#boruto imagines
canonsinthehead · 1 year
A Naruto Headcanon - The Culinary History of the Ninja World.
i'm back and not so bare with me. this headcanons is related to a story telling how chouji and karui's marriage went down. ill post it eventually.
Konohagakure (Country of Fire) Konohagakure aka the land of the free. Many things make up the uniqueness of the cuisine of the country of fire. First, they are the king of importation, so their diet is really diverse and touched all sectors evenly. They grow all kind of vegetables to meet the need of its residents. While there are not has much native plants from the area in their current diet contrary to other villages like Suna and Kiri.
Konoha being built on a vast forest, their main fruit consumption comes from small fruit trees and fruit trees like apples, pears, and pomegranate. Anything that grows on a tree is often easily available since it takes its roots in Konoha’s founder Hashirama Senju.
The country are the main producer and consumer of eggs and meat especially pork (which they export all over the ninja world) this where you get the whole BBQ concept and omelets. Another downfall of the cuisine from Konoha is the heavy presence of processed goods in everyday cooking preparation. The current culture is far more removed from its traditional cooking methods. Referred to as the Senju Diet is almost getting lost and seen has a flower from the past. Many (often older individuals) resist the hard change that came trough time and tries to uphold the consumption of the way ninjas ate in the past.
Lotus Root is a staple of the Senju Diet
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Even Naruto can testify to this and noticed how it hard for him maintain the same diet as when he was a child (aside eating ramen), the way fast foods chains have almost came out of nowhere and took over the market deeply concerns him (especially how its taking hold of this younger generation). The deliberate effort towards modernization and proving the country is the first in everything, can reach everything, can eat everything, can win against anyone basically walking like they are the goat of the ninja world has affected negatively old traditions in subtle ways and in other more obvious ways. Like how the Konoha can keep escape the threat of famine by stealing other nations resources.
At the same time, the combination of different culinary practice gave birth to various more dishes with various diverse ingredients and interesting like Takoyaki, okonomiyaki & dango
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Like mentioned before, industrialization gave birth to many processed who are a staple in those dishes. products who are often only found in the country of fire like fish cakes & narutomaki. The land of fire is the soup & noodles master, it’s like their national food for being convenient and versatile with they make the infamous ramen but other dishes like stir-frys Yes, it a generous filling cuisine to overflow your stomach
Classic/Staple Konoha Meal=Shoyu Miso/Pork Ramen with Narutomaki, Apple Salad, Dango, Sushi, Takoyaki, pickled radish, Beef BBQ
Sunagakure (Country of Wind) The cuisine from Suna is unique. Not only emerging from a desertic land, but it was also able to survive the test of time and stay true to its original roots. Based on the high temperatures and sandy soil of the land of wind, the residents have access to interesting crops who cannot be found elsewhere in the ninja world. Suna is the homeland of dates, they are the main intake of sugar in its diet. They are used in countless recipes like sweet & pastries. they are used to sweetened teas since tea drinking is a big thing. Offering tea is a tradition when receiving guests and tea was used by nomads who made long trip in the desert in order to stay hydrated.
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In Sunagakure, they go hard on sweets. Especially dates since the are the only producer of them. They have countless of pastries, candies and date-bases recipes because it was once use as a method of survival in the long windy season in the desert or to have the sugar necessary to be transformed in a energy source to endure long trip in the desert. They are a national pride since most nuts in the ninja world grows in the country of wind; almonds, pistachios, walnuts, etc. they also showcase delicate and unique culinary practices when it comes to pastries who set Suna apart from other nations. It is the only place to find citrus, olive & argan trees used to make oils mostly made for exportation & their lucrative citrus production industry.
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Their eating style is different since it is not uncommon to eat with your hands. For a long time, families were large so the habit of having a large plate to share with many emerge from that condition
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Due to frequent drought, the country of wind has specialized themselves in the production of survival crops like grains like millet, sorghum & wheat who are also a staple in the cuisine of Suna. they most of the time milled to make flour to produce various types of bread crepe and flat breads (also see as more convenient since they don’t require yeast to be cooked). Alongside that, the consumption of legumes like lentils and different kinds of beans is the main source of protein and prized as all around superfood. They are cooked in paste and stew often eaten with bread.
Staple/Classic Suna Meal=Large plate of various pastes/creamy sauces made of beans & lentils, grilled eggplant, hummus, flat bread, millet crepe, spinach, citrus tea,
Kirigakure (Country of Water) The main meal is Kiri is grilled fish.
Unfortunately, Kirigakure has the reputation of eating ANYTHING that swims, crawls, run or fly in the ocean. First and firmly base on their location and how the practice of fishing is part of so many residents lives.
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Also, it comes from the lack of access to goods from importation of other nations. For very long time, Kiri and the surrounded regions were left on their own when a bad harvest happened, or if the climate hindered the quantity of fish collected. In those cases, the villager learned to make anything of every single thing they found (in the ocean). Due to their different economical system (mostly based on exchange of goods), it took a long time for Kiri to join the market of importation and exportation. Now they are the main exporter of seafood of various types and fish (a staple in their diet). The land of fire became the main consumers of seafood above the country of water itself. The never-ending high demand for sea product (including fish) has opened the door for illegal activity to create non-approved fish farms and illegal fishing. The country of wind is guilty, while having no access to water yet desiring sea products (which is recent because they try to follow after the country of fire and the whole globalization narrative).The Country of Fire being the biggest culprit due to their insatiable desire to reach all and taste all (even without permission).
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Their known cultural theft has implication in the problem since a traditional dish named サメの目 (Same no Me written Samenome meaning Shark Eyes) which consist of thin layers of fish rolled and stuffed with black wild rice and bitter herbs (it is name like this since it resemble the pupils of sharks) was ‘’discovered’’ by ninja scientist from Konohagakure during early invasion of the country of water by various bigger nations for natural resources in this case being clay who was abundant along any body of water (used to make pots and tolls before the emergence of various metals) also to take control and harvest the almost infinite amount of fresh water. The devastation of natural habitat and the disruption of the ecosystem cause a destruction that couldn’t be healed instead it changed the nature of the environment. Since then, most bodies of water in the land of water turned into seawater, the once flourishing pastures of green leafy galore died and the remaining surviving plants gave birth to what we know today as bitter herbs (ex: dandelion, wormwood, chamomille, peppermint, etc) and they are a staeple in the cuisine of Kiri, for some their main intake of green plants. They are also valued for their medicinal values (you know them plants Haku was collecting in the woods)
Learn more about bitter herbs here: https://dirthappy.com/bitter-herbs/
(Going back to what we were talking about)The discovery of Samenome was then taken back to the country of fire and after being merged and modified with the local crops and different culinary practices became what we know today as sushi; the captain of Konoha’s cuisine along side with Ramen. The seaweed paper also originally comes from Kiri, they were not used as food but fertilizers for growing crops. The practice of harvesting seaweed became popular in the southern part of the country of fire after the nori seaweed was discovered in its waters. Meanwhile they still import wakame from the country of water since it’s a staple for various soups and side dishes.
In The Country of Water, they consumed more the wild varieties of different crops like wild black rice, quinoa & amaranth as a main source of carbs.
In Kiri, they seasoned everything with pepper, everything; rice, bitter herbs, fish & seafood, grains. Some regions of the country of water house the spiciest pepper you can find in the warm months of the summer and the most frost resistant cabbages during the cold months. Now, they import a lot of pepper product from The country of lightning during the most of the year. Most of the seasoning is onion-based but the access to salt from the waters allowed the spectrum of seasoning to widen but also utilize is in order to ferment or pickle foods for the winter making pickled goods a staple in the cuisine of Kiri even for pickled fish.
Staple/Classic Kiri meal= Grilled fish, Samenome, spicy pickled cabbage, amaranth crepe of fritters, bitter herbs, pepper sauce
Kumogakure (Country of Lightning) The cuisine of Kumogakure is different than typical meals you would find in other nations. Like Suna the uniqueness reveals itself in their cuisine since its most popular dishes are made of ingredients that can only be found in the country of lightning. Cuisine of Kumogakure follows various principals making their reputation.
Beef is a luxury food. Due to its location, residents of the country of lightning were consuming other animals like sheep and goat who are abundant in rocky areas. The first wild buffalos were in fact imported from neighbor countries and are domesticated for food in small quantities because most green pasture (outside of main cities) are already occupied by sheeps. Many attempts were made to grow the bovine population but failed due to competition for food and access to grass.
Meat is more regarded as side dishes since their protein source mostly come from green vegetable and beans. Like in Suna, where legumes are praised for their high nutritional value but in the country of wind they eat lentils & chickpeas, meanwhile in Kumo they are eating kidney beans, black eyes peas and their infamous black beans. Each nation has a particular legume/bean/pulse they cherish in their cuisine. The Country of fire is house to all types of sprouts like of mung bean and edamame/soy beans. Interestingly, the practice of making tofu comes from Amegakure and has spread to neighboring nations. In Kiri, they eat beans in their original form, simple steamed and sometimes raw so they prefer yardlong beans and peas of different kinds.
· The land of lightning is famous for their abundance of herbs & spice. Hence why they weren’t as enthusiast to rush into meat consumption since they can make many vegetables taste amazing by seasoning it right. Plants like ginger, turmeric, various varieties of peppers, allspice, paprika, star anise & parsley are native to the area. the exception is garlic since it can be found abundantly across the ninja world.
· The cuisine of Kumo could be defined as quick and simple. Hence why they are numerous meals in bites sizes like fried dough (a popular street food), samoussa, meat/bean patties, dried sweet potatoes chips (chouji’s favorite). Unfortunately, frying/pan-frying is a prominent method of cooking so to balance the diet the preparation of vegetables filled stews and soups comes in the picture and they don’t eat foods like white rice. First, because it does not grow in the region at all, instead it’s the rare place where eating brown rice is thing and meals like fermented pureed yam are often use as a substitute for rice along many sauces and stews (after white rice became popular across the ninja world.). In Suna, they sticked to basmati rice and Kiri to black rice but white rice & sweet rice (hybridized in the country of fire) has always been one of the first food to be distributed is smaller nations in food crisis and for daily consumption because of how easily it is to massively produce and for their poorer nutritional value.
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(ex: meat/beans patties, sweet potatoes chips, deep fried dough (bottom pic above) called ふわふわ/Fuwa Fuwa meaning Fluffy since the yeast used to make them creates a treat light and airy/fluffy like clouds & samoussa)
· SAUCE, SAUCE, SAUCE. Again, we said people from the Cloud love when it’s simple (hence why many dishes from Konoha like Takoyaki seems like an equation of calculus to them but those who could taste it enjoyed it actually). Its ‘’we dump all in the pot and let it cook’’ cooking style. If your meal doesn’t have a sauce of any kind, its not from Kumo. Many of them contained some form of peanut butter (a national pride food). The country of lightning is the biggest producer of peanuts and use it in various dishes
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(exemples: peanut soup, fermented cassava pulp, cassava leave sauce, callaloo/amaranth soup, spinach peanut butter sauce )
· Did you know that Kumo’s peanut brittle’s distant cousin is the Nougat from Suna? It’s the Raikage’s favorite snack. Like the menu of the wedding feature the country most prized, popular, and fancy meals, most of them are the raikage’s favorites.
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(from left to right, Nougat (from Suna) & Peanut Brittle also called 稲妻バー/Inazuma bars meaning Lightning Bars) because when you prepare them it is tradition to punch the plate in the middle to break it into smaller portions, it looks like the food got hit by lightning.
Many exotic tropical grows outside of big cities like mangos, pineapples & papayas making fruit the main sugar intake in the Kumo diet.
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yaoiconnoisseur · 1 year
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yeah but like imagine if kakashi’s trauma manifested like this
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instead of becoming angry, cold, and distant during his ANBU years
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narutouzumaki-25 · 1 month
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Naruto Uzumaki ✨️
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saintjudasi · 2 months
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boruto era sasuke from the more beautiful boruto in my mind
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eli6abesxo · 2 months
Controversial take, but as somebody who has recently finished all of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden for the second time, the shows are only actually good, at least from a story perspective, if you perceive them as an epic love story between Naruto and Sasuke.
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hozukitofu · 5 months
idk what's weirder for iruka: konohamaru becoming a jounin sensei or shino becoming an academy teacher and both of them are his colleagues now instead of former students. one is a reformed prankster carbon copy of naruto and one spoke maybe four words to him during the entire time he knew the kid. imagine running into them in the staff room. i would need to leave immediately.
they also refuse to call him without honorifics or if this is a modern AU - mr umino/sir/sensei. iruka tries so hard to make them comfortable and feeling like they're his colleagues, to no avail. they got as far as 'iruka-sensei' and then promptly faltered.
all the little students look up to iruka as a superhero. their teacher's teacher. none of that silliness where they don't respect him - his disappointed face is lethal
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 4 months
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Clã uchiha
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kirfuffel · 15 days
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melowmolly · 2 months
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I Forgor to upload the first one (tried and failed to fix it) , anywhooo. I drew Archer Hinata :D
love the idea of expanding the usage of the Byakugan 💕 also inverted the image to add the effect we see with said dojutsu
I couldn't do Ino any Justice but hopefully I'll manage, I'll keep trying. And our foxy boi is just having a blast, enjoying the company
Btw, I'm not good with clothing, so their clothing will change since I can't interpret 😅
Once again fanart for
"Off The Records" by Amrises
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lovingpenguinllama · 6 months
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the utter, heartbreaking letdown that is kashin koji being in an abandoned orochimaru hideout instead of recalling some of jiraiya's memories and turning to orochimaru for help with boruto, thereby substantiating the orochimaru redemption arc and expanding on orochimaru & jiraiya's dynamic mirroring the recent chapter of mitsuki talking about himself & boruto
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canonsinthehead · 12 days
Naruto Modern AU/Hollywood pt.9 - THE GOSSIP FILES (Voted by the audience)
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Get ready for all the tea and drama!
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Did you know that Sera and Zabuza graduated from Kirigakure's Dance & Performance Arts Academy? Both in Dance degrees, this is why you can sometimes see them perform together, they've been attending the same schools since high school.
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Regardless of his frown eyebrows and later change of carrer, Zabuza is a dance at heart.
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Brother of the Financial figure, Madara Uchiha has been spotted at the performative artist/bordeline corn star Ibiki Morino annual boat party on a private beach in the Land of the Moon.
Obviously Mizuki (and the podcast bros) jumped on the case and proclaimed the existence of a promiscuity curse on the Uchiha Family and their close relatives.
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"KEEP MY HUSBAND NAME OUT YOUR MOUTH!" proclaimed WWE fighter Sakura Haruno after her opponent Kin Tsuchi got disrespectful during the pre-game weigh in. She insulted her and her family but the pink-haired world champion remained calm.
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She won a soul-crushing victory with barely any injuries.
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Most popular streamer "Eida" issued an public apology after saying offensive words "Sorry guys, I didn't know any better because I'm an android..."
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ONCE AGAIN, Boruto Uzumaki gets injured after a prank "in the hood" goes wrong, he was discharged from the hospital 2 days later.
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A-List actor Itachi Uchiha is spotted with an undentified male at a Konoha motel. An employee claiming the existence of a sex tape, threaten to release security camera footage. A lawsuit is ongoing...
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Leader of the Jashin Cult, Hidan was finally arrested this past friday.
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Both him and Mega cruch pastor Kakuzu Osteen has been linked a networks of various online scams and misinformation. Their funds made of illegal donation collections goes up to 300 millions $ The authoritiess are still looking for the pastor who vanished after the arrest of the cult leader.
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Madara's Uchiha's 3rd wife, Maria Uchiha has won won a child support settlement going up to 300,000$ per months for the two children they had together. It is the highest ever seen comparing to his 3 other wives and 6 other children. According to private documents, she is the only one figured on the man's testament.
I know this one doesn't make any sense because Madara is supposed to death al ong time ago according to this HD BUUUTTTT hear me out... I still picture him a someone who would have multiple wives even if he's nothing but a pack of bones.
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Rapper Hanabi is getting backlash online over her group last single TOMBOY.
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Renowned fashion designer Orochimaru kicks off this year's fall collection with Basketball player Kiba Inuzuka & Bussiness owner Neji Hyuuga.
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keijidraws · 1 year
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Happy Father’s Day - Shikamaru!
Black and white tonight because I have no time. I love these two, they’re so cute! I’m thinking this is a piggy back to bedtime. Enjoy! 2 more fathers of the naru-verse this week.
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narutouzumaki-25 · 1 month
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sugafairy · 2 years
Naruto Reaction - Seeing Your Natural Hair Pt. 2 (Lee, Choji, Kiba & Neji)
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First request in a while! Ngl this was so self-indulgent (hence why its so long jsnsnssk) This is for all my fellow peeps embracing their natural hair!
Link to Pt 1.
Please don’t forget to like/reblog!
You were spending the night with him. He had insisted. A late night mission led to Konoha 11 checking into a very overbooked hotel. This said mission also left you with a nasty gash on your shoulder, which Sakura had stitched up and promised it wouldn’t scar.
As always, Neji felt responsible for you and wanted to make sure you were okay throughout the night. You were absolutely fine but Neji couldn’t be swayed. He wanted you two to share a room and so you did. It was okay, really. The bed was plush and comfortable and had many pillows that you could sink into.
Neji sat on the edge of the bed looking at you intently and leant forward until he was properly laying down. He propped his head up on his hand, staring at you as you snored softly. Tufts of hair were sticking out of your bun and your edges had fluffed up cutely. He reached out to stroke your head. It was springy and porous and god, you were just beautiful. It was your first night next to him and he wanted to memorise every single coil.
Rock Lee
You were a blooming flower, his blooming flower. He hadn’t seen you in a day and that was a day too long. You typically took a day off for ‘wash day’ - just so you could have enough time for your shampooing, clay mask, conditioner aaand deep conditioner (yes, Lee, those are two different things).
Lee had left Tsunade’s office a little earlier than usual so he thought he’d stop by at your place with some pizza. You opened the door and he blushed. You had a bright pink towel over your shoulders and your wet tresses dangling against it. Your hair was bright blue, your natural colour which complemented your cool, brown skin. “You brought pizza!” You exclaimed, pulling him out of his trance. He chuckled nervously and you grinned up at him and jumped to smooch him on the cheek. He was so smitten.
You had tasked Choji with helping you take down your braids. To your surprise, he was very excited to help. You sat in between his legs, your back leaning against his knees as his hands hovered above your head working swiftly at each braid. You looked down and chuckled at the pile of braiding hair beside you getting bigger whilst your head began to feel lighter. You sighed, it felt great having someone else take your box braids out for you. Choji’s hands occasionally grazed against your scalp, their warmth almost lulling you to sleep. “Love, your hair is so fluffy!” He gleamed as he bumped the top of your head before twirling a strand around his finger. It bounced back, perfectly in shape. He could feel your shoulders slump and your neck relax before you let out soft snores. He chuckled and nuzzled his face into all of your hair, its floral scent making him sigh.
The great Inuzuka (he insists you call him that, nerdy, I know) had promised to teach you how to swim one day and today was indeed, that day. He was wading in the pool, when you eventually strolled out. He was hypnotized by your beauty as you entered the pool. Your corkscrew hair laid delicately against your shoulders. He coughed nervously.
“Right, so we’ll start with getting comfortable with your face being in the water.” You nodded apprehensively.
“Hey, I will be right here with you, okay? Nothing will happen” He said as he put his hand on your shaking shoulder.
You nodded again, took a deep breath and dunked your head down, rather hurriedly. You must’ve panicked, as you spluttered and rushed your head up causing you to stumble against your feet and fall back-first. “Shit!” Kiba exclaimed.
He managed to catch you before you sank backwards. “I’ve got you…” he mumbled, pulling you by your waist, holding you close. He scanned your face. You were no longer breathing heavily and you managed to give him a relaxed smile. Your hair was dripping wet, your curls gently tucked behind your ears. Your hair was much longer when wet, just about under your shoulder blades. He had never seen your natural hair wet before. You looked ethereal. “You look like a mermaid” he breathed out as he cupped the back of your head leaning closer into you.
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
How would you have the canon pairings in naruto get together if you had total creative control? :00
Naruto and Hinata needed to interact more, and Neji should not have to die for them to have a reason to finally talk again. (I mean interact throughout the whole series, from part 1, and also after Hinata's confession!? Pls!!)
Sai and Ino would both have to be introduced as their own people from the start and not Sakura/Sasuke's substitutes/foils and also talk to each other. I love them both and it felt like they were just "the spares" for sasusaku! ;-;
To suggest anything for Chouji and Karui I'd first need to now how did that even happen. When did they even meet? Did they ever talk??
Shikamaru and Temari are okay? Better than the rest at least, but as a character Shikamaru still needed to learn to treat women better by the end of the series and I cannot see how someone like Temari of all people would ever go along with that. Other than that they're fine.
Finally Sasuke and Sakura? Oh god I would need Sakura to get over her crush!! So that they could start over and Sasuke could have the chance to earn her feelings back properly. I like to think how the scene where she fails to kill him could have been useful for that if, instead of hesitating because of her feelings, she hesitated because she was afraid to end what team 7 once had and also because it would hurt Naruto. After the war they could go back to how it was as genins, but now as actual friends and then I could see the relationship develop.
In conclusion: Details aside, they all needed more interactions!!
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