#Michinaga fucked up. Keiwa fucked up. Ace fucked up. Everyone has fucked up at some point.
kamen-fox-258 · 1 year
can we all agree that everyone in Geats is traumatized and flawed and will make stupid decisions that will polarize them in terms of moraltity instead of getting into fights over who's right and who is wrong? K, thanks.
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acequinz · 2 years
Now that I have already stepped into omegaverse. Allow me to share a non smut au.
Ace being an omega and no one picking up on it, Keiwa being an alpha and no one picking up on it.
So basically ace thinks Keiwa is a fellow omega and Keiwa thinks Ace is a fellow alpha.
You can add in some funny angst because Ace is all like , oh Keiwa might want a big strong alpha or something and Keiwa thinks Ace would actually want a pretty little omega.
And they would match description if it was not for the stupid alpha and Omega label.
It's funny because everyone else just thinks they are an alpha and Omega couple, obviously they also have the dynamics wrong..
I want Keiwa crying to Michi like, "I wish I was an omega so Ace would look at me" and Michi is just like "you are not?" And Keiwa thinks that's a joke.
It's not.
On the other hand Ace is complaining to Win that he is big and strong so Keiwa should be able to ignore the omega part and date him regardless right?
So we have Ace acting more like an Alpha and Keiwa acting more like an omega to get the other interested.
They don't even know what that means but they are doing their best.
Everyone else eventually figures out but no one corrects either so it just goes on until, Keiwa sees Ace and Michinaga whispering something, maybe it's plans for his bday or whatever and thinks Ace wants to court Michinaga and gets really upset to the points he's very snappy and rude.
The next time Ace is in close enough range he pulls him down by the collar and demands that Ace court him instead because he's not giving him up to Michinaga, even if he's not an omega.
And Ace is just So confused because "what?” he has been courting Keiwa for weeks now but the idiot never noticed and the fuck does he mean he's not an omega.
But the thoughts empty out fast because Keiwa's tone had a raspy growl to it and Ace just wants to claim his apparently alpha lover.
And he does exactly that. They are now boyfriends and Michinaga hates his life because seriously Keiwa share those graphic details with someone else.
"And no it does not matter that I am the only experienced person you know. I don't want to hear it!”
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kabutoraiger · 2 years
Geats for me has been the first Reiwa season to give me that feeling of anger a show's not living up to my expectations feeling a lot of people have had with every other Reiwa season. Like Zero-One and Revice I got enough out of the parts I liked that I was able to come out of it with a positive view of the shows despite their issues, and Saber was clear early on that it just wasn't my thing, but from what I've heard it did a good job at being the show it set out to be, but at this point with Geats I'm about at the point of dropping it despite having been extremely engaged just a few episodes ago. It's legitimately baffling the way the main foue seem to undergo zero character development, or even react to the things happening around them. The Stratagem arc set up Keiwa outplaying both Ace and Griori, the Divergence arc set up plant zombie Michinaga and Dezastar Neon, and yet non of that seems to have any sort of acknowledgment after the episode it happens. At this point I'm almost starting to wonder if the DGP is fucking with their memories round to round the way it does normally when riders get retired, because characters being static to this degree despite just how much is happening in the plot feels beyond what could just be excused as bad writing from a person who's written as much as Takahashi
i'm not quite as down on it as this bc i'm like. perhaps vainly hoping that this 2nd half of the show is when we'll see their characters grow & progress. like it's a long game thing and maybe some of those ideas were seeds being planted to get some payoff later...?
we now know most of the truth behind the DGP and apparently we will be learning some of the lore about ace soon so i'm like ok once ALL that's out of the way. we can finally get to developing everyone a bit, right? right mr takahashi? 😬
but if this doesn't happen, then. man. twould be a bit unfortunate.
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togekissies · 4 months
been bitching a lot lately about geats lately
and specifically ace and how disappointing of a character he is because he's a perfect gary stu and not even annoyingly full of himself in a fun and interesting and HUMAN way like sento is, and it made me wants to go back and look at geats fic i started way back in the early season when i thought we would be getting an interesting and compelling characterization for ace through the season and now i'm annoyed at how charitable i'd been for his character and how much better he would have been
like we were getting flashbacks of his mother that was clearly taking place in the past and he had that coin, and i was like actually i hate the idea that he's immortal (a big theory around then) and given how hazy and dream-like the memory of his mom looks, what if it's half-remembered past life memories (god i'm so fucking annoyed i was mostly right there), and i wrote:
“I don’t want to stay here,” Ace says before he can stop himself. “I want to go—” Here he falters, his memory stuttering, giving him images of a place he’d long forgotten and can no longer recognize. It rattles him, and his breath catches in his throat. “...Home.”
imo it would have been a lot more interesting to see ace trying to recover his own past memories to look for clues for his mother, instead of him having perfect recall. ace having all the answers and knowing everything is such a boring trait in a main character.
and THEN i was reading his insistence on calling everyone by their rider name as him trying to put distance between himself and the other characters because he's seen too make people die to the games to want to get attached, and extrapolated further to make it so he refused to be vulnerable and wrote:
Ace’s first instinct is to not give the truth. His hackles are raised and every nerve in his body is screaming at him to not show weakness. “I don’t have a headache.”
i wanted ace to be the type of person who doesn't want to like others but he can't help himself, and wanted to see him slowly give up on trying to put distance between him and neon and keiwa (and later michinaga i guess) and wrote shit like:
[Neon and Keiwa go to check up on Ace, startling him] It’s just those two. Ace relaxes, then is disturbed at how quickly his defensive instincts leave him when they’re around.
do you have any idea how excited i was during the boost mark II arc when ace kept falling asleep and refusing to admit anything was wrong because using boost mark II was so hard on his body it was exhausting him??? i thought it was finally happening! i thought we were finally getting an arc where ace has to admit he's human and has human flaws! but then some twink from the future gives ace a get of jail free card and oh my god i really think all the future characters bog down this show and should have not been included
absolutely fucking hilarious that the "ace has a dead dog backstory" from the vs gotchard movie is not only the most compelling part of ace's characterization, it's compelling because it does EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED. ace kept insisting he doesn't do pets because he loved his childhood dog so much he refused to get attached to any other animal because he was heartbroken when his dog died. imagine that!!!!!!
i dropped geats shortly after the geat IX arc and i will say the best part of geats are the suits. geats IX is a sexy suit. we should all be grateful that's when i dropped geats because if i'd watched the bujin arc i would still be foaming at the mouth over how much they fucked up keiwa's arc. hilariously i think my keiwa characterization is more different than the show than my ace characterization because APPARENTLY i was portraying him with a completely different set of base values. literally have no fucking clue how this happened
i had this idea for a canon divergence au for geats where keiwa is in the games first, trying to think about how the dynamics would change if he was the veteran and ace was the newbie, and i still really like that idea but (spoilers for a fic i'll never write) it was supposed to be a surprise time loop fic where ace ends up resetting time with the fic ending where the show began, and i refuse to write it because i ended up hating how the show turned out. which is so annoying because that idea right there is incredibly cool!!!! ugh geats why did you do this to me
at least neon exists, even if her show is Like That. i think i will name a future cat after her.
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mxbbadperson · 1 year
Keiwa is probably the only Rider to fuck everyone he encountered in the DGP, barring his sister, and Ace, and Dapaan And it is usually him getting manhandled, he like give his consent but he isn't really strong enough to deny anyone his consent, so he just nods.
Like when he and Sae were fucking in the locker rooms one time. Sae used one of her clothes to tie Keiwa's hands under the bench while she licks his whole body and rides him to make up for him stealing the Zombie Buckle.
The most weird encounter he had was when he with the Jamato faction. Keiwa didn't know that Jamato tentacles could come out of the buckle and it did, it bound him to the bars of his cell.
Daichi started fondling him and caressing him and Michinaga was being fucked by the tentacles that the buckle was producing. After some time, the same thing happened to Daichi.
Keiwa does appreciate that the tentacles took the time to remove his clothes, even when he's restrained by the said tentacles.
After Keiwa's clothes were off, the tentacles forced Daichi on him with Michinaga being forced to Ride him.
It only ended when the Jamato was finished forcing them on each other and to ride each other. There was even a time when his and Michinaga's respective sex parts were inside Daichi's rearside alongside the tentacles that wrapped around their members.
I have to say Keiwa's isn't a ... slut... he's just not strong enough to deny anyone his consent. If Ace would ask him if its okay to fuck him, even with his reservations, he'd still say yes.
hm... doesn't feel like it has elements of dub-con? 🤔
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