data2364 · 2 years
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via Trekcore.com
Rene Auberjonois (Odo) and James Sloyan (Doctor Mora Pol) 1994 in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "The Alternate“
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rwpohl · 10 days
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tiergarten schönbrunn, wien
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craft2eu · 9 months
Herlinde Koelbl "Metamorphosen": Leipzig bis 01.04.2024
Herlinde Koelbl, Ikone der zeitgenössischen Fotografie, deren konsequenten Dokumentationen  die  Veränderungen von Menschen und Medien in das Zentrum ihres Schaffens stellen, hat in den letzten Jahren ihren Blick von den Menschen auf die Natur erweitert. Bekannt wurde sie mit ihrem Langzeitprojekt der Neunzigerjahre, „Spuren der Macht. Die Verwandlung des Menschen durch das Amt”. Auf ihren vielen…
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Hunter x Hunter: delusional
reasons why i think fei and bono are homies/absolutely not kissing (this is satire they are in fact kissing)
i present. my delusions.
they box for one. they both like the sport and they both appreciate the art of beating the absolute shit out of other guys. I feel like they also box each other if they are ever in the same town. Usually phinks follows fei around or vise versa but occasionally fei will dip on his own and go find bono to go box.
fei is stronger than bono but bono packs a mean punch and i imagine has technique like no one's business. fei doesn't usually do hand to hand. He's strong sure but he specializes in slashing. bono beats that out of him and he's like ok fine i'll throw hands.
and that's how fei learned how to box and make people hurt with blunt force.
they also both like astronomy. they're the only two (uvo aside) that have space related naming schemes and if i am correct and the rest of fei's aresenal is star related then thats even more sweet. bono being the one who knows the most about the stars just because of how his tribe read time of year and studied cardinal directions.
them both creating planet based hatsus, one for inescapable crushing by planet and one by inescapable heat by star.
mmh something about that.
feitan also being a little anatomy nerd about how many muscles bono shouldn't be able to use because of the holes in him but he still somehow uses them anyway bcs bono is just built different.
there is no explanation bcs yeah bro's forearm should not be like that rn.
also bono hiding injuries bcs no one questions when he's covered in bandages. he doesn't use metamorphosen with the troupe bcs he's a secretive lil boy. but feitan being able to tell when his hobbly ass walk is just slightly off.
feitan being the only one who can fix him up bcs bono is too much of a prideful dingdong to let anyone else check up on him. he thinks injuries gained in combat have no need to be helped since it was his own skill that failed him but feitan is like 'shut up you ding dong and stop bleeding all over the floor.'
bono doesn't know his birthday either and so they're birthday less buds. they forget birthdays are even a thing until someone asks them their age or asks for their date of birth and they just pause like 'uuuuuuuuh'.
that is headcanon for the bono part. i think bono remembers what stars he was born under bcs that was important but the date of being officiated as a bap did not correlate with the date of birth so he knows the month but not the day.
im delusional.
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 months
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It is almost inconceivable that of any periods in time it was during the years of the Third Reich that sculptor Karl Hartung (1908-67) developed his first abstract works: in 1935 the „Durchlöcherte Form“ marked the beginning of a consequential processing of nature and figure that only ended with his untimely death in 1967. Strangely there is few profound literature available about the artist whose work spearheaded German art in the postwar decades. A rare exception is Markus Krause’s pioneering monograph/work catalogue „Karl Hartung 1908-1967: Metamorphosen von Mensch und Natur“, published in 1998 by Prestel: not only does it contain more than 800 sculptural works but also early works, furniture designs and some commissional works from the 1930s but it also features a detailed account of Hartung’s life and artistic development. Returning from decisive stays in Paris and Florence between 1929 and 1932 that saw Hartung admire classics of sculpture like Maillol, Despiau and Donatello he increasingly dealt with the abstract forms of Arp, Brancusi and Moore. While these works certainly were incongruent with Nazi art politics Hartung kept himself afloat with innocuous plaques or head busts, works that for the first time are presented and analyzed in Krause’s book. With the beginning of WWII Hartung was drafted for the Wehrmacht, a hard time that was only relieved by two travels to Paris where he met Henri Laurens, Picasso and Brancusi. Released from war imprisonment in September 1945 Hartung finally was free to follow the path of abstraction towards his own formal language that conveniently concurred with the Zeitgeist.
Markus Krause’s meritorious monograph and work catalogue for sure is the reference work on Hartung that beyond all obvious diligence also is a well-written, knowledgeable and very convincing piece of modern German art history.
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anwiel13 · 7 months
„Metamorphosen“ by Marie Riedel
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„Metamorphosen“ sind poetische Formerinnerungen. In den biomorphen Motiven werden die Grenzen zwischen kristallinen, vegetabilen und animalischen Bereichen aufgebrochen hin zu einer Zwischengegenständlichkeit. Ihre skripturale Eingebung während des Verdichtungsprozesses folgte keiner rationalen Vorstellung. Er ist die Wechselwirkung aus Zeichnung, Reproduktion und digitaler Bildbearbeitung, sowie Form umdeutenden Eingriffen auf einer zweiten Farbebene als Handsiebdruck.
“Metamorphoses” are poetic memories of form. In the biomorphic motifs, the boundaries between crystalline, vegetal and animal areas are broken down to create an intermediate objectivity. Her scriptural inspiration during the compression process did not follow any rational idea. It is the interaction of drawing, reproduction and digital image processing, as well as form-reinterpreting interventions on a second color level as hand screen printing.
(google translation)
Available here
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polkadotmotmot · 2 years
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Min-Jeong Park - Metamorphosen, 2021
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congregamus · 4 months
I think maybe the Strauss Metamorphosen is ~as advertised~, for it seems to have restructured my brain earlier today entirely to its shape. Obsessed. Not sure how I missed this siren song for so long.
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Felix Woyrsch (1860-1944) - Metamorphosen Op.48
Rolf Plagge - Piano
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techniktagebuch · 1 year
6. April 2023
Die Metamorphosen der Nachricht
Ich stelle Alexander Krützfeldt bei WhatsApp eine Frage. Die Antwort möchte ich für einen zu schreibenden Text verwenden, als Zitat oder als Hintergrundinformation.
Er beantwortet meine Frage mit drei Sprachnachrichten. Ich finde Sprachnachrichten nicht so praktisch, bekomme aber auch fast keine, eigentlich nur von Alexander Krützfeldt, und da habe ich mich dran gewöhnt. In diesem Fall will ich ja auch was von ihm wissen, da finde ich es angemessen, dass er den Weg wählt, der für ihn am bequemsten ist und nicht für mich.
Ich höre die ersten Sekunden an und finde alles so interessant, dass ich schon anfangen will, mitzuschreiben. Dann fällt mir ein, dass ich das ja jetzt nicht mehr machen muss. Ich lade alle drei Sprachnachrichten herunter (bei WhatsApp geht das, anders als im Facebook Messenger) und dann bei Amberscript hoch. Amberscript ist ein kostenpflichtiges Transkriptionstool, das ich in den letzten Jahren öfter für Techniktagebuchbeiträge verwendet habe.
Ein paar Minuten später ist meine Transkription der Sprachnachrichten fertig. Ich höre sie mir einmal im Amberscript-Editor an und überarbeite dabei ein paar Stellen, die das Tool falsch verstanden hat. Viele sind es nicht, es weiß nicht, was eine Casio-Uhr ist und weigert sich, einzusehen, dass Seehofer mit Vornamen Horst heißt. Sonst ist alles fast perfekt.
Ich kopiere die transkribierten Sprachnachrichten zurück nach WhatsApp, falls Alexander noch was ergänzen möchte. Der Vorgang fühlt sich ein bisschen skurril an, insgesamt bin ich aber zufrieden mit dem aktuellen Zustand.
(Kathrin Passig)
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dressupjohnnyk · 1 year
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Tonight’s concert at the Toronto Summer Music Festival features Francis Poulenc’s Sextet for piano and winds, Richard Strauss’ Metamorphosen and Brahms’s Piano Trio No. 1!
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delphixphotos · 2 years
Barbara Hannigan in Winterthur, conducting and singing La Voix Humaine/Poulenc and Metamorphosen/Strauss
Canon RP + 24mm-150mm
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craft2eu · 1 year
Thérèse Lebrun - Glaneuse de porcelaine: Mons (B) bis 27.08.2023
Erinnerungen an eine ferne Flut oder Relikte aus der Eiszeit: Die Kreationen von Thérèse Lebrun offenbaren ein Universum der Metamorphosen, das die sensible Seele der Welt widerspiegelt. Die Ausstellung zeigt das Werk der belgischen Keramikerin Thérèse Lebrun, von ihren Anfängen in der Werkstatt des Meisters Mirko Orlandini, wo sie gedrehte und glasierte Erde bearbeitete, bis zu ihren aktuellen…
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so who actually knows what in the troupe. because its implied that not everyone knows what other people are capable of. and thats part of what makes the troupe the troupe.
it disincentivizes traitors and restricts information gathering.
so for example, kalluto. they were hired for a tracking ability, not so much their combat prowess, though we suspect it will be improving. the troupe probably knows about the paper dolls ability or at the very least the ability to track a single shred of paper from large distances.
they probably did NOT know that kalluto would ever use that ability on them.
so im going to. make a list of what i think troupe members keep secret from one another for the sake of keeping it secret.
also chrollo probably knows most everything about the troupe members aside from new ones based on perception alone.
- nobunaga's hatsu. granted he might not have one but still. hisoka claimed to know it but that could have been a straight up lie
- shalnark's autopilot. i dont believe shal would tell anyone explicitly about autopilot but most would probably be able to guess that he has a secondary ability. because yeah they just saw him get dogpiled by 20 guys but he suddenly fine. whats with that.
- feitan's pain packer. they know what happens when its used but they havent actually SEEN what it was. purely because. yeah. you wouldnt survive.
- bonolenov's planets and metamorphosen. bono keeps his cards close to his chest and he is proficient enough in general combat to not need hatsu until its desperate.
- post mortem nen. in general i dont believe any of the troupe believe in the legitimacy of making a post mortem resurrection pact because thats not how they roll but i made an entirely different post on that tee hee.
- kortopi's full potential. even we dont know whats a bluff and whats not with this guy.
- chrollo's full arsenal. i dont doubt someone has tried to read the contents of bandits secret but since its always changing and updating its likely no one knows how many powers he has at his disposal. this one is obvious but i wanna say it
- kalluto's snake dance. they know hes an assassin but they havent seen him fight. they know he can but they dont know how yet.
- phinks' kaiten. i feel like more troupe members know than dont know but i feel like since he hardly ever uses it everyone kinda forgets.
in terms of nen thats about all i can think of. most are obvious but i wanted to talk about them some more <3
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justusjonas · 2 years
crossover mit ovids metamorphosen WANN! verwandelt bob in einen baum
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joostjongepier · 17 days
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Wat?   Friedrichwerdersche Kirche door Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Eva mit ihren Kindern Kain und Abel (1909) door Reinhold Begos, Hyazinth (1817, gegoten 1827) door François-Joseph Bosio en Fischerknabe (uiterlijk 1839, uitvoering 1840) door Heinrich Kümmel
Waar?   Friedrichwerdersche kirche, Berlijn
Wanneer?   11 augustus 2024
De Friedrichwerdersche Kirche is een neogotisch gebouw, ontworpen door architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841). In 1987 werd de kerk in gebruik genomen als Schinkel-museum en dependance van de Alte Nationalgalerie. Het Schinkel-museum beperkt zich tot een aantal informatieborden. Beneden in het koor en boven op de galerij zijn beelden te zien uit de collectie van de Nationalgalerie.
Van Reinhold Begas (1831-1911) is er een beeld van Eva met haar twee kinderen, Kaïn en Abel. Terwijl de één op schoot bij zijn moeder zit, drinkt de ander aan moeders borst. Ik neem aan dat Abel drinkt, want de ander kijkt behoorlijk ontevreden en heeft zijn voet op het been van zijn broertje. Je voelt dat zoveel ontevredenheid wel tot consequenties moet leiden.
Volgens de Griekse mythologie (in de versie van Ovidius’ Metamorphosen) is Apollo verliefd op prins Hyacinthus. Bij een potje discuswerpen wil Apollo indruk maken op zijn vriend en gooit de discus zo hard hij kan. Hyacinthus op zijn beurt wil ook indruk maken en rent vooruit om de discus te pakken zodra deze landt. De discus stuitert echter en raakt de prins in het gezicht. Hyacinthus sterft. Een druppel bloed valt op de grond en daar groeit een bloem. In het beeld van François-Joseph Bosio  (1788-1845) ligt de schijf echter onder de handen van de nog tamelijk levend ogende Hyacinthus.
Een hengel in de hand laat er geen twijfel over bestaan wat de naakte jongen. verbeeld door Heinrich Kümmel (1810-1855), aan het doen is. Hij staat er ontspannen bij, zijn benen gekruist, zijn linkerhand op zijn heup. Bij zijn voeten staat een emmertje klaar om de vangst in op te bergen. Nu maar wachten of ze willen bijten!
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