#Metroid dread ending
notabrobro · 2 months
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
Zero Mission: Slight detour toward the end, but Samus is doing well.
Prime: Momentary bittersweetness, but Samus is doing well.
Echoes: Despite everything, the day was saved. Samus is doing well.
Corruption: The day was saved, but at a cost. Samus is... alive.
Return Of Samus: An ugly, yet hopefully necessary task, offset by a small ray of hope at the end. Samus is not doing well.
Super: That hope was delivered... and then immediately stolen, warped and mutated, and then killed. The last Metroid is dead. The galaxy is (not?) at peace. Samus is not doing well.
Fusion: Actions have consequences, and the consequences for extinction have shown themselves. Samus has lost nearly everything familiar and comfortable, with only the ghost of an old friend found instead. Samus is not doing well.
Dread: New bullshit after new bullshit, piled higher and higher and higher. Samus is not doing well, but that doesn't matter, because Samus is fucking done.
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kaasiand · 3 months
I grew up playing some metroidvania Flash games (the Robot Wants series in particular is what I remember most fondly) but had never played any Metroid game up until now, so I started playing the 2D Metroids last week when Zero Mission came out on NSO and I went through them all in release-ish order (ZM as my starting entry, then NES, GB, Super, Fusion, AM2R). I absolutely loved Zero Mission, Super and AM2R (I liked the others a bunch too; imo Fusion's linearity felt justified by the story progressing as you played and also just this raw feeling of constant tension) but then I really did not like the way Samus Returns felt 1-2 hours in (of all things they kept from the GB original it was the fucking screen crunch, and the circle pad just does NOT feel good for this; movement felt wayyy too sluggish in a way that feels typical of 2.5D games to me, and the shooting combat just got completely replaced by the melee counter which I did not like) so I just kinda skipped it and moved on to Dread (which I'm still playing now) and while I enjoy the way Samus's movement feels a lot more (minus the stupid trajectory-locked walljump from Fusion), I don't think I like the game's overall design all that much.
Literally every fucking attack deals 100 damage so you don't get any room for error whatsoever during boss fights, because you can only take like 5 hits before you die; tanking your way through damage always felt like a risk for higher rewards or a way to get something you weren't meant to get earlier on, but now the numbers feel cranked up wayyyyyy too high. You don't get to try and figure out a boss's attack patterns halfway during the fight and learn AS you fight, instead, you have to die a million times when you almost figure something out but failed the execution because every single action requires you to hold three buttons simultaneously and juggle these button combos around constantly. And the game throws a boss at you literally every 10-20 minutes and locks you down one-way paths every single time so the game barely even lets you explore, like, this is literally just a boss rush game at this point and half the bosses don't even reward you with anything. Super and ZM felt like they were actively INVITING me to break the game and go against the game's intentions and even made me wish to replay the games at some point in the future to take things on differently, and I totally understand what made those such genre-defining games. Dread just completely isn't what I was hoping it would be (also where the hell is this game's MUSIC)
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limitiz-nk · 11 months
Copy(and edit) my reply for reddit about Adam and Samus relationship.
As Adam was her former CO, Samus should have called him Commander Malkovich. But she called her Adam, which means they must have a close and firm relationship.
I don't like the kind of father figure opinion from OM, because this game doesn't show anything that a father figure should do. In Fusion, I only see a tongue of remembering a partner and a trustworthy friend, which was ironic that Samus showed a general negative and defensive attitude towards the computer, not realizing that was exactly her CO uploaded.
They respect and praise each other, and they see each other as a friend. A friendship with no romantic signs, but just respecting and knowing each other well.
I guess neither samus nor adam has interests to go further and both are busy to do that even they unite together. This is the only best relationship they both enjoy.
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markthecrtmonitor · 1 year
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Maytroid 2023 | Day 15 - Corpius (Maytroid Art 2/2)
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blackchantilly · 2 years
I feel like playing the Metroid games at a young age gave me unrealistic expectations of gender roles.
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Metroid Dread
For most of the 2010’s, the Metroid franchise was in a bad spot. Metroid: Other M had flopped, Metroid Prime 4 was nowhere to be seen, and Federation Force was hardly a consolation. 2017’s Samus Returns wasn’t mind-blowing, but it still brought some life back to the series and showed off what developer MercurySteam was capable of. Nintendo must’ve agreed, because they put them in charge of Metroid Dread, released in 2021 for the Switch, the first game in the core Metroid series since 2002’s Metroid Fusion.
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gamesline · 2 years
Our first day of Game of the Year back in 2021, popped off with several things, from what games we thought had the most striking visuals to killer mechanics!
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prokopetz · 2 years
I think everybody who's hand-wringing about Silksong not having a demo out for Next Fest needs to bear in mind that metroidvanias (and metroidvania-adjacent genres, e.g., Zelda-likes) are some of the most labour-intensive games to produce, and that most well-regarded indie examples of the type were in development for a very long time.
Phoenotopia: Awakening was in development for seven years; Ghost Song and Owlboy, for nine years; Iconoclasts, for eleven (if you count the development period of the cancelled Ivory Springs prototype; eight years if you don't); and if Radio the Universe makes its tentative 2023 launch date it'll have been in the works for thirteen years.
Of course, the elephant in the room is Hollow Knight itself. By all reports, it only took four years to produce. There are a couple of caveats that need to be attached to that, however: first, that how quickly Hollow Knight was turned out is one of the most notable things about it – many AAA studios would struggle to turn around a game of that scope in so little time, much less an indie studio! (For reference, four years is also about how long it took Nintendo and MercurySteam to turn out Metroid Dread.) Second, anyone who remembers how janky Hollow Knight's gameplay was at launch will understand that such extraordinarily rapid development came at a cost.
Point is, Silksong, which has been in development since 2019, is only just now reaching the point of having been in the works for as long as its predecessor, and even if it does take until 2024 or 2025 to come out, that would still put it on the extreme low end of expected development times for a large indie metroidvania. Missing the 2023 Next Fest is not a sign of danger ahead.
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molagboop · 2 months
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Secret ending of Metroid Dread 2.
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metroid-fusion · 11 days
every single day its fucked beyond belief that metroid fusion said "hey the federation has biomechanical creatures here for military purposes, JUST LIKE the space pirates with metroids in 1+3. they preserved ridley, who samus has a personal history of being enemies with. they care more about preserving x than samus' safety. we are setting something up here very obviously." and then the concept for dread was "hey there are federation robots attacking samus isnt that weird" and then th
and then the plot was "it was a evil chozo"
"thats the end of her plotline <3"
"that other stuff wont be examined <3"
"get hype for prime 4 everyone <3"
goddamn man
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transcatgirlgarfield · 9 months
I'd love to know what happens immediately after Metroid Fusion.
There's a part right at the beginning that says her suit fused to her and had to be surgically removed, and it altered her appearance. Thing is, she never has a chance to process this, she's so busy fighting the X that she doesn't even have time to look in a mirror. How does it affect her? Is she going to struggle to feel comfortable in her body again?
Then there's also the fact that she was at her most helpless and only survived because of a miracle. She was so lucky that someone was able to develop that experimental vaccine and even more lucky that it actually worked. but it was the closest to death she's ever been and she never had time to process that either. plus there's the survivors guilt because she was the only one treated, while everyone else got infected and died.
And at the end of the game, she goes against orders and destroys the space station (and an entire planet (again) ) but now she has to convince everyone that she made the right decision, because she's the only one who knows how dangerous the X are. She's the only person who experienced those horrors and survived.
and one more thing is that before this she was at her most powerful. she's the badass boss bitch who wiped out phazon and the metroids, who fought an entire planet made out of poison and won. But in a matter of hours she lost all her abilities and was changed forever. She has to deal with the fact that she's not nearly as invincible as she thought, that there could be other unknown terrors that could make all of her strength and experience meaningless. She's lost abilities before, but his is the only metroid game where she feels significantly weaker than when she started.
There's just so much character to be explored and so much and so many unanswered questions and so much we don't know about the time between Fusion and Dread
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coldgoldlazarus · 6 months
It's kinda funny how scattershot my approach to the 2D games has been lol.
AM2R: Beat, 100%
Zero Mission: Beat but haven't/won't complete percentage
Metroid: Completed percentage but haven't beat
Dread: Working on it
What a skip lol
I want to play Super and Fusion and the other two versions of Metroid II properly, I've watched enough playthroughs to have a good feel for them but it's no replacement for actually experiencing them myself. But I do think I want Return Of Samus to be the last one, (until future releases anyway) but not in a "putting off the worst until all other options are exhausted" way, more a "saving the best for last" way. I already know I'll love it for the story and how that's conveyed, but I want it to be special.
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inkren · 3 months
Metroid dread has consumed my life for the past 2 days. Its now one of my favourite games ever made. There's a few problems with it mainly the world not being as memorable and easy to navigate as tallon IV in metroid prime but it doesn't matter given how amazing the game is.
I could rant about it for ages but I'll just talk about my 3 favourite things. Massive spoilers for merroid dread.
1. Whoever came up with the idea of letting Samus smack the shit out of your enemies and parrying them didn't get paid enough. Once you learn how to parry basic enemies basically become energy and missile dispensaries. Its so satisfying to parry something especially emmi's since its so hard to parry them. Its also extremely cathartic to parry a boss and start a cutscene where you can just pump missiles into them. Which conveniently leads into.
2. Spectacle. Most bossfights are so cool especially when you parry them and get a bunch of free shots in as samus in the curscene that plays does a bunch of cool flips or rides a massive monster and holds her blaster to their forehead to pump endless missiles into them while they writhe around trying to toss her off. The only thing that could make it better is if the music was more hype like metal gear rising revengeance (which is another game I have to get around to)
And how could I not mention the final bossfight too. The fight with Ravenbeak is so damn cool with it being like a dance with samus and him doing cool flips around each other. He summons black holes and stars and the climax as.... this actually goes with point 3 as well so we'll get to that.
3. Samus is portrayed so well in this game and conveys so much personality even though she says like one sentence in chozo near the middle of the game and at the end of the game she starts screaming madly.
When she meets kraid she is so clearly sick of him that as soon as he roars she shoots him in the mouth. Basically just saying "let's get this over with"
Her conversation with the friendly chozo in the middle of the game as we get a hell of a lore dump and the only words she says in the entire game being "don't worry I'll finish it" pretty sure i paraphrased that but it conveys so much. By having no other words in the game spoken by samus it gives these words so much power. She is legitimately concerned for this chozo and when he is killed she is genuinely sad but it has to wait. Because she has a job to do....and an annoying enemy to kill. (Seriously those chozo bots that jump you are so annoying. )
There's so much more I could say about her characterization in the game and that one scene alone but I wanna talk about the final fight again.
My jaw dropped when she was nearly dead as Ravenbeak choked the life out of her and then she just started screaming like a mad woman and drained the power from the flying fortress making it crash down onto the ground as she beat him up and continued to scream. It was so badass and yet so funny and I was just saying holy shit the entire time. Peak character.
And then the final bit against raven beak where he gets infected with the x parasite. And samus has her new metroid suit which looks freaky and organic and thats the point. She was pushed to this point and now she's basically an energy vampire. Also nothing quite like obliterating your foe with a massive fucking laser to the face.
Of course the cool escape sequence where I barely got back to my ship on time with like 10 seconds to spare. (BTW samus keeps hitting the self destruct button every planet has for some reason. Isnt this like the 6th planet she's destroyed? Why do they keep having to be destroyed and by what?)
Samus gets control of her metroid powers again before escaping and this actually brings me to a point i like about the game. It doesn't reveal there was actually more metroids because they're the series namesake. They stay extinct. All except for samus. And its revealed that metroid means ultimate warrior in chozo. So samus is the metroid now in all meanings of the word. She had metroid dna and is the ultimate warrior of the chozo. Taking the name if the franchise for herself. So next time your grandma sees you playing metroid and points to samus saying "that man's metroid isn't he?" She's half right now.
Anyway my three simple points ballooned way out of my control. Go play metroid dread. Go play every metroid game you can. Which isn't much if you only have a switch but the two metroid games it has are peak.
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postal-ech · 3 months
Hunters Lore: Because I am feeling powerful and must exude my autism more
Thanks to a recent reblog, I have never felt this more powerful as a fucking metroid fan
and given all that's been posted here is autism, some deltarune and undertale fan art, alongside metroid and lisa fan art, It is time I flex my shit even more, once again underneath a dreaded break
This is gonna cover the Hunters from Metroid Prime: Hunters. Why? Because shit's sake SYLUX IS BACK, and we need some context to cover why he (or she [or even fucking they at this point, we REALLY don't know]) is going to be so important, alongside other hunters that could play a role in Metroid Prime 4
Venture forth, if ye dare.
So to begin, let me start by giving you all this happy family photo here of the hunters all together, moments before they proceeded to get into a bar fight with one another and resulted in several broken bones and mixed feelings between each other:
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So from left to right, you have:
We'll skip over Samus because this autist assumes you know here if you know Metroid, and we'll start with one of my favorites and heavily biased hunters:
So who in the metric FUCK is Weavel?
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(Image may be shit because the background, bear with me here, its the only ones I could find that weren't already on the hard drive of metroid images)
WEAVEL is a cybernetically rebuilt Space Pirate General. What do I mean by cybernetically rebuilt? I mean this mother fucker is essentially a brain in a jar piloting a power suit. The most notable thing to understand about Weavel is that he had an encounter once with Samus
It ended so badly, so terribly for him, that the only thing they could recover from Weavel's broken and mangled body was his brain and spinal cord, stuffed into the most advanced custom suit the space pirates had at the time, and sent him off to do his shit.
He made his way out as a bounty hunter, except primarily taking contracts with the Space Pirates - kinda like how Samus primarily takes contracts from the Federation, he's more or less Samus' figurative other half in the narrative of Metroid.
His role in Hunters was much like any of the others, he came to the Amblic Cluster to obtain the "ultimate power", though it was a bit unknown as to if he was there on behalf of the Space Pirates, or if he was just gonna steal this shit for himself.
Because like any other space pirate, Weavel is an untrustworthy bastard. Power hungry, too.
Weavel is equipped with a multitude of weapon systems, one energy-grenade launcher known as the Battlehammer, one Energy Scythe similar to that of the pirates' energy blades you see in Prime 1, and his morph form known as the Half Turret. The Half Turret is essentially as the name implies, a turret from the waist down, and Weavel just crawls on his fucking arms at mach speed at you while his turret covers from a distance, both of which are a dangerous combo if you fuck around and wish to find out.
Currently, the whereabouts of Weavel are unknown, and get used to this answer because its gonne be applying to a lot of the other hunters, but if we're gonna be getting into PRIME 4 SPECULATION:
While I don't have high hopes for him showing up knowing Tanabe's own hyperfixation of Sylux, one could assume that he could be employed by the space pirates much like Sylux himself, though given the tennuous relationship of space pirates he could have very well been ousted between Dark Samus' take over of the homeworld in Prime 3, and the destruction of the Space Pirate mega base of Zebes in Super.
Now that ISN'T TO SAY there aren't any remnants left, lets be real - they're space pirates. Though their homeworld is under Federation Occupation, they always find a way to regroup, reorganize, and fuck around some more - especially given how diverse they are species wise.
My guess is that if Weavel DOES show up, he will either be:
Working for Sylux and his little branch of Space Pirates as a contracted Bounty Hunter
Working with his own splinter group of Space Pirates that, while potentially unfriendly with Sylux, gameplay wise will just be more space pirates.
I do hope we get to see Weavel working together with Sylux though cause god dammit, a tag-team boss fight with both of them like its some Hunters type shit would be god tier.
Fun fact too! He is the ONLY OTHER HUNTER in the Hunters game apart from Sylux to have his own ship shown off. We do not know the name unfortunately.
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Trace is another interesting fellow, given the entire Kriken Empire being a thing in metroid to begin with.
Trace is literally just a young member of the Kriken Empire, whose coming-of-age ritual is to be exiled alone to search out for a viable planet in order for the empire to expand and conquer. Kriken are biological entities despite what their appearance may look like, with tech comprable to the space pirates, probably even the Chozo given their own bodily modifications which allow them to morph into the image above, the Triskelion.
Trace is equipped with an energy sniper known as the Imperialist, as well as a biomechanical cloaking field that allows him to become invisible when standing still, even in his Triskelion form. Essentially, this implies that the Kriken's main strategy of expansion involves assassination from long ranges given the cloaking field and the sniper, and this is very much needed given despite their build Kriken are spindly, fragile critters (at least the one's we've seen so far, nothing has been revealed about other weaponry or kriken soldier types, so the only basis we have to go off of so far is what's been provided here.)
I HIGHLY doubt Trace will show up in Prime 4, even speculation wise the Kriken haven't really been expanded outside of Hunters, but who knows! We could very well get them as a potential antagonist in a future metroid game - though more likely it'll be a prime game over a 2D metroid game.
It is ODD that we don't really hear about the Kriken post Hunters, especially given their well-known status and threat to the galaxy, but that could be explained in future material - perhaps while they're constantly expanding, they're also constantly shrinking as a result of other factors, thus leaving them in a perpetual state of growth and decay in the empire - which is why they haven't gone so far as to attack Fed strongholds like Norion or the outer rim areas like Aether and what not.
Then we have Trace's hated mother fucker (at least imo, judging from the time you encounter the both of them in one go):
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Now this isn't his morph form but don't worry, we'll get to it eventually.
Noxus is a Vhozon (no relation to Phazon) from the planet of Vho. Vhozon are essentially space paladins of a sort, very similar to Samus actually in their philosophy of administering justice across the galaxy. Noxus is one such Vhozon who came to the Amblic Cluster in order to use the Ultimate Power for the greater good - and if he couldn't, then destroy it so that no one else would.
Noxus, if you ask me, is more akin to a very LAWFUL, elitest-tier kind of alien - where its more akin to "you will do this shit for the greater good or die" whereas Samus is more akin to helping those in need, which is what I feel like separates these two and why they would come into conflict in Hunters. To help paint the picture, think of it like a generic Fantasy Elf - someone who thinks they know what is best for the "lesser races" and will intervene or crush them if they stand in their way.
However that's more speculation on my part, we don't really know the FULL motivations of the Vhozon or even Noxus for that matter, if he's more akin of a Vhozon loyal to the philosophy, or a bounty hunter that adheres to it but still takes bounties from other parties.
Noxus comes from a freezing cold planet, so his weaponry reflects that too. He is equipped with one Judicator which can freeze people - Samus included - right on the spot, very similar to the Ice Beam actually. His morph form is the Vhoscythe, which is more akin to a biological and evolutionary adaptation rather than a technological defense.
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Essentially he just spins around like one of those wooden spin toys and extends his arms out to beat the shit out of people that get too close to him.
Much like Trace, I don't really expect to see him to show up, though it WOULD be nice if he did, especially considering the reputation of Sylux and the Space Pirates as sort of a neutral allied party. Again though, we'll just have to see if Tanabe is cooking up any of the other hunters' appearances or if it'll just be his baby Sylux.
Though I WILL Add: Some people speculated the Vhozon may be related to Rundas given their similar cold tech, but that remains to be proven given the lack of evidence and the morphological differences between Rundas and Noxus
Now comes my second favorite mother fucker:
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Kanden is a fucking biological freak of nature, again similar to Samus' condition but on a more fucked-up scale.
Where as the Chozo engineered Samus with the ability to survive on Zebes, Kanden was made with the intent to make an immortal super soldier enhanced with insect DNA, but the process essentially turned Kanden into a bat-shit unpredictable god damn menace to society. Resulting in the lab that enhanced him being blown to fucking smithereens and him escaping the planet it was on.
Kanden is an Enoma, but we don't really know who they are or what they really look like, as Kanden is just a biological experiment - we don't even know if the Enoma are just the name Kanden was given on his enhancement, or if there's any more as a matter of fact, but the enhancements - while they failed in making him immortal and damaged his sanity, made him into an effective killing machine with a killer instinct to boot. The Insect DNA allowed him to thrive as a Bounty Hunter, granting him a very notable reputation to those looking for someone that can get the job done, and his very alien-like appearance is pretty god damn unsettling too.
Kanden is equipped with the Volt Driver, which is essentially a powerful electromagnetic blast, like Prime 1's wave beam except its a single shot that can still fuck someone up pretty good. His morph form is known as the Stinglarvae, which just further proves how absolutely fucked up his genetic code ought to be where he essentially morphs into a slug-like creature that drops homing bombs on a mother fucker.
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Kanden's goal in the Amblic Cluster was to get that Ultimate Power essentially just because he wanted to, just to prove he is THE bounty hunter to have it, almost obsessed with being the most powerful bounty hunter in the galaxy. Of course its a pretty shallow reason, but when you're an unhinged escape biology experiment from a hellish planet, do you really need any other excuse than "fuck it, we go Vergil on this bitch"?
He is truly my beloved, and I doubt he will show up in Prime 4, but I fucking want him to just so he can be a pain in the ass for Sylux, Samus, whoever he encounters. A true wildcard in every sense of the word.
Next up is the one we all know and love, the one that's featured on the front page, the ultimate hater, hyperfixated rage incarnate:
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Sylux, my beloved. The greatest hater in the galaxy right next to Kanden the insane bastard.
We don't know a god damn thing about Sylux's true origins.
All we know is that he is from the planet of Cyclos, and he has an intense hatred for the government.
He's made a name for himself as an excellent scout and saboteur across the galaxy. A genuine menace to government bureaucracy if you will.
His equipment is all stolen Federation Prototypes - from his ship the Delano 7, to the Suit and his signature weapon, the Shock Coil - even his morph form, the Lockjaw - which has led to some issues, like a design flaw preventing the on-board weapons of the Delano 7 being unable to fire after taking a few hits from infantry-based weaponry - or in Samus' case, her god damn missiles and arm cannon.
Sylux's only goal for obtaining the Ultimate Power was to use it against the Federation - and also Samus by extension - and that's about the most of it
What we CAN predict from his appearance in Prime 4 is simple enough - chances are, with the mochtroids he has in tow, alongside a contingent of Space Pirates and given his weaponry is almost eerily similar to the way metroids harvest energy from their prey, Samus is definitely gonna take a beating from the combined ambush and I don't doubt she'll suffer from Physical Amnesia yet again because of it.
As for what he's after? We don't really know. All we know is that it could be big enough to really fuck up the Federation, especially if he's involved in a Space Pirate assault like this, with tamed mochtroids to boot too. It could be something that'll enhance the mochtroid program he's potentially involved with further or - and there is a bit of further speculation to this - it could be something that allows him and the space pirates to teleport far beyond the galactic rim, judging by the portal we see at the end of the trailer leading to this Talon IV-esque planet.
Who can really say what'll be in store there, but it sure as shit won't be pretty.
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Spire is another beloved of mine, as he is the Last of his race - the Diamont, an entirely silicon-based species of rock people.
If you ask me he's essentially the Knuckles of the Metroid games, except instead of sitting on an island all day guarding a big ass emerald while occasionally helping ya boy Sonic out, Spire became a Bounty Hunter specifically because it was to figure out what the HELL happened to his people - kinda in the same vein as Samus almost, except where she manages to stumble onto Chozo ruins and learn of her adoptive people's history, Spire is actively looking for it with no sign of them anywhere in the galaxy.
Spire is a rock based dude, no other mechanical enhancements - its all stone and lava in this bitch, and he's even the only character that can just outright walk on lava whereas Samus needs a Gravity Suit or something similar to withstand such extreme temperatures. Spire comes equipped with the Magmaul, which essentially throws out bouncing projectiles of super-heated rock/magma that can also set people on fire. His Morph form is actually very similar to the Morph Ball, called the Dialanche - where he slams into the ground causing damage to anyone nearby, and becomes a SPIKY ROCK BALL.
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Said spiky rock ball functions similar to Noxus' morph ability where attacking sends out orbital rock projectiles to the closest enemies. He also has the ability to WALL CLIMB with the Dialanche, making it objectively superior to the base morph ball and the prime spider ball modification.
Spire's goal for obtaining the Ultimate Power is a little bit more depressing in that he hopes it'll lead to answers of his race's ultimate fate, but even then its essentially a small stepping stone towards his ultimate goal of finding out this mystery - whether they're still alive, and if not, then what the hell happened to them.
Again, I doubt he'll show up, but I really hope he does, cause his story is so god damn compelling and interesting that I feel like we're missing out on something good here. I don't care if its through a video game, like a spinoff exploring some of the hunters and their own missions, or if its explored in a comic or manga, I really just wanna see my boy get his story resolved here god dammit.
Now granted there's plenty of more hunters out there like Rundas, Ghor, Gandrayda, but this post is already long as fuck as is. Hope you all enjoyed the read, cause god dammit I enjoy talking about the Hunters SO, SO MUCH.
They need more exposure god fucking dammit, fan art too.
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lividria · 3 months
just remembered that i had metroid dread's ending spoiled (didn't ruin how awesome it was) but i didn't know what the metroid suit looked like so i was fully expecting samus to grow fucking metroid fangs and eat raven beak's face off and if there was one thing that i would change about that entire sequence now that i think about it i would probably make that what happens
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