#MerCree AU
lochdandloaded · 6 years
Moments On The Lake (Oneshot)
Rating: M Pairing(s): McHanzo (Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada) Warnings/Triggers: Mentions of blood, mild swearing, description of corpses Notes: Mermaid AU, Human!Hanzo,  Summary: Moments of a relationship seen through the most loyal eyes, or how Iwanko learnt to love the merman bomb.
Once again, a fic for @kannibal‘s MerCree AU over on Twitter (go check it out for more info and art!!). A doggo POV oneshot this time, exploring Hanzo and McCree’s relationship through their eyes.
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Translations: Chichi - Dad Youfusama - Father Shinnyuu - New guy Chiisha - Dad's guy Gup - Short for guppy, aka the mermaid equivalent of babe/baby
It was a day like any other, out on the ice caps with Youfusama holding the treats while showing what the buttons on his strange flat pad did. Distant eeping signaled the trackers in the area yet to be cataloged, and it was now Iwanko and Sister’s job to find them for their final training session Youfusama made it clear that this was their most important task to date - everything rested on them passing this test!
So of course, Iwanko wasn’t happy when the Sea Monster came and ruined it all.
He’d been at the edge of the caps, steering clear of the water whilst following the walrus the last tracker was attached to. It was staying underwater, which meant he couldn’t get close, which meant he would fail and Iwanko couldn't let that happen—
A large splash knocked Iwanko back and soaked him, covering him in The Bad Place smell and scarning off his target. He shook himself dry and growled as a large shadow fell over him.
“Hey there, lil’ fella. You lookin’ for somethin’?”
Narrowed red eyes. Claws longer than his head. Large fangs twice as sharp as his own, and rippling muscles in a twisted body of man and sea dog: Sea Monster. The Bad Place was coming for him, for Sister, and Youfu—
Iwanko surged forward, teeth bared, and snapped down on the closest limb. The monster flailed and yelled, but Iwanko held on tight. The skin was rough against his tongue and his teeth ached as he put all of his strength into the bite. The limb lifted up, nearly taking Iwanko off his feet. He dug his claws into the ice and flattened his ears, snarling loudly as the monster struggled in vain.
Sister barreled into him, knocking Iwanko off his feet and forcing him off the Sea Monster. She curled up into his space, nuzzling his fur and nibbling his muzzle. He barked and shoved her off, nipping back at Siser. She wagged her tail and climbed all over, pinning him in place.
Youfusama came into view as he jogged over, breathing hard and gaze darting around the scene. Iwanko sat up against Sister, waiting for Youfusama’s assessment on his defense.
Sea Monster clambered up fully onto the ice towards Youfusama, revealing the full extent of its half-human, half… seal body. It cradled its left fin in its claw, flexing muscles and speaking in a low tone. Youfusama went over to it (WHAT) and fussed over the fin, replying in kind- the same way he did over Iwanko’s scarred paw or Sister’s tangled up harness.
What was he doing! Couldn’t he see the danger the Sea Monster brought?! They had to run, get far away before it dragged them all under the water!
Youfusama stood straight and adjusted his furs, still speaking. Sea Monster spoke back and nudged close enough to bump hips. Iwanko growled but Sister held him down on the ice could jump in to defeat the creature. The Sea Monster towered over Youfusama, a glint in his winking eye that wasn’t t be trusted.
Youfusama rolled his eyes and grumbled, but his face brightened in a similar way to how it did in front of a fire It wasn’t warm now, so why was he red? Sea Monster saw it and chuckled as Youfusama turned and walked over.
“Iwanko, Hachiko—” They scrambled to sit up properly, tails wagging and backs ramrod straight. “ — this is Jesse. He’s not human like me or the other agents, but he IS a friend. I trust you both to behave around him.”
The Sea Monster, a friend ?! Had Youfusama lost his mind?!
“I mean it, Iwanko.” He switched to the Old Language, a stern look in his eye. Iwanko lowered his growl to a whimper and glared at Sea Monster.
It bared its teeth at them and waved its claws around. Sister barked happily and bounced on her paws in her strange, little dance. Youfusama smiled and ruffled her fur, letting her run off to the Sea Monster. He grabbed Iwanko’s harness before he could intervene, and watched as she jumped onto the monster, licking its face and begging for attention like the traitor she was.
Youfusama scratched behind his ears and Iwanko leant into the touch, whining quietly.
“Try your best, Iwacchi.” Youfusama muttered, still watching Sister and the Sea Monster play around on the ice. Iwanko pouted at the sight, how captivated Youfusama seemed by the Sea Monster’s antics
How easily he smiled at it and laughed, and softened — all things meant for him and Sister alone.
Iwanko kept his eye on the playfulness, an edge set to his fangs. If Sea Monster was supposed to be a friend, then that meant it would be around more often; taking Youfusama’s attention, covering them with its salty musk before pulling them under the waves for good. Youfusama was being tricked!
But not Iwanko. No, he wouldn’t be tricked.
No matter what, he wouldn’t let the Sea Monster get the upper hand over him and his pack.
Ever since Shinnyuu had visited and gifted Chichi the soft feather shawl, Brother had been annoyed by the gift’s existence and growled whenever he smelt it nearby. Chichi ignored him and wore it everyday over his furs, indoors and out. He even took it with his luggage when they went to other bases! He smiled more freely, lost himself in thought, perked up whenever Shinnyuu was brought up.
So when Chichi began to spend his free time hunched over his office desk with yards of cord, rope, strong and seashells all over the place, Hachiko knew everything was going to change for the better.
(Brother didn’t agree, but what did he know of a seal man so clearly enamoured by their wonderful Chichi?
One way or another, hachiko would find a way to help Shinnyuu mate with Chichi. No matter what Brother thought!)
Hachiko sat by Chichi’s desk as he wove his materials in a pattern she didn’t understand, watching with a keen eye and perked up ears. He scratched her ears but didn’t pause in his crafting, though his gaze drifted to a distance only he could see. Hachiko licked his fingers and yipped at him.
“He’s a strange one, he is.” Shinnyuu? Hachiko tilted her head as Chichi sighed, fiddling with the red cord. “Of course he is, he’s a merman for God’s sake!”
She rested her head on his arm and waited as he wrestled with his words. Eventually, Chichi groaned and put down his work to pull her up into his lap, arms wrapped tightly around her. Hachiko curled up against his chest and nuzzled him, tail wagging slowly. She couldn’t fit as well as she used to when they first met, but Chichi was strong enough to hold her up for hours.
“I don’t know, Hachi. He’s a friend, a real one.” He kissed the top of her head, stroking down her neck. “I feel like I can truly be myself around him; he doesn’t have any expectations of me or the Shimada name. It’s… refreshing.”
He stalled in his strokes. Hachiko whined and licked his jaw, then nipped his fingers when he pushed her down.
“I like him. I really like him, Hachi. Obviously someone as forked up as me would fall for a merman of all things.”
Hachiko growled at his hollow laugh and bit his chin, squirming in his hold until he pinned her down with a glare. Chichi couldn’t talk about himself or Shinnyuu that way!
“I could do worse. At least Jesse is a kind man; he’ll turn me down gently.”
Hachiko pouted and whined louder. Didn’t Chichi know Shinnyuu wanted him? Couldn’t he smell how his musk shifted whenever Chichi came close to him, or see how Shinnyuu presented himself when Chichi gazed too long? Shinnyuu was practically begging to be mounted! Everything he did was an obvious sign that he wanted to be mates and have their own pack!
Hachiko sat up, panting. Starting their own pack would mean puppies! More Brothers and Sisters for her to play with and look after! A real pack for her and Brother to be a part of!
Oh, this was fantastic!! Hachiko had to make Chichi see how much Shinnyuu wanted this too. And she would .
(No no, he wasn’t Shinnyuu, not really. He was Chiisha!)
With one last nip, Hachiko jumped off Chichi’s lap and trotted out of his office to go find Brother. Even if he didn’t like Chiisha, he would love to have puppies around! They both missed having a larger pack to play and hunt with - this would be the best news Brother ever heard!
It was not the best news Brother had ever heard.
The very thought of Chichi and Chiisha mating was the most offensive idea Brother had heard, and he refused to accept how smitten their Chichi was by his seal man.
This went so far as to squeeze between them during their courting exchanges - as Chiisha called them - and interrupting their moments of rare quiet. He even stopped Chichi from initiating mating with Chiisha! Hachiko bit his scarred paw for that, and they both ended up locked in the kennels for the night over it.
Chichi didn’t tolerate Brother’s plotting for long, and it worked out for him when, one evening, he and Chiisha came back from swimming in such high spirits, Hachiko couldn’t help but be curious about what happened while they were out on their own.
(Brother was less than enthusiastic.)
Chiisha was tailing behind Chichi, a wide grin on his flushed face as he wildly gestured. Chichi was smirking, also brightly flushed, loose limbed and seemingly uncaring as to who saw him. So unlike the Chichi she knew!
Hachiko stopped in her path to them when Chiisha took Chichi’s wrist, tugging him back into his space and leaning in close. Chichi froze in place, staring wide eyed up at Chiisha while his hands writhed at his sides, aching to mirror Chiisha’s claws ghosting over Chichi’s cheek. Hachiko quashed down her barks and sat down, barely containing her excitement in the hectic wag of her tail.
“Do it again, darlin’. Please .” Chiisha’s voice was so quiet, barely a whisper on the wind. Chichi shivered nonetheless, gaze flitting down Chiisha’s face.
“I’ve shown you enough times.” Chichi replied with a fake grumble, eyes now half-lidded and looking anywhere but in front of him. Chiisha laughed softly and tilted his chin up to meet him, resting their foreheads together.
“Just once more, it’ll stick this time.” Hachiko leaned in, ears perked up high to catch the quiet voices.
“Somehow I doubt that.” Chichi chuckled and he closed his eyes, finally moving his hands up Chiisha’s arms to hold him close. They moved in, lips brushing and hearts skipping, just like Old Master did with their mate—!
A Brother-shaped blur pounced on to Chiisha’s tail, barking madly. They sprang apart, static flying in the space left behind - a flash in Chichi’s eyes - and Hachiko rushed over to yap at her dumb brother for ruining such a perfect moment!
Said brother was clinging to Chiisha’s tail, claws caught on the fur, and lips curled up in a snarl directed as Chiisha. He and Chichi watched as Brother’s hackles raised, voicing every negative opinion he had towards their coupling. Hachiko kept barking at him, jumping up to try and dislodge him but he was firmly seated.
What was he doing?! Didn’t he want their Chichi to be happy?
Or for the pack to grow stronger?
Why was he letting his stupid ocean fear get in the way of their family?
Brother had no answer for her, as he kept growling at Chiisha. Chichi breathed, in through the nose and slowly out of his mouth whenever he was angry (at her?), and marched over. Hachiko sat down on the grass silently, ready to bare her belly. Brother didn’t budge.
Chichi snatched Brother from his perch by his scruff and it knocked him out of his angered trance. Immediately, he slackened and whined, even tried to lick Chichi’s face. He was planted on the ground next to Hachiko, and Chichi knelt in front of them, his expression something she had never seen directed at them before.
“That,” He said lowly in the Old Language, face darkening. “was incredibly inappropriate behaviour. Hachiko, go back to the hub; Iwanko, you will apologise to Jesse this instant .”
A duet of whines were cut short by another flash in his eyes and they stood, tails between their legs and heads low. Hachiko glanced to Brother, the regret and conflict running off him in waves. She cried and quickly nipped his muzzle, sending her well wishes through a brief shoulder bump before she trotted off to the hub. Chiisha’s voice made her look over her shoulder, finding him leaning against Chichi, arms wrapped around his waist and trilling to him. Brother stood by their feet, staring at the ground without a sound.
Chichi caught her watching and waved her off, taking Chiisha’s arms off him but sticking to his side, tilting his ear to the soft chirps and whistles of a mate. Hachiko brightened and wagged her tail; Chichi and Chiisha would be fine! More than fine, they’d build the strongest pack and Hachiko would have a place in it, just like before!
Even if Brother didn’t agree or kept trying to stop the progress, Hachiko knew nothing would stand in the way of their pack.
The Sea Monster was back in the house for the fourth time in so many days and Iwanko was twitching to run him out into the snow. Its scent was everywhere, it was driving him crazy! Youfusama was tolerating it, giving it free reign of their home, and cuddling up to it in front of the fireplace - it was all leading to what Sister had predicted moons ago.
Iwanko still didn’t like it. The Sea Monster as Youfusama’s mate - a part of their pack - was still insulting to even think about, but Iwanko had made a promise moons ago to Youfusama to ‘act civil’ around the Sea Monster and he was really, really trying to be a good boy about it.
But it was so hard when the Sea Monster was taking over, stealing Youfusama’s attention, turning their home into its lair, and generally acting as if he were already part of their pack. Sister argued that it was, and he would know this too if he put in any effort to scent Youfusama, but Iwanko knew their Youfusama better than that. He wouldn’t carelessly mate with this creature as if it wasn’t a huge matter.
Youfusama was way smarter than that.
Even so, he was still capable of being tricked into rushing the Sea Monster in to his bedroom and shutting the door behind him. Iwanko sat in front of it now, growling low in his throat as he listened to the noises coming from inside. Mostly the Sea Monster whispering and chirping to Youfusama, saying things Iwanko couldn’t understand.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Spread out, just like that.”
“You prepped y’self so well; are y’ ready to take all of me?”
“You like that, don’tcha? Knuckle deep an’ you only want more of me.”
“I’m gonna fill you up an’ make you mine .”
None of it made any sense! Youfusama hadn’t said anything to the Sea Monster, and there were scents Iwanko didn’t recognise flowing out from under the door. Nothing to hint at Youfusama being in mortal danger, but there was nothing to comfort him either. The not-knowing was the worst part of being stuck on the other side of this stupid door, plus not being able to immediately get to Youfusama when the creature turned against him.
A husky groan came through the door and Iwanko sat up. That was Youfusama! He pressed an ear against the door, trying to pick up anything being said.
“Off, Jesse. Get off, get off.”
Was the Sea Monster holding Youfusama down? Keeping him against his will so he wouldn’t struggle while it ate him? Kidnapping him away to the ocean to drown?!
“Ah—!” A drawn-out sound came from Youfusama, followed by a hiss of pain. He was being hurt! More was being said, but Iwanko paid it no attention; he had to rescue Youfusama!
Iwanko stepped back from the door and glared at the round handle. The house wasn’t like the big base they sometimes visited; it was ‘old fashioned’, and so didn’t have buttoned pads that controlled the doors. Only those like Youfusama and the Sea Monster could open these kinds of doors with their fingers and thumbs.
Iwanko growled again and barked at the door, as if that would do anything. He got louder and louder, making sure it was enough for Youfusama to hear him and be assured Iwanko was on the way to save him. Sister poked out from the kitchen area, lolling her head to the side and whining at him.
He barked at her too and she came over to investigate. With the two of them together, they could figure out a way to get to Youfusama! Sister sniffed around the door, perking her ears up at the sounds inside the room.
She yipped and bounced on her paws, wagging her tail. Iwanko blinked at her, flattening his ears. She yipped again, jumping up at him and licking over his muzzle, excited for no reason he could determine. Their Youfusama was in danger and she wasn’t helping!
Sister trotted off, leaving Iwanko alone in the hallway once more, without helping him a single bit. Typical! She probably had puppies on the brain again, so it was up to him alone to carry out the rescue.
Assessing the situation calmly, Iwanko knew he’d have to open the door by himself without any hands to help. So, he balanced carefully on his hind legs and bit down on the door handle. It was a strange taste in his mouth, nothing like the tennis balls Youfusama threw for them. It was slippery as well, but Iwanko held on with all of his strength, tugging down.
With enough pulling and twisting, Iwanko finally got the door to click open. He let go, working his jaw for it to be comfortable again, then quickly dashed into the bedroom into the action.
The first thing he noticed was how they were positioned: the Sea Monster was lying on the bare bed against the headboard, throat and stomach bared with its arms tied loosely above its head. Youfusama was kneeling over it, straddled on its tail and hovering over something too-thick coming out of it. He was bare as well, his furs scattered across the floor along with the creature’s own so-called garments, which was enough to give Iwanko pause.
The scent of the room was thick and overwhelming, leaving no doubt of what they were doing. No wonder Sister was so happy, but no! Iwanko wouldn’t believe it; Youfusama wasn’t like this! He knew better than to trust the sea that had almost taken them as puppies, the sea that had ripped him from the arms of his Old Master and the life he’d known, the sea that had killed everyone. Iwanko had to remind him, save him from the trickster waiting to drag him down to the depths.
Snapping out of his stupor, Iwanko bristled and started barking again. Youfusama and the Sea Monster startled at the noise, and Youfusama’s grip on the creature slipped. He quickly fell down on the thickness from its tail and it froze, a strangled noise gasping out of its gaping maw.
“ F- fuck!” Youfusama choked out, doubling over himself rigid and tense all over. The Sea Monster stayed completely still, eyes darting over him. Iwanko stayed at the end of the bed, snarling at it as it freed its arms from the loose cord to ghost its hands over Youfusama.
“Hanzo, angelfish, talk t’ me.” It whispered, trying to look at his face and rubbing its hands up Youfusama’s arms. “Are you hurt? Say somethin’, please.”
Youfusama gripped the creature’s shoulders, nails digging in as he shook his head. Iwanko sniffed the air - no blood, but Youfusama was too quiet. He was breathing in short gasps, not saying a word. Something was wrong and the Sea Monster was responsible!
It trilled and purred, nuzzling into Youfusama’s hair. Its hands moved down to his hips and Iwanko growled again, hackles raised. The Sea Monster glanced at him, eyes narrowed as it held onto Youfusama. He tightened his grip on its shoulders and whimpered, curling over more to bury his face into its marked neck. He was breathing faster now, too fast.
Iwanko relaxed and inched closer as the Sea Monster kept chirping, whispering in the pauses. Youfusama stayed the same, white-knuckled and shuddering, and every moment that passed like that made Iwanko more anxious. What was wrong with Youfusama? Nothing was happening; something should be happening!
While the Sea Monster was distracted, Iwanko came up the bed and pressed his wet nose to Youfusama’s knee. There was a slight shiver, but no reprimand or a playful shove to his snout. Youfusama was really in trouble.
“You don’t gotta be here,” the Sea Monster grumbled, looking over Youfusama’s head to narrow its gaze at Iwanko. He huffed and glared back with a pout. “Once Hanzo’s adjusted, he’ll be fine. I’ll take care of ‘im.”
Iwanko barked and growled at it again. He couldn’t leave Youfusama with it! The Sea Monster was the reason he was hurt in the first place! Iwanko had to stay and protect Youfusama.
“Hey, if you hadn’t burst in ‘ere all a sudden, Hanzo wouldn’ be like this!” The Sea Monster growled back, wrapping an arm around Youfusama’s waist as his other hand petted his hair. Youfusama grunted and slumped slightly in its hold. It trilled and nuzzled his cheek, spreading its scent.
“He’s my mate an’ I’m gonna take care of him, no matter what you think.”
Iwanko snarled at that. It was his Youfusama! It was his job to protect him from all danger!
The creature ignored him to keep nuzzling Youfusama, moving down to his neck and brushing his loose hair aside. From his spot, Iwanko could see the long, faded teeth marks on Youfusama’s nape, surrounded by fresher marks all over his neck. A similar, if smaller, mark was near the creature’s collarbone, sparking dimly with flashes much like Youfusama’s arm did.
There was no mistaking it: they were mated. Iwanko couldn’t deny it.
And something in him broke.
Despite everything - all his efforts! - Youfusama and the creature were mates, growing their pack to include monsters of the ocean - everything Iwanko hated (and feared, he told no one).
Youfusama made his choice, nothing Iwanko barked or did would ever change that. The Sea Monster was here to stay, give Youfusama puppies like Sister wanted, and nothing was ever going to be the same (it already wasn’t).
Iwanko didn’t know what to do.
How could he protect his pack when the threat was the pack? Where was his place if not that? Did he have one anymore—
Iwanko snapped his head up, crying when he found Youfusama’s flashing eyes on him. They were tired and kind, just as they had been on the day they met on the cliffs. When he’d saved Iwanko from a watery grave and brought him into his pack, small and new but oh so precious.
Youfusama reached a hand out to him and Iwanko licked over his palm, whining as he nuzzled into the touch. He heard a pair of chuckles above him and squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on Youfusama’s buried scent under all the salt.
“Silly boy, Iwacchi.” Youfusama muttered in the Old Language, his voice raspy and drained. “What did I tell you about Jesse?”
Iwanko whined again; what did that matter now? Youfusama tutted at him and patted his nose, cutting him off.
“None of that now; the damage is done. You know not to do this again, right?”
He barked. Of course! He didn’t want to hurt Youfusama again.
“Good. Go grab some towels from the bathroom and bring them here.”
Iwanko jumped back, tail wagging hurriedly. Towels, he knew where those were! Youfusama kept them on the floor after washing himself in the tall box. He didn’t see any in there last time he checked, but if Youfusama said they were in there, that’s where they were.
With one last bark, Iwanko rushed off to the adjoined bathroom. Youfusama and the creature shuffled around, grumbling between them before settling again.
“Y’ make a good Papi, y’know.”
Youfusama groaned and Iwanko heard a light slap of skin, followed by a deep laugh. “Not you too!”
A day off was a luxury one like Hanzo was not often afforded. On top of (technically) being a fugitive in hiding, he was also one of the few agents at Ecopoint to have higher clearance and access to Underwatch’s brief of missions. It was all fine and well for his personal goals, but it left him with very little time for himself. His free time between work was spent with Jesse when he was onland, and when he wasn’t, Hanzo spent the hours asleep.
Today, however, was his to spend with Agent Zhou, Hachiko and Iwanko on the main base. Mei had made upgrades to her Omnic assistant and wanted the dogs to test Snowball’s capabilities. That was code for ‘let me fuss over your puppies please!’ which Hanzo was fine with; Iwanko and Hachiko needed time out of their harnesses as well. It gave them a chance to play and burn excess energy; give him some time to himself.
Hanzo hauled his backpack over his shoulder and grabbed his communicator just as a loud knock pounded on the front door. Hachiko ran to it, barking and yapping as she bounced. What was Jesse doing here at this hour?
He opened the door, holding Hachiko back from pouncing on the poor mer. Jesse stood there, decked out in his casual gear (but still finding room for all of the ‘courting gifts’ Hanzo’d given him) and splitting his face with the biggest grin he’d ever seen on him.
“I thought you had a mission today.” Hanzo started, eyebrow raised and frown on edge. If his schedule had changed, he’d have to be the bearer of unfortunate news and a pouting mer.
“That’s t’night, angelfish.” Jesse kept smiling, radiating pure sunshine as if he hadn’t caught Hanzo on his way out of the door. Hanzo blinked and scrunched his face; it must have shown his scrambled thoughts. “I’m ‘ere to take you an’ the pups out.”
“Sorry, Jesse; we’re on the way to Ecopoint now to meet with someone,” Hanzo explained, shaking his head and letting Hachiko go. She jumped up at Jesse, licking and nipping his beard. “You’ll have to take us out another time.”
“It’s on the way, darlin’.” Jesse pushed Hachiko down and scratched behind her ears, laughing when she flopped against him. “It’ll only take a few minutes, I promise.”
Hanzo crossed his arms, eyes narrowing. Not that he didn’t trust his mate (and wasn’t that a weird concept to get used to; it made the red mark on his neck itch) but the lack of details showed that Jesse intended to keep the surprise intact. And his surprises hadn’t always ended up well for him or the dogs.
(Despite the weeks that had passed since, Hanzo could still feel the embers of burning pain between his thighs and the leftover chagrin of calling Doctor Ziegler in the middle of the night. All because of a surprise.
Needless to say, he wasn’t letting the mer top again any time soon.)
“I know whatcha thinkin’,” Jesse rubbed Hachiko’s bared belly, a sharp eye on Hanzo. “But it ain’t for you, gup. It’s for the pups.”
That raised his brow again. “You know Iwanko won’t accept a gift from you, Jesse.”
“Ain’t that kinda surprise.” Jesse winked and turned around, leading Hachiko away from the cabin. “I know yer curious!”
Damn him, he was right. Hanzo was being transparent again; he had to put a lid on that slippage soon.
A cold nudge to his fingers got Hanzo to look down at Iwanko, leash in jaw, and far too nervous to be his brave lead tracker. Iwanko had avoided Jesse since that incident, which was better than the outright hostility, but it unnerved Hanzo like nothing else. Outspoken, blunt Iwanko turned diminutive and subdued - a father’s worst nightmare.
Maybe this ‘surprise’ would help his pups. If Iwanko could be in the same general area as Jesse for five minutes or more without incident, that would be a huge accomplishment. Hachiko, as always, could help him as a middleman to keep everything afloat. It couldn’t be the worst thing he’s trusted Jesse to do.
!We can’t be long, we’re expected at the base soon.” Mei was a patient woman; she wouldn’t mind if they were slightly late.
“Ten minutes top, darlin’! Get movin’, they won’t be there forever.”
Well, curiosity always won him over in the end.
(Some certain people would say curiosity killed the cat, but Hanzo argued it got him to the most interesting places.
Just look where it’d gotten him so far.)
Jesse led them along the coastline towards the rocky cliffs not too far from the cabin. Iwanko stayed glued to Hanzo’s side, no doubt remembering his first fateful visit to a similar cliffside. He stroked his head and held on tight to his leash, a tiny reassurance that went a very long way.
It didn’t take long for them to reach a cove Hanzo was sure hadn’t been here during his last area patrol. A pebbled beach covered in bits of seaweed and stray blocks of ice that hadn’t yet melted under the spring sun, with a few seagulls here and there poking at the gaps in the pale sand. Jesse was further ahead, splayed out next to a large rock formation that Hanzo recognised from where waves crashed into it when the tide was high.
So this is what low tide looked like here.
Hachiko yapped and Iwanko snapped to attention, perking his ears up at his sister. She kept barking, and Hanzo released his leash, encouraging him. Iwanko glanced up at him, but he only smiled. His pup shook himself and slowly trotted over, skipping away from the reaching waves when they dared to approach him.
Hanzo followed at his own pace, crossing his arms and watching as Hachiko led her brother to the rock formation, pawing at the ground. Jesse stayed with them and talked, but his eyes were on Hanzo even as his feet stuttered at the sight captivating his pups: a deep, glistening tide pool, teeming with wriggling sea life that paid no heed to the giants overlooking them.
Hanzo came to stand beside his mate, raptured by the minute details of the underwater world at their feet. Jesse’s arm snaked around his waist and he nuzzled from his shoulder to his cheek, gently nipping at the skin he could reach. Soft chirps rumbled through his chest and Hanzo could feel them in his own, calming any worry. Hanzo kissed Jesse’s temple under his hat and got a pleased trill for it, which made him smirk. Jesse hid nothing of his true nature from Hanzo, and it sent a thrilling shiver up his spine to think of how it was his to witness.
Others had their chance, tossed it aside for convention and things Hanzo used to value.
Used to.
(What fools they were.)
They stayed like that for who knows how long, content to watch Iwanko and Hachiko nose around the pool, poking their noses at creatures that wandered near the surface. Hachiko pointed her brother to a resting crab poking from a rock and he tilted his head in wonder.
Hanzo’s chuckle caught their attention, two pairs of shining browns bearing into him innocently. “It’s not so bad when it’s this small, is it?”
Iwanko glanced back down to the pool and whined, shuffling on his paws. Caught out on his awe for the thing he feared most, knowing he couldn’t deny the plainly seen fact. Hachiko bumped him with her nose and he barked at her, scattering the fish closest to them. Iwanko cried and sniffed around, trying to find them again.
Jesse’s fin nudged Hanzo’s leg and the mer curled his tail around him, trailing his other hand up his coat. His gaze sparked something wild and Hanzo felt the dragons stir under his skin. “You still wanna go?”
Iwanko and Hachiko stuck to the tide pool, distracted by the shimmer of the clear water. Hanzo rolled his eyes, smirk turning sharp as he took Jesse’s chin, leaning in close enough to brush but not to satisfy the mer’s craving for his taste.
“Maybe a few more minutes.”
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jellygay · 3 years
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SFW version of Sea King McCree I did for Patreon in April + censored Kitty McCree from July.
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batkatbrown · 6 years
Beyond the Sea - C14!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven| Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen
Thank you fireflyquill, Lady and Anons that sponsored this chapter! <3
“Can you turn the page darlin’,” Jesse called over to his best friend who was currently trying to wrangle a bunch of seaweed. The book was popped up on the counter next to him and Hanzo reached over to flick the page without really looking. “Thanks!”
Jesse wriggle deeper into his little sand nest and propped his head in his hand to read. He had missed getting to explore other worlds between the lines of crisp print. The story was vaguely familiar and it was much the same as the novels beneath the waves.
A forbidden love that drove two people apart; a man of the sky that fell in love with a creature of the sea.
Jesse ruminated on the words, moving slowly through the page. He kept half his attention on Hanzo. The hunter was trying to do something fishy with the seaweed and three black pearls on his magical worktable.
“You sure you don’t wanna tell me what you’re doing?” He called lazily without lifting his gaze.
“It is best left unspoken,” Hanzo grumbled. The little vein in his forehead was twitching as he hunched over his work.
Jesse hummed softly in response. “If you are going to be usin’ spells and magics now, could you shrink down a few of my books? Then i could turn the pages myself.”
Hanzo turned with a glare and Jesse shrunk down into the nest of sand. Before his heart could jump into a frantic pace, Hanzo’s face softened and he laughed with a shake of his head. “I am sorry, Jesse. Perhaps you are right and I need to take a break.”
“Y-yeah.” Jesse waved his tail hopefully,
“And as a shrinking spell eludes me; would you allow me to read to you instead?” Hanzo swiveled in his chair and leaned down to cross his arms on the tabletop. He settled his chin on them and Jesse smiled as it brought him to eye-level.
“Nothing better than gettin’ to hear your pretty voice.” Jesse waggled his eyebrows and flashed a toothy grin. It made a pink tinge rise to the hunter’s cheeks. “Don’t guess i could ask for storytime in the tub?”
“It has been a while since we had a bath.” Hanzo rested his forehead on his arms with a soft laugh. Heat spiked through his veins at Jesse’s simple request. It was different this time, now that he knew Jesse was sentient.
He reached into the tank and teasingly poked at Jesse’s shoulder. “I suppose you also wish for me to get a ring for you to jump through and balls to knock around.”
“Could you?” Jesse’s eyes lit up and his smile nudged his cheeks high. “I used to whip and weave through coral and dodge sharks and wrangle sea dragons. Doing something more than swimming would make it feel a bit like home.”
Hanzo rested his head in one hand, nodding to his companion. It made sense. If he could not train and use his full body, he would feel restless to. “Perhaps a quick trip to the store is necessary before we relax in a bath.”
“I would love ya even more darlin’,” Jesse’s warm voice shot straight to his heart and he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment.
“Then we shall go.”
Hanzo glanced to an empty jar. It would fit in his messenger bag. Jesse would fit even if it was a little tight and Hanzo leaned back in his chair. It would work.
The store was nearly empty on the early thursday morning. The few other customers drifted aimlessly or shuffled along in fuzzy slippers, paid them no mind. Hanzo kept his face blank and impassive as they maneuvered through the petstore. There were plenty of interesting plastic and rubber toys in the dog section that would float.
“What about this one?” Hanzo subtly tilted his messenger bag so Jesse could see the wall of merchandise better. It was a knobbly rubber dog toy that had a hole inside it for peanut butter or other treats. “Perhaps put fish in the hole.”
Jesse squinted at it, his human half hauled up to stick out of the mostly empty jar. “Is that really a dog toy?”
“Yes?” A quick look to the left and the right proved them to be alone. He lifted the jar and jesse free of his bag and held him closer to the red toy.
“Hmm, looks like it’d fit a dick more than some of that peanut butter stuff.”
Hanzo nearly dropped the jar with a splutter. Choked laughter stuck in his throat and he coughed around it. “It does… in a way appear to be a … sleeve of sorts.”
“You humans got some interesting ideas.” Jesse reached out to touch it with a suspicious look. “But i figure it might be fun to swim through and wrestle given half the chance. I like the look of that one too.”
Hanzo moved down the aisle and lifted Jesse to inspect to his heart’s content. The shopping basket slowly filled up with enrichment toys from both the dog, fish and cat section. Jesse was nearly giddy over the small plastic fishing pole with a brightly colored fish at the end. It was nothing like a real fish but he was chomping at the bit.
“Will you look at that,” Jesse whistled after the words.
Hanzo found himself directed over to a display of brightly colored tubes. They were assembled into an intricate run for hamsters or mice ending on each side in a wide cages.
“I wonder if they are watertight.” Hanzo mused as he approached the boxed version of the display. He taped on the transparent plastic with a fingernail. It was strong and study and with a bit of magic, it might be possible to turn it to a different use.
“I could swim anywhere in the house, or at least around.”
“Perhaps we can even set up tanks along the way for you to rest in. You could explore and swim to your heart’s content during the day. Maybe we could even connect it to the koi ponds.” Hanzo couldn’t contain his grin.
It took most of the morning and afternoon to get set up and Jesse waited eagerly in his main tank. He wriggled in the water, chasing the long fins of his tail as Hanzo went up and down a ladder. Sweat made his shirt cling to his back and Jesse did his best not to fixate on the strong muscles it showed off.
The jeans hung low and a very interesting band of fabric peaked over. He had always thought underwear were a bit strange. There was no need to cover his hips or waist in this form, at least as long as he kept himself under control. He breathed slowly, focusing on the fluttering of his gills and the expanse of his water lungs.
Jesse chewed on his thoughts and a chunk of catfish as Hanzo wiped his sweating brow. It was a shame that he was too small to act on the fantasties trying to break through his guard. It would be harder to hide the heat burning just under his skin when they were in the bath together. If they managed to get to it before the day was over.
It was dark outside when the tubes had been set up all over the house. Water was slowly poured into them from the second floor, all the while adjusting containment spells on the different tanks and resting areas so it didn’t all rush out.
Jesse tested out the first section.
The tubes were big enough for him to fit comfortably and he gave his tail an experimental undulation. He rose quickly along the transparent colorful pipe until he could look down at Hanzo. He waved excitedly and bobbed against the side.
The hunter’s grin was bright enough to light up the room. He pointed along the tube to the stairs and Jesse was quick to follow his lead. He darted along the tubes and wriggled around the ninety degree turn and started to climb. It was dizzying and wonderful. The illusion of depth brought a part of his instincts roaring back to life.
He chased Hanzo up the stairs and whipped around the corner to follow him into his bedroom. Hanzo’s laugh was muffled through the water but still beautiful. There was a tank on his bedside table still. It was connect now and Jesse dove down into it with a cheer. He tumbled among the leafy greens and swirled to face up.
He beached himself on the warm sand and rocks with a holler of pure joy.
Help fund the next chapter on ko-fi!
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deadlockduelist · 6 years
all of yall are out there, MerHanzo this, MerYatta that, wheres my MerCree (like or reblog this for a starter)
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nalintant · 7 years
FINALLY! I finished this, took a whole day to do so. Usually I don’t line my storyboard this neat, but it’s McHanzo.....so yeah. Little MerCree and his little mishap. He just too curious for his own good.
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brownfrogs · 6 years
*wants to talk about my mercree/surfboarder hanzo au but mind can only handle one au at a time*
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robo-cryptid · 6 years
@redwoodriver replied to your post “@redwoodriver replied to your post: @coinin ...”
LMFAO no i love it and i love pretending they don't give you diseases dw, it's just VERY funny that the mammals you keep focusing on do give humans complications:P
I felt very irresponsible not at least mentioning leprosy in the armadillo AU because of this, lol. This is why I had to be like “BY THE WAY HE IS SUSPICIOUSLY CLEAN FOR AN ARMADILLO????” 
But you’re right. You’re right. There clearly needs to be a THIRD (fourth, if we also consider the eel!Hanzo + merCree fic) animal AU in which the animal in question is just like. Non-toxic and incapable of spreading diseases to humans. But it can’t be a dog or cat. WHAT ELSE YOU GOT, FRIENDS?
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valgeristik · 7 years
just found a mercree doodle i forgot abt and i wanna color it but dont wanna post it alone. what im saying is, if anyone has any mer au suggestions im all ears ;)
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lochdandloaded · 6 years
A Man’s Best Friends (Oneshot)
Rating: T Pairing(s): Hanzo/Happiness, Hanzo & his cute puppies Warnings/Triggers: Mentions of blood, mild swearing, description of corpses Notes: Mermaid AU, Human!Hanzo, I’ve been told the cuteness of this made someone cry so you’ve been warned Summary: Early in Hanzo's Ecopoint career, an unusual call to action brought friends into his life that he never knew he missed. It's only the beginning of their adventures...
Another fic for @kannibal‘s MerCree AU over on Twitter (go check it out for more info and art!!), this time focusing on how Hanzo came to own his loyal dogs (Tinted Moonlight fans will be pleased with their addition! ;P)
AO3 || Twitter || Ko-Fi || Storenvy
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Hanzo had been working with Ecopoint for less than a month when the emergency call came through: a flash storm had struck a civilian tour group off the western coast of Ross Island and Overwatch had ordered them to act as first response until rescue services arrived from mainland. It was outside of their expertise but they were the best chance those people had at surviving the next twelve hours.
Normally, Hanzo would be kept within the offices to avoid public scrutiny towards the higher ups. However, in this situation, all capable hands were called upon to sail so he had no choice but to head out on his motorboat. Certainly not the most glorious of jobs nor the best use of his skills, but Hanzo couldn’t find it in himself to care all that much.
Anything was better than wasting away at a desk.
The shipwreck…
It was too familiar, seeing bodies floating amongst the wreckage. Images pulled straight from his nightmares of another time, another ocean too close to heart. Hanzo stared at them, hands gripping the edges of his boat as he sought out a flicker of green, mind screaming for the wind to calm, for the waters to settle, just give him his baby brother back—
No, Genji was…
It didn’t matter.
Hanzo pulled himself away from the group, trailing along to the nearby cliff rocks. There were enough agents here to pull up survivors and no one was checking the land for anyone stranded, or at least that’s what he reasoned to himself as good enough reasons to run away.
Away from the noise and rabble, Hanzo could actually clear his head and breath easily. The dragons rolled under his skin, itching all up his arm, and he ignored them. One round of these rocks and he could go back to the others in better spirits.
As he neared the land, watching the waves lapping at the cliffside, a sharp, high-pitched noise broke through the ambience to him. Hanzo pulled his hood down and looked around, listening closely. It got louder as he neared the cliffs, a never-ending chain of short barks - too quick for a seal pup, not deep nor a wail like an adult’s. There were no dogs stationed on Ross Island, yet there was no mistaking that sound.
Turning a corner, Hanzo came upon the source: a dog stranded on a rock’s edge, limping around the small space it occupied, and barking like there was no tomorrow. Hanzo cut the boat’s engine and let it float up close, slowly standing with his arms out as he clicked his tongue.
“Hey, hey,” He cooed as he came up to the rock ledge, making himself as small as possible. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
The dog - a puppy, now that he was closer, only a couple months old at best - kept barking, trying to move away from him but with nowhere to go, it was just as stuck. It snarled, a weak, pitiful sound, and snapped at Hanzo’s glove when it came close enough. Hanzo sighed and allowed it; the glove was thick enough to stop the puppy from causing any real damage.
With the puppy occupied, Hanzo made a grab for its scruff and hauled it off the rock. The puppy kicked, whined and shivered but was too weak to put up a real fight even as Hanzo released it onto the boat. All it could do was peer over the side and howl, staring out onto the open water.
Hanzo startled when he heard a howl of reply.
He cursed to himself and gave the puppy a look. It ignored him, shifting on its paws as it yipped and barked at the water. Hanzo followed its gaze to the waves, narrowing his own as he searched it. A dot of white came up from the water, howled to them and Hanzo pushed the boat off the rocks, floating closer.
Sure enough, another puppy was paddling towards them, struggling to stay afloat with something clenched in its teeth. As Hanzo drifted the boat closer, he saw the full form:
A person.
“Kuso,” He cursed again, starting the engine up again and rushing over to them. The puppies made more noise and the snippy one left pawprints of blood all over the floor; a problem to deal with later.
Holding steady as the puppy and survivor came into clearer view, Hanzo’s stomach dropped and he bite down a wave of nausea. Their face was down in the water, no movement to be seen. The puppy was pulling on their coat sleeve and from what little he could see, the skin was too blue, too bloated to be alive. Not that the puppy had noticed as it came up to the boat, pawing at its sides and whining loudly.
Without thinking, Hanzo unzipped his coat and pulled the puppy out, shoving it into his coat and ignoring how the wet fur felt against his shirt as he zipped back up. The puppy whined again and curled up to press against his warmth, shivering despite it. Hanzo stroked an ear and, careful not to jostle, reached down to pull the body out.
Even through his gloves, he could feel how cold and stiff they were, and bit his tongue as he dragged them onto his boat.
The standing puppy barked and poked at the body with its nose, whining when there was no response. Hanzo tore his gaze away from the lifeless blue skin and open, frozen eyes that saw nothing, and held tighter to the puppy nestled against him. The other one cried and looked up at Hanzo, and if he didn’t know better, he would say it was heartbroken.
He opened his mouth but no words came out. What could he say to a pair of dogs to make them understand they couldn’t save this person? That they were safe?
Instead he stroked both of their ears without protest from either and did one last sweep of the area - nothing but water and washed up wreckage - before turning back on himself to the designated rescue service dock. The rest of the effort could go on without his help; someone else needed it more.
Once the body had been taken away to be identified (and he allowed the puppies to see for themselves that the person was gone for good, even if he had a hard time pulling the wet one away), Hanzo dragged them all to the first aid tent set up on the beach and set himself in an isolated corner to take care of the problem that left his boat in a bloody mess.
The puppy whined and nipped as he cleaned the injured paw, but Hanzo held on and winced at the sight. A deep cut across the paw pad, blood half-clotted and frozen from exposure. It would need stitches and antibiotics to avoid infection and possibly losing the leg, something that while Hanzo was trained to do, did not look forward to holding down a defenseless puppy.
Hanzo let out a long breathe and raked his thoughts for something - anything - to get his mind off it. The wrapped up puppy, curled up in a spare blanket on his lap, watched his movements with tired eyes and he soothed down its fur, whispering nothings to it.
He kept talking quietly, keeping his voice strong and steady as he rifled through the first aid kit. The puppies watched him and he looked them over, taking them in for the first time since finding them. Their most obvious feature was their thick white fur, though upon closer inspection Hanzo could see that they had faint red-blonde markings over their heads - the injured one had them akin to Urajiro markings, while the drying one had them in large spots over its front end. The curled tails and tight knuckles of their paws confirmed his suspicion of their Akita Inu breed.
The revelation brought a smile to his lips and he cooed nonsense at them, basking in the memories of his family’s pack of Akitas. His father forbade him and Genji from playing with them, trained or not. But that never stopped him from wishing for their loyal companionship, or a chance to bury himself in the fur and laugh as they pounced him for treats.
Friends he could actually trust.
The puppy seemed to calm as he talked about everything and nothing, and he kept it still long enough to securely stitch the paw pad together and administer the antibiotics. The puppy certainly wasn’t happy about it but didn’t make any move to chew at the bandages wrapped around its foot.
Hanzo took the chance to do another check and change the wet blankets for dry ones. While there were no collars on either puppy, there was a dent in the neck fur indicating there had been before the storm. They were probably on the ocean floor now, and with it their names and a way home. Not that he could give them names, because that would mean getting attached and—
The injured puppy - a male - squeezed himself onto Hanzo’s lap, curling around his blanketed sister and yawned with a squeak. Hanzo stroked his head and the puppy caught his hand, licking his thumb before starting to suckle on it.
Well, Hanzo’s heart was a lost cause.
The three of them stayed in the corner for who knows how long before one of the head researchers (Hanzo couldn’t remember her name at the top of his head, he had his attention held elsewhere at that moment) came over to him to tell him the mainland services had arrived.
“We looked at the records and the owner of these dogs didn’t survive the wreck,” She said, looking between her clipboard and the puppies, her mouth set in a thin line. “The ship captain confirmed the body you brought back was their owner.”
Hanzo stroked his free hand over the puppy’s ears, swallowing as he remembered how hard she had tried to save them. He nodded as she yawned and licked his fingers, staring up at him with warm honey eyes that he couldn’t resist. Her grip on him was tight and he knew he wasn’t letting go any time soon.
“What will happen to them now?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
His boss rolled her shoulders and shook her head. “Next step will be to contact family and direct the dogs to them if they’re willing, but for now…”
She watched them, relaxing her brow and sighing. “Probably best they stay with you. There’s already too much for the rescue servicemen to handle. Can you handle them?”
Hanzo nodded, releasing the tension built up between his shoulders. “My family bred Akita Inus for generations, I know what to do.”
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it. You can head back to base, we don’t want anyone here recognising you.” Hanzo held back a biting remark and just nodded again as he pulled his hood up, leaving nothing but the sleepy puppies in his line of sight.
They would need names afterall.
It didn’t take a genius to see how enamored Hanzo became with the new canine additions to his bunk, but most were certainly surprised by how quickly it happened. The agents and researchers at the Ecopoint base knew Hanzo to be aloof, stoic and at best, moody in interactions with others. Yet, when they watched him with the puppies from afar, it was as if he were a completely different person.
He smiled widely when they barked for his attention, gladly gave them ear scratches and belly rubs, and laughed at their childish antics in the bunkers. If the Ecopoint group chat was full of puppy photos, no one complained (or told Hanzo about it).
Hanzo himself made a point to ignore his ‘co-workers’ and focus on the puppies, now named Iwanko (イワンコ), for his insistent barking on the rock ledge, and Hachiko (ハチ公), for her loyalty and diligence to her master. He made them temporary collars from strips of old reflective jackets and took responsibility for their medical care, hiding himself in the medical bay to change bandages and give medication. They slept with him on his top bunk bed, curled up on either side of his head and growling at whoever strayed too close during the nights.
(If Hanzo stopped sleeping with a dagger under his pillow, that was his business alone.)
Being stationed in a highly sensitive research base, Hanzo spent most of his free time training Iwanko and Hachiko to act responsibly. Thankfully their previous owner had the sense to train them with basic commands, which helped ease them into Hanzo’s more intense training regime. From sit, shake, and heel, they learnt to track a scent, retrieve biotic emitters from a backpack, and activate the SOS line on Hanzo’s communicator.
A pair of eager students if he’d ever seen one, though Hachiko was perhaps a touch too zealous in her goal to please Hanzo. She would trip over her own feet in her bursts of energy to get a task done, or even trip him up if he didn’t acknowledge her accomplishments fast enough. Iwanko, while not as energetic, preferred to learn things at his own pace. Quite stubbornly so, if Hanzo had anything to say about it, but once he knew the command, there was no forgetting it.
Some of the agents, when they thought Hanzo couldn’t hear them, would say that the only reason the pups learnt anything was because of their equally stubborn teacher. It was meant as a scathing remark, but Hanzo held his head high and took pride in his relentlessness to teach his new companions. His methods were effective and that was all that mattered to him.
In the midst of it all, time taken up elsewhere and everything else taking a backseat, it honestly surprised Hanzo when he found 3 months had passed before any news from the previous owner’s family came back to them.
“None of the next of kin want them,” Dr. Khalil told him in the conference room, surrounded by other researchers and yet no higher ups. “So our best option is to send them to New Zealand for rehoming.”
“Is that their only option?” Hanzo asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the table. It earned him a room full of stares but he held up against them. He’d faced down worse for less.
“We can’t keep them here, Shimada,” Khalil sighed, shooting him a look of long-suffering and impatience. “They’re not approved to be here, for one thing, and they’re untrained.”
“Then I’ll train them,” Hanzo said without thinking, strengthening his glare on the doctor. “If any of you can get them approved to stay, I’ll train them.”
“To do what, Shimada?” Someone behind him asked. He didn’t dignify them with a glare.
“The Akita are hunting dogs—”
“Exactly, they could harm the ecosystem!”
“—And with training, they could serve as excellent trackers,” Hanzo raised his voice, curling his fists. “I would even go as far as to say that they could outperform your current tracker team.”
This earned him a few murmurs and curious glances, a scoff of disbelief here and there. Hanzo stared Dr. Khalil down, daring them to prove him wrong. He would happily welcome such a challenge, anything to prove himself to these holier-than-thou assholes—
“I’ll forward your proposal to the bosses.” Dr. Khalil cleared their throat, looking Hanzo up and down with a hint of disgust. It bubbled something vile in Hanzo’s stomach. “It’ll be laughed off, but I’ll humour you, Shimada.”
It was better than nothing, Hanzo let out a long breathe and quirked his lips up into a smile that was too sharp, too cunning to be friendly. It cooled the air around them, freezing them down to the bone.
“Give me six months, and they’ll show you otherwise.”
Iwanko’s design:
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Hachiko’s design:
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jellygay · 4 years
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Finished a Sea King McCree for Patreon. Enjoy the preview~
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lochdandloaded · 6 years
From Me To You (Oneshot)
Rating: T Pairing(s): McCree/Hanzo (McHanzo) Warnings/Triggers: Animal death(s), mentions of blood, mild swearing Notes: Mermaid AU, Mermaid!McCree, Human!Hanzo, guess who’s the furry Summary: A misunderstanding between species leads to a surprising show of feelings and opens a certain archer’s eyes to what their unusual connection could mean.
A fic for @kannibal‘s MerCree AU over on Twitter (go check it out for more info and art!!) <3 And some writing practice for me should I ever open writing commissions.
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The penguins had only been the beginning of the madness.
Not long after meeting the mer-creature (merman? Mer-seal? Mer-Flirts-A-Lot?) Jesse, Hanzo had opened the door to his lone outpost cabin and was welcomed by a bleeding, barely alive Adélie penguin. Once he’d swallowed down the panic and grabbed the bird in a towel, he rushed it to the Ecopoint main base and gave it to someone with basic first aid knowledge.
His colleagues questioned him end to end and all he could divulge was that he had no clue about anything (never before had that been more true than it was now). They dropped it soon enough and before long, Hanzo forgot about the incident entirely.
Then he had a very dead, torn up toothfish dumped on his doorstep that left him all the more confused.
(How the fuck had a toothfish gotten out of the northern fisheries?!)
By the time the fifth dead and de-feathered Chinstrap penguin greeted him at his door, Hanzo had enough and stormed out to investigate the source, bow and quiver across his back (should he feel like indulging his trigger finger). The trail of blood led him to the rocky beach where he knew Jesse’s beloved walruses sunned themselves, though this early in the morning it was barren except, speak of the devil…
“If it ain’t the most handsome whaler son t’ step foot on this beach,” Jesse announced from his spot in the shallow waves, fins slapping against the water as he preened and smirked.
Hanzo glared.
“What the hell have you been doing?”
Hanzo crossed his arms as he marched over, holding back a shiver against the harsh coastal breeze and keeping his gaze solely on Jesse’s face, no lower no matter how tempting it was to appreciate the mer’s humanoid half.
He stopped once he was close enough to smack the coral hat off Jesse’s smug head and kept glaring as the mer fumbled to catch it.
“I know it’s you who’s been leaving dead penguins at my cabin, Jesse.” Hanzo scoffed and put his hands on his hips, scowling as Jesse put his hat back on and pushed himself up to eye level.
“Darlin’, I’m just helping—”
Hanzo took a breath and blinked, flushing at how close Jesse leaned in. He pulled back enough to keep the red away from the mer’s inquisitive stare and pulled his hood over his freezing ears, then rubbed his arms quickly. Jesse watched carefully.
“Han, don’t think I ain’t noticed that ya don’t have food at your home,” Jesse started, voice soft enough Hanzo felt it rather than heard it, even with the gap between them. “It ain’t nothing to be ‘shamed of, hell it took Papá years to stop me from expectin’ bucket scraps an’ even longer to get me huntin’ on my own—”
Wait, what?
Hunting? “That’s what this is about?”
“Yeah, darlin’?”
The mer thought he couldn’t hunt? Him - Shimada Hanzo, raised in a family infamous for whaling and killing - couldn’t hunt for himself on this patch of melting ice? That he needed help from someone who wasn’t even human—
Hanzo felt his ire and pride flair as he buried his face into his palm, grinding his teeth and barely resisting the urge to growl at the absurdity of it all. It would be easy, so so easy to snap and never look back, unleash his irritation on someone who…
Who wasn’t human.
What did Jesse know of cafeterias, mess halls, refrigerators, bento boxes and leftovers in tupperware? Sea leopards were solitary creatures  by nature, fending for themselves from a young age with no thought to how any others survived. Sure, Jesse wasn’t the same, but it was enough to give Hanzo pause.
It wasn’t Jesse’s fault, he wasn’t to blame.
A loud squawk brought Hanzo to full attention, glancing over his shoulder. An albatross was hopping across the rocks some distance away, plucking washed up krill and crabs from the sandy gaps.
Jesse peered with him, raising an eyebrow into that mess he dared to call hair, curiosity crinkling the corner of his eyes, dark skin glistening with salt that dried out his mouth at the thought of his taste—
A snap of his wrist brought his bow into grip, arrow loaded and flying before he had a chance to let go of his breathe.
The arrow burst through the bird’s head in silence, pinned to the uneven ground without so much as a twitch in the legs.
Hanzo smirked and looked back at Jesse, pride practically glowing from his very being. The mer was staring wide, pupils blown to hide every trace of brown, hand and claw hung uselessly in midair and his mouth was agape, showing off his sharp teeth. What really caught his eye was the bright blush all over his face, neck, creeping down to his generous chest, highlighting the freckles and faint scars peppered over his skin.
A low chittering slipped past Jesse’s loose lips and he didn’t stop staring, though his tail thumped against the waves and his powerful muscles tightened under the blubber. He was full of rightful fear, awe and something else entirely that Hanzo didn’t recognise on his particular face.
Hanzo cleared his throat and shouldered his bow. Jesse didn’t budge.
“I can hunt perfectly fine myself.” He reached out and pushed the mer’s mouth shut, flicking his bright nose before turning away to fetch his arrow.
The gaze burnt into his back the entire time, even as he left the beach and returned home.
Hanzo didn’t really see Jesse again for a while after the confrontation on the beach. February rolled into March, then April, and the most Hanzo saw of him was a startled jump into the nearest body of water when their eyes met (he thought he’d spotted the mer when the elephant seals came on land to molt, but nothing came of it).
Well, the dead penguins and (possibly) stolen fish at his doorstep had stopped for good.
But Hanzo found himself missing Jesse’s company. As strange and annoying he could be sometimes, his visits brought joy to this new life of Hanzo’s that his colleagues couldn’t compare to. For another species, Jesse was surprisingly easy to get along with, most days.
So of course, the morning Hanzo decided to catch the mer, Jesse came to him instead.
He opened the door to his cabin to find the mer standing too closely to the frame, hands behind his back and face caught in the headlights. Hanzo froze, blinking as he took in the sight. Jesse worked his jaw, no words coming out despite it.   
“Jesse,” Hanzo started, looking around in lieu of having to face those shying browns. “What… are you doing here?”
‘Smooth, Hanzo. Very smooth.’
Jesse cleared his throat and shifted on his fins, looking all for the world like he wanted to be somewhere else. The thought made Hanzo frown and crease his brow; what had changed?
“Hey, darlin’.” He rolled his shoulders, still hiding his hands. Hanzo stayed in his spot. “Sorry I ain’t been ‘round, I’ve been busy an’ didn’t wanna spoil it.”
Hanzo quirked an eyebrow up, narrowing his eyes. “Spoil what?”
Jesse opened his mouth but quickly shut it and straightened up, a smile growing and sparking his eyes. Hanzo watched as he clapped his fins together and held out his arms, presenting a folded up… cloth?
Jesse nudged it into his arms, smirk forming in the quirk of his lips and beard. “Take a look, angelfish.”
Hanzo blinked at the nickname but set it aside for later discussion as he unraveled the fabric in his arms. He held it out in front of him and his jaw went slack at the sight he beheld.
A thick blanket of fur dropped out onto the ground, soft against his fingers, and woven into the outer coat were layers of shining feathers; black to grey to white to orange, blending in seamlessly with each other and the dark fur. Hanzo ran a hand down them, breath hitching at the silky texture and how his fingers sank into them, spreading warmth up his arm.
Hanzo broke away to stare at Jesse, feeling that warmth creep over his face but finding no room to care about it underneath the overwhelming tenderness threatening to make his heart swell out of his chest. He breathed carefully and swallowed.
“You made this…?”
Jesse chuckled and took off his hat to run his hand through his hair, the dry salt catching in the high sunlight and bringing back not-so-innocent thoughts of the mer’s taste. Hanzo didn’t banish it, knowing he was already red enough to be able to deny anything.
(He didn’t want to.)
“I know it’s a couple months late t’ give it to ya, but I still want you to have it, Han.” Jesse shuffled closer, pulling the shawl off the ground to press against Hanzo’s chest. “Try it on.”
Hanzo nodded, adjusted his hold and threw it around his shoulders, wrapping it tightly around himself. A wave of heat enveloped him, even as the April breeze turned his legs to ice, and he let out a long sigh as he closed his eyes. He brought it in closer, digging his hands into the softness and reveling in the rare comfort it brought him.
He smiled at Jesse, only a small thing not as sharp as his usual snark and wit, but it might as well have shined brighter than the sun if Jesse’s wide grin was anything to go by. He chittered again and whistled, making Hanzo laugh quietly.
“Thank you, Jesse. I love it.”
“Really?” Jesse lit up and Hanzo nodded, keeping his chuckles to himself.
He picked up his travel pack and locked his cabin door, watching Jesse all the while as he seemed to bounce and flash his teeth with little care to who saw. Hanzo headed off at a lackadaisical pace, smile still present.
“Walk with me to the docks?”
As they walked, one poised and the other cumbersome, Hanzo’s thoughts drifted off as he allowed himself this joy of being with someone like Jesse. Someone with qualities he hadn’t the courage to name or admit he admired yet.
He should get him a gift as well…
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batkatbrown · 6 years
Random minimercree doodles
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batkatbrown · 6 years
MiniMerMcCree c11 ( aka Beyond the Sea)
Huge shoutout to the anons and  @drizzerey for supporting this chapter <3
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven| Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten
Now on Ao3!
The waves crashed around Hanzo’s boots, sweeping away the scarlet of his latest mission. It had not taken long. He was a professional hunter and the nest of drowners was easily enough to clear. The mix of worries that haunted him was not.
Hanzo reached down and fished in the cold water for his arrowhead. He had collected half of his quiver already but it did not do to waste resources. Fingers going numb, he managed to pull part of an arrow from the thick sands before it was lost forever.
The sea no longer seemed a place of safety and comfort.
Hanzo finished his hunt and left the beach after disposing of the monster’s bodies. The smoke of a cleansing spell rose behind him and trailed away in the afternoon’s breeze. Sunlight glanced off the waves and Hanzo narrowed his eyes as he climbed up the cliff above the coast. Handholds that others would not dare to try, he used with confidence and ease.
There was little he could not climb when he put his mind too it. Even with stiff fingers from the cold, he soon reached the crest. He turned at the top and settled into a seiza facing the water.
Somewhere in the shimmering depths, the secret to Jesse’s curse lay. Small pricks laced the horizon that hinted at little islands and sandbars. The witch could make a breathing potion. He chewed the inside of his cheek as his stomach rolled. He already owed her too much and with terms too vague for his liking.
He could make one himself but it would take time to gather the raw ingredients. He would need to find a proper grimoire to refresh himself on the incantations. His hand fell to one of several small pouches on his belt. The leather was warm from the sun and the magic that hummed through it.
It protected him from the acidic nature of drowner blood in the harvested claws. He would need them if he dared to try to create a spell powerful enough to grant him access to the dark recesses of the sea.
Footsteps far to his right raised Hanzo from his thoughts and he waited patiently till his contact stopped at his side. “I have completed the contract from the Whitehill Village.”
“You certainly have. We cannot thank you enough for your swift help.” The village elder knelt on her knees beside them. Her robe was worn thin but had once been regal. A pattern of waves was faded on the hem.
“You will recover the shipment.”
“Yes. Some will have been ruined by the water but most should be salvageable. We can pay you once the chests are dragged up. Our local divers are eager to get back in the water now that it is safe.”
Hanzo nodded, gaze lingering on the horizon. “This is our arrangement.” He hesitated, weighing what he knew of the woman and the village. “May I ask a question of you. Of a sensitive nature.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her weathered face crinkle with amusement. “We are old enough friends to venture into these waters.” She pulled out a small wax paper bag and offered the contents to him.
He gratefully took a bit of taffy and popped it into his mouth. It gave him an excuse to stall as he chewed and consider his words. Once the sweet was gone, he faced Lydia completely. The sea glass woven into her hair glimmered in the sun.
“Have you ever seen merpeople along this coast?”
“You know I have.” Her laugh was like the spattering of raindrops. “Once upon a time, they were common here. As common as they are anywhere before man colonized the beaches.”
“Do you know where they live in the sea?”
“The only way to find them, is to know someone that has already been there.”
Jesse splashed through the koi pond with a small herd of the golden fish following along. “That’s a good little filly,” He praised a small koi that was trying her best to stay at his side. He rubbed her scales above her eye where he just knew it must itch.
She glupped at him and slide across his side. He affectionately pet her back as she went by and the school rose to investigate a bug with unfortunate timing. He was proud of them. It had only taken a few hours and the rest of the food Hanzo had set out to get them to behave.
They weren’t dolphins or sharks, that was for sure, but he was glad to have a bit of familiarity. Would his little Bessie remember him if he ever made it home? He fought off a wave of sadness at thoughts of his life among the vibrant ocean hunting and fighting and chasing adventure at every turn.
That’s what got me into this mess, he sighed in a flurry of bubbles and sent the school of koi on their way. He would work more with them later if he got the chance. He just hoped he didn’t end up eating them all if the curse struck before Hanzo got home.
He swam from one end of the pond to the other, an eye on the sun the whole time. The fading rays turned the water orange and his heart began to thunder.
It didn’t last long as the back gate squeaked and Jesse darted over to look. “Hanzo, darlin!” Jesse waved excitedly to see Hanzo stepping through. He raised a hand and waved back and a smile rose to scrunch his cheeks. It was more beautiful than the sunset over the ocean on its best day.
“I have some good news.” Hanzo trotted over, instrument case bouncing slightly on his back. “Let us talk over dinner.”
“I’d love that, got a might bit of hunger going.” Jesse swam to the edge closest to Hanzo and didn’t resist when he was scooped up. He wriggled his rump into the middle of his palm and slung his good arm around Hanzo’s thumb. “What are we gonna eat for dinner?”
“Have you tired of salmon already?” Hanzo chuckled and cupped the merman tight to his chest. Jesse took the time to rub himself against the little vee of skin that peeked out beneath his shirt. It was warm and soft and he planted little kisses against it. It tasted like the sea, salt and brine and something spicy from what he had eaten for lunch.
“I was thinking maybe something with pasta?” Jesse licked his lips. “I used t’come on shore all the time t’get a big bowl of noodles.”
“Wouldn’t lie to you, sweetheart.” Jesse blinked to adjust his eyes as they passed into the darkness of the house. Hanzo quickly turned the lights on and carried him through the house to the kitchen. Jesse pointed to the sink next to the stove. “I can swim there while you cook. I like t’see you working your magic.”
“Very well.” Hanzo filled the sink with lukewarm water and Jesse was happy to dive in. He splashed and wriggled to clean the pond water off. A few scales fluttered off and fell to the bottom of the sink. He frowned at them and absence scratched the patches on his shoulders. The shifting had strained his body and he’d be shedding for a while.
It poked at the vain streak that had been growing since living with Hanzo. He fusted with his hair as he rose above the surface and crossed his arms on the ledge. He rested his chin on it and studied Hanzo.
“I will make ramen tonight. If it is agreeable.”
“Ramen? I think I had something like that once. When i was roaming around Japan as a young buck.” He sniffed excitedly at the onions, garlic and spices Hanzo set out on the counter. “Oooh, can you put an egg in mine? I remember the eggs. Big pretty golden yolks.”
“I will put an egg in yours.” Hanzo chuckled and leaned down. His beautiful brown eyes crinkled in the corners and Jesse lifted himself higher from the water. “It will be as big as your head at least.”
“You’re making me drool,” Jesse waggled his eyebrows and cast his eyes over the hunter. Strong, sturdy shoulders shook with his laugh and a fingertip was pressed to Jesse’s chest. He leaned down to kiss the top and added a nibble for good measure in case Hanzo couldn’t feel it.
“It is a good thing you are so small. Or your fangs would be quite painful.” Hanzo teased with a flash of a smile as he started adding things to the pots on the stove.
“Oh darlin’,” Jesse preened, flashing his tail in slow undulating movements. “They can feel mighty nice, or so i’m told.”
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