#Meryna Zodius
monstersofsilence · 7 years
Breaking point
It has been a day or two since Meryna tried her best to get Merlee's mind somewhere else than what she's been thinking the past couple of weeks or so. The alternate may not understand love at all, but the way Merlee has been feeling lately, she feels heartbroken. Walking to Merlee's hive, she was surprised to hearing loud music and random strangers coming in and out of the hive. "Oh shit..." Meryna whispered to herself.
Quickly floating inside, she was greeted with people dancing in the living room, some having odd mutations which led her believe that they ransacked Merlee's alchemy room with all of her potions. The one question on her mind was where Merlee is all of this chaos in her own home. This is unlike Merlee. She doesn't know anyone else and has a hard time trusting anyone with what's been going on in her life.
Making her way through the crowd, she was then greeted by someone as she bumped into them. "Crap, sorry there- what the shit?! Rowyna?!" The red blood screamed as the person she bumped into looked like Rowyna, but then the troll changed into her normal form, casually waving. "Hello there! My name is Hexina Linali. My apologies that you thought I was someone else." The troll said with a bright smile.
"How... how are you able to change into someone else?" Meryna asked.
"Oh! I am a cyborg~ I have been given certain augmentations that allows me to change into someone if I scan their DNA. Though I cannot do it with other cyborgs, which sucks... but I make the most out of what I have!"
"Huh... remind me to call you next time." Meryna said, looking around to locate Merlee but with no luck. "Uh... I know this may sound odd, but have you seen a troll that looks like me? Except she dresses all formal and shit?"
Hexina quickly looked around from where she's standing only to have Merlee appear behind Meryna, nearly startling her. "What the fuck!? Merlee...?"
"Meryna! Mery, Mery, Mery." Merlee said, almost slurring her words as she was carrying a large bottle of wine. "You came! I-I-I woulda called you but I wassa... uh... um.... calling other persons and stuff."
"Merlee... are you okay?" At this point, Meryna knows that Merlee must have lost it. Meryna is lucky that Rowyna isn't actually here to see her mate like this.
"Oh I'm okay. Better than okay and all that shtuff. A... a-a couple of drinks of this... and whatevs that guy gave me... whoo! Lotsa colors and whee!!!" Merlee says as she playfully floats on by to Hexina's side, wrapping an arm around her. "Have you met Hexa... Haxxo... her~? She can change herself into... anyone! Like... anyone. E-e-even change certain body parts... like she's able to have big... boobies and wowzers! The whole shabang and... yeah... she's really cool."
Meryna only stayed silent as she's trying to collect what is going on. Normally she'd expect this from herself, but from Merlee is never good. "Merlee, listen, you have to stop this. This shit isn't healthy."
Merlee stumbled a bit, walking drunkenly to Meryna and placed a finger against Meryna's chest. "You listen... I... you listen and you... I am perfectly fine and happy... I'm... I uh... listen! Plus, I shdon't have to worry 'cause Rowyna is... right here next to me now!"
"But that isn't-"
"Now lighten up, Mer, Merya~ Have shome fun and everything~!" Merlee wrapped an arm around Hexina as the cyborg changed herself into becoming Rowyna as the two walked off.
Meryna stood where she is, angry and at this point, sick of what she's seeing. Looking around, she can see the hive being wrecked by the random trolls and she then remembered Rowyna's room. Floating over the crowd and up the stairs. Meryna comes across to finding Rowyna's room closed which she then let out a sigh of relief. Even more so relieved as she sensed magic on the outside of the door which would explain why it must not be opened. At least Merlee was clever enough to make a magical barrier for her mate's room. Next was Merlee's room and it wasn't the same story. Seeing the door wide open, Meryna peeks over to seeing a couple of trolls having sex in Merlee's room. "Oh shit..." Meryna said to herself. "If Merlee wasn't too drunk, she'd flip her shit if she saw this..."
The trolls quickly stopped as they see her peeking from behind the doorway. "Yo! Wanna join in? We could have an orgy and shit if ya want~? Name's Laxine, by the way. I'm a friend of Hex in case ya met her. She's the shit."
"Uh... excuse me!" Meryna quickly floats back down the stairs. At least she'll have to remember that one troll, too, next time. This whole "party" was becoming out of control and the only thing she can think of is hypnotizing everyone and make them leave via command. It was the only option. Muttering the spell, everyone stopped what they were doing, minus Merlee as she was passed out somewhere in her hive. "Alright, shit heads. I will be your mistress for a short while. I command you all to go back to your homes and once then, the spell will wear off. Do it! Now!" Meryna yelled and everyone did just that.
One by one, all of them walked out the door like zombies until the hive was empty, but messy everywhere. Meryna closed the front door, sighing in relief as she ran into Merlee's alchemy room to find a potion to get rid of any toxins that Merlee has consumed. Searching everywhere, she only finds broken bottles after broken bottles. Everyone must have had a field day with Merlee's potions. Stopping for a moment, she carefully thought for a moment if she was Merlee, where would she put the most important potions. Carefully looking in the room she's in, she notices a slight dent on the wall and pressed it, the small door pried open and revealed small bottles of useful potions, usually meant for medicinal purposes like healing potions and the like. Grabbing the bottle with the dark green liquid, Meryna ran to find Merlee in the hive.
It took a while until she found Merlee passed out in an odd position on her couch, which was flipped over. "Crap..." Meryna said herself, crouching down to flip Merlee onto the floor. She carefully opened the red blood's mouth, tilting her head a bit and made her drink the potion. Meryna used a spell make sure Merlee does indeed consume the potion easily since she passed out. "That should help... whatever the hell you had and drink should be gone now. You'll wake up in two days."
Meryna looked around the interior of the hive seeing everything out of place. One thing's on the ceiling and another thing is in the kitchen and the list goes on. In the mean time while Merlee sleeps, Meryna is going to need some help cleaning the place up.
She's lucky that she knows who can help.
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Possibly dull (open rp)
Days have been lonely. Meryna stood atop her own hive as she looked over at the horizon as the sun sets. She doesn't know how long it has been, but her ever growing jealousy towards her other self, from a different universe, continues. Hiding that emotion is easy and she's quite surprised that Merlee or Rowyna never caught on with her little antics. Or maybe they just thing she's like how she is all the time no matter what... which could be the latter.
She let's out a sigh, jumping off of her roof and floated down and into the front door of her hive. "Yo, everyone! Get your asses over here!" She screamed and soon all of her servants got in one place, in a row facing her. Each and every one of them hypnotized by Meryna from her spell which she thought would be fun and less lonely. "Listen peeps, I'm gonna head out. So yeah. You all have day off... or two. Maybe even a vacation depending on how long I am. So uh... go out. Have fun. All that shit." Every servant nodded and say 'Yes miss Zodius!' with a smile on their faces.
Soon as everyone left her hive, she is alone now. Speaking out a spell, a portal opened and she casually walks through it. Arriving in Merlee's universe, she looked around, trying to see if she's near Merlee's hive. The one thing she hates about going into another universe is appearing in the middle of nowhere. Random portal entrances is one of her biggest pet peeves along with random teleportation. Luckily enough, she is near her hive though it seems no one is home. Again. "Great. Other me isn't here still. Even her deer girlfriend." Speaking to herself, Meryna groaned in annoyance and began wandering aimlessly. "Maybe I can find her girlfriend in the woods. She's a woods-y kind of troll being a druid and all that crap." At least she hopes. Otherwise it's another lonely, boring day.
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
Merlee and Meryna conversation
MERLEE: Meryna!||
MERYNA: Uh... what’s up?|| I thought you were still mad at me||
MERLEE: Huh?|| No!|| I’m fine now!|| Really!|| But did you see?!||
MERYNA: The... picture? Of you?||
MERLEE: Yes!|| :D
MERYNA: You did something with your hair?||
MERLEE: So?|| What do you think about my hair cut?||
MERYNA: I didn’t think you’d like that kind of hair style|| You just seem... the opposite of me and shit|| You get what I’m saying?||
MERLEE: I wanted to try something new|| Even got some new outfits!|| I’m just... trying to better myself now||
MERYNA: Oh... well it looks great|| You rock the shit out of that hair style pretty fine with your hair short like that, actually||
MERLEE: !!! :D
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
“I regret not finding love”
Merlee, Amorra, and Luniin finally arrived at Morrin's new location. Standing fore them is practically another mansion but much more larger than the previous one. "I'm starting to believe this guy is compensating for something." Merlee says.
"Yeah... his ego." Amorra bluntly said. "So... what's the plan."
"I'm going to try and stall him. At least make him think I'm literally giving myself up while you and Luniin go and find Meryna and my ancestor. They're bound to somewhere in there."
"Well... can't you sense them or something? At least make it easier for me and Luniin?"
"You're right. I didn't think of that."
"First time for everything~" Luniin said with a chuckle a Merlee glared at her and she gestures a zip to her mouth.
Merlee closes her eyes, focusing as much as she can on Meryna's and Nimira's energy to try and figure out where they are. Everything is silent, still. Time slowing and darkness envelops as she focuses on finding the energies she is looking for. She then sees it. Two orbs of light and the outlining of where it is. Opening her eyes, she collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily as Amorra gets concerned. "Are you alright?"
Taking a second to recollect herself, she nods to her and stands back up. "They're in a holding cell. The back door is a great way for you two to get inside without being seen and once you're there, make a left turn until you find a wall. It's hidden in there and it'll take you downstairs to where they are."
"Holy crap... you saw all that?"
"Well... practically. Though it's difficult focusing on two life sources. I almost used up my energy. But I'll be okay. You two head around back."
Amorra and Luniin nodded and they left to do their jobs. Merlee is left alone as she slowly walks up to the front door, letting out a deep breath as she was ready to knock until she heard some rustling behind her. Turning around, she sees a troll trying to untangle herself from the roots she's caught in. She finally gets herself free as she waves over to Merlee. "Oh! Um... hello! I was... uh... lost! I was looking for some place to at least stay over for a bit." She says with a smile.
Merlee stood where she is, confused. "Um... well... I don't live here. Sorry."
"Really? Oh... that sucks. Um... my name is Celrna."
"Hello... Celrna?"
"So... what are you doing here?"
"Listen... I'm sorry that I can't help you, but I'm on important business... and it's something that you shouldn't be around when it happens, okay?"
"Oh... uh, okay! I'll be... I'll be on my merry way then! It was nice meeting you, miss!" The troll finally left, waving goodbye while Merlee stood there, confused by the sudden appearance of this troll. The red blood turns back to the door, instantly banging three time on it and steps back a bit to see it open on its own. She is greeted with a large, grand hall that leads up to steps and then three door ways. One in front of her and the others on the sides.
"You've got to be kidding me." Merlee whispered to herself as she looks around.
"Merlee Zodius!" A voice is echoed. A familiar and hated voice. Morrin walks into the grand hall with Kalios and Jalone by his sides. "I knew you changed your mind."
"Yeah... I did." Merlee plainly says.
"How's that bullet wound? I assured you that I tried killing you since you left me no choice, but I'm glad you made it through."
"Well, maybe you should work on your shitty aim if you were planning on killing me."
"Yes. Well, I am no sharp shooter, but I did try my best. Now, this isn't some trick? If you give yourself up, I will free the two that are related to you."
"Yes... I'm... I'm giving myself up to you. I don't want you to hurt the people that I care for... not my mate and neither those related to me. Please... let them go."
"Hmm... seems sincere." Morrin says as he takes a drag on his cigarette. "But... I can't say I believe you."
"... What?"
"No. I really don't believe you. I expected something like this might happen. You think you'd just waltz in here, give yourself up, I let your friends go, and then that's it? No. Oh no... that's too easy."
Merlee grits her teeth together, angry as she readies herself. "Let them fucking go!"
"I can't do that. But hey. You tried. I guess that means I'll be finishing them off." He was ready to walk off until he heard an explosion coming from within his mansion. Alarmed, he quickly turned around to face Merlee. "You... you aren't alone... are you?"
"You'll be surprised which one of the people I brought to help me out. Now it's just you and me. Your stupid lackies stay out of it."
"No... no. Not now. Maybe next time if you live. I have some people of my own that I hired to take you in... or kill you. Hopefully the first option. For now, we'll meet again when you finally do give in to me."
He walks away along with the two trolls following suit as Merlee yells for him. "Hey! Get back here! Come back and fucking face me!" She runs to the doorway that he disappeared in was quickly stopped by a scythe that landed in front of her. Stepping back, she looks to her right to see two subjuglators. Staying cautious, she stands still and waits for their move.
"Well, so you're the troll that rich guy has been talking about." One of them said. "You don't look all too mighty. But I will admit that you have fire with you~"
"Who are you two?" Merlee questioned.
"My name is Leanie Cruziv. My friend here is Hirana Niirio. Mister Rich hired us because he's desperate to having you and he would pay us quite highly if do the job."
"Do you really expect him to fulfill that promise?" Merlee says. "He's possibly using you two and then stab you both in the back."
"You don't think we don't know that?" Hirana says. "Of course we expect him to betray us, but that doesn't mean we'll let that slip. No. Once we're done with you, we're going after him next."
"In the name of Mirthful Messiahs." Leanie says. "Now shut up and die!"
Both pounced at Merlee's position as she jumps back as Leanie grabs her scythe and starts charging towards her with it. Merlee quickly dodges as Leanie swung on her right side and then rolls to being face-to-face with Hirana who grins at her as the indigo blood raises her cleaver. Startled by this, and feeling a burst of energy coming from her, she moves out of the way as she swung and missed.
Tired of trying to dodge and move, she starts being on the offensive as she casts a fire ball at them as they moved away, blowing up a chunk off of a wall. Leanie looks relentless as she continues to try and get close to Merlee, but the red blood keeps casting fire balls to keep them at bay while Hirana looks not all there. It always seems like she would look dangerous, but then hesitates the next, like there's a switch inside her that makes her want to attack or not.
Merlee continued to hold them off, waiting for Amorra and Luniin to come back with Meryna and The Exiled. The red blood is pushed back to the point she ends up against a pedestal and she looks back to see her scythe is being displayed behind a glass case. "That asshole." Using her elbow, she breaks it and grabs her scythe.
"Oh come on." Leanie mocks. "Do you even know how to use that?"
"Trust me." Merlee replied. "I spent my entire life practicing with this scythe a lot more than you have with yours. Plus, I'm strong enough to wield this." The red blood prepares for a swing, but was then hit in the abdomen from the blunt end of Hirana's cleaver. Merlee tried getting up, but heard a gunshot and instantly froze. The three of them stood still as all of them wondered where it came from and they all looked over at the doorway seeing Amorra pointing her handgun at Hirana and Leanie.
"It's over." The teal blood says as Luniin comes out of the door way with Meryna and The Exiled behind her. Merlee smiles, getting up and quickly walks over to their position as Hirana tries to get her, but was stopped as Amorra points her gun at the subjug. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Merlee quickly aids her relatives, looking over at the collars. around Meryna's and The Exiled's necks. "Are you guys okay?"
"Oh swell. Instead we got our asses handed to us and got these fucking things around our necks!" Meryna says angrily.
"Good to see you, too Meryna." Merlee says.
"Merlee." The Exiled spoke. "I have a favor to ask of you."
"Now's not the time, Nimira." The red blood said as she tries to pry open the collars with her hands but failing.
"Hirana. The one with the pig tails. I want you to help her."
"What?! Help her? She tried to kill me!" Merlee explained.
"She's being told to do that. Hirana has a second soul within her. That second soul gains control every so often, but Leanie is using that to her advantage. The more she does, the more dominant it becomes and the more Hirana drifts off from her actual body. She's nothing more than a pet than just Leanie's friend. Please. Help her. I sense good in her... I sense fear from her. From the things she's doing."
Thinking for a moment, Merlee let's out a sigh as she nods to her. "Fine. But I hope I'm not making a mistake." Turning around, she faces the two subjugs. "Listen up. We're leaving here. You two are not to follow us or Amorra, here, is going to shoot you if you do."
"Do you really fucking think we're going to let you walk out of here alive?!" Hirana yells. "You've got to be fucking joking"
"We are leaving!" Merlee yelled. As she was ready to make her way down the stairs, she hears footsteps coming from the middle doorway and all of a sudden a collar came flying and instantly wraps around Luniin's neck and a barrage of cards came flying and wrapped around Amorra's arms and legs, keeping her in place. Soon Morrin, Jalone and Kalios came out. "You son of a bitch!" Merlee charged towards Morrin, but was knocked back by one of his powers. She falls back to where Leanie and Hirana are as Hirana grabs the red blood, holding the cleaver over her neck.
"Isn't this a surprise?" Morrin says. "We have the whole blood line here! A big reunion." Walking over to Luniin, he looks her over and made a disgusted expression. "She looks like a slut. Didn't think there'd be one in the Zodius blood line." Luniin tried to attack him but he moved away and she falls flat on her face. "Also clumsy." He then walked over to Amorra who is restrained from Kalios' magic cards. "Amorra... it has been so long."
"Fuck off." The teal blood says.
"Come now! Where's your compassion? I made you who you are, you know?"
"You mean kidnapping me as a kid and made me into a fucking weapon?! That's all you want. Power! First me, then Merlee. What's next? Going treasure hunting for some powerful fucking relic that will make you untouchable?"
Morrin frowned, taking out his hand gun and swats it at her face. All Merlee could do is watch as the teal blood continues to get hit over and over until she finally remembered what her ancestor told her a couple of minutes ago. "Hirana..." She whispered.
"What the fuck do you want?!" The indigo blood whispered back.
"No... I want to talk to Hirana." Merlee says as the indigo blood was surprised by this and just ignored what she heard.
"I know that there's two of you in there. Trust me. I've known it since we fought. One second you would literally run towards me swinging like a manica, but the next you would look hesitant. I even felt it. An unbalance."
"What do you want with me?" Hirana finally answered.
"I'm pretty sure you've talked with my ancestor, right?"
"... Maybe."
"Well, she already told me what's going on but maybe you don't know."
"Like what?"
"Leanie is using you."
For a minute, Hirana thinks it over and denies it. "Shut up. You just want a way out of this."
Letting out a sigh, Merlee shook her head. "Well, I tried." Instantly, she casts a bright flash of light as she reels her head back to but against Hirana, getting out of her grip and quickly running to get to her friends. She only falls short as she manages to hover Amorra, Luniin, and Meryna away. When the bright lash of light dimmed, she is met with Morrin standing next to the right side of her ancestor with a gun pointing at her head. "Let her go!" Merlee yelled.
Morrin looks at Merlee and then at The Exiled. "Does this seem familiar to you... Nimira?"
"Not that I recall." She answered. "You and your ancestor merely just took me and locked me in a cage and then sold me to a warlord."
"Yes... the biggest mistake my ancestor made when I told him how powerful you were." Morrin swats his gun on the back of her head as she collapsed to the ground, trying to get up, but only got on to her knees.
"Stop! Leave her alone! Don't you fucking dare hurt her!" Merlee furiously yelled.
"No... I won't hurt her." Morrin says. "Despite her being the greatest mage, Merlee is beyond that and even she doesn't know that. So..." Looking at The Exiled, he points his gun directly on her head. "I'll just kill her so I can wipe away the memory of my ancestor. The mistake he made. Anything you want to say, Nimira?"
"Yes..." The Exiled said. "Merlee... do you remember my regrets?"
"... No. No. No! Don't you fucking say that right now! Don't you dare hurt her!" Merlee casted a fireball at Morrin and he shielded himself with his right hand. She gets up and swings her scythe at him, but she only gets pushed from him. "God... damn it! Let her go!"
"Merlee... do you remember my regrets?"
Panting, Merlee started to tear up as she picks herself back up. "You... regretted not finding the one person to fall in love with."
"... Thank you." The Exiled says, smiling as she closed her eyes. Merlee was about ready to make her next move but was too late. The gunshot rang out. Everything suddenly stopped as Merlee sees the smoke coming from Morrin's gun and then seeing her ancestor becoming still for one second and then falling forward to the ground. Broken. Merlee felt her heart break apart. Then anger. Everything is silent around her. She can see Morrin's lips moving, but doesn't hear what he's saying.
She hears Parasaiya's voice, telling her to not do anything rash. She doesn't listen. The room began to be consumed by a dark mist as everyone around her are wondering what is going on and are becoming concerned by this. Merlee is still, frozen, filled with anger as her eyes began to darken and the whole room start to shake. Finally, she then hears a scream as she leaps towards Morrin but gets stopped by Leanie and Hirana that blocks her way.
"Hirana! Stop her!" Leanie yelled.
"But... look at her! She's-"
"Do it! Now!"
"Just fucking do it, you pu- SHUT UP! I will!" Hirana tried to swing her cleaver at Merlee, but she stops it mid-swing by the blade with her hand. "What?!"
"Attack her!" Leanie yelled once more.
"But... she's...-
"Attack! Her! She's not invincible!"
Hesitant, Hirana jerks her cleaver away from Merlee and swung again, but the red blood grabs it by the blade with her hand again, bleeding from it as the cleaver began to crack and then breaking apart, leaving a shock wave that knocked Hirana back. Leanie tried to attack Merlee, but she was instantly swatted from the red blood's hand flew back against the wall, getting knocked out. Merlee then looks at Morrin who was ready to block anything that she might throw at him. The red blood leaped over to him and then darkness.
It felt like forever. An eternity. Merlee finally opened her eyes to seeing the sky in front of her. Was it all a dream? Realizing that she's outside. She jerks herself up and sees Amorra, Luniin, and Meryna all around her. "Hey! Easy, easy." Amorra says.
"What happened? Where's Morrin? Did we kill him? Did we get him?" Merlee questioned them.
"We... didn't get him." Amorra sadly says.
"What? H-How?"
"You tried to get to him, going completely mental, but he eventually pushed you back and tried to shoot at you." Parasaiya suddenly spoke as he makes himself appear as a shadow figure. "I was trying to tell you to stop, but you didn't listen to me."
"Oh..." Merlee looked around and notices that someone else is missing. "Wait... where's Nimira? Where's my ancestor?"
Everyone was silent. Luniin was about to say something but quickly refrained from doing so, not wanting to make it worse. Merlee remembered what had happened, realizing that what she saw wasn't a dream. "No... no... she can't be..." The red blood began to tear up, sobbing as she didn't want to believe it. "God damn it! God fucking damn it!"
"I'm sorry, Merlee..." Amorra says. "We did get er body, but... there's nothing we can do."
"God... damn it! She went through hell! All her life she just wanted peace, but she could never have it! She didn't fucking deserve this!" Merlee screamed. "I'm going to find Morrin. And I'm going to fucking tear him apart! I'm going to bring him back from the dead and kill him over and over and over again until he begs to be put in the fucking ground where he belongs! DO YOU HEAR ME MORRIN! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU! I'M GOING KILL YOU IN EVERY FUCKING WAY POSSIBLE! YOU HEAR ME MORR-"
Merlee is instantly knocked out from Meryna, hitting her in the back of the head. "That should shut her up." She says, grabbing Merlee and placing her arm over her shoulder. "Listen uh..."
"Amorra." The teal blood responded.
"Amorra... thanks for helping out. I'll be sure to let Merlee know that once she's chill."
"No problem... sorry about-"
"It's okay." Meryna said. "I... I think Nimira knew about it anyway."
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
In captivity
It has been a couple of days since their capture and Meryna is growing more violent than ever as she's screaming and kicking at the metal bars. "You fuckers!" She yelled across the hall. "Wait until I figure out how to get this shitty collar off and I'll implode you from the inside out!"
"Meryna... it's pointless." The Exiled says as she's sitting in a meditative position.
Meryna looks at her, confused but distraught by how calm she is in the situation she's in. "How?! How the hell are you chill?! We're in a fucking cell!"
"This isn't my first time being in one." She merely says and then it finally donned on Meryna what she meant and finally kept quiet about it. "Merlee will come for us or we can try to come up with some sort of plan to escape."
"Well, what plan are we gonna come up with when we got these fucking collars on that negates our magic?"
"Have patience." She says as Meryna groans in frustration. Soon a door is heard open and two subjugs came in.
"Oh great." Meryna sarcastically says. "Who brought the circus in town?"
"I wouldn't talk so rudely to us if you know what's good for you~" One of them says and then spoke something in a different language that Meryna couldn't understand.
"What the hell did you say?"
"None of your concern, rusty. I'll be leaving Hirana here to watch over you two. Play nice now~" The subjug let out a giggle and left, leaving the other subjug with the two red bloods. She stood still for a moment and finally leans against a wall, looking down at the ground. Meryna is confused by this, expecting her to say something or make some threat.
"Hey, what's your deal? Aren't you baddies supposed to mock a victim that's being held prisoner or some crap like that? Like in the movies?" Meryna says.
"Just shut up. No one gave you permission to talk." Hirana says in a polite tone.
"I'm just saying! I should expect some sort of-"
"She says shut the fuck up you waste of garbage!" Hirana says in a louder, high pitched tone as her left cybernetic eye glows brightly purple. "You're lucky I don't just rip you apart limb from limb and shove them down your damn throat to shut you the fuck up!"
"Jeez... that was a big change in attitude." Meryna finally backs off but The Exiled got intrigued by this, getting up and taking a look for herself of who this person is.
Despite not being able to use her magic, she can still sense things and she can sense a duality of sorts within the troll. "What do you mean she?" The Exiled questioned. "Your friend that just left?"
Hirana was surprised by this question, trying to think of an excuse. "Uh... of course! I meant her."
"She never said that. That's something I don't quite understand."
"What the hell are you? A detective?"
"No. Not really. You already know what I am, but I don't think you understand the lengths of what I can really do."
"What... what do you mean?" Hirana then covered her mouth, whispering something to herself as her left eye glowed once more.
"Throughout my sweeps I have trained myself to feel and sense everything around me. Whether it be a life source or a powerful energy from an object. Everything emits some sort of energy, traveling through the wind, the ground that we stand on. You... are Hirana, correct?"
Confused by this, Hirana plays along with the red blood's little game and responded. "Yes. That's my name. Hirana Niirio."
"Who's the other in the room with us?"
"What... I don't follow?"
"Let me rephrase it. Who's the other in the room... within you?"
Shocked by this, the indigo blood looked away as she tries to think of something. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about."
"But I think you do. I sense four souls. Mine, Meryna's, and yours. But there's another. The fourth one is within you."
"I... I-I-I..." She stuttered but instantly changed her tune. "Ah fuck it. She found us out. The gig is up and you fucking blew it!"
"I was correct. The change in tone and attitude. Not to mention your left eye giving it away. It seems to always glow much more brighter when the other presents itself."
"Con-fucking-grats!" The indigo blood slowly clapped sarcastically. "Woop-dee-fucking-doo! You want a freakin medal or something?"
"I wish to speak to Hirana, now. I just wanted to be right."
"Oh I'm so sorry! Am I too unimportant for you? You just wanted to be fucking right that there's two of us? That I'm fucking stuck in this bitches body?! You're too mighty for- STOP! AH! Stop it! Stop it now! You're done talking!" She suddenly talked to her self again, wrapping her arms around herself as she tries to calm herself. "Why... why did you have to persist?"
"I'm sorry... I just-"
"I have been living like this since the accident! The same one that took my left eye! Ever since then I have been trying my best to be in control, but whatever is living inside me is trying its best to dominate me and take over... I always feel like I'm gonna lose myself... never coming back mentally or whatever it may be..."
"Have you seek help to get rid of it? Or at least find some answers to your situation?" The Exiled said.
"No... I've just been afraid." Hirana says. "People might think I'm crazy. And a lot of people don't like subjuglators and they all think we're crazy enough anyway. But... Leanie has been helping me. Making it useful. She treats me well and understands the situation that I'm going through."
"Leanie? The one that left a while ago?"
"Yes. Leanie Cruziv. We met each other when I was seeking help with the problem and she said that it's not a problem that can be useful if done right. And so I did. We both has been together since and me being around her have sort of helped satisfy the other's needs... but I don't know why... I feel like it's getting stronger."
"Hmm... I understand the situation." The Exiled merely says. "But... I think you need to understand it yourself. Or see it in another direction."
"What do you mean by that?"
"When a scientist wants something to be done right, they experiment with things. Trying different variables and equations until they realized that there's something that's preventing it. One thing that could literally be the answer. So they use up enough of it that they make their new solution."
"What? What... I don't?"
"You'll figure it out in time. Or someone will tell you bluntly. Possibly the latter." The Exiled says as she walks back to sit at her corner. "In due time. Fate works in mysterious ways..."
Confused by this, Hirana stayed quiet as Meryna listened to the whole conversation and walked over to The Exiled, curious by what she meant. "Hey..." She whispered. "So... care to explain?"
The Exiled looks at the ground, letting out a sigh and answered. "The other indigo blood is using her. Letting the other soul to be more dominant... and she would then have an obedient troll."
0 notes
monstersofsilence · 7 years
A return gift
It has been more days than few. Merlee continues to be patient as she looks out the window of her room, viewing the landscape of the forest that surrounds her and her mate's home. The sun is setting. A beautiful sight to behold her. Moving away from her window, she goes to her bed which had her phone that lay on top of it. Merlee doesn't use it all that much considering that she only just got it when she was just learning everything of the rest of troll society.
In a way, she felt like an alien in the beginning when she finally explored out of the tundra to seek new things. Merlee didn't know there was a whole lot to the rest of Alternia, but only knows from what she reads in her books. It amuses the red blood of how much has changed since then. Picking up her cell phone, she looks over it and then sees the camera mode and decided to take some pictures of herself. Maybe when Rowyna comes back, she could share them.
As she was about to take another picture of herself in a different pose, a knock came from her door and she quickly stopped, laying her phone next to her. "Hello?" She called out and waited for a response.
"Yo. It's me. Meryna." The voice answered and Merlee waited for a second until pointing at the door and flipped her finger to the side, the door unlocking and sliding open with Meryna outside of the doorway. "Uh... hey."
"Hi." Merlee responded. "I didn't think you were here."
"Well, I pretty much come and go as I please. So yeah... I just came by unnoticed."
"I could tell."
"Yeah... uh... how ya holding up?"
"I'm... I'm doing fine."
Meryna only looked at Merlee with a questionable expression as she steps inside her room and leaned back against a wall. "Ya sure?"
"Meryna, I promise I'm fine." Merlee only let out a chuckle. "Trust me. I took a lot to think about the whole situation and I just have to accept that I have to be patient."
"Alright... just I don't want you to go all batshit crazy again, ya know?" Meryna said. "I was expecting to come into your room and see a bunch of gibberish writing all over your walls. Horror asylum movie type shit."
"What?" Merlee giggled from the analogy. "I'm fine. Really. I actually feel like that she'll come back eventually. My love for her will never change and I know that she feels the same way for me. Nothing would ever replace her and... for the first time since my previous matesprits... I know that she's the one. The true love of my life."
"Sheesh. Lovey dovey shit."
"You'll know when you find that special someone."
"Merlee, you know that-"
"It will happen." Merlee smiled to her. "Here's a suggestion for you, instead of hypnotizing everyone you see, how about you actually approach them, talk to them, get to know them. I know that it's hard to something like that, but... give it a shot, at least. You may never know. Maybe someone either in this dimension, or yours, might have a lot in common with you or like you for who you reall are. As one analogy I know, there's many fish in the sea!"
"Huh... yeah." Meryna hugged herself, staring at the ground as she thought over what Merlee is saying. It wasn't until she puts those thoughts in the back of her mind and remembered why she came here in the first place. "Oh yeah. I wanted to give ya something." Merlee tilted her head in curiosity as Meryna pulled something out of her pocket and threw it at Merlee.
Quickly, Merlee caught it and then looked at it to see some small brick-like item. "Um... what is this?" She asked as she examines the small item given to her.
"It's called a USB flash drive. It's able to store all kinds of stuff." Meryna answered.
"Like... a chair?"
"What? Pffft, no! No, no, no! Things from your computer or phone or whatever shit that you're able to move stuff from whatever to the USB drive. stuff like that. Files. Not ACTUAL objects or whatever."
"Oh... like... pictures?"
"There ya go. Anyway, that USB has the video of you and deer girl doing it."
"Calm down. Let me finish. I'm giving it to ya because I never posted it anywhere on the internet. Nor did I look over it after that day. Trust me. It'd be fucking weird to see that. I mean, I am you and shit and that's just fucking paradox as shit or whatever it could mean."
Merlee looks at the small flash drive and then back at Meryna. "Really? You're just... giving this to me?"
"Yeah. I was never planning on putting up on the internet and I never did. You can try to look it up and you won't see jack shit of you and deer girl fucking and shit. Like I said before, I bugged you and her because I was jealous." Meryna clarified and got off the wall and began to walk out of her room. "You're welcome. Think of that as a late wriggling day present from me. You're welcome to do whatever you want with that thing. Burn it. Bury it. Melt it. I could care less."
"Wait!" Merlee said as Meryna stopped and turned back to look at her. "... Thank you, Meryna." She smiled as Meryna did the same, but a small one and finally left.
Merlee looked at the flash drive and couldn't believe that she has a video of her and her mate. It felt like a sweep ago since that certain event happened. Albeit it was embarrassing for her during the time, but it was special to her for how she and Rowyna connected. The video could be the one thing that could keep her hoping in an odd way as it is.
"I know that you'll come back, my wonderful deer." Merlee whispers to herself. "When you do come back to my arms, I'll make things right for us. For us."
0 notes
monstersofsilence · 7 years
Give up?
Darkness. The void. Floating aimlessly into the eternal abyss. Merlee looked all around to try and find an exit, somewhere to leave the umbra prison. She felt like she's been floating forever. How long has it been? Hours? Weeks? Months? Sweeps? It wasn't long until an illumination of light shined behind her. Turning around, she sees an entrance and quickly floated towards it to leave the dark abyss.
After being blinded from the bright light, it soon became clearer and revealed to be Morrin's mansion. Merlee soon is filled with rage as she ran up to the entrance to face him only to see it slide off further and further no matter how fast she ran. Soon enough, it was too far off of her reach to even make it. Voices. Whispers. She can hear them as she looks all around the tree line. It almost seems like they were everywhere, surrounding her. They became louder and louder to the point that Merlee had to cover her ears, collapsing onto her knees, desperately trying to get rid of the voices. Too many. All getting louder by the second and without any end or pause. That's when Merlee notices Morrin appearing from the tree line, holding his handgun as it was pointing straight at Merlee. Closing her eyes shut, she screamed and created a shock wave that cut through the whole forest, chopping all the trees right off as they all fall one by one.
She felt something wet hitting her head until it began pouring, thinking that it may be rain and the voices were all gone. Slowly opening her eyes, she sees bodies all around her as she realizes that it wasn't water that is raining, but blood. All colors. Screaming, she crawled back, trying to get away from them but felt she hit something behind her. Merlee slowly looked back to see Rowyna standing before her. Eyes widening, Merlee scrambled to get up only to notice that she had wounded her mate. The bronze blood's abdomen was bleeding with a precision, horizontal cut. The red blood began to tear up, her hands shaking trying to think what to do as her hands hovered over the large gash on Rowyna's stomach. "R-R-Rowyna... I'm... I-I-I-I'm sorry..." Merlee said through stutters and sobs as she tried to form a sentence, trying to comfort her mate.
Rowyna looked at her, struggling to keep herself balanced and then spoke. "This is why... I left..." She whispered. "You only... cause danger... to yourself... and everyone around you."
Speechless, the red blood froze from the statement as she watches her mate fall back and finally snapped back to reality to catch her. She was too late. As Rowyna was about to land on the red blood's arms, she disappeared into dust. And now she was back in the void. The darkness. Merlee was alone and trying to recollect what just happened, but her thoughts was cut off by the sound of footsteps and then the sound of a gun being cocked.
"Don't you see, Merlee?" Morrin's voice came through, which meant he was behind her with the fun pointing at her head. "If you have just agreed to surrender yourself, none of this would've have happened. If you just let me enslave you, I can help you control your magic. You're powerful, Merlee. But too powerful to be walking among the normal troll who are helpless. Just like her."
Merlee wanted to speak, but there was nothing else for her to even say. She was frozen in time and at that moment the gunshot rang out.
The red blood screamed as she woke up from the nightmare, squirming all around from the couch she's on and hears a voice trying to calm her down. "Merlee! Stop! You're alright, stop!" Meryna yelled, trying to restrain Merlee onto the couch.
Merlee finally stopped, panting and quickly looked all around and then looks at Meryna. "Wh-... wh-what happened?" Merlee asked. "Is Rowyna okay? Please tell me she's okay!"
"Fucking hell, calm down. One at a time." Letting go, she pinched the bridge of her nose and stepped back. "She still hasn't come back. You were having a nightmare."
"A... nightmare..."
"As for the 'what happened' uh... you kinda flipped out."
"I... slightly remember. Small pieces... care to refresh my memory?"
"Well, this is merely a guess, but I think after you left my dimension, you became depressed and the next day flipped the fuck out. You drank a whole lot to the point you were drunk and then threw a random party, inviting random peeps in. The whole hive was a fucking mess when I got here. You weren't doing too good yourself. You were high on some fucking drug someone gave you."
"I... I was? Oh no... oh no, oh no, oh no..."
"Buuuuuuuuut, luckily nobody found out about your secret stash of helpful potions. Your alchemy room was ransacked. I used one of the potions to get rid of the bad shit in your system. So you're clean, but slept for a a couple of days."
"What?! A couple of days?!"
"Yeah... I thought it was supposed to be two days, but apparently that wasn't the case. I guess you got the shit end of the stick with that potion."
Merlee sat where she is on her couch, frowning and then looked around to seeing her hive all clean, not what Meryna described. "Wait... my hive looks fine. You said it-"
"I brought my servants to clean it all up." Meryna interrupted with a grin on her face. "While you're in dreamy land, I spruced up the place. Trust me. I don't think you wanted to see how it was when I got here... hell, I don't think you wanted to see what turned up in your room."
The red blood sat there, giving a small smile and nod only to frown again. "Meryna... I'm... I'm really sorry that I yelled at you back at the cafe. I've just..."
"Not dealing with not having your mate around. I know. I understand."
"Listen, I know I said the same crap a whole bunch of times already. I may not understand being in an actual relationship or whatever, but I can tell that you and Rowyna were meant to be.
"What if I... what if I'm the one to make her leave me... forever? I haven't seen her since we split up and... I'm starting to give up on this relationship..."
"Let me tell you one question and I want ya to answer it as honest as you can be. Do you still love her?"
Merlee nodded to her from the question. "Of course I do... Rowyna is the first mate that I actually feel comfortable with. She the first one I actually feel love when she's around, a perfect relationship than my previous ones."
"Then don't fucking give up." Meryna says, crossing her arms in front of her chest and leaned against a wall right beside her.
"But nothing. If you still fucking love her, don't give up on the fact that there's a chance she'll come back to you. Even if it take days, weeks, months or fucking sweeps. Don't you fucking give up on her if you TRULY love her. If you TRULY love her, love her to the point you'd fucking sacrifice yourself for her. Love her to the point that if she's dying in your fucking arms, you'd give your life energy to keep her alive. Love her to point  you'd want to die right by her side. And guess what, you've been saying that this whole fucking time. So don't. Give. Up. On her."
Merlee was shocked from Meryna's speech. More so speechless than anything. She was right. Merlee wanted to give up so badly, thinking the worst. If she were to give up and then Rowyna suddenly came up, she'd be betraying the trust. Betraying the love she molded with her. No. She can't give up. Not yet. Not ever. She won't give up up to her dying breath. Merlee will wait for her return even if it takes forever. She doesn't care as long as she gets to see her mate again. With a determined face, Merlee nodded to Meryna and smiled. "Thank you, Meryna... thank you so much."
"Don't mention it. You're still me. It's least I can do to stop you from not making an ass of yourself."
"Yeah... thanks for keeping me in check."
0 notes
monstersofsilence · 7 years
Distractions needed
"So... tell me again why I should come with you in your universe... or dimension? Whatever phrase it can be called." Merlee asked to Meryna, her alternate self as the other troll quickly opened a portal and turned to look at Merlee.
"Well, for one, it can help distract you." Meryna answered. "Seriously. I haven't seen anyone this fucked up since myself when I corrupted myself. Shit was scary and I somehow got a bit better. Still wack in the head though... anyway, I thought why not show you the place I live and breathe in on a day-to-day bay-see-isss! And you really need it."
"I'm fine, Meryna."
"Merlee. You spent an entire three days looking for your girlfriend without any sleep... even got rained on. That ain't healthy."
"If you have someone you love and willing to anything you can to find them, then you would understand!" Merlee yelled and covered her mouth with her hands after realizing what she said. "I'm... I-I'm sorry... I'm just... I don't know what's gotten... I just... miss her..."
Meryna only looked at her for a while, taking her hand and dragged her off into the world she lives in. In from one end and out from the other as they stepped into Meryna's hive where they are greeted by a good number of trolls that caught Merlee's attention. "Hello! Miss... um... who is the real... miss Zodius?" One troll asked, confused by the double red bloods in front of them.
"Uh... Meryna? Who are these people?" Merlee asked.
"They're my hypnotized servants." Her alternate self answered as she takes out a choker and placed it around her neck. "I got, like, a hundred or so of these peeps. Uh, I'm your mistress with choker. So don't get confused, you fucking dummies."
All the trolls sigh in relief as they bowed to her while Merlee was perplexed by the idea of hypnotized servants. Let alone hundreds of them. Why so many? And why that many? "Servants? Really?" Merlee questioned. "So you just find someone you like, hypnotize them, and then make them your servant?!"
Meryna floated over to one of her servant trolls as she hugs them from behind, the female troll letting out a chuckle. "Yup. Usually when I find one that I think are fucking hot, I keep them as my serv-i-ante~ Usually let them do shit around the hive or be my fuck toys. Ain't that right, my cute cum slut~?" Meryna said as her hands go up to the girl's breasts and fondles them.
"I-It's true!" The troll said as she lets out a moan and continued to speak. "She also gives us vacations and let her other servants take our p-place. Then we come b-b-back to take their place! Pretty much how she m-manages us since she has s-so many."
Merlee covered her eyes and just nods to her answer. At least Meryna knows how to manage it with the many trolls she hypnotized. Wouldn't make sense to have so many trolls in one home. "Okay, okay. Please... don't do it in front of me." Merlee said.
"Ugh, fine." Meryna stopped and gestures the troll to leave. "Alright, go do whatever crap you need to do. Me and other me are gonna go shopping. I'll come back for you later for some fun~"
"Oh! Will do, miss Zodius!" The troll said and ran off into a different room. Meanwhile, Merlee had a confused expression from the mention of shopping. Shopping? Why shopping? "Where are we going to go shop? Do you have the money?"
"We're going to a sex shop."
"Yeah. A sex shop. I wanna get a vibrating butt plug... for mah butt."
"But why drag me into it?! I'm not like you!"
Meryna only facepalmed and quickly floated over next to her, wrapping her arm around her other self's shoulder. "Listen, Mer, I get it, but I'm taking you there with me cause you need a distraction. Plus, I can't stand you reading books and doing other boring shit all day. Do something different with your life and it'll make ya feel a bit more better... and also because masturbation is a good stress reliever."
"I don't masturbate."
"But you did had sex. Not once, not twice, but multiple times~ Surprised a slut like you don't masturbate."
"Don't call me that." Merlee said as she pointed at Meryna threateningly. "Now... take me back home... it's nice that you took me to your world, but... I still need to find-"
"Merlee, just stop it! Shut the hell up for a moment." Meryna yelled, pinching the bridge of her nose and looked at Merlee with sincerity in her eyes. "Listen, I know. I don't get love. Hell, I may never get what love is like or shit like that. And I would say that maybe your mate is dead or possibly left for good and you'll never see her again like the fucking before her, but am I saying that crap since it would be obvious thing for me to say? No. Cause even though I don't know shit about love, I do know how to deal with being alone. I'm trying to help you, Merlee. For once in my fucking life, I'm actually trying to do something right and that was the only thing I could think of."
Merlee only stayed silent, letting out a sigh as her eyes darted in every direction that wasn't Meryna's face until finally looking at her. "Okay... let's go."
"That's the spirit!" Meryna grabbed her hand, heading down the stairs and off towards the front door to the outside world. Meryna's world seemed the same as Merlee's. Obviously there's going to be minor differences that she won't see, but it's still amazing how there's a different dimension or universe exactly like Alternia. Making it into the city they first got to a place that wasn't the place Meryna said they were heading. The place is called "The Mystikal Cafe!" The same name of the place she works at in her world.
"Uh... Meryna? Didn't you say we were going to a sex shop?" Merlee asked as she was confused by this sudden change.
"Eh... I sorta lied. Sorta not." Meryna responded. "We are heading there, but thought we get something to drink... plus... I never drank tea or coffee. Let's head inside."
"Okay..." Both of them walked inside and Merlee can instantly see the difference in the place. The interior has a different layout than the one she works at and another thing that stands out is that it's run by males instead of females. "Huh... this is odd."
"What do you mean?"
"I work at Mystikal Cafe back at my world. Here is... very different. The layout, the people here, and the uniforms."
"What was the uniforms you have to wear?"
"Sort of a... maid-looking uniform..."
Meryna couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm gonna guess the buttons doesn't help with your tit problem, huh?"
"... Yes..." Merlee answered, blushing as they both find a table and sat down as a male barista comes over.
"Huh, I guess I'm seeing double over here. What can I get you two?"
"I'll have an espresso with cream and sugar, please? That will be all." Merlee asked.
Meryna looked at Merlee then at the troll and rolled her eyes. "I'll get what she's getting. And give me a small vanilla cake."
"It will be right to you in a couple of minutes." The troll said, writing it down on a notepad and walked off.
"Meryna... thanks for this." Merlee said with a smile on her face as Meryna nodded. Though the thought of what Meryna said earlier about her mate came back in the back of her mind. "Meryna..."
"What up?"
"Do you think... do you really think she might have... left me? I-I mean... I know I messed up. I didn't tell her the truth when I should have done it in the first place, but... could that be it? Or maybe she left because she doesn't want to be put in danger because of my problems?" Merlee frowned, almost on the verge of crying from the many thoughts on why her mate hasn't been around since her sudden departure.
Meryna knew that Merlee was going to think about the idea and create rabid ideas on what it could be. "Mer, I said that I didn't want to say it. But... that doesn't mean that it hadn't crossed my mind. Though it wouldn't make a licka sense on why she would leave you. I mean, yeah, she left cause of some personal heavy shit shown to her. She'd be back the moment word about your return goes out. And I'll say it again, I don't know shit about love. But whenever I see you two... I can tell you both love each other. Hell, she gave a music box! And you gave her a deer plushie that you gave life with magic! If that ain't love, then we've been wrong this whole fucking time in our existence on this god forsaken planet. Just have faith. That's all I can say."
"I tried having faith with my previous mates... they never came back." Merlee said. "I hoped and searched, but eventually I'd give up and assume and hope they're happy without me. The previous mates, I never knew what I did wrong, but with Rowyna... I wouldn't blame her if she leaves..."
"Don't say shit like that..."
"It's true... the moment she came into my life, there hasn't been a moment of peace. Whether it's coming from myself or from someone else threatening me AND my mate... she doesn't want to be in danger. She's strong, but I feel like she'd be sick of it and want to get away from me because of it."
"Now you're just spouting out crap."
"Then what? What should I say? That I didn't screw up? That I didn't mess it up again and the person that I truly fell in love with is possibly not in my life anymore because of some assholes trying to kill me?! What do you want me to say?!"
The barista came back, cups of coffee and a small plate with a slice of cake in hand as he places them on the table. "Here you go misses." As the cups was were placed, Merlee grabbed it and threw it at the window, turning back to the front door and walked out as she opened a portal and headed back home, leaving Meryna alone. The people in the cafe stared in awe from what happened. "What... happened?" The troll said.
Meryna let out a sigh. "It's complicated..."
0 notes
monstersofsilence · 7 years
Home. Finally home. After walking through the woods for a couple of days, Merlee finally is back at her hive. Stopping for a moment in front of her home, she looked over it and smiled to herself, almost crying, not knowing how long she must have been gone for. It felt like sweeps. Using a spell to unlock the front door of her home, she walked inside, taking in everything once more and placed her new scythe she had been carrying on a corner.
It wasn't until then that she didn't expect company. As she closed the door behind and turned back around, her blood line were right in front of her. The Exiled, Luniin, and her alternate self, Meryna. Startled, Merlee almost stumbled back. "Oh my... how... how did you get in here?"
"Magic, my descendant." The Exiled answered.
"Right... I keep forgetting." Merlee added.
"You have been M to the I to the A for the last couple of weeks. Hell, almost a month." Meryna exclaimed. "We all thought you were dead."
"Obviously... I wasn't... dead."
Meryna smirked, chuckling a bit as she floated over next to Merlee. "Well, it's good that nobody is able to take you out without you putting up a fight."
"No... I just lucky." Merlee added as she walked to the couch and sat down. "Since... you're all here, I guess there's some things I need to say to you all." Everyone gathered around her to listen in. Merlee felt nervous, but she knows that she has to say it. Start anew with everyone. "I'm going to put this lightly... but I was a total dick to you all. Even to you, Nimira. I was saved by someone and I spent a lot of my time in a room, thinking so much on everything that had happened. And I realized that I... I wasn't a great person nor an honest one. Nimira... I always doubted you and I always question you and often times I forget that you have gone through much and know a lot more that often steer away from. I... hope the apology is enough."
"Apology accepted, though I never paid too much mind on your words of me." The Exiled responded with a smile. "Honestly I doubt you half as much as you doubt me and often expect little from you."
"I guess I'll take that as a compliment."
"Luniin... you have done a great job at being my teacher-"
"And you fucking abandoned me." Luniin interrupted. "I know all the things you thought about behind my fucking back. I can read your mind. All the nasty things you said about me..."
"Luniin... I... I-I know I can't take back all I've said about you... and... Meryna was right. I should've been much kinder to you considering you were once my teacher... I'm not great with apologies and... I know you hate me and I accept it. This is the only apology I can come up with and hoping that maybe we can start fresh, you and me, help understand you more. I shouldn't have been ignorant with you... and... honestly... I have been quite jealous of you with how much magic you know. In a way, I look up to you."
Luniin stood where she is, hands folded in front of her chest as she takes a moment to take all of it in. Merlee sat where she is, anxiously waiting for an answer. Whatever it will be, she'll accept it whether it's good or bad. She just only hope that she's forgiven. After what seems like forever, Luniin cracked a smile on her face and shook her head. "You were a bitch..." Merlee's heart sanked, "but... I forgive you. You're pretty fun to hang with and crap. And... I want you to get to know me and understand me. Everyone deserves a second a chance."
Merlee smiled as the words seemed like a tone of forgiveness. As Luniin was talking, she noticed Meryna floating away and almost headed to the front door. "Meryna... wait..."
The alternate self stopped where she is and turned around to face Merlee. "Well, I'm guessing you're here to tell me I'm an annoying bitch and wish I never existed to bother you or your mate ever again?"
"No..." Merlee said while shaking her head. She walked over to Meryna and gave her a hug. The alternate self was both confused and shocked at what was happening. She was practically frozen, not knowing what to do. Should she return it? Should she move her away? Nothing until Merlee pulled away, stepping back to face her. "When you're inside a room, spending lots of time thinking, you piece together puzzle pieces that you didn't know existed until it's all in place. Meryna... you've been bothering me and my mate because you're jealous of my relationship."
"What?! F-Fuck no!"
"Meryna... it's okay. Just admit it. I'm not mad. I understand."
"You don't understand shit! You don't understand fucking nothing!"
"Okay... okay. I wanted to say that... and to apologize to you. I shouldn't have been harsh on you the many times we spoke. Maybe some of the things I said hurt you, maybe not... but I understand them now. I understand you." Merlee paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts and continued. "I want to be your friend. I mean... you're me. From a different universe, timeline, whatever it may be and we're both nothing alike. And like Luniin, I want to understand you, too. Get to know you better. Since the day we met, I perceived you as being obnoxious, intrusive, and often times rude and annoying, but I understand why you're like that."
Meryna stayed silent for a moment, listening in on everything. She wanted to cry though only letting tears stream down her face. "... I just don't fucking get it... how do you have someone as perfect as Rowyna and I have met no one that is like that?! I don't think there's a Rowyna in my fucking universe! But if I met her, I'd make an ass out of myself. I'm corrupt. No one wants to be with someone who's just messed up in the fucking brain."
"You're corrupt, but you don't act like it, right?"
"Because I overcame the voices. I overcame the dark urges, but it's still fucking there."
"I don't think you're corrupt. If anything, you just have both that personality and yours mixed together. Someone who's corrupted, and who wants to love, aren't fully messed up."
Meryna wiped away her tears, smiling and letting out a small chuckle. She never knew that the one person that can fully understand her would be herself. Literally. "God damn it... shit... well, you word it like that it makes sense and... I forgive you. And... I'm sorry for being a dick to you, too."
"Trust me... it took me time of how much of an asshole I was."
Everyone laughed. Then, silence. It wasn't long before Meryna broke it as she realized something different from Merlee. "Holy. Shit. You're wearing  a long v-neck shirt... and a skirt?!"
"Oh..." From the sudden reaction, Merlee only blushed. "I-I-I just thought... I'd try something new. Just like you kept telling me. Getting out of my comfort zone and such."
"You're wearing the long v-neck to show off that cleavage to your deery lad, right~?"
"Wh-what?! N-N-No! I literally wanted to wear something new!"
"Right" Luniin stepped in. "And the skirt isn't just for the random upskirt you'll be showing off to your deer lady, eh?"
"O-Of course not! I'm serious about just wearing something new!" From that moment, she almost forgot that one person was missing. "Hey... uh... have any of you seen Rowyna the last couple of weeks, by any chance?"
Everyone shook their heads except Meryna. "I've seen her. Chatted with her for a bit on some personal shit."
"How is she?"
"Fine... though she seems to have a lot on her mind."
"Right..." Merlee said. "I'm gonna go to get a drink of water. Anyone want any?" All except for The Exiled accepted the offer as Merlee walked to the kitchen.
She needed to talk to Rowyna. She may not undo everything that had happened, but she can fix everything by being fully honest to her. As she stood there in the middle of the kitchen, she had the music box teleported in front of her. The same music box that was given to her as a gift from her matesprit. Opening it, she let the music play and hummed along to it.
"I love you forever and always, Rowyna. Through bad or worse. You are always my deer. My one beloved that is able to bring happiness in my life. I will do anything to keep you safe.
Even if it means for me to die protecting you."
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Small talk... (months ago)
Merlee: Meryna... I have been wanting to ask you something that has been bugging me for a while.
Meryna: Alright. Shoot. Though be quick because I'm kinda busy at the moment.
Merlee: What are you doing that's keeping you busy? What do do you even do in my universe?
Meryna: Uhh... not... hypnotizing random folk...
Merlee: ... Really? How many people have you hypnotize?
Meryna: ... Almost a hundred.
Merlee: WHAT?! How do you have a hundred hypnotized people?!
Meryna: I just see a hot person and I want them to be my fuck servant. What? You don't do that?
Merlee: ...NO! Of course I don't do that! I have a fucking matesprit in case I have to remind you!
Meryna: What? Man, that's shitty. Having, like, an harem of hot chicks and men is pretty much the best.
Merlee: You see, this is what I wanted to talk to you about this whole thing. So you have a bunch of people that are under your hypnosis, but is there at least ONE of them that you like?
Meryna: What do you mean?
Merlee: Ever since I met you, you have been bothering me AND my matesprit. Why?
Meryna: Eh, I get bored very easily.
Merlee: I don't believe that. I think you're bothering me and my mate because you're jealous of me.
Meryna: Jealous? Jealous of what?
Merlee: Because I have a mate and you don't.
Meryna: I don't fucking need a matesprit to be happy! I am fine on my own. I don't need shit from you!
Merlee: Then tell me this. Is there anyone that you have met in your universe, or mine, that you have liked or had a crush on?
Meryna: Fuck you. Fuck you and your... just fuck you.
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
Ask the Zodius’ stuff!
Tumblr media
The Exiled/Nimira Zodius (currently dead)
Merlee Zodius
Meryna Zodius (Merlee from another universe/dimension)
Luniin Zodius (she’s kinda dumb)
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Ask Meryna or Merlee stuff!
send some questions to the OG Zodius and to the alt Zodius
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
Ransom (two months ago)
"Hello, Merlee Zodius. I didn't think that you would survive the shot you took. I guess I didn't have marksman-like aim. But just know that if you didn't want to willingly come to me, then there wouldn't be a point of having you alive especially since you know too much of what I do. That and you're too powerful for this world. More than you think. If you're still watching up to this point then I think you have stuck around to the end. What I'm showing you is footage of your ancestor and your look-alike captured. Though I think your ancestor is all too familiar with this since I was the one that helped capture her and helped my ancestor sell her off... not until I realized the mistake I made. That's when it just clicked and even after hearing the person we sold her to used her to conquer towns, to rule their own territory without being touched... then you came along. You... YOU! You were the answer to fulfilling my future that I have foreseen first hand! Now... you, Merlee Zodius, are the answer. Why continue being the problem? Just give up. Give up. Just come to me willingly and I'll let them go... clock is ticking."
The video shuts off and instantly, Merlee is in full rage. She has never felt so angry. The room around her vibrates, shaking uncontrollably as objects fall off and break. Parasaiya appeared, screaming at her. "Merlee! Control yourself!"
Eventually, she did. Her expression of anger turning into a frown as she teared up. "God damn it! That bastard!"
"Listen, we can probably come up with a plan."
"A plan?! What plan?! He has them! What other option is there?!"
"Both your ancestor and Meryna are magic users. Perhaps this is a way for you to finally rid of him once and for all."
"Maybe... but... it just... I can't take this. I just want my life to be normal. I just want peace..." Crying, Merlee sobbed as she walked out of the room and goes outside, wanting some fresh air.
"We live in Alternia. Peace is merely an idea that all of you wish would come true. It's the action that needs to happen to make that a reality."
"I can't do this on my own... I'm just... I want to give up."
"Your ancestor never gave up."
"What do you mean?"
"After she created me, she has talked about her freedom, saying that one day she'll break the shackles of the cruelty being down by her and live on in some remote wilderness, continuing to do what she loves: teaching magic. She... never said anything about that, has she?"
Merlee thought for moment and remembering nothing being mentioned of that to her through all the conversations she has had with her ancestor. "No... she never mentioned that ever."
"Then do not give up. By chance, it could be something that both your ancestor and Meryna planned." Parasaiya says. "Though I do not know about Luniin. Morrin never mentioned her."
"He never did... he never did! I wonder if she knows what happened!" Merlee got up now with a purpose but only with one problem. "Shit... I do not know where she could be. She's really unpredictable at times..."
"Perhaps somewhere obvious."
"A bar or a club is a bit too obvious."
"Wouldn't hurt to check any of those places."
"Maybe..." Merlee thinks fo a moment for anything that could be helpful but nothing comes to mind. Only options she has is the one being given to her at this point. "Let's just hope we find her quick so she can help us. Hopefully my mate but... I don't want her to get involved in this."
"Merlee, everyone you know are involved in this since it's you he's after. It wouldn't matter if you don't want to be involved or not. Turning a blind eye won't keep you away from what may come next."
"I guess... but... still. I just got her back and I don't want to lose her. I am not going to lose anyone."
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
12th Perigees...
There has been knocking on the door for a couple of seconds. "Merlee! Hey!" Meryna yelled out from outside. "Are you there? Come on! It's 12th Perigees!"
"Maybe she's not home?" Luniin said, standing next to Meryna.
"She's home."
"Or... maybe she disappeared! Like magic!"
"... Luniin, just shut up for a moment ok-" She was then interrupted with the front door opening and felt a looming cloud of sadness. Merlee came out of the front door, looking at Meryna and then at Luniin, saying nothing. "Uh... hey, Merlee..."
"Where have you two been?" Merlee merely said.
Caught off guard by the question, Meryna tried to figure out what to say without making the situation worse than what it currently is. "Um... I have been in my dimension... and... Luniin has just been... doing whatever she does."
"I was at a club and they let me sniff some flour-looking stuff!" Luniin smiled. "It felt weird though and I don't remember anything else after that..."
Merlee didn't pay attention to what they were saying, began walking off on her own. "Hey?! Where the hell are you going?!" Meryna called out. No answer as the red blood continued to walk off randomly in the middle of the night.
Merlee wandered off for who knows how long. It was until she felt a much colder air until she realized that she was in the tundra. The red blood haven't been in the tundra for so long. She lived in the tundra for so long until she decided to venture out and found out there's more than the winter landscape she has lived in since she grew up. She's starting to feel like that maybe it wasn't a good idea to venture out.
Thinking for a moment, she decided to search for her old hive that's in the middle of the tundra. It took a while until she finally found it. Opening the door, she looked around to recognize every little detail of her old home. There was some good times she had even if she lived all on her lonesome with her lusus. She came out of her old hive and floated up to the roof, looking off to watch the borealis up in the sky.
"I miss you..." Merlee muttered to herself. "I have never felt... so happy in my entire life when I'm with you. It's... so hard to put into words. My last two mates... I don't know... the first one wasn't really about love. I don't know what I was doing at that time but I know that it wasn't true love... though I felt hurt when she just disappeared. My second mate... I don't know about her. I loved her but I felt nervous around her as if I was still in a cliche romance novel... and when she disappeared, I felt heart broken again." Merlee brought her hand out, breathing out as her breath of fog stayed in its form, morphing it with her other hand to form her current mate. "Then you came into my life... I remember it like it was yesterday. I was just a mere spirit and I happen to meet you... Rowyna... since then we both had some ups and downs but... we manage to work things out... and we both got together."
Merlee began to sob, tearing up as she balled up her hand into a fist, having the breath of fog dissipate. "You changed my life... and made me more happier than I thought I could ever feel! I-I-I can't... I don't want to feel hurt again... I... I don't know what to do now... I... I don't know what to do without you..."
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monstersofsilence · 8 years
Ask the Zodius’ stuff!
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