urlocalirk · 6 months
Random Headcanon/theory that I made is that Reggie Jacobs and Duncan P. Anderson are cousins
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wreckrinho · 2 months
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Oh gosh guyssss i want to make an au and i'll make funny fun w some desingssss but i cant uhhm decide if i give duncan a tie or a shirt uhmm...
which do you guysssss think isss better? I made a silly drawing, but maybe the design (like color) will change a little later idk
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wowifinallywatched · 5 months
Wow I finally watched Monsters at Work (S2)
**Minor Spoilers**
This show is Joy. This show is happiness.
This show is pure enjoyment, forget-about-the-world-around-you fun and indulging in a world full of adventures, Jokes and references to an original movie we hold dear to our hearts, While paving the way for a beautiful new story about a dynamic duo changing the colour of their world and the human world one child at a time.
I think there was a lot of risk, As with any sequel / spin off, of repetitiveness and overall the continuation of the story just not doing well.
But Monsters at Work was perfect.
(In my eyes - You do not have to agree with me, I just want to show my appreciation and love for this show and Story)
This show provided more of the future we've all been so curious about since the end of Monsters Inc (We all knew things worked out with Laugh Power - But did it really?) (Yes, Yes it did.) and the changes it made to the city and their communities as a whole - The politics, The power company's rivalry's, How people feel about laugh power, All of our favourite characters, All of our most disliked characters and so so much more.
They balanced giving a nod to the past, Making references to those original movies between og characters as if they're inside jokes (Which I guess, they are), Seeing characters we love and adore, Seeing scenery that is comforting and familiar, Even items (BOO'S DRAWING ON SULLEY'S DESK - I'M NOT OKAY-) without it being in your face and making it the whole show. Mike and Sulley being a part of the future of this company and caring for their little misfits, without overbearing and letting these new characters shine and share their own stories - It was perfectly balanced.
I love what this show represented as well - Different cultures and races in the human world and monster world, Different couples / sexualities without making it a big fuss (They're just in a happy relationship - That's what matters!), Healthy relationships and really great traits like embracing who you are, Always stand up for what you believe in, Never hesitate to show your Love for the things and people you care about and so much more!
Something I also loved is the representation of the real and healthy relationship between Val and Tylor - And the fact this didn't turn into a romantic relationship.
The first season was about building the foundations of their friendship and really getting to know each other - The second season really tested their friendship and saw to how they would get through these rocky times together.
While there were some moments of heartbreak, sadness and even anger - With communication, Responsibility and ackowledging what they had done, They got through it and came out the other side of it with their bond even stronger than ever! Which I think is something super healthy and important to represent.
And while I see there are a few hints here and there that could definitely lead to a Third season, Which halfway through episode 10 I literally said I would sell my soul for a third season, Once I had finished that final episode, My mind had changed.
The ending of Season 2 was perfect.
It was happy. It was fulfilling. And while I'd be one of the first to hop on Disney plus if a Third season did come out - I feel like they could stop the show here if they wanted to.
I could watch this show forever and ever and ever if I could, But we've all seen what happens when a show continues simply for profit etc. and it loses what that original story is about.
But on the other hand, they have a whole world of Monsters stories and cities to explore that we've only scratched the surface of.
And you never know what might be coming in the future.
All in all, I absolutely adored this show with all my heart and soul and I will forever talk about how perfect (in my personal opinion) it is.
Also there will forever be some references that will never get old.
Example A: Mike getting covered by logo / barcode etc
Example B: Roz (Period. She has so many good ones)
Example C: Boo. (Anything really, I just love their relationship)
100000000000000000000000000000000000000 x infinity / 10
I love you Monsters Inc world. Thank you for making me feel protected and Loved, Even if I couldn't be apart of your world.
And don't forget, This show wasn't made just for kids.
Oh no.
It was made for those Monsters Inc kids, now all grown up.
(And for everyone and anyone!)
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monsters-incorrect · 3 months
Duncan, drinking lemonade: This tastes really weird.
Cutter: *enters room* Hey, has anyone seen my urine sample?
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thelaughingmerman · 1 year
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I like monster show
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fawninthewinter · 1 year
Huge disservice to myself: not watching Monsters At Work sooner.
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boggslover · 4 months
Thinking a lot about Randall’s sentence and what season 3 of Monsters at Work will be like, if it even happens.
What I truly want is a Randall Redemption arc. While I believe him becoming a jokester is a stretch, I think he’d be a good fit for the MIFT team. He’s been shown to be good with building/operating/rewiring/modifying machinery. He’s always been a misfit himself (never quite fitting in, changing himself for others, letting himself be used by others to gain a sense of power or approval, etc.) more than anything, I would like to see Randall become more self aware and reflect on his past and what appeasing others has done to him.
I think the idea of a third season allows for a lot of opportunities to build on Randall’s character. Assuming he isn’t working with anyone anymore, he’s on the run by himself. The first time he’s ever been depicted alone, not working for anyone anymore.
Is he scared? Does he have full confidence in his abilities when he’s by himself? What is the end goal now? He can’t do anything but run away from his problems or somehow redeem himself, which could be unlikely depending on how the prison system operates in Monstropolis.
If he is caught and arrested again, he will most likely spend the rest of his life in jail. I hope that they won’t just go this route. I don’t want to see him evil and unaware of his surroundings, out of character, or stupid. I want him to be intelligent and to get hit with the realization of his past. Johnny was never his friend, never someone he could rely on. Johnny used him in college and again after saving him from banishment.
Being blindly desperate for other’s approval only got him a prison sentence. I want to see him reclaim his old self back.
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littlemetalbiter · 2 months
also some less MIFT related ones
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
Thoughts on MAW episodes 9 and 10
Episode 9:
Damn there’s already tension with Val…oof
Poor Jack 😭
Stupid Tylor…there was no valet
Fear Co’s scare floor is so much bigger holy shit
It’s okay, bby. I hate being touched too
Still a HUGE fan of Joy
Val befriending all the kids is sweet af 🥹🥹🥹
Huh…Pete (The Claw) is there…
awwww MIFT is so supportive
Ooooh Joy doesn’t like losing….kinda reminds me of another lizard monster
I kinda expected Fear Co to be toxic….
Awww look at the photo on Crab Cakes’ desk
fuckin simp
Tylor nooooooo…..
Hey remember when Sully told Tylor how he felt when he accidentally scared Boo? NOW YOU KNOW WHY, TYLOR
Wow even Chet doesn’t know
Episode 10:
Ig Randall stayed in ROR….damn
Awww that’s sweet of Johnny to save Randall
Whoever guessed Randall was behind it…ya’ll were right.
Oh god how’s Claire gonna feel about this…
Lmao Randy’s still got it
Guess everyone knows about Randall
Awww Roger :)
I know Joy ain’t buyin it
With how alike Randall and Joy are, I wonder if they know each other
Of course Roz is head of Merc
As much as I want Randall to reform, it’s still fun seeing him as a villain
Oh shit, Chet :0
You know what? Good for Chet
Tylor and Val bonding with Ben 😭😭😭😭😭😭
CHOMPY IS CRYING 🥹🥹🥹🥹 (also Joy’s face lmao)
Holy fuck that was a good episode. And the last line “Home Run, kid. Home run.”
My one complaint is that we didn’t see Oozma Kappa BUT we’ll see if there’s a season 3
I gotta change my headcanons with Atlas and Sam but they’ll definitely reform Randall in the future
All I gotta say for now is that Atlas’ disappointment is immeasurable and their day is ruined
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Roger/Henry J. Waternoose IV Angst, Hurt/Comfort, and Fluff Headcanons:
Roger was obviously in a psychologically abusive relationship with his father
He has a very healthy relationship with his mom and she is quite the doting mother who DEFINITELY coddles him...A LOT
It's canonically proven that mentioning his real name triggers the memory of being perceived as being just as awful as his dad but likely triggers the psychological abuse his dad burdened him with
His mom and dad had a VERY rocky relationship and his mom filed a divorce towards her husband after the whole "kidnapping children" incident and took full custody of Roger
Roger would frequently have nightmares about his dad regarding the psychological abuse he'd been through
Most likely the psychological abuse still takes a toll on Roger that his dad may have blackmailed him to do his bidding regardless of the fact of Roger regretting it
Being with the MIFT team helps him cope with his trauma, especially looking up to Fritz as the father he never had
Roger and Duncan likely bond over the fact of both of them being Mamma's boys
When he's not working at Monsters Inc., Roger works a part-time job as a safari guide at the Monstropolis Zoo (which this headcanon is likely inspired by the fact his VA plays a field guide in both Jumaji movies)
Roger has a HUGE collection of personilized collectable keys
Even though he won't admit it, Duncan actually enjoys singing along to the songs that Roger sings but prefers to do it in private in his "secret office" away from his fellow MIFTers that only Smitty and Needleman know about that he prefers that they would not say a word about it
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wreckrinho · 2 months
guys...hear me out... duncan x tylor x roger...
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Reeaaly fast doodl!!! Omg i love em and i want them to be happy together--- :DDDDDD
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akisaotome98 · 3 months
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As a fan of the Monsters Inc. saga,
I have several theories and headcanons about various characters.
I have one of a character who is my favorite from the monsters at work series, Henry Jerome Waternoose IV, aka Roger Rogers.
Henry Jerome Waternoose IV, aka Roger Rogers: As the series tells it, is the son of Henry J. Waternoose III, the former CEO of Monsters, Inc., and the late Wendy Rogers Waternoose (née Campbell), a former idol in her youth and Monsters, Inc.'s top scarer.
My headcanons about Roger are that he has borderline intelligence with mild signs of ADHD, and that he is an orphan of the mother.
The theory, as the age of 5, he saw his mother come out of a door after having scared a human child, falling to the floor of the scare floor and foaming at the mouth, and see how the CDA carried his mother in a dome to the hospital.
One week later, his mother died of rabies because she was bitten by a rabid dog of the human world.
This created a great trauma in Roger and a fear of humans, because his father told him that humans and animals belonging to the human world are completely toxic to monsters.
On her first day of school, he was bullied at school for being “different”; That made his father took him to neurologists and psychologists to “fix” his mental disability; seeing that no specialist could “fix” him, his father was very strict, authoritarian and overly demanding in order to make him “normal.”
Roger inherited his passion for music from his late mother, and learned to play the ukulele at the age of 5 by listening to the songs his mother sang when she was an idol.
At the age of 10, Roger found his passion for mechanics and photography.
In his Preadolescence; His father enrolls him in a special education school,due to their difficulties in learning , and forbids his son from telling people about his neurodivergence, and that he goes to a special education school, so that people do not discriminate against him and mistreat him.
At the age of 20, Roger discovers the machiavellian plan of Randall and his father, this causes him to have a very big argument with his father and be disinherited from the family business, as a response to that he runs away from home and goes to live in New Squeland with his maternal uncle and aunt, and cousins.
5 years later, at the age of 25, Roger receives a call from Monsters Inc. of Mike and Sully, warning him that his father is in jail.
He decides to return to Monstropolis and goes to Monsters Inc.
Mike and Sully offer him a job as a repair technician at MIFT and an apartment paid for by the company.
He usually talks on the phone with his father every 15 days and visits him in jail once a month.
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Guess I’m doin all of MIFT
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deltaqueen184 · 5 months
my thoughts on monsters at season 2 ep 1-5
episode 1
i like that we see Tylor family more and just be outside of monster inc more
it nice that val hang out tylor family
tylor why are you complaining to a child also i love that kid was "dude i'm like 6 and i have coloring to in the morning" i hope tylor doesn't have kids
i grad fritz, cutter and duncan are still around i was kinda worried their forgotten
clair what happened to brock did johnny kill him probably not
i was kinda surprise jack and jill were conjoin honestly
idk man i like johnny and clair kids okay there funny
nice parallels man
episode 2
i like roger man he to care more about mift than tylor
good to know how the monsters world treats alternative fuel bad
does anyone else think the guy in the hamster wheel is one of tylor old design kinda what they did back in season 1
honestly if a kid screams and laughter in a giant can make a big explosive and in mu a group of adults could cause a disrupt power in make me think that mixing adults screams and laughter will be nuclear
episode 3
i can't tell if johnny is being stupid and smart while talking to tylor probably the latter
i can't believe this show is woke or something/ joking honestly i find it funny that the reason there at the restaurant tylor is at is cultural appropriation than the place being closed or something
why are so many songs about screams
good job cutting back on the soda fritz also sorry for not getting promote duncan
i can't tylor left his deceased grandfather suit in the closet
roze why are you kissing the waiter did something happend between you and gary did they break up are they i open relationship would they fake dating just to get mike under skin
oh sully i don't think johnny change at all
episode 4
wow fear co is really big
god i love joy so much her design remind me of dragapult from pokemon
chet bubby i don't think johnny love you man
like the chat between rosie and tylor like yeah not everyone can a jokster i guess
i how val or just more to monsters inc treating the kids as kids then a energy source also val could make parent honestly
episode 5
sick burn sully
everyone thinking the stoop is for sale is funny
i ready like old monster lady and her alive scarf thing
tylor had to let go of the past
detective duncan is best duncan also absent father which fuels my theory that duncan and declan parents are divorce and with their respected parent
duncan being into gilf ha i really want draw him simping for Tylor grandma
man tylor family is really poor hope they get their big break
also tylor grandma being a former scarcer is awesome
that all for now i'm gonna to draw now
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Saw the first three episodes of S2 of MAW recently! My thoughts:
While it’s early days so far? The world building is a hell of a lot stronger so far compared to season one.
Season one was kind of a mess in this department and yet also somehow too simplistic.
Season one had Tyler get over what would have been a culturally ingrained view of human kids being toxic WAY too fast and just weird aspects like the fact CEOs can just banish and unbanish who they want. There was then no further explanation or look into this frankly weird aspect.
We were also continually trapped at Monsters Inc: beyond I believe a single send up of a baseball game. It felt weak and small. It’s fine to stay in one place for a movie but for a tv series… ehhh.
Season two does a lot better in this area. We have monster society as a whole see comedy as… well a joke and not an exactly dignified practice compared to traditional scaring. We see Tyler’s home and his family together: including his grandma instead of them going one at a time to the factory to see Tyler.
We have them go to MU and they go to a fancy restaurant and a convention in these three episodes.
Even just having Val drive around Tyler on her scooter makes it feel like they’re in a real city. It feels wider. It’s a good choice: having those scenes where she drives him around.
Tyler just isn’t that funny and I’m glad his act is getting old.
I think in retrospect it was… a little off to me that season one seemed like it was going to have this wake up call for Tyler. For him realise he just wasn’t a good comedian. That the mifters would all be better at it than him at it and then it… just seemed to side step it with a doughnut joke that isn’t even that funny.
And it gets old for the kids here! Which I like!
Honestly a potential downside to the comedy idea is that it’s also just plain harder I think to be consistently funny as opposed to being scary. Jokes get old faster than heart palpitations do. If it didn’t have the ten times the energy advantage it probably wouldn’t be viable. And I like we got to see that Tyler is a good scarer at the convention. He has options. He doesn’t have to be a comedian honestly.
Also maybe they’re picking up that plot point again with regards certain Mift characters because Val seems to know the kids better. Are they setting her up to be a comedian? I could see it working out better for her. She can connect with kids better. Either Tyler becomes a scarer or a comedy assistant. Either works.
Query for myself: Hell one could argue maybe another issue is like. Monsters are talking to kids. When do they stop? Like at what age? Will this expose the monster world? Like Tyler’s heart to heart with a six year old was kind of funny because I wasn’t expecting it but like… bro. I have to wonder about the ramifications here. I’m wondering what the heck the CDA are doing. Like I think when a kid hits double figures it gets a bit dangerous.
Also will other monsters still scaring mean sometimes comedy doesn’t work as well on kids and vice versa? Or what? Maybe comedy means it’s actually scarier when a Fear Co employee has a turn because they don’t know what to expect. Who knows. I mean even if they don’t share kids. Kids have friends. They talk.
Val is well written here and feels like a real person. I didn’t dislike Val in season one but she does feel more of a real person here. She’s still wild and zany but she seems more… cohesive. It’s a little difficult to explain as this is more of a vague feeling I have about her than anything concrete. But I did think Val was fine in s1: I just like her much more here.
Negatives Less Duncan :( I miss that green asshole.
I mean I get why. Tyler is the main character and he isn’t at MIFT anymore. But he is still the best of the new characters. I have to be real here. Just.. have him go to the floor more to deliberately antagonise his bf Tyler? Come on.
Johnny was wearing what looked like a Hugh Hefner suit in that restaurant and I have no idea how to feel about that. Also I suspect he left that card on purpose.
From what I gather Rodger Rodgers is a popular character: but honestly haven’t really seen anything yet as to why that is. I don’t hate him but he’s just kind of… there with a random line about how his name sounds fake. Maybe he’ll shine later ?
I have been spoiled on the s2 finale in some regards: and I have to be real what I heard leaves me apprehensive because it sounds really off to me. But I’ll try to keep an open mind for now.
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capturingdisney · 2 years
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Monsters at Work Episode 1.02 - Meet Mift
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