#Michael would be so confused seeing sparky
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Michael learns about FNAF Movie Sparky...
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septembercfawkes · 3 years
The Technicalities of Writing Thoughts
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On a few occasions, I've been asked how to actually write thoughts on the page in a story. If you are newer to writing, this can be confusing for several reasons (and you'll see why by the end of this article).
Just to clarify, this post isn't about what makes one passage of introspection better than another, or how to keep a moment of introspection interesting. If you want to learn about that, check out my articles "How to Write Excellent Introspection" and "Breaking Writing Rules Right: 'Never Open with Introspection.'" No, this post is about actually writing character thoughts on the page. Even if you already know how to do that, this topic may be worth a review. And who knows, I might cover some points you didn't know, you didn't know.
A Quick Breakdown of Point of View
Before getting your character's thoughts on the page, it's helpful to know what point of view you are writing in. So real quick:
In first person, the character is telling the story. This uses "I" in the narration. This means the character's thoughts are right there in the text (generally speaking, though there are exceptions and we could get more complicated).
In third person, the prose is slightly more distant, like the audience is following a specific character around. This uses "he" or "she" (or some agender pronoun) and not "I" in the narration. In third person, it's possible to write very distant and objective, so the text never shares the character's thoughts--it's like watching a movie. Some crime fiction is traditionally written this way. But today, that approach isn't very popular; usually, at least some of the viewpoint character's thoughts are on the page.
Today, in third person, you will almost always be telling the story from one character's head at a time. You can have more than one viewpoint character in the story, but it's (almost always) one specific viewpoint character's perspective per scene or chapter.
Omniscient is an ambiguous term--it gets defined slightly differently depending on who you talk to. But most people explain that in omniscient, the author can zoom in and out of any characters' heads within a matter of paragraphs or sentences. Omniscient isn't very popular today, but it isn't necessarily "wrong."
Writers can also technically use second person point of view, as well. This is where "you" is used in the narration. This almost never works in fiction, and is best left for writing instructions ("First, you take out the product. Then you insert the batteries").
This is just a brief overview. If you want to learn more about any of the viewpoints, you can find articles in my Writing Tip Index.
A Quick Breakdown of Point of View Penetration
Point of view is about more than simply picking first, second, third, or omniscient. It's also about how deep you get into that character's perspective.
As I mentioned above, you could technically write a third person story that never shares the viewpoint character's thoughts. This is the most distant option. It's like the audience is witnessing what the characters do, but never gets access to any of their minds.
Point of view penetration is really a spectrum. As far as I've discovered, it really has four points. Here they are from most distant to closest.
(Point 1) Out of breath, Todd wiped the sweat off his face and fanned himself. He got a glass of cold water.
(Point 2) Todd was thinking about how hot it was outside as he got a glass of cold water.
(Point 3) It's freaking hot outside, Todd thought, like the devil's oven. He got a glass of cold water, even though it wouldn't do anything to fight the heat. Better than nothing, Todd thought.
(Point 4) It was freaking hot outside. Like the devil's oven. A glass of cold water wouldn't do squat, but it was better than nothing.
Notice the first example shows that Todd thinks it's hot from the outside--but we never get in his head. In the last example, the prose takes on his thoughts and attitude and we know he thinks it's hot from the inside.
POV penetration is one of the reasons it can seem a little confusing on how to actually write thoughts on the page . . . because there are several ways.
And one thing I must mention is that most stories will use different levels of penetration--zooming in and out, so to speak.
You can learn more about point of view penetration in my article here. (And trust me, that's not a term you want to google 😬)
Writing Characters' Thoughts
How you actually write character thoughts in a story, depends on the point of view you are using and how deep the POV goes.
Some people say that POV penetration doesn't apply to first person--I actually think it does, though the blanket statement sounds nice.
Let's go through penetration points 2 - 4 and talk about the technicalities.
Please note that on a sentence-by-sentence level, third person and omniscient usually sound the same, so to distinguish them, I've included two characters' minds in the omniscient examples.
Point 2
This is sorta like summary, and really, it's telling. The text simply tells the audience what the character is thinking in general. This means it doesn't need any kind of special treatment.
First Person: As I did the dishes, I thought about last spring when Sparky died.
Third Person: As Kacie did the dishes, she thought about last spring when Sparky died.
Omniscient: As Kacie did the dishes, she thought about last spring when Sparky died, while Jasper thought about football.
Point 3
In the writing world, people refer to Point 3 as "direct thoughts" (which I think is kinda misleading since Point 4 is arguably "direct thoughts" as well, but whatever--it's important you understand the terminology).
Technically, this is handled like dialogue. The only difference is that instead of using quotes, you use italics. If you can't italicize (if you are writing by hand for example), then you underline instead.
Just like dialogue, you have what's being "said" (in this case, thought), and you may have a "tag" (the part that tells you who is "saying" it). How you punctuate this is exactly the same way you punctuate dialogue.
This means you can have no tag:
"I'm hungry and tired."
I'm hungry and tired.
You can technically have a tag in the beginning (less common).
She said, "I'm hungry and tired."
She thought, I'm hungry and tired.
You can have a tag in the middle of a complete sentence.
"I'm hungry," she said, "and tired."
I'm hungry, she thought, and tired.
You can have a tag at the end of a complete sentence.
"I'm hungry and tired," she said.
I'm hungry and tired, she thought.
To learn more about how to punctuate Point 3, visit my article "How to Punctuate Dialogue," as they are essentially the same.
First Person: The consensus in the writing world is that you don't use Point 3 when writing first person, because the narration is already always in that character's thoughts.
Personally, I think this is a flawed argument, as you could just as well write third person without ever using Point 3, and can probably do the same with omniscient if you are really really clever (much more tricky), and I have occasionally seen Point 3 used in first person, back in the day. But as I am not the authority of the writing world, what I think probably isn't that important.
If you want to play it safe, you probably don't want to use Point 3. However, just as a demonstration of the wild side, here is how it would technically look:
I'm freaking exhausted, I thought.
One may argue that you can cut the tag and have the same effect:
I was freaking exhausted.
But you can do the exact same thing in third person:
I'm freaking exhausted, he thought. --> He was freaking exhausted.
So . . . I'll stop there, but I think this tool could be used for other effects, but again, I'm not the authority of the writing world. Maybe I'll share more of my thoughts on this another day--I think it's more about how much distance you want.
Third Person: I'm freaking exhausted, he thought.
Omniscient: I'm freaking exhausted, he thought, as he gently passed the salt and pepper to Jen. Jen swiped them up. He could at least have the decency to pretend to be listening, she thought.
Worth noting is that if you happen to be writing characters who are telepathic, Point 3 is usually where those characters have conversations:
He's lying to us, I told Michael.
You're being paranoid, he thought back.
Point 4
This is the deepest level. At Point 4, the prose takes on the thoughts and attitudes of the character.
In first person, it is argued that you are doing this all the time.
But if you are writing in third person or omniscient, you can also do this. You just might have to be a little more careful with transitions.
Because the prose takes on the attitudes of the viewpoint character, you don't need to italicize or use a tag or even use the words "thought" or "think." However, using those things can help transition the reader into Point 4 (more on that in a sec).
First Person: It was freaking hot outside. Like the devil's oven. A glass of cold water wouldn't do squat, but it was better than nothing.
Third Person: It was freaking hot outside. Like the devil's oven. A glass of cold water wouldn't do squat, but it was better than nothing.
Omniscient: Todd stepped outside. It was freaking hot. Like the devil's oven. Cold water wouldn't do squat, but it was better than nothing. He unscrewed his water bottle. Humming, Jen followed him through the door. She breathed in the flowery scents of summer. It was the perfect day for a bike ride. As a teen in Southern Utah, she'd spent long days riding the trail along the river. Todd was in for a real treat.
Because first person is written from within the character's mind, it can be easier to start writing that character's thoughts on the page.
In third person or omniscient, it's possible that the narrator has a different attitude or tone than the viewpoint character, which makes transitions more important.
And if you are writing in omniscient, you may have a lot of minds to transition the reader in and out of in a single scene, in addition to the narrator.
To keep things simple, let's just say there are a lot of gray areas.
Understanding POV penetration can help you, help the reader transition into deep thoughts, since the different points essentially zoom in or out.
For example, zooming in:
Sweat dripped down Todd's face (Point 1). He recalled last spring when Sparky died (Point 2). Best dog I ever had, he thought (Point 3). It'd been freaking hot like this. Like the devil's oven (Point 4).
Or zooming out:
It'd been freaking hot like this. Like the devil's oven (Point 4). I was drenched by the time I finished the grave, he thought (Point 3). He remembered the way Sparky howled for treats, chewed up the couch, and gently licked his hand after a walk (Point 2). Blinking rapidly, Todd took a deep breath, then wiped his eyes (Point 1).
It's not necessary to hit every point when you zoom in and out. You can totally skip.
What you don't want is to be jolting--jumping in and out and all over the place randomly.
Well, unless that's exactly the effect you want, such as when you want to give a passage a feeling of disorder and chaos 😉 (All rules can be broken).
There are so many ways to move into a character's thoughts, that what works and what doesn't may be something you have to learn from experience. But using the points of POV penetration is one way.
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- “Welcome to the Jungle”
I hope this fanfic won't make anyone dizzy with how many men there are in it and doing this and that.
1996 was the year you would join the World Wrestling Federation, and that year was a transitional year for the company.
1996 was a year that was somewhat of a blend between the WWF's New Generation era and their eventual Attitude era.
There was hardly any blood being shed in the company, no wrestlers being thrown through tables set on fire, and if a wrestler used profanity, a commentator would have to say "we apologize for that!" afterwards.
Plus, you had wrestlers playing really childish kid friendly characters and were hangovers from the New Generation era; the Smoking Gunns were cowboys, the New Rockers were just a cornier updated version of Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty's tagteam duo, The Goon was a hockey player, Isaac Yankem was an evil dentist, Duke "The Dumpster" Droese was a garbage man, Sparky Plugg was a racecar driver and the Godwinns were hillbilly farmers.
However, Stone Cold Steve Austin made his WWF debut that year, so did Mick Foley and his Mankind character, the Ultimate Warrior made a comeback at the beginning of 1996 where he used R-rated profanity, Goldust gave off very homoerotic vibes, and an Attitude era predecessor named Brian Pillman also made his debut in the World Wrestling Federation that year, and by the end of the year, Brian pulled a gun out on Stone Cold and the two of them brawled in the driveway of Pillman's home, this scene looked like an episode of "Cops".
You nearly came at the right place at the right time, because you would eventually create your slutty, oversexed nymphomaniac character that was perfect for the Attitude era; an era notorious for being boundary pushing.
Plus, there were some hot men in the WWF in 1996.
You made your WWF debut in July of '96, as Hunter Hearst Helmsley's valet.
When you arrived to the WWF in the summer that year, even the other men in the WWF were in lust with you and thought you were a beautiful woman.
Some of these men "wolf whistled" at you, one of those men who did that was Shawn Michaels.
Some of them can remember you from when you were a ringrat for Hunter, and they're glad you've joined the World Wrestling Federation.
They really wanted to show you how glad they were.
In July of 1996, you were standing in one of the locker rooms surrounded by all of these wrestlers welcoming you to the WWF, not just with handshakes.
Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, Leif Cassidy, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Davey Boy Smith and Brian Pillman were swarming you, Shawn placed both of his hands on the sides of your face.
Brian, Marty, Shawn, and Leif had ear to ear smiles spread across their faces, excited about what's about to happen.
You actually wanted these men to be all around you, they're some of the hottest men in the World Wrestling Federation, and there's some other hot men in the company.
Billy Gunn finds you absolutely scrumptious as well, and while he was pretty hot in 1996, he didn't get sexier until the end of '96 when his hair grew longer.
Shawn and Hunter both had their long hair hanging down, not tied back in a ponytail, and you love it when their hair hangs down.
Davey Boy Smith raised his voice in the locker room, shouting for Bret Hart and if he wants to join this eventual orgy.
Bret will admit you are a beautiful woman, and he isn't quite as innocent as the role model he plays on television, so he walked over and joined this little gangbang.
If there was a wrestler in lust with you who wanted to fuck you but you didn't want him, you told him you don't want him to bang you and he should respect that.
Did he listen? Yes!
Shawn, Marty and Hunter were grabbing onto your shirt and lifting it over your torso and head, placing your top on the slick wooden bench.
Brian Pillman's hands grabbed the sides of your shorts and pulled them all the way down to your ankles.
He wasn't just grabbing your shorts, but your thong underneath them, where your thong slid along your shorts down your legs to your feet.
Hunter, meanwhile, was behind you, unhooking and unfastening your bra, where your tits were free from the bra's tight oppression once the clasps of the bra were separated.
Marty, Leif, Brian, Bret, and Davey were on your sides, trying to all squeeze in to be around you.
Leif Cassidy, not to be confused with 70's teen idols Leif Garrett and Shaun and David Cassidy, grabbed one of your bra straps and carefully slid it down your arm, only to toss your bra away.
Leif luckily didn't have his hair looking so shitty and crappy during this gangbang.
Hunter grabbed the other bra strap slid down your arm when he was removing your bra off of your arm, and your bra cups flung off of your breasts when your straps slid down to your wrists and away from your hands.
Your feet slid out of your flip flops and placed them on the cold floor, though is it necessary for you to take your shoes off considering the floor is a bit dirty?
You lifted your feet one by one off of the floor and let your shorts and thong lay on the cold floor.
As clothes were flying off of you, Marty, Hunter, Brian, Bret, Davey and Leif's hands were traveling and roaming all over your skin, stroking up and down your thighs, your hips and torso.
Their hands and fingers were trying not to bump and nudge into one another.
You felt the tips and pads of their fingers gently sliding on your skin, which made tingles rush and run down your spine.
Shawn, however, pulled your face into his, where your lips locked in between his lips, his eyes and your eyse shutting when your lips met each other.
One of your hands moved behind Shawn's head, where your fingers poked through his brown hair, sliding and gliding down through his locks.
Some of these other wrestlers probably wanna make out with you too, though they don't really seem like the types to make out.
Marty and Hunter's hands took time to play with your breasts, squeezing and fondling them as well as tweaking and pinching your nipples.
Sometimes, they ran the tips of their fingers around in circles on your areolas, rubbing them.
You moaned in Shawn's mouth, your lips buzzing on his lips when you moaned.
Marty has always been a ladies man and still is today, and this is a joy to squeeze and fondle your tit.
Even though Marty is cute, and in your opinion, was the hot one in the Rockers back in the late 80's and early 90's, he isn't that attractive, and he has some pretty terrible hair.
You'd rather have someone hotter playing with both of your tits, like maybe Leif Cassidy.
Hunter leaned his face into the back of your neck and kissed it, kissing on various parts of your neck, you could feel his breath on your skin and in your ear.
You were trying to keep your head up and not arch it back.
Brian's index and middle fingers were buried in between your vulva, rubbing up and down your clitoris.
His fingers tickled your clit, heating it up, where you could feel a little something under your clitoris while he rubbed it.
Davey, Leif and Bret's hands were caressing up and down your thighs and hips, they're probably the most mild out of all of these men.
As you and Shawn's lips were entangled with one another, the tip of his tongue poked and nudged your tongue, where his tongue began to stroke and caress vertically up your tongue.
You felt his tongue running up your tongue, and of course your tongue caressed his tongue as well.
As you had all of these men all around you, blood was swelling and filling your clitoris up, and these men's pants were feeling tight from being all around you.
Some other wrestlers were watching what was going on between you and these wrestlers all over you, some were enjoying what they were seeing and feeling tight in the pants, others just rolled their eyes and walked away.
One wrestler shouted "Get a room!".
Uh, you are in a room. A locker room, that is!
Though, it might be better to do this in a hotel room considering you don't have people surrounding you watching you, though at the same time, doing it in a locker room is fun, considering it gives you the feel of being in a porn, and you have people watching you.
Since Shawn hasn't had a chance to caress your body yet, his hands on your face slid down your neck and to your shoulders, where his hands stroked and caressed up and down your arms.
Your pussy was getting more and more moist, and Brian's fingers were getting pussy juice on the tips and pads of them.
His index finger was trying to insert and poke into your twat hole, and eventually he did his finger up your pussy hole.
He'd also love to play with your breasts, though so would some of these other wrestlers.
His index finger was moving and thrusting up and down inside your twat hole, fucking your pussy like it's his cock.
Shawn's hands elevated up your arms and stopped at your shoulders, where he began to massage them.
When your fingers ran through Shawn's hair, you were trying to not to mess his hair up, though he does look pretty hot with messy hair.
Leif Cassidy wanted to play with one of your tits, so he moved his hand to your breast Marty was playing with and asked Marty if he could play with that tit as well.
Marty removed his hand off of your tit, he's played with it enough already, and let his hand slide down your body.
Although, damn, what if you had both of the New Rockers playing with both of your breasts?
Brian, meanwhile, tried inserting his middle finger up your pussy hole, stretching your pussy hole out.
You cried out when his middle finger stretched your twat hole, but you didn't luckily have any tears streaming down your face.
When Leif played with one of your breasts, he squeezed and fondled it, as well as tweaked and pinched your nipple.
Marty's hands were stroking up and down your thigh and hip, body parts men lust over.
Shawn's been making out with you for far too long, so he moved his face to your neck, burying it there, where he kissed and nibbled on various parts of your neck.
"Ohhhhhh Shawn!" you moaned and cried out.
"Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaaah, Shaaaaaaaaaawn!" you heard one wrestler far away from you mock in a high pitched voice, imitating those women at the beginning of Shawn's entrance theme.
Now that you don't have anyone kissing your lips, who will kiss you next?
Hunter has been kissing on your neck for a long time, and Bret seems like the type who would rather make love than fuck, especially Bret.
Maybe now that you don't have anyone to kiss you, maybe Hunter or Bret can do it.
Speak of the devil...
"Hey y/n" Leif said "Since no one's kissin', you, y'want me to?"
You nodded your head, and he smiled from ear to ear.
He's kind of keeping kayfabe and playing his character he plays in the WWF.
He leaned into your face, closing his eyes as he leaned, and his mouth fit in between your lips, sucking and kissing your lips.
The two of you started kissing each other, and not just that, but French kissing each other as well, licking and stroking each others tongues, your top or bottom lip in between his lips and vice versa.
One of your hands moved to the back of his head, running your fingers through and playing with his hair.
When Brian's fingers were thrusting up and down inside your pussy hole, his thumb was pressing your clit, rubbing up and down your clitoris.
Now that is talent.
His thumb rubbed and flicked up and down your clit like he was flicking a light switch on and off.
It's a shame that the former Razor Ramon and even Lex Luger are over in WCW, because they can join in on this orgy too.
You bit your bottom lip, trying to contain your moans and whines.
You're breathing quite heavily while Shawn's kissing on your neck, now you have 2 hot men kissing your skin.
"Hey Paul" Shawn said to Hunter, his eyes looking at him "I wanna play with her tits too"
"Me too" Brian said.
Hunter heard Shawn say the blond one's name, and he's been playing with one of your breasts for too long, so he removed his hand off of one of your tits and let his hand stroke your hips and legs this time.
Shawn noticed that one of your tits didn't have someone's hand on it, so he placed his hand on your breast and squeezed it, fondling it as well as eventually tweaking and pinching your nipple.
When Leif's turn is over and he feels like he's had enough time to play with your breast, it'll be Brian's turn next.
Speaking of Brian, his other hand that isn't fingering your twat is on your ass, where he's grabbing a handful of one of your ass cheeks, squeezing it, smacking and spanking one of your ass cheeks and sometimes even pinching a little bit of your skin on your ass.
You yelped a little bit over him squeezing your ass, but whatever.
Despite Leif's eyes being closed, he can hear someone smacking your ass, and he and Marty decided to join in and do what Brian's doing, where they too, smacked and swatted your ass with one of their hands, sometimes even pinching your bum.
They can't stick their fingers up your asshole, because that's gross.
They have something reserved for you later on.
Shawn was getting bored from kissing your neck, though he does want to give you so many hickeys there, so he slid and brushed his lips down your chest until he shifted his head to the breast his hand's been squeezing, moving his hand out of the way and inserted your nipple in his mouth and he sucked it.
He didn't just suck your nipple, but also licked your areola in circles with the tip of his tongue.
Brian isn't the only one who wants to play with your clit, Shawn does too.
Shawn, too, would love to play with your ass, pinching and spanking it.
Your ass cheeks are turning pink with every smack of your ass.
Shawn's hand that previously played with one of your tits is moving over to your pussy, where he lended a hand in pressing his thumb on your clit, wanting to rub his thumb on your clitoris.
Shawn removed his other hand on your shoulder and placed that hand on one of your hips, where that hand slid up and down that hip as well as roaming and traveling all over your back, sometimes even caressing up and down your thigh.
Hunter placed his hands on your shoulders and started massaging them, as well as sometimes slid his hands up and down your shoulders.
Leif eventually feels like he's had enough time playing with one of your nipples, so he let one of his hands travel your body.
Brian could see there's an empty tit with no one's hand on it, so his hand quickly moved to your breast, where he squeezed and fondled that breast, pinching and tweaking that nipple.
Your breast was in between his thumb and fingers, holding it.
Sometimes, his thumb flicked up and down your nipple like it was a light switch.
He doesn't just wanna finger your pussy, but eat it as well.
He crouched down to the floor and exited his fingers out of your pussy hole, now covered in your sticky white pussy juices, and slid his thumb off of your clit.
He buried his face in your vulva and started to stroke your twat with his tongue, licking up your pussy juices and your clitoris.
His tongue roamed slowly up your twat so he could taste your salty juices, he could eat your pussy all day.
Shawn was getting bored from sucking your nipple, plus he's sucked it for too long, and he noticed that now Brian is eating your twat out.
Shawn wants a taste too, though he isn't alone!
Shawn crouched and lowered himself down to the floor, telling Brian he wants a taste of your twat as well.
Brian and Shawn sat you on the bench and ordered you to spread your legs wide open, and you listened to them, your legs separating as far as they could, showing them your pink pussy for them to eat.
They grinned from ear to ear seeing your pussy, and they buried their faces in between your legs, Brian licked up one side of your pussy, while Shawn licked the opposite side.
Now that Shawn isn't sucking one of your breasts, now it's Hunter's turn.
Hunter moved and shifted his head to your breast not being played with by Brian, where he wrapped his mouth around your nipple, sucking it.
Like Shawn, Hunter licked in circles on your areola with the tip of his tongue.
Brian regrets that he didn't suck on one of your nipples, but maybe he will soon.
Marty can see that you're getting your twat eaten out, and he'd love to eat your pussy out too, if he even can.
Brian and Shawn's tongues stroked and caressed your pussy, the middle of your pussy and over your clit, sometimes they even sucked and flicked your clitoris with the tips of their tongues.
They're driving you crazy from licking your twat, you're moaning and whimpering their names while they're doing it.
Maybe Marty can try to crouch down and eat your pussy out too.
Leif has been making out with you for too long, so he separated his face and lips away from your mouth.
Will Hunter kiss you next?
Surprisingly, Bret and Davey Boy Smith aren't kissing you or even on the back of your neck for some reason.
Bret thinks you're a tramp and a trollop.
You've been sexually pleasured for a long time now, such a long time, that because of having so many men all over you, you've now finally came, your clitoris pounding and throbbing after you've came, you cried out when you creamed.
You weren't faking your orgasms during this gangbang, you meant it.
Now that you've came, Brian and Shawn have more pussy juice for them to lick, and they licked and stroked your twat, tasting your salty cum.
Their tongues lubricated and wetted your pussy with their saliva as they licked it.
Brian pulled himself up from the floor and sucked on your breast he's currently playing with, moving his hand out of the way when he was about to suck your tit.
Your other hand buried through Brian's thick curls when he was sucking on your nipple.
Marty crouched down to the floor and joined Shawn, licking and stroking your pussy up with their tongues.
Marty can taste a bit of saliva on your twat thanks to Shawn and Brian licking it.
Eventually, Marty had a chance to suck one of your nipples, and Hunter got a chance to eat your twat out.
Davey as well sucked and played with one of your breasts and nipples.
Now, here comes the grand finale.
Hunter laid on the cold floor on his back, and you rode and bounced up and down his lap, his cock shoving in and out of your twat.
Brian was sitting on his knees behind you, thrusting his cock back and forth inside your asshole, and Shawn, Leif, Marty, Bret and Davey were standing around you with their cocks pointing at you.
You sucked on Shawn's cock while your fingers were wrapped around Leif and Bret's shafts, pumping up and down their erections pointing and aiming at you.
Marty and Davey's penises were pointing at your face, where they masturbated, pumping their cocks (although they didn't masturbate each others dicks), trying to aim their precum at your face.
When they weren't aiming their dicks at your face, then they aimed it at your breasts.
They did manage to get some precum on your face and on your tits.
Speaking of precum, precum was leaking out of the slit of Shawn's penishead and landing on your tongue, where you swallowed and gulped that precum.
Your tongue licked up Shawn's shaft, caressing and stroking his erection, licking up any precum that trickled down his penis.
Some of Leif and Bret's precum is getting on your face, and sometimes you're pointing and aiming their dicks at your breasts.
And yeah, some of their precum was getting on your tits.
Your eyes luckily were closed you so won't get any precum or jizz in your eyes.
You were moaning loudly while having Shawn's dick in your mouth, his shaft feeling a buzzing and vibrating feel around it, and your head was arched and leaning back.
Brian's hands were holding onto your hips, and sometimes his hands grabbed both of your ass cheeks.
Shawn, Marty, Leif and Davey were staring down at you, they all grinned from ear to ear.
They saw your tits bouncing up and down while you rode Hunter, which was a big turn on for them.
When you weren't sucking on Shawn's dick, you tried to suck on Leif, Bret, Davey and Marty's cocks as well, pulling their dicks into your mouth and sucking their cocks, licking their shafts and swallowing their precum.
Sometimes you turned your head and tried to insert one of their dicks in your mouth.
Of course, you didn't pull all of their penises into your mouth at once, but one by one.
If Shawn's dick wasn't in your mouth, then Leif or Marty or Davey's was.
Did you masturbate Shawn if his cock wasn't in your mouth? Yep!
Other wrestlers in the locker room saw this gangbang, many of them were cheering and roaring in delight, some of them were even making those silly "wolf whistles" at you.
Precum was trickling down your face and down your tits, and Brian would love to play with your breasts, so would Hunter.
Though they've already did it already, they don't need to do it again.
Better luck next time.
Pretty soon, Hunter was the first one to cum inside you, and then eventually the rest of these wrestlers in this gangbang jizzed as well.
After they all came, Hunter pulled you off of his lap and you sucked his cock, cleaning it with your mouth and tongue, swallowing his cum.
You cleaned the cum off of these other wrestler's dicks as well except for Brian's, since it was up your asshole.
Jizz was leaking out of your twathole and asshole afterwards, spilling all over the floor, and you were drenched in cum.
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Slenderverse Highschool AU Character Descriptions
Warning: Real Long Post
(I think I caught all the typos last time I read through this but honestly who knows)
Part 1, because as I have just learned, Tumblr does have a limit on the length of posts.
Slender/The Administrator
• The Principal
• No one remembers what he actually looks like because they're too distracted by the fact that he's wearing a super fancy business suit
• Seriously, what's with the suit?
• Absolutely terrifying without having to say a single word
• Alex Kralie's dad
• Stan Frederick's uncle
• Gives Alex special treatment
• His nickname has been in use so long he doesn't even bother giving out his real name to students any more. There is literally no student in the school outside of his family who knows his real name.
Alex Kralie
• Has been friends with Jay since 5th grade
• Was a pretty cool person in middle school but became a huge manipulative jerk by high school
• Has a tendency to get in fights with people, only wins about half the time
• Get's away with basically anything because of his dad
• Gets along particularly badly with Patrick, who has threatened to fight him if he ever comes anywhere near Micheal
• Was friends with Brian from childhood through Middle school but is no longer on good terms with him
• Basically hovers over Jay constantly
• Neutral in terms of his feelings on Stan, but treats him better than he does most others since they're family.
• Has probably threatened Alex Koval more than once, definitely meaning he's not on good terms with Jeff
• Wants to be a director, but has trouble working with others since they don't like him much
• Makes A's and B's
• Basically always hanging around Alex
• Does whatever Alex says
• Low on self confidence
• Used to be good friends with Brian but has grown distant from him because of Brian's bad relationship with Alex
• Wants to be a writer
• Really wants to approach Tim but is too scared of rejection and what Alex might do if he did so
• Lowkey gay for Tim but doesn't realize it
• In search of an after school job
• Major Insomniac
• Kinda paranoid
• Band kid, plays the clarinet
• Enjoys hiking
• Has done a couple of projects with stormy, but never became particularly close with her
• Literally just wants high school to be over
• Spent most of his childhood in a psych ward, eventually being diagnosed with schizophrenia, which he now takes meds for
• Only really close to Brian
• Worked on a project with Alex once, it did not go well, they're not on good terms
• Smokes but doesn't want anyone to know
• Works at the gas station down the road from the school
• Thinks Vinnie is alright
• Not on good terms with Noah
• Would probably fight Habit in a Denny's parking lot if given the chance
• Failing more than one class, doesn't exactly care
• Is in theater with Brian, but only really because Brian wanted him to be
• Skips on a regular basis
• Theater kid
• Literally constantly on the verge of fighting Alex
• Wants to help Jay get away from Alex but knows that Jay is too far involved with Alex to really help, so has decided to back off
• Bestfriends with Tim
• Get's along well with Jessica
• Kinda worried about Micheal, but doesn't know if it would be the right idea to approach him or not since he seems so jumpy and Patrick is pretty agressive
• Worked on a couple of projects with Noah, still can't quite figure out what's going on with him, but met Milo through him, and they get along well
• Runs an aesthetic poetry blog under the name ToTheArk
• Photographer
• On the school swim team
• Jay's older cousin
• Would literally fist fight Alex if she got the chance
• Good friends with Brian and Steph
• High key worried about Tim, but knows she won't get anywhere by being straight forward about it
• Tries to encourage Michael to get out of his shell a bit
• Not Patrick's favorite person in the world
• Thinks Habit is an overly violent, edge lord wannabe and would probably say that directly to his face if given the chance
• Wary of Stan because of his relation to Alex, but would probably get along well with him if they talked
• Has a girlfriend whose in her first year of college
• Thinks Jeff is pretty cool, but isn't super close to him
• Hangs out in the art room with Steph before school
• Not a huge fan of Eric
• Owns one of the few working brain cells found at the school
• Goes to the gym with Evan sometimes
• Doesn't really know what he wants to do with his life so he's currently just following after Corenthal by taking psychology classes
• Has known Habit for so long that he isn't scared of him anymore, but fears for others who may be left to deal with Habit alone
• Cares a lot for Evan
• There's some animosity between him and Shaun and Micheal and no one can figure out why
• Best friends with Jeff
• Gets along well enough with Tim when they have class together, but literally can't figure out what's up with him, wishes he would open up more but doesn't have the confidence to try and get him to do so
• Tried to talk to Stan once but caught him in the middle of a paranormal research session and got too freaked out to approach him again
• Was in choir at one point but quit
• Eric makes him uncomfortable
• Fitness expert
• Loves hunting
• Works as a trainer at the local gym after school
• Not great in terms of grades, but passing
• In the wrestling club at school
• Best friends with Vinnie and Jeff
• Would like to be closer to Noah but has trouble doing that since Habit and Noah are on such bad terms
• Curious about Micheal and Jay
• Will fight you if you tease him about his height
• Not one to stray away from violence, but doesn't like being associated with it because he doesn't want people to think of him the same way they do Habit
• Punk rock/emo aesthetic
• Gamer, probably plays with Kevin and Noah on the weekends
• Evan's twin brother
• Probably a drug dealer
• Has been known to attack kids who mess with him but even the teachers are too scared of him to do anything about it
• Enjoys teasing Noah and Jeff
• Has a collection of knives and other weaponry
• Super over dramatic
• Moves his hands a lot when he talks
• Avoids Alex Kralie
• Big gay
• Feeds stray cats to the point where they follow him around campus
• Skips class and hangs out in the theater
• Really good at math and puzzle solving
• Total book worm
• Takes care of his younger brother, Alex, since their parents are dead
• Good friends with Evan and Vinnie
• Literally can't stand Habit
• Planning for college
• Loved by teachers
• Can almost always be found in the library outside of class
• Would like to be friends with Jay but doesn't want to approach him with Alex Kralie around
Alex Koval
• Sticks close to his brother
• Loves his dog, Sparky
• Strugles with mental health in reference to the death of his parents
• Pretty scared of Habit, basically avoids him completely
• Probably doesn't get along well with Alex Kralie
• Very smol, please protect him
• Likes English and writing in general
• Evan's girlfriend
• An artist
• Dislikes the rain, has a fear of drowning
• Wants to go to art school but is being pressed by her parents to pursue something more lucrative
• In medical classes for the above stated reason
• Had some problems with Jeff in the past but has moved on
• Gets along well with Brian and Jessica
• Probably tries to talk to Stan but fails to get him to open up
• Total scene kid
• Friends with Stormy
Dr. Corenthal
• The school counselor
• Habit, Evan, and Vinnie's adoptive father
• Not exactly on the principles good side, but good enough at his job to keep it
• Has weekly sessions with Milo that Mary doesn't know about
• Tries to talk to Micheal every once in a while but can never get him to talk about his problems
• Has tried to get Tim to come talk to him multiple times but has never successfully brought him into his office to talk
• Helping Jeff plan for college
• Quiet around people he's not close to
• Has a scar of his left shoulder from a fight he was in with Habit
• Avoids Alex Kralie
• Pretty good friends with Vinnie
• Best friends with Kevin
• Mostly hangs with Kevin and Milo
• Likes old video games
• Would like to hang out more with Evan but doesn't to avoid Habit
• Very confused by Micheal and Patrick
• Judges people he's known for a long time without ever really talking to them
• Not as socially aware as he would like to think he is
• Noah's cousin
• Best friends with Kevin
• Literally can't stand his mom
• Can't figure out why Karl hates him but knows it has something to do with his mom
• Camera shy
• Keeps a journal
• Takes art classes but doesn't plan on pursuing it as a career
• Has struggled with on and off Depression as well as anxiety for the majority of his life
• Sleep walks
• On a lot of meds
• Wants to be a game developer
• Hosts a coding club after school on Friday's
• Enjoys memes, probably quotes them a bit too often
• Best friends with Milo and Noah
• Keeps trying to convince Milo to be the artist for his games
• Can't see anything without his glasses
• In orchestra, plays the cello
• Super involved in school activities and organizations
• Tutors kids after school, including Micheal
• Has never met Habit and fully plans on keeping it that way
• Has talked to Jessica once or twice, would like to get to know her more
PTA Parent
• The overly involved PTA mom
• Very controlling of Milo
• Thinks Noah and Kevin are bad influences on her son
• Probably juggling multiple men at once
• The advanced German teacher
• Very agressive
• Doesn't speak any English
• Tells old war stories
• Will fail you for even the most minor mistakes
• Has a grudge against Milo
• No one knows his full name
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ylemmely · 4 years
America Naively Thinks Ricky Gervais “Nailed It!” — He’s A Limited Hangout, by Lionel Nation
I knew America was gullible but never this much. Seriously. The level of naiveté is cosmic. And from those who fancy themselves as connected and [WOKE] or variations thereof.
Forgive me for doubling my newsletter efforts. I just laid one on you yesterday but I couldn’t let this go. If I hear one more person gasp at Ricky Gervais’s faux courage I swear I’ll puke. If you’re one of the twelve people who never bought this utter shite, forgive me and this. If you’re not, I’ve one question: How bloody gullible are you?
Ricky Gervais (RG) is a Pedowood [DS] shill who was handed a script that was written for him by a team of writers (though he most certainly provided adequate tweakage with his own unique slant and take). But think not that this sole intrepid comic took on Tinseltown single-handedly. It’s a work, Sparky. A con. A con that repeats itself yearly as America falls for this bit every time.
That script after crafting was then placed in the teleprompter whereupon it was read by RG, directors, camera people, AD’s, TD’s, line producers, cleaning ladies, receptionists . . . everybody! After that, camera positions had to be blocked and arranged so that when the bad boy of slash and burn references De Niro or Baby Yoda, they had to be at the ready. Which means they knew and were poised. Prepared and standing by for the choreographed moment of brilliant skewering. When Tom Hanks was allowed his series of aghast takes, that had to be scripted in advance. You see, the director had to be standing by, camera positioned and targeted. Impromptu, my arse!
These sick people are so monumentally demented that they’d feel left out if they weren’t insulted. It’s somewhat akin to a Don Rickles engagement. “Why didn’t he mention me?” and not only did they want to be skewered but so did NBC, the Golden Globers, agents, managers, the whole lot.
But here’s the kicker. While you feel RG skewered so-and-so, he/she/it was laughing at your mindless innocence in thinking anyone cares. Because nothing will be done regarding anything that was mentioned. Nothing about Leo’s underage dates, Apple’s use of sweatshops and slave labor, nothing. Even the Felicity Huffman joke was most probably negotiated by her agent orchestrating the big post-pen return. Notice how Lori Loughlin wasn’t mentioned. As well as transgender jokes. Or Oprah skewering, James Gunn pedo tweets, Disney. Nothing. Nada. RG can get ballsy to a point but no further. Ah, yes, RG the bad boy of scripted and contrived would never deign to cross that line.
A limited hangout is the deliberate and controlled revelation of some information (e.g. something scandalous or even criminal) to try to confuse and/or prevent discovery of other information or to provide the impression and belief that this is the full extent of the subject matter. So in this instance Hollyweird pretends to be shocked and embarrassed over RG’s shocking scripted and previously approved jokes, jabs and jibes hoping you’ll move on thinking that’s the extent of the attack. Did you notice how the Catholic Church was included in the pedo joke while a glowering Bergoglio doppelgänger, Jonathan Pryce, feigned absolute mortification as his The Two Popes gets lumped into the gag? Brilliant. See, there’s always time to slash Christianity, especially Catholicism.
Remember, these folks are actors. At least on paper. And they live in a world that you and I will never visit or even approximate (GOOD!) and as such they’ve no sense of reality or believability. These are cons. Freakish pervo pedo cons. Rapists, paraphiles, debauchers, troilists and demented sexual predators. And such has been the way since Chaplin and Fatty Arbuckle. Since Shirley Temple, Judy Garland, name it. These sickos have no appreciation for normalcy and goodness and as of late they realize the gig just might be up. So what to do? This.
That’s right. Create the image and fantasy that the actual reality of their sordidness has been found out by none other than Hollyweird outsider and Brit outlier RG. What blinding bilge! Especially now, especially with Jeffrey Epstein in the news. Thanks to another limited hangout. Let me explain.
Sunday night’s 60 Minutes highlighted preeminent forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden in his brutal TV deposition that Epstein was dispatched, whacked and offed via ligature-obvious strangulation and homicide. #EpsteinDidntKillHimself live and in color. And what that did was again via limited hangout show the world that this dastard’s elimination has been exposed. Therefore, case closed and nothing to see here. Meanwhile Ghislaine Maxwell’s on the lam unindicted and unscathed. You see, they tell you, they show you. They admit exactly what you know to be true because (1) they don’t care what you think and (2) they know you’ll do absolutely nothing.
Now, any questions?
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