#Max Vyer
sysig · 5 months
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Utterly Defeated (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#<Sticking to my tag so they're all together ♥#Dexter Favin#Max Vyer#But really that's ZEX in there! What's left of him anyway ;;#ZEX#Hhhhhhh it was so goooood and saaaaad <3 <3#Helix is a tragedy - on repeat in my mind ad infinitum#I made most of these upon initially reading - and then I had to sit on them through all of October!! Can you imagine the impatience??#I've been absolutely chomping at the bit for these hhhhh feelings!!! So many!!! Max's eyes and ZEX being behind his single remaining ;;#Dex wanting him to be safe and knowing he used to and now he can't offer it anymore I jifdsahfdjsaf#Have I mentioned I love them lately I love them <3 <3 All of them! Dex and Max and ZEX! And DAX I'm sure ZEX misses him so badly#In a way it was good that I had a bit more time to set it down and come back - I reread it very recently hehe <3#I still get teary at some scenes ah </3 It's so beautifully sad#But it also gave me some time to finish ZEX starting to shape the word ''Max'' and then back off it ahhhh it hurts!!#The rest were at least all lined at the time - came back in to tone some recently but they were all ''finished'' October 1st ah#Especially of Dex waking ZEX to call him by his title hhh they both just want peace so badly but it looks so different to both of them#Lingering on his scar and then carding through his hair <3 Comfort and softness and it's all not enough#His scar is quite fun to draw as well ah - scars tend to be like that haha ♪ The stitches and discolouration give it a unique look!#And the way his hair pulls back from it ah#I had a lot of fun with his hair hiding his bandaged eye as well - just barely peeking out always just enough of a reminder#And all his lying-down poses - his hair is fun to pose like that as well#One of the original Landel doodles of ZEX talking about what Hell would look like for a VUX really struck me as well#Dex can't help him in so many ways ehn </3 He wants to! But he wants Max and he just can't have him anymore#Hhhh it was such a good read <3 <3 <3 Thank you again to Zarla it really made and still makes me happy to read it ahhh ♥♪#Now that I've (finally!) gotten my thoughts out I can read the other!! Yay!!
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viktorfredriksson · 4 months
2023 års bästa tv-serier
Klimatet för prestigefyllda tv-serier har aldrig varit så bra som under de senaste tjugofem åren. Men att »Peak TV« nu är över har slagits fast gång på gång under året. Vad som väntar härnäst vet vi inte säkert. Men låt oss först summera 2023. Nedan följer min lista över årets bästa tv-säsonger.
Succession (S4)
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I en framtida tv-kanon kommer »Succession« att nämnas i samma andetag som »The Sopranos«, »The Wire«, »Mad Men« och »Breaking Bad«. Och det med all rätt. Den avslutande fjärde säsongen cementerar »Successions« position i tv-historiens absoluta finrum. I den avslutande säsongen är berättandet mer fokuserat, och Kendall, Shiv och Roman – syskontrion vi lärt oss att älska och hata – tillåts visa hela sitt register. Seriens kanske mest imponerande bedrift är det subtila karaktärsbygget. Med hjälp av kroppsspråk, tonfall, menande blickar och välfunnen dialog uppstår något mångbottnat ur det till synes ytliga. Och intensiteten i det tredje avsnittet »Connor's Wedding« överträffar allt annat under året. »You are not serious people« är redan en modern klassiker.
Streamas på: HBO Max
2. The Bear (S2)
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Yes, chef! »Med ett ursinnigt tempo och en stormkokande intensitet flyger de halvtimmeslånga avsnitten förbi« skrev jag om den första säsongen. Den andra säsongen växlar ner tempot och – likt »Succession« – tillåter verkligen karaktärerna att skina när det familjeägda smörgåshaket ska transformeras till Michelin-restaurang. Även tematiskt sker en förflyttning; fokuset på sorgearbetet överskuggas av jakten på lycka, mening och självförverkligande. Kan tomrummet fyllas? Och isåfall med vad? De omtalade avsnitten »Fishes« och »Forks« är magnifika men finalen är nästan ännu bättre.
Streamas på: Disney+
3. A Murder at the End of the World (S1)
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Agatha Christie möter Elon Musk i denna atmosfäriska och högteknologiska pusseldeckare – denna trendiga subgenre. Techmiljardären Andy Ronson (Clive Owen) bjuder in nio framstående personer till sin isolerade arktiska anläggning på Island. En av de inbjudna är Darby Hart (Emma Corrin), hackare tillika amatördetektiv, som får nytta av sina true crime-erfarenheter efter att en av gästerna hittats död under oklara omständigheter. Skaparen Brit Marling (som även spelar en av huvudrollerna) imponerar med den vintrigt kusliga stämningen och en skickligt konstruerad mordgåta. Och de tematiska frågorna kring teknologi och etik kunde såklart inte vara mer aktuella.
Streamas på: Disney+
4. Tour de France: Unchained (S1)
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Jag har följt Tour de France sedan 2010 och är kanske därför partisk. Med det sagt är Tour de France förmodligen det optimala sportevenemanget för det nu beprövade »Drive to Survive«-formatet. Cykelsporten har såklart fått kämpa i motvind sedan Armstrong, men även oaktat dopingfrågan vill jag hävda att sporten är kraftigt missförstådd. »Tour de France: Unchained« är en utmärkt inkörsport till en av sportvärldens absolut största, mest krävande, mest fascinerande, mest komplexa, mest prestigefyllda, mest underhållande och dramatiska tävlingar. Möt spurtspecialisterna, bergsgetterna, hjälpryttarna, de stora fixstjärnorna (tyvärr lyckades Netflix dock inte skriva avtal med megastjärnan Tadej Pogačars stall). Möt Alperna, Pyrenéerna och Champs-Élysées. Möt tre veckor av folkfest och majestätiska vyer.
Streamas på: Netflix
5. Händelser vid vatten
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Årets bästa svenska tv-serie osar stjärnglans. Manuset bygger på Kerstin Ekmans klassiska roman, Mikael Marcimain (»Call Girl«, »Jakten på en mördare«) står för regin och Pernilla August, Rolf Lassgård, Alba August och Asta Kamma August ses i större roller. Resultatet är likt Marcimains tidigare verk en produktion av hög internationell klass, där hans öga för detaljer märkbart lyser igenom; stundtals stjäl det fenomenala kameraarbetet nästan showen. Själva berättelsen tar avstamp i ett ouppklarat dubbelmord på 70-talet i den Norrländska byn Svartvattnet och utspelar sig under två parallella tidslinjer. Mörkt, mystiskt och meditativt om minnen, mord och landsbygd.
Streamas på: SVT Play
PLATS 6-10
Slow Horses (S3) – Apple TV+
Jury Duty – (S1) Amazon Prime
The Fall of the House of Usher (S1) – Netflix
The Last of Us (S1) – HBO Max
Barry (S4) – HBO Max
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PLATS 11-15
Taelgia (S1) – SVT Play
Limbo (S1) – Viaplay
Poker Face (S1) – SkyShowtime
The Crown (S6) – Netflix
Silo (S1) – Apple TV+
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Inte sett: Beef, Reservation Dogs, Fargo (S5) m.m.
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styrketrappan · 4 months
Spaning och förhoppning inför 2024
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Vad sägs om att tillgänglighet, effektivitet, hållbarhet, analys och lärdomar från blå zoner som trender nästa år? Med ett hopp om en snällare värld som en bonus? Per, Styrketrappan
Trender kommer och går, basfakta består. Givetvis är vår biologi och kemi vad den är, så även om nånting är populärt så ändras vi människor långsamt. Min bestående spaning är att snabba lösningar brukar innebära stora pengar i någons ficka och att skjuta på den hållbara hälsan. Jag tror på några trender inför 2024. Det är tillgänglighet, effektivitet, hållbarhet, analys och blå zoner.
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Bra träning, god nutrition och den viktiga återhämtningen behöver finnas med hela tiden, oavsett om vi är hemma eller på jobbet eller i skolan. Människor kommer vilja arbeta med hälsa där de är så gymkedjor, klubbar och föreningar kommer behöva utveckla sina tjänster för att minska avstånden till de som behöver hjälp och stöd. Må vara med appar, 24/7-coacher med artificiell intelligens, ambulerande personal eller virtuella upplevelser. Vi coacher behöver vara öppna för att bredda våra vyer. Detta gäller hur tjänster levereras för att möta behoven på rätt plats.
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Människor fortsätta vilja ha resultat snabbt. Innebär allt ifrån korta, 10-15 minuter långa och intensiva träningspass till sund mat levererad eller åtminstone paketerad och mer mikropauser för att hitta återhämtning. Små positiva förändringar in i livet och kör det i ett par månader innan nästa lilla förändring läggs till. Ja, och så tar vi löpande bort förbud och undviker meningar som innehåller orden sen, måste, kanske, men och inte. Här blir vi coacher viktiga för att landa i en effektivitet som är just det, så att vi undviker hysteri som slår tillbaks och försämrar möjligheterna till en hållbar hälsa. Jag har satt samman lite olika kortträningsprogram som jag kallar tripplar, de ska ta max 15 minuter och du hittar dem på Smarta tripplar
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Hållbarhet Hållbarhet kommer från två håll här, både att människor ställer högre krav på att tid och pengar går till lösningar som är hållbara och bra för miljön likväl som att det de gör fungerar och är hållbart i deras liv. Det blir viktigt med tydlighet kring hållbara alternativ som fungerar för världen och i människors alltmer hektiska liv. Något för oss coacher att bita i. Jag har skrivit lite om hållbar hälsa där du kanske kan hitta lite idéer på Hållbar hälsa
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Människor kommer vilja förstå mer kring varför de ska göra förändringar, vad det är de borde gör. De kommer även vilja mäta och testa sina resultat på olika sätt för att förstå var de är på väg och för att reflektera över effekten av det de gör. Här blir vi coacher viktiga för att hjälpa till med utbildning, evidens och guidning för att hitta rätt väg. Om du vill läsa om och hitta mallar för förändring kan du klicka på förändring, vill du läsa mer om analyser och tester kan du hitta mer om du söker på analys
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Lärdomar från blå zoner Blå zoner är nåt helt annat än en trend. Det vi kommer tjuvkika på är den holistiska (så fick jag äntligen använda det ordet istället för helhet) synen på hälsa som finns i de här zonerna, och de gemensamma nämnarna som gör de här zonerna till ställen där människorna lever lite hälsosammare och framförallt längre. Det jag egentligen tänker på är att social, fysisk och mental hälsa blir viktigare för oss. Att vi hittar ett socialt hälsosamt sammanhang och engagemang med andra människor, att vi arbetar med vår fysiska hälsa med motion, träning och kost och att vi sköter vår mentala hälsa med återhämtning och ett syfte. Du kan läsa mer om blå zoner på Wikipedia 1 Här blir vi coacher viktiga för att visa vägen till en balanserad situation.
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Jag hoppas på en värld där du och jag är snällare mot oss själva, varandra och andra. En värld där vi kan lägga vår energi på positiva förändringar för att hitta vår balans och vår hållbara hälsa. En värld där vi kan vara med lite längre och lämna över nåt bra till kommande generationer.
Ovanstående är vad jag tror och hoppas för att jag själv ska navigera mig till en hållbar hälsa. Jag tycker att du behöver hitta din väg, din spaning och dina förhoppningar som ger dig en hållbar hälsa. Dela gärna med dig av dina tankar, kunskap ska delas och det är lätt att bära med sig. Read the full article
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henryfcohen · 5 years
Wir fahr'n fahr'n fahr'n auf der Autobahn
Wir fahr’n fahr’n fahr’n auf der Autobahn
Sommarens semester tillbringades i Tyskland. Inte till fots, inte med tåg, inte med cykel men väl med bil. Om nu en av oss har körkort och det kan vara kul att köra runt och upptäcka ett land fritt – varför inte? Att hyra en bil är i och för sig inte gratis, men det är inte tåg heller. På plussidan är det en bekväm färd med valfri musik, fina vyer och möjlighet att stanna lite varstans. Sen går…
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kazriko2 · 5 years
Various nerdy projects
I have so many projects going on that I should probably write them down somewhere to make sure I don’t forget what step I’m on with each one.
Frite XT. Someone tossed an original IBM PCXT case out at work here. I want to turn it into a ARM base PC Emulator box.
I’ve backed the La Frite board on Kickstarter, should arrive next year sometime.
La Frite has 2 USBs, desolder the connectors and run wires out to internal usb hubs.
Need to clean the case out and remove the boards that are there. The connectors are extremely corroded and most of the boards are probably useless. The CPU has been removed from the system.
Install a 3.5″ floppy. Need an adapter to USB. Use internal USB connector. 
Do the same for a 5.25″ floppy. This is tougher because the usb adapters for it are harder to find, and most are read only. Read only is probably fine.
The case has a full height 5.25″ hard drive. Planning to hollow this out, and put the Frite board inside.
Use Meanwell 12 and 5v supplies, rail mounted. 12v already owned, 5v would need to be bought.
Add 5v rail mount relays. one for 12 and one for 5v.
The big chunky switch on the side will instead switch 5v to the relays. The 2 meanwell supplies will always be powered up just so that it can supply 5v to this switch, should be very low standby current.
the other side of the switch will go to a digital input on the frite board.
The frite board will have an output going to the relays as well. When it turns on, it will turn this output on to keep the relays active. If the switch is turned off, the board will keep power running just long enough for a clean shutdown.
USB ports on the back, for most connectivity. Use the slot covers with ports.
Use 2 DIO pins for AT or PS/2 keyboards, Hopefully track down an original buckling spring AT plug keyboard.
Frite will boot to X, then run 2 programs. Dosbox emulating a 4.77mhz XT, and Ratpoison for the windowmanager. This means that it will look really similar to an XT because Ratpoison has no window decorations, but if someone knows how to use ratpoison, they could launch new terminals and use it like a linux computer.
Izuna Router. Maxe a new PFSense router for my house. Started out with parts I had laying around, adding some bits that are still needed.
Had Asus E350 motherboard on hand. MicroATX board that is half depth. The ethernet port is awful. Done.
Using an HP nic with Intel chip for both connections. Gigabit. Done.
Acrylic case, designed for wallmount. Low-profile PCIe slots. In process from a laser cutter
Habey 60w DC-DC power supply. I had this on hand. Done.
PNY 120gig SSD. Purchased for $30 from Bestbuy. Done.
Various screws and offsets. Ordered.
External 12v power supply. UpBright off amazon. Done.
Total power consumption: 21-30w.
Vyers Windows Gaming System. I currently don’t have a windows gaming system, since I’ve dismantled Emizel. Assemble a Ryzen 2200g computer.
Antec 150w MiniITX case. Done.
Asrock MiniITX Motherboard. Done.
AMD 2200g. Done.
Install all parts in system. Done.
250gig Samsung (Done) or 250 gig m.2 hard drive. Decide if the samsung sata drive is enough.
Windows 10 copy. Need to purchase.
Usalia Upgrade. Need to get a X470 and a new video card, and eventually replace Vyers with a VM host with GPU passthrough.
Might not even bother with this, since Vyers will probably suffice, but it’s a long term goal.
Asrock Taichi x470.
Vega56 graphics card, or 1070? Haven’t decided, may be based on opportunity.
A 500gig m.2 drive?
Sicily Upgrade. Switch Sicily to a Ryzen based system, with ECC memory and add new SSDs as either L2ARC or WAL drives.
The motherboard would be from the Usalia upgrade, whenever that happens.
ECC memory would need to be purchased.
Case has 2 3.5″ external bays. Buy some 2.5″ ssd hotswap racks for them.
Possibly switch from a 3x3.5″ hard drive rack to a 5x3.5″ rack so I can fit 2 more platter disks in.
Might need more PCIe sata boards.
Maybe use Optane for either the WAL or L2ARC.
Majorita Colocation and Upgrades. When we move out of this office, I need a new home for Majorita. Also, they’ll be returning some of my servers and NAS systems, so I’ll have some better drives to install.
Would be a good idea to put the 4x4tb drives in before taking it to the colocation site.
Made contact with a colocation site for $75/mo.
It would be a good idea to buy a second system so that we have spares if the system ever goes down. $195-$280 to buy another nearly identical system, without the memory.
Epyc upgrade would be close to $2000. Would there ever be a case where I could justify that cost?
130XE Repair. My 130XE, the first computer I ever owned, was discontinued because we couldn’t get it to work anymore, we bought another 130XE and later XEGS to replace it. I want to fix it.
Purchased a monitor to SVideo cable. Done.
Power supply from XEGS is still working and putting out the correct voltage. Done
Ordered 20 spare memory chips from china due to long lead times, just in case. They were cheap.
Ordered a SVideo to VGA adapter. Can’t find a SVideo capable screen anymore.
Removed the bios switch from the sysntem to simplify the troubleshooting. Will just use the existing atari dos rom.
Once I have the adapter here, I can start troubleshooting the system.
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sysig · 6 days
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Oh he is So baby (Patreon)
#Doodles#Helix#SCII#Max Vyer#Teen Max ;; *gently holds*#Like I didn't love him already his teen phase was This Cute??? Stoppp#I am once again relating way too hard to Max lol - it looks? like he's wearing dark eyeliner to me#There's no way he actually has eye bags that dark as a 16 year old right am I just protecting my feelings towards wanting him to be okay :'D#He started drinking before he was 21 but when did he start some of the harder stuff - was him getting on the roof a teen or drug thing#Worried about you Max#Well anyway I choose to believe it's eyeliner lol <3 Which is extremely cute <3#There's something so double-funny to me about having drawn him all cutesy as a baby y'know - cherubic! Adorable blond baby!#And then his emo/grunge/punk phase as a teen but he keeps his blond hair because of his vanity hehehehe I love him!!! So much!!#He's so adorable <3#Anyway yeah I had a dark eyeliner phase as a teen also lol except mine was Classique Fandom Cringe™ ♥#I'd draw the YGO Eye of Ra with my eye acting as the main part of the eye lol teens are goofy like that#Very measured of him to just darken his lower lid really ♪#The collar and the cuffs too I just jdksfladf I can't think of it as anything but extremely cute lol I'm so endeared <3 <3#He's such a brat I love him so much#I talked about how his parents would've still been awful even if he had A Diagnosis but honestly he probably would've been too <3#Not a get-out-of-jail-free card Max!#I - a Max apologist - say lol
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sysig · 2 months
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The most cherubic little golden-haired baby boy (Patreon)
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sysig · 12 days
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Incomplete exchange (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#DAX#*throws idea spaghetti throws idea spaghetti throws idea spaghetti throws#So Max and ZEX changing places - what if that but This lol#It would also be funny to watch Max stumble around in ZEX's body lol but considering ''how'' ZEX got isekai'd...#Not much left probably :| Dark#Really I'm just fascinated by throwing the almost-dynamics into relief hehehe - DAX and Dex so similar! And Max and ZEX similar in some ways#How would DAX react to Max :3c How would Max react to DAX! One of them knows the other - at least at arm's length - but not the other!#Seeing a VUX ''in person'' would probably be a whole other feeling as well haha - there's a familiarity when he's inhabiting ZEX's POV#Still thinks he's dreaming because I mean - would the reality be any easier to swallow? No lol#I guess this would be a scenario before ZEX dies since y'know - DAX is here haha - unless this is some afterlife something???#Both Max and DAX /would/ be dead in that scenario - or would they?? Haha the grey area is the funnest to play in <3#I think it'd be very interesting on DAX's end as well - obviously Max is very different from ZEX but if the language thing works both ways#VUX already have the translators of course but like - Max speaks very differently from ZEX he formulates his sentences very specifically#But if the way he attacks the words the way his accent moves the sounds around - if he speaks like ZEX but not /like/ him - s'interesting!#Would probably confuse the heck out of DAX haha he knows that voice very well!#By the transitive property would that make their accent space New Jersey? No that's too silly haha#I really love Max just dropping years and events out of the blue haha - very important! Written down! Kept track of!#A lot of things he doesn't pay much attention to but he's very careful with his dream data I'm love him <3#I also had So much fun drawing his hands here hehe ♪ His hand expressions have quickly risen to being my favourite :D#ZEX doesn't express with his hands! Which means it's a Max-specific type of thing in his body!#Tells <3
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sysig · 2 months
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Lost my mind thinking about the Vyer Estate (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#So while I'm not usually one to draw backgrounds I am actually Really into architecture and a little into decor and room design haha#Do I know much more than the basics? Nope! But I'm still fascinated by it :)#Some of these rooms have a very strong image in my head and some are fuzzier - it's been a bit since I reread#And I also haven't read with the layout in mind I don't think so there's that as well haha#I'll also freely admit to being very influenced by The Sims 2's build limitations when working these lol - spacing and density of items#Trying to map all these pieces of scenes into a continuous singular building is difficult! There are windows that butt up into other rooms!#It's a fun exercise tho :3#Update: I have now reread with the layout in mind lol#My mental ears pricked every time there was a mention of furniture or layout lol#Like Max's couch! And a carpet in the foyer >:3c#And Dex's room also being upstairs :0 To think I almost made my first floorplan a single-story!#Silly me#I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've doodled Max's mom also :0 From memory - again - oops lol#I have always imagined that final scene with her as having this large-room/small in the frame kind of energy to it#All natural lighting and kind of dim and hazy - coming down from the high vibes#Actually pinning down a back wall is a whole other thing lol - sometimes the stairs are right there and sometimes they're in an alcove#It's always those tricky windows! And then actually populating a mansion with rooms that are useful lol#Dexter mentions that Max could've asked the cook but Max says he's asleep - how many people live on-site I wonder!#I'm also deeply enamoured with Max padding around in the middle of the night - a house he grew up in and feels safe wandering around in <3#In his element ♥ Comfortable ♪♫
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sysig · 2 months
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"...we could just run away somewhere, the two of us.” (Patreon)
Too many for a single photoset, but since these are a bit on the scribbly side I didn’t want to split them up either ♪ Enjoy the added commentary!
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Couple’a cut panels, Max is reacting to Dexter putting his plans in motion here
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Very inspired from the ever-so-slightly earlier scene in Helix of Max covering his ears to block out Dexter’s call ♥ Even when things are going his way it’s too overwhelming!
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*Summer home. I forgot what he referred to it as lol
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Can’t be a meeting if you just ditch entirely!
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Surprised by this turn of events, just keeps getting better and better
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Of course he had to say something and make Dex mad again haha ♪
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Unfortunately his dialogue here was a little too silly for being high and sad and stressed so I had to move it, but he still turned out cute so here it is instead!
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Guilty guilty guiltyyyy
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Knocked out from the long car trip ♥ He definitely needs it
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I love this shot, Dexter leaning in to check on him 💕
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He’s so flippin’ cute I fjdsklafd
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Very awake all of a sudden, spooked out of sleep. You’re the first ones here, it’s all fine
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Head tilts forever ♥
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He is still coming down after all
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Pathetic, as always
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Walked to be within sight of the house so he doesn’t go wandering off
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Staff at the summer home?? Sure, why not lol, maybe they’re preparing for the Vyers to come by
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#Apparently I'm not done with this idea hm#I keep making Max's hair too long - I wonder who's the blame for this lol#I mean besides me pfft ♪#These are mostly planning doodles but I like so many of them! And as much as I'm still stuck I don't know how long it'll take#So impatient lol ♫ I want to do everything and have it all done!#I mostly just wanted to get the setup pinned down - where it diverges from Helix - and then little ideas started getting at me#Starting to make a proper shape in my mind!#The rest is pretty much down to the set I posted a while ago of Max imagining a life with Dexter hehe <3#Actually having to deal in reality tho hehe ♪ It's not so nice as just imagining an easy out! There are consequences!#Not all~ negative but consequences nonetheless hehe#I had a surprising amount of fun drawing the car interior from different angles here lol I'm not sure why! I wouldn't normally#Maybe I was just relieved I wasn't drawing the outside pfft#I'm also quite enamoured with how hard Dexter works to keep things peaceable <3 He's skilled at what he does!#Surely he has more than just tricks to keep Max tethered to his lovely cage :) Certain things ready at a moment's notice hehe#Or at least quick to get ready - guess it depends on how paranoid he is#With Max? Probably fairly pfft#I also love Max being pathetic about moving around haha he's getting what he wants but ough walking? Blegh...carry me pls (lol)#That one of Dex escorting him up to the door reminds me so much of a doodle I made ages ago with a couple of my DQIX characters actually#Similar dynamics in a way haha ♪ How fun
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sysig · 4 months
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A bit more Defeated, and thinking about this post (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#But actually starting with chibi Maxes because cutes!! He's the cutest!!#I was looking through some old doodles of my own and my chibi style from 2019 was so flippin' cute ugh#That Zedaph in cold weather clothing? Honestly still a fave of mine Zed is So soft in all my doodles of him lol#Figured it'd be nice to float some cute loves Max's way :) And I was right! Though I am out of practice lol#Was still fun to do tho haha#And then since I'd reread Defeated poor ZEX got a chibi as well! I'm sure he appreciates it poor lad haha ouq#Didn't even use my white ink to put a shine in his eye for that one haha :'D#And then a bit more with Dex </3 I had these ideas on the first reading (or so - in the same time period anyhow) but only got to them later#Dex speaks so.....patronizingly about ''Max's'' attachment to Caleb :) It's interesting to me :)#For a lot of it he's very understanding and gentle with him but it really seems like Caleb is something of a sore spot for him huh#Still ♪ I wonder if he'd consciously acknowledge it - and what his reaction would be at himself if he did hmm#He's no help to Max if he's caught in his own feelings! That doesn't make them not meaningful or important tho#And then to a bit of silliness ♪ No subtlety with the guard dog comparisons pffft#I will not apologize - if ZEX gets to play with a collar and leash with the Captain then let Max have just a little! As a treat!#Besides we all know the Real Dynamics here lol#Max and Dex do stupid couple's costumes for Halloween - who doesn't love a callback lol - and Dex is Not Amused lol#Hey I mean if the shoe fits!#And then the last one is just silly lol I may be misinterpreting the intended message but I couldn't not give it to them lol#And also Max in a ponytail for funsies :D Cute lad ♥
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sysig · 4 months
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Beautiful gilded cage for a beautiful gilded bird (Patreon)
#Doodles#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#Every time I reread Helix I'm just like ''Max is a bad person (affectionate)''#I love him!! He's terrible!! ♥#And for all the talk of how much he's been given - and it Has been a lot make no mistake#I just can't get over how often he was failed as well ♥#Idle rich indeed ♪#Honestly a lot of these thoughts are around Dex specifically but he only shows up for a few of them!#But a lot of Max's circumstances in general apply - his family and name and environment and what he's given passes on#Still thinking about the kind of life that would cultivate him! 'Cause he certainly doesn't have it haha#Also somewhat inspired by Aishite Aishite Aishite - always#Specifically the line ''No matter how large you grow the necklace stays small'' - here a cage rather than a necklace#Maybe he started small - maybe he's still small! But the expectations built around him with nothing to grow himself or his life#It does not encourage him to grow larger. It encourages him to stay small and satisfied with the small world erected to hold him in#Personally I don't think he ever got to the point where it would crush him haha <3 I love him but his motivations.....#He's a hedonist ♥ I love that about him tho - I deeply enjoy his characterization hehe#But I think if he ever Did grow he'd still have been stifled - simply a different tragedy from what actually occurred#Finally back to Dex haha - it's not just that Max was raised in a beautiful cage! His keeper(s) did just as much harm as good!#I don't think Dex ever intentionally tried to push him down but I can't help the feeling of....enjoying? Max relying on him#Feeling useful - Being useful - being paid to care for the little lord and growing a genuine affection for him#Coddling him and not letting him spread his wings because have you seen Max? He'll only hurt himself! Never letting him fail not really#It's something I'm familiar with. How it kills the soul even with the most admirable intention.#And by the time he finally escaped he was molded to the shape of the cage - even when he really hurt someone he was put right back in#Max is not a good person ♥ But I really wonder how much of that is 100% his own fault ♫
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sysig · 3 months
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I think I finally figured out why I like him so much
#ADHD#Meme#Shitpost#Helix#SCII#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#Me projecting all over Max: Man he's just like me fr#He feels so ADHD to me like hang on hear me out#He's extremely impulsive - absolutely dopamine-motivated - struggles paying attention to things he's not interested in -#But also gets fixated on things like his dream journaling and anything related to it - space/aliens/spaceships/etc.#It being like The Only Thing that he ''can focus on'' - as well as wanting to engage with it when he's stressed!#Has lots of half-abandoned hobbies and impulsively ''jokes'' about getting really invested in something and then losing interest#Like wanting a lot of animals - hehe - or what jobs he wants to do while committing to none of them#He also takes things really personally which like - RSD. Do I need to explain lol#Has difficulty making and keeping friends - is forgetful and ''forgetful'' hehe I'm quite familiar#I also kind of read him getting high or drunk regularly as like?? really maladaptive attempts at self-medicating??#Dopamine-deficient brains are way more likely to develop or lean on addictions to be at least Closer to level stimulation#He's constantly understimulated and all his caretakers see it as a moral failing when like! He's just expected to Get Guud lol#He needs accommodations! His brain is clawing at the walls trying to get his Executives to Function!#This man has undiagnosed ADHD please get him to a psychologist#Lbh tho his parents would be the type to say ''Don't use your diagnosis as an excuse'' as if he could just control it lol#Don't even get me started on when he and ZEX Freaky-Friday lol#Something something ZEX problematic queer something something Max problematic ADHD lol - look if it's Correct it's Correct!#Anyway this is just my reading and I'm Absolutely Definitely projecting to some degree - please read Helix and love Max of your own volition
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sysig · 1 month
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First name basis (Patreon)
#Doodles#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#Inspired by Dexter's visit with ZEX - Dexter's syntax was something I was extremely looking forward to!#Since we're in his head in Defeated (and the very end of Helix) I was very curious how a different player would write him :3c#I was so focused on ''sir'' that ''Mr. Vyer'' instead of ''Max'' completely blindsided me lol ♪#He switches to Max fairly early on but it killed me every time hahaha ♪#When would he have called him that! Before they got comfortable with each other maybe? :3 It got me thinking ♫#And thus the classic ''So and so was my father'' bit haha - Max acting so~ charming hehe#Set very early on of course - even Max calling him ''Dexter'' instead of ''Dex'' - they're really quite comfortable with each other in Helix#That little implication of distance before they settle into their eventual relationship ah <3 Little signifiers my beloved ♪#The timeline's still a bit loose in my mind but they would've known each other for 6+ years by the time ZEX comes in so that's a while!#Although Max was already calling him Dex by the time he was 18ish so there's that haha#Have I mentioned lately that timelines are some of my favourites pfft#It's been a while since I've worked on one <3 It's still so fun!!#I do love Dexter's professionalism haha ♥ He refers to Max as Max in his head in Defeated of course!#Mirrors DAX referring to ZEX by his name in his head but calling him sir or Admiral out of his mouth <3 <3 <3#Although DAX also refers to him as the Admiral in his head too it's all cute! I enjoy all of it so much ♪♫
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sysig · 8 months
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Like a dream (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#The latest reread really brought up some Feelings I wasn't expecting lol ♪ I thought I'd gotten them all out before but nope! New thoughts!#I love Max as a character quite a lot - he's a mess in so many ways and I really find him interesting!#He's probably one of the few characters that I actually have a ''Please for the love of god take him out of situations for once'' feeling#Everyone else I'm constantly like ''Make them sufferrrrr'' which I mean - I'm not about to say I don't also feel that way A Little to him#The proportions are different! That's all ♪#He's just fjdsalfd he was failed on so many levels! Repeatedly! Despite how much of his pain is self-inflicted I can't help feeling bad ♥#Max is not a good person! But I really think he could've been and the potential of exploring that gives me Feelings#Like what kind of environment would be good for him ♫ What kind of life would cultivate him#My brain immediately went to a scenic coastal village where he and Dex can eat fresh fish and work for dinner money and bicycle hehe#And sleep together in worn sheets <3 It's not fancy but it's theirs#But of course their story is a tragedy#The saddest part really is that Max was doomed from the beginning#Even if Dexter had taken him away - he really never would have though would he ♥ - but even if he had#Even if he had gotten clean and started to make a life for himself it never would've mattered because he's still not Max in there anymore#The thought of them escaping and everything being quietly blissful and Dex comes back to a Max sitting on their - /their/ bed#Just staring at his hands and smiling back at him#Hhhhhhhhh there's a lot of feelings <3 <3
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sysig · 3 days
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Giving nicknames, testing boundaries (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#How /did/ Max come to like him so much in just two years? I have my theories :3#More Teen Max!! Nothing has changed I just continue to love him lol#Two years is a pretty quick turnaround for such a stubborn kid - though I guess for a child two years can be a long time haha#Went from just hating Dex's guts of trying to drive him away and make him quit and hating being kept on a short leash#Does make me wonder how much of him kissing him was an impulse - I mean obviously lol but how much was genuine attraction!#Certainly seemed like a lot :0 Even upon being rejected he couldn't give it up! Still took him another several years to act again tho haha#I mean - in the text lol who knows what they got up to in the time skips hehe ♪#AnyWay lol - them getting used to each other of slowly working into tolerating each other#Max said something in one of his wake-ups that as I read it implied Dexter was something of a polyglot?? Which - love that ♪#If not conversationally-fluent then at tourist-fluent y'know I think that's great <3#Which got me thinking about other languages and insults and curses haha#I like the idea of Dex only really strong-arming Max about Actual deviant behaviour - something that puts himself or others at risk#Harmless little things like any teen would do - like name-calling! Haha - just get a kind of neutral ''Huh''#As well as interest <3 Not an outright dismissal not a lecture but at least the appearance of investment!#Considering Max's home life I can't imagine he had all that many people genuinely (or fake) interested in his shenanigans#All about suppressing the symptoms more than rooting out the cause it's amazing what just showing a little interest can do#I also just think it's cute of Max getting away with something silly and harmless but totally biting and mean! <in his mind haha#Silly lad <3
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