#Mickey smith
claraoswalds · 3 days
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Meanwhile on the TARDIS
Rose: The Doctor just said "Its easy to deter the ladies from eating tide pods, but its more difficult to deter...gents" while laughing through the whole joke
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hottestthingalive · 10 months
jack harkness rose tyler & the doctor are like the world’s most fucked up polycule and yet I wish every day we got more of them together. throw mickey in there for the hell of it its so funny. jack is like “we’re all bffs but also you two are in love with each other but also I’m desperately in love with both of you” and rose is like “i flirt for fun & as an expression of affection. because i’m young and recovering from an abusive relationship i have trouble quantifying my existing romantic feelings. i’d make out with either or both of you at the drop of a hat. it’s so great that we’re all friends :)” and the doctor is like “i am in love with rose tyler i want to spend the rest of my lives with her she is everything. however i am a monster and i destroy everything i touch so instead i will be fucking jack harkness on the tardis floor”. and meanwhile mickey just wants them to meet up with him on time for once
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Me, on a new date: Hey, have you ever thought about the fact that there are plenty of planets where "the Doctor" doesn't refer to the Time Lord carrying around the sonic screwdriver, but rather to the young women who swing through their lives and ask their names and demand answers and sacrifice themselves, to the young men who start off unsure and second-fiddle but bring a kindness, a loyalty, with them and end up finding their own voices and their own purpose? Do you ever think about the role that myth plays in Doctor Who, how so many companion exits and finales take on the role of storytelling, about how companions become gods and immortals and walk the entire dystopian earth and wait two thousand years and be the cause of every Cyberman's single tear and wrench the Doctor back into the universe and carry the story off of screen with them, that they birth myths in their wake, that Doctor Who finales so often leave science-fiction behind them and become mythology itself, when these humans insert themselves into the mythology of the Doctor only to usurp him, that they make themselves the Bad Wolf and Orpheus and the Woman Who Walked the Earth and the Doctor Donna and the Last Centurion and the Girl Who Saw the Stars and most of all, they become the Doctor themself, that the Doctor's story goes nowhere if Rose doesn't save him on Satellite Five or Amy doesn't pull him back into existence or Martha doesn't walk the entire hell-earth to restore him or Clara doesn't make him forget her or Jack doesn't sacrifice himself to stop the Daleks or Bill doesn't carry him away from the Cybermen or Donna doesn't stop him from drowning himself with the Racnoss or Yaz doesn't pilot the TARDIS or River Song sacrifices herself at the library or Sarah Jane and Mickey don't help restore the earth back to its place in the sky and that the Doctor is only a myth with so many stories to their name because their companions make it so-
My date, sliding the breadsticks out of their purse back onto the table, hopelessly intrigued: Go on...
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policyoftruth · 1 year
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alexsshittyworld · 7 months
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the brief time when Mickey and Jack overlap in the tardis team is honestly one of my favorite ever (even though Mickey is not techincally part of the team yet. they could have been so great :(
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ocean-irl · 3 months
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Wake up babe, new Doctor Who snog chart just dropped. (insp.)
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casdeanwin · 6 months
I do often wonder what the Tyler's neighbours thought after the Doctor made an entrance into Rose's life. Like, Rose's disappears for a whole year. Jackie blames the boyfriend. Rose then turns up, and they hear from Jackie that Rose had been travelling with some kind of Doctor!
Not to mention, he looked old enough to be her dad! They see him around for a while now and then, when Rose comes to see Jackie. But suddenly, he disappears! And now Rose is off travelling with a younger man, who also seems to be a Doctor!
Poor Mickey! Dropped by his girlfriend for two different blokes! And then of course, one day Mickey disappears as well! Rumour has it he had been at that school which blew up, but never came home! Then came the ghosts, and then Rose is back with her second Doctor, holding hands and giggling. They seem totally surprised by the turn of events. Like, where on Earth could they have been travelling that didn't have any Ghosts?
By the end of the day, all of the Tylers are missing.
Only a man in an army coat comes by once to knock on the flat door. But there's no answer, and he leaves looking crestfallen. And now the Powell Estate feels less joyful. The Tyler's had been a fixture for over two decades. They'd comforted Jackie when her poor husband had died in that tragic accident. They'd watched little Rose grow without her father, but incredibly close to her mother.
They watched a heartbroken Jackie as she searched for a whole year for her only child. And watched with happy surprise as they reunited unexpectedly.
But now they were all gone. Even Mickey Smith, the happy go lucky kid who'd always had a soft spot for Rose. All they knew for sure, was that that family fell into trouble the moment Rose met that first Doctor. And it had only gotten worse from there.
Couple of years pass, and they hear rumours that Mickey Smith has suddenly reappeared. Only he doesn't return to the estate, and marries a woman named Martha apparently.
They don't blame him for not returning to the Estate.
Too many ghosts.
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alldni · 4 months
next episode cold open is the doctor at martha and mickey’s doorstep with flowers and an “im sorry” card
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ghost-bison · 21 days
Do you think in 2012 Martha and Mickey were watching the Olympics on TV and they saw Ten carrying the Olympic flame? Do you think it hurt? Do you think Donna saw him too and Wilfred had to hold back from screaming in joy and that he excused himself to go shed a silent tear in the kitchen?
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claraoswalds · 9 months
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The human race makes sense out of chaos. Marking it out with weddings and Christmas and calendars. This whole process is beautiful, but only if it's being observed.
DOCTOR WHO (2005-present)
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itsatorchwoodthing · 4 months
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it’s more like goof, in this scene in particular
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theaccursedninth · 1 month
//people that skip series one baffle me. You miss SO much! The introduction of the Time War, the Doctor’s early and raw struggle with PTSD, you miss watching he and Rose first fall in love, you miss Jack and Mickey and even Tosh’s introduction
You miss the Badwolf, the power of her love, you miss the return of the Daleks, Jack’s revival…EVERYTHING that the rest of the franchise is built on starts with Nine’s era. Skipping those thirteen episodes robs you of its heart.
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khruschevshoe · 9 months
We do NOT give Jackie Tyler and Mickey Smith their props for their character growth in the Parting of the Ways. Rose is absolutely amazing, an absolute ferocious beacon of hope and stubbornness and bravery in the finale, the absolute reason why the Doctor lives and the world is saved and an equal hero to Nine, but she has a moment of doubt. A moment of hesitancy.
And Mickey Smith and Jackie Tyler step in and help her save the day. Both Mickey and Jackie give up on their idea of Rose and their hatred of the Doctor and help her pull open the TARDIS. Even within this one episode we see them struggle with their feelings and decide to put them aside and help do this because Rose is right- this is a better way of living your life.
Doctor Who is about ordinary people making extraordinary decisions and making themselves extraordinary and this doesn't just apply to official companions (who I love with all my might)- it applies to the people they love, too. We see it over and over again in Davies' era, with Jackie and Mickey and Sylvia and Tish and Wilfred and Francine and Harriet Jones and every one-off character as well, from Lynda-with-a-Y to Jabe to Gwyneth to Novice Hame to McDonnell to Sally to Chantho to Nancy to all the rest.
Doctor Who is at its strongest when the story is focused on the strength of the bleeding, beating heart of humanity (and character in general, in its non-humans), when the characters drive the story, when at the end of the day you understand why, for all of the world's flaws, the Doctor comes back over and over again because of people like this- not just his companions, but the Jackies and Mickeys and all the rest of the world.
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tvgirl4ever · 3 months
dream blunt rotation
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