cleverasafox · 2 months
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Flappity flippers!
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zetobii · 5 years
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Aaah another one done for my beloved @miranthia 💕 This time we have her cutie patootie Aeducan, Ricynthia, playing with her mabari bby uwu I’ve never drawn a mabari so be gentle? I hope you like it, dearie 🥰
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miranthia · 8 years
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First art of 2017 WOOOO.
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dreamypastel · 4 years
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WB Raffle Winner Art
1: raiinbowmochii
2: miranthia
3: crandria2001
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errantgoatart · 7 years
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Kiriban prize on deviantart for @miranthia
I hope you like it!
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badgersinthesky · 7 years
To Save a Toad
"Of all places, it had to be here. Doesn't the Ministry know by now how I feel about this place? The Forbidden Forest is the one place my hair stands on end. That stupid hag, Dolores Umbridge, getting herself lost in there. What was she thinking? Well, best do my job and recue her, no matter how much I hate the idea," I compained to my colleagues. At least I wasn't alone. Dylan Rookwood and Tim Lyles had been my partners since we started working. Before that, we all went to school together. Lyles was a Hufflepuff, like myself, and Rookwood was a Slytherin. We always complained to each other about the jobs we didn't like so, they were used to it. Besides, Rookwood was my husband, he'd here it later anyway. Neither said a word. I stood, staring at the Forest at Hogwarts, reluctant to enter. How many times I had stood in that same spot as a student remembering that horrible day. I could handle most anything in this forest, except the centaurs. Never did I want to run into them again. In my third year I had followed Dylan in and got myself into some trouble. The centaurs ended up chasing me out and said if I ever entered again it would be my life. That is a story for another time however. I had no choice, Umbridge was in there and if I wanted to keep my job, I had to rescue her. At least, I wasn't alone. As my heart raised, I slowly entered the forest. It was just as gloomy as ever in there. Where was she? The sooner I found her, the sooner I could leave. I listened and watch for any signs of her. Something felt vey wrong. I would regret this, I knew I would. As I walked, I heard a snap of a twig behind me. I turned and there it stood, pointing an arrow at my chest, was a centaur. "What are you doing here? You were told never to return." "I am deeply sorry for the intrusion but, I had no choice. You see, I am an auror now. My job is to come here and reascu Dolores Umbridge, a member of the Ministry of Magic. You haven't seen her by chance, have you?" Oh, I hoped not. If they found her she was either dead or would be, very soon. They guys said nothing. They new it was smarter for only one of us to speak to him. We didn't want to anger him if possible. "That witch is lo longer your concern. Leave now or perish, like she soon will." With that he took off. I had no choice but to follow him. His words were obvious. The centaurs had Umbridge. There was no time to waste. The three of us started chasing the centaur. He was so fast, we started losing him immediately. The only chance we had was me transforming. I turned into a hufflepuff, let Rookwood and Lyles onto my back, and took off after the centaur. Eventually, the centaur stopped and we saw where he had unwillingly led us. There had to be every centaur in the Forest standing before us. Each had an arrow pointing toward the center of their circle. I flew up a bit to see what they were aiming at. Umbridge was there, screaming about how the Ministry would not tolerate them harming her and that if they did not release her it meant a war with the wizarding community. The stupid woman. They were never going to listen to her. She was right, unfortunately. If they didn't stop, with everything going on, this would mean war. I landed back where I had been and started thinking what to do next. I had to attack but there were so many of them against us three. I charged in using my hooves and beak to attack the centaurs before they could react. I attacked my way through towards Umbridge. I had to get to her. All the guys had to do was keep them back while she climbed onto me. Then we could fly off. The only problem then was dodging those arrows. Xentaurs were a deadshot. It would take harrd work from everyone to protect me from them as I flew. Just had to get to the... Without warning, a spell hit Rookwood and sent him flying off my back. What was that? Before I couls find the source, another spell hit Lyles. There! Off in the distance stood a witch pointing her wans at me with both fear and determination in her eyes. I sent the guys after Umbridge. I would handle this new obstacle. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING! Do you not realize who we are? We are aurors that the Ministry sent here to rescue Umbridge. You must stand down or risk Azkaban."
One would think that a person that had been in the Forbidden Forest as many times as she had throughout the years, going in it would be a piece of cake for her. She was accustomed to the quiet that was broken intermittently by snapping twigs, or strange animal sounds. She was familiar with the feeling of multiple pairs of eyes following her every move, piercing through her like she was invisible. She was well acquainted with the enveloping darkness that surrounded her, the deeper she went; the darkness that swallowed a being whole the second the entered further than the light could reach on even the sunniest of days. She spent her youth running in and out of these trees, befriending all the animals and magical creatures that she had come across and talking herself out of smuggling them all to the castle. Hagrid was so fed up of catching her that he eventually consented to letting her run around as she saw fit, though typically he preferred to tag along. The fact that she loved animals just as much as he did probably had a lot to do with that. Now that she was a middle-aged witch, and had been at this for years, she should be over her fear by now. Nope, no…..not at all. She was still a chicken. Susan muttered to herself inaudibly as she trudged through the underbrush, jumping every now and then as a twig snapped or a bird took flight. Why in the hell was she continuing to do this to herself? Oh right; she worked for the Ministry, and as a Magizoologist it was her job to keep up with certain critters that called these woods home. The animals made it all worth it, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She loved it, even if it terrified her. The Forest’s unicorn population was thriving beautifully, no incidents since that of 1991. She was on her way to the Thestral brood when she heard screaming it be distance, and the pounding of many pairs of hooves. Against her better judgement she changed direction and followed the sounds, dread brewing in the back of her mind. The pounding stopped and there were gruff shouts amid the screaming, the sounds coming closer as she neared her destination. Susan groaned in dismay as she weaved through the restless centaurs, her presence ignored as she came closer to the middle of the group. Her eyes landed on the writing pink blob held high amidst them, the offensive curses being croaked falling upon her deaf ears as she rest her forehead in the palm of her hand, shaking her head in disbelief. Great. “Magorian, what in the hell are you guys doing with her? You know what this could mean for you, right?” Before she could be answered their little get-together was interrupted by two Aurors on the back of a Hippogriff blasting their way through the crowd, much to Susan’s dismay. She reacted without even thinking, her silent spell hitting the two men and brushing them off of the creature’s back. The Hippogriff transformed into a woman and she was shouting at Susan, the blonde dimly thinking that she recognized her from work. Susan scoffed and lowered her wand, prepared to throw herself between the newcomers and the angry centaurs around them; the only reason they hadn't attacked yet was probably because they were shocked. “Oh come off it, all I did was push them off your back, nothing serious. They'll be fine!” Movement from the corner of her eye made her spring to action and she wordlessly cast a protective spell around the three, an arrow bouncing harmlessly off of the invisible bubble. “Magorian, stand down! Just….everyone chill for a second.” “These humans…” “Please, just wait. Don't cause any more trouble for yourselves.” she turned to the woman and exhaled heavily through her nose, hands raised between the two parties as her brow pinched together in frustration as she kept her voice low and urgent. “Azkaban will be a Godsend for me compared to what these centaurs could do to you. Let me talk to them, please. They trust me. I may be able to reason with them and get that despicable woman back. This is their territory, and you are trespassing. Ministry officials or not, they are completely in the right to protect their home by any means necessary.”
I looked at my friend, as they got up and brushed themselves off. I had decided to refuse this woman's offer. Why would she think she could get them to stop. The centaurs listen to nobody. As I opened my mouth to respond, Dylan stopped me.
 "Susan, if you can end this peaceful, I ask that you do so. If they will listen to any of us, I am sure it would be you." The woman nodded and started having a conversation with the centaurs. Susan? Wait, she was the Magizoologist I always saw at work. I wanted to interject, tell Dylan he was making a mistake letting her speak with them. It wouldn't help. Yes, she connected with magical creatures but Dylan pressed his finger to my lips. "Don't start. I let you have a say on most missions and at home. This time you will let me decide what the best option is. You are angry with her for attacking us and are not thinking of the bigger picture. Do you really want to be the one to start a war?"
 With the distraction of all the chaos, Umbridge had risen to her feet. I looked over at her, my hair standing on end wishing I could finish her off myself and just say we were too late. Yet, if I did, I would be just as bad as her. Why the Ministry didn't listen to any of us about her, we would never know, but the woman was pure evil. I feared Voldemort, disliked him, knew the necessity of his death but, this woman...She was really something else. I would be surprised if anyone ever did actually like her. I had been to her office twice at the Ministry and the cats pictures alone were too much. Then there was her, 'I'm better than everyone' attidue. She was vile and always talking with her wicked voice. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a Death Eater in disguise (if only something like that could be proven). She had the Minister so wrapped around her finger, even if someone had full on evidence, he would call the accuser a liar. Unfortunately, a job was a job thouh and Umbridge was it.
 "I WILL HAVE ORDER! GOING AGAINST ME IS JUST LIKE GOING AGAINST THE MINSTER OF MA..." Umbridge stopped immediately as three centaurs. I held back my laughter. How many times had I heard her say that to someone who she felt was arguing with her. The sooner this mission was over, the sooner I wouldn't have to look at her again.
 Why was Susan taking so long? If she didn't hurry up, Umbridge would open her big mouth again and say something that would either get us all killed or, if we are lucky enough to get out of this, cause a war. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to know what was happening. I started pushing my way to where Susan and some of the centaurs were talking, ready to tell them they needed to come to a quick decision when I was blocked off by ten others, ready to strike if told. I got into position readying myself for a fiece battle, seeing that Dylan and Tim readied themselve as well, I knew things were about to go bad.
“Magorian, surely you cannot be considering-”
 “Are you questioning my authority, Bane?”
 “Not your authority, merely your judgement on the matter.”
 Magorian snorted angrily and reared back, front legs kicking dangerously.  Bane bowed his head slightly and took a few steps back, his leader eyeing him disdainfully.  “Susan is our friend and equal.  She has been with us since she was naught but a foal, and has never led us wrong.”
 At that Bane looked up and glared fiercely at the chestnut, his tail swishing agitatedly in his anger.  “And what of Hagrid?  He is unwelcome among our herd because he has-”
 “Hagrid,” Magorian interrupted loudly, ignoring the sounds of many hooves digging at the ground, an uncomfortable murmur breaking out amongst them.  “Has merely been led astray by his heart.  He will see the error of his ways, in time.  When he does, he will be welcomed back once more.”
 “How dare you stoop to helping these humans, and allowing them to use you as a common nag!  Our noble breed has been besmirched, as you-”
 Susan saw Magorian rear back once more and decided to intervene, throwing herself between the two centaurs before Bane was stomped to a pulp.  “Enough, enough of this!  Back off you two, you’re acting like a pair of children. YES Bane, human children, squabbling over a favorite toy!  You should be ashamed of yourselves.  And would someone,” she threw an exasperated look over her shoulder, pulling a handkerchief out of her pocket and tossing it towards the nearest living being. “Gag that old toad?!  I can’t hear myself think!”
 The blonde took in a deep, steadying breath as she looked back and forth between the two males, each of them glaring fierce daggers at the other, their nostrils flared and their chests rising and deeply.  She was shocked that the rest of the herd was not jumping in to aid their comrade, but rationalized that they were in as much shock and trepidation as she was.
 How in the world did she get herself into this mess?  She’d broken up minor spats between the herd throughout the years, but never one of this magnitude.
 And how she had managed to not get trampled to death, was completely beyond her.  Even though Magorian had dubbed her as an equal and an ally, she was still a human.
 A human that was highly regarded and respected, much to her shock and amazement.
 Susan pulled herself out of her own thoughts and finally lowered her raised arms, sighing aloud.  “Look, this is not about lowering yourselves and, ‘helping the humans’, no matter what any of you may think.  This is about understanding the fact that we have a common purpose, and our groups will both benefit by working together, not for one another.”  She looked to Bane, because she knew Magorian had been pacified for the moment.  She had known him long enough that she could read his body language without much trouble.  Bane, on the other hand, had always been an unknown variable.
 He studied the blonde carefully, tail swishing periodically.  “You expect us to just hand over the Toad woman, after all of the vile speak that spewed from her tongue?”
 “I am asking you,” Susan said calmly, inwardly holding her breath. “To allow us to take charge of your prisoner from here.  Bane, what my co-workers have said is true; she is a Ministry Official, and to harm her would be a death sentence for you all.  It would be an open declaration of war.  The whole of the Ministry would swarm here within an instant and slaughter you all without asking any questions.”
 Bane considered her for a moment before his eyes flickered to the other three, smirking at their ‘attack-when-ready’ positions.  “What of them?  Are they of the same mind as you?”
 “Yes.” Susan replied at once.  “They are my friends, and they can be trusted.”
I waited patiently for Susan to talk to the centaurs. Her connection with them was rare. The only person I ever saw that could ever have such interactions was Hagrid back when I was in school. I'll never forget how he had saved me from these very same centaurs back then. I understood his connection, he was half giant after all, but this woman was amazing with them. I hoped she was friends enough with them to stop this fiasco.
"There will be no getting out of th...."
"Umbridge I suggest you shut your trap, right now. Susan is the only thing keeping this from getting worse. If you don't be quiet, nothing she says will help," I yelled at Umbridge. Just then, Susan threw a scarf to Tim and told him to 'gag the old toad'. I couldn't barely stifle the laughter. I was liking this woman more already.
We watched closely, ready for anything to happen. Finally, she was getting through to them. Their posture had changed, they were more relaxed. Maybe this could get the hag out without causing a war.
"Oww! You stupid, no good..." I had completely forgot Tim was shutting her up. I turned to see him grabbing his hand. She had bit him! I couldn't believe it. Again, she started her rant. We were done for, now.
"There is no chance for peace now. When I return to the Minister and tell him of all that has gone on here, he will send the whole group of Aurors to eliminate you and your little friend there. YOU, if you want to keep yourself out of trouble I suggest you attack now," she yelled at the three of us."Yeah, I will attack. Attack you...you...uh, there is no insult bad enough for you." I thought to myself with a smirk.
At Umbridge's remark, the centaurs turned to us, rage in there eyes. Susan looked panicked but ready to protect her self and her friends. What was I going to do? She was the one picking a fight. They said, I had to bring her back. Nobody said, she had to be alive because she didn't know how to shut her stupid face. Nah, I wasn't that type of person. I had a job to do and it was time to get it done. Maybe after all this, I could wipe the hag's memory and protect everyone else from war. I know Dylan will support me. My only question was would Tim?
I inched back to wear he stood by Umbridge, still clutching his hand. It was not an easy task when they were about to attack. I whispered what my thoughts were and he agreed to anything I felt was necessary to end this as smoothly as possible. All my plan took, NOBODY could die.
I pointed my wand at the first centaur that charged toward me, "Stupify." The centaur flew back and hit the ground. "Do not kill them! We DO NOT want war."
Both of the guys nodded in understanding. The sent their attacks at the centaurs closest to them and sent them flying as well. We were doing okay at the moment but all it took was them all coming at once, then I doubted we could get out of this without casualty. Something had to be done.
Suddenly, I flew back. Sarah, she must have hit me. How could I blame her? Umbridge threatened her as well. This was getting out of control. I had to attack back but knew it would be harder to get her to listen to me after. "Petrificus Totalus!"
To my surprise, the one called Bane jumped in the way of my attack and was struck down, unable to move. I saw the anger and hatred grow in Sarah's eyes. There was no more fear of what was to come. She knew there was no stopping this battle. She was out to protect the centaurs, no matter the consequences. I hoped I could still get her to understand the plan before it was to late. I just had to get to her to explain, without getting killed. Why did Umbridge have to be so....UMBRIDGE!
Being a Metamorphmagus had its advantages, intended use aside.
It took her several years to master her ability, but by the time she had come to Hogwarts she could change at will in the blink of an eye with little to no effort.  The act of changing one’s appearance took a great deal of focus and concentration, and for any small child that process borders on the impossible.  She spent the bulk of her free time practicing while she was tucked away in the woods, playing with her animal friends.  Her love of all animals had predispositioned her to a calm and quiet nature, while she was trying to befriend new critters.  After she gained their trust she could be as loud as she wanted, but that’s neither here nor there
The point being, she was very adept at focusing her concentration on whatever she put her mind to.
By the time she was a second year student, she was able to perform both silent and wandless magic, to some degree.  She had also learned how to cast a corporeal Patronus, and how to turn into an Animagus.  Her highly protective nature had earned her the spot as Keeper for her House’s Team; the Captain at the time had refused to watch anyone else try out for the position.
By the fourth year, she had honed her skills and mastered wandless and silent spellwork.
The ability to do spells without shouting an incantation aloud and waving a wand around helped her greatly in her job as a Magizoologist; the Head Auror had begged her to work for him, and all but cried when she adamantly refused. However it had helped her out the most in earning the centaurs trust.  Most creatures, magical or not, reacted to a person much more favorably when said person played on an even field and was calm.  Since most magical creatures, that could speak for themselves, did not approve of the use of a wand, she was treated with much more respect.
It saved her life on multiple occasions, and this time was not any different.
Susan still had no idea how any of it had happened; one minute everything was calm and peachy, then the next everything had erupted into chaos.  All she did know, was that there was no chance in hell that the centaurs would allow the other three humans to leave the Forest alive.
She’d be lucky if they ever trusted her again.
Despite the anger and frustration boiling through her, she did her best to throw protective shields around the Aurors whenever she could and push the centaurs back away from them without the creatures knowing.  It was starting to wear her down though, and the more she tried to protect everyone, the faster her stamina trickled through her fingers.
The second she let her guard down a spell had been thrown her way and Bane toppled in front of her, taking the hit that was meant for her, blinding rage seethed through her every pore.  Her eyes locked onto those of the female Aurors and unwarranted loathing overwhelmed her.  Of course, it wasn’t directed towards her at all; this was all Umbridge’s doing, and despite the blondes frustrations with her co-workers, she understood their position; even if she hadn’t, she could read it in the other woman’s eyes.  The hesitancy, frustration, and remorse told her that she wasn’t happy with the situation either.
With a renewed surge of energy and a shout that surprised her, every centaur in the area froze into place, Umbridge as still as the lot of them.  She continued to glare at the woman for a beat before stomping over to them, a silver translucent stallion appearing next to her.  “Don’t give me that look, you know where he’s at.  Bring him here, and tell him to hurry.”  The horse tossed its head and galloped off through the trees, leaving the four in the quiet gloom.
“Give me one good reason,” Susan said through clenched teeth, her brow narrowed in fury. “Why I shouldn’t let them pummel you all into the ground.  That woman is not worth this fight, and I have more reason to hate her than most.  She’s the reason why one of my best friends is on the run, AND she’s the reason why my wife was sent to St. Mungo’s.  Five stunners to the chest?  They could have….” She broke off and took in a deep, steadying breath, hating herself for being so harsh with them.  Susan gave her head a shake and glanced down at her watch before returning her gaze to the woman in front of her.  “You have five minutes before the spell wears off and they start moving again.  I suggest you talk fast.”
As the woman explained her plan to her, Susan’s eyes darted around the clearing to check for unwanted visitors, her head nodding imperceptibly as things were made clearer to her.  Not that it made her feel any better about the situation, but at least her hopeful suspicions were confirmed.  However, in order for it to work, Umbridge wasn’t going to be the only one that needed to be Obliviated.  That thought did not settle well with her at all, especially if she was ever to get back into the good graces of the herd.  Not that they would ever know, but the point was she would.
She had absolutely no idea how they were going to pull this off and they were rapidly running out of time.
That is, however, until their Savior showed up.
“Susan, fancy meeting you here.  I must have stumbled upon you in this very Forest more times than I care to count.”
“Don’t act so surprised, you knew it was me.”
Dumbledore chuckled quietly, viewing the woman over the top of his half-moon spectacles.  “I have to admit, your Patronus has always been one to stick in one’s mind.  Now, what appears-” he stopped as he viewed the clearing before him, his twinkling gaze hardening as his eyes landed on the pink-clad figure amid the still centaurs.  “I see.”
Susan’s blood boiled once more as she glared at the same spot, her fists clenched so hard blood was steadily dripping from her knuckles, her nails digging into her palms.  “Can’t we just finish her off?  Make it look like an accident?”
“She hurt her, Albus!!  Minerva could have died because of that vile toad, and we both know-”
“My dear, I understand your feelings all too well.”  Dumbledore said gently, putting a restraining hand on her shoulder.  “But in doing so, you would stoop to her level.  And both you and I know that you are not even remotely like Dolores Umbridge.  Minerva is recovering quite nicely.”
Susan glared at Umbridge a moment longer before she sighed deeply and nodded, switching her blue eyes to the centaurs.  “They can’t know that we were here, Albus.  They can’t know that I….  But I can’t.  I’ve used the least amount of magic with them as I could already.”
“Say no more.  I wager we have only a few minutes left?”  The blonde nodded and he continued, turning so that he was looking at the four of them.  “Leave this to me.  I will, of course, make sure that Miss Umbridge is relinquished into my custody and delivered safely to Madame Pomfrey for observation.  All of their memories will, naturally, be modified, and there will be no recollection of your presence or interference.  It would be wise to depart as quickly as you can.”
Susan ushered the Aurors out of the clearing, the three nodding to Dumbledore in thanks before dashing off.  “Thank you, Albus.”
“Think nothing of it, Susan.”
She grinned slightly and turned away, before a thought hit her and she turned back to her elder.  “By the way, I’ve got several knitting patterns saved for you when you’ve got some free time.  She won’t admit it, but Min likes to flip through all of those No-Maj magazines when she thinks I’m not looking.”
Albus chuckled and looked back towards the woman, his eyes twinkling fondly.  “It’s good to see you again, Sky.”
Susan smiled and inclined her head towards him, a bright flash engulfing her.  Dumbledore glimpsed the form of an American Kestrel gliding off into the tree.  He watched until the bird disappeared from sight, returning the nod as a soft smile engulfed his features before turning to his task at hand.
0 notes
ao3feed-darylxcarol · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2BanduN
by Miranthia
"Like a wild animal, the truth is too powerful to remain caged." -- Veronica Roth
Words: 1193, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 18 of 30 Day Prompt Challenge
Fandoms: The Walking Dead (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Daryl Dixon, Carol Peletier
Relationships: Daryl Dixon/Carol Peletier
Additional Tags: Caryl
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2BanduN
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ergasia-gia-olous · 7 years
Περιστέρι, Αττικής - Περιγραφή ΦΑΡΜΑΚΕΙΟ στο Περιστέρι, ζητεί βοηθό Φαρμακοποιού να κάνει την πρακτική της και να εκπαιδευτεί στο εργαστήριο για ομοιοπαθητικά, φυτοθεραπεία, και παρασκευές καλλυντικών, e-mail: [email protected] Στατιστικά Δημιουργία: Τετάρτη, 26 Απριλίου 2017 Tελευταία τροπο... from Εργασία Ελλάς via Εργασία Για Όλους on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2p9FZuA via IFTTT
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tumblueberry · 9 years
Happy early Birthday Toni
Thank you! Oh god, how time flies xD I hope I can eat some cake :)
Have a great day yourself
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cleverasafox · 4 months
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Let's do this!
I'm only partially dead 8'D
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zetobii · 4 years
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How’s quarantine going? Everyone doing okay? I’m back with another piece for my beloved @cleverasafox 💕 This time around we have her lovely Mahariel, Tinuviel, just chillin and chatting owo I definitely picture this and the other 2 so far as companion pieces that could totally be in the same scene! Hope you enjoy 💕
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miranthia · 7 years
.:Wind | 28/30:.
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters:  Constance Macayle, Singleton, Brenna Larossa, Ireth Falassion, Myron Shaw, Dahlia mentioned
Pairing:  Macarenna sorta
TRIGGER WARNING:  Mention/hint/allusion to rape, blood, murder
THIS.....is super dark.  
For me, anyway.
I never actually go into any details about anything, nor will I EVER.......but it's there.
And yes, I'm ok, I promise.  I just.....got the urge to write, and after I did the dialogue for a different fic that I hope to finish soon, this one popped up in my head and I had to go through with it.  I miss writing, and I miss doing things with my characters.  Especially Mac!
BUT, I've never really done much that fleshed out her background.
Until now.
Also also; I actually wrote this quite a while ago and am just now fixing it up 8′D
Pain was the only thing that she knew.
She remembered sneaking up to the manor, the wind howling around her in the early morning light, and then everything ran together in a swirl of agony and darkness.  She had no idea how long it had been; three hours, three days, three years.....she had no way of knowing.
He was relentless.
She didn't even have time to shut her brain off, and go numb to the things that were happening to her.  The pain was constantly overwhelming her senses, and each time he came back, she thought she would die. She wished that she would die, rather than go through with this.
Death would not become her.
She had come there for a reason; in the early morning light, through the howling wind. And while she had not planned on this happening, she still had a score to settle with this man.
Now, she had even more of a reason to fight.
The room that she was locked in was much darker than it had been, her vision steadily returning to her feverish eyes as she slowly looked about.  He hadn't returned to her in several hours, the fire nearly to embers. She sucked in a sharp breath as she chanced a look up at the solitary window, the dark silhouette of trees swaying in the wind greeting her sight.
He had either exhausted himself and had fallen asleep, or he was out of the house.
Either way; time was of the essence.
Every move she made sent a new wave of pain through her entire body, and she could no longer tell if the salty taste in her mouth was from sweat, tears, blood, or all three.  Her back throbbed and stung against the hard mattress beneath it, the chains around her wrists and ankles clinking together softly at the slightest movement she made.
She squeezed her eyes shut tight as she tugged her right ankle, remembering the sound of the wood splintering the last time he had been down there.  Her legs and inner thighs screamed in protest with every move she made, her quiet whimpers filling the small room. She took in a deep breath and jerked with all of her might, the chain breaking free. She swallowed the scream that threatened to rip out of her lungs, taking in several deep breaths before working on her other ankle. The shackle slipped off of her raw appendage with little effort, the combination of blood and sweat providing enough of a lubricant to help the restraint along.
Stiff fingers wrapped around the chains at her wrists, the girl taking in another deep breath as she pulled with all of her might yet again, trying to push herself up the cot with her legs at the same time. She cried out in agony as she managed to move a fraction, the pain in her arms and between her thighs almost unbearable. She whimpered quietly into the side of her arm, not giving up until she had enough slack to prop herself up to the best of her abilities.
She sighed deeply after she controlled the sobs wracking through her body, resting her clammy forehead against her bent arms, feeling what little strength she had drain out of her.
She was half-tempted to give up.
But as she looked up, and saw the nail jutting out of the wall; the same one she had seen as she was thrown to this very cot and shackled to it, she grit her teeth and stretched towards the heavens. The tips of her fingers barely touched it, her muscles and ribs screaming in protest as she stretched out as far as she could, throbbing fingers working at the nail to pull it from the stone.  With one last tug the object came free, the girl collapsing and shaking quietly from the pain and the exhaustion.
She allowed herself a moment's rest before she pulled herself up once more, and fit the sharp end of the nail into the lock. Her hands trembled as she jiggled the object around, a click finally reaching her ears. Sitting up slowly, swallowing back the nausea, she unlocked the remaining shackle around her ankle.
Her tender feet touched the cold stone underneath them, and as she tried to stand she collapsed to the ground, curling in on herself.  She sobbed into the clothes beneath her, the agonizing waves of pain shooting up through her spine for what felt like an eternity, the dying firelight glistening off of the open and bleeding gashes along her naked back.
Every breath she took.
Every move she made, whether it be insignificant or major, felt like she was ripping in two from the inside out.
She felt useless, and utterly broken.  Her body had gone through so much torture and trauma that she didn't even know how she could still draw breath.  She didn’t even know if she still wanted to.
At this point, she wondered if it was better to just give up.
Amid the swirling emotions and thoughts that reeled through her brain, one thought stuck out amid the rest: He still lived.  He was still capable of doing this to other girls and women, for many more years to come.
He would continue to do this.
Unless she stopped him.
She slowly pushed herself up to her knees, drying her eyes on the blood-stained sheet of the cot and gritting her teeth with determination. She rummaged through her ruined clothes and slowly pulled her top on, wincing and sucking in sharp breaths with her every movement. She set her pants atop the cot and mustered her remaining strength to pull herself back onto the mattress, steadying her breathing as she pulled the garment, then her boots, back onto her body.
Bit by agonizing bit she stood to her feet, feeling her unsteady legs tremble beneath her. She pulled her pants the rest of the way up and chanced a step forward, stumbling into the small table in the center of the room. Her thighs seared in pain, the throbbing in her core intensifying the longer she stood. She wiped the sweat out of her eyes, brow furrowing in anger and frustration as she pushed herself back up and hobbled towards the locked door, nail still in hand and her breath escaping her lungs in ragged pants. She stumbled to the door, grasping the handle firmly as she inserted the nail into the lock, picking it in a matter of seconds. Just as it clicked and she swung the door open, she spied a heavy mallet hanging on the wall. The adrenaline now coursing through her veins renewed her hatred and her strength, ripping the heavy weapon off of its pegs as she crawled up the stairs, keeping her movements as quiet as she possibly could.
Hours seemed to tick by as she slowly ascended the wooden stairs before her, her entire body struggling to comply with her will.  Finally she reached the landing, taking a moment to rest on the very top step.  She pressed her face into the side of her arm, muffling the sounds of her heavy breathing and whimpers of pain.  After swiping her sweaty forehead against her arm she grasped hold of the door handle with one hand, using the mallet to push herself up with the other as she pulled.  Once steadied, she chanced the handle grasped firmly in her hand, surprised when she found that it was unlocked.  She inched the door open slowly, stepping through the threshold when nothing came to investigate.
Amid the sounds of her throbbing heart, she could hear the wind howling outside, a fire crackling away in the room adjacent to hers.  Gripping the handle of the mallet tightly she limped forward, her eyes zeroed in on the light flooding through the doorway.
He was standing in front of the blazing fire, fingers twirling the stolen locket in one hand as he sipped at something in his other hand.  The smirk that he wore went unseen, a tuneless hum leaving him as he stared at the crackling logs, completely unaware of the woman sneaking up behind him.
Unbridled rage swelled up inside of her body as she kept her eyes glued to his back, her grip on the handle of the mallet so tight her knuckles were turning white.  She inched forward slowly, breathing quietly through her mouth so she was not heard.  When she was so close she could touch him she raised the mallet up and swung down with everything she had, an enraged scream ripping itself out of her lungs.
He buckled and yelled in agony, both the drink and the locket dropping from his hands as his broken shoulder dangled uselessly at his side, his body careening to one side before pitching forward.  He screamed out again as the other shoulder was struck as well before both of his knees were smashed, leaving him completely incapacitated.
She stood over his prone and broken body, panting for breath as another surge of adrenaline rushed through her.  Without a second thought she forced her body to bend, rolling her adversary over onto his back.  As his eyes widened in shock at the realization of who his attacker was, and what just happened, she allowed herself to smile.
“What are you screaming and crying for?  There’s absolutely no reason for it!”
She crouched down beside him, watching him struggle to move his arms and his legs, his agonized curses and pleas falling upon deaf ears.
“Stop fighting it, sweetheart.” she slowly stood up to her feet, bringing the mallet up once more.  “Relax, and allow the sensations to overwhelm you.  You’ll learn to enjoy. Every. Single. Repetitious. Motion!  You’ll be begging for more before you know it.” she enunciated each word with a swing of the mallet, bringing it crashing down onto the man’s groin as many times as she could as those same words echoed in her mind, her own screams faintly filling her ears.
As he screamed and cried and spluttered, blood dribbling down his stark-white chin, she knelt down next to him once more.  “You should have killed me when you had the chance, Singleton.  I always keep my promises.” she spit on his broken body derisively and forced herself to her feet, limping over to the blazing fireplace.  With a kick she dislodged several of the burning logs, not even wincing as the puddle of alcohol took fire, the floor quickly becoming consumed.  The light glinting off of the fallen locket caught her eye and she bent to scoop it up, rolling a log towards her enemy.  She squeezed the object in her hand and glanced down at the screaming man, his leg engulfed in fire.
Without a backward glance she limped towards the front door, a bottle of alcohol exploding behind her.  As the screaming intensified she stopped momentarily, turning her head towards the blazing inferno slightly.  “This was for Dahlia, you bastard.”
With that she left the Manor behind, the wind catching the licking flames and soon engulfing the entire building.  If it hadn’t been for the three month drought, the house would have never burnt in the first place.
“The forest is no place for a warrioress!  How far could this blasted Tavern be?” a woman huffed as she stumbled yet again along the uneven path, wincing as her ankle rolled slightly.  “I’ll be happy to never set foot in the wilderness ever again!”
She straightened her tunic and took another step forward, tripping over a jutting object and sailing to the dusty ground beneath her.  “Maybe I should stop drinking…”
She dusted herself off and chanced a look at the thing that had tripped her, arching an eyebrow at the sight before her.  Instead of another tree root, it was the boot clad foot of some passed-out sot.  At first glance it looked to be a dirty, disheveled, homeless woman.
“Perfect, now I’m tripping over random people in the woods.  Wonderful.” she pulled herself to her knees and sighed heavily, eyeing the prone form in distaste.  “Excuse me miss?  Hello?  Perhaps the next time you feel to take a nap, you should refrain from hanging over into a path.  Can you hear me?”
She frowned and moved closer to the other woman, her mouth going dry and her stomach dropping as she studied her further.  She was covered in dirt and soot, and her clothes were ripped and torn.  That much was obvious.
On closer inspection, most of the dark splotches covering her were deep bruises.  Her face was covered in dried blood and cuts, bruises swelling certain places.  Her entire body, the parts that weren’t hidden by her ruined clothes, was covered in even more dried blood, bruises, and gashes.
The warrioress took it all in in a horrified silence, reaching a timid hand out to press to the woman’s forehead, the skin searing her palm.  To her relief the woman twitched slightly, slowly turning her head to the other side.  “Don………...don’t t-touch…….m-me….”
“It is alright, I won’t hurt you.  I promise.”  she wet her dry mouth slowly, feeling hot tears of anger well up in the corner of her eyes.  She shook out of it after a moment, returning her attention to the injured woman.  “Are….are you able to move?”
The woman’s eyes rolled underneath the feverish lids, her throat bobbing several times as the faint and raspy voice escaped her lips once more.  “N...no.”
She nodded and took a limp arm in one hand, pulling the injured woman up with her and slinging it over her shoulder.  The agonized yell that ripped out of her new companions' lungs sent a cold chill down her spine, the warrioress fighting the urge to cry with the woman.  She grit her teeth and wrapped an arm around the trembling waist, ignoring the pain in her own ankle.  “There is a Tavern not too far ahead.  It will be slow going, but I can get you there.  All I ask, is you try to help as best as you can.”
She felt the head nod next to her, internally sighing in relief as she felt the weight lift slightly off of her shoulders.
The two took a few unsteady steps forward, the quiet gasps of pain tearing her up from the inside, but the injured woman did not stop, nor did she ask to.
“I’ll get you there my lady, I promise.”
They slowly limped on in relative silence, a sign for the tavern in question obscured by the overgrown trees.  They had less than a mile before they reached The Black Nag, and an hour to go before night fell.
Hopefully, they would make it.
"Aye, take the last of those apples out to th' ol' nag, Ireth.  We may as well close up for the e'nin."
"Throwing the towel in so early, Myron?" the elf asked with a snort, resting her broom against the wall and striding up to the counter.  "It's only just now dark, I'm sure there will be customers before too long.  Creators know there are enough drunken sots around these parts."
The old man snorted, returning to the dirty glass he had been attempting to clean.  Before he could answer her the front doors swung open, the customers stumbling in.  "Well 's abou' time!  Looks t'me ye lot got an early star- Ireth, help 'er!"
"Some......assistance......would be.......appreciated!" the woman gasped, struggling to keep both herself and her companion standing.
Both the elf and the old man rushed to her side, catching the unconscious woman as the other's legs finally gave out and she collapsed onto an empty stool.  Ireth bent to see to the woman on the floor, Myron rushing off to get something cool for the other one to drink.  The elven woman put a hand to the woman's forehead, gasping in shock at the feel of her burning skin, the shock growing as she took in her beaten and battered appearance.
"What happened to her?!"
The warrior downed the pint that was presented to her, shaking her head as she steadied her breathing.  "I have no idea, I tripped over her on my way here.  I don't even know who she is."
Ireth's gaze darkened as she studied the blood stains on her ruined clothes, a deep sense of sadness overwhelming her as she saw the patches between her thighs.  She sniffed briskly and swiped at her eyes, putting two and two together on her own, before she hooked her arms under those of the unconscious woman's.
"Come, help me move her upstairs where I can treat her better, Miss?"
"Brenna." she scrambled off of her stool and bent to grab her companion's feet, secretly relieved that she was passed out; now she wouldn't have to hear the agonized cries.
Between the two of them, Brenna's ankle now throbbing as the previous adrenaline rush she had had wore off, they managed to get their charge upstairs. Myron was already up there to open the door leading into Ireth's room, taking his leave once they were in.  They placed the woman as gently as they could upon the bed, the elf's eyes straying down to the warrior's foot.  "Let Myron have a look at that.  He should be able to bind it up for you."
Brenna shook her head, keeping her gaze fixated on the prone form of the battered woman.  Despite her efforts to keep herself distanced from the woman she virtually knew nothing about, she couldn't help but feel responsible for her.  "Not right now, I'm fine."
Ireth smiled softly and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, nodding towards the door.  "It is alright child, she's in good hands I promise.  Go, you've done all you can for her.  I will look after her, and let you know when she has awoken.  You need to get that ankle taken care of in case it's broken."
With one last look at the woman on the bed, Brenna finally relented.  She smiled and nodded her head, allowing the woman to steer her out of the room and help her down the stairs.  Questions burned in the back of her mind but she strove to push them out completely.  She did her part, and had helped the woman find some help.  Now she was free to go, as soon as she got her ankle taken care of and downed and couple more pints.
She had no reason to stay.
On the third day, the woman's fever finally broke and she came to, much to everyone's relief.  She did not speak much, and had no recollection of how she had arrived at the Tavern.  Ireth had asked her about her injuries, but she adamantly refused to talk about it, and the elven woman did not wish to pry.
Despite the fact that she had no memory of the woman that had saved her, Brenna decided to stay, against her better judgement.  Maybe one day she would decide to move on, but for now.....
For now she remained where she was, keeping an eye on the silent woman that kept herself closed off to the others, gracing her with a smile when the two met eyes occasionally from across the room.
One day, Brenna would tell her it was she that saved her.
But for now, she shared soft smiles and foaming pints with the woman she would forever be drawn to.
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ajramseyart · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
SKetch commissions for @miranthia ! Results from todays livestream! I also doodle some witcher stuff but I will post that tomorrow XD
If you want a sketch like this of any character I am still taking sketch commissions for $15! OOORR If you follow me on instagram you can enter in my free portrait giveaway and win a free portrait https://www.instagram.com/ajramseyart/
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badgersinthesky · 7 years
M&M’s Recipe of Doom
This, was absurd. 
Completely, totally, and irrevocably absurd. This, was probably the most terrible idea in the history of terrible ideas, and she had no one to blame but herself. And three seventh year boys that had worshiped her oldest sister up until last year, but that was besides the point. THE POINT BEING, she was not one to back down from a dare. Ever. Even if it did take her to one of the creepiest places she had ever been to in all of her days, her being swallowed up by complete and utter darkness, save for the light coming from the trembling wand in her hand, the brightly glowing tip casting eerie shadows in a small circle around her. She was not by any means a prideful person, but the name they had called her stung worse than the cold of the earthy, root-infested tunnel. Coward. She was not, by any means, a coward. A chicken, yes. But not a coward. At this thought the second year narrowed her eyes and squared her shoulders, the grip on her wand tightening in determination. “I’ll show those trolls what’s what. Susan Hawthorne is not a coward. Now, what was it they had said?” She tapped her foot on the ground, concentrating on the directions they had given her and trying to ignore the creepy shapes the shadows were making. “Follow the tunnel until it starts to widen, and then I’ll be there.” She gulped deeply and took a steadying breath, letting it out as she cautiously walked onward. “Right, time to live up to Willow’s reputation and make her proud! If I don’t get eaten first….”
Why did it have to be this time of the year? Why so randomly? What was that about the human silhouette? Why was his stomach growling so bad? Huldric inhaled slowly, thoroughly, filling up his lungs with stale air up to the point where they started to hurt. Even in the poor light of the wand he could see the little particles of dust, mold and minuscule parts of Merlin-knew what else was in the tunnel, their snuffed sparkles seemingly suspended in the tight space in front of him. He exhaled all at once and almost choked on the humid, earthy taste that filled his mouth. A deep grimace and a few moments of gagging later he was already shuffling his feet deeper into the gaping hole in front of him, all the while muttering curses under his breath. Knowing that there was no one to cover his back, the Gryffindor was starting to feel anxious, which ironically annoyed him as much as it gave him a rush of excitement. He hadn't been by himself working on a case for such a long time that he had forgotten what it was like: the budding fear that was only natural given the circumstances, the constant feeling that there was always a pair of eyes watching from some dark corner, the thrill of the discovery and the hunt. And the humming - that was something he had missed dearly. Whenever he had been on a job with the crew their own auras distorted and disrupted that glorious, subdued sound. Now, alone and surrounded from all sides by the traces of magic, he was able to perceive it as clearly as a vivid echo: catching onto shadows of murmurs as it purred and whizzed with his every step and every breath. Now if only his stomach would stop its tirade. He was sure the investigation wasn't going to take long anyway - the place had the reputation of being haunted, but the family archives clearly stated it was only a myth perpetuated by the previous Headmaster to hide Remus Lupin's true nature. The archives also summarized the story of the werewolf, as heard from the Potter family. So there was no doubt regarding that. However, since the new rumors had started to spread, Hulderic had found himself thinking more and more that there was something that was either missing from the story or had been overlooked. The answer to that question was simple enough, it turned out. The death of another great figure of the Second War, Severus Snape, had happened in the Shack. Was it possible that he had remained behind as a ghost and was now acting up? It made no sense - he had been a hero of the war, long-time Potions Master and temporary Headmaster at Hogwarts. Why would he want to haunt an empty, abandoned, crumbling down house? While the man's reputation for avoiding human nuisances was as legendary as his role in aiding the Order against the Dark Lord it was highly impractical to stay behind just to hide. "Well, whatever might come I'm ready for it," Hulderic sighed while patting the heavy, slightly deformed bag he was carrying with his free hand as if to assure himself. Indeed he had a little bit of everything that was needed for basic investigations in there. Armed with that, his wits and knowledge, he was certain this first visit to the Shack was also going to be the last, as long as he wasn't going to meet with any daredevil student inside. He sneezed. It really was cold and sticky down there. He was going to definitely catch a cold if he hung around much longer. He'd be stupid to think other students would know about the tunnel underneath the Whomping Willow, nevermind how to enter it or where it lead. He was privileged to have all the society's resources at his disposal, and even with all the information the society had gathered the details on everything related to the abandoned building were pretty scarce. A few facts here and there alongside the rumors tied to the name. Smirking, the Gryffindor continued to walk forward. Those rumors were enough to scare even the ghosts at Hogwarts from investigating. Surely no one was stupid enough to do it themselves. A voice echoed from somewhere in front of him. Wordlessly he turned off the wand's light and shifted his weight as to make as little noise as possible, then slowly started creeping along the corridor, eyes closed to channel his focus on his hearing and fingers gripping the wand tightly. It sounded like a girl.
After several moments of incessant muttering, tripping, and swearing vehemently to herself Susan came to a halt. She cocked her head to one side and listened intently, holding her breath as her brow narrowed in concentration. The second year could have sworn that she had heard faint footsteps. However, that was impossible. No one was stupid enough to come down here. Present company excluded. With that thought she finally allowed her lungs the air they were screaming for and shrugged her shoulders, decided she was hearing the echoes of her own padding feet. Echoes that were far behind her and slightly heavier than her own that bounced around her. In an eerie frequency that did not quite match up to her own walking pattern. But, those were only minor details. She was the only living human down there. Totally. As her brain continued to run wild, much to her chagrin, the hairs on the back of her neck began to stand-on-end. She was the only living thing down here. Living. She was the only living thing down here. A shiver ran down her spine and she stumbled over an exposed root, causing her body to erupt into survival mode as she tried to prevent herself from careening into the cold, crumbling, dirt wall of the tunnel. However, survival turned into panic as she plummeted through a spiderweb. “No no no no no, get it off, get it off, get it off!!!” she danced and squirmed around the small space in disgust, the light emitting from the end of her wand bouncing wildly about her. “There’s a spider on me, oh good gravy there’s a spider on me! It’s gonna eat me get it off GET IT OFF GET IT OFF I’M GONNA DIE!” She’d have put a ninja to shame. 
Hulderic's eyes snapped open and he once again felt the pressing weight of the darkness, as if the tons of earth on top were all pushing down on the tunnel, intent on squeezing the air out. He'd have loved to stand his ground and get some grip on himself and his perception of the environment but the screams were really starting to sound like a banshee's by then. Wand at the ready in one hand and the other reaching for a small bottle in his bag, he started striding forward with the valiant determination of one who was more afraid of what the screams could disturb rather than what was going on with the girl - from the high-pitched screeches to the earlier thumps that had marked the silence with grave grunts of pain, to him it was obvious by then that the only kind of creature to meet all the requirements was a girl. He might have been a little misogynistic but, after all, he was there with a task and she was only an obstacle in his way at that moment, what with all the screaming and flailing around. What on Merlin's knickers was she doing down in the tunnel anyway? Having a picnic with her Weird Sisters dolls? At last, he stopped before the place where he could see the light of a wand tip dancing feverishly to some erratic rhythm. He considered playing the knight in shiny armor and just joining in on the fun of catching the attacking spider, whether it be imaginary or not. But it was way too risky, and in that current situation the girl was too volatile - she needed to calm down. So instead of playing the hero, he did the simplest thing he could think of. Which, in this case, just happened to be casting a high-end, difficult and possibly disastrous if performed incorrectly Charm: the Silencing Charm, a fifth-year spell he had learned after a dozen or so displeased garden gnomes and frogs and a summer's worth of effort. However, like any complex spell, it needed focus and intent on the part of the caster. Both hard to obtain when, avoiding a wild swing of the girl's wand, the Gryffindor sidestepped, tripped over forward, accidentally bumped into the other student and, as gracefully as a sack of potatoes, plummeted down to the floor. 
In her panic-stricken stupor, Susan was aware of the fact that she was most definitely not alone. There was absolutely another living being there, and she was flailing about like a banshee with Tourettes. Smooth Hawthorne, super smooth. The terrifying thought of a spider clinging to her for dear life was thrown from her mind as the aforementioned living being bumped into her and presumably crashed to the ground. The collision sent her wand skittering into the earthy abyss, plunging them into darkness. Her unsteady balance was knocked even further askew, her foot catching yet another exposed root. Susan’s ankle rolled as she pitched forward with a short pterodactyl screech, the pain in her lower limb enunciated with that of her knee and both hands as she tried to prevent the fall that inevitably came. Susan groaned as she pushed herself up into a sitting position, ignoring her dangling glasses as her bruised ego throbbed worse than her swollen ankle. At least it was dark enough that her surprise company was unable to witness her less-than-graceful descent to the ground. With a small hint of irony she realized her wand was trapped underneath her marred palm. Light surrounded the area warmly as she cleared her throat, her eyes squinting painfully from the sudden intrusion. “Any survivors?”    
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ergasia-gia-olous · 7 years
Περιστέρι, Αττικής - Περιγραφή ΦΑΡΜΑΚΕΙΟ στο Περιστέρι, ζητεί βοηθό Φαρμακοποιού να κάνει την πρακτική της και να εκπαιδευτεί στο εργαστήριο για ομοιοπαθητικά, φυτοθεραπεία, και παρασκευές καλλυντικών, e-mail: [email protected] Στατιστικά Δημιουργία: Τετάρτη, 26 Απριλίου 2017 Tελευταία τροπο... from #ΕργασίαΕδώΚαιΤώρα via Ergasia on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2p9FZuA via IFTTT
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cuzimshort · 9 years
miranthia A friend and I got caught in a heavy thunderstorm that's rolling on in. D: We got flood warnings, but my area doesn't normally have them, so I'm fine. When we left Alexandria, it was in a middle of a black out.
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