#Maybe I'm stating the obvious
rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
If The Princess changes based on our perception of her, then the Voices are the Princess's perception of The Hero.
If we enter the basement without the Knife and try to escape with the Princess to get to the Damsel, Clearly we are her Knight in Glistening Feathers, and in stories like that, The Hero is Smitten with The Damsel.
With the adversary, we refuse to die. We are Stubborn.
If we get killed by the Princess with ease, we are Broken in her eyes.
We get Hunted by the Den, oppose the Narrator and become Contrarian, see The Princess leave the basement despite locking her down there and we become Paranoid.
The reason that They're Voices instead of other Heroes, is because The Long Quiet doesn't change - Shifting Mound is change, and thus her vessels must be as fluid and malleable as herself.
TLQ, as Shifty states, only ever reacts - We only make a choice based on what The Narrator or The Voices tell us to do. It is only by experiencing that we gain insight, and thus can react. The Voices are as much a part of TLQ as the Princesses are Shifty, but in the way that these two beings have to parallel each other.
But of course, these two being are in that way forever connected - The Long Quiet Has Changed, and been changed, as he has had to make decisions - cause change, despite it's nature as a being of stagnation and changelessness.
The Shifting Mound is forever a Shifting Mound, she is never complete, always changing in a way that does not allow settling, or stagnation - yet in that way is static in her purpose!
TLQ and Shifty are one in the same despite being split - they both change, and are stuck, and yet they continue this push and pull ad aeternum, because they are stuck and dynamic all at once.
At least, depending on which ending you choose.
(And then there's the Razor, who I don't have a good answer for other than "We don't see every run with her to get every voice" So. That's the one kink in this idea.)
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pondhue · 3 months
thinking about how in s6 ep10 rick fell back so hard all bc his grandson that he cares for dearly called him boring.
how his thought process was "oh he thinks i'm boring so i'm not interesting. meaning i really have nothing of use to contribute anymore if not even my grandson can be entertained by me. did i ever contribute anything useful? i don't have control over how im perceived like i thought i did bc my grandson called me boring. my daughters are pissed at me, my granddaughter is likely tired of me, i've inconvenienced jerry bc i see myself in him (i think jerry is who rick was before he lost his og wife and daughter). for how long did morty feel like that??". how he was genuinely hurt that morty blatantly dismissed his feedback like that AND insulted him, and the insult actually had truth to it. which he knew. which probably hurt more.
how he then made an "idealized" version of himself to take care of his family that he believed would be able to provide them things he feels that he would never be able to give them and then isolated himself after that and knew nobody would notice and decided to pitch a tent in his own head.
how the fact that it resulted in rick spiraling and hyperfocusing (again) on avenging his dead wife and prioritizing that over everything else so much because at least he has control in how he feels in that situation. bc self isolation along with sitting in his own grief, shame, regret, and anger are what's familiar to him the most. how he is fully aware he could (and probably would) die in chasing prime and didn't care bc he probably thought his family wouldn't actually care if he died either, right? all because his grandson called him boring.
just thinking about that.
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keepthetension · 9 months
still stuck on porjai, visibly pregnant, flirting with night
who fucking goes for it
i only know the asian culture i grew up in, obviously, and not thai culture. but the social stigma of being unmarried and pregnant? and having the nerve to still be flirting?? that's not the Good Girl thing to do, and i remember the way the Not Good Girls were treated and talked about where i grew up
so porjai actively trying to get dates? night finding out she's pregnant with her ex's kid and just. being fine with that? big deal to me
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yamsgarden · 11 months
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Made of water 🌊☁️🧊
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nanomooselet · 24 days
The line that leads to Vash making this face. It's just so evil I almost want to applaud.
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For all that I find him easy to hate, I have sympathy for Knives's trauma and his fear, if not his actions. But this, on top of everything else that he's done, is the moment my sympathy dies.
Knives is the always, always the one to leave the first scar on his brother, the most noticeable and debilitating wound, but Trigun Stampede does him the favour of making it a panic response when he was desperate and grieving - a genuinely well-intentioned act in its way, backfiring tragically in the next moment. (Says something about even the most well-intentioned use of such violent force, yes? Also he was, like, six years old.)
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It leads to the contrast of a moment where none of that applies. He's simply spending the last of his strength to hurt Vash as much he can, no strategy or goal behind it. If he can't win, he can make Vash lose. He can get the last word.
Nai is dead. You killed him.
And the reason I say this has no strategy and his sole intention is harm?
During the rest of the fight, even trying to grab at the cube once it's installed in the arm, Knives kept his blades 'closed', in the configuration he seems to use to pick things up. He truly doesn't want to hurt Vash any more than he already has. It's his single greatest regret.
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Until his last moments, when his blades are open.
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The last person to see them this way, from this angle, and survive?
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Rosa, losing her friends as revenge for the harm she did Vash and being left to live with it. That wasn't self-defence, even though they shot at him. Knives was perfectly capable of killing them in a less drawn-out way, or even subduing them non-lethally, and it's not like the gunshots could injure him in any meaningful way. He wanted them in fear, he wanted Rosa to witness their deaths, and he wanted her to live with the aftermath.
This is Knives at his cruellest, his most malicious, but in a strange way, also his most honest. He's not going on about liberation of the Plants or justice for humanity's crimes; it's entirely personal. He does not understand his brother, but he knows one thing: Vash will take any opportunity to blame himself, and he clings to that guilt forever. If that is all that remains of him - if Nai has to be a ghost haunting Vash in the same way as Rem - then so be it.
It's something, at least, that will never be left behind.
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flame2ashes · 22 days
Me: I'm fine
What she really means: Can we talk about how each alien character in the Mass Effect trilogy contains traits that are indicative of the positions that their species has, while in Andromeda, every alien character subverts those traits. Because I feel like I have never seen that conversation happen before
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shadow-the-crow · 6 months
Why is my brain like this??
I still don't know more about Michael's backstory than when i last posted about him. I only know the basics of what happened. Also i've been on a short tma break for a few days now. I shouldn't even be thinking about this.
but out of the blue my brain went
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candyskiez · 4 months
Man you can say what you want about Steven Universe Future but it really gets what it's like to be traumatized and I gotta give it credit for that. Like the shit of everyone wanting the old Steven back and wanting him to go back to being fun and nice, and how sweet and helpful he used to be, and everyone just grieving their lost friend when hes still there! But he can't be that guy anymore! And he misses who he used to be, he misses who he was before all the horrible things happened to him, but he can't be that anymore. He can't be carefree and fun and always energetic. Everyone wants him to go back to being innocent and happy but he can't! He wants to go back to being who he was before it all went wrong but he can't. Nothing is going to bring that Steven back, and he's grieving who he used to be. He's grieving when he could trust people easily and when everything made him happy and when all these things felt so fun and exciting and not terrifying. He misses when he wasn't mad at all his friends, he misses when he could be the perfect little kid everyone thought he was.
And the. Fuck. The fact that everyone's guilt keeps them from actually helping him. They're so focused on oh I'm so awful, we're so awful, we hurt poor Steven that they don't actually do anything to help him, they don't actually ask him how they can help, it's just. All of it is shit I've experienced personally. It's so fucking accurate it's hard to watch. Say what you want about this show but it GETS what it's like to be traumatized and how people treat you for it. I've never seen the whole people caring more about their own guilt than helping fix what they did put into words so damn well. It's so damn raw. Man. Man.
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
First project update:
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I hated the way the fabric was laying (because I didn't believe in counting stitches at all), and I hated the shape. I've accepted early on that the only way to do good work is to get rid of bad work. This has probably taken me between 50-100 hours, and it took maybe half an hour to frog. I'm not angry about this, actually, and I was actually smiling most of the way through it. This is the only way to make good work, and I've learned that the hard way before. Why bother doing anything but good work?
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keepthetension · 9 months
just two missing bits in cooking crush episode five! the first is the morning after ten runs to prem's house. apparently he followed that up by waking up at the ass crack of dawn to cook!
i've been wondering this a while, but remember when ten gave prem the repaired oven mitt, and he did it in a funny way? or at the motel, when he joked that someone took him there for some bam bam in the ham? and here, he wrote on his arm ahead of time purely to commit to the bit
i think there's more, and none of this is an especially big thing. but ten himself was surprised when he handed the oven mitt over like that, so it all makes me wonder: is he comfortable dropping the mask when he's with prem?
i doubt i'm alone in reading him as neurodivergent in some way; if i remember right, there was a post on here i saw about him possibly being autistic. and maybe i'm projecting, but this kind of goofiness seems like the kind of thing you'd learn not to show people
i don't have a point. it just warms my heart that he feels so comfortable. i simply love him
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Hey all! So if you didn't see it yesterday there is a new Wingfeather trailer for season 2! It's pretty epic!
There's also a new season 2 poster in their shop, and since it has Peet on it I bought it immediately even though I really don't have extra money to spend this week. xD It also has what I think is the first official/finished look at Maraly?!? (the character, not my kitten) As well as the Fork Factory, Claxton Weaver and the Overseer. 👀👀
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Season 2 covers the first half of book 2 and is releasing sometime this year!
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marley-manson · 2 years
i’ve never actually sat down and laid out why hawkeye was 100% right in preventative medicine apparently, i just went thru my season 7 tag and i just take it as read that we all agree he’s obviously right. so now i wanna do that.
So, despite how the ending is framed, Hawkeye isn’t trying to end the war by taking one colonel out of commission. What he’s specifically trying to prevent is this particular colonel defying orders and making a reckless, pointless attempt to capture a hill that would undoubtedly, as Lacey readily admits, get many men unnecessarily killed. As Hawkeye says, “You heard him. He’s gonna take those kids up that hill tomorrow and send them back to us in pieces.”
In taking out his appendix, he also causes Lacey to be taken off the front lines, and prevents even more reckless decisions down the road, at least for a while, which is effectively a bonus. He succeeded in his aim of preventing the deaths of many soldiers.
BJ thinks this is pointless because Hawkeye didn’t end all suffering in the world, apparently lol. “You treated a symptom. The disease goes merrily on.” BJ’s line of thinking assumes that all soldiers are interchangeable and saving one life doesn’t matter if another dies somewhere else.
All the specifics of their argument in the scrub-up room don’t really matter next to the main point there, but it’s also worth noting that BJ’s other objections are, “Cutting into a healthy body is mutilation,” “Some things are wrong and they’re always wrong,” and the guy who’ll replace the colonel might be worse. These are all bullshit objections. Hawkeye’s response to the mutilation accusation is kind of beside the point (plenty of doctors do unnecessary surgeries on people for money) when the real argument is “so what? better a mutilated colonel than a hundred dead soldiers” but he’s still technically right about that too lol, cutting into a healthy body isn’t always “mutilation.”
Hawkeye’s response to BJ saying it’s always wrong is “There are gonna be a hundred boys still alive tomorrow. Go tell them how wrong it is,” which is the perfect response to that kind of moral absolutism, no notes. And his response to the replacement colonel point is “So I’ll take them one at a time,” which is also the correct response. You can’t predict the future - if the next guy’s worse, Hawkeye will deal with the next situation that comes up in front of him in the best way he can. All you can do is focus on what practical steps you can take to mitigate harm here and now, and that’s what Hawkeye does. Plus considering Lacey is the battalion commander with the highest casualty rate of all, the odds are pretty good that the next guy won’t be worse.
The fact that the narrative backs BJ up by ending on Hawkeye’s guilt and BJ’s statement that the war continues (plus I’ve seen the writer directly state that Hawkeye’s action was pointless, somehow) is baffling to me lol, even ignoring the (forgotten by the writers) fact that Hawkeye and Trapper did the same thing to Flagg in season 2 and had a great time. Hawkeye accomplished his stated goal and saved a bunch of lives, and based on Hawkeye’s sound argument, the episode seems to understand that, until the end.
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dabruzzy · 1 year
When I first watched Onyx Equinox I thought Yun's behavior was a bit inconsistent. He spent most of the first half of the season trying to get K'in and Izel to stop fighting and trying to keep K'in in check, but by the end of the season he was picking fights with everyone except Izel, even K'in. Now just because he's the heart of the group doesn't mean he can't have his disagreements with other characters, or that he should just be the peacekeeper and nothing else, but you'd think the guy who never held a grudge against the boy who broke his leg and almost killed him would be more understanding of Zyanya's situation, or that he would be more willing to give Xanastaku the benefit of the doubt, but he isn't. And after rewatching the show many times I think his problem is that he has trust issues and that they probably stem from Maak.
Putting the rest under a read more cause it got kinda long.
Yun straight up called him out in episode 3 about all the things he's hiding from them. Also "Honoch Maak" means "Old Man" in Yucatec Maya, and if I remember correctly Sofia Alexander said that's not his real name in the podcast, so that's another thing he's hiding from the twins. And then they find out that he sold children into slavery, and you can see that Yun was more affected by that than K'in. So because of this he's probably wary of people who keep secrets.
This is especially obvious with Xanastaku. He's had mixed feelings about her since they met. Every time they make one step forward something happens that makes him doubt her again. Even in episode 10 he's still suspicious of her despite saving Izel's life because she didn't tell them she had that power. Even when she's helpful he still has a problem with her because she's not being fully honest with them.
Now Zyanya is a bit different because she did betray them and almost got them killed, and that's reason enough to dislike someone even when you don't have trust issues. But like I said Izel almost killed him and he never even got mad at him, he worried more about Izel's wellbeing than his own. So I do think that the fact that he was willing to trust her and she broke that trust and that she hid so many things from them played a part in why he had such a hard time forgiving her, and even after he did he still didn't really acknowledge her or interact with her. Even in episode 8 Xanastaku told him "Trust us. Trust Izel", possibly implying that's something he struggles with.
And on the other hand this could be a reason why he and Izel mostly get along. Izel is an open book, he wears his heart on his sleeves and he never lied or kept secrets from the team.
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not enough discussion about the gavins' complicated relationship with feminine-coded/beauty products, i don't think.
#for klavier because it's not as direct it's about how we never see him actually wearing lipstick? even though apollo literally attends#a concert of his which is where you'd most expect him to wear makeup. but apparently he just doesnt. or at least not in public#klavier gavin#kristoph gavin#i feel like there are several ways you can read into it. the misogyny/toxic masculinity one is really obvious clearly with kristoph's#singling out of men specifically and klavier's (probably accidental?) condescending manner of calling women 'fraulein' plus his general#mildly patronising attitude towards many of the women in the game (also probably unintentional)#(i think he's trying to be charming and it's coming off wrong to some of them. like ema. and me.)#but i feel like there's also maybe an element of... inherent perfecfionism to it? like both of these products are conventionally beautifyin#products and kristoph while he is open to showing people he uses nail polish specifically chooses one that's clear and missable unless you#see him apply it. he also feels the need to justify his use of it and specifically spell it out as something he chooses to do rather than#needs to do even though duh. that should be obvious.#idk there's just something about his seeming need to take control of that narrative that i find interesting. his need to spin it into a#'there's nothing wrong with my nails but I had the foresight to see that even the smallest parts of my appearance should be kept immaculate#and it's a choice i'm making to refine an already adequate part of my personage /not/ to cover some unsightly defect.' the need to emphasis#that specifically is so. hm. and with klavier i could see it being a case of him liking makeup liking the pops of colour yet being unwillin#to admit to it because he's afraid that other people might see it as him being dissatisfied with his own appearance regardless of if he is#or isn't. or even just perceiving colourful makeup as being unseemly because it's so overt and unnatural.#like i can see this as them both viewing 'real' beauty to be that which is inherent to a person and seemingly effortless#thus somehow negating the beauty which one achieves through cosmetics or other external means.#and if you want to use external means to achieve beauty or neatness or whatever then your only valid options are those which blend into you#natural state. like clear nail polish. or really awful spray tan.#i feel like klavier's less confined by these ideas (if they hold merit at all) considering he actually owns coloured lipstick and he wears#jewellery (admittedly quite 'masculine' jewellery no gems or pearls or anything like that but jewellery nonetheless) but i think it just#makes it more interesting that he doesnt seem quite able to cross the line anyway. like it's that ingrained into his system.#anyway that's all i've got. you guys should tell me what you think too#annotations
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sozzledjuja · 8 months
something i think about often is the fact that, despite what you'd think at first glance, Praxina is probably the most codependent out of the twins.
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ninamilkovich · 10 months
I wanna know what are people's thoughts on dennis' relationship with his mom cause I can't help but think there was some emotional incest going on there, Barbara was stuck in a unhappy marriage with a man that not only constantly cheated on her but also that she didn't love, she treated her daughter like crap constantly favoring her son over her and dennis has a history of being groomed by older women.
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