thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Eight years and now it is just referred to as...The Incident, because of Ulysses’ I desire to become realm master, or LORD of WITCHES as he called it.  He came back in the body of his own brother, Antoni Rocha, a prince of Selvadorada, and a powerful witch. Then after the War of the Witches, he returned in the body of his very own son, Neville Rocha, it was Neville’s body that came to the graduation party for me, and Joseph that to begin his plan to seat me as the realm master, then destroy me, and take the throne for himself.
The council met, and discussed how to finally defeat this monster, that seemed to live on in the bodies of those he had taken.
SIMON- “He controls their bodies, so we know his spirit is stronger than any witch, we have ever encountered.  We will have to look into the dark magics to conquer him, that is the only way.”
MILA- “I agree, Simon, this magic he uses is black magics, and the only way to defeat it is to use it against him.”
ALEX- “Tiberius and Joseph, should in no way be involved in this, especially Tiberius, as he is a descendant of this evil magic, and it could be dangerous to him.”
TIBERIUS- “But me being of his blood may be the only thing that can destroy it, Grandfather!! “
MILA- “No!  Ty. I agree with Alex, we can not take that chance.  He could kill you, then take your body, along with your gifts and powers, and he would be indestructible and we would have no way to defeat him then.”
TIBERIUS- “Mother, he can not kill me!! and grandmother said----
ALEX- “Ty, you are his ultimate goal.  He knows about you, and knows you are immortal, if he can control you and take over---”
TIBERIUS- “I will not let him, Grandfather!”
SIMON- “I am sorry Tiberius, but it was your grandmother that lead him back here and allowed him to return to her coven, even though she knew of the dangers. And he very well, could kill you. We do not know just what powers he possess”
MICHAEL- “I know a way we can end this.”
ELIAS- “No Michael, I will not allow it.  We do not know the effects of what it will do to you.”
MICHAEL- “It is the only way to stop him, father.  When Simon researched it, he linked it back to the old Rocha clan. It was created by them centuries ago, and now that it has all of the elements in place, it is the only thing we have to take him out.”
MILA- “When you wore it before, Michael, it almost destroyed you, your spirit and your gifts.”
SIMON- “We do not know what the effects would have if we used this on Ulysses, being created by his ancestors, it very well could act as energy, and make him even stronger. I have to agree with your fathers Michael, we can not allow you to use that ring.”
TIBERIUS- “Then let me!!”
Elias, Simon, Mila and Alex in unison--- “NO!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Simon began the process and began to call upon the ghosts of the past to rescind their gifts. And as he began the spell, Eli could feel the presence of the powers fading from him. Simon continued with the spell, and began to clear Elias’s mind of the memories of the reality he was from, and replace them with memories of this altered reality. As he continued the spell, Eli became almost frozen as he stood there, unable to move or have any consciousness, but remained on his feet.  In a matter of minutes, the transition was complete, and Eli was now Elias Boedell, of this altered reality, minus the extra powers.  
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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As Simon advised, some residual effects of those gifts remained, but due to his memories being changed, Eli had no knowledge that these new powers were anyone but his.  Also, his hair returned to it’s normal color.  Now to make sure everything transitioned according to plan. Simon had to explain why Eli was still here in Alexandria and that he should now return home to his life in Willow Creek.
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ELIAS- “So all the training is completed, then?”
SIMON- “Yes, and the Coven is waiting for your return as well as you family and the law firm.”
ELIAS- “And my fiance!  I miss Laurel so much, it is going to be good to be back home again.  I have missed her so much.”
SIMON- “As I am sure she has as well.  I can send you back via teleportation if you wish, Master Elias, it is your choice.”
SIMON- “Definitely, the sooner I get back home the better…
And with that, Elias Boedell returned to Willow Creek, in his new life in the altered reality….
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Elias was able to get an early flight the next morning to Alexandria to see Simon, he knew he had to have this transition completed, and the power that his ancestors had given him released.  The confusion of this reality was overwhelming to say the least, and the additional mystical powers surging through him we almost more than he could tolerate.  By the time he arrived at the Realm House, he was beyond anxious.
ELIAS- “This is causing severe headaches like that I have never experienced before, and I woke this morning with a major nose bleed.  We need to do this now, Simon.”
SIMON- “The transition should be easy enough, and the memory conversion should be simple, but you have to understand that you will lose all knowledge of your former life in the old reality, Eli.  It is possible over time and due to you own powers, pieces if that life nay filter back into your memory process. Also, there will be residual magics left from your ancestors, that we have no way of exercising from you.  
ELIAS- “None of that matters at this point, I can not go back to that time, and I know NOTHING of this reality. Apparently I am engaged to be married to Laurel, my friend Alana is married and has another child from a man I don’t even know, and Alex is engaged to marry Emma who was dead in my prior life, and my mother is alive here. All this is too much to continue on with, knowing what my life used to be.  As far as the magics, I can deal with residual effects.”
SIMON- “Very well, then let’s go to my room and get this process started.
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Once they got to Simon’s part of the realm house, there were some questions that he had to know.  Eli answered as best that he could.
SIMON- “So I assume by the what you have told me that Vada made the decision not to use the spell to ban magics, as our community is flourishing here now, and there are no threats from anyone trying to take over our position.”
ELIAS- “Yes, my grandmother was easily convinced, and once I explained what was going on, she broke down and began blaming herself.  I explained that she did what she thought was best, but we could rectify it. One thing I am not sure of is what happened to those that were working against us, Andrea, Malachi and Henry….”
SIMON- “Andrea died some years ago when Aurora fought with Dante’s mother, Maggie. Andrea was in the home with them when the spell went array and killed all three of them. Hence Malachi never pursued any threat, as Andrea was not there to instigate it. He left and went to Europe with his brother Henry, leaving his young daughter, Emma here with your parents to raise.  As far as I know, both he and Henry are working for the realm in Europe.”
ELIAS- “So by Vada not casting the spell really changed everyone’s lfe.”
SIMON- Apparently so.  Okay, you ready to do this Eli?  Again, as I said, you will lose all memories of your life before this and they will replaced with memories of this time and it’s past.”
ELIAS- “Yes…I am ready.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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With all the power that I had been given, and with the magics of those with me, I was able to open the portal to where I knew I would be able to change the past and the future. It was almost as if I was passing through an electrical gate, my body felt the pressure but there was no pain, and once I entered I was thrust into a world that I knew, but didn’t know.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ALEX- “Elias...are you okay?”
ELIAS- “Yes, I am fine.  And I know what needs to be done.  I must go, now.”
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SIMON- “So you are ready, son?”
ELIAS- “As ready as I will ever be.”
ALEX- “So...where are we going, to Oasis Springs?”
ELIAS- “No, You are going no where. I am going alone.  I am righting the wrong. Putting an end to this once and for all.”
ALEX- “But, where?  Where are you going??”
ELIAS- “To the past. ....Simon, prepare for the transition.”
SIMON - “Yes, Maser Boedell, come this way.”
ALEX- “Wait, what is going on, what do you mean the past?  Why can’t----
ELIAS- “Remain here, Alex.  Once this is completed, you will understand.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ALEX- “ELIAS!!  Are you okay, please wake up...Simon what is wrong, he won’t wake up….look at his hair!!”
SIMON- “Be patient, Alex, Elias has been through a transformation of gifts, this is not a small task, and can be quite dangerous.  He is alive, just wait for him to wake on his own….”
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As they continued to talk, and Alex continued to worry, I could hear them, just was not able to move or respond, and finally Alex got me to my feet, and I was able to come to.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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All of the heirs from generations passed were laid to rest in the crypt below the Coven, near the Memorial Garden, where the Goth House once sat. As I walked passed the coffins of all of my dead ancestors, I remembered the dream I had. A premonition that now was coming to realization...
ALEX- “Elias? Are you okay?”
ELIAS- “Not yet, but I will be, once my brother is safe, and this is over.”
SIMON- “We have to begin, Elias. Now while the spirits are ready.  I feel their power and presence.
As Simon spoke the incantation, slowly I went into a sleep so to speak. I could not see or hear Simon or Alex, and could feel the presence of spirits all around me. I focused on that presence and found myself in a room, alone... and finally one appeared before me....
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Simon was ready to get started and called us all into the living room to discuss the plan, and how we were going to first get Dante back, and then secondly how we were going to deal with the dark witches.  As I listened, it all sounded too dangerous to me, both for us, and for Dante. I had to think of a way to make things right, with as little danger, and damage as possible. Then it hit me….
ELIAS- “We need to go to the coven.  I need to look into the book of shadows for direction, I think the answer can be found there, and I feel as though we can do all of this with a little fallout as possible.
SIMON- “Okay, I mean you have the book, and the spirits are aware of what is going on, maybe they can talk to you.”
ELIAS- “I think so, we should at least try it.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ALEX- “There is a huge storm, Elias, we are unable to fly out, all the planes are grounded.”
ELIAS- “We have to go, Alex!  We can not waste anymore time!!!”
ALEX- “I am sorry, we will have to wait at least until morning and storm breaks before we can get a plane and head out.”
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ELIAS- “NO!!  We leave tonight, NOW.  We are witches! With the three of our powers we should be able to return to Willow Creek by magics. I have trained, I have the power of teleportation, I am sure the three of you do as well.  We must prepare for this...NOW!!”
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Elias stormed off into the other room to get the book of Shadows and prepare a spell for them to travel back to Willow Creek....
SIMON- “We can not allow him to do this, Alex.  He is going to need to save all the energy he has to fight these witches once we return.”
ALEX- “I will talk to him, try to explain. Go and see if there is any way we can get a plane out of here tonight. Hopefully if not, I can convince him to wait until the storm passes.
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thegaybachelorsims · 6 years
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Alex and the coven have been unable to find Dante.  They know that he is still alive, and that he is with the Dark Witches, but his exact location can not be located.  Simon feels that it is time that Elias get involved, and to come back to Willow Creek...
Hopefully he is ready.
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SIMON- “So Dante is alive, this we know, we just do not know where.”
ELIAS- “Have you done a locator spell?”
SIMON- Several. The dark witches are strong and they are blocking our spells. We need to find him, and get him back before the do the unthinkable.”
ALEX- “They will not stop until you return Elias, and if it takes them taking----
ELIAS- “NO!!  He can not die. He wanted no part of any of this, and now he is being held prisoner by them.  This is all my fault, I have to go back and try to do something, I just don’t know what to do!”
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ALEX- “The answer is in the Book of Shadows, Elias. We need to go back with the book, and work together on what we have to do to get Dante back, and to stop them for continuing this battle. Right now, Maggie has  a holding spell around the house, so your father is safe, but if they think Dante is not enough to bring you back, then----
ELIAS- “I know, father is in danger.  Again, he has never been active in the coven, he deserves none of this either. I will go back, we have to leave now...”
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thegaybachelorsims · 6 years
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HENRY- “What is it you want to know?”
SIMON- “I figured you would deal with us rather easily. We need to know where they have Dante?”
HENRY- “Oh, they still have Dante.  Okay, I see the plan here. It’s me for Dante is it?”
ALEX- “No they didn’t want that trade, Henry.  I am telling you, you are nothing to Andrea, she is willing to let you die than to even give up Dante... at least here, we are NOT going to kill you, we just want information.  All we need to know is the location where they are hiding in Oasis Springs.  Because unlike them, we value all of our family. We want Dante back, so we are going in after him.”
HENRY- “I have no idea. I have only been to one place in Oasis Springs, and at the was the old Jones place, the one that was destroyed years ago.  All it is, is a burned out shell.”
SIMON- “You don’t even know the location of your coven?”
HENRY- “No, I swear!!”
MAGGIE- “He is lying, he knows where it is.”
HENRY- “SHE is working with you!!?? Wow, you all are desperate.”
MAGGIE- “I seen the error of my ways, Henry, as you will too.”
HENRY- “I’m telling you nothing. If I tell you then they WILL kill me.”
ALEX- “Fine, have it your way, but we need to assure that you will come of no harm to anyone else, ever again...”
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thegaybachelorsims · 6 years
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ALEX- “And what if they have already killed Dante?”
SIMON- “As of right now, we know he is alive. Your grandfather has cast a spell to alert us if or when they do him any harm.  If they do that, it very likely will give up their location. As Philip can pinpoint the area where the dark magics are used.”
ALEX- “We need not worry about Henry, Simon.  I doubt he will be of any use to us. I am sure they have not given him any information as to their whereabouts, or their plan.”
SIMON- “That may very well be the case, but we must try, Alex.  Eli is not ready for what is ahead, and we need the extra few weeks for him to train so that he is prepared for whatever we may need to do to finally stop this scourge of evil. I need you to talk to him.  Let him know that you are going back to Willow Creek, and that he must continue his studies here, and once it is time we will return for him.  But do NOT tell him that Dante is captured.”
ALEX- “He can read my mind, Simon, he is going to know.”
SIMON- “I can block that, if he knows Dante is in their custody, he is going to worried about his father.  We can not let him get sidelined, Alex.  We need him to focus.”
ALEX- “Is Micah safe?”
SIMON- “Yes, for now. Maggie has set up a spell around the perimeter of the house and no one can enter that she does not allow.  We can trust her to keep Micah safe, but we are going to need to hurry and find out where they are.”
ALEX- “Okay, but leaving Eli is not going to be easy. He is going to want to know what is going on.”
SIMON- “I trust you to tell him what he needs to know, and to keep him focused. His time is soon enough, but if we take him into this too soon, the outcome may not be one that we want.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 6 years
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ALEX- “I can tell by the look on your face, that you are not here to bring good news, Simon.  What is going on?”
SIMON- “No it is not good news, and even more has happened since I landed here in Alexandria. Eli is no where ready to return home, but we are going to need you back in Willow Creek Alex.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 6 years
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Once Alex returned to Willow Creek everything was set into motion. Philip, Simon, Maggie and Alex would pool their resources to try and break Henry. If not then they were prepared to strip him of all of his powers. When he came to, he wasn’t very happy..
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HENRY- “Where the helll---? What are you all going to do to me, kill me? Go ahead, try! My brother will--”
ALEX- “We have already been told by Andrea that she doesn’t care what we do with you Henry, so I would advise you to listen to us.”
HENRY- “Yeah Like she would say that. If you harm one head on my body my brother will bring down---
ALEX- “Would you just shut up.  You and I know you are not important to Andrea, or your brother. They have thrown you out.  I mean you have already been here four days, Henry, if they were going to save you, where are they?”
HENRY- “They have no idea where I am---
ALEX- “We told them where we had you, but still no one. So either tell us what we want to know, or just sit here and wait for them to rescue you.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 6 years
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ELIAS- “I am fine with that, so the bedrooms are over here?”
I walked towards the west wall into another large room, which actually was divided in half by an open staircase leading to the second floor.  No walls, it was all open. One bed was on the north wall and the second bed was on the south wall across from the stairs.
SIMON- “Well it is really not two bedrooms, just one large sleeping area with two large beds.  I hope that is acceptable.”
ALEX- “Oh, that is no problem. Right Elias?”
ELIAS- “Uh...yeah sure….  (I was a little uncomfortable with the lack of privacy, as Alex and I just started our relationship and it was somewhat awkward thinking we would be living here together, with no walls as the entire residence was open, even the bathroom on the second floor.)
SIMON- “Well, I will let you two get acquainted with your surroundings here, and will come to get you in about an hour, as lunch will be prepared and show you where the dining area is located.
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