#Mickey milkovich x daughter!reader
elizabethsnuts · 3 months
Hi could you write something with Ian&Mickey where they a young daughter and she getting bullied bc she has two dad?
Always Got Your Back
Gallavich x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You are getting bullied at school for having two dads and no mum, Ian and Mickey always have your back.
Ian had always known parenting wouldn’t be easy, but nothing could have prepared him for the situation he was dealing with now. You had come home from school in tears, and it hadn’t taken long for Ian and Mickey to get to the bottom of it. You were being bullied because you had two dads.
Ian sat at the kitchen table, staring at the untouched cup of coffee in front of him. Across the table, Mickey paced back and forth, his face a mask of fury. Ian knew that look all too well.
“No kid should have to go through this shit,” Mickey growled, fists clenching and unclenching.
“I know, Mick, but we have to handle this carefully. What is everyone going to think when they hear that her dad fought another kid's parent.” Ian said rhetorically, trying to keep his voice calm.
Mickey stopped pacing and turned to face Ian, his eyes blazing. “Carefully? You think we should just sit back and let our daughter get bullied? I want names.”
Ian sighed, running a hand through his hair. "No, but we handle this the right way. We talk to the school, we talk to their parents. Y/N doesn’t need you in prison again."
Mickey paced the room, his anger barely contained. "And what if that doesn’t work, Ian? What then?"
Ian stepped closer to Mickey, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "Then we figure something else out."
You walked into the kitchen where your dads were talking, though you did hear everything they said. You looked between Ian and Mickey, your eyes welling up with tears. "I don’t want you to get in trouble, Papa," You said to Mickey.
Mickey's resolve wavered at your plea. He knelt beside you, taking your tiny hands in his rough ones. "I won’t, N/N. I promise."
Ian knelt down next to the two of you, pulling both of you into a tight embrace. "We’ll get through this together, Y/N. We’ll make sure the school knows what’s going on, and you can always tell us what’s going on in school because we’ll handle it."
The next morning, Ian and Mickey walked you to school, holding your hands tightly. They met with the principal, explaining the situation and demanding action. The principal assured them that the school had a zero-tolerance policy for bullying and promised to address the issue immediately. Though they knew schools usually do nothing.
You went to school as normal, going to your class and learning to read and write. At recess, you were playing in the sandpit when the boy who had been bullying you came over.
“You’re playing by yourself again. It’s because you're a freak!” The boy teased. You usually played with your friends in the sand, though they were out sick today.
“Indie is sick today.” You frowned and bit back, your dads always taught you to at least stand up for yourself. “Charlotte is on holiday.”
The boy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever. Mother’s Day is soon, gonna bring your mum in? That’s right you can’t! Because you’re a loser who doesn’t have one!”
“I’m not a loser…” You frowned. You didn’t know what else to say, you didn’t even know why he cared so much.
“Yeah, you are! Everyone needs a mum!” The boy stated. He stole your hat off your head and kicked sand at you, running off.
When you got home, you immediately told Ian and Mickey. They were furious the school wasn’t handling it and instead were letting this kid get away with bullying you.
"Fuckin' kids," Mickey muttered under his breath, his jaw clenched tightly. He was known for being tough, but his heart broke seeing you distressed like this.
Ian ran a hand through his hair, his face etched with concern and anger. "They promised they'd handle it!"
Mickey scoffed, his frustration bubbling over. "Handle it my ass. They ain't doin' shit. Look at her!" Mickey gestured to you while wiping away your tears.
“Daddy, Papa? Am I a freak?” You sniffled and looked Mickey in the eyes.
Mickey shook his head. “No way. You’re not a freak at all. They’re just assholes that have nothing better to do than keep pickin’ on you all day. But you’re tough, you’re not gonna let their bullyin’ get to you are you?”
She shook your head quickly. “No, I’m not gonna, Papa. I’m tough.”
Mickey smirked and ruffled your hair. “You’re tough alright, what would the south side be without you?”
“Are you and Daddy going to sort it out if he doesn’t stop?” You asked, hoping they’d say yes.
Ian nodded. “Of course we will, Don’t you worry about it.”
You hugged your dads tightly, knowing they always had your back and would always protect you. Even if that meant going full south side on other parents.
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fuckshitslover · 1 year
gallavich daughter gets diognosed with borderline personality disorder
They walked into the dark, gloomy office dimly lit by the fluorescents that were all too familiar. The couple had started to sense something off with their daughter, fearing the worst. They immediately got into the car and set off, Y/N with them. She didn’t know exactly why she was going, she had just thought they were being precautionary because of her dad’s mental illness being genetic and all that. She wasn’t worried about being bipolar, recognising all of the symptoms early on, only having a few insignificant ones. (but that wasn’t uncommon with growing up in a place like this).
You see, Y/N was adopted 7 years ago, making her 6. Her family was okay, not much better than the others in this town but not all bad. That was until they found out her brother had gotten into a car accident. He had always been the golden child of the family, so her parents went mad. They resorted to what everyone else in this city did, drugs. Her dad was a recovering addict, and it sent him and her mom into a downward spiral. Someone saw them, worried (knowing that they had a young kid) and reported it to DCFS.
She was in a group home for about 6 months, being a shy little girl and not talking to anyone. That was until two scary-looking men in big black uniforms walked in. She was starstruck. They walked over to the front desk and she ran to them, tugging on their uniforms with a big smile, trying to impress them so that they would take her home. It had worked. The next day they took her back to their shabby two-bedroom unit, and as soon as she walked in, it was a home. Their home. Now, back to the current situation.
Y/N was sitting in a waiting room chair, watching her dads walk up to the front desk, worried looks on their faces. She had been acting out recently, being closed off and getting into more trouble than usual. They tried to do their research, thinking it was nothing. They found out that all her symptoms could lead to borderline personality disorder. She had recently been getting bullied and it takes an event to set off.
They sat down in a bland-ass room, Y/N sitting in front of the desk, biting her lip. “Okay! Hello Mr and Mr Gallagher-Milkovich, what can I do for Y/N today”? The doctor said way too enthusiastically.
What joy does she get from telling people they have life-changing mental problems? “Umm, just an evaluation,” Ian said quietly, almost unsure about what they wanted. He didn't want to mention that they might know what she has, not wanting to come across eager for this situation, because he wasn’t, neither of them were. They knew that if she had this disease, that it wasn’t medicated like Ian’s, that there was no cure. “Okay! That’s all good, but we normally have the parents leave for this part of the appointment, so we’ll send someone out for you when we’re done”.
Mickey’s heart dropped, he didn’t want to leave her, he had been with Ian to the doctors countless times, never being asked to leave. He knew how stressful these appointments are and couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t want their daughter to be accompanied during an uncomfortable session.
The two men stood in fear and anxiety, not excited for what was to come. All they wanted was to be with their little girl.
“Gallagher-Milkovich? Y/N’s finished her appointment and we need to talk to you,”. Their hearts drop. That only happens if something bad is going on. They rushed into the room with Y/N there, looking at them scared. She obviously didn't know yet. “After today's consultation, and looking at Y/N’s medical records we sadly have to diagnose her with something called Borderline Personality Disorder. We can recommend specialists and therapists, but at the moment there isn't any known treatment other than therapy”. Mickey zoned out for the rest of the conversation.
No, he couldn’t go through this again. At least Ian's disorder is treatable, what was he gonna do with Y/N’s? He could see Ian listening intently, not knowing how he could bare listening to the conversation. Y/N looked scared. Of course she did, being diagnosed with a very life-changing disorder would make you scared. Mickey, who was standing behind her pulled her into him, resting his hands on her shoulder. Y/N was silent, even when she was asked a question, she wouldn’t answer.
They understood why, of course. Even the doctor did, never directly pushing for an answer. Once their appointment was done, they slowly walked out of the building and to the car. Y/N sat down, still not saying anything to her dads. Ian was trying to talk to her, but it always came out in mumbles. She understood why they were so uncomfortable.
I’ll make a part two to this with headcannons <333
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agent-grey-fics · 2 years
Being a Gallagher-Milkovich | Mickey & Ian dads x reader
Summary: @beth-gallagher22 requested a cute reader x dads fic.  Y/n is Mickey’s and Ian’s adoptive daughter, the oldest of their three kids. She sneaks out one night to go to a party after she's been told not to go by her dads. Her dads find out and go get her. Can Mickey keep his cool when he finds his kid drunk, hooking up with some guy? Wordcount 2400 Warnings: non AN: struggled a bit with the ending but I hope you liked it! xoxo Lexi Mickey = Dad Ian = Papa
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No. You were expecting the answer but somehow you still hoped that your dads had said yes, they had a notorious partying-past themselves so you thought that you might have a small chance. You gave your dad the biggest puppy eyes you had in one last effort to get what you wanted. 'No y/n you heard papa you're not going to Eliza's tonight, end of discussion.' You groaned and threw your arms frustrated in the air. 'You just don't understand how important this party is, I'll be the only one who won't be there. They'll think I'm a loser.' Mickey snorted. 'You're a Gallagher-Milkovich you'll never be a loser, doll.'  You stormed past them and stomped up the stairs. 'She'll understand one day.' Ian mumbled to Mickey when he wrapped his arms around him from behind while they were standing in the kitchen. 'Yeah, but she'll hate us for quite some time because we want to keep her safe, that's not fair.' Ian chuckled as he saw the frustration on his husband's face. 'As you said, she's a Gallagher-Milkovich, she'll be fine.'
The bedroom door slammed close behind you and you threw yourself on the bed as you left out a frustrating groan. They just didn't get it. Literally, everyone was going even Gemma Garrety from the fucking Northside. You were going, no matter what your dads were saying. You got up from your bed and went through your closet, searching for the perfect dress. Last month papa had given you shopping money for the upcoming summer. Instead of buying a couple of outfits you just went for a beautiful, black dress that showed way too much skin but it was perfect for a heated summer at the Southside of town. You took the dress off the hanger and laid it out on your bed. It was perfect for the party. You grabbed your makeup bag from your bedside table and set up an improvised makeup station, laying everything you needed out in front of you on your desk. Brett Greendale was going to be there so you wanted to look absolutely fire. After you had curled your hair in soft waves you pinned it back so you could start on your makeup. You went for a subtle eye look but went for dark, red lips. When you were done with your makeup you put your bathrobe on and got in your bed so you could pretend you were sleeping as your dads would come to check on you when they went to bed themselves at eleven. So you just waited.
As you predicted your dad popped his head in something after eleven. He lingered in the doorway for a minute or two, looking at his sweet angel with a loving smile on his lips. He and Ian were so happy when they got the news from the adoption agency that they were approved and were eligible to adopt. They got a call in the middle of the night, that they needed to rush to the hospital to be present during your birth and before they knew it they were holding you in their arms, you were sweet as a pea and making them a family of three. That was already sixteen years ago, time had flown by.  Mickey stepped back into the hallway, closing your bedroom door behind him. That was your queue. You sat straight up in your bed listening to the sound of their bedroom door falling into the lock. It took them normally ten minutes to fall asleep so you waited patiently. When it was a quarter past eleven there wasn't a sound to hear and you walked over to your window on your tippy-toes. You had done this before, it wasn't your first rodeo. Your room was on the first floor but you could make the jump easily without hurting yourself if you took off your heels.  So you did, you threw your shoes, bag and keys out first and followed in a swift movement after landing on your feet in the grass. You slipt your heels on and started walking in the direction of Eliza's place, this night was going to be epic.
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A couple of hours had passed and you couldn't remember if this was your sixth or seventh drink, who cared anyway. You had spent the night dancing with some friends in Eliza's living room before Brett had swooped in, stealing you from your girls. The two had chatted for some time in the kitchen, he had made some stupid joke and you pretended that he was the funniest guy on the planet. He wasn't, he was far from being funny but you thought that pretending would play in your luck so you laughed. After some time he pulled you in by your waist so there was no room left between the two of you. He gave you a boyish grin before he leaned in and places a kiss on your lips. They were softer than you had imagined. You grabbed the hem of his shirt with one hand and steadied yourself by placing the other on his waist. You didn't care about anyone else in the room, they could watch all they want. After a minute or two, he leaned back and you almost started frowning when he did but then you realised what he was doing. Your heart was pounding in your chest as he grabbed your hand, dragging you along the stairs. You could hear some of his friends cheering on him as the two of you reached the top, disappearing into one of the empty bedrooms.  You didn't have much time to think as he started to tuck on his own shirt, taking it off and throwing it on the ground. You kicked off your heels and stood awkwardly in front of him, not a hundred percent sure about your next move. You might be a Gallagher-Milkovich but this was actually the first time you went this far with a guy. Okay, you had given a blowie once or twice but that was it. You promised yourself that you would only go all the way with a guy you truly liked and you did. Brett could be an asshole sometimes but he could also be sweet and treated you like a princess. He was the right one. He softly ran his arms from your shoulders to your hands and gave them a soft squeeze. 'You sure about this?' All you could do was nod in agreement. 'You need to say it.' It was probably the alcohol in you that was speaking but you really wanted to do this. You placed your hands around his neck and pulled him closer to you. 'Are you going to fuck me or what?'  That was enough for him. Whit one firm push he had you laying on your back on the bed and a giggle left your mouth. He crawled towards you and placed one knee on either side of your body, hovering above your face. 'Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?' You shook your head whiles biting on your bottom lip. 'Damn, y/n you look really pretty tonight and that dress, fiew.' He whistled. 'Smoking hot.'
The only thing that you didn't know was while you and Brett were getting cosy upstairs your dad was about to march into the party. He was furious. 'Hun, please think this through. Okay, she disobeyed our request but do you really need to pull her out tonight? You can yell at her in the morning. She will feel so embarrassed if you do this.' Ian did his best to calm Mickey down but it was a lost cost. Mickey was going to get you, even if he had to throw you over his shoulder. 'Ian, you can stay in the car or you can walk in whit me, making sure that I don't beat up a fucking kid okay?' He grabbed the steering wheel, his knuckles turning withe as he did. 'Yeah yeah, let's go then.'  The two of them walked up the front door and as they entered everyone looked at them in confusion. Mickey's eyes went over every person in the room but he didn't see you anywhere so he turned to your best friend instead. 'Eliza, where is she?' She didn't say a word only pointed towards the stairs with her finger, almost shaking. She knew you were in big trouble.  Mickey only needed a second to understand what she meant and raced towards the stair, going up two steps at a time. Ian followed, but he first apologized to Eliza for barging in and causing a scene.
Before Brett could take off your dress the door swung wide open. 'What the fuck dude?' Brett asked as he turned his face towards the door. 'Get your shittie little hands off my daughter you piece of shit.' Brett didn't even get the time to stumble out of bed, no. Your dad pulled him towards him by his ankles and then threw him against the wall. 'Dad, no stop!' You screamed as you saw the scene in front of you. 'Dad stop, you are hurting him. Let go of him!' Your dad's eyes were spitting fire. 'Mickey, let go of the fucking kid. Y/n, get your stuff and go wait in the car. Now!' Your papa walked over to your dad and yanked him off of Brett before he could hurt him. 'If I ever see you near my daughter again, you're a dead man. 'Ye- yes.' 'Yes who?' 'Yes Mr. Milkovich'  Your cheeks were burning red as you stormed down the stairs, you couldn't leave the house as quick as possible. What were they thinking? You're a Gallagher-Milkovich, no one will think you're a loser. Bull shit. Whose parents came to drag their kids home from parties? Let alone out of a room right before they were going to get laid? Assholes. You were the mega loser now. President of losertown.  Ian succeded in dragging Mickey downstairs with him, leaving the poor boy in the bedroom. 'You're a dead man walking Greendale.' Mickey yelled over his shoulder as he went with a hand through his black hair.  'Get your ass in the fucking car!' Ian yelled at his husband while he stopped in front of Eliza. 'Honey, I am so sorry for all of this but you know Mickey, y/n is his world and he would do everything for her. I'm so so sorry. Just come over by our place tomorrow okay? I'll make it up to you by making your favourite, homemade pizzas.' He placed a hand on her shoulder while he spoke. 'All good Mr. G, just don't be too harsh on her, please? I begged her to come.' Ian chuckled softly. 'I'll see what I can do.'
The drive home was a silent one. It was a bit scary because you knew that your dad could lash out any second. You did your best to keep your thoughts straight and coherent but the alcohol in your system made it difficult for you to think clearly. 'Dad?' He didn't respond and your papa threw you a soft smile as he turned his head towards you. 'Let's talk when we get home sweety.'  You shifted uncomfortably in your seat at those words. You were going to get grounded until you were thirty, you could feel it. 'Okay.'
There you were, sitting whit tears in your eyes at the kitchen table while your two dads were sitting opposite of you. 'Y/n, we told you no so why did you go?' It was your papa who was speaking while your dead was looking angry at you, arms crossed over his chest. 'I-I was the only one who wasn't going.' A tear slipt down your face as you tried to reason your decision. 'This is bullshit y/n, your papa told you not to go and you went anyway and for what? Some boy?' Your dad snapped at you as he slammed his hand on the table. It made your papa give him an angry look. 'I'm sorry dad, I know that I've been stupid.' You wiped away your tears with the back of your hands.  'He's not just some boy, I-I really like him and he's into me and it was a perfect night until you barged in.' Your dad grabbed his head with both his hands, softly pulling at his hair as he heard your words. Mickey made a vow in his head he was going to hurt any guy that would come close to you. 'Doll, you are sixteen. You have all the time in the world to find a guy that loves you. There is no need to rush it with the first Southsider you see.' You shook your head in disbelief, it wasn't like that you really liked the guy maybe even loved him. 'I love him, dad. It was stupid of me to sneak out after you told me I know but I had to see him.' Tears started welling up in your eyes again, troubling your view. 'Honey, you know how we do things around here. Mutual respect and no secrets. You broke both rules, how do you think we feel now?' It was your papa who said those words and this was worse than them being mad. They were disappointed in you. 'I'm a disappointment, I know.' Your dead reached over the table holding out his hand for you to grab. 'You are not a disappointment y/n. Yes we are disappointed right now but that doesn't mean that you're a disappointment sweetie. You are a great kid and we love you very much.' You slipped your hand in his and he gave you a soft squeeze. Mickey promised himself that he would be better than his father and father-in-law. From the first moment he saw you he promised to keep you safe and make you feel loved and wanted. He was overprotective from the first day, Ian had to step in hundreds of times to make sure that he didn't punch anyone in the face that looked longer than five seconds at you. You were is god damn world. 'No more secrets.' Your dad mumbled as he stroked your hands with his thumbs.
'No more secrets dad.'
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buckyscrystalqueen · 5 years
The Resistant Omega: Part 2
Pairings: Omega!Mickey Milkovich x Male Alpha!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Smut.
Word Count: 4,595
Part 1
“What do we got?” You asked as you walked up to the back of the stolen, unmarked, pharmacy transport truck that was parked in a blacked out deserted warehouse. Your right hand, Jax, pursed his bottom lip and nodded at the haul.
“We got a big ticket.” He said as you pulled on a pair of leather gloves and stepped into the back. “Oxy, fentanyl, liquid morphine, adderall, albuterol, suppressants, stabilizers, cancer, HIV, Hep C, diabetes… you name it, we got it all.” You nodded your head slowly, and lifted a box of suppressants off the top of a stack to glance at the label.
“Where’s this coming from?”
“Straight from the plant. Manifest says it was headed south.”
“Yea, it headed fucking south alright.” You grumbled as you tucked the suppressants under your arm for Mickey, took the manifest list off the clipboard Jax was holding out to you, and grabbed a couple different boxes of meds to help your neighbor with her leukemia. “Alright, get it out by sundown, and burn it down. I wanna see the fucking inferno in Detroit.” You made sure to pick up a box of fentanyl patches, and a box of oxycodone for your neighbor as well before jumping out of the truck to get as far away from the shipment as possible. “And someone find me the fucking Milkovich boys! Got a Gertie job for those fucking psychopaths.” You shouted over your shoulder as you headed out of the building. The meds went into a secured box in the floorboard under your seat, and you threw your gloves in the glove box before heading home to drop off Gertrude’s meds.
Machine Gun Kelly blared through the speakers of your pick up and you casually smoked a cigarette as if you weren’t sitting on thousands of dollars of stolen medications. You took the long way home, wanting to just enjoy the air conditioner in your truck, as your thoughts drifted to the crazy Omega that showed up at your door. You had dealt with Terry enough times at the Alibi to know he was the reason behind Mickey’s self hatred. That and the rest of the crazy Milkovich family. Typically, you’d just wash your hands of it, but you knew that there would be no way you could. Not now, not that you got a taste of your Omega… who was actually sitting on your front steps when you pulled in to the grass parking lot beside your house.
“You’re back.” You called out as you got out of the truck and opened your lock box.
“Fuck you.” You huffed as you grabbed Gertie’s meds, and left Mickey’s where they were.
“You know, I’m starting to wonder if you know any other fucking insults, ‘mega…”
“Don’t!” He snapped as you started heading next door. “Don’t fucking call me that.”
“Oh, I’ll fucking call you anything I Goddamn please.” You chuckled as you hopped the fence. “Stay there. I got a fucking job for you.” You heard his scoff as you knocked on the door and let yourself in to your neighbor’s. “Gertie? It’s (Y/N)!”
“Back here.” She croaked as loudly as she could from the old dining room that you refashioned into her bedroom almost a year ago. You smiled broadly at the sweet Omega, that was the closet thing you had left to family, in her bed and showed her the boxes in your hand.
“Hi gorgeous. How’s my main girl?”
“Oh, stop.” She giggled as you bent down to kiss her forehead. “You could do so much better than me, young man.”
“Who said I want better than you, huh?” She blushed as you sat down on her bed and started opening up the med boxes. “I got you more pain patches. And I grabbed all your meds…”
“Oh, sweetheart.” She cooed as she gently touched your arm in thanks. “You are too good for me.”
“Here, take these.” You said as you poured out her meds from the med box on her bedside table. “So I can refill them.”
“My daughter is coming later…”
“Yea, well I’m here now, sweetheart.” She rolled her eyes at you, making you smirk, as she took her pills. “There’s a girl. Now, you just sit back and relax for me, OK?”
“You are just a pain.”
“I know.” You laughed as you put a new pain patch on her left shoulder, took off the old one, and checked her water cooler to see how full it was. You grabbed the three empty jugs, and headed out the front door where Mickey had been joined by his brother. “Hey! I need these filled within an hour. At the fucking grocery store, not outta some Goddamn hose, and I want a fucking receipt.”
“What, you think I look like some Goddamn errand boy?” Mickey shouted back.
“Yea, you fucking look like my Goddamn errand boy, bitch! Now get your fucking ass over here and do what I fucking asked before I beat your fucking ass and still make you fucking do it!” You knew only he could hear the slight hint of Alpha in your tone, but you were at least respectful enough not to out his status in front of his idiot brothers. You pulled out a twenty from your wallet and held it out to him as his brothers came over and grabbed the empty jugs off the porch. “Make it fucking quick.” You could hear Mickey grind his teeth together as he snatched the money from you, but you simply walked back inside to finish what you needed. 
“They just get more disrespectful, don’t they?” She asked as you sat down at the small card table in the corner of the room.
“Who, the street thugs?”
“Omegas.” You cocked your eyebrow at her and glanced up as she simply shook her head. “I know that tone. Any Omega knows that tone.”
“Yea, well he’s a stubborn fucker, that’s for sure.” She nodded her head and muted her TV to chat a while while you worked.
“You kids these days have it so hard.” She started with a sad shake of her head. “In my day, it was much easier. There was no suppressing who you were, no hiding from your mate. If you matched, you matched for life. Man, woman- it didn’t matter. But today that’s all that seems to matter.”
“Especially in the South side.” You pointed out as you filled row after row of pill boxes one pill bottle at a time.
“You have an old soul though, (Y/N). I’ve seen some of the Betas and the Omegas that walk through your door. You get it.”
“Yea, well I’m one of a fucking kind.” She huffed and nodded as you smiled up at her while moving on to the next bottle. 
“That you are, my dear. That you are. So tell me about this one?”
“Not much to tell just yet.” You sighed. “He’s got a laundry list of issues and thankfully for him, I got a lot of fucking patience. Suppressants or not, Omegas can only hold out so long when they meet their mate.”
“Waiting makes the heart grow fonder.” She said as she scooted down in bed and carefully rolled onto her side as the fentanyl started to kick in. “Be gentle with him, Alpha. He’s just scared.”
“I know, Gert. I’ve got time.” She nodded her head and closed her eyes to take a nap as you finished up with her meds. The half full bottles went into a fireproof safe in the basement and the pill boxes were put back into place on her bedside table so she could reach them. You washed her dishes, emptied her bedside commode, and tossed a load of laundry in the wash for her daughter just as Mickey came back with the water jugs. “I’m not done with you, but your brothers can go.” You said as you grabbed two of the jugs and gestured him in with your head. “All the way to the back. Keep quiet, she’s sleeping.” Mickey looked up at you, confused as you headed through the living room toward the kitchen.
“Just go.” He said to his brothers as he picked up the third jug and followed you. He stumbled the slightest bit when he saw the elderly woman in the bed, and you glanced over at him.
“Her name’s Gertie. She’s got cancer. I take care of her during the day and her daughter takes care of her at night.” You grabbed the last jug from him and set it with the rest before pulling up her blankets and turning off the TV. “I want you off those shitty street suppressants. You wanna stay on them, you get your shit from me.”
“And who the fuck do you think you are?” He snapped as you put Gertie’s cell phone, and her water cup on the rolling bedside table in front of her. 
“You really want me to answer that fucking question again?” You growled as you stood up and pushed him toward the door. “I’m obviously the only person in the fucking world that you can’t fucking hide from, and the only fucking person you secretly don’t wanna fucking hide from.” He surprisingly stayed silent as you closed Gertie’s front door and locked the metal screen door so no one could break in and steal from her. You headed back over to your truck and grabbed his suppressants before heading up your steps and into your house with him on your heels.
“Look, I fucking get fighting who you are. I see that shit day in and day out on the fucking streets. But you, fortunately or unfortunately have me as an Alpha. So, you’re off those shit suppressants and you take these instead.” You handed him a single months worth and set the rest of the box down on your couch. “You come to me once a month and stock up so I can make sure you’re OK. And other than that, you wanna keep fucking Angie or whatever other beta skanks you stumble upon to try to fight your gay off…”
“I’m not fucking gay.”
“You go right on ahead believing that shit, ‘mega.” You said with a shake of your head as you sat down on your couch and grabbed your cigarettes from your pocket. “But you won’t be buying that shit from the streets anymore. You’ll be cut off by sundown. So you will either need to check in, or admit you’re an Omega and go to a doctor. I got time for you to figure it out; it doesn’t affect me for shit. I got a whole fucking line up of Omegas that would die to be on my fucking dick.”
“Don’t…” He started but quickly shut up when his brain caught up to what he was going to say.
“Don’t what?” You asked as you rested your elbows on your knees. “Don’t call you an Omega? Don’t talk about fucking other Omegas? Or don’t fuck other people at all while you sit and hang me on a fucking hook?”
“I don’t need this shit!” He shouted as he flung the box toward you. “I’m doing just fucking fine…”
“You walk out that fucking door and you are signing your fucking death warrant.” He roared and punched the wall, leaving a giant hole in the plywood and plaster that you would have to make someone patch up later.
“Fuck you!” You nodded your head and picked up the box off the floor.
“See you next month, Omega.” He stormed over and grabbed the box out of your hand before stomping out of your home like a petulant child. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your cell phone to find someone to fix your fucking wall and to find someone else to take your frustration out on.
“Lemme ask you somethin. What would you have done if Tara’d giving you the run around when you first met her?” Jax looked over at you as you did bicep curls on and with stolen gym equipment in the shed in your back yard.
“The fuck kinda question is that?”
“The fucking kind that not only doesn’t leave this fucking shed but that I want a fucking answer for. You got a fucking problem with that?” You dropped the dumbbell in your hand on the padded floor and looked over at him with your eyebrow raised, daring him to challenge you on the matter.
“Honestly?” He sighed as he sat down on the bench press bench with a shrug. “Not a fucking clue. Why, what’s up?”
“Stumbled upon my fucking Omega by chance.” You started as you picked up your 30 pound weight with your other hand. “But fucker’s so far in the Goddamn closet, I don’t know how he can see the fucking light five inches in front of his fucking face.”
“Anyone I know?”
“Wouldn’t fucking tell you one way or another.” You said with a shake of your head. “But I know, he knows whose fucking bed he belongs in. He just wants to fucking fight for the sake of being fucking defiant.”
“So put your fucking foot down.” Jax said as he racked the bench press bar, and sat up to look at you.
“What, and be that fucking Alpha? Fuck that. I may be a fucking tool, but I’ve got some fucking semblance of respect for the fairer class.”
“Look, I honestly don’t know what to fucking tell you here.” He said with a shake of his head. “My Omega bowed down the second she found me. I don’t know any other Omega’s that haven’t done the same thing. ’s’far as I know, you’re the first one with a stubborn Omega.”
“Seems par to fucking course.” You said as you put the dumbbell back on the rack and got up to do some pull ups. “I wouldn’t be slinging fucking meds if shit went fucking easy in my Goddamn life.”
“Oh, come on, man.” Jax laughed as you grabbed a 45 pound plate and a weight belt on your way out of the shed. “You know you’d be bored as fuck had you actually done something fucking productive with your life.”
“Yea, probably.” You finished strapping the weight to your waist and glanced out toward the street to see Mickey heading away from your porch. You whistled loudly, and waited for him to turn around before shaking your head to call him toward you and jumping up to grab the bar above your head. “You need to head out.”
“Out. Now.” Jax looked over at you and shook his head as he got up and put his weight down on the rack.
“I’ll pick up the collection.” He sighed on the way out the back where he parked his truck in the alley. You nodded your head and kept counting your reps, watching Mickey like a hawk as he peeked into your shed and dipped inside. Once in the safety of the box, he physically relaxed, sat down, and watched you finish.
“It been a month already?” You asked as you held yourself up in place for a few seconds.
“Needed a place to go.” With a sigh, you lowered yourself to dangle and dropped to the ground.
“Cops?” He shook his head and ran his hand across his short, brown hair. You used the weight plate to lift his chin and waited for him to give you a real answer.
“Ok, I just wanted to fucking see you.” You nodded your head and tossed the plate in the air to shift your grip on it so you could put it away.
“Angie quit putting out?”
“I… I wouldn’t know.”
“Acceptance?” You smirked when he stayed silent and grabbed your nearly empty water jug off the floor. “Lets go then, ‘mega. I need a fucking shower before we head over to Gertie’s.”
“We?” He said as he got up and followed you out of the shed.
“We.” You repeated. “You may be a fucking thug, but you’re with me and you will respect the fucking elders of this fucking community. That’s my fucking job, and as my fucking Omega, you will follow that path. Respect the elders, keep dicks in line, and beat the shit outta anyone that you fucking want to. I don’t give a fuck all otherwise.”
“You act like we’re fuckin’ together or some shit.”
“I’m gunna let that one slide.” You stopped in front of your washer and stripped out of your sweaty gym clothes. You could hear Mickey’s jaw drop behind you, which made you smirk as you turned around to look at him. “Come here.” He dragged his eyes up your body and took a hesitant step forward but two hesitant steps back. “Mickey. Come here.” With a heavy sigh, he closed the distance and stopped right in front of you. “Close your eyes.”
“The fuck am I gunna…”
“Close your eyes!” You barked. When he did, you reached out and grabbed his hand. “Stop thinking so fucking much.” You placed his hand on your chest and slid it down slowly, watching his face for every subtle reaction he was going to give. He stiffened even harder when his fingertips touched his cock, but you pushed him a little farther to wrap his fingers around your length. “Treat it like it’s your own.” You said as you reached up with your free hand and cupped the back of his head. You let out a tiny grunt and curled your hand on the back of his neck, which apparently was just what he needed.
“Like that?” He asked as he started to stroke a little harder.
“Just like that, baby boy. Just like that.” You nodded your head and tilted your head to kiss his neck but he actually turned toward you and captured your lips with his. He pushed you back against your washer and got a little more dominant, which you were more than happy to let happen until he really found his footing. You gave him the lead, letting him silently tell you how far and how fast he was willing to go, which apparently was a lot farther than you expected.
“Alpha… Fuck me.” You wasted zero time spinning him around and pinning him to the washer. He scrambled to get his jeans undone as you yanked off his shirts and tossed them on the floor. When he got his pants around his ankles, his arousal dripped down his legs, and you moaned at the sight.
“Fuck, Mickey. Goddamn you are one handsome son of a bitch.” You bent down long enough to bite his ass before bending him over and sliding the head of your cock in his tight hole. He swore loudly and you shushed him gently with a nod of your head. “Easy… breathe, Mick.”
“How the fuck am I supposed to fucking breathe… FUCK!”
“Yea, that’s how your supposed to fucking breathe.” You huffed with a smile as you pulled your hips back and slowly pushed them forward again. You stretched him out inch by inch, loving every little noise he made. You cut him a break at half way and instead picked up the pace.
“More.” He growled as he clawed at the lid of the washer.
“I’ll fucking ruin you.” You promised as you reached forward and laced your hand with his.
“Do it.” He said as he turned to the side to look at you. “Do it.”
“Fuckin’ shit… you are killin’ me.” He moaned and pushed his hips back toward you, and you could feel the desperation seeping from his soul.
“Goddamn it.” You let go of his hand, grabbed his hips, and pushed your cock all the way in. He screamed and came on the spot, as his ass spasmed and tried to adjust to the stretch. His legs started to twitch as he laid his upper body down on the cool washer and nodded.
“(Y/N), please.”
“Hang on, Omega.” His eyes rolled back into his head as you picked up the punishing pace you wanted; the animalistic Alpha slipping all the way in to the forefront of your mind and taking what it wanted from the Omega beneath you. He reached back and grabbed your wrist, tightly, and it took you a moment of looking into the blue eyes staring back at you after the second time he came for you to realize that this moment was the closest Mickey Milkovich had ever gotten to another human being. “Fuck… alright, hold on.”
“No… no, please.” He whined as you pulled out of him, which you instantly regretted doing.
“Patience, baby boy. We’re just going upstairs.” He nodded his head and let you turn him around to head into the living room. You smacked his ass as he headed up the stairs and smiled at his scowl as he looked over his shoulder.
“Fuck you.”
“That a promise?” Your smile grew at the sight of his, and you playfully pushed him down on your bed. “Get that ass up.” 
“You want this ass up?” He teased as he spread his legs out across the bed so that he was flat. “That what you want?”
“You’re pushing buttons, Omega.” You warned as you stroked your length slowly. “Better get that ass up.”
“Or what? Big bad Alpha gunna show me what he’s made of?” You reached out and spanked him as hard as you could, which sent a shiver up his spine, and made slick pour from his ass, and his dick throb on the bed.
“Present, Omega.” You demanded as you kneeled down behind him. He groaned and complied  instantly, adding in a small wiggle of his hips as he gripped your metal headboard tightly. “Oh, you are a fucking smart ass, baby.” You smirked and bent over him to nip at his ear lobe. “I’m gunna have to fuck that sass right out of you, aren’t I?”
“Fuckin’ try it.” Your smirk grew as you sat up and pushed his ass down to where you wanted it.
“Oh, I fucking will.” His back arched toward the bed and he moaned, gutturally as you slid yourself back until you bottomed out. You picked up the same punishing pace, pulling every single little noise that you could out of your Omega as you pulled him higher, and higher toward oblivion. Sweat dripped down your chest as you tried your damnedest to make sure Mickey’s first knot would be magical but fuck if he was making it hard. His body was damn near close to perfect and his whimpers went straight to your cock, making your knot swell more and more with every pump. You wanted to hold out longer, you really did, but fuck if he didn’t have the tightest ass you had ever had.
“You want my fuckin’ knot, baby?” You growled as you gripped his hips tighter. “Wanna take your first knot? Feel it split this fucking perfect ass open?” 
“Please…” He nodded frantically and started to beg, incoherently. He found your eyes again and his face contorted with his next orgasm, and you forced your knot in to feel him come around you. Mickey tensed and almost instantly went limp and you sighed and shook your head.
“Oh, baby boy. What the fuck am I gunna do with you?” As carefully as you could, you laid the two of you down on your side and wrapped your arms around his chest. You softly started calling his name as you leaned back and grabbed your cigarettes and the small fan you had on your bedside table. “Hey, Mick, come back to me.”
“The fuck?”
“Hey, there he is.” You kissed the back of his head and lit a cigarette for the pair of you to split. “Welcome back to the land of the living.”
“Fuck happened?”
“You passed out. From the pain, or the orgasms, I’m not quite sure.”
“Holy shit.” You nodded your head and held the cigarette in front of his face. He gripped your hand with his shaking hand and brought the butt down to his lips. You kissed his shoulder and very gently brushed your fingertips across his stomach as he exhaled and let his hand fall back onto the bed. You took a long drag of the smoke and leaned behind you to grab an ashtray as Mickey reached down and held your arm to his chest. “Did you always know you were gay?”
“I did not.” You told him as you set the ashtray down in front of him and ashed the cigarette in your hand before holding it up for him again. “I didn’t realize it until I presented. And at that point, I was just a horny fucking teenager with a huge cock and endless opportunities on where I could put it.”
“You’re the first Alpha I’ve been with.” You nodded your head and kissed his shoulder, reassuringly.
“I know. And I know that that terrifies you. I know that you are fighting an entire lifetime of homophobia from your piece of shit pop, who tried to beat my ass for being gay not to long ago in the can. I know that you can’t accept what you are just yet outside the walls of this house and that’s OK. I’m not asking you to move fucking mountains, Mickey. You wanna come here and be who you truly are for a couple hours a day, please. Feel free. My house is your house as far as I’m concerned. But there is an end game here. You are my Omega and one day, I will put my mark on this pretty little neck of yours. Won’t be today, won’t be tomorrow, and it damn sure won’t be until you are ready. But you have to accept who you really are first. And you have to love yourself despite what the people around you think. Shit, you think I have an easy time running the streets when I swing both ways?” He shook his head before taking one last drag of your cigarette so you could put it out.
“Why’d you have to let me in to your house?”
“Would you prefer I let those two fucks beat you to death?”
“Oh, well excuse me, mother fucker. Next time you go running past my fucking house, I’ll make sure to trip you so they can catch up faster.” He tried to elbow you in the side but you were too close and your arm was on top of his. “I’ll warn you now, you don’t wanna jar this fucking knot outta your ass or your gunna know the true fucking definition of pain.”
“Fuck you… I’m fucking cold.”
“Alright, don’t wiggle, don’t clench.”
“Don’t… whoa, don’t fucking do that!” You smirked as you hugged him closer to you and used your leg to pull the blanket closer to you again.
“Hey, you were bitching about being cold.” You spread the blanket over both of you and moved the ashtray out of the way as Mickey snuggled into your arm under his pillow. “Better?”
“Better.” With one more nod, you laid your head down on the pillow behind him and sighed.
“Get some sleep, baby boy. I gotta go over and check on Gertie and make sure she eats and takes her pills.”
“Such a fucking do-gooder.”
“Fuck you, go to sleep.”
Part 3
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A lil masterlist
Okay so this is my writing blog where i will be posting all of my writings. Please feel free to request any and every one shot requests you might have! 
Here’s the list of fandoms I’ll write about/for (Click here)
The stories with an * are/contain smut.
Stranger things:
Steve Herrington:
It felt right
Billly Hargrove:
Unholy thoughts *
How you guys cuddle
FP Jones
I like that
I like that (2) - Anything for you, baby girl
I like that (3) - You owe me*
I like that (4) - I like you *
I like that (5) - This is nice
I like that (6) - Tell you what * 
I like that (7) - I mean look at you
Is it that obvious? *
Forever (2) - I know, baby girl. I know.
I know (Young FP Jones) *
Baby girl, I ain’t mad *
Doll (Young and old FP  Jones) 
Doll (2) - Are you the hero?  (young and old FP Jones) 
Doll (3) - Why? (Young and old FP Jones)
Doll (4) - We’ll figure it out. (Young and old FP Jones)
He’s yours? 
Chaos (2) - In my defence, you were a stranger. 
Chaos (3) - I see a pretty girl, I’ve got to have her.
Jughead seeing a mother figure in you would inc lude
Seems like it worked
Hiram Lodge AND Hermione Lodge + reader
Sugar Baby *
Sons of Anarchy
What show do they love? 
What is their favourite part of you? *
Where you touch the guys that drives them crazy? *
The reader is on their period and the guys help her trough it
Dating Happy would include
Dating Jax would include
You’ve grown
You’ve grown (2) - Do we have an old lady on our hands?*
Dogs are much more cute
Cuddling with Juice would include
Despacito *
Ride or die
Pretty green fields
Just the truth, lass
Getting high
Cuddling with Chibs after a long week would include
What am I gonna do with you? 
You’ll feel better soon, darlin’
Happy anniversary * 
Oh but i did
Can you stay with me? 
Hold me
You’ve got me
New town, new start
Little girl
Tall, dark and hansome
Getting high
Cuddling with Tig after a long week would include
From a beautiful stranger to a bad ass bitch
I swear *
Tig flirting with you would include
Is that so? 
Tig protecting you when someone tries to hurt you would include 
Teen wolf
How they would kiss you
Stiles Stilinski/Dylan O’brien
No turning back *
Mickey Milkovich & Ian Gallagher
C'mon babe (Being friends with Mickey and Ian)
There was no dude (Being Mickey’s sister) 
Carl Gallagher
He has something I want
Good to know 
Lip Gallagher
Girl  x Girl
The 100
Fanfiction (Lexa)
1. Stay alive
2. Why’s that Miss  commander?
3. Just sister stuff
4. You’re a warrior
5. I  saw Lincon last night
6. You are invaders
7. Don’t you?
8. You let any of my people that wish to go out, out.
Fanfiction (Kara Danvers/Supergirl)
1. Cat has a daughter?
2. You must be joking little human
3. Don’t you remember? Kitten?
4. Office game night
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elizabethsnuts · 9 days
Gallavich Masterlist !
All are Daughter!Reader <3
Last updated: 11/9/24
- Always Got Your Back
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fuckshitslover · 1 year
gallavich dads where their daughter comes home pregnant and mickey ian and lip all get super protective
Warnings: Teen pregnancy, angst turned fluff, angry mickey, daughter is 14, mickey and ian are in their thirties, use of y/n
No...No! You're probably wondering how y/n got in this situation...well, she may have done some things that she probably shouldnt have while at a party, and one thing led to another. Y/n is currently sitting on her bathroom floor, four positive pregnancy tests scattered across the tiles, one in her hand. I'm only fourteen! What the fuck will people think...what will my dads think?! Those were the thoughts that were stuck in her mind. She had been raised to be shameless, as a gallagher-milkovich but her fear of judgement was creeping in.
She heard the door to their two-bedroom apartment slam open, the loud footsteps of her dads banging through the living room. they mustn't have known she was home...how could they? she was supposed to be at school right now...but this is more important! she listens through the locked door as her dads sit down on the couch, sighing as she leans back, contemplating how fucking stupid she could be, to have sex, let alone unprotected sex at 14?!
y/n's body tensed as she heard mickeys heavy footsteps stride towards the bathroom door, scuttling around trying to shove the pregnancy tests in the laundry basket. she goes over to the sink and runs her hands under the water, wiping her smudged makeup off of her face.
she then hears her dad toying with the door knob, before yelling "who the fuck is in there?!". she panics, turning the water off and yelling back "it's just me dad!". she unlocks the door, straightening out her shirt and greeting her dad. "what the fuck are you doing home?" he asks, surprised to see his daughter home so early. "oh, my teacher was being a dickhead and sent me out of class so i left, didnt think you'd mind is all". she says, looking up at him. "you know i dont, but your dad will be pissed when he sees you home early, just a warning", mickey says before ruffling her hair and pushing her out of the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him.
she runs to her room, shutting the door behind her and flopping on her bed, completely mortified at what was going on. her heart drops when she hears an angered, confused mickey yell "WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE?!". at this point she was hoping that he had found her vapes or something, anything could be better than this, but she knew what he had found.
"What is it?" Ian yelled from the other side of the apartment, prompting y/n to slowly walk towards the bathroom. you could imagine her surprise when she sees an angered mickey standing infront of her, striding towards her rapidly holding, cornering her while holding 5 positive pregnancy tests. "are these fucken yours???" he yelled at her. she immediately broke into tears again, the stress mixed with hormones letting all of her pent up emotions out. mickey stands his ground, until he feels ian pull at his shoulder roughly, forcing him to stumble back. y/n cowers into the corner, not prepared to argue with mickey and ian. mickey looks down at her, being held by ian. "fuck...y/n..." mickey says, regretting how angry he had been.
he then remembered that shes only 14, she is going through so many emotions right now, and that his anger can wait. he slowly walks back towards her, as she backs away from him slowly. then, to her surprise she feels him envelope her in a hug, wrapping his strong arms around her shoulders, kissing her forehead. she leans into him, relatively in shock about what is happening.
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