#Mitsuki and orochimaru are trying not to look at him because the state he’s in
probablyavampire · 8 months
Love this image of Log being high as shit trying to serve food but he’s not even looking at the tray.
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He’s at peace. I wish he was my brother
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eleanor-devil · 3 years
Boruto: Sacrifices [Remade] | Chap.3 - Naruto’s Decision
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Written by: Eleanor-Devil & @mirage-05​​
Prologue | Chap.1 | Chap.2 | Chap.3 - You’re here
A complete silence descended upon the meeting hall for a full minute as everyone stood still, almost too afraid to breathe. Naruto worked to control the shocked expression on his face, but it wasn’t easy. How… how in the world had Sarutobi Kichiro found out about this…? His eyes swept over everyone in the hall briefly, lingering longer on Sarada and Shikadai, who understandably looked dumbfounded. And Konohamaru… Konohamaru just stood there, eyes wide open, looking like he was struck by something… Naruto had absolutely no idea how he was gonna make up for this... And then… the blast happened. A lot of people got on their feet, their expressions outraged and… panicked. “Hokage-sama, what’s the meaning of this?” “Did you really allow a brat of that snake in our village?” “Not good…” Kakashi mumbled next to him. “I don’t know how he learned about the kid but there was a reason he waited until now to reveal it…” The reason was pretty clear. A panicked turmoil had come over the gathered, wild looks in their eyes… an upheaval. Sighing inaudibly, Naruto took a step forward and raised his arms in a placating gesture. “Please. I would like everyone to just give me a moment.”
The roaring of chatter dimmed slightly to a low hum. “My decision to accept Mitsuki into the village was made regardless of his parentage. I intend to keep my view on it.” “And it shouldn’t solely be your decision to begin with,” Kichiro continued above the crowd, dead-pan. “This matter concerns all of the village, with the boy being related to the most heinous criminal this village had created.” “It is not our way in Konoha to judge someone - especially a kid - based on his connections.” Tsunade put in, as calmly as she could, already tired of the views of the elders in Konoha. Sarada was shocked as she could do nothing but watch the mayhem unfold. “What… does that even mean…?” she heard Shikadai speak beside her. “Sarada… did you know this…?” “N-no… I had no idea…” the girl mumbled numbly, shaking her head. “But… I know Orochimaru… and he’s…” she couldn’t exactly complete the sentence. The Nara raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’ve heard of his name a number of times before, but neither my parents nor my uncles go into details…” “I’m surprised, really,” came a voice behind them, and both turned to look at who was speaking. “Your family was one of those who was the worst affected by that snake.” “Sarutobi Ichiro.” Shikadai said wearily. “What do you mean, worst affected?” “Oh boy, you really don’t know.” Ichiro tsk tsked, shaking his head. “Well, I guess families really do like to mollycoddle the younger rather than let them face the truth for their own sake.” One of the girls standing next to him, his teammate, sighed and closed her eyes. “Really Ichiro, can we spend just one day without you going around having beef with someone?” “Oh, I’m not trying to start anything Wasabi,” the teen crossed his arms with a smirk. “But for now, let’s continue to watch how this will unfold. It’s gonna be interesting.” And unfolding it was. The whole room was on its feet now, everyone talking at the same time, trying to get their voices heard. “And how are we supposed to relax when his kid is roaming free in our village?” asked one from the Yamanaka clan. “Do you have any evidence to prove he wasn’t related to the attack at all?” There was a momentary surge of indecision on Naruto’s face, but he was quick to hide it. “Not yet, we don’t. Just as there is no evidence yet to point to his involvement. And this is why I wouldn’t want to be hasty in pointing fingers.” “Hasty? Hardly.” A sneer had formed on Kichiro’s lips. “I believe we have been really rather slow in this matter.” “If I may be so bold…” all the heads in the room turned to the unexpected speaker. Truth being told, Aburame Shino had never been a very vocal man. “I taught that boy during academy and I don’t believe he has the material to betray Konoha. Why? Because he has proven himself many times to be quite loyal.” “And how do we know he wasn’t play-acting, that it was some sort of scheme?” “Because he doesn’t have reasons to,” Shikadai mumbled, still watching the whole exchange with unbelievable eyes. Mitsuki had been what he considered a good friend over the years they got to know each other, and he just couldn’t believe they wouldn’t read a sign if he was planning to betray Konoha. They wouldn’t… would they? Sarada was staring at their sensei, who had kept his silence ever since the bomb was dropped. She could see his blank expression even from this distance. She could only begin to comprehend the shock he was experiencing… but wasn’t he going to say anything? Wasn’t he going to speak up in favor of their teammate…? The girl shivered at the possibility of Team Konohamaru crumbling to pieces… it was a… very scary thought, to say the least… “I believe we can all see where your decision is based on, Lord Seventh. That’s why I will have to ask you to not let your own past cloud your judgement.” “And I believe I am capable of handling that part, thank you very much,” Naruto said with a small squint between his eyes, his tone decidedly colder than before. “I am not bringing personal matters into this discussion. And I would expect everyone to act with the same sensitivity.” “It’s not a personal grudge though, is it?” Someone from the Nara clan interjected. “Who knows with what kind of purpose he was sent to Konoha? We all know what kind of being Orochimaru is…” “Yes, that would be his parent.” Shikamaru called from up front, his eyebrows a little furrowed. “In case you have missed it, the kid’s name is Mitsuki.” “I think we do need to think this matter out of the box,” Mirai spoke up, her arms crossed and a firm expression on her face. “Like it or not, he is still part of Konoha. We can’t just cut his ties with no proof and send him out there. For one thing, that will only create more problems in the future with the other villages too if this is indeed some sort of a scheme.” “Th-this is getting serious,” Sarada said nervously, still in a state of shock. “Will they actually…?” she couldn’t even complete the sentence, the thought was just crushing. “No,” Shikadai tried to comfort her, but his tone lacked the conviction she so desperately needed to hear. “Not when Lord Seventh is here…” “Ha,” came Ichiro’s voice from behind them, which none of them really appreciated. “They can’t ignore when the big clans press for the matter.” “What is your problem?!” Sarada rounded on the teen, already pissed off at his comments. “What did Mitsuki ever do to you?!” Ichiro raised an eyebrow. “Really, Uchiha, are you even paying attention?” “It won’t matter anyway.” The black haired girl felt her friend’s hand on her shoulder, a gentle reminder for her to keep her calm. “Not all of the clans will agree to it. They will have to have a majority to pass such a decision.” “Oh don’t worry, it’s coming there.” A cocky smirk made its way to Ichiro’s lips as he turned his attention back to the front of the room. “Watch and learn. This is what we call politics.” As if to prove his words true, more and more people were standing up to speak in favor of Kichiro’s suggestion. “If anything, this kid is nothing more than a test subject whose intentions we know nothing about.” one of their academy teachers Anko was saying, which was almost like a slap in Sarada’s face. Why… why were they treating Mitsuki like he was a soulless object…? She heard Shikadai sigh. “You know what… I think we can take a little break from here.” “We can?” the girl whispered back. “Well, the chuunins are mostly observants here… although I guess we will hear if they do notice we’re gone among all this mayhem,” the Nara explained, rubbing his neck. “We are not supposed to succumb to our emotions… but honestly, you need to cut yourself some slack, you look ready to collapse any time.” He put his hand on her shoulder again. “Come  on, let’s go.” … Not too long after they were out, though, not even long enough for anyone to notice their absence… people began filing out of the room. “What’s this about…?” Sarada asked her friend, baffled. The boy had no answers to offer to her but it turned out that he didn’t need to, because next thing they knew, Konohamaru was walking towards them. “Konohamaru-sensei…” Shikadai mumbled, although he was hesitant… they wanted to ask what was going on, but they also didn’t want to get scolded. The young man was quicker than them. “They decided to have a voting.” he stated, his tone almost… emotionless… if she were to be honest, making Sarada… scared… “Voting for… what…?” the Nara asked, cautious. “On whether Mitsuki should stay in Konoha,” came a second voice as Moegi, too, joined them. “Bunch of bull if you ask me but well… those are important clans for you…” “Is it possible, though? Do they really have the power to… exile someone from the village…?” Sarutobi Ichiro’s words were still ringing in their ears. “Well, no matter what they say, Nanadaime-sama has the final word. And not just the clans but we would cast our votes, too, so I don’t have a bad feeling about this.” In all this exchange, it didn’t escape Sarada’s attention that her sensei was still unusually quiet. She… had no idea that he didn’t know about Mitsuki’s origins either… so it made sense that he was still trying to take this all in, but… “Sensei,” she mumbled, her voice tiny. “What… will you vote for…?” The question caught the brunet off guard, and he blinked at his student, not knowing how to answer for a moment. He opened and closed his mouth, and the look in the Uchiha’s eyes just got sadder… But just then, Hyuuga Hanabi walked out of the door… Seeing her childhood friend suddenly tense, Moegi sighed. “Konohamaru, you really shouldn’t-” But it was too late, and the man was already walking over to his girlfriend. "Hanabi, stop this." The young woman seemed to regain her composure after the initial moment of being caught off-guard. "Stop what?" she asked in a formal manner. "What you've been saying... That can't be what you truly think!” Konohamaru was obviously trying to keep his voice down, but wasn’t much successful about it. “Just… everything is so messed up right now, we are all confused and people look for a solution, but this can’t be it... you know this is not right deep down in your heart…!" "Konohamaru," Hanabi said, brows furrowed as a serious expression crossed her face. "Please, remember that this is a formal meeting, so there is no place for all these." "Ugh! Just look into my eyes and tell me that is what you truly think!" "That's enough! I made it a point not to involve my personal feelings in village business." That was the last straw, and ice coated Konohamaru’s tone when he next spoke. "I'm sorry, Lady Hanabi. I guess I never realized you didn't have a heart." A fleeting, hurt look crossed the young woman’s eyes before they turned hard as steel. "Well, some of us have to think with their brains, not with their hearts." Despite the seriousness of the situation (and fully aware that they had just witnessed a very private interaction in her sensei’s life), Sarada couldn’t help but exclaim in wonder as she watched Konohamaru walk off. “Oh…” “Well… what he did certainly wasn’t the most conventional method, but… I guess that was his answer to your question.” Moegi’s tone was half exasperated, half proud. The black haired girl couldn’t help the whole-hearted smile that came across her lips, now this was the Konohamaru-sensei she knew and admired. Shortly after, the doors of the meeting room opened once again and they were called back inside. “Come now.” the orange haired jounin said, ushering them inside. “You will be voting too.” … When at last the door was closed behind the last person, Naruto cleared his throat to get attention. "We are going to do it like this," he began. "All of those who are in favor of..." he hesitated before saying the word. "exiling the child..." he continued, emphasizing the last word. "Please take your place on the left side of the room." He waited with bated breath as people started filing to the left. More than half... Naruto felt his heart sink as he looked at the considerably few people left. He was relieved that at least none of his friends agreed with that view, and of course Mitsuki’s chuunin friends stayed firmly on the other side of the room... but it pained him to see all of the Hyuga, led by his sister-in-law, Hanabi, were on the left corner. He sighed. "In the case that some of you wish to remain neutral, those who are against, please move to the right." There were only a few people in the middle of the room. Naruto took a deep breath, feeling all of their eyes on him. "Before I announce my decision, I would like to remind all of you of one thing." he began, and out of the corner of his eyes, saw some on the left stir uncomfortably. "We have been through many hardships. Many wars that cost many lives. Through the years I have served as your Hokage, it has always been my priority to prevent differences turning into marginalization, mistakes turning into grudges... If I was to exile a child for the mistakes of his parent, I would go against everything I believed that would make me a good and fair leader." "A leader should be ready to take action and defend his people. You have indeed gone soft over years of peace." A loud thud cut into Kichiro's rant, and Naruto looked up with fire in his eyes. "That," he snapped through gritted teeth, finally at the end of his patience, "has nothing to do with going soft over peace. I am not going to judge or punish a child for something that is beyond his control!" "If we do not take immediate action, there will be more regrets! Lord Third would never..." That was a low blow, one which made Naruto double-take, and Kichiro actually stopped himself before he said something worse. The Hokage had to pause for a moment before he continued. "It's my final decision." He put in, slowly but firmly. "Mitsuki stays. The meeting is hereby dismissed." There was an uproar of protests, which Naruto mostly tuned out - until the Sarutobi leader's voice once again reached him. "You will see that this was not the right decision to be made. This matter is far from over." Something in his tone made the blond go cold. "Kichiro-san," he called over the rumble. "Do not forget about the decree - no one is allowed to harm the child under any circumstances." The elder was just about to step out of the hall. When he heard him, he turned to look at the younger straight in the eyes. "Don’t you forget this - the decree had already been broken - and not by us."
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daraanna · 4 years
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto nor Boruto, Masashi Kishimoto does. Also I don’t own Dziady part II written by Adam Mickiewicz. Fic is strongly inspired by this drama, it includes some quotes from it clumsily translated into English, written in this fic in Italic type.
Rate: T I guess... but it get a little bit gore.
Ciemno wszędzie, głucho wszędzie, co to będzie? co to będzie?
She knew she shouldn't have agreed to do it. When Boruto suggested they spend the Halloween as a team together a week ago, she declined. She did not like this holiday. She didn’t like sweets as well as the spooky atmosphere. Unfortunately he was so annoying that in the end he convinced her, also he promised that they would spend the whole evening in Mitsuki's apartment. She had no other plans for the day, Cho-cho was on a mission, Mom was on shift in hospital all night, and Dad wasn't in the village either.
She agreed, now she regretted it. Forced to bargain with an old woman selling food from all over the world, because to apparently Mistuki she can't imagine a party without some dumplings from the Land of Fields.
....................... Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will it happen?
Boruto couldn't contain his excitement. He had been planning this evening for a long time.
Mitsuki showed him a scroll a month ago, he found it while visiting his parent in Oto. This scroll allows its owner to summon the souls of dead. The text was in a strange language, but his blue-haired teammate claimed he could decode it. The young Uzumaki immediately got the idea to use it at the Halloween party, they planned with Inojin and Shikadai. Unfortunately Team 10 received a long mission just before the end of October. Therefore, from the boys party, they decided to turn it into an evening of deepening the ties in their team. The problem was that Sarada hated horrors. He was really surprised when she finally agreed to come.
He and Mitsuki prepared the room. All furniture was pushed against the wall, making as much space as possible on the floor. They placed a large stone in the centre of the room. (The blonde had no idea where his friend got it from, but he preferred not to ask.) Sitting down next to him, he took the items needed for the ritual out of his pocket. Linen yarn, a wreath that Himawari helped him to make from herbs and flowers from their garden, and food that Hinata prepared for them. 
"Um ... You got ..." He began to ask a question when the golden-eyed boy put a bottle of vodka next to him. Boruto almost jumped in nervousness, if his mother found out he would kill them. “How did you get it?”
“Hn? It was not difficult ...”replied the snake boy with creepy smile.
They heard a knock on the door. The blond was the first to open. Sarada stood in the corridor irritated with the box in her hand. The boy smiled letting her inside.
"I knew you would get them," he sighed, scratching his head
“I hope it would be worth it” she replied, setting the box with food on the counter in the small kitchen. She was dressed in civilian clothes, a red dress that slightly resembled her disguise during their mission in Hozuki's castle. He couldn't help but think she looked cute. Uchiha went to the living room to greet the host. Her gaze scanned the room.
“Don't say you're planning a horror marathon?” She asked, trying to hide her anxiety.
"We have much better ideas," replied Mitsuki, pulling out the scroll. However, at that moment the eyes of the black-haired girl stopped at the bottle of alcohol.
“You must be kidding !? There's no way we're having a libation here! Where did you get it from !?”she shouted, moving towards the exit.
“It's not like that!”blue-eyed grabbed her wrist. “We will not drink it is for something else ...”
“ Sure, for what? Are we going to wash the oven?”
“No, we will summon ghosts “ blue-haired joined the discussion. Sarada looked at him in shock.
"It's part of the ritual that Mitsuki found while his visit in Oto, we want to try it out," said the blond. She looked at them in shock as if they were crazy. Finally, she took her hand away from her friend's grip as she walked towards the door.
“I'm coming home. You two do whatever you want!” her hand touched the door handle when she heard Uzumaki’s voice.
“I told you that she will get scared” he said to their friend, but loud enough for her to hear it. She froze, because although it was true that she was afraid, she could not give him that satisfaction and admit it.
“I'm not afraid”a few steps she was again by his side “I will stay”
"Are you sure?" Orochimaru's son asked in a serious tone.”Once the ritual begin, it cannot be interrupted, nor can anyone leave the room.”
She swallowed involuntarily.
"I'm sure," she replied, trying to sound confident.
.................... Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will happen? .................. As they sat down around the stone, Mitsuki unfolded the scroll and began to read.
"Close the door to the room, turn off the lights and cover the windows, don’t let the moonlight get here," he said in a sublime tone.
“You could have said that before we sat down ...” Boruto sighed heading towards the door.
"It's part of the ritual," the boy replied.
“ What to do with the cat?“ asked Uchiha, who, while covering the curtains, found him sleeping on the radiator.
“I think it will be safer to move him to the kitchen” she did as he said. Cat struggled a bit, but at the sight of his food, he forgot about his warm lair.
When the room was completely dark and catless, playing the role of a sorcerer, Mitsuki spoke again.
“Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will  happen?” “You told us to cover everything ...”
"That's part of the ritual you have to repeat after me ..." he sighed, but the other two obediently repeated.
In the darkness, Sarada could hardly refrain from activating her sharingan, convinced that her friend was about to do something to scare her. She clenched her hands into fists to stop them from trembling, at this point Uzumaki moved closer to her and leaning slightly towards her, he whispered with a mocking smile “Do not worry I will save you from ghosts.”
She answered him with a "Tch". Still she feeling a bit more confident in having him closer. Of course, she couldn't admit it.
“The soul on the other side, with unfinished matters, wanting to contact the living, we conjure you, invite you to the Forefathers' Eve! - shouted Mitsuki - Put the yarn on a stone and set it on fire” he instructed his friends.
They did so, the flame swept over the yarn quickly and went out. It was dark again in the room. They were sitting in silence when suddenly two beams of light appeared at the ceiling. Sarada let out a small sigh, but as the lights landed on the stones, they turned into two children. The scream rip through the room. Before she had time to realize what was going on, she was in the grip of the scared blonde.
“They are real ghosts!” He stumbled, looking away from them.
"Well, that's what we do, we summon the spirits ..." she replied, trying not to laugh. Despite the fact that she was scared herself, she felt a growing curiosity in her.
“I wasn't expecting this to work!”
“I do not believe that my grandson is such a coward” said red-haired girl.
“Oh Kushina, we surprised them. You also did not expect that we would visit today the world of the living ... - replied the blue-eyed boy who looked very similar to Boruto. “It is a really interesting justu, we can’t get physical contact with anything except food , and it also took us here in a compact version ...
“I can’t be eleven, who saw it, be younger than your own grandson” Uzumaki sighed.
“It will pass with the first cock crowing, in order to return to the afterlife you must eat mustard seed- said Mitsuki.
“Don't talk to them so calmly, who are you anyway?” Asked the son of the Hokage, still clutching to Sarada, who tried to soothe him by gently stroking his head.
“Isn't it obvious? Though you probably won't guess, just like my Naruto. I am your grandmother Kushina Uzumaki, and this is your grandfather Minato Namikaze ...” explained the ghost girl.
The boy looked at them in shock.
“ Fourth? “ asked the surprised brunette.
The former Hokage ghost smiled at her.
“Who are you? Are my grandson's girlfriend?”he asked.
“No way!” both of them shouted in response, quickly pushing themselves away from each other.
“Heh? Last time I didn’t guessed right too” gost sighed.
“No no. This time there is something in it ...” the red-haired girl joined in.
“So what were you planning on getting into our world?” Mitsuki interrupted them.
“Actually, the only thing I wanted is to see is my grandchildren and daughter-in-law, maybe we can visit the village too?” Kushina exchanged look with her husband.
“I think we will have enough time for it ...“ he replied “We only have to leave immediately” he added, looking at his grandson “I believe that our son raised you well, but if I could give you some advice, it will be that it is worth fighting for love.”
“It's also worth not to be too stubborn, you don't need kidnapping to notice that you love someone!” his grandmother added before they both turned into beams of light and disappeared from the room.
"Hn ... I didn't even have to talk them out," the blue-haired man was surprised.
“Uh ... What was this advice supposed to be?” Uzumaki asked strongly flushed.
However, no one answered him. Mitsuki was busy with another spell, and black-haired was too blushed to even looked in his direction.
“Souls of purgation, who for their sins end up chained to this world, if we can shorten the torture a bit to of any of you! “ said the boy pouring alcohol into the bowl which he put on the stone, then threw a match into it. Goblet was immediately caught in the fire which quickly spread. A hand emerged from inside, looking like a zombie from a horror films. Moments later, a grown man appeared from the flame. His body was in a state of partial decomposition, his clothes was torn. Both Boruto and Sarada moved as far away from him as possible, even Mitsuki backed away a few steps.
“Who are you?” Asked the summoner.
“You don't know me !? I was once the second most important person in this village, I was to be appointed the sixth Hokage! My name is Danzô Shimura” at the sound of his name, Uchicha felt a chill. She was terrified, and yet she felt a disgust towards the man and a strong rage that she could not explain. Suddenly, crows, owls, and eagles and other birds emerged from the flame. The animals pounced on the spirit, tearing his clothes and rip his flesh with their claws.
“What do you need to get to the afterlife? We have food, drink, herbs! ”Orochimaru's son shouted, trying to continue the ritual.
The man just laughed, a dry laugh.
“The only thing that can save me is the mercy shown me by someone against whom I have sinned. You can't do anything for me ...” his eyes fell on Uchiha, who  unintentionally activated hers sharingan.
“ YOU! Give me something to eat!” He shouted pointing his finger at her. Another wave of emotions rolled through her body. Fear, despair, hatred all so intense as if it did not come from her, but from thousands of people. She felt breathless.
Danzo took a step towards her, but then Boruto stood between them with a kunai in his hand.
"Mitsuki, we have to break it somehow!", He shouted at his friend who was nervously searching through the text on the scroll.
"The only thing we can do to send back is to fulfil his demands," the boy replied reluctantly.
" Why is it supposed to be Sarada??" The blonde snarled, covering his friend with his body.
"I must be forgiven ..." the impatient spectre replied, and then birds surrounding him began to attack it even more intensely.
“F-for what? What have you done?” Black-haired girl asked, still trying to calm down.
“If you don't know that, then you shouldn't ask ... Do you really think I deserves such a fate? Eternal hunger and flesh tearing !?”
The girl stiffened, no one seemed to deserve such a fate after all and how could she judge a man she didn't know. She stood up carefully, taking the bowl of rice. Slowly she stretched her hand toward the wraith, trying to stop her from trembling. But as soon as she got close to the man, one of the crows, turned into a boy who gripped her wrist tightly enough to stop her but not that hard that it would hurt her. He was not much older than them, he had curly black hair with black feathers tangled between them, and his fingernails resembled the claws of a bird of prey. His eye sockets were empty, but even so, she felt as if he was looking into her soul. Surprisingly, she was not afraid of him.
"He doesn't deserve your mercy" he said in a calm voice. All she could do was nod. She her knees feel weak. The crow-man carefully helped her sid in her place next to Boruto, before turning to the former ANBU leader. His aura immediately became sinister.
“You don't like starving? But do you remember how hungry for power and honors of the Hokage title, by deception you took my sight away to condemn my relatives and me to death? How did you took away the only chance to resolve the conflict without bloodshed? How did you use the child of our clan and sentence him for the fate of a murderer and traitor? You knew no mercy! ”He moved closer to Danzo with every word he spoke. Then a scream came out of the birds' throats in sync with the boy's voice.
“Hey owls, eagles and crows, we also have no mercy! Let us tear the food into pieces, and if the food won’ be enough, let's tear the body into pieces. Let the naked bones shine!”
Another bird turned into a human. A boy with gray hair wearing an owl ANBU mask. He grabbed the former Hokage candidate’s arm with his claws, tearing his skin and muscles apart.
“You don't like starving? And do you remember how you trained the Konoha orphans for your own use? How did you condemn them to fratricidal duels in the name of creating obedient and emotionless soldiers? You knew no mercy!
“Hey owls, eagles and crows, we also have no mercy! Let us tear the food into pieces, and if the food won’ be enough, let's tear the body into pieces. Let the naked bones shine!”
Echoed the rest of the herd, throwing herself at the ghost. They pecked and scratched his body. His screams of pain spread across the room. Team Seven stared in shock at the cruel scene that lasted until it was only a skeleton than left from his body. Then all the ghosts disappeared in the fire they came from. It was completely dark again in the room. The blond looked shocked at the empty cup. A soft sob fill the silence. His gaze shifted to his friend, he instinctively embraced her and pulled her into his arms.
"Mitsuki, what the hell was that?" He turned to the blue-haired boy.
“I did not foresee this ...” he explained, preparing the wreath for the next ritual.
“What are you doing!? Do you want to continue after something like this?“ Uzumaki growled.
“If we don't finish now, we can hit the afterlife too ...”
“ I said when we start, there will be no turning back ...”
"No way! You see what it led to?" He asked, hugging the black-haired girl tighter.
"It's alright," Sarada sighed, wiping her tears and sitting down in her seat. "Let's continue ...”
Boruto pouted slightly as the girl moved away from him, but he was glad that he was feeling better now. Still, he still didn't release her right hand, just in case she was scared again ... not that he liked her or something ...
Mitsuki lit the wreath and, stretching his hand over it, began to recite: “ Oh holy weed...”
Uchiha rebuked the blonde with her eyes. The boy scratched the back of his head silently swearing that they had not brought any illegal substances with them.
“With your power I invoke a soul that is stuck between two worlds, that have raised too high for the world of men, but sill too low for the world of gods!”
The flame above the flowers turn blue, which spread around the room as moonlike aura. A beautiful woman with long white hair and horns resembling rabbit ears appeared on the stone.
“Is that ... “- blue-eyed began, but the spirit interrupted him.
"My name is Kaguya ... The princess of this planet. You should know me," she said as she surveyed the three genins with her Byakugan.
“Well, this time, I actually exaggerated, the last time she was summoned, the world almost ended ...”
"Mitsuki?!" His teammates spoke simultaneously
“Do not be afraid, in this form I cannot hurt you ...“ the goddess replied, staring at the right hand of Uzumaki “Bloody Momoshiki ... I guess, this is not the last time we meet... Who knows, maybe my children will call me back from with all my strength ...”
“Why would we do this? You wanted to destroy our planet! ”Sarada replied.
The rabbit princess looked at the still folded hands of Uchiha and Uzumaki.
"I loved this planet and its inhabitants ... Unfortunately, they betrayed me and I had to punish them, but nevertheless I hate my clan even more than you humans ... My scrolls are still on the moon. The children of Ashura and Idrra should be able to handle it ... " she said and disappeared the same way she appeared, leaving Team 7 in consternation.
The ritual leader looked at the scroll again.
"Basically it's the end ... we just have to put the rest of the food out the door for the lesser spirits," said Orochimaru's son and throwed the contents of the bento prepared for them by Hinata through the window.
"Mitsuki!" moaned pitifully blonde, and a lonely tear ran down his cheek. If only his mom found out about it, she would kill him! “That’s the end of Forefathers' Eve” The boy replied opening the curtains. The first rays of sun broke into the room. The other two genins get busy cleaning up the rest of the food when the figure of a young man with long black hair gathered in a ponytail appeared on the stone altar.
Noticing him, the Boruto let out a scream.
“Strange this should not happen ... Certainly not during the day ...” blue-haired boy sighed, grabbing his chin ”What do you need spirit?”
However, the ghost said nothing, just stood looking straight at Sarada. Despite the strangeness of the scene, she felt no fear. On the contrary, the presence of this soul filled her with peace and warmth combined with longing.
“You said it was over!“ the blue-eyed snarled to his friend.
“It should be ... What do you need? Food? Drink? Answer, or get be lost!”
However, the spirit absolutely ignored them, taking a step towards the young Uchiha.
In desperation, Orochimaru's son grabbed one of the dumplings and threw it at the ghost. Food bounced off his cloak, but juts look irritated at them and continued his walk.
“Impossible ... He resisted the pieróg ... This soul is too powerful!”
“What? What is that supposed to mean? We have to do something! Sarada, why aren't you running away from him?“ young Uzumaki started to panic.
"I think ... I think I know him ..." she replied, and the ghost smiled slightly at her. His eyes reminds her of her father's, although the ghost was perhaps a meter away, she did not move away from him. She didn't flinch as he reached out and gently tapped her forehead and disappeared. Moments after that, she felt someone grab her tightly by the arms.
“Sarada? Hey can you hear me? What did he done to you ?!” Boruto's face get too close to her as he pulled her into his arms, but she could see how worried he was.
“Everything is okay” she replied embracing his face so that he looked at her and stopped panicking.”I'm fine ...” she added yawning.
"It's 5 in the morning what you say for a little nap, before you get back home I have a lot of space on the couch, the carpet is also quite comfortable," suggested Mitsuki.
“It's a good idea ... after all, it was supposed to be a sleepover...” Uchiha replied, because the blonde was still too busy being nervous to answer.
The host left the room to get the blankets from the wardrobe in the hall. However, pulling them out turned be more difficult than he expected. While the shelves with the scrolls from his parent, was kept a spotless order, the closet was in a complete mess. When he finally managed to pull them out, Mikazuki's rubbed against his legs, and started to scratch the door of the apartment. The boy sighed and putting down what he had in his hands opened them for him. The cat looked at him and then at the door, again at him without moving a bit. The blue-haired rolled his eyes and wanted to close the door when the kitten decided to get out. When he finally returned to the room, he found his friends on the couch. Boruto was leaning against the back of the furniture with one hand wrapped around Uchiha’s waist. Sarada was leaning against his shoulder, hugging his torso. They both slept soundly. Mitsuki covered them with a blanket and took a photo with the camera his parent had given him for the second anniversary of the living outside the incubator. He looked at the photo smiling wide.
“Maybe they are not canon yet, but they are definitely my OTP...”
So... I missed Halloween, but writing this turned to be much harder that I thought it, will be.
Also writing this  I based the description of rite on drama, and didn’t do a lot of research about the actual ceremony... I’m sorry If I write something wrong way. Naprawdę nie chciałam obrażać  rodzimowierców słowiańskich, przepraszam jeśli to zrobiłam.
Also I want to apologie to high school lecture teacher, I know she won’t read it, but I know she would kill me, if she did XD
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shikastemari · 6 years
kids - m.
pairings mitsuki x reader
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word count 1,131
when it happens he is 22 here
warnings none
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Mitsuki threw his phone meters away, it crashing as soon as it hit a wall. His head was resting against the couch fabric, trying to calm down his own breathing. The only thing showing it wasn’t working was his jaw clenched and his hand holding thigh your knees, which were resting on his lap.
“Boruto again?” You whispered as one white snake curled on your hand, startled by Mitsuki’s reaction.
“That son of a bitch almost lost a hand while fighting alone with some rogue ninjas. He was lucky Sarada was there to take care of him or he would be dead by now.” Mitsuki barked, but you knew he wasn’t actually mad at you.
Since you met him when both were seventeen, you had been together. Of course, sometimes it was still strange how a high trained ninja managed to fall for a simple civilian, but it was what happened. You worked on a vet hospital in Konoha and the first time Mitsuki entered the room, you knew he was the best thing you have laid your eyes on. It didn’t help either the fact that his pets were snakes, one of your favorite animals of all time. So, it started with both of you going to each other’s house to know your snakes, and ended up with you two living together in the same apartment for three years now.
“Mitsuki, please, not cursing in front of the kids.” You warned, as Mitsuki’s confused eyes found yours.
Pointing to the snake tangled on your arm, you saw Mitsuki’s mouth corner lift a little bit. Making him smile was your favorite thing in the world and lately, it had been more and more hard to do.
On a mission two weeks from that moment, Mitsuki got really hurt while trying to rescue some kids from some bandits. He faced six ninjas alone and managed to come up alive and with the children he was so eager to save. Sadly, it took its tools on him, since he had been hit with so many different jutsu. It was incredible how fast he could recover, but even his monstrous recover couldn’t run away from it.
In other words, after spending so much time at home, he was bored. You could see in his eyes how much he missed the action, and everything that came with his job. Working the most time of the day, you didn’t spend much time with him either, and that alone only made everything worse.
“Do you want to visit him on the hospital?” You questioned him, as he caressed your leg with his thumb.
“He’s okay. Already home with Sarada.” Mitsuki replied, seeming to be lost in his own thoughts.
“Wanna go there?” The white snake on your hand, feeling it was out of the danger, crawled until Mitsuki’s hand on your leg, making him stop touching your skin. “It seems I am not the only one who enjoys you petting.”
Mitsuki passed one thumb on the snake’s head, it closing its eyes in response. “He likes me better. They all do.” He teased.
“No way! They preferred to sleep with me, I am sure about that!” You pouted, crossing your arms across your chest.
“Because I usually wake up earlier. I have never seen such sleepy snakes.” He retorted, putting the snake on the ground so it could find the others. “But if makes you feel better, I prefer sleep with you.”
“You are stealing my kids away from me, I am mad at you.” You stood up quickly, already moving to the kitchen when you felt two arms wrapping around your waist. It was always hard to walk away from Mitsuki when he had a jutsu where he could stretch himself.
Mitsuki pulled you until you fell on his lap, his arms now back to normal but still wrapped around you. He placed a kiss on the back of your neck. “Maybe we should have kids.”
“Like, more snakes?” You thought about the subject. “I don’t see why not.”
“No, y/n.” Mitsuki whispered against your skin. “Actual kids. Children. Human children.”
“Oh.” You opened your mouth in realization. His mouth was still working wonders on your neck and it was really hard to concentrate on the conversation like that. “You are just saying it because you are bored. A kid isn’t the same thing as a bunch of snakes.”
“They eat, they sleep. It’s quite the same if you ask me.” Mitsuki replied, as he used his hands to turn you on his lap, sitting now facing him.
“They cry. They demand time, which, honestly, we don’t have. Soon you will be back to your missions and I have a hospital to run.” You pointed out as he leaned in to place a quick kiss on your lips.
“We would figure out. I could take less missions and help Sarada more in the office. I am sure Hinata, Sakura and Orochimaru would love to help as well.” He proposed, his hands traveling your sides.
“Orochimaru as your parent who likes to experiment on people?” You arched your brow, as his fingers opened your bra.
“He had stopped doing it for a while now. He wouldn’t do it on his grandchildren.” Mitsuki stated.
“He did on you, his son.” Impatiently, you grabbed the hem of his shirt and tossed it out.
“I didn’t say he was perfect.” Mitsuki shrugged, your fingertips contouring his muscles. You narrowed your eyes at him, playfully. “Fine, I’ll let this go. For now.” He added, leaning in to peck your lips carefully. “But this subject is coming back, soon or later.”
“While we are at it, why don’t we train to make them?” You teased, licking your lips.
“Why not?” Mitsuki smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up from the couch, while placing a wet kiss on your neck. As he walked both of you to the bedroom, you couldn’t push away the thought that maybe having a kid with him wasn’t a bad idea, after all.
“Let’s do it.” You said, before you two could reach the room.
“Uhm, we are already going to, y/n-chan.”
“No, I mean. Let’s have a baby. Let’s make one, right now.” Mitsuki shot his eyebrows high and looked at you as expecting you would say it was a joke at any moment.
“Are you sure?” He needed a confirmation badly.
You only nodded.
“Let’s do it then.” Mitsuki opened the door with a kick, following towards the bed right away. You laughed as he placed you on the bed, carefully, giving you little kisses all over your face.
You knew no matter what happened between you two, what came at your way, it would only help your connection get stronger.
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21tailsofwoe · 7 years
Oh God yes. Please. Give me a really good rant about Orochimaru and how bullshit it is that the series keeps jerking us around. "He's an absolute monster who literally tortured and left for dead character X as a small child! Wait never mind he's a lovable comedy relief character. No he's an absolute monster who is torturing and manipulating this other character Y! Nope, lovable comic relief. No, he's an abusive parent who is drugging and manipulating his own child! No, he's comic relief." AHHHHH
Warning: salt. duh.
Ehem yes it’s time for my first, proper anti-oro post here, thanks to you. It’s so frustrating. Like, what the hell are you trying to do with his character???
Okay then let me talk about his most “basic” crime: his experimentation on children.
Sasuke, is of course, one of his victims. Oh, and not a lot of people know this but the Sound Four were fourteen  when they died so make of that as you will. Kimimaro was fifteen and Juugo was of the same age. Karin and Suigetsu were of Sasuke’s age. Genyumaru was seventeen when he was made Orochimaru’s vessel. 
I think that should give you an idea of the point I’m trying to put across. We’ve seen the state in which Orochimaru’s “test-subjects” lived it. They were experimented on, tortured, kept as prisoners. And Orochimaru had hideouts all over the place and each hideout housed a bunch of prisoners. So we’re talking about a lot of people, and given how the strongest of the were children, it’s safe to say that most of them could’ve been children as well.
And is it just me, or was he seriously coded as a p/edophile? With the way he kept licking his lips, lusting for Sasuke’s body…Idk.
He also killed two Kages. Two. Kages. From two nations. The leaders of two great nations. Killed by this man. Nice.
Skipping to the end of the war, not only is he let loose– oh, my bad– kept under close observation, but he’s also allowed to continue on his experiments. He’s allowed to have children of his own. This monster, who has caused nothing but harm to children, is made a parent. Of course! That makes perfect sense! I mean who would’ve thought he would drug and mindfuck his own son, right? Right?
You want to talk about Naruto-standards-of-forgiveness? Let’s talk about Naruto-standards-of-forgiveness. Even Sasuke, the one who was excused because of his significant contribution to ending the war, was tried and was implied to be imprisoned for some time (the anime actually showed him being sealed and imprisoned). But for Orochimaru? Oh yeah let’s just let him roam around the village and do odd jobs around town and let’s make one of his victims devote his entire life to watching over this monster ahahaha how extremely funny what a brilliant closure man, I love this ending. 
Oh, and Yamato isn’t even the one getting the worst of it. Team Taka is still working for Orochimaru like nothing happened. It’s been fifteen years and they’re still working for Orochimaru. Suigetsu, a victim himself, actually helps Oro in mindfucking Mitsuki.
Fuck outta here.
Look, I loved Orochimaru as a villain. He was one of the most engaging things about part 1, if not the most. What I don’t understand is why his “villain” title was replaced with a “shitty comic-relief character” title. If they didn’t know what they were supposed to do with him, at least they could’ve tried redeem him (which is impossible when it comes to this series) or just let him stay dead. 
Actually, let him stay dead. Just kill the bitch off. Thanks.
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masshirohebi-moved · 6 years
"It's okay to talk to people."
Profound Sentence Meme“It’s okay to talk to people.”Those were the exact words he had told his son many times. Whenever he saw a concerned or troubled look etch itself on to the boys face. Whenever he saw him keeping his lips sealed despite a reflection of grief written across his expression. And because keeping such things to oneself was internally damaging, the serpent had urged the boy to always say something. To his parent, to his brother, or even to a close friend or mentor. How endearing the boy had now repeated these words to the viper.Mitsuki was older now, still a child, but old enough to be aware of the world. Old enough for his parent to have trouble lying, to have trouble feigning being okay when he struggled with a concept or thought. Mitsuki had become too adept at reading his parent. The offered words, bring a light smile to the vipers lips. A parent should not burden their child with their own inner demons.  A parent should be strong enough to carry both of them. That was a promise he had made to himself the moment Log first opened his eyes. And then vowed once more when Mitsuki stumbled in to the world.“Of course Mitsuki-kun, you’re right,” Orochimaru states gently, leaning down to press an appreciative kiss to the boys forehead, “and if I ever feel the need to, you’ll be the first I confide in.”
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He would not bring up the current thoughts he battled with. Not because he doubted his youngest child could handle it, but because he never felt it fair to expect Mitsuki to try. And more importantly, the sentiment to what the boy said in itself was a relief from his burdens. Since the child is no fool, frustratingly clever in fact, the Sannin is forced to offer something in return for this gesture. To show these words were not for nothing. So amber eyes meet the reflective pair, a more innocent pair, yet matched with that sense of perceptive assurance.“Thank you dear. Sometimes, we don’t need to say anything to others in order to settle our troubles. Sometimes, it is merely good enough to know there is someone willing to listen.”
0 notes
eleanor-devil · 3 years
Boruto: Sacrifices [Remade] | Chap.8 - Saving Someone Precious
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Written by: Eleanor-Devil & @mirage-05​​
Prologue | Chap.1 | Chap.2 | Chap.3 | Chap.4 | Chap.5 | Chap.6 | Chap.7 | Chap.8 - You’re here
He was getting worried by now. When Isis came to the hideout about an hour ago, he wasn't really pleased - first because Isis said Mitsuki had decided to leave Konoha for some reason, and second because... the child had practically called himself to his feet. He had considered not going at all - until Juugo said he could go in his stead. He was not having that. "How long until we arrive?" he asked. The snake had herself coiled around his neck. "Not far from here. His chakra is unstable though. I don't know why." Why would that be the case? His boy had excellent chakra control, thanks to how he was made and years of training. Something was wrong... Suddenly, Isis hissed in recognition. "Orochimaru-sama!"
The sannin saw what the snake's eyes already caught. A small, white rattlesnake, sliding on the ground towards them. "Koburo!" he exclaimed as he recognized his son's pet snake. The snake stopped in front of them and rose to its full height, hissing non-stop. The female snake immediately replied to him, and it was all it took Orochimaru to wait until they were finished. "This is not good..." said Isis finally. Thank you for stating the obvious, he almost said, but he had no patience. "What is it?" "Koburo says Mitsuki-sama was attacked by a group of ninjas... He tried to stop him, but when that didn't work, he rushed as quickly as he could to find us..." Orochimaru had only listened to half of what she said. "Lead the way, Isis!" And they were off again. He was trying to focus on just finding his son, but it was hard. Why was he attacked? How bad was the situation? And most importantly... Why did he leave the village at the dead of night in the first place? He reached the end of the river pretty quickly, that was where they were supposed to meet... He turned around himself, teeth gritted. "Where to?" "His chakra is getting weaker, he's in the woods away from the river... I'm sure-" Then there was a poof sound and the man felt the weight on his shoulders suddenly being completely lifted. He stopped dead in his tracks, his mind racing, his eyes widening. “What is that child doing…?” Isis disappearing could only mean one thing. Mitsuki was too weak to keep the connection. He simply refused to think of another possibility. He would not let some sort of low specimen take his masterpiece away from him. Anyone who even thought about hurting his boy... would pay dearly... The only problem was... now he had no leads on the child. Isis could sense his chakra... With her out of the picture, the most he could do was to follow the sounds of a fight... which was another problem, seeing that there was none. How was that even possible? There was a warm, healthy breeze in the spring night, and air dispersed sound... It was logically impossible that he would not hear a battle going on. Unless... The sannin gritted his teeth. He had never, ever let emotions control him before. He would not allow such a thing to happen now. Something on the forest floor near the river then caught his eyes and he stopped just for a minute to check. Blood...? Without the moon, there was not enough light, but he was positive that it was blood. He was becoming really, really unsettled now - how was he to find Mitsuki? He checked around to see if there were any leading trails... But after a few steps, they had stopped... Was the boy taken to somewhere else? His blood ran cold. He ran to the tree where he could last follow the trail... “The hell are you doing Suzume?! Finish him!” Finally getting what he had been waiting for, he jumped on the tree to get a bird's eye view. Before he did that, though, he noticed more blood stains on the branch he landed... "This vermin seriously grates on my nerves. Hiraku, I have a job for you.” With the words, he turned to face the direction they came from. He noticed a couple of things all at once, and his pulse quickened. There were two men apparently arguing, one heaped on the ground and the other... There was no mistaking the tousled white-blue hair. It was his son... His hair, his clothing... What did not belong to him here was, the sannin realized as he took in the scene... blood, lots and lots of blood from the wounds across his body, and pooling underneath him... For a moment, he could see nothing but a dark red haze in front of his eyes... Mitsuki was... badly injured...? And those scoundrels were just standing above him, while he lay broken on the ground...? They were not dead, not chopped to pieces, not begging for their wretched lives...? He felt something crunch as his hand balled into a fist and although it was hard, he peeled his eyes away from Mitsuki to take a look around, see if there was any other low life. He noticed a barely conscious man not too far away, and a movement drew his gaze to another with... only his head on the ground. That seemed like Mitsuki’s work... "I want the boy's head." Instinct - instinct for blood - took over and Orochimaru jumped from the tree he was standing on - leaving a big, hand-sized crush on its side. ... Goro approached the boy and stood there for a minute, looking at the boy with a soulless gaze. It wasn't his fault the boy attacked them. The damned brat had caused them to lose at least a third of their chakra - and they were supposed to go after the Hokage - now they had no chance at all. He was going to pay. He would make sure they wouldn't return empty-handed. Just when he raised the sword and swung it however... The unconscious boy was no longer there. He didn't even see anything. "What the hell...?" "You want his head?" came a booming voice from seemingly nowhere. Goro, and Hiraku behind him, looked around to pinpoint the source. "I shall give you one!" Then there was a mighty explosion, enough to shake the forest from its roots. ...and out of the explosion rolled a mahogany-haired head... Their comrade, Hideyoshi's lifeless eyes stared at them from the ground... ... Naruto had barely had enough time to activate his shield a nano-second before the explosion - thankfully covering everyone. As the sound of the blast died down, Boruto and Sarada's eyes widened. Their scream rang in the night as sounds of a fight could be heard from somewhere very close. "MITSUKI!!!" ... As the brunt of the blast started to fade away, Orochimaru straightened himself from the position he was in, leaning completely over his son to protect him from the explosion. He took one lingering look at him before gently lowering him to the ground, as if afraid to break him even more... which, if he had to be honest, he was. "You just hang in there for a minute, child," he whispered, though he did not know how Mitsuki could hear him. ... The two cloud ninjas had barely enough time to cover themselves - and recover from the shock of seeing Hideyoshi's disembodied head... Suddenly, a vicious shuriken attack came from behind the flames, and being caught unprepared, Hiraku felt the blades piercing his skin, although not enough to kill, and pinning him to the tree behind him. Goro took out a kunai and threw it blindly towards the flames, just in an attempt to slow down whoever was coming from in between, only a tall silhouette visible. Then he activated the lightning blade once again... Orochimaru stepped out from the flames, his eyes burning, his blood boiling with bloodlust. He took in the expression of the bastard who ordered for Mitsuki's head... How his furious and aggressive demeanor faltered and changed rapidly into one that of panic and desperation. Of course... every ninja in this wretched world knew about his reputation. "What's the matter… not so brave now?" the sannin hissed through his teeth as he bit his finger, allowing a drip of blood to ooze from the cut. "Not the same as going against a child… my child, is it?" The blond's eyes widened when he heard that. Out of all the people that could find them... They fought the son of one of the most feared creatures in the world...? 'Holy shit...' he thought as his hand with the blade started dropping to his side. Then he turned and tried to run. "Kuchiyose no jutsu!" Three large snakes erupted from the ground and immediately surrounded the man, hissing and snapping at him. "Where do you think you are going? We just began!" And with that, Orochimaru leapt forward. ... The signs of the battle were making themselves more and more clear as they approached a certain place in the forest. They had known they were close when they found Mitsuki's belongings and his traveling cloak all abandoned behind a tree. It didn’t take them too long to reach the scene, thankfully, but Konohamaru couldn’t shake off the sick feeling that they were late… he could only hope that they weren’t too late. “Keep your head cool, don’t engage, just find Mitsuki!” he called out to his team - and just in that moment, his eyes detected movement. Lightning fast, him and the Hokage sprang in action. Naruto jumped and blocked the path of the man who was trying to make a run for it, his teeth clenched. “Not so fast.” Konohamaru was a little disappointed that the man he had to find was already immobilized against a tree, oh, he could do with a fight… “Don’t try anything funny.” he pretty much growled. … There was a fight going on... They didn't know how many enemies there were... But none of that mattered to Boruto right then as he was frantically looking for his best friend. The snake that was still coiled on his arm had gone silent and… very still a couple of minutes ago, sending an ominous shiver down his spine… it was the only connection to his friend, and losing it could only mean that they needed to find him as soon as possible.   "Mitsuki!" he called desperately, turning around himself, eyes searching everywhere. Cold dread gripped his heart, and his breath came out hitched. Where was he?? "B... Boruto..." he heard Sarada choke out, her voice barely above a whisper, and he followed her gaze... His eyes widened as his heart almost came to a stop at the sight in front of them. A scene that was right out of a horror movie... His friend... Broken, blood covered and unmoving... right in front of them... ... The sannin watched with great satisfaction as his enemy scarpered away for him - tried to, at the very least. Orochimaru was toying with him, making him think that he could escape... but of course he was not going to allow him to escape. No, he was going to enjoy each and every moment of causing this poor excuse of a human being agony. Goro slashed at the snakes with his blade, but they were quick, easily dodging it. He was getting weaker... Keeping the blade on required a lot of chakra, and he had already lost quite a lot in the fight. Gritting his teeth, he threw the blade away and took a kunai out - he had to bail out of here, and for that he needed his strength. He- Suddenly, Orochimaru jumped right in front of him, out of nowhere, and before he knew, the blond took a strong kick to his chest, forcing him to fly backwards and landing hard on the ground, the kunai in his hand flying to the other side. Before he could even get up, he felt something crawling up his wrists, armpits, knees and feet... The snakes all hissed at him, baring their fangs, their tiny pupils seemingly reflecting hatred... He raised his head a little and met a pair of golden, serpent-like eyes, glaring at him with such a cold expression that he felt his blood freeze. The snakes tightened around his limbs, and a pain-filled moan escaped his mouth despite himself. "Does it hurt?" Orochimaru hissed, squinting. "Is it even remotely close to what you did to my son?" "We didn't attack the child!" Goro yelled. "We just defended ourselves!" The frown deepened more, and the snakes tightened more, too, so much so that he began feeling numb. "Consider this self-defense, you worthless scoundrel." Raising its head, the snake on his right armpit dug its fangs deep into his arm - so deep it almost reached the bone. The man let out a cry, his body jerking. "Holy... shit... Stop..." The sannin came to kneel beside the man, grabbing his head roughly and pushing it back, looking in his eyes with a hellish fury. "Try to have some dignity, scum! You are not dead... No, not yet, I guarantee you that it's not gonna be easy... But you are paralyzed. You will be unable to move, unable to scream." His eyes glinted maliciously. "Allow me to see how you will like it... Where would you want me to start?" ... “I surrender! Please…!” Whatever Konohamaru expected, it wasn’t this. “You… what??” “I surrender!” Hiraku repeated urgently, almost a frantic look in his eyes. “Please… do you know medical jutsu? You have to check on the boy, I’m not gonna try to escape!” The Sarutobi didn’t even have time to process this or let panic settle in because just then, he heard the screams of two of his students. … "MITSUKI!!!" Sarada and Boruto both yelled, finally snapping out of their shocked stupor. They both leapt forward, almost tripping on their own feet in their haste. There was no reply. Boruto felt his pulse quickening as he fell to his knees beside his friend, and he gasped at the full-on sight. The younger boy was lying in a pool of his own blood - a huge pool at that, and the wounds on his chest and stomach were still bleeding. "Oh god..." Sarada whispered in a shaky voice. She grabbed Mitsuki's hand, putting two fingers on his inner wrist. "I... I can't..." she mumbled, tears filling into her eyes. "B... Boruto, turn him over gently, I need to listen to his heart." "W... wha... He doesn't..." Boruto whispered weakly, gathering his friend gently in his arms. The way in which Mitsuki's head listed limply to one side scared the living out of him. As Sarada laid her head on Mitsuki's chest, he lightly slapped his friend's cheeks. "M... Mitsuki... H-hey... Can you hear me? Answer me..." His voice broke. "Please...?" But no reaction came from the boy, his eyes remained shut as the trail of blood running down his mouth and the horrific wounds gave Boruto a twist in the stomach... not even when Momoshiki and Kinshiki attacked the village had he seen this much blood at the same time... Trying to hold back whatever was trying to make its way up his throat, Boruto kept shaking his friend gently. "Come on... M-Mitsuki... say something..." Sarada was growing desperate... Why couldn't she hear anything...? Her hand grabbed Mitsuki's clothing as she felt a coldness spreading through her body. He... couldn't be... right...? A slow, dull thump reached her ears then, and her eyes went wide. "He's with us..." she whispered, straightening up and once again taking in the terrifying sight of her friend. "Why did this happen to him...?" she mused, unable to believe this was real, and her hand balled into a fist once again as she made a quick calculation in her head. Then she looked at Boruto. "Boruto, hold him as still as you can." she said firmly, and the blond only then realized that he was shaking - badly. As he tried to get a hold of himself, Sarada completed the hand seals she had learned from her mother, and held her hands over Mitsuki's body. "Kyuukyuu no jutsu," she whispered, and felt her chakra flowing, raising a dull green aura around the blue haired boy. It took a while and although it seemed like forever to Boruto and Sarada, the reaction they so wished happened. Mitsuki, still without opening his eyes, began coughing and gasping for air. "Thank God," Boruto mused, so relieved that tears almost fell to his cheeks, but he managed to get a hold of himself. This was not the time. "Mitsuki..." he called to his friend once again as he grabbed the younger boy's chin and turned his head to him gently. He very nearly sagged when he saw a flicker of gold. "B... Boruto..." Mitsuki whispered weakly, and the blond had to lean over a bit. The blue haired boy then turned his head a little. "Sarada..." The girl gave a shaky smile at that as tears brimmed her eyes. "You came..." Mitsuki mumbled, and Boruto saw a lone tear rolling down his cheek. "Of course we came, you baka, did you really think we’d let you go like this?" It was just then that Konohamaru reached the kids. He came to a halt, frozen on the spot as he took in the scene. It felt like all sound and air had been drained from where he stood as he watched with bated breath Boruto and Sarada… His mind had become sluggish all of a sudden for some reason. He was having trouble truly processing what was happening in front of him. Of course, he had told his two students to find their teammate… but… surely they haven’t found him yet, this broken figure couldn’t be him… His heart skipped a beat as finally, the two seemed to be able to reach Mitsuki. Konohamaru let out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding as he rushed to the kids. The boy’s eyes turned slowly to him. “Konohamaru-sensei…” The jounin was on his knees the next second, assessing the situation closer… God… “Don’t talk, reserve your strength.” His voice came just a little tense and harsher than he intended, but he couldn’t help it. He was worried beyond words and… if Mitsuki did what he thought he did… As always, though, even in this condition, the boy was attentive. “Sensei… I- don’t-” he couldn’t finish his words as a hiss of pain escaped his mouth. Sarada winced. “I- I’m sorry,” she stammered in a shaky voice, tears in her eyes. “I… I wish mama was here… This doesn’t work, I’m not good at all!” “It’s… alright… Sarada…” Mitsuki said weakly, and Sarada’s eyes widened, her hands shaking even more. “I… feel better… already…” “Sssh…” their sensei warned him, his look as well as his tone softening, he didn’t trust his voice to say anything more. Boruto couldn't take his eyes away from his friend. "You... you idiot... You just hang in there, do you hear me?" He felt his friend weakly squeezing his hand, and tightened his hold only slightly. "How... how stupid could you be? Why would you do this to us, you damn jerk?! I'll never forgive you for this! Leaving the village without even saying goodbye... How dare you even think you could leave the village, anyway? Huh? Who gave you the right to do that? We certainly didn't!" "Boruto," Konohamaru’s tone was gentle but firm. “That’ll be enough.” "No, y'know what, let's hear it from him!" the blond snapped, trying to hold back angry tears. It wasn't just out of the need to let it out that he was doing this, as much as he didn't want to show it, he was afraid. He was really, terribly afraid that if he didn't keep talking, he would lose his best friend. He glanced once more at him, and felt his pulse quickening when he saw Mitsuki's eyes almost closed. "No, no, no!" he cried out, holding his friend's head, trying to be gentle in his panic. "You're not fading out on us! Keep your eyes open! Keep your eyes open or I swear I'll kick your sorry ass to oblivion, do you understand?" His eyes burned as the tears threatened to fall, and he gulped hard to force them back. "Remember our promise!" he yelled, his voice breaking at the end. Mitsuki blinked once, trying to focus on him. He tried to lift his left hand, reaching for his friend, and Boruto held onto it as if for dear life. "I... remember..." Mitsuki whispered, squeezing his hand ever so lightly. "Good for you," the blond said as a lone tear escaped from his eyes.   ... Naruto was quick to take over the guy he was facing, he had managed to knock down the brunet. He had heard his son's and Sarada's screams earlier but in order to not lose focus, he hadn't looked in their direction. But now... He gasped at the horrible sight of Mitsuki badly injured, he could tell that the boy was literally fighting to stay awake... "Oh god... Mitsuki!" He made a run to get to them... ...and then Orochimaru leapt in front of him from out of nowhere, drenched in blood and with a very dangerous look on his face. "Do not..." the sannin began, and his heated voice was more like a hissing than anything. "...dare approach my son."        
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eleanor-devil · 3 years
Boruto: Sacrifices [Remade] | Chap.10 - Hardest Battle
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Written by: Eleanor-Devil & @mirage-05​​
Prologue | Chap.1 | Chap.2 | Chap.3 | Chap.4 | Chap.5 | Chap.6 | Chap.7 | Chap.8 | Chap.9 | Chap. 10 - You’re here
Checking on her daughter to make sure she was tucked in safely, Hinata’s eyes drifted back to the clock on the wall. Naruto was running late… Of course, that wouldn’t be the first time. The woman had adjusted to the life as the Hokage’s wife smoothly and without a complaint, she knew Naruto’s dedication to his duties and that was one of the many qualities she admired in the man she loved. And with the village still on high alert after the recent attack, she knew it was Naruto’s top priority to see the village to safety and peace once again before being able to rest properly. But it wasn’t very usual for him to call Boruto to his office at such a late hour. It was already past midnight… and something nagging at the back of her mind gave the woman a chilled feeling. She sighed and leaned down to gently caress Hima’s hair as the little girl mumbled and shivered in her sleep. And just then, there was a soft knock on the door. As quietly but quickly as she could, Hinata went down the stairs. She opened the door and came face to face with her husband. Or well… a clone of his. For her Byakugan induced eyesight, even when the dojutsu wasn’t activated, it was a very clear distinction. “Naruto…” she whispered, concern and apprehension in her voice, especially because she noticed the grave look on his face. “Hinata-san…” Ironically, the clones would always address her with honorifics, although it was a little awkward for the young woman. “Naruto-san will not be able to come home tonight. There has been another attack.”
The woman’s heart skipped a beat. “Is it… bad…?” she managed to ask, her mind immediately snapping to her son. “No, it has already been thwarted, but…” Naruto’s voice faded away as he had to look away for a minute. “But… something unfortunate has happened.” “Naruto…” Hinata was almost hesitant to ask. “Boruto’s friend, Mitsuki… he was attacked by the assailants. He was taken to the hospital, and both Naruto-san and Boruto are with him now.” The woman’s hands flew to her mouth, her eyes widening. Shock was still the dominant expression on her features when she was eventually able to lower her hands a minute later. “A-and how is Mitsuki-kun…?” Naruto sighed. “We don’t know all the details yet but… I’m afraid it doesn’t look very good. We will keep you updated.” Not able to say anything more, Hinata just nodded, and had to lean against the door sill as the clone disappeared in a puff. … The first thing Shikadai noticed as he was heading to the border for his patrol duty was that there was an abnormal activity in the village for this late hour. The jounins were rushing everywhere, apparently in a big hurry, and whispers… there was a great deal of whispering going around. And although he didn’t stop to listen to most of them because duty was awaiting, the young Nara caught some words… “new attack”... “genin”... Just what was going on…? Well… surely he would find out when he reached his post. He had always viewed these late-night patrols as a kind of a drag, but now he was feeling anxious, restless… At first, it didn’t seem like anyone was going to pay attention to him when he arrived at the border. It had been almost a solid minute before he finally came across a familiar face. “Mirai!” The young woman strode over to him, looking a bit distraught and… very confused. “Shikadai… what are you doing here?” “Uuugh… I have the next shift...” “Oh…” This fact, for some reason, seemed to be an inconvenience to the Sarutobi. “Look… the circumstances have changed. You are no longer on patrol duty.” “What? But…” Now he was more alert and anxious than ever. “Mirai, just… what’s going on? I heard something about a new attack…” A pensive look settled in Mirai’s red eyes. “Yes… there has been an attack not even an hour ago. It was thwarted, but…” She didn’t continue for a moment. Shikadai’s eyes widened. “The genin…” The woman sighed. “I don’t know all the details… Only that… apparently Konohamaru-nii-san’s team got involved and now they’re in the hospital. I don’t know which one of them got hurt.” She might not, but with a sinking feeling in his stomach, Shikadai realized he probably had a good idea who. After all, there was only one known hot-head in the team. Mirai clamped a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small but gentle smile. “There’s nothing for you to do here now. Just go home and rest.” As she turned and walked away from him, the Nara muttered to himself. “Sure… I’ll do just that.” ... He had a bad feeling about this. He had just barely seen Kurama bringing in two men before a call came from the hospital, stating that 0 blood type was needed immediately. So, curious as he was, and being also someone that happened to have that blood type, he had rushed to the hospital. To put it mildly, there was total chaos going on. It took Kakashi a while to finally stop a nurse. "I came for the blood donation..." "Oh, Lord Sixth," a relieved look came over the nurse's face. "You are type O, right? Please, follow me." She brought him to a small room. Kakashi was too wired up to sit still. "What is the situation?" he asked as the needle pierced his skin. "The Hokage will come here to inform you in a second." the nurse said simply. Indeed, as soon as the nurse finished and rushed out with the blood bag, Naruto walked in. "I'm so glad you could come, Kakashi-sensei..." "What's going on, Naruto? I came as quickly as I can..." "Just in time, too. The surgery has only begun a few minutes ago, we needed immediate-" Before Naruto could finish, there was a ruckus outside. “Yamanaka Inojin, I thought we taught you better manners than to come barging in a hospital!” “But we came for the blood donation too!” “You don’t have the correct blood type, young man.” “These are our friends we are talking about!” Perplexed, the Hokage turned to the door of the room as six agitated-looking genins indeed pretty much barged in, followed closely by a strict and exasperated looking Ino. “Lord Seventh, forgive me, I did try to stop them.” Naruto nodded wordlessly to her. The kids, on the other hand, seemed to have totally forgotten about hospital rules in their panic, they all started talking at once. “Lord Seventh - I heard it on the news-” “And I spoke to the border guards-” “Where are Boruto, Sarada and Mitsuki?” “Are they okay?” As they paused for a minute to catch their breath, Kakashi leveled a gaze to his old student. “I’d say you owe an explanation to all of us.” Naruto sighed before conceding with a nod. “I will. Let’s just move out of here.” … “Boruto…” the young Uzumaki heard Sarada’s voice all of a sudden, which was the only thing that made him turn away from the doors that directed to the surgery room. He didn’t even have time to blink as two blurred green and purple shapes moved forward, and a second later he was being hugged tightly by Metal and Sumire. “You- you guys…” he managed to stammer as he felt a pang in his heart. “We heard about the attack…” Metal said sadly as they pulled back. “But I didn’t imagine it would be… damn…” Shikadai shook his head as he took in his best friend’s appearance, mainly… his blood-soaked shirt, that was something hard to miss… especially when said shirt used to be white and it was now massively tinted in dark red. “Lord Seventh told us what he could…” “Is Mitsuki-kun gonna be okay…?” Sumire asked in a tiny voice. “We… we don’t know…” Sarada stammered in a shaky voice, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. “Well, we didn’t come too long ago… All we know is… he left us a letter telling us he was leaving Konoha and-” “What?!” was the collective response they received from their friends, which resulted in a passing nurse shooting a disapproving look at the group and then hushing them. “What do you mean, leaving Konoha?” Inojin said at last, flabbergasted. “Yeah… that’s one thing he’s gonna have to answer to us for when he gets better…” Boruto’s voice faltered as he looked at the doors again, and his next word was almost inaudible. “If…” “Hey hey, what’s with the pessimistic attitude?” Chocho said, rubbing her best friend’s arm. “Mitsuki is strong, right?” “One of the best in our class,” Metal added with a kind smile. “There’s no way he will just give up like that, I won’t believe it!” Iwabe supported them firmly. They were finally able to bring a thin smile to the faces of the remaining members of Team Konohamaru. “Thanks guys…” Just then, Ino approached them. “I appreciate your concerns about your friends but you really can’t all stay in here, and there’s no point, we don’t know how long the surgery will take.” The kids definitely looked reluctant to leave, but there was nothing to it. One by one, they bid goodbye and started to leave but Shikadai didn’t move. “I will stay with you guys.” he said determinedly. ”I won’t be able to rest properly if I don’t know Mitsuki is okay.” … There was no news. Simple as that. It had been hours now and there was still nothing about Mitsuki's state and how the surgery was going. There had already been an exchange between the medics and they all looked exhausted, it was clear to the adults that the situation wasn't good... Naruto was trying to control himself from pacing around the halls, it would only put the kids nervous, and right now they were calm, smiling softly at something they were watching on Boruto's phone, they did not need to have a nervous crisis because of him. So instead of pacing, he sighed... again. He looked sideways at Orochimaru, who... hadn't changed his position much or at all since his son had been taken down the hall, standing at the very same spot, not having even moved an inch. His arms were crossed, his fingers tight. His eyes, hard and cold as steel, were glued to the surgery hall's doors. Minutes ticked away, slowly, agonizingly turning into another half an hour... 'Please...' Naruto thought, closing his eyes for a minute. 'Please help him... Please let this turn out alright...' The doors of the hall opened and everyone's eyes turned to it but no sight of Mitsuki in his bed. Instead who came out was one of the medics. He didn't look exhausted but he seemed close to it, so Naruto guessed it was yet another shift. But instead, the medic stopped close to him before bowing. "Lord Hokage..." he started. His heart skipped a beat and he tried his hardest to not think of every single thing that could have gone wrong inside that surgery room. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Ino and Kiba moving a little closer to the kids, while Sasuke, Konohamaru and Kakashi moved closer to him and the medic. The Hokage gulped once, and although keeping the calm tone to it, his whisper came out a little strained. "How is he holding up?" The medic sighed through the mask. "He lost a lot of blood but thanks to the donation he is stable. The surgery is still going but it's very complicated. His heart was damaged by the lightning, I'm afraid that will leave a scar but..." He stopped for a moment before he continued. "...but that will be the least of his problems if he... if he survives..." 'If...?' The hollow word echoed in the man's mind, leaving behind horror and a terrible sadness...  He slowly raised his hand to grab the front of his cloak, where his heart is. It felt like he couldn't hold it in place... "What... what do you mean, the least of his problems...?" The medic sighed again before looking back at the Hokage. "Lord Seventh... if the boy survives this... it will be a miracle if he doesn't get a heart condition after that lightning trauma he suffered to his chest... all in all I’m afraid to say that his heart might become very weak." The silence the medic's words left behind was... deafening. A lump had formed in his throat, and trying to gulp it down, Naruto felt a lone tear making its way down his cheek. "Excuse me... I need to go back." "Thank you..." he managed to whisper. Please... please bring the child back to us, safe and sound, he wanted to add... But words simply didn't form… “I just don’t get it…” Konohamaru muttered, his hands pushing hair out of his eyes, although the motion looked more like he was pulling his hair out. “Mitsuki wouldn’t just barge in battle without fully assessing his enemy, he knows better… And lightning is his second main chakra nature, he never once lost a battle that way…” "You said that he sent a distress message to you?" Kakashi intervened. "Yes..." Something then clicked on the Hokage's mind, and he turned to look at his former sensei. "You think he heard something he shouldn't and had to defend himself when he was attacked?" "Well, that would be my best guess. Or he tried to turn back and warn the guards, and that was when those ninjas found him." The older man's tone was disgusted. "It's something we will know once the interrogations are over." "Heartless cowards," Konohamaru growled, so mad that he was shaking. "So they thought it was easier to go all out against a child... Didn't even have the courage to face stronger ninjas..." Silence once again reigned over them as they returned to their torturous wait. Sasuke glanced over his friend for a brief second, then walked over to him. "Naruto..." he said silently, apparently only for him to hear. "Maybe it's not the time for this but... We should also consider the possibility that the boy could have some connection with those ninjas." The Hokage's head immediately snapped to him, a confused look on his expression. "What is that even supposed to mean?" "You know what I mean. Maybe this was not a coincidental attack." Naruto's eyes hardened, so much so that they looked like two dark storm clouds. "You are right. This is not the time, nor the place." "We can't just disregard this. For just one time, use your head. With Orochimaru here-" "That's enough." the blond cut in, and his tone was so sharp and unrelenting that Sasuke had to close his mouth, only with a slight frown on his face. "There is a child in there, the same age as our children, fighting for his life. Put your heart in it for once, and just pray." They didn't say anything more to each other after that. Naruto glanced once again at the Sannin, who had not moved, at all. Realizing that he had to tell him about what they had learned, the Hokage took a deep breath, gathering his courage, and approached the older man, Sasuke right behind him. "Do not waste your breath." the man practically spat out of his teeth. "I heard all of it." "Orochimaru..." Naruto tried to start, but he was cut into yet again. "So you all think that my son is somehow related to those ninjas?" the man continued, and the blond had to gulp, not knowing what to say. "Be glad... be glad that my son tried to protect your worthless lives even when he was barely clinging to life, because if I had not promised him... We would not be having this conversation right now." The Hokage closed his mouth in a tight line when those words left the Sannin's mouth. He didn't know what promise Orochimaru had made to his son but he was clearly holding on to it... "What... promise?" he dared to ask. "A promise to not crush this village. He seemed to think this was not your fault... Although I fail to see why." The Sannin's voice was almost emotionless until this point, but the hint of a dangerous threat etched its way to his tone as he spoke next. "Just know this... My promise is only ever valid if Mitsuki makes it out of there... So you better start praying that he keeps holding on." he finished in a low, venomous hiss, his eyes moving to Sasuke for a fraction of a second. Naruto felt another lump in his throat but didn't look away... Instead he looked into the Sannin's cold golden eyes. "That is not the only reason why I am praying." The Sannin just kept glaring at him with those icy eyes, unimpressed. After a moment of assessing the Hokage, he finally spoke again. "Tell me one thing. Why... did Mitsuki decide to leave Konoha in the first place?" Naruto didn't know what to say... the situation was already bad enough as it was, with Orochimaru threatening to end Konoha if Mitsuki didn't survive... What would he do when he found out about the harassments...? But... he couldn't hide it either... better tell the truth now. Sighing, he looked down. "Three days ago... there was an attack in Konoha's orphanage. Everything pointed that it had been you behind the attack and... Mitsuki suffered the consequences of that. Because he is your child..." And just like that, Orochimaru felt his careful control slipping, albeit only a little, and managed to control the shaking of his hands, of anger. "So that was your idea of peace...? I thought Konoha had become a better place... Yet my son had to suffer the aftermath of an attack - which I have not even heard of, mind you." He was silent for a moment, and then squinted. "What kind of consequences?" he demanded, a dangerous tone audible in his whisper. This caught Naruto's attention. He knew that the Sannin, from years of experience, would praise an attack if he had been the one behind it but... that wasn't the case now. "You mean you weren't behind the attack...?" "I guarantee you, if it was indeed me behind the attack, I would not go into hiding like some coward," he hissed through his teeth. "I always play my cards on the table, if you did not notice that just a moment ago. What motive would I have to attack your village?" A venomous glint came into his eyes as he asked once again. "What kind of consequences?" Naruto gulped... No... he couldn't just go and say that the clans were the ones behind the harassments against Mitsuki, not when he was dealing with Orochimaru. "Children... that's all... they played some... pranks against Mitsuki." "Do you think... even for a minute... that I believe my son was driven out of the village because of some childish pranks...?" His anger and hatred were brewing deeper down. He hated being lied to - especially when he was doing the exact opposite. "Tell me the truth." What could he do…? Orochimaru was clearly losing his patience. But he was the Hokage and although the clans were at fault, he couldn't expose them like that "I..." he started. "The clans did it. They ordered harassments to be held against your son." A new voice joined the conversation and although Orochimaru just moved his eyes, Naruto turned his head completely in Sasuke's direction. "And they were done, by children." "Sasuke...!" Naruto hissed, low. The Uchiha eyed his friend with his usual calm look. "Those people are grown-ups, Naruto. They knew clearly what they were doing. If they had courage to do that then they also should have the guts to deal with the consequences." He eyed his former sensei once again. "Children, however, can be very easily manipulated into the best soldiers, they don't question, they don't think if it's right and they don't think of consequences." "Oh, there will be consequences, you can be sure of that. If Mitsuki doesn't survive... the clans won't survive to see another day. I guarantee you will suffer for all eternity." He silently added, 'Like I am now...' in his head, his mouth a thin, straight line. "The matter is already being taken care of..." said Naruto. "The clans are not going unpunished for what they did, I assure you of that." The Hokage then sighed, the matter from before suddenly returned to his mind. "I still don't understand...why they would attack him... Kakashi-sensei theorizes that he might've heard something..." "He would not let rogue ninjas discover him...!" He had taught the child better than that... "But in any case, he should not have been there alone." His gaze once again drifted to the doors of the surgery hall. "Especially not tonight..." The last part did catch both Naruto's and Sasuke's attention. The Uchiha narrowed his eyes as he eyed the Sannin carefully. "What do you mean by 'especially not tonight'...?" "Ever since he was little... I noticed the moon has a powerful effect on Mitsuki." the older man began. "At nights with the full moon, he would always be full of energy, there were nights he would just stay up, training or doing other things that would normally wear people down. On new moons though... he would become so weak, sometimes even to the point of falling sick." He jerked his head to the window that was not too far from them. "What moon do you think tonight is?" Naruto's eyes widened as he recalled that in that night, before Mitsuki had come to say goodbye, he had casually looked up at the night sky and noticed there was no moon. "Crap..." he murmured. Sasuke was surprised for a moment but was quick to recover. "I see... does that influence his chances of survival as well...?" At Sasuke's question, the Sannin didn't bother to say anything, his only answer was the closing of his eyes and his fists tightening a little more. As the two stayed silent, it was clear that their talk was over. He had nothing more to say, anyway. He was already going through a plan to crush all those meddling clans... The deep silence was killing Naruto, pretty much all that could be heard in that hall right now was the sound coming from the video that Boruto and Sarada were watching on the cellphone. Sighing, the blond looked at Orochimaru before asking. "How...far does the moon affect Mitsuki...?" The Sannin sighed, nearly regretting having let this information at their disposal. "The child is affected by the full cycle of the moon, as per say. As I have said, when it is nearing the full moon, he is energetic, lively, he would be hard to handle. The waning moon has the opposite effect. He would mostly spend all the night in his room, sometimes not even coming out of the bed. I remember during one cycle he got really ill, Karin had to stay up all night..." Not a random choice for name at all, he thought, his mind was far away... If what Orochimaru was saying was the full truth then Mitsuki was extremely vulnerable and weak when the ninjas attacked... had he known that it was new moon night? Had he known he would be weak at that very moment? Naruto wanted answers... badly... "I have never heard of such a thing before... I wonder why it affects him." A humorless, cold smile came to his face. He glanced for a short while to the window again, before turning his gaze back to the door of the hall. "You are aware Mitsuki is not an ordinary human, are you not?" he said simply. Orochimaru was and always will be a full mystery that Naruto would never understand... even his current words had left him more confused than ever but... he did not dare to ask for the meaning of it because he was sure... that if Orochimaru wanted them to know, he would have let them know. … Shikadai looked up at the adults with a worried look on his face, he had caught up to a couple of words from the conversation, not the full length, but it was enough for him to get the scope of it… This was serious, Mitsuki’s condition was very serious… Thankfully, though, Boruto and Sarada didn’t seem to have heard it, they were focused on the videos and photos including Mitsuki on the blond’s phone, and Ino-san had been careful about diverting their attention too. Determined to keep things that way (because heaven only knew that they couldn’t handle a breakdown from the two right now), the Nara tried to force an uplifting tone in his voice. “Hey, Boruto, why don’t you show us the next photo?” Boruto smiled a bit at his friend before turning back to face his phone, he slid his finger across the screen to the next picture but actually found a video. At the beginning he couldn't remember well what that video was about but as the scenes started going, his smile widened, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Aren't there safer ways to go on ice?" came a voice, and by the closeness of it, it was clear that the speaking person was the one who was holding the camera. The voice was easily recognizable as Mitsuki's. "Oh come on, are you telling me that you're chickening out?" a figure suddenly skated into the frame, and they were all looking into the widely-grinning face of Boruto. "If you consider making sure I don't break a leg, an arm or even lose my teeth, chickening out then so be it." replied the voice to which the Boruto in the video rolled his eyes before moving a bit away from the camera. "Aw fine. At least make sure you get everything on record, because I'm planning to use my amazing skating skills to-" WHAM! Not exactly looking at where he was going while boosting, Boruto had skated, turned around in what was supposed to be a graceful twist... and had slammed right into a huge trunk of a tree. Needless to say, Mitsuki's chuckles soon echoed through the whole video sound and it was clear that he was trying to calm himself down as the camera moved closer to Boruto and he tried to speak in between laughs. "Are you okay?" "It's not funny," the pout Boruto pulled off was so... cute and funny that in a moment, more laughter could be heard, while those who were watching the video just smiled brokenly. "Delete this, will you?" "Oooh no," Mitsuki said with a chuckle. "This, I'm definitely keeping." "No, come on man!" All that the camera was filming right now was the greyish winter sky, meaning that Mitsuki must have raised it really high so Boruto couldn't reach it. "Give it back, Mitsuki! That's so uncool!" "Nuh-uh," that was all that he got for an answer. As the only sounds after that were heard, which were the two boys horsing around and finally falling back on the ice, the video came to an end. Boruto was now gazing at the screen with slightly teary eyes, a small, fond smile on his face. "I never thought I would be glad he kept this..." he mused, then gulped. He had forgotten about the video altogether... Ino didn’t know what more comforting words to offer, it didn’t seem like anything she could say reached these two right now, so… out of her motherly instinct, she just reached out and held the blond in her arms. ... It had felt like ages... When he finally heard the doors of the surgery hall open and a general shuffling as everyone gathered, Boruto practically jumped to his feet, and the phone slid from his fingers, hitting the ground with a thud. Slowly, the stretcher on which his best friend was lying was pushed out, followed by the nurses and medics and finally Sakura and Tsunade, all of them looked very tired. It wasn't like the blond could notice anyone but his best friend right then, though. Mitsuki looked... almost peaceful, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. He could've easily been just sleeping, if not for the fact that his skin was even paler than usual, and he was covered in bandages, everywhere... His friend never seemed younger to him then he did right now. "Please, give us some space." one of the nurses urged, and Boruto noticed pretty much everyone had gathered around the stretcher. The adults drew back slightly, but Boruto, Sarada and Shikadai remained by Mitsuki's side as he was brought to his room. The Nara, for once in his life, seemed to be at a loss of words. They watched in silence as the staff connected their friend to some machines, including an oxygen supply and the heart monitor, filling the room with steady rhythms in a second. Sarada brought her hands to her mouth, trying to hold back her sobs. As Sakura and Tsunade came out after the nurses, the three approached them. "Mama, can we... go inside?" Sarada asked in a tiny voice. Sakura sighed and thought about it. "Only for a little while," she said finally. "He needs his rest." The children quickly nodded as they immediately walked inside the room. In less than a second, they were by Mitsuki's side. Boruto and Sarada grabbed his hands and squeezed them a little, not too tight of course... “Dammit, Mitsuki…” Shikadai mumbled with a catch in his voice. “How did you even get into this…?” "He’s an idiot, that’s how..." Boruto said in a whisper as he looked at his friend, biting his lip. "...do you have any idea of how much you scared us...?" Sarada sighed, Boruto was right, but if Mitsuki was hearing them, as some people claimed that while sleeping people could still hear the others on the outside… that sure wouldn't cheer him up. "He is right but… don't listen to him now..." She smiled softly. "You're going to be okay now and that's what matters..." The adults had gathered in front of the room, silently gazing inside, relieved that the kid had made it through the surgery even with such serious injuries. Konohamaru felt pride filling his heart, trying to drown the sorrow inside, as he looked at his students. "He is going to be alright..." he mumbled, more to himself than anyone really. "He sure is..." said Naruto softly. It was apparent in his features... he was grateful to God for having listened to their prayers. The Sannin was trying his hardest to keep his emotions at bay as he watched his son fighting for his life. He had always been the fighter, the strongest... His warrior spirit had not failed this time, either. He realized that he was proud... and glad - really glad that the child still carried that stubbornness... It seemed like they had been there forever, with the adults carefully watching over them, and medics dropping in every now and then to check. The three kids remained at the boy's side, talking to him... in hopes that he would soon wake up and... do something to cheer them all up. After what felt like an eternity, Boruto noticed a movement out of the corner of his eyes. "Mitsuki...?" he whispered unbelievably, as the blue-haired boy's fingers twitched once again. Sarada raised her head and looked at Mitsuki in amazement as his eyelashes fluttered slowly, his eyes opening a crack. Both of the kids gasped then, and a tearful smile made its way on the girl's face. "Mitsuki..." she whispered happily. It took a while for the blue haired boy to understand his surroundings. Where was he...? What had happened? Why did his body feel so... weak and numb...? But slowly the images of what had happened flashed in his head... the attack, the rogue ninjas... his father's arms... Mitsuki closed his eyes back for a moment before opening them again. "Bo... ruto...?" he whispered. "Sar... Sarada...?" He still couldn't make out the figures in front of him, but the blonde and black hairs seemed unmistakable… and another one… was that Shikadai…? His throat suddenly feeling parched, Mitsuki tried to gulp, but everything seemed to hurt now... Boruto was so relieved that he actually laughed - it was a broken laugh if anything, but a laugh nonetheless. "That's right, we're right here," he said, hastily wiping at his eyes to prevent the few tears from falling. "You are where you truly belong," Sarada mused in a broken voice, giving a gentle squeeze to Mitsuki's hand. Mitsuki couldn't help but return the smile with an equally broken, weak one. “Just take it easy, you’re going to be alright…” It wasn’t usual to see the always well-composed Shikadai like this, but now he looked quite shaken indeed. Mitsuki moved his golden eyes slowly to where Boruto was but looked past him, to the people outside of the room staring at him. "He is awake," he heard one of them say, though he couldn't make out who. Konohamaru had moved closer to the glass panel, a huge weight lifted from his heart as he saw his youngest student's eyes turning towards them, and couldn't help but smile himself as the general mood around him lightened with the child's awakening. "Well done kiddo... I knew you would make it..." he whispered. The boy felt his eyes burn slightly. He felt content... everyone in here was safe and sound. He had done it right... He tried to say something but no words came out. He felt his heart tug. Something... didn't feel right about this. He felt his body growing numb and cold with each passing second, so much that he had begun shaking a little. His heart was thumping loudly in his chest, he could feel each pound... but they were getting slower... 'Was this how it was supposed to be...?' he wondered. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again, this time slower. Somehow... he felt this was just right, and that he... was actually ready. He gently pulled his hand out of Boruto's, reaching for something that was covering his mouth and nose. He didn't know how much strength he had left... He needed his friends to hear him... Boruto panicked a bit when he saw his friend reach for the oxygen mask. He couldn't take it off yet! He still needed it! The blond was quick to put his hand over Mitsuki's again. "Hey, easy there man. You can't take it off yet..." Sarada felt something was off, the look in Mitsuki's pale golden eyes was strange... Something wasn't right, they were so... empty, nothing like the gaze she was used to from him. Mitsuki felt a tremor shaking his body as his heart tried to do its job against all odds, even if for a few prolonged seconds. He slowly tried to raise his other hand but pain shot through it immediately. Seeing that he crumpled his face because of it, Sarada held on to his hand more tightly. With the last bit of his strength, Mitsuki gave his friends' hands a weak squeeze. "Thank you..." he whispered, and his eyes moved to Shikadai as he heard something in that steady noise change. "...for being my friends..." "What... nonsense are you talking about?" said Boruto, a worried frown crossing his features. "Why are you thanking us?" Shikadai felt his heart starting to race as his eyes widened, something was definitely wrong about this! He had been to hospitals before, he was sure he never heard the machines going haywire like this! “I-I’m going to call the medics!” he stammered to no one in particular, his friends’ attention wasn't on him. "Mi... Mitsuki..." Sarada whispered, a mix of emotions replacing her relieved one slowly as she got up from where she sat, watching the boy's chest moving slower - this was definitely not right! Her head whipped to the heart monitor as the pace picked up. Boruto didn't really know what these all meant, but their reaction gave him chills. "Mitsuki!" he shouted, holding on to his friend's hand, but the blue haired boy had lost his grip. "No, no... stay with us!!" This was more like a scream, and the blond felt himself losing his grip. "Fight it, stay with us!!!" "Boruto..." Even through all the sounds of the machines and the ringing in his ear as a reminiscent of his yelling, Boruto heard his friend's voice, and his own heart skipped a beat. "I'm sorry..." Mitsuki's hand slipped from his grasp and fell onto the mattress, just as the blond watched in horror his chest stopped moving altogether. An ear-piercing cry filled the room, breaking harshly into the deafening silence. … Shikadai froze, face-to-face with the adults as he heard the sound, their expressions a reflection of what he was suddenly feeling inside - a large, terrifying hollow, as if his stomach had dropped a couple of feet, leaving his body behind. Without even realizing what he was doing, the boy turned behind, his horrified gaze landing upon two of his best friends… trying to reach Mitsuki… He… was supposed to do something, he went out of this room for a reason, he was sure of it… but suddenly… he couldn’t remember what that was at all… ... Naruto had realized something was wrong the moment he had seen the kids start to panic, so he was ready to go get Sakura and Tsunade when Shikadai opened the door and came face-to-face with them. What he wasn’t at all prepared for was, though… His blood froze in his veins as his head quickly turned towards the boy in his bed, watching both his son and Sarada screaming for their friend. 'No, no, no...! You have to fight it!' This and many other frantic thoughts raced through the Hokage's mind as he stared in disbelief at what was happening... "Naruto!" Kakashi’s sharp voice woke him from his shock as he remembered what he had to do. He ran as fast as he could towards Sakura's office. He didn't even knock, he just abruptly pushed the door open. "Sakura-chan, Granny Tsunade! You have to come now!" Just the way he entered the room and the pure horror on Naruto's face left no need for further explanation as Sakura and Tsunade both practically ran out of the room, a few of the nurses also on their heels. Tsunade reached for her com to announce code blue and the room number, and Sakura, hearing the shrill cry of the heart machine, upped her pace. ... The little, blue-haired child was completely alone in the darkness... Well, that wasn't really accurate. There were people around. People he... remembered somehow. All with their backs to him. And he was scared... For some reason, he was scared beyond belief. He opened his mouth to call for them, tried to reach forward... But it seemed like they were too far away... 'You are no longer wanted here...' a voice came, and following that, one of the people surrounding him started walking away. There were many words, many hurtful phrases ringing around the darkness, and one by one people left, as the child only watched in fear and helplessness... Getting smaller and smaller with each step taken away from him... 'Why won't anyone come to your help...?' A tall brunette with a blue scarf walked away, and tears now started to fall from the child's eyes. 'Outsider!' rang a chorus of voices, as a blond and black haired duo walked away laughing, hand in hand, not taking a glance back. Broken, Mitsuki tried to run after them... but fell. He turned to the last person... A tall, black haired man. 'Dad...?' came a very feeble, childish voice. 'Why don't you hurry up and die already...?' with that, the man was gone, too. Now but a toddler, Mitsuki pulled his knees to him, hugging them with his small arms, and cried, cried... After what felt like an eternity, a shadow fell over him. The toddler raised his head, wondering, hoping if anyone had come back for him... His eyes widened in fear as he saw a gruff man with spiky blond hair looming over, looking down at him with a merciless leer. Without a heed to the child's crying and whimpering, the man grabbed a fistful of Mitsuki's hair and raised him in the air, laughing loud and cold... ... The girl, Sasuke's daughter, got up on the bed, trying to revive his boy, the Sannin could see how endless tears rolled down her cheeks one by one, unstoppable, as her whole frame shook. The boy had completely frozen... 'Mommy...?' a young voice inside his head asked, an almost hysteric tone to it, and for the briefest of seconds the room disappeared as the man saw two familiar bodies in front of him... A black haired man and a brown haired woman... Lying side by side, apparently dead... Then a small figure with long, black hair approached them. 'Daddy...?' ... Boruto had completely frozen in time the moment his friend's hand slipped out of his own and fell with a silent thud against the mattress. Blue eyes widened in horror, mouth hung open, he even found it difficult to breathe. Sarada was in shock too, but she was quick to snap out of it. She had to do something! Anything! Practically climbing on the bed, the Uchiha put both her hands, one on the top of the other, against Mitsuki's chest and pumped it. "No, no, no, you're not gonna die on us, you idiot!" Tears were starting to fall from her ebony eyes but the girl just kept on pushing the chest. But Mitsuki's eyes remained closed and the machine kept its chilled sound around the room... it wasn't working! "Mitsuki, come on!" Sarada cried out, and even more tears rolled down her cheeks. She wasn’t going to give up on her friend, she couldn't! "Get your heart beating!" She tried to hold back her sobs, but it was no use. "Please don't leave us!..." Her frame shook with the harsh sobs that were almost tearing her lungs apart, but she kept on pumping. "Please..." she begged, trying to tune out that awful sound. ...At that moment, her mother and Tsunade came in running. "Get them out of here!" yelled Tsunade as she reached the bed and pushed Boruto out of the way as gently as she could. Sakura took her daughter in her arms and quickly set her back on the floor. The pink haired woman then moved swiftly to the dying boy and returned to do what her daughter had been doing all along. "Start keeping track of the time!" Boruto only came to his senses as he felt strong arms grabbing him. "No! NO!" he screamed, his eyes still on his friend. "LET ME GO, I NEED TO BE WITH HIM!!" he continued screaming, and actually tried to kick whoever was holding him as he was being taken out of the room. "MITSUKI!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, and started sobbing harshly. Then that someone scooped him up and he suddenly found himself snuggled into his father's chest. "Don't look..." Naruto whispered, his voice strained and grave. Boruto held onto his father's clothes as he started crying his heart out. He never realized Naruto was taking him out until he felt a cool wind ruffling his hair. Sarada tried to return to her friend's side but as soon as she did, a strong arm grabbed and scooped her up as well. She only realized she was being taken when she saw Mitsuki and her mother getting further and further away... But she didn't have any strength left... not even to scream the way Boruto had... … “Move away, boy,” Shikadai heard Lady Fifth’s urgent voice and felt her hands firmly moving him aside. Maybe he shouldn’t… but he just couldn’t help it as he immediately drifted back to the window of the room, watching the chaos inside, his friends getting forcefully taken away… He couldn’t move… All his muscles were locked in place as he looked on, shell-shocked… He had forgotten that they weren’t at all alone, at least not until he felt a familiar touch, a motherly but firm one… “Please don’t take me out too,” he whispered, his tone so listless that he wasn’t sure Ino heard him. Gently, Ino turned him away from the window and held him tightly to herself. “Don’t watch then…” “This… this can’t possibly be happening…” the boy kept murmuring numbly, not even realizing he was shaking like a leaf. “We… we are still children… there has to be some sort of rule setting kids apart from these situations, right…?” Ino didn’t say anything more, just held him closer. They would have to bring him back… right…? ... Not... all was lost, no he wouldn't believe that. Truthfully, he should have taken this in his own hands from the beginning instead of trusting Konoha. There was still Juugo... And even if that plan fails, he could always deliver his son's soul to another, healthy body, maybe even one of those children's bodies if it came to that point... 'I just want my parents back...!' the voice, his seven-year-old voice screamed in his head, tears in his voice... He was... crying...? 'Why did it have to be them?! Why do I have to be alone?! That's not fair!' ... "How many seconds?" Sakura asked, sweat dropping by the side of her cheek. "Fifteen," a nurse answered, quickly looking at her watch. 'Good Lord,’ Sakura thought, forcing her mind to stay clear. "Move your hands." she heard Tsunade call, and she used the time to focus her chakra in her hands. She watched as her mentor injected a small portion of adrenaline directly to the boy's heart. "Hekirekite no Jutsu!" She brought her hands back down on Mitsuki's chest, and the boy's body lifted slightly from the bed. ... The boy was crying, the pain was too much to bear... Why... why did he have to suffer so...? Shouldn't it be quicker if he just let go, and never looked back...? Suddenly, the man's cruel laughter stopped, and his hand released the toddler's hair. Before he could fall, though, he was caught, held gently and lovingly in a pair of warm arms. He dared to raise his head and look... The angel's light was pushing away all the darkness, all the hateful voices, trying to heal his heart... The pink haired angel smiled fondly at him, her arms tightening around him a little more, her expression so merciful and loving... 'It's okay, baby, it's going to be alright...' she mused, almost cooing. 'Don't be afraid... I'm here...' ... Sakura mentally cursed as the machine's sound didn't change. Seeing no changes with the first charge, Tsunade repeated the same move... She had to be careful, the boy’s heart was already so weak due to the burns... but they had to bring him back. "Come on..." Sakura whispered, not taking her eyes from the boy's face, counting as she continued with the compressions. "You can do it, Mitsuki, come on..." she let her chakra flow to his body once again, but the results were the same... ... Don’t be afraid...? How was he supposed to do that...? The little toddler could feel nothing but fear, even with the angel here... None of those people who he cared about was here... They... didn't... care about him... 'Why do you fight...?' a sinister voice rang in his ears, blocking the angel's. Squeezing his eyes shut, the toddler pushed away from her. He scrambled to his feet quickly and started running, deeper and deeper into the darkness... Then he stumbled onto something and fell forward, landing hard on the ground. Cruel laughter echoed all around the black void, and the toddler curled in on himself, sobbing. 'Outsider! Outsider! Outsider!' the chants echoed repeatedly while the boy kept crying, wishing this to all end... ... The minutes passed, excruciatingly slow but also painfully quick... and nothing. "...Sh... Shall I announce the time...?" The nurse couldn't finish the sentence, a sad look visible in her eyes. Sakura was distinctly aware that there was some sort of chaos going on inside or outside of the room, but her mind had automatically tuned out any sound other than the machine. "Wait... wait just a second..." she mumbled in response to the nurse. She still had her hands on the kid's chest, she couldn't give up... She had to act careful, but she knew just the tiniest amount of shock that might do the difference, and she would never forgive herself if she didn't give it all her best. "Sakura-san... It might be too much already..." The nurse warned her. "Let's just leave the child in peace..." another nurse said, her voice shaky. Tsunade snapped back to herself and hastily hushed the nurse, staring at Sakura. Sakura remained in silence as she kept looking at the heart machine, her chakra still flowing through Mitsuki's chest... 'Please… please come back...' Sakura thought... ... The toddler wasn't sure how long he stayed there, curled up in the fetus position, crying, hurting... He felt a warm presence approaching... felt someone putting their arms around him yet again, but he lacked the energy, the will to look up... He didn't know anymore... ... Outside, a leaf from a nearby tree fell from its place as the clouds dropped their first tears and wetted the ground, little by little...        
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