#Mei chaofeng
storge · 3 months
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Demon, we've been searching for you for ten years. Today is the day of your death.
MENG ZIYI as Mei Chaofeng The Legend of Heroes (2024)
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sandushengshou · 3 months
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Meng Ziyi as Mei Chaofeng THE LEGEND OF HEROES
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add1ctedt0you · 5 months
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Meng ZiYi as Mei ChaoFeng | New Jin Yong Wuxia Universe: The legend of heroes (2024) | Trailer
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tavina-writes · 11 months
Just there to tell you that I read your post about the shizunfucking one time but I was distracted and I wasn't watching loch. Now, watching loch I really don't know why but I thought the shizunfucking happened between mei ChaoFeng and Huang Yaoshi. IDK WHY. I just looked at her and was like "yeah, she is the one". I reared your post for clarification, because I don't trust my memory. And yeah, the delusion. But now I've internalized that mei cheofeng loves Huang Yaoshi lol.
Anyway at Peach Blossom Island are all insane and I enjoy all of them.
Also, the tome of nine darkness is going to cause problems, isn't it?
HAHAHA omg no, the shizunfucker is Yang Kang's son! Yang Guo my darling baby boy who I also put on thin fucking ice so many times...
The relationship between MCF and HYS has gone through many permutations over the years and is increasingly ambiguous throughout the adaptations! Whether or not they were in romantic love has been a subject of great debate in Jin Yong fandom!
Regardless YES the Peach Blossom Island Pals are all SO insane about shifu, and I adore them for it.
:) the 9 Yin Manual... :) I wrote about evil macguffins once or twice I think. :D
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nemainofthewater · 7 months
Best Character surnamed: Mei
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgot anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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mikkeneko · 11 months
This is just an excerpt - the whole chapter isn’t ready to post yet -- but I’m actually pretty pleased with the dialogue in this scene. Most of the content of this scene was originally just in narration, but I decided it was boring, pulled in Shang Qinghua and had them bicker while Shen Qingqiu is getting ready. These two really are a lot of fun together.
Also thanks to @cerusee​ for the suggestion of who Shen Yuan might have cosplayed as!
Shang Qinghua really was not sure why his presence was required in this situation. Cucumber-bro seemed to want a spotter, or something? Which, you know, he was a bro, Shang Qinghua would help him however he could, but he didn't have an awful lot to offer when the task at hand was disguising yourself in women's clothing.
"You okay back there bro?" Shang Qinghua called out to the man producing ominous rustles from behind the privacy screens, feeling like he ought to at least show willing.
"I'm fine," Shen Qingqiu's snappish voice came back from the other side of the screen. Honestly, Shang Qinghua didn't even mind, that was just kind of his default state. Resting bitch voice and everything else. "It's not the first time I've had to navigate women's robes."
Shang Qinghua choked on a melon seed. "What."
"Not like that! Get your mind out of the gutter," Shen Qingqiu said irritably. Rustle, rustle. "I went to ChinaJoy in 2011 as Mei Chaofeng."
Now it had been a while since Shang Qinghua was plugged into China's geek scene, but, "You went to a con dressed as a woman?"
"Of course not! Weren't you listening?" Rustle, rustle. "I went to a con dressed as Mei Chaofeng."
Shang Qinghua thought about it for a moment. Then he just had to ask: "2008 Mei Chaofeng, or 2003 Mei Chaofeng?"
"The genuine Mei Chaofeng from the 2003 version, obviously." Even from behind the screen, he could hear that eye-roll. "Got second place in the cosplay drama division, too."
"I feel like I'm learning all sorts of new things about you," Shang Qinghua mused, crunching on another melon seed.
"Honestly the whole trip was a nightmare," Shen Qingqiu continued his villain monologue from behind the screen. "The nails were a pain in the ass and I had to leave it in the hotel the second day, and the whip got confiscated by con security. Also a bunch of guys tried to hit on me and even after I told them I was a man, they still tried to keep hitting on me!"
Every new part of this conversation was like a punch to the face but you know what, Shang Qinghua had no trouble believing that last part. It honestly fit right in with Cucumber-bro's everything since the transmigration.
"And don't think your readers didn't notice that the Blind Baroness of the Hissing Depths in chapter eight hundred was an obvious ripoff of Mei Chaofeng. You aren't subtle." Shen Qingqiu came out from behind the screen, adjusting the drape of the skirt one last time. "How do I look?" 
Shang Qinghua gave him a careful once-over.
Okay, so, Shen Qingqiu had definitely landed on feminine; aside from his height (which he couldn't really change) there was very little left that evoked the image of the Xiu Ya Sword. Without the bulky layered robes of a Peak Lord he did strike a much smaller, less imposing figure; the robe was distinctly feminine in style, and the silhouette was passingly female. There was enough drape above and below the cinched waist to suggest padding that wasn't actually there, and long wide sleeves made the hands look dainty. A veiled hat topped out the ensemble.
Cucumber-bro definitely didn't look like himself, but despite that "Uhh, you don't look anything like Liu Mingyan, bro." Aside from the fact that 'her' face was covered, there wasn't much about the new outfit that was identifiable to the War God's little sister.
"That's fine," Shen Qingqiu dismissed the concern, taking off the weimao for the time being and folding it under his arm. "I'm not going in disguise as Liu-Shizhi, I'm going in disguise as Liu-Shizhi in disguise."
Shang Qingqiu stared at him blankly for a moment, trying to make that make sense. "Okay," he finally said.
Shen Qingqiu shook his head. "Qi Qingqi read me the riot act at even the notion of me ruining the reputation of one of her girls and you know what, she had a point," he admitted. 
"If 'Liu Mingyan' gets spotted going in or out of the Master's Chamber, she'll be in trouble! Much better if I just look like some anonymous girl from a distance," Shen Qingqiu explained. "Then, when I get in to Binghe's presence, I can slip some hints, so he'll know it's her."
"But... it isn't her," Shang Qingqiu felt obligated to point out. "It's you."
"Yes but Binghe will think it's her," Cucumber bro said with his usual one-track laser-focus, "and he'll be appropriately grateful, and then once he gets out of prison he can catch up with the real Liu Mingyan, and if that doesn't jump-start their relationship I don't know what will."
Shang Qingqiu took a moment to privately reflect that Peerless Cucumber had always been a diehard BingLiu shipper, and it seemed even transmigrating into the work itself hadn't changed that. Shang Qinghua didn't have the heart to tell him that the main reason he never wrote explicit sex scenes for Luo Binghe and Liu Mingyan was that the character of Liu Mingyan had been based on an actual college classmate of his. Having a real person to associate the character with was bad enough, but that particular classmate later turned out to be exclusively into women, so it felt a little sour to write "her" boning a dude. 
Honestly, given what he'd seen of Liu Mingyan in this world so far, he kind of suspected she might go the same way as her real-life inspiration.
But he could hardly admit that to his number one hater. "Cucumber-bro, don't you think that it's a little creepy for you to be playing romance sims with your disciples?" he said instead. 
"I don't want to hear 'creepy' from you!" Shen Qingqiu snapped. "Not when you were the one who wrote all those tasteless barely-legal papapa scenes in the first place --"
"Characters!" Shang Qinghua defended himself. Alright already, everything was his fault, he knew! He'd been just! writing! fiction! "They were characters! They were words on a page!"
"Anyway," Cucumber-bro went on, mercifully cutting short what could well have derailed into an hour-long haranguing session. "I know I don't look like Liu Mingyan, the point is that I don't look like me."
Shang Qinghua blinked. Checked the wording. Looked again. "Like Shen Qingqiu, you mean?" he clarified.
"That's what I said," Shen Qingqiu huffed. "Anyway, this whole plan hinges on me not being recognized. If Binghe realizes who I am, this will all be for nothing. He'll be angrier than ever."
"Yeah, I think you're good." Shang Qinghua flashed him a double thumbs up. "If I didn't know better, bro, I'd swear you were really a woman."
"Good." Shen Qingqiu fiddled with his cuffs some more, in a nervous rustle, and Shang Qinghua got the impression he was somewhat less blase and breezy about facing Luo Binghe again than he was letting on. "Now I just have to get down there."
"How are you planning to do that?" Shang Qinghua asked. "I hope you're not counting on me to distract the guards or whatever. Guo Qingchen has his scariest disciples guarding the Penitent's Stair and I'm pretty sure they'd rather run me through like a fish than desert their post just because I asked."
"Of course I'm not counting on you," Shen Qingqiu sniffed. "And anyway that would only work once, and I have to be able to come and go. I'm not going to take the Penitent's Stair."
Shen Qingqiu took on a sharp, self-satisfied smile. "I'm going in through the Whispering Caves."
"Bro. Bro." Shang Qinghua almost fell out of his chair. "Do you know what's in the Whispering Caves? If you get lost down there I am not coming after you. Even I don't know the way through there!"
The Whispering Caves had been introduced in the "Name of the Rose" arc and was the part of those chapters that Airplane Shooting To The Sky was most proud of. It was a subterranean labyrinth, a naturally occurring death maze. Floating qi-rich mists inside the deep underground caves had a disorienting effect on most hardy travelers. The further one traveled through the stone maze, the more their sight would slowly darken, while the maddening whispers tickling the edge of hearing would grow louder and clearer with every step. No one knew what became of those travelers who lost their way in the maze; the few who made it out to tell the tale had been lucky enough to do so before their vision deserted them completely.
In the book, Luo Binghe had found his way through the maze of enchanted caverns -- and to the prison where his new beloved-of-the-week was being unjustly imprisoned -- by capturing a pair of Blind-Bat-Winged-Fairy-Dragonets, winning their trust and loyalty, and setting them loose at the mouth of the maze. The Blind-Bat-Winged-Fairy-Dragonets were unaffected by the magics of the cave, and Luo Binghe managed to follow them through the maze to his new wife's side before the magic had been able to close its grip on him. But given that Blind-Bat-Winged-Fairy-Dragonets were creatures of the Abyss, they would only let themselves be handled by someone by demonic blood, which let out both of the Peak Lords. Besides, there weren't any in this region.
"I didn't expect you to, thanks for nothing." Another eye-roll. "I know the way. I mapped it out my first year at Cang Qiong, just in case... just in case."
Shang Qinghua sputtered. "What do you mean, you mapped it?"
"I mean I mapped it!" Shen Qingqiu looked insufferably pleased with himself, despite the waspish tone. "I went in with a flask of vision-replenishing draught and a ream of graph-paper and made a chart. It took me most of a month, but I wanted to make sure I could go somewhere even Binghe wouldn't be able to follow me."
Holy shit. Shang Qinghua had to salute the dedication, even as he boggled at the scope of the task. But, he supposed if anyone would have been able to map out a labyrinth in excruciatingly tedious detail, who better than the fan who'd once set a record for most wiki-edits made in a 24-hour period? 
"Hey, any chance I can borrow that map?" Shang Qinghua said finally. Now that the Protagonist was back on the board, it was only a matter of time before his own ticket at Cang Qiong ran out. "Just. You know. In case."
"Make your own," Shen Qingqiu said with a sniff, re-donned the hat, and swept out the door.
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romanceyourdemons · 2 months
what's your opinion of yang guo and xiaolongnu's relationship/romance? /curious
it’s not the worst thing a yang has done. for all that fucking means lmao. i haven’t actually read return of the condor heroes yet so i don’t know how jin yong handles it in practice, but looking at the theory of it it seems he wanted yang guo to become a true heretic but not a true villain. this means relatively active choice (as opposed to qiao feng’s passive discovery) but minimal maliciousness or actual harm (as opposed to mei chaofeng’s eponymous destructiveness), and consensual shifu-fucking is of course the absolute sweet spot of that equation. i do plan on reading the book, and then i’ll be able to comment on the execution (especially its perspective on gender and the confucian family), but conceptually the math is solid
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atamascolily · 3 months
Lily watches: The Legend of Heroes, episode 1
love how this adaptation completely dispensed with hundreds of pages of novel backstory in less than five minutes (saving it for a different series, I think) so we could get to the main story right away.
that moment when the Seven Freaks of the South showed up was A++++, iconic
(the fact that they put in all this work and effort for what is essentially a bar bet really brings home how important one's word is in the jianghu)
shout-out to Zhu Cong and Han Xiaoying, my faves of Guo Jing's seven shifu
Guo Jing is such a himbo, full stop. You can SEE Huang Rong falling for him in real time because she correctly identifies that he is a Good Boy.
good job contrasting Guo Jing and Huang Rong's meet-cute with Wanyan Kang and Mu Nianci's.... everything.
that moment where Wanyan Kang and Mu Nianci are leaping on the spectators' shoulders YES GOOD.
aesthetics? gorgeous. characters? fun. martial arts? fantastic.
I have no idea if this episode will make sense to anyone who hasn't read Legend of the Condor Heroes because we blow through so much so fast, but I'm loving it.
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earl-of-221b · 14 days
Ok, I finally get it!! So Jin Yong Wuxia Universe version of Legend of the Condor heroes is paced Like That, partially because it’s a FIVE PARTER. The original Condor Heroes plot is fully covered in the first 30 eps.
Then there’s these supplementary episodes (not yet aired) that goes into the individual stories of the Five Greats: Young, Hot Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong, Oyang Ke, Duan Huangye (Yideng) and also Wang Chongyang (Zhou Botong’s senior brother). All of the old men in their physical primes up to their fight on Mount Hua, before Yideng’s retirement, before Huang Yaoshi lost his wife, before Oyang Ke’s lover remarried, before Hong Qigong lost his finger.
I finally get the choice of the younger actors playing these roles and the extremely fast flashbacks showing only glimpses of the past. The past is its own story. Everybody is getting backstory. This is an insane way to release the Condor Heroes but I am very intrigued and looking forward to it.
If you look closely at the trailer again, it shows parts of the Five Greats’ pasts that don’t appear in the story proper - including Huang Yaoshi’s disciples and Mei Changfeng with her lover, Cheng Xuanfeng. This is probably the reason why Cheng Xuanfeng exists for 12 seconds in like ep 2 - he and Mei Chaofeng’s love and betrayal might be fleshed out during Huang Yaoshi’s story.
More here about the five parts: https://dramapanda.com/2024/06/new-guo-jing-and-huang-rong-in-the-2024-adaptation-of-legend-of-the-condor-heroes.html
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thegreymoon · 3 months
The Legend of Heroes
I am starting yet another drama because just look at him!!
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I know that there are other posters and a bajillion other characters here too. Do I care? No. I am watching this for one reason and one reason alone. This is going to be the year of Zhou Yiwei and I am going to love every moment he graces my screen!
Love, love, love!! 💚
I haven't watched the original dramas nor read the books that this is based on, so I am going into this completely unspoiled and with no idea what to expect. Except that it is going to be good. I am fully counting on it to be good!
Five minutes in and I have no idea what is going on and who these people are. There is a kid and seven masters? Well, six, because one of them is dead and buried two minutes in. And they have some kind of bet going? Anyway, rewatch. Paying better attention the second time around.
OK, so important names are Guo Jing and Tolui. They are friends and the other kids are bullies. The leader of the bullies is Dushi.
Also, I am appreciating the Mongolian throat singing in the soundtrack!
The seven masters, or as they call themselves, Freaks of Jiangnan 😅
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Okay, I have made a list of these people. Fear me!
OK, evil twin killers: Mei Chaofeng (Iron Corpse) and Chen Xuanfeng (Copper Corpse). Chen Xuanfeng died and Mei Chaofeng went blind?
The Laughing Buddha master also died. His wife was apparently the woman in this group.
So lovely 💚
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The soundtrack is also amazing!
Aww, baby is all grown up!
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The intro is beyond gorgeous, every scene looks like a painting.
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I also want to know!
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Wait, is this Meng Ziyi??
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This woman is perfectly beautiful and she's looking splendid!
Also, the six masters are very useless. All six of them are no match for her, plus they had to have another master come in to teach their disciple the basics so he could finally make some progress.
Eh. I'm thinking this won't end well. For you.
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OK, taking note!
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Oh, she's masquerading as a boy. Unconvincingly.
So, a rich brat.
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I'm not much of a fan of her so far.
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Taking note of her too.
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Also, I like her style, beating up annoying men who want to date her.
Yes, you are a prince, but are you a martial artist?
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He IS a martial artist!! 😃😃 Girl, you now have no choice but to marry! This is what they call play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🤣🤣
At least he's young and handsome (and a prince), so it could have been worse.
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Oof, now there will be trouble!
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Oh, he's evil? 👀
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mei chaofeng is a disaster woman and i love her so much
so much
btw the thing with translating some of the names is extra annoying because it's almost impossible to look up the actual names without getting spoilers :(
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storge · 5 days
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Why were you with the witch? She saved my life.
Mei Chaofeng & Guo Jing The Legend of Heroes (2024)
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sandushengshou · 3 months
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Meng Ziyi as Mei Chaofeng THE LEGEND OF HEROES
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add1ctedt0you · 3 months
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Meng Ziyi as Mei Chaofeng in The Legend of heroes (2024)
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tavina-writes · 7 months
tbh for new loch maybe I should've just led with "have you ever wanted to watch Meng Ziyi play a hot evil woman who's also unhinged because boy do I have the show and the character for you!"
anyway 2024 loch has Meng Ziyi playing Mei Chaofeng, who is a hot evil woman with gr8 clothes.
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anyway bon appetit I will be here with bells on when this drops.
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psychokangaroo · 3 years
As awful as Ouyang Feng is as a person, he was prepared to use all of his inner power for his nephews legs. And right before the rematch on Huashan too.
Mei Chaofeng (a personal fave of mine, as I've started to realize), didbsome awful things in her youth, but she arguable suffered the consequences for it and tried to redeem herself. She does ultimately understand why she fucked up, and she has a sense of right from wrong.
I don't think there is anyone that Yang Kang/Wanye Kang would unconditionally sacrifice for. And I don't see WYK as someone who could learn to redeem himself thebway MCF did.
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