#Mitsuko Saito
mitsuko-saito · 11 months
Mitsuko Chibi Post Card!
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I've had to search A LOT of chibi references on the google and I was lazy to do her casual outfit so I did her in that CLASSIC mortal kombat female ninja outfit. I did with orange because I think yellow belongs to Tanya.
Unfortunately I didn't record the timelapse of this drawing, because I thought the CLIP STUDIO PAINT records by itself, but I found out that my life was a lie 🥲
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
Mitsuko ran to the Lin Kuei temple desperately, she knocked at Selviya’s door waiting for her. Mitsuko was huffing and she was with a… scared face.
Selviya hastly opens the door for her. To see Mitsuko. She was scared and panting heavily.
Selviya kneels down to her level and asked her
“Whats wrong Mistuko?” Selviya asks with concern in her tone
“I need your help!” Mitsuko answered
“Of course just tell me what happend?” Selviya replied. Worried for her
Mitsuko Still at shock. So she didn’t reply to her. Selviya tells Mitsuko to come inside her room and tell her everything. As she prepares for her Hot cocoa and cookies
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夜ごとの夢 (Every-Night Dreams)
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theelderhazelnut · 2 years
(I saw your reblog about the RP)
Arien opened the portal back to the Earthrealm, his was at hell… literally… he was at the NetherRealm doing his expeditions, he decided to steal something.
Arien- hehehe he will never find out that his books disappeared >:)
Arien stole Quan Chi’s books from his library, but he replaced them with fake books, he did the replication using his magic, but it’s temporary.
Arien- now let’s seee… which Quan Chi spell should I learn first? Hmm…
When Arien was reading the books, he heard something behind him
Arien- who’s there?
Heavy smell of Quan Chi's favorite sweet incense filled her nostrils as her foot led her down the hall. Despite wrapping her hair in a towel, drops of water were still dripping down on the mahogany carpet. Ombra's hand slid down her collar and reposed her breasts in her bra before she caught a warm light emerging from the library's slightly open door. Not even Quan Chi himself leave the door open when he's inside; beside for being a very organized man he is.
Ombra took the lightest steps she could to reach the doorframe. She squinted slightly at the sudden change of brightness, but it didn't prevent her from swiftly scanning the towering bookshelves for the sight of any stranger figures; until she spotted a dark haired man facing one of the bookshelves at the far end of the vast hall. Ombra marched in his direction.
"Who's there?" The man asked, causing her to stop.
She leant on one leg and put one hand on her hips. "I'm amused by how you managed to pass the guards." She glanced at the familiar tomes spread on the floor. "And by how you assumed he won't recognize the fake spells in those." Ombra focused on her hands, preparing herself for any sudden attacks from him or his crew - if there was any - .
"You're not from Netherrealm, are you?"
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Tatsuo Saito and Mitsuko Yoshikawa are Yoshi and Haha, husband and wife with two boys in I Was Born But...(1932). Mitsi had 215 acting credits from 1926 to 1984. Her only other film with any international acclaim was her final film, The Funeral.
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zoetheneko · 5 months
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Name: Zoe
Pronouns: She/her
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 22nd
Age: 17
Height: 5" 6
Alignement: Chaotic good
Mbti: INFP
Core value: Discovery
Species: Kemonomimi (Human with mammal ears and tail)
Origins: Earthrealm
Nationality: Canadian
Current location: State of Washington, U.S.
Pluviophilia - Love of rainy weather
Pyrophilia - Love of fire
Cardiophilia - Love of hearts
Autophilia - Love of solitude
Nemophilia - Love of forests
Opacarophilia - Love of sunsets
Ailurophilia - Love of cats
Favourite foods/drinks:
Boba tea
French fries
Ice cream
Grilled cheese
Other favourite stuff:
Hello kitty
The colour pink
Her friends (even if she has a hard time showing them affection)
Video games
Zoe is a generaly calm and reserved person. Interacting with people is not one of her strength, which make sense because she has autism. But if a chance is given and Zoe gets to be more in touch with somebody, she can be very sweet and reliable, and as long as they respect her, she'll respect them.
She does have a few things that people close to her may find understandably disturbing, like enjoying burning down things a lil too much sometimes during missions or litteraly owning a collection of hearts of everyone and everything she killed.
John Rambo (also her gardian and friend)
Kung Jin
John Rambo
Cassie Cage
Jacqui Briggs
Takeda Takahashi
Kung Jin
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage
Jax briggs
Kenshi Takahashi
Kurtis Stryker
Hanzo Hasashi
Kuai Liang
Dia (@darialovesstuff )
Megan (@scentedcandleibex )
Iris (@scentedcandleibex )
Lady Shenra (@huepazu )
Huepazu (@huepazu )
Sienna (@loverofthewindgod )
Ombra (@theelderhazelnut )
Shao Khan
Shang Tsung
Survival knife (A gift from Rambo) - Her main weapon. She can also turn it into a single-side bladed one-hand sword by covering the original blade with a glowy crystal-like solid material which is used as an extention. It shatters into fading pieces when it's done being used or the offense is stopped midway by the opponent.
Claws made of her magic.
Zoe is weilder of a magic that is proper to her. Nobody knows how or why she required it, and to be fair, Zoe doesn't know either. But it has been proven to be capable of great utility and destruction. This magic is recognizable by its pink hues.
Fire breath
Crystal-like solid creation/manipulation
Blood combustion - It allows her to set blood on fire, either if it's her own or somebody elses.
Faster healing
Increasing the temperature of seperate parts of her body.
Increase her strength
Increase her speed
Important fact: Zoe's eyes, hands and heart light up when her powers are heavily used.
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Stealth mode:
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(You won't see that leg scar often tho)
Her backstory
Incorrect quotes w/ Rambo
Headcanon #1
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@mitsuko-saito - @darialovesstuff - @scentedcandleibex - @huepazu - @theelderhazelnut - @zombieoffender - @bloody-arty-myths - @takiisieju-moved - @loverofthewindgod - @katieblossum - @onehornedbeast - @mortalkombat-lover - @jaydraw209 - @devilzukin7 - @asweetlovesong - @nameispai - @malewifefirestar - @licoricelump - @sirmidezz - @geeky-trash01
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byneddiedingo · 5 months
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Michiko Kuwano and Shuji Sano in What Did the Lady Forget? (Yasujiro Ozu, 1937)
Cast: Sumiko Kurishima, Tatsuo Saito, Michiko Kuwano, Shuji Sano, Takeshi Sakamoto, Choko Iida, Ken Uehara, Mitsuko Yosshikawa, Masao Hayama, Tomio Aoki, Mitsuko Higashiyama. Screenplay: Akira Fushimi, Yasujiro Ozu. Cinematography: Yuharu Atsuta, Hideo Shigehara. Film editing: Kenkichi Hara. Music: Senji Ito.
The denouement of this early Ozu talkie is rather unfortunate: a man slaps his wife and makes her behave. It's a throwback to the marital dynamics of the era of domestic comedy when gags were milked from the relationship of a henpecked husband and a shrewish wife. Otherwise, What Did the Lady Forget? is an amusing glimpse at the conflict of tradition and modernity in pre-war Japan. A mild-mannered university professor (Tatsuo Saito) is married to a woman (Sumiko Kurishima) conscious of propriety and her station in society. When his modernized, free-thinking niece (Michiko Kuwano) comes to visit, the two women immediately are at odds, and the professor is caught in their conflict. It's a sly, sophisticated movie, influenced, as many have noted, by the films of Ernst Lubitsch, but with Ozu's own distinctive style prevailing, so much so that it's easy to forgive the retrograde element of the plot resolution. So what did the lady forget? It's not an easy question to answer, but some think it's the wife's failure to compromise with her husband's less restrictive view of his niece's behavior. 
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anamon-book · 7 years
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ゴーバンズで行こう! シンコー・ミュージック
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randomrichards · 5 years
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I was Born, But
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dumbgaming · 2 years
POV: Astrid is giving you a judging look
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@saito-mitsuko @runeterrankhaleesi @mellonzinho
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mitsuko-saito · 2 years
Hey soooo I found this picrew here! And I wanted to test it out with y’all :3
I did Mitsuko
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Tagging: @theelderhazelnut @aliyaaaepel3 @zoetheneko @scentedcandleibex
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
Mitsuko- Selviya… Something happened, after Raiden saved me and Arien from the revenants, he and Fujin expelled Arien, and Fujin tried to…
Fujin: what are you doing here?
Mitsuko: father, don’t blame him. It wasn’t his fault! It was mines. It was my idea.
Raiden: don’t defend him! You don’t even care about your status. Maybe you don’t even deserve this power
Mitsuko: *gasp*
Arien: don’t talk to her like that! You are only controlling her, you don’t even let her talk to people anymore!
Fujin: silence!
Raiden used his powers to hit Arien, the little boy dodged them and tried to use his powers too, but Raiden was too fast and pushed Arien for too far away.
Mitsuko: Arien!
Fujin stopped Mitsuko and grabbed lightly her shoulders like nothing has happened.
Fujin: c’mon Mitsuko, we have to train you—
Fujin was interrupted by Mitsuko, who aggressively took his hands off of her shoulders. Shocking both of the gods.
Fujin- Mitsuko?!
Mitsuko with a shocked face which turned into a mad face used her light powers to beat the gods. She ran away, trying to find Arien, but she couldn’t find him. So she ran to her friend’s house, Selviya.
End of Flashback
Mitsuko- and that’s what happened. I’ve never saw their faces turning into mad… and shocked.
Selviya is beyond shocked now. She’s so shocked that she couldn’t find the words. She only opens her mouth to talk but still she couldn’t talk. Her mouth was only open. She is scared now. That the two mad Earthrealm defenders will come to hurt them. Even Kuai Liang could be hurt because of them. So she decided to take Mitsuko to her world. And she did! She opens a portal to her world.
“Come lets go! We have no time!” Selviya ordered, Mitsuko Obeyed her
Selviya was so scared that she even forgets her car. But she didn’t care anyway
Mitsuko and Selviya entered Moirvdonne city. She couldn’t go to her parents house. She didn’t want them to get involved or even hurt. She remembers that she has an apartment. That she and Mitsuko can stay in. She headed to the place where her apartment is. She took the keys and opens the door. Selviya turns on the light and Mitsuko quickly got inside and hid under the bed.
Selviya was scared but she couldn’t show it to Mitsuko. She was holding her Crystal Silvernium. In case they found them. But they didn’t.
“Are you hungry dear?” Selviya asked, Mitsuko nodded
Selviya quickly head to her Kitchen and made scrambled eggs for both of them. After they eat. Selviya prepares herself a cup of coffee. In case there is attack or invasion by the two earthrealm defenders.
Selviya pet weasel “casper”. He jumped on her lap, snuggling her to comfort her. She smiles as she pets him on the head. But she’s still shaken inside. She knows that she couldn’t take them both down. She isn’t that powerful she doubts that her magical girl Persona can defeat them. She wish that she can use her Empress starlight form. She can takes them down no doubt. She prays for Arien that he isn’t dead. She hopes that he isn’t gone for Mitsuko Sake. She calmly drink the coffee. Mitsuko is dozing off. Selviya carefully puts her on the bed to sleep. She thought about her Sugarboo. She regretted leaving without leaving any message. But she didn’t want to get him involved. She can’t bare to see him hurt or dead. It’s enough that he was killed and turned into a cyborg then Quan Chi came and turned him into his servant. She didn’t want any of this to happen again to him. So she will find a solution to this problem all by herself. She didn’t want to get anyone involved even her friend Selena. She loves her and she didn’t want to see her hurt.. she is still clutching her Crystal Silvernium in case if they came or find about their whereabouts.
The magical girl Blanche will face them!
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runeterrankhaleesi · 2 years
As I promised, I hereby serve you with Astrid's lore. It's a bit changed. Also, it's not much 😅
Name: Astrid Jäger
Agent Name: Gamma ⚛️
Age: 23-24
Birthday: Unknown
Place of birth: Germany
Astrid was born in a wealthy family to a single mother. Her mother, Millicent Jäger, is a renowned Nuclear Physicist in Germany, who worked under The Kingdom in secret. As a child, Astrid was not as playful as the other kids in her neighborhood.
Astrid was homeschooled personally by her mother, as Millicent believed that no one can teach her any better than herself. She was quite smarter than any other kid of her age. Astrid learned how to do difficult scientific equations by the age of 9. Once Astrid had reached the age where she can attend an university, her mother got her enrolled in the University of Bucharest, the same university her mother graduated from as a nuclear physics student. When she graduated from the University, Astrid was immediately placed to work under her mother and was next in line to inherit the nuclear facility her mother established.
During the events of First light, Astrid was the incharge in the facility instead of her mother that day. The reactors, they became unstable. Though Astrid wasn't near the room where the reactors were, she was still in a close proximity of it. She saw her colleagues and her mother's students die right under her care, and she couldn't do much. Astrid was just 19 years old back then.
By the time she woke up, she was in one of Kingdom's facility and she was older than she was last time. This was where she first met Brimstone. When she asked what happened, he told her that she was the only survivor they found and she was in a coma for 2 years. Astrid by this time was 21 years old.
She later found out that even though she survived, she's no longer a normal person. Astrid now had gained the power of bending nuclear energy inside her body to her will. But the Kingdom was unaware of it, as she had showed no signs of it earlier. Knowing what Kingdom will do to her if they found out about her powers, Brimstone lied to them and took her under his wings. He didn't understand why he felt a very strong urge to protect her at all costs, it was almost like a father trying to protect his child at any cost.
To fully get the power under her control, Astrid needed to first get used to it and wear a special body suit so it doesn't harms those around her. It took lot of therapy for her to feel not guilty about what happened 2 years prior. One of the reasons why her face has little to no expression is one of the side effects of the accident. Her face lost the ability to express.
As Brimstone instructed, Killjoy made a containment suit which comfortable and that will keep Astrid and her powers stable. Brimstone had asked Astrid to say nothing about her past to anyone. Astrid asked him why, but he didn't give her any answers. So even Anong & Hera, her best friends, had no idea what happened to Astrid in the past or who she really is.
(I'm so sorry it took so long for me to answer this, I wanted to reply to it after I finished all my LMMU)
Poor Astrid😭😭
The accident 2 years ago was not her fault, it just happened, she doesn't need to feel guilty, I just wanna give Astrid hugs and tell her it's okay 😭😭
And, even if Hera learns about Astrid's past, they'd still be friends, 100%. Hera would be there to comfort Astrid whenever she needs it.
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theelderhazelnut · 2 years
Did this sketch of Ombra and Mitsuko… I didn’t knew what to draw
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Awww they look so cute!! 🖤🖤💙💙
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riverpancakes · 2 years
hhhh all oc pronouns ig
Nobuyuki Tokoyami- he/him
Tako Tokoyami- they/them
Arashi Kaminari- she/her
Daisuke Kaminari (Wakabayashi)- he/him
Hisana Yaoyorozu- she/her
Kaito Yaoyorozu- he/him
Daiki Aoyama- he/him
Akira Aoyama- she/her
Hiro Ashido- she/her
Kaede Ashido- he/him
Katsuro Iida- he/him
Masa Iida- she/her
Ryota Uraraka- he/him
Shinzuko Uraraka- she/her
Kenta Ojirou- he/him
Rin Ojirou- she/her
Azumi Kirishima- she/her
Akirhiro Kirishima- he/him
Kina Kirishima- she/her
Koto Aizawa- she/her
Reiji Tachibana- he/him
Hachiro Amano- he/him
Mr. Serizawa- he/him
Iwao Kamegai- he/him
Amberlynn Korematsu- she/her
Takashi Korematsu- he/him
Nakiichi Kirishima- he/him
Yua Kirishima- she/her
Takumi Bakugou- he/him
Mansa Bakugou- she/her
Takayuki Midoriya- he/him
Kayo Midoriya- she/her
Ichirou Midoriya- he/him
Aito Kaminari- he/him
Iku Kaminari- she/her
Hoshi Kaminari- he/him
Hideo Iida- he/she, he/him preferred
Meiko Iida- he/him
Baako Iida- he/him
Faraji Iida- he/him
Hanami Amajiki- she/her, wants to try neopronouns (snow/snowflake/snowflakes/snowflakeself, sy/sky/skyself)
Emi Amajiki- she/her
Ahmya Kuroiro- she/(rie/eer/eri/erie/eeriself)/(li/lich/lis/lichs/lichself)/(necro/necrom/necself)
Suiren Kuroiro- she/her
Yami Kuroiro- he/him
Miyako Kuroiro- she/her
Keiichi Tokoyami- he/him
Ren Tokoyami- she/her
Michi Sero- he/him
Etsuko Aoyama- she/her
Kasumi Tokage- she/her
Eimi Ojirou- they/she
Fuyuhime Amano- she/her
Kiku Chiba- she/her
Chihiro Hidaka- she/they
Momoka Hino- she/her
Hideoyoshi Inoue- he/him
Haruto Kurosawa- he/they
Hanzou Mizutani- he/him
Rekka Serizawa- he/him
Kohaku Takeuchi- they/he
Koshiro Tsuburaba- he/him
Shin'ichi Kaibara- he/him
Jirou Tsunoda- he/him
Masako Yusado- she/her
Aimi Nishiyama- she/her
Kei Konishi- she/her
Katsumi Matsumoto- he/him
Yukio Ishida- he/him
Aoi Neishin- he/him
Junichi Hoshino- he/him
Mariko Ayuma- they/it/she
Satoshi Mamoru- he/they
Ryo Yabun- he/him
Hope Korematsu- she/her
Dai Takenaka- he/him
Layla Arafa- she/her
Kin Akiyama- she/her
Isao Kanekou- he/him
Komiko Miyashita- she/her
Eiko Fujimoto- she/her
Katashi Koi- he/it
Aiko Saito- she/her
Chou Hirabayashi- she/her
Hiroaki Abe- he/him
Ayumi Haimawari- she/her
Satoru Chinen- he/him
Fynn Dimick- he/him
Diana Morias- she/her
Moriko Kato- she/it
Sophia Barrett- she/her
Damion Jay- he/him
Bonnie Webster- she/(tea/teaself)
Kozuya Mochizuki- he/him
Salem Mochizuki- he/him
Rose Laurence de la Croix- it/its
Zephyrus Williams- they/he
Sora Hirano- she/her
Hisashi Miyake- he/him
Tamiko Miyake- he/him
Anastasia Williams- any/all pronouns
Daichi Kuroki- he/him
Haruki Kazame- he/they
Junpei Akabane- he/him
Adriana Gegeen- she/her
Misaki Go- she/her
Tsukumi Sakai- she/her
Talyor Korematsu- she/her
Chase Korematsu- he/him
Jaelynn Korematsu- (cor/corpse/corpself)/(go/gor/gors/goreself)/she
Asahi Korematsu- he/(ve/ver/vis)
Divya Korematsu- she/her
Tadashi Bakugou- he/him
Naoki Bakugou- they/x
Akina Bakugou- she/her
Mei Villin- he/him
Kae Midoriya- she/her
Ayano Tachibana- she/her
Emori Kaminari- he/it/(haz/hazel/zels/zels/hazelnutself)
Fukumi Aoyama- she/her
Chiyo Ogawa- she/they
Kameko Shibuya- she/her
Mitsuko Morishita- any/all pronouns
Sophie Kindermann- she/her
Yuki Shiratori- she/her
Akui Miyake- he/him
Hatsuko Hoshino- she/her
Haruto Watanabe- he/him
Sana Yamazuki- he/him
Haru Yabun-Mamoru- they/them
Junji Yabun-Mamoru- he/him
Akaya Yabun-Mamoru- he/him
Kira Yabun-Mamoru- she/her
Kizuki Maede (Yabun-Mamoru)- he/him
Natsume Yabun-Mamoru- he/him
Manami Takenaka- she/they
Rei Takenaka- she/her
Seth Arafa- he/him
Thanatos Kobayoshi- he/him
Ryosuke Ishida- he/him
Kyou Achikita- he/him
Erika Maede- she/her
Rui Bakugou- she/her
Kouta Maede- he/him
Amitsu Maede- she/her
Akiyu Takenaka- she/her
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zoetheneko · 5 months
Zoe's lore: Part 1
So here it is...
Commander Cassandra Cage called in Kurtis Stryker and John Rambo for an operation in a desert of Outworld.
For a few days, Special forces troops were sent into a shallow canyon and retreated only few hours later, some soldiers came back with broken bones, heavy bruises or even 2nd to 3rd degree burns and were still recovering at the nursery.
A lot of them could recall the beast running out of its grotto all lit up, screaming and groaning at them. It would breathe fire and its fingers would turn into claws.
Soldiers were able to take pictures before fleeing the area. These pictures were blurred do to the movements; them being mostly of a figure surrounded with pink fire trying to reach soldier attempting to avoid it.
Based on those pictures and the location of the "pink fire monster", John and Kurtis had to find and capture it.
After preperation, the duo walked into Outworld and in front of the entry of that canyon; Takeda Takahashi was assigned to go along and stay behind to help them return back home.
The two men wandered throught the narrow walls of the canyon for a long while until they found an opening that led to a wide and mostly flat open space; Rambo and Stryker quickly firgure out it was here that the assaults occured, by the look of pieces of broken or burnt equipement and dried stains of blood.
In a recluced wall was the entrance of the grotto the soldiers mentionned.
The men quietly approached the grotto, weapon ready; once they got close enough to the pitch-black hole, they raised their voice at it for anything to answer back.
There was nothing for a while... until a soft voice broke the silence. It was saying...
"Who are you?"
To be continued...
@theelderhazelnut @geeky-trash01 @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @huepazu @mitsuko-saito @bloody-arty-myths @zombieoffender @onehornedbeast
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