#Max is like ‘eh who cares I can just pretend it’s today instead and still get free food and stuff!’
gaycrittercentral · 1 year
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Ayyyyyy guess who missed Max’s birthday lmaoooo ^^; and after I missed the first one too godDAMNIT
Welp anyway I thought it’d be reeeeal funny if they both just forgot it was happening the same way lmaoooo
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
How HQ Boys React to Someone Flirting With Their S/O
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Character(s) included: Atsumu & Osamu
Requested by: My sibling who doesn't read my work lmao.
Warning(s): Cursing, Forcefully pinned to a wall [Atsumu], Hand forcefully around your waist [Atsumu]
Song of the day: Where Do I Go? by Lizzy McAlpine
A/N: Ah okay here is the new prompt. To kick it off we have "Grey hair both twins" requested by my sibling. Anyways this will be a Multipart series so request who you will want next! Thank you all for the love on my last series so hopefully you will like this one too. This one can be a bit heavy, being that this "flirting" can be very forceful as shown in the warnings. Please keep this in mind before you decided to "read more". If you wanna chat don't be scared, I like to think I am quite the kind person. ALSO- Please check out my cool moot @taeyamayang [i hope it is okay if I tag you..]
Where to find all the parts!
Where to find all my content!
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Atsumu was always invited to parties and rarely went but today was different, today was celebration of their newest victory. So it would be weird not to bring his lover right..? Of course it would. Sadly you weren’t much of a social person. You looked amazing but Atsumu knew how much you hated compliments like that, it made you feel like that’s all you were good for. Like that was the only reason people stuck around. Which was why Atsumu normally complemented your intelligence, or amazing sense of imagination, or your strong sense of wrongdoing but not only that but so much more. He made you feel so loved in his arms. So maybe this once everything would go okay. It wasn’t like you could say no to going to such a big advent. It was important for Atsumu so it was important for you too.
When the night came up more anxiety hit, you weren’t one to party or anything so this was not something you were used to. You grabbed one of your more ‘fancy’ pieces of  clothing. The last time you wore it was years ago. It was a beautiful outfit so much that Atsumu claims when he saw it on you he fell in love. He just had to talk to you. He had heard so much about how you were so free and he loved that. He loved people who just rolled with it. Which was exactly what type of person you were. You were deep in love.
Atsumu walked out in this dark blue suit. God he looked so fucking hot. He had his hair styled back, he had a white shirt underneath the blue jacket. He was wearing a matching tie. “How is ma angel feeling?” he chuckled softly, meeting you in the mirror wrapping his arms around your waist burying his face in your neck. “ya smell so good.. yer perfume is so sweet.. I could eat you up,” he chuckled softly, his words muffled as kissing your neck as he held you.
“Baby that tickles,” you laughed softly, holding on to his arms. God, you felt safe in his arms. “I am good, how are you? You look amazing, hopefully nobody tries to steal you from me.” You laughed though to be honest you weren’t joking. He was all over the internet. He was the man of everyone’s dreams. Tall, handsome, funny, cute, strong, he was free and so much more.
“I am doing great, baby.. ah you know that wouldn’t happen, love,” he kissed you again. “Come baby let's go out to the front they are waiting,” he took your hand as you guys walked out to the front and was met with a limousine, “You guys are too extra,”  he muttered as he opened the door. There was Bokuto, Sakusa, Hinata, their partners and a few of their friends. “Where is the rest of the team?” He chuckled softly as he sat down gesturing to you to sit next to him which you did.
“Because we had to wait for you, they left already,” Sakusa muttered, sounding a bit pissed but his partner gently nuzzled him and he seemed to calm down in their arms.
“Ah I am sorry to all of you this was all my fault I took a bit longer then I should,” You smiled softly as they reassured you it was okay. As you arrived at the party the paparazzi was already waiting for the rest of the team to come out. The door opened and immediately the cameras started clicking which made you nervous. Atsumu’s warm arm wrapped around you as he kissed your head.
“Come on angel.. let's go have some fun then we can go home and cuddle,” he smiled softly as you shook your head. “I love you,” he whispered softly as he led you out. Cameras surrounding the others as they came out with their partners. You nuzzled into his side a bit more, gently he tightened his grip on you as you walked inside the large building. Loud noises surrounded you as he led you to the rest of the team. “Hey guys! This is ma angel!” he called out as they smiled a bit. A few laughs were heard. God he really was good at embarrassing you but to be honest you have only been dating like 3 months. You were at every game but still he acted like no one ever noticed you.
After an hour or so he offered to get everyone drinks, which everyone accepted and next thing you know Atsumu, Bokuto, Sakusa and Hinata were off grabbing the drinks while everyone else kinda stayed in a huddle. The music was too loud so you kinda moved to a corner waiting for him to return. Well in that moment someone decided to take their shot with you. Making their way over, you already noticed a few things. They seemed confident, a bit too confident. Flaunting to their friends about how some way they were going to get you. Some way he was going to make you fall in love at first sight. News flash.. you didn’t. Quite the opposite you wanted to leave as soon as you saw them approaching. “Hey Hun~ are you alone?” he questioned. Of course not. No one in their right mind would go to a party like this by themselves. Instead of answering you kept quiet. Which made them pursue you farther. “Awe don’t worry it is nothing to be embarrassed about~ I will keep you company.” They chuckled softly. Taking a step closer you were clearly uncomfortable.
“I am not alone.. I am with my boyfriend..” you muttered softly, your eyes glued to the ground, scared to even look up. You weren’t too good with things like this where they would push and push, to the point where you were forced to except. To the point where you would give your information just to be fucking left alone. You just wanted Atsumu to come back soon.
“Come on, give me some sugar. Your boyfriend doesn’t need to know about us, eh? It will be our little secret. I can tell you're smart. So why not just hand over the phone number and maybe we can hang out soon? That sounds nice right..?” Their voice was annoying, it wasn’t calm or sweet like Atsumu’s. It was demanding and rough. He didn’t care what you wanted. He didn’t.. he was going to push till you gave it out. You just had to hold on a bit longer and maybe Atsumu would be able to save you from this terrible, awkward moment. You just had to wait a bit more.. just a bit longer. Before you could say anything his hand was already around your waist
“Please get off me,” you pushed him off. Which seemed not to be the right move because next thing you know you were forcefully pinned to a wall, his arms tightly around your waist.
Next thing you know he is off you and then shouting. “Who the fuck do you think you are touching ma angel?” There he was, Atsumu. Finally.. It felt like it took ages but now he was here. He punched the guy in the face and you immediately rushed to his side to try and calm him down. He gently wrapped his arms around you. There it was. That warm feeling only he could give you. That safe feeling. He wasn’t forcing you to hug him or anything. You felt safe in his arms. You held him close. “ya okay angel.. I am sorry I took so long,” he muttered as he gently kissed your head. “He didn’t hurt ya did he? I will kill him, don't worry, just tell me,” he whispered in your ear. The guy was still recovering from the hit.
“I am okay.. thanks to you,” you whispered softly as you held on tight. To be honest you were a bit scared, not that Atsumu was going to hurt you but that you couldn’t tell if Atsumu was kidding when he said that he would kill that guy. He sounded dead serious but you really wanted to think of it as a joke. All you wanted to do was walk away right now. You wanted to go back to the group and pretend none of that happend. But of course that could happen. Of course that couldn’t because someone really wanted to piss off Atsumu.
“You know it sucks that cutie is left with you, I mean you only punch someone when they aren’t looking at you.. are you that worried? It is funny, now come on cutie do you really wanna be with this guy? I have a bunch of money.. that's why you're with him right?” Of course not. You really loved him. But right now you could tell he was pissed and you didn’t know what to do to calm him down. He let go of you and next thing you know he wasn’t in your arms anymore but on the floor punching the guy, making a mess out of him. You wanted it to stop. It only took a minute max before Bokuto and a few other people were pulling Atsumu off what was left of the guy. He was covered in his own blood now. Atsumu just looked annoyed, he wanted to kill the guy, or that's what it seemed like, it really seemed like he wanted him dead right now.
“Atsumu what the fuck are were thinking you could have gotten pulled from the next match for that shit!” Sakusa scolded, “I understand that you are pissed at him but that shit isn’t what you pull! Look at him!” he pointed to the guy. “When were you going to stop if we didn’t pull you off huh?” He seemed upset. You on the other hand were still in shock.
Atsumu made his way over to you and stood in front of you unsure what to say to you. So you took the lead, “fuck Atsumu,” you muttered as you clung to him his arms wrapping around you next. “What in gods name were you thinking, Sakusa is right, you could very much be fucking kicked from the next few games.” You muttered softly in his chest.
“I wanted to make sure he would keep his mouth shut about you. He had no right talking about you as if you are just an object. He had no right touching you. So I gave him a taste of his own medicine. I touched him without him asking and frankly I don’t regret it. I would do it all over again and I wouldn’t mind being suspended from the game if that means you would be okay and that he wouldn’t be touching you ever again.” He muttered back. “I really love you and it pissed me off. I am sorry if you are disappointed with me but there is a fine line with me, and he crossed it. He pushed me to the edge, I wasn’t going to do much more than that one punch if he just shut his pretty little mouth. But of course he had to bring up the fact that yer be a better fit with him.. I couldn’t let that pass by. I just couldn’t lose you.. please forgive me angel..” he muttered. Clearly he was a bit drunk as his words slurred a bit. He seemed all over the place but it was okay. “I really just wanted to protect ya..” he chuckled a bit. He didn’t seem to regret doing it but maybe he seemed a bit upset because he worried you were upset with him, which you really weren't. To be honest it was quite the opposite. You were so happy he did that, otherwise you would probably still be in that ‘guys’ arms.
“‘Tsumu thank you.. if it wasn’t for you I don’t know what I would be doing without you right now. You really saved me back there and not only that but you really make me lose my mind when I am around you. You really are the love of my life. So no, I am not disappointed or any of that shit, if anything I am worried about will happen to you now that you did that, I really don’t want you to get in trouble because you decided to help me get out of my mess… I am sorry that you were dragged into this baby.” you muttered as you kissed his head.  You weren’t lying when you said you were worried.
“Don’t worry about me angel, I will be okay. Okay? Don’t feel bad it was ma idea to attack the guy, none of that was yer fault. It is everything but your fault you wouldn’t have had to come if I hadn’t begged you too. If I didn’t go get the drinks and leave you by yourself you would have had to deal with him.. if he listened to you when you said no then everything would have been okay and everything would have gone much smoother. If he hadn’t made that remark he would not be in the state he is in. So angel none of what has happened was yer fault. Believe me okay, I really love you and I don’t want yer worrying about this. I will handle everything and keep you updated..”
You shook your head softly as you held him close, “I love you too babe.. I love you so fucking much.. thank you..” you whispered. You were a bit cold, and it must have been noticeable because Atsumu took off his jacket and placed it on you. “thanks..” you closed your eyes for a moment taking in his embrace.
In the end in a not so surprising amount of events Atsumu was benched for a little bit of time, for some reason he still claims it was worth it even though his teammates don’t. Which he almost threw a fit over, because they didn’t think that , ‘protecting his angel was worth not playing a few games’, though in reality they just meant that there were other ways that he could have gone about it but he decided to take the most violent approach. Which didn’t seem to work out in his favor. In the end the guy tried to press charges but after a bit decided to drop it. Nobody knows why but they think it had something to do with the lawyer or something. You and Atsumu were happy and that all that mattered. He was always there to protect you. He would never let that happen again. At night he held you closer than ever after that happened. He made sure you felt comfortable as he had one leg on top of you as the rest of his body was wrapped around yours. Which was surprisingly comfortable.
You just had one thing bugging you so you decided to address it. “Atsumu.. remember when that guy said that I was only with you because of your money.. I really hope you understand that he couldn’t be more wrong. I love you for so many things like your freeness, your ability to change, the way you can be so protective and loving at the same. Not only that but the stupid little things you do. Like the way you make stupid little jokes to lighten the mood. The way you call me when you are out and about just to make sure I am happy and am feeling okay, and if I am not how you make this cute little fucking dates to make me feel better. The way you remember small parts of a story that I tell you and will mention it at random times without even thinking.. The way even if something is not of your interest you take your time to learn it with me and listen to everything I tell you.. God you make me lose my mind but I really love you.. I really do..” you whispered breaking down into tears as he held you close.
“Angel.. it is okay.. you're always there for me. You make me feel special and you make me feel loved and for the first time in a while I find myself thinking I have finally one upped my brother. I have finally found someone who loves me for me and I really really love you. So don’t cry okay..? I never believed that guy. I know you love me and I hope you know I love more than just your body okay.. I love you so much so don’t ever.. ever think I don’t.” he held you to his chest. You gently shook your head. He was so good at making you happy. God he was just so fucking amazing. You really loved him and he really loved you too.
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Osamu always seemed to be favored, so naturally a lot of people asked him on dates, not only that but a lot of people did go on dates with him. But now you were dating him things slowed down. He stopped going on dates and naturally asked people to stop showing up when he was out with you. Well one thing for sure you are big now. You were Osamu’s lover. So of course people wanted you too now. You were everything everyone wanted, tied with the fact you were with Osamu and that just made you want more. This was a lot and to be honest you would have loved this before you met Osamu but now you kind of hoped all of that would stop. News flash it didn’t. Of course it didn’t, to be frank your opinion really matter to them, all that mattered was you were good looking enough to be with Osamu.
Your relationship was built on love and that’s all that mattered. You two really did love and trust each other. It was what your relationship was built on. It was what all relationships were built on. Your personalities went hand and hand. You loved going out and dancing. You loved midnight slurpees and driving on the freeway to nowhere, all windows down. You had to have the sunroof open and blasting music, singing on the top of your lungs. You loved the feeling. Osamu loved watching you feel so free, having so much fun with that amazing smile on your face. Who wouldn’t love that? You dragged Osamu to do cute things that nobody else would get. You loved dressing up, either in tight fitting clothing or loose fitted ones. It didn’t matter. You just loved the feeling. You felt invincible when you did that. You felt so free and you didn’t care if people judged you. Your opinion was the only one that mattered. You thought you looked amazing and that’s all that mattered to you. You loved dancing in the rain. Osamu didn’t mind at all. He loved to be with you and he was open to new things no matter how ridiculous it was. You guys jumped off a fucking plane one time together. Of course with a parachute but god you guys trusted each other that much.
This was the man you wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He was everything you ever wanted.. and now you had him as your partner and god that made you so happy. You were so happy. Your two year anniversary was soon and you knew you had to do something big. You got the whole day ready, you started off with just a movie. It was a romance movie, and you planned to ease into it. You didn’t wanna do anything too much. Something where you two could just be near each other. It might have sounded stupid, but that was all you really needed to be happy at the moment. You just felt so free when he was near you. You felt so fucking happy with him, and it was so hard to explain.
Then you had dinner together, you decided it would be best to have something more fancy. You wanted to show all your appreciation for all he had done for you. He stuck by your sides at your lowest moments and you didn’t know what else to say but thank you. You wanted to show how much you loved him, and to be frank, you weren’t too good at showing your affection. Everyone told you that. You knew it was true. You knew from your last relationships. You wanted this one to be different.. you couldn’t let him leave you, you couldn’t live without him now that you were dating him you felt safe, but never really comfortable. Too afraid to lose him, too afraid to fully let loose around him. You didn’t wanna scare him off. You really wanted to make this last.
Lastly, a nice walk.. right now they had a Christmas tree show. They were decorated.. Little did he know you actually had a tree in the show. It was in a park area and people just gotta have hot coco and relax and walk and see the trees. You decorated one just of you two and such. You tried your best to make it look nice but in the end you were just overwhelmed and wanting to give up. Atsumu reassured he would love it, and he was lucky to even have you so there was nothing to worry about anymore. Osamu loved you and that wouldn’t change over just some stupid tree. You have been good to him.. right?
When you met with him he was all dressed up. You two decided to wear matching scarfs and you were excited to see he went through with it. It was a warm dark burgundy color. With that he had a brown large coat and just classical dark brown shoes on. You were wearing A white turtleneck, a regular sized brown coat, black boots, and the signature burgundy scarf. Osamu looked so good in it, you two were matching more then you too though you would but you were quite glad. You slowly walked over, it took a moment before Osamu gestured for you to take his hand which you happily did, You never took the lead for that stuff. You always waited for him to ‘let you’ take his hand. Which might be stupid but it has been two years now and would it be weird to start now..? You didn’t wanna push your luck. You didn’t wanna ruin anything right now. Not when you were so happy.. Not when everything felt so nice. Not when everything seemed to be going good. You just had to hold on a bit longer. Just a bit longer.. maybe a bit would be forever but as long as everything stayed like this then you would be more than happy to continue as you did.
You guys arrived at the movie a bit later, You guys got one of the best seats in the whole theater but not only that but you also had the best person next to you in the entire world. Osamu. For most of the movie you guys exchanged loving glances and such. Your hands were cold as you interlocked with his. His fingertips were warm to the touch and not only that but holding his hand made you so happy. This date made you so happy. Just hanging out with him made you so happy. Sometimes it felt as if you couldn’t breathe and maybe that was a bad thing.. but god that tight pain in your chest made you feel so happy. You started to crave that feeling.
“The movie was great, baby.. Thanks for taking me to it.” He chuckled a bit, kissing your cheek as you two got up and started walking to dinner.
“Mhm of course love.. thanks for coming with me..” You muttered you were not too good with feelings so maybe this wasn’t the right thing to say at the moment but you didn’t mind.
“Ya of course, I am glad that you came out with me.” He whispered his grip tightening a bit as you walked with him. “I love you so much hun..” He muttered and in response you just smiled and shook your head. Osamu wasn’t one to throw around the word love. You learned that when you mentioned something about someone's appearance and saying you loved it. It started this stupid argument about how strong the world love meant. Osamu never liked it when you mentioned someone else and in the same sentence said the word love. He felt as if that word was and should only be used with people who are close to your heart, not just some random classmate or waiter. At first you didn’t understand but then Atsumu explained that Osamu’s last relationship ended because of cheating. He used to use the word love with everything but now only for you, and you alone.
After a few minutes you finally said something about it, “I love you too my darling..” you whispered in his ear as you held the door open for him. You moved to the side letting him go in first. You smiled a bit as you got moved next to him,  waiting for your turn to be seated. You luckily made a reservation, the place was packed with people, but of course it was. It always was, so now with Christmas coming up you weren’t surprised people were trying to get anything close to then. Soon enough you were seated and all you could focus on was Osamu, and his small beautiful smile. His perfectly calm face. His sweet tone. All that made you so happy. It always made you so happy. He glanced up from the menu chuckling a bit as he spoke, “Hun.. are you going to look at the food or me the whole time? I don’t want you going hungry,” he smiled a bit.
“Oh.. sorry,” you felt the warmth of the blood rush to your cheeks and tips of your ears. You didn’t think he had noticed, and since he did it was more embarrassing than you thought it was going to be. You glanced at the menu, you smiled a bit as you found what you wanted. Looking back up your eyes met with his and you immediately looked back down. “For someone who told me to look at the menu instead of the person of you then I would think you would do the same,” You smiled softly looking back up to find his ears and cheeks having hints of pink.
“Well I have picked out my food have you, hun?” He smiled a bit as he looked up to you. You and him always got the same thing, though you both pretended to act like that wouldn’t happen, you both pretended that you were interested in other options. Maybe because it felt really repetitive or something but it was what you liked.
“Mhm the same as always.. Are you getting what you usually do..?” You asked and in response he just shook his head. You order soon after. Once the food came, it was the same as always. The flavor coating all over your mouth. You were quite happy with the taste. You always ordered a cream sauce risotto, with mushrooms and shrimp. Osamu ordered squid ink pasta with a cream sauce and shrimp as well. The food was always so good so you were glad it was the same today. After you got dessert. Osamu whispered something to the waiter as they walked away. A few minutes later they came back with a lemon sorbet. Next thing you know Osamu smiled a bit and pulled out a small box flipping in open. There were two initials carved into it. They were matching promise rings.
“Y/n, I love you so much. You were always there for me and I want to thank you. I know we are both still young but I want to make sure you will stay mine. So y/n can you make a promise that when the time comes we will marry..?” He asked softly. You were tearing up a bit as you shook your head and then the ring slipped on. God it was perfect. But now you were worried your gift wasn’t good enough being that Osamu bought you a ring and you just decorated a tree. Osamu and you finished dinner by getting up. Now just one more place to go. The Christmas tree show. You walked with him slowly, not wanting him to be so disappointed faster. When you arrived at the park Osamu ran to the bathroom for a second. To be honest he had been nervous the whole time so now he just wanted to freshen up a bit.
As you waited for him a male approached you. “Hey love.. you here alone?” he chuckled a bit. A bitter smile plastered on his face.
“No, I am actually here with my boyfriend. I am just waiting for him at the moment,” You tried to give a smile back, though you didn’t like the nickname love, It made you feel as if he and you were in a relationship, though you haven’t met this man once.
“Ah  what a shame that he is making such a pretty face wait..” He muttered, “how about you and me get a hot chocolate? Hm?” He chuckled a bit more. Though it seemed extremely forced, unnatural.
“No I just wanna wait for him, but thank you for the offer,” He was taller than you, maybe Osamu’s height. Close to that. You didn’t feel comfortable, you felt anything but comfortable right now you just wanted to leave. You didn’t wanna be near this guy one more minute, but at the same time you wanted to wait for Osamu to come out of the bathroom so he didn’t think you left him. So In the end you just waited for him.
“Ah well could I just get your number sweetheart..?” He chuckled a bit, throwing those nicknames that made you want to throw up that made you want to cry out for help. But when you said no he just kept pushing. Then that warm arm around your waist. Osamu's warm arm.
“Oh hey,” He knew what was happening but he knew that you were more loyal than anyone else he had ever met, he knew that you didn’t feel comfortable, “sorry for making you wait hon, we can go see the Festival now okay?” He lucky got you out of there, “I am sorry about that hun did he do anything to you,” He asked, walking down the trail slowly.
“No he didn’t do anything, don't worry, thank you for helping me get out of there, I really appreciate it,” you muttered softly. Soon enough you had arrived at the tree, his face turned from stunned to a weird emotion that you couldn’t quite read. Which was quite new you normally could understand what he was trying to say and now this just made you ten times more worried then you should have been.
“You did this..?” He muttered softly, turning to you as you shook his head, “Ah I see, I really like it. That photo is when we first met. I was so nervous.. Did I tell you that? I saw you just sitting there and I thought I was late. That one is from the first time you met my brother, oh god he even annoyed me with the amount of questions he asked you. That one was from our first slushy night, after your bitch of a friend dumped you to hang out with the cooler kids though I swear you were the coolest person in the world. Oh at that one is when we were about to go skydiving together, god I was so terrified did I tell you that? You acted so excited so I tried to pull off a cool face but once we were doing it god it was so fun. This is so beautiful. Thank you baby.. This is the best gift in the entire world.” He whispered tears falling from his cheeks as he pulled you to a hug. “God I love you baby..” You felt all the worry and doubt melt off of your shoulders. You were so glad he liked it. You were so glad he remembered these memories. These were some of the best memories of your life but you knew more were going to come.
“I love you so much too baby. I was so worried you weren’t going to like it. God thank god. You do so much for me and I couldn’t wish for anything more than this. You are the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with. I feel so free with you, I feel so happy with you, I feel like myself with you.. I get nervous to hold your hand. Every time you smile I just fall in love again. Everything you do makes me feel so free and happy, and I don’t want this feeling to ever end so thank you so much for everything you ever did for me. Those slushy nights are the best nights of my life, any time when I am with you I feel like nothing can hold me back. Nothing can harm me. You make me feel like royalty.. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but thank you for staying with me. I love you so much.” You muttered softly. Next thing you know you were pulled into a kiss. His warm lips pressed on yours, both of your salty tears mixing with each other. Little i love you're falling from both of your lips. This is how it was supposed to go. You and him, forever. You were soulmates, you knew you guys had to be.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Floyd Leech・Voice Lines
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School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I gotta have fun everyday, otherwise there was no point in coming to land.”
Groovy “I don’t wanna do anything boring. Let me do as I want.”
Home Setting “What are you doing today? Can I come with you? Just till I get bored.”
Home Transitions “I don’t wanna do group work. It’s so lame that they make you have to work with other people.”
“It feels weird when I’m not with Jade. Why’d he have to be put in another class? I wish we were always taking the same classes together.”
“Trein got mad at me again... This sucks. I feel like he hates me for some reason.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “You can guess why I’m here, right? I’m hanging out to waste some time.”
Home Taps “Azul’s so annoying when he tells me I have to iron my shirt. What’s the issue if I can still wear it?”
“You wanna know what kind of classes we used to take under the sea? I could take you down there if you’re curious. Ehe!”
“I don’t get why I can score 100% on the test, but then still get yelled at for skipping class. Why is there a problem if I got 100%?”
“You know, Little Goldfish is called that because he’s red and small and there’s almost nothing on him to eat. Also he turns bright red when he gets angry, ehe~”
“Ahaha! If you keep that up I might just squeeze you.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “You wanna see me play? Okay, look forward to it~”
Groovy “I’m feeling really motivated today. Can I test it out with you?”
Home Setting “Nobody’s going to beat me at a test of strength, ehe!”
Home Transitions “Humans do so much work when they walk, ‘cause you have to move two legs at the same time.”
“You know, you won’t get taller if you overexercise. I’m not done growing yet either so I need to be careful. Hehe~”
“Ow... I fell off my broom again during Flying. Ahaha. I suck~”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’m not in the mood to go to my club today... Hey, Shrimpy, you should go do them for me instead.”
Home Taps “I’m really flexible. Hm, you wanna see? Should I show you~?”
“Right now I’m kinda in the mood to go chase around some small fries or crabs or something.”
“I like that there aren’t any annoying people in the air. In the water, there’s a lot of irritating fish everywhere...”
“‘Why did I join the basketball club’? Mm, that’s what I felt like picking that day. If it was today I’d probably have picked band.”
“Wanna play tag? Okay, I’ll be It. Alright, hurry up and run away.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “I don’t even care about seeing what the result will be. Can we do something more fun?”
Groovy “Wanna try out this special potion I made?”
Home Setting “I don’t wanna do work if it’s not fun.”
Home Transitions “If you mix in the ingredients the way the instructions tell you to, it’ll be an automatic success, right? That sounds boring.”
“If you’re not done with your assignment, maybe go talk to Azul. He’ll tell you anything you want as long as you pay the price.”
“Why do we have to write reports? Getting facts and evidence is so much work.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Should I help you with your lab? Ahaha, don’t be shy~”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Here, have this potion I made earlier. Huh, ‘what does it do’? Like I know?”
Home Taps “I gave Azul this gem I made in class earlier, and he was really happy with it. Maybe it’ll sell for a lot of money.”
“Ahaha~ Everyone looks like squids when they’re all lined up wearing their lab coats.”
“I forgot to wash my lab coat so I’m using Jade’s today.”
“Ahaha! That tickles! My turn now~!”
“‘How come I don’t have a nickname for Azul’? ‘Cause Azul is Azul.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Here! I mixed together some random ingredients and made cookies. They would taste good to you, so you’ll eat them, right?”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Want me to tell you the rules of Night Raven College?”
Groovy “I’m tired of standing in line. Wanna do something fun together, Shrimpy?”
Home Setting “Everyone’s in the same black outfits. They look like a bunch of orcas.”
Home Transitions “The black coaches came to pick us up under the sea. That’s so cool. Amphibious magic coaches.”
“Jade and Azul wouldn’t get mad at me if I skipped the ceremony. They’re used to it.”
“The ceremony robes make me feel like I’m a deep-sea fish with lots of big fins.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’m soo bored just standing still during the ceremony. Here, I think I’ll go over to where you are, Shrimpy~” 
Home Transition (Groovy) “Hah, it’s boring not having anything to do. I guess this is how a barnacle feels... Shrimpy, talk to me about something fun.”
Home Taps “Bah! ♡ Just kidding. Don’t you think the robes are kinda like curtains?”
“I like dark clothes. ‘Cause even if you get dirty, no one’ll notice.”
“I used to hate the concerts they had in the Coral Sea. They were full of songs that all sounded the same; it was so boring.”
“Azul pretends to be so enthusiastic at ceremonies when a lot of teachers and important people are present. It makes them so funny.”
“Shrimpy is so amusing~ Aren’t you scared that I might get back at you for poking at me so much?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Oh my, whatever is the matter? ...Whaddaya think of my Jade impression? Did I sound like him? Come closer so you can get a better look!”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “Do you have any serious problems? Then maybe we could help you... Heheh.”
“Ahaha~ You don’t have to be so scared. I’ll squeeze you very gently.”
Groovy “I’ll tell you the rules of Octavinelle. Aren’t I nice?”
Home Setting “If you have any problems, I’ll introduce you to Azul anytime.”
Home Transitions “I don’t squeeze anyone who actually pays the price. It’s only those who don’t... that I have no mercy for. Hehe!”
“I got yelled at for snacking on some food before it was going to be served to a guest. It just looked really good.”
“I lost my scarf somewhere again. I took Jade’s to use right now but he’ll probably notice soon.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “You wanna come visit our dorm? Yeah! I’ll show you around.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Did you know the Mostro Lounge has a secret menu that I made up? Feel free to stop by for a bite anytime~”
Home Taps “My bowtie feels so tight around my neck, and it hurts. I can’t wear it nicely like Jade and the everyone else...”
“Hey, hey, look at my socks. They have an octopus pattern on them~ Aren’t they cute? They’re just like the Sea Witch.”
“Shoes are so nice. We don’t wear them in the ocean, so I wanna try on lots of different kinds while I’m on land.”
“Octavinelle feels really free. ‘Cause our motto here is ‘Do everything at your own risk.’”
“You know~ When I get prodded at so much... aha~ I really hate it.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “The ghosts at the Ramshackle Dorm are kinda like jellyfish. I wanna try talking to them, so let me stay at your place sometime.”
Duo Magic Floyd: “Ahahaha! We’re gonna do ‘em in, Jade~!” Jade: “As long as you’re having fun, Floyd.”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Jade and Floyd’s birthday event (Nov 04 - Nov 11, 2020).
Login on Birthday “You remembered me and Jade’s birthday! I was thinking I’d get to squeeze you if you forgot... but that’s too bad. Anyway, what are you gonna do for us, Shrimpy? You’re thinking of something really fun, right?”
Unlock Card “Me and Jade are the stars for today~ I can’t wait for our presents.”
“Hey, sing the classic birthday song they have on land~ Ready, set, go!”
Groovy “Thanks for the birthday wishes. I’ll make sure to do lots of fun things on your birthday too, Shrimpy~”
Home Setting “Happy birthday, me! I’m excited to see what this year’s birthday will be like.”
Home Transitions “Azul gave me shoe polish, so I tried it out right away~ See, they’re so shiny that you can almost see your reflection in them. Cool, right?”
“I got lots of presents from my parents. But I tried to tell them nothing big ‘cause my room is really small at the dorm... Geez.”
*yawns* “All that excitement’s making me tired. I think I’ll go get my presents from everyone who didn’t give me one to keep myself awake.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Who was the first person to wish me happy birthday? The answer is... Jade! Every year we’re always the first ones to say it to each other.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Shrimpy, you’re kind of bad at plating food, aren’t you? Hehe. It’s okay, you don’t have to redo it. ‘Cause this is funny.”
Home Taps “I told Mr. Beakfish that I didn’t have homework today ‘cause it’s my birthday but he just gave me more ‘presents.’ He’s mean.”
“Sea Otter gave me a percussion instrument from the Scalding Sands. He gave Jade one with strings, and the body’s the same color as our hair.”
“I kept asking Little Goldfish for a shoehorn so he got me one, but was angry about it. It has an ‘F’ carved into it! He told me Jade’s is next. Ehe!”
“Sea Snake and Crabby threw a pie in my face in our clubroom. It turned into a food fight between all of us... It was so much fun~”
“What? You’re curious about my pin? It’s the same design as the shoes we wear with our dorm uniforms. It almost looks like they used magic to shrink one down. It’s cool~”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Hey~ What are you hiding behind your back? You’ve been acting weird for a while, it’s so obvious. Come on~ Give me my present already.”
Duo Magic Floyd: “Are you gonna celebrate for me, Sea Turtle?” Trey: “Let me wish you a happy birthday, Floyd!”
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Tutorial “What're you doing today~? I think I'll come with you!”
Lv Up “So? Don’t you think I’m doing well?”
“I’m getting excited~ Hey, I want more.”
“This is so much fun, huh, shrimpy?”
Max Lv Up “I feel like I could do anything today~ Maybe I should show you what I’m like when I’m being serious... Ehe!”
Episode Lv Up “Only fun things happen when we’re together; I never get bored. Let’s have lots and lots more fun together from now on!”
Magic Lv Up “Ehh~ I’m not in the mood to show you my magic right now... I’ll do it later, ‘kay?”
Limit Break “What’s the limit? How far can I go? I wanna see for myself.”
Groovy “Aha~! This feels great! Makes me wanna do something fun maybe!” 
Select Lesson “I’m going to take the same class as Shrimpy today. Which one are you picking?”
“Try guessing which class I wanna take. Jade always gets it right.”
*yawns* “I’m not excited for any of these; I wish there was an option to just nap...”
Lesson Start “Let’s start!”
Lesson End “I studied so hard; yay for me!”
Battle Start “Want me to constrict you?”
Battle End “Why did you think you could win?”
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Profile Quote “Whaaat? You want me to squeeze you? Okaaay~♪”
January 2020 Trailer “Just follow us... and we’ll help you~”
Countdown Poster “I’ll be gentle when I squeeze you, so come on over here.”
Login Bonus “Whaaat, you’re collecting those? There are some merpeople who collect things that fall to the oceanfloor too, but is it really that fun?”
Player Birthday Wish “Hey, Shrimpy, isn’t it your birthday? Hehe! You can try to hide, but it won’t work. I’m gonna throw a huge celebration for you, so get ready for it, okay? Heheh!”
344 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 5 years
nobody knows where we might end up, chapter two (branjie) - holtzmanns
(read on ao3) | (tumblr)
“Then why,” Nina punctuates it with a click of her pen, “have you been so on edge since finding out that it was her?”
Brooke scoffs. “What are you talking about?” She’s not that obvious. She’s professional. Dr. Mateo doesn’t affect her that much.
“You practically ran away from the conversation when I introduced her to you-”
“I did not-”
“And now you’re sitting here like you’ve been personally wronged. If you were anyone else, I’d tell you to get the hell out of my office and respect my hiring decisions. But it’s you, and you’re my friend, and I care about you, so you need to start talking.”
AN: Hello, hello, chapter two! Some bonding outside of class in the past and a pissed off Brooke in the present. Thank you writ for being an amazing human and helping me talk through ideas, roasting my writing, and being a great beta.
“C’mon, B. You’ve barely come out with me at all since orientation week.” Brooke’s roommate flops down on her bed, fixing her with a quivering pout that’s dramatic enough to win an Academy Award. 
“I gotta study, Detox, it’s already week three and midterms start-”
“Fuck midterms.” Detox’s statement is punctuated by a hand in the air. “Uni’s not for studying-”
“Yes it is-”
“-Uni is not only for studying. You’re gonna regret it years from now if you spend it locked away in a dorm room preparing for midterms that are still weeks away.” Detox flips over onto her stomach. “Come study the different types of shitty mixed drinks that we can make instead.” 
Brooke bites her lip. She’s always had a plan - get into uni, study her ass off, get experience in the field, and ace the MCAT all so that she can be accepted into med school. A worthy four year plan. She’s vowed to herself not to get distracted, not to get pulled away from it. Not if she wants to get into med school on the first try. 
Detox sees the torment on her face and lets out a sigh. “It’s one night, B. It’s not even a party. Just some people on our floor gathering in 718 to get to know each other more and chill.” 
“Promise we won’t stay too long?” Maybe she can go for an hour or so, max. She can spare that much time. 
“Oh Jesus, yes fine, we won’t stay too long. We can come home for your nonexistent curfew so that we don’t make your mom who lives hundreds of miles away mad at you.” Detox extends a hand, tugs Brooke up into a standing position. 
“She lives in Etobicoke, actually, not too far from-”
“Irrelevant. Now c’mon, put on something a little sluttier than that high school marching band t-shirt you’re wearing. Not exactly gonna get yourself a man in that.” Detox starts rifling through her own clothes, pulling out a crop top and holding it out for Brooke. 
“Who’s to say I even want a man in the first place?” Not that she’s even come out to Detox just yet. Better to test the waters with her first. 
“Whatever. Get changed. It’ll be fun.” 
 It’s only kind of fun. 
Detox finds other people to talk to as soon as they step through the door, leaving Brooke to her own devices. She makes small talk with a girl who calls her ‘stunning’, which is flattering, really, before she realizes that the girl uses ‘stunning’ as an adjective for pretty much everything. 
“This cider? Stunning!” 
Case in point. 
Brooke nurses her own drink, noticing with a wrinkle of her nose that it’s emptying faster than she’s planned. She’s only brought one, not intending to even get tipsy - she still has another lecture to get through tonight if she wants to stay on top of her study schedule. 
She runs a hand through her hair when the girl leaves to grab a snack, wishing that she’d just stayed in her room. It’s hard. Having to socialize is hard. Uncomfortable. She almost misses home, misses her ballet friends and how easy things were when they had common ground to bond over. 
But she’s left dance behind with high school, not following the path of her friends who want a ballet career. Her body is tired, worn. Her mind has better uses. 
Maybe she should just go home and study. 
Brooke’s head snaps up at the mention of her name, a voice yelling who is most definitely not Detox but-
She’s here. Grinning with a smile that lights up her face, her hair in a high bun with pieces falling in front of her face that she goes to tuck behind her ear. 
She’s adorable. 
Vanessa maneuvers between the people sitting on the floor to come sit beside her. She’s in another shirt-dress, one with Led Zeppelin’s logo on it. 
Brooke points to it. “Didn’t know you liked Zeppelin.”
“Who?” Vanessa looks down at her shirt. “Eh, I don’t. Stole it from my brother’s closet when I was last home.” 
Brooke can’t help the giggle that escapes her lips, sounding quite similar to the girls that sit outside the Athletic Centre and watch the guys’ football team practice while hoping to catch their attention.
Nauseating. She’s better than this. She has game. 
But then Vanessa nudges her, grabs her can of cider to look at it (‘I’ve never tried this one before’) and Brooke realizes from the way that her breath catches that no, she really doesn’t. 
“Try it, see if you like it.” The comment slips out before Brooke can stop herself.
Vanessa raises an eyebrow. “Yeah?” 
Her sip leaves a deep red lipstick print on the edge of the can, one that Brooke can’t help but stare at when Vanessa passes it back. 
“You’re right, that shit is good. On second thought, I want another sip.” Vanessa reaches across to grab her can. 
Brooke lifts it higher, out of Vanessa’s reach, can’t help but grin when Vanessa pouts up at her. “How about we trade?” 
Vanessa practically thrusts her own can in Brooke’s direction. “Take it, I’m tired of this hard lemonade. It’s not even good.” 
Vanessa takes another sip from Brooke’s drink, running a hand through her hair. Her leg is bouncing in place again, but somehow it’s less annoying than it is in class. “Question. What were you doing here alone, looking all sad and shit when I came in?” 
“I wasn’t sad. ” Brooke’s voice is defensive. She wasn’t. 
“Yeah you were.” Vanessa’s eyes are twinkling, making Brooke see that she’s just playing around. “Pouting and everything by yourself like a sad kitty.” 
 “You’re making me feel real cool.” Vanessa cracks up at Brooke’s wry statement, her laugh reverberating in the small room and it’s so cute that it makes Brooke crack a smile too. 
“Nah. I just…my roommate dragged me here. Wasn’t really in the mood today.” Brooke shrugs at her. 
“Are you ever?” Vanessa can’t keep a straight face before nudging Brooke. “Kidding, kidding. I’ve just never seen you at one of these floor hangouts before.”
Brooke can feel the blush rising on her face. So maybe she’s a bit of a hermit in her room. Who needs to hang out with others all of the time? But at the same time…Vanessa noticed.
“You were looking for me, huh?” It’s her turn to tease, and it feels great to turn the tables when Vanessa is the one flushing crimson. 
“No! Okay…maybe. It’s just kinda nice seeing you outside of class. Where we can actually talk and shit, not with Professor What’s His Nuts droning on and on and on.” 
Brooke can’t help but clap a hand over her mouth, looking around as if the man is going to actually materialize out of thin air or something. “Professor Who?”  
“I said what I said.” Vanessa takes another swig of Brooke’s drink. “I can never pronounce his actual name, it’s too damn long.” 
Brooke snorts. “And yet you can pronounce things like ‘ventricular tachycardia’ just fine in class.” 
Vanessa shrugs. “Priorities, bitch. I practice. Speaking of which, I’m fucking glad we moved onto cardio from neuro. Neuro was boring.”
“It is not.” Brooke has to stop her mouth from dropping open at Vanessa’s statement. “Neuro is so fun! Learning about how the brain sends messages and the different cranial nerves and-”
“Zzzzz.” Vanessa pretends to snore. “Already asleep.” 
Brooke gapes at her. “How can you hate neuro? Cardio is so confusing, with all of the different nodes and phases. I still haven’t fully gotten it, I need to go back and study it again before the midterm comes up.” 
“Is that why I barely see you around? Cause you’re studying all the damn time?” 
“No!” Brooke makes a face Vanessa gives her a pointed look. “Maybe?” 
“You need to loosen up a little.” Vanessa stands up then and faces her. Sticks a hand out. “Lemme show you how.”
“I don’t really want to drink that much tonight.” Her protest is cut off, however, when Vanessa winks at her and makes the words that are resting on the tip of her tongue disappear. 
“When did I say there was gonna be more alcohol? Come on.” 
Brooke relents, letting Vanessa pull her into a standing position and drag her to another corner of the room. The music is louder, people dancing and laughing and then so is Vanessa, singing along to lyrics that Brooke doesn’t know and grabbing her hands, trying to make her move too.
Vanessa giggles at the way Brooke is frozen in her spot, stiff despite the music. “C’mon, you. Why you looking like a baby giraffe trying to learn how to walk for the first time?” 
“I don’t dance. Not like this, anyway.” She’s a ballet dancer. She doesn’t know how to do this kind of dancing, one where she doesn’t have to drill the steps into her head a million times first. 
“Sure you do.” Vanessa’s smile is a bit too mischievous and oh , that’s why, because she puts her hands on Brooke’s hips. Brooke’s heart does approximately twenty-five flips, because does Vanessa even know what she’s doing to her?
“Try and sway a little.” Vanessa moves her hands, bringing Brooke’s hips with them. “There you go.”
“I look like one of those inflatable balloons outside of used car dealerships.” Brooke feels her heart glow in her chest when it makes Vanessa crack up. 
“Shut up, you don’t.” Vanessa says it with a smile that makes her eyes sparkle and hey, even though Brooke may be looking a bit stupid, does it even matter when she can make Vanessa’s face do that? 
Vanessa lifts her hands from her hips, the loss of contact tugging on Brooke’s chest more than it should. But then Vanessa grabs both of her hands, intertwines their fingers and jeez. Brooke feels like she’s had more alcohol than she actually has, because she feels so light and happy and Vanessa is singing along again, and hey, maybe dancing like this isn’t so hard. 
Brooke can’t keep the smile off of her face when she stumbles back down the hall to her room hours later. She’s a little sweaty and tired and definitely in need of a shower but her heart feels like it’s shimmying to its own rhythm, one curated by Vanessa and the way she had danced around her. 
Brooke tosses Detox’s crop top back onto her bed, her roommate still not back, probably not returning until the morning. 
Vanessa’s fun. Real fun outside of class, when they’re not taking turns asking and answering questions and annoying the fuck out of everyone else present in the lecture hall. 
Maybe falling a tiny bit behind on her study schedule is okay. She’ll just work extra hard tomorrow. 
She thinks of the way that Vanessa had held her hands, twirled her around while going on her tiptoes (‘Why are you so tall, what are you, a skyscraper?’). Perhaps she’ll need to alter her schedule to allow for such extracurricular activities, because she’s made up her mind. 
She absolutely needs to hang out with Vanessa outside of class again. 
Brooke exits out of the Word document open on her office computer with a frustrated growl. The words aren’t coming to her no matter how hard she fucking tries and it’s annoying, this never happens, shouldn’t happen because this research trial is her baby and she should be able to describe her findings in words. 
Except that the words seem to be gone. 
She rubs at her temples, trying to work away the tension headache that has started to blossom. The day has felt longer than usual. Her craniotomy had complications with bleeding that needed to be dealt with, making the surgery go for an hour longer than necessary. The patient that she had a consult with had to be intubated after a code blue. Now her research is just…not working. 
Brooke hasn’t felt this off-kilter in a while. Things just changed after she saw…her. 
Fucking Dr. Mateo. Throwing Brooke off of her rhythm. 
Brooke stands up, shutting off her office computer. She needs a break from her work, anyway. 
Her feet lead her to Nina’s office before she even realizes where she’s walking. Nina’s on the phone when Brooke lets herself in, holding up a hand until she hangs up. Brooke flops down on a chair, crossing her arms. 
Nina raises an eyebrow at her when she puts the phone down. “Hello to you, too.” 
Brooke leans forward in her chair. “You didn’t tell me that the new hire was Vanessa Mateo.” 
“You never asked.” Nina’s forehead wrinkles. “Wait, is there something professionally that I’m missing? Her references were absolutely gushing about her.”
Brooke pauses. “Well…no. I don’t know much about her as a surgeon.” 
“Then why,” Nina punctuates it with a click of her pen, “have you been so on edge since finding out that it was her?”
Brooke scoffs. “What are you talking about?” She’s not that obvious. She’s professional. Dr. Mateo doesn’t affect her that much. 
“You practically ran away from the conversation when I introduced her to you-”
“I did not-”
“And now you’re sitting here like you’ve been personally wronged. If you were anyone else, I’d tell you to get the hell out of my office and respect my hiring decisions. But it’s you, and you’re my friend, and I care about you, so you need to start talking.” Nina fixes her with a look. 
Brooke deflates in her seat. “It’s…it’s not work related. It doesn’t matter. I can work with her.”
So she doesn’t want to talk about it. Sue her. Why bring up a relationship that ended so many years ago? 
She can be professional. She can avoid Dr. Mateo, if necessary. They head completely different units, for crying out loud. Who’s to say that they’ll even run into each other at all?
Nina sighs. “Brooke-”
She’s up from her chair. “Doesn’t matter. Don’t worry about it.”
Brooke shouldn’t be a child about it, anyway. She can just stay away from her. 
“I gotta get back to work.” She’s at the door, ignoring Nina’s disapproving look.
“If you now think that I’m absolutely not going to get this out of you, you’re wrong.” Nina clicks her pen in her direction again. “We’re gonna talk about this sometime. As well as your penchance for avoidance.”
Brooke waves a hand. “Yeah, yeah. Love you too, West.” 
She’s out of the office before Nina can say anything else. 
 “That’s it, come on baby.” Brooke mutters the empty words into the ear of the…nurse? Radiation technician? Whoever she’s fucking on this bunk in the on call room. The woman’s moans sound fake, and would annoy Brooke if she couldn’t currently feel the way that she’s shuddering underneath her. 
Brooke extricates herself as soon as the woman comes, wiping her hand on her pants. It doesn’t matter. She’ll change into a different pair of scrubs before her next surgery, anyway. 
The woman is still lying on the bunk, dazed expression on her face as she giggles. “Wow, Dr. Hytes.” 
Brooke pulls her lab coat back on, letting out a noncommittal hum in response. She grabs the woman’s scrubs from the floor, tosses them to her. “Shouldn’t you be getting back to work, too?” 
“Uh, yeah. I will.” The woman’s still looking a bit out of it as she pulls her shirt back over her head. “Can we do that again sometime?” 
“Yeah, sure. Whatever.” Brooke leaves with that, shutting the door behind her. 
She’s used to letting off steam like this, pulling one of the women on the floor that fawn over her into the on call room for a little break. Though this time, it hasn’t been as stress relieving as it usually is. The tension in her shoulders is still there, the headache that has hovered for the last few days behind her eyes still present. 
Brooke lets out an annoyed huff as she passes the cardiovascular ICU because she knows exactly why she’s still felt so off, no matter how much she wants to pretend that she hasn’t. 
She hasn’t seen Dr. Mateo since she started working at the hospital at the beginning of the week, but reminders of the woman are everywhere. Avoidance hasn’t helped when the gossip on the various units is so loud, so carrying, everyone gushing about Dr. Mateo’s surgical techniques and daring nature and how fucking friendly she is. 
Brooke doesn’t care. She doesn’t. But why has Dr. Mateo felt the need to come here, of all places? 
She’s ruminating as she power-walks to the Stroke unit, intent on distracting herself with checking up on some of the patients that she’s operated on during the week. Her mind is running as she flips through the files in her hands as she walks, barely noticing the woman heading in her direction-
“Shit! Shit, sorry-”
The woman’s apology cuts off and it makes Brooke look up and oh. 
“Dr. Hytes.”
“Dr. Mateo.”
Of fucking course. 
Dr. Mateo’s in her scrubs now too, dark blue ones matching Brooke’s because she’s also an attending surgeon. Brooke clenches her jaw. Her luck, really. She doesn’t want to deal with her. Even if she still looks fucking good. 
Not that the fact is relevant whatsoever. Doesn’t matter in the least. She needs to go back to work. 
“Excuse me.” Brooke shoves past her, and if the files in her hands knock against Dr. Mateo’s shoulders it’s absolutely not her fault. Not at all. 
“Not even the end of my first week and you’re already pushing me out of the way. Don’t let me keep you waiting from whatever important shit you’ve clearly got going on.” Dr. Mateo’s tone is biting, and it makes Brooke’s eyes narrow. 
“More important than whatever it is that you’re doing here.” With that, she stalks down the hallway without looking back because she’s mature, real mature. 
She’s fuming when she reaches the Stroke unit, an emotion that is only exacerbated when she overhears nurses talking about “that new cardio surgeon, I heard she’s crazy good,” making her slam her files down on the nursing desk with more force than necessary. 
Clearly avoiding Vanessa isn’t going to be enough, not when she’s the talk of the hospital. Focusing on her work is going to be more difficult than she thought.
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xottzot · 6 years
2018--SEPT-02-2018-Tuesday--Assholes about this hellhole.
2018--SEPT-02-2018-Tuesday--Assholes about this hellhole.
BTW, my LAST blog entry should have had THIS date too of the 2nd.
So little sleep, so very fucked around, so very much to do and been doing with even more thrown onto what I've had to do, and I'm suposed to be expected to keep track of dates when I've been up since 5am this moring without a break!? (it's 13:30 as I struggle to write this.)
Some shithead about tearing about on the roads on a dirt motorbike, probably unlicensed because they don't give a fuck about anything, not themselves, not anybody else, and least of all about Police.
Oh how they have learned their criminal lessons well from the filthy nepotism-crazed abo crims that infested this area for so many years but as of late have been thankfully missing-in-action. (gone to other areas to fester and make other poor peoples lives utter hell?)
And as I have ALWAYS said for decades, as soon as the criminal abo's drift away, then it's the criminal turn of the other criminals...we are currently in THAT phase of time.....(as was partly happening last night in the darkness)...
At fatguts criminal household, which has been vacated it seems AGAIN for the billionth time, (forcibly evicted more like), workman today have once AGAIN been rebuilding the place there AGAIN with loud equipment....to pretend that utter scum wasn't holed-up in it.....drugged up, violent, criminal, vicious, uncontrollable, and indulged by everyone and every department.....
But I expect that they'll return...AND WITH EVEN MORE OTHERS.....as they all shift localities after being ousted from other arees by Police and authorities AGAIN......
How many times has it been now.....6 or 7 or 10....? - So many I've lost count.
And VERY strange AGAIN how the other criminal abo household across the road from them is AGAIN having somebody mysteriously come along and put wheely rubbish bins outside of there to the verge and then just leave them for many days...AGAIN....long after they've been emptied......Those bins can also come from elsewhere and NOT from the house itself....because they're on wheels its so easy to just wheel them there in darkness and to pretend that the 'residents' put them there....what a fucking joke on everyone....
Unbelievable shit.....unintelligeble shit...just like the criminals themselves do....worse than apes.......apes don't go to departments and demand money and if they don't get it then and there they threaten violence and destruction and personal assaults upon people and family of all ages.....
And the fucking big LOUD LOUD LOUD jet planes from Perth Airport flying over this fucking hellhole...for fucks sake......
I fully expect some bullshit public relations propaganda 'news' to AGAIN just 'pop up' in the local media to counter all this shit....as usual...as has been happening for so many YEARS to distract people from it all....
What about showcasing a new jet plane? - That might do for some disraction for awhile...or some 'new' aircraft-type service.....or how about strippers down the middle of the flight decks whilst you fly......or crapping next to your seat in a new-fangled bravado show of in-air sustainability.....
Here's a forecast........
'New' (well different) abo's will AGAIN move in to the refurbished (AGAIN!) abo houses of these hellhole streets and there will be period of fake calm until they decide to become the new 'top dogs of crime and criminality' of this hellhole over the current white ones. And as always, they will spread out their crime and criminality all over Perth in all directions close, far and wide. Huge crimes, unexplainable, illogical crimes....the usual shit they do.
You see....it's 'traditional'.....
What, no gunshots going on yet?
Again, it's 'traditional'.....
BTW, 'recently' in Western Australia there was abo criminal youths running from arrest from Perth Police from a crime and they ran into the Swan River...and they drowned......
Almost always the rabid media just can't get enough of repeating and indulging themselves endlessly going over and over everything and inventing new angle and aspects until the story is 'done to death'.
But NOT this time. It all just went utterly pfft! - Strange that eh?
It's as if nothing at all happened. - When it was such a BIG THING going on for ages......but still NOT appearing in the media....
Meanwhile, they've been busy instead laying claims to vast swathes of land legally in order to lock it all up to exploit it and make money out of new mineral 'gold rushes' utilising new elements for future technology to do with electrification and such of cars and vehicles and equipment..
Goody goody goody! They'll all shout. - That'll buy a lot of booze and drugs and shit and houses and boats and cars for certain people and everyone else will get bugger-all but heartache and sorrow. - Standard operating procedures in Western Australia.
Never mind, there's opportunities for public relations bullshit to triumph in employing 'the leser people' who have bugger all or have no voices than anyone listens to......
Still yet to come are HUGE NEWS events of long car chases and DEATHS involved...of guilty and totally innocent and children and infants....
It's building up to THAT.
What? - You never seem to read that in the NEWS where you are? - Oh, too bad. And you count yourself as being well-informed of NEWS do you?
Just sit back and relax and read about the latest batches of shit that el presidente Trumpet bleats out....he's gotta get busy before he gets ousted before the NEXT grand el presidente is trumpeted in with glorious naked angels playing hip tunes from out of their arse......ohhhh, say can you see......it's always worse for you and me.....
From this hellhole I bid you goodbye for now. - So does poor Sam and poor Max and poor me. All of us are utterly miserable and more than suffering without being with dear Fliss.
And comms is shortly about to vanish for/from us without notice.
And planes keep flying over this hovel and hellhole.....
I love you dear Fliss and we want to be with YOU. - Not that YOU seem to care at all about anyone or anything any more...just as how I forecasted for years that you were becoming and you still ignored everything I said....
Well Fliss, you're probably one of THEM now....a 'proud' card-carrying member no doubt, and you can go out on marches and pretend how normal you are to everyone else....except to yourself....
If not, I love you dear Fliss and we want to be with YOU.
Poor Max is in a LOT of pain. Sam and YOUR chicken are in a huge amount of distress, as am I. And so is dear Max of course.
And now dogs are loudly barking everywhere at this hellhole....
In (minor) debt, in misery, in grief, in this fucking hellhole that's neverending......
Oh look...fucked around by Tumblr....EVERY FUCKING TIME NOW.....
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thatkpopkink · 4 years
The naked deal (part 1)
Junhoe x reader
Genre: smut, casual sex, Junhoe being hot AF
Notes: this is the first fanfic/smut I've ever written. It's a long ass read but I hope you enjoy!
Your brother opened the door and looked at the big bag you were carrying in shock.
"What's this???"
"Snacks for movie night!" You exclaimed handing him the bag.
"I thought we were ordering food!"
"I thought you said Junhoe eats like a pig."
He chuckled loudly "well....."
"Hey, I really need to use the toilet."
"Mh.....- he nodded while walking towards the kitchen then turned swiftly towards you - oh! Junhoe was taking a show..." But you had already disappeared in the corridor.
"Ah, I hope he puts on clothes..."
You could hear Junhoe singing in the bathroom and you giggled at his rendition of "Living on a prayer". He was so different from your brother's previous flatmate: he was so messy and loud and couldn't even make toast without burning it. At first you just couldn't understand why Jay would accept to live with someone like that. But he turned out to be a really caring person and he was super funny... And freaking hot...
"Aw fuck, I really need to pee!"
Junhoe had stopped singing and you were about to knock on the door when it flung open...nothing could've prepared you for that.
He was drying his jet black hair with a towel, his biceps in full view, droplets of water still trickling down his toned chest and perfect abs. You couldn't help yourself and let your gaze drop lower...
You bit your lip and quickly looked up into Junhoe's shocked eyes. You had both frozen, he hadn't lowered his arms to cover himself and you stood there with your right fist mid-air ready to knock on a now open door.
"I...I need to..." You pointed to the toilet with your finger.
He finally covered his genitals with the towel, his ears turning red as he tried to step out without touching you.
You jumped in the room and stole a long glance at his perfect back and round ass while closing the door.
"Nice buns" you murmored and Junhoe turned around to look at you with a bewildered look.
You slammed the door and collapsed on the floor, your face burning red.
WTF did I do???
Holy shit. You'd always imagined he had a good body hidden under those shabby t-shirts but you were not ready for that.
You got up and finally sat on the toilet.
How the fuck were you going to interact with him for the rest of the night?
"Nice buns!"
Why in the world did you say that??? It wasn't out of character for you but Junhoe didn't know you that well yet. Now he probably thought his flatmate's sister was a pervert.
Oh God, Jay is never going to let me in the house ever again.
Junhoe watched the door slam and just stood there.
Did Y/N just see him naked? Did she stare at him? Did she compliment his ass? What the... A voice interrupted his thoughts.
He turned around to look at Jay.
"Dude!!! My sister's here!!! Put some clothes on!!!"
"Listen the shop just called, my sneakers have finally arrived. I have to run there before someone else buys them." He put on his jacket as he talked.
"The shop...wait! How long will you be gone???"
"I'll be quick... 20...- he checked his phone before putting it in his pocket - eh... 40 mins max. Tell Y/N she can chill in my room or you could actually talk to each other."
"I'll get fried chicken!" He shouted as he closed the door.
"Fuck" Junhoe thought.
"Fuck" you thought.
You sat on the toilet listening to the conversation behind the door.
Great. Now you were alone with Junhoe. 40 minutes? There was no way he would be back before an hour, probably more if he went to your favorite chicken spot. Ok, no panic. You just had to get to Jay's room, there was no need to interact with Junhoe. Sure, his room was the closest to the bathroom so he would definitely see you come out but he probably didn't want to talk to you either. Yes, you were just gonna ignore each other and pretend nothing happened. It wasn't that big of a deal. You just saw him naked for like...5 seconds. Man, his abs are unbelievable. And those arms. His thighs were thicker than what you had expected and his ass was so perky. How had your bisexual brother survived living with a hunk like that for the past 2 months? Maybe there was something really disgusting about him that was an instant turn off? Or maybe they were in some kind of relationship? No way. Your brother was your best friend, he would've never hidden something like that from you and he always said Junhoe was straight. But there was no way he hadn't seen him naked and hadn't thought about sucking that dick. Mmmmh.
No. No. No. Don't get lost here. Stick to the plan. Get out of the bathroom and into Jay's room.
You opened the door as quietly as possible but heard his voice as soon as you took a step out.
You didn't answer.
You heard his chair move as he stretched his head to look outside his bedroom door.
"Yeah..." You shily looked his way.
"Are you ok???"
His voice sounded concerned.
You moved closer to his room, placing a hand on the door frame and peeking in. Thankfully he was fully dressed now.
"Yeah, yeah I'm ok."
"You were in there for the longest time!!! I was afraid you had fainted!"
You took a step closer, now standing in the door frame.
"I...no... I'm good. You thought I'd fainted?!?"
"There was complete silence until you flushed the toilet a minute ago."
You straightened up and crossed your arms trying to hide your embarrassment.
"Were you listening to me pee??? Is that your kink???" Oh my God what are you saying.
He widened his eyes and cracked half a smile.
"Y/N...are you drunk? You're acting super weird today."
"You're acting super weird!" Why were you so flustered. Your eyes kept wandering from his plump lips to his wide shoulders...
"You're the one who keeps staring at my body."
You could feel your face turning red but you were not gonna back down.
"I'm not the one who was walking around naked knowing fully well he was gonna have guests! - you leaned against the door frame trying to look cool - Besides your body ain't THAT great." Oh yes! Perfect punchline. Now he's just gonna think you're a bitch. Turn around and...
"Let's see yours then."
He leaned back on his chair, crossing his hands behind his head, his eyes looking straight into yours.
"You saw me naked without my consent and now you're spewing judgement. Shouldn't I be allowed to do it too?"
Your arms fell to your sides. Oh boy. Did you push the bitch move too far? Ok. Just say sorry and leave the room.
You opened your mouth to speak but no sound came out. Instead you pulled your shirt over your head and took it off. You stood there holding your shirt, in your tight jeans and a bright pink bralette that made your tits look amazing, smiling at him with a defiant look.
He slowly placed his hands on his knees and looked at you for a few seconds. Then he stood up and walked towards you.
"What...what are you doing?" You said clutching your shirt to your chest.
He stopped a few feet away from you.
"You were closer than this... shouldn't I be closer too? - He took a couple more steps and stopped. You could've touched him without even stretching your arm - This seems like the right distance."
"Ok..." Now that he was so close you couldn't even lift your head to look him in the eyes.
"Well....what about the rest?"
You quickly glanced at him.
"The rest? You want me to take everything off??"
He smirked a little and crossed his arms.
"Well...you got the full uncensored picture...I barely got a preview..."
You tilted your head a little and looked at him. His voice sounded so smooth and seductive right now, you couldn't help but feel a little tingle in your panties. He gave off this cocky yet charming vibe and God, he was so handsome. Had you ever been this close before? You could almost feel the heat coming from his body. Well...if he wanted to play, why not play...
You let the shirt fall to the ground.
"Ok...but maybe you could refresh my memory?" You said looking at him while pushing your chest out just a bit.
He looked down from your eyes to your lips to your tits, his fingers moving slightly towards you, stopping just an inch from your skin. He pulled back, grabbing his shirt instead and taking it off in a swift move.
You stared at his chest and shoulders slowly moving up and down. Oh my God you wanted to bite them so bad.
You took off your bra, pulled it up to his face for a moment before dropping it on the ground.
He looked at you and swallowed, then took a step closer.
Oh, now you could feel it. The heat and electricity between your bodies. You breathed a little deeper unsure of what to do, savouring the excited tension between you two.
He stretched out his fingers again, touching your skin ever so lightly. You immediately felt chills down your spine and looked up at him.
He read your look and cupped your left breast, caressing your nipple with his thumb.
You let out a louder moan than intended.
He smiled, a bright, satisfied smile before pressing his lips against yours, grabbing your waist and pulling you against him. You ran your nails down his back, pushing your tongue inside his mouth, kissing him till you were out of breath.
He cupped your face and let out a little laugh.
"So, you are not drunk?"
You smiled back "Definitely not drunk."
"Are we taking the rest off?"
"Oh yeah!" You said while unbuttoning your jeans.
"Your brother will be home soon" he said while taking off his black pants. He wasn't wearing any underwear and his hard dick was pointing right at you.
"Let's be quick then!" You said as you pushed him on the bed.
You slid out of your panties and slowly crawled on top of him. His dick was twitching, desperate to be touched. It curved slightly to the left and was darker than his body and created a definite contrast against his pale skin.
So fucking inviting...
You could smell the desire emanating from his body and finally stuck your tongue out tracing his abs one by one, your right nipple brushing against his hard cock. He moaned as you reached his chest and bit him. You licked him again, all along his collarbone and bit him again on his right shoulder, making sure to leave a mark. He grabbed you by the back of the head and made you look at him.
"I thought you wanted to be quick".
"Not that quick."
He kissed you hard, his left hand grabbing your ass and pushing you down. Your pussy finally touched his cock and you started moving along his length. He tilted his head back, a deep moan leaving his lips. You freed yourself from his grasp and started kissing his chest, then his abs until you reached his cock. You put your knees on the ground, head between his legs, you lifted his cock with your right hand, leaving drops of precum on his lower abdomen. You smiled and looked up, his eyes were fixated on you. You started licking his shaft slowly, all the way up, you placed little kisses on the tip, pushed your tongue out to grab a lil precum and slowly raised your head, a mix of saliva and precum connecting your tongue to his cock. He looked at you in awe, his mouth open, his chest heaving. You opened your mouth and took half of his dick, squeezing it between your palate and your tongue.
"Fuuuuuuck...." He sounded so sexy saying it, it made you want to fuck him even more.
You started sucking his dick quickly, swallowing a little more with every movement while you caressed his inner thighs with your thumbs.
You thought he couldn't get harder than he was but you were clearly wrong. You couldn't wait any longer, you climbed back on top of him, took his dick in your hand and directed it to your entrance. He put his hands on your hips , helping you slide down. You both moaned when the tip went in. You were savouring the moment, taking him little by little when he suddenly bucked his hips and pushed it all in leaving you breathless. You pushed a hand on his chest.
"Hey, hey - you smiled - are you trying to kill me?"
He smiled back "Sorry. I really need to fuck you."
You leaned down and kissed him.
"Just a moment...just a moment..."
You swayed your hips back and forth, clenching your walls everytime you moved forward. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the ride, moaning everytime you squeezed. You licked his neck, from his shoulder to his ear and whispered
"You're so fucking loud."
You both let out a little laugh. He grabbed you by the waist and flipped you over. You let out a little scream and landed on your back, laughing again.
He opened your folds and rubbed on your engorged clit. Guess now it was your turn to be a loud mess.
"Ooh look at you... Fuck, you're beautiful. Squeeze your tits for me."
You obeyed and he immediately climbed on top of you, taking your left nipple in his mouth, sucking on it while he pushed his dick into you. You lifted your hips as he placed your left leg on his shoulder. He let go of your nipple and looked at you.
"Can I fuck you now?"
You lifted your right leg higher so you could feel him better.
"Oh yeah. Fuck me."
He started pounding into you as if he had waited for nothing else.
You stretched your arms and grabbed the sheets, your moans filling the room.
Why was he so good? God, he kept hitting just the right spot.
"Oh shit. Junhoe. Right th...".
You arched your back as you felt the orgasm mounting...and just like that he was gone.
You opened your eyes just in time to see a jet of cum hitting your chest while the rest covered your belly. He wasn't even touching himself.
He almost fell on you, stopping himself with his hands, he looked down, breathless.
"Fuck, FUCK! I'm sorry."
You placed a finger under his chin and made him lift his head.
"Sorry for what? - you smiled warmly looking at the sweat rolling down his face - That was a good ride!"
He smiled and groaned as he rolled to the side, sliding an arm under your head and pulling you closer.
"I swear I'm better than this. You just got me too excited."
You giggled a little embarrassed.
"Junhoe it's fine..."
"I promise I'll blow your mind next time"
"...next time?"
"Oh yeah."
"I don't know if..."
"Can I ask you something? You have to answer me honestly."
"Have you been avoiding me?"
You widened your eyes in surprise.
"Avoiding you? We had drinks last week..."
"Jay said you used to come by at least a couple days a week before I moved in but since I've been here you must have visited maybe 3 times. Obviously you're not avoiding your brother...so..."
You thought about it for a second...
"Ok. Honest answer. I've wanted to fuck you ever since Jay brought you to my party...but I was still trying to save my relationship and you were a temptation I didn't need..."
"But you broke up before I moved here..."
"...and I was a mess. I felt pathetic and needy and I didn't feel like this was a safe space for me to drunk cry and whine about life..."
"Because of me???"
"Because you make me hot. I didn't want to embarrass myself and you and Jay...."
You shot a look at the clock, it had been almost an hour since your brother left.
"I have to wash up before he comes back..."
You got up from the bed and picked up your shirt then turned around and crawled back on. You kissed Junhoe passionately.
"I shouldn't be fucking my brother's flatmate. You can't say a word
about this. OK?"
"Mmmmh....give me your number?"
You were picking up the rest of your clothes.
"So you can let me know when you're feeling hot and I can tell you when Jay's not home." He answered with a cheesy smile.
"Oh my God you're so stupid." You flashed him a smile and disappeared in the bathroom.
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hesokuri-wars · 8 years
Hesokuri Wars: The Big Gathering of Heroes! Translation (All Stages)
before you proceed, you might want to check out the various descriptions and backstories that are given in the character profiles, because they’re frequently alluded to throughout the stages of this event
and if anything’s confusing well 1. I’m sorry I tried my best 2. send an ask and I may clarify things for you
Osomatsu: Whoo~! He definitely came in through the alleyway, huh? Wow... It’s pitch black! That guy with the big mouth who always shows up in this area... There’s been an increase in missing person cases in Akatsuka City lately. Hehe~ Hm! It’s thanks to my intuition that I know these things...! Hmm...? Ah! There he is! That gloomy salaryman that you’re holding! Oi! Let that old man go! (thud!) Ah, he let him go. Sorry for the trouble, but I’m not letting you get away! I’m going to expose your true colors once and for all today! Charisma Special! Alright! The mask flew off! A-Ah?! A hippo?! A hippo human?! No! Don’t attack me, okay?! (boomboomboomboomboomboom!!) Ah! He’s attacking me~~~~!! (bang!!) Ow ow ow!!! Owwwwww—!! Damn it~~~! He escaped... Fast bastard! Ah~~ Hey, Mr. Salaryman? You okay? Be careful, alright~? There have been a lot of incidents like this lately! Eh?! Are you crying? I’m your lifesaver, you say? Well. A reward? Sure. I might die if you don’t give me 10,000 yen... Alright, I’ll be taking that! Ehehe. The secret that even my little brothers don’t know... I am the guardian of this crime-infested city. As Charisma Red, I protect the citizens. Aah~! How come whenever I come to save the day, it’s some old man in trouble instead of a girl?! 
Todomatsu: According to the television news, this hippo from the Akatsuka Zoo apparently died. Jyushimatsu: Eh—! His caretakers must be really sad. Eh—! His caretakers are missing? Ichimatsu: There really have been a lot of people going missing lately. The zoo...? I think there’s a big company close to there. Jyushimatsu: Wow~! That man on the TV now is saying that this mysterious hippo man kidnapped him, but he was saved! Ichimatsu: Eh? Another hippo? Are we having a hippo boom? Choromatsu: It looks like they’re beginning to figure out all of the recent missing person cases. Isn’t this the first time that someone has provided information on the appearance of the culprits? Karamatsu: Heh. Maybe it would be best if someone was targeted by the culprits again then... Jyushimatsu: That man’s saying that when he was being swept away, a mysterious hero appeared! Ichimatsu: Ah, they said that before too. Something Red... I think it was Charisma Red. Todomatsu: A name like Charisma Red somehow feels like a very Osomatsu-niisan-like name~! Choromatsu: So he’s Red, huh! Does he belong to a group with people of other colors then? Ichimatsu: No, looks like this guy’s by himself. Todomatsu: So he’s only pretending that he has comrades! A lone hero—!! How funny~ Osomatsu: Hey? He’s a mysterious hero, isn’t he? Maybe he just likes the color red? It’s not nice to ridicule someone, you know? Karamatsu: ...You know, Osomatsu. You seem awfully supportive of this guy. Todomatsu: Yeah, yeah. You’re usually the first one to start making fun of things~? Osomatsu: Ah~ You see. We’re NEETs, you know? I’m just a little worried about the fate of Akatsuka City, okay? Isn’t this mysterious hero doing his best to protect the town? If things worsen, we can’t be NEETs any longer, so what would we do then? Ichimatsu: Our lives would end. Todomatsu: Ah~~~~~! If our NEET lifestyles end, the world would, too! Ichimatsu: The man on the news is saying that this hero wears glasses. Choromatsu: He’s not anything like Osomatsu-niisan then.
Karamatsu: Heh. The temporary form of a NEET...! The Fallen Angel of the Thunderous Roar, Captain Phonic Angel... Even my brothers do not know. This is the real me...! Recently, in the central part of this city, on the campus grounds of Miniskirt Nick University, there have been many cases of researcher ladies being targeted. Because of that, many steady girls have been calling for others to watch out for them. And there’s the angel who protects all... That would be me. For these ladies who give up their bodies and hearts for research, the next one to give up their bodies and hearts is me...! Ah! I just heard a lady shriek! (thrum...) Heh. The synthesizer of this guitar is no threat. If you understand that, then let go of that lady at once... Ah. You guys are friends. But I heard someone yell “Kyaa”... You were just messing around? ...I see. I won't mind that then. Apologies. But if you ever need saving... Then call for me, Captain Phonic Angel...! Sigh... Hmm? It’s pretty hard differentiating between someone messing around and someone truly crying for help. Geez! That scrawny man with the top hat and beard! I’ve noticed that there have been cases of people going missing lately at this research building. Ah! I just heard another lady walking by herself calling for help. Someone’s seizing her arm... and the lady is shaking him off! Alright! That’s definitely a suspicious person! (thrum!) Remove yourself from her! you slender stranger! The synthesizer...of this guitar... (whirr!) I’ll drag you down to the live stage of hell! Distortion Babyyyyy~~~!!! Eh?! That bastard! Did his bones turn into gold?? Has my resonance really created such a severe effect?! “I’m shocked, zansu,” you say? I see! So you’re shocked! Have you given up?! Heh, Miss. Are you okay? ...You’ve been mesmerized by my charm, I see. I-If you ring the emergency bell, people are going to come rushing in. (ringringringringring) Eh? Eh? The security officers are already here? That was quick! There are no suspicious persons left. My name? Captain... Eh? My surname? Matsu... Uh, that’s... Humph, I have no choice then!! (thrum!) Gain MAX! Volume Output MAX! I’m sorry!!! (strumstrumstrumwhirrthrum!...) Crap! The glass is resonating! (break break break) The school building’s glass—!! (whoooooooosh!!!) Everything’s blowing away—————!! F-Farewell! Bang!!
Osomatsu: Ehhhhhh!! Wait! The TV! What the hell is this?! Bwah—hahahahahaha?!? Todomatsu: What’s wrong, Osomatsu-niisan? Why are you pounding on the table laughing like an idiot~? Osomatsu: Look at this! Look at what the television news is showing right now! Look~~! Look at that sketch of the culprit and his outfit!! Todomatsu: Ah—! That’s the case of the extensive damage dealt to Miniskirt Nick University, right? Choromatsu: Ehh? A university? During this day and age, don’t window-breaking cases normally happen in middle schools? Ichimatsu: That’s not normal. Well, if it happened at a university, it feels more like a legitimate case rather than a simple act of mischief. Choromatsu: But it looks like the culprit was alone in this. Apparently he created an earth-shattering noise with his guitar! Osomatsu: Pfffffffffffffft!!! Todomatsu: Wha—What is that even!! That’s so painful~~~!!! Jyushimatsu: Guitar!! Guitar!! Karamatsu: ... Todomatsu: Karamatsu-niisan? Karamatsu: Hm? A-Ah. I read the news article already, but it looks like the ones involved in this case are the female researcher at the university and the man who developed Otaku Corporation, huh?  Jyushimatsu: Ah! They interviewed that lady! She said that she was scouted to become a researcher at a top-class enterprise until that guy showed up and ruined everything! She’s really angry! Choromatsu: So he went and interfered in someone’s path of finding employment! Must be some NEET out there! Ichimatsu: Whoever it was, nice. He just gave everyone a reason not to look for a job. Todomatsu: But hey? It looks like the president of Otaku Corporation is managing everything by himself. He doesn’t permit office romance or any private time for his employees. If this is really such a harsh black company, then maybe you can really find happiness there~? Choromatsu: Todomatsu?! You think that’s happiness after finding a job?! Isn’t there something wrong here?! Osomatsu: Well? It might be just as Todomatsu says, you know? I don’t think this guitar guy really thought things through that far though~ Right, Karamatsu? Jyushimatsu: Ah! Now they’re showing security camera footage! Karamatsu: Security camera footage?! Todomatsu: ...Eh? Don’t you think that guy looks a lot like Karamatsu-niisan? Jyushimatsu: Ah—! It’s true! Choromatsu: Speaking of phantom heroes who appear and disappear at a moment’s notice, like Platonic Love for example, there sure are a lot of them recently. Osomatsu: Even if this were Karamatsu, there’s no way he’d do something this stupid, right?! Eh? Where’d Karamatsu go? Ichimatsu: Since he’s Shittymatsu, maybe he’s shitting? ...I think. He’s probably upset about Otaku Corporation’s lab... Jyushimatsu: Ah—! He’s in the bathroom—?
Choromatsu: Everyone!! Are you okay?! I’m going to save you now!! I’m the hero who protects the lives of the citizens, the one who discourages villainy! The world’s law is my law! I’m the one who enforces justice and the law, The Low! Hey! The big guy over there! What are you planning on doing to those girls?! Oh! (bang!) Your punches are pretty heavy and destructive, huh? I may be lighter and more nimble, but I can still pack some pretty powerful hits! Utah! (bang!) A-Are you okay, everyone?! I’m going to protect you! Heave ho~~~~! You think it’s nice when people scream in your presence huh?! Wha?!? (bangbangbangbangbangbang) So you’re brandishing a left fastball! That’s dangerous! Let’s stop! So you’re going to be like that?! Everyone!! Run to... the side of the cafe over there!! Leave it to me!! I’ll be fine!! Ah?! (bang...) Wahhhhhh!! I’ve been pushed against the wall and now I can’t move! Damn it! Those girls are going to think I’m uncool, you know?! I’m supposed to be invincible! You may have cornered me, but I’m not going to tell you anything!
Choromatsu: Hah?! Isn’t this the mark of Otaku Industries? They produce this sort of military battle armor? Not only that, but you’ve collected these girls together and planned to kidnap them! This company is definitely a suspicious one! (grumble grumble and squeeze) The Matsu Cube? Hah? The hell is that?! Shit!! Now you have a really strong grip on me... I can’t move—!! I really don’t know—! What the hell is that—?! (baaaaaaaang) Huh? Did something just hit us? The grip on me just loosened! Alright! I’ll take this chance...! (bang bang bang bang bang bang!!) Was that a bug? Or was it a bird? There was something... It was moving extremely fast... Was it a human...? Well, whatever! Eat my power ball———!!! (bam bam bam whoosh) Have you given up? You can’t even move anymore. Your power armor has completely shut down and can’t receive any more electrical power. Didn’t I tell you? I’m invincible. Eh? “I’ll remember this, dasu”? He pressed an escape button and got away! He escaped while crying and only wearing his underpants!! Jyushimatsu: What should we do?! Should we chase after him?! Choromatsu: Hm! A voice?! It’s... the masked wrestler from before?! And you’re only wearing briefs!  Jyushimatsu: You can see me—?! Wow! But you shouldn’t!! (dash)  Choromatsu: Ah, he’s gone. What was that just now? ...Hah! Right, the girls! Everyone—! While I’m still in focus, hurry and run... Eh? No one’s here?! Eh—? They’re not even going to thank me? Geez! It’s like they have no manners!
Osomatsu: Let’s see what the news says. Whoa~! Everything’s so broken! Ichimatsu: What are you watching? Osomatsu: Look. Yesterday, these robotlike things caused a whole bunch of destruction! Check out that crime scene! If I knew about it, I would’ve gone to watch! Todomatsu: Ah, that’s the cafe on the third block. There weren’t any casualties though, were there? Karamatsu: The hero The Low was there, it seems. The cafe’s security cameras caught everything. Look, that’s some nice agility. Jyushimatsu: ... Choromatsu: Jyushimatsu? Your mouth’s open? Jyushimatsu: Choromatsu-niisan, you smell like thinner. Choromatsu: Ah, that must be the smell of paint. I was trying to make some plastic models, you see. Todomatsu: Ehhh? What? You’re really into that? You even went as far as to paint the colors? It’s dangerous for you to start having such a serious interest as a NEET, you know~? Ichimatsu: This is bad. If you actually improve, you’ll be lost into the idea of actually getting a job. It’s a pattern. Choromatsu: I’m going to work, you know?! I don’t have one single interest that I can express on my resume or at interviews, so what are people going to think of me?? What about you guys? We have to think about work! Jyushimatsu: Ehh? Ichimatsu-niisan, where are you going? Ichimatsu: I’m going for a walk.
Ichimatsu: It’s just as I thought. The junction of this drainage system is the center of all of the missing person cases. (splash splash) ...Who the hell are you? A female researcher that went missing? Octopuko? ...The hell’s with that name? ...You’re cute though. Well, leaving that aside, there are more and more people going missing in this place... There’s no mistake, it’s you guys’ fault. (splash) Well. I’m a lot like you. I have cat genes inside of me. I don’t know if that octopus form is what you wanted though. The Matsu Cube? I’ve heard that word before, but what’s that? Eh? “Eat my mackerel,” you say? (splash) Woo! Damn it! Uhhh... I’m tied up and now I can’t move...! Shit! I’m going to bite you...! ?! ...Damn it...! I can’t move my body...! This is... the abnormality of the octopus...! This is the weakness of one who has become one with the cat...! You’re going to finish me off with a neurotoxin, huh... Shit... Todomatsu: Hey! Miss? What are you doing to my precious kitty cat?! Ichimatsu: W-Who’s that? A pink costume? ...Platonic Love? Why is he here... I’m losing consciousness... Todomatsu: Hehe! You think you can win against my knives? Miss, you’re kind of cute, so I really want to turn you into sashimi, but if you don’t let my niisan go, I’ll have to cut you up first, huh?! (splash) I’m going now~ (whoosh whoosh) ...Ha~! So? Have you given up? So you were looking take a risk with these villains, weren’t you... I knew it, Ichimatsu-niisan. Ichimatsu: ...Todomatsu...?
Choromatsu: I now understand what was going on the other day! You’re the presidency of Otaku Corporation, aren’t you?! Eh? Geek Otaku? The hell is that? You're wearing that huge armor again?! You haven’t learned your lesson, have you? Don’t you realize you’re wasting resources? Oh, this? My suit is recycled. Eh? You recognize it? It’s a good citizen’s responsibility to use resources properly, you know. You’re calling me a thief?! How disgraceful. When you returned that day, your armor was gone, you say? Well, obviously! Unlawful dumping is a serious crime! If you’re going to treat someone who recycled your armor as a thief, I’m going to report you as someone violating the third article of the Akatsuka Environmental Laws! (bam grumble grumble) You’re going to do it?! Come at me then? (bang) As expected of something made out of Iyametal! It’s not affected at all!! How did you get your hands on it? Well? You made it yourself, didn't you? I wouldn’t know. (bang bang bang bang bang) “It’s mine, dasu,” you say? Uwah! You’re crying while giving out continuous punches? You customized it at the lowest possible cost, huh? What’s the estimate for that? Eh? The Matsu Cube? I don’t know about that, alright?! Wahhhhhh?! I’m being pushed! Jyushimatsu: Ah! Watch out—! Wahhhhhhhhh! (speeding noises) Choromatsu: What...? Alright! I’ll take this as my chance! Eat my power ball———!!! (bam bam bam whoosh) Like I said, you can’t move. I’ve completely shut down your suit! How many times do I have to tell you?! Maybe you should turn over a new leaf? Jyushimatsu: (clatter and thud) Ha... Choromatsu: Wah wah! Someone appeared from the dump site. It’s the masked wrestler guy from the other day. And he’s stopped wearing the mask, but now he has goggles? Jyushimatsu: Yup. It’s because my eyes get dry easily. Sigh. Choromatsu: ...You can’t stop running? Jyushimatsu: Yup. Choromatsu: If I had to retort about every single thing one-by-one, I’d say you were a human nuclear warhead. You’re fast though. Jyushimatsu: Yup. I’m Fastman. Choromatsu: ... Jyushimatsu: ... Choromatsu: ...You’re Jyushimatsu, aren’t you? Jyushimatsu: Yup. I’m Jyushimatsu. Choromatsu: You’re not going to deny it. Jyushimatsu: Yup. Because I’m Jyushimatsu. Choromatsu: Hey, Fastman. Jyushimatsu: Yup! I’m Fastman! Choromatsu: You’re going to respond to that so casually, too?! Jyushimatsu: Yup. Because no matter which one you call me, I’m both of them. Choromatsu: I see. ...Alright. Take these jet pack parts. If you face them in the opposite direction, they’ll act as brakes. I wish you luck. Jyushimatsu: Yup! Thank you, The Low! ...Ah! A new enemy has...! My brothers are in danger...! I’m going to go ahead and see what’s up! Make sure you come, The Low! (zoom) Choromatsu: Ehhh! Your brothers... Aren’t they my brothers, too? What the hell did they get themselves into?
Jyushimatsu: Watch out——! (whoosh) Ichimatsu: ?! Kya! What?! (bang) ...Phew... Todomatsu: Eh? Ichimatsu-niisan? He couldn’t move, but now he’s disappeared? Jyushimatsu: I’m Fastman! I just moved Ichimatsu-niisan to a safe place! Todomatsu: Uh, no, it felt more like you were throwing him. ...Jyushimatsu-niisan? Jyushimatsu: Ahaha... You found me out, Totty! Todomatsu: Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it?! ...Uwah! Some sort of gold liquid is sticking to my feet! I can’t move...! Jyushimatsu: D-Damn it! Ugh! I can’t move! Todomatsu: These liquid enemies are preventing even the super fast Jyushimatsu-niisan from moving! They’ve really thought this through... (slash) Oh boy, they’re not moving an inch! I’m trying to cut through them, but they’re holding out really well...! (slosh... slosh... dajo) Waaaaaaaaaah?! It’s gone into my ears—! It feels gross~! Save me—! Niisan!!! Karamatsu: Todomaaaaatsu?! Are you okay?! ...Ah? Osomatsu: Eh~! Ehhhh—?! Karamatsu: Charisma Re... Osomatsu? Osomatsu: Um...? Karamatsu? What’s the meaning of this?! Karamatsu: Ah... That’s Jyushimatsu, isn’t it. Jyushimatsu: I’m Jyushimatsu! Wah— I can’t move! Osomatsu: Are you okay?! Jyushimatsu...? And this is... Todomatsu? Eh~?! You...! Karamatsu: So were you the office lab that was disturbing the public recently?! Todomatsu: Aren’t you just assuming that because I’m Platonic Love?! (T/N: this is a pun. in japanese, “lab” and “love” are pronounced the same as “rabu.”) Just hurry and help us! I can hear “dajo, dajo” in my ear~~~! Osomatsu: Ah~ This is the first time Niichan’s telling with this kind of enemy, too, you know? What do you think, Karamatsu? When I try to fight this thing, it just scatters all over the place...! Choromatsu: (bang) Whew! I took a shortcut... Eh? Wait! What’s going on? Osomatsu: Wah! That’s Choromatsu’s voice?! That plastic model is huge! Choromatsu: This isn’t a plastic model! More importantly, you’re Charisma Red...and Phonic Angel. Karamatsu: Heh. There’s no helping it if you’ve found out. Work with us, The Low! Choromatsu: Got it! Karamatsu! Try hitting the enemies with sound! That way, Jyushimatsu might be able to break free! Karamatsu: U-Understood! Gain MAX! (screech screech screech~~~) Distortion Babyyyyy~~~!!!  Jyushimatsu: (splash splash) Ah! I think I’m able to move now! I’m... I’m going to hit a fastball with these musical notes towards the center of the enemy! Throw your Rising Ball, The Low-niisan! Choromatsu: I see. Electrolysis...!! Also, this isn’t a Rising Ball! Well, whatever! Karamatsu: Alright! Chase after these musical notes, Jyushimatsu! (strum) Jyushimatsu: I’m Fastman! I’m faster than the speed of sound! First ball has been thrown—! Choromatsu: I’m disassembling my power ball—! (bang!)  Todomatsu: Uwah! ...Mm... I think I’m able to move now... Osomatsu: Alright! Looks like the enemy broke into a million pieces scattering all over the place! Karamatsu: Heh! I thought I alone was a hero, but it turns out that all of us were heroes secretly fighting by ourselves. Osomatsu: It...seems like it. Right?! Karamatsu: Did you come running here because you sensed that Todomatsu was in danger, too? Choromatsu: Uh, I can hear Ichimatsu groaning somewhere around here. Osomatsu: Ah! Ichimatsu?! What’s with those ears? You didn’t have those back at home, did you? Did you get that species change operation to become a cat? Ichimatsu: M... Mm...? Ah? I don’t feel any better than I felt before. Shit! I got attacked by an octopus and now I’m totally out of shape! Can I even eat takoyaki anymore? (T/N: because, you know, takoyaki is made out of octopus) Probably not. ...Eh? Guys? Ah... So that’s what’s going on. I’m a hero, too. I have zero motivation. I have cat genes inside of me, so I can’t eat octopus. I’m a useless hero. Last week, I was watching an injured cat and got clawed, and I ended up losing consciousness. When I woke up, I became like this. Osomatsu: Eh~? And that happened just because you got clawed?! Was that a poisonous cat or something? That’s so scary! Karamatsu: That’s danger. Where’s the cat now? Ichimatsu: I thought it’d be dangerous if it ended up spreading, so I looked for it everywhere, and eventually this is the place I ended up at. Everywhere I went, I kept hearing about some sort of Matsu Cube, do you guys know what that is? Osomatsu: Matsu Cube? I feel like I’ve seen it before... Karamatsu: Ah! Look at your feet! Choromatsu: Gold liquid is climbing up our legs?! Ichimatsu: Damn it—! Jyushimatsu: Wah————— This is the end!! Todomatsu: Is this already the end?!? (boom) Osomatsu: Hm? Was that Mom’s voice just now? Choromatsu: Yeah! She’s calling, “My little NEETs”! Todomatsu: Ehhhh? Why is she here?!? Ah! Dad’s here, too!
Osomatsu: Well, we’re back home now. Todomatsu: Right? Why did our parents come anyway? Jyushimatsu: Did someone call them? Choromatsu: No way! It’s not like we’re students or anything, you know? Todomatsu: Yeah, about that Cube the enemies were searching for? Isn’t that something we’ve seen in our attic before? Jyushimatsu: Yup, we’ve seen it. Karamatsu: The one thing we know is... Choromatsu: ...the fact that we’re all heroes... Ichimatsu: ...isn’t a coincidence... Todomatsu: Does this mean that even I may have superpowers...? Osomatsu: Ah, Mom! Dad! Jyushimatsu: Why are we... Karamatsu: Eh! This is...! Choromatsu: Isn’t this imagawayaki? Ichimatsu: Why imagwayaki? Ah, did you say something interesting just now? Todomatsu: There's this one thing I found strange. No matter how you think about it, we're able to divide evenly amongst ourselves, aren’t we? Why is it that we always end up getting a number we fight over... Karamatsu: Four... huh. Jyushimatsu: Four... yup. Todomatsu: Yeah, four. Osomatsu: The last person standing after this battle... Choromatsu: ...earns MAX Matsu Power... Ichimatsu: ...and gets a Cube that’s said to dominate even outer space... Karamatsu: ...That’s what we’ll receive, huh. Osomatsu: I guess we’re just gonna have to resort to using force! Todomatsu: Hehe. Guess we have no choice! Karamatsu: What a shame. Jyushimatsu: Come at me, bro! Ichimatsu: I’m going to end this. Choromatsu: No regrets. One, two...! Let me graduate————! (bang) ... Narrator: Today, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, due to the expansion of a large and mysterious energy source, Akatsuka City has exploded. Only a crater is left where Akatsuka City once stood, enshrouded in mystery. FIN.
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janehopperra · 5 years
So in order to take back some of the order on my blog, I’m gonna keep the tally for today’s stuff on one post, then when I’m done watching tomorrow, I’ll put that tally on here as well.
This is also to save the dashes of whoever likes to keep them clean. I apologize for the mass ooc. I just finally felt like I could safely let my saltiness over s3 run rampant.
Bad: The makeout scene Good: Will taking care of everyone in the party making sure everyone has snacks for the theatre Bad 2: Mike being a whiny brat right off the bat Good 2: Steve immediately flicking the switch on and off to spite Robin Good 3: Jane playing pranks with the party with her telekinesis. Bad 3: The Karen and Billy Thing Good 4: IT IS CONSTANT… CONSTANT. Bad 4: ‘Curfew at 4:00pm’ Bad 5: The apparent focus of Will’s character only being that he’s jealous of Mike and Jane and also that he can sense the mindflayer. literally nothing else. Bad 6: Karen and Billy Again Bad 7: Joyce eating tv dinner alone while thinking about bob :( Bad 8: Makeout scene 2.0 Good 5: Hopper yeeting himself to another plane of existence in the next room Bad 9: Mike whispering to Jane right in front of Hop ( As if I didn’t find this creepy enough ) Bad 10: I gotta admit Hop lying about Mike’s grandma is bad Good 6: Hop being an actual dad and placing boundaries between Mike and El makes up for that though. Like that needed to happen. Bad 11: Dustin being left alone at the radio tower. Bad 12: Karen??? what the fuck are you doing??? Good 7: Karen coming to her senses. Bad 13: Billy.. jfc
First episode - 7-13
Good 8: Boundary establishing actually working. Bad 14: Mike lying through his teeth, keeping the lie up even after Karen caught him in it. Bad 15: “You lie?” “What? No! Friends don’t lie!” Good 9: Hop scream singing his song in the Blazer. Bad 16: Nancy’s boss being an absolute??? Jerkwad??? They were that way in the 80′s to women yeah but yikes. Good 10: Dustin and Steve’s handshake Good 11: ‘Mike’s a piece of shit!’ Snaps fingers hell yeah he is Bad 17: ‘You don’t understand lucas! He’s lost his mind!’ How about stop??? Blaming other people??? For how you acted Mike??? You had a choice not to lie dumbass. Bad 18: The boys acting like this is some sort of battlefield where you need combat strategies when in reality you need to speak the truth. Bad 19: Them constantly leaving Will hanging, poor boy just wants to play dnd :( Bad 20: More Karen and Billy like tf Thank god Billy told her to stay away Good 12: The girls going out and having fun!!! To hell with the boys!!!! Bad 21: Joyce forgetting about Hop to solve the magnet issue ( wasn’t her fault but yeah ) Good 13: The Material Girl skit!!! The photographer session! High heels! Jane pranking the binch that rejected Dustin at the snow ball. There’s more to life than stupid boys! Bad 22: “Can we play DND now???” “NO!!!!” Bad 23: Mike trying to change the subject and recoiling when he’s caught at the mall, like he thought he would get away with the lie??? Good 14: I dump your ass. Bad 24: The face Mike makes when Jane walks away, like you’d think if he’s so??? in love he’d be at least a little more devastated??? He looks like a brat. ( No offense to the actor he’s great, the character’s a brat ) Good 15: IT’S CUTTING EDGE STUFF MAN!!! Bad 25: Hop being left at Enzo’s :((( He was so excited man Good 16: The scoops troop solving stuff. Bad 26: Hop taking the whole bottle of alcohol and leaving, kind of shit faced, DRIVES HOME SHITFACED. You’re a cop, Hop! For fuck’s sake.
Episode 2 mark - 16-26
Good 17: Jane and Max acting like best friends Bad 27: “I don’t understand what I did to deserve this why is she treating me this way I’m the victim” I honestly can’t. Bad 28: ‘We’re trying to solve the great mystery of the female species’ oh yikes. Bad 29: Hop arriving home drunk and barging into Jane’s room thinking Mike was with El and the door was closed. Bad 30: Hop.. acting like a bit of a creep and then cracking open the bottle of wine for more drinking!!! In the presence of El. After what he just did. Good 18: Honestly I think it’s kind of cool that Max and Jane have made a game utilizing Jane’s powers instead of shoving them away. Bad 31: The boys mocking Will for taking the chance to play DND. Will honey its okay Bad 32: Hopper being a weird disgusting bear, and also being kind of spiteful towards Joyce. I get she hung you up but like come on man, you know she wouldn’t do that without good reason. Bad 33: “You stand me up, no phone call no apology because you had to go to Scott Clark’s house” NOW IT’S TIME FOR HOP TO GET BASHED. Bad 34: Hop pretending to understand how Joyce thinks the magnetism loss thing was the lab then going back to being spiteful and a smartass. Bad 35: Max in denial about the Billy situation Good 19: Scoops troop being funny little shits. They’re the only pure group in this nonsense of a season. Bad 36: The boys still mocking Will during DND. Guys just humor him for fucks sake, he’s been dealing with yalls shit all summer. Bad 37: Mike recoiling when Will finally has enough of their shit and leaves. Bad 38: “You guys are never in the mood anymore! You’re destroying everything and for what, so you can swap spit with some stupid girl” “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls!” Honestly, low blow on both ends. Yikes. Good 20: Honestly the horror in this season is good so it gets it’s own good point for that. Good 21: Hop actually going to the lab with Joyce to soothe her worries about the magnetism loss. ( Also poor joyce remembering Bob’s death ) Good 22: The scoops troop again being on the case, only to then find out the guy they’re chasing is a yoga instructor. Good 23: Hop trying to make sure everyone feels safe and at home. Good 24: Hop opening up just a tiny bit about what he did after Sarah died, trying to relate to Joyce. Bad 39: The fact that Will felt so alone and outcasted to the point that he felt the need to tear the castle down after looking around at all the memories in it and bursting into tears. My poor lad. I’ve been in the same boat, fuck the boys honestly. Good 25: The scoops troop at it again, actually being productive in their side of the story. Bad 40: Something I just don’t get at all is the fact that Jane just.. introduces herself as El, giving herself away almost immediately. Hun, you have another name, you’re not still a number. Idk that thing just irks me. Bad 41: And again, Will just being used for the ‘woe is me/enemy locator’ trope.
Episode 3 mark - 25-41
Good 26: Max introducing the wonder woman comics to Jane after listening to her. Bad 42: Max still being in denial about Billy and Heather. Good 27: Joyce taking care of Hop, SOMEHOW dragging his ass back to the cabin. Bad 43: ThIs iS a CoDe ReD ( I don’t blame Max for turning the radio off I’d throw it across the room after all that’s happened ) Bad 44: Again. Will’s only purpose being that he senses the mindflayer– like what the fuck he could be used for so much more. Bad 45: This is just a thing– I honestly hate that we only get one scene with the hoppers and also the byers acting like a family. All that build up in season 2??? wasted. All that potential wasted. Bad 46: The mayor taking a jab at Hopper and his ‘dead daughter sob story’. Damn right you deserved that fucking punch. Good 28: Joyce pulling the phone line when the receptionist tried to call the police. Good 29: The scoops troop and their hilarity. Bad 47: Max continuing to be in complete denial over Billy’s role with the mindflayer. Good 30: “Don’t you love your country” “You can’t spell America without Erica” I love Erica so much Good 31: “I want you to forget about sales and come work for me at hawkins pd.” “And have to look at your face every day? I don’t think so.” I have to admit that was cute Good 32: Karen actually being a mom for a change and listening to and supporting Nancy. Good 33: “He made me lie, I mean–” “What if he’s right?” “No no no he’s just a crazy old man” “No, if I only see you and I’m a different species, maybe I should be with my own species more.” Bad 47: “Wait you spied on me? That’s totally against the rules!!!” Mike she’s a telekinetic who can locate people and also implode your brain. There are no rules. Good 34: “I make my own rules.” Except hers. Good 35: “If you die, I die” “Okay” Dustin’s such a ride or die bitch I love it. Bad 48: How many times has Will been used for mindflayer location? 4-5 times? Bad 49: Jane relenting when protecting herself and her friends. I’m sorry but if someone’s had a hand to her throat or face or anything she’s thrown whoever did that through a wall, caught off guard and not. Good 36: She eventually did throw Billy through a wall but still the point remains
Episode 4 mark - 36-49
Bad 50: Joyce’s bad throwing skills. Hun you’re throwing a gun not a baseball. ( jk ilu mom ) Bad 51: This terminator guy gets a bad point. I don’t think they explained him at all? Even if they did.. eh. Good 37: “Why wouldn’t he be safe? Nancy?” For once someone’s worried about the welfare of these kids. Good 38: Hop’s big butt sprawled over the Blazer gets a point. Bad 52: Hop calling Alexei Smirnoff gets an… eh point for me. Idk why it turns me off a bit. It’s a funny name and all but eh. Bad 53: The beloved Blazer exploding gets a bad point. Shame on you for killing it, st writers. Good 39: “Ill-annoy” cute. Bad 54: “ThEy’Re CoNsPiRiNg AgAiNsT mE” Not everything’s about you, Mike. Good 40: “She was making bad screams” “What’s a good scream” Max: “Doesn’t matter–” Bad 55: Hop making the joke that every man Joyce talks to must be another version of Clark. Yikes man, she burned you that bad? Good 41: “He’s a dangerous child murderer” As Alexei smiles whilst sipping his cherry icee.
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