#Mera Baline
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I recently went on a binge of drawing all of my SWTOR Era OC’s for the first time in like 3 years!
In order it’s
Yvette Costel- Human Smuggler
Isabel Alaraan- Human Jedi Master
Mera Baline- Miraluka Jedi Consular
Selin’Ebrul’Abegian (Neb)- Chiss Imperial Agent
Aurena Ty’Zel- Half Sith, Sith Warrior
Yenndahlia Vixlaz- Mirialan Sith Inquisitor
Vyli’i Herlianaada- Twi’lek Bounty Hunter
Khalani Artuuma- Mirialan Republic Trooper
Aara Lok- Mandalorian Bounty Hunter
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444names · 13 days
Names generated from The Witcher locations, theological demons and antique weapons
Abeen Abravan Abrune Acord Adres Aeddor Aediusken Aedmar Aellocas Agerius Aggen Aggenam Aggia Alaninti Aldhornin Alegomerd Allan Allon Alphus Alvacer Alvonias Amalar Ambel Ammer Ancer Ancim Andeiera Andhan Angdal Anggen Angstaff Antrog Anzon Ardim Aritridow Armer Armerax Arraje Arrel Asard Asman Aspear Aspeax Aspere Asperi Astaffi Astemo Astil Asurept Attleydan Azwarel...
Badron Baecht Bakeel Bakkum Balaim Balam Balan Balarras Bales Balet Balia Balilio Balin Balistaff Balphu Balthun Balvon Baphempos Bapith Baraki Barme Barming Barrasak Basago Basmon Basmontis Bassio Basure Basurg Basya Batarre Behakit Belimord Beling Beliss Belloma Berele Bifram Blaacz Blana Boada Bodeir Boder Boomern Borchon Bowie Brabno Bremus Breus Breuske Breutard Breyda Breyder Bridaga Bruth Burave Burgenti Burne Burtill Buskennos Caielest Calarive Calear Cales Callius Canda Cande Cangre Canian Canse Canzono Carah Carbel Carch Carmay Carow Carscyth Casih Casiteld Casurff Charrach Chavapon Chene Cheus Chforym Chomard Cidann Cifere Cimithe Cintin Claii Clavistar Corninki Creknif Crezan Criasa Crident Crilf Critif Cross Cusihaki Dagion Dagort Dammles Dandra Dareus Darra Darune Dempul Derhal Dordai Draagon Draivel Druge Druis Drune Dudnon Duneblin Dzoadd Dzoar Dâren Eieden Eireka Eldenn Ellavy Ellong Eshus Estemya Estlain Estoce Faletucim Falian Fancim Faryff Firephard Firteblu Flaagrax Flaberg Fladaggen Flaies Flaive Flakim Flamtan Flana Flandreis Flaraje Flarpos Flaum Fochon Foran Forda Fordicon Fuggeoram Gaagakvel Gaanda Gakeele Gaken Gakene Gamdus Ganchane Garche Garth Gheus Ghosim Glaast Glaber Glaphim Glass Glaumber Glayotis Glefar Glethith Glyolac Glyordaje Grace Greydaer Gristleán Guach Gualam Guart Guayet Guaymon Guloning Gulsurge Gusak Gynvath Haborn Habyzou Hamam Handcall Hantucz Havretum Holer Holete Houla Ipeal Jealas Kabrosion Kachakeng Kalis Kalpham Kavilf Keriaur Kersh Kervee Kitandre Kitin Klucer Kobasti Kumbehas Lanowie Ledma Lerreydan Lesit Letum Leyden Linge Linne Liong Listh Lites Liurigo Locang Lomard Ludgeraka Lyritemy Lyrivitch Machos Maech Maechard Maelzept Malar Malber Males Malilf Mallayon Mallou Mallysen Malvo Mamtar Manseisad Marbadya Marbapit Marcana Mardst Maremius Maros Marphor Marraield Marrand Marsti Mattlen Mayeqon Merani Meras Molak Montre Moriginge Morun Muigi Muinki Murff Murista Novnyaken Ongdaggi Ongspel Orcaagar Ordsta Orogg Oxethya Oxeto Oxeza Paimorne Paini Palha Paraxetia Paros Pealamare Pentis Phereng Pieka Piken Pitreyda Poces Posagoros Posalin Progge Rakku Rammog Ranzou Rassbow Rastarda Rastritzi Ravac Raviari Raxasit Raxassad Redbrun Redmas Remamace Ringehael Rivebubue Riviass Roces Rompos Rozroad Ruall Ruaymog Sabyzou Sadre Samang Sammont Saroc Saroseus Schorn Scima Scyth Scything Semongfor Semonoth Shelergat Shishe Shmarbas Shomer Shure Shysene Sihelai Slemonth Sleon Slits Smalvacz Songer Sovnyal Sparela Spengspen Spera Speribow Speris Staffi Stygge Sword Swory Tegaag Tegaarn Teging Thius Thurabort Thusyall Trihe Triverd Trivikim Trongge Trontrong Ukaber Ukobace Unife Upperetog Vachfor Vadord Vaniasya Vanovnyak Vapul Varbeth Vatar Veburd Vedbrax Vediurta Vellairta Velloun Vengfoc Vialay Vishaka Volai Vollors Wanon Wantraxe Warcub Warogord Warscife Weistars Whiborcal Whimorg Whion Winge Xetter Xezberg Yetech Zanniaull Zingswor Zurahan Zurge Zuroske Zurveel
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goldrun · 4 years
Built on glass
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A/N: I drabble no one asked for? You got it! Spreading some Dwalin love. Also, there’s gonna be a part two, since that’s the only way for me to keep on writing.
Taglist: @nerdbirdsworld​ @daydreamer-in-training​ @dreams-of-wander​ @bluemirkwood​
Pairing: Dwalin x Reader
Word count: 1807
Warnings: Mentions of sex
Dwalin was known as the grumpy and gruff dwarf but, beside everything he was a true fighter. He fought many battles and the scars were still visible. He may looked tough, but every warrior has a soft spot. Living in the Blue Mountains, he found himself in the forges everyday. Working hard and breaking many a sweat. Dwalin was a lonely dwarf who never wed. Not that he never wanted a wife, he just thought it wasn’t something for him. He could never picture himself with a wife and children. He was alone and he was content with it. Something Balin could never understand. But there were times Dwalin had needs as well. 
Tonight Dwalin stood in front of a brothel. Someplace he’d always promised himself to never turn to, but tonight he did. He despised himself for it. It was located in a dark alley, a secluded place far from town. In front of the entrance hung a thick red velvet curtain. He looked nervously around him, praying he wouldn’t see someone familiar. Two sparsely dressed dwarrowdams walked past by him closely, as they heard them whisper something to each other, words he wished he’d heard. The two women disappeared into another alley. Dwalin looked up to the sky, it was a full moon and the air was cold. He was attempting to sort his thoughts, but he couldn’t. He took a deep breath as he stepped towards the red curtain and pulled it away. 
He stepped into a small room, with in the back a wooden counter. There were dwarrows everywhere he could look. The usually tough and burly dwarf never felt smaller and more insecure than in this very moment.
An older dwarrow welcomed him. “Goodnight master! How may I help you?” She asked politely. 
“I-I’d like a room please.” He answered nervously. Was he really doing this? 
She looked questionable as she furrowed her eyebrows. “Very well! Tonight is not very busy, so we have enough girls to assist you.” She smiled. “Is there anyone of your liking?” 
Dwalin took a quick look around. Sure they were all beautiful but none of them really caught his eye. And then his gaze landed on you. You wore a blue robe, made of a see through linen and left almost nothing to his imagination. You made him think of a warm breeze on a summer evening or a red wine with with hints of peaches and plums. 
“Her.” He said without breaking eye contact with you. “Marvelously!” She said joyful. “Y/N will you take it from here?” 
You nodded and without saying a word you walked up the dark wooden stairs as Dwalin followed you. Walking past by three other doors you reached yours. You didn’t even had a key. When you opened the door you let Dwalin in first, you followed after. Your room was small, and only contained a bed, a couch, a wooden chair and a small cabinet for your belongings, which weren’t many. 
He sat down on the end of the bed while you stood in front of him. “What’s your name?” You asked sudden and you looked into his eyes. You heard the fire crackling in the fireplace behind you. “Dwalin.” He answered shortly as if he wanted to keep it a secret. “Well, I’m Y/N.” He hadn’t shown any reaction. “Is this your first time here?” You wondered when you turned your head sideways a little. He nodded. “Do I need to explain how this works?” You said as you stepped closer to him. Your hand reached for the buckle that kept your robe together but then you felt a large hand on your upper arm. “Don’t.” Dwalin enjoined. “I’ll pay you so you’ll be not getting in trouble.”
“W-why? Am I not what you expected?” You startled and took a step back.
“No no you are. It’s just…” He paused. “It doesn’t feel right.” He said and took a glance at you.
You felt relieved, not understanding why. You’ve done this many times. You put on your grey robe, which covered most of your body now. Dwalin sat down on the old couch and you sat down on a dark brown chair at the opposite of him.
“I have heard about you. You’re well known in the Blue Mountains.” You acknowledged. 
Dwalin chuckled softly, it sounded more like a grumble. “Positive things I hope?”
“Yes, about your battles. How many you’ve won.” You turned your face to him. “But I never expected to meet you in a place like this.”
“Me neither.” He chortled. “What about you?” He questioned.
“I have worked here ever since I was young. I really don’t know anything better than this.”
“Was it your own choice?” He questioned. You shook your head while staring at the wall.
“The lady downstairs, I assume she’s your boss. Does she treat you well?”
“She is, and she does, in her own way.” You shrugged and lied. Dwalin nodded.
“I have a ten-year* old daughter, her name is Mera.” You revealed. “I really don’t want to let her grow up in this wretched place. I hope one day we can escape this. I’m saving every coin I can.” You looked down while fiddling with the fabric of your robe.
Dwalin sighed, his heart was swelled with sympathy. He couldn’t believe he was going to ask this. “Would you like to move into my house?” He asked, glaring at you. 
“Do you really mean that? I’m not sure if I can accept such an offer.” You said surprised. Dwalin nodded. If any other man would’ve asked you this you would’ve definitely said no, you could already guess their intentions. But something about him felt…reliable.
“This is no place for a child to grow up.” He paused. “My house, it’s not big, but it’s decent.” You didn’t know what to say. “You can find a job in town and find your own place for you and your daughter when you’re able to.” He continued, sharing a glance. You could even see a twinkle in his eye.
“I don’t want to seem like as if I’m taking advantage of you.” You said. “I would love to come with you, but aren’t you afraid of what people are going to say?” 
“Couldn’t care less about what the folks may think.” 
You smiled. “Alright, I’ll just go grab my stuff.” You walked towards the drawer as you pulled out a large bag and started to gather your most important stuff. The last thing you packed was a stuffed animal, a rabbit, for Mera. 
“I’ll go fetch Mera.” You said. She was with your friend, Bronn, on the top floor, where the living space was located. “Yes, just take your time.” Dwalin said. 
You walked out of your room, heading towards the stairs and then Bronn’s room when you knocked on the door. “Amad!!” You heard a high pitched voice scream. The door flew open. “Sanûrzud!” You said lovingly as you picked her up, her little arms around you neck. “Shouldn’t you be asleep my dear?” You asked curiously. “No Bronn let me stay up!” You smiled at the chemistry they had.  “No I didn’t! She just didn’t want to sleep!” Bronn chimed in as you laughter followed. 
But then your face turned serious. “Bronn I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" She said when she sat down on her bed. Her long brown hair fell in waves over her shoulders. You sat down next to her with Mera on your lap who quietly snuggled into you.
"We're going to leave tonight." You paused shortly. "Permanently."
Bronn needed to process it all. "Where are you going?"
"I had a client tonight. We didn't do anything, he even gave me money so i wouldn't get in trouble. And he offered me to go with him." You told her.
"I understand, I would've done the same. You want the best for Mera." Bronn acknowledged. 
Tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm going to miss you two girls so much!" She said, hugging the both of you. “We’re going to miss you too!” You said as you embraced her. “We will meet again, I’m sure.” Bronn nodded, almost crying. 
You stood up while carrying Mera on one arm, she fit in perfectly. Bronn walked you towards the door and embraced you once more. “Take care.” She said at last.
While walking down the stairs and towards your room, you felt a relieve. None of these rooms you will ever see again. 
“We’re ready.” You said while standing on the sill and Dwalin rose  from the chair and smiled when he noticed Mera in your arms, who couldn’t fight the battle of sleep. “So this is Mera.” He said, looking delighted, mimicking your expression. You chuckled. “Yes, this is my little ball of sunshine.” His gaze softened. 
You looked around your room, as if you we’re saying goodbye.
“I’ll take your bag.” He said, when he picked it up from your bed.
“You ready?” Dwalin asked. You nodded slowly as your gaze turned to his. 
Miss Vogur, your boss, looked up disapproving when she saw you walking towards her counter. “And where do you think you’re going?” She never took a liking of you, and when you became pregnant she treated you even worse. No matter how hard you tried to be nice to her, she always found something on you to pick on. “I’m leaving for a better life.”
“A better life.” She almost choked on her words. “You should be thankful to me for taking care of you all these years you ungrateful girl.” Miss Vogur said with a mocking voice. It made you shudder. 
“You were born a whore and you will always be a whore!” She spit the words in your face as you took a step back, in shock. 
“That’s enough!” Dwalin chimed in and stood in front of you protectively. “You’re nothing!” Miss Vogur was the last thing she managed to say when Dwalin led you towards the exit of the building. The sudden quietness and the cold air outside immediately calmed  you down. “What a wretched woman.” He said. “Trust me, I’ve met women worse than her.” You answered with a glance.
You looked down at Mera, who managed to sleep throughout the entire argument. This was really for the best. For the both of you.
“This way.” Dwalin said and gestured towards an alley. You let out a soft sigh as you walked next to him.
This was your way to a new life.
Sanûrzud – perfect (true/pure) sun
*5 years old in human years
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alixlestrange · 6 years
Ao3 Feed The hobbit (Middle Earth)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tSshhs
by MerlinOfTheShire
Fili survives the battle. However, without feeling in his legs and his uncle and brother by his side, will he still be able to rule? Or will his grief for all he has lost destroy him? Do all agree with his claim to the throne?
Words: 3449, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: The Hobbit Ensemble, Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Fíli, Kíli, OC - Character, Gandalf, Thranduil, Dís, Tauriel, Dwalin, Ori - Character, Óin, Nori, Dori, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Glóin, Dúnedain of the North, Bard, Legolas, Glorfindel (Tolkien)
Relationships: Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Original Character/Fili, Bilbo & Thorin, Bard & Thranduil, Fíli & Kíli, Bard the Bowman/Thranduil
Additional Tags: The Hobbit - Freeform, Post-Battle of Five Armies, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Fíli Lives, Implied Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Meras, Barduil - Freeform, Recovery, Angst, Heavy Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Comfort/Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fili is King, Assanation Attempt, Erebor Reclaimed, Rebuilding Erebor, Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Brothers, Fili has PTSD, PTSD, Nightmares, Loss, Physical Disability, Supernatural Elements, loyal friends, Injury Recovery, Major Character Injury, Permanent Injury, Injury, Family Drama, Drama, Romance, Angst and Humor, I got really sad when i wrote this, dont worry, its not all sad, Happy Ending?, On Hiatus, Hiding Emotion
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tSshhs
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lusgarbe · 7 years
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Khuzdul - la Lengua Secreta de los Enanos El Silmarillion cuenta que tan pronto como Aulë el vala creó a los Siete Padres de los Enanos «empezó a instruir a los enanos en la lengua que había inventado para ellos». Su propio nombre para su idioma era khuzdûl, que evidentemente sólo significa ‘lengua’. Los enanos se llamaban a si mismos khazâd (el singular podría ser khuzd). Se lee también que «de acuerdo con sus leyendas, su creador, Aulë, creó su lengua para ellos y se la enseñó a los Siete Padres antes de que se durmieran hasta que el tiempo de su despertar llegase». Aunque bien conservado, raramente aprendieron khuzdul otros que no fueran los enanos mismos. Según las antiguas leyendas en Valinor, Aulë había enseñado a Fëanor el idioma que había creado para los Enanos. En la Tierra Media, los elfos no estaban interesados particularmente en el khuzdul, y no pensaban muy bien de esta lengua; y dice el capítulo 10 de El Silmarillion que "no alcanzaban a entender una palabra de la lengua de los Naugrim (Enanos), que les sonaba engorrosa y desagradable, y pocos eran los Eldar que lograron dominarla". Incluso cuando alguien quería aprender khuzdul, los Enanos mismos se mostraban reacios a enseñarlo. Su propio idioma era "un secreto que no revelaban de buen grado ni siquiera a los amigos" (El Señor de los Anillos, Apéndice F). Una teoría es que sentían que el khuzdul pertenecía exclusivamente a su raza, y que el resto no tenía ningún derecho a entenderlo. Cuando querían comunicarse con el resto de las razas, normalmente para traficar, ellos preferían aprender los idiomas de los demás que enseñar el suyo, incluso si la otra parte tenía la voluntad para aprenderlo. Sólo dos o tres veces en las largas edades de la Tierra Media los Enanos enseñaron su idioma a gente de una raza extraña. En la Primera Edad, cuando la Casa de Hador llegó a Beleriand del este y conoció a los Barbiluengos, una amistad especial surgió entre las dos razas porque estos Hombres, al ser hábiles jinetes, podían ofrecer a los Enanos alguna protección contra los orcos. Luego los Enanos estaban dispuestos a enseñar su idioma a los Hombres con los que tenían una especial amistad, pero los Hombres lo encontraron difícil y eran lentos en aprender algo más que palabras aisladas, muchas de las cuales adaptaron y tomaron en su propio idioma. No obstante, parece que el khuzdul influyó incluso en la estructura básica del adunaico. El interés élfico en el khuzdul fue escaso en la Primera Edad, pero había al menos una excepción: Curufin estaba más interesado en el extraño idioma de los Enanos, siendo el único de los Noldor en ganar su amistad. Fue gracias a él que los sabios obtuvieron tanto conocimiento como pudieron acerca del khuzdul. Al menos una palabra khuzdul se introdujo en el sindarin: kheled "cristal", que aparece en el élfico gris como heledh. La palabra khuzdul khazâd, "Enanos", fue adaptada al quenya como casar, "Enano", y al sindarin como hadhod (la raza Enana es llamada Hadhodrim). A la inversa, los Enanos parecen haber tomado prestado una palabra del sindarin: kibik, "plata", que debe ser relacionada con la palabra del élfico gris celeb. Mucho tiempo después, en la Segunda Edad, los Enanos permitieron de mala gana a unos pocos elfos aprender khuzdul puramente en interés de la ciencia. El Apéndice F del ESDLA dice que "sus propios nombres secretos e "interiores", sus verdaderos nombres, los Enanos no los han revelado nunca a nadie de otra raza. No los inscriben ni siquiera sobre sus tumbas." Por lo que los nombres Balin y Fundin, que aparecen en un contexto khuzdul en la inscripción sobre la tumba de Balin, no son khuzdul en sí mismos. Son nombres Humanos, meras sustituciones de los nombres de Balin y su padre Fundin usados cuando gente no Enana estaba presente. Sin embargo los Enanos no sentían que era impropio revelar los nombres de lugares. Gimli por propia iniciativa contó a la Compañía cómo llamaban los Enanos a las montañas sobre la misma Moria: "Las conozco y sé como se llaman, pues debajo de ellas está Khazad-dûm, la Mina del Enano... Más allá se encuentra Barazimbar, el Cuerno Rojo... y aún más allá el Cuerno de Plata y el Monte Nuboso:... que nosotros llamamos Zirak-Zigil y Bundushathûr." (ESDLA/II, cp. 5) Los Enanos no se ofendían necesariamente si otros conocían unos pocos nombres de sitios khuzdul. Cuando Gimli llegó a Lothlórien, Galadriel le dijo: "Oscuras son las aguas del Kheled-zâram y frías son las fuentes del Kibil-nâla y hermosas eran las salas de columnas de Khazad-dûm en los Días Antiguos antes que los reyes poderosos cayeran bajo la piedra." Así que Gimli percibió el uso de los antiguos nombres khuzdul como un gesto de amistad. La estructura básica del khuzdul se parece a la de las lenguas semíticas, como el árabe o el hebreo. Las raíces de las que las palabras se derivan no son en sí mismas palabras pronunciables, porque consisten únicamente en consonantes. Los nombres, verbos, adjetivos, etc. no se derivan únicamente por medio de prefijos y de sufijos, sino también insertando ciertas vocales entre esas consonantes, o incluso algunas veces doblando una de las consonantes. A menudo las palabras son declinadas mediante cambios vocálicos internos en lugar de añadir afijos: Rukhs significa "Orco", pero el plural "Orcos" es rakhâs. Extraído de las enciclopedias de Tolkien
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Noche de sábado por la fiebre
Siempre sobrado el tiempo de pensar los avatares de la vida enroscado entre las sábanas de otra mañana que empieza quién sabe cómo. Finos hilos de luz entran por la patética persiana de plástico que no termina de cerrar, no me deja estar solo, a oscuras. ¿Por qué levantarme y para qué hacerlo? ¿A dónde quiero llegar? ¿Quiero llegar? Ahí viene, otra vez la sensación de haber dormido como el culo.
Casi ni abrí los ojos, porque no tengo ganas, porque ya sé todo lo del alrededor. Claridad de la persiana reflejada en la pared de enfrente, arriba de donde está el montículo de andrajos sucios tirados en el suelo. Porque sea nuevo o viejo, se usa y se tira como andrajo. Ahí, justo ahí. Es cuestión de mantener la sintonía de un caos que no perturba, que mantiene vivo de alguna forma patéticamente conformista. Mi mundo y mis reglas, déjenme ser egoísta al menos en mi cuarto. Otra torre cuenta vergonzosa historietas de ropa interior revuelta, con remeras arrugadas y alguna media agujereada sin jubilar; ¿hace mucho que no le doy atención a cómo vestir, no? Igual ahora, me chupa un huevo. Es apocalíptico levantarme pensando en todo todos los días, bajar cualquiera de los dos pies, para no caer en la boludez de arrancar con el pie izquierdo, y llenarme la planta de tierra por no haber barrido la noche anterior.
Ja! Qué locura anoche. Siempre va a ser más seductora que el día, sería problematizar algo obvio. Cuantas más cosas descubro de la noche, más excitante se pone, y nos seduce, a mí me calienta. No iba a barrer de noche, sería una estupidez, quisiera creer que nadie barre de noche. Si el día es un as de claridad en la inmensa oscuridad del bla bla de tantos poetas de la maravillosa vida y las fantásticas aventuras que obsecuentes aclaman solo para sentirse un poquito algo. ¿Para qué vamos a limpiar los rastros del día anterior si no es para olvidar? Algo hipócrita.
El tránsito momentáneo y particular, que lógico, no se traza con una sola mano sino en manada, me encuentra en este quilombo. En lo que soy y voy siendo y creo que voy siendo. Distinto a antes y parecido a después, porque vivimos soñando en ser lo que lograremos y nos olvidamos que ayer soñamos lo que somos hoy. La música como lenguaje familiarizante de universos adversos. Encuentra escritorios de oficina privada en un último piso de microcentro con y tablones de sótano, repletos de papeles borrador manchados con whisky barato e impregnados de olor a marihuana. Un infeliz magnate sobrado de merca y carente de afectos o una pistola a balines rota en la mano de un pibe villero al que le canta su madre.
Reitero el concepto con el riesgo de perder la profundidad e intentando eludir el dramatismo. Así vivo. Vericuetos de palabras y sonidos. Olores a encierro que dan nostalgia de lo inmediatamente anterior. Qué reviente hermoso anoche, me parece que hoy no me voy a levantar o tal vez escriba algo, o tal vez lea, o tal vez nada. En fin, creo que me causa gracia aparentar que somos segures cuando vivimos suponiendo, si hasta suponemos que en las matemáticas pi es igual a trescomacatorceunocinconuevedossesentaycincotrescientoscincuentaynueve y nos manejamos por meras aproximaciones. 
Iba a escribir algo totalmente distinto y mi seguridad me falló, parece que pi nunca es igual pero que el día va a arrancar igual de podrido que ayer, aunque después se me pasa. Debe ser que la reflexión nocturna y el momento egoísta se acercan. Ja! Qué bueno. Qué linda la música. El día, qué risa.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 6 years
A King's Last Legs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tSshhs
by MerlinOfTheShire
Fili survives the battle. However, without feeling in his legs and his uncle and brother by his side, will he still be able to rule? Or will his grief for all he has lost destroy him? Do all agree with his claim to the throne?
Words: 3449, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: The Hobbit Ensemble, Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Fíli, Kíli, OC - Character, Gandalf, Thranduil, Dís, Tauriel, Dwalin, Ori - Character, Óin, Nori, Dori, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Glóin, Dúnedain of the North, Bard, Legolas, Glorfindel (Tolkien)
Relationships: Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Original Character/Fili, Bilbo & Thorin, Bard & Thranduil, Fíli & Kíli, Bard the Bowman/Thranduil
Additional Tags: The Hobbit - Freeform, Post-Battle of Five Armies, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Fíli Lives, Implied Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Meras, Barduil - Freeform, Recovery, Angst, Heavy Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Comfort/Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fili is King, Assanation Attempt, Erebor Reclaimed, Rebuilding Erebor, Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Brothers, Fili has PTSD, PTSD, Nightmares, Loss, Physical Disability, Supernatural Elements, loyal friends, Injury Recovery, Major Character Injury, Permanent Injury, Injury, Family Drama, Drama, Romance, Angst and Humor, I got really sad when i wrote this, dont worry, its not all sad, Happy Ending?, On Hiatus, Hiding Emotion
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tSshhs
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 6 years
A King's Last Legs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tSshhs
by MerlinOfTheShire
Fili survives the battle. However, without feeling in his legs and his uncle and brother by his side, will he still be able to rule? Or will his grief for all he has lost destroy him? Do all agree with his claim to the throne?
Words: 3449, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: The Hobbit Ensemble, Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Fíli, Kíli, OC - Character, Gandalf, Thranduil, Dís, Tauriel, Dwalin, Ori - Character, Óin, Nori, Dori, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Glóin, Dúnedain of the North, Bard, Legolas, Glorfindel (Tolkien)
Relationships: Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Original Character/Fili, Bilbo & Thorin, Bard & Thranduil, Fíli & Kíli, Bard the Bowman/Thranduil
Additional Tags: The Hobbit - Freeform, Post-Battle of Five Armies, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Fíli Lives, Implied Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Meras, Barduil - Freeform, Recovery, Angst, Heavy Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Comfort/Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fili is King, Assanation Attempt, Erebor Reclaimed, Rebuilding Erebor, Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Brothers, Fili has PTSD, PTSD, Nightmares, Loss, Physical Disability, Supernatural Elements, loyal friends, Injury Recovery, Major Character Injury, Permanent Injury, Injury, Family Drama, Drama, Romance, Angst and Humor, I got really sad when i wrote this, dont worry, its not all sad, Happy Ending?, On Hiatus, Hiding Emotion
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tSshhs
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ao3feed-barduil · 6 years
A King's Last Legs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tSshhs
by MerlinOfTheShire
Fili survives the battle. However, without feeling in his legs and his uncle and brother by his side, will he still be able to rule? Or will his grief for all he has lost destroy him? Do all agree with his claim to the throne?
Words: 3449, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: The Hobbit Ensemble, Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Fíli, Kíli, OC - Character, Gandalf, Thranduil, Dís, Tauriel, Dwalin, Ori - Character, Óin, Nori, Dori, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Glóin, Dúnedain of the North, Bard, Legolas, Glorfindel (Tolkien)
Relationships: Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Original Character/Fili, Bilbo & Thorin, Bard & Thranduil, Fíli & Kíli, Bard the Bowman/Thranduil
Additional Tags: The Hobbit - Freeform, Post-Battle of Five Armies, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Fíli Lives, Implied Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Meras, Barduil - Freeform, Recovery, Angst, Heavy Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Comfort/Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fili is King, Assanation Attempt, Erebor Reclaimed, Rebuilding Erebor, Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Brothers, Fili has PTSD, PTSD, Nightmares, Loss, Physical Disability, Supernatural Elements, loyal friends, Injury Recovery, Major Character Injury, Permanent Injury, Injury, Family Drama, Drama, Romance, Angst and Humor, I got really sad when i wrote this, dont worry, its not all sad, Happy Ending?, On Hiatus, Hiding Emotion
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tSshhs
0 notes
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People seemed to really like Vy, so I thought I would post all of the things that i’ve done of my SWTOR OCs, these have been in my folder for awhile, so i figured that i would share them:D I’m gonna put their info under a read more. 
In order we’ve got
Aurena Ty’zel- Human Sith Warrior- 25- Dromund Kaas
Yenndahlia Vixlaz- Mirialan Sith Inquisitor- 23- Mirial
Vyli’i Herliaanada- Twi’Lek Bounty Hunter *Not the bounty hunter from the storyline*-19- Ryloth
Yvette Costell- Human Smuggler- 31- Corellia
Selin’ebrul’avaegian “Neb” - Chiss Imperial Agent- 16- Csilla
Mera Baline- Miralukan Jedi Consular- 25- Alphreidies
Isabel Alaraan- Human Jedi Knight- 23- Alderaan
Fun Facts: Yvette saved Vy from slavery and sent her to an old friend to teach her to be a bounty hunter, and Vy eventually joins her crew after she can’t bring herself to take Yvette due to the longstanding bounty on Yvette’s head by a hutt, and the reason she has that bounty is bc she took off with the hutts ship bc she found out the ‘secret cargo’ she was transporting was Vy and other slaves, which is the only thing she was vehemently against.
Mera came into the Jedi order later than most, because she was taught in the ways of the force by the Miraluka then left to join the jedi, but she didn’t know much about lightsabers and so Isabel, a prodigy with all things jedi, specifically with lightsabers, helped Mera learn most of what she knows about using a saber. Also Mera has a kyber crystal in the center of her necklace, it was given to her by her little sister.
Isabel was taken to the jedi temple when she was only two months old and raised by the jedi, because they were concerned that since she made such a resounding pull in the force that a jedi could sense her from atmo, that the sith would try and get to her before the jedi would normally claim her.
Aurena actually abandons the ways of the dark side of the force during KOTFE and is probably closer to being considered a grey jedi even though she would never use such a term. Aurena also has an older brother who was disowned by her family bc he became a jedi. Also Aurena’s father is a Sith like race sith not force sith, but he’s not a pureblood and his genes are so diluted hes more human than sith, but that’s why Aurena’s skin is supposed to be more red than others (my color balancing screwed it up really) and it totally wasn’t bc i screwed up coloring one day and decided to roll with it;)
Yenn’s mother was actually a Jedi and was captured and executed by the empire, and then Yenn, her dad and her older sister were sold into slavery.
Yvette’s mother was a pilot and her dad was a pilot/mechanic in CorSec and Yvette was already a pilot and an incredibly skilled mechanic by the time she was 14, Her dad was well respected and managed to get Yvette into CorSec when she was 14 only to be allowed to fix the fighters and other vehicles, Her mom and dad were eventually captured in an imperial raid and they were executed live on holo, Yvette was then given to her drunk abusive aunt for a guardian, which she eventually ran away from and then started on the path to becoming the smuggler she is now.
Ya’ll should ask me about these guys sometime bc i love them so much it hurts my soul, I have more Oc’s and gasp some of them are dudes, but these are the ones i’ve had laying around for awhile.
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