guarded-battalion · 4 years
Sits in ur lap, gently touches your face, very casually nibbles ur ear. ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ " You're mine now. I've caught you. "
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     A pleased hum reverberated through his body as Fox shifted slightly to draw her closer to him. Her breath was warm against his ear, her voice as melodic as ever as her distinct accent danced from her lips and graced his ears for the first time this very long day. 
    His head did quirk slightly at her words and his eyebrows raised in mock surprise as his forehead wrinkled slightly. “You mean I was a free man until just this very moment? How could I have allowed myself to fall into a trap so easily?” He pulled her closer still, feeling the warmth of her body radiate against his own. “But if this is to be my fate, I suppose I have no choice but to acquiesce.” 
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Over the past few days (ETA 9/26: this post was written September 2, 2017), a year long, passive aggressive dispute I’ve been involved with has come to a head. This dispute, which has originated in the Star Wars roleplay community here on Tumblr, has been with someone I’m referring to as Vik, the name I believe she’s going by.
What follows is, yes, a callout post, but one that, in my feeling, has been previously explicitly invited by the other party. At this time, as Vik has indicated that she is closing down most of her roleplay blogs, I’m posting this to give a better overview of the dispute as I have personally experienced it and in an attempt to head off at the pass accusations that Vik was treated overly harshly this week.
It is, primarily, a document of the entire history of the dispute as it seems to me from where I am standing. I feel it disingenuous for Vik to characterize the dispute as solely over her not accepting a headcanon into her own interpretation. For me, I've settled into an animosity with Vik due to her bigoted patterns of behavior over the past year, and any attempt to recently adopt LGBT headcanons for certain characters or dress up her statements in pseudo-progressive language cannot adequately mask that.
ETA 9/26: with the newest iteration of Vik’s blog, probably worth noting that she has read this post and she does not refute any of the accusations I put forward. Though, it is equally worth noting that the page in which she notes this is written in a somewhat tongue in cheek manner, interpret as you will (trackaflitnat, webcitation)
Who is involved?
Well, there’s a lot of people involved, if you define involved as referenced or addressed at any point during the feud. But, the major players are:
Myself, Gena. I blog from ordowennen (formerly cassiansfuzzyjacket), roleplay from nullclass, and maintain an aesthetic blog at knifeedgekindofman.
Vik, also referred to by others as Merlia. Runs a plethora of blogs, but the following are the relevant: roleplay blogs merliaseidon and nullarc6 (which was located at null-6 until August 30, personal blog andriktheunsmiling (now deactivated, later moved to rc-6666), and finnessential. On September 26, 2017, she started her Kom’rk blog again at trackaflitnat. New personal as of April 2018 at sharkbitch. Here is a list of her blogs, as provided by herself.
Izzy, who blogs from izzovercoffee and roleplayed from tapcaftogo. Izzy is one of the parties with whom Vik disagrees, and I believe that Vik addresses many of her vagueblogging to Izzy in addition to myself. For the purposes of this post, and because I can only speak to myself, I will refer to most vagueblogging in reference to only myself.
What is the dispute?
For me, my animosity towards Vik comes out of her bigotry, and I’ve observed behavior that I’ve felt to be racist, transphobic, and misogynistic or that I’ve felt to be implicitly supporting such bigotry.
Vik recently characterized the dispute (original version of August 30 post), as over headcanon interpretations of Kom’rk, in which she feels that myself and others are upset that she does not wish to incorporate our headcanon of a non-cis Kom’rk into her own interpretation and she feels that posts about such headcanons should not be put into the “#Kom’rk Skirata” tag. She also felt that the headcanon was done to make Kom’rk “a punching bag” and felt that the headcanon was more regressive than progressive (archived version of her August 30 regs page).
Previously, her characterization of the dispute, in my understanding, was a difference in interpretation over Etain and Kal. I view Kal as an emotionally abusive father and believe that Etain was subjected to emotional manipulation and coercion; Vik views Kal as a flawed character but not abusive and believes that Etain is an active player in a storyline where she selfishly gets pregnant and manipulates her lover.
Where each of us stand on the differences in character interpretation is somewhat better detailed in a later section “On my vagueblogging”
How did this start?
When Vik came to resent my interpretation of Kal and Etain, I cannot answer. However, I can say that the bad blood between us began on June 4, 2016. Vik and myself were both in a Skype group chat for a while by then. On June 4, 2016, I asked the chat if they had any suggestions for nonwhite actors because I was fancasting Republic Commando. I emphasized that I “aggressively” interpret every human character in the novels as nonwhite. Another member of the chat, whom I will refer to as S—, accused myself and the others of being racist toward white people. This person had a history of trolling in the chat, but despite our efforts to ignore them, the situation escalated. After this person was initially called out for their racist behavior, Vik left the chat.
The Skype logs are located here, from the beginning of the conversation to Vik’s departure.
Though the following situation in the chat did not strictly involve Vik, Vik continued to support and even enable S— long after June 4, and the situation in the chat very much framed how myself and Izzy reacted to Vik. The situation escalated to open aggression after Vik’s departure, and S— became very angry that myself, Izzy, and a third person continued to discuss nonwhite people, particularly Fo Porter, and booted us from the chat saying we needed a timeout. S— readded us to the chat, but Izzy and myself left shortly after.
The Skype logs for that portion, from Vik’s departure to Izzy and my departures, are posted here.
Immediately after, I learned that Vik had blocked me and made a small statement discussed in the next section. In response to S—’s reaction, and to the general silence it was met with from others in the chat (that, or dismissal of it as petty drama), Izzy made a post regarding this incident generally addressing the response from the group, which Izzy (and myself) generally felt to be implicitly supporting the actions of an aggressive racist (S—) through their silence and refusal to cut ties with them.
At some point, Vik added to her Kom’rk guidelines page referencing this schism (nullarc6, webcitation dated to April 2, webcitation dated to August 26). I added a similar section to my own rules page on April 2 (nullclass). Izzy added a similar section to their own rules page as well (tapcaftogo).
On bigotry
She dismissed this dispute, in the name that having such a debate was ruining other people’s fun (merliaseidon-archived, webcitation):‘#sorry guys but i come on tumblr to have fun.#[x0x0:// ooc]’ I generally find it unsavory the recurring implication in fandom that people need to keep their mouth shut and avoid causing so-called drama by calling out racism when they see it, and I find it unsavory here. Many of us are instructed to suffer bigotry aimed at our identities in silence so as to not ruin the fun of others, but our own fun and our own desire to have fun in a space that isn’t bigoted is not allowed to exist.
Twice afterward, she brings up the whiteness of both Karen Traviss, writer of Republic Commando, and George Lucas as a sort of trump card against any criticism, explicitly as a response to headcanons: in April 2017 (nullarc6, webcitation) and in August 2017 (nullarc6, webcitation). This is especially insidious as myself and Izzy, both the ones she has much of the dispute with, are persons of color. This aggressive reiteration that the creators of a piece of media are white as a response to headcanons are difficult to interpret in any way other than a forceful attempt to make fans of color feel unwelcome. Please note, the Skype dispute was over fancasting the humans of Republic Commando as nonwhite.
Generally, Vik gives the impression of one who feels upset or threatened at the idea that people who are nonwhite, queer, or both exist in her space and mocked their desire to feel represented in media she enjoys.
In August 2017, (nullarc6, webcitation), in response to headcanons that Kom’rk was not cis, not straight, and presents in a traditionally hyper-feminine manner, a headcanon held mostly by queer fans, she stated: “It must be a sad world you live in when your only out is to come up with increasingly non-viable HC in order to warp a character to your own wants in the name of ‘representation’.” She also said of people searching to see themselves represented through these headacanons: “What’s worse is that you make these HC’s that literally transforms the character into even less of a person, it’s not representation it is a sad take on a background character that turns them into a hollow shell to appeal to your kinks and fetishization. These choices you’re making aren’t realistic, you’ve literally reduced the character down to their sexuality and gender and nothing else.”
This is a sentiment she’s expressed at least once before, in April 2017 (nullarc6, webcitation), saying that this headcanon was a “over the top gay trans Kom’rk”. This aggressive response to this headcanon is difficult for me to interpret in any way other than she believes queer people have no right to headcanon characters to search for representation of themselves.
She stated this twice more: once in a post in August 30 (webcitation, current version of the post retracts much of this) and again in an August 30 update to her regs page (webcitation, current version retracts much of this). I don’t intend to unpack here the argument that Kom’rk as not cishet is being used as a punching bag (we’ve written about Kom’rk well beyond a relationship with Kal and beyond Kal’s discontent with this identity), as a promiscuous stereotype (none of us have written anything about Kom’rks sexual activity), or inconsistencies in what we interpret Kom’rk gender identity to be (Izzy, myself, and other adoptees of this headcanons have different interpretations). What is important here, for me, is that despite this pseudo-progressive language, it is the latest in a long line of attacking the headcanon on its face and an unwillingness to understand how queer identity works. At any rate, sgtbossman ha already written a good post addressing some of the issues with the recent posts Vik has made.
On Vik’s personal attacks
I might’ve made some unsavory comments about Vik’s ability to interpret material, please see the end of this post “On my vagueblogging”, but at the very least, I kept all comments to the realm of fandom, and I never made personal attacks on the basis of her personal life. Vik, on the other hand, made a personal attack on the basis of my personal life and the personal lives of others. This, I believe, is most damning in this dispute. And, despite Vik’s statement that she’s only ever commented on what crossed her dash (webcitation), these personal attacks based on information that can’t have possibly crossed her dash speak otherwise.
She made comments regarding my hope to work in the film industry in February 2017 (andriktheunsmiling-deactivated,webcitation); I began film school only after the Skype dispute and began my second semester of film school in January 2017. She seems to have made a personal attack on Rev, thesummerstorms, in April 2017 (merliaseidon,webcitation); Rev was student teaching at the time and was hoping to begin teaching full-time. She made a personal attack on the traumas and difficult paternal relationships myself and those associated with me have had in July 2017 (nullarc6,webcitation), saying that our criticism of Kal and“dismantling [of] his general character” comes entirely from“daddy issues”.
In August 2017 (nullarc6, webcitation), she also accused myself and those she has a dispute with of having“alienated, abused, and bullied other people in the fandom that didn’t bend to their will” and of expecting others in the fandom to“to bend to [our] will and follow along like a good little sheep with everything [we] say”. This is a hefty accusation. I’m not at all sure what behavior Vik is characterizing as alienating, abusive, and bullying. Is it our arguing against the claims of reverse racism when creating an entirely nonwhite fancast? Is it our vocal belief that Kal is abusive and manipulative and our vocal belief that Etain is put through intense misogyny in both canon and fandom? Is it that we would rather not form close online relationships with people who fundamentally disagree on these two interpretations that mean greatly to us? Is it that we argued with one of her friends about his statement that “all clone troopers are immune to PTSD” because of our belief that it played into the dehumanizing belief that nonwhite men do not feel pain or stress? She has not clarified, so I do not know.
On trolling
The first post Vik created while roleplaying as Kom’rk was on June 6, 2016 (nullarchived June 2016 archive, webcitation), two days after the events in the Skype logs in the previous section. She continues to maintain a Kom’rk roleplay to this day. Her having a Kom’rk roleplay blog is something I have no issue with, and in any other context, this would be a silly and irrelevant detail. However, Vik created her Kom’rk blog for the purposes to trying to prove at point to myself and others due to the fact that we have differences in interpretation.
She has explicitly stated this in November 2016 (nullarc6, webcitation):‘#Why the fuck do you think this account exists. #Not because I have a particular interest in playing a clone at the time. #but because he doesn't belong to you and as such can be interpreted however I damn well please #and your headcanon is just that headcanon #[Rainbow fuck you between hands.] #L O L O L O L O L. #AHAHAHAHAHAA #Control Room [OOC]’
She also made two statements framing her holding of the null-6 and komrk-skirata URLs acts as its own trump card, once in April 2017 (now at nullarc6, webcitation) and once in August 2017 (nullarc6, webcitation). On April 15, 2017 (same link), she seems to have believed this gave her better leave to spam the“#Kom’rk Skirata” tag, especially in response to variative posting about a headcanon that Kom’rk does not identify as male (variative). Please note that by April 18, 2017, there was only one post in the tag at the time mentioning Kom’rk as trans or non-straight: archive.is,wayback.
Here, I admit, on April 17, I posted two quotes from the novels featuring Kom’rk into the‘#Kom’rk Skirata’ tag in response to her threat to spam the tag: one quote, second quote.
Vik did later attempt to spam the tag from her komrk-skirata blog, on April 18, posting six tags from the novels involving Kom’rk (komrk-skirata, webcitation). The attempt was unsuccessful. To this date, none of those posts from komrk-skirata appear in the tags: link to #Kom’rk Skirata, link to #Komrk Skirata, link to #Null 6.
She later again openly stated that she was indeed writing Kom’rk for the pure purposes of making people angry (August 30 webcitation of her regs).
On hypocrisy
In November 2016 (andriktheunsmiling-deactivated, webcitation), she decried that my experiences affected how I read and viewed Republic Commando and its characters, saying that I was “butthurt about my life experiences”, believing that “people interpreting fictional characters different is an attack on my person”, and putting “gold stars on the ‘world is evil and out to get me’ report for the week”. In February 2017 (andriktheunsmiling-deactivated, webcitation), she criticized me for allegedly not understanding that“people will read or view media in different ways because our perception and understanding of things is tied to life experiences.” In July 2017 (nullarc6, webcitation), she belittled the extremely difficult at best, traumatic at worst paternal relationships of those she is in disagreement with, decrying them because she felt their perception and understanding of Kal is too much tied to life experiences. She accuses me of refusing to allow that she interprets Kal differently because her life experience is different from mine, and yet when I interpret Kal different because my life experience is different from hers, it’s something worthy of ridicule and it’s unfairly clouding my judgment of Kal.
In November 2016 (andriktheunsmiling-deactivated, webcitation), she insists on her right to tag her blog and her headcanons as she pleases, but in July 2017 (nullarc6, webcitation), she mocks others when they see it fit to tag their own headcanons about Kom’rk with“#Kom’rk Skirata”. Note: osik means shit in the constructed language Mando’a, spoken in Republic Commando by many characters including Kal and Kom’rk.
Her general antagonism toward a queer Kom’rk headcanon makes her sudden adoption of a(n inconsistently worded) queer Mereel headcanon feel disingenuous (nullarc6, webcitation, nullarc6 second post, webcitation second post).
On my vagueblogging
Since I’m not above vagueblogging and often I’ve even openly stated that I was vagueblogging, I’ve made about twenty posts in which I’ve vagueblogged at Vik or vagueblogged directly in response to Vik’s vagueblogging. It’s condemnable that I’ve engaged in a long vagueblogged dispute—though Vik herself seems to have no issue with vagueblogging as a concept, to quote her, “You don’t get to pissy about the vague blogging though, we all do it. Sometimes we get salty and make questionable blogging choices, that is why we all have our own blogs.” (webcitation)—however, I tend to believe that the manner in which she and I have conducted ourselves while engaging in that behavior is quite different. Additionally, this record generally illustrates our stances in this dispute.
Most of these posts are truncated and leave out tags that include more comments directed at one another, the quotes are for identification:
November 5, 2016: “I’m not about people spewing misogynistic crap at Etain...” in response to Vik’s November 5, 2016 post: “...[Etain] is a self centered child who took away Darman’s choice. Left him to accept the fall out of her personal decisions...” (nullarc6, archive.is) Vik later apparently made three posts in response to mine: “IT’S MY BLOG AND I’LL TAG HOW I WANT TOO TAG HOW I WANT TO TAAGGGG...” (andrikthesunsmiling-deactivated, webcitation) and “I’m not going to argue about it because arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall...” (merliaseidon, webcitation) and “Nuh uh. You gotta change ur blog to fit muh opinion...” (merliaseidon, webcitation). Yes, I’m accusing her of sending the anon to herself on the basis of this post on finnessential (webcitation) being apparently referenced two week later on nullarc6 (webcitation). (Update, April 2018: Still convinced she sent these anons to herself, as I now have proof she consistently sends anons to herself. Too lazy right now to upload such.)
January 11, 2016:“Listen, I understand. Kal is a flawed guy, and characters should be flawed...” referencing Vik’s November 13, 2016 post: “Kal Skirata. Has flaws.Things that make him human. Imperfect...” (andriktheunsmiling-deactivated, webcitation)
February 28, 2017:“Male Character: *fucks up 100 times* Fans: “No one is perfect...” reblogged in reference to Vik’s interpretations of Kal and Etain.
March 30, 2017:“Talk about misconceptions about Kom'rk?” posted in response to several posts Vik made to state my own differing interpretation and headcanons of material.
April 17, 2017: posted two quotes—first quote, second quote—into the‘#Kom’rk Skirata’ tag in response to Vik’s April 15, 2017 post:“Keep posting ur osik in the tag. It’s funny.#I still own the URL. B) and I can very easily spam it” (nullarc6, webcitation)
May 19, 2017:“Kal’s tendency to assume the worst of strangers and outsiders” referencing the same as the January 11 post.
June 17, 2017:““Kal wouldn’t give a shit about how his children identify or present!”...” referencing Vik’s April 15, 2017 post: “#Because I'm not your over the top stereotype gay trans Kom'rk and I never will be. #And Kal wouldn't give a shit.”(nullarc6, webcitation)
June 20, 2017:““Kal is flawed! Like characters are supposed to be!”...” referencing the same as the January 11 post.
June 28, 2017: “It’s always funny people think I hate on Kal because he’s a white dude. Like, where did I say that...” in response to Vik’s June 27, 2017 post: “Yes I would- so long as you don’t play him as a horrible monstrous strait white man who single handily ruined the entire galaxy...” (nullarc6, webcitation)
July 6, 2017: “Nobody goes “poor Etain” purely because she’s a female character. Like, that’s absurd...” (please see this reblog where I stated ‘ #Lmao and also the original post was actually a vagueblog at a very specific person #In response to a long-running vagueblogged disagreement about Etain’) in response to Vik’s July 6, 2017 post: “A CHARACTER BEING FEMALE DOES NOT EXCUSE HER SHITTY BEHAVIOR. HER VAG/INA DOES NOT GRANT HER A FREE PASS TO DO WHATEVER SHE WANTS.” (merliaseidon, webcitation)
July 6, 2017: “Gotta love it when people say “you hate Kal because daddy issues”...” and “Frankly, I feel like if your response to your fave getting harsh criticism is...” in response to Vik’s July 6, 2017 post: “Listen folks, Kal Skirata may not be a saint but he deserves better than you dismantling his general character so you can apply all your daddy troubles to him.” (nullarc6, webcitation)
August 6, 2017: “To say that Etain knowingly got pregnant during the war entirely ignores the whole back half of the quote...” in response to Vik’s August 4, 2017 post: “Oh, For the love of- stop trying to make Etain into a saint by saying she had no choice and Kal controlled everything...” (finnessential, webcitation)
August 14, 2017: “Frankly, the only thing stopping me from making a lengthy comment on…” and “Funny how a character who is assumed cis male in the source material being headcanoned as trans...” in response to Vik’s August 13, 2017 post: “It must be a sad world you live in when your only out is to come up with increasingly non-viable HC in order to warp a character to your own wants” (nullarc6, webcitation)
August 23, 2017: “Anyway, Ordo, once he starts on the dawning realization he isn’t actually straight but bi...” in response to Vik’s August 24, 2017 post: “...Ur hc is hc and it will never be actual canon. xoxoxo...” (nullarc6, webcitation)
August 26, 2017:“If the best argument you have to defend your racism, misogyny, and transphobia...” in response to Vik’s August 24, 2017 post: “I think it’s time to put up the friendly reminder that...” (nullarc6, webcitation)
August 30, 2017: “In narrative development, we talk a lot about how people can tell when you’re being disingenuous...” and “Also, well, what? Are we supposed to handwave past transphobia...” in response to the original version of Vik’s August 30, 2017 post “As of this moment I will not accept anything except the fact that Mereel Skirata is transgender...” (webcitation) and in response to a August 30, 2017 change to her . Vik later updated the post to remove much of its content (nullarc6, webcitation).
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sgtbossman · 7 years
Hi Merlia. You probably don’t remember me but honestly, that’s cool. I wrote Boss, Sev, and a Rex way back when. I had good times and made good friends there.
But that’s not the point. I’m here to talk about you. Truth be told, Izzy isn’t the only one who is aware of your doings and is questioning them hard. I think you need a bit of a wake-up call. Izzy is a strong person and is more than capable of defending themselves and it’s not often I do these kinds of posts but this situation has really gotten to me. Perhaps as a fellow white person, you’d hear me out.
First off, “transphobi(a/c)” is not a “scary buzz word and a reddit meme”. It’s an actual thing. Take a long, hard look at yourself.
It’s nice that you admit that you created Kom’rk out of spite, out of anger, to make people mad. If you have a different take and have a desire to make a character, by all means, go for it! But to create a blog specifically to piss people off because you have an extremely petty anger over a headcanon is absolute trolling. You should be old enough by now to understand this but I’m going to lay it out: trolling is a waste of time. I’m not sure what kick you get out of it but I’m 100% sure your efforts could be put to better use elsewhere.
Now then, since you brought “canon” up, let’s discuss this and headcanons.
I’m not well versed in the transgender Kom’rk headcanons, I admit. Or Kom’rk in general. I tend to focus on Delta Squad and even then, I’ve been preoccupied with life situations as of late where I’ve fallen behind on the material. But this headcanon has loads of documentation and justification behind it, not all of which is public, I’m confident. Skype, Discord, Google Docs. These private places exist and are often where people develop material for headcanons and the stories behind them.
To say that this was made because people wanted to make Kom’rk a “trans character punching bag” is completely baseless at the very least. The existing material was picked apart and taken into consideration to this, that much I absolutely guarantee you.
However, let’s bring up the Mereel post you did recently. Because damn, you don’t have even a general understanding of what transgender means, do you? But before we address that…
Even more, Mereel Skirata is one of Kal’s golden boys which means if there was any Null that Kal would be genuinely livid at the lack of embracing and display of traditional Mandalorian Masculinity, as Kal views it- of course. It would be Mereel.
I’m going to call you out for making Mereel the subject of this headcanon because you’re targeting Izzy, the person who writes Mereel and most frequently talks about him on Tumblr. You’re reducing him to this alleged punching bag that you say Kom’rk is when in reality how and why you chose to present these headcanons about Mereel compared to how numerous other people have developed headcanons about Kom'rk are not even close to the same.
As a cis person, you need to carefully think about how you make non-conforming, nonbinary, or transgender headcanons. You don’t make them on a whim as a quick response to being called out for being transphobic which is what this Mereel headcanon feels like. You make them because they feel proper for the character. Well, that response combined with pettiness because you don’t like the person who is portraying them.
Being non-conforming is not the same as being nonbinary. Being nonbinary is not the same as being transgender.
Transgender people identify as transgender because they don’t identify as their assigned gender at birth. Not merely because they are discarding norms.
Perhaps most importantly, being transgender cannot and should not be equated to those individuals rebelling against their parents, the society they live in, or to make people mad over this idea of traditional masculinity/femininity standards in society.
As someone who has a close friend who, while having so many resources available, has struggled with coming to terms of their identity over years and are still struggling with it, on top of their personal relationships that have been affected or destroyed (family, friends)? This is insulting and you should be ashamed of this post. If there’s any bit of your content that points to you being “trans-phobic” (again, it’s transphobic), it’s this post.
Yes, your post is dealing with Star Wars but it has a very real basis in the real world and that should be taken into account.
Then you mention Tumblr URLs and tags. Nobody cares that you have The URL™. (See? Faux trademarks aren’t just yours to use. And it doesn’t make your argument cute.) Truly, it’s not this badge of honor that you should wear. What should matter is the content and the person behind it which, honestly, is lacking significantly. To say that people shouldn’t post their headcanons in character tags that do absolutely no harm to either the character or actual people is ridiculous.
Throwing a headcanon in a tag helps push an idea into the general public’s sight, allowing people who maybe have briefly thought about it but didn’t think of an extreme amount of detail into it, perhaps thinking it wasn’t feasible, is absolutely allowed and should be encouraged! This is how the fandom interacts, grows, and finds commonalities that people can enjoy and possibly even relate to. I admit that I get annoyed at certain headcanons or posts in character tags (not limited to Star Wars) but I just move on. To shame people for throwing headcanons that don’t harm the character, people, or are morally reprehensible into a publicly accessible tag is disgraceful.
I’m not sure how often you frequent other tags for characters but people post their headcanons all the time. This alleged ownership of the tag just because you have the URL is honestly amusing. I had the URL “garazeb” for a good amount of time for my personal and people posting actual “Garazeb Orellios” content under it filled the tag. I was never vocal, never told people to get out of the tag. You live with the fact that since you chose a name for a tag, you get the tag filled with it. If you don’t like it, move on from your URL. However, you clearly don’t want to do that so you’ll have to live with it. Or come up with a separate tag to track. These are easy things to accomplish.
Now then, I want to finish with the racial aspect. Oh yes, there’s a race aspect.
Bringing up that Star Wars is owned by George Lucas (which hasn’t been true since 2012), a white man, and the Republic Commando series of books was written by Karen Traviss, a white woman, does nothing to help you. In fact, it should hurt to write that. By bringing this up, you’re strongly hinting that Star Wars is content for white people and white people only. Star Wars is for everyone, including people whose experiences don’t mirror yours or the general white person’s experience in life.
Making a statement about Lucas and Traviss being white, which you see as passive because you are white, is alienating to people of color and threatening to say that people of color don’t belong in the fandom. If you don’t see this, please take a step back and examine it. There is a bit of unconscious racism whenever it’s brought up and it is hard to overcome that, believe me. I check myself constantly and I will do that until I die because the unconscious racism is something ingrained in me because of society.
(In a passing note, I want to say that you throwing your arguments out with “U wanna meme shame me” and “???????” included while everybody else is providing decent arguments doesn’t help your case.)
So please, take a step back. This is a lot to take in and think about, I understand. Realize that you don’t have the moral high ground on this. Realize that maybe you should stop playing the victim here and understand that people have different experiences than you.
I can’t tag you in anything it seems (probably blocking via proximity to my friends) so I hope you’ve been able to read this. I hope you take this to consideration and take it to heart. Be better than this.
P.S., indirectly attacking people’s backgrounds and belittling them because of it is something you should also stop doing. Look into it.
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alphaoneseven · 7 years
I was worried you know, on that long deployment and not even a single comm! (˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ )❤ I'm glad your safe, though.
--Alpha didn't turn towards the voice. Partly because he didn't need to have a visual to acknowledge the identity of who was talking; that voice had rang in his ears on his hardest days during this deployment, keeping him pushing and reminding himself of the citizens his sacrifices were protecting. If he was being honest, it was that voice...that woman...who gave him a personal stake in this war. Not that he should be thinking that way. His purpose in life was chosen for him, even before he was created. He was made to be a soldier, not a lover.Another reason Alpha refused to turn was that is would be physically uncomfortable. He wasn't sure if there was a part of his body that didn't ache. It had been a physically grueling past few months. Though, his face remained stoic as he sat on his bunk."Communications were limited. Nothing to report on." His words were gruff, though not intentionally uncaring. Just straight to the fact. Turning his head, just a fraction of an inch, Alpha caught sight of her. A rush of unfamiliar emotions hit him, but he shoved that aside for now. He'll process them later."Here for a customs check?" Alpha had acknowledged her flirtatious and affectionate tone, but as usual, hadn't determined their purpose. Merlia was a conundrum to him.
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kyberled · 7 years
replied to your
estrellarosada replied to your post: ...
This poor child’s Master has failed him terribly.
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(offended gasp) How dare.
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hammeroftheguard · 7 years
@merliaseidon What do you think the odds are that Nini forgot she doesn’t like me?
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hiranishala · 7 years
👀 " B a b e."
[Turns bright purple, pausing in eating the offered popsicle, before glancing down at it. The shape means…. Uh oh. Hirani sticks it bakc in her mouth and FLEES.]
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bvcara · 7 years
merliaseidon replied to your photo “Wowee happy late birthday to me.”
:O Gree's one of the nice ones too. His details are G8, and I mean his armor is pretty spiffy to begin with. I feel like the ones with faces are more quality. Even if I hate his hairstyle.
He’s sooo nice. There was definitely a lot of thought and detail put into it, even down to the very small things that most people wouldn’t notice. I’m not sure how she came across him, based on her dislike of computers and her hate for buying things online, but she did and I’m still sobbing about it. There’s gotta be some weird secret she’s not telling me I just know it.
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guarded-battalion · 7 years
“ Well, he wouldn’t be the Thorn we know and love if he wasn’t sticking his fingers in as many pies as he possibly can.”
She is more awake but still sleepy enough to yawn widely again, watches him climb into bed and waits until he settles beside her. Reaching out a hand to lightly scratch her nails from the faint stubble that is the start of his hairline and down the curve of his scalp until the pillow he rests on impedes it, repeats the action as she mulls over her choice of words. I’m used to it, by now. It is not an easy habit for you to break.
            “ The usual circus that is customs, you know, we had a system glitch and my afternoon was mostly occupied by me having to manually send customs files out for important shipments until the filing codes could be reset and recompiled. Boring, really.”
Then home, cook for her and Nereidea, an-
                         “ There was leftovers in the nanowave for you. Did you eat?”
“The amount of pies he has been sticking his fingers in has increased exponentially.”
As always, her touch was incredibly soothing. Judging by how warm she was, she was most likely in bed for an hour or two. He felt his usual pang of regret for not being here. He usually wasn’t home this late, but he knew how much time he was losing out with his wife and daughter. He hated it.
Fox laid on top of the sheets with one hand by his side and the other reaching across his stomach to rest on her side. His free hand came up and rubbed at his eyes as he shook his head. “Stone’s... partner? Came by with some food for everyone working on the independent investigation into the senate.”
He breathed in deeply and sighed through is nose. “I am going to transfer Stone in as the lead for this case by tomorrow. I will be home, and will make dinner for you both. If that is agreeable.”
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alphaoneseven · 7 years
No~ I was on office duty today. (˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ )❤ I just heard some chatter through my usual channels and decided to come investigate myself. Are you redeploying? Or can I steal you away for a tasty treat, hmmm?
--As if to betray him, Alpha's stomach growled loudly. He could hardly deny his need for sustenance at this point. "I am not redeploying. Yet." He stated as he unfolded his sore frame from the bunk he was seated. He approached her, his eyes flicking between her and the door, and unspoken acceptance of her offer.
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kyberled · 7 years
replied to your
merliaseidon replied to your post: ...
Flair for the dramatic, I see. Tut tut.
Tumblr media
“Forgive me for enjoying myself.”
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hammeroftheguard · 7 years
@merliaseidon said - She's still mad at me about going into the military as a teenager. She does not forget, e v e r.
Hmm. Does she actually like anyone? Anything? Or is it just Fox and me?
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hiranishala · 7 years
Hands u a p o p s I c l e. ;'}
Hirani blinked in surprise, not entirely sure of what is happening, but having a high core temperature and holding a frozen treat means it’s already starting to melt and run down her fingers, so she quickly pops it into her mouth to suck it clean and then licks her fingers.
“What is this for?”
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bvcara · 7 years
Yeah. I have Wolffe and Ganch! Sooo nice. I find the head ones are my favorite but they also seem to be the latter models, which means they've benefited from the tweaks from fan feedback. The prices are climbing like crazy now that TCW isn't the era anymore though and it sucks.
The last time I priced these guys back around Christmas (because I was gonna treat myself) the only Gree I could find was 1700 dollars, it’s still sitting where it was, because I don’t think anyone’s willing to pay that just yet. I’d love Wolffe, but the last one I saw available was right up there with Gree at 700 hundred dollars.
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