspondence, assignments, and anything else the surrounding hunters need to know.
No matter what a hunter was up to, if a meeting like this was called, they had to drop everything and show up in person. Hunters in training, those earning their stripes, would step in for the time being. Doing things like patrol, and security until every region's hunter returned.
Makena learned there’s been several troubling things happening and from the sounds of it, all hunters would be on deck, and given specific assignments by their RM’s. Among the troubling revelations, she learned portals have been opening up at an accelerated rate, the demon population has tripled and though maintaining the vampire population is part of their jobs, and less around isn’t really a bad thing, someone has been killing nests of vampires.
Since this is not the work of a hunter, The Order wants answers. Who is doing this and why? Are they a threat to the Order and its Hunters? What is the cause of the portals and increase of demon activity?
Perhaps the most disturbing of all is the sudden and drastic reduction of hunters. They’ve been disappearing, quietly, in the dead of the night with no trace. It’s very clear to Makena why a meeting of this scale was called.
Post meeting, she went back to her room and waited for her assignment.
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Makena found him in the middle of the desert. It took a lot of blood, sweat and detective work to get here. All signs lead to him. To her disadvantage, he was expecting her; in spite of how quiet she’s been.
Now, they stand in the middle of the abandoned church, the wood hot from the desert sun, dust and sand mingle in the air with the taste of their blood and sweat. Of all the battles Makena has fought, this one has taken the most out of her.
Silence has fallen in the church, she laid back against one of the rickety pews, Brasa is on the other directly across from her. The both of them catching their breath, eyes still locked on each other.
Brasa holds his injured arm closer to his chest and lowers the sword in his other hand. When his left leg hits the broken pew to his side, it falls over completely, sending a loud crashing sound through the old building.
“How’s a cambion-vampire get into the Order anyway?” He asked after a big exhale. His dark eyes shoot down to his hand, it’s starting to heal.
“Things have changed since your day Brasa. The Order has diversified, “she pauses to spit out blood, then wipes her mouth, “we even have werewolves.”
Brasa raised a brow, “werewolves?”
“They figured - “she struggles to sit up and holds onto the back of the pew for support, “what better way to keep the order than have inside men. Human hunters have done fine for centuries, but the level of peace we had the last 10 years, that couldn’t be done with just humans.” She winches and grabs her side.
“Wouldn’t you be considered traitors?”
“Of course,” she lowers one of her legs and puts her foot on the ground. Now she's seated upright with one knee bent on the bench. “But I don't care about that.” she pauses and collects her thoughts,
“Who would have thought?” He smirks and rises from the pew. With quick reflexes, she has her sword in her hand again and is on her feet too. Brasa’s eyes move to the sword, then back to her face, “30 years.”
“Seems we both climbed our way up the ranks since then.” She comments, still keeping a sharp eye on him.
Brasa steps out of the pew and examines the large slash across his leather jacket.
She continues, “Crossroad demon to what? One of the Queen's most trusted soldiers. Must be. How are you doing it? The portals, the mass killings?”
The sinister smirk returns to his lips, “did you know it was me you were tracking?”
“No. Not until I saw you face to face.”
“Same,” he holds up his hand, it’s fully healed now, “I’m not who you’re looking for. I’m here working on the same thing you are.”
Makena stands opposite him, “Bullshit.”
“What's happening now, this isn’t us. The Queen isn’t happy.”
“What? Someone got hold of an ancient tablet somewhere. Causing so much chaos the Queen of Hell is annoyed?”
“If this was her, she’d own up to it, you know that “he starts to move with slow steps, so does she. Soon they're like a couple of crows in a slow-paced dance. “The advantage of your little Order getting their shit together is how it’s benefited her. This, what’s going on now, doesn’t.”
Makena continues moving, they’re burning a circle into the dusty ground, “that doesn’t make sense.”
“This isn’t the first time someone got their hands on an ancient tablet. Won’t be the last.”
“If so, someone on your side fucked up.”
“We know that.”
“What's with the disappearing hunters? The dead vampires?” she asked.
“They don’t mean anything, it’s what’s inside that matters. I read the missing table once. In part.”
“Their blood?”
He nods.
She goes quiet and breaks eye contact, taking in all the information.
“You know what this means, Makena - instead of The Order sending you out to hunt, you should be kept away. You are the goldmine. A hunter and a Cambion made vampire - your clock is ticking. You’re working on borrowed time. They’re always made stupid decisions, and they’re making one now.”
She dismisses his comments. “If you’re not the one doing it, why did everything lead me to you?”
“Did you not hear me earlier? I am working the same case you are. You are following my steps; I’m following who’s ever the fuck we’re looking for. If you’re a dog with a scent, of course you’re following mine.”
She raised a brow and went still. So does he.
(That’s all I have, so it’s a one shot. If I do expand, subscribing on A03 is the best way to get updated)
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Maurice Compte list
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the-hinky-panda · 2 years
If Maurice Compte’s character from Law and Order shows up on the October Fic Fest list, I’m blaming @massivecolorspygiant, @tropes-and-tales, and @cheesybadgers . I am adding @thoroughlymodernminutia and @girlpornparadise as well.
It’s all your fault!
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If I, strictly theoretically speaking, had a list containing the fate of all Maurice Compte's characters of shows/movies I've seen so far and whether he's a cop, a criminal, or something else in that medium... would anybody be interested in that?
My friend and I had been wondering if there are any interesting statistics to gather from that (apart from the fact that he dies... a lot.)
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Maurice Compte Character Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
This is a collection of my all of my fics written as pairings for Maurice Compte’s characters. All NSFW fics are marked as SMUT!
**all unfinished fics for Compte are on hiatus**
Original Character Fics
Garrote (unfinished series) | OC Jazmine Mann
Diego Jimenez X Jazmine Mann. Jazz has been forced to be a major part of a sting operation to take down a wanted man-- and she has to do it with the help of the mercurial drug dealers Hermanos Jimenez.
Benny “Borracho” Magalon X OC Robyn Banks (enemies to co-parents to lovers), Organized Chronologically
Dirty Water | 2.5k words | Robb is trying to leave her past behind her, but the group of dirty cops want her mafioso dad back in jail and she's his closest "ally"
More Than Words Can Say | 1.1k words | Benny knows Nick will murder him if he found out he was getting attached to the target...
Rooftop Rendezvous | 2.5k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | years (and a baby) later: Benny comes home and needs his girl to work his adrenaline out (without waking the baby)
Reader Insert Fics
Benny Borracho Megalon from Den of Thieves (2017)
The Laundromat | 3.3k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | while doing laundry for cheap at 3 am, you encounter a hot stranger and sex ensues
\\Return to Main Masterlist for more works by yours truly//
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cheesybadgers · 2 years
I’ve got my VPN on, I’ve got my snacks. It’s time to watch Maurice Compte as yet another side character police officer 😂
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Just wanted to say I love the way you write for Mike Duarte! I’m still not over the episode lol I needed to fix it by reading as many things as possible where he’s alive so your blog has been a landmine for me lol. Quickly going down the Maurice Compte characters rabbit hole and I don’t want to stop!
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Girl, nobody is over that episode.
Thank you so much, I honestly love writing for him because he is such a fantastic and complex character and the actor brought him to life and stole the show!
Literally he will never die in any of my works, I am working on some aftermath of Blood Out fics that address his injuries and such.
This started with Carrillo in Narcos and then suddenly he popped up in SVU when I watching it - did not expect and I was hooked!
I hope you continue to enjoy my fics and thank you for dropping in xx
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downwiththeficness · 2 years
Fic update
My next fic has a title!!
Shadow and Veil is the 70s AU fic of A Need So Great. There are 5 chapters of A Need Unleashed left and I’ll take my usual break before posting Shadow and Veil’s first chapter.
And, just as a teaser, I am borrowing one of Maurice Compte’s other characters to make the plot a little more interesting. ;)
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