#Memories in VRC
gameraddict4283 · 5 months
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Three years ago, My VRChat experience began
World Name: Just B Club 1.0 by Blue-kun
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juniperberrypipebomb · 6 months
Decided to finally take a look into my photo folder after almost 2 years of not looking there
Gonna share some them here bc this blog is MY autism and IM gonna be the one who chooses how its gonna look like (im not gonna be mentioning vrc worlds here bc i dont rember lol)
22nd of march 2024 - a friend of mine showering me with affection while i was afk (she gay)
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20th of february 2024 - "Sunset in the ocean" (despite how bad it looks i love it honestly)
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23rd of december 2023 - "Universal bandit named: Fukc" (probably one of my greatest most beautiful creations /hj)
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31st of august 2023 - "The autism" (probably was the loudest and longest laugh i've had; all of the other options were so fucking good too but the outpocketness of the last one got me harrrrrrrd)
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20th of july 2023 - "Highest tower"
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31st of march 2023 - Probably the prettiest world i have seen in vrchat (i miss that avi.. its not only been made unavailable but also the creator of it nuked; that avi is my pfp atm, still yet to decide again what avi i have captures the "me" energy)
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16th of february 2023 - One of earliest memory i have with my long time friend gwen @virapyon
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21st of july 2022 - Probably the 1st time i ever tried using pens in vrc (glad to know my sense of humor havent changed since then)
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Also despite being besties with @doggirlpaws we share 0 pictures together, at least on my end; mind sharing them if you find any bestie?
@virapyon this applies to you too as well girlie
also ahem,
tagging into my other, but nonetheless beloved mutuals im not that active with to say hi, you are welcome to add your good experiences that you had, be it vrc, gaming, life or anything else, would love to hear more from you people; no pressure tho
@letrayofash @suchlostflame @redheadedfailgirl @labgrownmeat @collector-of-dust
@parasocial-hermit @raspberrypie4u
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spurstx · 5 days
VRC screenshots
memories of simpler times
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scrittarts · 3 months
My new VRChat avatar, the Moonfang Dragon is finally out! Wanna' be a creature in VR? Very bitey! Steppy paws. Tube shaped body. Big licks. New digitigrade rig. Optional materials with audiolink and Luma Glow!
Good performance rating at ~55K polygons, 4 materials, 6 physbone components and ~31MB texture memory. Requires basic Unity and VRChat SDK skills to upload.
You can try it for free here: https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_4d79bd17-21de-4ec2-85f3-08b0ba4fcace
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genuflectx · 10 days
I've been thinking a lot again about being an artist online since I've been taking a break from things, and about the eternal struggle between wanting art to be seen vs. wanting art to satisfy you without external validation. Mostly because negative thoughts remind me of when I stopped posting on my old SFW account, specifically the DeviantART.
A handful of years ago, not too long after leaving college, I got frustrated with the lack of results I was seeing on my SFW account despite the increased efforts placed towards my art. I felt bitter, and missed the old DA days of having a small but vocal community of artists who interacted with each other. I got so frustrated that I posted a journal asking if anybody would even notice if I just stopped, and when nobody replied (despite the 200+ watchers) I felt so discouraged I hid the large majority of my work and did just that. Stop. Of course, I was still active as Genuflect making NSFW art, but I had been on my SFW pseudonym for I'm guessing about 8-9 years at that point. So that stung.
Sometimes I think about if a similar thing might happen with "Genuflect." Art online is a game of who can post the most frequently, be the most personable, be the most relatable. When you stop, you fade out of the memory of people who have a world of other "content" to consume. It's just how things are. I've forgotten plenty of artists who disappeared off the face of the internet, only to remember them when I see I'm still following them years later. I always wonder what happened to them, if they're alive, if they moved accounts, if they just gave up.
Anyways. "Parasocial" goes both ways, I think, where artists can put too much stake into the opinions/attention of fans who they... don't really know. Does it hurt when familiar names disappear? Or when you take a break and they hop over to somebody else then just never come back? Yeah, but... it's not as if you really knew them, you never had a conversation, never did art exchanges, never roleplayed or hung out or mutually hype each other up. They're just... little numbers that give you a bit of validation for your hard work. Not friends. Isn't that what parasocial means?
But that is easier thought than practiced, it's still going to feel bad when you think nobody really cares if you stop or disappear online. I didn't know those 200 people watching me on my SFW DA in any personal capacity, but it still hurt like a bitch when not a one wanted me to stay. Because really... 8-9 years online and not one liked the art enough to leave a comment saying "wait, no, don't go?" Youch!!
I guess flipping the hurt feelings around into positives is the only way to go, if you want to find more satisfaction in creation without the opinions of strangers. That the opinions of friends/family is ultimately more valuable, that learning new things is fun and worthwhile on its own, that if nobody cares if you disappear then nobody really cares if your art ends up being "shit," either, so go wild. It removes a lot of pressure to try and think that way instead, while still acknowledging the hurt feelings are natural, especially in the modern online landscape.
One of the most treasured accounts I have is my VRC account, full of silly pictures with friends and little WIPs of 3D art and avatars. Know how many followers it has? 8. And it's the one that makes me smile the most. Being a nobody, or being forgettable, isn't so bad.
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cherryvania · 9 months
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(I am so sorry if this is inaccurate i was mostly doing it by memory)
I made a quick doodle cuz I thought of the lovely boy everyone was drawing fanart of! I just had to join in ahah. I hope you like it!
(BTW - NEW DAWN 2 IS TURNING OUT GREAT!! SORRY I'M JUST A MASSIVE FAN OF IT LMAO... if you just so happen to make an announcement here for a possible group picture please ping me <3 I'll try so hard for me and a friend to join! (/nf ofc!!))
Look at him
(And yea! I'll probably announce it on both the discord and VRC groups when I plan to do it!)
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voxel64 · 11 months
VRChat thoughts
Every now and again, most recently this week, I'll think back about VRChat and the nearly 2 years I spent in there almost 8 hours a night. It was good times. Now though, I look back and I think I over-romanticize those memories. I think of good nights with both friends and strangers, doing a healthy mix of interacting with both, when in reality it was a lot of either hanging with friends, being too awkward to find a group to fall in with for the night, and vibing alone wishing I had someone with me. There were really good nights but those were like twice a week on average.
When I think of getting on VRC like I am lately I have this thought process where I imagine myself reconnecting with old friends/people I've added on there over my time and having a good time, but it usually boils down to me being too shy and weird to wanna send an invite request to them, and not wanting to interrupt strangers, so I sit alone for an hour and get out. Who knows though? I might try again tonight.
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objectlovingobject · 2 years
Trying to learn vrchat asl, as someone who is primarily nonverbal and wants to talk in vrc. but damn if my memory issues dont get in the way of learning things u.u
Wish me luck u.u
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miasfoxxden · 2 years
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I tried to quit when you went to shit, when you proved to the world that you only cared about yourselves and not the people who needed you most. But here I am coming back for more like a god damn junkie. I kinda hate this, not gonna lie, but there's really nothing else like VRchat.
VRchat is a weird and amazing thing when you're queer. The aging 2019 Unity Engine LTS build it uses, although held together by duct tape and super glue, provides near infinite capabilities for self expression to those who have the time and patience to understand how to use it's SDK toolkit alongside other community tools like various Blender Plugins. It goes without saying, for those such as myself who have struggled with their own identity for a long time, this shit will crack eggs. And it shattered what remained of mine in the beginning of 2020. This is why this badly written and mismanaged clusterfuck of a Unity game holds a special place in my heart.
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To make a very fucking long story short, I've been on VRchat since basically the beginning. My earliest memories of VRC were in late 2017, early 2018 where everything was far more raw, simple, and experimental. VRchat itself was a blank canvas, and on that canvas was a tight knit community that spawned an iconic culture all to its own. And yes, before anyone asks I do know de wae. But for those early years, mainly because of my lack of budget and stable income, I was tied down to just keyboard and mouse controls from a desktop PC. It's a sub ideal way to play VRC but you make do with what you have in that kind of situation and make the best of it. So when I had the means to get my own headset in the beginning of 2020, an Oculus Rift S, you can bet your ass the first thing I loaded into was VRchat.
Before we continue, I need to introduce the concept of phantom touch or phantom sense. Phantom touch is a term that was originally for amputees who could feel their missing limbs when given certain stimuli, typically some form of mirror therapy or sometimes via ones prosthetics. Phantom senses in VR are along the same lines. For all intents and purposes, your avatar in VR is the same as your body to your brain. Now, not everyone gets this, and those who do get it in varying amounts in just different ways. I'm admittedly on the more extreme end of this, as far as my brain gives a shit my avatar is my body and that ends up causing some interesting sensations. Most importantly, it pretty much drives my own choice of avatar since a lot of options out there just don't feel right. Yeah an avatar may be super cute or super funny but with that level of immersion for someone like myself it becomes very apparent that a lot of things will give full on dysphoria. This isn't really limited to anything either, I've noped off of cute looking avatars for a variety of reasons, sometimes even just small things like clothing, hair style, body proportions, height, etc. On the flip side of that, the right avatar can relieve a lot of dysphoria for someone like me who does experience gender dysphoria regularly in their day to day lives. So what were my options then?
Wade through a lot of public avatars until you find something anywhere between just right to perfect. The world of public avatars available is almost limitless, as games driven by user generated content tend to be so there's plenty of options.
Make your own avatar, either from scratch or a prefab base. This is again where the limitlessness of the engine comes into play, where the only limitation is your own technical abilities with Unity SDK, and tools like Blender or Maya.
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I got lucky and took option one. I found one that felt just right, a Tda based red haired fox girl in a cute hoodie, crop top, and jeans, and only needed a few minor tweaks. While there was a bit of a language barrier, the creator of this avatar and I got something worked out and the image above is the result. This is me. This was when what remained of my egg, so to speak, was completely fucking shattered into oblivion. This was where I realized that "Nah yeah I'm not fucking cis," after years of going back and forth and being on the fence about my own sense of self. Ultimately, VRchat ended up a coping mechanism for my dysphoria. I was free. I was me. I ended up parting ways with the guy who made the model posted above for reasons I won't get into. I was never given the source files to update the model to SDK3 so where it is now is where it will be forever until SDK2 gets dropped entirely. So, in mid 2021 when I found a prefab base that was relatively well support and easy to work with on booth.pm called Imeris, I jumped on that. I re-made me.
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Maybe to a bit of an extreme, but whatever. Bouncy squishy boobs on my chest makes girly gender euphoria go brrrr in a way I can't get over. But this is how I stayed for about a year without any major changes save for some new outfits every now and then.
In August, 2022, VRchat implemented EasyAntiCheat into the game. The reasoning for it is all over the place and while I have some insider information as to why it's not been stated publicly and I don't feel like getting sued into oblivion. But regardless of their reasoning, no matter how much public backlash they got, no matter how many members of the community who relied on third party client mods for accessibility for various disabilities and basic usability and quality of life functions not present in the base game, they pushed the patch out live anyways. They pushed out a patch knowing it broke compatibility with some Oculus headsets and software, this even was noted in the patch notes. They didn't care about us. That much was clear.
I swore off VRchat then and there, but the reality is the other options all sucked. NeosVR had NFT integration which is something I despise on principle. ChilloutVR, while promising, still lacks a lot of the functionality for their dev tools that makes a lot of my shit work. It was on par with early VRchat SDK1 and SDK2 tools, which compared to SDK3 with Udon were beyond archaic. I tried to give that some love, but it's so far from ready to take the place of VRchat that I couldn't switch over. Maybe some day, though, CVR will be in a position where it's a suitable place to call my home in the metaverse.
So after dealing with VRC being broken for months on my machine, I finally figured out a workaround. Turns out my main issue where VRchat was crashing to desktop was because of some sandboxing options I had enabled way back when I was still running Windows 10. Disabling these settings fixed the crashing to desktop, but Oculus overlay still crashes any time the virtual desktops are used. This, however and unfortunately, is a documented issue because of how EAC works, and there's no real fix for it. In any case though, I can be me again. And while unfortunately a lot of my friends have left VRC entirely post EAC update, there's still enough to justify sticking around.
At the time of writing this, I'm a month out from hopefully receiving hormone replacement treatment and beginning my transition proper. It's a bit overdue, admittedly, but I know some day soon I'll feel comfortable in my own shell. For now, this will continue to be my escapism from the dysphoria that's plagued me for years.
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Stay floofy~ 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈❤️
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sandpitturtlescove · 1 month
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ledenews · 8 months
Ohio County School Robotics Hosting VEX VRC Competition
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OCS Robotics is pleased to present The Gateway to the West Signature Event.  This VEX VRC Robotics Competition is scheduled to take place at The Highlands Sports Complex with middle school teams competing on Jan. 31 and Feb.1 and high school teams competing on Feb. 2 and 3.  The competition runs daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with free admission for all spectators. This Signature Event is only one of 25 in the world and is the only VEX Robotics Signature Event in the state of WV.  Participants are joining the competition from 15 states and Ontario, Canada.  Currently, 74 high school teams and 65 middle school teams are scheduled to compete.  Tournament winners will qualify for the VEX World Championships in Dallas, Texas.   Sponsored by and according to the REC Foundation, “This tournament is one in a series of events supported by the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation.  The competition season culminates each spring, with the top-performing teams from the state levels competing against each other at the VEX Robotics World Championship.” OCS Robotics is in its 3rd year with countywide, competitive teams with a total of 19 robotics teams across both middle school and high school levels.   Six teams represent Wheeling Park High School and 13 teams represent the various middle schools of Ohio County. The event has a variety of sponsors making the competition possible. WVDE, Matyskiela and Grant Inc., Architects and Engineers, Siemens, Southwestern Energy, The Stifel Foundation, James B. Chambers Memorial Foundation, Visit Wheeling, WVU, West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History, CMTA, Hanlon, McCormick, Schramm, Bickford & Schramm Co., LPA, and IXL are all responsible for helping bring a Signature Event to Wheeling, WV. Read the full article
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joelwindows7 · 9 months
You gamers still in VRChat?
Alright, that's okay. There's been work needs to be done.
(Script long overdue)
Okay. Maybe.. The script.., is uh.. complicated, right? You know, um.. Security is not easy. You don't want this system unexpectedly had system memory access, right? That'd be dangerous.
To this day.. Eh... So... Hehehe..
Idk man. Should I?.. No?... Coz I..
Why Easy Anti Cheat on Messenger?? What you don't know? They know. But again. They've ran too fond of it.
This is not how to respond to mods does it? Sure, eugenics come. But another comes to save the day, and then... Game over. Now idk will EAC solve it, coz in my CVR experience, we have limiters. How maximum count of things allowed. Not perfect, but.. It's there.
Same Unity, speaking of not perfect, mods still here. Just saying. Wanna move? Won't hurt to try, but remember. Ramen Script is not real yet. I know, made up name to be as similar with yours Udon#. Point is, you might have to program extra accesspries with provided CVR scripts. Yeah, esolang again huh? But that should he adequate. There's uh... Events of many kinds and to trigger what function, with argument what, variable buffers and events for it, etc. Should be adequate.
Right you might ask this question. VRChat has Suggestive tag. What's the matter with CVR?
Well you see, Suggestive, only do so much. You can have jiggle jiggly up you want, but must be clothed. You already know one slip ups intentional or not subjects you to your demise, bye bye friend I'll see you never.
Aaah, with ChilloutVR, it's different. After this, you have more PREMIUM OPTIONS 😏😏😏😏😏😏. Eeeh? Yess?? Of course uh.. Just 1 free DLC away, you're good to go.
Premiums, speaking of. Might have to see difference again for VRC. But.. This once buy forever is basically for avatar, game modes, and community group.
That's it. that's all. in CVR, you just buy once, and you'll have it forever. and ever.
Patreon? If you want some events. .. and right now there's nothing, but you should be enough with that once buy.
That's all you need in ChilloutVR. No contest.
OwO What's this?!
This feature request as of right now is in progress!! We'll have scripting, gamers! And the time will shorts.
okay, idk should I be excited. iyeah!
by JOELwindows7 Perkedel Technologies CC4.0-BY-SA
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dandeli0n-vrc · 1 year
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One of my favorite VRC memories! 8/02/22
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dddemigirl · 1 year
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Apologies if these have been posted before. My memory isn't good/I don't have the patience to go back and look at my other VRC posts.
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michaelcosio · 2 years
May 26, 2021
Congratulations to Rich and newly-pinned RDML Jennifer Couture on the sale of their home and Jennifer's new position.  Happy to present this VREB Network Reward to them.  Also, since Rich and I are both from the E-2C Hawkeye community in the Navy, and know those in the community that made the ultimate sacrifice, I am also make a $600 donation to the VAW-VRC Memorial Fund, for the children of our fallen aviators, in Rich and Jennifer's name.  That is especially important this Memorial Day weekend.  Thanks to all who gave the 'last full measure of devotion."
from Eric Gardner, REALTOR®
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key-of-d · 4 years
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I have been quite terrible at uploads lately.
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