#Mika Rose Masaki (OC)
doodling-doodle · 1 year
The Rose Gold Kings (CH.1)
The Kings of The Rose Gold Kingdom, John and Philllip Price. 
They were the Kings since they were in their early twenties, as John’s parents stepped down shortly after their wedding.
Their heirs for the throne was a easy choice, but a difficult situation.
Their son, Kyle Garrick Price, was only nineteen at the moment. They knew that his guard and head of the royal guard, Alex Keller, and he were in a relationship. Had been since they were children.
But as their son got older, they found themselves thinking about how they ended up with their child.
The first part of the royal au! I hope y'all enjoy
“My love, you know when the next attack is planned, don’t you?” Phil asked as they got ready for the day.
“I do. Unfortunately, Alex will have to be sent on it.”
He nodded, “When do we tell Kyle that we know?”
“Not until we marry them.” He chuckled slightly, “he would panic, he and Alex both. I don’t want to do that to him. They don’t know that we’ve known for the last… four years, roughly. They don’t need to.”
Phil nodded, smiling softly, “I suppose thats true.”
He turned around, seeing Phil had just put his crown on, picking up the three Golden rose pins to go on his suit jacket collar. He smiled, slowly going up to him, “you just keep getting more and more beautiful every time you put this on.” he gently snaked his arms around Phil’s waist, resting his head in the crook of his neck, seeing him smile, pinning the roses on his suit
“So do you, John. That cape does need to get fixed, though.”
“I’ll get it taken care of. I have to go down to the village today anyway.”
Phil turned around to face him, resting his hands on his husband's chest, “shall we stay here longer or get our day going, my King?”
“Let’s go, my love.”
They walked to the dining hall, and they saw their guards, and Kyle's lady, Kaida, walking with him and Alex.
Kyle's braids were out, instead soft butterfly locs in their place. But it was too early in the morning for Kaida to have done that on him, carefully tied with three locs and low on his head to not hurt his head.
Alex had to have done it. He had always been doting on him, but, recently, threats to kidnap the Prince of the Rose Gold Kingdom had been pouring in, so Alex had gone to check on him earlier in the morning as of recent.
"Father! Papa!" Kyle called out as they saw them.
"Hello, my son." John replied as he ran up to them, hugging them, "your hair looks nice today."
"Thank you! Kaida was up early, she helped me with it."
Lie. But, they had gone through so much trouble to hide it. So, they decided to be quiet.
"You did well, Kaida." Phil said, smiling.
She curtsied to them, "it's no problem, my kings." 
And they turned to Alex as he bowed to them, "your majesty’s."
They'd give him credit on a million things he's done, but, one, even if he had known and been "Best friends" with the prince since they were little, he had always been very respectful towards everyone. He never felt privileged with his friendship with Kyle… His relationship with Kyle.
“Sir Alex.” Price replied, “Where might Madam Farah be?”
“Already at the Dining hall.”
“Ah, I see. Let’s go see them, shall we?”
They all nodded, and they walked to the dining hall. Normally, Kyle would be sitting across from his fathers, closest to the door, but, he had been sitting next to Alex for a while now. John could see the barely hidden joy in their face’s when they started doing that. It was for his safety.
“Madam Farah, Sir Alex, please come with us to the throne room.” John said, and they nodded, following behind Kyle.
Farah was a good friend of the Royal family, growing up with Kyle, Alex, and the rest of their friends. They suspected that she knew about their relationship, as she was around them more often then not, and redirected anyone looking for the prince while both he and Alex disappeared.
“What can we do for you, your majasty’s?” Alex asked.
“There’s a mission that we need you both to go on.” Phil replied, “You leave in a week.”
They both nodded, and John looked over at Kyle, who clearly was hiding his emotions. The sadness and shock.
“Where do we go?” Farah asked.
“One of Sheperd’s kingdoms.” John replied, “I’m not sure how… prepared they will be. But the threats to the Prince keep pouring in from there. We need to make sure they can’t take him.”
And they knew Alex wouldn’t turn that down, but he still glanced at Kyle.
“You leave in a week.” Phil said, “Prepare the Guard.”
“Yes, my king.” Alex said, bowing to them.
“Your both dismissed.” John said.
They both bowed before leaving the room, and John looked at Kyle, who looked a little nervous, but Kaida walked in.
“Your highness.” she said, bowing her head to all of them before looking at John.
She was only twenty, very young. But John knew her mothers for years, and trusted their child, as Mika was in the guard before she adopted Kaida, and she was very talented and amazing at what she was trained to do. She was an even better mother, along with her wife, Aimi, who used to be a nurse in the med bay. Kaida grew up to be a very kind, gentle, beautiful woman. Tan skin, dark brown hair, brown eyes.
“What might you need, my lady?” Kyle asked.
“I wanted to help you put your braids back in. If you're available?"
He looked at John and Phil, who nodded, and he stood, going down the stairs from his throne, and leaving the room with her.
John sighed. He would always remember how they got their little boy, no matter how long it had been.
They had to look over a destroyed village outside of their kingdom. They had only recently become the kings, John’s parents had stepped down. 
They had gotten to the destroyed village. Parts of it were still on fire. It was from one of their own enemies.
They checked through every home, finding very few survivors and getting them to their kingdom for medical treatment.
"This is just... cruelty." Phil whispered, going through a house, "There were children here. I hope they were safe..."
John sighed, walking through a room.
And they heard a small cry from a different room.
They looked at each other.
"Is that a child?" John whispered. 
They quickly went to that room. And they found a dead woman on the floor.
John saw a small jar floating slightly. And he got closer to the small sound to find a baby wrapped in a blanket in a basket. There was a note, covered in blood.
"They are going to kill me. Please, take care of him. His name is Kyle. He's a magic user. I was never sure what."
"Oh, my god..." He whispered, looking back at the jar. "Telekinesis."
"We have to take him, John." Phil said, tearing up.
"We are." He gently picked up Kyle, trying to calm him down and put him to sleep.
"You'll be alright, little one."
They quickly went back out, seeing the rest of the guard.
"Are there any other survivors?" Phil asked.
"No. We've checked every home- wait, that's-"
"A child. His mother his dead and the father is no where to be seen." Phil said, getting on his horse, reaching down to take Kyle from John's arms, making a sling out of the blanket to carry him.
"Get back to the kingdom, I'll be right behind you." John said, running to his own horse while phil quickly went off to their kingdom.
They had been half talking about kids anyway. They had to take care of Kyle.
And they would.
He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Phil saying something.
He looked over, “Sorry, just… thinking.”
Phil nodded, “So am I.” He sighed, “Kyle won’t take this well.”
“No he won’t… but we must do what we have to. To keep him safe.” He stood. I have to go to the village. Will you be alright?”
“Yes, my love.”
He smiled, “I’ll return soon.”
He went down to the village, going to the seamstress to get his cape fixed.
"Oh! My king! What can I do for you?" 
"My cape was torn, unfortunately." He said, taking it off, "could you help?"
"Of course!" She took it from him, "I am already working on something, would you mind the extra wait? Neither should take me too long."
"I wouldn't mind at all." He smiled, and she nodded, going to the back of her shop with it.
He sat down, waiting for her to finish with the other garment before starting on his. 
He saw a little of it. A dark red dress with black lining. He knew who it was for.
And she walked in.
"Ah, your majesty." She said, bowing to him.
"Mika. It's been a while, hasn't it?" He asked as she sat down.
"It has, sadly. My daughter seems to be at the palace more and more as time goes by. I heard that the whole guard was leaving for the attack on one of Shepherd’s kingdoms?"
"Yes, sadly."
"How is Prince Kyle?"
He smiled, "he's doing great. It's really amazing how fast time went by… I feel like just yesterday I was holding him when he was scared of his magic getting stronger… it was nine years ago."
She sighed, "I feel the same with Kaida. I greatly appreciate what you've allowed my family's legacy to continue, but it feels like she is just… so young."
"She is. But she is a wonderful woman. And I thank you for letting her assist my child."
She smiled, "I am glad that she's done the job well."
"Ah! Mika, you're already here! Wonderful!" The seamstress said as she walked back out with the garment.
She smiled, standing, "thank you, Madam." She said as she took the dress, then turned back to John, bowing to him, "it was delightful to see you again, Your highness."
"You as well, Mika. Tell Aimi I said 'hello', would you?"
"Of course, my king. Enjoy the rest of the day."
She walked out, and he turned to the seamstress.
"I'll start on your cape now, my king." She said, walking back into her back room. 
He sighed, leaning back in the chair and closing his eyes.
Once his cape was done, he went back to the palace, seeing Kyle with Alex and two friends of theirs in the guard, Simon and Johnny, though, they preferred to be called “Ghost” and “Soap”.
He felt his heart crack, looking at Kyle’s face. He looked distressed, upset. Alex nearly put his arm around him, if not for spotting John in the distance.
He just went back to the Palace, to his throne next to Phil’s.
It was now a little over a week since the day that the guard left. Kyle went right to Alex before they left, hugging him tight. When they thought they were alone, they were softly talking, softly and quickly kissing before having to leave.
Kyle’s face was down for so long
John and Phil had seen Kyle upset before. But not like this. 
He barely ate anything for days. He just silently sat with them before they went to the throne room.
Kyle had always been reserved to a degree. Alex and their friends had broken them out of that shell, and he rarely retracted. Only if Alex was away for a while.
“Kyle?” Phil asked, looking over at him.
“What’s going on, little one?”
Kyle just stared down at his lap, “Just… worried about the Guards. We haven’t heard from them in… well, nearly eight days. I’m scared. I don’t know if their okay, and… it worries me.” 
Phil was about to reply, but Kaida ran in the room, screaming.
"Your majesty’s! Forgive me for barging in, but... the guards have returned!"
Kyle stood, running out of the room and to the village.
John followed after him, seeing him jump into Alex's arms, holding him tight, not caring that his suit and cape were getting soaked in blood and dust.
"My prince, your covered in blood." Alex said, almost touching his face before looking up and seeing John, moving his hand to Kyle’s back.
"I don't care. I missed you."
Alex smiled, taking his helmet off, "Come. Let's get you cleaned up." 
John smiled as they walked away, as Alex took Kyle to the castle, to the armory and his room.
He'd have to tell Phil. Their son was so deeply in love with the guard. And it was a good thing. 
They had four years before they could let Kyle get married to him... they were excited.
He walked back to the castle, seeing Alex taking Kyle to his room, they had both changed, and Kyle was still clinging to him.
He saw Phil running up, and he went up to him.
“They all seem unharmed.” He said, holding onto him.
Phil softly nodded, “Our child…?”
“He’s safe now. And he’s with Sir Alex.”
Phil chuckled, looking down the hall at Alex’s room, “Let’s just… let them be happy… maybe stay away from their room.”
John chuckled, looping an arm around Phil’s waist, “Leave them be. Let’s enjoy our own time.”
Phil smiled, letting John lead him through the castle, back to the throne room.
“The attack went flawlessly.” John said, “everyone is alive. Our child is a little safer… And he’s happier. We need to find a way to help him when Alex is gone.”
“Very much so…”
They would think about things they could do.
Until then, it was time for them to relax, knowing they were just a little safer. 
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
A Modern Great War (PT. 9)
Time went by, feeling the same amount of time in a day, but just... so much longer
He had only found Saraxis since Norticus...
but that was about to change.
But he still wouldn't get out of there for a long time...
Four months later…
They had just gotten back from claiming Saraxis' power. He only had the two of them, but it was a start.
He hadn't fully tested how his powers worked yet. But he had a general idea of it. 
He was on watch that night. It was nice, he could just clear his head up there.
“Don’t relax for long, seedling.”
“I know… I just miss everyone. All I see is them crying in those illusions.”
“We can’t really speed up the process."
"I know that. Who's next, anyway?"
"It should be me."
"Give me more details in the morning. Let me clear my head."
But it's hard when you have a bunch of voices in it. And he could've sworn he heard another one. Just a calling whisper again…
He didn't want to pay attention to it.
The next day…
He had just gotten inside, and the others were waking up.
"Anything new?" Richtofen asked.
“Negitive. Not even undead.” 
"Which is good, I suppose." Dempsey said as he entered the room. "Anything with the voices in your head?"
"Invictor is supposed to be next. Not sure where he is, though."
"We'll find out soon. Until then, we need to go on a supply run.”
They went shortly after, and he learned a bit of their old missions together. He was pretty fascinated. It was at the start of the Cold War. The very start. 
"Then the whole 'jump through portals and take your own soul' thing happened and we got stuck in a cycle for like… twenty years until we somehow got out of it, and went a year before we died and ended up here." Dempsey finished.
"How'd you take your own soul?"
"The Summoning Key." Richtofen replied.
"Hm. Any intel on that?"
"I never fully figured out how it worked. But I have a feeling that it's how we ended up here."
"He's right about that." Norticus said.
They just kept walking. They needed food and water. Supplies were low, but since the Dark Aether was a place that was never ending and always changing, they basically had limitless supplies.
Another illusion showed up.
This time of Price.
“Norris, I do not give a single shit what you say, finding Kyle is more important than looking for Shepheard right now. If you want to make your own team, do it, but I am not giving you my Task Force. My son could be dead!”
“Oh, cut the crap, John, he isn’t your son!”
“I sure as hell wish he was. He has called me ‘dad’ for nearly three years! He’s my fucking child!”
He felt horrible…
“Fine. You go and look for a dead man.”
“I will. You can sit this one out.”
 Norris rolled his eyes before walking away, probably out of Price's office.
He sighed before he sat down, looking at a picture he had on his desk.
His favorite picture of them together.
"Dad…" He whispered, taking a step towards it.
"You've only really been gone for a week… there's no way your dead. Right? Please… Please, son…" He very rarely cried, but he started bawling then.
"Kyle, please. I love you, son. Come back… I'll do anything… I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fault…”
“I need you back…”
Graves showed up, sitting on the other side of the desk.
“John… He’s probably okay.”
“He’s alone. Who knows where the fuck he is?! He could be…”
Graves stood, Price did to, and held him tight.
“We’ll get him back… I hope.”
It disappeared.
He just walked away from the settling ashes. He didn’t want to cry in front of them again.
They went back to the safehouse that night with a ton of supplies.
He was cleaning his pistol and knife, trying to get his mind off it.
"Hey, kid."
He looked up at Dempsey,  "yes, corporal?"
"That was Price in that illusion, wasn't it?"
He nodded as Dempsey sat down in a chair across from him.
"Who was the other one? Not Norris, the other one?”
He sighed, “Phillip Graves… his boyfriend.”
"And Price is also your father?"
"It's complicated… my unofficially adoptive dad’s, I guess."
"I wasn't actually adopted. I was twenty-seven when I started calling him dad and since January called Phil pops. I had a… not so good family- and my father was a real piece of shit. I didn't realize how much I needed a father until he came along… then Pops…”
"That whole task force is my family."
"Then why'd you leave?"
"I didn't have much of a choice."
He nodded, "let's hope their alive." He stood, "get some sleep." He left the room
He froze at that. What if they were dead by the time he got there?
He wouldn’t think about that.
The next day…
He woke up before the others. And he couldn’t sleep.
He decided to got out to where no one could see, and test his powers.
It felt so weird. Telekictics on top of all the other ones. But it felt… good. Natural.
"You learn quickly, Seedling."
"I have you."
"You should get back to the house. The others are waking up."
He nodded, and walked back as they were just waking up.
“Hey, sergeant.” Nikolai said when he walked in. 
They waited for the others, geared up, and went out.
They split up for a bit. "This is a bad idea. A damn movie Cliché. Someone's gonna die."
"Or you'll live, just with a few scratches."
"Not helpful, Saraxis."
"I wasn't really trying to be."
"Wow. Leave me out to dry, why don't you?"
He just kept going.
That calling whisper started up, but he could actually make it out
"Come to me. We have a lot to talk about." 
That… that couldn't be, right?
There's no way.
There's no way it was Samatha Maxis.
"It is the only way."
Shit. It was her.
He followed it…
Sure enough. There she was, leaning on a tree. The same gear she had when she was in The Dark Aether.
"What the fuck…?"
"Ja, I know. Shocking. Just, don't freak out."
"I don't think I could even if I tried. I've had voices in my head for the past five months, I've been killing undead, chasing Dark Aether Gods, and many more. This is one of the more normal things I've seen."
"Fair. Well, you probably have some idea of what's going on. I don’t think much needs to be explained. Other then this… We’re connected through the Aether. We’re a part of it. I can talk to you just as the other gods can. I can take control of you. And you can me. I will if I need to.”
He nodded. “So your just here?”
“FIgured I’d try to help.”
“Didn’t you get trapped here?”
“I would’ve been here forever if not for Mika. She managed to get in, I still have no clue how, and managed to get us out. She was one hell of a soldier.”
“She stopped aging too, yeah?”
“She did. Had kids, too.”
“I met Lilith.”
She froze, and looked at him.
“At least, Her callsign is Lilith. I know her name is Kaida, but she was always called that. Surprised you never knew."
"I had to get away from them. Lay low. After all, we're all legally dead. I died in the late 2010's. So did Lizzie. Mika died last year. So did her sister's und Aimi. As far as the world knows, Kaida is the last known descent. Of any of us."
“she was twenty-three, 2016, when I met her. I heard a few stories, just about growing up and her mothers. What a pain it was for them to be able to have her… Nothing about… this.”
“Never told her. She didn’t need to know.”
“Fair… I-”
“Go. We’ll meet again.”
With that, she disappeared into a cloud of purple smoke.
He sighed, and went off, back to-
"Don't. I'm nearby."
Well great.
He went over to him.
There he was.
"Just cut to the chase."
He did.
He passed out again, only to wake up with his powers.
"Good luck."
He really needed it…
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
My Black Ops OC
Earlier today in AMGW. I mentioned an OC. Her name is Mika Masaki
I don't have a drawing yet, so... Gacha Club!
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Captain Mika "Rose" Masaki
One of Takeo Masaki's three adopted triplet daughters, she was the only one to go to the military as soon as she could, following her father's footsteps, and fought in the Cold War
She's a trained sniper, and better at it, but she sought out hand-to-hand combat training, hoping to carry on her fathers legacy
She has her own team of five
Works with CIA, KGB, and BND. She's closest too Samantha Maxis and Frank Woods.
She doesn't know how her father died
Only finds out when Sam comes along and tells her
Her sisters don't know anything
Her girlfriend works as a nurse at her base, while her sisters are civilians
I will give more info about her and her family later, but I just remembered to make this post and it's 10:00 at night, so, later...
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
The OCs in The Rose Gold AU
So, you've probably already seen Mika from this post, but, this has more of the family, and is just for this AU
(No drawings yet, so, gacha club
First off, Kyle's Lady In Wait, Kaida
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The dress isn't as poofy, but, roughly
Second, Mika
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This is the dress she got from the seamstress. She still has her more knightly clothes, but not the armor
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These are the clothes to go under the armor
Then Aimi, Mika's wife
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They adopted Kaida when she was two years old, and they both immediately stepped away from serving the kingdom, though they are still close with John and Phil
Kaida knows about Kyle and Alex, of course. She has to cover for them a lot. Her mothers don't know
Mika's sisters will be present later on
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