#Morrin Luccan
monstersofsilence · 7 years
Failed redemption
Merlee sat on her couch, thinking. This was the second time. Second time she messed up once more. Tearing up, she closed her eyes and shook her head to herself. What is she supposed to do now? Then she remembered the words the blue blood had told her and that's where sadness turned to anger.
"Merlee, what exactly are you thinking?" Parasaiya worryingly said. The red blood didn't respond as she walked out of the hive and went out to search for the blue blood.
It turned night. Merlee took the same path the first time she went to the blue blood's mansion. A long walk, but she eventually got there, seeing the lit up hive from afar. All the trolls were there are mostly high bloods. The red blood screamed out his name, as loud as she can possibly can. Possibly something she didn't expect out of herself either.
All the trolls stopped what they were doing, staring out at the big, open entrance. Morrin, who was in the middle of the crowd, looked over to be surprised who it was. He made his way to the front entrance, along side him were the yellow blood, Kalios, and another blue blood, Jalone. Morrin grinned, seeing the red blood standing where she is. "Well, what a surprise, rusty. I didn't send an invitation for you to come." He snarkily said.
Merlee didn't say a word, her eyes glowing teal and every troll that were there, their shadows moved on their own and acted as if they stabbed the troll. One by one, every troll fell to the ground, dead, but leaving the low bloods alive and the three trolls she is after. Morrin heard the thuds, turning around and watched as every troll dropped dead. He didn't expect this to happen at all. He was actually feeling a bit of fear. "Everyone else. Get. Out." Merlee yelled out. The few low bloods that were there quickly ran, some looking back, but leaving as soon as they can.
Now it was only four. "Morrin, please. Let me handle her! It'll be a fair fight between us." Kalios said. "No." Morrin quickly replied as the yellow blood had an expression of sadness.
"Something's not right with her." Morrin whispered to himself. Pulling out his gun with his left hand, he prepared himself. Merlee held her hand out, letting her scythe appear. Before he knew, the dead bodied that lied on the floor came back to life, but obviously by Merlee's spell. Hearing the moans, Morrin quickly turned around to see all the undead trolls beginning to converge on him as he quickly shot at them.
Merlee took her chance, shadow blinking towards him, appearing in front of him in a black mist as she swung on the right side which he quickly dodged. While Morrin focused on the red blood, his two henchmen dealt with the undead trolls. Merlee chased after him as he used his shield ability while Merlee swung her weapon wildly and screaming, hoping to break through the magical shield he had.
She quickly stopped, extending her hand out, facing flat at him and sent out an energy blast at him. Morrin ducked down, barely missing by an inch, feeling the breeze of the blast above his head. He got up, grinning, but got distracted by a bright light behind him. Turning around, he sees a large explosion erupted from the one blast that sent out a shock wave, knocking him down.
"What the hell is going on with her?!" Morrin thought to himself. "This isn't what I expected. These are powerful spells. Powerful destructive spells to anyone, but also to her." He quickly got up but quickly got startled as Merlee appeared once more in front of him from a black mist as he was hit by the shaft of the scythe. She walked slowly over to him, her shadow forming dark tendrils as they thrusts towards him, hoping to stab at him, but he quickly summoned his shield that quickly breaks and knocks him back even farther.
At this point, Para was busy telling Merlee to stop using the spells, but she wasn't listening. All she could see was blood lust though she began to feel tired as the use of all spells began to take a toll on her. Dragging her scythe on the ground, leaving a trail behind her, she walked up to him and looked down to where his is as it began to rain.
"I told you to leave me the hell alone. I told you that I would kill you." Merlee said, using her other hand to hold the shaft as she readies herself.
"Well... would you mind if I say one more thing before you kill me?" Morrin said.
"What?" Merlee questioned. That's where it all felt like it ended. A gun shot echoed. It startled her. The next thing she felt is weakness in her hands as she lets go of her scythe and slowly looks over at her body. A bullet wound. Straight to where her heart is. The glowing teal eyes turned back to her normal eye color as she collapsed to her knees.She completely forgot that he had a gun all this time
Morrin quickly got to his knees, leveling to her, as he looked at her. "You are such a disappointment. To yourself, and to everyone else around you." That was the last thing she remembered as she fell to the ground, blacking out.
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
👀 for Amorra? :0
Send me 👀 + a name for a peek into what that muse is doing in the moment!
The teal blooded cyborg sat in front of her desk inside of a different room. A separate room where Amorra generally does maintenance on herself. Mainly the  cybernetic parts. Usually it’s her limbs and it happens to be her left leg which has been acting up the last couple of days and it was time for her to check up on it and do whatever fixing is needed to have it function properly.
Amorra was not in a great mood. She hasn’t been for a while. Obviously, a certain AI can see through that and chimed in. Coming up as a small hologram, Gamma watched as Amorra worked on her leg but doesn’t know how to properly start a conversation, at least not one that would cause her to be defensive. “I see that you are working on your leg.” Gamma says to start off.
“Yup.” Amorra replied. “Just... working on my robotic leg.” She continued, keeping focus on what she’s doing.
By now, Gamma could see that she’s not in a talking mood. Still, he wants to be of some company and even hear out whatever is going on with her. “Amorra... I know you don’t want to hear this. I am your AI and I was created to be your assistant for just about anything... well, mostly anything.” Gamma began explaining. “I know you have not been in a great mood as of late. I don’t... want to strike a nerve. I really don’t. Perhaps I may not understand what you’re going through. I have noticed that you have become... a bit more distant, in a way, ever since you down Morrin Luccan.”
He paused, noticing that Amorra became quiet and stopped what she was doing. Gamma doesn’t know if he should continue. If anything, he doesn’t how she’s going to respond. “I’m just... what I’m trying to say is that I’m concerned about you. That’s... that’s all.”
Without getting a response back, he merely lets it go and let her be until he heard her respond. “I just... I just hate this.” Gamma looked at her as Amorra examined her own arm and started tearing off the synthetic skin, exposing the robotic structure underneath. “I’m stuck like this... I don’t know why... In my head... I thought I could get back what was taken from me, being... a normal troll. I can’t though. I-I never asked for this!” She slammed her hand on her desk, causing some pieces and parts to fall off and even made her detached left leg jump an inch. “I hate being... this... I hate it. I don’t feel like... I don’t think I am who I am. It feels like I didn’t win after taking out Morrin... I feel like he won... and is just laughing at my fucking face in hell.”
Gamma carefully listened, thinking for a moment on what to say. “I may not know what’s on your mind. I cannot read your minds despite half of it being cybernetically enhanced...” He paused for a moment, choosing his words wisely and continued. “I... don’t know how you feel. Obviously, from this current observation, you are upset. I am an AI. I’m nothing more than just lines of ones and zeros. My whole function is to serve you in way I can. You... you are self dependent. You can do whatever you want! You are partially a cyborg, yes. That doesn’t change who you are. You never became a complete cyborg. You have a mind of your own, meaning, you are still you. You have emotion. You cry. You can experience pain, happiness, and sadness. Nothing has changed that part about you. Even if you were half a cyborg, the other half of you is still you. Again, I’m an AI. I may not know how you actually feel and how you think. I just know that who I serve, is someone who is nothing but themselves. Sometimes stubborn, a bit of a cluts when speaking to others, but takes action for the greater good.”
Listening to this, it was enough to make Amorra tear up, sniffling as she wipes away the tears going down her face with her left hand. “G-God damn it, Gamma...”
“Just... I just want you know that I am here if you need someone to talk to, Amorra... Also, I may add that it’s still slightly awkward not calling you by your code name, ZERO. But I’m getting used to this now.”
“Y-Yeah... and... thank you. I... I-I needed to hear that...” Amorra smiled a little as Gamma does the same.
“As I said, I am here... if you need someone to lend an ear to, don’t hesitate to come speak to me.”
“Thank you, Gamma. I’ll keep that in mind.”
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
🍄🏆 for Marker and Cylion
🍄 - Have you ever charmed or cursed an object?
MERLEE: I do not think I have ever done such a thing|| I don’t think I have a reason to curse or charm an object|| I dabble in both the dark arts and normal magic but I have no intentions for doing either of those things|| Perhaps some day?|| I’ll just have to find a reason to do so!||
- -
CYLION: ⧋ I have cursed several objects. From simple ancient wood to a plain, old doll. I don’t fuck around with anyone wanting to trespass my area or steal any of my things ⧋
🏆 - Is there something you can do that no one else can?
MERLEE: I am able to pierce within my own mind|| Not... in a bad way!|| You see, when venturing into ones mind, we create our own way of what it would be like|| Sort of like inventing your own realm for your mind|| It’s where everything is stored|| Memories|| Fears|| Regrets|| Many things that we sometimes forget but I am able to venture within, find them|| I have them locked away|| Created my own realm of doors to keep them hidden for those that wish to infiltrate my head to gain leverage||
After the whole thing with Morrin Luccan, I’ve learned that I have to be more vigilant, cautious but not too overly cautious!|| And I don’t plan to lock away things that are important to me|| Those kinds of things... are things I cherish and treasure forever|| Otherwise I wouldn’t be the person I am today!||
- -
CYLION: ⧋ I am capable to do many things. Though, I guess, one thing I am able to do is free someone of a possession or potentially see who said spirit is that is controlling their host like a puppet. I stopped caring for my own kind a long time ago with the biggest betrayal I have faced... but that doesn’t mean that sometimes spirits can crack and give some valuable information ⧋
⧋ One of the things I am able to do. Make people hallucinate or whatever the fuck cliche exists... sure. I guess I can do that, too ⧋
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
Amorra's Story So Far? :0
As a kid, Amorra was kidnapped, her lusus was killed. During that time, she was put under extreme tests and brainwash to be converted into a full-on cyborg that was being run by Morrin Luccan. Though as time went on, Amorra broke the programming being done to her and escaped. Over time, she conducted solo operations to hault Morrin’s growning empire but barely making a dent to his plans.
Wasn’t until she met Merlee who, too, was being harassed by Morrin, wanting the red blood as his personal weapon only because of Merlee’s ancestor being a powerful mage and Morrin not wanting to make the same mistake giving them away to someone else.
Both Merlee and Amorra agreed to help each other but promising Amorra to give the final blow. Besides that, Amorra still needed help to take down Morrin’s operations and seeks aid of a local mafia. Axxiom was the person she went to, figuring it was worth a shot gaining some help and, luckily for her, Axxiom did not like Morrin gaining some of the territories he was after and, overall, driving other gangs away to do business. Therefore, he offered to help, having some of his men spread out across Alternia to take out Morrin’s business for good.
After the fight Merlee had with Morrin, he was entrapped and was brought to Amorra in which she made him watch from a high roof, seeing all the places he owned go down in flames before his very eyes. To finish him, she kicked him off the roof and thanked Axxiom and Merlee for helping her.
Currently, she is free, at peace but still confused on what to do with her life now that the very thing that was driving her to keep moving is finally gone.
Perhaps finding a job? Finding a hobby? Only time will tell.
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
🖊🖊 for Amorra? :0
Amorra was actually called ZERO when I first made her way back because... at the time, I didn’t have an official name for her and I just gave her a code name of sorts, basically her designation number form when she was being turned into a cyborg. she was basically the first for Morrin Luccan, who at the time wanted to be untouchable and be a major power house in industries but also obsessed with getting others to be used as his weapons without him doing a single thing. Amorra was the first, captured young, brainwashed to forget everything that happened to her, and went through many tortures to being turned into a full on cyborg though escaped later on. part of the reason some bits of her are cybernetic. legs, arms, eyes, and half of her brain going to the back of her neck
she was an inspiration from Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost In The Shell. watched a good couple of episodes of the something Complex series and pretty much how the idea of Amorra came to be! and, another thing about Amorra is her AI, Gamma. an idea from Halo. basically Gamma is Amorra’s version of Cortana. Gamma was a hidden AI that was supposed to be her assistant for certain protocols that Morrin would place though that never happened, so Gamma is just Amorra’s AI and basically a friend to her, in a way. Gamma has been the one person she talks to and he looks out for her and has been in missions she has gone through
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
“I regret not finding love”
Merlee, Amorra, and Luniin finally arrived at Morrin's new location. Standing fore them is practically another mansion but much more larger than the previous one. "I'm starting to believe this guy is compensating for something." Merlee says.
"Yeah... his ego." Amorra bluntly said. "So... what's the plan."
"I'm going to try and stall him. At least make him think I'm literally giving myself up while you and Luniin go and find Meryna and my ancestor. They're bound to somewhere in there."
"Well... can't you sense them or something? At least make it easier for me and Luniin?"
"You're right. I didn't think of that."
"First time for everything~" Luniin said with a chuckle a Merlee glared at her and she gestures a zip to her mouth.
Merlee closes her eyes, focusing as much as she can on Meryna's and Nimira's energy to try and figure out where they are. Everything is silent, still. Time slowing and darkness envelops as she focuses on finding the energies she is looking for. She then sees it. Two orbs of light and the outlining of where it is. Opening her eyes, she collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily as Amorra gets concerned. "Are you alright?"
Taking a second to recollect herself, she nods to her and stands back up. "They're in a holding cell. The back door is a great way for you two to get inside without being seen and once you're there, make a left turn until you find a wall. It's hidden in there and it'll take you downstairs to where they are."
"Holy crap... you saw all that?"
"Well... practically. Though it's difficult focusing on two life sources. I almost used up my energy. But I'll be okay. You two head around back."
Amorra and Luniin nodded and they left to do their jobs. Merlee is left alone as she slowly walks up to the front door, letting out a deep breath as she was ready to knock until she heard some rustling behind her. Turning around, she sees a troll trying to untangle herself from the roots she's caught in. She finally gets herself free as she waves over to Merlee. "Oh! Um... hello! I was... uh... lost! I was looking for some place to at least stay over for a bit." She says with a smile.
Merlee stood where she is, confused. "Um... well... I don't live here. Sorry."
"Really? Oh... that sucks. Um... my name is Celrna."
"Hello... Celrna?"
"So... what are you doing here?"
"Listen... I'm sorry that I can't help you, but I'm on important business... and it's something that you shouldn't be around when it happens, okay?"
"Oh... uh, okay! I'll be... I'll be on my merry way then! It was nice meeting you, miss!" The troll finally left, waving goodbye while Merlee stood there, confused by the sudden appearance of this troll. The red blood turns back to the door, instantly banging three time on it and steps back a bit to see it open on its own. She is greeted with a large, grand hall that leads up to steps and then three door ways. One in front of her and the others on the sides.
"You've got to be kidding me." Merlee whispered to herself as she looks around.
"Merlee Zodius!" A voice is echoed. A familiar and hated voice. Morrin walks into the grand hall with Kalios and Jalone by his sides. "I knew you changed your mind."
"Yeah... I did." Merlee plainly says.
"How's that bullet wound? I assured you that I tried killing you since you left me no choice, but I'm glad you made it through."
"Well, maybe you should work on your shitty aim if you were planning on killing me."
"Yes. Well, I am no sharp shooter, but I did try my best. Now, this isn't some trick? If you give yourself up, I will free the two that are related to you."
"Yes... I'm... I'm giving myself up to you. I don't want you to hurt the people that I care for... not my mate and neither those related to me. Please... let them go."
"Hmm... seems sincere." Morrin says as he takes a drag on his cigarette. "But... I can't say I believe you."
"... What?"
"No. I really don't believe you. I expected something like this might happen. You think you'd just waltz in here, give yourself up, I let your friends go, and then that's it? No. Oh no... that's too easy."
Merlee grits her teeth together, angry as she readies herself. "Let them fucking go!"
"I can't do that. But hey. You tried. I guess that means I'll be finishing them off." He was ready to walk off until he heard an explosion coming from within his mansion. Alarmed, he quickly turned around to face Merlee. "You... you aren't alone... are you?"
"You'll be surprised which one of the people I brought to help me out. Now it's just you and me. Your stupid lackies stay out of it."
"No... no. Not now. Maybe next time if you live. I have some people of my own that I hired to take you in... or kill you. Hopefully the first option. For now, we'll meet again when you finally do give in to me."
He walks away along with the two trolls following suit as Merlee yells for him. "Hey! Get back here! Come back and fucking face me!" She runs to the doorway that he disappeared in was quickly stopped by a scythe that landed in front of her. Stepping back, she looks to her right to see two subjuglators. Staying cautious, she stands still and waits for their move.
"Well, so you're the troll that rich guy has been talking about." One of them said. "You don't look all too mighty. But I will admit that you have fire with you~"
"Who are you two?" Merlee questioned.
"My name is Leanie Cruziv. My friend here is Hirana Niirio. Mister Rich hired us because he's desperate to having you and he would pay us quite highly if do the job."
"Do you really expect him to fulfill that promise?" Merlee says. "He's possibly using you two and then stab you both in the back."
"You don't think we don't know that?" Hirana says. "Of course we expect him to betray us, but that doesn't mean we'll let that slip. No. Once we're done with you, we're going after him next."
"In the name of Mirthful Messiahs." Leanie says. "Now shut up and die!"
Both pounced at Merlee's position as she jumps back as Leanie grabs her scythe and starts charging towards her with it. Merlee quickly dodges as Leanie swung on her right side and then rolls to being face-to-face with Hirana who grins at her as the indigo blood raises her cleaver. Startled by this, and feeling a burst of energy coming from her, she moves out of the way as she swung and missed.
Tired of trying to dodge and move, she starts being on the offensive as she casts a fire ball at them as they moved away, blowing up a chunk off of a wall. Leanie looks relentless as she continues to try and get close to Merlee, but the red blood keeps casting fire balls to keep them at bay while Hirana looks not all there. It always seems like she would look dangerous, but then hesitates the next, like there's a switch inside her that makes her want to attack or not.
Merlee continued to hold them off, waiting for Amorra and Luniin to come back with Meryna and The Exiled. The red blood is pushed back to the point she ends up against a pedestal and she looks back to see her scythe is being displayed behind a glass case. "That asshole." Using her elbow, she breaks it and grabs her scythe.
"Oh come on." Leanie mocks. "Do you even know how to use that?"
"Trust me." Merlee replied. "I spent my entire life practicing with this scythe a lot more than you have with yours. Plus, I'm strong enough to wield this." The red blood prepares for a swing, but was then hit in the abdomen from the blunt end of Hirana's cleaver. Merlee tried getting up, but heard a gunshot and instantly froze. The three of them stood still as all of them wondered where it came from and they all looked over at the doorway seeing Amorra pointing her handgun at Hirana and Leanie.
"It's over." The teal blood says as Luniin comes out of the door way with Meryna and The Exiled behind her. Merlee smiles, getting up and quickly walks over to their position as Hirana tries to get her, but was stopped as Amorra points her gun at the subjug. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Merlee quickly aids her relatives, looking over at the collars. around Meryna's and The Exiled's necks. "Are you guys okay?"
"Oh swell. Instead we got our asses handed to us and got these fucking things around our necks!" Meryna says angrily.
"Good to see you, too Meryna." Merlee says.
"Merlee." The Exiled spoke. "I have a favor to ask of you."
"Now's not the time, Nimira." The red blood said as she tries to pry open the collars with her hands but failing.
"Hirana. The one with the pig tails. I want you to help her."
"What?! Help her? She tried to kill me!" Merlee explained.
"She's being told to do that. Hirana has a second soul within her. That second soul gains control every so often, but Leanie is using that to her advantage. The more she does, the more dominant it becomes and the more Hirana drifts off from her actual body. She's nothing more than a pet than just Leanie's friend. Please. Help her. I sense good in her... I sense fear from her. From the things she's doing."
Thinking for a moment, Merlee let's out a sigh as she nods to her. "Fine. But I hope I'm not making a mistake." Turning around, she faces the two subjugs. "Listen up. We're leaving here. You two are not to follow us or Amorra, here, is going to shoot you if you do."
"Do you really fucking think we're going to let you walk out of here alive?!" Hirana yells. "You've got to be fucking joking"
"We are leaving!" Merlee yelled. As she was ready to make her way down the stairs, she hears footsteps coming from the middle doorway and all of a sudden a collar came flying and instantly wraps around Luniin's neck and a barrage of cards came flying and wrapped around Amorra's arms and legs, keeping her in place. Soon Morrin, Jalone and Kalios came out. "You son of a bitch!" Merlee charged towards Morrin, but was knocked back by one of his powers. She falls back to where Leanie and Hirana are as Hirana grabs the red blood, holding the cleaver over her neck.
"Isn't this a surprise?" Morrin says. "We have the whole blood line here! A big reunion." Walking over to Luniin, he looks her over and made a disgusted expression. "She looks like a slut. Didn't think there'd be one in the Zodius blood line." Luniin tried to attack him but he moved away and she falls flat on her face. "Also clumsy." He then walked over to Amorra who is restrained from Kalios' magic cards. "Amorra... it has been so long."
"Fuck off." The teal blood says.
"Come now! Where's your compassion? I made you who you are, you know?"
"You mean kidnapping me as a kid and made me into a fucking weapon?! That's all you want. Power! First me, then Merlee. What's next? Going treasure hunting for some powerful fucking relic that will make you untouchable?"
Morrin frowned, taking out his hand gun and swats it at her face. All Merlee could do is watch as the teal blood continues to get hit over and over until she finally remembered what her ancestor told her a couple of minutes ago. "Hirana..." She whispered.
"What the fuck do you want?!" The indigo blood whispered back.
"No... I want to talk to Hirana." Merlee says as the indigo blood was surprised by this and just ignored what she heard.
"I know that there's two of you in there. Trust me. I've known it since we fought. One second you would literally run towards me swinging like a manica, but the next you would look hesitant. I even felt it. An unbalance."
"What do you want with me?" Hirana finally answered.
"I'm pretty sure you've talked with my ancestor, right?"
"... Maybe."
"Well, she already told me what's going on but maybe you don't know."
"Like what?"
"Leanie is using you."
For a minute, Hirana thinks it over and denies it. "Shut up. You just want a way out of this."
Letting out a sigh, Merlee shook her head. "Well, I tried." Instantly, she casts a bright flash of light as she reels her head back to but against Hirana, getting out of her grip and quickly running to get to her friends. She only falls short as she manages to hover Amorra, Luniin, and Meryna away. When the bright lash of light dimmed, she is met with Morrin standing next to the right side of her ancestor with a gun pointing at her head. "Let her go!" Merlee yelled.
Morrin looks at Merlee and then at The Exiled. "Does this seem familiar to you... Nimira?"
"Not that I recall." She answered. "You and your ancestor merely just took me and locked me in a cage and then sold me to a warlord."
"Yes... the biggest mistake my ancestor made when I told him how powerful you were." Morrin swats his gun on the back of her head as she collapsed to the ground, trying to get up, but only got on to her knees.
"Stop! Leave her alone! Don't you fucking dare hurt her!" Merlee furiously yelled.
"No... I won't hurt her." Morrin says. "Despite her being the greatest mage, Merlee is beyond that and even she doesn't know that. So..." Looking at The Exiled, he points his gun directly on her head. "I'll just kill her so I can wipe away the memory of my ancestor. The mistake he made. Anything you want to say, Nimira?"
"Yes..." The Exiled said. "Merlee... do you remember my regrets?"
"... No. No. No! Don't you fucking say that right now! Don't you dare hurt her!" Merlee casted a fireball at Morrin and he shielded himself with his right hand. She gets up and swings her scythe at him, but she only gets pushed from him. "God... damn it! Let her go!"
"Merlee... do you remember my regrets?"
Panting, Merlee started to tear up as she picks herself back up. "You... regretted not finding the one person to fall in love with."
"... Thank you." The Exiled says, smiling as she closed her eyes. Merlee was about ready to make her next move but was too late. The gunshot rang out. Everything suddenly stopped as Merlee sees the smoke coming from Morrin's gun and then seeing her ancestor becoming still for one second and then falling forward to the ground. Broken. Merlee felt her heart break apart. Then anger. Everything is silent around her. She can see Morrin's lips moving, but doesn't hear what he's saying.
She hears Parasaiya's voice, telling her to not do anything rash. She doesn't listen. The room began to be consumed by a dark mist as everyone around her are wondering what is going on and are becoming concerned by this. Merlee is still, frozen, filled with anger as her eyes began to darken and the whole room start to shake. Finally, she then hears a scream as she leaps towards Morrin but gets stopped by Leanie and Hirana that blocks her way.
"Hirana! Stop her!" Leanie yelled.
"But... look at her! She's-"
"Do it! Now!"
"Just fucking do it, you pu- SHUT UP! I will!" Hirana tried to swing her cleaver at Merlee, but she stops it mid-swing by the blade with her hand. "What?!"
"Attack her!" Leanie yelled once more.
"But... she's...-
"Attack! Her! She's not invincible!"
Hesitant, Hirana jerks her cleaver away from Merlee and swung again, but the red blood grabs it by the blade with her hand again, bleeding from it as the cleaver began to crack and then breaking apart, leaving a shock wave that knocked Hirana back. Leanie tried to attack Merlee, but she was instantly swatted from the red blood's hand flew back against the wall, getting knocked out. Merlee then looks at Morrin who was ready to block anything that she might throw at him. The red blood leaped over to him and then darkness.
It felt like forever. An eternity. Merlee finally opened her eyes to seeing the sky in front of her. Was it all a dream? Realizing that she's outside. She jerks herself up and sees Amorra, Luniin, and Meryna all around her. "Hey! Easy, easy." Amorra says.
"What happened? Where's Morrin? Did we kill him? Did we get him?" Merlee questioned them.
"We... didn't get him." Amorra sadly says.
"What? H-How?"
"You tried to get to him, going completely mental, but he eventually pushed you back and tried to shoot at you." Parasaiya suddenly spoke as he makes himself appear as a shadow figure. "I was trying to tell you to stop, but you didn't listen to me."
"Oh..." Merlee looked around and notices that someone else is missing. "Wait... where's Nimira? Where's my ancestor?"
Everyone was silent. Luniin was about to say something but quickly refrained from doing so, not wanting to make it worse. Merlee remembered what had happened, realizing that what she saw wasn't a dream. "No... no... she can't be..." The red blood began to tear up, sobbing as she didn't want to believe it. "God damn it! God fucking damn it!"
"I'm sorry, Merlee..." Amorra says. "We did get er body, but... there's nothing we can do."
"God... damn it! She went through hell! All her life she just wanted peace, but she could never have it! She didn't fucking deserve this!" Merlee screamed. "I'm going to find Morrin. And I'm going to fucking tear him apart! I'm going to bring him back from the dead and kill him over and over and over again until he begs to be put in the fucking ground where he belongs! DO YOU HEAR ME MORRIN! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU! I'M GOING KILL YOU IN EVERY FUCKING WAY POSSIBLE! YOU HEAR ME MORR-"
Merlee is instantly knocked out from Meryna, hitting her in the back of the head. "That should shut her up." She says, grabbing Merlee and placing her arm over her shoulder. "Listen uh..."
"Amorra." The teal blood responded.
"Amorra... thanks for helping out. I'll be sure to let Merlee know that once she's chill."
"No problem... sorry about-"
"It's okay." Meryna said. "I... I think Nimira knew about it anyway."
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
An alternative
Impatience. That's one word to describe Morrin at this point. There's a reason he sent out those three trolls to find the red blooded girl though it had to be this long? At this point, they're worse than his two right hand men who couldn't find her on the day she arrived at his old mansion. This isn't going how he predicted. It isn't good.
"Mr. Luccan." Kalios says as he walked into the blue blood's room. "We seem to have some new regarding that red blood girl."
Morrin turned to him, seeing that he had a piece of paper. "What's that?"
"Well, this is what I'm here to tell you. Apparently one of our spies spotted her... and a clone of her." Kalios answered and handed him the paper which is a picture.
"What?!" He quickly grabbed the picture and examined it. A photo of Merlee and what seems to be a clone of her going through some kind of portal. "When was this a thing?! How... how did I not see this?! No, no, no, no. This is all wrong. My predictions of the future is going nowhere where it should be! But..."
"Mr. Luccan, if I may suggest." Kalios interject. "Would there be a way to lure Merlee out by using this clone... or whatever she may be? Hmm?"
"I had the exact same thought. Whoever this clone is, we capture her and Merlee has no choice but come to me. That is very perfect... where is Jalone?"
"Him? He's currently busy with his business... and currently wanting to be off the radar after that encounter with that forest girl."
"You cannot be serious? Why the hell did I hire him for if all he does is hide? He continues on like this, then it seems we'll have to do rip off the chain to keep him from being a liability to my operation."
Kalios grinned from the suggestion. "Yes, I do think we shall. I shall leave you be then, Mr. Luccan." On the yellow blood's head, it seems everything is going according to plan regarding Jalone. With that, he leaves the blue blood's room.
Morrin looked at the picture. A clone of Merlee? No. Something more than that. The red blood knows magic, as did her ancestor before her. Perhaps it's another of her, but from a different world? He's speculating too much on this. Perhaps he could go into his machine to see into the future on this matter.
He needs something to get his head straight with everything that's been going on.
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Phase 1
Plans are now moving swiftly. As Morrin's previous hive mansion is under the process of being torn apart, along with disposing all information he has written over the sweeps, he is now ready to start the hunt for the red blood and her mate. Hopefull, there will be no other strangers that will interrupt and put a pause to the mission. The incident with three trolls infiltrating his party put a huge damper on things.
But one cannot start a witch hunt without hiring a few bounty hunters that are willing to do the job for him. After the failures of his two associates not being able to retrieve the red blood sorceress, it left him with no other option but hire those that are capable of completing the task that both Kalios and Jalone could not possibly do.
It seems that word has gone out for bounty hunters ready for hire and he is able to meet the three that will do his dirty work. Walking down the grand hall of his new mansion, he is confronted with two trolls who seem to be subjugs. Not what he expected, especially one talking to themselves, though he is wondering where the third is at. "Welcome, you two. I believe you both know why you are here now, are you?" Morrin said with a grin. "I would love to get acquainted with both of you, but there's a person you both need to bring me. So let's cut-"
Morrin was soon interrupted as the one subjug quickly turned to look at him and blinked towards him, holding him by the neck. "Ooh! So you're the fucking guy that brought us?!" The troll said with a crazy look in her eyes. Or at least 'eye' considering her left eye is cybernetic and glowing brightly. "No, stop... we should let him continue to talk." She said, but her voice becoming softer and having concern behind it, but not only that, her cybernetic eye dimmed. "What the hell are you talking about?! This little blue berry, puff shit is yapping and I spent a fucking hour waiting for rich boy, over here, to come tell us to go lost and fucking found for a single troll!" And like that, her voice changed and the eye glowed brightly again. He's beginning to think that there are two personalities.
"I-If you just let me continue to finish... what I'm saying... I'll tell you that it will be worth your w-while!" He said, trying to gasp for air. He doesn't know how the troll is still able to keep a firm grip while "switching" from one to another. It seemed like an eternity, but the troll finally contemplated and released him. Gasping for air, he rubbed his neck and patted down his suit to make himself formal once more after that mishap.
"My apologies for Hirana." The other subjug said as Hirana walked over to stand next to her. "She is very... how do you say... impatient~ Also, my name is Leanie Cruziv. Pleasure to meet you."
"Well... she's impatient." Hirana said with her soft, sweet voice. "I'm very much more patient than she is, but it's something I have to deal with."
"Yes, and it's fucking agonizing and disgusting to deal with!" And like that, her voice changed, along with her demeanor.
"I see" Morrin added. "Anyways... as I was saying, I can make this hunt worth your while. I am willing to pay you a high amount and give you whatever you want. Whatever you wish, I shall make it come true!"
"I demand ten million caegers for both of us." Hirana said in her other, aggressive tone.
"T-Ten million?!" Gasping, he didn't expect for such a high amount. "For both of you?!"
"You should take her offer." Leanie said with a smile on her face. "She likes raising the stakes and getting what she wants... because we always get what we want. Now, tell us what we need to get and why we both should care."
It seems both are willing to cut to the chase. "Alright, you need to know this that the person your after is a red blood, female troll and a bronze blood, female troll. Though... I must warn both of you that they're not merely 'normal' trolls. these both possess magic that are beyond your comprehension. And the red blood is the most powerful one I have seen. Much powerful than her ancestor, The Exiled."
"And what of the caramel blood." Hirana said.
"A druid, but a well trained one. My associates learned first hand of her powers and she is needed to die. The red blood, however, I want her either alive or dead." He said, smiling. "And if you do bring her back alive, then I'm willing to give you... a hundred million caegers."
"Well, shit." Hirana said. "I'm sold."
"So am I." Leanie added.
"Good." Morrin grinned. His plans will finally be in motion. "The red blood's name is Merlee Zodius and the bronze blood's name is Rowyna Cervid. Kill the other and be sure to bring the red blood to me. Dead... or alive."
Hirana giggled manically and nodded, skipping out the door as Leanie followed suit. Morrin took out a cigarette, lighting a small fire with his right thumb and lit it, smoking it as he grins with this new plan that cannot fail. Soon he will have the energy of the one he's been hunting to increase his life span, surpassing his previous and becoming immortal and rule the planet with his new designs of cyborgs and androids. It would be enough to compete against the drones of her highness themselves.
As he was about to walk out of the grand hall, he catches troll leaning against a pillar. He guesses she's the third troll that must've shown. "How long have you been there?" He questioned.
"Long enough to hear what I needed to hear." She said, looking at him with neon orange eyes. She's a mutant. He can tell. He wondered why she's here and wondered why she gained the courage to face a high blood.
"For a mutant, you have guts to come confront a high blood like me." Morrin said. "Don't tell me you're here about the contract."
"I am." She answered. "The name's Galina Dracor. Now let's make this clear, alright? I'm not here for the money. You said you can give the troll anything if they bring you the girl you need alive or dead, isn't that right?"
"Yes. I did promise that."
"Then I want my curse to be lifted."
"Curse?" Morrin is puzzled by this question. "What curse do you have?"
"Long ago, I was picked on by asshole trolls for so long that they finally took advantage of me. They demanded a sacrifice of a body part." Galina said, taking off her right sleeve and revealed her robotic hand. "They took my arm and in return left me with a curse. I have been plagued of facing creatures that only I can see. Only me. No one else. No one can see them and these creatures only target me. For sweeps, I have been dealing with this shit and I want it gone. I want this curse to be lifted so I can continue on with my life."
"So... what do you expect me to do?" Morrin is confused. What does this girl expect from him? Find the ones that put a curse on her and have them lift it? He could just lie and say he'll accept her deal.
"I want you find whatever will lift my curse." She demanded, as predictable as he thought.
"Fine." He quickly answered with a grin on his face, taking out the cigarette from his mouth and blew out some smoke. "You got yourself a deal."
Galina began to walk out to the front door, but stopped right beside Morrin and pulled out her saw-like weapon, raising it right by his neck, the teeth of the weapon just mere inches to touching his flesh. "If you do not fulfill your end of our bargain if I bring the girl" She threatened, "I will fucking hunt you down instead." Pulling the weapon away from him, she lets it rest on her shoulder and walked away.
Her threats doesn't scare him. In the end, he always gets what he wants his own way. And having three trolls doing his bidding is one of them.
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
A dangered future
Morrin looked down at Merlee's still body, letting out a sigh of disappointment. "I gave you a choice, Merlee." He said, turning around to look over at his mansion. "What a disaster." His two henchmen, Kalios and Jalone,  walked over to Morrin. "Morrin, we don't think this place is safe anymore. With that one infiltration a couple months ago and now this, we don't think everything you've been doing is safe." Jalone said, rubbing his arm.
"Even though I often argue with this blue blood, I have to agree with him, my master." Kalios added. "Might I suggest relocating to the second hive to continue our operation."
Morrin looked over at his mansion, sighing heavily until finally speaking. "Then it shall be done. Also, be sure to grab the red blood's body. Maybe we can still get a use out of it yet." Both nodded their head and walked passed Morrin only to see no body to be found. "Uh, Morrin... Merlee's body isn't here anymore." Kalios said with a concerning tone.
Morrin's eyes widened from the mention of a body not found. He quickly turned around and instantly he grinned deviously. 'I knew that one bullet wouldn't kill her.' He thought. "Well then? What are you two morons standing around for?! Go out and find her and get her back here! She may not have gone far!"
Both Jalone and Kalios looked at each other until running into the forest to search for the red blood. Meanwhile, Morrin stood where he is as the rain began to pick up much more, pouring as he began to walk to his new location, thinking over the situation with Merlee. 'She was acting out very oddly. Her attacks were sporadic, not coordinated. I wasn't expecting this from her. I wasn't expecting this in any of my futures. Something is wrong and I need to fix this. Whether with... or without her.'
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monstersofsilence · 8 years
It never ends
Another day at the cafe. In the back room, preparing the small lattes for customers, Merlee placed them on a tray for her to carry out until she sensed something. An energy that was familiar to her and an energy she was afraid to meet again. It wasn't long until one of her employee members came up to her. "Merlee, there's someone that wanted to see you. He never told me his name... is he... someone you know?" She said with a brow raised to the mage troll.
Merlee stood there, silent, until finally turning around and walking passed the employee member." More than I should know..." Merlee said, walking pass the doorway and see the blue blood sitting on a table. She remembers his face during that "party" she went. Merlee walked over to him, sitting across from him very cautiously until she felt an odd feeling. Looking around, she notices that everything around her is frozen in time. She looked at the blue blood, seeing him grin over her. "How... did you...?" Merlee said as she was speechless
"I thought it would be nice to not have any distractions. And you're not the only one with powers, remember?" The blue blood said. "Also, I'm very sorry that I was rude for not introducing myself. My name is Morrin Luccan."
"I don't care who you are." Merlee said angrily. "You tried to capture me and you are a threat to me and my mate."
"Hm... true. It took me quite a while to track you down, but I would never think that I was searching for the descendant of the ancestor that my own sold to that warlord." Morrin said.
"What?! Your... your ancestor was the one... that captured and sold my ancestor to become... a weapon?!"
"You see, miss Zodius, witches aren't very easy to come by. Powerful and wonderful gifts, but each witch, or mage, are different depending on what they use their magic for. Making them as weapons is profitable."
Merlee stayed silent, continuing to listen to what he had to say despite it disgusting her.
"The more powerful the troll, the more valuable they become." Morrin said.
"But they're still a troll! They still have a life!" She yelled.
"A life full of destruction and chaos." He responded. "You are born onto this world, given a gift like no other and do you think you wouldn't take advantage of it? Merlee, my dear, look at yourself. I saw what had happened to you after we met. You are a powerful necromancer. Much powerful than your ancestor. You may not know this, but you are more powerful than her than you think."
"I want you stay out of my life or I will hesitate to end yours." Merlee threatened him. "I will do everything in my power to defend myself and my mate if you dare try to capture me again!"
"What of the others?" He questioned. Merlee stayed silent, eyes widened. "Your Beforian relative, Luniin? You hate her because of how low her intelligence is, but feel utter jealousy because she's somehow better than you in magic. Or your ancestor, The Exiled? You look up to her, but feel she's pushing you away for no reason."
"Stay. Away." Merlee sternly said with her eyes glowing teal. "I will kill you if you try to do any harm to me or the people I care about."
"Oh I don't think so." Morrin confidently said. "I have better plans, but for another day. We'll meet each other again very soon. Also, be sure to take care of your mate, Rowyna... isn't that her name? A mutant troll. Quite interesting." He got up from his seat and walked out to the front door but stopped, turning back to her. "Think about what I said, Merlee. Because our next talk is gonna involve that subject. Goodbye for now." Turning back, he walked out the front door and everything around Merlee unfreeze, going back to normal.
One of her employee members came by ready to take an order for the blue blood but only find Merlee sitting at the table where he was. "Hey! Where the hell did he go? He was just here with you!"
"You don't want to meet him..." Merlee said. The other just gave a puzzled expression as the red blood got up from her seat and let out a shaky sigh. "Listen... I don't feel good. I'm going to head home and take a day off. Tell it to our boss, okay?"
"Uh... sure, Merlee. Hopefully you feel better!" She said, seeing Merlee walk out the front door.
"Me too..." Merlee said, still wearing the maid uniform as she walked back to her hive.
"Merlee." Parasaiya began to speak to her within her mind.
"What?" She answered.
"I will have to admit something." It said. "You might think it may be foolish especially for an entity like me."
"Try me." She responded.
"I'm... afraid."
Merlee took a moment to process what it said to her. She let out a chuckle as she walked. "I'm afraid, too, Para. All I wanted... was... just a normal life. I wanted to be happy with my mate, but... it seems I'm cursed..."
"Whatever happens, we'll prevail somehow."
"I hope so, Para... I hope so."
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
what’s up? here’s some facts on Hexina
so I just put up a post on what she was like before she became a cyborg
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I’ll give a short summary on Hexina ‘cause I have thought about her back story for wEEKS
SO her REAL name, given from when she was born, is Farynn Ceotra. a bit of a reckless kid growing up until she met a guy named Yovari. they both hated each other’s guts which they both decided to become kismesis’
they both were close and that’s when she left her lusus alone in her old hive to live with Yovari. they hated each other but they both care about each other until Yovari was exposed to drugs and alcohol where that changed dramatically. since then Farynn lived through an abusive relationship, not normal to a a kismesis relationship that Yovari has threatened to kill her or any other means to try and do harm, in which he has caused harm to her
during that time, both were not doing well money-wise and Yovari continuing to buy drugs didn’t help at all for that situation. so one day, Farynn decided to sell Yovari’s drugs to both help him and themselves. though it didn’t left Yovari happy knowing about this
he came back home drunk and full of rage, beating Farynn to the point that she finally had enough, leaving him for good. she eventually found a group of people she hung out with but it didn’t help as she went down the path of drugs to wanting to escape her past
that didn’t help either and her final solution was to commit suicide but a man, named Morrin Luccan, came up to her and offered her another chance to start a new life
and she did accept the offer. the offer was to become a cyborg from his program initiation and she even changed her name. so she’s now Hexina Linali
from that point on, she left her past behind, moving on to a new life with a bright, positive outlook on things now
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
Farynn Ceotra
"No! No I... please just listen to me!" The female pleaded over the phone, hands trembling, voice becoming shaky. "J-Just stop and listen..." Almost close to crying, the other end hung up as she then hears foot steps stomping over to her outside the door, getting close. Eyes darting around to find a place to hide, she just went to her room, going into her closet and holding the door. Hearing the sound of a slam, she knew he barged right in.
"Where are you!" The voice called out, full of anger but slurred his words. "Where the fuck are you, bitch?!" The girl can hear things being knocked over knowing his drunken state tends to lash out. "Why the fuck did you give away my drugs?! Huh?!" She can hear him getting closer and closer, keeping her mouth muffled with the palms of her hand, not wanting a single breath to escape that could alert him to her presence.
The troll continued calling out to her, knocking over objects and hearing certain items shatter on the floor. There were moments he would stumble of bit, considering he's drunk and just letting his anger do all the work. He then came to her room, hearing his foot steps as clear as day, he checked everywhere until eventually giving up. Taking one last look around, he almost lost his balance and regained it, walking out of her room as she let out a sigh of relief, breath shaky. She moved her hand away from her mouth as her elbow accidentally knocked something over behind her, falling to the ground with an audible thud.
The troll stopped, now stomping his way towards her closet as she finally gives up, sobbing. The rest of those few minutes felt like a blur to her, she remembered herself crying, her hair getting pulled as she was dragged out of the closet. She vaguely remembers the beatings, the slaps on her face. The one thing she does remember were the lines. "Don't you dare and try and fuck with me, Ceotra! You're mine."
The next day, the girl woke up with new bruises and scratches. The man is obviously passed out. Always like this after he's done doing what he needs to do. The girl finally had enough. Leaving the hive as she goes out into the streets, spending the next couple of months trying to leave that past. She found a group of people she decided to call her family thought they really aren't. Just a bunch of trolls that would just go on day by day and occasionally getting high. She's gone into that habit. The only way for her wanting to escape the reality she is living in. Taking in whatever drugs that would let her mind wander off into a distant, imaginative plane of existence, far from the hell hole, as she would call it, that she's living in. Though it made it worse.
It was too much for her. She was messing up her life even more than being with a psycho of a kismesis. She needed to leave. She wanted to just end everything, escape the nightmare that she's in. The girl ended up at an abandoned building, heading to the roof top. Reaching to the high point, she walked over to the edge of the building, looking over at the city and the horizon, knowing it might be the last thing she will ever see until she heard a voice behind her, turning around. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you." A blue blood, and two other trolls behind him walked in on her.
"Wh-who are you?!" She quickly asked, afraid. "Did Yovari send you to find me?! I-I'm not going back to him! H-H-H-He ruined my life...!"
"Calm down. Nobody sent me. My name is Morrin Luccan. I have been... observing you for quite some time." The blue blood responded.
"... How long?" The girl was not sure of this troll. If he would do anything, she does have her one way to escape.
"I have seen the life you have been living which is quite odd, considering you are a high blood, like myself."
"Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouths, smart ass."
"You may be right. But still, I have seen this, Yovari, is it? How he has treated for almost three months."
"He..." The girl was hesitant to give anymore than what he knows. At this point, she thought, there's no use to hiding it. "He wasn't always like this... we were both... great kismesis'. But then he started using drugs, drinking, and... it changed him... he wasn't himself anymore. I decided to give it away for both money and to help him! But..."
"You poor thing... and you began to wander in the streets, joining the wrong crowds, and doing the exact same thing he did."
"Don't you fucking try to twist my words! I tried to forget the shit he did to me, what I've been through! I'm not like him... but I can't escape it... I can't anymore... I take them so I could escape from that past but it always brings me back to it... like nightmare but when I'm awake... it's... i-it's fucked up!" She then turned back around to the edge, facing it. "And I want to leave it!"
"Don't do anything rash, miss." Morrin says, slowly taking step by step towards her. "Now, listen to what I have to say. This isn't the right answer. Yes, you've suffered. You can escape it, leave all of that behind, but not with drugs and not through suicide. I can give you another choice. Hear me out."
The girl was prepared to jump, but then decided to listen, glancing over at him. "Talk..."
"I am the leading engineer of a program, giving trolls augmentations, making them better than what they already are. I am seeking volunteers and you are one of them. I can help you if you can help you. We will augment you, make you into a cyborg and from there... you can have a fresh start, start a new life. This will help you. I promise. We will even get you a home and starting amount of cash for your needs. You want to leave your past behind, don't you? Then... come with me. I will help you. I promise that."
She listened and it sounded too good to be true. Perhaps it was a trick. Maybe he's lying. She was about ready to jump, but decided to take his offer, stumbling back as Morrin quickly ran over, in case he needed to try and catch her, but she feel back on her rear, crying. "Y-You promise...?"
"I promise." Morrin had a sincere smile as he looked down onto her, offering a hand. "What is your name?"
"Ceotra... Farynn Ceotra..." She answered, grabbing his hand pulling herself up.
The offer was true. Farynn was escorted to a facility where they gave her all sorts of augments, augmenting all of her organs with cybernetics. The blue blood became a full-on cyborg as she woke up, feeling dizzy and weak as she was instructed to rest and then the testing would start first thing tomorrow. The day of testing went by fast. She aced every category as she felt like a new person with an upgraded body. "Very good, Farynn." Morrin said over the intercom. "You've completed every test with flying colors."
"Um... can I ask for a request?" She asks.
"What would that be?"
"... Can I change my name? It's just that... having that name... still clings to me. Having a new name, I feel like I'd finally leave the past, putting that behind me for good."
"Of course. What would you want your name to be?"
"... Hexina. Hexina Linali."
"Very well, Hexina. That is granted."
"Thank you..." The blue blood smiled, something she hasn't done in a long time. Couple days later, she was finally free, exiting the facility and making her way to her new home which they promised. And they did. It was everything she never thought she could dream of and a phone left for her to use. Hexina examined it, seeing a message of money being put into her bank account. She cried, smiling from all this. This is her new life. Something that she dreamed of and it finally happened, leaving her past, leaving the torment. It wasn't until then that she then remembered her lusus and went out to search for her, figuring maybe she is still at the hive she lived in as a child.
Guessing right, Hexina walked inside, taking in the memories of her childhood with every object she sees until she made it to see her lusus. The blue blood was shocked to see her lusus not in a great state. "Oh no! Mom..." Walking over to her lusus, she waited for a response as she whispered to their ears. She finally sees an eye slowly opening. "Oh my god..." Hexina let out a sigh of relief knowing her lusus is still alive. "You're okay!" Suddenly, Hexina frowns. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I left you like this... I shouldn't have but... I want to change all that! I... I messed up... I'm not with Yovari anymore... I left him... things went terrible and I had to leave him... but I made it worse later on... I did things that you wouldn't be happy about but... b-but I'm fixed! People helped me! I'm so sorry... I want to make this right." Hexina teared up, closing her eyes as she hugs her lusus close. "I won't leave you again... I promise... I'll help you get better and... and we can both start a new... happy life! Together, mom..."
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
Seeking help
It was almost the end of the day. Axxiom and Salemm went over to their owned territories as they both check up on their stocks to be sure that everything is in order. "Listen, I need you all to handle these things with care. I don't need another mishandling with the products, you get me?" Axxiom ordered to all of his workers as they all replied back in agreement.
"Bo-... I mean... Axxiom, I was thinking that maybe we should move the meth and crack to a different facility just to be sure." Salemm says.
"Why that?"
"Well, lately we've been getting hit by our customers that keep ditching out on our deals. Perhaps it's best to split some of the stuff some place else so they won't find it."
"Salemm... you know I respect your decision. But you have to trust me on this." Axxiom responded as Salemm only let out a sigh. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Trust me. If my idea doesn't work, then we'll do yours right away. Besides, my ideas are always fifty-fifty." Salemm only nodded as both of them walked to his office until he heard one of his workers calling out to him. "What's going on?"
"There's... some chick that wants to see you. I don't know who the hell she is but we keep telling her to leave."
"Uh... she doesn't take no for an answer."
Axxiom rolled his eyes as he walks back to the front part of the facility as Salemm followed behind him as she quickly grabbed a gun on their way to meet this stranger. Outside, Axxiom comes across a girl trying to shove her way through as a couple of his guys are trying their best to keep her away. She was almost close to reaching the door until the brown blood finally opened it in which they all stopped. "What the hell is going on? Who the hell are you?" Axxiom questioned as Salemm comes out and has her gun ready.
"Alright calm down. I'm not with anyone or affiliated with any other mob or gang. Trust me on that." The girl sees Salemm with the gun as she just grunted. "That's not going to stop me, trust me."
"What makes you say that a bullet isn't gonna put you down, miss?" Axxiom says.
The girl pulled out her arm as a hardlight shield appeared around it. "Shield. Able to absorb bullets, blunt and sharp weapons." She places her arm down as it deactivates. "Curtisy of someone I want humiliated. That's why I'm here to meet you, mister Donovk."
Surprised by the mention of his name, he slowly walks up to the stranger. "How do you know my name?"
"I am part cyborg. My legs are pretty much mechanical along with my arms, eyes, and half of my brain." She explained. "I also know that you were enslaved at one point... the same goes the girl, Salemm Vetrov."
At this point, both Axxiom and Salemm were both on edge by the amount of information that this person knows. "What's your name?" He asked.
"Amorra Tarona... please just hear me out. I know what you people do and I honestly don't care.Trust me... it wouldn't be the first time I came across a mob crime family."
Axxiom was hesitant. He was silent for a while. A minute to be exact until he spoke. "Alright... follow me to my office."
"Thank you..." Amorra replied. Axxiom and Salemm walked back inside while Amorra followed them. On her way in, she could see the whole facility coming to life. Trolls checking on inventory, making refined drugs and being sure to handle them correctly, putting them in packages and placing them on transport trucks.
"This is the heart of my drug trade. Expanded all across the city and across all over Alternia. I own many clubs, restaurants, and bars. You name it, I possibly own it... for a price. This all wouldn't be possible without trust. Trust... is the chain that binds us together. Without it, I possibly wouldn't be as successful as I am today... though sometimes there's always some we try to make deals with that would break that trust. And I can't have that." They finally made it to his office as Salemm closes the door behind her as all three of them are alone. "So what do you need me for? You know we're not some kind of hitman or mercenaries."
"I know... just... I need help." Amorra begins explaining. "For as long as I could remember, I have made it my mission to try and take down someone's soon-to-be empire. His name is Morrin Luccan."
"Luccan? The Morrin Luccan?" Axxiom questioned. "That prick that runs that whole slave trade?"
"So you know about him and what he does?"
"We've been trying to outperform him." Salemm jumped into the conversation as Amorra turned to pay attention to her. "Me and Axxiom don't take too kindly to slave traders or owners. There's always those that try to make deals with us. Offering slaves for our drugs. We keep refusing and later on we would disrupt their operation, freeing the slaves when they're not paying attention. They lose profit, we gain more publicity and don't have to worry about those fucking shit faces walking wealthy because of it."
"We've had run-ins with that stuck-up asshat." Axxiom began speaking again. "He literally thinks I don't run this whole operation. That smartass thinks he knows everything just because he's a damn blue blood."
"That's why I need your help." Amorra spoke. "That... bastard... he took me when I was a kid and held me in for who knows how long... they did all kinds of crap to me to the point they wanted to make me into a weapon. He captures trolls to sell them off to slave owners, but some of them to make obedient cyborgs that would become nothing more than their guns. He has facilities all over Alternia, but I cannot make them nonoperational on my own. I can't do it alone. I need your help. You have multiple territories all over Alternia and perhaps you can help me to stop him and free all those trolls that are being used for his sinister gains."
"No... no, no, no. I can't just have some of places focusing on that while I'm trying to make profits." Axxiom says as Salemm walks over to him.
"Axxiom... let's help her." Salemm suggests.
"But our-"
"Listen, you were a slave and then you rose up and made this what it is today... and you took me in because you saw the same scars, that you went through, from me... besides... some of your ideas are always fifty-fifty." She grinned as Axxiom just let out a smirk hearing those words again.
Letting out a sigh, he finally gave a nod. "Alright... we'll help out."
"Thank you... thank you so much!" Amorra was almost about to break into tears, but held back. "I'll be sure to make it worth your while when it's all said and done. I'll pay you-"
"Ah, ah..." Axxiom interrupted. "It's fine. You don't need to pay me. Besides, I want that bastard get kicked off his bloodied throne for being who he is and doing the things he does."
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
Four: Second thoughts
It has been long since Galina has last met the red blood she was "supposed" to capture and bring to the troll, Morrin Luccan. She knew that he would be wondering about it eventually considering she did visit him on the offer after learning later on that it would earn her nothing if she did proceed with it.
Walking out of her hive, she looks out at the horizon, watching as the dragons around her fly about. "Why the hell did I ever think of going to that asshole...?" Galina muttered to herself.
"That's a very good question~" A voice said behind her as she quickly turned around, blasting a breath of fire only to seeing no one once the fire dissipated. "Do you greet your guests that way all the time?" The mutant turned back around to see the yellow blood that is with Morrin.
"How the hell did you get up on this mountain?" She quickly asked. "And how the hell did you even find me?"
"A magician never reveals its secrets, girly~" The yellow blood grinned. "You're having second thoughts on the employment?"
"What would you know...?"
"I know. Nobody likes Morrin. And neither do I."
"So why the hell do you even work for him?"
"Simple... gaining his trust. The mighty that rise, must eventually fall. All those slaves he has, I would become their leader, make it seem I have freed them so they can follow me. We can start a proper revolution where all high bloods are no more." The yellow blood idly plays around with a card as he speaks, looking down onto it as he does so. "My ancestor, The Magician, was part of a rebellion. A rebellion that cost him his life. Rebellions where there's both low bloods and high bloods... the low bloods being sent to die while the high bloods gain all the glory for the rebellion."
"Why don't you just spit it out before I spit out something that's gonna sear you to bits."
"I want you to join me. When the time comes, I want you to join my cause. You are strong. I know that for sure. With you by my side, we can create an order that is free of high bloods. No more suffering... no more feeling like we're being ruled under a hierarchy."
Galina thinks over at his offer, pacing back and forth until she reaches to her weapon at the other end, letting it rest on her shoulder as she walks back over to him. "You're fucking crazy."
"... What?"
"You want to create a new order where you patronize one caste. Isn't that the same thing that some high bloods do to us? You'd just be like them."
"No... no I won't. I will be better. They will all die until there's nothing left. Being put into places where they will fill under the shoes of those they put into harsh labor."
"Do you fucking hear yourself? Or are you that far gone that you can't see yourself being THE asshole like those that enslave and torture low bloods and mutants?"
"I am nothing like them!" He yelled! "My name is Kalios Mashik! I am a yellow blood! The descendant of The Magician, my ancestor! I will undo what is wrong on this fucking world!"
"How, moron? Becoming them?"
"You shut your fucking mouth!"
Galina breathed out a puff of fire at him as he screams in agony, holding a hand against the right side of his face, stumbling backwards. Galina slowly walks over to him, whistling three times as all the dragons that were flying around flew over to her position, landing around her and Kalios as they all growled and roared, breathing out puffs and streams of flames. "I'm gonna have to decline on your offer, shitface."
Kalios looks up at her with one side that wasn't burnt, looking around him to see he was surrounded. With a snap of his fingers, a bundle of cards overflowed beneath him which engulfed him. Galina was about ready to attack until a gust of winds blew all the cards away to reveal that he was no longer there.
She got back to her normal stance, letting out a heavy sigh. "That guy has fucking cracked." All the dragons flew away from her position as she heads back inside and sits on a chair, dropping her weapon on the ground as she pulls out the long-sleeved glove that concealed her robotic right arm. It has been long since she met the red blood and she has promised to Galina that she would find a way to rid of the mutant blood's curse once and for all. "Soon... I hope."
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
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sketched the three main assholes that I pretty much have in my pile of trash
as I said that I would for the 0000000000000000000000.1% that are interested
are bored and wanna know anyway for some odd reason
ANYWAY here’s at least SOME LITTLE info about these antagonists that I have whether they are trolls I made for back story reasons or actual main trolls
Lyrine Zacarn: a slave owner and main bad guy on Manikin’s life
The Bloodless: overall crazy nutcase that created an army that was against both the empire and anyone that disagreed with his views
Morrin Luccan: main egotistical bad guy involved with multiple trolls. kidnapped and made Amorra into a cyborg, was the sole reason Merlee’s ancestor was put into slavery long ago, AND is wanting Merlee for the sole purpose of wanting to be untouchable by having her since she’s a powerful magic user
The Shipmaster: part of the fleet and conquered planets through extreme measures and pretty much someone that both Orelia and Anyssa want taken down because of cruel actions he has committed
The Ring Master: a subjug that has forgotten his real name and calls himself Ring Master. HUGE part in Orelia’s life which was controlled by this guy through voodoos. and now Orelia is on her personal agenda of wanting to find and kill this guy for ruining her life and making her feel lost because of being controlled by this psychopathic maniac
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Attacking the keep
"Jaisnt, I got your message!" Alexandra came into the cellar as Jaisnt began to prep some weapons together. Zenira and Amorra were there helping him as they chose certain firearms to take. "Are we really going to do this?!"
"Yup." The blue blood answered and quickly cleaned out the inside of chamber of his rifle. "We're gonna hit Morrin's fancy mansion."
"Oh shit... oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I don't know if I'm prepared for this! You have so many weapons that I don't know which ones I'll be goo-"
"Have you ever used a gun before?" Jaisnt interrupted.
Alexandra quickly thought for a moment. "Well... I never used a gun before. Only thing, I guess would count as one, was a prototype weapon I was making. It was almost like a gun, but-"
"Then you get to use a gun." Jaisnt interrupted once more.
"Woah, wait! Hey! I wasn't done!"
"Alex, you're in Alternia." Amorra began to speak. "On this planet, it's either live or die, and you don't get enough time to learn the ropes of whatever is being handed down to you. What we deal with, we learn from mistakes. We learn from the many cuts and bruises we get. So you're either going to be a helping hand or someone that will be a damsel. And hey, whenever you get back to your human planet, you'll learn some things to keep you safe."
"Um... right." The human said. She has forgotten that the species inhabiting this planet is different from Earth. On Earth,  you have to prepare for things though many parts of Earth have different views and values on certain matters. War is always a big topic among them. On Alternia, it's a fight for survival and other times for certain beliefs and it seems the whole planet is divided because of it. "So... what gun should I use?"
"Depends on what you think. I suggest taking three since you want to be light when maneuvering around. In fire fights, you have to be a harder target for those that want to have you on their sights." Jaisnt explained and pulled out an M16 assault rifle. "Take this. Modified it with a laser sight along with an EOTec holographic sight. The trigger is also a hair trigger so be careful with that when squeezing it. Very easy to set off, so be sure to have the safety on while we're heading to the mansion."
"Okay... other two?"
"A sub machine gun would do nicely. The Chopper, as I would like to call it. A modified version of the usual MP7 SMG. As for why I call it the Chopper, well because it's an ammo hose. Spits out bullets like a CZ, but that's why having a drum mag for it helps. And for a side arm, a Glock 17. I'd give you the G18 version, but since you already have two weapons that are automatics, the G17 should do nicely. Has an extended mag and a suppressor."
"Jeez... this is serious, huh?" Alexandra stated as she wraps the straps of the weapons over her shoulder and hid the handgun behind her back on the top hem of her shorts.
"You have no idea." He says and walks out of the cellar as Zenira, Amorra, and eventually the human followed behind him.
The plan is simple, get to the mansion and capture Morrin Luccan. Though, after the stunt that Jaisnt, Zenira, and his ancestor did during one of Morrin's parties, it's more than likely that the security is going be increased. As for knowing if any of Morrin's men might have firearms of their own is unknown to Jaisnt and everyone else. Being prepared is a good thing with ranged weaponry.
As the four finally got to the location of Morrin's mansion, they were surprised to the sight they were seeing. A lot of men seems to be pulling out a lot of things from furniture to stacks of papers. The papers they're burning, more than likely to not leave anything for anyone to see. "Huh... looks like they're cleaning hive." Jaisnt said as the four of them stayed at a farther distance and overlooked the place.
"But why?" Amorra questioned. "Does that mean he's not here anymore? Did your infiltrating really stirred him up that badly?"
"I don't think it was that..." Alexandra says as she looks over at all the men moving things out of the mansion.
"What do you mean?" Jaisnt wondered.
"Some of those things look like body bags... a whole lot of them, too. Jai, you said that infiltration mission you did went bad towards the end, right?"
"Yeah... but me and Zenira mainly had tranquilizer guns. Nothing that shouldn't cause fatal wounds or to kill." He answered. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that something must've happened after that mission you did. It seems like someone stirred up this Morrin guy and left a lot of bodies for him to clean out. After that, I'm pretty sure he found his place compromised and decided to move to a new location, but that also means to move out or destroy whatever is left behind." Alexandra explained as Jaisnt was surprised by the analysis.
"Huh... never thought of it that way." He says. "Good shit. Alright... well, I guess capturing this guy is out of the question. Our new plan of action is to stop those guys from destroying anything that could be important. Files, documents, dossiers, anything that could be helpful and anything that would know his new whereabouts is essential. Zenira, you provide sniper support. Shoot if we're getting overwhelmed."
Zenira nodded as she began to climb up a tree and takes her position as Jaisnt, Amorra, and Alexandra moved closer to the mansion. It wasn't long where everything amped up as soon as Jaisnt threw a couple of modified grenades. It wasn't to blow up the men at the mansion but to make holes for the three to take cover in. As the explosions erupted, and the dust settled, Jaisnt, Amorra, and Alexandra jumped into their holes as they heard gunshots being fired at their direction. It seemed the men were outfitted with firearms after all, Jaisnt quickly thought.
Jaisnt stayed in his hole as he pulled up his rifle, beginning to fire at Morrin's men while Amorra quickly activated her camouflage and quickly ran up to fight the enemy head on. Alexandra, on the other hand, covered her ears as she flinched with every bullet hitting near her position. Shakingly holding the rifle that was given to her, she peeked out to see what was going on. To her, everything felt like those movies. Everything is in slow motion, bullets flying by around her. Amorra uses her cybernetic legs to increase her speed as she keeps knocking down the enemies and shooting them with her SMG while they're on the ground to ensure they stay dead.
Looking back behind her, she could see Zenira taking shots, being patient, finding the right moment and firing. She's accurate. Very good. Jaisnt as well as she turned to look over at him. He was calm. He has been in fights before, she can see it in his eyes. Her? She feels helpless. Alexandra is a scientist. Not a fighter. Closing her eyes, she takes all of this in and it felt like sound finally back around her. Opening her eyes, she knows that she had to do something. Taking the rifle in her hands, she turned towards the enemy, taking the safety off, and fired. Timing her shots well to not try and shoot Amorra accidentally as the teal blood moved around. In that moment, she felt like she was fighting for her life and the lives of others. Something she never had to do before back on Earth.
From the other hole, Jaisnt glanced over to see Alexandra. He grinned. That girl found her fighting spirit, he quickly thought. Like that, he went on back to the offensive and soon enough, it was over. "Cease fire!" Jaisnt yelled and Alexandra, including Zenira, pulled their finger away from the triggers. Alexandra breathed in heavily, planting her head on the dirt as she exhaled, relieved that she's alive.
"Hey! We got a guy here! He surrendered!" Amorra yelled as she dragged a random troll out in the front. The troll frantically tried to run away as soon he was let go, but was stopped by the teal blood as dark mist spewed out from her hands. Her expression was a look of anger, intimidation. "I thought you surrendered..." She quietly said to him.
"Don't do anything rash, Amorra." Jaisnt said as he and Alexandra, along with Zenira catching up, walked over to the teal blood and the troll. Jaisnt looked over at the troll. Lesser muscle. Possibly got him signed up to just watch over things but never expected anything like a gun fight would happen.
"P-Please don't hurt me! I-I-I'll tell ya anything!" The troll begged. "Just... d-d-don't kill me..."
"Then tell us this, what's with those body bags?" Alexandra demanded. "Did something happened here?"
"Y-Yeah... a girl! Yeah! Red blood. She came here, tried fightin' Morrin, mah boss. She used some kinda crazy ass spell. It literally turned all the high bloods into zombies or whateva. All the buyas were literally undead and Morrin's right hand men took care of 'em, meaning they had to kill 'em. The low bloods and mutants took off. They were left alive..." The troll explained.
"Merlee..." Jaisnt muttered. "Merlee told me, Alex, and Zenira that she went to face Morrin, but she got injured and escaped."
"What does this Merlee girl had to do with him?" Amorra questioned.
"Ah! Oh! Mah boss wanted her because of how powerful she is. The red blood girl is the descendant to the most powerful mage in all of Alternia. The Exiled... she sure showed it during that rainy night. Like something off of a movie! The boss is obsessed over her, wanting her as a weapon. The Exiled was used like a tool of war. Morrin wants to do the same."
"That's basically the whole story." Jaisnt stated. "Looks like Morrin knew that if Merlee were to come back, she'd be coming for him again since she knew where he lived. That's why he decided to move."
"Tell us where he is!" Amorra demanded. "Or else you'll be sent into your own worst nightmares that you'll be spending the rest of your life driven insane until you die from them."
"A-A-Ah!! I-I don't know where he is!I was just told to get rid of the stuff from his old place! I know nothin' about where he is now! Us lesser guys never know what the hell is happenin' most of the time! We're practically expendable!"
"He's telling the truth." Alexandra says as Amorra and Jaisnt turned to look at her. "If he actually knew where this Morrin guy is, he would've  told us the moment you caught him. But... that doesn't leave the fact that maybe there's any kind of document that can hold the location of where he is?"
"As far as I can tell, none of that here. All the files we're burning are regarding trolls that we got stowed away and waiting to be put into auction for the slave trade. He literally didn't want no one to know of anything. He's that strict!"
"Shit..." Jaisnt whispered. "Well, there goes that... I'll have to go back to trying to search for Morrin's new location."
"What do we do with this guy, then?" Alexandra asked. Both Jaisnt, Amorra, and the human looked at each other, shrugging.
"Well... ya could let me go and I'll run off free and not tell anyone about ya all?" The troll said nervously only to get knocked out from behind. Zenira came up behind the troll and hit him directly on top of his head with the butt of her rifle. Looking down at the troll, she turned to everyone and gives a smile and a thumbs up.
"Well... that's one way." Jaisnt said. "Let's leave him here."
"Wh-what?!" Amorra cried out, shocked from what she heard. "This guy will wake up and tell him about us!"
"True..." He crouched down, taking out a grenade, pouring some glue-like substance and had the guys hand wrapped around it, Jaisnt pulled the pin, letting the troll deal with an active grenade. Let go of it, that means letting go the activation for it to set off. "Let's head back." Getting back up, he began walking back to the direction of his hive as the others followed while Amorra took one last look at the guy who is knocked out and then begin to follow the others.
As they walked, Jaisnt turned to look at Alexandra who was quiet, very unlike her. Normally she would be a bit chatty, but not this time. "Hey, Alex."
The girl got back to reality as she turned to look at him. "Uh... yeah?"
"You did great for your first time. You surprisingly were better than me." He praised her as she only smiled slightly from the compliment.
"Honestly... it was only at the end that I did something... I was so scared when they started firing at us. I never been in a situation like that before. Back at Earth, I'd always hear stuff like that on the news. Robbers having a gun fight against police officers, or our troops telling the world their stories of their gun fights. I always thought that stuff like that would never happen to me... I guess I was wrong."
"Well, you didn't expect that you'd be at some random ass planet where the species are violent as hell. That's the biggest thing."
"Yeah... I guess."
"What is a normal life like back your planet then. Tell me." Jaisnt asked.
"Well, like every day to me, normal as it can be." Alexandra answered. "When I was young, I'd get up, eat breakfast, and head to school. Now, I pretty much get up, work on new science experiments or projects and hoping that some of them would be approved by the head scientists, hoping to have my name out there. Though getting to that point was hard..."
"How so?"
"Well... my parents never saw eye-to-eye. My mom and dad would fight all the time. My mom didn't like that my dad was too focus on his work than the family. He was known in the world of science... which didn't make it easier for me in school... meaning I was the kid that has to strive to be the best than everyone else. I'd be the only kid that would have straight As. Nobody would talk to me... there was one time that some of the girls messed with me... they took my stuff and I kept begging them to give them back to me. They were assholes... I didn't know what to do but beg... I wanted to retaliate, but I was afraid of the what would happen if I did... during that fight a couple of minutes ago, it felt like that. I felt like I was ten years old all over again and I was being picked on, not knowing what to do. Whether to just hope until it was all over with... or fight."
"Jeez... that must've been rough. And whatever happened to your... mom and dad? Your guardians, I presume?"
"My mom separated from my dad when I turned fourteen. During that time, I skipped up a few grades and I was practically in college because of my intelligence, that and also my dad helped me get there... and... to be honest... I never liked my dad and how much he pressured me over the years. He literally drove my mom away from me. We didn't get to spend a lot of time together because of how busy my dad made me with constant readings and extra work he had me do... I practically didn't have a normal childhood."
Jaisnt stayed quiet. The human's life is so much different than his. Everyone's lives are different depending on how they are brought into the world with what's told to them, but hers seems like it was forced upon. the planet that she's from is a strange place to him and their customs are odd at best. Though he can see how they're similar. "Alexandra... one day, you have to tell me everything there is to know, and to do, at your homeworld. I know that life, like yours, was not the greatest, but just know that you don't have to do the things that were brought upon you. You're a scientist, right? Are you a scientist because that's your passion? That's something you want to do and succeed in? Or is it because the shadow of your dad still looms over you and you feel like you're still doing everything for him?"
The sudden question from Jaisnt was very sudden that she didn't know how to even answer it. Thinking over it, it literally made her question everything that she has been doing the last couple of years. Was Alexandra doing it for herself? Or for her dad? Taking a moment to reflect on it, she turned to him and responded to him. "I'm doing it for myself."
That was the answer he wanted to hear. Jaisnt smiled, nodding to her. "Good. Do it for you. Not for anyone else. You have been shown the ways to do what you're doing, but after that, you think about yourself. What's important is your own well being. I'm sure your mom would be happy knowing that if you were to meet her one day."
"Thanks..." Alexandra smiled. The rest of the walk is pure silence, but during that time, she thought over what he told her. Ever since her parents separated, she hasn't heard from her mother in so long. Alex assumed that her mother cut all ties to her and her father or maybe her dad is preventing her from speaking to her mother. Whenever she gets back to Earth, she's going to try and look for her and visit her. Catch up on all the years they missed out spending time together.
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