#Hirana Niirio
monstersofsilence · 1 year
Running From The Truth?
Pure eternal darkness.
Hirana knows this place well. The endless void that she never find a way out of. At first she would think she's dreaming but she would eventually find out that it is a way she and her alter would talk. It always ends up this way. Why here of all places? Sometimes they would "converse" in front of the mirror.
Though why want to talk? What would they gain out of it? Or are they in control already that allows them to do that? The one thing Hirana is afraid. Losing her own free will. She can never guess who is in control. Herself... or them.
Like usual, she can hear footsteps behind her, echoing all around until it stopped. "Are we gonna continue talking?" Her alter asks.
"Then I will ask another question... Who is in control here?" The alter asks another. Hirana was quiet. She couldn't know the answer but she wants to believe that she's in control. Not them. She has to. "Are you? Or... during the times when the killing happened that you were in control."
"You know well... whatever you say will not change my mind." Hirana responded. "I can't go back. No matter what. I am a heretic in the eyes of the Carnival. In the eyes of her. It is too late to try and right the wrongs." Long ago, Hirana was brought in to the Dark Carnival. Given the same initiation like all the rest when they were kids. It was tame back then. What changed? Or maybe the Carnival was always like this. Perhaps it always had some sinister aura that seems to hang about like a perpetual dark cloud. She was just too blind to see it and wanting to fit in. Wanting to feel like she's a part of something. Something greater than her own life. Was she really naive to believe in such a fairy tale? All those killings was all for nothing? For Messiahs that possibly don't exist? And if they did, would they approve such atrocities that have been committed? She'll never know for sure. "Why keep going on with this...? What are you trying to gain...?" Hirana asks once more.
Again, her alter stayed silent. She can never get inside their head to figure them out. And even then she can't trust her. Not for the things they've done. The things she and Leanie have done.
"Don't you fucking dare twist my life around like that!" Hirana turned to face them and snap at them. "That was all you! I never wanted to kill!"
"Really? Then why couldn't you stop me?"
"Wh-wha..." Hirana's eyes widened from that sentence.
"If you were that against killing, the bloodshed, the little dirty work you were being told to do by Leanie all for the church, then why not... stop me?"
"I... I-I..."
"What if... you were fully in control most times. I was never the one being told what to do by Leanie... perhaps you were sometimes. Just... you repressed it from your memory."
"Sh-shut up..."
"You know the deed you did was wrong and quickly forget it."
"Shut up..."
"And your scape goat all that time was to blame me, pass down the blood stains to me and consider yourself having a free conscious and free of sin."
"SHUT UP!" Hirana yelled as loud as she can, her voice echoing all around. The other was silent. "Just... shut up... I know my life... do not twist it for your own gain. And even if it is true... then I accepted it... and carry those sins with me. I will always know that I accept the blame for what I have done... because I thought I was doing a good thing... for the Carnival... for... Leanie..." Hirana began tearing up, turning back around to not face them anymore. "But until then... you did those sins. You did the blood shed. And exactly what Leanie wanted..."
Her alter stayed silent. They merely let out a sigh and turned to the opposite direction and began walking there. There footsteps echoing on e more until they faded. Hirana was finally alone again though this was a first. Usually the two would have a back and forth until she wakes up. Why is this different? Regardless, Hirana eventually woke up, slowly opening her eyes as looked around her room and eventually sat herself up straight.
Those words are haunting her. Perhaps she may have been in control at some points when she was with Leanie. It is too late now. If she did, she accepted what she had done and will atone for it somehow. Though why ask that? Ehy this constant quedtioning? Why continue persuading her to go back to the Carnival?
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
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I am finally done! @w@
I... do not know how long I was at this. a week? I think???? I think this whole week? .w.
either way
I’m finally done
and I’m happy with the final results of all six! you have no idea how every time I was doing each phase that I was getting happier with how it was coming out and just... it’s not normal for me feeling confident in my art .w.
so here they are! I love how they all came out! each and every one and also thank you for those that inspired me for the sea dwellers. it’s a small thing but it literally gave me some ideas for my owns with their fins. simple thing but was something that was VERY helpful in the long run!
from left to right!
Rinous Iinabe | Cirrus (C1-RS) | Hirana Niirio
Galenu Corfee | Mnacro Tahirr | Elanti Atonia
so fun little fact: with all your help, it gave me an idea with Mnacro and Elanti’s fins that I literally looked into what their lusii are because I forgot... don’t question that .w.
Mnacro’s is an anglerfish and their fins are FUNKY looking. and they are thing of nightmares anyway and, you know what, it makes sense giving him that. Elanti’s was a different story. her lusus is a squid and I literally thought “wait... do squids have fins?” ...they do owo;;;;;;
though they are very
and they vary but still look plain. so I just decided to make hers the way it is because no way was I just gonna design a plain-looking fin
overall... I am happy with how these all came out!
some I have wanted to redo and some I haven’t drawn in forever. Mnacro and Elanti were the two I have not drawn in quite a while. Elanti with some sketches here and there but never a full on new ref. and they needed an update at least art-wise ;v;
so yeah!
I am finally done and taking a break from these committing artwork for now so I can just do random sketches and rping, interacting with you all! ;u;
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
Quadrant master post
making this to remind myself because I made one before in the past but I can’t find it ;w;
anything bold means that it’s filled
Claire Minola (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Nexono Seruex (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Linith Dimava (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kalios Mashik (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Lensee Varous (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Ulyino Ulvikh (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Protes Olmahk (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Verrex Varron (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Taline Nevaac (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Serena Cryone (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Janyse Marcan (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Jaisnt Rodnik (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Piocis Jonilh (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Fesira Oranaq (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Mnacro Tahirr (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Elanti Atonia (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Varani Xolphi (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Galenu Corfee (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Amorra Tarona (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Calrin Jozrei (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Lidian Aoliaa (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Merlee Zodius (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Neonce Vilana (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Xanoys Talisa (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kiliko Hallow (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Keelix Venosa (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kaalin Venosa (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Laxine Fenova (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Manikin (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Rinous Iinabe (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Hexina Linali (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Tonila Travun (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Zenira Aracni (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Leanie Cruziv (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Hirana Niirio (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Orelia Mezeni (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Galina Dracor (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Nixina Zmatra (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Jaxnyi Saneli (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Anyssa Hanell (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Zaiten Beltos (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Cylion Cytone (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Axxiom Donovk (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Cilrus Xonova (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kalikn Dimeve (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Vivily Hammon (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Kalikn Dimeve (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Lemoru Xenett (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Vexias Calisi (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Aileen (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Denala Fawnox (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Xariva Lagomo (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
It has been some time since Hirana went to try and find the troll that she and Leanie were ordered to find for a reward. Coming back empty handed obviously made Leanie furious. More so than what she’s used to. Hirana stood in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection and wiped off the clown paint from her face with a cloth. “What if she’s right...?” Hirana said to herself, thinking of what the red blood had told her.
“Right about what?” The other began to speak through her. “What the fuck did you and that bitch talked about?”
“What if I’m being used... what if... Leanie doesn’t really see me as a friend? But as someone she can just use to do her dirty work...? Only because of you inside of me.”
“Look at me.” Hirana looked at her own reflection as she sees her cybernetic left eye glowing bright. “What do you believe?”
“I... I really don’t know what to believe...”
“Well, to me, I think she’s full of shit. We’re supposed to be hunting her, capturing her, and bringing her to that asshole. Didn’t it not come across that stupid fucking brain of yours that maybe she’s trying to mislead you so she can stay free and possibly plan to fucking kill us?!”
“She... she doesn’t seem like that kind of person to lie!”
“She’s lying to you. That red blood is just trying to get away from us so she just made you think.”
“I... I don’t know... I need to know for sure. I need to talk to Leanie...”
“You’d be wasting your damn time.” Hirana just closed her eyes, breathing in heavily and finally exhaling as she got out of the bathroom and out of her home, heading her way to meet Leanie. It might not be good to meet her now since she’s still mad, but Hirana needs to know, to put her mind at ease. Or to try and figure who she should trust.
Making her way to the Dark Carnival, she finds the tent that Leanie is always in and see her just sitting in the middle of the floor. She was ready to say something but paused, seeing Leanie raising her arm and a finger as she got up and turned around to face the indigo blood. “What the hell do you want?”
Hirana is hesitant. Perhaps she should just go back. No. She needs to know now. “Leanie... I need to ask you a question.”
“Make it quick then. I don’t have time to look at you after you didn’t bring the girl back to me.” Leanie says.
“Leanie... are you actually my friend... or are you just using me because of the other person inside of me...?” Hirana just closed her eyes, embracing for an answer. Anything, honestly.
There was silence between them. It was a heavy silence until she felt a hand on her shoulder as she opened her eyes, looking at Leanie. “Let me tell you something, Hirana. Sometimes we have to not look back on the past. We have to keep looking forward. To the future. Sometimes looking back on the past can reveal... ugly things. Sometimes a knock on the head can make you come to your senses on these things... and then make you brilliant.”
The whole thing sounded vague. It’s like a riddle to her until she tried to piece it together and suddenly remembered who injured her. “... You...? You... did this to me...?” Hirana said as she pointed to her left eye.
“You were on the verge of being a heretic. I did what I had to do. For the Dark Carnival and for the Messiahs. It was supposed to kill you, but when you had no memory of it, I knew I’d be free from any confrontation from you. I later learned that you were having trouble with another personality in you and I took that advantage to bring you on the right path and make you my personal weapon.” Leanie grinned as Hirana just slowly walked back, eyes widening from what she’s hearing.
“She was right... she was right...”
“Who was right? What are you talking about?” Leanie questioned. “Tell me right now.”
“No! I’m not going to say anything anymore to you!”
“You will do as I fucking say.” Hirana was about ready to leave until Leanie grabbed her by the hair and kicked the back of her legs, causing Hirana to fall to her knees. “Tell me. Right now.”
“Fuck you!”
Leanie rolled eyes in annoyance and brought the indigo’s blood head back and then plunges it down to the ground as she leaned down to her level. “Tell me. Or... let the other you tell me instead.”
“N-No way in hell! I’m n-n-not saying sh-shit!”
“Tell me or you are going to lose another eye, but I’ll make sure you remember it this time. I will make it slow and painful.”
“A fucking god damn it, just get over with it, you stupid bitch! It was that red blood chick you have us go after!” Hirana’s other personality suddenly talked.
“What?! WHAT?!” Furious, Leanie finally let go and then began to kick at Hirana. The indigo blood let out grunts of pain as she felt every impact on her. “I can’t fucking believe this. Get the hell away from me. And if you think you can just run away from me, I will hunt you down. You are nothing without me. Now get the fuck out of my sight.”
Hirana tried getting up, but couldn’t. She crawled out of the tent and cried. She was lied to all these sweeps. How could she have been so blind to not see it sooner? Finally gathering enough strength to get herself back up, she limped off from the Dark Carnival. “I... I can’t believe this... she... she lied to me... she made me who I am now... she wanted me dead from the start...”
“Well... that was a shit show... it also hurt like hell.” Her other personality stated. “So what the hell do we do now?”
“We can’t stay... I can’t stay... there’s no part of me being in the Dark Carnival... or with her... I don’t know what to do...”
0 notes
monstersofsilence · 6 years
“I regret not finding love”
Merlee, Amorra, and Luniin finally arrived at Morrin's new location. Standing fore them is practically another mansion but much more larger than the previous one. "I'm starting to believe this guy is compensating for something." Merlee says.
"Yeah... his ego." Amorra bluntly said. "So... what's the plan."
"I'm going to try and stall him. At least make him think I'm literally giving myself up while you and Luniin go and find Meryna and my ancestor. They're bound to somewhere in there."
"Well... can't you sense them or something? At least make it easier for me and Luniin?"
"You're right. I didn't think of that."
"First time for everything~" Luniin said with a chuckle a Merlee glared at her and she gestures a zip to her mouth.
Merlee closes her eyes, focusing as much as she can on Meryna's and Nimira's energy to try and figure out where they are. Everything is silent, still. Time slowing and darkness envelops as she focuses on finding the energies she is looking for. She then sees it. Two orbs of light and the outlining of where it is. Opening her eyes, she collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily as Amorra gets concerned. "Are you alright?"
Taking a second to recollect herself, she nods to her and stands back up. "They're in a holding cell. The back door is a great way for you two to get inside without being seen and once you're there, make a left turn until you find a wall. It's hidden in there and it'll take you downstairs to where they are."
"Holy crap... you saw all that?"
"Well... practically. Though it's difficult focusing on two life sources. I almost used up my energy. But I'll be okay. You two head around back."
Amorra and Luniin nodded and they left to do their jobs. Merlee is left alone as she slowly walks up to the front door, letting out a deep breath as she was ready to knock until she heard some rustling behind her. Turning around, she sees a troll trying to untangle herself from the roots she's caught in. She finally gets herself free as she waves over to Merlee. "Oh! Um... hello! I was... uh... lost! I was looking for some place to at least stay over for a bit." She says with a smile.
Merlee stood where she is, confused. "Um... well... I don't live here. Sorry."
"Really? Oh... that sucks. Um... my name is Celrna."
"Hello... Celrna?"
"So... what are you doing here?"
"Listen... I'm sorry that I can't help you, but I'm on important business... and it's something that you shouldn't be around when it happens, okay?"
"Oh... uh, okay! I'll be... I'll be on my merry way then! It was nice meeting you, miss!" The troll finally left, waving goodbye while Merlee stood there, confused by the sudden appearance of this troll. The red blood turns back to the door, instantly banging three time on it and steps back a bit to see it open on its own. She is greeted with a large, grand hall that leads up to steps and then three door ways. One in front of her and the others on the sides.
"You've got to be kidding me." Merlee whispered to herself as she looks around.
"Merlee Zodius!" A voice is echoed. A familiar and hated voice. Morrin walks into the grand hall with Kalios and Jalone by his sides. "I knew you changed your mind."
"Yeah... I did." Merlee plainly says.
"How's that bullet wound? I assured you that I tried killing you since you left me no choice, but I'm glad you made it through."
"Well, maybe you should work on your shitty aim if you were planning on killing me."
"Yes. Well, I am no sharp shooter, but I did try my best. Now, this isn't some trick? If you give yourself up, I will free the two that are related to you."
"Yes... I'm... I'm giving myself up to you. I don't want you to hurt the people that I care for... not my mate and neither those related to me. Please... let them go."
"Hmm... seems sincere." Morrin says as he takes a drag on his cigarette. "But... I can't say I believe you."
"... What?"
"No. I really don't believe you. I expected something like this might happen. You think you'd just waltz in here, give yourself up, I let your friends go, and then that's it? No. Oh no... that's too easy."
Merlee grits her teeth together, angry as she readies herself. "Let them fucking go!"
"I can't do that. But hey. You tried. I guess that means I'll be finishing them off." He was ready to walk off until he heard an explosion coming from within his mansion. Alarmed, he quickly turned around to face Merlee. "You... you aren't alone... are you?"
"You'll be surprised which one of the people I brought to help me out. Now it's just you and me. Your stupid lackies stay out of it."
"No... no. Not now. Maybe next time if you live. I have some people of my own that I hired to take you in... or kill you. Hopefully the first option. For now, we'll meet again when you finally do give in to me."
He walks away along with the two trolls following suit as Merlee yells for him. "Hey! Get back here! Come back and fucking face me!" She runs to the doorway that he disappeared in was quickly stopped by a scythe that landed in front of her. Stepping back, she looks to her right to see two subjuglators. Staying cautious, she stands still and waits for their move.
"Well, so you're the troll that rich guy has been talking about." One of them said. "You don't look all too mighty. But I will admit that you have fire with you~"
"Who are you two?" Merlee questioned.
"My name is Leanie Cruziv. My friend here is Hirana Niirio. Mister Rich hired us because he's desperate to having you and he would pay us quite highly if do the job."
"Do you really expect him to fulfill that promise?" Merlee says. "He's possibly using you two and then stab you both in the back."
"You don't think we don't know that?" Hirana says. "Of course we expect him to betray us, but that doesn't mean we'll let that slip. No. Once we're done with you, we're going after him next."
"In the name of Mirthful Messiahs." Leanie says. "Now shut up and die!"
Both pounced at Merlee's position as she jumps back as Leanie grabs her scythe and starts charging towards her with it. Merlee quickly dodges as Leanie swung on her right side and then rolls to being face-to-face with Hirana who grins at her as the indigo blood raises her cleaver. Startled by this, and feeling a burst of energy coming from her, she moves out of the way as she swung and missed.
Tired of trying to dodge and move, she starts being on the offensive as she casts a fire ball at them as they moved away, blowing up a chunk off of a wall. Leanie looks relentless as she continues to try and get close to Merlee, but the red blood keeps casting fire balls to keep them at bay while Hirana looks not all there. It always seems like she would look dangerous, but then hesitates the next, like there's a switch inside her that makes her want to attack or not.
Merlee continued to hold them off, waiting for Amorra and Luniin to come back with Meryna and The Exiled. The red blood is pushed back to the point she ends up against a pedestal and she looks back to see her scythe is being displayed behind a glass case. "That asshole." Using her elbow, she breaks it and grabs her scythe.
"Oh come on." Leanie mocks. "Do you even know how to use that?"
"Trust me." Merlee replied. "I spent my entire life practicing with this scythe a lot more than you have with yours. Plus, I'm strong enough to wield this." The red blood prepares for a swing, but was then hit in the abdomen from the blunt end of Hirana's cleaver. Merlee tried getting up, but heard a gunshot and instantly froze. The three of them stood still as all of them wondered where it came from and they all looked over at the doorway seeing Amorra pointing her handgun at Hirana and Leanie.
"It's over." The teal blood says as Luniin comes out of the door way with Meryna and The Exiled behind her. Merlee smiles, getting up and quickly walks over to their position as Hirana tries to get her, but was stopped as Amorra points her gun at the subjug. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Merlee quickly aids her relatives, looking over at the collars. around Meryna's and The Exiled's necks. "Are you guys okay?"
"Oh swell. Instead we got our asses handed to us and got these fucking things around our necks!" Meryna says angrily.
"Good to see you, too Meryna." Merlee says.
"Merlee." The Exiled spoke. "I have a favor to ask of you."
"Now's not the time, Nimira." The red blood said as she tries to pry open the collars with her hands but failing.
"Hirana. The one with the pig tails. I want you to help her."
"What?! Help her? She tried to kill me!" Merlee explained.
"She's being told to do that. Hirana has a second soul within her. That second soul gains control every so often, but Leanie is using that to her advantage. The more she does, the more dominant it becomes and the more Hirana drifts off from her actual body. She's nothing more than a pet than just Leanie's friend. Please. Help her. I sense good in her... I sense fear from her. From the things she's doing."
Thinking for a moment, Merlee let's out a sigh as she nods to her. "Fine. But I hope I'm not making a mistake." Turning around, she faces the two subjugs. "Listen up. We're leaving here. You two are not to follow us or Amorra, here, is going to shoot you if you do."
"Do you really fucking think we're going to let you walk out of here alive?!" Hirana yells. "You've got to be fucking joking"
"We are leaving!" Merlee yelled. As she was ready to make her way down the stairs, she hears footsteps coming from the middle doorway and all of a sudden a collar came flying and instantly wraps around Luniin's neck and a barrage of cards came flying and wrapped around Amorra's arms and legs, keeping her in place. Soon Morrin, Jalone and Kalios came out. "You son of a bitch!" Merlee charged towards Morrin, but was knocked back by one of his powers. She falls back to where Leanie and Hirana are as Hirana grabs the red blood, holding the cleaver over her neck.
"Isn't this a surprise?" Morrin says. "We have the whole blood line here! A big reunion." Walking over to Luniin, he looks her over and made a disgusted expression. "She looks like a slut. Didn't think there'd be one in the Zodius blood line." Luniin tried to attack him but he moved away and she falls flat on her face. "Also clumsy." He then walked over to Amorra who is restrained from Kalios' magic cards. "Amorra... it has been so long."
"Fuck off." The teal blood says.
"Come now! Where's your compassion? I made you who you are, you know?"
"You mean kidnapping me as a kid and made me into a fucking weapon?! That's all you want. Power! First me, then Merlee. What's next? Going treasure hunting for some powerful fucking relic that will make you untouchable?"
Morrin frowned, taking out his hand gun and swats it at her face. All Merlee could do is watch as the teal blood continues to get hit over and over until she finally remembered what her ancestor told her a couple of minutes ago. "Hirana..." She whispered.
"What the fuck do you want?!" The indigo blood whispered back.
"No... I want to talk to Hirana." Merlee says as the indigo blood was surprised by this and just ignored what she heard.
"I know that there's two of you in there. Trust me. I've known it since we fought. One second you would literally run towards me swinging like a manica, but the next you would look hesitant. I even felt it. An unbalance."
"What do you want with me?" Hirana finally answered.
"I'm pretty sure you've talked with my ancestor, right?"
"... Maybe."
"Well, she already told me what's going on but maybe you don't know."
"Like what?"
"Leanie is using you."
For a minute, Hirana thinks it over and denies it. "Shut up. You just want a way out of this."
Letting out a sigh, Merlee shook her head. "Well, I tried." Instantly, she casts a bright flash of light as she reels her head back to but against Hirana, getting out of her grip and quickly running to get to her friends. She only falls short as she manages to hover Amorra, Luniin, and Meryna away. When the bright lash of light dimmed, she is met with Morrin standing next to the right side of her ancestor with a gun pointing at her head. "Let her go!" Merlee yelled.
Morrin looks at Merlee and then at The Exiled. "Does this seem familiar to you... Nimira?"
"Not that I recall." She answered. "You and your ancestor merely just took me and locked me in a cage and then sold me to a warlord."
"Yes... the biggest mistake my ancestor made when I told him how powerful you were." Morrin swats his gun on the back of her head as she collapsed to the ground, trying to get up, but only got on to her knees.
"Stop! Leave her alone! Don't you fucking dare hurt her!" Merlee furiously yelled.
"No... I won't hurt her." Morrin says. "Despite her being the greatest mage, Merlee is beyond that and even she doesn't know that. So..." Looking at The Exiled, he points his gun directly on her head. "I'll just kill her so I can wipe away the memory of my ancestor. The mistake he made. Anything you want to say, Nimira?"
"Yes..." The Exiled said. "Merlee... do you remember my regrets?"
"... No. No. No! Don't you fucking say that right now! Don't you dare hurt her!" Merlee casted a fireball at Morrin and he shielded himself with his right hand. She gets up and swings her scythe at him, but she only gets pushed from him. "God... damn it! Let her go!"
"Merlee... do you remember my regrets?"
Panting, Merlee started to tear up as she picks herself back up. "You... regretted not finding the one person to fall in love with."
"... Thank you." The Exiled says, smiling as she closed her eyes. Merlee was about ready to make her next move but was too late. The gunshot rang out. Everything suddenly stopped as Merlee sees the smoke coming from Morrin's gun and then seeing her ancestor becoming still for one second and then falling forward to the ground. Broken. Merlee felt her heart break apart. Then anger. Everything is silent around her. She can see Morrin's lips moving, but doesn't hear what he's saying.
She hears Parasaiya's voice, telling her to not do anything rash. She doesn't listen. The room began to be consumed by a dark mist as everyone around her are wondering what is going on and are becoming concerned by this. Merlee is still, frozen, filled with anger as her eyes began to darken and the whole room start to shake. Finally, she then hears a scream as she leaps towards Morrin but gets stopped by Leanie and Hirana that blocks her way.
"Hirana! Stop her!" Leanie yelled.
"But... look at her! She's-"
"Do it! Now!"
"Just fucking do it, you pu- SHUT UP! I will!" Hirana tried to swing her cleaver at Merlee, but she stops it mid-swing by the blade with her hand. "What?!"
"Attack her!" Leanie yelled once more.
"But... she's...-
"Attack! Her! She's not invincible!"
Hesitant, Hirana jerks her cleaver away from Merlee and swung again, but the red blood grabs it by the blade with her hand again, bleeding from it as the cleaver began to crack and then breaking apart, leaving a shock wave that knocked Hirana back. Leanie tried to attack Merlee, but she was instantly swatted from the red blood's hand flew back against the wall, getting knocked out. Merlee then looks at Morrin who was ready to block anything that she might throw at him. The red blood leaped over to him and then darkness.
It felt like forever. An eternity. Merlee finally opened her eyes to seeing the sky in front of her. Was it all a dream? Realizing that she's outside. She jerks herself up and sees Amorra, Luniin, and Meryna all around her. "Hey! Easy, easy." Amorra says.
"What happened? Where's Morrin? Did we kill him? Did we get him?" Merlee questioned them.
"We... didn't get him." Amorra sadly says.
"What? H-How?"
"You tried to get to him, going completely mental, but he eventually pushed you back and tried to shoot at you." Parasaiya suddenly spoke as he makes himself appear as a shadow figure. "I was trying to tell you to stop, but you didn't listen to me."
"Oh..." Merlee looked around and notices that someone else is missing. "Wait... where's Nimira? Where's my ancestor?"
Everyone was silent. Luniin was about to say something but quickly refrained from doing so, not wanting to make it worse. Merlee remembered what had happened, realizing that what she saw wasn't a dream. "No... no... she can't be..." The red blood began to tear up, sobbing as she didn't want to believe it. "God damn it! God fucking damn it!"
"I'm sorry, Merlee..." Amorra says. "We did get er body, but... there's nothing we can do."
"God... damn it! She went through hell! All her life she just wanted peace, but she could never have it! She didn't fucking deserve this!" Merlee screamed. "I'm going to find Morrin. And I'm going to fucking tear him apart! I'm going to bring him back from the dead and kill him over and over and over again until he begs to be put in the fucking ground where he belongs! DO YOU HEAR ME MORRIN! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU! I'M GOING KILL YOU IN EVERY FUCKING WAY POSSIBLE! YOU HEAR ME MORR-"
Merlee is instantly knocked out from Meryna, hitting her in the back of the head. "That should shut her up." She says, grabbing Merlee and placing her arm over her shoulder. "Listen uh..."
"Amorra." The teal blood responded.
"Amorra... thanks for helping out. I'll be sure to let Merlee know that once she's chill."
"No problem... sorry about-"
"It's okay." Meryna said. "I... I think Nimira knew about it anyway."
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
In captivity
It has been a couple of days since their capture and Meryna is growing more violent than ever as she's screaming and kicking at the metal bars. "You fuckers!" She yelled across the hall. "Wait until I figure out how to get this shitty collar off and I'll implode you from the inside out!"
"Meryna... it's pointless." The Exiled says as she's sitting in a meditative position.
Meryna looks at her, confused but distraught by how calm she is in the situation she's in. "How?! How the hell are you chill?! We're in a fucking cell!"
"This isn't my first time being in one." She merely says and then it finally donned on Meryna what she meant and finally kept quiet about it. "Merlee will come for us or we can try to come up with some sort of plan to escape."
"Well, what plan are we gonna come up with when we got these fucking collars on that negates our magic?"
"Have patience." She says as Meryna groans in frustration. Soon a door is heard open and two subjugs came in.
"Oh great." Meryna sarcastically says. "Who brought the circus in town?"
"I wouldn't talk so rudely to us if you know what's good for you~" One of them says and then spoke something in a different language that Meryna couldn't understand.
"What the hell did you say?"
"None of your concern, rusty. I'll be leaving Hirana here to watch over you two. Play nice now~" The subjug let out a giggle and left, leaving the other subjug with the two red bloods. She stood still for a moment and finally leans against a wall, looking down at the ground. Meryna is confused by this, expecting her to say something or make some threat.
"Hey, what's your deal? Aren't you baddies supposed to mock a victim that's being held prisoner or some crap like that? Like in the movies?" Meryna says.
"Just shut up. No one gave you permission to talk." Hirana says in a polite tone.
"I'm just saying! I should expect some sort of-"
"She says shut the fuck up you waste of garbage!" Hirana says in a louder, high pitched tone as her left cybernetic eye glows brightly purple. "You're lucky I don't just rip you apart limb from limb and shove them down your damn throat to shut you the fuck up!"
"Jeez... that was a big change in attitude." Meryna finally backs off but The Exiled got intrigued by this, getting up and taking a look for herself of who this person is.
Despite not being able to use her magic, she can still sense things and she can sense a duality of sorts within the troll. "What do you mean she?" The Exiled questioned. "Your friend that just left?"
Hirana was surprised by this question, trying to think of an excuse. "Uh... of course! I meant her."
"She never said that. That's something I don't quite understand."
"What the hell are you? A detective?"
"No. Not really. You already know what I am, but I don't think you understand the lengths of what I can really do."
"What... what do you mean?" Hirana then covered her mouth, whispering something to herself as her left eye glowed once more.
"Throughout my sweeps I have trained myself to feel and sense everything around me. Whether it be a life source or a powerful energy from an object. Everything emits some sort of energy, traveling through the wind, the ground that we stand on. You... are Hirana, correct?"
Confused by this, Hirana plays along with the red blood's little game and responded. "Yes. That's my name. Hirana Niirio."
"Who's the other in the room with us?"
"What... I don't follow?"
"Let me rephrase it. Who's the other in the room... within you?"
Shocked by this, the indigo blood looked away as she tries to think of something. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about."
"But I think you do. I sense four souls. Mine, Meryna's, and yours. But there's another. The fourth one is within you."
"I... I-I-I..." She stuttered but instantly changed her tune. "Ah fuck it. She found us out. The gig is up and you fucking blew it!"
"I was correct. The change in tone and attitude. Not to mention your left eye giving it away. It seems to always glow much more brighter when the other presents itself."
"Con-fucking-grats!" The indigo blood slowly clapped sarcastically. "Woop-dee-fucking-doo! You want a freakin medal or something?"
"I wish to speak to Hirana, now. I just wanted to be right."
"Oh I'm so sorry! Am I too unimportant for you? You just wanted to be fucking right that there's two of us? That I'm fucking stuck in this bitches body?! You're too mighty for- STOP! AH! Stop it! Stop it now! You're done talking!" She suddenly talked to her self again, wrapping her arms around herself as she tries to calm herself. "Why... why did you have to persist?"
"I'm sorry... I just-"
"I have been living like this since the accident! The same one that took my left eye! Ever since then I have been trying my best to be in control, but whatever is living inside me is trying its best to dominate me and take over... I always feel like I'm gonna lose myself... never coming back mentally or whatever it may be..."
"Have you seek help to get rid of it? Or at least find some answers to your situation?" The Exiled said.
"No... I've just been afraid." Hirana says. "People might think I'm crazy. And a lot of people don't like subjuglators and they all think we're crazy enough anyway. But... Leanie has been helping me. Making it useful. She treats me well and understands the situation that I'm going through."
"Leanie? The one that left a while ago?"
"Yes. Leanie Cruziv. We met each other when I was seeking help with the problem and she said that it's not a problem that can be useful if done right. And so I did. We both has been together since and me being around her have sort of helped satisfy the other's needs... but I don't know why... I feel like it's getting stronger."
"Hmm... I understand the situation." The Exiled merely says. "But... I think you need to understand it yourself. Or see it in another direction."
"What do you mean by that?"
"When a scientist wants something to be done right, they experiment with things. Trying different variables and equations until they realized that there's something that's preventing it. One thing that could literally be the answer. So they use up enough of it that they make their new solution."
"What? What... I don't?"
"You'll figure it out in time. Or someone will tell you bluntly. Possibly the latter." The Exiled says as she walks back to sit at her corner. "In due time. Fate works in mysterious ways..."
Confused by this, Hirana stayed quiet as Meryna listened to the whole conversation and walked over to The Exiled, curious by what she meant. "Hey..." She whispered. "So... care to explain?"
The Exiled looks at the ground, letting out a sigh and answered. "The other indigo blood is using her. Letting the other soul to be more dominant... and she would then have an obedient troll."
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Two sides of every coin
Hirana Niirio. A girl full of mystery, but even with all that mystery, she made herself known under the Dark Carnival along with her partner-in-crime, Leanie. Most people would know how she really was. At least those within the Dark Carnival would know and no other troll, under any caste, would be brave enough to even go to it and ask about what Hirana was like before the accident.
Not many know what kind of accident she was in. Some have made up stories on how she lost her eye and some of them are hard to believe. But everyone knows about her split personality ever since she got the cybernetic eye. Her actions became clear and, overall, fanatic. Possibly why Leanie is always around to keep her on the right track, at least the dominant, violent side of Hirana, that is. When Leanie is not around, making decisions becomes difficult and Hirana ends up arguing with herself.
"M-M-Maybe we should wait... Leanie could come back at any second." Hirana said to her other personality.
"Wait?!" Her tone changed as her cybernetic eye glow brighter as she changed her position as if she was speaking to someone next to her. "If we wait, I'll be getting angsty and bored as fuck and you know how I am when I get bored. You fucking remember the room we were in and I trashed the shithole to an even more shithole!"
"I... I-I remember..." Her tone changed again as the kinder side got into the same position the violent side was in, but in the opposite direction. "But... I think it's best if we can wait. We still haven't found out where-"
"Of course we don't know where the hell this magical red blood girl is! You don't think I don't fucking know that?! Fucking shit! Like speaking to a dead cat!"
"I just..."
"What? You just what? You were just saying? Is that what you were gonna fucking say? Huh? Is that what you were gonna fucking say?!"
Her demeanor changed as the kinder side just stood where she is, silent. Hirana wondered how she got herself into this. Then she remembered the accident. Her life changing when her eye was replaced and somehow, another personality awoken. There's times she wants to rip her cybernetic eye, but she knows the violent side will stop her. She tried once before. It didn't end very well.
Everything about her life before has become a blur to her. She doesn't know what she like back then before this happened. Now, she's the scared one while her other personality is violent, unpredictable, and has a bad temper. She's afraid of herself. This other thing inside her head. The only person that is able to keep her in check is Leanie and, to this day, Hirana still wonders why both of them became friends. Even her other half wonders. It's the one thing that they both can agree on.
After a second of silence, they hear the door opening and a familiar voice calling out to them. "Hirana! I'm back~" Leanie said in the distance as she walked down the main hall and towards the room Hirana is in. "Miss me?"
"Leanie! You finally came..." Hirana said with a smile and soon that smile changed quickly as the other half gained control and ran up to Leanie, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her. "Where the fuck have you been?! Do you have any fucking idea how restless I was?! I was ready to scratch the fucking walls until I had no nails left!"
"Calm down, Hira. Please take a seat on the bed." She instructed as Hirana did so. "I did my research and I finally got the location of that red blood we were given the task to bring... but... I decided to not care about the big reqard of bringing her alive and, instead, kill that bitch."
"Yes! Fucking finally!" Hirana grins and changed as the other side came back in control. "K-Kill...? But the big reward...? I mean... it'd be enough for the both of-"
"He's not going to give us any reward. Whether we kill her or bring her alive to him." Leanie said with a stern look on her face. "I can see what type of troll he is and he's not the one that will hold his promises. That blue blood is a greedy, snob asshat that just wants the red blood for his own gains and nothing more. He's using us as pawns."
"So... if we were to bring her alive to him... we'd get nothing in return...?" Hirana looks down at the ground, upset and her demeanor changed as she got off the bed she was sitting in and slams her fist against the wall, making a hole as she screams. "That motherfucker! That greedy motherfucker! We're gonna get him when we're done with the girl, right?"
"Exactly the plan, Hira~ Now, I'm going to head out. You have fun within that little head of yours~" Leanie laughed at her own joke as she left Hirana alone.
The kinder side took control as she thought over what was said to her. Kill? Hirana thought this would be the one thing that she hoped wouldn't involve to kill someone. Guess she was wrong when Leanie is involved to strategize. She can't rely on her own because of her violent side. Without Leanie, her violent side would be unstable and she can't be dominant on her own if the violent personality is always the one being the most controlled.
She needs help. Hirana can't do this anymore. But she thinks no one would be able to help her.
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Phase 1
Plans are now moving swiftly. As Morrin's previous hive mansion is under the process of being torn apart, along with disposing all information he has written over the sweeps, he is now ready to start the hunt for the red blood and her mate. Hopefull, there will be no other strangers that will interrupt and put a pause to the mission. The incident with three trolls infiltrating his party put a huge damper on things.
But one cannot start a witch hunt without hiring a few bounty hunters that are willing to do the job for him. After the failures of his two associates not being able to retrieve the red blood sorceress, it left him with no other option but hire those that are capable of completing the task that both Kalios and Jalone could not possibly do.
It seems that word has gone out for bounty hunters ready for hire and he is able to meet the three that will do his dirty work. Walking down the grand hall of his new mansion, he is confronted with two trolls who seem to be subjugs. Not what he expected, especially one talking to themselves, though he is wondering where the third is at. "Welcome, you two. I believe you both know why you are here now, are you?" Morrin said with a grin. "I would love to get acquainted with both of you, but there's a person you both need to bring me. So let's cut-"
Morrin was soon interrupted as the one subjug quickly turned to look at him and blinked towards him, holding him by the neck. "Ooh! So you're the fucking guy that brought us?!" The troll said with a crazy look in her eyes. Or at least 'eye' considering her left eye is cybernetic and glowing brightly. "No, stop... we should let him continue to talk." She said, but her voice becoming softer and having concern behind it, but not only that, her cybernetic eye dimmed. "What the hell are you talking about?! This little blue berry, puff shit is yapping and I spent a fucking hour waiting for rich boy, over here, to come tell us to go lost and fucking found for a single troll!" And like that, her voice changed and the eye glowed brightly again. He's beginning to think that there are two personalities.
"I-If you just let me continue to finish... what I'm saying... I'll tell you that it will be worth your w-while!" He said, trying to gasp for air. He doesn't know how the troll is still able to keep a firm grip while "switching" from one to another. It seemed like an eternity, but the troll finally contemplated and released him. Gasping for air, he rubbed his neck and patted down his suit to make himself formal once more after that mishap.
"My apologies for Hirana." The other subjug said as Hirana walked over to stand next to her. "She is very... how do you say... impatient~ Also, my name is Leanie Cruziv. Pleasure to meet you."
"Well... she's impatient." Hirana said with her soft, sweet voice. "I'm very much more patient than she is, but it's something I have to deal with."
"Yes, and it's fucking agonizing and disgusting to deal with!" And like that, her voice changed, along with her demeanor.
"I see" Morrin added. "Anyways... as I was saying, I can make this hunt worth your while. I am willing to pay you a high amount and give you whatever you want. Whatever you wish, I shall make it come true!"
"I demand ten million caegers for both of us." Hirana said in her other, aggressive tone.
"T-Ten million?!" Gasping, he didn't expect for such a high amount. "For both of you?!"
"You should take her offer." Leanie said with a smile on her face. "She likes raising the stakes and getting what she wants... because we always get what we want. Now, tell us what we need to get and why we both should care."
It seems both are willing to cut to the chase. "Alright, you need to know this that the person your after is a red blood, female troll and a bronze blood, female troll. Though... I must warn both of you that they're not merely 'normal' trolls. these both possess magic that are beyond your comprehension. And the red blood is the most powerful one I have seen. Much powerful than her ancestor, The Exiled."
"And what of the caramel blood." Hirana said.
"A druid, but a well trained one. My associates learned first hand of her powers and she is needed to die. The red blood, however, I want her either alive or dead." He said, smiling. "And if you do bring her back alive, then I'm willing to give you... a hundred million caegers."
"Well, shit." Hirana said. "I'm sold."
"So am I." Leanie added.
"Good." Morrin grinned. His plans will finally be in motion. "The red blood's name is Merlee Zodius and the bronze blood's name is Rowyna Cervid. Kill the other and be sure to bring the red blood to me. Dead... or alive."
Hirana giggled manically and nodded, skipping out the door as Leanie followed suit. Morrin took out a cigarette, lighting a small fire with his right thumb and lit it, smoking it as he grins with this new plan that cannot fail. Soon he will have the energy of the one he's been hunting to increase his life span, surpassing his previous and becoming immortal and rule the planet with his new designs of cyborgs and androids. It would be enough to compete against the drones of her highness themselves.
As he was about to walk out of the grand hall, he catches troll leaning against a pillar. He guesses she's the third troll that must've shown. "How long have you been there?" He questioned.
"Long enough to hear what I needed to hear." She said, looking at him with neon orange eyes. She's a mutant. He can tell. He wondered why she's here and wondered why she gained the courage to face a high blood.
"For a mutant, you have guts to come confront a high blood like me." Morrin said. "Don't tell me you're here about the contract."
"I am." She answered. "The name's Galina Dracor. Now let's make this clear, alright? I'm not here for the money. You said you can give the troll anything if they bring you the girl you need alive or dead, isn't that right?"
"Yes. I did promise that."
"Then I want my curse to be lifted."
"Curse?" Morrin is puzzled by this question. "What curse do you have?"
"Long ago, I was picked on by asshole trolls for so long that they finally took advantage of me. They demanded a sacrifice of a body part." Galina said, taking off her right sleeve and revealed her robotic hand. "They took my arm and in return left me with a curse. I have been plagued of facing creatures that only I can see. Only me. No one else. No one can see them and these creatures only target me. For sweeps, I have been dealing with this shit and I want it gone. I want this curse to be lifted so I can continue on with my life."
"So... what do you expect me to do?" Morrin is confused. What does this girl expect from him? Find the ones that put a curse on her and have them lift it? He could just lie and say he'll accept her deal.
"I want you find whatever will lift my curse." She demanded, as predictable as he thought.
"Fine." He quickly answered with a grin on his face, taking out the cigarette from his mouth and blew out some smoke. "You got yourself a deal."
Galina began to walk out to the front door, but stopped right beside Morrin and pulled out her saw-like weapon, raising it right by his neck, the teeth of the weapon just mere inches to touching his flesh. "If you do not fulfill your end of our bargain if I bring the girl" She threatened, "I will fucking hunt you down instead." Pulling the weapon away from him, she lets it rest on her shoulder and walked away.
Her threats doesn't scare him. In the end, he always gets what he wants his own way. And having three trolls doing his bidding is one of them.
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
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last night I was busy cause Hirana’s and Leanie’s previous refs
especially Leanie’s. GOD I hated seeing it so much
I knew I needed to redraw them but I just never had the motivation because Hirana’s outfit is complicated, at least to me
ANYWAY, here are my only subjugs because every other indigo blooded troll I have are not or never became subjugs
OH YEAH, in case you don’t who is who, Hirana is the one on the left and Leanie is the one on the right c:
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
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part 2/2
12th Perigee Yule Ball 2018
I’m actually done with these, which I’m kinda surprised. I was able to finish the coloring in one night. I thought it was going to take me a few days to do, but I guess not :v
ANYWAY, it’s all done and a good amount of these I’m really proud of uwu
except for Jaxnyi
I’m going to be honest with everyone
I don’t know what I was thinking when I picked those colors and now every time I look at her, I literally can’t help but laugh because what the FUCK was I thinking. let’s just say that Jaxnyi could care less about what goes right when it comes to dresses
BTW, decided to make it into a two-parter ‘cause if I did what I did the last time, then it would just be long and nobody wants a long post clogging up their dashboard. also, I know I’m not the greatest artist in the world nor am I one that is using a digital program to do these, so bare with me. I did my best on these and I think these turned out okay ;v;
that and it’s my first time drawing A LOT of dresses that had to look different and unique from one another
it’s not all great, ARTISTICALLY but I did my best with what I got uvu;
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
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Hirana Niirio
Age: 10 Solar sweeps (21 Earth years)
Height: 6′1″
Interests: [Unknown]
Bio and personality: [[TO BE EDITED]] Your trollian is enlightenedGrace [EG] you tend to be... a bit shy at times and you Ḉan be timid
Hive location: Near the city, within the forest
Blood color: Indigo
Ancestor: The Illusive
Lusus: Four eyed tiger
||Quadrants|| <3 <3< <> c3<
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
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Leanie Cruziv
Age: 11 1/2 Solar sweeps (24 Earth years)
Height: 6′4″
Interests: [Unknown]
Bio and personality: You are a master manipulator and trickster. You like things going your way and you want it done your way. You are a subjuglator, part of the Dark Carnival and you take it very seriously. More so, that others saw potential in you when you manage to catch "heretics" that were speaking blasphemy about the Dark Carnival, about the Mirthful Messiahs. Around that time, you met a girl named Hirana Niirio who was becoming a heretic herself. You set up a trap, making it seem like an accident and you hoped she would die from it. Surprisingly, she lived, but gained something which made you use her for your gain. You had believe a lie and it worked out perfectly... until she eventually saw through your facade. The strings are cut off and you can't trick her no more. She knows everything and hates you for lying to her for so long. Do you care? No. You never did. She's hiding from you and you know how weak she is. It's only a matter of time until you catch her and put her into torture she wished she should never go through, she would've wish she was killed that day instead of dealing with you. You are a nice person. No you are not. You barely say anything nice and you always hide all the awful things you say to people behind an Eastern Alternian language. Not many trolls know it and it's perfect to leave them in a flase sense of security. You may act all cutesy, but you are sadistic, fucked up in the head when you show your true colors. Your trollian is deceivingPuppeteer [DP] and you Tricky to re⍱d the first time ⍱round~ しかし、彼らはあなたを把握するために長生きするのではありません〜
Hive location: In a desert oasis
Blood color: Indigo
Ancestor: The Siren
Lusus: Two-tailed scorpion
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
so pretty much the trolls that are attending the 12th perigee ball, plus one human disguised as a troll
Cylion Cytone
Merlee Zodius
Amorra Tarona
Neonce Vilana
Jaisnt Rodnik
Calrin Jozrei
Rinous Iinabe
Linith Dimava
Galina Dracor
Verrex Varron
Hirana Niirio
Zaiten Beltos
Tonila Travun
Galenu Corfee
Jaxnyi Saneli
Keelix and Kaalin Venosa
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
"Hirana... how the hell did you let her get away?" Leanie said as she had her back turned away from the other subjug.
"I... I-I don't know! I have no idea what happened!" Hirana says.
"Is something wrong with you, Hirana? Should I be concerned?"
"No! No! You shouldn't be concerned! I promise you that nothing is wrong with me! I can go and try to find her myself!" Hirana said, determined as she she got up from the chair she was sitting in as Leanie turned around to face her.
"Are you certain of this?" Leanie grinned. "You don't need me as your back-up plan?"
"No! I can show you that I can capture her! I'll get that damn magic girl!" Hirana screamed as her left cybernetic eye glowed brightly and her tone became more extreme. "And we'll make her life a living hell while she fucking begs for mercy!" Hirana went to grab her hatchet cleaver and went off to search for the red blooded magic user.
Hours later, she had searched all across the city and decided to extend search area along the forest. As she walked, Hirana just looked down at the ground, frowning. Letting out a sigh, the other began to speak. "What the fuck has gotten you in the dumps?"
"Don't speak to me."
"Listen here, you stupid bitch, I'm you and you are me. You have to deal with it than just ignore what is right in fucking front of you."
"Let me concentrate!"
"You can't concentrate without me, you dumbass!"
Hirana groaned and stopped as she hears a voice. Hirana silently walked to a tree, hiding herself behind it, and peeked her head out to seeing the red blood sitting in the middle of the ground. She tightly gripped her cleaver as her left eye glowed brightly and a insidious smile grew on her face as she leaped out in the air, swinging her cleaver above her head to land on the red blood but was stopped in mid-air. "What the fuck?!" She tried to move, but couldn't as she used her eyes to look at the red blood who had a finger pointing at her. Magic. That's the only explanation.
Merlee turned to look at Hirana and walked over to her. "You never had the drop on me. I am a mage. I can sense the presence of every being."
"So what?! You think you're fucking better than me with your fancy abra cadabra dumb crap?"
"I like to speak with Hirana."
"I am fucking Hirana, you dumb shit!"
"No. You are not Hirana. I don't know how to properly explain it, but I don't think you even existed when she was born. It's more unusual that the left eye glows whenever you surface. So let me speak with her."
"You really think I'll fall for that trick again?"
"It's not a trick. Either that or I'll do a painful method of getting her out. It'll hurt you both. And at this point, I wouldn't mind seeing another in pain to make me feel better for what I witnessed. You let Morrin kill my ancestor... why do you even work for him is still a question only you should answer... but not you. Now, bring out Hirana."
The subjug just looked at Merlee, letting out a snarl as the left eye dimmed down. Merlee lowered the troll down, letting her have free movement once more but was then slapped on the forehead as Hirana felt a weight lifted off from her at that moment. Stumbling back, she screamed at Merlee. "What the hell was that for?! You said you weren't going to do anything!"
"I didn't." Merlee said. "I pretty much just sent your otherself out of your body for a moment. At least enough time for us to talk. I know that if I put you down right away, it would resurface and attack me right away. In a way, you have full control of yourself at this current moment." The red blood walked back to her spot and sat back down on the ground.
Confused by this, Hirana just dropped her weapon on the ground and just collapsed to her knees. "Why... why do you do this? Why me?"
"I don't know... I hate you. I hate everyone that is working with Morrin. Though what I don't understand is why you would work with him in the first place."
"I... I wonder that myself. I asked Leanie that-"
"She's my friend. She's been my friend since she first met me when I... after the accident."
"Hmm... continue."
"Oh um... I asked her the same question. She knows that Morrin is no good. She expects him to not hold his end on the deal and possibly get rid of us. He's an asshole. I know that for sure. She told me that if we take you in, we'd let him get his fun and then get rid of him after."
"But why did you and Leanie both even accepted Morrin's offer in the first place?"
"I didn't want to, but... wherever Leanie goes, I go along with her, too. We're both inseparable. Word got out that a blue blood is hiring bounty hunters though it was never said what we'd be hunting for and what the reward would be. A lot felt discouraged by the offer if no one knows what they'd be hired for if the reward could be great or just god awful. In the end... me and Leanie had nothing to lose or gain. We were both doing it for fun... we both have been hunters, of a sort. We have been finding those that have strayed away from the Dark Carnival, turned down the beliefs of the great Messiahs."
"Hmm... I'm starting to sense a theme here." Merlee said as Hirana turned to look at her in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't want to pry into your life, but I have one question. What happened to you that caused you to get an eye like that? It's okay if you don't wish to answer it."
Hirana simply looked down at the ground, trying her best to remember. "It's... al very vague to me. I don't remember a whole lot and often times, I feel like I put all the pieces together, but another piece just comes out of nowhere... the only thing I remember was some people saying they should just replace my missing left eye with a cybernetic one when I was going in and out consciousness. That's when it started... I woke up but it wasn't me waking up... I was moving... but I wasn't the one moving my body. I don't remember what happened when I woke up. Everything blacked out and I woke up again, but in my hive."
"Something must've went terribly wrong during the procedure. Possibly personified your negative emotions and it turned into your second personality. Maybe. I'm theorizing on this since I don't know much on how medical procedures work. I, obviously, dwell on magic. Never have to worry about doctors. We're practically our own doctors, but there are some that use their magic to heal those in need."
"Wait? Are you saying that something went wrong? And that's why it keeps coming out?!"
"From what I know on multiple personalities, it's a possibility. Sometimes other personalities just surface due to a traumatic event in ones life. Other times it just... comes out of nowhere. It's weird like that. Again, I don't fully know. I'm just guessing and putting some sense from what I do actually know when I read about it or heard it from somewhere. But what I do know is this, Leanie is using you."
Hirana was shocked by the comment and yelled at her. "You told me that before! I'm not falling for it!"
"Hirana... think about it. She started talking to you after the accident, when your second personality started to become known and make a name for itself. She's using you because of your second personality, she knows you can't control it and using that to her advantage."
"Shut up! You don't... y-y-you don't know that! Shut the hell up!"
"I'm telling you the truth, Hirana! Has there been times you have disagreed with her?
"Yes... but that-"
"Has there been times that when you do, she would bring you down and get you worked up about it? Pressuring you to go along with her?"
"Yes and that's only-"
"She's using you, Hirana!" Merlee got up, towering over the troll. "She knows your weakness and is exploiting it! She works you up to get the other personality out because she knows that it won't say no to what she says. That's why you both are inseparable... she's not really your friend, Hirana. She has never been to begin with. You're merely her secret weapon because you follow orders... though you can't help it. You really can't because of your personality."
Hirana listened, but she didn't want to believe it. "She... she wouldn't... I'm her... I-I-I'm her friend... she said that to me... she's been by my side to help me with my problem..."
Hirana froze in disbelief as she tried to wrap her head around all this, but began tearing up, messing up her face paint. Merlee merely let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, Hirana... I wish I was lying. It's too easy to spot when you put all these things together. If I were you, I'd leave her. She's not going to help you fix your personality problem."
The indigo blood slowly got up, wiping off her tears as it smudges her face paint. "You're wrong... you're wrong! She's my friend! I know she is! She wouldn't use me like that! You're fucking wrong!" Hirana grabbed her weapon and just ran off to the forest as Merlee tried calling her out to come back though it was too late. Hirana ran as far as she can until finally slowing down and just dropped to her hands knees and cried. "She's wrong... that can't be true!"
"What the fuck are you crying about now?" Her other personality finally came back. "What the hell happened to me? Where is that bitch?!" Hirana switched back, screaming at the top of her lungs.
"Shut up!" Hirana screamed. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I can't take this! I want to fucking die!"
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