#Medical Alert Systems Market
healthtechnews · 2 months
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robertemma27-blog · 4 months
Empowering Lives: Medical Alert Systems Market Set to Redefine Safety Standards
The global Medical Alert Systems market is on the cusp of a transformative journey, poised to reshape safety standards and redefine the landscape of healthcare assistance. A comprehensive market analysis forecasts substantial growth, presenting a compelling narrative of the market's influence on the industry.
Key Market Insights:
Size and Share: The Medical Alert Systems market analysis offers insights into its significant size and noteworthy market shares. With a robust growth trajectory, the market is positioned to become a pivotal force in enhancing healthcare accessibility.
Industry Growth Patterns: Unveiling industry growth patterns, the report showcases the market's evolution and its essential role in ensuring timely and effective healthcare assistance. The adoption of medical alert systems is a testament to the growing emphasis on proactive healthcare management.
Statistical Analysis and Insights: The report delves into detailed statistical data, providing a comprehensive understanding of trends, user preferences, and technological advancements within the Medical Alert Systems sector. These insights serve as a foundation for future industry strategies.
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Technological Advancements and Enhanced Care:
Medical Alert Systems represent a paradigm shift in healthcare, where technology bridges the gap between emergency response and patient well-being. The report highlights evolving safety standards, innovations in medical alert protocols, and advancements in system technologies.
Industry Impact and Future Projections:
The Medical Alert Systems Market is poised to make a significant impact on healthcare services globally. Future projections indicate the market's potential to redefine safety standards, ensuring prompt and effective responses to medical emergencies.
A Safer Tomorrow in Healthcare
In an era where healthcare accessibility and patient well-being take center stage, the Medical Alert Systems Market emerges as a crucial player, driving advancements and setting benchmarks in ensuring timely and efficient healthcare assistance.
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shristipbi · 11 months
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industryinsights · 1 year
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sparkgroup11 · 2 years
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navabharatlive · 2 years
The medical alert systems market is all set to witness robust growth due to the growing number of elderly individuals and mobile personal emergency management systems. The government's provision of social security benefits to the geriatric population, combined with independent living growth, has created a favorable climate for the global market. Thus, Market Research Future (MRFR) expects the Medical Alert Systems Market to record a CAGR of 6.46% over the review period (between 2017 and 2027) and estimated to reach USD 17.29 billion in 2027.
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kajalfw12 · 3 months
The Medical Alert Systems Market in 2023 is US$ 8.88 billion, and is expected to reach US$ 20.64 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 11.12%.
FutureWise Research published a report that analyzes Medical Alert Systems Market trends to predict the market's growth. The report begins with a description of the business environment and explains the commercial summary of the chain structure. Based on the market trends and driving factors presented in the report, clients will be able to plan the roadmap for their products and services taking into account various socio-economic factors.
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seolinkbiulding · 2 years
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healthtechnews · 2 months
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reserchnester-blog · 2 years
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Medical Alert System/Personal Emergency Response System Market Size, Research & Analysis
The global medical alert system/personal emergency response system market is estimated to garner a revenue of ~ USD 21 billion by the end of 2033 by growing at a CAGR of ~11% over the forecast period, i.e., 2023 – 2033.
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mitalipingale · 4 months
The Medical Alert Systems Market in 2023 is US$ 8.88 billion, and is expected to reach US$ 20.64 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 11.12%.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
Hey kids, want to learn about drugs in Toril?
(OK, so some of them actually have medicinal properties, if your character happens to have medical knowledge in their background.)
Local laws usually have restrictions regarding drugs. As ever, Waterdeep sets the standards for trading cities that want to market themselves as tolerant: the production and selling of drugs outside of medicine is fully illegal in the city, though it's not a crime to be found personally taking drugs. It is not technically a crime to be found in possession of drugs, however that only really applies to nobles, wealthy merchants and others of similar rank. Lower ranks will be assumed to be carrying the drugs with intent to sell, and be arrested unless they can provide evidence of their employment by a Guild of Apothecaries & Physicians, clergy or similar legitimate medical employment.
Drugs that can have fatal side effects may be treated as poisons, which can get you arrested and charged with "murder with justification" if law enforcement and/or the courts do desire. (You don't have to have actually killed anyone, tried to, or shown any inclination whatsoever for this).
The illegal drug trade works a lot as it does in reality, although unlike in reality they also have magic so portals, illusions and other "cheats" are pretty common. The grunt work of trafficking and selling is done by the lower ranking, more disposable members. Often the "runners" who deliver the contraband to the client are young children.
In Baldur's Gate I'd assume most of the drug trade and production occurs in the Undercellar and the Outer City.
Many substances are magical in nature and their effects can be unusual. Some came with more information than others.
Tekkil Painkiller. Ingested. Typically used by people dealing with severe chronic pain, taken by chewing leaves that release a milky substance. As well as its analgesic properties, tekkil causes lethargy which can render imbibers insensate in an overdose. Some people use it to completely numb their senses and escape reality, and the drug is moderately addictive.
Alindluth Painkiller, ingested. "Deadens all pain and prevents shock and nausea for a few minutes. No known side effects [but may cause comas in higher doses]"
Haunspeir Stimulant. Paste. Sometimes dried into pill form. Carrying a low risk of addiction it's usually used by wizards, students and such looking for a study boost, though it does cause physical harm to the body while it's in the system and seems to thin the skin, causing more damage when something breaks through (try not to get a papercut).
Tansabra Anaesthetic. Intravenous. A form of venom that places mammalian bodies into magical stasis, keeping their body temperature, oxygen levels and so forth stable as the subject's metabolic processes literally stop: blood flow and breathing ceases. (The text does not tell me what provides the venom.)
Kammarth Beige powder or jelly. An addictive and potent magical stimulant combining Underdark fungi and a rare forest root. Users start bouncing off the walls with endless energy and gain a boost to their speed and reaction times. Overdose will overload the nervous system and cause paralysis and physical damage.
Sezarad Root Ingestion. Chewing the root boosts health, healing and vitality, though it also causes minor confusion as a side effect. It carries a low risk of addiction.
"Battlewine" Or Rhul. A spicy red fluid with a bitter aftertaste. It's basically an anabolic steroid, misused it boosts muscle growth and physical performance but causes aggression. It's also addictive.
Vornduir Powder. Inhaled. Causes the user to feel warm and prevents them from registering cold. It prevents shivering and loss of mobility, however the drug does not actually raise body temperature and won't prevent hypothermia or frostbite. It also has a host of effects that occur totally randomly by individual. In some people it causes alertness and euphoria that lasts for days (during which they can't sleep). Some are totally unaffected, and some have allergic reactions. In some it causes the pain and pleasure response to temporarily switch (stabbing them with a knife would be ecstasy; a normally welcome caress is distressing). On some people it even acts as an antidote to some poisons.
Chaunsel Dermal absorption. Rubbing the drug into your skin causes it to become extremely sensitive to tactile stimuli. While I imagine it has some very predictable uses not mentioned in the text, in practical day-to-day adventuring thieves and other criminals apply it to their finger tips when working in darkness to heighten their awareness of what they're doing with their hands (if they don't have dark vision, anyway). Overdosing causes days of numbness.
"Thrallwine" Ingested. An herbal red wine, more fancifully known as Jhuild, often used by slavers: the imbiber becomes fearful and confused, and their thoughts are sluggish, making them easy to manipulate and control. It also has a steroidal effect, boosting physical strength for a time. It's not addictive.
Katakuda Brown paste. Dermal absorption. Imported from Kara-Tur (Kozakura, specifically, I think). It's traditionally used by a monastic order, and causes the skin to harden when applied, making it harder to damage and less sensitive to pain. If overused it will cause nerve damage, inflicting wracking pain and spasms.
"Dreammist" Inhaled. Properly called mordayn vapor, it's used by brewing a tea using ground leaves and inhaling the vapours. The drug is too potent to be ingested, and consuming the powder or drinking the tea will kill you. Induces visions of incredible beauty that enrapture the user and make reality unbearable in comparison. The drug is extremely addictive and slowly destroys both the mind and body (causing Wisdom and Constitution damage, respectively).
"Bloodfast" Tablet. Ingested A drug created by the drow - known as ziran, in dark elven - the drug causes confusion in mild doses and disassociation and out-of-body experiences in higher doses. It's extremely addictive.
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sparkgroup11 · 2 years
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compassionatereminders · 11 months
Personally I have just managed to whittle my ADHD waiting list time from THREE YEARS to ~12 months through a combination of research and begging, I'm convinced medication will drastically improve my quality of life and yet I'm not here to tell you that you're the reason for that and shouldn't be posting about your drug use? Destigmatising recreational drug use, and yes other anon I mean fun drug use not just problematic drug use/addiction, helps save lives because it allows for conversations about safer usage, changing risks to recreational users (e.g. "bad batch" alerts are issued in real time at some UK festivals by NGOs/charities testing shit) and means people aren't afraid to disclose to healthcare workers what they've had, when and how, etc. If stigma didn't exist against recreational use you wouldn't be in someone's DMs buying into the myth that we're denied drugs-for-healthcare because of recreational users. I'm too tired to explain liability and the fact that black markets only exist because of repressive drug policy and stuff but yeah it's not tumblr users having fun with amphetamines
Yeah these people who are like "I am being denied medication I need because you are doing drugs for fun" are just... completely missing the big picture! Like I get the frustration. I'd be frustrated and possibly provoked too if I was in that situation. But blaming individual people for systemic issues and discrimination is just a distraction from the core problem and it's exactly what the people behind the systemic criminalization want you to be doing. Because if you're busy pointing fingers at people like me for stealing your Vyvanse, then the infighting will continue to be the main focus and the real culprits will be able to continue washing their hands and avoid facing accountability and resistance
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kajalfw12 · 3 months
The Medical Alert Systems Market in 2023 is US$ 8.88 billion, and is expected to reach US$ 20.64 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 11.12%.
FutureWise Research published a report that analyzes Medical Alert Systems Market trends to predict the market's growth. The report begins with a description of the business environment and explains the commercial summary of the chain structure. Based on the market trends and driving factors presented in the report, clients will be able to plan the roadmap for their products and services taking into account various socio-economic factors.
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thethistlegirlwrites · 10 months
Accidentally falling asleep together and one washing the other’s hair for John and Robin, reading a book together for John and Emma (you know what book lol), and patching up a wound and/or caring for the other when they’re sick (possibly blood or bite withdrawals) for Sierra and Shane (why is this happening? How did this end up as anyone’s best option? Up to you!)
Thank you! 💚
Thanks for the asks! These got pretty long so I'm gonna stick them under a cut. Hope you enjoy the results!
Stakeouts are some hunters' least favorite parts of the job, but John doesn't mind them. Not as long as he has a stash of cayenne pepper beef jerky and a good partner to wait out the night with. Being put up in an air conditioned motel room is preferable to sitting in the car, and less conspicuous. Especially when they're keeping tabs on a Red Cross blood donation center across the street that's been hit by vamp thieves three times in the past four months. The enhanced alarm system the agency installed last week (which in itself is part of what they're monitoring, vampire-detecting alarms are the latest hot commodity on the market and every company wants agencies testing theirs so they can put that on their promotions) is programmed to alert his and Robin's phones if it catches anything suspicious. But in John's opinion, there's still nothing like the good old human eye. He hears halting footsteps, and smells chicory and coffee, and then a warm mug is tapped against his shoulder. Robin joins him at the window, pulling up a chair and handing John his mug before curling in over his own. His broken foot is healing, but John wishes the accident hadn't happened in the first place. Being on stakeouts is much less enjoyable when the reason for them is having a partner on medical reassignment. Because God forbid Robin take actual time off like a normal human being to heal. John chuckles at that thought, earning him a confused look from Robin. "Is the coffee bad again?" "No. Just...thinking." "Should I be worried?" "Hey!" John says, cheerfully. "I'll have you know, my thinking has gotten me out of at least as much trouble as it's gotten me into." Robin chuckles, then takes a sip from his mug, hunching over it. John leans over to turn down the chattering AC unit under the window. It feels fine to him, better than the sweltering humidity outside, but Robin has never done well with cold. Not since Arion. John scoots his own chair a little closer to Robin's, and Robin leans in to rest against his shoulder, soaking up the body heat. John puts his free arm around him and continues sipping his coffee. At some point, Robin's breaths even and slow, and John sets down his own empty mug on the windowsill so he can gently take Robin's now-cold one before it falls and wakes the kid up. When the relief team appears at four am, John waves them over to the other side of the room, then closes his eyes. The only thing waiting for him back at the agency is a pile of unfinished paperwork and Maira's death glare. he's perfectly happy to wait here till sunrise.
"What is this stuff?" John asks, holding up a gummed together chunk of Robin's hair. "Pine sap." Robin shrugs. "There was a kitten stuck up there." "I'm surprised it's not stuck in your hair now. Half the rest of the tree is." John shakes his head. "How do I get this out?" "Try with the oil," Robin says, nodding slightly toward the kitchen cabinet the Rowan is opening. "If that doesn't get it, you could use alcohol." "So much for that bottle of whiskey I was planning on taking home, I guess." "Not that kind of alcohol!" Robin laughs. "I have rubbing alcohol in the house." John takes the olive oil bottle a branch of the Rowan is holding out to him. "Okay, well, we'll try this first." John works some of the oil into the most matted strands of Robin's hair. It works better than he expected.  The kitten responsible for the whole mess wanders into the kitchen, rubbing itself around John's legs and complaining at being ignored. "I'm working here," John says, shaking his head, but stops long enough to sort of awkwardly scoop the little pest up with his forearm to avoid covering it in oil, and set it in Robin's lap. The kitten settles into his legs, purring and kneading energetically. John winces, but Robin seems immune to the claws digging into his thigh. John shakes his head and continues working on the sap, until Robin stops petting the cat and looks up. "Um...he's got some sap in his fur too..." "Oh no. I draw the line at cats who try to bite my hand off when I touch them. He's all yours."
"Your great-great-whatever uncle was ridiculous," Emma says, absentmindedly petting Mr. Prickles where he's sitting on the arm of the couch. "Did he not think about the fact that there were people on the other side of that window?" "I mean, that side of my family does tend toward impulse decisions," John says, closing his battered, first edition, signed copy of Dracula and replacing it on the side table.  "Like letting a vampire stay in your apartment while her club-which-doubles-as-apartment is getting repaired from fire damage? Which, I might add, is indirectly your fault." "It wasn't even Robin this time!" "My insurance company is already upset about the last time." Emma allows Mr. Prickles to crawl up her arm and snuggle under her chin. "At least this time most of the damage was water after the sprinklers kicked in." John flips the book open again. "Funny story, I was reading this as a kid and left it outside on the porch rail overnight, and I thought Dad was going to tan my hide for letting the dew get it. Probably would have if it was our good copy. This was just an early training manual, more or less. Already had blood on it." "So what you're saying is, water damage is inevitable with you." "Pretty much," John grins. "So, where did I leave us?" "Your great-great-great uncle at the height of human stupidity firing his gun through a window to the inside, because he saw a bat." "If you still think that is the height of human stupidity, I guess I haven't been doing my job right." "Okay. The height of human stupidity is setting a vampire's club on fire on three separate occasions. And then inviting her to live in your apartment." "Yeah, you're probably right." John flips the page over. "Okay, here it is, the second stupidest moment in human history..."
"This su..." "Don't say it." Shay grumbles, curled in on himself in the corner of the cabin.  "Right." Sierra tugs the oversized sweatshirt sleeves down over her hands and clenches her fists in them so she's not tempted to scratch at the pinprick marks on her wrists.  She doesn't regret it. They had a cover to maintain. Getting the information they needed to take down the people behind an underground vamp-fighting ring was worth it.  That doesn't mean they're not both paying the price.  And maybe it's only fair that if Shay has to fight through blood withdrawals out here, she has to handle the bite version. She's chilled from the blood loss, but the vampire saliva in her blood is burning like a fever. She wants more, she needs that fiery high. She's heard that vamp venom makes most people feel blissed out and docile, but however it mixed with the adrenaline from the escape made her feel kind of like the world was slowing down and moving at a different pace. It felt good.  Now, it feels anything but. Shay makes a muffled sound from the other side of the room, and Sierra turns to see him with his face buried in a pillow. "You okay?" "Wh-oo-nk?" She doesn't need to hear the words to catch his meaning from his incredulous expression. "Sorry, stupid question." That seems to be the core of whatever it is they are. Stupid questions, questionable decisions, and messy aftermath.  She takes a step toward the window and then stumbles, catching herself on the back of a chair. The dizziness is kicking in in earnest. "Need the bed?" Shay asks. Apparently whatever urge to bite possessed him is gone, because he doesn't sound like there's a pillow in his mouth. "No, you will in a minute." This might be Sierra's first time dealing with a bite, but it's far from Shay's first experience of withdrawals. They'd discussed what he'd be likely to start feeling on the way out. And if he's right about timing, he's about to get hit with the worst of it. Which is going to be a serious problem. She needs synth-blood for him. Which they don't have.  Once she kicks her own withdrawals enough to drive safely, she can get somewhere with a signal and call for extraction. Pete's got to be worried sick, and he's probably already combing the Oregon wilderness for them. But until she feels like she's not going to swerve their stolen jeep into the nearest tree, they're stuck. "Then share." Shay pats the edge of the bed. "I've been sitting on it for an hour and it hasn't fallen apart. Can't say the same for that chair." Sierra looks down. She doesn't see anything wrong with the wicker-seated furniture, but Shay's hearing is dialed in well above hers. Any minor creak in the structure, and he'll know. "I don't think that's a good idea." He wants blood, she wants a bite. That close, they'll drive each other crazy.  "Nothing about us is ever a good idea." Sometimes she hates how perceptive and honest he is. She had to get partnered with an infuriatingly emotionally intelligent vampire who can also be as dumb as a rock.  "Fine. I guess if you bite me you can drive us to someplace with a signal." "That's the spirit." Shay smiles, a weak imitation of his usual one, which tells her how much pain he's already in, but he's trying. "Not that that's what I'm going to do." She wouldn't hate it. In fact, she'd appreciate it. But it would only be putting off the inevitable.  She sits down on the edge of the bed, hands clenched white-knuckled around the edge of the mattress, her pinky finger brushing up against his.  Sooner rather than later, he's going to get worse. But for now, she can offer this much. At least they can be miserable together.
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