annicaax · 17 days
oh man I'm finally getting started playing the jp version apps of arr and mirpri... like finally and...
yes been playing Love and Deep space for about a month now (started on 9th August) and absolutely loving it...
it's hard to pick a fav amongst the guys but Zayne and Caleb are my types (childhood friends/older brother kind) and then Rafayel (cheeky) yup Xavier seems interesting teensy bit (mysterious element plus he's adorable sometimes and clumsy lol)
andddddd the baddie that everyone loves... Hmm Sylus... I'm finally about to start reading Long Awaited Rivalry. yup it was unlocked for reading long ago but I needed flow! i needed to read every previous chapter and couldn't Jumpstart
So... Hm hm, do I love cheeky baddies? I enjoy them tho they aren't my otp so... UwU
Almost all the guys in Lndp are my type ... Lmaooo what's gonna happen to my wallet? I put off playing this game for so long cos let's be honest it's bulky and I was... Struggling to find space on four of my devices. But now it's installed on my fifth device finally ahhh,🤭 all of the JP apps too,😎 I installed bakuten. ah gotta install Tumblr so I can share the screenies. And..... Okkk this post is mostly about Lndp.
Don't want older Memories... GACHA gods have never been kind to me so if this streak goes on, I may abandon spending on gachas ....
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daeva-agas · 2 years
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“Early Release”? So... this reminds me that back in the day Court of Darkness also had “early release” in the Love365 app before launching the full standalone app.
I... I’m beginning to suspect that this is why they killed AyakashiRR. For many many years, some of us long-time Voltage game player noticed a pattern: Voltage never seems to have more than 3 social apps running at once. Every time an app dies (gets cancelled), they would then launch a new app not too long after. Or maybe it’s the other way around. A new app launches, and one of the older app dies soon after. 
I don’t think Love365 is counted among the “social apps”, but I’m not sure since for a while there seems to be only 2 apps live + Love365. Back when AyakashiRR was still live, the 3 apps were SLBP, ARR, and COD. And now with ARR dead and MiraPuri coming, it seems kinda sus...
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diardri · 4 months
Dia's FFXIV Art Reference Notes, A possibly long post
Hello! I made this as a thread on my twitter but I might as well post a version of it here. For the record this will be a thread linking to the resources I use when drawing commissions or fanart, I have not made Any of these and whenever I can I will note the creators and link directly to their resources.
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GPose Reference First and foremost, if you're drawing a WOL or ordering a commission of your WOL the most important thing is to take a proper reference GPOSE. I use the method in this post, to make sure I got all the angles. Clean refs are super important when drawing armor/intricate outfits so take care to take simple standing poses like the one in the tweet above. Cool dynamic poses might be fun but they're not really useful for referencing.
Gear/Weapon Reference
If you need good references for a weapon/outfit that you don't have a GPOSE for, I recommend using the attire website
This is a japanese website maintained by @/chiyo_asa on twitter and if you've ever looked up a piece of gear in the lodestone you've almost definitely come across their pictures.
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This is a super rough translation in english of the menu of the website. While it is in Japanese it's very easy to navigate and all the pictures in the site are super high quality and very useful for referencing.
This is my number one source for gear references I haven't taken myself
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The "mirapuri" button afaik is for glams they made themselves that they want to showcase.
An important note about this site specifically is that I believe it's currently undergoing an overhaul so Some weapons/gearsets might not be completely transferred in yet.
That being said, the majority of sets from dungeons/crafting/alliance raids/job gear sets etc are sorted like so, which makes it super easy to look for.
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There IS also a search function but I'm pretty sure it works only for japanese input.
NPC reference sheets
@xivrefsheets Offers really detailed resources of npc models. They also occasionally accept requests on their ko-fi (closed at the time of writing this)
These are super useful and really high quality, especially for some of the boss refs they've done. As someone who doesn't use anamnesis I go back to their refs very often
Convocation of the Fourteen refs
Maintained by @/Igeyorhm on twitter this site has a nice list of Ascian refs per character in addition to some lore bits for each of them. Also some very useful closeups of the Ascian clothes.
Even more NPC and Boss Refs
I believe maintained by @/MlNRATHOUS on twitter, this site has a really nice array of major NPC and boss references in various angles and with colourpicks for skintone and hair which is super useful. I use them a Lot
Lalafell centric refs
Norirow Note is a super cute blog that showcases glam items/ weapons/ chocobo barding and more.
It is NOT meant to be an art reference, however if you play a lala like me, I find their showcases useful when drawing gear on lalas.
Even if you don't use it as an art ref it's a super cute blog that's just fun to go through AND fully translated in english so I recommend just having a fun time reading through it anyway.
Bonus- Au Ra Scales.
I literally found out about this today but @/saficchi on twitter has made a super detailed angled ref sheet for both male and female au ra scales and I love them for it
Bonus 2 electric boogaloo- TextTools
I use this to import 3d models of specific weapons into CSP if I'm drawing them.
I don't know how useful this is for other art software but it's saved my ass from freehanding titania weapons so in the thread it goes
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That's the full list of refs I personally use, if there's more that people want to add please feel free to do so in the comments. I hope it helps people out in their creative endeavors!
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necozukin · 5 years
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emineco · 6 years
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Happy Birthday Ruslan !
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little-lady-mimi · 8 years
Ikemen King Speeches
1. Kirigakure Saizo from「天下統一恋の乱 Love Ballad」 (Tenka/SLBP)
Votes amounts - 3,987,594
Source: (x)
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[ I’m in the 1st place? It seems to be troublesome if this is known to Yukimura... ‘Why’ do you ask? Any celebration held would turn out noisy and annoying, you know... You also don’t want anything to get in your way, right? Little lady’s precious time with me. ]
Note:  For the respective 3rd time, Saizo in the first place! *throwing congratulatory confetti* All my Spicy and All Votes are for him too anyway. Seems he’s and Masa are favorites among Japanese. Would you take the crown again next year, Saizo?
2. Joseph from「鏡の中プリンセス Love Palace」 (Mirapuri)
Votes amounts - 3,534,796
Source: (x)
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[ 2nd place... To be honest, I’m surprised to be put in such of high ranking/position. I have to repay properly for the amount of supports and cheers I get. Are you prepared for tonight? ]
Note: So according to @laurifakristalina who plays him, he’s like Toramatsu, a silent but caring type, maybe tsuntsun a bit? xD
Mirapuri is a really great game with great plot, trust me! Aside from the main characters, the NPCs are hotties too and get a lot of events attention/highlight. It’s a pity it’s not being translated yet~ The story is like a mix of Midnight Cinderella + Ikemen Kakumei, since MC dimension(?) travel to the MidCin setting. I hope one day Voltage considers to translate this awesome game, since Joseph’s votes are not that far with Saizo too~ One day, I’ll rant about this game, perhaps~
3. Kougami Yamato from「誓いのキスは突然に Love Ring」 (MFWP)
Votes amounts - 2,201,515 
Source: (x)
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[ As a celebration of me coming in the 3rd place, I’m going to do Icha Icha Lion Play as a gift for my wife tonight. What? You ask me to tell you the details... That is a secret only for married couple. ]
Note: One of the first otome crushes since 5 years. It’s been a long time Yamato~ This Pouty’s hubby is still have his earned popularity. But really, been a long time since I read MFW/MFWP, what is Icha Icha Lion Play? Well, aside from Saeki, I like him too and his teasing~ His and Masa’s vote (4th - 1,962,552) are not too much differences too. A little bit more, Masamune-sama!
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rst-record · 2 years
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頭 :スプリングストローハット
胴 :アラミガンクラフターダブレット
手 :メイドリストドレスEX
脚 :ヴァーシティ・スカート
足 :サザンシーシューズ
0 notes
Michel Montecrossa
Michel Montecrossa from Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy; is a visual artist who paints, draws, uses photography and creates film; as well as a philosophical and fictional writer and poet – who is also a musician. Michel has chosen the subject of Heterosexual Privilege for his submission for issue 4 of ASLI Magazine: “Discrimination, Privilege and Stigmatisation”.
  Can you tell us a little about yourself?
My aim in life is to grow in consciousness to a fulfilling completeness.
What is your artistic/creative background?
Based on this aim I chose to become an integral artist that perfects his natural artistic capacities in fine arts, music, literature, movie-making and consciousness-research. I received a good education in these fields through schools and private teachers as well as extensive travels for the study of Eurasian and U.S.A. cultures.
What motivated you to deal with your chosen submission subject?
Out of this formative process a clear and intense certitude about the human potential emerged, a certitude about the fact that a better tomorrow is created by growing and entering into a new consciousness that among many things can change the heterosexual privilege of dominance into a tolerant and creative spiritual & social power for establishing and securing freedom of choice for all sexual expressions and preferences – this would be a step of great cultural importance; liberating in all aspects of human life, hidden and suppressed creative springs.
’Erotic Enrichment Society’ (Freedom Of Choice)’, Mirapuri, 2014, acrylic and ink on canvas, 200 x 100 cm
What is your process when creating?
The process of creating is an evolving and self-creative synthesis of all possibilities with drawing, painting, music, writing and movie making; that are embedded in my state of continuous consciousness-researching.
Who are you influenced by within your artistic discipline?
The artist, musician and consciousness liberation fighter Mira Alfassa.
Who inspires you in general?
The Great Consciousness that can be felt and seen in all creation as well as in all that transcends it.
What causes and world issues are you passionate about, campaign for, volunteer for…?
I have dedicated my life, work and art to help to build Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy.
What do the statements “art saves lives” and “art creates change” mean to you?
“Art saves lives” because art connects us to the very principle of life which is consciousness showing us the meaning of life and how to live this meaningful life. For the same reason “art creates change”.
Have your artistic and creative outlets saved your life in anyway and do you think your message within them could help create change in the world?
My artistic and creative outlets saved my life through steadiness and through the message of hope contained in them. It is the message of hope that the world is in the process of a big change and that every action of goodwill can and will accelerate the speed of this change into a new step of evolution giving birth to the Futureman of Joy and Love and the building of the United States of Planet Earth for securing peace and creative world unity.
What are your present and future goals for your art?
The present and future goals of my art are the completion of Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy, and to strengthen the spirit of Joy and Love all over the world through freedom of consciousness-growth
’Two Time-Women In a Landscape’, Mirapuri, 27th January 2015, ink on paper, 29,7 x 42 cm
‘Child Of The Mother Of Sex’ Mirapuri, 2012, acryl & wax crayon and ink on canvas, 140 x 100 cm
‘Selfportrait As A Landscape’ Mirapuri, 2013, Acryl on canvas, 100x80cm
‘Girl & Girl’, Mirapuri, 2013, ink and acryl on canvas, 30x118cm
Have you experienced any form of discrimination; and if so what was it based on and how did you deal with this?
As a free and living soul one is always in contact with discrimination which is based on unwillingness to change in harmony with the constant changes of the universe. One can deal with this by being an example for the Joy and Love that come through every step of widening the consciousness, understanding and compassion.
What are your opinions on what causes discrimination?
The cause of discrimination is conservatism and fear. They are the testing-grounds for every new step of evolution so that the new things can prove their effective right and capacity to replace old orders through love, peace, prosperity and security.
What do you do to actively stand against discrimination and have you ever had to intervene as a witness to it?
To be an artist means to actively stand against discrimination by showing the better way of wideness, freedom and love. To follow this way is a constant intervention for the better of all.
What are your opinions on labels and stereotypes?
Labels and stereotypes are reactions of fear. Empathy, humour and joy can transform fear into a happy ‘Let’s play together and have a good time’.
What are your opinions on national identity and in your opinion does nationalism create or deter discrimination?
National identity is good and necessary, if it is an identity that has its goal within a world union, the achievement of unity in diversity where each nation plays its indispensable free and self-determined role in the concert of the United States of Planet Earth and its well-being. Nationalism for its own sake is destructive and discrimination-driven.
How does social privilege affect our world in your opinion?
The true privilege is to know always more and to be able to do always more. If this privilege is activated in a non-egoistic way, it will lead our world in a positive direction.
Have you ever denied your own privilege due to feelings of guilt or misunderstanding?
To be conscious of the soul is a constant source of happiness where there is no guilt or misunderstanding.
Have you ever experienced social stigmatisation and if so what was it based on and how did you deal with this?
Social stigmatisation may come about to learn better how to transform it into higher understanding. So, the best thing is to reach higher understanding.
Have you ever contributed to the stigmatisation of any individual or group, and if so were you aware you did this and how did you deal with this aftermath?
Everything and everyone has a right for existing for some time whether you like it or not. The best thing is to learn from it and thus grow in consciousness so that the wrong things are not repeated and good things become real.
What are your opinions on political powers and world leaders using stigmatisation against certain groups to further their own agendas, such as with Muslims, Black people, LGBTQ individuals, mentally ill and disabled people?
Political powers and world leaders must be there to lead to freedom and unity, to the experience of a progressive world where everything is in its right place and time without quarrel and arrogance, full of goodwill to help each other and ready for the living celebration of humanity.
Do you support or take part in any anti-stigma organisations or charities and if so which ones and why?
I support and take part in the building of Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy because it is an important anti-stigma organisation and warmhearted charity project.
In your own words please tell us how you feel the arts and creativity can further help to empower, communicate and educate people with regards to discrimination, privilege and stigmatisation?
Art and creativity are straight roads out of discrimination, false privileges and stigmatisation because they empower you, communicate to you and educate you through the true, the right and the vast of your loving soul.
  ’Deep Space Woman’, Universe Triptych #2, Mirapuri, 2014, acryl on canvas, 100 x 100 cm
‘America Comeback’, Miravillage, 2013, acryl and ink on canvas, 169 cm x 86 cm
When we embrace, Mirapuri.
’The City Of Ideas’, Mirapuri, 2014, wax crayon on paper, 29,7 x 42 cm
If you would like to know more about Michel Montecrossa please follow these links:
Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman
Michel Montecrossa Blog
Facebook Page
– Michel Montecrossa on iTunes
Michel Montecrossa on Vimeo
If you have any feedback on this article please fill in the contact form below:
[contact-form] Artist Michel Montecrossa addresses heterosexual privilege in a new art piece for ASLI Magazine Michel Montecrossa from Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy; is a visual artist who paints, draws, uses photography and creates film; as well as a philosophical and fictional writer and poet - who is also a musician.
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daeva-agas · 7 years
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So there’s this Voltage social apps Bingo. Try to hit as many boxes as you can because if you full clear, you can get lots of bonus items (energy, tickets, etc). It applies across all the listed apps, as long as you have all of them installed in the same device. 
The apps are Tenka, MiraPuri, MFW Jp, SITSC Jp, and BMP2 Eternal Kiss. You can fail/answer wrong as many times as you want. It doesn’t matter, you have infinite attempts, as long as you don’t hit the “submit button”: 
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Some of the answers are provided in the “hints” page here (click the red button):
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onyaponko · 2 years
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Black Swan
mirapuri details
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cheriecheria · 7 years
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OoooowwW~~ 😍😍
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emineco · 6 years
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princess in the mirror
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laurifakristalina · 8 years
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Joseph, I'm sorry darling but this guy is TOO BEAUTIFUL OMG PLEASE WHY MIRAPURI HAS LOTS OF PRETTY NPC?!! This is like a kinder Yakov(or Ivan, they basically twins with different hair if we don't count their personality) LIKE HELP I'M SO WEAK WITH PLATINUM BLONDE 😍😍😍
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rst-record · 2 years
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頭 :クァールレギナフェドラ
胴 :カンパニータバード
手 :クロウ・オブ・ビースト
脚 :ヴァートゥ・コーラーロインクロス
足 :ヴァレンティオンパッテン
ミラプリスナップで見かけたこちらのコーデに感動して取り入れたもの。 Vivienne Westwoodのロッキンホースバレリーナ、遠い昔に憧れてた靴。
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anisioluiz · 2 years
Today’s Art: Multiple Realities drawings and paintings by Michel Montecrossa, part 505 — Michel Montecrossa Blog
Today’s Art: Multiple Realities drawings and paintings by Michel Montecrossa, part 505 — Michel Montecrossa Blog
https://player.vimeo.com/video/389736655?h=b860cefaa1&dnt=1&app_id=122963 Today’s Art: ‘Legs With Boots’ – drawing by Michel Montecrossa Description: ‘Legs With Boots’, Mirapuri, 2013, pens on paper, 42×30 cm Michel Montecrossa Homepage: www.MichelMontecrossa.com Become Michel Montecrossa’s friend on facebook: www.facebook.com/michel.montecrossa All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are…
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