#Michael Abrash
supernews · 2 years
Meta Reality Labs division reveals latest VR headset prototypes
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Tech giant Meta's Reality Labs division has revealed new prototypes in its roadmap toward the lightweight, hyper-realistic virtual reality graphics.
The breakthroughs remain far from consumer-ready, but the designs, codenamed Butterscotch, Starburst, Holocake 2, and Mirror Lake, could add up to a slender, brightly lit headset that supports finer detail than its current Quest 2 display, reports The Verge.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Reality Labs chief scientist Michael Abrash, along with other Reality Labs members, presented their work at a virtual roundtable last week.
The event focused on designs that Meta refers to as "time machines": bulky proofs of concept meant for testing one specific feature, like a super-bright backlight or super-high-resolution screen.
"I think we're in the middle right now of a big step forward towards realism," Zuckerberg was quoted as saying.
"I don't think it's going to be that long until we can create scenes with basically perfect fidelity," he added.
Zuckerberg reiterated plans to ship a high-end headset codenamed Project Cambria in 2022, following its initial announcement last year.
Cambria supports full VR as well as mixed reality, thanks to high-resolution cameras that can pass a video feed to an internal screen.
It will also ship with eye-tracking, a key feature for future Meta headsets.
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l-1-z-a · 2 years
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Logo of Pixomatic Rendering Technology. This is software renderer. The Sims 2 uses it.
Here's a note about its features:
RAD Launches Pixomatic -- New Software Renderer
RAD has released Pixomatic, a new software renderer for games developed by Michael Abrash and Mike Sartain. According to the company, the features and peformance that Pixomatic delivers is "roughly equivalent to a DX6-class graphics accelerator (with a few more modern features like stencil and dot3 lighting)". Well aware that game developers try to leverage the power of graphics hardware -- not code around it -- RAD takes pains to explain the rationale behind the launch of its software renderer. The company touts the fact that it lets developers write one set of graphics code for many different PC graphics configurations and obviates concerns about buggy 3D drivers, misconfigured 3D APIs, and whether 3D hardware even exists on the client. Features:
Two-texture multitexture
Gouraud, specular, fog, alpha blending
16- and 24-bit z buffers
Stencil, bilinear filtering, texture transforms, and dot3 per-pixel lighting
Handles transformation, clipping, and projection of trilists, tristrips, trifans, quadlists, polygons, and pointsprites, drawn through begin/end primitives or indexed or non-indexed streams
Performs perspective-correct rasterization, with per-polygon mipmapping, subpixel and subtexel accuracy, and 32-bit color depth
The pixel-shading pipeline is optimized MMX code, compiled on the fly
Geometry and vertex-shading pipelines are MMX, SSE, and 3DNow optimized
SSE and 3DNow are automatically used if present, but are not required
RAD says it runs Quake II at 27 FPS on a Pentium III/733 and 60 FPS on a Pentium 4. Licensing the Pixomatic SDK for one PC game costs $10,000.
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german-milfs · 1 month
reading michael abrash's book and i feel like i'm reading the bible
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overwritexr · 2 years
Title: Visual Turing Test: Mark Zuckerberg & Michael Abrash Remarks YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/xCUhjcfhRVM
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newswatchtvcost · 2 years
Meta Unveiled Several VR Prototypes To Achieve VR Visuals - NewsWatch TV AMC
Meta Unveiled Several VR Prototypes To Achieve VR Visuals – NewsWatch TV AMC
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, and reality Labs chief scientist Michael Abrash showcased some new prototypes last week during a roundtable. According to NewsWatch TV AMC, since acquiring Oculus in 2014, Meta has been hard at work in the VR space, releasing several VR headsets like the Quest 2. As a result, Meta intends to create a lightweight, yet powerful headset that can rival anything that has…
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Meta Showcases Several VR Headset Prototypes That Are Helping It Achieve Indistinguishable VR Visuals
Meta Showcases Several VR Headset Prototypes That Are Helping It Achieve Indistinguishable VR Visuals
Meta has revealed several new prototypes for its Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. The headset prototypes were presented by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Reality Labs chief scientist Michael Abrash during a roundtable last week. During the event, Meta Reality Labs showcased the designs codenamed Butterscotch, Starbust, Holocake 2, and Mirror Lake. The goal for these VR devices is to come up with…
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newsupdatesbykiara · 2 years
Meta Reality Labs division reveals latest VR headset prototypes
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Tech giant Meta's Reality Labs division has revealed new prototypes in its roadmap toward the lightweight, hyper-realistic virtual reality graphics.
The breakthroughs remain far from consumer-ready, but the designs, codenamed Butterscotch, Starburst, Holocake 2, and Mirror Lake, could add up to a slender, brightly lit headset that supports finer detail than its current Quest 2 display, reports The Verge.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Reality Labs chief scientist Michael Abrash, along with other Reality Labs members, presented their work at a virtual roundtable last week.
The event focused on designs that Meta refers to as "time machines": bulky proofs of concept meant for testing one specific feature, like a super-bright backlight or super-high-resolution screen.
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hardcore-gaming-101 · 3 years
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In 1992, id Software used John Carmack’s new rendering technology to release the action packed Wolfenstein 3D. The game was central to the development of the concept of first person shooters, showing a twitchy speed not seen in first person games to that point, and then one year later they defined the genre in its most basic foundations with Doom, a game that was installed on more PCs than Windows at the time. They made it in a building they called “Suite 666” because id Software was founded and run by turbo nerds. Beyond John Carmack, the team included John Romero, Sandy Petersen, American McGee, and Shawn C. Green as programmers and level designers, Adrian Carmack (no relation) and Kevin Cloud as artists, Michael Abrash and Dave Taylor as additional programmers, Tom Hall as the creative director, and Bobby Prince as the musician. They got the idea for fighting monsters with tech from a tabletop game they had (similar story for Quake) and Carmack took a quote from The Color of Money for a title. Doom is the alpha and the omega of the FPS, what made id Software the powerhouse it is today, and inspired countless developers across the world with its mod friendly design. It was all thanks to these brilliant developers. 
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lawnmowermetaverse · 7 years
Oculus Connect 4 | Best Bits
Here are the top announcements from Oculus Connect 4 in my opinion. Dash was the most interesting news for me. I'm happy that Oculus is focusing on the next-gen hardware (Santa Cruz prototype) and system level updates! Oculus Go looks like it could be a good solution for making VR accessible to a mass audience. Respawn Entertainment announced they are working on VR content! The Titanfall games are amazing so excited to see what they come up with. Oculus Venues looks cool. Oh, and who doesn't love unscripted John Carmack!
A glimpse of the future with the latest Santa Cruz prototype...
Quill is now in Facebook Spaces. And Animation!!!! cant wait for that Quill update!!
More Blade Runner is always good...
Dispatch looks super cool...
UI of the future with Oculus Dash...
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hackernewsrobot · 5 years
Graphics Programming Black Book by Michael Abrash – Markdown source (2001)
https://github.com/jagregory/abrash-black-book Comments
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elonpics · 5 years
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Top row, from left: Kevin Systrom Instagram, Elon Musk Tesla Motors, SpaceX, Steven Levy Backchannel, Elizabeth Holmes Theranos, Maria Shriver NBC News, James Murdoch 21st Century Fox, Jessica Lessin The Information Bottom row, from left: Mark Zuckerberg Facebook, Michael Abrash Oculus VR, Lena Dunham Girls, Jonathan Ive Apple, J. J. Abrams Bad Robot Productions, Brian Grazer Imagine Entertainment
Photo: Annie Leibovitz
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jlertle · 2 years
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"Oculus' Michael Abrash says that adding a 4K resolution to the new Half Dome prototype would be "straightforward" right now". Reblog with caption 🙃
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mood-report · 3 years
But The Facebook Is Now Meta. And Meta Is Data
Probably no accident that Mark Zuckerberg’s overnight pivot of his trillion-dollar company received near instant approval from WEF Klaus. 
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Why? Because it’s all about the data.
Even from his early days, just after The Facebook was initially used as a way to rate girls on a college campus, Mark Zuckerberg was keenly aware of the value of data.
His infamous “Dumb Fucks” email exchange with a buyer of the personal data which approximately 4000 college students were “stupid” enough to provide, revealed this keen awareness (and perhaps true feelings).
Therefore one would think he’d at least be content with a treasure trove of data from 2.8 billion daily active users, but no. It’s onward to the metaverse.
Now we know why. He wants more. 
Of you. 
So does WEF Klaus and his friends.
I watched the entire Meta launch presentation on YouTube. So should you to judge for yourself. 
Here’s my take after one hour and 17 minutes of unease.
In my opinion, the Meta/WEF vision is 24/7 digital immersion allowing full-data extraction of every aspect of your life: home, work, play, identity, social connections, family, thought. 
At the 1:01:25 mark, the What Will It Take To Make The Metaverse Feel Real? section reveals some scary details that have been in development for 7 years --Meta Research Team leader Michael Abrash calls them “12 major technological breakthroughs.” 
Several are chilling from a privacy perspective -- but probably mouth-watering from a data mining and social control perspective:
“...displays, audio, input, haptics (hand-computer integration), hand tracking, eye tracking, mixed reality sensors, graphics, computer vision, avatars, perceptual science, AI...”
Each of these requires you.
Perhaps the real breakthrough is that for the first time, a single company will own and control all of this data.
Abrash also admits the strategy of the metaverse is “first and foremost about connecting people.”
True. That’s why it’s called the ‘Net, the web. With the metaverse the self-ensnarement will be complete.
Because life in a digital world, by design, is infinitely trackable and controllable. 
Klaus, Zuckerberg, et al are counting on billions of dumb f*cks to hand over their most precious details: biometric data, interpersonal connections, habits, desires, details of their homes, etc., voluntarily, because hey, look at how cool this is.
Meta is data.
Data is control.
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famousruinsdeer · 3 years
Руководство Facebook показало прототипы будущих VR-гарнитур
New Post has been published on https://v-m-shop.ru/2021/10/14/rukovodstvo-facebook-pokazalo-prototipy-budushhih-vr-garnitur/
Руководство Facebook показало прототипы будущих VR-гарнитур
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Руководство Facebook показало прототипы будущих VR-гарнитур
14.10.2021 [12:55], 
Руслан Авдеев
Марк Цукерберг (Mark Zuckerberg) и глава команды, занимающейся в Facebook системами виртуальной и дополненной реальностей, который в будущем станет техническим директором компании, Эндрю Босворт (Andrew Bosworth) опубликовали в социальных сетях фото с новыми прототипами VR-гарнитур.
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Гарнитура на фото с Цукербергом выглядит очень похожей на уже выпускаемые компанией модели Oculus. При этом глава Facebook отмечает т. н. «Retina-разрешение», позаимствовав у Apple термин, означающий, что дисплей имеет столь высокую плотность пикселей, что отдельные точки совершенно незаметны с рабочей дистанции.
Proud of the research Michael Abrash’s team is working on at FRL-R Redmond—excited to get an early look at some of the technologies that will underpin the metaverse (we work on several prototype headsets to prove out concepts, this is one of them. Kind of. It’s a long story.) pic.twitter.com/Yi9xjy5HmG
— Boz (@boztank) October 13, 2021
Более интригующим выглядит дисплей на голове у Босворта — судя по эскизам и описаниям, появившимся в Сети на уровне слухов, он очень напоминает VR-гарнитуру Apple. Помимо отсылки Цукерберга к Retina-разрешению, нет никаких данных о технических характеристиках моделей. Вполне возможно, что это ранние образцы с ограниченной функциональностью.
В прошлом месяце Facebook выпустила умные очки совместно с Ray Ban, назвав это очередным шагом к созданию полноценных гарнитур с системами дополненной реальности. Также разработчики регулярно публикуют в Сети информацию о прототипах, которые, возможно, никогда не появятся в магазинах. Не исключено, что демонстрируя новые разработки, топ-менеджмент Facebook продвигает не сами очки и гарнитуры, а собственную «метавселенную», которую компания называет следующей версией интернета.
Представитель HTC уже подшутил на Босвортом, предложив обменять его образец, ещё находящийся в разработке, на гарнитуру Vive Flow, уже готовую к коммерческому производству. Её презентация состоится сегодня вечером. Разумеется, представитель Facebook сдержанно, но решительно отказался от «сделки».
The Verge
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worldstop10 · 3 years
Five VR Gaming Backdrops Users Want to See
New Post - Five VR Gaming Backdrops Users Want to See
Virtual reality is quickly changing what many gamers expect to see when they log in. For the past decade, most VR experiences were limited because headsets from groups like Oculus and Vive were price prohibitive for many. However, this is now changing as the range of headsets diversifies. In the next five years, Oculus’s chief scientist, Michael Abrash, predicts advances in software and hardware…
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