#Mira Alfassa
sudhanshu-bhatt · 5 months
Empowering Tomorrow's Women
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India's educational landscape flourishes with prestigious girls' schools. These institutions are more than bastions of academics; they are empowering spaces that nurture young women into future leaders, equipped to shatter glass ceilings and champion positive change. Let's delve into the essence of these schools and the opportunities they offer.
Cradle of Leaders: Cultivating Well-Rounded Individuals
Holistic Education: These schools transcend rote learning. They offer a diverse range of extracurricular activities, sports programs, and leadership opportunities. This holistic approach equips young women with essential life skills like teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking – all crucial for effective leadership.
Empowering Mentorship: Experienced faculty play a pivotal role. They act as mentors, providing academic guidance, emotional support, and career counseling. This mentorship fosters a safe space for girls to discuss aspirations and challenges, and navigate their path to success.
Building Confidence: A supportive environment is paramount. These schools nurture self-belief, empowering students to take risks, learn from mistakes, and persevere through challenges. This confidence allows them to reach their full potential and thrive in their chosen paths.
Examples of Empowering Institutions:
Ecole Globale International Girls School, Dehradun: This school boasts a holistic, international curriculum that emphasizes academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility.
Welham Girls' School, Dehradun: Established in 1937, this heritage school is renowned for its rigorous academics, unwavering commitment to social service, and global outlook.
The Doon Girls' School, Dehradun: Affiliated with the CISCE board, this school provides a well-rounded education that fosters intellectual curiosity, creativity, and leadership.
Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls’ School, Jaipur: This prestigious school offers a unique blend of traditional Indian values and a contemporary, global curriculum. It's known for its focus on academics, sports, and the arts.
Sri Aurobindo Ashram School, Pondicherry: Founded by Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa, this unique school promotes a holistic education integrating academics, physical education, and spiritual development.
Choosing the Perfect Path
The "best" school isn't just about rankings. It's about aligning with your daughter's individual needs and aspirations. Here are some key factors to consider:
Academic Focus: Does the curriculum align with your daughter's learning style and academic goals?
Holistic Development: Explore the range of extracurricular activities, sports programs, and leadership opportunities offered by the school.
School Culture: Look for a school culture that values empowerment, collaboration, and celebrates diversity.
Distance from Home: Consider the emotional impact of being away from family and the importance of parental support.
Shaping the Future: Agents of Change
These top girls' schools are more than educational institutions; they are agents of social change. By fostering intellectual curiosity, leadership skills, and social responsibility, they empower young women to become future leaders, innovators, and changemakers who will shape a more equitable and just world. Investing in their education is an investment in a brighter future, where women not only dream big but achieve even bigger.
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miraya1308 · 2 years
Best places to visit with your family and friends.
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Dawn wishes to work the line of fortitude into the construction keeping the framework intact. Mother was energetically known as the coordinator behind the neighborhood. Sri Aurobindo’s understudy showed the town according to his objectives. Embracing a presence of concordance, the town progresses value without political or financial tendency. People of all stations, belief systems, and characters are welcomed with an open heart. The vision behind setting up the neighborhood to disclose an overall that capacities over the fulfillment of material joys and bliss. Where people’s significant characters are a higher need than their social names.
A visit to Auroville would be a significant one. Visit the town for somewhere near ten days, as shown by the heads. They keep up with that it ought to be more than a look and see. A visit to Auroville is connected to experiencing and understanding the vision they are trying to comprehend. Visitors are given journeys through the area by long haul tenants; thus, a cautious information into the area can be molded. Their guest quarters are used to oblige the various visitors who are intrigued about the town. Contacting them about opening in advance would be truly shrewd. There are different activities that can be embraced during a visit to Auroville. Checkout places to stay in Pondicherry.
1. SRI AUROBINDO ASHRAM Sri Aurobindo Ghosh spread out an extraordinary neighborhood Pondicherry on November 24th, 1926. From there on out, the ashram has become one of the most well known traveler areas in India. The essential issues and objectives of the ashrams rely upon Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa. The ashram contains a couple of work environments, a library, a print machine, a wilderness rec center, a workmanship show, a dispensary/nursing home, dairy farms, guest houses, a baked good shop, etc. The principal structure in the establishment is the marble Samadhi, which is Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa. Visiting hours are 8 am to 12 early evening and 2 pm to 6 pm.
2. AUROVILLE ts name, implying ‘The City of Dawn,’ is a region found 8 kilometers from Pondicherry. Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa laid out it in 1968, and French specialist Roger Shock arranged it. An overall town was made to bring people from wherever the world as one and concordance regardless of what their race, assortment, or character. During the presentation, set soil from around 124 in a lotus-shaped urn to address the idea behind the groundwork of the region. The focal point of the town is designated by a safe-haven that tends to the comprehensive mother and is called ‘Matrimandir’. The settlement has a general population of 2,007 people from more than 44 particular countries.
3. Immaculate Start Place of supplication Blessed in 1791, the 300-year-old church is the place of petition for the Archdiocese of Pondicherry and Cuddalore. As we see it today, the Faultless Start Place of petitioning heaven was hidden three different churches before the French control of Pondicherry. Improvement started in 1791 and made further upgrades to the construction till 1987. The occasion of the gathering is recognized on December eighth reliably. The gathering was moreover visited by Mother Teresa and is one of the most settled blessed places in Puducherry. Neighborhood individuals furthermore acknowledge it as ‘Samba Kovil.’ Likewise look into best places to stay in Pondicherry.
4. OUSTERI WETLAND AND Recreational area Arranged on the Pondicherry-Villuppuram road far off of 10 kilometers from Pondicherry, the Ousteri Wetland and Recreational area cover around 3.9 sq kilometers. Geologically the spot lies an in the space of both Puducherry and Tamil Nadu. The region is home to a wide grouping of water fauna and avifauna. A couple of tourists progressive the site because of the houseboat organizations introduced here. The couple of novel kinds of trees and flavors here attract various fleeting birds and have transformed into a crucial ecological specialty in the south Indian region. The scope of birds and maritime species here make it an image taker’s delight and a certain need for any shutterbug.
5. BASILICA OF THE Blessed HEART OF JESUS On the south road, the Basilica Of The Heavenly Heart Of Jesus was honored on December seventeenth, 1907. The construction is a fine illustration of Gothic-style plan and has transformed into a notable excursion spot for Christians in India. The plan of this assemblage is 50 meters long, 48 meters wide, and 18 meters high and is held by 24 fragments. The windows are beautified with stained glass structures of 28 blessed individuals focused on the sanctified heart of Jesus. The gathering premises similarly have a cave given to Our Lady of Lourdes, a ward passage, and an affection place of petition. The gathering went through a full redesign and recovery in 2005, giving it its continuous appearance. Regardless, made simply minor genuine changes were to the plan. Finally likewise checkout Pondicherry beach resort with swimming pool.
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lockbuch · 5 years
“Eine Veränderung der Stellung”*
In der WABE, ex DDR Club aus den 80ern, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Konzert mit Bettina Wegner - das achte „letzte Konzert“ anläßlich ihres 70.Geburtstags vor 2 Jahren. Eine schmale, zerbrechliche Dame mit Brille, die Texte vor sich auf einem Notenständer, ein Sänger und ein Gitarrist zur Seite. 
Relativ schnell gab es diese Irritation: in dem Moment, wo sie zu singen anhebt, verschwindet sie, taucht sie ab, wird unscharf. Ich hatte das Bedürfnis eine Brille aufzusetzen, aber welche?  Ihre Stimme dagegen fast überscharf, als stände sie neben meinem Ohr. Als wäre ich Teil der Stimme. 
Sie vervielfältigte sich im Raum - mein Hörsinn zerblätterte die Person auf der Bühne: plötzlich stand da eine junge Frau vor mir. Ich musste dafür nicht mal die Augen schließen. 
Das Erstaunen über dieses kleine Ereignis ähnelte einem Erlebnis beim Tod meines Vaters: als ich in den Raum kam - mein Vater war wenige Minuten vorher verstorben - spürte ich Freude im Raum. Kein Schmerz, oder Trauer, oder Verzweiflung, nur Erschöpfung und Ausgelassenheit. Ich konnte sie förmlich riechen, sehen, schmecken... Ich war unvorbereitet und völlig irritiert, wie Freude mich einhüllte und konnte mich ihr nur in kleinen Häppchen und eigentlich erst in den nächsten Tagen bzw. Wochen später überlassen. 
Auch hier. Ich spürte ein beglückendes befreiendes Gefühl, etwas rauschhaftes, das sich mir näherte und alles wegfegen wollte, was ich bisher in einem Konzert erlebt hatte, aber ich konnte mich dem nicht völlig überlassen, da es meine Wahrnehmungsgewohnheiten in Frage stellte. 
Aber wenigstens für ein paar Momente tauchte ich ein in diese Mehrdimensionalität. Ihr Körper erschien rührend unbedeutend. 
Ihre Stimme ragte durch die Zeiten: sie war viele. Die Bühne war viele.  Das Wort „Diva“.  Nebenräume öffnen sich, sie überlagern sich … wie jung sie ist … wie stark und angreifbar sie da steht..  Schon immer?  durch die Zeiten unverändert ?… Ihre Anwesenheit zeitlos.  Ihre Stimme so viele: als ob sich Jahrzehnte Gesang überlagerten und zu einer einzigen tief durchdringenden Stimme verschmolzen, die dadurch eine Dichte bekamen, dass Raum und Zeit und Wahrnehmung aufgeschlossen wurden, befreit von den engen Vorstellungen.  Schwebend im Überall.  Ein Mittendrin sein.  Ein Baden in Stimme und Wesen. 
Ihr Begleiter holte mich unwiederbringlich raus aus der Mehrdimensionalität zurück in die WABE, mit einem etwas eitlen Spiel seiner rauen tiefen Stimme.  Und auch Bettina Wegner hielt sich fest, am Notenständer und im Text und auf der Bühne. Und das Publikum? Es zerrte an ihr, als wollte der Publikumskörper wieder mit Bettina hinter die Mauer schlüpfen. Ich fühlte mich als Eindringling, nicht dazugehörig. Ostalgia. Auch ich wurde Teil des DDR Körpers, der sich im Lauf des Konzerts immer mehr zu einem festen Klotz verfestigte und sich selbst feierte und die zarte Frau mit der weiten Stimme umschlang - und nicht umgekehrt. 
 Ich lenkte mich ab, indem ich das Aufnahmegerät laufen liess, um später überdeutlich zu spüren, das dieses Erleben nicht auf technische Hilfsmittel gebannt werden kann.  
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Dazu:  Mira Alfassa  „eine Veränderung der Stellung“
„Es ist einfach, als ginge man von einem Zimmer in ein anderes…. Man macht einen Schritt, wie um eine Schwelle zu überschreiten, und man ist auf der anderen Seite, und dann kommt man zurück.
… das Bewusstsein ist sehr hell, sehr klar und scharf: scharfe Wahrnehmungen … Das ist die Welt der bewussten Materie.
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass der uns beträchtlich erscheinende Unterschied zwischen dem greifbaren, materiellen und dem unsichtbaren oder fließenden nur eine Veränderung der Stellung ist.. … Es geschah nichts, außer dass etwas innen, im Bewusstsein seine Stellung änderte. 
Sri Aurobindo: “Jetzt ist alles anders, und doch ist alles das gleiche geblieben.“
… Im Grunde ist es, als sähe der Körper zum ersten Mal ohne mentale Brille. Eine vollständigere Welt.“
Satprem, Mutter, die neue Art, II, 769 *
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The WABE, ex GDR Club from the 80s, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, concert with Bettina Wegner - the eighth "last concert" on the occasion of her 70th birthday 2 years ago. A thin, fragile lady with glasses, the lyrics in front of her on a music stand, a singer and a guitarist aside. 
This irritation came relatively quickly: the moment she starts singing, she disappears, dives down, becomes blurred. I felt the need to put on glasses, but which ones?  Her voice, on the other hand, is almost oversharp, as if it were standing next to my ear.  As if I were part of the voice   She multiplied in space - my sense of hearing leafed the person on stage: suddenly a young woman stood in front of me. I didn't even have to close my eyes. 
The astonishment at this little event resembled my experience at my father's death: when I came into the room - my father had died a few minutes before - I felt joy in the room. No pain, or sadness, or despair, only exhaustion and high spirits. It overwhelmed me - I could literally smell it, see it, taste it...  I was unprepared and completely irritated how joy enveloped me and could only surrender myself to it in small pieces and only in the next days or weeks later. 
Also here. I felt an exhilarating liberating feeling that went far beyond a "normal" concert. Something ecstatic that approached me and wanted to sweep away everything I had experienced in a concert so far, but I could not leave myself completely to it because it questioned my habits of perception. 
But at least for a few moments I immersed myself in this multidimensionality. Her body seemed touchingly insignificant.  Her voice stood out through time: she was many. The stage was many.  The word "diva".  Adjoining rooms open up, they overlap.  ...how young she is ...how strong and vulnerable she is.  Always? unchanged through time ?...her presence timeless. 
Her voice so many: as if decades of singing superimposed and merged into a single deeply penetrating voice, which thereby acquired a density so that space and time and perception became open, freed from the narrow concepts.  Floating everywhere.  Be in the middle of it.  A bath in voice and temper.
Her companion took me irretrievably out of the multidimensionality back into the WABE, with a somewhat vain play of his rough deep voice.   And Bettina Wegner also held on to the music stand and in the lyrics and on stage. And the audience? It tugged at her as if the audience body wanted to slip behind the wall with Bettina again. I felt like an intruder, not part of it. Ostalgia. I, too, became part of the GDR body, which hardened more and more into a solid block during the course of the concert, celebrating itself and embracing the tender woman with the wide voice - and not vice versa. 
 I distracted myself by letting the recording device run, only to later feel overly clearly that this experience cannot be banished to technical aids.  
Mira Alfassa  "a change of position."
"It's like going from one room to another... You take one step, like crossing a threshold, and you are on the other side, and then you come back.
... consciousness is very bright, very clear and sharp: sharp perceptions ... This is the world of conscious matter.
I have the feeling that the difference that seems considerable to us between the tangible, material and the invisible or flowing is only a change of position... ... Nothing happened except that something inside, in consciousness, changed its position. 
Sri Aurobindo: "Now everything is different, and yet everything has remained the same".
... Basically it's as if the body sees for the first time without mental glasses. A more complete world."
 Satprem, Mother , II, 769 *
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Chers adhérents, spectateurs et amis de la compagnie du PasSage,
En partenariat avec Auroville International France, nous faisons appel à vous pour favoriser la diffusion du spectacle « Et pourtant c'est la veille de l'Aurore ». Créé en 2018 en Inde, le spectacle est en ce moment même de nouveau en tournée entre Auroville et Pondichéry. Il sera joué ensuite au théâtre de l'Épée de Bois à la Cartoucherie à Paris du 6 au 18 mai 2019.
Afin que nous puissions poursuivre cette belle aventure, vous pouvez nous aider et faire un don en vous rendant sur la page de notre campagne sur le site Helloasso (lien ci-dessous). Toutes les informations concernant ce beau projet, porté par la parole de Satprem et Sri Aurobindo y sont présentées, mais vous pouvez aussi vous rendre sur notre site pour en consulter le dossier de presse.
Nous vous remercions pour votre soutien !
Le PasSage et Auroville International France
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Let us find, O Lord, our entire support in Thy Grace alone.
Mira Alfassa – The Mother
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prasadbolimeru · 4 years
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Michel Montecrossa
Michel Montecrossa from Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy; is a visual artist who paints, draws, uses photography and creates film; as well as a philosophical and fictional writer and poet – who is also a musician. Michel has chosen the subject of Heterosexual Privilege for his submission for issue 4 of ASLI Magazine: “Discrimination, Privilege and Stigmatisation”.
  Can you tell us a little about yourself?
My aim in life is to grow in consciousness to a fulfilling completeness.
What is your artistic/creative background?
Based on this aim I chose to become an integral artist that perfects his natural artistic capacities in fine arts, music, literature, movie-making and consciousness-research. I received a good education in these fields through schools and private teachers as well as extensive travels for the study of Eurasian and U.S.A. cultures.
What motivated you to deal with your chosen submission subject?
Out of this formative process a clear and intense certitude about the human potential emerged, a certitude about the fact that a better tomorrow is created by growing and entering into a new consciousness that among many things can change the heterosexual privilege of dominance into a tolerant and creative spiritual & social power for establishing and securing freedom of choice for all sexual expressions and preferences – this would be a step of great cultural importance; liberating in all aspects of human life, hidden and suppressed creative springs.
’Erotic Enrichment Society’ (Freedom Of Choice)’, Mirapuri, 2014, acrylic and ink on canvas, 200 x 100 cm
What is your process when creating?
The process of creating is an evolving and self-creative synthesis of all possibilities with drawing, painting, music, writing and movie making; that are embedded in my state of continuous consciousness-researching.
Who are you influenced by within your artistic discipline?
The artist, musician and consciousness liberation fighter Mira Alfassa.
Who inspires you in general?
The Great Consciousness that can be felt and seen in all creation as well as in all that transcends it.
What causes and world issues are you passionate about, campaign for, volunteer for…?
I have dedicated my life, work and art to help to build Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy.
What do the statements “art saves lives” and “art creates change” mean to you?
“Art saves lives” because art connects us to the very principle of life which is consciousness showing us the meaning of life and how to live this meaningful life. For the same reason “art creates change”.
Have your artistic and creative outlets saved your life in anyway and do you think your message within them could help create change in the world?
My artistic and creative outlets saved my life through steadiness and through the message of hope contained in them. It is the message of hope that the world is in the process of a big change and that every action of goodwill can and will accelerate the speed of this change into a new step of evolution giving birth to the Futureman of Joy and Love and the building of the United States of Planet Earth for securing peace and creative world unity.
What are your present and future goals for your art?
The present and future goals of my art are the completion of Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy, and to strengthen the spirit of Joy and Love all over the world through freedom of consciousness-growth
’Two Time-Women In a Landscape’, Mirapuri, 27th January 2015, ink on paper, 29,7 x 42 cm
‘Child Of The Mother Of Sex’ Mirapuri, 2012, acryl & wax crayon and ink on canvas, 140 x 100 cm
‘Selfportrait As A Landscape’ Mirapuri, 2013, Acryl on canvas, 100x80cm
‘Girl & Girl’, Mirapuri, 2013, ink and acryl on canvas, 30x118cm
Have you experienced any form of discrimination; and if so what was it based on and how did you deal with this?
As a free and living soul one is always in contact with discrimination which is based on unwillingness to change in harmony with the constant changes of the universe. One can deal with this by being an example for the Joy and Love that come through every step of widening the consciousness, understanding and compassion.
What are your opinions on what causes discrimination?
The cause of discrimination is conservatism and fear. They are the testing-grounds for every new step of evolution so that the new things can prove their effective right and capacity to replace old orders through love, peace, prosperity and security.
What do you do to actively stand against discrimination and have you ever had to intervene as a witness to it?
To be an artist means to actively stand against discrimination by showing the better way of wideness, freedom and love. To follow this way is a constant intervention for the better of all.
What are your opinions on labels and stereotypes?
Labels and stereotypes are reactions of fear. Empathy, humour and joy can transform fear into a happy ‘Let’s play together and have a good time’.
What are your opinions on national identity and in your opinion does nationalism create or deter discrimination?
National identity is good and necessary, if it is an identity that has its goal within a world union, the achievement of unity in diversity where each nation plays its indispensable free and self-determined role in the concert of the United States of Planet Earth and its well-being. Nationalism for its own sake is destructive and discrimination-driven.
How does social privilege affect our world in your opinion?
The true privilege is to know always more and to be able to do always more. If this privilege is activated in a non-egoistic way, it will lead our world in a positive direction.
Have you ever denied your own privilege due to feelings of guilt or misunderstanding?
To be conscious of the soul is a constant source of happiness where there is no guilt or misunderstanding.
Have you ever experienced social stigmatisation and if so what was it based on and how did you deal with this?
Social stigmatisation may come about to learn better how to transform it into higher understanding. So, the best thing is to reach higher understanding.
Have you ever contributed to the stigmatisation of any individual or group, and if so were you aware you did this and how did you deal with this aftermath?
Everything and everyone has a right for existing for some time whether you like it or not. The best thing is to learn from it and thus grow in consciousness so that the wrong things are not repeated and good things become real.
What are your opinions on political powers and world leaders using stigmatisation against certain groups to further their own agendas, such as with Muslims, Black people, LGBTQ individuals, mentally ill and disabled people?
Political powers and world leaders must be there to lead to freedom and unity, to the experience of a progressive world where everything is in its right place and time without quarrel and arrogance, full of goodwill to help each other and ready for the living celebration of humanity.
Do you support or take part in any anti-stigma organisations or charities and if so which ones and why?
I support and take part in the building of Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy because it is an important anti-stigma organisation and warmhearted charity project.
In your own words please tell us how you feel the arts and creativity can further help to empower, communicate and educate people with regards to discrimination, privilege and stigmatisation?
Art and creativity are straight roads out of discrimination, false privileges and stigmatisation because they empower you, communicate to you and educate you through the true, the right and the vast of your loving soul.
  ’Deep Space Woman’, Universe Triptych #2, Mirapuri, 2014, acryl on canvas, 100 x 100 cm
‘America Comeback’, Miravillage, 2013, acryl and ink on canvas, 169 cm x 86 cm
When we embrace, Mirapuri.
’The City Of Ideas’, Mirapuri, 2014, wax crayon on paper, 29,7 x 42 cm
If you would like to know more about Michel Montecrossa please follow these links:
Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman
Michel Montecrossa Blog
Facebook Page
– Michel Montecrossa on iTunes
Michel Montecrossa on Vimeo
If you have any feedback on this article please fill in the contact form below:
[contact-form] Artist Michel Montecrossa addresses heterosexual privilege in a new art piece for ASLI Magazine Michel Montecrossa from Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy; is a visual artist who paints, draws, uses photography and creates film; as well as a philosophical and fictional writer and poet - who is also a musician.
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nicksalius · 2 years
Meditazione secondo Mère
Di tanto in tanto ci sembra oltremodo utile richiamare talune delle svariate prospettive in cui può esser concepita, se non adoperata, ossia praticata, la meditazione. Oggi diamo un’occhiata, pardon, una rapida scorsa, al punto di vista della benemerita quanto indimenticabile Mère (La madre), al secolo Mira Alfassa (Parigi 1878, Pondicherry 1973). Di primo acchito i suoi suggerimenti potrebbero…
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mythsinart · 2 years
12 Attributes of Mother (Mira Alfassa's) symbol.
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sudhanshu-bhatt · 5 months
Spotlight on India's Girls' Schools
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India's educational landscape shines brightly with elite girls' schools. These institutions transcend traditional education, fostering academic excellence and shaping young women into future leaders who shatter stereotypes and pave the way for a more equitable society.
Cradle of Excellence: Nurturing Well-Rounded Individuals
Holistic Development: These schools go beyond textbooks. They offer a diverse range of extracurricular activities, sports programs, and leadership opportunities. This holistic approach equips students with essential life skills like teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking – all crucial for success in any field.
Empowering Mentorship: Experienced faculty act as mentors, providing academic guidance, emotional support, and career counseling. These mentors create a safe space for girls to discuss their aspirations and challenges, and guide them on their path to success.
Building Confidence: A supportive environment fosters self-belief and empowers students to take risks, learn from mistakes, and persevere through challenges. This confidence allows them to reach their full potential and thrive in their chosen paths.
Examples of Elite Girls' Schools in India:
Ecole Globale International Girls School, Dehradun: This school offers a holistic, international curriculum that emphasizes academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility.
Welham Girls' School, Dehradun: Established in 1937, this heritage school is known for its rigorous academics, commitment to social service, and international outlook.
The Doon Girls' School, Dehradun: This school, affiliated with the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), provides a well-rounded education that emphasizes intellectual curiosity, creativity, and leadership.
Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls’ School, Jaipur: This prestigious school offers a blend of traditional Indian values and a contemporary, global curriculum. It is known for its strong emphasis on academics, sports, and the arts.
Sri Aurobindo Ashram School, Pondicherry: This unique school, founded by Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa, promotes a holistic education that integrates academics, physical education, and spiritual development.
Beyond Rankings: Choosing the Right Fit
While rankings offer some insight, the "best" school ultimately depends on your daughter's individual needs and aspirations. Here are some key considerations:
Academic Focus: Does the school's curriculum align with your daughter's learning style and academic goals?
Holistic Development: Explore the range of extracurricular activities, sports programs, and leadership opportunities offered by the school.
School Culture: Look for a school culture that values empowerment, collaboration, and celebrates diversity.
Distance from Home: Consider the emotional impact of being away from family and the importance of parental support.
Empowering the Future: Shaping Changemakers
Elite girls' schools in India are more than just educational institutions; they are agents of social change. By nurturing intellectual curiosity, fostering leadership skills, and promoting social responsibility, these schools empower girls to become future leaders, innovators, and changemakers who will shape a more equitable and just world.
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miraya1308 · 2 years
Best places to visit.
Dawn wishes to work the line of fortitude into the design keeping the framework intact. Mother was heartily known as the coordinator behind the neighborhood. Sri Aurobindo’s student showed the town according to his objectives. Embracing a presence of concordance, the town progresses value without political or financial tendency. People of all stations, belief systems, and personalities are welcomed with an open heart. The vision behind setting up the neighborhood to disclose an overall that capacities over the fulfillment of material joys and joy. Where people’s significant characters are a higher need than their social names.
A visit to Auroville would be a significant one. Visit the town for somewhere near ten days, as demonstrated by the heads. They keep up with that it ought to be more than a look and see. A visit to Auroville is connected to experiencing and understanding the vision they are trying to comprehend. Visitors are given journeys through the area by long haul inhabitants; thus, a cautious information into the area can be formed. Their guest quarters are used to oblige the various visitors who are intrigued about the town. Contacting them about opening in advance would be truly brilliant. There are different activities that can be embraced during a visit to Auroville. Checkout best hotels in pondicherry.
1. SRI AUROBINDO ASHRAM Sri Aurobindo Ghosh spread out a supernatural neighborhood Pondicherry on November 24th, 1926. From there on out, the ashram has become one of the most popular traveler areas in India. The main issues and objectives of the ashrams rely upon Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa. The ashram contains a couple of working environments, a library, a print machine, a wilderness rec center, a workmanship show, a dispensary/nursing home, dairy farms, guest houses, a cake shop, etc. The basic design in the establishment is the marble Samadhi, which is Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa. Visiting hours are 8 am to 12 early evening and 2 pm to 6 pm.
2. AUROVILLE ts name, meaning ‘The City of Dawn,’ is a region found 8 kilometers from Pondicherry. Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa laid out it in 1968, and French architect Roger Shock arranged it. An overall town was made to bring people from wherever the world as one and concordance regardless of what their race, assortment, or character. During the presentation, set soil from around 124 in a lotus-formed urn to address the idea behind the underpinning of the region. The focal point of the town is designated by a safe-haven that tends to the comprehensive mother and is called ‘Matrimandir’. The settlement has a general population of 2,007 people from more than 44 particular countries.
3. Flawless Beginning Place of supplication Blessed in 1791, the 300-year-old church is the place of supplication for the Archdiocese of Pondicherry and Cuddalore. As we see it today, the Perfect Start Place of petitioning heaven was basic three different sanctuaries before the French control of Pondicherry. Improvement started in 1791 and made further upgrades to the construction till 1987. The occasion of the gathering is recognized on December eighth reliably. The assembly was similarly visited by Mother Teresa and is one of the most settled blessed places in Puducherry. Neighborhood individuals furthermore acknowledge it as ‘Samba Kovil.’ Additionally look into pondicherry resorts near beach.
4. OUSTERI WETLAND AND Recreational area Arranged on the Pondicherry-Villuppuram road far off of 10 kilometers from Pondicherry, the Ousteri Wetland and Recreational area cover around 3.9 sq kilometers. Geographically the spot lies an in the space of both Puducherry and Tamil Nadu. The region is home to a wide collection of water fauna and avifauna. A couple of tourists progressive the site because of the houseboat organizations introduced here. The couple of novel kinds of trees and flavors here attract various fleeting birds and have transformed into a major natural specialty in the south Indian region. The scope of birds and maritime species here make it an image taker’s happiness and an obvious need for any shutterbug.
5. BASILICA OF THE Sacred HEART OF JESUS On the south road, the Basilica Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus was honored on December seventeenth, 1907. The construction is a fine illustration of Gothic-style plan and has transformed into a notable excursion spot for Christians in India. The plan of this assemblage is 50 meters long, 48 meters wide, and 18 meters high and is held by 24 fragments. The windows are enhanced with stained glass structures of 28 sacred individuals focused on the sanctified heart of Jesus. The gathering premises similarly have a sinkhole given to Our Lady of Lourdes, a ward passageway, and an affection place of petition. The gathering went through a full rebuild and recovery in 2005, giving it its continuous appearance. Anyway, made simply minor genuine changes were to the plan. In conclusion likewise checkout best resorts in pondicherry.
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tjejland-blog · 7 years
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Nergez - Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India, March 2016. // I took this portrait of Nergez in her bedroom, on the day I met her, which also happens to be the only time I ever spent time with her. She is 93 years old here, which makes her one of the oldest Aurovillians alive. We were introduced by my friend Gilles (one of the archivists of this fascinating place), as I wanted to hear about Auroville's early days from someone who had met its creator - Mira Alfassa (also known as the Mother - the visionary, who passed away in 1973). I remember her describing the Mother's eyes as 'an infinite ocean of peace'. It was a very moving moment, which I will always cherish. // Nergez is also an Indian Parsee woman - one of the two Zoroastrian communities who originally migrated from Persia in the 8th century, to avoid persecution, following the Arab conquest. Today the Parsee community represents only 0.006% of India's population. Having declined by 12% every census decade, Parsees are a dying community, due to their religious beliefs and interracial mixing apprehensions. Factors which contributed to Nergez's decision to join the Mother and her vision of a more inclusive world. . . . // My name is Charlotte J Ward - @charlotte.jward - and I dedicate this week's take-over to Women and all the beauty and strength that they hold. Showing you portraits I have taken over the years of mothers, sisters, workers, girls, grandmothers, from various places around the world. // . . . #tjejland #igtakeover #femalephotographer #charlottejward #portraitsofwomen #mediumformat #portraitphotography #charlottejwardphotography #documentaryphotography #auroville #india #parsee #persia (på/i Auroville, India)
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Mira Alfassa – The Mother
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topbooksinhealth · 5 years
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All Life Is Yoga: Numbers and Astrology - Sri Aurobindo & The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother http://dlvr.it/RGHFZ7 http://dlvr.it/RGHFZ7
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cybercultnzicd · 5 years
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Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Futureman
Mirapuri is the humanistic-spiritual, european, free-consciousness City of Peace and Future Man in Italy founded by Michel Montecrossa on the basis of the worldpeace and progress ideals of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
THE AIM Mirapuri was founded by Michel Montecrossa – Cyberartist, Musician and Futurist on 15th August 1978 on behalf of Mira Alfassa – The Mother who is the spiritual companion of Sri Aurobindo. The aim of Mirapuri is to be an independent and selfsupporting place in Europe in the size of a city where people from all over the world can live and work together, who want to practise the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and want to realize their Ideals of Peace, Love, Progress and Human-Unity
Michel MontecrossaCyberartist, CyberMusician and Futurist founded Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Future Man in Europe, Italy and its first satellite Miravillage in Germany, on behalf of Mira Alfassa – The Mother and with her encouragement, ideas and proposals for the realisation of the various social, economical, cultural and educational projects and activietes of Mirapuri and Miravillage. Mira Alfassa is the spiritual partner of the poet and mystic Sri Aurobindo. They both created the Integral Yoga, meaning: comprehensive (latin: integral) consciousness development (sanskrit: yoga). In Mirapuri and Miravillage people from all over the world live and work together for the realization of the Integral Yoga and the Ideals of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa: Peace, Love, Progress, Human Unity, Evolution into Future Man. Mirapuri is an entirely independent, non-sectarian and selfsupporting project. Mira Alfassa, in recognition of the artistic talent and capacities of Michel Montecrossa also asked him to establish Filmaur Multimedia in Mirapuri and Miravillage to preserve and release rare Film-, Photo- and Audiomaterial of herself and the work of Sri Aurobindo. She especially put Michel Montecrossa in charge of creating the ‚Meditations on Savitri‚ movie series which she sees as her ‚legacy for the world‘.
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sparklerism · 5 years
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