#Miles wood x reader
ladylooch · 1 year
First off, congrats! You’re such a fantastic writer and I look forward to all your posts! Could you write something about when guys do that thing where they use their body to their advantage? Like oh its crowded in this club? I’m just going to back you up against this wall with my big body since there’s no room. Or oh! You want a drink at the bar? Better plaster myself against you so the bartender will notice us better! Can’t reach something up high? Oh I’ll just stand literally right behind you and grab it for you! Just always seems to be in your space and you can’t tell if he’s doing it on purpose (yes) or not but it’s driving you crazy that he won’t make a move until you finally get him alone and give him a taste of his own medicine. Use your favorite big guy!
A/N: Thank you so much!!! I had to use Miles for this one.. I feel like he would have no problem using his wide shoulders and overall big, boy body to keep you safe at a crowded bar…. While driving you batty.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Implied smut, a lil angsty?, swearing, jealousy
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Your intention when you and your friend, Miles, walked in was to head directly to the bar. But the huge, U shaped structure is completely stacked with people. Grass and bamboo are lit up by multicolored lights from low hanging Tiki figurines. It is Saturday night in the Fall, so you’re not sure why you’re surprised to see it so busy. Your steps falter as your eyes scan for an open space at the massive bar. Miles puts a hand on the small of your back when someone tries to sneak between the two of you.
“We are together.” Miles tells the dude. Your heart patters heavily in your chest at the way he says it. For a moment, you even let yourself pretend it’s real. But it’s not. You and Miles have been friends for far too long and his taste in women is nothing like you. Why be disappointed and ruin the friendship when you know it isn’t going to work?
“Gotta plaster you to my chest in here, damn.” Miles mutters down to you.
“We should just go. It’s too busy.” Your anxiety is already starting to get the best of you. Your fingers delicately rest on the hollow of your throat, heart rate increasing below your touch.
“No, you’ve been wanting to come here and now we are. We at least need to get a drink.” You gesture to the wall of people you’ve come to.
“Follow me.” He weaves your hands together and begins to assertively press forward. You are shocked at how easily people move for him. Miles flirts and smiles and appeases his way forward. Nothing about him is aggressive, but the sea of people willingly shift for you both to go through. He has this way with people. It’s why you fell so easily for him. When he gets to the bar, he moves to the side for you to slip through. “See? Easy.”
“Okay well some of us aren’t loaded down with muscle and 6’2.” 
The person next to Miles get up and leaves. He pounces on the seat and brings it over for you, gesturing for you to sit. You smile in thanks, perching yourself on it while he comes behind you. He is so close, you can feel the heat from his chest on your back. His pecs rub slightly against you as he reaches for the drink list. He skims it fast, then shakes his head. 
“These are weird ass drinks.”
“That is kind of the point of the place. They all come in tiki styled cups and have like edible glitter in them or the whole drink is smoking.” He shakes his head.
“Can I get a Coors Light? Or are you going to be upset?” You roll your eyes.
“You’re such a hockey player.” He chuckles, showing his toothless grin. His big shoulders shrug.
“You love me anyway.” It’s so casual, but your brain grabs the memory, tucking it away for when you’re alone later.
Someone wants to sneak behind Miles, so he moves even closer to you until his chest is plastered completely along your back. Your eyes close, savoring his warmth and security. The full touch of him eases the remaining anxiety you had when you walked in. The bartender, a blonde with a bubbly personality and perfect eyebrows, comes to grab your order. She’s instantly flirty with Miles, who can’t help himself and flirts back. You gnaw on your bottom lip in irritation, scanning the drinks. You try to read them, but nothing is connecting. All you feel is hot anger in your abdomen, twisting your intestines until you feel queasy.
“I’ll have a Coors Light. What do you want?” He rubs a hand along your upper back, keeping his fingers on your shoulder. He presses his thumb into the place he knows you constantly have a knot. His touch makes the bartender back off, settling more into a professional friendly than before. Only the slight falter of her smile indicated the switch.
“Um, I’ll do the passionate paloma.” You chuckle as you say it, pushing the drink menu away. 
“Great choice!” She walks off. Miles slowly glides his fingers down your arm until his hand is removed completely from you. Large TV’s fill the space above the bar that show cool, silent films of colorful, tropical locations. It’s all in ultra 4k HD. if you focus on it completely, you almost believe you’re there. The heat from all the people inside raises the temperature compared to the coolness outside in New Jersey.
“Cool vibe.” Miles says, leaning his mouth close to your ear. Your eyelashes flutter at the way his breath moves the baby hairs at your temple. Fuck, does he have any idea what this is doing to you? He seems so unaffected. Are the feelings really this one sided? 
A man squeezes into the small space left empty by the stool Miles grabbed for you. Your polite smile gives him a greeting, then you turn back to watch the bartenders hustle in front of you. You’re pretty sure working here would be your own personal hell.
“Wow, so many choices.” The man says, gesturing to the large, long menu.
“Yeah, I had a hard time choosing.”
“What did you get?”
“A paloma. I love tequila.”
“Me too! And they supposedly have high-end stuff that’s hard to import from Mexico.”
“Really? Show me.” He runs through the list, pointing out the three different tequilas he knows are hard to come by. His arm brushes against yours while you also feel Miles ghost his fingers along your other arm. You resist the urge to shiver, but goosebumps still dart down your whole body.
“If you’re interested, and up for being out late, I know this great tequila bar a few blocks from here.”
“Hey bud, your date looks kinda bored over there.” Miles cuts in, nodding in the direction the guy came. He starts to give Miles a “butt out” look then takes in his full, massive form behind me. He must think better of it because he doesn’t try to extend the conversation further.”
“That was rude.” I snap at Miles when he walks away.
“He was being rude. Why do guys think women are around only for their entertainment?”
“What? We were making small talk.”
“That’s what I’m here for.”
“Well you’re behind me.”
“Here.” He taps your hips for you to get up. You stand and he sits down on the stool, pulling you onto his big thigh. You stumble a bit, needing to clutch his shoulder for balance. Your legs are turned between his and his wide stance supports your full weight easily. “Now we can talk.” He smiles. You stare wordlessly at him as his hand makes a home on your left hip.
“Here you go!” The bartender sets your drinks down, then rushes off to the next group. You hand Miles his boring beer bottle. Your drink is in a plastic coconut with a striped pink and teal straw. It’s garnished with a slice of grapefruit and a purple flower. You cheese excitedly at him, taking your phone out to snap a picture. You wiggle around a bit while doing so. Miles clears his throat, adjusting slightly on the seat with a heavy breath. 
“You okay?” You ask him.
“Mhm.” He takes two long gulps of his beer, then exhales heavily again.
“Why are you so weird tonight?” You blurt out.
“I’m not?”
“You are.” 
“Is that lipstick new?” He suddenly tries to change the subject.
“See? What is that!”
“I don’t know. I’m on edge a bit, I guess.” He shakes his head, sliding his fingers on your hip so they splay down your thigh more. Your stomach flip flops at the awareness of his fingers tips so close to intimate areas.
“How did your date go the other night?” Miles has been on and off Raya the last few months. Every time he is off, he spends every single day he can with you. But he inevitable goes back on to “see what new fish there are”. It shouldn’t bother you, but it does. Talking about this will easily distract you from his fingers.
“Won’t be seeing her again.” He rolls his eyes, sighing heavily again. His lips tilt his beer back for another long sip.
“Not pretty enough?” His eyes meet yours.
“No.” He drags the word out. “She was beautiful. Just… not for me. I’m off the apps again. For good this time.” You cock an amused eyebrow. “I’m serious.” He says, drawing a circle on your thigh with his thumb. “Gonna focus on finding something real.”��
“You’re great. You’ll find someone.” You hesitantly reach up for his hair, pushing his stray hairs back into place. Miles’ eyes close briefly before they open again, a little softer and sweeter. 
“Hey, my mom is coming to town this weekend. You around for brunch? Maybe dinner at that tapas place too?”
“Yeah! I love Cheryl.” 
“She loves you too.” He smiles. “How is your drink?”
“Good. Wanna sip?” He winces at the idea of tequila. “It’s good tequila. Not shit.”
“Ooooo that is good.” He murmurs after taking a sip. “Gimme more.” He sucks up another two sips before you rip the drink out of his hand.
“Drink your shitty beer and be sad.” You laugh. 
“I’m getting that next. Don’t tell the boys.”
You end up sticking around for another couple of drinks. The place eventually dies down a bit, but you both start to get hungry. At the end of the block is a pizza by the slice shop. You both grab a massive slice of their famous buffalo chicken pizza then decide it’s time to call it a night. Miles has practice tomorrow morning and is leaving in the afternoon on a quick, two day road trip. As you are walking back to your apartment, you still past a country bar where music filters out onto the sidewalk to you. Miles, a huge country music buff, stops you. His head falls back, groaning at the stars.
“I love this song. You have to dance with me.” He reaches for your fingers that have spent more time in his today than ever before. You listen, recognizing the slow cords of a guitar and the deep, steady tone of Luke Combs’ voice.
“And if your touch, shattered me like glass.” Miles sings. The hand holding yours lifts while his other wraps around your hips. He pulls you close, so your temple brushes against his jaw as he leans his head towards yours. “Even if I knew the day we met you’d be the reason this heart breaks…. Oh I’d love you anyway.” You can’t help but lean into him further. He reacts by tightening his grip on you.
You know you shouldn’t. It’s so dangerous to do this, but you still let yourself pretend.
You imagine this is a date. That when you get back to your place, he’s going to come in. He will follow you into your bedroom, clothes littering the floor, before he will lay you down and love you like the words in this song suggest.
 “There’s just some things that leave a man no choice.” Miles breaks through your thoughts. His voice sounds great combined with the cords of the song and Luke fading into the background.
“Get the fuck off the sidewalk, morons.” Someone snaps as they walk by, making Miles and you jolt. 
“Fucking Jersey.” Miles rolls his eyes as the guy continues on. His blue eyes glare at the man’s retreating back. You step away from his embrace completely, shivering at the windy bite that digs into your body at the disappearance of Miles’ body heat.
“I love this song too.” You say to break some of the tension away.
The rest of the walk is a blur. You’re lost in your thoughts, wondering why tonight feels so different. Miles has always been flirty and touchy, but this seems so different. It’s almost like he can’t stop himself from touching you. Or maybe this is all a hopeful illusion created by your love-sick heart and willing mind?
“Where ya going?” Miles asks, fingers lacing with yours to stop your next step. You glance up, realizing you’re at your apartment. He chuckles, tugging your fingers to lead you into the lobby. He holds your hand the entire elevator ride and down to your front door. Right as you pull your keys out, he envelopes you into his arms. It’s a deep, secure hug. You cup the large muscles of his back, breathing in the delicious scent of his cologne. It assaults your senses, making a happy bubble fill your chest and relax your body. This is too good. You’re losing hold of the reality that you’re just friends.
“Miles, you’re killing me.” You sigh, closing your eyes. You can’t help it. He’s been in your space all night and you are losing your god damn mind about it. Slowly, his head tilts down to stare into your eyes. The desire there is unmistakable. Blue, stormy waves of need for you.
“Please let me kiss you.” He swallows hard. “All night, I’ve been dying to taste this lipstick that I know is new.” His thumb ghosts along your bottom lip, gathering some of the color onto his skin. “I can’t stop thinking about why you bought it… or for who.” 
For him, of course it was for him.
You look up at his plumped lips, dying for them to touch yours. So you jump, leaping off into a life-altering decision before you can talk yourself out of it again. 
“I bought it for you.” You confess, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck. You crash his lips to yours hard. His hand instantly threads through the hair at the base of your neck, cradling your head as he tips you back to deepen the kiss. His tongue rolls around your mouth, touching every bit of it with the wet muscle. A moan hits his mouth from yours. He pulls away, but you launch yourself further into him, not letting him catch his breath. You want him as breathless as he’s made you all damn night. Your arms hold his shoulders as your keys boop against his back.
Whatever you thought this would be like with him has been shattered to smithereens. It’s better. So much fucking better.
You’re obliterated by the taste of him when you pull away. Your eyes lift to meet his, not sure how you’re going to live the rest of your life knowing he tastes this good and not having him.
“I have been wanting to do that for so long.”
“Why didn’t you?” You groan, gripping his shirt into a fist.
“Because I love you so much and I’m terrified to lose you. I’m such a fuck up with women. You know.”
“You love me?” It’s breathless, unbelievable as you repeat the words he again, so casually just said to you.
“Of course I do.” He looks down at your fingers as he plays with them by your hip. He is so vulnerable. Your throat tightens, wondering if it’s possible you’re still pretending like you had been during your dancing interlude. You wait until he gathers the courage to look at you.
“Miles, I love you too.” Relief sags his shoulders and he goes in for another kiss. This one is more patient, taking the time to explore his new territory further.
“And everything else before this hasn’t worked out for you because you haven’t been with me.” You assure him, then tug him back down to your mouth with his shirt.
“I’ve wanted it to be you. So many times.” He murmurs into your kisses. You hold his face with both of your hands as your tongues tangle together. You can’t help but smile at his words. His lips connect with your teeth. He pulls slightly back, admiring your blissed out look below him. “You gonna let me come in? Maybe get into something more comfortable.” Your body stills. Oh my GOD. “I’m dying to finish Outer Banks.” You sigh, rolling your eyes and slapping at his chest. He laughs with a honk. “Maybe my hands end up in your pants. I don’t know.”
“They better.” You tell him, shoving your keys into the door and walking into your place. Miles begins to walk down the hall, taking his shirt off as he goes. You frown, pointing to the living room. “Miles, I don’t have a TV in my bedroom.”
“I know.” He calls down to you as you hear his jeans hit the floor.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
Truth | M.Wood
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summary; “they say what they really think of you after you’ve broken up”
You’d met in 2013 during a weekend visit to Boston College. You’d been on the same tour and Miles wouldn’t stop flirting with you.
He slipped you his number before you left, you never called.
That was until you were watching the NHL draft with your dad in the background one night and you heard his name before a series of pictures came up on screen of him.
You text him that night.
hey, weird of me lol but congrats on the draft today hey you’re pumped! It’s y/n btw.
He replied,
feeling even better now I’ve got a pretty girl messaging me.
He made you his girlfriend not long after freshman year started, he was enamoured. Nobody could understand it, he was the player so how had you gotten him to settle down?
You followed him to Jersey, we’re right there as he put pen to paper and signed his life away. There when he scored his first goal against Winnipeg.
Now nine years after meeting and you’d just broken up.
You felt weird, in denial almost like this wasn’t really happening. It was.
He moved out of your shared apartment, it was easier for the devils relocation team to find him a place.
There was still stuff to sort out like your dogs, Frankie and Arlo. They were with you for the time being but you were sure Miles would want to at least take one of them.
Your shared bills, cars and bank accounts.
“You can still use the account-“
“I don’t want your money Miles” you only snapped, cutting up your hand in front of him.
To be honest, if you were to be asked why you broke up you couldn’t give them a reason. It was probably a bunch of little things.
The fact you were together so long with no ring? No family prospects? That he didn’t really seem so interested in you as of late?
Miles always seemed interested in something else, never you and it started to take a toll.
Your self confidence plummeted. You noticed him on instagram liking bikini pictures and other things that made you insecure.
You felt horrible about your body.
Sitting in the box at games you’d be thinking about the comparison between yourself and these others wives and girlfriends. 
He had made you feel like you weren’t enough.
About three weeks in, Nico came round. An unwelcome surprise.
“Nico if you’re here-“
“I came to say hi I promise!” He interrupted, his hands up on his defence as he walked into the apartment.
“What can i help you with, cap?”
“Just came to um, check on you see how you were doing” he replied, sitting on the couch making himself comfortable.
“I’m fine Nico” you grumbled, retrieving a drink for each of you from the fridge and returning to give it to him.
“We’ve just been worried is all!”
You both took a prolonged sip before you asked “How is he?”
Nico hissed softly “He’s um… he’s okay I guess. It’s kind of like he’s lost his right arm? He’s learning how to be Miles again and it’s hard for him but we’re all here”
You nodded silently “Yeah… it’s good he has the team”
“Oh yeah for sure!”
“Does he… does he talk about me?” You weren’t sure you actually wanted to know the answer to that but you asked anyway.
Nico nodded “Um yeah i guess? You guys were really sickeningly in love I think some of the guys have been waiting for this moment so they can hear what he has to say - they say what they really think of you after you’ve broken up”
You nodded curtly, not wanting to think of the bad things Miles would be saying about you.
Nico realized his mistake when he saw the look on your face but never said another word.
Nico hung around a little longer, playing with the dogs and just generally checking you were ok before he left.
Later that night you received a text while in the middle of your TV show.
from: nico hischier
if you want to know how he really feels, watch this.
You clicked through the link and it took you to YouTube to see a hockey podcast, one you had heard before whenever Miles would have it on in the car.
Miles sat in the guest seat, giving insight on what they asked, talking about the devils season and Nico’s leadership.
“So man apart from professional side of hockey, what about personal? We don’t see too many guys in long term relationships in this sport you’re like what? eight, nine years with your girlfriend now?” The guys asked and Miles chuckled softly.
“Ex girlfriend now”
“Oh man, I’m sorry I didn’t know-“
“No, dude it’s fine don’t worry about it I’m happy to talk about it anyway” he interrupted, assuring him it was alright.
“Yeah i mean, we were nine years in a relationship which was a long ass time to be together. We met when we were in college and I was just some stupid kid I wasn’t making millions or whatever, she just liked me for me and that’s what I love about her” he explained, a common habit he had was talking with his hands and you laughed as his hands bounced around the desk.
“She Is the love of my life, one hundred percent. I don’t have a bad word to say about her. She’s there for every loss – I’ve never had a loss fully sit on my shoulders it’s always on hers too. I remember when it was a possibility that Seattle were gonna take me in the expansion and she was online looking at houses for us just incase, she’s crazy but she’s amazing”
The interviewer interrupted “if you don’t mind me asking, what ended it?”
“Me” he answered simply “I’m a hockey player man I let everything get to my head, the attention, the money, the fame it all went right to my head and I forgot that I had the woman of my dreams, the girl I love more than anything willing to do anything for me right there for nine whole years without so much a ring. Given the chance now, I’d put a ring on her finger tomorrow”
“Thanks for taking the time to speak to us today Miles”
You sat there for a moment while the phone screen went blank, tears rolling down your face.
You unlocked your phone and pulled up his contact, opting to text not sure you’d trust your voice.
to: miles 🤍
come over? I think we need to talk…
read at 6:43pm
Twenty minutes later the door rang. You opened it to find Miles stood on the other side.
“Hey…” he trailed.
“Come in, please” you urged.
He awkwardly maneuvered himself into the house and pandered to the dogs who had missed him ever so much.
“Hi buddy! Hi!”
You stood smiling at him and their obvious excitement to see their dad again.
“Do you- do you want a drink?”
He straightened up “No, no I’m good thanks”
You gestured then to the couch and he took a seat very awkwardly.
“I watched the podcast” You said, still fiddling with your hands.
He nodded “Nico called me, said he’d come to see you”
“Why would you say those things Miles?”
He looked at you like you had grown another head “Because it’s true? It’s like everything I wanted to say to you and never got the chance”
Your bottom lip quivered, his voice, his words playing back in your mind
“say it, please” it was almost a beg.
Miles looked almost in pain hearing your voice “Don’t cry babe-“
“Miles just say it” you snapped.
Sighing, he grabbed your hands and said “I let a lot of shit get to my head and as a result of that, I lost you and that was one of the most painful, gut wrenching things I’ve ever experienced in my life. I will forever be ashamed of how I treated you”
You nodded, thumb running soothingly over his knuckle “You said given the chance, you’d put a ring on my finger. That true?”
“So much” he breathed, letting go of your hand and walking over to the tv console, opening the drawer that held his Xbox and pulling out a small box.
You gasped “Miles-“
“I’ve had this for almost eight years”
“The day I signed for Jersey and you said you’d come with me, I went out and bought this ring with my first pay check because I knew I wanted you to be my wife” he mumbled, opening the box and showing you the ring.
A few tears rolled down your cheeks and you sniffled before you said “Do you still want that?”
“Huh?” His head shot up.
“Do you still want me to be your wife?”
“Of course i do-“ You stuck your hand out towards him and said “Well then put a ring on it and I’m yours, Wood”
He shook his head, almost trying to wake himself up from this dream “y/n… you can’t be serious”
“Do you love me?”
“Yes of course!”
You smiled “Well that’s all that matters then, I know you and I know your heart Miles”
He stood frozen for a moment before he moved to take the ring out and put it on your finger, lifting the hand to kiss it before kissing you.
“I love You” You mumbled against his lips.
“You have no idea how much I adore you” is all he replied, the strength of his kiss has every one of his emotions in it “and I’m so sorry, baby so sorry”
As tears rolled down his cheeks and landed on yours he tried to hold back his sobs, the sobs of relief.
After all, the truth will set you free.
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
can i request dad!woody? ty!
i dedicated my last blurb to someone, so let's do it again lol. this blurb is dedicated to @bitchinbarzal cause woodsy deserves more love and we're slowly going to take the world by storm with our woodsy content. also, i love luna and that's that. also, this blurb is inspired by this tiktok i saw cause it was so cute.
tw: children/kids
after many years of waiting and planning, you were finally going on a girls trip with your friends. it had been put off for years because of hockey season then work and babies and weddings, but now everyone was free.
but with you gone, that left miles alone with your son.
"bye, my monkey." you held jamie to your chest and kissed his head a couple times, "i'm gonna miss you."
"miss you." he wrapped his arms around your neck, melting your heart. you kissed the temple of his head again before setting him back down and turning your attention to miles.
you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, "i love you."
"i love you, too." he squeezed you, "and don't worry about us. we'll be fine."
"i'm not worried. you'll be fine. i'm just gonna miss you both."
"yeah, we're gonna miss you, too." he kissed your head and hugged you. neither of you moved for a good couple of seconds and you felt jamie climb in between your legs and hug them.
you smiled, caressing his head, "i should get going."
"yeah." you pulled away, leaning in and kissing, "i love you," he mumbled against your lips.
"i love you, too." you pulled away and smiled, then bent down inf front of jamie again, "and i love you, jammers."
"love mama." he giggled and you kissed his cheek again.
you hiked your backpack over your shoulder and grabbed the handle of your suitcase, "bye bye." you waved.
miles held jamie on his hip, and waved, "bye, mommy." he waved then looked down at jamie, "can you wave bye?" jamie did his best to copy his father's actions. you smiled and waved until you were through the double doors.
as the days went on, miles would send videos to you of him and jamie doing everything. the first video, it was just of jamie, but you could hear miles in the back.
jamie was on his scooter, scootering down the sidewalk in front of your house, his cute little dinosaur helmet on. he was giggling as he skated towards miles.
"good job, buddy." miles complimented, reaching out and giving him a high five.
the next was a video of jamie eating a big boy cup of ice cream. his entire face was covered in ice cream as he scooped more into his mouth.
"is it good?" jamie giggled and nodded, "good." miles reached out with a napkin and wiped the sides of his mouth.
the last was a video of jamie in bed, cuddling his stuffed animal and babbling on, his eyes were barely open, "do you know who's coming home tomorrow?"
"mama." a smile broke out on his face, and he giggled again.
"do you miss mommy?" jamie nodded, "what are we gonna do when we see mommy tomorrow?"
"hug," jamie responded.
"that's right." miles gave him a high-five again, "all right, it's time for night night."
"mama, mama." he babbled quietly to himself.
"i love you, jammers."
"love you." jamie blew him a sloppy kiss.
"oh, thank you." miles caught it and blew one back at him. he reached over and turned on jamie's nightlight, "see you in the morning."
the next morning, you were excited to finally be home with your family. you were glad to get some time away, but going home was something you were looking forward to.
miles couldn't pick you up because of a work call he had, so you took an uber home and excitedly made your way up to the door.
you rang the doorbell and in a matter of moments, you could hear jamie's little footsteps running up to the door, "mama." you heard him and couldn't help but smile.
"wait for me, buddy." you heard miles say as he approached the door. after a couple of seconds, the lock turned and the door opened and jamie squealed.
"hi, my little monkey." you immediately bent down and caught him as he crashed into your arms, "oh, i missed you so much." you cradled his head and held him tight.
"mama." he wrapped his arms around your neck, "miss mama."
"i missed you too, jammers." you pulled away and kissed his little hand. you then turned your attention to miles and leaned up and kissed him, "i missed you, too."
"i missed you." he laughed, leaning in and kissing you again, "do you wanna show mommy your picture?" jamie nodded, and you bent down, setting on the ground and watching him run off.
"we went to the library and got to draw pictures."
"i can't wait." you beamed, walking further into the house, leaving miles to bring your suitcase in as jamie ran back in with his picture, "wow, look at that."
"he was very excited to show you." miles said.
"this is wonderful, jammers. fridge worthy." you took it from him and walked over to the fridge, put it up then placed a magnet on it, "there, now it's perfect." you smiled. jamie clapped his hands.
taylor's 2.5k celly!
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lfghughes · 1 year
hii can you write something soft with woody where the reader had a rough day at work and how he would comfort her?
a/n: we love soft woody things, thank you for requesting it
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The minute you stepped into your place, calmness rushed over your body. Today was a rough day and you had been looking forward to getting home. You relaxed against the door, taking a deep breath. Tomorrow you’d have to just do it all over again and you could already feel the stress taking over again. Stepping further into your place you saw your boyfriend setting two plates down on the kitchen island. A wave of love for Miles rushed through you, this was another reason you were looking forward to coming home because you knew he could make your day better.
You had already texted him about having a rough day so he was very much aware of the mood you were in. “I made your favorite.” He told you as he walked over, placing his hand on your cheek as he brought you in closer so he could press his lips to the top of your head. The food smelled delicious and you were so thankful for not only Miles being the best boyfriend but for making your favorite plate tonight. You needed this even if it was such a small action.
“I also have Netflix waiting in the living room with some blankets ready for us to snuggle in.” His face then lit up as he got up from his seat and went into the freezer, pulling out your favorite ice cream from it. “I went to the store and decided to get one.” He moved to get two bowls from your cabinets and scooped out some ice cream for the two of you. Both of you then moved to the living room. As he pressed play on the movie, you snuggled up this side as you ate your ice cream. Your mood had already changed drastically and the stress of the following day had slowly decreased.
You finished up your ice cream and placed the now empty bowl on the coffee table in front of you. “Alright, let’s get comfortable.” He told you as you moved your body so you could lay across his lap. The closeness of his body to yours also helping you feel twenty times better. As you laid there his fingers went through your hair, playing with the ends of it. This was another action that Miles knew you enjoyed and one that also comforted you. “Thank you for all of this.” You told him as you shifted your body so you could look at him. “You don’t have to thank me for this.” What he did was something simple but you still appreciated him for doing all those little things to turn your day around.
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hischierdevils · 1 year
Not enough miles wood content out there. Can I get #38. "I just started my period.."
When you answer Miles’ FaceTime call all he can see is the fuzzy blanket that you currently have wrapped around his body.
“You look so cozy.” He chuckles.
“I want snuggles.” You pout, moving the blanket away so he can see your face.
He can tell something is wrong by your voice. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“I just started my period.” You grimace as a string cramp temporarily knocks the wind out of you. “It doesn’t feel good.”
“I’m sorry babe.” Miles frowns, wishing he could comfort you. He knows how painful your periods are for you. “I’ll be home tomorrow morning. We’re leaving right after the game tonight.”
“Okay.” You give him a weak smile. The two of you talk for a couple minutes before he tells you he has to go.
You snuggle back into your cocoon, letting your comfort show play in the background as you scroll mindlessly through your phone.
Half an hour later, there’s a knock at your door. Dragging yourself out of bed, you shuffle to the door. When you open it, you find shopping bags filled with your favorite candy, candles, and comfort items.
You smile to yourself as you pull it all inside. Even when Miles is on a roadie, he’s always taking care of you.
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leaentries · 1 year
do we think Miles wood is a part of the chubby girl love club? I feel like he’s a giant teddy bear so I can picture him being sweet. But idk
yes! i whole heartedly agree! he is such a big teddy bear, just always wanting to be with you and hug you all the time!! plus he’s not afraid to put anyone in their place if they speak bad about you!
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swissboyhisch · 3 months
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Size Matters (18+) by @ladylooch You hate that Miles fights but damn is it attractive.
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UPDATED: 29/10/23
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babydollmarauders · 2 years
one — two — three — four
notes: i got a couple of these pictures from @/sholden43 on twitter! so creds to her for pics 2 & 5!!
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liked by njdevils, john.marino97, and 31,697 others
y/ndevils00 hello and welcome back to y/n’s post-game web show!
i’m so happy to announce that njdevils clinched!! LET’S GO, BABY!!
to get us on the scoreboard, we had a goal by the amazing, the talented, the ‘leaves his socks on the bathroom floor’, LIL JIZZY!!! now, i’m not one to brag, but THAT’S THE GUY WHO HOGS MY BLANKETS AND I AM SO PROUD! we also have a picture of him side-eyeing me at the bench and then looking directly at me. that’s the face of love, people!
but before that goal could take place, maraschino cherry got put in timeout. BOO!! but don’t worry guys, he was given a stern talking to during intermission! he told me he’s gonna be a good boy now!
immediately after marinara’s sin bin placement, my favorite dilh was the victim of a giant toddler attack 😡 but rest assured, bradytkachuk was put in the naughty boy box as well! which is what led to my spectacular boyfie’s goal!
not long after that goal, woodchuck had a fight with said giant toddler… he did not win.
then, my bestest friend, brattman scored the third goal of the night! i rewarded him with the biggest and bestest hug i had to offer during 2nd intermission!
following that, dawson’s creek hit ‘em with a one timer that knocked their pads off! he was rewarded with a pat on the head! i, however, did not get a picture of him because he was hiding from my camera… he’s spending too much time with jackson.
in the final period, ham sammich taught the senators how to dougie! LET’S GO! happy for you douglas!
and to close the game, we had an empty net goal by my father that is not my father; TATAR SAUCE!
overall, i am so proud of the effort put forth from my team that i put together myself and pay out of pocket to entertain me! let’s go to the playoffs boys!
tagged: jackhughes, john.marino97, sharangovich17, miles.wood44, jesperbratt, dougieham, tomastatar90, and njdevils
jackhughes i appreciate the sentiments, but did you really have to call me out like that?
y/ndevils00 it’s for the plot babe!
jackhughes i’m 99% sure that’s not what that means
y/ndevils00 and i’m 100% sure that you’re a loser
trevorzegras stop flirting it’s gross
y/ndevils00 @/trevorzegras ariana, what are you doing here?!
jackhughes that’s actually the look of someone who did not like when you started cheering “go lil jizzy, get a hat trick you coward!”
y/ndevils00 it’s called tough love
jackhughes i think i prefer the love you give me at home
y/ndevils00 noted. can’t promise your suggestion will be put to use
john.marino97 once again, y/n’s “talking to” was not actually a talking to. she hit me in the head with a rolled up newspaper, that i still don’t know where she got, and told me to “pull myself together”
y/ndevils00 well when you put it like that, you make me sound like a bad friend
john.marino97 you’re the worst
y/ndevils00 that’s not what you said last week when i brought you dunkin
miles.wood44 i mean, i thought i won that fight
y/ndevils00 …stick to your crypto
miles.wood44 ouch y/n/n
y/ndevils00 i keep it real on my page, if you can’t handle the heat, block me
y/ndevils00 wait don’t actually! i’m sensitive
dawson1417 she really did pat me on the head. like a dog.
y/ndevils00 cause you got the dog in ya!
dawson1417 you concern me
y/ndevils00 i’d be worried if i didn’t
tomastatar90 my daughter that is not my daughter!
y/ndevils00 take notes boys, this is someone who accepts me for me!
jesperbratt i got a better hug than hughesy
y/ndevils00 hell yeah, you did!
jackhughes that’s cause i get something better
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes jackson!
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 still not my name
dougieham thank you! but why the full first name?
y/ndevils00 because it’s your name. is it not?
dougieham it is?
y/ndevils00 i rest my case
trevorzegras hughesy is a beast
y/ndevils00 does that make me beauty?
trevorzegras i’m not sure how to answer this without upsetting you
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes i hate to tell you this, but you need to find a new best friend. your current one is mean. may i suggest @/jamie.drysdale ? still a duck, just a nicer one
jamie.drysdale did i just get a y/n notice?
trevorzegras stay away from jimbo, you witch!
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bagopucks · 1 year
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Liked by nicohischier and 13,977 others
y/n_blg My favorite Hischier took the third one <3
View all Comments…
jackhughes What’s the best thing about Switzerland? Idk but the flag’s a great big plus.
jesperbratt Seriously Jack?
y/n_blg Yeah… seriously Jack?
user15663 Nico’s HAIR? In the first?
ameliaham Switz is such a nice place to vacation to. Glad you got to go!
y/n_blg Such a blast! I loved meeting the family and getting to see where the baby Hischier grew up.
nicohischier I’m the youngest sibling. Not a baby.
vitacz15 At least Nico took somebody. I never got an invite.
jackhughes why does Switzerland leave out gear shifts in their cars? Cuz they only come in neutral.
nicohischier oh boy…
lhughes_06 I don’t get that one?
_quinnhughes I only came to make sure Jack was telling the truth that Luke didn’t get this joke.
jackhughes @elblue6 mom. You seeing this?👀
elblue6 your father was on history homework duty when you boys grew up. Not me.
nicohischier Hey, Ellen!
queen_6226 nhlers. It’s a blessing they were good at sports. ^^
nicohischier My mother is your favorite?
y/n_blg Yeah? She’s cool. Nina’s my second favorite.
miles.wood44 Yeah Nico. Cry about it!
y/n_blg Oh wait- no.. don’t tell him to cry. Nico’s still my third favorite!
bmarch63 Damn. Ranked third out of his own family.
y/n_blg Eyo. Neeks, call the exterminator. We got a rat in the comments.
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flowersforbucky · 1 month
bucky barnes x reader (sex pollen trope)
summary: stranded in the middle of the alaskan wilderness with no means of communication after being exposed to a foreign drug, you're reluctant to accept help from the one person who has a shot at saving you.
warnings/tags: sex pollen, dub con, unprotected sex, oral, masturbation, angst, descriptions of physical pain, language, friends to lovers, avenger!reader, no use of y/n, reader is afab, 18+ only
word count: 4.1k
flashbacks are in italics
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Sometime in the near future, there would be a case study conducted on how long a human being could burn from the inside without dying.
They would refer to you as exhibit a.
Doctors and scientists would lay your cold corpse on a colder table and use a scalpel to cut you from your thorax to your belly button. They would scribble notes about how your lungs had turned to ash and your esophagus to molten lava.
They wouldn't say it, but they would think it's a shame, because your driver's license states that you were an organ donor.
A harsh gust of wind snaps you out of the twisted fantasy and back to your reality - standing barefoot on the rickety front porch steps of a small cabin in Sitka, Alaska. You've only been outside for a few minutes but the snow is pouring down at a brutal pace, already covering the tops of your exposed feet.
The razor sharp chill of the ground below you and the air that surrounds you are the only things tethering you to what little remains of your sanity.
You never thought that you would be so thankful for your feet to be going numb, but after feeling like every fiber of your being is getting melted with a hot branding iron for - what? Ten? Twelve hours now? You had to resist the temptation to submerge your entire body in the multiple feet of snow that had accumulated since nightfall.
You hear the front door of the cabin creak open from behind you. You don't have to turn around to know that he's standing in the doorway with the same look of pleading desperation that he's been giving you since the two of you had realized what was happening.
“You need to come back inside,” he says delicately. His voice is muffled by the roar of the snowstorm, but right now with heightened senses, you hear him just fine. “You're going to get hypothermia.”
You don't respond. The mere sound of his voice makes you grit your teeth together so hard that you're surprised the tiny bones don't shatter.
He keeps to the doorway, scared that if he takes one step closer, you'll flee into the miles of thick woods that surrounds you in only a pair of old sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. He murmurs your name in a tone that begs you to come in from the below freezing temperatures.
“What time is it now?” You barely recognize your own voice - low and strained, it sounds like you haven't had anything to drink in days.
You clear your throat, though you doubt it'll make any difference.
“Just after four o'clock.”
Eleven hours into this hell, then. Best case scenario, another half a day of this. Worst case scenario, close to two.
Either way, you knew that these symptoms had yet to hit their peak. This would undoubtedly get worse before it gets better.
You stare out into the endless thicket of snow covered hemlocks and spruces. The illumination from the full moon makes the white powder on the branches glisten in the darkness.
Daylight was still hours away, and with it, hope for some means of communication with the rest of your team back in New York. The snowstorm had brought a widespread power outage across the city. Cell phone signal was nonexistent right now.
“Go on back to your room,” you tell him. “I'll come back inside in just a moment.” You continue to watch the blizzard before you, knowing that he's still just a few feet away from you. “I promise,” you add, hoping that he’ll believe you and return to the bedroom you'd been forcing him to keep to.
The drug coursing through your veins had amplified every one of your five senses. Even with him behind the closed door of the bedroom, you could still smell faint traces of the earthy musk of his deodorant and something warm that is uniquely him.
You wouldn't chance coming back into the house until his scent has dissipated from the entrance - not unless you want to feel as though all air is being stripped from your lungs.
Even simply standing here, with him behind you and the wind blowing his scent in the opposite direction, is nearly intolerable.
You hear footsteps retreat into the house, growing quieter and quieter as he makes his way back down the hallway, until you finally hear the click of his bedroom door. You exhale a breath that you weren't aware you had been holding in.
You have no doubt that he'll try to drag you back inside by the ankles if he has to, so you make good on your promise and return to the sweltering interior of the six hundred square foot log cabin.
A sharp, stabbing pain radiates from the center of your body at that thought - the exact kind of thoughts you were actively trying to avoid having. Thoughts of his hands digging into your thighs, his wet mouth on your throat, his bare chest pressed against yours as he fucks you into the likely thirty-something year old couch - those thoughts. Dangerous territory thoughts - the kind you didn't trust yourself not to act on if dwelled upon for too long.
Apparently, the thought of him putting his hands around your ankles and dragging you kicking and screaming falls into that category.
You settle onto the couch, pulling your knees up to your chest in an effort to alleviate the ache in your lower belly. You notice that Bucky has crammed more wood into the fireplace, which currently serves as the main source of light for the cabin, save for a few candles that have been placed sporadically throughout the small space.
Sweat begins to bead across your skin within seconds of sitting down in front of the fire. You know that Bucky is just trying to keep the temperature of the house from dropping below zero while also providing enough light to see during the middle of the night while you are in too much discomfort to sleep, but you feel like you are locked in a sauna after running five miles.
You think back to all of the times that you've given Sam shit for taking ice baths after his workouts. Now nothing sounds better than an ice bath.
Almost nothing, anyway. The only thing that could possibly feel even better is laying down behind a closed door less than twenty feet away.
And he'd offered - begged, actually, to take this pain away from you.
“Please,” he whispers, kneeling on the ground next to the couch, where you sit hunched over in pain. He's so close to you and it's fucking suffocating. He places his hand on your knee and you have to dig your nails into the suede upholstery to keep from whimpering. He notices the reaction and retracts his touch.
“Sweetheart, look at me,” he says louder, the pet name finally getting you to meet his gaze for the first time since you dropped the glass jar of the firetruck red powder in the former HYDRA warehouse two hours ago.
Big mistake. Looking at him is a big fucking mistake. From the way his blue eyes bore into yours with sincere concern to the way that his plump, pink lips are slightly chapped from the cold weather -
“No,” you say firmly, shaking your head into your hands. “I can't ask that of you. I can't make you do that. I would never forgive my–”
“You wouldn't be asking or making me do anything,” he tries to reason with you. There's sincerity in his voice but you're too delirius to hear the truth of his words. “I'm offering. Because I care about you. Because I don't want to see you in any kind of pain if there's anything I can do about it. Because I think you'd do the same for me if the situation were–”
“Bucky,” you cut him off in a strained gasp. “Your voice is making this so much worse right now.”
“Then let me help you. Let me make you feel good.”
His words alone are enough to have you clenching your thighs around nothing but the thick material of your sweatpants. You can feel your cotton panties becoming more drenched with each word he speaks.
“Not like this.” You're on the verge of tears - from pain, from anger at the entire situation, from how goddamn badly you need to feel him inside you. “It can't happen like this. I never wanted it to happen like this.”
His features soften, a look of understanding spreading across his face.
“When we fuck, I want it to be because we want to fuck,” you say as you jump up from your position on the couch, desperately needing to distance yourself from him before you do something you can't take back. “I don't want it to be because we feel like neither of us have a choice in the matter.”
“But we do have a choice,” he murmurs from where he's still kneeling on the floor next to the couch. “And I'd choose to go back to that HYDRA facility and infect myself with this shit, too, if it means you'd feel a little less guilty about saying yes.”
Your answer to that was, of course, a big, giant absolutely fucking not. The snow started pouring down shortly after, making his irrational proclamation an impossibility, anyway.
Almost half a day later, here you are. Surrounded by miles and miles of snow and ice in a town with no power or semi-functioning cell phone towers, just trying to endure the fire coursing through your veins until the effects of the HYDRA made drug have worked through your system.
You're coming up on the twelve hour mark now, and there's no denying that you're desperate for relief in one way or another.
Worth a fucking shot, you think.
You prop your feet up on the glass coffee table in front where you sit on the couch, spreading your thighs apart by a few inches.
You hesitate for a moment, listening for any kind of indication that Bucky's no longer in the confines of the cabin’s singular bedroom.
Dead silent, except for the crackling of the wood burning in the fireplace.
You snake your hand down the front of your pants, past the waistband of your underwear and to your center that's been aching for hours now.
You stroke your fingers up and down your folds, stopping at the apex of your core to massage your clit in circular motions.
Your head rolls back on the couch at the sensation, immediately feeling the slightest sense of relief. You dig your teeth into your lower lip to keep from moaning - hard enough to draw blood, the taste of iron flooding your mouth.
You slip two fingers past your entrance, not requiring any foreplay to plunge them to the hilt. It feels good - the way you're working yourself with rapid scissoring motions. Really fucking good, actually. Better than fingering yourself has ever felt.
But only a mere minute into the ministrations, you fear that it won't be enough to satiate you in the way that the drug requires.
Still, you try. You yank your t-shirt above your tits, bringing your free hand to paw at your breast as you continue working your pussy with your fingers, the heel of your palm putting pressure against your clit.
“That's not going to work, you know.”
You yank your hand out of your pants, snapping your head to the side to see him leaning against the frame of the small hallway. You had been so immersed in attempting to find some amount of relief that you hadn't heard him exit the bedroom. He's looking at you with sympathy and concern, not judgment - you don't think you'd be able to find it within yourself to feel embarrassed even if he were. Not in your current state of discomfort.
“How do you know that?” Frustration is evident in your voice. You look away from him, back to the fire in front of you as you pull your shirt back down. The floor creaks as he steps out of the hallway and makes his way over to the opposite end of the small couch. He sits a foot away from you, close enough so that his scent and warmth invades your senses, sending a fresh wave of arousal to your core.
“Because I've been through what you're going through right now.”
Your eyes break away from the ember that you've been staring at, your gaze snapping to him. You don't know why this comes as a surprise to you. It shouldn't, not with every other form of torment that HYDRA had inflicted upon him for over half a century.
“Why didn't you tell me?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
“I was embarrassed,” he answers with a small half-shrug, breaking your stare. “I didn't.. handle it as well as you are,” he continues, shame in his voice and cheeks rosy. “You’re doing everything you can to fight something that you didn't ask for. That's more than I can say for myself.”
“You were brainwashed, Bucky,” you remind him delicately. It's a risky move that makes your skin burn and belly clench, but you scoot closer to him on the couch - your outermost thigh brushing against his knee. If the two of you weren't both wearing sweatpants, the minimal touch might even aid in bringing you some relief. Instead, you’re left feeling desperate for more of him.
But you push the feeling down, wanting to do what little you can to comfort him - wanting him to know that you don't think poorly of him for what was forced onto him, and what is now being forced onto you, too.
“I would never judge you for anything they made you do,” you assure him.
“I know you wouldn't,” he murmurs, turning to face you again. His blue eyes glow in the low lighting of the fire. The closeness between the two of you is dizzying, and electrifying, and -
“And I want you to know that I would never judge you for giving into this torture,” he adds.
You snort a laugh. “I'm starting to think you want me to give into this.” You mean for the statement to sound light-hearted, but a sharp pang in your gut makes you wince in pain and your voice goes shrill. You clutch your lower belly, hunching over at the pain.
He leans in closer, putting one hand on your lower back and one on your thigh. You whimper at the pressure of his fingers against your spine and inner thigh. Even through your clothes, the contact feels like heaven compared to hell you've been enduring for the last twelve hours.
You lean into his touch - you don't even think about it, you just do it. You rest your head in the crook of his neck, your forehead nuzzling the warm skin of his throat.
You take a deep inhale, attempting to steady your breathing, and you realize quickly that is a mistake - his scent is so euphoric, it feels like inhaling flames.
“Would it make it easier for you if I said that I do want you to give in?” His voice is low, his breath fanning across your face from his position above you.
“Fuck, Bucky, you can't say that to me right now,” you whine. You fist your hands into the fabric of his t-shirt, your eyes squint shut.
“Look at me,” he commands. You force your eyes open, pulling your head back enough to look up at him through your eyelashes.
“I want it to be your choice.” He brings a hand up to cup your jawline. His thumb skims the outline of your bottom lip. “But I would be lying if I said that I'm not relieved that I'm the one here with you, or that I wouldn't enjoy every second of helping you feel better.”
He brings his hands to yours, pulling them away from where they still clutch his shirt. You release your grip, allowing him to hold you by your wrists. He pulls your right hand up to his face, stopping just under his nose. Your brows furrow in confusion, until it dawns on you what it is he's doing.
He inhales deeply, then lowers your hand to his parted mouth. He slips the tips of your index and middle fingers past his lips, and then swirls his tongue around the two digits.
The exact two that had been inside your pussy not even five minutes ago.
Right now, you think you could come from him sucking on your fingers and nothing else.
You don't even try to stop the groan that slips past your lips as you shove your fingers deeper into his mouth. He moans around them as he finishes cleaning them off, the sound sending vibrations up your arm and throughout your body.
You pull your fingers from between his lips and immediately crush your own lips to his in their place. You feel the drug surging through your veins, but this time it's less excruciating - it now feels like pure adrenaline bubbling under your skin, spurring you on.
He opens his mouth to you, your lips and tongue moving with his in synchronicity. It's hurried and messy, and maybe not as romantic as you had imagined it in your head before this night - but it's exactly what you need right now.
He maneuvers you so that you're laying down on the couch, and nestles himself between your thighs. You can feel the hard outline of his erection through the thin material of his sweatpants. He ruts against you, dragging the bulge across your clothed center as he yanks your t-shirt up and over your head. He tosses it somewhere behind the couch before attaching his mouth to one of your nipples and palming the other with the cool metal of his left hand.
You wrap your arms around him, pulling the full weight of his body down against you. You stick your hands up the back of his t-shirt, scratching your nails down the skin of his back.
“I need more,” you gasp out as he pinches your nipple between his teeth, rolling it in his lips. The clothing that separates the two of you feels like a prison. “I need to feel you.”
He pulls away, leaning back to perch on his knees between your legs. Your eyes roam down the chiseled planes of his chest until they land on the defined “V” shape that disappears into the waistband of his low-hanging pants.
He hooks his fingers into your sweatpants and underwear and tugging them both down past your ankles, then throwing them somewhere across the room with both of your long-forgotten shirts.
His eyes trail your body from your breasts to your thighs, his pupils dilating in the firelight. He splays his hands across the meat of your inner thighs, pinning your legs open wide for him. He lowers himself back down on the couch, belly down so his face hovers just above your pussy.
“Bucky, I swear if you don't put your mouth–”
He laughs, a deep, throaty chuckle before his tongue slips between his lips. It darts to your hole, licking a soft strip up to your clit. You exhale a sharp hiss of pleasure, your hands shooting to lace your fingers through tendrils of his hair. You arch into his touch, meeting the thrusts of his tongue with thrusts of your hips. He eats like you're the best thing he's ever tasted - like he's wanted this for way longer than this drug has been in your system.
You're coming on his face in an embarrassing amount of time, really. Thanks to the influence of the pollen, you currently have the stamina and endurance of a teenager losing their virginity. Your thighs are clenched around either side of his head, writhing above him as you ride out your orgasm on his face.
The relief that you feel as you come down from your high feels like years of pent up frustration leaving your body all at once.
You don't quite feel entirely like yourself - there's still a dull ache in your core, and your skin’s still feverish - though that could be due to the fire that the two of you are just feet away from. But you're now able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
“Come here,” you whisper, your voice low and honeyed. He crawls over you, his chest brushing against yours as he centers himself above you. His skin shines with a thin layer of sweat that mingles with your own. You reach a hand between your two bodies, palming his erection through the sweatpants that he has yet to shed. You keep your eyes locked on his face, watching as his eyes roll back into his head and his teeth clamp down on his bottom lip as you massage him through the fabric. Your other hand juts down to the waistband of his pants and you tug them downwards, far enough to help him shimmy them down to his knees.
His cock springs forward and he takes himself in his flesh hand, pumping his length several times before teasing your folds with his tip. He collects your slick along his length, lubricating himself before nudging his head just past your entrance.
You're more than ready for him - hours of desperation in addition to already having come on his face leaves you needing no further preparation before he's filling you up with his impressive length and girth. There's a slight burn at the sheer fullness of it, but there's also a wave of relief that your body has been craving for hours.
He pulls out halfway, then rocks back into you. He starts slow - trying to hold back for his own sake or for yours, you're unsure. Gradually, he increases his speed, hitting your cervix at that sweet angle that not everyone knows how to work. You lean forward, raising your head enough to capture his lips in yours once more.
You taste yourself on him - a dichotomy of sweet and salty mixed with something entirely unique. He brings his flesh hand in between your bodies, lowering his fingers to your clit where he begins rubbing pressured circles. You moan his name into his mouth and he responds by biting your lip between his teeth, his movements becoming messier.
“You gonna come on my cock?” he asks in a low growl when he feels your pussy clenching around him. “Gonna fill you up and make you feel all better.”
His words send you tumbling over the edge for the second time - that telltale warm coil in your belly bursting at the same time that he begins spilling his warmth into you.
He collapses, pinning you between his body and the couch beneath you. Starting at your shoulder, he peppers kisses along your collarbones and up your neck until he’s finally eye-level with you.
“We can do that again,” he says in a breathy voice, still inside you. “If you need to, that is. Or if you just want you.” There's a mischievous grin spread across his face and a twinkle in his eyes. It's the most carefree you've seen him since the two of you left New York to come here for this mission. You put your hands on his chest, jokingly attempting to shove him away from you.
“Oh, I don't think I need to,” you jab at him. “I'm feeling pretty great now, but thank you for your services.” He laughs, pulling out of you and sitting back against the couch. He pulls you up with him, wrapping his flesh arm around your waist and tucking you into his side. “But I think I might want to again. You know, now that I'm no longer in excruciating pain.” He hums in agreement, stroking his flesh fingers across the side of your stomach.
“I'm glad you were the one here with me too, Bucky."
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thank you for reading! i know sooo many people have done this trope, especially for bucky, but it's truly one of my all time favorites and i just needed to get this out of my system so i hope you all enjoyed
comments and reblogs are always appreciated!!
other works by me: oil & water • down bad • acquainted •
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obsessivevoidkitten · 6 months
Lox the Fox
Male Yandere Fox Hybrid x Gender Neutral Reader CW: Noncon, somnophilia, implied cum in food, magic, drugging, biting, claiming bites, knotting, manipulation, chasing, kidnapping, general yandere behavior, references to an incident with a sweet potato Word Count: 5.6k (I am so sorry that this comm took so long, though I was dealing with a number of different issues. Hope you all enjoy it!)
You were but a humble trader. Once somewhat prominent in the medium sized town of Ridgespire, humiliating rumors began circulating about being caught in a compromising position with a sweet potato. The totally baseless story spread throughout the entire town. You were a laughing stock. When you could no longer handle it you left for a fresh start and new opportunities.
You decided to set up shop in the town of Westwend. It was a small village now, but you saw some serious potential. It was situated in the center of many newer villages and small towns and would serve as a good hub for you. But the best part about your new home was that it was too far for any pernicious lies about you and a sweet potato to have followed.
The locals were very accepting of you as a new traveling trader, though you hadn't had a chance to get close to any of them. Once you had moved in you immediately began planning your trip through the forest to reach a tiny village on the other side. You'd stop there to rest and see if there were any trade opportunities then head north to a larger town.
You stuffed a huge pack full of food, currency, and trade goods before putting it on and setting off on your journey. The village you were heading for was through several miles of forest and the forest itself was a mile or so away itself. You could be there by evening.
You were warned about an infamous fox-man named Lox that lived in the woods. Supposedly he helped or hindered travelers depending on what mood struck him at the time. The local villagers were always wary about crossing through the forest. That is part of what made this trade route so potentially lucrative. Not many were willing to cut straight through the forest.
The weather was cooperating and making your trip quite pleasant. The morning air was fresh and brought with it the scent of honeysuckle, and other prairie flowers. You took the unused and overgrown path and managed to make it to the woods just before the heat of the day, the dense canopy of leaves providing ample protection from the sun.
Though you didn't know it, you had rapidly crossed into the territory of the fox-man, Lox. And with his magic he knew exactly when any human neared the proximity of what he considered to be his land. He had nothing better to do, and delighted in meddling with humans, so with great grace and dexterity he weaved through the tree tops and quickly came upon you. He used his magic to stay silent and invisible so that he could observe you a while before deciding what to do.
It did not take long for Lox’s careful observation of you to lead him to the conclusion that he was intrigued. He used his magic to peep into some of your thoughts and memories to get just a glimpse of the type of person you were. He saw bits of your travels, vague impressions of your views, and something about a sweet potato. He couldn’t quite make it out to be honest. But it didn’t matter. He could tell from your aura that you were a lonely person with few friends and no current ties to anyone.
He decided that instead of hindering you he was going to help you more than he had ever helped anyone else before you. Not just for your sake, but for his as well. He thought maybe he could be your mate. Though he still needed to get to know you a little better though before he was totally sure. He could only get to know someone so well through his magic, so he really needed a more direct method.
Rather than simply introduce himself, which he was sure would fail, he devised a cunning plan to get you to see him as your hero. First impressions were immensely important, so if your first time seeing him was when he was saving you then that would make it a lot more likely that you would fall for him.
You continued through the forest, laughing to yourself about how easy a trip this was. You couldn’t believe how the small village dwellers had cut themselves off from such an easy trading route just because of some stories about some magic fox guy. You could believe that beast men existed, you had never seen one yourself, but their existence was never refuted, but magic? That was just too much for you.
Belief in the supernatural and heading the warnings of the villagers would have served you well, but instead the trap was laid and you bumbled right into it.
As you continued on the forest path, nearly gone due to disuse, you came across a clearing with a small cabin. It looked wildly out of place in the wilderness. Perhaps this was the home of the fox man all of the villagers had been so wary of. After gawking for a moment you resumed your journey. You had been traveling for hours and were probably halfway through the woods by now.
As you neared an old but sturdy bridge that marked the final leg of your travels through the forest, you heard a bone chilling growl and your path was suddenly blocked by three snarling wolves. You knew you couldn’t fight them, but the cabin that you had passed wasn’t too far. Maybe, just maybe, you could outrun them and take shelter.
Thinking fast you through your pack towards them, hoping the food in it would distract them enough for you to flee to safety. But no such luck. They weren’t distracted by it at all. At least without it you weren’t so weighed down though. But you were tired from all the walking and the wolves were at your heels. You imagined that you could feel their hot sour breath at your back, but you didn’t look back to confirm it.
Just when you were sure that you were going to find your end in the jaws of the ravenous beasts an orange flash came out of the trees from the direction of the house and stood between you and the feral wolves. There was no mistaking it, it was the fox man of local legend.
The hybrid man stood before the wolves with his back towards you, you could see that he was of a lean build and average height with two triangular ears on his head that were the same color as his wavy red hair. And he had a fox-like tail to match the ears.
As confident as he seemed you seriously doubted that he could take on so many enemies at once. And then you saw why he was so confident. A red tinged gust of magic left his hands and blew the wolves several feet away, making them smack into the trees. With a frightened yelp they scattered. You were in awe, magic was real after all!
When Lox turned to face you he could tell right away by the admiration and gratitude in your eyes that he had made the right decision in conjuring the convincing wolf illusions to scare you back towards him.
Normally seeing your first hybrid man may have at least startled you, but when you met his orange eyes and sharp-toothed smile you could only feel relief. You almost wanted to hug the guy.
“Thank you so much! I really thought I was a goner. I have no idea what I would have done had you not shown up when you had…”
Your stomach turned just thinking about it.
“No problem friend, I just happened to be gathering fruit up in the trees when I saw your predicament.”
Now Lox just had to convince you to stay the night with him. Get to know him better. Once you saw how good of a provider he was and how kind he was you would surely fall for him. He just knew it.
“Well uh… I better go and get my things. I dropped them to flee. And then I gotta keep traveling. Thanks again!”
No no no, that wouldn’t do for Lox at all!
“Don’t be silly! Those wolves could be lurking anywhere, you should just stay at my home while I collect your things. You can always set off tomorrow, I will even escort you through the forest!”
Your heart was still beating at an intense pace with adrenaline leaving you shaky. You didn’t really want to just set off alone so soon after such a scare. But you really should set out again, and you had doubts that the wolves would try anything again so soon.
“I really don’t think that I should, if I keep going I can make up for lost time and make the village well before sundown.”
He couldn’t reveal his true intentions yet, but no matter what happened, now that he had taken such a liking to you, he was never going to be far from you.
“Well, those wolves can be pretty persistent, they aren’t really normal. And it would be really nice to have a bit of company. It doesn’t come very often out here. I don’t think that humans like me all that much to tell the truth...”
Lox put on his best pouting face to elicit your sympathy. To be honest he didn’t mind his loner lifestyle one bit. Though he did want just one person in his life. A good partner. And whether or not you wanted it, that partner was going to be you.
His deception worked wonders on you. Instantly you felt immense sympathy for him. He was helping you so much so you should be happy to offer him your company, if just for a day. It wasn’t like it was a great imposition on you. You wouldn’t even be alive right now if not for Lox and all he wanted was a bit of companionship in return. Besides, you really didn’t want to come across as some sort of bigot…
“Well… if you’re sure it won’t be burdensome, I guess I can stay the night. Thanks for the hospitality, but I think I should go with you to get my pack. It would be pretty rude to make you go and get it for me.”
This also wouldn’t do for Lox, he wanted to enchant your belongings to be able to keep tabs on you even if you left his immediate vicinity. He did not want to run the risk of you ever escaping him, he doubted he would be unable to track you, but it was good to be prepared. The spell was rather loud and involved flashes of magic, he couldn’t take the risk that you could wake up and catch him in the act so having you at his house while he went off to do the enchantment on your stuff was his best solution.
“Don’t be silly, I can zip along through the trees much faster than you can walk! It will be much faster if I go alone.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true… Okay, if you really don’t mind getting it for me.” You felt bad that he had done so much for you already and was now doing more, but his logic made sense.
On the way there you introduced yourself and the two of you chatted a bit about how you both got to where you were currently. He explained the tragic tale of how he had been orphaned as a young teen and had to raise himself in the harsh wilds. The two of you were already pretty close to his humble home so it didn’t take long at all for him to lead you there.
The inside was about what you would expect from the home of someone living the lifestyle of a secluded forest hermit. Not messy, but cluttered in a cozy sort of way. Not a lot of open space, every inch utilized in some way. There were some shelves filled with books and various ornaments and objects of unknown purpose, there was a desk in the corner littered with arcane looking scrolls, a small dining area with dried aromatic herbs hanging from the ceiling, and there was a doorless bedroom attached with an equally well stuffed bedroom, you could see a large bed with red covers and more shelves.
Before he went off to get your pack for you he offered you some miniature sandwiches and some tea and set them on a small table for you.
You thanked him as he left and nibbled on the food he had provided you. You were hungrier than you had realized though and before you knew it, there wasn’t a crumb or sip left.
Meanwhile Lox had already located your belongings and busily casting his little spell on your things. He was hoping he could convince you to stay with him, but realistically it could take a few encounters. This would help ensure that those encounters kept happening. He considered it the “dating” phase of your “relationship.”
He also hoped that you would eat as much of that sandwich as possible. He had sprinkled in just a little something to help you be a bit more compliant with the “romance” he had planned for later that night. He could have relied on it to keep you from being too alarmed at him casting a spell on your belongings, but he couldn’t be sure how much you would ingest. Lox didn’t want to be pushy about you consuming the food either, that would be suspicious.
No, it was better if he just enchanted your things now and then he wouldn’t have to worry about if you had eaten enough magic flake powder that he had given you. And if you did happen to consume enough of it then he could have plenty of fun with you.
The fox-man briefly considered whipping up a love potion, but they were often temporary, wearing off at inconvenient times and requiring reapplication. And he really wanted you to actually be in love with him, not just be under the influence of all consuming magic.
When Lox entered the home it had startled you right off the couch and you fell to the floor. Lox quickly helped you up, relishing the chance to make physical contact with you. He was beyond thrilled to see that the plate your food had been on was now empty.
“Thanks! Sorry, you coming in so suddenly just startled me. You weren’t wrong about how fast you were, I hadn’t expected you back so soon.”
“Told ya I was fast.” He beamed proudly as he handed you your belongings.
Over the course of the next couple of hours the two of you chatted while you taught him a card game with a deck that you always traveled with, but you became fatigued much sooner than you usually did. Surely that was just from all the travel followed by the excitement of earlier though.
Lox offered you use of his bed while you used his couch, but you wouldn’t hear of it. He had already shown you such kindness you weren’t going to just kick him out of his own bed. Finally he relented and just let you use the couch.
Sleep came to you with unusual ease, something that Lox was greatly anticipating. Now you’d be at his mercy and even if you woke up, the mind altering effects of what he had fed you would make sure that you didn’t remember it or if you did you'd think it was only a dream.
Lox lubed you up carefully and slid into your sleeping form which he had tenderly stripped bare. He bred you slowly and lovingly, deep strokes into you so that he could edge and enjoy every possible second of making love with his partner for the first time.
It was difficult, but he managed to restrain his instinct to bite your neck all over and make his claim on you visible to the world. He also held his cock at the base to prevent his knot from slipping in and swelling within you. Lox didn’t want to leave you with any suspicious soreness.
But the hardest thing for the fox man was pulling out and not filling you up full of his seed, especially when your eyes fluttered open and you moaned and babbled incoherently while drooling in pleasure even if your mind couldn’t make sense of anything that was happening.
After that, he came in you quickly and meticulously cleaned you up so that no evidence was left behind.
When you woke up your head was a bit fuzzy, light filtered in through a little circular window and by the angle of the sun it seemed that you had slept all morning. You thought you probably had overstayed your welcome.
You yawned and began to get off the couch when suddenly Lox appeared as if from nowhere with a hot plate of food. Had he been watching and waiting for you to wake up? You didn’t entertain the thought long, you were just being paranoid. He was a fox-man; he clearly had enhanced senses and was just keeping the meal warm for you when you finally got up.
"Quail egg omelet before you leave?"
Lox seemed refreshed and energized, and though you couldn't quite place why something about him gave you just the slight twinge of anxiety in the back of your mind. It was easy to push away though.
"Thanks, you didn't have to make me breakfast. I have rations in my pack"
"Nonsense, you're my guest. And I was making one for myself anyway."
It did smell rather enticing and he had gone through the trouble of cooking it so you relented and ate it happily. It was among the best dishes you had ever eaten. You wondered if he used his magic to enhance it. He had, actually, added his own "special ingredient" to the food he made for you, but it wasn't something magical and you really didn't want to know what it was.
After you finished the meal Lox, true to his word, happily joined you on your trip out of the forest. You tried to insist that you didn’t need him, that the wolves probably went off in search of easier prey, and that you were prepared now, but the fox wasn’t having it.
The trip out of the forest was largely uneventful, filled only with Lox’s chatter and questions focused on you. You supposed most people would have been annoyed by it all, but you knew he didn’t get much company and you were still so touched by the kindness that he had shown you.
Overall it was going well.
Until it wasn't. As you crossed the old, but up until this point, very sturdy bridge, it suddenly collapsed beneath you. With a scream you flailed desperately, luckily Lox was able to reach you, hold onto you, and jump back up the side that you had come from. After you caught your breath and let your nerves settle in silence you looked at the damage. The bridge was beyond repair. It would add a couple hours to your journey to go around to the shallow part of the river, but you certainly couldn't go across here anymore.
"God damn! That was... scary! Thanks for... saving me. Again..."
You were still shaking a bit.
"It's no problem! I thought the bridge was a bit sturdier than that. Good thing I caught you... I guess we'll just have to go back for now..."
"No it's fine, I saw an old map of the area, there's a place I can cross if I follow the river. Will just take a few extra hours."
You looked up at him.
"Don't worry, you don't need to escort me the extra distance."
That was, of course, the exact opposite of what Lox planned. He would be at your side for eternity. Whether you said you wanted him there or not.
"No, no! It's not a bother. Really. I'm usually so bored I just sleep most of the day!"
"Well if it isn't a bother, I'm glad to have a traveling buddy for a bit longer."
The two of you sat down for a couple minutes before resuming your newly extended route out of the forest. It went about as well as it had been going before the incident with the bridge, though Lox kept shooting you nervous looks, like he was holding back from saying something to you. Poor guy, he was probably just sad that the two of you would be parting ways soon. You made a mental note to reassure him when you got to the end of the forest.
This wasn't the end at all, you'd see him a couple times a month if this trading exchange worked out. Maybe even once a week if things got really busy.
The fox hybrid was a bit more distant in conversation, focused more on his thoughts. He had been sure that after he collapsed the bridge with his magic and then saved you from the disaster that you would be head over heels in love with him. Clearly he had shown you he can keep you safe from any peril... even if he had to make the danger himself. At the very least you should have agreed to stay at his home a bit longer so that he could get you to like him more.
Sadly, Lox could not glean any notions of love emanating from you using his magical abilities. But he absolutely couldn't accept that you weren't at least somewhat attracted to him by this point. He had, as far as you were concerned, saved your life twice. Then he had been very amicable and hospitable towards you. You must have been in such strong denial that your true feelings were unknown even to you. But he wasn't going to give up on his beloved, he just knew the two of you were meant to be together. No matter what.
His first priority had to be making sure you never made it out of the forest. If you left and he wasn't with you then you could get hurt. Or maybe someone else would take you! But he didn't want to scare you or tip you off.
As the two of you continued on your way the amorous man couldn't help but stare at you and think of all the things he wanted to do to you. Seeing a lack of claiming bites on you almost sent his instincts into overdrive, he had to actively stop himself from fucking you into the dirt, biting all over you, and having his knot tie the two of you together.
The two of you crossed the river and with each step Lox grew more fidgety as his desire to claim you grew, as did his worry that you may escape him if he didn't think up another plot soon. Then he had a great idea. Quicksand! He'd save you from it and you'd be so frustrated, messy, and grateful that at the very least you'd want to go back to his house for another night to rest and clean up!
Lox used his magic to create a patch of quicksand on the path ahead and used his power of illusion to make sure it looked just like the surrounding terrain until disturbed, just like natural quicksand.
And sure enough it fooled you. With a loud scream you suddenly plummeted through what you had assumed was perfectly solid ground. You fell forward and struggled to orient yourself in the thick muck. Lox grabbed your pack from behind and plucked you easily from the quicksand. You gasped for breath and wiped the mud from your face.
"Holy fuck, I would have drowned if not for you! You're a real lifesaver, Lox."
This time you didn't waste more than a few seconds trying to catch your breath before getting up.
"I guess we should head back to my place, we can get you all cleaned up and try again tomorrow."
"Oh don't worry! We only just passed the river, we can go back and I can rinse off there!"
You started to head towards the water with Lox at your side.
"Are you sure? You must be tired after all the excitement we just had..."
You stopped and looked at Lox. He seemed almost panicked. The gears in your head finally started turning. The dots were connecting.
"Every time something happens you are very quick to suggest we head back... and it's pretty convenient that you are always right there to save me from these sudden disasters..."
"What are you saying?" The fox asked with a surprising darkness.
The question hung unanswered, heavy in the air, as the two of you stared at one another. Then you bolted into the dense foliage. But this was Lox's forest, he had years of experience tracking and keeping eyes on any humans who wandered through it, and he had never been so motivated.
Every time you made a turn Lox would appear in a puff of smoke in front of you, using his magic to teleport short distances. He grabbed you, but you struggled out of his grip.
"I love you babe, but I am getting tired of this little game. Let's go home now okay?"
He used a wave of magic to animated the vines near you, they snared you easily. You wriggled and writhed like a maniac as he slowly approached you with a creepy smile on his face.
"You must be tired after that little chase. You need a nap."
Then he pulled out a pouch of shimmering blue powder from his pocket and blew it over you. You fell asleep instantly.
When you woke up from your fitful sleep full of nightmares and fear in Lox's bed. You had no pants on and a thick sticky fluid leaking from your entrance. You realized those nightmares may not have been dreams at all, and you felt instantly nauseous.
Luckily, he wasn't in the room with you. The sick freak seemed to be in the kitchen, you could hear him humming faintly as he went about cooking. He probably thought he'd bring you a meal in bed and you'd be grateful and everything would be just peachy between the two of you. But you had other plans.
The window was large enough to leave through, you hoped you could do so quietly. You wiped yourself clean as best you could and put the clothing that Lox has removed back on. You raised the window slowly and it didn't make any noise at first, but you came to a point where it was stuck and more force had to be used. It squeaked like it was shrieking out your desire to escape to the four corners of the world.
Since your cover was clearly blown you gave up being quiet and forced it open with all due expediency. You quickly scrambled out the window, falling forward into the dirt. You wasted no time at all in getting up and darting away as fast as you possibly could. But the eyes of the fox were on you from the window, watching you speed further away. He wasn't worried though.
Lox was delusional and arguably even completely insane over you at this point, but he was no idiot. He knew your denial about how you felt over him may still be too strong and you may try to run away. He had taken extra precautions. Precautions you learned of in a  very direct way when you slammed face first and at full force right into some sort of invisible barrier that Lox had erected a good distance around his dwelling.
You fell rather hard on your ass and cupped your face in pain. Then you heard a voice approach behind you.
"Are you okay darling? I didn't intend to hurt your pretty face." He waved a hand and green sparks from his fingertips healed up your injury.
"What the Hell, Lox!? You can't just keep me prisoner like this!"
"You're not a prisoner! You're my partner, and this is just to keep you close by. You're really fragile judging by how you handled all the dangers recently."
You stared at him for a moment, unable to think of a response to this complete lunatic, as he got closer and stared down at you with that freaky smile of his.
"I realize you are used to being really independent, but you really need to admit it already. I am the perfect mate for you. You have to know that deep down."
You started to object, but he sealed your words with a sudden rough kiss. He was deceptively strong, a fact you learned while trying unsuccessfully to push him off of you. He pinned you down on the ground with ease and smirked down at you.
"If showing off how good of a protector I am isn't enough to get rid of your denial, then I will just have to show you how good our union feels~"
Lox ignored your protests. His nails grew sharp and he sliced off your clothing as easily as if he was cutting through paper.
"I'm gonna make you feel soooo good."
He bit possessively at your neck. It hurt slightly but the unpleasantness was overridden by pleasure. For someone who was rarely around humans except to randomly help or hinder an occasional traveler he sure knew how to pleasure you. Then you remembered how he had violated you in your sleep. He had practiced. You redoubled your efforts to get free but the resistance only seemed to excite him more.
Lox's claws returned to being normal nails as he fingered your entrance, despite his increasingly feral state of mind he was still focused on making this as pleasurable as possible for his beloved little human. He used a small bit of magic to create an oil from his fingers to apply a generous amount of lubrication to you.
Shouts, screams, and the tears rolling down your face were all met with calming shushing noises and promises that you'd be moaning soon enough with fear replaced by delight.
His fingers wiggled within you, causing you to buck unwillingly in the throes of carnal stimulation. You gasped and whined at your body's betrayal. Lox pulled out his fingers and held your hips tight while aligning his cock with you and slamming into you with the perfect amount of force.
Your moan was captured by his lips as he kissed you again, biting your lower lip as he pulled away.
"I have wanted my knot in you for so long, you're gonna fit me like a glove~"
All you could manage was to grunt in defiance as you drooled dumbly. Lox began thrusting into you again and again. Each movement of his could only be described as perfection. He rolled his hips and plunged in deeply with slow strokes that steadily increased in pace.
It really didn't take long at all for Lox to feel your body throb around his large prick as you climaxed. If this had been a willing encounter, and if you also had not been fucked silly, you would have been embarrassed by how quickly Lox had made you orgasm.
The fox looked at you in awe, observing every detail of your face as you came. Your flushed face, the rise and fall of your chest as you panted, your eyes glazed and lost in sexual bliss.
"Wow, you finish even faster and more beautifully than you did while sleeping!"
Lox bit at your chest and up to your neck, delivering a harder bite there to mark you as his. You were so out of it that it didn't register in the way that it should have. What little pain there was Lox quickly dispersed with more magical healing and gentle kisses.
He continued pumping into you for well over an hour, eliciting enough moans, whimpers, shakes, and shudders from you until your voice was hoarse and your body limp.
And then, just when you thought you would die from all the overstimulation, Lox painted your walls white with a hot load of cum before his knot swelled and kept the two of you together.
"See? No one else can make you feel like this! And you take me just so well my beloved~"
When his knot finally went down he had to stop himself from diving back into you, the sight of you glistening with sweat and leaking his seed went straight to his cock. But he settled for just slipping it between your thighs and grinding into you while you sat on his lap in the bathtub.
Your comfort was the priority and you clearly needed special care after that mind shattering sex.
When you were all cleaned up, he carried you bridal style to his bed and bundled you up in soft blankets, he pressed a loving kiss to your cheek before going off to get you some food and water. Maybe something easy to get down. Perhaps some soup? Since you were still pretty dazed he wondered if you would let him feed you.
You were such a sweet fragile thing and would need to recover your energy for all the activities he had planned for the two of you.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Woody taking his frustration out on you when he was scratched during playoffs but gives you the best aftercare
All I'm Seeing is Red- Miles Wood
A/N: Dang, I remember that game he played against the Rangers that got him sat. He played awful… just terrible. And then he got to sit and think about it for a long time 🙃 Thank you for your patience as I worked on getting this done. I acknowledge this took soooooo long! Wow! But it’s here now and I hope you love it!
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: This is a lil rougher than I usually do. If that’s not your taste, skip this one 😘 
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“Fuck me!” Miles screams from the doorway.
“Yes, please?” You joke, leaning your head around the corner to where he is coming into the apartment. You were finishing up lunch for the two of you when you heard his heavy footsteps coming down the hall.
He looks up at you, cheek bones cutting the air with his angry scowl. His blue eyes are a raging sea. 
“Oh no.” You sigh, setting the plates down. “What’s up?” You walk right to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and waiting for him to speak.
“I’m scratched again. Fuck! I know I played like shit. Why can’t I have another chance?” You figured this was the problem. You run your hands along the deep groves of his back, attempting to soothe. He hates the comfort and pushes you away. You try not to take it personally. “I’m sick of being fucking bag skated. Goddamn quads are on fire every fucking day.” 
“Oh no….” You trail off, following him and running your hands up his solid back muscles again. “I want your quads on fire because you’re fucking me.” Miles softens beneath your touch this time. Then he gradually turns. The desire in his eyes has you laughing, eyes closing when you realize you have awakened the beast.
“You’re gonna play again babe.” You encourage him before this takes a final turn. “I know it’s hard right now. But we’ll get through this.” 
“I don’t wanna talk about that now.” His eyes are darkening, jaw tightening. Your lips part in desire as his fingers force your head back. His thumb plunges, without much warning, between those parted lips. You suck his appendage as he pushes down on your tongue. You collapse your cheeks around him and he groans, stepping closer again, tightening you to him. “How rough can I fuck you?” He asks as he pulls his shirt over his head
“As hard as you can. I trust you.” You say as you shed yours too. 
“You’ll tell me if it’s too much?”
“I know what to say.”
“Scream it. I might not hear it. All I’m seeing is red…” He trails off as he grips your sweatpants, shoving them down your legs. “Bend over.” He encourages you backwards. 
“Here.” He says as your butt gets to the back of the couch. You turn. His big hands grip your hips. You can hear him undoing his pants. Pleasure rolls in waves down your skin. You moan at the sound of his bottom clothes hitting the floor. A heavy breath drops your shoulders as he presses his palm down for you to go lower against the leather. You look back, barely able to see anything but his strong arm as he guides himself into your heat. 
“Shit.” You moan as he rips himself into you. The fullness steals the breath from your lungs. It arches your back and dances your hair down your spine for him to grip. He wraps your strands around his fist then bucks deeper into you like he’s a bronco. 
“Talk to me.” He snaps. “Tell me how good this is.”
“You fuck me so good.” You sprint out of the gate just like him. “I love your cock, baby.” You close your eyes, biting your lip at the sound of his moan behind you. The tension he walked in with is evaporating into pleasure with each pump into your tight heat. He releases a hip, slapping your ass hard, causing you to jolt. Greedy desire shoots out from the red mark he left, clutching your throat as your folds slicked more.
“Do you like when I fuck you rough?” He asks. "Like when I handle you like a doll?"
“Yes, baby.”
“Say my name.”
“Yes, Miles.” You moan loudly.
“That’s it. Let the world hear who make you feel this good.” He pulls your hair righter, wrapping his other arm around your waist to keep you crudely arched. 
“Oh my god.” You choke as his pounding increases. He presses a hand into your stomach until your knees buckle from the intensity. He holds you up, using his powerful thighs to take you to heaven. “Holy fuck!” You wail, head crashing back into his beefy shoulder. “Yes…” You trail off, panting heavily as your core contracts around his cock. He moans, then pulls from you abruptly. You whimper, wildly reaching for him as you convulse around nothing.
“Gonna cum if I feel any more of that.” He says, stuffing two fingers in for you to grip instead. It helps bring you down to a better place. He pumps in and out, gathering your wetness and using it to rub your clit to prepare for the next round. “And I need at least three more from you before that happens.”
“Three?” You groan. You’re already feeling spent from how fast this one came on. But gone is his disappointment and failure from earlier. You’ll gladly keep playing your part to make him feel better.
You stand to your full heigh, allowing Miles to guide you around to the front of the couch. He pushes you down. He climbs between your spread legs, guiding his still wet fingers to your clit and rubbing in rushed circles. You whimper and he moans into your mouth. His lips suck your tongue into his. The rest of your noises are left there as he slips two fingers inside your entrance. You’re so wet; he can’t wait anymore. He roughly pulls back to bury himself to the hilt again. Your body quivers at his sudden entrance this time. Fuck, you think. Maybe you shouldn’t like how rough he’s being, but you do. And you’re already calculating how to get it again.
He begins to move and you find yourself breathless for the second time at how good he feels inside of you.  Your body stretches to accommodate him, turning your slight stitch into swells of pleasure. He’s so deep and hard, you feel him in your chest, squeezing the breath from your lungs in desperate moans.
“Wanna see you riding me to the next one.” He mumbles, tapping your ass.
He’s so chaotic, you can barely keep up with what you’re doing. Not that it matters. It’s clear he is using you for his own pleasure and distraction, but you’re benefiting more. He flips you both effortlessly, watching as you get situated over him, then drop down, stuffing his entire length into you in one swoop.
“Jesus.” He groans, running a hand over his face as the other guides your hip. You buck back on him in grinding motions, feeling each change in the angle of him into your stomach. Miles brings both hands to your hips, increasing the rhythm until he’s got you doing what he wants. Your breathing shorts out and a groan announces your next orgasm. Miles doesn’t let up. He keeps working you hard into him until you collapse down from your high. 
“You’re so pretty when you cum for me.” He praises while sitting up, leaning forward to kiss your throat. His large hand gathers the tendrils of your hair, gripping them to tilt your head back towards the ceiling. You begin to bounce on him. His tongue falls out of his mouth, stroking your nipple with each up and down movement of your body. You grip the back of his neck, denting crescent moons into his skin. He reaches up for your throat, putting a bit of pressure there. “Is this okay?”
“Yes.” You moan out in pleasure. “No more though.”
“Just this.” He confirms, beginning to thrust up to meet your bounces. You can feel your third orgasm rushing towards you. It’s more intense than the others and you start shivering above him. Miles bites his lips together, watching your face for the sign of full release. You crash into harsh, hot waves of ecstasy that shudder your entire body from head to toe. You grit your teeth at the intensity, then release to moan loudly when Miles slaps your ass hard. 
“Miles!” You’re screaming now. Your body is utterly used and you whimper as he slows the tempo, knowing you need a small break. He hugs you to his chest, kissing along your cheek. His tongue licks at your jaw before he pulls away.
“You’re such a good girl for me today.” He stands up, moving you both from the couch and walking down the hall to the bedroom. “Need more space for what is next.” He says as he lays you on the comforter. He grips your hip, rolling you to your stomach and encouraging your hips up into the air. He presses down on your upper back, shoving your cheek into the soft fabric.
He knows this is your favorite.
“Your reward.” He murmurs, thrusting slowly into you. It’s tantalizingly slow, torturous, and at any moment, he’ll increase the tempo to a blinding speed that will have you trembling long after you both cum. But not yet. Right now, it’s gentle. The disgusting sound of your wetness fills the bedroom. “You hear how wet you are for me, beautiful girl? How soaked you’ve gotten from cumming so much.”
“Yeah.” You whine, eyebrows knitted together. You reach back, stretching your cheeks apart to help his thrusts.
“No.” He says, grabbing your hand and forcing it back to the bed. “I’ll take you how I want and no other way.” His words tickle your ear as he picks a faster tempo. His strength makes you submit. You can feel him pulse and thicken in you. You know he’s close. He loves to dominate you, taking you the way he wants, the way no one else gets you. He'll use his body to enclose you into him while he takes you as deep as you can handle.
His hand comes to the back of your neck, shoving you deeper into the mattress with his strong fingers.
“Oh god, right there.” You beg, focusing in on his staccato thrusts pushing you further up the bed. He stays consistent with that, moaning back to you at the way your inner walls hold his cock. “Yeah…” You whisper, then begin to pant heavy, practically wheezing as you turn your face into the mattress
“Holy fuck.” Miles yowls when your inner walls clench in preparation for your next orgasm. He doubles down hard, practically punching through your body with how hard he’s railing into you
Your hands wildly grip the comforter into your tight fists as you shutter stiffly, orgasming so hard you think you’re blacking out. Miles shouts as he fills you, jerky thrusts accompany his sexy groans as he finishes his own high.
One by one, Miles releases his fingers from the back of your neck. You lay motionless on the bed besides heavy breathing making your back rise and fall quickly. His fingers follow the knots of your spine, painstakingly slow. He pulls out of you then leans forward to press kisses along the long valley of your vertebrae.
“You okay, baby?” He asks when you continue not moving or speaking. He gives your pussy a gently stroke with his weeping tip, causing you to jolt. You still don’t answer. He rotates to see your face catching the soft grin stretching your lips apart. Your eyes open, locking with his as he leans down to kiss you. 
 “What does it say about me that I want to call the Devs and thank them for that?” He laughs, shaking his head.
“That my baby is a freak.” He brushes your hair off your cheek. “Wanna shower?” All you can do is nod.
Miles helps you off the bed. Your knees wobble, so you clutch his bicep for support. He can’t help but grin, wrapping his arm around your waist to guide you into the bathroom. You lean against the wall as he turns the water on. He waits, letting the glass enclosure fill with steam before he leads you in with laced fingers.
He puts you in the warm water, then cups your cheeks in his big palms. His kisses are soft. They muse your lips with each press, trying to suck the puffiness from them that he made. You sigh into his mouth, letting your fingers trail up his abdomen to his big shoulders. You step backwards, letting him into the spray with you. He assaults your lips again, both of you tasting each other and water as the beads break between your mouthes.
“What shampoo are we using today?” He murmurs, gesturing to the three options you have. You grab the daily shampoo off the shelf and hand it to him. “Tell me when?” He squeezes the bottle. You let him get a half dollar size onto his palm then stop him.
He lathers it up in his large hands, then reaches for your scalp. Your eyes close at his gentleness. You love the way he takes care of you after playing rough. The way he turns a simple act into an intimate, one of a kind moment. It’s just shampoo. It’s just a shower. And yet with Miles, it’s always so much more than that.
“Step back and keep those beautiful eyes closed.” He insists. You do as you’re told. Miles helps the water rinse the suds from your hair, smoothing down the strands and fluffing them along your scalp to get everything out. “Now open your eyes and watch me kiss you.” He whispers against your lips. You obliged again, lips stretching into a grin. This is what he wanted. His tongue comes into your mouth, swirling against yours until you giggle. “Did I tell you I love you when I got home?”
“No, you just demanded I bend over.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll do better about telling you I love you before I split you open.”
You snicker then tell him you love him too.
“I know how you could make it up to me…”
“Hmm?” He asks, grabbing the conditioner. You take it from his hands knowing he has no idea how to do this part. He uses 2 in 1 Head and Shoulders. The concept of conditioner is foreign to this manly man.
“Be nice to yourself. This is hard enough without the negative self-talk.” He wasn’t expecting that and his eyebrows knit together in denial. He reaches for the conditioner bottle from you and puts it back on the shelf. “Promise me.” His blue eyes return to yours. “Otherwise I have to beat you up.” He snorts in shock, then giggles.
“I’ll do it, Woody. I’ll punch you in the face if you’re mean to yourself.” You hold a fist up, jokingly pressing your knuckles to his jaw. “Take out the rest of your teeth too.” He turns his face, forcing your fingers open so he can kiss your palm. Then he guides your hand down to hold his thick ass cheek, bringing you into his wet body. 
“Noted, boss.” You shake your head no.
“Miles, that’s not a promise.”
“I promise, baby.” He says, looking into your eyes. The sincerity you want is there now. You nod, then settle your cheek against his chest. 
Two games later, Miles plays and scores a goal. The Devils decidedly beat the Hurricanes 8-3. 
You’re not saying it’s because of you. But you’re also not saying it isn’t. 
Some things are too perfect to only be a coincidence.
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PAIRING: logan howlett x vampire mutant!female reader
RATING: explicit | WORD COUNT: 2.3k
after helping you out by letting you feed from him, logan asks you to return the favor.
part two of bloodthirsty
thank you for all the love on bloodthirsty! here’s a nice and smutty second part. big thank you to @guiltyasdave for reading this over for me 💕
explicit sexual content (18+ mdni), x-men (2000) logan howlett, able bodied reader, vampire mutant!reader, no use of y/n, single POV - reader, primal play (chase/capture), gratuitous use of growling/roaring, light fighting, mentions of blood, biting, rough sex, semi-public sex (in the woods), oral - f receiving, unprotected p in v, multiple orgasms, creampie, dirty talk, blade play (the claws come out).
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Logan finds you in an empty hallway one afternoon, about two weeks after your encounter in the kitchen. You made the mistake of making eye contact, leaving you unable to turn and pretend you didn't see him like you've been doing since that night. 
"You avoiding me or something?" he says, hint of a smile on his lips. 
"No," you reply quickly. "What makes you think that?"
"Haven't seen you around much lately."
"Just busy."
"Right." He looks away for a moment, hands on his hips. "Look, I got a proposition for you."
"I don't--"
"I got this issue--," he continues, ignoring your response "--where it gets to be too much, you know? And I helped you out so--"
"What are you talking about?" you interrupt.
His voice drops a bit lower. "We're predators, right? And I don't know about you but sometimes my prey drive can be...too much, if you catch my drift."
"And I got two words for you - quid pro quo."
You blink at him. "Logan, that's three words."
"I thought pro quo was one word."
"Why would you think that?"
"We're getting off topic," he says, waving his hands. “Think you can help a guy out?"
"Help you...how, exactly?"
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You agree to meet Logan at the edge of the dense forest that surrounds the X Mansion at nightfall and as you walk through the grounds blanketed in darkness, your senses begin to feel more alive. Anticipation courses through you and the further you venture from the mansion, the darker the night becomes.
Logan is already there when you arrive, tension rolling off of him in waves. He gives you a tight smile.
"Took you long enough," he says. You roll your eyes.
"I'm still here, aren't I?" You gesture to the forest. "So, what now?"
"You run," Logan replies. "I hunt."
The deep timbre of his voice sends a shiver down your spine. What he's asking for goes against your nature but some deep part of you is eager to please. 
You take off through the trees, running as fast as your legs will carry you across the soft forest floor. With your enhanced speed, it's not long before you're miles from the manicured mansion grounds, surrounded by gnarled roots and a thick canopy of leaves that blocks nearly all light from the moon.
You slow to a stop, catching your breath. The snap of a branch is the only warning you get before Logan's heavy weight barrels into you, sending you both tumbling to the ground with him coming out on top, smiling down at you, a wild glint to his eyes.
"Gotta do better than that, bub," he says. He stands up, holding a hand out to help you to your feet. "I'll give you a head start this time."
"I don't need a head start," you grumble. "I'm faster than you."
He laughs. "We'll see about that."
You start running, his laughter ringing in your ears. Your path is less direct this time, weaving through the trees and doubling back to leave your scent in more places and crossing a small creek with the hopes that the running water helps to cover your tracks. You grow comfortable enough in your lead that you begin to slow down, keeping yourself attuned to the sounds of the forest and any changes that might indicate Logan has found you.
The trees break into a vast clearing, tall grass swaying in the breeze. Moonlight trickles past the branches, stripes of faint light illuminating the floor. You take a moment to appreciate the tranquility of it, but the calm is short lived when you catch movement at the corner of your eye.
Logan steps through the trees. He's removed his shirt, thick muscle glimmering with sweat, his chest heaving with labored breath. Your mouth goes dry at the sight and for a moment you really do understand what it's like to be prey, faced with something so deadly it's almost hypnotizing, impossible to look away even when you’re in danger. He stalks closer and you feel frozen in place, unable to move a muscle.
"Found you," he growls. 
Your survival instinct kicks into gear and you attempt to run away, sprinting across the glade with renewed vigor. If you can make it back into the forest you know you could shake him loose again, but staying in the clearing makes you a clear target. 
Logan roars, the sound loud enough to shake the branches of nearby trees. You risk a glance over your shoulder and are met with the sight of the man on all fours, running towards you with single minded determination. He rapidly closes the distance with impressive speed, wrapping his arms around you and taking you down to the ground for the second time that night.
You grapple with him, landing a kick to his chest that gives you the chance to crawl out from beneath him. He reaches a hand out for your ankle and drags you back toward him, using his weight to hold you in place. You wiggle an arm free and strike at his face, though he dodges and your fingernails scrape against his neck, leaving red gashes in their wake that heal in the blink of an eye. He pins your arm to the ground above your head.
"No more runnin’,” he says, a command that shoots straight to your core. You know he’s not talking about just tonight, but rather how you’ve been avoiding him. 
But how were you supposed to face him when the only thoughts you had of him since then were about how sweet he tasted, how good he felt, how much you wanted more, more, more that you couldn’t possibly ask him to give?
Your inner turmoil is lost when his lips slam against yours in a kiss that’s hot and hungry, stealing your breath with its ferociousness. His teeth sink into your bottom lip and you gasp at the sharp sting of pain that lights up your nerves. There’s nothing gentle about it, but you’re not gentle creatures and the beasts that pace and snarl beneath your ribcage have finally broken free.
Logan breaks the kiss to stare down at you with wild eyes. Blood, your blood, stains his lips and his tongue darts out to lick it away with a satisfied hum. He leans in close, burying his face in your neck, inhaling deeply, mouth open against your skin with the threat of sharp teeth over your racing pulse.
“Can’t hide it,” he says. “Not when I can smell it on you, sweetheart.”
“Smell what?” 
“How much you want it.” He nips at the juncture between your neck and shoulder, making you hiss. “How much you want me.”
Heavy hands find the hem of your shirt, shoving it up your chest until it’s bunched beneath your armpits. He pulls down your bra to expose your breasts and your nipples tighten at the sudden burst of cold air against your skin but his mouth is on you in an instant, warm tongue tracing the taut buds. Your back arches at the sensation and you dig your fingers into his thick hair, pulling at the strands. He hums with pleasure as he switches to your other breast, giving it the same maddening attention.
His palm slides down your belly, fingers dipping beneath the elastic of your leggings and finding your needy center, swirling through the mess you’ve already made in your underwear. You can feel the smug grin on Logan’s face before he even lifts his head to look at you.
“That’s what I thought.” He withdraws his hand, holding it up to his face. In the moonlight you catch a glimpse of the strands of slick stretching between his index and middle finger before he sticks them in his mouth with a groan, licking them clean. “Fuck, you taste better than I imagined.”
The metallic sound of his claws unsheathing reaches your ears and your pulse jumps as he drags the blunt side of a single blade up the inside of your thigh. The tip catches on the fabric covering your pussy and with one quick move of his wrist he slices through your pants. His claw disappears and he reaches down with both hands to tear the fabric further.
Logan settles on his belly with his head between your thighs, your legs propped up on his broad shoulders. He kisses your pussy over the soaked fabric of your underwear but
spares you any further teasing, grabbing your panties in a tight fist and pulling roughly until the elastic snaps against your skin and he holds the torn fabric in his fist. He tosses them aside and buries his face in your cunt, devouring you like a man on a mission. His tongue alternates circling your sensitive clit and dipping into your dripping entrance, expertly tracing every inch of you. You’re so lost to the pleasure that you don’t notice him getting to his knees until he’s lifting your hips, hands gripping your ass tightly to keep your lower body suspended in the air and his mouth sealed to your cunt.
“Fuck!” you cry out, muscles growing tense as your orgasm builds. It hits you like a tidal wave, coursing through your veins as you shout his name like a prayer. His hold remains tight as he works you through it until you grow boneless in the aftermath.
He lowers you slowly back to the ground and you fight to catch your breath while he quickly removes his belt and shoves his jeans down enough to free his cock. You watch him take himself in hand, a brief slide of his fist over his impressive length before he runs the glistening head through your sensitive folds, bumping your clit and making you shiver.
Logan’s gaze remains fixed to yours as he presses forward, breaching your tight entrance. Your body accepts him greedily, the slight sting and stretch barely a thought when all you can focus on is how full he makes you feel.
His lips find yours for a messy kiss while he begins to thrust, a slow drag of his cock from your body followed by a sharp snap of his hips that punches the air from your lungs. You cling to his shoulders, clawing at his skin. The scent of his blood invades your senses and your teeth begin to ache at the memory of his taste. 
Your teeth catch on his lip and he hisses but doesn’t pull away. Copper blooms across your taste buds and you can’t help the desperate moan that escapes into the kiss.
“Come on, baby,” Logan says. “Take a bite.”
You rest a palm on the back of his head, urging him closer, lifting your head and kissing his neck, licking the salty taste of him from over his fluttering pulse. You open your mouth, sinking your teeth into skin and muscle and vein until warm blood spills into your mouth. The combination of his blood on your tongue and his cock spreading you open sends you over the edge.
Above you, Logan growls, a deep rumble you can feel down to your marrow, some ancient part of you preening with excitement. He holds himself still as you clench around him. Your orgasm slowly subsides and you find the strength to unclench your tense jaw from his neck, gently licking at the blood that spills from the deep impressions of your teeth.
Logan sits up, cock slipping from your body and leaving you achingly empty. His hands grip your hips, forcefully turning your lax body over and hiking your ass into the air. He spreads your cheeks and the vulnerable position has your whole body growing hot.
“Hope you didn’t think we were done,” he tells you as he positions himself behind you, thrusting his length back into your body and setting a brutal pace that has you crying out into the night. 
One hand holds your hip with bruising force while the other settles on your shoulder, pulling you into every delicious snap of his hips. Your mind goes blissfully blank with the overwhelming pleasure building up inside of you for the third time.
He folds forward, his chest pressed to your back and his pace growing sloppy as he nears his own release. A hand curls around yours, a moment of intimacy that leaves you reeling.
Logan roars, hips slamming into a final time, dragging your last orgasm from you as his cock pulses with his release inside of you. A sharp pain on your hip makes you gasp and you notice his claws have extended from the hand wrapped around yours, sinking into the dirt.
“Shit,” he pants, sitting up after a moment. The loss of his heat makes you shiver. “I nicked you.”
You slowly move yourself into a seated position, muscles feeling like jelly, and inspect the area that the pain came from. Your leggings have a new slice in the fabric and the material is sticky with blood but to your surprise, there’s no wound to be found.
“You heal that quick?” Logan asks. You shake your head.
“Not usually.” You run your fingers over smooth skin. “Must have been your blood.”
“You think so?”
You shrug. “Just a guess. Never fed from someone with advanced healing factor.”
“You sayin’ I’m your first?” he asks with a smirk. You can’t help the laugh that escapes and his smirk stretches into a grin. Logan stands, fixing his pants and holding a hand out to help you up. 
“How am I supposed to get back into the mansion like this?” you ask, gesturing to your destroyed leggings. 
“Guess I didn’t think that through,” he admits. “Give me a few minutes and I can be back with some new clothes.”
“How are you going to get into my room?”
He turns to look at you, continuing to walk backwards.
“I’m a man of many talents.”
With a wink, he disappears through the trees. You sigh.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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Thank you for reading!
all masterlists | logan howlett masterlist | support for palestine
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lfghughes · 1 year
I'm so happy that you write for Miles <3. I was wondering if you could write one where the reader and Miles are dating but she is feeling insecure about herself since she doesn't look like the other WAGS (blonde, tall, light eyes)
a/n: thank you for requesting this idea!! this one is for the miles lovers
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It wouldn’t be fair to say that you didn’t fit in not when the girls all made you feel welcomed into their group. You were included in conversations and they never did anything to make you dislike being around them. But that didn’t mean you weren’t insecure because even though you felt included you didn’t fit in. These girls were the type that were influencers on social media and you were the complete opposite. Or so that’s what you felt like.
You didn’t think too hard about your posts and you also didn’t look like them in any sense of the way. It shouldn’t bother you but you found yourself thinking pretty often why Miles chose to be with you instead of finding someone who could fit in a lot better. When Miles got home from practice you were still flipping through your phone looking at all the other girlfriends posts and comparing yourself to them.
“Hey, what are you up to?” Miles asked as he looked over at you. You shrugged at him, your mood was clearly not the best at the moment. “I’ve just been looking at some of the other guys girlfriends posts. Thinking about how I don’t fit in and wondering why you’re dating me when you can really have your pick with any girl you want.” A sigh fell from his lips as he walked over to you, placing his hands out as if he wanted you to grab them, which you did.
Miles pulled you up to your feet “We’re not doing this, come with me.” He told you as he led you over to the bathroom, placing you in front of the mirror. “Tell me what you see.” You weren’t really sure what game Miles was trying to play now but you shrugged. “Myself?” He waved his hand to keep you going with your explanation and you let out a sigh. “What’s the point of this, Miles.”
“Because I’ll tell you what I see when I look at you.” You weren’t sure why but those words alone made your heart swell a little. “When I look at you, I see the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He placed a quick kiss to the top of your head. “I think you have the prettiest eyes.” At his words you quickly shook your head. “Pretty eyes? They’re dark and far from pretty.”
“Uh, this is my turn to talk not yours but just because they’re dark doesn’t mean they’re not beautiful.” He pointed out as his arms wrapped around your waist and he rested his head on top of your head. “I love you for who you are but I also think you’re gorgeous. I don’t care if you don’t look like those girls because I’m not trying to date those girls. I want you.” There went your heart again, your boyfriend was clearly a romantic. “Thank you..” You whispered to him because you appreciated the reassurance. “I love you.” He reminded you again as he placed another kiss to the top of your head.
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hischierdevils · 1 year
Thank you for opening up the Hell's week blurbs again! Can I get #8. “I just want to lay here all day”  and 10. “I really need you right now” with Woody? please and thank you!
Miles’ toothless smile is the first thing you see when he answers your early morning FaceTime call. You can see he’s still in bed and his hair is sticking up at odd angles. “Good morning, beautiful.” His voice is deep from sleep.
“Good morning.” You smile back feebly.
“What’s wrong?” He’s immediately concerned by the sound of your voice.
“Nothing, I just want to lay here all day.” You lie as you stretch out on your own bed that you and Miles typical share when he’s not on road games like he is now.
“Baby.” Miles sits up in his bed, bringing the phone closer to his face. “I know you. I know when something’s wrong.”
“I-I just…” your voice breaks and you start to cry. “I really need you right now.”
Miles’ heart breaks as he watches you cry, knowing he can’t comfort you. “I’m here. I’m right here baby. I love you.”
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rafeacs · 3 months
Best Friend Rafe x Reader Late Nights
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Warnings: None (yet), fluff, soft rafe, yearning
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To Rafe: r u up?
Not even a minute has passed, and your phone rings with a FaceTime from Rafe. “What’d you need?” He asked, his voice laced heavily with sleep, making you somewhat guilty for disrupting his slumber. ‘I’m hungry,” You say sheepishly, watching as his eyes were barely open and a yawn left his lips. You were expecting him to say, ‘Does your house not have food?’ And brush off your late-night cravings, but he never does. “I’ll be there in five,” was all he said, and you thanked him over the phone, giddy that you’d get to sedate your grumbling stomach. 
You didn’t even bother to get dressed, only wearing your skimpy pajama shorts and tank top as you waited by the porch for Rafe. The crips night air nipping at you and riddling your skin with gooseflesh. When you see the headlights of his truck, you are quick to stand and greet him as he drives his way through the rotund driveway of your estate. You walked towards his truck, not expecting him to get off, but he did just open your door. “Thanks, Rafe!” You chirped, still full of energy, a deep contrast from his tiredness. “It’s two am, why are you still awake?” Rafe yawned once more as you wore your seatbelt. 
“I accidentally drank this energy drink, which I thought was just like regular soda, and somehow it made me fall asleep; weird, right? It’s an energy drink, and it’s supposed to keep me up, but it made me want to take a nap instead. Anyway, I took like a four-hour nap and woke at eight, and I thought I could fall back to sleep again, but I didn’t, and I started to get hungry I then thought I could just sleep away and wait ’til breakfast, but no, so, here we are.” You rumbled on, still full of life, but Rafe simply hummed and nodded as he drove into the street. 
“Where’d you wanna eat? I’m not sure if anything is open right now; our regular diner’s closed for renovations.” Rafe asked, turning to you, who he had only now noticed was not at all wearing anything beneath your tank top. Your nipples shamelessly straining through your shirt, and Rafe quickly refocused his gaze on the road, his morning wood he had just gotten rid of quickly returning. Rafe bit his lip and reached back to grab his sweatshirt, and handed it to you, avoiding looking in your direction because it was too much of a temptation. “Oh, thanks! I was cold,” You say, and Rafe could only nod, the evidence of your chilliness straining through your shirt. 
“We might have to drive around for a bit; nothing seems to be open,” Rafe muttered after a moment as you played around with the stereo system, your phone already connected to the Bluetooth because it was always you who had the command on what songs were played in his truck. Rafe’s sleepy state was awoken when you started to sing along loudly to one of those pop songs you loved. You can’t sing for shit, but Rafe could not help but be amused as you belted out the songs, a rather endearing quality about you. You only truly sang out loud when you were alone or when Rafe was around; you found the action of singing too intimate and vulnerable that you could only do it when you were in his presence. Him being the only one blessed to hear your off-key singing. 
“Why are you so quiet? You love this song!” You yelled through the blasting music, poking Rafe’s side and making him laugh, him finally singing along to the song he would never sing along in front of Topper or Kelce because they’d surely tease him. 
You and Rafe drove around aimlessly, your hunger forgotten as you and Rafe sang along to whatever song played next. You and Rafe had passed by countless newly opened restaurants, but you didn’t seem to notice, and Rafe took advantage of your obliviousness to spend more time with you. It was nearing sunrise when he finally circled around and went back to an open diner he saw a few miles back. Your energy never seemed to run out; you still sang along and randomly blabbed about everything you could think of to your best friend. 
Rafe hopped out of his car as you were still talking about some island gossip, your voice growing distant as he circled his vehicle to open the door for you, who still had not taken a breath in between the words that spilled out of your lips. Rafe sighed and shook his head as he draped his arm around your shoulders and guided you toward the diner. 
“What are you ordering?” Rafe asked you as you perused the menu. “I don’t know…” You trailed, Rafe already guessing that was your reply. “I kinda want waffles, bacon, and coffee, but I also want a burger, fries, and shake…” You said, in deep ponder, what to order. “What can I get for you two?” A waitress appeared, and Rafe turned to her, “I’ll get a stack of pancakes with sausage and a side of hashbrowns on the side,” Rafe said and placed down his menu, “And for your girlfriend?” The waitress asked, and before you could speak, Rafe ordered for you. “She’ll have the waffles with bacon, a coffee, and the cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate milkshake.” Rafe quickly said, not letting you pick between the two things you wanted to order. “Okay, it’ll be out in a minute,” the waitress took your menus, and Rafe smirked as she thought you were his girlfriend. Neither of you corrected her because it was often that you two were mistaken as a couple when, in truth, you two were just best friends. 
The two of you were enveloped in silence as you ate, too hungry to focus on anything else than your food. You were halfway into your two meals when Rafe noticed you were too quiet. He raised his gaze and could not help but let out a breath of a laugh as you started drifting off to sleep, your hand still clutching a fork that was filled with food. Rafe bit his lip and took out his phone to take a sneaky picture of you, adding the photo to his growing album of you drifting off to sleep still whilst eating. 
When Rafe finished his meal, he placed the payment on the table and went to your side of the booth to carry your figure, deep in slumber, back to his car. It surprised him that you didn’t wake with all the movements. When he reached your home, he did not even dare to wake you up, simply carrying you again and walking you back to your room before placing you in your bed. Rafe observed your sleeping form, admiring the way your lashes fanned your cheeks, and there was still a hint of maple syrup at the corner of your mouth. The sun was starting to rise, and Rafe’s own tiredness was starting to get to him. He let his hand run along your hair and boldly placed a chaste kiss on your forehead before stepping away, but you took hold of your wrist before he could. “Stay,” you mumbled, and Rafe felt his pulse in his ears at what you had uttered; he didn’t even think twice before agreeing. “Okay,” he whispered and lay on the other side of the bed, his heart doubling as you turned to him and cuddled close to his chest. Rafe wrapped his arms around you and sighed deeply, waiting for the day that you two would do this again, but not just as friends. 
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