#com chatter;
chaoticly-shy-dragon · 3 months
The two creatures in my ears are arguing: in the end neither wins.
Should I write a 5+1 fic where Edwin and Charles swap surnames and nobody comments on it (and one time someone did) or the angsty fic where Charles is dragged to Hell alongside Edwin in episode 6 sans the notebook or his bag?
Highlights of both are:
• reversal to form of death due to distress
• inter- and codependency galore - Edwin will try to use magic from memory to different levels of success, Charles will fistfight a doll (or a thousand): neither can think straight (in more way than one) without the other safely tucked away by their side
• old married couple on acid (yes even in hell)
• Niko and Crystal will feature as deus ex machinas on earth that will never reach hell - in different ways for the two fics tho
• Charles being just as good of a detective as Edwin - also being two cm shorter than him
• their dance parties aka the intro. I will figure out a way for Edwin to dance like that. I will
• the idea that haunts me: part of Edwin's disdain for the Cat King's shtick is that he was more than once caught in Lust - the only times he was glad the babydoll demon caught him when he did - touch aversion due to even more trauma - I like traumatizing my characters
• Charles and Edwin regularly go on walks and trips around the country - festivals, events, landmarks - I definitely have to look up so many British things
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mylittleredgirl · 5 months
i work in a library & today someone checked out a season of MASH. thought of u fondly. ah yes, someone i follow on tumblr loves that show. did not say this out loud but they were very excited to get their dvds. hope u have a lovely day 💕
yay!!!! i'm so happy for that mystery person!
"my friend is really into that show."
"really? how nice. what's your friend's name?"
"....... something, probably???"
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agendratum · 9 months
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she's home and she's beautiful!!
now i just need to wait for the second book to come out so i can actually get a svsss book i haven't read yet (yes, having two first svsss books at home was not, in fact, a part of my plan when i originally bought the seven seas edition two years ago)
it's such a good green color. and soft touch. and the pages are nice. and aaaaah
i will definitely read it, even tho i read the first book already, to get the feel for the translation, the names and everything, idk if i will be able to but i'll try to wait for the second book to at least be announced, so i won't have to wait too much to read the next part after i finish the first one. again.
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captainschaos · 8 months
what if I started a hermitcraft/trafficlife rp blog. or several. what then
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aeolianblues · 3 months
sitting and watching Wimbledon today and 1. enjoying Djokovic getting somewhat thrashed 2. no no no oh no first Carlos O'Connell now Carlos Alcaraz I cannot now be having a thing for Spanish boys
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epilvgue · 4 months
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- For some reason he couldn't quite pin down, Vash's heart was racing as he read the notice from the papers. The news report. It crumpled between his fingers as he looked at the words. Legato… had died? Impaled. Electrocuted. And some guy who could manipulate electricity? No wonder the power had gone out in part of the city for a time the other day.
Then his mind wandered.
Oh no.
He should go check on Knives - the thought flickered through his mind. Even if Legato could come back (as strange as that was), who knew how his brother would process what had happened. What he might do in retaliation if he saw it fitting -
Just as Vash set down the paper and headed towards the door, he froze. A familiar, almost electric sensation coursed through his body and thrummed under his skin, itching where he couldn't scratch. It worked its way to the surface. Blue eyes snapped downward. Glowing white lines raced over his skin, seemingly splitting it apart, glowing white protrusions beginning to form until they unfurled into feathers. One cheek had several protruding and curling outward from his skin, several small ones forming over his marksman glasses. They sprouted from the arm of his coat, his power manipulating the material itself. The feathers sprung up over his leather glove, forming at his fingertips.
Oddly jagged feather tips fluttered and wavered with his movements, curling in a prehensile manner.
Panic seeped in, overriding everything (including another strange sensation from deep within, the recovery of something else)… but then he managed to center himself. Blue eyes hardened. No. He couldn't do this now. Both of them possibly breaking down would do no good for the world.
A shaking hand grabbed the door handle and he flung it open, racing out of Villa 204 and to the new home Legato, Knives, and Badou inhabited. Feathers continued to sprout as his emotions ran nearly wild. He'd just run as fast as he could. He didn't think he had it in him to try and concentrate on forming real wings.
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dottcre · 2 years
one of my biggest icks in a fic is the writer not specifying the pronouns used in the fic 😭 id be happily reading a fic when i get hit with the “she” and “girl” and i just die a little bit
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academicgangster · 11 months
would you mind elaborating on using a spoon in a mug with coffee for orientation purposes, bc i cannot wrap my head around what that means. I usually take the spoon out bc it gets in the way of me drinking warm beverage.
I thought about it for a minute, and it's actually less for orientation purposes and more kind of an adaptation for stability. I keep the spoon on the same side as the mug handle, holding the mug handle with my fingers and keeping the spoon in position with my thumb, so it gives me a better grip for better control on the whole thing. More stability! Fewer spills!
Also I keep the spoon in there because I use honey as a sweetener, which tends to settle if left for a while, so I need to re-stir if I've set my coffee aside for a bit. This wasn't always the case, though. I kept the spoon in even years ago, when I used sugar.
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baeshijima · 2 years
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spandexinspace · 1 year
The Legion seems to have the most intricate web of nicknames that must be near impenetrable to outsiders.
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silentgrim · 2 years
dw if u follow me i’ll draw ur sim
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spookykestrel · 8 months
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agendratum · 9 months
stop structuring your inner thoughts in a tumblr text post acceptable format 2024 challenge
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lunetual · 1 year
u guys i would like u to know that yejun is so tall and effortlessly cool and also so cute,, and max and i both told him candle is one of our favorite songs and he was like 😯 really? thank youuuu!!!! additionally i would like u guys to know that romin has the sweetest energy and was like !!! u watched angel baby?? when i told him he did so so well with it,, as if i didn’t loop it for two hours straight earlier this week !!! and also he was so surprised when he realized we’d been conversing in korean !! and he held my hand and it was cute !!! he was so cute :((((((
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sunliv · 8 months
i think im going crazy...
the white light of the training room has started turning yellow...
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epilvgue · 10 months
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」 - He feels like something very bad is about to happen. Like two people who should not meet, have met. He's off to investigate this disturbance in the force.
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