#gallavich daughter
fuckshitslover · 1 year
gallavich daughter gets diognosed with borderline personality disorder
They walked into the dark, gloomy office dimly lit by the fluorescents that were all too familiar. The couple had started to sense something off with their daughter, fearing the worst. They immediately got into the car and set off, Y/N with them. She didn’t know exactly why she was going, she had just thought they were being precautionary because of her dad’s mental illness being genetic and all that. She wasn’t worried about being bipolar, recognising all of the symptoms early on, only having a few insignificant ones. (but that wasn’t uncommon with growing up in a place like this).
You see, Y/N was adopted 7 years ago, making her 6. Her family was okay, not much better than the others in this town but not all bad. That was until they found out her brother had gotten into a car accident. He had always been the golden child of the family, so her parents went mad. They resorted to what everyone else in this city did, drugs. Her dad was a recovering addict, and it sent him and her mom into a downward spiral. Someone saw them, worried (knowing that they had a young kid) and reported it to DCFS.
She was in a group home for about 6 months, being a shy little girl and not talking to anyone. That was until two scary-looking men in big black uniforms walked in. She was starstruck. They walked over to the front desk and she ran to them, tugging on their uniforms with a big smile, trying to impress them so that they would take her home. It had worked. The next day they took her back to their shabby two-bedroom unit, and as soon as she walked in, it was a home. Their home. Now, back to the current situation.
Y/N was sitting in a waiting room chair, watching her dads walk up to the front desk, worried looks on their faces. She had been acting out recently, being closed off and getting into more trouble than usual. They tried to do their research, thinking it was nothing. They found out that all her symptoms could lead to borderline personality disorder. She had recently been getting bullied and it takes an event to set off.
They sat down in a bland-ass room, Y/N sitting in front of the desk, biting her lip. “Okay! Hello Mr and Mr Gallagher-Milkovich, what can I do for Y/N today”? The doctor said way too enthusiastically.
What joy does she get from telling people they have life-changing mental problems? “Umm, just an evaluation,” Ian said quietly, almost unsure about what they wanted. He didn't want to mention that they might know what she has, not wanting to come across eager for this situation, because he wasn’t, neither of them were. They knew that if she had this disease, that it wasn’t medicated like Ian’s, that there was no cure. “Okay! That’s all good, but we normally have the parents leave for this part of the appointment, so we’ll send someone out for you when we’re done”.
Mickey’s heart dropped, he didn’t want to leave her, he had been with Ian to the doctors countless times, never being asked to leave. He knew how stressful these appointments are and couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t want their daughter to be accompanied during an uncomfortable session.
The two men stood in fear and anxiety, not excited for what was to come. All they wanted was to be with their little girl.
“Gallagher-Milkovich? Y/N’s finished her appointment and we need to talk to you,”. Their hearts drop. That only happens if something bad is going on. They rushed into the room with Y/N there, looking at them scared. She obviously didn't know yet. “After today's consultation, and looking at Y/N’s medical records we sadly have to diagnose her with something called Borderline Personality Disorder. We can recommend specialists and therapists, but at the moment there isn't any known treatment other than therapy”. Mickey zoned out for the rest of the conversation.
No, he couldn’t go through this again. At least Ian's disorder is treatable, what was he gonna do with Y/N’s? He could see Ian listening intently, not knowing how he could bare listening to the conversation. Y/N looked scared. Of course she did, being diagnosed with a very life-changing disorder would make you scared. Mickey, who was standing behind her pulled her into him, resting his hands on her shoulder. Y/N was silent, even when she was asked a question, she wouldn’t answer.
They understood why, of course. Even the doctor did, never directly pushing for an answer. Once their appointment was done, they slowly walked out of the building and to the car. Y/N sat down, still not saying anything to her dads. Ian was trying to talk to her, but it always came out in mumbles. She understood why they were so uncomfortable.
I’ll make a part two to this with headcannons <333
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elizabethsnuts · 3 months
Hi could you write something with Ian&Mickey where they a young daughter and she getting bullied bc she has two dad?
Always Got Your Back
Gallavich x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You are getting bullied at school for having two dads and no mum, Ian and Mickey always have your back.
Ian had always known parenting wouldn’t be easy, but nothing could have prepared him for the situation he was dealing with now. You had come home from school in tears, and it hadn’t taken long for Ian and Mickey to get to the bottom of it. You were being bullied because you had two dads.
Ian sat at the kitchen table, staring at the untouched cup of coffee in front of him. Across the table, Mickey paced back and forth, his face a mask of fury. Ian knew that look all too well.
“No kid should have to go through this shit,” Mickey growled, fists clenching and unclenching.
“I know, Mick, but we have to handle this carefully. What is everyone going to think when they hear that her dad fought another kid's parent.” Ian said rhetorically, trying to keep his voice calm.
Mickey stopped pacing and turned to face Ian, his eyes blazing. “Carefully? You think we should just sit back and let our daughter get bullied? I want names.”
Ian sighed, running a hand through his hair. "No, but we handle this the right way. We talk to the school, we talk to their parents. Y/N doesn’t need you in prison again."
Mickey paced the room, his anger barely contained. "And what if that doesn’t work, Ian? What then?"
Ian stepped closer to Mickey, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "Then we figure something else out."
You walked into the kitchen where your dads were talking, though you did hear everything they said. You looked between Ian and Mickey, your eyes welling up with tears. "I don’t want you to get in trouble, Papa," You said to Mickey.
Mickey's resolve wavered at your plea. He knelt beside you, taking your tiny hands in his rough ones. "I won’t, N/N. I promise."
Ian knelt down next to the two of you, pulling both of you into a tight embrace. "We’ll get through this together, Y/N. We’ll make sure the school knows what’s going on, and you can always tell us what’s going on in school because we’ll handle it."
The next morning, Ian and Mickey walked you to school, holding your hands tightly. They met with the principal, explaining the situation and demanding action. The principal assured them that the school had a zero-tolerance policy for bullying and promised to address the issue immediately. Though they knew schools usually do nothing.
You went to school as normal, going to your class and learning to read and write. At recess, you were playing in the sandpit when the boy who had been bullying you came over.
“You’re playing by yourself again. It’s because you're a freak!” The boy teased. You usually played with your friends in the sand, though they were out sick today.
“Indie is sick today.” You frowned and bit back, your dads always taught you to at least stand up for yourself. “Charlotte is on holiday.”
The boy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever. Mother’s Day is soon, gonna bring your mum in? That’s right you can’t! Because you’re a loser who doesn’t have one!”
“I’m not a loser…” You frowned. You didn’t know what else to say, you didn’t even know why he cared so much.
“Yeah, you are! Everyone needs a mum!” The boy stated. He stole your hat off your head and kicked sand at you, running off.
When you got home, you immediately told Ian and Mickey. They were furious the school wasn’t handling it and instead were letting this kid get away with bullying you.
"Fuckin' kids," Mickey muttered under his breath, his jaw clenched tightly. He was known for being tough, but his heart broke seeing you distressed like this.
Ian ran a hand through his hair, his face etched with concern and anger. "They promised they'd handle it!"
Mickey scoffed, his frustration bubbling over. "Handle it my ass. They ain't doin' shit. Look at her!" Mickey gestured to you while wiping away your tears.
“Daddy, Papa? Am I a freak?” You sniffled and looked Mickey in the eyes.
Mickey shook his head. “No way. You’re not a freak at all. They’re just assholes that have nothing better to do than keep pickin’ on you all day. But you’re tough, you’re not gonna let their bullyin’ get to you are you?”
She shook your head quickly. “No, I’m not gonna, Papa. I’m tough.”
Mickey smirked and ruffled your hair. “You’re tough alright, what would the south side be without you?”
“Are you and Daddy going to sort it out if he doesn’t stop?” You asked, hoping they’d say yes.
Ian nodded. “Of course we will, Don’t you worry about it.”
You hugged your dads tightly, knowing they always had your back and would always protect you. Even if that meant going full south side on other parents.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
i hate it when you can tell that the author strongly dislikes a character in a fanfic
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ardent-fox · 6 months
Galladrabbles: Movies
Thank you to @mmmichyyy for this creative @galladrabbles prompt! Coming to you after a 3-month writer's block, here's my little fluffy offering this week.
"I fuckin' hate birthdays... Don't film that, asshole!"
Their grandchildren laughed at the sight of an annoyed, decades-younger Mickey on the TV, dozens of balloons on either side of him.
"It's 2 AM the night before, she's not gonna wanna remember this. Get off your fuckin' phone and start blowin'," he continued to grumble, pre-teen giggles joining the one Ian let out of the speakers.
"And that, kids, is the reason mom's home movies are rated R," the adult redhead stated, turning around and flashing her dads a fond smile.
Way in the back, tattooed fingers intertwined with freckled ones.
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golden28s · 1 year
loved this week's prompt, credits for it to @galladrabbles  and @deathclassic 💖
prompt: haircut
Mickey can't say no to his daughter and that explains why they're both in the bathroom with freshly dyed blonde hair Juliet desperately wanted a haircut and blonde hair. Mickey thinks that she still remembers the pictures of Ian with black hair and she wants a radical change in her hair like her dad. But then she decided she couldn't do it alone and now Mickey's hair is blonde too and he hopes his husband doesn't fall out of love "We're twins now!" says looking in the mirror, Mickey kisses her head. When Ian sees them, Mickey sees his husband falling even more in love so he makes fun of him and Ian doesn't deny it.
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takeyourpillsbitchh · 2 years
Galladrabbles: Comfort
I love this weeks @galladrabbles prompt of comfort from @mikhailoisbaby 🥰
He can’t fucking breath.
The dream was horrible.
His chest is tight and he’s fucking panicking.
It feels like it’s been hours, probably only minutes, since he woke up alone in bed. No clue where his husband is.
He’d been on edge this week, sure it has something to do with the anniversary of his fathers death coming up tomorrow. 15 years. And all of the feelings that anniversary brings up.
“Dad?” Panicked blue eyes meet a sleepy replica of his own. Then feet shuffle towards him, his daughter enveloping him in a tight, comforting hug. “It’s gonna be okay, daddy.”
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rayrayor · 1 year
@lizelandre for this weeks post , leap of faith… much thanks😁 and @galladrabbles
So this is a continuation from last weeks, control .After a chance run in with Svet, Lily learns some family secrets .
Daddy left and she just faced the wall when papa came in.
Papa was not perfect she knew , but she adored him.
He was ultra protective, how could he pimp woman? Married before?
It was like part of him was a violent stranger, he beat daddy up over the whore.
She dialed the phone , she knew he knew .
“ Liam I can’t do a leap of faith in this, it hurts too much. They are not denying it . “
“ Baby sis, they love you, us . Let me finish class, then on my way.”
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solusprime987 · 3 months
For once I've decided to write something not Transformers related lol
I'm rewatching US shameless (by rewatching I mean I'm just watching all of Mickeys scenes all over again lol) and i had a thought, I've seen a lot of people talking about Mickey if he were to become a parent and how he'd react to the whole situation and I love it I absolutely eat that shit up but I've not seen anyone talk about the angst and hard thoughts that would come with Mickey realising he's a good parent, imagine it Mickey in the hospital room holding his daughter with Ian sat next to them (you can pry girl dads gallavich out of my cold dead hands) and him coming to the realisation that he'd rather shoot himself with his own gun then harm her, On her first birthday after months of dealing with sleepless nights, crying and all manner of bodily fluids from her, all things that used to send terry flying into a child beating rage, that night mickey finally breaks down in Ian's arms as he realises how easy it is to not hurt his child and how he just doesn't understand how terry did it so easily, so brutally and so often.
In other words I have a lot of thoughts and emotions about the milkovich children and all of those thoughts include the sentence 'they deserved so much better'
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lyricailove · 7 months
Full Mag Part 1
It's been sitting in my brain screaming for over a month. Clawing at the walls, trying to get out. So here's the first part of my Gallavich uncles fic.
Ian loves having an apartment all to himself with Mickey. It means privacy, domesticity, a space just for them in the early years of their marriage. Inevitably they'll find a bigger place. Maybe move back to the southside where Mickey is more comfortable. Ian could live with that, as long as he has Mickey he's okay with most things.
"Iggy, what the fuck?!"
Ian rolls his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. They keep getting noise complaints from their neighbors and while most of it is sex-related, a good portion is due to Mickey's poor volume control.
Ian sighs at the sound of Mickey screaming at his older brother on the phone and can only imagine the trouble Iggy could be in. Iggy calls every once in a while to bust his baby brother's balls or ask for money. Sometimes Mickey agrees, other times he curses Iggy out and hangs up on him. Right now it seems to be the latter.
Not even 20 seconds later, Mickey is rushing past Ian to grab his jacket off the hook.
"Where are you going?" Ian stands, wondering what Iggy could've said that has Mickey rushing to get out of the apartment.
"Where do you think? Asshole got himself arrested and now we need to go down to the station." Mickey grabs Ian's leather jacket off the hook and tosses it to him, stomping his feet into his Timberlands after doing so.
Iggy may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he knows when to look apologetic. Especially when he's sitting in an interrogation room and he can see Mickey walk into the precinct, his husband in tow. It doesn't take long for Mickey to snap his attention through the window and give one lethal glare that makes Iggy immediately look away.
Ian stands behind Mickey with his hands in his jacket pockets and stares at the ground, waiting for Mickey to ask to see his brother. He's not shaken by the turn of events, after all between him, Lip, and especially Carl he'd already had his share of precinct visits. No biggie.
Iggy lifts his head as his younger brother and brother-in-law walk into the interrogation room. He gives the same goofy smile that Mickey has seen since they were kids and that never fails to irritate him to high heavens. Mainly because it's always followed by the dumbest thing that's ever been said and/or done.
"What the hell did you do, dumbass?" Mickey drops down into the chair across the table and leans into Ian's hand that rests on his shoulder.
"It wasn't my fault! You know how these pigs are. See a Milkovich and immediately jump to the worst-case scenario. All I know is, I was grabbing a beer from the convenience store, was gonna pay and everything, and next thing I know I'm face down and my hands are cuffed." Iggy huffs with irritation, chewing the corner of his bottom lip.
Mickey rubs his eyebrow, already feeling the beginnings of a migraine coming on. "So what? You need money?"
"No something else, something bigger. It's also why I asked you to bring Gallagher. Cause I know he'll say yes."
Ian's head whips up from where he'd been staring at the floor. "How do you know? I could easily say no to whatever you want."
Iggy laughs, cutting his eyes to Mickey. "I need you to watch my daughter."
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heymacy · 4 months
it's weekly tag game wednesday thursday! i was tagged (and/or mentioned) by so many sweethearts, namely @jrooc, @creepkinginc, @doshiart, @mybrainismelted, @deedala,
@gardenerian, @blue-disco-lights, @spookygingerr, @thepupperino, @stocious,
@vintagelacerosette, & @palepinkgoat 💛 I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH (and if i missed anyone bc of the glitch i am so, so sorry!!!)
how did you get into the fandom? a friend of mine on twitter DM’d me a gallavich compilation video in mid-2020 and said “i think you might really like this show” — i’d tried watching it before in 2018 but only made it to 1x06 which is a CRIME. can you imagine if i’d kept going? insanity. anyway. the worms got me, i made a new tumblr in october 2020, and the rest is history ✨
how long have you been here? 3.75 years and counting
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?) YouTube, then tumblr
what’s your favourite now? tumblr now and forever
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? @7x10mickey — hi lizzie! ily lizzie!
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? funny you should ask! my very first fandom crush was the beautiful, talented, spectacular @gardenerian. i was mesmerized by their gifs and their playlists and wanted to be their friend so i messaged them requesting a gif set based on a song from the show. cut to 3.5 years later and i’m packing a suitcase to visit them for the second time in a month. life is funny like that!
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember) The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher by @goodkwuestion. read it in like 3 days flat. one of the best pieces of literature, fanfiction or other, that i’ve ever read
first fan art that blew your mind? i don’t remember exactly which one but it was definitely one by @steorie — one of the first artists i followed in the fandom!
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love? echoing @deedala (who also knows how deep it goes) and saying SPORTS AU!!!!!! boy oh boy. i am IN THE TRENCHES
what surprised you most about this fandom? how kind and considerate everyone is. i’ve never been a part of a community that is so welcoming and warm and it makes me all fuzzy (positive)
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich? the club kiss (though i was fixated after 1x07 i will not lie to y’all)
ian or mickey? i’m saying both and you can’t stop me!!!!
which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? fiona. hot mess, waffle knit henley tees, dreams of owning a laundromat, comes from a chaotic family, eldest daughter syndrome, always ugly crying for one reason or another
tags below the cut!
@too-schoolforcool, @mmmichyyy, @transmickey, @sam-loves-seb, @darlingian,
@deathclassic, @energievie, @michellemisfit, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @sleepyheadgallavich,
@crossmydna, @tanktopgallavich, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @the-rat-wins, @transmurderbug,
@lee-ow, @callivich, @kiinard, @sluttymickey, @thisdivorce,
@xninetiestrendx, @y0itsbri, @captainjowl, @arrowflier, @astaraels,
@ardent-fox, @wehangout, @gallapiech, @roryonic, @mickittotheman,
@jademickian, @solitarycreaturesthey, @spacerockwriting, & @rayrayor
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fuckshitslover · 1 year
send requests please
also since people are loving the carl x reader please feel free to send requests of carl x reader OR IM NOW DOING gallavich x teen!daughter!reader because i think they would be great dads
(and georgie cooper pls)
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mouseymilkovich · 2 months
lip gallagher | masterlist
#gallagher husband [lip]
Tumblr media Tumblr media
* = contains smut, 🩸 = contains one of the following: blood, violence, gore, and/or weapon use (will be tagged accordingly!), 🎃 = halloween related and/or from mousetober
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
take my breath away — masterlist — playlist — finished ♡
general blurbs
doing anal for the first time*
waiting until you're safely inside
nervous at the gallavich wedding
morning after the gallavich wedding*
fool in the rain
sex after he got in a fight*
face fucking*
reader is drooling*
fwb teaching reader to masturbate*
overstimulated reader*
bedside manner
jealous at the bike shop
er visit
inexperienced reader*
drunk at a frat party
the aftermath
judge a book by its cover
reader doesn't wanna get out of bed
tied up*
"beg for it"*
get used to it
hospital visit
lip is a lil mean on reader's period
ta!lip drabble
study session turned smoke session*
regards, ta gallagher
quickie during midterm season*
rescuing reader from a sketchy party
dad!lip drabble
your daughter scraped her knee
worry while reader is in labour
finding our reader is pregnant
waterpark day (+ debs, sandy, liam, and franny)
photo booth imagine
peaking over your shoulder
kinks and balls*
gallzatto masterlist ; #two for the price of one [gallzatto]
mlw gallavich masterlist ; #toxic addiction [mlw gallavich]
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astaraels · 5 months
so let's talk some more about gallavich and their adopted runaway trans daughter Starr (more on her here and here; it'll make more sense if you read those posts first)
I mentioned that I think Mickey and Ian would move back to the South Side, and they'd have a house instead of an apartment, and that Starr would clean up the place in thanks for letting her stay—while she's doing so, maybe she runs across a school photo of a little blonde kid with a goofy smile, and familiar blue eyes, and big glasses, and she'd bet anything that this kid is related to Mickey
and she finds a frame that isn't being used, maybe up in the attic, and puts the picture in the frame and sets it on the mantel in the living room next to other family photos (Debbie and Franny; Debbie, Carl, and Liam; Lip and Tammi and their kids; a selfie of Fiona at the beach; Mickey and Ian's wedding photo; stuff like that)
so Mickey is home one day while Ian is off visiting his siblings—Mickey is too peopled out that day and decided to stay home—when he notices the new picture with the others; Starr sees his reaction, like he's seen a ghost, and she says she found the picture when she was cleaning, and thought it looked good in the frame. but Mickey's reaction maybe spooks her a little bit, and she's like "I hope that was okay"
Mickey doesn't say anything at first, but he's uncharacteristically quiet when he nods and says "yeah, that's okay" but he doesn't explain—and look, Starr knows when people wanna talk about stuff but also don't want to at the same time, but she's thirteen or fourteen years old and has no impulse control so she asks who the kid is, and even though she guessed it she's still kinda surprised when Mickey says "that's my son"
and she asks him "do you wanna talk about it?" to which he says fuck no; she's all prepared to drop the subject when he says that he hasn't even seen the kid in years, not since he was in prison and Svetlana brought Yev to visit. and slowly—maybe over the next few weeks—she learns more of the story, and even though Mickey doesn't tell her everything, she's smart enough to put the pieces together
because I really love the idea that Mickey and Svetlana get back in touch after everything went down and he and Ian got married (she'd give him shit about where was her invitation and he was all "I didn't know your fuckin address!" but she loved seeing the pictures and said "you and carrot boy look very happy together"), and now they meet up every few months for lunch or something, maybe text now and again; she keeps him updated on Yevgeny and how he's doing in school ("he wants to go to college and be doctor") and she told Mickey that if he wants to meet Yev properly he can, but he's never taken her up on the offer because he thinks Yev is better off without him
and Starr just looks at Mickey, and the picture of Yevgeny—he's a couple years younger than she is, I figure this would be when he's about ten or so—and tells him about how she thought her parents loved her, but that was only when they thought she was their son, and "I don't know what you did before but you can't be worse than my folks"
they talk about it now and again—Ian knows they do but he's learned to let Mickey work through things at his own pace—and she finds out Yevgeny is about to start middle school, and Starr eventually tells Mickey that he should go see his son. Mickey of course thinks it's a terrible idea but she's like look, man, you guys have been great to me, and it wouldn't be the end of the world if your kid at least knew you were out there. unfortunately she's painfully aware of what it's like knowing your parents don't want anything to do with you, but it's also clear to her that it's painful for Mickey to think about his son ("talking to him might be hard, but it can't be worse than staying away")
finally after Starr has been staying with them for a while—she eventually got Ian on the "talk to Yevgeny" train too, and Mickey complained that they were "fuckin ganging up on him"—Mickey goes into the kitchen after dinner, and Starr and Ian can hear him talking on the phone to someone about "-wanna see the kid next time, if that's okay" and they give each other a tiny high five
when he comes back from lunch with Svetlana a few weeks later it's with a smile on his face and some new pictures of him and Yevgeny on his phone, as well as one with him and Svet and Yev
Ian is absolutely over the moon, too, and insists they print out the pictures and put them up on the mantelpiece; and Mickey asks if the two of them wanna come along the next time he sees Svet and the kid (and Ian is like uh yeah I haven't seen Lana in forever and I wanna know how Yevgeny is doing because he loved that kid so much and I really feel like the show dropped the ball on Ian and Svet's relationship too, which is a crying shame)
and the three of them settle in to watch TV together, their cat Duchess sprawled across Mickey and Ian's laps, and their pit bull Lady curled up by Starr's feet in her chosen armchair, and Ian just grins at Mickey and doesn't have to say how proud he is of his husband, because it's written all over his face
(I'm sure I'll write more about Starr and her adopted gay uncles in the future but I just love the idea that she'd be a catalyst for Mickey reconnecting with Yevgeny, and how he'd try his best to be the exact opposite of his own dad ;~; )
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ardent-fox · 1 year
Galladrabbles: Truce
Thank you to @gardenerian for this awesome @galladrabbles prompt! Here's my little take on it.
"Honey, we taught you those moves for self-defense. Not to punch annoying kids," Ian scolds while starting the car in the school parking lot.
"I was defending my dads! He called you names, f-word included," she whines, crossing her arms. "And you want me to make up with him."
"We don't," Mickey explains, twisting in his seat. "But your teacher does, and we don't wantcha gettin' into deeper sh- uh, trouble."
"Fine," their daughter huffs, opening the car door. "Anthony!" comes the holler, the boy wincing at her voice. "Truce?"
She slams it shut before he's even finished nodding. "Assface."
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golden28s · 1 year
i know mickey is gonna judge and make fun of ian a little bit for recording their daughter's plays in school but at some point he will also start recording too and half of ian's videos will be their daughter and then just mickey's proud smile
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iheartmoons · 4 days
HI HI HI if gallavich had a daughter would she be like mickey (spikey black hair, a biter, messy, tiny) or like ian (curly red hair, freckles, gentle, witty)??
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