#Mike Dodds x reader
agender-wolfie · 4 months
When you’re reading a fic that says it’s gender neutral but then “You wore a short skirt and tied up your hair”
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noellawrites · 9 months
I've had this idea for a while and was wondering if you could please write it (nothing long or anything). How would the yandere svu (all the guys you write for) react to a reader who's just genuinely academically smarter than them. I feel like a few of them wouldn't take it well, and their reactions would be funny. Love your blog.
Mike Dodds is going to love that about you, and he’s going to brag about you to everyone he knows. “Look, this is my brilliant partner!” Only after his father talks to him does he see it as a bad thing, ‘a threat to his manliness.’
Sonny Carisi is going to be happy for you and proud of you, unless it comes to a you vs him situation. Like if you were both studying for the bar exam, or sergeant’s exam? He’s going to manipulate you to make you feel stupid for sure.
Nick Amaro likes a strong partner, so he probably won’t mind much. But if you make him look stupid in any way, he’s going to punish you for sure. And to his kids, he always has to be the smarter one. No question about it, and he’ll hurt you if you disagree.
Rafael Barba is… the worst. If you’re smarter than him, than you’re really fucking smart. He’ll be fine as long as you don’t try to outwit him or prove anything, especially in front of his co-workers. If you do, you’re getting manipulated and punished for sure.
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adarafaelbarba · 5 months
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Sitting across a bar, staring right at her prey
Mike had noticed you looking at him for the past 10 minutes from where you sat at your side of the bar.
"Another beer for you sir." The bartender said, setting another glass of his almost empty beer in front of him.
"I didn't--," Mike started, but the bartender shook his head.
"She did." He said and nodded towards you.
When Mike looked at you again you tipped your head slightly and raised your glass up. From the dim lights in the bar, he could almost make out the lust in your eyes as you smirked.
Maybe after being with Alice for so long, he still got it?
Getting out of his chair he grabbed his drink and moved to you. "Anyone sitting there ma'am?"
"Hopefully you will." Your voice was laced with lust, and he sat down, moving close.
He was embarrassed to say that he was willfully out of practice when it came to flirting. It had been so easygoing when he was with Alice. But now...he had no idea what he was doing.
"Just relax, sir. I won't bite...hard."
@plaidbooks @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @thatesqcrush @alwaysachorusgirl @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @bisexual-dreamer02 @misscharlielulu @xoxabs88xox @muchadoaboutcj @beatrice-san @meetmeatyourworst @thats-jaywalking @cursedashes @mysoulisasunflower @crazy4chickennuggets @imaginelover88 @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @guitita @ladylionstar @achataa @nessamc @peauxheaux @silversprings-mp3 @polkadotpenguin16 @pepperbstark @im-a-slut-for-this-man2 @chickensarentcheap @irishavengersassemble
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
That poly alphabet—could I ask for A, L, Z with Peter Stone, reader, and Mike Dodds? 👀❤️
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Oh Girl! You know I didn’t even think of this but I’m loving it.
I think Mike would be very loving, stays tangled up in you, hands roving all over your body holding you close. I feel like Pete is more practical, he’s the one that gets the wash cloth, that tucks the sheets around you both, turns down the lights, makes sure the place is locked up before he snuggles in behind you.
Mike loves giving head and receiving it. It makes him feel so cared for when you or Peter blow him, like you’re giving him a gift. He loves giving you pleasure, hearing you or Peter say his name. His fav position is having you sitting on his face and Peter riding his cock. He loves behind used for your pleasure.
Peter loves receiving, will hold back as much as he can because he loves both yours and Mike’s mouths on him.
I think Mike is a little subby and goes out of his way to make it about you. He’s not getting off until you’ve gotten off. Peter’s more dommy, he likes it to be about all three of you, he’s doesn’t mind who comes first because he makes sure everyone does. He does love it when the both of you take care of Mike, I think Peter is very aware that Mike has problems with his self worth and there are nights the two of you will spend hours teasing him, edging him, praising him.
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australiancarisi · 1 month
Mike Dodds ~ Family
"Can you please write a SVU x BB crossover where Mike Dodds finds out his new girlfriend is the youngest child of the Reagan family as they hadn’t met via work and neither wanted to bring up their connections and enjoyed the relationship being one that is just themselves and not because of their name etc. " Words: 1451
Anon thank you so much for requesting this, I don't really get requests anymore, I don't really write anymore but ugh this was just amazing to write and made me so happy so thank you :')
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“Would you still be with me even if I was a worm?” Mike’s hand that had been slowly running up and down your spine stopped. You were both lying on his couch, him on his back, you lying on top of him on your stomach. 
“We were having such a nice time” You shot up quickly making Mike groan as you move your weight into his stomach 
“That’s a no!” 
“I never said no” Mike pointed out 
“You didn’t say yes either” 
“Say it” 
“Say. It.” you huffed crossing your arms and pouting like a child. Mike sighed. 
“Yes I would still be with you even if you were a worm” 
“Thanks Mikey Moo back at you” you grinned and leaned forward to give him a kiss. 
“I don’t know where you think of these things” Mike laughed moving you off his lap so he could get up and go to the kitchen. 
“It’s the youngest sibling in me, you wouldn’t get it you’re the eldest child” you playfully rolled your eyes. You and Mike hadn’t been dating long, about 3 months. You’d met in central park, both of you had been on a run and almost like you were in the movies you ran into each other. 
You a bruise on your wrist from where you landed. Your brothers kept making handcuffs jokes at Sunday dinner. 
“Riiiiiiight” Mike opened the fridge and pulled out a beer as your phone pinged on the coffee table. You groaned it was your brother Danny telling you about a case he’d just picked up, all hands on deck. 
“I have to go, got a case” you jumped up, quickly going to Mike for a kiss.
“Be safe” he pecked your lips “are you coming back here?” 
“I’ll see where I end up” you shrugged, kissing him one last time before scrambling to grab your stuff as your phone rang. “yes yes I’m on my way…” 
Mike laughed and shook his head as you headed out the door. Although the relationship was new he knew he was in this for the long haul. He never saw himself with another cop, not when his father was a chief. He always had to prove himself 10 times more than anyone else that the idea of also having a partner be in the NYPD was not on his radar. He’s managed to keep his family out of the relationship, come to think of it neither of you really spoke about your family, his was highly dysfunctional, Mike was just assuming yours was the same or you just weren’t that close. 
Whatever the reason, Mike quite liked that it was just you and him right now. The rest of the SVU squad knew he was in a relationship, there just hadn’t been a chance to introduce you to them yet. He was looking forward to it though. 
It was Mike’s turn to groan as his phone vibrated this time, a message from his dad reminding him of the gala night on the weekend that his presence had been demanded for. He hated these nights. He wished he could have had you be his plus 1 but that would mean meeting his father and Mike wasn’t ready to pop the bubble the two of you had been in. 
Mike quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket to send you a text while his dad was distracted by someone. You and Mike had been playing phone tag since you left his apartment earlier in the week. Your case had turned into a big one and you hadn’t had a moment to yourself since and Mike was drowning in paper work. He’s been at this gala for over an hour, shaking hands and being introduced to many people. People his father wanted him to make a good impression on to move up in the ranks. Mike slipped his phone back into his pocket as his father’s attention turned back to him and they continued the rounds around the room. 
“Alright Mike get ready for this one” William nudged him and steered him towards a table. “Commissioner Reagan, nice to see you again” 
“Dodds” the commissioner held his hand out and the two shook hands. “and it’s Sargent isn’t it?” 
“Yes sir Sargent Mike Dodds, nice to meet you Commissioner” Mike stuck his hand out to shake  his hand. 
“Please call me Frank” Frank smiled and shook his hand “I hear you are at SVU now with Captain Benson, good squad” 
“Great squad” Mike said “Definitely different to what I’m used to but learning a lot” there was noise from behind the commissioner who rolled his eyes. 
“Well Dodds you introduced me to your kid I guess I better introduce you to mine, they are being loud enough, you’d think as adults they would mature but apparently not” Frank moved slightly to show the table behind him. 
Mike’s eyes widened. 
“Chief and Sargent Dodds meet my children. Detective Danny Reagan, ADA Erin Reagan, Sargent Jamie Reagan and my youngest Detective Y/n Reagan” 
“Oh my god can you put your phone away for one night?” Erin rolled her eyes at you. You were sat at a table with your family at some gala for the NYPD. Being the commissioners kid meant you had to show up to all these events even though all you wanted to be was curled up on the couch with Mike. Sure Mike could of come but that would of meant outing yourself as the commissioners kid and that’s not your idea of a fun date. There was an asterisks next to your name. No matter how good of a cop you proved yourself to be there was always going to be someone who said you only got there because of your family. And not that you think Mike would be one of those people, you weren’t ready to have the family conversation just yet. 
“She talkin’ to her boyfriend” Danny smirked 
“Boyfriend since when?” Jamie questioned 
“Since none of your business” you shoved him “how did you find out?” 
“Overheard you talking to Baez about him” Danny shrugged “so when do we get to meet him?” 
“If I’m lucky, never” you huffed. Your siblings started to gang up on you, you hadn’t even noticed your father had started talking to someone else. 
“Well Dodds you introduced me to your kid I guess I better introduce you to mine, they are being loud enough, you’d think as adults they would mature but apparently not” your dad said making all of you be quiet. You felt your heart stop as you looked at Mike. “Chief and Sargent Dodds meet my children. Detective Danny Reagan, ADA Erin Reagan, Sargent Jamie Reagan and my youngest Detective Y/n Reagan” 
As in Chief Dodds. 
You mentally face palmed yourself as you made the connection. How had you not put two and two together? You stayed quite as everyone said hello, your dad and chief Dodds began talking about something else. You excused yourself to go get another drink. As you stood at the bar you felt a hand on your lower back. 
“So…commissioners kid….” Mike whispered “didn’t see that one coming” 
“neither did I, son of a police chief” there was a moment of silence “we aren’t very good detectives if we couldn’t put this together” 
“yeah maybe let’s not tell anyone, they might demote us to traffic stops on Staten Island” Mike
smirked making you laugh.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, it’s just a lot to throw at someone. It’s not easy to tell the person you are dating that your father is their boss and I really like you Mike and I love spending time with you and it’s just been so easy and no drama and my family is all drama let me bloody tell you and it’s been so refreshing to just get to be me, y/n. Not a Reagan, not the commissioners kid and-“ Mike cut your rambling off with a kiss 
“I get it” he whispered against your lips. “Son of a police chief. I get it” 
“You’re not mad?” 
“Of course not. How could I be mad? I didn’t tell you about my dad” Mike kissed you again. You heard Erin call out your name. You both turned to see your siblings and both your fathers and your grandfather looking at you. “I guess there’s no hiding my love for you now” 
“I…your…what” you looked back at him “what did you just say?” 
“I love you y/n” Mike smiled down at you “even if you are the commissioners kid” 
“I love you too Mike Dodds, son of a police chief” 
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plaidbooks · 8 months
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Mike Dodds HC - On Love and Sex?
No one ever made you feel as sexy and beautiful as Mike Dodds. The first time you were naked in front of him, you were embarrassed, face heating as you attempted to cover up parts you didn't like.
But he was soft with you, patient. He told you how gorgeous you were and kissed every inch of you. Slowly but surely, he helped you forget about your insecurities, and you grew confident with him.
It was more than just in the bedroom, though. Mike was all about building you up with praise and compliments. He always made sure to tell you how stunning you were every single day.
With him, you learned what being loved and cherished really meant.
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merakiaes · 1 year
Anyone have any requests for Mike Dodds, Joe Velasco, Nick Amaro, Peter Stone? This fandom is so dead and it's making me depressy. I just wanna write something but idk what😭💔
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caracalwithchips · 1 year
Trapped together (Part 1)
I haven’t written anything in over a year, but apparently this is the time of year I get inspired! However, one of my 2023 goals is to finally write out some of the ideas I’ve had for a while. I will continue to post very sporadically, but please let me know if you would like to be tagged when I do (I believe @plaidbooks asked to be tagged on a past post). 
This fic fills the Blizzard square for StoriesofSvu’s 2022 Holiday Bingo @storiesofsvu . It’s my first 2-part fic, and I hope to have the finale uploaded in 1-2 days. 
Pairing: Mike Dodds x Reader
Trigger warnings for a brief mention of serial killer in the “set-up” to the story (skip the 1st paragraph if you’d like to avoid it!)
It had been a busy two weeks of intense investigation by the Manhattan SVU squad on the hunt of what your team now believed to be a prolific serial killer who traced victims new to the city back to their rural hometowns to attack someone in their families. Today, you and Sergeant Dodds had needed to travel through a West Virginia mountain pass following a lead based on a victim who had run away from her small West Virginia community. Her cousin had suffered a mysterious hunting accident only 5 days after her death in the city.
However, when leaving the small county morgue, the local Sheriff informed you and Sergeant Dodds of an impending blizzard and that the mountain pass was unsafe to travel through and would only get worse throughout the night. You both tried to explain you were used to driving in New York winters, but he convinced you both that it wasn’t worth the risk. Instead, the Sheriff directed you to the only motel in a two hour radius where you and Dodds would have to wait out the storm until the roads cleared enough to return to NYC.
It was a small, desolate, dingy highway motel that looked like it usually saw its own clientele of shady individuals. The owner directed you and the Sarg to the only room left that held one queen-sized bed. Everyone who had been traveling through the area had descended upon the hotel in an effort to ride out the storm, and the owner told you both how lucky you were to arrive in time to get the last room.
You and Dodds shared a look. It was one of discomfort and hesitation. There may have also been some mortification on your part with some added on bubble-guts related to your secret penchant for reading “there was only one bed” romance books. There was no way that situation was actually happening to you in your actual real life. With Mike Dodds. The most beautiful man you had ever seen. Also the nicest.
“Are you absolutely certain there are no other rooms?” asked Dodds. The motel owner again confirmed that there was the one queen bed which we could take or leave. “What about any roll-away cots?”
The hotel owner let out the phlegmatic laugh of a 30-pack year smoker. “Where do you think you are, son? This ain’t no fancy place, which is clearer than day to anyone who ain’t blind. Ain’t you some detective? Sheriff Lonnie called ahead and near ordered me to hold the room for you two.”
You stepped in before your sergeant risked offending the only person standing between an unlucky situation and a worse situation. “Then could we at least get some extra towels and blankets, please? As many extra blankets as you have,” you asserted, with your hand on your gun hip to get the point across. You didn’t trust the ancient-looking powerlines outside to be capable of keeping even the small hotel warm and lit. The owner came back a few minutes later, shoved a stack of towels and blankets into your arms, and shut the door behind him.
You turned around and found Dodds with his hand on his head, clearly thinking hard about something. You watched him for a moment before he noticed you watching. Then, with resolution, he grabbed a blanket from the pile and grabbed a pillow off the bed and headed towards the door.
“What are you doing, Sergeant?”
“I’m going to sleep in the car tonight.”
“Are you insane?” you spluttered.
“I’ve slept in worse places than a car.”
“During an Appalachian mountain blizzard? Do you have any idea how cold it’s about to get outside? People die in these kind of conditions, Sergeant.”
“I’ll keep the engine running.”
“The gas won’t last that long and I doubt the car battery will be able to make it through the storm, either, without dying or the engine line freezing.” You knew nothing about cars, but that sounded right.
He leaned with his head against the door and mumbled something you couldn’t understand.
With a big sigh he turned around, “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m not uncomfortable.” This was all uncomfortable, of course you were uncomfortable. “Are you uncomfortable, Sergeant?”
He hesitated, “a little.”
“Would you be uncomfortable if it was Carisi here with you instead?”
He barked out a laugh and ran his hand through his hair. “I would be, although I’m not sure if I’d be more or less so.”
“I personally think I’d be more uncomfortable with Carisi. He strikes me as the type of sleepover guest who keeps everyone else up all night talking then drools all over your mom’s guest pillows.” You both laughed uncomfortably before you continued, “We’ve had too long of a day for worrying about making one another uncomfortable after an already long week trying to find our perp and getting an idea of the extent of how many victims he even has. I’m tired and we’re both grown. We’ve worked together long enough that we can sleep in the same room without it being weird, can’t we?”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make things even more uncomfortable. I just want you to know I respect you and your comfort.” Your heart did a weird somersault before he continued, “and your role as one of my detectives.” Oh. Right. You were going to have to remind yourself to be professional. It’s not like you had the biggest crush of your life on your own Sergeant. That would be career suicide and a recipe for an embarrassing situation that you didn’t have the social grace to handle.
“Of course I know that, that would never be in question, Sir.” There. See? Super professional. Professional was your middle name. “Now, I’m going to try to shower the morgue germs off.”
You carried all of the towels into the bathroom with you. You closed the door behind you and made a face in the mirror after catching a whiff of the moldy air. This was the grossest motel you had ever been in. It had probably been built in the 60s and seemed to have the original brown and mustard carpet, curtains, bedding, possibly even the same towels. You weren’t sure if you wanted to inspect the bed to rule-out bedbugs or if you were afraid to look. It’s not like you could do anything about it.
With a sigh you started shrugging out of your suit. When you were stripped down to your undies, you made a decision. You filled the sink with soapy water and scrubbed your undergarments. Then you took the time to stand with the mini hairdryer attached to the wall to dry them off. You could put up with a lot of things, roach motel included, but you weren’t going to sleep in anything less than fresh drawers. Then you took a quick hot shower and scrubbed yourself dry with a scratchy towel before staring at yourself in the mirror and thinking about the sleeping arrangements.
You really didn’t want to sleep in your suit pants after traipsing through the rural crime scene and a morgue, but you also didn’t want to make your already uncomfortable boss more uncomfortable. You were very grateful that you threw on a t-shirt under your blouse that morning. Still, it barely reached the top of your thighs and your lacey underwear were quite visible. You left the t-shirt on, wrapped a towel around your waist for the walk to the bed, and stepped outside of the now-steamy bathroom and walked, with pretend confidence, towards the bed.
With your head held high and eyes aimed on your destination you strode further into the room…and tripped right over your sergeant who was laying on the floor. You caught yourself after falling on your knees and looked behind you with a look of exasperation.
“WHAT are you doing?” you yelled at the same time apologies were spilling out of his mouth and he was trying to help you up. At some point the towel had fallen off from around your waist so you jumped up the distance between the floor and the bed and quickly pulled the covers over you.
“I’m so sorry, I was trying to find the cleanest part of the carpet to sleep on. I assumed you would see me?”
“No I didn’t see you Sergeant, why would I expect to see you on the floor? Why are you on that disgusting floor? Do you know what kind of things get trapped in a 60 year old rundown motel carpet? Please get up!”
“I thought it would be better if I slept on the floor. I told you I’ve slept in worse places,” he smiled sheepishly and made no move to get up from the floor.
“Sergeant, am I more repugnant than that filthy floor?”
His eyes grew wide as saucers, “Y/N, no!! Of course not! How could you think that?”
“I think that because you continue to sit on the floor.”
He stood up and looked lost. “I….where am I supposed to sleep if not in the car and not on the floor?”
You stared in confusion at his confusion. “Sergeant, in the bed. Next to me. Surely that’s better than a car in a blizzard or a motel room floor?” He turned red from his neck to the tips of his ears. He seemed at a loss for words.
“If it would make you more comfortable, we can pile a bunch of these extra pillows and towels in between our sleeping bodies. You know, so that I do not mistakenly accost you in the night.”
“I never! I never thought…” he stammered.
“Of course not. I’m teasing you, mostly, but I certainly don’t expect you to sleep on the floor and considering where we are I would prefer you did not.” You piled up two extra blankets lengthwise in the middle of the bed. When he remained standing where he was, you shrugged, laid down, and turned over on your side. You really were tired and this was a mentally exhausting case. You didn’t have the energy to spend anymore time coaxing your sergeant into a somewhat comfortable sleeping arrangement nor to convince him that you could both behave like adults. You heard him shuffle into the bathroom and you heard the water start. You pulled the blankets tighter around you. The wind howled outside and despite the old heating system being turned up to its highest number, the room felt very cold. You pulled your knees up to your chest hoping to conserve heat.
You must have been close to dozing off because what felt like only a few minutes later you felt the far side of the bed dip and heard the lamp click off. The bed moved a little as Dodds tried to get comfortable. You weren’t sure if you should say goodnight or continue looking like you were asleep, so you decided to stay as you were. Part of your decision came from the fact that you were so cold, you couldn’t bare the thought of uncoiling from your fetal position. As you started feeling heavier with sleep, you wondered if you had been shivering because you felt another blanket being placed over you. A hand very lightly squeezed your shoulder as you heard a whispered “Goodnight, Detective” before falling fully into sleep.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Hey girl! Glad you have some time off!
How about Mike Dodds - "what exactly am I looking at here?"
hahahah I MEAN, i only work 2-3 days a week anyways LOL. but having particularly Saturday off is weird cause our numbers are usually higher on Sat (hence why im the second bartender in, it's more guaranteed that i'll end up working) but it's a long weekend so i guess not this week (but ive gotta manage tmr so...)
ALSO, gonna do these as like, little blurbs/sceanrios so i don't put too much effort into them and lose all the motivation to work on the ch's i'm also doin rn lol
You loved Mike with all of your heart, you had from the moment you'd laid eyes on him. Goofy grin on his cheeks, laugh barely faded from them, sparkle in his eye as he joked with a friend. Then he glanced your way, catching you watching and everything from the smile to the sparkle grew by a tenfold. You blushed, quickly glancing away before looking up again and his gaze was still on you, the smile softer, but one that you'd never forget.
It didn't take much longer after that first night for the two of you to fall in love. You spent each weekend together, exploring the city and taking full advantage of the autumn celebrations. As the weather cooled you took even more advantage of the excuse to curl up inside on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, giving Mike puppy dog eyes until he gave you all the perfect cuddles you desired. You were engaged on New Year's Eve, at an intimate yet fancy party at the Dodd's brownstone and there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
You had the perfect life together, and not long after the wedding you gained another family member when you gave birth to your first child. After your second was born, Mike started to feel a little apprehensive about continuing on his work with the NYPD. He wanted to make sure that you and the kids would always have him, that he wasn't going anywhere and he couldn't guarantee that with his career. So he put in his papers, retired from the NYPD with a full pension to be a stay at home dad and he had never been happier.
Mike was an amazing husband, and he was an even more incredible father. You weren't sure how he would handle it at first but he was an absolute rock star. You'd get the kids up in the morning together before Mike would give you a kiss and the kids would swarm you with hugs before you left for work. And each day when you got home dinner was at least started if not ready while the kids were tuckered out on the couch occupied with tv, colouring or playing quietly together. They'd tell you about how Dad took them on adventures each day, and occasionally you'd get presents from places like the zoo or aquarium, or sometimes even just a cool rock from their time at the park. Whatever adventures they went on you were never really sure, especially on the days that they didn't leave the house.
That was until you decided to call it a half day and left work early. You picked up a pizza, some soda and a case of beer for Mike on the way home. You knew you were earlier than normal so you expected a little bit of a surprise, but you certainly weren't expecting what was on the other side of the door.
The living room was both torn apart and put back together. The torn apart meant the cushions of the couch were gone, blankets strewn across the room. The put back together meaning that they were all intricately hung up around the room, stuck to the ceiling beams and extending out, pinned to the walls on either side. It appeared they'd used every blanket and towel in the house to make the ultimate blanket fort, full of every single pillow and the blow up mattresses you used for guests. The fort overtook the tv and you could hear it playing, little giggles and laughter coming from within. You placed your shopping down on the counter and the sound alerted Mike, his head popping out of the corner of the fort. He had that wicked bright smile on his face and you couldn't help but smile in return.
"What...exactly am I looking at here?" You asked, raising a brow and Mike laughed. Before he could even reply the shrieks of your children echoed through the room before they burst from the fort, racing toward you for hugs and kisses.
"Daddy helped us make the best fort!" Your daughter squealed, shrieking as you scooped her up, peppering her face with kisses.
"It's real cozy inside!" Your son explained, accepting the kiss you dropped onto the top of his head.
"I'll bet. How about you two go wash your hands and we can have dinner?" They scurried off down the hallway as Mike crawled out of the fort.
"You're home early." He greeted you with a tender kiss, "sorry. i was planning on having it all cleaned up."
"Don't worry about." You popped up on your toes to kiss him once more, "I got pizza. is it really that comfy in there?" You nodded toward the fort and he laughed, but nodded.
"Surprisingly so."
"Well, it's almost halloween, let's do some festive movies and have dinner in the fort."
There were gleeful shrieks from both kids at that, jumping up and down as they got to choose what kind of pop they wanted with their dinner. Mike wrangled things while you got changed into something cozier and the four of you made your way back into the fort. Mike tossed an arm around you as the two of you leant back into the bottom of the couch and once pizza was done you each ended up with a kid on your lap. Wiped out from their full adventure day with dad it didn't take long before both of them were asleep in your arms and you were carrying them to be tucked into bed.
"I'll clean this up." Mike murmured, kissing your cheek as he nodded toward the living room and you let out a little hum.
"Why don't we leave it for the weekend? Have a little more fun."
"Ya sure?"
"Yeah." You looped your arms around his shoulders, kissing him again, "i love you."
"i love you too."
________________ @fandom-princess-forevermore @hhroadgirl @qvid-pro-qvo @skittle479 @altsvu  @lawandorderimagines @whimsicallymad @classylady1234 @averyhotchner @mysticfalls01 @plaidbooks @mrsrafaelbarba @ssaic-jareau @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirl @rafivadafreddy @australiancarisi @wandas-wife @thestarrynightslover @lustvolle-liebe @sia2raww @cycat4077@xoxabs88xox @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @borg-queer @misscharlielulu
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agender-wolfie · 4 months
When you get into a fandom but 99% of the fics are fem and are unlabeled or untagged
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svucarisiaddict · 2 years
Could I please request #21 "touch her and I'll kill you" with Mike Dodds please?
Prequel to THIS
“Well, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Peter asked. He wrapped you in a hug and kissed the top of your head. 
You relished in Peter’s affection. The familiar scent of his cologne was comforting. “Just missed my big brother,” you said. Since moving in with Mike you didn’t get to see Peter as much as you would have liked.
“I’ve missed you too, kiddo.” Peter released you to arm's length. “I think you’ve grown.” He smirked and put a hand on top of your head.
“Shush,” you chuckled and playfully slapped his hand away. Since you could remember your stature had always been a joke in the family. You bite your bottom lip and crossed your arms over your chest.
“What’s wrong?” Peter asked. His brow furrowed with worry.
“Nothings wrong. Not really. I mean…,” you sighed. “I just have some questions.”
“About what?”
“Mike,” you stated. “I never noticed before but he seems to have an anger problem.”
Peter’s jaw clenched. 
“Not with me,” you reassured Peter. “If anything he’s overprotective, almost territorial,” you countered. 
Peter’s face noticeably relaxed. “Are you hungry? I can make us soup,” he offered. 
“I’m always hungry,” you said. You followed Peter into the kitchen. “Is it canned soup or did Marta make it?”
Peter raised one eyebrow. “Marta. I don’t do canned soup.”
“Right,” you said, rolling your eyes. Peter could be so stuck up sometimes. Where he got it was a mystery. No one else in the family acted like that. “I’ll get bowls,” you offered.
Peter took a plastic food storage container from the refrigerator and then poured the contents into a saucepan. He slowly stirred the soup. “So, you had some questions about Mike?”
Taking a deep breath you relayed your concerns. “We went to a club over the weekend with some other friends. Some random guy started dancing up on me. I pushed him away but Mike saw and…” you trailed off. The look in his eyes gave you chills. His beautiful, soulful green eyes turned vacant. It was like he wasn’t him.
Peter turned from the stove. “And?”
“It was like a switch flipped in his brain. He-he broke the guy's hand,” you answered. “No warning, nothing. Just grabbed his hand a broke it.” 
Peter stared at you for a minute. “Is that it?” 
You shrugged. “Yeah but I’ve never seen that side of him. It was kind of scary.” 
Peter ladled the soup into the bowls on the counter. “Well, he was protecting you. That is his job,” Peter said matter of factly.
“I’m not a job. I’m his girlfriend,” you defended. “Have you seen him be that aggressive or violent?”
Mike had been a  part of the security team since he left the NYPD for reasons that you were not privy to. And sure protecting you was technically part of his job but the recent incident was excessive. 
Peter sighed. “There’s a reason I hired him, Y/N.” He took the stool beside you. “As long as he is good to you and keeps you safe there’s really nothing else to discuss.”
You opened your mouth to say something but you got the impression that you weren’t going to make Peter understand your concerns. Instead, you ate the soup and listened to Peter talk about a ranch in Montana he was interested in buying. Maybe you were overreacting. Mike was a good guy. He loved you and did keep you safe. Maybe it was just an isolated incident. That’s what you hoped.
When you returned home a couple of hours later you were surprised to find Mike at home. You pushed your conversation with Peter and the nightclub incident out of your head. Instead, you decided to concentrate on the good things about Mike.
“Hey, babe. I didn’t think I’d see you until late tonight,” you said. 
Mike looked up and smiled from where he was sitting on the sofa reading a book. He closed the book and stood from the sofa making his way to you. “Job got canceled,” he informed you. His hands went to your hips. 
“Lucky me,” you smirked. You stretched onto tippy toes to kiss him. 
Mike pulled you close to his body and return your kiss. “I got something for you.”
“Oh, yeah? And what would that be?” you asked biting your bottom lip and lowering your eyes.
Mike chuckled. “That’s for later.” He gave you a wink and then went to his office. When he returned he had his hands behind his back. “Close your eyes,” he instructed. 
You grinned and did as he asked. 
Mike stood behind and moved your hair from your neck. “Okay, open your eyes. I was in Chelsea and walked past this little antique shop. When I looked in the window I saw this.”
“Mike,” you gasped. “It-it’s beautiful.” You fingered the delicate silver chain. There was a dark red ruby pendant with silver fringe hanging from the chain. 
“I thought you’d like it,” Mike said. 
You turned in his arms. “I love it. Thank you.” 
Mike cupped your face and gently ran his thumb across your cheek. “Do you know how gorgeous you are? And how much I love you?”
“Not half as much as I love you,” you responded looking up at him and  placed a hand on his chest.
“If only it were that easy,” your co-worker, Susan, said with a laugh as you walked to your cars. 
You hefted the bag higher on your shoulder. “Yeah. No doubt,” you replied. Work had been good but you couldn’t wait to get home.
“Must be nice,” Susan said, motioning to your car. “Wish I had a boyfriend that left me flowers.”
When you looked, there was a large bunch of wildflowers on the hood of your car. Right away you knew they weren’t from Mike. The reason you knew this was that Mike was out of town until tomorrow. And it wasn’t Peter’s style. If your brother wanted to give you something he gave it to you personally. So, when you saw the flowers you knew they were from Tate, your co-worker.
You forced a smile. “Yeah.”
“Hey, have a great weekend,” Susan said.
“You too.” 
Susan waved to you as she pulled away.
“Hope you like wildflowers,” a man’s voice said from behind you.
At the sound of Tate’s voice, you jumped. You turned to face him. “Tate. I can’t accept these,” you said tersely, shoving the flowers back at Tate.
It was the third time in two weeks that he had left you flowers. There were also dinner invites, bringing you coffee and pastry from your favorite shop. Not to mention the “accidental” touching, calling, texting, and emailing. 
When it first started you politely declined or ignored him. He knew you had a boyfriend. Tate had even met Michael at a company outing.  Recently though you had to become more aggressive but apparently he wasn’t going to give up. 
Tate took several steps toward you and took the flowers from your hand. “I hear Mike is out of town,” he said. “Thought you could use some company.”
Your eyes grew wide and your chest got tight. “How-”
A sinister smile crossed his lips. “I just know things.”
Your cell rang in your purse but you couldn’t move. It stopped then rang again. With a shaking hand, you fished your phone from the bottom of your purse. “Hel-hello?” you said. “Hi, Peter. No I’m leaving work now,” you said as you unlocked your car, opened the door then got in not taking your eyes off Tate. “I’ll be there in 15 minutes.” 
You made it to Peter’s house in less than 10 minutes breaking numerous traffic laws along the way. The entrance gate felt like it took a lifetime to open. Your eyes darted around looking to make sure Tate didn’t follow you.
As the gate closed behind you felt safer. You took in a deep, cleansing breath. Fin was walking out of the house as you pulled around the large circular drive. 
“Hey, kid,” Fin called out with a smile. He met you at your car.
“Hi,” you said. “Can I talk to you for a minute? I need a favor.”
“Of course. What do you need?”
“I need this to stay between us. Peter or Mike can’t know,” you requested.
Fin furrowed his brow. “Are you okay?”
“Um,” you responded in a shaky voice. “Kinda.” You went on to explain what was going on with Tate and what you had done so far to try to take care of the situation yourself.
Fin rubbed his hands together. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it.”
A flood of relief went over you. “Thanks, Fin,” you said giving him a hug. 
“No problem.”
Michael spun the keys around his finger while he waited. At first, he was upset that you went to Fin about Tate instead of him. But as he thought about it he understood why you did it. Then he watched as Tate walked from the convenience store to the car. Tate got in, closed the door, and placed his bags on the passenger seat.
“It’s too bad you didn’t heed my warning,” Mike said in a low voice from the backseat.
Tate froze. “I-I-”
Michael shoved the butt of his Glock into Tate’s side. “Shut up. You had a chance. Now, start the car and start driving,” Michael instructed. He directed Tate to an abandoned warehouse. 
Tate was sniffling when the pair exited the car. “Hey, man. I promise I won’t-”
“Too late,” Michael stated simply. “What did I say?”
Tate was sobbing now and mumbling so bad that Mike couldn’t understand him. He took a breath. “If I touched her, you would kill me,” he bawled.
Mike nodded. “Yeah. You were lucky actually, the first time. Typically I don’t give any warnings,” Mike stated. “Turn around. Get on your knees and put your hands behind your head.”
“Oh, God. Please, don’t,” Tate cried out.
“I really don’t have the time for this,” Mike sighed. He raised his gun and pulled the trigger shooting Tate between the eyes. 
Tate’s body hit the ground with a thud.
Mike put his gun back in the holster and pulled his cell phone from his pocket. He typed a quick text out to the cleaners, then to Peter to let him know things were taken care of.
“Damn. This was my favorite shirt,” Mike said when he saw the blood splatters on his T-shirt. 
Mike smiled when your number came up on the phone screen. “Hey, babe. Yeah, just finishing up something. I’ll be home in about an hour. Spaghetti sounds good. Love you more.” He ended the call and then started walking back to his car. 
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noellawrites · 1 year
How about the yandere SVU characters you write for, the reader gets pregnant from a one night stand with them. Where they slept with the reader (pre yandere feelings) and then the reader gets pregnant. The reader finds them and asked them about what they should do. Then the yandere feelings develop.
warnings: discussions of pregnancy, abortions, adoptions and overall themes of forced pregnancy and loss of bodily autonomy
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Sonny is immediately thrilled. this man was BORN to be a father. an abortion is absolutely out of the question to him (unless your life is in danger). he steps up immediately and proposes to you, asks you to move in, calls up and tells his mom and all of his sisters, never lets you out of his sight and never shuts up about it at work. he doesn't even ask you how you feel about it and he frankly doesn't care. as far as Sonny's concerned, this is a miracle sent by God himself.
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Nick is pretty happy about it. he loves being a dad to Gil and Zara, so what's the harm in one more? just know he's going to rope you into mothering his other kids, too. the more he can keep an eye on you and make sure you're safe, the better. Nick's an expert of being a dad by now, and if you have any doubts about keeping the baby, he'll make false promises about how much he'll be there for you and the kids.
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Mike is excited at the prospect of making his parents happy and exerting control over you and your body. finally, the Dodds family will have an heir. he is strict about your diet, makes sure you take your vitamins, forces you to exercise with him. he's basically a pain in your ass. Mike's worst nightmare is giving the baby up for adoption. a Dodds baby? in the custody of a complete stranger, being raised away from its true family? no way.
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Rafael is very nervous at first. his initial concern is making sure he treats this child absolutely nothing like his father treated him while still controlling you. he can't have you running around the city, going to work or being far away from him. you're the vessel of his child, of course! you start to worry Rafael likes the baby more than you (which might be true tbh). he talks to your belly but won't talk to you if you've disobeyed him. don't worry baby, you'll be safe in daddy's arms soon.
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
Mike finding out he’s gonna be a dad?
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«Are you serious right now darling?!»
You were at a loss for words, still trying to grasp the news yourself.
«The test says so, well, tests, I took three.»
A wide grin broke across his face as he pulled you in for a hug.
«I can’t wait to become a dad!»
@thatesqcrush @storiesofsvu @plaidbooks @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @appletreesinwinter @misscharlielulu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @bisexual-dreamer02 @xoxabs88xox @beatrice-san @meetmeatyourworst @bullet-prooflove
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Law & Order SVU Master List
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Hasim Khaldun Masterlist
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Ivan ‘Dutch’ Hernandez
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Joe Velasco Masterlist
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Mike Dodds Masterlist
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Mike Duarte Masterlist
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Nick Amaro Masterlist
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Peter Stone Masterlist
Rafael Barba Masterlist
Sonny Carisi Masterlist
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Terry Bruno Masterlist
William Dodds Masterlist
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Law & Order: SVU Pairings Masterlist
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plaidbooks · 2 months
How do you think Mike’s Pokémon would react once he starts dating someone seriously?
Umbreon is the happiest, knowing her trainer is happy. She love you and will cuddle on both your laps for scritches.
Hitmonchan is a little annoyed--not with you, but with Mike. In the beginning of the relationship, Mike hangs out with you and skips training. Hitmonchan is known to break out of his ball and (not-so-gently) punch Mike in the shoulder to remind him.
Poliwrath is happy as long as he still gets his walks. Though he's mostly on land and trains in sparring with Mike and Hitmonchan, he loves going to the park and swimming in the lake. You and Mike normally take a walk in the park as a date and Poliwrath is thrilled.
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qvid-pro-qvo · 2 years
Qvo, my beloved, could I ask for a meet cute with Joe Velasco x female!reader? Maybe they meet via Tinder for a date, or bump into each other at a coffeeshop? (If you don’t want to write Joe, then Mike Dodds would be fine, too!)
Thank you love ❤️
mike is definitely going to be late. there’s no getting around it.
it hadn’t been a terrible day. just an inconvenient one. bumper-to-bumper traffic, rain so thick he could barely see. so he wasn’t shocked he was going to be late, but it still put a damper on his morning. especially once he left the apartment and realized very quickly that he didn’t have his umbrella.
okay. wet. late. cold.
like he said. inconvenient.
he manages to find a cabbie crazy enough to get him close to work. holds a paper over his head as he jogs towards one police plaza. once he gets inside, everything will be okay.
and the he turns a corner too fast, and his legs are taken out from under him by a puddle with a vengeance.
his back hits the pavement first, and his old shoulder wound explodes with new pain as he lands more on that side. the air is knocked out from his lungs, and for a second he wheezes as he struggles to sit up.
“oh, my god,” someone shouts above him, “are you all right?”
a simply inconvenient day has now turned into a shitshow. he’s in a lot of pain, his ass is soaked, and he’s so, so late.
and then he opens his eyes, and he sees you. the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. and everything else seems to fade away.
“are you okay?” you ask again, eyes wide with something very close to fear. he can’t stop looking at them, bright and clear and brilliant compared to the dingy day all around him. “you fell hard.”
“i am now,” he says, and maybe he’s a little delirious. but he really, truly means it as he smiles up at you from the wet pavement. “mike dodds.”
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