#Midge and Lenny
valeb87 · 9 months
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suzeeville · 1 year
Let me just say - the way Lenny rooted for Midge from the beginning, saw and treated her as an an equal and a colleague... clearly loved her too but he was never a dick about it.... I've never seen on-screen chemistry as electrifying as theirs.... goodbye goodbye you were bigger than the whole sky 🥲
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The mrs maisel fandom every time a new episode comes out:
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anonynaomi · 2 years
shows I watched and fell in love with recently (just because)
1. Fleabag
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2. Ted Lasso
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Roy and Keeley are my children. I am obsessed. Baffled. No words.
3. Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
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4. Heartstopper
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5. Bridgerton (rewatch) (Season 2 only)
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watched for Kate Sharma. Will watch AGAIN for Kate Sharma. Will sacrifice my hypothetical children for Kate Sharma.
as you can see, I have impeccable taste in tv shows so if you want to ask me about it, please do because I will happily obsess over these (and more!)
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theangelwithawand · 1 year
I was thinking about Midge and Lenny while working on a new chapter of “Very Blue Lives” (it’s on ao3, please go read and review. I need validation like Lenny and Midge need each other).
Anyways, I was thinking about Midge and Lenny in Miami and why Midge turned Lenny down.
Sure the bs Vegas train wreck just happened, and Carol kind of freaked her out, but those answers are boring.
First of all, he’s weirdly reluctant to talk about her career. In Miami, whether she knows it or not, Lenny’s avoidance to discuss her career is part of the reason she walks away. Flash forward to the blue room, he’s making it clear that he listens to her and promises to take her seriously, and that’s when she decides “yes, okay. Let’s see what’s between us.”
She needs him to take her seriously as a comic, and once she realizes that he does, she’s willing to be vulnerable with him as a woman.
And that’s a great step for Midge, who isn’t taken seriously personally or professionally, especially by people she loves.
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I think the reason I'm a bit disappointed about this last season of tmmm is because it didn't feel like a last season. Season 4 felt more like it. The s4 finale was amazing.
The show finale was underwhelming.
Or maybe I just really wanted to see Midge perform at the Carnegie hall 🤷‍♀️
Why making a big deal about her (not-existing) relationship with her kids and then not giving it some kind of resolution?
I didn't mind this season the lack of Lenny as much as other people do but I've found that first scene a bit disrespectful. It was not necessary. It seems more a fuck you to show Lenny fans than anything else tbh
Surely it wasn't a tribute!
At least I'm glad Susie and Midge ended the show and their life together. I just wish midge was less of a jerk to Susie during the seasons 🤷‍♀️
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midgexlennyx · 1 year
guess who made another midgelenny edit 😃 me. i miss them too much help.
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Here’s the creepy Midge story I talked about last night.
In honor of spooky season, this was kind of intense. 
Please note that this is a creepy Midge specific thing, and like. This is in no way how Judaism works. This version of this character is just like this.
Warnings for a near miss. 
Here we go.
August, 1966 
She wakes up at three in the morning from a dead sleep and looks out her bedroom window, considering the moon high in the sky. It’s early August, and hot and sticky in New York, and when she climbs out the window and onto her fire escape, she breathes in the night air, closing her eyes. 
She stays there for a good hour before climbing back inside and picking up the phone, dialing the number she’s had memorized for years but never uses. 
“Fuck. What? Do you have any idea what time-” 
“I’m coming to visit,” she tells him. 
“Midge?” Lenny asks, obviously confused. 
“I’ll see you tonight,” she tells him. “I’ll bring the groceries.” 
“Midge - don’t you fucking dare-” 
“See you later, Lenny.” 
She hangs up and packs.
As promised, she gets to his home in LA, groceries in hand, at seven o’clock in the evening. She wanders past him and heads for the kitchen, somehow knowing exactly where it is. 
“Midge, I need you to leave.” 
“I hope chicken is okay,” she tells him as she gets to work. “I couldn’t find a brisket in this god-forsaken place.” 
“I don’t want you here, Midge,” Lenny snaps, following her around as she starts to make dinner. “To say nothing of the fact that I haven’t heard from you in three fucking years.” 
“You told me you wanted me out of your life,” she points out. 
“Yes, and I meant it, and it still stands,” he tells her. 
Midge turns and gazes at him. Seemingly right through him, and he takes a step back from her, obviously a little spooked. 
“Give me one night,” she says softly, reaching out to stroke his beard affectionately. “And then you never have to see me, ever again.” 
He keeps gazing into her soft, blue eyes, nodding slowly, not knowing why. “One night. And then you leave.” 
“And then I leave,” Midge agrees. 
And so it is. 
She makes them some dinner. Roast chicken and roast potatoes and glazed carrots and they sit at his kitchen table, eating in companionable silence. 
“So?” he asks quietly. “How are you?” 
Midge nods. “Good.” She pins him with that unknowable gaze again. “How are you?” 
Lenny swallows down a mouthful of carrot. “Not…great,” he admits without meaning to. “Not great. I’m high more often than I’m not and I can’t stop thinking about the appeal and I’m missing out on Kitty’s life and I’m dating someone half my age and I just-” he stops talking for a long moment. “All is not well.” 
She nods, and reaches over, taking his hand and holding it. A comforting gesture from a woman he has no right to ask for comfort from after everything that’s happened between them. 
But Midge tilts her head and gazes down at their hands, her thin fingers stroking his boney ones tenderly. “Finish eating,” she tells him. “You’ll feel better after you eat.” 
He does as he’s told, but keeps gazing at her, confused. 
After dinner, they do the dishes together, and then Lenny puts a record on to listen to. Otis Redding. And they dance and talk and laugh like no time has passed at all. Like it’s 1961 and not 1966, they’re funny and talented and in love, and not exhausted and disappointed by the trajectory of their lives. 
Midge holds onto him tightly, her fingers toying with the curls at the back of his head, and Lenny closes his eyes, burying his nose in against her neck. 
“I’m sorry, Midge,” he mutters absently. “For everything. I’m sorry.” 
“It could be worse,” she tells him softly. “It could always be worse.” 
They don’t have sex. 
She lays in his bed with him, holding him in the quiet of his darkened room. 
“I don’t know what to do anymore, Midge,” he murmurs against her hair. 
“Yes, you do,” she smiles up at him. “You’ve always known, you just don’t like to listen to me.” 
“I don’t like that you’re right all the time,” he admits.
“Not all the time,” she counters, tracing a finger down his neck. 
“Most times,” he shrugs. “About the big things.” 
She hums softly and looks him in the eyes. “Where are the drugs, Lenny?” 
He doesn’t respond to her for a long time. Nearly twenty minutes pass before he tells her. 
“Bathroom,” he mutters. “Like always.” 
Midge nods and leans in, kissing his forehead before sliding out of bed and wandering into the bathroom.
Lenny closes his eyes as he listens to liquid hit the toilet water and then the flush.
Daylight starts to crack through the closed shades and Midge runs her thumb over his collarbone. “It’s time.” 
“No,” Lenny mutters, still half asleep, holding her tighter. 
“One night,” she smiles. “We said one night, and now the sun’s coming up.” 
“I could make you breakfast,” he offers. “Coffee?” 
Midge takes a deep breath before she leans in, kissing him slowly, just like she used to, her fingers threading into his hair, her lips tender and loving against his. 
And it’s everything he’s been missing for the last three years. He pulls her closer, clutching at her, rolling her onto her back underneath him. “One cup of coffee.” 
“That doesn’t feel like coffee,” Midge laughs softly. “That feels like your dick.” 
“Okay, so maybe a little something else and then coffee,” he offers. 
“You have someone,” she reminds him softly. “And that someone isn’t me anymore.” 
The sadness in her eyes makes him pull away, sitting up, looking conflicted. 
Midge leans in, pressing gentle kisses all over his face before she slips out of bed. He watches her as she fixes her hair and pulls her bag over to redo her makeup, and soon, she’s Midge Maisel, world class comedian, television darling and celebrity. 
Midge Weissman, the beautiful woman who knows so much and tells him so fucking little is gone. 
She turns to him, gazing at him for a long moment. “Bye, Lenny.” 
When she heads out the door, towards the front hall, he scrambles to follow her. 
She opens the front door to leave.
She turns to look at him.
“Why did you come here last night?” Lenny asks, gazing into those blue eyes again. 
She just smiles and takes a breath, smoothing out her dress. “Ask me again on your birthday.” 
And like that, she’s gone with a click of the door.
The whole night felt like a dream. If it weren’t for his empty stash bag in his bathroom and the leftover food in his fridge, he’s not even sure he’d believe she was ever there to begin with.
But she was. 
He cleans himself up. In most of the ways he knows he needs to. Hires back some of his lawyers. Kicks the drugs as best he can. Things end with the girlfriend. She’s young and she wants more than his old bones can give her and that’s - 
Well that’s fucking fair, really. 
His conviction gets overturned pretty quickly once the lawyers are rehired, and suddenly offers for work start flooding through. 
He’s back in New York by his birthday, and Midge shows up at his Village Vanguard gig. She’s watching from a table in the back, smoking a cigarette, and enjoying a drink. She smiles at him when he wanders over after his set. 
“That,” she tells him. “Was amazing. But I’m not actually surprised. You’ve got three years of material just sitting in that big brain of yours waiting to get out.” 
Lenny takes a seat and she offers him a light for his own cigarette. “Thanks.” 
“Sorry I didn’t get you a drink, I don’t know what your poison is these days,” Midge says sheepishly. 
He waves it off and leans in, gazing at her, narrowing his eyes. “It’s my birthday, you know.” 
“I do know,” she nods. “I sent some dirty magazines to your hotel room.” 
“Very thoughtful,” Lenny chuckles. “But I want something different for my birthday.”
“An answer to a question you promised me,” he reminds her. “You showed up at my house with groceries in August. You cooked me dinner. We danced. We laughed. We kissed. You flushed my dope. Why?” 
She gives him a soft smile; one that drives him nuts, and takes a drag from her cigarette. “Because.” 
Midge shrugs. “Because you needed me.” 
“And you just knew that. You woke up at three in the morning New York time, and you thought ‘Oh. Lenny needs me. I better hop a plane.’” 
She stares at him for a long, silent moment. Not smoking. Not drinking. Just staring, and a feeling comes over him he’s never had before. 
A feeling like feet crunching in a cemetery. Like trying to avoid stepping on someone’s grave.
And failing. 
Lenny swallows hard, and when she offers him her drink, he takes it quickly, downing the rest of the martini. The sting is good. 
“Fucking Christ, Midge,” he mutters, rubbing his face. 
Her hand lands on his shoulder comfortingly and he covers it with his own. She flags down a waitress and orders herself another martini before turning to Lenny. 
“Still bourbon on the rocks?” she asks gently. 
He nods wordlessly, and Midge gives the rest of the order before the waitress walks off. 
“How close did I actually get?” he asks quietly. 
“Close enough,” she tells him. 
Lenny takes a long, stressed-out drag off of his cigarette, and keeps holding her hand. “How did you know?”
Midge shrugs at him. “I woke up. I sat around. I thought to myself ‘I need to go see Lenny. It might be my last chance.’ And then I did.” 
“I both love and hate that you do this shit,” he mutters. 
She smiles a little and squeezes his shoulder. “I am well aware.” 
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sad-endings-suck · 1 year
There is a certain type of ship dynamic that simply cannot be created or replicated artificially and it’s called “this couple was never meant to be a canon ship but their chemistry is just so incredible we had to do it anyway” and I love it more than anything.
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limitedseries · 1 year
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"Your lucky numbers are 46, 24, 11, 6, and 5." It's all how you read it.
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suzeeville · 2 years
I caught up on S04 of Mrs Maisel and I think we should just give Luke Kirby every acting award ever for the staring alone and pack it up
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Ok so I’m hyperfixating on another show and thinking about what songs would work for edits and I thought about ‘Glitch’ and decided it would be kind of a stretch... BUT THEN it hit me like a ton of bricks: this song would be absolutely perfect for Midge and Lenny.
I mean? "We were supposed to be just friend"?? "You don't live in my part of town, but maybe I'll see you out some weekend"????
(not going to go through all of the lyrics but you get the idea)
Like, someone with talent actually make this pls it would be so good
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factoseintolerant · 1 year
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I just can’t think of anything funny to say.
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theangelwithawand · 1 year
TMMM Series Finale Review:
- I love Abe
- Stop cutting to Joel!
- Aww Susie!
- Aww Rose!
- Chinese Restaurant Scene broke me and she keeps the Fortune!!!
- The ending with Midge and Susie is great
- This is still a disappointing season overall.
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matthewrhys · 1 year
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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 5 premiere + callbacks
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