#Mix and Match
charavioletart · 3 months
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I've had this idea since the Mix & Match music video came out but didn't get around to actually drawing it until recently... Then I forgot to post it for a few weeks lol Anyway here's a version where they're all the same image, too:
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
I think that there’s an overlap or even a pipeline to be found in “royalty trapped in a tower” “creature sealed within a tower” and “wizard who has locked themself away in a tower” maybe it’s all the same tower, maybe as time goes on you see yourself become each of these entities (in no particular order)
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himes-things · 1 year
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No one can do it like Drac when you’re rockin’ that hat!
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“That was the essence of the good feeling: to be able to remain calm and relax while he was keyed up and confident. Never panic. Never run. Face whatever had to be faced. Be practical, reasonable, up to a point. And if reason doesn’t work, get up and kick it in the teeth. Whatever the problem is.” (52 Pickup, by Elmore Leonard)
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ziseviolet · 5 months
Hello this might be a silly question but I genuinely wonder if the Pi Bo and Pi Feng can be worn together?
Hi! Thanks for the question, and sorry for taking ages to reply!
Historically, 披帛/pibo and 披风/pifeng would not have been worn together, as they are from different time periods.
As I explained in my post on pibo here, the pibo - a scarf-like accessory - first appeared sometime around the Qin dynasty, really came into vogue during the Sui & Tang dynasties, and fell out of common use during the Song dynasty. Below - Tang dynasty-style pibo (via):
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The pibo didn't disappear, though - it just evolved. During the Song dynasty, the pibo evolved into the 霞帔/xiapei. The xiapei became an important component of women's formal attire in the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties (x). Below - xiapei in Ming dynasty portrait (via):
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Meanwhile, the pifeng, an outer coat with loose and long sleeves, was worn during the Ming dynasty (pifeng is the Ming dynasty name for beizi). Below - pifeng (via):
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So technically, it would be anachronistic to wear the pibo and pifeng together. However, nowadays people are free to mix and match hanfu as they please. Unless you're going for historical accuracy, there's no reason not to wear the pibo and pifeng together if that's what you want ^^
Hope this helps!
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stclements · 5 months
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j4c0b-j4c0bs · 6 months
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drew a guy...
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like BUNCHA guy....... added some custom expressions too...
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pizzawithwine · 11 months
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Bikini of the day
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seventeenlovesthree · 16 days
Digimon Writing Challenge - Mix and Match: Sora + Tailmon + Hope
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[Yamato] [Takeru] [Hikari] [Sora] [Taichi] [Koushirou] [Mimi] [Jyou]
Summary: The 02 group is gathering as many Chosen Children to join their battle against the giant Digiegg in the sky. Tailmon chooses to pay Sora a visit, hoping to convince her to come back as well. [SPOILERS FOR "THE BEGINNING". Inspired by the "What if...?" Post-The Beginning drama about a certain "fanfiction" thought up by Takeru, Hikari, Patamon - and Tailmon...)
Word count: 662
On a day like this, with the sky being engulfed by darkness, permeated by streaks of menacing gold, the Takenouchi flower arrangement school was the last place Tailmon would have seen herself ending up at. And judging by her startled expression, Sora Takenouchi probably had not expected to get a visitor like this either.
„Tailmon…? What are you doing here?”
Her phone still in hand, Sora simply stared at Hikari’s Digimon partner who had just jumped through the window of her room.
“We’ve decided to split up to get as many of you contacted as quickly as possible to join the fight,” the white cat elaborated urgently, “so Aquilamon dropped me here and…”
She stopped herself in her tracks, now actually looking at the girl, no, the adult woman in front of her. A saddened grimace forming on her face. She had been one of the first whose partnerships had vanished. Many, many people may end up having to face a similar fate if they proceeded the way they did. Nevertheless, Tailmon felt a surge of oddly familiar pain rising in her chest while facing Sora directly.
“… For how long do you intend to keep doing this?”
A glance at the phone in Sora’s hand – and at the tears shimmering in her eyes – was enough for the Digimon to tell that she had probably been unable to prevent herself from noticing the wave of messages that must have been coming in for hours.
“You got Hikari’s message, didn’t you? You surely read all of these messages in the past, isn’t that so? And yet… You keep choosing to stay away from everyone still, even after all this time?”
Sora flinched, shaking her head quickly.
“It’s just that… It wouldn’t be feasible for me to join the fighting right now…”
Instinctively, Tailmon returned the head shaking.
“I know it’s not easy for you! We all know that!”
With a Digivice made of stone, the partnership still not reactivated, it didn’t make sense for her to actively participate. But Tailmon had seen miracles happen just by having the whole group united. The light of hope in everyone was strong enough to always succeed after all! As long as nobody was left behind…
“… But is staying away forever really what you think is right for you, Sora? Things have changed… You have changed, even physically…”
For as long as she could remember, Hikari’s hair had always been shorter than Sora’s. Now that her own partner had started to let her hair grow, usually putting it in a messy ponytail, Sora’s pixie-cut seemed even shorter to her. As if she had chosen to cut more parts of her past away.
“It’s the fate of every being, especially for you humans, but… Knowing from personal experience, staying by yourself can just be incredibly lonely and… Stagnating.”
This time, she could see a gentle smile form on Sora’s lips.
“Is that why you came here specifically, not Hikari-chan?”
With these words, the young woman stood up from her chair and knelt down in front of Tailmon. She seemed much more graceful, so much more mature than in her memory…
“Thank you, Tailmon, but… I want to believe in everyone to find the right path for themselves, do you understand? I want to have hope that… Right now, this is still the correct path for me. As it is for Hikari-chan and everyone to take part in the battles for as long as you all can. It doesn’t mean that it will stay this way for the rest of my life and… I’d lie if I said that I didn’t miss everyone badly, but… For now, this is all I can do. And all that Hikari-chan can do herself, because she is brave and strong and whatever may happen, it’ll be alright. So please tell her that I believe in her… And that she should keep following her own path as well. For me, okay?”
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hyookka · 1 year
shuhua g-idle moodboard
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goofy-candace-images · 7 months
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teenagedirtstache · 2 months
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himes-things · 10 months
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Amped up high when you see Frankie! Go Frankie!!
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creatrixcymraes · 26 days
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wait did I share my new nails here? I told my tech, "groovy chick summertime mix match" and she delivered 110% as always 💖
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timetravelingcourtney · 11 months
The girlies are going to beat the heat by heading to the mall. But what to wear?
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i-did-not-mean-to · 4 months
Mix & Match - MSV 2024
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Written for @zhie!
I was given 5 possible pairings, so I wrote 5 pairings...sue me!
Either way, here's my fic!
🏩Mix & Match 🏩
Pairings: Finrod Felagund / Gimli, Glorfindel/Thranduil (Tolkien), Finrod Felagund | Findaráto/Thranduil, Finrod Felagund | Findaráto/Glorfindel, Finrod Felagund | Findaráto/Thranduil/Glorfindel
Words: 10 500
Warnings: Kissing, nudity, frottage, handjob, blowjob, anal rimming, anal stimulation, anal sex, threesome...It's an MSV...I mean...
Please enjoy! <3
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