#Amorra Zeroni
monstersofsilence · 7 years
Attacking the keep
"Jaisnt, I got your message!" Alexandra came into the cellar as Jaisnt began to prep some weapons together. Zenira and Amorra were there helping him as they chose certain firearms to take. "Are we really going to do this?!"
"Yup." The blue blood answered and quickly cleaned out the inside of chamber of his rifle. "We're gonna hit Morrin's fancy mansion."
"Oh shit... oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I don't know if I'm prepared for this! You have so many weapons that I don't know which ones I'll be goo-"
"Have you ever used a gun before?" Jaisnt interrupted.
Alexandra quickly thought for a moment. "Well... I never used a gun before. Only thing, I guess would count as one, was a prototype weapon I was making. It was almost like a gun, but-"
"Then you get to use a gun." Jaisnt interrupted once more.
"Woah, wait! Hey! I wasn't done!"
"Alex, you're in Alternia." Amorra began to speak. "On this planet, it's either live or die, and you don't get enough time to learn the ropes of whatever is being handed down to you. What we deal with, we learn from mistakes. We learn from the many cuts and bruises we get. So you're either going to be a helping hand or someone that will be a damsel. And hey, whenever you get back to your human planet, you'll learn some things to keep you safe."
"Um... right." The human said. She has forgotten that the species inhabiting this planet is different from Earth. On Earth,  you have to prepare for things though many parts of Earth have different views and values on certain matters. War is always a big topic among them. On Alternia, it's a fight for survival and other times for certain beliefs and it seems the whole planet is divided because of it. "So... what gun should I use?"
"Depends on what you think. I suggest taking three since you want to be light when maneuvering around. In fire fights, you have to be a harder target for those that want to have you on their sights." Jaisnt explained and pulled out an M16 assault rifle. "Take this. Modified it with a laser sight along with an EOTec holographic sight. The trigger is also a hair trigger so be careful with that when squeezing it. Very easy to set off, so be sure to have the safety on while we're heading to the mansion."
"Okay... other two?"
"A sub machine gun would do nicely. The Chopper, as I would like to call it. A modified version of the usual MP7 SMG. As for why I call it the Chopper, well because it's an ammo hose. Spits out bullets like a CZ, but that's why having a drum mag for it helps. And for a side arm, a Glock 17. I'd give you the G18 version, but since you already have two weapons that are automatics, the G17 should do nicely. Has an extended mag and a suppressor."
"Jeez... this is serious, huh?" Alexandra stated as she wraps the straps of the weapons over her shoulder and hid the handgun behind her back on the top hem of her shorts.
"You have no idea." He says and walks out of the cellar as Zenira, Amorra, and eventually the human followed behind him.
The plan is simple, get to the mansion and capture Morrin Luccan. Though, after the stunt that Jaisnt, Zenira, and his ancestor did during one of Morrin's parties, it's more than likely that the security is going be increased. As for knowing if any of Morrin's men might have firearms of their own is unknown to Jaisnt and everyone else. Being prepared is a good thing with ranged weaponry.
As the four finally got to the location of Morrin's mansion, they were surprised to the sight they were seeing. A lot of men seems to be pulling out a lot of things from furniture to stacks of papers. The papers they're burning, more than likely to not leave anything for anyone to see. "Huh... looks like they're cleaning hive." Jaisnt said as the four of them stayed at a farther distance and overlooked the place.
"But why?" Amorra questioned. "Does that mean he's not here anymore? Did your infiltrating really stirred him up that badly?"
"I don't think it was that..." Alexandra says as she looks over at all the men moving things out of the mansion.
"What do you mean?" Jaisnt wondered.
"Some of those things look like body bags... a whole lot of them, too. Jai, you said that infiltration mission you did went bad towards the end, right?"
"Yeah... but me and Zenira mainly had tranquilizer guns. Nothing that shouldn't cause fatal wounds or to kill." He answered. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that something must've happened after that mission you did. It seems like someone stirred up this Morrin guy and left a lot of bodies for him to clean out. After that, I'm pretty sure he found his place compromised and decided to move to a new location, but that also means to move out or destroy whatever is left behind." Alexandra explained as Jaisnt was surprised by the analysis.
"Huh... never thought of it that way." He says. "Good shit. Alright... well, I guess capturing this guy is out of the question. Our new plan of action is to stop those guys from destroying anything that could be important. Files, documents, dossiers, anything that could be helpful and anything that would know his new whereabouts is essential. Zenira, you provide sniper support. Shoot if we're getting overwhelmed."
Zenira nodded as she began to climb up a tree and takes her position as Jaisnt, Amorra, and Alexandra moved closer to the mansion. It wasn't long where everything amped up as soon as Jaisnt threw a couple of modified grenades. It wasn't to blow up the men at the mansion but to make holes for the three to take cover in. As the explosions erupted, and the dust settled, Jaisnt, Amorra, and Alexandra jumped into their holes as they heard gunshots being fired at their direction. It seemed the men were outfitted with firearms after all, Jaisnt quickly thought.
Jaisnt stayed in his hole as he pulled up his rifle, beginning to fire at Morrin's men while Amorra quickly activated her camouflage and quickly ran up to fight the enemy head on. Alexandra, on the other hand, covered her ears as she flinched with every bullet hitting near her position. Shakingly holding the rifle that was given to her, she peeked out to see what was going on. To her, everything felt like those movies. Everything is in slow motion, bullets flying by around her. Amorra uses her cybernetic legs to increase her speed as she keeps knocking down the enemies and shooting them with her SMG while they're on the ground to ensure they stay dead.
Looking back behind her, she could see Zenira taking shots, being patient, finding the right moment and firing. She's accurate. Very good. Jaisnt as well as she turned to look over at him. He was calm. He has been in fights before, she can see it in his eyes. Her? She feels helpless. Alexandra is a scientist. Not a fighter. Closing her eyes, she takes all of this in and it felt like sound finally back around her. Opening her eyes, she knows that she had to do something. Taking the rifle in her hands, she turned towards the enemy, taking the safety off, and fired. Timing her shots well to not try and shoot Amorra accidentally as the teal blood moved around. In that moment, she felt like she was fighting for her life and the lives of others. Something she never had to do before back on Earth.
From the other hole, Jaisnt glanced over to see Alexandra. He grinned. That girl found her fighting spirit, he quickly thought. Like that, he went on back to the offensive and soon enough, it was over. "Cease fire!" Jaisnt yelled and Alexandra, including Zenira, pulled their finger away from the triggers. Alexandra breathed in heavily, planting her head on the dirt as she exhaled, relieved that she's alive.
"Hey! We got a guy here! He surrendered!" Amorra yelled as she dragged a random troll out in the front. The troll frantically tried to run away as soon he was let go, but was stopped by the teal blood as dark mist spewed out from her hands. Her expression was a look of anger, intimidation. "I thought you surrendered..." She quietly said to him.
"Don't do anything rash, Amorra." Jaisnt said as he and Alexandra, along with Zenira catching up, walked over to the teal blood and the troll. Jaisnt looked over at the troll. Lesser muscle. Possibly got him signed up to just watch over things but never expected anything like a gun fight would happen.
"P-Please don't hurt me! I-I-I'll tell ya anything!" The troll begged. "Just... d-d-don't kill me..."
"Then tell us this, what's with those body bags?" Alexandra demanded. "Did something happened here?"
"Y-Yeah... a girl! Yeah! Red blood. She came here, tried fightin' Morrin, mah boss. She used some kinda crazy ass spell. It literally turned all the high bloods into zombies or whateva. All the buyas were literally undead and Morrin's right hand men took care of 'em, meaning they had to kill 'em. The low bloods and mutants took off. They were left alive..." The troll explained.
"Merlee..." Jaisnt muttered. "Merlee told me, Alex, and Zenira that she went to face Morrin, but she got injured and escaped."
"What does this Merlee girl had to do with him?" Amorra questioned.
"Ah! Oh! Mah boss wanted her because of how powerful she is. The red blood girl is the descendant to the most powerful mage in all of Alternia. The Exiled... she sure showed it during that rainy night. Like something off of a movie! The boss is obsessed over her, wanting her as a weapon. The Exiled was used like a tool of war. Morrin wants to do the same."
"That's basically the whole story." Jaisnt stated. "Looks like Morrin knew that if Merlee were to come back, she'd be coming for him again since she knew where he lived. That's why he decided to move."
"Tell us where he is!" Amorra demanded. "Or else you'll be sent into your own worst nightmares that you'll be spending the rest of your life driven insane until you die from them."
"A-A-Ah!! I-I don't know where he is!I was just told to get rid of the stuff from his old place! I know nothin' about where he is now! Us lesser guys never know what the hell is happenin' most of the time! We're practically expendable!"
"He's telling the truth." Alexandra says as Amorra and Jaisnt turned to look at her. "If he actually knew where this Morrin guy is, he would've  told us the moment you caught him. But... that doesn't leave the fact that maybe there's any kind of document that can hold the location of where he is?"
"As far as I can tell, none of that here. All the files we're burning are regarding trolls that we got stowed away and waiting to be put into auction for the slave trade. He literally didn't want no one to know of anything. He's that strict!"
"Shit..." Jaisnt whispered. "Well, there goes that... I'll have to go back to trying to search for Morrin's new location."
"What do we do with this guy, then?" Alexandra asked. Both Jaisnt, Amorra, and the human looked at each other, shrugging.
"Well... ya could let me go and I'll run off free and not tell anyone about ya all?" The troll said nervously only to get knocked out from behind. Zenira came up behind the troll and hit him directly on top of his head with the butt of her rifle. Looking down at the troll, she turned to everyone and gives a smile and a thumbs up.
"Well... that's one way." Jaisnt said. "Let's leave him here."
"Wh-what?!" Amorra cried out, shocked from what she heard. "This guy will wake up and tell him about us!"
"True..." He crouched down, taking out a grenade, pouring some glue-like substance and had the guys hand wrapped around it, Jaisnt pulled the pin, letting the troll deal with an active grenade. Let go of it, that means letting go the activation for it to set off. "Let's head back." Getting back up, he began walking back to the direction of his hive as the others followed while Amorra took one last look at the guy who is knocked out and then begin to follow the others.
As they walked, Jaisnt turned to look at Alexandra who was quiet, very unlike her. Normally she would be a bit chatty, but not this time. "Hey, Alex."
The girl got back to reality as she turned to look at him. "Uh... yeah?"
"You did great for your first time. You surprisingly were better than me." He praised her as she only smiled slightly from the compliment.
"Honestly... it was only at the end that I did something... I was so scared when they started firing at us. I never been in a situation like that before. Back at Earth, I'd always hear stuff like that on the news. Robbers having a gun fight against police officers, or our troops telling the world their stories of their gun fights. I always thought that stuff like that would never happen to me... I guess I was wrong."
"Well, you didn't expect that you'd be at some random ass planet where the species are violent as hell. That's the biggest thing."
"Yeah... I guess."
"What is a normal life like back your planet then. Tell me." Jaisnt asked.
"Well, like every day to me, normal as it can be." Alexandra answered. "When I was young, I'd get up, eat breakfast, and head to school. Now, I pretty much get up, work on new science experiments or projects and hoping that some of them would be approved by the head scientists, hoping to have my name out there. Though getting to that point was hard..."
"How so?"
"Well... my parents never saw eye-to-eye. My mom and dad would fight all the time. My mom didn't like that my dad was too focus on his work than the family. He was known in the world of science... which didn't make it easier for me in school... meaning I was the kid that has to strive to be the best than everyone else. I'd be the only kid that would have straight As. Nobody would talk to me... there was one time that some of the girls messed with me... they took my stuff and I kept begging them to give them back to me. They were assholes... I didn't know what to do but beg... I wanted to retaliate, but I was afraid of the what would happen if I did... during that fight a couple of minutes ago, it felt like that. I felt like I was ten years old all over again and I was being picked on, not knowing what to do. Whether to just hope until it was all over with... or fight."
"Jeez... that must've been rough. And whatever happened to your... mom and dad? Your guardians, I presume?"
"My mom separated from my dad when I turned fourteen. During that time, I skipped up a few grades and I was practically in college because of my intelligence, that and also my dad helped me get there... and... to be honest... I never liked my dad and how much he pressured me over the years. He literally drove my mom away from me. We didn't get to spend a lot of time together because of how busy my dad made me with constant readings and extra work he had me do... I practically didn't have a normal childhood."
Jaisnt stayed quiet. The human's life is so much different than his. Everyone's lives are different depending on how they are brought into the world with what's told to them, but hers seems like it was forced upon. the planet that she's from is a strange place to him and their customs are odd at best. Though he can see how they're similar. "Alexandra... one day, you have to tell me everything there is to know, and to do, at your homeworld. I know that life, like yours, was not the greatest, but just know that you don't have to do the things that were brought upon you. You're a scientist, right? Are you a scientist because that's your passion? That's something you want to do and succeed in? Or is it because the shadow of your dad still looms over you and you feel like you're still doing everything for him?"
The sudden question from Jaisnt was very sudden that she didn't know how to even answer it. Thinking over it, it literally made her question everything that she has been doing the last couple of years. Was Alexandra doing it for herself? Or for her dad? Taking a moment to reflect on it, she turned to him and responded to him. "I'm doing it for myself."
That was the answer he wanted to hear. Jaisnt smiled, nodding to her. "Good. Do it for you. Not for anyone else. You have been shown the ways to do what you're doing, but after that, you think about yourself. What's important is your own well being. I'm sure your mom would be happy knowing that if you were to meet her one day."
"Thanks..." Alexandra smiled. The rest of the walk is pure silence, but during that time, she thought over what he told her. Ever since her parents separated, she hasn't heard from her mother in so long. Alex assumed that her mother cut all ties to her and her father or maybe her dad is preventing her from speaking to her mother. Whenever she gets back to Earth, she's going to try and look for her and visit her. Catch up on all the years they missed out spending time together.
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Some fresh air for once (open rp)
Today is the day. Take a break from all the work and go out. At least that what Amorra thought. There has been rare times she had gone out just to get fresh air and hopefully interact, but it always end abruptly with her heading back home without any question.
But this time it's different. Going out of her hive apartment, she walked across the street, passing by the ongoing crowd. It always seem to be like a busy day in the morning. The night is always quiet and peaceful. Atmosphere is quite different during the day. She passed by a bakery, quickly stopping and looking through the window to see what was inside. Many, many pastries ranging from cakes, canolies, macaroons, and so much more. The teal blood went inside for a quick moment, getting some small vanilla cupcakes and head out again.
She stopped by a bench and sat down, watching the interaction of all the people in the sidelines. She saw a group of people talking among each other. Another group of two on their phones and a couple walking along the sidewalk, chatting and smiling. Amorra reached down her small bag and grabbed a cupcake, taking a bite on it and continued to observe the public.
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monstersofsilence · 6 years
“I regret not finding love”
Merlee, Amorra, and Luniin finally arrived at Morrin's new location. Standing fore them is practically another mansion but much more larger than the previous one. "I'm starting to believe this guy is compensating for something." Merlee says.
"Yeah... his ego." Amorra bluntly said. "So... what's the plan."
"I'm going to try and stall him. At least make him think I'm literally giving myself up while you and Luniin go and find Meryna and my ancestor. They're bound to somewhere in there."
"Well... can't you sense them or something? At least make it easier for me and Luniin?"
"You're right. I didn't think of that."
"First time for everything~" Luniin said with a chuckle a Merlee glared at her and she gestures a zip to her mouth.
Merlee closes her eyes, focusing as much as she can on Meryna's and Nimira's energy to try and figure out where they are. Everything is silent, still. Time slowing and darkness envelops as she focuses on finding the energies she is looking for. She then sees it. Two orbs of light and the outlining of where it is. Opening her eyes, she collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily as Amorra gets concerned. "Are you alright?"
Taking a second to recollect herself, she nods to her and stands back up. "They're in a holding cell. The back door is a great way for you two to get inside without being seen and once you're there, make a left turn until you find a wall. It's hidden in there and it'll take you downstairs to where they are."
"Holy crap... you saw all that?"
"Well... practically. Though it's difficult focusing on two life sources. I almost used up my energy. But I'll be okay. You two head around back."
Amorra and Luniin nodded and they left to do their jobs. Merlee is left alone as she slowly walks up to the front door, letting out a deep breath as she was ready to knock until she heard some rustling behind her. Turning around, she sees a troll trying to untangle herself from the roots she's caught in. She finally gets herself free as she waves over to Merlee. "Oh! Um... hello! I was... uh... lost! I was looking for some place to at least stay over for a bit." She says with a smile.
Merlee stood where she is, confused. "Um... well... I don't live here. Sorry."
"Really? Oh... that sucks. Um... my name is Celrna."
"Hello... Celrna?"
"So... what are you doing here?"
"Listen... I'm sorry that I can't help you, but I'm on important business... and it's something that you shouldn't be around when it happens, okay?"
"Oh... uh, okay! I'll be... I'll be on my merry way then! It was nice meeting you, miss!" The troll finally left, waving goodbye while Merlee stood there, confused by the sudden appearance of this troll. The red blood turns back to the door, instantly banging three time on it and steps back a bit to see it open on its own. She is greeted with a large, grand hall that leads up to steps and then three door ways. One in front of her and the others on the sides.
"You've got to be kidding me." Merlee whispered to herself as she looks around.
"Merlee Zodius!" A voice is echoed. A familiar and hated voice. Morrin walks into the grand hall with Kalios and Jalone by his sides. "I knew you changed your mind."
"Yeah... I did." Merlee plainly says.
"How's that bullet wound? I assured you that I tried killing you since you left me no choice, but I'm glad you made it through."
"Well, maybe you should work on your shitty aim if you were planning on killing me."
"Yes. Well, I am no sharp shooter, but I did try my best. Now, this isn't some trick? If you give yourself up, I will free the two that are related to you."
"Yes... I'm... I'm giving myself up to you. I don't want you to hurt the people that I care for... not my mate and neither those related to me. Please... let them go."
"Hmm... seems sincere." Morrin says as he takes a drag on his cigarette. "But... I can't say I believe you."
"... What?"
"No. I really don't believe you. I expected something like this might happen. You think you'd just waltz in here, give yourself up, I let your friends go, and then that's it? No. Oh no... that's too easy."
Merlee grits her teeth together, angry as she readies herself. "Let them fucking go!"
"I can't do that. But hey. You tried. I guess that means I'll be finishing them off." He was ready to walk off until he heard an explosion coming from within his mansion. Alarmed, he quickly turned around to face Merlee. "You... you aren't alone... are you?"
"You'll be surprised which one of the people I brought to help me out. Now it's just you and me. Your stupid lackies stay out of it."
"No... no. Not now. Maybe next time if you live. I have some people of my own that I hired to take you in... or kill you. Hopefully the first option. For now, we'll meet again when you finally do give in to me."
He walks away along with the two trolls following suit as Merlee yells for him. "Hey! Get back here! Come back and fucking face me!" She runs to the doorway that he disappeared in was quickly stopped by a scythe that landed in front of her. Stepping back, she looks to her right to see two subjuglators. Staying cautious, she stands still and waits for their move.
"Well, so you're the troll that rich guy has been talking about." One of them said. "You don't look all too mighty. But I will admit that you have fire with you~"
"Who are you two?" Merlee questioned.
"My name is Leanie Cruziv. My friend here is Hirana Niirio. Mister Rich hired us because he's desperate to having you and he would pay us quite highly if do the job."
"Do you really expect him to fulfill that promise?" Merlee says. "He's possibly using you two and then stab you both in the back."
"You don't think we don't know that?" Hirana says. "Of course we expect him to betray us, but that doesn't mean we'll let that slip. No. Once we're done with you, we're going after him next."
"In the name of Mirthful Messiahs." Leanie says. "Now shut up and die!"
Both pounced at Merlee's position as she jumps back as Leanie grabs her scythe and starts charging towards her with it. Merlee quickly dodges as Leanie swung on her right side and then rolls to being face-to-face with Hirana who grins at her as the indigo blood raises her cleaver. Startled by this, and feeling a burst of energy coming from her, she moves out of the way as she swung and missed.
Tired of trying to dodge and move, she starts being on the offensive as she casts a fire ball at them as they moved away, blowing up a chunk off of a wall. Leanie looks relentless as she continues to try and get close to Merlee, but the red blood keeps casting fire balls to keep them at bay while Hirana looks not all there. It always seems like she would look dangerous, but then hesitates the next, like there's a switch inside her that makes her want to attack or not.
Merlee continued to hold them off, waiting for Amorra and Luniin to come back with Meryna and The Exiled. The red blood is pushed back to the point she ends up against a pedestal and she looks back to see her scythe is being displayed behind a glass case. "That asshole." Using her elbow, she breaks it and grabs her scythe.
"Oh come on." Leanie mocks. "Do you even know how to use that?"
"Trust me." Merlee replied. "I spent my entire life practicing with this scythe a lot more than you have with yours. Plus, I'm strong enough to wield this." The red blood prepares for a swing, but was then hit in the abdomen from the blunt end of Hirana's cleaver. Merlee tried getting up, but heard a gunshot and instantly froze. The three of them stood still as all of them wondered where it came from and they all looked over at the doorway seeing Amorra pointing her handgun at Hirana and Leanie.
"It's over." The teal blood says as Luniin comes out of the door way with Meryna and The Exiled behind her. Merlee smiles, getting up and quickly walks over to their position as Hirana tries to get her, but was stopped as Amorra points her gun at the subjug. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Merlee quickly aids her relatives, looking over at the collars. around Meryna's and The Exiled's necks. "Are you guys okay?"
"Oh swell. Instead we got our asses handed to us and got these fucking things around our necks!" Meryna says angrily.
"Good to see you, too Meryna." Merlee says.
"Merlee." The Exiled spoke. "I have a favor to ask of you."
"Now's not the time, Nimira." The red blood said as she tries to pry open the collars with her hands but failing.
"Hirana. The one with the pig tails. I want you to help her."
"What?! Help her? She tried to kill me!" Merlee explained.
"She's being told to do that. Hirana has a second soul within her. That second soul gains control every so often, but Leanie is using that to her advantage. The more she does, the more dominant it becomes and the more Hirana drifts off from her actual body. She's nothing more than a pet than just Leanie's friend. Please. Help her. I sense good in her... I sense fear from her. From the things she's doing."
Thinking for a moment, Merlee let's out a sigh as she nods to her. "Fine. But I hope I'm not making a mistake." Turning around, she faces the two subjugs. "Listen up. We're leaving here. You two are not to follow us or Amorra, here, is going to shoot you if you do."
"Do you really fucking think we're going to let you walk out of here alive?!" Hirana yells. "You've got to be fucking joking"
"We are leaving!" Merlee yelled. As she was ready to make her way down the stairs, she hears footsteps coming from the middle doorway and all of a sudden a collar came flying and instantly wraps around Luniin's neck and a barrage of cards came flying and wrapped around Amorra's arms and legs, keeping her in place. Soon Morrin, Jalone and Kalios came out. "You son of a bitch!" Merlee charged towards Morrin, but was knocked back by one of his powers. She falls back to where Leanie and Hirana are as Hirana grabs the red blood, holding the cleaver over her neck.
"Isn't this a surprise?" Morrin says. "We have the whole blood line here! A big reunion." Walking over to Luniin, he looks her over and made a disgusted expression. "She looks like a slut. Didn't think there'd be one in the Zodius blood line." Luniin tried to attack him but he moved away and she falls flat on her face. "Also clumsy." He then walked over to Amorra who is restrained from Kalios' magic cards. "Amorra... it has been so long."
"Fuck off." The teal blood says.
"Come now! Where's your compassion? I made you who you are, you know?"
"You mean kidnapping me as a kid and made me into a fucking weapon?! That's all you want. Power! First me, then Merlee. What's next? Going treasure hunting for some powerful fucking relic that will make you untouchable?"
Morrin frowned, taking out his hand gun and swats it at her face. All Merlee could do is watch as the teal blood continues to get hit over and over until she finally remembered what her ancestor told her a couple of minutes ago. "Hirana..." She whispered.
"What the fuck do you want?!" The indigo blood whispered back.
"No... I want to talk to Hirana." Merlee says as the indigo blood was surprised by this and just ignored what she heard.
"I know that there's two of you in there. Trust me. I've known it since we fought. One second you would literally run towards me swinging like a manica, but the next you would look hesitant. I even felt it. An unbalance."
"What do you want with me?" Hirana finally answered.
"I'm pretty sure you've talked with my ancestor, right?"
"... Maybe."
"Well, she already told me what's going on but maybe you don't know."
"Like what?"
"Leanie is using you."
For a minute, Hirana thinks it over and denies it. "Shut up. You just want a way out of this."
Letting out a sigh, Merlee shook her head. "Well, I tried." Instantly, she casts a bright flash of light as she reels her head back to but against Hirana, getting out of her grip and quickly running to get to her friends. She only falls short as she manages to hover Amorra, Luniin, and Meryna away. When the bright lash of light dimmed, she is met with Morrin standing next to the right side of her ancestor with a gun pointing at her head. "Let her go!" Merlee yelled.
Morrin looks at Merlee and then at The Exiled. "Does this seem familiar to you... Nimira?"
"Not that I recall." She answered. "You and your ancestor merely just took me and locked me in a cage and then sold me to a warlord."
"Yes... the biggest mistake my ancestor made when I told him how powerful you were." Morrin swats his gun on the back of her head as she collapsed to the ground, trying to get up, but only got on to her knees.
"Stop! Leave her alone! Don't you fucking dare hurt her!" Merlee furiously yelled.
"No... I won't hurt her." Morrin says. "Despite her being the greatest mage, Merlee is beyond that and even she doesn't know that. So..." Looking at The Exiled, he points his gun directly on her head. "I'll just kill her so I can wipe away the memory of my ancestor. The mistake he made. Anything you want to say, Nimira?"
"Yes..." The Exiled said. "Merlee... do you remember my regrets?"
"... No. No. No! Don't you fucking say that right now! Don't you dare hurt her!" Merlee casted a fireball at Morrin and he shielded himself with his right hand. She gets up and swings her scythe at him, but she only gets pushed from him. "God... damn it! Let her go!"
"Merlee... do you remember my regrets?"
Panting, Merlee started to tear up as she picks herself back up. "You... regretted not finding the one person to fall in love with."
"... Thank you." The Exiled says, smiling as she closed her eyes. Merlee was about ready to make her next move but was too late. The gunshot rang out. Everything suddenly stopped as Merlee sees the smoke coming from Morrin's gun and then seeing her ancestor becoming still for one second and then falling forward to the ground. Broken. Merlee felt her heart break apart. Then anger. Everything is silent around her. She can see Morrin's lips moving, but doesn't hear what he's saying.
She hears Parasaiya's voice, telling her to not do anything rash. She doesn't listen. The room began to be consumed by a dark mist as everyone around her are wondering what is going on and are becoming concerned by this. Merlee is still, frozen, filled with anger as her eyes began to darken and the whole room start to shake. Finally, she then hears a scream as she leaps towards Morrin but gets stopped by Leanie and Hirana that blocks her way.
"Hirana! Stop her!" Leanie yelled.
"But... look at her! She's-"
"Do it! Now!"
"Just fucking do it, you pu- SHUT UP! I will!" Hirana tried to swing her cleaver at Merlee, but she stops it mid-swing by the blade with her hand. "What?!"
"Attack her!" Leanie yelled once more.
"But... she's...-
"Attack! Her! She's not invincible!"
Hesitant, Hirana jerks her cleaver away from Merlee and swung again, but the red blood grabs it by the blade with her hand again, bleeding from it as the cleaver began to crack and then breaking apart, leaving a shock wave that knocked Hirana back. Leanie tried to attack Merlee, but she was instantly swatted from the red blood's hand flew back against the wall, getting knocked out. Merlee then looks at Morrin who was ready to block anything that she might throw at him. The red blood leaped over to him and then darkness.
It felt like forever. An eternity. Merlee finally opened her eyes to seeing the sky in front of her. Was it all a dream? Realizing that she's outside. She jerks herself up and sees Amorra, Luniin, and Meryna all around her. "Hey! Easy, easy." Amorra says.
"What happened? Where's Morrin? Did we kill him? Did we get him?" Merlee questioned them.
"We... didn't get him." Amorra sadly says.
"What? H-How?"
"You tried to get to him, going completely mental, but he eventually pushed you back and tried to shoot at you." Parasaiya suddenly spoke as he makes himself appear as a shadow figure. "I was trying to tell you to stop, but you didn't listen to me."
"Oh..." Merlee looked around and notices that someone else is missing. "Wait... where's Nimira? Where's my ancestor?"
Everyone was silent. Luniin was about to say something but quickly refrained from doing so, not wanting to make it worse. Merlee remembered what had happened, realizing that what she saw wasn't a dream. "No... no... she can't be..." The red blood began to tear up, sobbing as she didn't want to believe it. "God damn it! God fucking damn it!"
"I'm sorry, Merlee..." Amorra says. "We did get er body, but... there's nothing we can do."
"God... damn it! She went through hell! All her life she just wanted peace, but she could never have it! She didn't fucking deserve this!" Merlee screamed. "I'm going to find Morrin. And I'm going to fucking tear him apart! I'm going to bring him back from the dead and kill him over and over and over again until he begs to be put in the fucking ground where he belongs! DO YOU HEAR ME MORRIN! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU! I'M GOING KILL YOU IN EVERY FUCKING WAY POSSIBLE! YOU HEAR ME MORR-"
Merlee is instantly knocked out from Meryna, hitting her in the back of the head. "That should shut her up." She says, grabbing Merlee and placing her arm over her shoulder. "Listen uh..."
"Amorra." The teal blood responded.
"Amorra... thanks for helping out. I'll be sure to let Merlee know that once she's chill."
"No problem... sorry about-"
"It's okay." Meryna said. "I... I think Nimira knew about it anyway."
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
It has been a long night since the day she has been writing down notes about trolls, Alexandra been helping out Jaisnt on his work. The least she could do since she's at a different planet. "How are you able to make a lot of these weapons and prothsetics work? The human asked.
"Simple." Jaisnt said as he looked through his drawer on his working desk, pulling out a bag full of colorful gems. "Gems. Able to calibrate all the things I make to power them up with crystal gems. At least some things. Mostly for robotics. Weapons I make them from scratch and just improvise on how they should work. Like this gun, for example." As he said it, he got up and grabbed what looked to be a large rifle with the barrel having a long gap in the middle. "This is my rail gun. It took a lot of experimentation to make this work."
"A rail gun? Holy crap! Humans have never made a workable railgun before or even close to a weapon that uses electromagnetic propulsion..."
"Really? Huh. Really surprised considering humans are drastically improving their technology."
"Uh... not really. Usually it's scientists that are improving technology and we don't want the government to find out or they'll use it for their own gains."
"Sounds similar to Alternia."
"How so?"
"Our government, or ruler, is the great Empress. She rules all of Alternia, but there's always some trolls rebelling against her and her rules. In other words, this world is divided in two. Some that follow and obey, and are high bloods. Others that want freedom and equality for everyone."
"What do you want, Jaisnt? You're a blue blood. You're a high blood."
Jaisnt took a moment to think from that question. He never thought that question would be told to him. After a minute, he finally spoke. "Equality. Same thing my ancestor wanted."
He continued to work as Alexandra was about to say something but then heard a knock at the front door. "I'll go get that." She said and walked up to the front door. Opening it, she is greeted to a female troll who was an inch taller than her. And also was ridiculously busty. The human raised a brow as did the troll. "Uh... what are you?" The troll asked.
"I'm... a human?" Alexandra answered.
"Huh... that makes sense. Is this the home of Jaisnt Rodnik?"
"Yes. What is it you need?"
"Repairs." The troll said and showed her right arm which isn't flesh, but looks... robotic? It sparked and seemed to be moving like it's not functioning properly, stuck in place. "Uh... sure. Come in." Alexandra lead the troll down the cellar to where Jaisnt is. "Yo. Jai. Someone requires your expertise."
"Name." Jaisnt asked right away.
"Amorra Zeroni." The troll responded. "My arm is busted. I've looked everywhere, but I haven't found the right guy to fix my arm... that or they never fix it correctly."
The blue blood turned around and looked at her only to have his eyes widened. She looked familiar, but he couldn't figure out why. "Bring your arm over here and I'll fix it right up." The troll did just that, as Amorra reached with her other arm, twisting her right arm and detaching it, giving it to him. The sight of this made Alexandra had her jaw opened in awe.
"Woah... you're... you're a robot!" She said.
The moment that word was said, Amorra instantly turned around and a photonic blade appeared on her left arm as it was an inch away from the human's throat. "I am not a robot! I am a troll! I follow my own motives and not from anyone! I am not the creation of anyone else! You got that! I! Am! Not! A fucking! ROBOT!"
The sudden burst of anger made the human scared as she quickly corrected herself. "No, no, no! You're right, you're right! I'm sorry... I-I... uh... I just..."
"Accepted." A voice came out of nowhere. "Miss Amorra, I think you should let it go."
After a minute or so, Amorra stepped back and the photonic blade disappeared from her arm though Alexandra was trying to figure out where the voice came from. "Uh... who said that?"
As she was done saying that, a hologram of a small figure appeared in front of her. "I did. I am an AI construct."
"Whaaaaaat?! An artificial intelligent construct?!"
"I prefer to be called Gamma. Which is the name given to me by Miss Amorra. Also, she is a cyborg. Not a robot... she's very sensitive about that."
"Noted..." The human said as she slowly stepped back but still fascinated by seeing an AI. Earth isn't that close to having AIs yet. While Jaisnt worked on the cyborg's arm, she took time to look around as so did the cyborg which lead her to a pile of papers. The troll skimmed through them and then picked them up.
Amorra thoroughly looked at the papers only to figure out that they were about Morrin. "Where did you get this?" Amorra questioned as Jaisnt turned around to see what she was talking about. "Where did you get these?!"
The blue blood let out a sigh and responded. "We got those papers when me, my ancestor, and my friend, Zenira, infiltrated Morrin's hive mansion. My ancestor acted as a diversion while me and Zenira sneak inside, but we got caught though we were able to escape and get files that seemed important. Those are the same files we got. Now I can remember why you look familiar. The picture of your face is in one of them."
"What?!" She blurted as she looks down at the papers, looking through all of them until seeing one with a picture of her face. It is a file of her, when she was being made into a cyborg. Everything about her is on there. "I... I can't believe this... where is his mansion?! I've been wanting to kill him for so long!"
"Not without your arm, you aren't." Jaisnt said as he raised Amorra's right arm that he's working on. "I think you should relax... but I am willing to help. I can't guarantee that it will be easy to get back there again considering the stunt we pulled the first time. Security is gonna be pretty tight."
"Please! He must pay for what he did to me."
Alexandra stayed in a corner, listening in on the conversation until stepping in to speak. "Uh... I'd like to join in, too..."
As she said that, silence shrouded the room as both Jaisnt and Amorra turned to look at the human. At this point, they both might think she's crazy. "Um... are you sure?" Jaisnt asked. "Have you ever used a gun before?"
"Or been in a gun fight?" Amorra added.
Alexandra just shook her head. "No... I... never done any of those things. I'm just a scientist."
"Then you can't come unless you're planning on getting killed, human. Your planet is not the same like ours. In Alternia, there's some trolls that have magic powers or some shit like that. And there's also trolls like me that are cyborgs."
"Listen!" The human yelled and then lowered her voice a bit. "I know that this planet is different from mine. I know you guys are also different than a normal human. But... I want to help. I don't care what happens or what I see. Shit is crazy as it is anyways. Plus, Earth isn't any different since there's always wars and just overall violence. So I'm going. No exceptions... minus following your orders."
Another moment of silence as Jaisnt thought over this. A human joining in on a dangerous mission? Spells disaster, but there hasn't been anything outrageously dangerous that he hasn't done before. "Alright. You're in." Jaisnt reached his verdict.
Amorra was shocked from the decision. "What?!"
"Thank you!" Alexandra said. "I won't let you down. Just tell me when we'll head out. I'll be up stairs and wear something different." The human walked up stairs, leaving the trolls to themselves.
"Jaisnt... are you sure about this?" Amorra asked.
"Well, there hasn't been anything crazy dangerous that I haven't done before. I've done some crazy stuff without thinking. So this isn't anything different." He answered while finishing up repairing the teal blood's right arm.
"She's not gonna handle killing someone."
"Didn't we all at one point in our lives?" He grinned, putting the finishing touches on the robotic arm and gave it back to Amorra. "I'm sure she'll be alright. We got me, you, and also Zenira... plus my arsenal of weapons."
Amorra attached her right arm back in place and tested it, seeing how it feels and smiles seeing that it's working perfectly. A lot more perfectly than before. "Fine. As long as I get to Morrin. He is mine to kill."
0 notes
monstersofsilence · 6 years
Finding Luniin
"Thank you so much, Amorra for helping me out." Merlee told to the teal blood as they both stand outside a club out of the many that Merlee has gone to at this point.
"Hey, no problem. I'm willing to help out if it means getting my hands on that asshole, Morrin." She says. "So who are we looking for again?"
"Luniin. She's related to me. She used to live on a planet called Beforus. So look for a troll with the same horns as mine."
"Easier said than done."
"You don't know the half of it..." Letting out a sigh, Merlee walked inside the club as Amorra followed suit. Instantly they are met with loud techno music and flashing, colored lights that surrounded them. "Let's split up so one of us might find her and we can regroup from there!" The red blood yelled to make sure she's heard.
"Got it!" Amorra replied and the two of them went opposite directions. Merlee is really uncomfortable being in a club. She's not used to being in one unless it's with her mate, but then again, her mate hasn't made that offer yet. Might be a good thing for her since she's coming across a lot of obscene things trying to find Luniin.
She was hoping to spot Luniin and get out as quickly as she could, but finding one troll that has the same horns as hers is proving quite difficult. It wasn't long until she got a tap on her shoulder and she was met with Amorra. "Did you find her!" Merlee asked.
"Yeah! She's kinda passed out on some couch in the corner!" Amorra answered until she felt a grope on her rear.
"Hey baby!" A stranger said behind her. "I saw them honkers of yours and boy would I love to-"
Instantly, Amorra grabbed the stranger's hand, gripping it as hard as she can to the point the guy is screaming in pain. "Listen here, perv. I didn't give you permission to touch me. And if you try that again, your hand isn't going to be the last thing I'll fucking snap in half." Jerking him away as he clutches his hand. "Now get the hell away from me before i change my mind and really fulfill my promise on what I meant!" With that, the stranger quickly left as he was terrified.
Merlee watched the whole thing and only blinked in surprise. "Wow..."
"Let's hurry up and get her out of here already. I really don't like this place."
"Same here. Take me to her." Merlee followed Amorra of where she found Luniin and arriving at the spot, she can instantly tell that Luniin passed out from drinking. The girl is almost naked with her shirt nearly slipping out and random strangers violating her by getting a quick grope. "Hey! Get the hell away from her!" Merlee yelled.
The strangers all formed a wall to block her until Amorra stepped in and showed them the gun she has holstered. "Listen boys, I'm going to have to ask you to step away unless you all want holes where your brains should be." With that, every single one of them walked away after a second thought from that threat.
"Thanks..." Merlee kindly said as she walked to Luniin, picking her up over her shoulder and they both walked out of the club and made their journey back to Merlee's home.
Once back, Merlee sets Luniin outside next to the front door as she heads inside, grabbing a bucket and filling it with cold water. Making her way back outside, Merlee splashed the cold water on Luniin and she instantly wakes up, talking nonsense until realizing where she is. "What... where... oh... oh! Merlee! Heya! It's great to see ya again!" Luniin got up, hugging Merlee, but bringing the red blood's face into her chest.
Merlee quickly moved away after feeling weirded out by that odd hug. "Uh... hey, Luniin."
Looking around, Luniin noticed Amorra and grinned. "Who's miss Jumbo Tits?"
"Luniin! Really?!"
"No. It's okay." Amorra reassured the red blood.
"Trust me. I'm pretty much used to this at this point." The teal blood let out a sarcastic chuckle and then letting out a sigh.
"Like... how does she fit them in her shirt? That's like... magical!" Luniin says and giggled to herself.
"Luniin!" Merlee yelled.
"Pay attention to me. Do you know what happened to Nimira and Meryna? Were you around them during the time they got captured?" Merlee quickly asked. "Please tell me you saw everything!"
"Hmm..." Luniin quickly thought for a moment and snapped her fingers when she finally remembered. "Oh yeah! Uh... we three were hanging out and then two guys came by. One that look like some kind of weird mummy or whatever and the other that looks rich. Yeah, they seemed to have some super collars on them cause they instantly attached it around Nimi's and Mery's necks and they couldn't use their magic. Yeah, they were screwed and I ran away and I was gonna come to tell ya, but some peeps offered me something free if I gave them a... uh... blow job? Don't know what the fuck that is but apparently it had something to do with-"
"Okay! Okay, Luniin. Thank you. Thank you! Now please head inside and put on some dry clothes."
"What? Ah shit! I'm wet..." Luniin frowned and quickly heads inside leaving Merlee and Amorra alone.
"That would explain why they couldn't escape easily. If they were captured, they should've been able escape because they had magic. How can Morrin make something that prevents them from using it?" Merlee thought out loud.
"Well... he is a rich asshole." Amorra bluntly said. "We need to rescue them or at least destroy those collars so they can do some damage themselves."
"It's going to be risky... really dangerous even."
"Do you know where he is now? He moved out of his previous mansion after the infiltration Jaisnt, his ancestor, and Zenira did."
"Surprisingly, I do." Merlee answered. "He knows I'm going to go and rescue them but really he thinks I'm going to give myself up just to save them. He attached the location on the video he sent me."
"Good. It's about time I finally get to meet that asshat again after what he did to me."
"I just hope it all works out in the end... we need a plan when we get there."
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monstersofsilence · 8 years
Feeling (open rp)
Nice outside. Slight breeze of cool air. Beautiful, even. Amorra sat in the middle of a field, staring off at the hills and the mountains in the distance. She never goes out all too much. Never had a reason to go out unless she needed to get something from somewhere. Not having many people to talk to never gives her a reason to go out all too much.
Sighing heavily, she looks down at her hands. Artificial skin but inside is all wires and metal. Both of her arms. Even her legs. She remembered when she could actually feel pain on her limbs. When she was little, she was clumsy, often not watching where she walks and tripping over them, scraping her knee or the palms of her hands if she tries to prevent from not landing face first. She remembered the feeling of pain. The feeling of hot and cold. The feeling of water running over them. The feeling not there anymore.
“Probably won’t be long until I won’t feel anymore. There’s a chance that someone could hack me... and then that’s it. My life is over.” She said to herself.
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monstersofsilence · 8 years
Dreams and nightmares
Sleep. Silence. The feeling of rest is calming. Sometimes not when going into the realm of dreams and nightmares. It wasn’t long until she heard voices. fluttering her eyes opened, her body was shaken which startled her. Amorra became fully awake, looking up and seeing an individual.
“What are you doing? Get up! You’ll be late for her speech!” He said, grabbing  a well designed cloak, throwing it to her. Amorra was confused. Who’s her? She doesn’t know where she is, but looking around the room, there were odd writings. Getting up from the bed that she was laying on, she looked over at the writing. It was all in a different language. None that she has ever seen before, but she knows what it says. “With her will, she will guide us into darkness. With our power, we will be her guards. Trust in the Shadows, hide from the light...” She read it to herself.
She heard the voice again, nagging away as she quickly put the cloak on. The troll was waiting outside as she came out. Amorra followed him, not even knowing who this person is or why he woke her up. Looking around, she was outside, seeing a mountain overhead. They lived in the mountains? She thought to herself. Other people in cloaks were all walking in the same direction until all meeting in one place. The ground had a circle, similar to what she would see in movies with writings on them to make it look eccentric. Everyone in the cloaks lined up in a row along with her as well.
She was in the front, looking up that there’s a podium in front of them. It had writings on it as well, made of stone, but well made as it is smoothed down to the point that it could’ve been made by wood and then painted. The cracks on the podium were visible. Possibly due to erosion. It wasn’t long until a woman came up to the podium, wearing a cloak as well, but hers were more designed than the rest.
It wasn’t long until she noticed that the woman looked at Amorra for a second, giving a genuine smile. Though why her? It wasn’t long until she began to speak. “Brothers and sisters of Darkness! We are all here today because of our times, as a civilization, is growing thinner by every night that goes by. We have hid ourselves out of plain sight, sticking to the Shadows from those that wants us all to suffer... As you may have known, our wall was breached, a spy is among us, thinking they could disguise themselves as us! We do not let the light shine among us! We do not let the sun creep its way out to hide behind the moons! We are the Shadows of Alternia! I am The Apparition! We will not let those vermin into our walls. We will not let those hide among us. And we will find them if they ever shine themselves to us. And we will shroud them in Darkness to show them we will become peaceful or they intend to start a war against us. If it does indeed end in war, then we will show them why we are the Shadows in the night. Why we will destroy their light if they dare harm us. I will not let my people perish. I will not let my people suffer. And I will not let my people become enslaved, destroyed by the light that was once our friend, that was once our ally, that are now wanting us all dead! I will not let that happen!”
It wasn’t long until everyone cheered. Fist on their chests, and hand in the air with two fingers out. It seems it is their salute. They screamed “Trust in the Shadows! Hide from the light!” once and stomped they foot once. Everything going on around Amorra was fascinating to her. Though seeing her ancestor, the Apparition, was something more. She wondered if this is how her ancestor’s has always been. It didn’t take long until everything around her began dissolving. It was frightening her, seeing black sludge coming out from the people’s eyes and mouths and all of them were going towards her. All she could hear was “Traitor! Heretic! Defiler! Murderer!” over and over, seeing all the grotesque faces going towards her. She collapsed onto her knees and screamed and soon she finally woke up. Screaming, she panted, looking around the room as Gamma appeared. “Amorra? Are you alright? Your vitals had increased in a rapid rate. Did something happen?”
“No... nothing happened. I just... had a nightmare... and a dream.”
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monstersofsilence · 9 years
open rp
I wQuld gQ tQ that ball, but unfQrtantely I gQt nQ date
Which kinda sucks...
I missed the days when I had a matesprit Qnce...
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monstersofsilence · 9 years
Under the starry night (open)
“Gamma... tell me something. As an AI, do you sometimes wonder if you more like me? Minus all the the cybernetics I have?” Amorra asked as the small hologram of her little friend appeared next to her. “Well... most of the time. Us AIs are made in different ways. Sometimes from parts of a troll and be given a similar personality. Though we choose what we look like. If it were the case to becoming a troll... that is mentally and psychologically difficult to choose.”
Walking through the field at night, she stopped and sat down, keeping herself warm in her coat as she looked up. “Gamma... look it up for me.” She said.
“Are you sure, ZE-... Amorra?” He asked and only received a nod from her. opening up a holographic data pad, he searched through the data base, and finally found it. “I found it. Though you already know the answer since... you’ve been a bit obsessed.” She only nodded, sighing heavily. “Will you... be alright?” She gave another nod, kept looking up at the starry sky.
“I haven’t seen this since I was a little girl... before all the horrible things happened to me.” She whispered to herself.
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monstersofsilence · 9 years
ZERO (open rp)
“The world becomes one meaning, ZERO. Control... yeah. Right.” Amorra said to herself in a whisper. Walking around the city, she had a grim face on her. She hasn’t felt any kind of happiness for a while though this was only due to her nightmares she has been getting. Same ones over and over again. Too much for her to handle.
Sighing to herself, she noticed her left arm is starting to act up again, jittering slightly. Groaning in frustration, she takes a detour to the park, sitting underneath a tree, looking over at her arm. The outer shell of her arm opened, revealing all the metallic, technological components inside. In this case, it was sparking like crazy inside. She takes out a small welding laser and began to fix some of the broken components inside.
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monstersofsilence · 9 years
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Drew Amorra from what I have been requested a few days ago
the first drawing I kind of just combined the two requests together
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monstersofsilence · 9 years
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This is literally much more better than how I drew Amorra in the past and holy shit I actually like this
Also, drew her AI friend for the hell of it because why not?
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monstersofsilence · 10 years
Seeking repairs (Open rp)
"God fucking damn it!" A voice blared out in the apartment hive as a robotic arm moves about on its own on the floor. Amorra walks over to it, annoyed and frustrated as she grabs it with her one hand, sparking up a bit. "I swear that they don't make great robotic arms like they used to be. This one's already wearing down." She hits the arm with her knee to stop it from moving and, surely enough, it did stop.
She puts her arm back to place on the base of her arm, moving it for a bit to at least get the feel of it again. She could feel it being much more difficult to use at the state its in which is not good. "Fuck... I just had this fixed, too. Who the hell am I gonna find another person that'll fix it!?" She yells at herself, groaning and sighing heavily.
She had nothing better to do, honestly. She knows that for sure. She puts a shirt on and walked out of her apartment and out to look for anyone that is good with robotics that could fix her arm. Hopefully she'll be able to find one.
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monstersofsilence · 10 years
Messages inside (Open RP)
Secrets are always kept hidden. Though it seems more likely that it could be hidden away inside of someone. Could that be possible? Even she thinks of that question every day. Amorra Zeroni. She barely know much of what happened to her she was young. All she knew was that she was taken away from her hive, her lusus killed, and they turned her into a killing machine.
Possibly why she needs to find some answers. She have herself connected onto her husktop, wires connecting the back of her neck where there was a port that's connect to her half cybernetic brain. Data upon data appear on the screen in front of her as she tries to find any files that would signify of what happened to her.
Nothing. Everything are either things she had seen before... or some that she couldn't gain access to. She lets out a sigh in disappointment, disconnecting herself, and closing her husktop.
She puts on her glasses and decided to just get some fresh air. The city seems a bit more silent than usual, which is a good thing for her. She likes the little amount of peace. Better than seeing fights in alley ways all the time. She aimlessly walked through the town, already zoning out to the point that she didn't even know that she's away from the city.
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